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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyse your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made.
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
• The theme to my factual project was fashion and social media this is an ongoing theme for me especially
when it comes to fashion as for previous projects, I have always chosen this aspect to focus on which leads
me as to what attracts me to this theme. Ever since I began my media course and back in secondary school
fashion has been a subject which I loved especially when I was younger as I was influenced by my siblings
who would also love fashion and that’s what really got me into it, once I started my media course, I ended
up finding the aspects which I enjoyed making which was the print side and soon found fashion which was
something I wanted to focus on as a career. I also leaned more to the fashion side because I thought that it
would be a great idea for a fanzine and as I had researched other fashion fanzines or social media, I loved
the designs they had created, and I wanted to create a fanzine that would interest myself. I felt choosing this
theme will also help me to develop my ideas for the future as I will be pursuing the social media marketing
and fashion industry so this is a create time for me to create a fanzine which includes information on this
subject because I can look back on it later (I will use it again).
• when it comes to creating projects within my media course, I cannot chose something which I don’t have an
interest in because this won't make me excited to start the project I always make sure the theme I focus on I
have a lot of ideas for beforehand and know what I will be creating as this will then pull me in a lot more to a
specific theme, so I think gathering ideas is very important and as I already knew a lot of information on the
theme so then I was ready to make my product.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
• To start of my research, I had explored a range of ideas of the different types of fanzines I could create and
ones that I had an interest in I had then chosen just one idea and began my existing products research. For this
I used a website called issuu this helped me a lot because it already had many fanzines which related to my
theme of fashion and social media fanzines, so this was a great start for me to find ideas which I then was able
to add into my own work, it also helped develop my own project because I chose to look into more detail with
specific pages on how the layouts looked and what was included on each page. This was also another positive
within my research work because without ,looking at existing products and researching into them I think I
would struggle a lot with a starting point and when looking into all the pages I was able to get a clear ides of
how a fanzine is presented. Most of the fanzines I had looked at where around the similar target audience
which was great because I wouldn’t have wanted to research a fanzine that wasn’t like my own because I
wouldn’t take much information from it (it wouldn’t help me as much).when it came to making improvements
within my research I also added in subject research which included finding facts on the effects of social media
and the fashion industry + modelling industry this helped a lot for me especially when it came to my
production of all my articles be cause I could then look back on these facts and add them into my article which
made it a lot less time consuming and also helped develop my project even more.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
• Throughout my project I didn’t really have a lot of different ideas of themes which I wanted to focus on as
soon as I began the project, I knew exactly what theme I would choose and topic because I felt this was the
best idea which I would be able to develop more into. However, once I knew the exact theme, I wanted to
produce I did struggle with how I would actually make these because I had no experience with illustration
images as I had begun to create the very basics and I ended up not liking the outcomes because they did
look basic and had no thought process behind them therefore I had to develop my ideas more and look into
mini YouTube videos which I could find or look into existing products and also Instagram accounts who
specialize within the illustration art side of things. Which I ended up finding a lot of inspiration from and I
was also able to improve specific ideas I wanted to create for example I had the idea of producing on my
front cover a very basic page which would include just one illustration and a title but I then looked for ideas
and realized this is plain and I could develop this idea into having more than one person on my front cover
but also link images to what will be included inside, therefore I added social media icons so my audience
would understand that this fanzine also includes information on social media (I also added a thinking
bubble) which was for the person to be thinking of social media 24/7 effects of social media I think this
linked together really well. I also developed my colour schemes as my first idea was to include plain pastel
colours purely because these appealed to my audience however when I began to create my pages using
photoshop I came across the gradient tools which I was able to mix together colours I loved this outcome
because it gave the pages that extra something and made the stand put a lot more which was another great
improvement for my project.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
• Overall, I was very impressed with my final outcome because I didn’t really believe that I would be able to
create something like this in this standard as I had looked beforehand in my research and saw amazing
fanzines which I wanted to create, and they look very similar which I am happy about. I had managed to
complete every part to my fanzine, and nothing was left behind which was a goal for me because I don’t like
to leave my work unfinished so the whole fanzine looked good together, although I could have gone a bit
further with my outcome and added a lot more pages etc. which would really finish it of and make it a lot
more detailed in certain aspects. I was also pleased with my peer feedback which I received as I wasn't
expecting to get such positive results which was great to see what other people think from their perspective
and It can help me to see my improvements which are needed however, I didn’t really get any improvements
which was even better to hear. As this was my first time creating a fanzine, I am proud of how my outcome
and from my experience with print and magazines I think this is quite like a fanzine, so it helped me a lot
with the designs and layouts side of it. Even though I was happy with my interview I do think this could have
been a lot more professional and turned out better because it was over the phone which is a lot harder to
get an answer through text, I should have done the interview in person but as they didn’t have much free
time, I would have rather had a back up person. As in my planning I did try reach out to influencers and
brand owners unfortunately I didn't hear back from any which was a negative to my outcome.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before
you started?
• Before I had started the factual project, I was quite unsure as to what the project involved because as we had
options and I came across a ‘fanzine’ which is a word which I haven’t heard of before I had no idea as to what
I was creating therefore I assumed I wasn’t going to enjoy the project and felt I wouldn’t be able to include
my interest or choice of subject. As I didn’t know about a fanzine and I had chosen this to create I was
worried that I wouldn’t create one that looked like a fanzine or end up leaning towards more of a magazine,
so I had researched a bit more into what a fanzine was, and I then felt a lot better because it is a design-
based project and I was excited as this was the first project back to the new year group, so I was ready to get
stuck in. I also have a passion for design-based activities such as creating pages and layouts so I knew this
would be something I would enjoy creating and have many ideas for as in previous projects when creating
magazines this is something similar so I knew I would have a good head start to this. I was also happy that we
got to chose which subject we wanted to focus on because it interests me more into the factual project
therefore, I will put a lot more effort into the project and achieve the product to the best standards I possibly
can. Within my self I was feeling a lot more confident when starting the second year of media as with covid
happening it had changed when making projects (as we completed online ones) so being able to finally do a
projects and interacting was scary but once I got into this, I felt a lot more confident with the work.
What do you think about your project development and
how did it help you to refine your idea?
• Included within my project development I had produced a mood board with a range of
images which inspired me such as a lot of quotes which helped me to refine my ideas as I
did use a couple of these and word them into my own, I also found a lot of illustration
images which I loved the low colours on the backgrounds which I thought would be great
to look back upon when creating my fanzine. I also then created both a style sheet which
I had focused on colour schemes and fonts my colour schemes did slightly change
looking back on my product however gathering lots of different ideas helps a lot for me
to be able to narrow them down to a few, I created an extra bit of images which was
vogue magazines because I felt I could find more information on the fashion industry and
inspiration although I was creating a fanzine the extra knowledge is important to me. I
then typed up the context included in my fanzine which was a lot of help because then
put this into my proposal on what I will create each day (a great plan which helped me)
and what my interview will be and the purpose once I had these, I was ready to start my
interview because I had everything planned looking back on these PowerPoints and
including the interview questions was less time consuming when it came to my actual
interview, I used all these questions. Lastly, I had created a planning page which I used
my socials to try contact fashion brands and influencers for my interview although this
didn’t go as planned, I think giving these a try was a great way to extend my planning
that extra mile.
Did you collaborate on your project or
engage contributors, etc.?
• For my project I did engage 3 contributors the first person was for my
experiments included in planning which the task was conducting an
interview with someone in the class which went well because I managed
to collect back the responses and wrote these up on word, I also evaluated
the interview and included a lot of detail which was a success the
contributor answered my questions in detail which was another benefit for
me when I had to write about my interview. The second person who
contributed was for my project interview in my fanzine I did manage to
find someone who is involved with the clothing business and has social
media themselves which was great and meant that my fanzine will look a
lot more interesting as it will appeal to my audience, and they could find
out information they want if they wanted to have their own brand etc. The
last person involved in my fanzine was my sister this was unplanned as I
wasn’t going to include anyone else but when it came to producing this
exact fanzine page, I had decided to pull in my audience even more I could
find someone else who has struggled with these certain subjects she did
write a statement which I then included onto the page for my audience to
read through and relate to which I think was a great add on to my project. I
was glad in the results that I included all these people because it really
made my fanzine even better and including people in a fanzine makes it
seem a lot more interesting for the audience as they will want to read
more, it also doesn’t make the fanzine as simple or basic with that extra
more to it.
How did you feel when the project was
completed and why?
• Once I had completed my project, I felt a sigh of relief because I had worked hard on this project and to keep
within the time frame was something I had to push through and spend more hours on the fanzine especially
I also felt happy because I had made sure I completed my improvements whilst the project was still going on
which I completed (over half term & in my spare time). However, I did also feel like I could have put a bit
more effort in near the end as I felt I did rush the last few slides with my article I would have rather gone
through these more to double check with spelling mistakes etc. and my back page cover because this was
the one which I had gotten feedback for improvements on so If I had extra time I would have gone back and
made a few improvements. From this I did feel a bit disappointed because I would have liked to make my
project the best, I could possibly make it however I am proud with my outcome, and it matches up well with
my research and other bits.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and what did you
learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible]
• A main point which was a positive throughout the project was my time management linking to my productive diary
which helped me get through a lot of my work in my time schedule, I think it was a good ides to log everyday and
talk about what went well etc. because I could then improve on my next production day. I also managed to hand
everything in on time which is a plus for me as I like to be organized with my work, I did try to plan how many
pages I would complete in a day, and I managed to complete more bits each day than I had expected meaning I
had time left at the end for my improvements from my tutor for a better outcome within my work. Another point
for me was my planning throughout the whole of my project because it helps me to make my products so
therefore when It came to pre planning my pages with layout plans I already knew the exact style I wanted to
achieve (proof of concept) which I had made two examples that also ended up looking very similar to my
outcomes with the same style fonts which was a positive as I had stuck to my planning which is what I wanted.
When it came to my production and creating my illustrations which turned out better than I expected which I was
very happy with as I hadn’t had much practice with this type of design, and I only made a few experiments
beforehand and the more illustrations I made for each page the better they had turned out so when it came to my
final pieces the outcomes where the best which I have made so far throughout the project.
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
• One major challenged I had faced when creating my fanzine was choosing my colour scheme especially for my front
cover page this is because I struggled with choosing one which would match well with the theme of images I was
using and the colour scheme to these peoples clothing that they are wearing as I like to match my colour schemes
well. Therefore, I began by trying out many different colours and took screen shots and included these in my
reflective journal to look back on and decide which would be best I finally had chosen a colour which also matched
with my back cover which was an aim for me. Another challenge which I faced was when I had first started
production and I didn’t like any of the outcomes of the first few illustrations which I had made I feel they didn’t
look as good as I had expected, and they seemed rushed which I do not like. They also didn’t match the type of
demographic which I was aiming for, and they type of styled I had planned especially as I wasn’t very experienced
with illustration images. I resolved this issues by then going home in my free time and doing a bit more practice on
these type of images because I wanted to create the best outcomes which I was happy with I then also found other
Instagram accounts which inspired me such as @plumandcoco and took inspiration and came back to college and
created fresh images with a lot more ideas and experience with this type of editing on Photoshop. The last
challenge which I faced was writing up my articles this is because at first I was unsure on how to write them out
and once I had put them together fitting them onto my fanzine pages was the problem because I didn’t want to
include too much text which would then put off the reader but I also didn’t like having too little text because I like
my work to be detailed so I then looked back through the articles and edited any little bits out and made my text a
lot smaller to fit it all onto the page. Whilst doing this i also didn’t know how to layout the text so I looked onto
issuu and existing fanzines to see the layouts of these (which I did in my research and planning beforehand) and
found many ways.
What were the negative points about the
experience, and what could you have done to
improve them?
• The negative points within my fanzine was when I had added in a
mini extra interview this was very last minute so I do feel Asif I did
rush this, and it wasn’t very long or as good standards as It could
have been I would have rather used a whole page for this and
explored more into it is seems very random and I decided on
including it because it filled up missing spaces which I should have
really looked backed on and improved on. In the future I will make
sure that I get to double check over my work and make sure I am
100% happy with every page or outcome.
• Another negative point for me was my back page image I didn’t feel
it was also as good as I could have made it, it was also my last page
to complete which I did also rush through some of the text is quite
out of line which I wasn’t happy with and didn’t notice until I
received my feedback. It was quite plain and boring which I thought
would look good but to improve this I would add maybe an image
onto the page or a bit more text on who created the fanzine
etc.(maybe linking social medias in) so my audience would be able to
find out more information and help. I wouldn’t say I had many more
negative points because I was pleased with my fanzine and had
added a lot of detail to it.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of
poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
• Foy my final piece I would rate this at a ‘good’ level because I was impressed with my outcome like I had
said, and I didn’t expect my outcome to be exactly how I had planned which is a huge success for me and it
appeals to the exact audience type which I was planning on aiming it at. There is definitely smaller bits which
in the future could have been improved on this is mainly as to why I wouldn’t rate my piece at excellent
because I feel I could have added that extra bits to get onto this level. Although the minimum pages for the
fanzine was 12 and I created the minimum I do feel adding more would have give my audience more choice
because looking back on my fanzine it seemed quite short. However, as I did spend a lot of time on each of
my pages for a first attempt, I think this is a very good fanzine and I am proud of what I have achieved using
my skills from Photoshop. I also wasn’t expecting my outcome to be as good as I had achieved which was a
great feeling especially when I had received my feedback and not really having any negative comments.
What is your opinion of your final piece? What
elements do you think are successful and why?
• Overall as I have mentioned I am very pleased with
my final piece I didn’t expect it to turn out as well as
it did, and I think all my pages matched with my
audience and was very professional. I picked out 3
elements of each pages which I think where the most
successful starting with my front cover, this was my
favourite page and I loved how my illustrations
looked. As these where the best I have ever created
(as to why they are on my front page) they stand out
a lot and I had added a mini shadow to them to
create a better effect, the shadow I had created on
the ‘&’ I also think gave it the extra touch but didn’t
look too much is exactly what I wanted to create the
font is clean and simple but the social media handles
stand out from the rest which I also like. The second
page was the social media page and I had created a
phone illustration I was also very pleased with this
because it did look very realistic the font was also a
favourite of mine which works very well with the
theme and illustration. Lastly my other two pages
were the hashtag page which I had included several
hashtags to support women and mental health this
was very successful because it was a way in which I
could connect with my audience and get them
involved in the movement to help with the effects
happening in today society. I also loved the design
layout I chose having a huge hashtag brought the
attention in very quickly. In conclusion these were the
main pages which stood out to me and are the best
elements which I produced.
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
• As the medium I worked in was a fanzine I feel that you don’t normally see that
many fanzine like the one I had created and when looking at existing fanzine I
found it hard to find ones which I knew I would want to re create. I have tried to
create the meaning of fashion through my illustrations and the quotes which I
had included, I included a lot of quotes on each page because I felt it gave the
deeper meaning away and I wanted to my audience to read them repeatedly to
get the words into their head therefore they will understand and want to reach
out and help. Working in the medium of fashion also can be very difficult as there
is a lot of different types of fashion however, I managed to to link in different
parts and link within social media which was a great way to bring in more than
one audience type. I also didn’t see many existing fanzines with a saturated
colour scheme therefore I wanted to change this and add a lot of colours so mine
would be different and I would inspire myself from this.
How did you design appeal
to your target audience?
• From looking back on my fanzine, I picked out 4 things which appealed and
stood out towards my target audience, and these appealed as firstly my colour
schemes which I included these where pink, purples and pastel colours I included
these mainly for my background designs of the gradient effects but also for my
illustration these colours a feminine and appeal more to the female audience
which is my exact demographic the lighter colours also appeal to a much younger
audience range of teens which is also the target audience I was going for these
colours were included throughout the whole of my fanzine therefore my audience
would know exactly if this type of fanzine would appeal towards themselves.
Another way in which my design appealed towards my audience was my
illustrations which I focused on including women and clothing pieces which stood
out towards my audience type a main page to my fanzine also focused a lot on my
target audience this was my hashtag page which included one big hashtag and
smaller ones surrounded which said things like ‘go girl’ which I included because I
wanted my specific audience type to get involved and be apart of this team with
other girls who have similar interests to come together I think this was a great way
to pull my audience in and is something different. All of these definitely appealed
to my audience type and I was happy with this outcome which I have achieved and
these where also all things which I had included within my planning.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a
• Overall success:
• Main success my fanzine appealed to my audience through images used, colour schemes
and the type of information I included was for my age range things such as fashion industry,
social media appealing to women.
• I got across my point of effects which are happening within this industry and social media
• I was also able to act upon these and get my audience involved through creating hashtags
which my audience can post on Instagram and use these to get across to people in the world
great a team.
• The layout and styles used are very appealing and professional its looks very realistic and
clean (put well together).
• I stuck by all my planning and didn’t change much of this which was great for me to be able
to look back upon and was something I wanted to keep the same therefore the whole
project links together and makes sense.
• The existing products in my research helped me to form together my own idea by myself
which I was able to expand on.
What elements did not go well and why?
• My back page image was quite plain as I didn’t have a much time as I would have
liked on this, I could have expanded this with a lot more detail I also rushed this
to make it look as simple as possible.
• Including extra mini bits when I was rushing to finish my pages to fill in gaps
wasn’t a good idea because they had no though process to them and some of it
didn’t really make sense and was very pointless of me adding in them little bits.
• Taking up a whole page each time to fit an illustration on was a bit simple I think I
could have written a lot more information if I hadn’t taken up these spaces a lot.
• The interview could have been even better if I had found someone through social
media or an influencer because I would have gotten a lot more responses and
would have been able to ask even more question but when I did my planning, I
didn’t hear back from any which I then had to chose my backup plan.
How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember,
skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation,
time management, communication, etc as well]
• I am a very organized person, but I felt from my research and creating a
production schedule this was a help because I looked back on this every
week to make sure I was completing the specific tasks in the correct time
or days. Linking to my reflective journal which helps a lot with both my
written skills and organization skills because I can create a diary and log
every bit of my work such as things that don’t work well and in my next
lessons, I would improve on these and learn from my mistakes. My
illustration skills developed because before I had started this project, I
didn’t know what illustration was to say I have come this far now I am very
happy with what I have learnt in the space of a couple weeks this is a huge
achievement for me. I also believe I have become a lot more confident with
my skills and trying out new things I am willing to give a go and not fear
how the outcome will look like, my time management has improved a lot,
but I feel I have always been good and finishing my projects on time and
making sure everything is done. However, with this project certain pieces I
had ran out of time with which is why I had to add mini bits in.
What meaning and messages did you want to
convey and were you successful?
• The meaning and message which I wanted to convey towards my audience was to raise awareness of what is
really going on behind the fashion industry that no one sees and how women are treated and objectified
throughout social media which I also wanted to raise awareness of the effects of social media brings to my
demographic of teens but also adults which links to how it effects peoples mental health with such things as
having to look or be a certain standard or body image I want to talk with my audience on these effects and
how they can be dealt with or slowly begin to over come them. Through social media I also want ,my
audience to realise the truths behind social media which is that it isn’t real and how people can fake a social
media life which then can bring others down on how they look themselves. Whilst I did this, I also gave out
facts on the fashion industry itself on how models deal with this life and what people don’t see that the
fashion industry isn’t all glam. The main way which I did this is by creating different hashtags for my
audience to use through social media to gather a team together know that nobody is alone which was very
successful [page in my fanzine I was also successful with the facts and raising awareness which was included
in my fanzine and my front cover gave away hints with social media which was also a great way to design the
layouts. The main reason as to why I chose this type of meaning and message is because I relate towards this
myself and it is a great way to help others who are struggling with things which I have overcome.
What feedback did you get from your peers
and viewings?
• Once I had finished my fanzine pages and put it together on flip snack, I uploaded this onto the teams group
chat for some feedback from other people in the class I managed to collect back three different responses
which I was happy with this was each feedback (below)overall, I was really happy with my feedback I had
mostly positive responses which is something I wanted and a lot of nice things was said I noticed the main
improvement to the Fanzine which two had pointed out my back page however, this is the style I was
wanting to achieve in my plan a very minimalistic back page because I didn’t want to draw as much attention
to this so I didn’t act on this improvement because I liked how my back page was. I did also notice one of my
responses to feedback couldn’t think of any improvements that could be made which is a positive to my
work and I am glad people liked my fanzine as I had put a lot of effort into it.
• “I think that this is really good. It's art style feels unique, the articles address important information explorable
and accessible to its audience in a well detailed manner, it feels like it's a creative product that's suitable for its
target context as well - not too professional to the point of being an official magazine, but also not extremely
amateurish either. It's clear that it is a fanzine/zine. If I had to suggest one improvement, the back cover does
look a little too empty to me, but I think its clearly an intentional choice. Well done on this”
• “So good, I love the style of the fanzine, the colour scheme is great and it's all cohesive. I love the '#' page. To
improve, I would maybe say to centre the text on the back cover, but overall great fanzine “
• “An amazing magazine, well detailed with important information and I really like that the information is
presented in a way where it is not overwhelming to read, lovely colour scheme that is used throughout the
whole fanzine, I really like '#' page that you did very simplistic but very nice, I honestly can't think of an
improvement for the fanzine I think the fanzine overall is really good!!!”
What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the
future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from
academic literature and professionals has helped and why?
• Before staring this project, I had zero knowledge on what a fanzine was I only
knew what a magazine was and thought it was this however once I got to
understand and did some research and found out it is different in its own way.
I've learnt a lot of new things such as how to create illustrations using
photoshop what tools are needed, how to form layouts for a fanzine different
apps you can use to help with this, what information needs to be included in a
fanzine and how a fanzine is different to a magazine and how to not got
confused and end up creating the wrong thing. All these things can help me
within the future for my next projects because I have learnt new skills which I
had no clue about and can use these to make my next projects turn out even
better. Knowledge from academic literature and professionals such as the
information I have looked into and researched will help me within the future
as my chosen topic was fashion, this is something I want to expand on with
my future and progress with into higher education so finding pout the
information now can help with my future of a fashion brand or at university.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
• If I was yet to make another fashion-based fanzine from looking at my outcome I think I would have made a lot
more pages because I felt my fanzine was quite short as I didn’t have many pages on social media (only 2) and
included in my fanzines was my illustration images which I created I think I would have made them a lot smaller
so I could have fit more information onto my pages as one single page would take up just one whole illustration
which then looked quite basic and bland which I didn’t really like. Another thing that I would do differently is
spread my text out a lot more because I struggled to fit it on one page therefore, I had to make my text a lot
smaller which made it harder for my audience to read so having two pages would have worked out a lot better
with my text. Lastly, I would have liked to have produced my interview in a different way by meeting in person
as I ended up doing this over text which was a lot harder, and I would have also liked to included a lot more
interviews for different audiences because then my audience would have a range of interviews to read and not
just one. I felt I could have made a better range of colour schemes to my fanzine because I only picked a certain
amount and re-used these colours throughout because I like to have a pattern however more colour schemes is
something I would add in for next time because my fanzine would stand out a lot more to the audience. Looking
back on my article pages I think I could have gone into a lot more detail with information on the fashion
industry as I only mentioned information on the model industry and body image, I didn’t get a chance to
include the problems with fashion waste etc., if I had more time this is a main point I would include.
How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please
identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example,
webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications.
• For the future I will develop my skills in design and print by looking into webpages
which could be things such as a clothing line to see how they create each design
and layout it could also be websites on fashion including information which I will
then be able to include in my own and develop my skills for my research
PowerPoints. I could also watch YouTube videos on things such as magazine
covers created using photoshop and develop more photoshop skills as I want to
focus on this more for my fmp it would be great to become more of an expert
with all the tools etc. as I have now learnt how to create illustration's tutorials are
a great way to learn new things and I really enjoy watching them as I feel I
understand them a lot more than following a written down tutorial. I could even
go the further step and look at books which include information on specific print
things and how o achieve the best outcomes this would motivate me a lot more
to achieve a highest outcome I believe. In the future I am looking to create my
own clothing brand so looking I to websites and social media links in a great way
to understand on how I can achieve these also YouTube videos which link in with
‘how to start a brand’ ‘what you need to know’.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
• I think I tend to overthink a lot when creating my products I don’t feel
Asif they are created at the highest level possible and tend to spent
too much time over doing one bit and not having time to finish of the
rest I think to ensure this I can start to set my self a level to my work
and not over work on one thing because I then don’t like my outcome
of it I also believe my communication skills can develop a lot more
when working as a team I tend to focus more on my own work and
don't share my ideas which I think is very important o open up when
working together this is something I can approach on trying out for
my next project and see how this turns out.

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L3 cmpt y2 evaluation

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyse your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made. Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? • The theme to my factual project was fashion and social media this is an ongoing theme for me especially when it comes to fashion as for previous projects, I have always chosen this aspect to focus on which leads me as to what attracts me to this theme. Ever since I began my media course and back in secondary school fashion has been a subject which I loved especially when I was younger as I was influenced by my siblings who would also love fashion and that’s what really got me into it, once I started my media course, I ended up finding the aspects which I enjoyed making which was the print side and soon found fashion which was something I wanted to focus on as a career. I also leaned more to the fashion side because I thought that it would be a great idea for a fanzine and as I had researched other fashion fanzines or social media, I loved the designs they had created, and I wanted to create a fanzine that would interest myself. I felt choosing this theme will also help me to develop my ideas for the future as I will be pursuing the social media marketing and fashion industry so this is a create time for me to create a fanzine which includes information on this subject because I can look back on it later (I will use it again). • when it comes to creating projects within my media course, I cannot chose something which I don’t have an interest in because this won't make me excited to start the project I always make sure the theme I focus on I have a lot of ideas for beforehand and know what I will be creating as this will then pull me in a lot more to a specific theme, so I think gathering ideas is very important and as I already knew a lot of information on the theme so then I was ready to make my product.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? • To start of my research, I had explored a range of ideas of the different types of fanzines I could create and ones that I had an interest in I had then chosen just one idea and began my existing products research. For this I used a website called issuu this helped me a lot because it already had many fanzines which related to my theme of fashion and social media fanzines, so this was a great start for me to find ideas which I then was able to add into my own work, it also helped develop my own project because I chose to look into more detail with specific pages on how the layouts looked and what was included on each page. This was also another positive within my research work because without ,looking at existing products and researching into them I think I would struggle a lot with a starting point and when looking into all the pages I was able to get a clear ides of how a fanzine is presented. Most of the fanzines I had looked at where around the similar target audience which was great because I wouldn’t have wanted to research a fanzine that wasn’t like my own because I wouldn’t take much information from it (it wouldn’t help me as much).when it came to making improvements within my research I also added in subject research which included finding facts on the effects of social media and the fashion industry + modelling industry this helped a lot for me especially when it came to my production of all my articles be cause I could then look back on these facts and add them into my article which made it a lot less time consuming and also helped develop my project even more.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? • Throughout my project I didn’t really have a lot of different ideas of themes which I wanted to focus on as soon as I began the project, I knew exactly what theme I would choose and topic because I felt this was the best idea which I would be able to develop more into. However, once I knew the exact theme, I wanted to produce I did struggle with how I would actually make these because I had no experience with illustration images as I had begun to create the very basics and I ended up not liking the outcomes because they did look basic and had no thought process behind them therefore I had to develop my ideas more and look into mini YouTube videos which I could find or look into existing products and also Instagram accounts who specialize within the illustration art side of things. Which I ended up finding a lot of inspiration from and I was also able to improve specific ideas I wanted to create for example I had the idea of producing on my front cover a very basic page which would include just one illustration and a title but I then looked for ideas and realized this is plain and I could develop this idea into having more than one person on my front cover but also link images to what will be included inside, therefore I added social media icons so my audience would understand that this fanzine also includes information on social media (I also added a thinking bubble) which was for the person to be thinking of social media 24/7 effects of social media I think this linked together really well. I also developed my colour schemes as my first idea was to include plain pastel colours purely because these appealed to my audience however when I began to create my pages using photoshop I came across the gradient tools which I was able to mix together colours I loved this outcome because it gave the pages that extra something and made the stand put a lot more which was another great improvement for my project.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? • Overall, I was very impressed with my final outcome because I didn’t really believe that I would be able to create something like this in this standard as I had looked beforehand in my research and saw amazing fanzines which I wanted to create, and they look very similar which I am happy about. I had managed to complete every part to my fanzine, and nothing was left behind which was a goal for me because I don’t like to leave my work unfinished so the whole fanzine looked good together, although I could have gone a bit further with my outcome and added a lot more pages etc. which would really finish it of and make it a lot more detailed in certain aspects. I was also pleased with my peer feedback which I received as I wasn't expecting to get such positive results which was great to see what other people think from their perspective and It can help me to see my improvements which are needed however, I didn’t really get any improvements which was even better to hear. As this was my first time creating a fanzine, I am proud of how my outcome and from my experience with print and magazines I think this is quite like a fanzine, so it helped me a lot with the designs and layouts side of it. Even though I was happy with my interview I do think this could have been a lot more professional and turned out better because it was over the phone which is a lot harder to get an answer through text, I should have done the interview in person but as they didn’t have much free time, I would have rather had a back up person. As in my planning I did try reach out to influencers and brand owners unfortunately I didn't hear back from any which was a negative to my outcome.
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? • Before I had started the factual project, I was quite unsure as to what the project involved because as we had options and I came across a ‘fanzine’ which is a word which I haven’t heard of before I had no idea as to what I was creating therefore I assumed I wasn’t going to enjoy the project and felt I wouldn’t be able to include my interest or choice of subject. As I didn’t know about a fanzine and I had chosen this to create I was worried that I wouldn’t create one that looked like a fanzine or end up leaning towards more of a magazine, so I had researched a bit more into what a fanzine was, and I then felt a lot better because it is a design- based project and I was excited as this was the first project back to the new year group, so I was ready to get stuck in. I also have a passion for design-based activities such as creating pages and layouts so I knew this would be something I would enjoy creating and have many ideas for as in previous projects when creating magazines this is something similar so I knew I would have a good head start to this. I was also happy that we got to chose which subject we wanted to focus on because it interests me more into the factual project therefore, I will put a lot more effort into the project and achieve the product to the best standards I possibly can. Within my self I was feeling a lot more confident when starting the second year of media as with covid happening it had changed when making projects (as we completed online ones) so being able to finally do a projects and interacting was scary but once I got into this, I felt a lot more confident with the work.
  • 10. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? • Included within my project development I had produced a mood board with a range of images which inspired me such as a lot of quotes which helped me to refine my ideas as I did use a couple of these and word them into my own, I also found a lot of illustration images which I loved the low colours on the backgrounds which I thought would be great to look back upon when creating my fanzine. I also then created both a style sheet which I had focused on colour schemes and fonts my colour schemes did slightly change looking back on my product however gathering lots of different ideas helps a lot for me to be able to narrow them down to a few, I created an extra bit of images which was vogue magazines because I felt I could find more information on the fashion industry and inspiration although I was creating a fanzine the extra knowledge is important to me. I then typed up the context included in my fanzine which was a lot of help because then put this into my proposal on what I will create each day (a great plan which helped me) and what my interview will be and the purpose once I had these, I was ready to start my interview because I had everything planned looking back on these PowerPoints and including the interview questions was less time consuming when it came to my actual interview, I used all these questions. Lastly, I had created a planning page which I used my socials to try contact fashion brands and influencers for my interview although this didn’t go as planned, I think giving these a try was a great way to extend my planning that extra mile.
  • 11. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc.? • For my project I did engage 3 contributors the first person was for my experiments included in planning which the task was conducting an interview with someone in the class which went well because I managed to collect back the responses and wrote these up on word, I also evaluated the interview and included a lot of detail which was a success the contributor answered my questions in detail which was another benefit for me when I had to write about my interview. The second person who contributed was for my project interview in my fanzine I did manage to find someone who is involved with the clothing business and has social media themselves which was great and meant that my fanzine will look a lot more interesting as it will appeal to my audience, and they could find out information they want if they wanted to have their own brand etc. The last person involved in my fanzine was my sister this was unplanned as I wasn’t going to include anyone else but when it came to producing this exact fanzine page, I had decided to pull in my audience even more I could find someone else who has struggled with these certain subjects she did write a statement which I then included onto the page for my audience to read through and relate to which I think was a great add on to my project. I was glad in the results that I included all these people because it really made my fanzine even better and including people in a fanzine makes it seem a lot more interesting for the audience as they will want to read more, it also doesn’t make the fanzine as simple or basic with that extra more to it.
  • 12. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? • Once I had completed my project, I felt a sigh of relief because I had worked hard on this project and to keep within the time frame was something I had to push through and spend more hours on the fanzine especially I also felt happy because I had made sure I completed my improvements whilst the project was still going on which I completed (over half term & in my spare time). However, I did also feel like I could have put a bit more effort in near the end as I felt I did rush the last few slides with my article I would have rather gone through these more to double check with spelling mistakes etc. and my back page cover because this was the one which I had gotten feedback for improvements on so If I had extra time I would have gone back and made a few improvements. From this I did feel a bit disappointed because I would have liked to make my project the best, I could possibly make it however I am proud with my outcome, and it matches up well with my research and other bits.
  • 13. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 14. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] • A main point which was a positive throughout the project was my time management linking to my productive diary which helped me get through a lot of my work in my time schedule, I think it was a good ides to log everyday and talk about what went well etc. because I could then improve on my next production day. I also managed to hand everything in on time which is a plus for me as I like to be organized with my work, I did try to plan how many pages I would complete in a day, and I managed to complete more bits each day than I had expected meaning I had time left at the end for my improvements from my tutor for a better outcome within my work. Another point for me was my planning throughout the whole of my project because it helps me to make my products so therefore when It came to pre planning my pages with layout plans I already knew the exact style I wanted to achieve (proof of concept) which I had made two examples that also ended up looking very similar to my outcomes with the same style fonts which was a positive as I had stuck to my planning which is what I wanted. When it came to my production and creating my illustrations which turned out better than I expected which I was very happy with as I hadn’t had much practice with this type of design, and I only made a few experiments beforehand and the more illustrations I made for each page the better they had turned out so when it came to my final pieces the outcomes where the best which I have made so far throughout the project.
  • 15. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... • One major challenged I had faced when creating my fanzine was choosing my colour scheme especially for my front cover page this is because I struggled with choosing one which would match well with the theme of images I was using and the colour scheme to these peoples clothing that they are wearing as I like to match my colour schemes well. Therefore, I began by trying out many different colours and took screen shots and included these in my reflective journal to look back on and decide which would be best I finally had chosen a colour which also matched with my back cover which was an aim for me. Another challenge which I faced was when I had first started production and I didn’t like any of the outcomes of the first few illustrations which I had made I feel they didn’t look as good as I had expected, and they seemed rushed which I do not like. They also didn’t match the type of demographic which I was aiming for, and they type of styled I had planned especially as I wasn’t very experienced with illustration images. I resolved this issues by then going home in my free time and doing a bit more practice on these type of images because I wanted to create the best outcomes which I was happy with I then also found other Instagram accounts which inspired me such as @plumandcoco and took inspiration and came back to college and created fresh images with a lot more ideas and experience with this type of editing on Photoshop. The last challenge which I faced was writing up my articles this is because at first I was unsure on how to write them out and once I had put them together fitting them onto my fanzine pages was the problem because I didn’t want to include too much text which would then put off the reader but I also didn’t like having too little text because I like my work to be detailed so I then looked back through the articles and edited any little bits out and made my text a lot smaller to fit it all onto the page. Whilst doing this i also didn’t know how to layout the text so I looked onto issuu and existing fanzines to see the layouts of these (which I did in my research and planning beforehand) and found many ways.
  • 16. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? • The negative points within my fanzine was when I had added in a mini extra interview this was very last minute so I do feel Asif I did rush this, and it wasn’t very long or as good standards as It could have been I would have rather used a whole page for this and explored more into it is seems very random and I decided on including it because it filled up missing spaces which I should have really looked backed on and improved on. In the future I will make sure that I get to double check over my work and make sure I am 100% happy with every page or outcome. • Another negative point for me was my back page image I didn’t feel it was also as good as I could have made it, it was also my last page to complete which I did also rush through some of the text is quite out of line which I wasn’t happy with and didn’t notice until I received my feedback. It was quite plain and boring which I thought would look good but to improve this I would add maybe an image onto the page or a bit more text on who created the fanzine etc.(maybe linking social medias in) so my audience would be able to find out more information and help. I wouldn’t say I had many more negative points because I was pleased with my fanzine and had added a lot of detail to it.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] • Foy my final piece I would rate this at a ‘good’ level because I was impressed with my outcome like I had said, and I didn’t expect my outcome to be exactly how I had planned which is a huge success for me and it appeals to the exact audience type which I was planning on aiming it at. There is definitely smaller bits which in the future could have been improved on this is mainly as to why I wouldn’t rate my piece at excellent because I feel I could have added that extra bits to get onto this level. Although the minimum pages for the fanzine was 12 and I created the minimum I do feel adding more would have give my audience more choice because looking back on my fanzine it seemed quite short. However, as I did spend a lot of time on each of my pages for a first attempt, I think this is a very good fanzine and I am proud of what I have achieved using my skills from Photoshop. I also wasn’t expecting my outcome to be as good as I had achieved which was a great feeling especially when I had received my feedback and not really having any negative comments.
  • 18. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? • Overall as I have mentioned I am very pleased with my final piece I didn’t expect it to turn out as well as it did, and I think all my pages matched with my audience and was very professional. I picked out 3 elements of each pages which I think where the most successful starting with my front cover, this was my favourite page and I loved how my illustrations looked. As these where the best I have ever created (as to why they are on my front page) they stand out a lot and I had added a mini shadow to them to create a better effect, the shadow I had created on the ‘&’ I also think gave it the extra touch but didn’t look too much is exactly what I wanted to create the font is clean and simple but the social media handles stand out from the rest which I also like. The second page was the social media page and I had created a phone illustration I was also very pleased with this because it did look very realistic the font was also a favourite of mine which works very well with the theme and illustration. Lastly my other two pages were the hashtag page which I had included several hashtags to support women and mental health this was very successful because it was a way in which I could connect with my audience and get them involved in the movement to help with the effects happening in today society. I also loved the design layout I chose having a huge hashtag brought the attention in very quickly. In conclusion these were the main pages which stood out to me and are the best elements which I produced.
  • 19. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? • As the medium I worked in was a fanzine I feel that you don’t normally see that many fanzine like the one I had created and when looking at existing fanzine I found it hard to find ones which I knew I would want to re create. I have tried to create the meaning of fashion through my illustrations and the quotes which I had included, I included a lot of quotes on each page because I felt it gave the deeper meaning away and I wanted to my audience to read them repeatedly to get the words into their head therefore they will understand and want to reach out and help. Working in the medium of fashion also can be very difficult as there is a lot of different types of fashion however, I managed to to link in different parts and link within social media which was a great way to bring in more than one audience type. I also didn’t see many existing fanzines with a saturated colour scheme therefore I wanted to change this and add a lot of colours so mine would be different and I would inspire myself from this.
  • 20. How did you design appeal to your target audience? • From looking back on my fanzine, I picked out 4 things which appealed and stood out towards my target audience, and these appealed as firstly my colour schemes which I included these where pink, purples and pastel colours I included these mainly for my background designs of the gradient effects but also for my illustration these colours a feminine and appeal more to the female audience which is my exact demographic the lighter colours also appeal to a much younger audience range of teens which is also the target audience I was going for these colours were included throughout the whole of my fanzine therefore my audience would know exactly if this type of fanzine would appeal towards themselves. Another way in which my design appealed towards my audience was my illustrations which I focused on including women and clothing pieces which stood out towards my audience type a main page to my fanzine also focused a lot on my target audience this was my hashtag page which included one big hashtag and smaller ones surrounded which said things like ‘go girl’ which I included because I wanted my specific audience type to get involved and be apart of this team with other girls who have similar interests to come together I think this was a great way to pull my audience in and is something different. All of these definitely appealed to my audience type and I was happy with this outcome which I have achieved and these where also all things which I had included within my planning.
  • 21. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 22. In what ways was the overall project a success? • Overall success: • Main success my fanzine appealed to my audience through images used, colour schemes and the type of information I included was for my age range things such as fashion industry, social media appealing to women. • I got across my point of effects which are happening within this industry and social media • I was also able to act upon these and get my audience involved through creating hashtags which my audience can post on Instagram and use these to get across to people in the world great a team. • The layout and styles used are very appealing and professional its looks very realistic and clean (put well together). • I stuck by all my planning and didn’t change much of this which was great for me to be able to look back upon and was something I wanted to keep the same therefore the whole project links together and makes sense. • The existing products in my research helped me to form together my own idea by myself which I was able to expand on.
  • 23. What elements did not go well and why? • My back page image was quite plain as I didn’t have a much time as I would have liked on this, I could have expanded this with a lot more detail I also rushed this to make it look as simple as possible. • Including extra mini bits when I was rushing to finish my pages to fill in gaps wasn’t a good idea because they had no though process to them and some of it didn’t really make sense and was very pointless of me adding in them little bits. • Taking up a whole page each time to fit an illustration on was a bit simple I think I could have written a lot more information if I hadn’t taken up these spaces a lot. • The interview could have been even better if I had found someone through social media or an influencer because I would have gotten a lot more responses and would have been able to ask even more question but when I did my planning, I didn’t hear back from any which I then had to chose my backup plan.
  • 24. How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation, time management, communication, etc as well] • I am a very organized person, but I felt from my research and creating a production schedule this was a help because I looked back on this every week to make sure I was completing the specific tasks in the correct time or days. Linking to my reflective journal which helps a lot with both my written skills and organization skills because I can create a diary and log every bit of my work such as things that don’t work well and in my next lessons, I would improve on these and learn from my mistakes. My illustration skills developed because before I had started this project, I didn’t know what illustration was to say I have come this far now I am very happy with what I have learnt in the space of a couple weeks this is a huge achievement for me. I also believe I have become a lot more confident with my skills and trying out new things I am willing to give a go and not fear how the outcome will look like, my time management has improved a lot, but I feel I have always been good and finishing my projects on time and making sure everything is done. However, with this project certain pieces I had ran out of time with which is why I had to add mini bits in.
  • 25. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? • The meaning and message which I wanted to convey towards my audience was to raise awareness of what is really going on behind the fashion industry that no one sees and how women are treated and objectified throughout social media which I also wanted to raise awareness of the effects of social media brings to my demographic of teens but also adults which links to how it effects peoples mental health with such things as having to look or be a certain standard or body image I want to talk with my audience on these effects and how they can be dealt with or slowly begin to over come them. Through social media I also want ,my audience to realise the truths behind social media which is that it isn’t real and how people can fake a social media life which then can bring others down on how they look themselves. Whilst I did this, I also gave out facts on the fashion industry itself on how models deal with this life and what people don’t see that the fashion industry isn’t all glam. The main way which I did this is by creating different hashtags for my audience to use through social media to gather a team together know that nobody is alone which was very successful [page in my fanzine I was also successful with the facts and raising awareness which was included in my fanzine and my front cover gave away hints with social media which was also a great way to design the layouts. The main reason as to why I chose this type of meaning and message is because I relate towards this myself and it is a great way to help others who are struggling with things which I have overcome.
  • 26. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? • Once I had finished my fanzine pages and put it together on flip snack, I uploaded this onto the teams group chat for some feedback from other people in the class I managed to collect back three different responses which I was happy with this was each feedback (below)overall, I was really happy with my feedback I had mostly positive responses which is something I wanted and a lot of nice things was said I noticed the main improvement to the Fanzine which two had pointed out my back page however, this is the style I was wanting to achieve in my plan a very minimalistic back page because I didn’t want to draw as much attention to this so I didn’t act on this improvement because I liked how my back page was. I did also notice one of my responses to feedback couldn’t think of any improvements that could be made which is a positive to my work and I am glad people liked my fanzine as I had put a lot of effort into it. • “I think that this is really good. It's art style feels unique, the articles address important information explorable and accessible to its audience in a well detailed manner, it feels like it's a creative product that's suitable for its target context as well - not too professional to the point of being an official magazine, but also not extremely amateurish either. It's clear that it is a fanzine/zine. If I had to suggest one improvement, the back cover does look a little too empty to me, but I think its clearly an intentional choice. Well done on this” • “So good, I love the style of the fanzine, the colour scheme is great and it's all cohesive. I love the '#' page. To improve, I would maybe say to centre the text on the back cover, but overall great fanzine “ • “An amazing magazine, well detailed with important information and I really like that the information is presented in a way where it is not overwhelming to read, lovely colour scheme that is used throughout the whole fanzine, I really like '#' page that you did very simplistic but very nice, I honestly can't think of an improvement for the fanzine I think the fanzine overall is really good!!!”
  • 27. What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from academic literature and professionals has helped and why? • Before staring this project, I had zero knowledge on what a fanzine was I only knew what a magazine was and thought it was this however once I got to understand and did some research and found out it is different in its own way. I've learnt a lot of new things such as how to create illustrations using photoshop what tools are needed, how to form layouts for a fanzine different apps you can use to help with this, what information needs to be included in a fanzine and how a fanzine is different to a magazine and how to not got confused and end up creating the wrong thing. All these things can help me within the future for my next projects because I have learnt new skills which I had no clue about and can use these to make my next projects turn out even better. Knowledge from academic literature and professionals such as the information I have looked into and researched will help me within the future as my chosen topic was fashion, this is something I want to expand on with my future and progress with into higher education so finding pout the information now can help with my future of a fashion brand or at university.
  • 28. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 29. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? • If I was yet to make another fashion-based fanzine from looking at my outcome I think I would have made a lot more pages because I felt my fanzine was quite short as I didn’t have many pages on social media (only 2) and included in my fanzines was my illustration images which I created I think I would have made them a lot smaller so I could have fit more information onto my pages as one single page would take up just one whole illustration which then looked quite basic and bland which I didn’t really like. Another thing that I would do differently is spread my text out a lot more because I struggled to fit it on one page therefore, I had to make my text a lot smaller which made it harder for my audience to read so having two pages would have worked out a lot better with my text. Lastly, I would have liked to have produced my interview in a different way by meeting in person as I ended up doing this over text which was a lot harder, and I would have also liked to included a lot more interviews for different audiences because then my audience would have a range of interviews to read and not just one. I felt I could have made a better range of colour schemes to my fanzine because I only picked a certain amount and re-used these colours throughout because I like to have a pattern however more colour schemes is something I would add in for next time because my fanzine would stand out a lot more to the audience. Looking back on my article pages I think I could have gone into a lot more detail with information on the fashion industry as I only mentioned information on the model industry and body image, I didn’t get a chance to include the problems with fashion waste etc., if I had more time this is a main point I would include.
  • 30. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. • For the future I will develop my skills in design and print by looking into webpages which could be things such as a clothing line to see how they create each design and layout it could also be websites on fashion including information which I will then be able to include in my own and develop my skills for my research PowerPoints. I could also watch YouTube videos on things such as magazine covers created using photoshop and develop more photoshop skills as I want to focus on this more for my fmp it would be great to become more of an expert with all the tools etc. as I have now learnt how to create illustration's tutorials are a great way to learn new things and I really enjoy watching them as I feel I understand them a lot more than following a written down tutorial. I could even go the further step and look at books which include information on specific print things and how o achieve the best outcomes this would motivate me a lot more to achieve a highest outcome I believe. In the future I am looking to create my own clothing brand so looking I to websites and social media links in a great way to understand on how I can achieve these also YouTube videos which link in with ‘how to start a brand’ ‘what you need to know’.
  • 31. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? • I think I tend to overthink a lot when creating my products I don’t feel Asif they are created at the highest level possible and tend to spent too much time over doing one bit and not having time to finish of the rest I think to ensure this I can start to set my self a level to my work and not over work on one thing because I then don’t like my outcome of it I also believe my communication skills can develop a lot more when working as a team I tend to focus more on my own work and don't share my ideas which I think is very important o open up when working together this is something I can approach on trying out for my next project and see how this turns out.