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Tommy Lister
• When conducting my research, I first started this by completing a PowerPoint on the theories
of media and researching famous people who have been influential or studied graphics and
media. In hindsight, this task didn’t help me at all and was not beneficial to me because if
anything it was unnecessarily time consuming, as I didn’t really learn anything from the
PowerPoint and I did not apply these theories to my work so ultimately I would rather not
have done this task. One of the small aspects of this task however, that did eventually
become useful for me was creating the bibliography and formatting it correctly. This gave me
some familiarity to it and made it a quicker process when I did a bibliography later on.
• I then moved on to my actual research PowerPoint, I had completed a similar pro forma in
previous rotations and when doing my FMP last year, so I knew what to expect when creating
this PowerPoint, and I also picked up on details from the previous year from my feedback,
which was a positive thing as it meant I was aware on how to boost my grade up and improve
on last year’s grade, as well as include details which contributed to the Merit my research got
last year. I started my research off with analysing existing products which were similar to
what I wanted to create. I thought this was a very beneficial activity to me and I gained a lot
from this, although some areas of it unfortunately didn’t help me, due to some slight
changes of plan. The website research was quite useful to me as it gave me a good
understanding of the conventions used in the layout designs of a website, and trying to
follow these styles to a small extent saved some time for me when designing my own
website. However, I had planned to create an actual website on Wix, but as I’ll discuss in
more detail later that did not go to plan at all, and instead I created a website concept on
Photoshop and animated the features on it.
• I then chose to research existing products for articles that have been created on similar
subjects to mine, I looked at a variety of different styles and I think reading these articles
helped me out for various reasons. Firstly, one of the more complex and articulate articles
helped to strengthen my vocabulary and sentence structure in my opinion. I analysed the
content of the articles as well as the structure and types of sentences. One of the main things
I took from this was the way football related news outlets use the style of writing one
sentence per paragraph, and I used this technique in my own work. I feel like one of the
reasons this is used is for readability. I also researched an existing podcast, I analysed the logo
of the podcast and considered the shape of the logo and the creative meaning behind the
logo and why certain shapes/ fonts/ colours were used. Getting this knowledge allowed me
to gain an understanding of the conventions used in logo designs for a podcast and I actually
based my actual logo from this research. Many footballing podcast logos used either a shield
to represent a club badge, or a circle to represent a club badge and also a football, so I used
this as inspiration to also use a circle for my product. I also analysed the content of two
podcasts to try see what they have in common that works well so I could then include it in
my own work. While doing this, some of the things I learned that I thought needed to be
included were, a jingle as well as music used throughout spaces in he conversation to indicate
a change in subject. However, after recoding my podcasts, I actually ending up only creating it
as a trailer for a podcast.
I also conducted audience reseach, both primary and secondary. For my primary research I used
surveymonkey, I asked a range of people who I know as well as putting the survey out on twitter
questions about themselves such as their age and gender etc as well. I also asked open questions
asking about their views in things related to my product. Looking back, I don’t think this research
was that helpful, mainly because of the wide range of the demographic of my audience, so it was
really hard to pinpoint one small group of people because Liverpool fans are such a global brand.
I don’t regret doing this task however as I did still gain some useful information and it would have
been fairly stupid to ignore audience research, especially primary research as that is more likely
to be more reliable, but again, despite this it didn’t end up being helpful and contributing to my
I also did secondary audience research, this was also not too impactful on my end product I felt, I
looked at a media kit from an existing football outlet, but the statistics firstly didn't show a
majority in terms of % of ' X ' about the audience, and also there would be quite a wide gap
between things so it wasn't very specific, for example it would be like 51% of their audience are
aged 18- 34. Which I didn’t find very useful. I also looked at some political statistics, however
these just reinforced what I already knew, but it was good to have as evidence to back up any
points I made. Overall I don’t think any of the audience research made a massive difference on
my production because I knew going into it the large demographic I had, so it would be just
smaller obvious things that appeal to a large audience, such as the colour choices and images I
would use which represent the football club.
Research screenshots
• The planning for my production had two main parts to it following the initial research, in the
forms of PowerPoints that I completed. The first of these was one for ' problem solving and
experiments' and basically planning ahead of any potential issues that could arise. First of all,
I considered practical problems which could occur when creating my podcast. As well as
considering problems, I also considered various solutions and alternatives in case these
issues did end up taking place. To an extent i think this part of my planning was beneficial,
however areas of it were not and they were also unnecessary, and there is a decent amount
of work there which did not need to be in there and I feel like it was there purely to add to
the quantity of work. For example, I would list potential problems which were not only
obvious issues but also issues that were not likely to take place like a lack of charger on a
camera. The most obvious area of this work which was not needed and unnecessary was the
preparing I did in the event of filming my work, however as i now know, I did not use a
camera to film the podcast and it was purely just audio, therefore I ended up wasting time
preparing for a potential issue which didn’t even have a chance of happening. However, one
of the areas of this particular part which I did consider and ended up being useful to me was
how I thought my lack of experience when it comes to creating a podcast could be an issue.
The solution to this was simple and it was to do an experiment one, which as I'll mention
more later did definitely help me for multiple reasons when it came to creating a podcast.
I then also considered practical problems concerning issues which could arise in terms of my
article and website. With the articles there are very few practical problems that could take place
that are not fairly obvious and stupid like ' forgetting to save my work' and again, with this part of
the planning I thought it was just adding content for the sake of it and probably, ultimately fairly
time consuming, although then again it has to be done to get the right grade. With my webstie it
was slightly different and I feel like the problems I considered were more reasonable and the task
was actually beneficial to me to an extent in some senses. However, as I have found out through
the actual production of my work, the website production faced a lot of difficulty and a lot of
problems that were quite unforeseen to the extent they were. Consequently, my website ending
up being a concept type thing on photoshop with an animation, the product actually turned out
really well and I was happy with it, however I couldn't plan it properly as it was a change that was
made half way through production so I just had to get on with it, although other areas of
planning which I'll mention later did still benefit me in terms of the website. After considering
practical problems which could occur, I then explored potential theoretical problems. I had the
same general thoughts on these problems too as it was just speaking hypothetically, and 90% of
these problems were obvious issues which would either be unavoidable, or easily solved
naturally, however doing this again was required, but I found it quite pointlessly time consuming,
and I think id have benefitted more from focusing on other areas of my planning.
Once I had finished my practical and theoretical problem work, I then moved on to creating
experiments similar to the products I was going to make, and then briefly analysed each experiment
after. I first of all experimented with creating similar logo designs to the type I intend on creating. I was
not happy with these logos as I didn't think they looked very aesthetically pleasing and you could tell
just from looking at them they are not technically good either, in terms of my photoshop ability. With
that being said, I was very happy with the logos I ended up creating for my actual production, and they
looked far better than the experiments I had created.
One of the reasons I think my actual logo ended up being quite good was because of how poor these
experiments were, as it meant I tried a different approach when creating my logo. From a technical
point of view, my actual logo wasn't far better, however aesthetically it looked much better in the end.
I also did an experiment for an article, At the time, I thought this article benefitted me, however with
hindsight I can see it didn't massively as I was quite experienced with articles and my writing skills are
fairly good, and there is very little difference in terms of the quality of my experiment article and my
actual article, also it didn't even matter the quality of my writing as it was just text that was there to fill
the content, so I probably could have focused my time elsewhere.
I also did an experiment for my podcast. This did not go well at all, however it benefitted me the most in
terms of creating my actual podcast. First of all I didn't think it went well at first in almost every aspect, I
think the content was quite poor and my confidence and hosting skills were also quite poor and I don’t
think I even filmed it at the right angle. However, with all these mistakes being considered, I think they
are the reason I am happy with the way my final podcast ( trailer) ended up.
My actual podcast was just audio and a trailer, firstly because a whole podcast is too long, and also
because when it came to presenting the podcast etc, I think the fact it was being filmed was a factor in
why my confidence was low for example and I was more confident when it came to just speaking into an
audio recorder as I found there was less pressure. Another area I think doing this experiment ultimately
benefitted me in was the editing process. During the experiment i feel like I struggled quite a lot in
terms of the actual editing and finding a software I was happy to edit on. However by the time It came
to editing the actual podcast, after a while I had realised Adobe Audition was the best for this, and after
having Josh, (my tutor) help me with it slightly, I grasped a good enough understanding of it to edit my
work how I needed to. With the experiment I also had major issues with uploading it and losing the
footage, but as I dealt with this once I found it easier to all do come the end of my actual podcast.
I also did an experiment for my website. Admittedly, this experiment did not have much effort put into it
and overall the planning in general for my website was very poor, hence the difficulty with production
and why I ended up having to change it half way through. One of the major flaws with this experiment
was the fact I used an entirely different place for for the experiment than I did for my actual website, as
I actually ended up using WordPress rather than Wix. This meant I wasn’t prepared for my website and
obviously the consequences of that were shown. Lastly on this powerpoint I prepared two schedules;
for health and safety issues and resources. I did this because I thought it had to be done, although
again, in all honesty i think it was a pointless task which was probably did not need to be done in reality
and was just wasting time which could have been used on something important.
I then moved on to my pre production powerpoint. I started this off with doing a style sheet for
potential colour schemes. I gathered a variety of different shades of colours, using similar shades
of the colours which represent LFC. As well as choosing the colours I then analysed them and
gave my rationale for my choices, this involved a fairly detailed insight into the connotations of
each colour. Following the theme of other areas of this planning, I think this analysis is quite
pointless and I don’t think it needs to be justified in so much detail as at the end of the day I'm
going to use those colours regardless of the subconscious connotations people get from them,
however it has to be done for the sake of getting a good grade potentially. I then also did a style
sheet for images as well as potential fonts, and it was the exact same as what I had said about the
style sheets for the colours in terms of what i had to do and also the level of justification for these
After the style sheets I then moved on to creating layout plans. I made a variety of alternative
layouts for each product, including my website, and different logo ideas for the brand in general
as well as the podcast logo. Parts of these logos did end up being useful as I took some elements
from these on to my actual products. For example the circle style logo, as well as the same colour
and also the stars which represent the club's history. On my website I also ended up using the
white rectangles which I considered using on a logo, so I think these layout plans did end up
benefitting me.
The similarities could also be seen from the layouts to the actual production when it came to the
podcast, as I used a podcast mic on the podcast logo like I planned to. Although I did base my logos off
these ideas, I think I had a pretty solid idea of what id do anyway, and a lot of the alternative ideas were
just there for the sake of it which they probably did not need to be, but overall I didn’t mind having to o
these rough layout plans and they didn’t really have any kind of negativ effect.
The next part of my pre production PowerPoint was doing a few slides of preparing for things, these
slides were; potential locations, potential finances, resources, health and safety, personnel/crew and
facilities. I thought these were very pointless and I was just doing these for the sake of the grade, but
they actually had absouletly no impact on anything I did which was important and I'd much rather have
not done these but I thought it was the type of thing that I had to include so I did do it anyway.
Overall I think this powerpoint was not as impactful as the other and it was largely just content for the
sake of it, but I was glad to get it out the way, and I think the content that I did do was quite good and
hopefully detailed enough as it was quite time consuming. With the benfit of hindsight I do now know it
didnt end up be needed, however at the time it was safe to prepare so im glad I prepared for potential
circumstances in case anything did go wrong or I needed alternative options.
Time Management
• Overall, throughout the project, I will admit that I don’t think I have managed my time very well at
all, I definitely could have controlled my use of time better and one of the ways I could have done
this is by actually sticking to a tighter schedule and ensuring I report back to a schedule on a daily
basis in order to have made sure I completed set task in set time limits. I think I began the project
fairly well in terms of time management and with my early PowerPoints I would get tasks done
quickly and I would be far more focused. I think the key thing to managing time successfully is
about focus and I think often I would lose focus and not be able to concentrate. I think the main
reason for this was my surroundings, such as my friends and my phone, despite this, ultimately the
main reason my concentration heavily dipped was probably because of a lack of motivation once I
received an unconditional offer from University. One of the main areas which was specifically poor
in regards to how I managed my time was my development diaries. At first I would complete these
on a daily basis at a set time every day and make sure I analysed my day in detail, however I would
get caught up in my work or forget and it would lead to the point where I would be behind on my
development diaries. This had a negative impact in various ways, firstly it would make me struggle
with other areas of my work because I would not be able to concentrate on that as much because
id have to spend time on work that I should have already completed. As I said, my time
management was much better at the start, for example, although generally it was quite poor, I felt
that before beginning production it was good. I conducted my research in quite a timely manner
and I also completed my experiment and problem solving PowerPoints rather quickly.
Time Management
• However, as it came to production, this is where my time management became poor. One of the
reasons for this was because I struggled a lot at first with creating the WordPress website. This lead
to poor time management skills as I did not stick to a schedule and I would continue working on it
because I felt I had to get a certain amount of work done on the website, however I did not have
the ability to work on the website which meant I would work on it for too long and then
consequently miss out on working on other areas of my production. I think I should definitely have
stuck to my schedule closely, however I also think that unforeseen complications, such as when
making the website, were part of the reason why I my time management became poor, and it
consequently had a knock on effect on my entire schedule to the point where I abandoned it and
just did whatever I could whenever I could completely unplanned. Despite all of this, and my
general poor time management, I feel like I have still got my work to a fairly high standard and that I
have done well to complete the amount of work I have considering some complications that I have
had. I also do expect to get all my work handed in on time which is positive. Lastly I would say,
another area which has had an impact on the poor time management in general, is editing the
podcast. This is because I originally had no familiarity with the editing software, and in general I
struggle with the editing process as a whole so it is not too simple for me to use, and editing the
podcast has been much harder than I expected, so much so to the point where I have had to
change my product to just being a podcast trailer. In order to improve my time management in the
future, I think I will be far more strict on myself, and I could even set alarms and timers to make
sure I have a visual thing next to me at all times to remind me to push on to do my work.
Audience Appeal
I think my product would have appealed to my audience very well, however I also think that I would
have struggled not to, and with such a specific product, it did not take considerable effort in order to
appeal to my audience. First of all for context, my product was based off of Liverpool football club, a
globally recongised team and one of the biggest clubs in the entire world with a very large fanbase.
With this being considered, this meant that my audience, in terms of specific people are incredibly
different types of people, from different ages, genders, places of birth, religions and all sorts of varied
backgrounds. Therefore it would be hard to pin point appealing features to just one group of people
anyway. On top of that, as the products I made were a website and also a trailer for a podcast,
particularly with the website, it is quite hard to include features of it that would appeal to specific
demographics. I think with the age it can potentially be done as brighter colours appeal to younger
audiences for example, although going back to my initial point, with there being such a large group of
people in the audience it was very hard to add small features that would help to specifically appeal to a
small group of people.
Despite, this I still feel like I did appeal to the type of people who would view my product, but as it is
such a specific product it would be hard to do otherwise. I think the use of the red, is not only an eye
catching and aesthetically pleasing colour, but it also appeals to Liverpool fans. Aside from this, I think
the use of the word ' Kop' in the title which is also clear and bold, would catch Liverpool fans eyes, due
to it's iconic history within the club. (Kop refers to a stand inside of Anfield, the stadium)
I also think the image of the liverbird would massively appeal to fans due to how iconic it is and what it
represents in terms of the club. This is the same case also for the 5 stars, however that would now
need updating as we have won 6 European cups.
Logo evaluation
Logo evaluation
Aesthetically, I thought this logo was really strong and I was happy with the way it turned out,
one of my favourite qualities of this was the general design of it, specifically the shape and
colour, I really liked the small inner circle as I think it makes it look far better than just a plain
red circle. I also like the text and the way I made it look like there was a split in between it as it
made it look slightly less basic. That being said I think the simplistic style is what makes it look
good and it wouldn't look as good if it was over complicated. I also like the circle style logo, as it
is similar to some football badges and it will give connotations of a football club.
I think the liverbird image is also a really strong point of the logo and not only does it look
aesthetically pleasing and fit the colour schemes, but it also is really good for appealing to the
audience as it represents the club well, I think it was much better than using just the club
badge as it was quite small and fit the badge well. It was not technically difficult to create at all,
however I was very happy with the end product of this logo as it looked really good and it
represented the brand well.
I feel the same way about my podcast logo and I am happy with how that turned out for the
same reasons. I think the podcast mic and headphones was a fairly clever addition and it easily
helped it differentiate between two different areas but from the same brand. I also liked the
reduced opacity version of the liverbird in the background and thought it gave it some added
Website animation
Website animation evaluation
• I was very happening with the website animation I created, I think one of the reasons I
was so happy with it was because it had no planning and when I created it, other than
looking at the layouts of existing products, it was all done as I went along with it so it
was quite a gamble to make it look good. I thought it was aesthetically pleasing and I
think one of the key strengths of it was the boxes for the article headlines, there was a
lot of detail going into making them, but they were just a small part of the product
when you look at it as a whole, I think they were eye catching and looked really good
and complimented the rest of the theme well. One of the areas I also really liked was
the simplicity and how basic the navigation menu was. When researching existing
products one of the issues I had with a website was the navigation menu and I thought
it was quite hard to see and use, so I wanted mine to be really simple and easy to use as
I think that is very important in a website. I also liked the added feature of the
subscription button as that gave it extra authenticity. On the second website page
which was used for the animation, I thought it was really good and I liked the style of it
as I think it looked quite professional, similar to the articles on BBC Sport. I liked the
animation a lot, and as this was a fairly difficult procedure I think i pulled it off quite
well and it looked really smooth.
Website animation evaluation
• I was really happy with this overall because I managed to demonstrate technical
ability while it also looked aesthetically pleasing. One of the weaknesses of the
animation which i didn't like was the music in the background. I didn’t like this as I
feel it doesn’t suit it too well but I needed it there so it wasn’t completely silent in
the background. I also didn't like too much the end of the animation as there is at
least 30 seconds of just scrolling down for people to read and it may get boring.
Aside from this though I was very happy with my product and I think it went really
well and there is not a lot i would change from it.
Auditory qualities - Podcast
Auditory qualities - Podcast
I was really happy with the podcast that I made and I thought it turned out a lot better than
what i had expected, despite the initial difficulties that I faced. At first I planned on having a
full podcast, however I was informed I could not do that as it would be too long and it
wouldn't be fully listened to, so I decided to just make it a trailer. I had never previously
used Adobe Audition before and I struggled with it at first however once I got to grips with
it I made good progress with my work. I think it was a good idea to create a trailer instead
as it meant I could focus on improving the technical quality more, as a basic podcast would
just have the intro music and then small cuts occasionally, however a trailer allowed me to
demonstrate more skill on Audition, as I had to create an atmosphere to an extent, by
doing this I used more features as I edited the sound levels for example, I also had to
balance having a background track the whole time as well as adding in sound effects to
create tension. Despite this, it still turned out really well in my opinion. Another area of this
that I really liked was the intro of ' you're listening to the KopOnline podcast'. This added
much more authenticity to the podcast and gave it an extra bit of professionalism and
sounded really good. I did really like the podcast, however one thing I would change which
is the main bit of criticism I recievd from small amounts of feedback so far is that the
starting intro music is too loud, and I would say that is the main flaw of the podcast, but
other than that I was really happy with it and there is very little I would change.

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L3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptxL3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptx
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Evaluation FMP

  • 2. Research • When conducting my research, I first started this by completing a PowerPoint on the theories of media and researching famous people who have been influential or studied graphics and media. In hindsight, this task didn’t help me at all and was not beneficial to me because if anything it was unnecessarily time consuming, as I didn’t really learn anything from the PowerPoint and I did not apply these theories to my work so ultimately I would rather not have done this task. One of the small aspects of this task however, that did eventually become useful for me was creating the bibliography and formatting it correctly. This gave me some familiarity to it and made it a quicker process when I did a bibliography later on. • I then moved on to my actual research PowerPoint, I had completed a similar pro forma in previous rotations and when doing my FMP last year, so I knew what to expect when creating this PowerPoint, and I also picked up on details from the previous year from my feedback, which was a positive thing as it meant I was aware on how to boost my grade up and improve on last year’s grade, as well as include details which contributed to the Merit my research got last year. I started my research off with analysing existing products which were similar to what I wanted to create. I thought this was a very beneficial activity to me and I gained a lot from this, although some areas of it unfortunately didn’t help me, due to some slight changes of plan. The website research was quite useful to me as it gave me a good understanding of the conventions used in the layout designs of a website, and trying to follow these styles to a small extent saved some time for me when designing my own website. However, I had planned to create an actual website on Wix, but as I’ll discuss in more detail later that did not go to plan at all, and instead I created a website concept on Photoshop and animated the features on it.
  • 3. Research • I then chose to research existing products for articles that have been created on similar subjects to mine, I looked at a variety of different styles and I think reading these articles helped me out for various reasons. Firstly, one of the more complex and articulate articles helped to strengthen my vocabulary and sentence structure in my opinion. I analysed the content of the articles as well as the structure and types of sentences. One of the main things I took from this was the way football related news outlets use the style of writing one sentence per paragraph, and I used this technique in my own work. I feel like one of the reasons this is used is for readability. I also researched an existing podcast, I analysed the logo of the podcast and considered the shape of the logo and the creative meaning behind the logo and why certain shapes/ fonts/ colours were used. Getting this knowledge allowed me to gain an understanding of the conventions used in logo designs for a podcast and I actually based my actual logo from this research. Many footballing podcast logos used either a shield to represent a club badge, or a circle to represent a club badge and also a football, so I used this as inspiration to also use a circle for my product. I also analysed the content of two podcasts to try see what they have in common that works well so I could then include it in my own work. While doing this, some of the things I learned that I thought needed to be included were, a jingle as well as music used throughout spaces in he conversation to indicate a change in subject. However, after recoding my podcasts, I actually ending up only creating it as a trailer for a podcast.
  • 4. Research I also conducted audience reseach, both primary and secondary. For my primary research I used surveymonkey, I asked a range of people who I know as well as putting the survey out on twitter questions about themselves such as their age and gender etc as well. I also asked open questions asking about their views in things related to my product. Looking back, I don’t think this research was that helpful, mainly because of the wide range of the demographic of my audience, so it was really hard to pinpoint one small group of people because Liverpool fans are such a global brand. I don’t regret doing this task however as I did still gain some useful information and it would have been fairly stupid to ignore audience research, especially primary research as that is more likely to be more reliable, but again, despite this it didn’t end up being helpful and contributing to my work. I also did secondary audience research, this was also not too impactful on my end product I felt, I looked at a media kit from an existing football outlet, but the statistics firstly didn't show a majority in terms of % of ' X ' about the audience, and also there would be quite a wide gap between things so it wasn't very specific, for example it would be like 51% of their audience are aged 18- 34. Which I didn’t find very useful. I also looked at some political statistics, however these just reinforced what I already knew, but it was good to have as evidence to back up any points I made. Overall I don’t think any of the audience research made a massive difference on my production because I knew going into it the large demographic I had, so it would be just smaller obvious things that appeal to a large audience, such as the colour choices and images I would use which represent the football club.
  • 6. Planning • The planning for my production had two main parts to it following the initial research, in the forms of PowerPoints that I completed. The first of these was one for ' problem solving and experiments' and basically planning ahead of any potential issues that could arise. First of all, I considered practical problems which could occur when creating my podcast. As well as considering problems, I also considered various solutions and alternatives in case these issues did end up taking place. To an extent i think this part of my planning was beneficial, however areas of it were not and they were also unnecessary, and there is a decent amount of work there which did not need to be in there and I feel like it was there purely to add to the quantity of work. For example, I would list potential problems which were not only obvious issues but also issues that were not likely to take place like a lack of charger on a camera. The most obvious area of this work which was not needed and unnecessary was the preparing I did in the event of filming my work, however as i now know, I did not use a camera to film the podcast and it was purely just audio, therefore I ended up wasting time preparing for a potential issue which didn’t even have a chance of happening. However, one of the areas of this particular part which I did consider and ended up being useful to me was how I thought my lack of experience when it comes to creating a podcast could be an issue. The solution to this was simple and it was to do an experiment one, which as I'll mention more later did definitely help me for multiple reasons when it came to creating a podcast.
  • 7. Planning I then also considered practical problems concerning issues which could arise in terms of my article and website. With the articles there are very few practical problems that could take place that are not fairly obvious and stupid like ' forgetting to save my work' and again, with this part of the planning I thought it was just adding content for the sake of it and probably, ultimately fairly time consuming, although then again it has to be done to get the right grade. With my webstie it was slightly different and I feel like the problems I considered were more reasonable and the task was actually beneficial to me to an extent in some senses. However, as I have found out through the actual production of my work, the website production faced a lot of difficulty and a lot of problems that were quite unforeseen to the extent they were. Consequently, my website ending up being a concept type thing on photoshop with an animation, the product actually turned out really well and I was happy with it, however I couldn't plan it properly as it was a change that was made half way through production so I just had to get on with it, although other areas of planning which I'll mention later did still benefit me in terms of the website. After considering practical problems which could occur, I then explored potential theoretical problems. I had the same general thoughts on these problems too as it was just speaking hypothetically, and 90% of these problems were obvious issues which would either be unavoidable, or easily solved naturally, however doing this again was required, but I found it quite pointlessly time consuming, and I think id have benefitted more from focusing on other areas of my planning.
  • 8. Planning Once I had finished my practical and theoretical problem work, I then moved on to creating experiments similar to the products I was going to make, and then briefly analysed each experiment after. I first of all experimented with creating similar logo designs to the type I intend on creating. I was not happy with these logos as I didn't think they looked very aesthetically pleasing and you could tell just from looking at them they are not technically good either, in terms of my photoshop ability. With that being said, I was very happy with the logos I ended up creating for my actual production, and they looked far better than the experiments I had created. One of the reasons I think my actual logo ended up being quite good was because of how poor these experiments were, as it meant I tried a different approach when creating my logo. From a technical point of view, my actual logo wasn't far better, however aesthetically it looked much better in the end. I also did an experiment for an article, At the time, I thought this article benefitted me, however with hindsight I can see it didn't massively as I was quite experienced with articles and my writing skills are fairly good, and there is very little difference in terms of the quality of my experiment article and my actual article, also it didn't even matter the quality of my writing as it was just text that was there to fill the content, so I probably could have focused my time elsewhere. I also did an experiment for my podcast. This did not go well at all, however it benefitted me the most in terms of creating my actual podcast. First of all I didn't think it went well at first in almost every aspect, I think the content was quite poor and my confidence and hosting skills were also quite poor and I don’t think I even filmed it at the right angle. However, with all these mistakes being considered, I think they are the reason I am happy with the way my final podcast ( trailer) ended up.
  • 9. Planning My actual podcast was just audio and a trailer, firstly because a whole podcast is too long, and also because when it came to presenting the podcast etc, I think the fact it was being filmed was a factor in why my confidence was low for example and I was more confident when it came to just speaking into an audio recorder as I found there was less pressure. Another area I think doing this experiment ultimately benefitted me in was the editing process. During the experiment i feel like I struggled quite a lot in terms of the actual editing and finding a software I was happy to edit on. However by the time It came to editing the actual podcast, after a while I had realised Adobe Audition was the best for this, and after having Josh, (my tutor) help me with it slightly, I grasped a good enough understanding of it to edit my work how I needed to. With the experiment I also had major issues with uploading it and losing the footage, but as I dealt with this once I found it easier to all do come the end of my actual podcast. I also did an experiment for my website. Admittedly, this experiment did not have much effort put into it and overall the planning in general for my website was very poor, hence the difficulty with production and why I ended up having to change it half way through. One of the major flaws with this experiment was the fact I used an entirely different place for for the experiment than I did for my actual website, as I actually ended up using WordPress rather than Wix. This meant I wasn’t prepared for my website and obviously the consequences of that were shown. Lastly on this powerpoint I prepared two schedules; for health and safety issues and resources. I did this because I thought it had to be done, although again, in all honesty i think it was a pointless task which was probably did not need to be done in reality and was just wasting time which could have been used on something important.
  • 10. Planning I then moved on to my pre production powerpoint. I started this off with doing a style sheet for potential colour schemes. I gathered a variety of different shades of colours, using similar shades of the colours which represent LFC. As well as choosing the colours I then analysed them and gave my rationale for my choices, this involved a fairly detailed insight into the connotations of each colour. Following the theme of other areas of this planning, I think this analysis is quite pointless and I don’t think it needs to be justified in so much detail as at the end of the day I'm going to use those colours regardless of the subconscious connotations people get from them, however it has to be done for the sake of getting a good grade potentially. I then also did a style sheet for images as well as potential fonts, and it was the exact same as what I had said about the style sheets for the colours in terms of what i had to do and also the level of justification for these choices. After the style sheets I then moved on to creating layout plans. I made a variety of alternative layouts for each product, including my website, and different logo ideas for the brand in general as well as the podcast logo. Parts of these logos did end up being useful as I took some elements from these on to my actual products. For example the circle style logo, as well as the same colour and also the stars which represent the club's history. On my website I also ended up using the white rectangles which I considered using on a logo, so I think these layout plans did end up benefitting me.
  • 11. Planning The similarities could also be seen from the layouts to the actual production when it came to the podcast, as I used a podcast mic on the podcast logo like I planned to. Although I did base my logos off these ideas, I think I had a pretty solid idea of what id do anyway, and a lot of the alternative ideas were just there for the sake of it which they probably did not need to be, but overall I didn’t mind having to o these rough layout plans and they didn’t really have any kind of negativ effect. The next part of my pre production PowerPoint was doing a few slides of preparing for things, these slides were; potential locations, potential finances, resources, health and safety, personnel/crew and facilities. I thought these were very pointless and I was just doing these for the sake of the grade, but they actually had absouletly no impact on anything I did which was important and I'd much rather have not done these but I thought it was the type of thing that I had to include so I did do it anyway. Overall I think this powerpoint was not as impactful as the other and it was largely just content for the sake of it, but I was glad to get it out the way, and I think the content that I did do was quite good and hopefully detailed enough as it was quite time consuming. With the benfit of hindsight I do now know it didnt end up be needed, however at the time it was safe to prepare so im glad I prepared for potential circumstances in case anything did go wrong or I needed alternative options.
  • 12. Time Management • Overall, throughout the project, I will admit that I don’t think I have managed my time very well at all, I definitely could have controlled my use of time better and one of the ways I could have done this is by actually sticking to a tighter schedule and ensuring I report back to a schedule on a daily basis in order to have made sure I completed set task in set time limits. I think I began the project fairly well in terms of time management and with my early PowerPoints I would get tasks done quickly and I would be far more focused. I think the key thing to managing time successfully is about focus and I think often I would lose focus and not be able to concentrate. I think the main reason for this was my surroundings, such as my friends and my phone, despite this, ultimately the main reason my concentration heavily dipped was probably because of a lack of motivation once I received an unconditional offer from University. One of the main areas which was specifically poor in regards to how I managed my time was my development diaries. At first I would complete these on a daily basis at a set time every day and make sure I analysed my day in detail, however I would get caught up in my work or forget and it would lead to the point where I would be behind on my development diaries. This had a negative impact in various ways, firstly it would make me struggle with other areas of my work because I would not be able to concentrate on that as much because id have to spend time on work that I should have already completed. As I said, my time management was much better at the start, for example, although generally it was quite poor, I felt that before beginning production it was good. I conducted my research in quite a timely manner and I also completed my experiment and problem solving PowerPoints rather quickly.
  • 13. Time Management • However, as it came to production, this is where my time management became poor. One of the reasons for this was because I struggled a lot at first with creating the WordPress website. This lead to poor time management skills as I did not stick to a schedule and I would continue working on it because I felt I had to get a certain amount of work done on the website, however I did not have the ability to work on the website which meant I would work on it for too long and then consequently miss out on working on other areas of my production. I think I should definitely have stuck to my schedule closely, however I also think that unforeseen complications, such as when making the website, were part of the reason why I my time management became poor, and it consequently had a knock on effect on my entire schedule to the point where I abandoned it and just did whatever I could whenever I could completely unplanned. Despite all of this, and my general poor time management, I feel like I have still got my work to a fairly high standard and that I have done well to complete the amount of work I have considering some complications that I have had. I also do expect to get all my work handed in on time which is positive. Lastly I would say, another area which has had an impact on the poor time management in general, is editing the podcast. This is because I originally had no familiarity with the editing software, and in general I struggle with the editing process as a whole so it is not too simple for me to use, and editing the podcast has been much harder than I expected, so much so to the point where I have had to change my product to just being a podcast trailer. In order to improve my time management in the future, I think I will be far more strict on myself, and I could even set alarms and timers to make sure I have a visual thing next to me at all times to remind me to push on to do my work.
  • 14. Audience Appeal I think my product would have appealed to my audience very well, however I also think that I would have struggled not to, and with such a specific product, it did not take considerable effort in order to appeal to my audience. First of all for context, my product was based off of Liverpool football club, a globally recongised team and one of the biggest clubs in the entire world with a very large fanbase. With this being considered, this meant that my audience, in terms of specific people are incredibly different types of people, from different ages, genders, places of birth, religions and all sorts of varied backgrounds. Therefore it would be hard to pin point appealing features to just one group of people anyway. On top of that, as the products I made were a website and also a trailer for a podcast, particularly with the website, it is quite hard to include features of it that would appeal to specific demographics. I think with the age it can potentially be done as brighter colours appeal to younger audiences for example, although going back to my initial point, with there being such a large group of people in the audience it was very hard to add small features that would help to specifically appeal to a small group of people. Despite, this I still feel like I did appeal to the type of people who would view my product, but as it is such a specific product it would be hard to do otherwise. I think the use of the red, is not only an eye catching and aesthetically pleasing colour, but it also appeals to Liverpool fans. Aside from this, I think the use of the word ' Kop' in the title which is also clear and bold, would catch Liverpool fans eyes, due to it's iconic history within the club. (Kop refers to a stand inside of Anfield, the stadium) I also think the image of the liverbird would massively appeal to fans due to how iconic it is and what it represents in terms of the club. This is the same case also for the 5 stars, however that would now need updating as we have won 6 European cups.
  • 16. Logo evaluation Aesthetically, I thought this logo was really strong and I was happy with the way it turned out, one of my favourite qualities of this was the general design of it, specifically the shape and colour, I really liked the small inner circle as I think it makes it look far better than just a plain red circle. I also like the text and the way I made it look like there was a split in between it as it made it look slightly less basic. That being said I think the simplistic style is what makes it look good and it wouldn't look as good if it was over complicated. I also like the circle style logo, as it is similar to some football badges and it will give connotations of a football club. I think the liverbird image is also a really strong point of the logo and not only does it look aesthetically pleasing and fit the colour schemes, but it also is really good for appealing to the audience as it represents the club well, I think it was much better than using just the club badge as it was quite small and fit the badge well. It was not technically difficult to create at all, however I was very happy with the end product of this logo as it looked really good and it represented the brand well. I feel the same way about my podcast logo and I am happy with how that turned out for the same reasons. I think the podcast mic and headphones was a fairly clever addition and it easily helped it differentiate between two different areas but from the same brand. I also liked the reduced opacity version of the liverbird in the background and thought it gave it some added detail.
  • 18. Website animation evaluation • I was very happening with the website animation I created, I think one of the reasons I was so happy with it was because it had no planning and when I created it, other than looking at the layouts of existing products, it was all done as I went along with it so it was quite a gamble to make it look good. I thought it was aesthetically pleasing and I think one of the key strengths of it was the boxes for the article headlines, there was a lot of detail going into making them, but they were just a small part of the product when you look at it as a whole, I think they were eye catching and looked really good and complimented the rest of the theme well. One of the areas I also really liked was the simplicity and how basic the navigation menu was. When researching existing products one of the issues I had with a website was the navigation menu and I thought it was quite hard to see and use, so I wanted mine to be really simple and easy to use as I think that is very important in a website. I also liked the added feature of the subscription button as that gave it extra authenticity. On the second website page which was used for the animation, I thought it was really good and I liked the style of it as I think it looked quite professional, similar to the articles on BBC Sport. I liked the animation a lot, and as this was a fairly difficult procedure I think i pulled it off quite well and it looked really smooth. err7/podcast-trailer-fmp
  • 19. Website animation evaluation • I was really happy with this overall because I managed to demonstrate technical ability while it also looked aesthetically pleasing. One of the weaknesses of the animation which i didn't like was the music in the background. I didn’t like this as I feel it doesn’t suit it too well but I needed it there so it wasn’t completely silent in the background. I also didn't like too much the end of the animation as there is at least 30 seconds of just scrolling down for people to read and it may get boring. Aside from this though I was very happy with my product and I think it went really well and there is not a lot i would change from it.
  • 20. Auditory qualities - Podcast
  • 21. Auditory qualities - Podcast I was really happy with the podcast that I made and I thought it turned out a lot better than what i had expected, despite the initial difficulties that I faced. At first I planned on having a full podcast, however I was informed I could not do that as it would be too long and it wouldn't be fully listened to, so I decided to just make it a trailer. I had never previously used Adobe Audition before and I struggled with it at first however once I got to grips with it I made good progress with my work. I think it was a good idea to create a trailer instead as it meant I could focus on improving the technical quality more, as a basic podcast would just have the intro music and then small cuts occasionally, however a trailer allowed me to demonstrate more skill on Audition, as I had to create an atmosphere to an extent, by doing this I used more features as I edited the sound levels for example, I also had to balance having a background track the whole time as well as adding in sound effects to create tension. Despite this, it still turned out really well in my opinion. Another area of this that I really liked was the intro of ' you're listening to the KopOnline podcast'. This added much more authenticity to the podcast and gave it an extra bit of professionalism and sounded really good. I did really like the podcast, however one thing I would change which is the main bit of criticism I recievd from small amounts of feedback so far is that the starting intro music is too loud, and I would say that is the main flaw of the podcast, but other than that I was really happy with it and there is very little I would change.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  4. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  5. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  6. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  7. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  9. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  10. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  11. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  12. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  13. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  14. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  15. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  16. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  17. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  18. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows