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FMP Evaluation
Louis Dowson
Production Process Evaluation
• The strengths of my research on this final project are many I feel, my research really helped get a grasp of the kind of product I wanted
to make, looking at all these prexisting posters and magazines was one of my strengths and this definitely helped my final product as a
whole because it let me see what type of Poster I should be making it showed me the styles and the themes that people usually used
and it showed me what worked, I the did a survey this helped incredibly as I was told what sort of audience I was looking for and what
they liked/didn’t like, most of the audience liked gaming and anime posters and so with this knowledge I made an anime poster but also
in my survey people showed that they like gaming magazines so I made a gaming magazine without this knowledge I might not have
made the products I have currently, If I were to improve my survey in anyway I would add more questions about smaller things inside
posters and magazines that people like so I could get a more detailed answer and in turn more information as a whole, this would have
drastically affected my final product as I would have more information to go off when making it, the answers from my survey are quite
interesting, I asked a total of 10 questions and they were all predominately about magazines and posters, when I asked what type of
posters my audience liked they said they like gaming posters and anime posters the most, the results were 4 to gaming and 3 to anime
however I didn’t do a gaming poster because when I asked what type of magazine they liked they all said they prefer gaming magazine
apart from about 2 or 3, this meant my audience could get the best of both worlds, anime posters and gaming magazines, I then did
some interviews and this had the same effect as the survey, I believe that my interviews were more personal than the survey so it
allowed me to get a grasp of what individuals wanted in my audience with the information I got I added small things that would possibly
make my audience of people within the range of 12-20 years of age happy, if I were to improve anything about my survey it’d be that I
would flesh the questions out a bit more so I could get a more personal answer from the individual and get more of a fleshed out
answer in return, this would have made my interview yield much greater results, allowing me to improve my product accordingly.
• One weakness of this research would be that I didn’t really research magazines at all, at first I did not know that I was actually doing 3
products so I only researched posters, this was a problem as later on I didn’t have too much to go on, so I researched magazines while
actually making mine, the survey I took was ok, however I would have preferred to have more questions which were better thought out
and had more context to them, this would have yielded far greater results as a whole and so I would have had a better product from
this, my interviews were again ok, but similar to my survey I would have preferred to of had more questions for the people I was
interviewing and it would have been much better if they had longer answers in return, this would have given me more information for
my product, the effect this would have had would have been very positive as I would have had much more content for my magazine, If I
had more information from my survey and interviews I would have changed my product a lot to fit what my audience wants and likes,
this would have possibly changed the outcome of my product a lot, one of my other weaknesses would be my scheduling this didn’t go
well because I didn’t get my product in on time, this meant that I had to rush some of my work affecting its quality, in the real world this
would have had a very negative effect on my products sales, if I could have improved this in anyway I would have worked more
promptly and handed in my work on time, allowing me to finish my work without having to rush and in turn creating a better product.
• The strengths of my planning were many, I used which is a very fun and easy to use mind map maker, it allowed me to think of
all the things I could include in a poster or magazine and so I was able to get them down onto the website and branch off into other
sectors which were useful to my research, I originally made three mind maps on advergames, posters and magazines but then I
narrowed it down and made a final mind map on only posters, this helped my product as it made me think of things I might not have
before which in turn improved the product greatly, it also allowed me to really have a look at the information and ideas I would need to
create a good professional poster, If I could have improved this in anyway I would have made a final mind map for my magazine, this
would have enabled me to get more information and ideas on magazines and so I would have been able to create a much better
product in turn, I also did a mood board and filled it with many different posters which had already been made by doing this I saw
posters that had already been made and it gave me an idea of what I needed to work towards with my product, it showed me the
theme and style of Naruto and Anime posters and so I took this to heart when making my final product allowing me to creative a good
product, I also put fonts (The Naruto logo font) and other random pictures of games, anime, movies for my potential magazine idea, I
had put down 15 pictures on my mood board, which allowed me to think of ideas and to really get a grasp of what a poster should look
like, if I were to improve anything in my mood board I would add more pictures to broaden my ideas and I would also add more pictures
of magazines allowing me to get a good idea of where I need to head on that front, I believe my pre production was strong as it allowed
me to know what I wanted to do for my posters and so I went into making them strongly when I was making the actual product, this
made the product far better than it would have been.
• One weakness of this plan was clear, I did not focus on my magazine planning enough, the mood board featured no magazine pictures
or anything related to a magazine and when I was asked to do a final mind map there was no magazine mind map, only a poster one, If I
were to do this again I would definitely make a final mind map for a poster, this would have given me much more information for my
magazine as a whole and would have allowed me to create a much stronger product, I would have also added more pictures of
magazines into my moodboard to really get a feeling of what they should look like, my pre production didn’t feature anything of my
magazine which was definitely a weakness and didn’t really allow me to think about my magazine before I went into doing it so I don’t
think it was as strong as it could have been. If I could improve anything I’d add more magazine pictures in my mood board and I would
make another final idea spider diagram for my Magazine, the effect this would have had would be that I would have had more planning
for my magazine so I would have had a better final product, by doing this I would also have a better idea of what I needed to do for a
magazine in the production stage, I would have known what fonts to use, what layout to use and what style to use, all of this would
have drastically increased the quality of my end product, another weakness would be that I did not hand in my Initial plans on time, this
potentially hurt the final product as it gave me less time to create the power point initially, if I could improve anything about this I
would have handed in my initial plans on time, this would have given me more time for the other parts of my product and shown I was
organized and professional.
Time Management
• My time was not managed very well, all though I got everything in apart from this evaluation, I was ill a lot, which
made me have to complete a lot of work from home, while this wasn’t too much of a problem, it meant I had less
time and was working with great haste when I realised how much work I needed to complete in such a short
amount of time, this affected my product in a bad way and it showed in the final product, it made some of the
parts of my product come off as rushed and potentially disappointing, if this were the real world it would have
affected my products sales and potentially been disastrous, If I could improve anything with more time I would
have done more pages for my magazine and possibly a back cover for it, this would have made my audience much
happier and would have made the product much greater, giving it more content and more of a finished feel, it
would have also made It look more professional which was really wanted I wanted, I think I would have also had
more time to research fonts, images and other styles for my magazine which could have improved the quality of
the magazine drastically, I would have also perhaps made more posters depending on how much time I had, this
would have shown my skill and dedication by making posters that look great but under time constraints and
stress, I would have also improved my current posters, by being able to research and plan more aspects of them,
like the images and the backgrounds used, and what sizes I need for my images or fonts, most of my power points
were not completed and handed in on their deadline this made me look not very organised and showed that I
wasn’t very professional which was not the look I wanted for myself, if I could change anything about this I would
have made sure all my powerpoints were completed to a good standard and handed in on time, I handed in all of
my power points in bulk nearing the end of the project, I feel like this wasn’t that effective as it left me little time
in between the stages of the production to take care and didn’t allow me to make the best product I could make
like I wanted to, I definitely have to admit that my time wasn’t well managed at all, and if I were to do it again it
would be different, I would be more professional and show my organisation, I would perhaps improve my
timekeeping by motivating myself more and keeping a planned schedule close to me at all times, this would have
made reminded me a lot of what I needed to do and complete, I think the schedule would be on a piece of paper
with deadlines on, it would be a sort of warning system which would allow me to know how much time I have left.
Technical QualitiesMy magazine is fairly professional in my
opinion, the cover looks like it could
genuinely be from a magazine that already
exists, this is why I like it, it has the main
character from Skyrim in the centre of the
page, along with ‘The Elder Scrolls’ in front of
him, behind this all is a background from
Skyrim, this really fits as the whole thing is
about the Elder Scrolls, the reason why I
went for a yellow, black and red is fairly
simplistic, I like the colours and I feel like
they go well with each other, I stick to these
colour schemes throughout the magazine
cover and so it works nicely, I also have a title
at the top ‘PC DAILY’ this is a fairly standard
gaming magazine name, I also added some
information about whats inside the magazine
dotted around the front cover, this makes it
feel like a real magazine in my opinion, then
of course in the bottom right corner I have
the barcode and the age rating on it, the
audience which answered my survey showed
that they like gaming magazines the most out
of any other type, the audience which I am
catering to are between the ages of 12-20 are
mostly male but there are some females,
they are mostly from a middle class
background, most of them are also gamers
and this is their psychographic, are I think
my audience which answered my survey
would be drawn in by the fact that I have
shown it is in fact a gaming magazine, my
audience is in between the ages of 12-20, so
gaming is something they are really into,
they would instantly know it’s a gaming
magazine drawing in them to buy it in return.
This Xbox 360 magazine is as professional
as magazines get, the Xbox magazine is
probably one of the most popular
magazines ever, right in the middle is one
of the characters from the Elder scrolls
online trailer, this lets you know its about
Elder Scrolls Online without even reading
anything, in front of the character is the
Elder Scrolls Online, this reinforces that
the main topic of this magazine will be
ESO, behind the main character at the top
is the X360 title, the X is in a green and
the 360 is white, they stick to this colour
scheme throughout the front of the
magazine, they also have information
about the contents of the magazine
dotted about on the front cover, this
allows people to know whats inside, then
right at the bottom middle is the barcode,
the audience of the Xbox 360 magazine
are people who obviously play the xbox
360 on a daily basis, this includes people
who are in the range of 10-30, it’s a mix of
males and females but predominately
males, most of them are from a middle
class background, and most of them are
gamers, this magazine draws in all of
these people instantly because of a few
things, firstly it has X360 in large letters,
letting everyone who plays an Xbox 360
know that it’s a Xbox 360 magazine,
Secondly the colours used are the normal
Xbox 360 colours and this catches the eye
of anyone that’s a xbox 360 fan or player.
Technical QualitiesFirst of you can tell this is a Naruto
poster from the large Naruto title in
the bottom, this is why I did it, it’s large
and doesn’t allow people to get
confused, behind this is the main
character ‘Naruto’ looking sad and
defeated, this is because of all the
people he’s lost, behind him are faded
pictures of loved ones which have died,
and then I put a nice grassy anime field
background behind this, this really
made the whole thing feel complete as
what is a poster with a bland
background, I really like this poster as it
just works well, with Naruto looking
sad and the loved ones behind him, it
also looks like a professional Naruto
poster, my audience are people who
answered my survey and took part in
my interviews, the people who I am
catering to here are the ones that said
they like Anime posters and like
posters, my audience are between the
age range of 12-20, are mostly male
but there are some females, they are
mostly from a middle class background
and most importantly are fans of anime
and Naruto this is their psychographic, I
am catering to these people and
drawing them in by showing that this
poster is related to anime and is
obviously a Naruto poster, they will
know this by the classic Naruto logo at
the bottom and the Naruto character
behind it, this draws in my audience.
Again you can instantly tell this is a Naruto
poster as it has the big Naruto title at the
bottom, I reckon they also did it for the
same reason as I, that it allows people to
know this is about Naruto, behind the title
similar to mine is Naruto but in this one
he is preparing for battle with a hand sign,
to the left and right of Naruto are some of
his companions which appear regularly in
the show, this is obviously done so people
know these characters are important, the
background is a blue which I feel like goes
well with the rest of the poster, the
audience of this poster are similar to my
own they are probably fans of Naruto,
they are within the age range of 10-25,
they are predominately male but there
are some females too, and I believe
they’re probably from a middle class
background, their psychographic is that
they’re anime viewers and people who
enjoy Naruto, to cater to this audience
they have made a poster which is easily
recognisable to them, they have put
Naruto in an extremely large size right in
the front of it, to show Narutos strength
and power, this also makes people see
Naruto and it catches their eye and they
will instantly know what the poster is
from, they have also added the Naruto
logo at the bottom of the poster which
relates to Narutos own colours, the
orange, blue and black lets the people
who see the poster and who are fans of
the series instantly realise what it’s from
which draws them in.
Aesthetic Qualities
I really think this front cover looks great, it has
everything a magazine needs to be a magazine,
the title a character in the middle, information you
name it this cover has it, I think this cover might
not have been as creative as I liked but, it is a
magazine cover and most seem to keep to one
specific style or scheme, which I did with mine, I
would possibly improve this by adding more
information about the magazine around the cover,
and add some more on the bottom bar, on of the
weaknesses of this magazine cover is that it needs
some more information and content on the front
of it in my opinion, having more information on
the front would make it so anyone who reads the
front of the magazine would get a teaser of what's
actually inside and so they would want to see the
content in it and so they would have to buy it to
carry on, another weakness would be the fonts I
have used are a bit boring and this makes the front
cover more disappointing and less professional,
decreasing the quality as a whole, this could also
make people not want to read on and buy the
magazine if they are getting bored from seeing the
front cover, if I could make any improvements to
the magazine cover then I would add more
information to the front giving more of an idea of
what people could find inside it, this would make
people more enticed to buy the magazine and so
they would want to read on inside it, in the real
world this would increase the sales and the
popularity of my magazine.
One strength of this piece is that it looks like a
gaming magazine should, a character on the
front, the title of the game they’re from in front
of them, at the top there’s a title and around
the character is information, it’s what you’d
expect from a magazine and that’s why I like it,
if I could make any improvement to the
character at the centre I would perhaps make
him go in front of the bottom bar, almost
making it seem he was coming out of the
magazine giving a 3D effect, this would increase
the quality of the magazine making it look more
professional and making it look like I put a lot
more time into it, one of the strengths of the
magazine would be the colours I have used for
the top and bottom banner I made using the
rectangle tool, these colours are red, yellow and
black and I think the contrast between the
three really catches the eye of anyone viewing
the magazine, which would make them pick it
up and perhaps give it a read, one weakness of
the colours I have used is that on the circle
shape I made using the oval tool at the top right
it doesn’t really fit, so I maybe think over using
these colours is a bad thing as it might detract
from the nice background I have used and the
nice image of the main character from Skyrim
too, if I could make any improvements on this I
would definitely remove the circle at the top
right and put the information I used there
somewhere else on the front of the magazine.
Audience Appeal
This appeals to the people who
answered my questionnaire as it’s a
gaming magazine, and this is what
people said the best type of
magazine was, so I think that the
whole of this magazine would
appeal to the target audience as
there is nothing in this magazine
which doesn’t focus on gaming, this
product would also be available
online and in stores which again
appeals to the target audience, the
audience which I have targeted for
this magazine are all into games and
this is a very important thing for this
product, they are all in-between 12-
21 years of age, and are mostly
male but of course I am targeting
females too, these people are
mostly middle class with some
lower class people included,
however the magazine is cheap and
so anyone can really afford it.
This appeals to most of the
audience who took my survey
as this is a poster which is
about Anime, it can be bought
from stores and online, and it
can be put up with a frame,
with blue tac or even tape, this
appeals to the target audience
as they all answered a
question about this, my
audience are mainly people
who enjoy anime, games or
films, they’re between 13-20
years of age and most of them
are male, however there are
some females, they are of any
social status but mostly middle
class, however the poster
would be cheap so it doesn’t
really matter which social class
you are from, I think that these
products appeal to this
audience and that is why I
have chosen them.
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
– I really liked how the poster related to the
characters from the anime and really brought out
their emotions and feelings through the
background and other characters.
• What improvements could have been made to
the product?
– Perhaps the magazine should have had more
content, as that would have made the product a
lot better as a whole in my opinion,
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
– I really liked how the magazine focused on the
Elder Scrolls, as I love that game series a lot, I also
loved the layout of the magazine cover.
• What improvements could have been made to
the product?
– I think maybe there could have been more
information around the magazine, and perhaps
more content inside it.
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
– I really liked the whole layout of the Naruto poster
and how it looked and felt like a Naruto poster that
had been made professionally, this really made me
feel like I was looking at an actual Naruto poster.
• What improvements could have been made to
the product?
– I think there should have been more visual effects on
the poster to increase the quality maybe, this would
have definitely made it professional and better
looking, a poster is all about visual effects so that
aspect of it should be amazing.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer
– I agree that the information on the magazine could
have been better, I also agree that there could have
been more content inside the magazine, but I did not
have enough time for that, so unfortunately I did not
do more.
• What do you disagree with from your peer
– I would disagree on me needing more visual effects in
the Naruto poster as there isn’t much else I could
have done without going over board and ruining the
whole thing completely.
Peer Feedback Summary
If I could change anything it would be adding more content to the
magazine, I would do an article for Morrowind, Daggerfall and
Arena too, this would make the whole magazine feel a lot more
professional and complete, but as I’ve said before, I did not have
enough time for this so I only did two articles inside on Oblivion
and Skyrim, I would also have added more information to the
front of my magazine, to make it feel more like an actual
magazine like the xbox magazine or others, I don’t really think
there’s much I’d change about my poster as I think it’s fairly
complete already, but definitely if I had more time I would have
done more posters, this would have broadened my product and
definitely would have allowed me to get a much greater mark, I
would do all these improvements for the better mark if I’d of had
time during the project.

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7. fmp evaluation

  • 3. Research • The strengths of my research on this final project are many I feel, my research really helped get a grasp of the kind of product I wanted to make, looking at all these prexisting posters and magazines was one of my strengths and this definitely helped my final product as a whole because it let me see what type of Poster I should be making it showed me the styles and the themes that people usually used and it showed me what worked, I the did a survey this helped incredibly as I was told what sort of audience I was looking for and what they liked/didn’t like, most of the audience liked gaming and anime posters and so with this knowledge I made an anime poster but also in my survey people showed that they like gaming magazines so I made a gaming magazine without this knowledge I might not have made the products I have currently, If I were to improve my survey in anyway I would add more questions about smaller things inside posters and magazines that people like so I could get a more detailed answer and in turn more information as a whole, this would have drastically affected my final product as I would have more information to go off when making it, the answers from my survey are quite interesting, I asked a total of 10 questions and they were all predominately about magazines and posters, when I asked what type of posters my audience liked they said they like gaming posters and anime posters the most, the results were 4 to gaming and 3 to anime however I didn’t do a gaming poster because when I asked what type of magazine they liked they all said they prefer gaming magazine apart from about 2 or 3, this meant my audience could get the best of both worlds, anime posters and gaming magazines, I then did some interviews and this had the same effect as the survey, I believe that my interviews were more personal than the survey so it allowed me to get a grasp of what individuals wanted in my audience with the information I got I added small things that would possibly make my audience of people within the range of 12-20 years of age happy, if I were to improve anything about my survey it’d be that I would flesh the questions out a bit more so I could get a more personal answer from the individual and get more of a fleshed out answer in return, this would have made my interview yield much greater results, allowing me to improve my product accordingly. • One weakness of this research would be that I didn’t really research magazines at all, at first I did not know that I was actually doing 3 products so I only researched posters, this was a problem as later on I didn’t have too much to go on, so I researched magazines while actually making mine, the survey I took was ok, however I would have preferred to have more questions which were better thought out and had more context to them, this would have yielded far greater results as a whole and so I would have had a better product from this, my interviews were again ok, but similar to my survey I would have preferred to of had more questions for the people I was interviewing and it would have been much better if they had longer answers in return, this would have given me more information for my product, the effect this would have had would have been very positive as I would have had much more content for my magazine, If I had more information from my survey and interviews I would have changed my product a lot to fit what my audience wants and likes, this would have possibly changed the outcome of my product a lot, one of my other weaknesses would be my scheduling this didn’t go well because I didn’t get my product in on time, this meant that I had to rush some of my work affecting its quality, in the real world this would have had a very negative effect on my products sales, if I could have improved this in anyway I would have worked more promptly and handed in my work on time, allowing me to finish my work without having to rush and in turn creating a better product.
  • 4. Planning • The strengths of my planning were many, I used which is a very fun and easy to use mind map maker, it allowed me to think of all the things I could include in a poster or magazine and so I was able to get them down onto the website and branch off into other sectors which were useful to my research, I originally made three mind maps on advergames, posters and magazines but then I narrowed it down and made a final mind map on only posters, this helped my product as it made me think of things I might not have before which in turn improved the product greatly, it also allowed me to really have a look at the information and ideas I would need to create a good professional poster, If I could have improved this in anyway I would have made a final mind map for my magazine, this would have enabled me to get more information and ideas on magazines and so I would have been able to create a much better product in turn, I also did a mood board and filled it with many different posters which had already been made by doing this I saw posters that had already been made and it gave me an idea of what I needed to work towards with my product, it showed me the theme and style of Naruto and Anime posters and so I took this to heart when making my final product allowing me to creative a good product, I also put fonts (The Naruto logo font) and other random pictures of games, anime, movies for my potential magazine idea, I had put down 15 pictures on my mood board, which allowed me to think of ideas and to really get a grasp of what a poster should look like, if I were to improve anything in my mood board I would add more pictures to broaden my ideas and I would also add more pictures of magazines allowing me to get a good idea of where I need to head on that front, I believe my pre production was strong as it allowed me to know what I wanted to do for my posters and so I went into making them strongly when I was making the actual product, this made the product far better than it would have been. • One weakness of this plan was clear, I did not focus on my magazine planning enough, the mood board featured no magazine pictures or anything related to a magazine and when I was asked to do a final mind map there was no magazine mind map, only a poster one, If I were to do this again I would definitely make a final mind map for a poster, this would have given me much more information for my magazine as a whole and would have allowed me to create a much stronger product, I would have also added more pictures of magazines into my moodboard to really get a feeling of what they should look like, my pre production didn’t feature anything of my magazine which was definitely a weakness and didn’t really allow me to think about my magazine before I went into doing it so I don’t think it was as strong as it could have been. If I could improve anything I’d add more magazine pictures in my mood board and I would make another final idea spider diagram for my Magazine, the effect this would have had would be that I would have had more planning for my magazine so I would have had a better final product, by doing this I would also have a better idea of what I needed to do for a magazine in the production stage, I would have known what fonts to use, what layout to use and what style to use, all of this would have drastically increased the quality of my end product, another weakness would be that I did not hand in my Initial plans on time, this potentially hurt the final product as it gave me less time to create the power point initially, if I could improve anything about this I would have handed in my initial plans on time, this would have given me more time for the other parts of my product and shown I was organized and professional.
  • 5. Time Management • My time was not managed very well, all though I got everything in apart from this evaluation, I was ill a lot, which made me have to complete a lot of work from home, while this wasn’t too much of a problem, it meant I had less time and was working with great haste when I realised how much work I needed to complete in such a short amount of time, this affected my product in a bad way and it showed in the final product, it made some of the parts of my product come off as rushed and potentially disappointing, if this were the real world it would have affected my products sales and potentially been disastrous, If I could improve anything with more time I would have done more pages for my magazine and possibly a back cover for it, this would have made my audience much happier and would have made the product much greater, giving it more content and more of a finished feel, it would have also made It look more professional which was really wanted I wanted, I think I would have also had more time to research fonts, images and other styles for my magazine which could have improved the quality of the magazine drastically, I would have also perhaps made more posters depending on how much time I had, this would have shown my skill and dedication by making posters that look great but under time constraints and stress, I would have also improved my current posters, by being able to research and plan more aspects of them, like the images and the backgrounds used, and what sizes I need for my images or fonts, most of my power points were not completed and handed in on their deadline this made me look not very organised and showed that I wasn’t very professional which was not the look I wanted for myself, if I could change anything about this I would have made sure all my powerpoints were completed to a good standard and handed in on time, I handed in all of my power points in bulk nearing the end of the project, I feel like this wasn’t that effective as it left me little time in between the stages of the production to take care and didn’t allow me to make the best product I could make like I wanted to, I definitely have to admit that my time wasn’t well managed at all, and if I were to do it again it would be different, I would be more professional and show my organisation, I would perhaps improve my timekeeping by motivating myself more and keeping a planned schedule close to me at all times, this would have made reminded me a lot of what I needed to do and complete, I think the schedule would be on a piece of paper with deadlines on, it would be a sort of warning system which would allow me to know how much time I have left.
  • 6. Technical QualitiesMy magazine is fairly professional in my opinion, the cover looks like it could genuinely be from a magazine that already exists, this is why I like it, it has the main character from Skyrim in the centre of the page, along with ‘The Elder Scrolls’ in front of him, behind this all is a background from Skyrim, this really fits as the whole thing is about the Elder Scrolls, the reason why I went for a yellow, black and red is fairly simplistic, I like the colours and I feel like they go well with each other, I stick to these colour schemes throughout the magazine cover and so it works nicely, I also have a title at the top ‘PC DAILY’ this is a fairly standard gaming magazine name, I also added some information about whats inside the magazine dotted around the front cover, this makes it feel like a real magazine in my opinion, then of course in the bottom right corner I have the barcode and the age rating on it, the audience which answered my survey showed that they like gaming magazines the most out of any other type, the audience which I am catering to are between the ages of 12-20 are mostly male but there are some females, they are mostly from a middle class background, most of them are also gamers and this is their psychographic, are I think my audience which answered my survey would be drawn in by the fact that I have shown it is in fact a gaming magazine, my audience is in between the ages of 12-20, so gaming is something they are really into, they would instantly know it’s a gaming magazine drawing in them to buy it in return. This Xbox 360 magazine is as professional as magazines get, the Xbox magazine is probably one of the most popular magazines ever, right in the middle is one of the characters from the Elder scrolls online trailer, this lets you know its about Elder Scrolls Online without even reading anything, in front of the character is the Elder Scrolls Online, this reinforces that the main topic of this magazine will be ESO, behind the main character at the top is the X360 title, the X is in a green and the 360 is white, they stick to this colour scheme throughout the front of the magazine, they also have information about the contents of the magazine dotted about on the front cover, this allows people to know whats inside, then right at the bottom middle is the barcode, the audience of the Xbox 360 magazine are people who obviously play the xbox 360 on a daily basis, this includes people who are in the range of 10-30, it’s a mix of males and females but predominately males, most of them are from a middle class background, and most of them are gamers, this magazine draws in all of these people instantly because of a few things, firstly it has X360 in large letters, letting everyone who plays an Xbox 360 know that it’s a Xbox 360 magazine, Secondly the colours used are the normal Xbox 360 colours and this catches the eye of anyone that’s a xbox 360 fan or player.
  • 7. Technical QualitiesFirst of you can tell this is a Naruto poster from the large Naruto title in the bottom, this is why I did it, it’s large and doesn’t allow people to get confused, behind this is the main character ‘Naruto’ looking sad and defeated, this is because of all the people he’s lost, behind him are faded pictures of loved ones which have died, and then I put a nice grassy anime field background behind this, this really made the whole thing feel complete as what is a poster with a bland background, I really like this poster as it just works well, with Naruto looking sad and the loved ones behind him, it also looks like a professional Naruto poster, my audience are people who answered my survey and took part in my interviews, the people who I am catering to here are the ones that said they like Anime posters and like posters, my audience are between the age range of 12-20, are mostly male but there are some females, they are mostly from a middle class background and most importantly are fans of anime and Naruto this is their psychographic, I am catering to these people and drawing them in by showing that this poster is related to anime and is obviously a Naruto poster, they will know this by the classic Naruto logo at the bottom and the Naruto character behind it, this draws in my audience. Again you can instantly tell this is a Naruto poster as it has the big Naruto title at the bottom, I reckon they also did it for the same reason as I, that it allows people to know this is about Naruto, behind the title similar to mine is Naruto but in this one he is preparing for battle with a hand sign, to the left and right of Naruto are some of his companions which appear regularly in the show, this is obviously done so people know these characters are important, the background is a blue which I feel like goes well with the rest of the poster, the audience of this poster are similar to my own they are probably fans of Naruto, they are within the age range of 10-25, they are predominately male but there are some females too, and I believe they’re probably from a middle class background, their psychographic is that they’re anime viewers and people who enjoy Naruto, to cater to this audience they have made a poster which is easily recognisable to them, they have put Naruto in an extremely large size right in the front of it, to show Narutos strength and power, this also makes people see Naruto and it catches their eye and they will instantly know what the poster is from, they have also added the Naruto logo at the bottom of the poster which relates to Narutos own colours, the orange, blue and black lets the people who see the poster and who are fans of the series instantly realise what it’s from which draws them in.
  • 8. Aesthetic Qualities I really think this front cover looks great, it has everything a magazine needs to be a magazine, the title a character in the middle, information you name it this cover has it, I think this cover might not have been as creative as I liked but, it is a magazine cover and most seem to keep to one specific style or scheme, which I did with mine, I would possibly improve this by adding more information about the magazine around the cover, and add some more on the bottom bar, on of the weaknesses of this magazine cover is that it needs some more information and content on the front of it in my opinion, having more information on the front would make it so anyone who reads the front of the magazine would get a teaser of what's actually inside and so they would want to see the content in it and so they would have to buy it to carry on, another weakness would be the fonts I have used are a bit boring and this makes the front cover more disappointing and less professional, decreasing the quality as a whole, this could also make people not want to read on and buy the magazine if they are getting bored from seeing the front cover, if I could make any improvements to the magazine cover then I would add more information to the front giving more of an idea of what people could find inside it, this would make people more enticed to buy the magazine and so they would want to read on inside it, in the real world this would increase the sales and the popularity of my magazine. One strength of this piece is that it looks like a gaming magazine should, a character on the front, the title of the game they’re from in front of them, at the top there’s a title and around the character is information, it’s what you’d expect from a magazine and that’s why I like it, if I could make any improvement to the character at the centre I would perhaps make him go in front of the bottom bar, almost making it seem he was coming out of the magazine giving a 3D effect, this would increase the quality of the magazine making it look more professional and making it look like I put a lot more time into it, one of the strengths of the magazine would be the colours I have used for the top and bottom banner I made using the rectangle tool, these colours are red, yellow and black and I think the contrast between the three really catches the eye of anyone viewing the magazine, which would make them pick it up and perhaps give it a read, one weakness of the colours I have used is that on the circle shape I made using the oval tool at the top right it doesn’t really fit, so I maybe think over using these colours is a bad thing as it might detract from the nice background I have used and the nice image of the main character from Skyrim too, if I could make any improvements on this I would definitely remove the circle at the top right and put the information I used there somewhere else on the front of the magazine.
  • 9. Audience Appeal This appeals to the people who answered my questionnaire as it’s a gaming magazine, and this is what people said the best type of magazine was, so I think that the whole of this magazine would appeal to the target audience as there is nothing in this magazine which doesn’t focus on gaming, this product would also be available online and in stores which again appeals to the target audience, the audience which I have targeted for this magazine are all into games and this is a very important thing for this product, they are all in-between 12- 21 years of age, and are mostly male but of course I am targeting females too, these people are mostly middle class with some lower class people included, however the magazine is cheap and so anyone can really afford it. This appeals to most of the audience who took my survey as this is a poster which is about Anime, it can be bought from stores and online, and it can be put up with a frame, with blue tac or even tape, this appeals to the target audience as they all answered a question about this, my audience are mainly people who enjoy anime, games or films, they’re between 13-20 years of age and most of them are male, however there are some females, they are of any social status but mostly middle class, however the poster would be cheap so it doesn’t really matter which social class you are from, I think that these products appeal to this audience and that is why I have chosen them.
  • 11. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? – I really liked how the poster related to the characters from the anime and really brought out their emotions and feelings through the background and other characters. • What improvements could have been made to the product? – Perhaps the magazine should have had more content, as that would have made the product a lot better as a whole in my opinion,
  • 12. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? – I really liked how the magazine focused on the Elder Scrolls, as I love that game series a lot, I also loved the layout of the magazine cover. • What improvements could have been made to the product? – I think maybe there could have been more information around the magazine, and perhaps more content inside it.
  • 13. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? – I really liked the whole layout of the Naruto poster and how it looked and felt like a Naruto poster that had been made professionally, this really made me feel like I was looking at an actual Naruto poster. • What improvements could have been made to the product? – I think there should have been more visual effects on the poster to increase the quality maybe, this would have definitely made it professional and better looking, a poster is all about visual effects so that aspect of it should be amazing.
  • 14. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – I agree that the information on the magazine could have been better, I also agree that there could have been more content inside the magazine, but I did not have enough time for that, so unfortunately I did not do more. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? – I would disagree on me needing more visual effects in the Naruto poster as there isn’t much else I could have done without going over board and ruining the whole thing completely.
  • 15. Peer Feedback Summary If I could change anything it would be adding more content to the magazine, I would do an article for Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena too, this would make the whole magazine feel a lot more professional and complete, but as I’ve said before, I did not have enough time for this so I only did two articles inside on Oblivion and Skyrim, I would also have added more information to the front of my magazine, to make it feel more like an actual magazine like the xbox magazine or others, I don’t really think there’s much I’d change about my poster as I think it’s fairly complete already, but definitely if I had more time I would have done more posters, this would have broadened my product and definitely would have allowed me to get a much greater mark, I would do all these improvements for the better mark if I’d of had time during the project.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  5. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  6. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  7. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?