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Hannah Palfreeman
Production Process
When I started the research for this product I started to look at different genres of magazines. I knew that I
wanted to create a lifestyle magazine hence why I looked at 4 different lifestyle magazines. These were:
Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Time Out and People Magazine. I looked at the front covers, websites and
double page spreads. Looking back at it now I noticed that my this part of my research influenced my final
product in a obvious way. Time Out’s front cover is very simplistic with just a image, the title and the cover
line. This is something which I followed as you can see by my front cover with the Polaroid on the front.
Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan and People magazine didn't really influence my last product. I would say that this
was a weakness of my research, if I had spent more time researching the different types of magazines
which were more similar to Time Out, I might have been able to make my finished product better from the
research which I conducted at the start. In my research I analysed magazines, created a questionnaire and
had some responses from that as well as conducted my own interviews. The questionnaire started off very
well, I felt as though my questions were strong and assertive. However, I based my questionnaire on
reading magazines. Buying and reading magazines is not very popular anymore. This is something which
came across very strong in my answers from my questionnaire. Most of my answers were negative on
magazines which was very disappointing. The audience which filled out my survey monkey questionnaire
were younger than my target audience or they did not have the same interests as my target audience. This
was a weakness of my research, I didn't get the answers which I was hoping for it effected my final product.
If I knew what my audience wanted in a lifestyle magazine I could have adapted the ideas into my work
rather than just guessing and using to help.
Seen as though my survey didn't go as planed I decided to look at profiles for the audiences of
Cosmopolitan, People, Vanity Fair and Time Out magazine to give myself more of an idea what my
audience will be attracted by. I took more notice of the Time Out audience profile seen as though it was the
type of magazine which I was more interested in. These helped me a lot when I was producing my final
product because I knew what my audience would be interested in and how I could attract their attention by
their audience profile. This was definitely a strength of my research, I used the answers from the
questionnaire and the income information from the audience profiles to reach a sensible price for my
magazine. I felt that if I did not know the audience profiles that I would have struggled when I was in the
production time period. For the last part of my research I conducted 2 interviews with 5 questions:
‘Do you think media is a dying industry? and why?’ ‘What initially interests you in a magazine? And why?’
’What kind of magazines do you read? How could they be improved?’ ‘How do you usually hear about
different magazines?’ ’What would you want to see in a lifestyle magazine?’
These helped with my final product as the first question was to see if I should create a website as well as
having a print platform. This turned out to be very useful as it meant that I had decided to create a
magazine as well as a website. The second question was to see what I could do to attract the audience, I
took this into consideration when I started to create my magazine- the first interviewee said that the cover
needed to be interesting, the second interviewee said about the photography and the subject of the
magazine. I think looking back on my final products that I have achieved what the audience wanted in the
first two interview questions.
The third question helped me decide what I could do to attract my audience from their past experiences
with the magazines they read and how they would personally improve them. Interviewee 2 said that they
wanted more detail into the writing, I tried to achieve this goal. I completed 4 double page spreads which I
felt were full of detail, I agreed with the interviewee about the magazine having longer articles than more
short articles. I felt as though I achieved this in my final product. The fourth and fifth question helped me
decide what I would include in my lifestyle magazine. These interviews which I conducted really helped my
final product as it gave me first hand experiences of two people who read magazines and are rather
enthusiastic about the media industry.
The weaknesses of my research are very clear as I carried on with my production. I felt the main
weakness of my work was the questionnaire, if I had the time to improve this questionnaire I would have
done. I would have found more of a target audience which were interested in magazines instead of the
audience which filled out my survey who clearly didn't’t find magazines interesting. Another weakness
which I could improve is looking at 2 additional existing products, for the start of my research. I would try
find existing products which were very similar to my final product and see how they would compare now. If
I found additional existing products at the start of my research it might have changed the way my product
would have worked out. It might have meant that I could have made different types of material for my
magazine. Instead of having a coffee article I could have had a article which was similar to one of these
additional products.
When I was planning for my product I started off with my Initial Plans which made me think of what I
would like to make for my target audience and how I would interest the audience. In my planning period I
had to complete my initial plans, a proposal, production experiments and pre-production. I felt that there
was a lot of detail which went into these documents. At the start of this rotation the first document which
I completed was a Initial plans PowerPoint. This consisted of a initial reaction, 3 mind maps and a final
mind map for my idea. At first this I didn't know what I wanted to create, all I knew is that I wanted to
create a magazine. My initial reaction was very organised and explained the initial thoughts which I had
to the brief. Looking back at the initial reaction I said that I wanted to create a vintage classy design, this
isn't what my product looked like instead it looks very minimalist. Even though my magazine is simplistic
I personally would still be attracted to it. Now that I have completed my production and when I look back
at my reaction I don’t know what I was worried about as it turned out good. I created 3 mind maps
exploring different ideas. My mind map 1 was a lifestyle magazine with different articles (this is the idea
which I ended up doing for my project). I felt that this mind map was very helpful for my final product, I
knew clearly what I wanted to do and I stuck to the plan all throughout this process. I collected a range
of images for the mood board for this mind map, I found images of York and it gave me some ideas
where I could take some images and how I could apply different effects. My second mood board was a
vintage fashion magazine, the colour theme would be black, white and red. I had 3 articles which I could
have written as well as locations to shoot for the images in the magazine. This helped my final product
as even though I did not choose this idea I still used specific ideas from this idea (I used the location
ideas for taking photos). My last idea was something completely different to my final product as I thought
that it would be a good idea to plan something different. I think this helped my final product as it gave me
a clearer idea on what I wanted to created.
I think my initial plan PowerPoint was one of my strengths in this rotations. It felt as though I had everything
planned out clear and concise. I also noticed throughout my production I kept to the idea which I had planned
in my initial plans PowerPoint. My main strength was my final mind map which had every single bit of detail
which I needed to have a successful project, this helped my research as I had various ideas for articles as well
as a prepared equipment which I might need to book out. Another planning document I had to complete was
for my proposal. This is the second document which I completed. I came up with a name for my magazine as
well as the target audience for my product. I referred back to the target audience from my research to find out
my target audience. I also included some research on the National Statistics finding out how much middle
class spent on recreation and Culture- this was to help me find which social status the audience would fit into. I
felt as though the proposal was one of my strengths throughout planning. This was mainly because I felt
confident with my idea and I knew what I wanted to complete. However, looking back at my Project Concept I
said about contacting various shops which I did do. However, I did not contact the Botanist which was my
original plan. I think this part of my proposal was a weakness because if I had enough time I would have liked
to contact more independent shops, this might have meant that I could have created more articles because I
would've had more information to create another article. Another task which I completed, was my experiments.
I spent quite a while completing 11 experiments. These included researching different effects for images, I
think when I started my experiments I was on track with what I wanted to create. I started with a front cover
and then some double page spreads. Thinking about my experiments now I noticed that my experiments didn't
exactly help my finished product but it gave me the confidence to mess around with different effects. Learning
skills on Photoshop was a strength for my project as well as doing my front cover and Double Page Spread.
The weakness of my experiments was the fact that I didn't use any of the skills I learnt when creating my own
product. My magazine was very simplistic and natural, if I had edited my images it wouldn't of looked genuine
and would have not gone with my natural theme. I think if I could do my experiments again I would experiment
with different natural effects. Even changing the lightness and contrast would have effected my product more
than these experiments did. If I did more natural experiments it would have meant I could have added a range
of skills to my images which could have mean that my magazine would have looked more professional. The
next task which I completed what my Pre- Production PowerPoint. This consisted of a style sheet, Flat Plans, A
slide for any equipment which may be needed, Location list for photography, A contingency, health and safety
plan as well as a comparison between using a phone camera or an actual camera. This task was one of my
strengths of research, it meant that I had everything planned and any problems I had a solution to that. I was
very glad that I created a style sheet full of colours which could be used in my project. I ended up taking note of
the colours which I liked and used the green colour for my double page spreads. I think this was a strength of
my planning as if I had not completed a style sheet my colour theme could have turned into colours which didn't
look good together. I also created a style sheet for my fonts to see which ones I liked the most, I also asked
some of my class mates which shared their opinions. I ended up choosing a font which was shown on this slide.
Throughout my products this font is used. My flat plans were just a rough layout for each product that I might
create. I didn't stick to these flat plans as even though I had planned them once I had written my articles the text
wouldn't have fitted into the space which I left for the text. Even though I didn't use these flat plans I felt it was
still useful that I created them as if I did get stuck for layout ideas I could revert back to these plans and see
what my original plans were. In the end my front cover didn't’t look anything like what my flat plans were. I think
this was a weakness in my planning stage as I hadn't fully thought about my genre and the fact that the
audience wouldn't’t be interested in the flat plans which I had created.
The front cover flat plan was a weakness from my planning. The flat plan wasn’t aesthetic or simplistic unlike
the layout of my whole magazine. When I looked back during my production process I realised that I would
need something more natural. Seen as though I noticed that the flat plan didn't go with my layout I improved it
and with my front cover now I think it is very minimalist which is the look which I was going for. This made a
massive improvement which my work as it all looked the same and had the same layout and theme. The next
slide was about the equipment, I was unsure about the equipment which I would use between an actual
camera and a phone camera. I decided to experiment. I was glad that I discussed this, as if I had not explored
this then my images may have turned out rubbish. I think this was definitely a strength of my planning stage
as it made me more prepared and looking back on my final product I'm glad I explored this technique as my
images turned out really well and if I used a camera it might not have ended like that. Another strength of my
planning was the contingency plan and health and safety plans. I felt as though my contingency plan was well
thought of and if I did have a problem I could revert back to my contingency and figure out what to do. Health
and safety planning is always a good thing to have in case anything does go wrong, my solutions were very
detailed and the potential issues were very sensible.
Looking over all my planning documents I noticed that it was a strong topic and I took notice of all my
planning when I was creating my project. The few weaknesses which I did have might have effected my
project if I had improved them but overall I felt as though my planning which I had already conducted helped
me create the products which I am proud of.
Time Management
During my project I felt like I managed my time well. I tried to stick to the schedule which I made before
my production. The first week was spent doing Product and Audience Research. I stuck to this
schedule for this week and have everything completed by the end of the week. I felt like I managed my
time well in this week as well as in the 2 weeks which followed that. For this week I felt if I did have
extra time I wouldn't have needed it, I managed to get everything handed in and completed everything
to a high standard. Week 2 was my Product and Audience Research as well as starting my production
experiments. On the Tuesday I finished off all my research which was the main aim for this week, I
completed a larger audience profile to help with creating my production. This was something extra
which I knew I had time to complete because I was on top of my schedule. On Thursday I started my
experiments, I should have started them on the Wednesday so I was already behind schedule for my
experiments, this just meant that I had to speed up my experiments to get finished for the week after.
As I was a day behind I started straight away on my double page spreads and front covers. By the end
of the week I had completed my first 3 experiments which meant I was back on track with my project.
In the second week I felt I managed my time well even though I was a day behind, I caught up with all
the work I missed by the end of the week. The third week was finishing my production experiments. On
the Tuesday morning I started to make a website, I only made a home page for my website because I
felt through this I could get a little idea of what I wanted the layout to be like as well as I didn't want to
waste loads of time making a website just for an experiment. I then started to do more experiments. I
managed to create 11 experiments in the duration of a week. By the Friday I was prepared to start my
proposal and pre-production documents for the following week. I think if I had an extra few days for my
experiments I could have created more natural experiments which might have helped me create a
better front cover for my final product. However, I was still happy with the fact I had finished my
production experiments on time and I was prepared for the following week.
Time Management
The next following weeks were rather rushed, I wish I had use more time more wisely. My proposal
took a while to complete, I felt as if I had completed this earlier than what I did I would have been able
to put more detail in my pre- production especially in the style sheets. I wanted to make sure I had
finished all my planning documents before the following week as that was when I was starting my
production. By the Friday, I had squeezed all the time out of the week to finish and just before lunch I
managed to complete all the planning documents. I wanted to add as much detail as I could, if I had
additional time I could have added more detail into my style sheets or the contingency/health and
safety planning documents. I felt this week I could have managed my time more effectively than
rushing on the Friday to complete the documents. However, I finished my planning documents which
meant I could start on my production the week after. Week 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 was spent creating my project. I
had decided that the first week was for emailing independent shops for my articles which I had
completed on the Tuesday morning and I was just waiting for the responses from the shops. As I
waited for responses I edited my front cover with a few effects which I was just using the technique of
trial and error. I felt I had managed my time well on this day as instead of waiting around for responses
I started another task which became very useful. The following day I started one of my articles about
the best coffee shops. I created a rough layout which I would have time later to rearrange if I didn't’ like
it. I wrote the article and pasted this into the space which I had left. This was a productive day as I had
finished one of my articles in the second day of production. The next two days were focused on my
second article about York. By the end of the week I had made a start on my front cover and two
finished articles. I managed my time well in this week. However, if I needed more time I would have
the following week to correct anything. The 2nd week of production was aimed at finishing my front
cover and creating an advert for my website to pop up. My Photoshop document seemed to take
forever to edit the text, I decided that while it was frozen I would use my phone and create the advert
and then edit it on Premiere Pro. This was a good use of my time as if I
didn't create my advert in this space I would just be wasting my time just sat watching it load.
Time Management
After a few days I had completed a front cover, 2 double page spreads and a advert. This was very
productive and I still had two more weeks to complete another double page spread, a back cover and
a website. Over the next few works, I figured out that I would have enough time to create a contents
page as well as another double page spread for my project. Overall, I felt as though I managed my
time really well in this project as I was always on topic unlike some of my past rotations. I managed to
get all my work in for the deadline. In the space of four college weeks (16 days) I had completed:
s page
Technical Qualities DPS
Similarities: With my double page spreads it occurred to me that my columns
finished at different lengths, this is improved in the double pages to the left. The
existing product shows this layout with all the text ending on the same line which
is set. The layout of the articles and the existing product also have the same
layout with the stand first occurring at one point in the double page spreads. They
all involve a Drop Cap which is a convention of a magazine article. The existing
product is very classy but my lifestyle magazine and this product are rather
different but they have the same conventions which a magazine would have.
Differences: The existing double page spread is laid out differently to all my articles.
Its very simplistic with just the one large image on the left hand side of the double
page spread where as all my articles include 2 or more images on the double page
spread (excluding the events article- an advert is placed on the second page). I
decided for my articles I wouldn't’t use a background because I wanted my images
to stand out to attract the audience. The existing product has added a background
onto their text page, I think it does look effective but I wouldn't have personally
added on in because I wanted the green text to be a main feature as well.
Technical Qualities DPS
Colour theme: Main colour theme for all of the double page spreads is Green, White
and Black. The white and black give a classy outlook, it does look rather plain but the
green text brightens up the article. It gives it a more appealing view and stands out
against the background. The colour scheme isn’t very busy and has a simplistic tone.
The colours don’t take up all the attention unlike the existing products headline with
the red font above the text.
Images: My double page spreads have a range of different images. These are very
natural images which consist natural sunlight. The images have different tones in the
double page spreads but there is high key lighting in most of my images. The difference
between the images which I have collected and the image of the actress is the different
moods. My images are nature based and they explore the nature of York in the spreads
which feature York. The layout of the existing product is very similar to the spreads
which I have created. The text is in columns like a typical convention of a double
spread as well as there are images surrounding the articles.
Text + Font: The text throughout all my articles are the same, there are all written in
Minion Pro and the green text is minion pro bold. This gives a theme throughout my
articles and makes them all look professional. The existing product has most likely
chosen an Arial font as it is a typical convention of a double page spread. All my
articles and this product both have a Drops Cap at the start of every article, this is a
typical convention and gives the double page spreads a professional outlook.
Drops CapStand First
Stand First
Drops Cap
Colour theme:
Simplistic and
eye catching.
Colour theme:
- Very classy
colour theme
(attracts the
Technical Qualities Back Cover
Text + Font: The text on this back-cover advert is very plain and simple. The
text on the perfume bottle is very standard but I would have liked it to have
been more feminine as it looks very standard and not attractive. However,
when looking at the existing advert the text is very simple and plain which is
very different for a perfume advert. The colours of the text blends into the
model’s clothes which is very effective. This is the main difference between
my back cover and this back cover. My cover doesn’t stand out against the
background and it looks very out of place.
Images: These two adverts are very similar when considering the images. The two
model which are posing are in the same position, this is a very mysterious pose
which I like about my back cover. The existing product looks very professional and
the lighting is very effective. This would attract the audience. The difference
between the two images is that my back cover doesn’t look natural- the
background looks very staged and not real unlike the existing product.
Colour theme: The main colour theme for my back cover is pink, white and
purple. This is a very feminine colour theme which can inform the reader of the
magazine that this product is for females. This colour theme is very bright and
consistent unlike the Estee Lauder advert. The modern muse advert includes
the colour theme of black and white. This can be seen as being very classy
which matches the models pose. This is the large difference between these
two products, the one which I created is very bright and colourful whereas the
other product is very plain and simple.
Technical Qualities Front Cover
Colour theme: These front cover colour themes are very different in terms of
the colour themes. My front covers main colour theme is green and white.
This matches the articles in my magazine. The green and white colour
theme is very aesthetic and matches my nature themed magazine. When
looking at the other effortless existing product it shows a different side of the
nature theme. The black and white image stands out against the white
background and gives a peaceful tone. The pale colour stands out against
this black and white colour theme which is very effective. The colour theme
differs from each other yet they both have similar with the theme which they
are trying to achieve.
Images: The two front covers are very natural yet they have different lightings. My
front cover image is focused on the York Minster, it is very bright and the blue
background is very vibrant. The image is in the centre of the front cover the polaroid
with the image is placed. Normally, the readers eyes when looking at a front cover
look straight at the centre of the page. The image on the existing product is covering
most of the page which is very effective. The waves and the black and white colour
theme gives a very calming feel which might be shown throughout this magazine. The
layout of the text and the image is very effective as the front cover doesn’t look
crammed or empty. This is a similarity between these two front covers- they don’t feel
Text + Font: The text on these front covers is very effective. My front cover title is the same as all the titles
on all my products. The green flowery title is very aesthetic and looks good with a white background. The
text on my front cover is the same colour as the title, the text on the bottom stands out against the white
background. Both of the front covers aren’t crammed or empty it gives more room for text, however the
existing front cover decided not to add any cover lines- this is very effective because it adds more simplicity
for the front cover. The ‘Voyage’ text looks very simple in front of the nude box colour. The different text and
fonts in these two front covers give a simple and effortless look to both of the front covers.
Aesthetic Qualities DPS
I think my 4 double page spreads all look good and are the same feature. When I refer back to my
feedback, my peers commented on the coherent colour and how this gives it a theme. I think the way
the images have been merged into my articles is a very clever way as my York article is breaking the
rules with going across the two pages but I feel like it works. The way that my articles don’t look crowed
but have enough pictures and text to not feel empty. For my double page spreads I like how the green
colour theme makes a regular appearance, as well as the same fonts which makes my work look
professional and efficient. I think the green colour attracts the eye to what is important and what the
audience should read, the different colour also brightens the pages up and can attract the reader just
because its bright. I think if I could improve anything it would just be keeping the size of font the same
on the headlines to show a repetitive theme to do this I would look at each of the headline sizes and
judge which would look best and change them all to that size.This is something which I will look at in the future as I feel as though the
independent shop title looks very crammed together and that is not the
look which I have aimed for. I think the strengths of my articles is the
layout of the whole page, its very effective and doesn't look empty unlike
the double page spread experiment which I conducted. I think the
weaknesses of this project is the titles not being the same size- The
tracking style should be the same for each title. I think the events near
you advert is also a weakness as the models body stops half way
through and it looks a bit weird. If I felt like this was a big problem to
improve this I would take more photos of the model and add them into
my advert instead.
Aesthetic Qualities Front Cover
This was only a rough copy of my front cover as I decided to
change my front cover right at the end of my production.
However, I liked this design better than my first design because its
very simplistic and minimal. Even though I like it, I have decided
that I am going to improve it at a later date. I think this design
would appeal to my audience as its aesthetic with the polaroid
design as well as how it is laid out. I like the visual of the polaroid
in the middle, but what could make it more effective is having a
retro effect on the image inside the polaroid to make it more
believable, this could be improved very easily. I would also
improve the cover line layouts, they don’t look very appealing and
simplistic it just looks like they are just placed there instead of
carefully placing them somewhere were they might be more
effective. I would improve this by either getting images of the
cover lines and creating a montage like that or I would get rid of
the cover lines all together and make it even more minimal. The
barcode also looks out of place so I would think of a better place to
add that- I could rotate it to the side of the front page to make it
out the way or I could even put it on the back cover. I think the
date, issue and price looks good at the position which it is placed,
this is normally were it is on other magazine front covers.
The title font is the same in each of my products hence why I have used it for the front cover. This is good as it can
keep the same theme throughout my products. The green colour also stands out for my target audience.
The weakness of this product is the cover lines which I will find a way how to make them more effective and
attractive. The strengths of this product is the polaroid image. I really like this mainly because my target audience
will find it attractive and appealing.
Aesthetic Qualities Back Cover
This is my back cover, it is an advert for a perfume advert.
Personally I think that this product needs improving quite a bit. This
is mainly because of the background. The background is very bright
for an advert like this, the text is barely standing out against it. I
don’t think my audience would be attracted to this advert because of
the brightness and it is very crammed. To make this back cover
better and more original I would either look for a different calming
background rather than a busy one like this, I could always restart
my advert if I had enough time. The last option would be to edit the
background, this would including contrasting and adjusting the
brightness and the white balance to create a calming background. If
I adjusted the background it would mean that the perfume bottle,
model and title would stand out more than what it does now. I don’t
like the font which I have used on this advert either so I would look
for simple fonts which I could use which will stand out more. I would
also change the perfume bottle as well, it looks very out of place
and doesn't blend in how it is, I would find a new style or apply a
colour overlay so it wasn’t as bright but still I would want it to catch
the audiences attention. I don’t think there are any strengths in this
advert as it doesn't look very appealing and I personally wouldn't
buy that perfume if I saw the advert like that. The only thing which I
like about this advert is how the model is being portrayed. It looks
very mysterious and that
might make the audience feel intrigued to what the perfume is like. However, the weaknesses are the background
and the ”Petunia by Azalea” because it doesn't stand out at all.
Aesthetic Qualities Contents Page
This is my contents page, it is the second thing which the audience
comes across when reading my magazine from start to finish. I
really like this contents page as it is very original and I think it looks
good. The title is very simplistic but with the green text it looks very
aesthetic. The background is the same as most of my articles- I
think a white background is very appealing to the audience which I
am appealing to mainly because its really aesthetic and plain.
Everything stands out against a plain background which can be very
eye catching with the green colour theme. I like the image at the top
of the page which shows the British flags down a street in York. This
also stands out as the image itself is high key lighting and is very
bright. If I saw this content page in a magazine I would want to read
on and see what the articles are like. Even though I like the contents
page there are things which I could improve, I would improve the
‘Urban’ title at the bottom. I only added this to fill up the white space
at the bottom, however I think that was a mistake. I could have
easily create more articles to fill the space or leave the space. I like
the layout of the page, especially the green numbers which are
placed out evenly but if I could create more articles to entice the
audience into reading more of the magazine. If I did create more
articles I would make the image smaller at the top and move the text
up, where the Urban title is I would add more articles in this space. I
there was more strengths in this page then weaknesses, as I spent quite a lot of time making sure it was very
aesthetic and simplistic. As I have said previously, the only weakness which I felt could have been improved was
the out of place ‘Urban title’.
Audience Appeal
My lifestyle magazine was focused on the audience of a unisex
gender with the age of an 18-45 year old. I based this from
looking at the different audience profiles which I researched. I
felt as though the up to date content which I have provided in
my products would appeal to this target audience. A lot of the
younger generation like to travel around cities so to appeal to
this age group I included the attractions which might appeal to
them if they ever visited York. This would also interest the older
generation as they might want to go on holiday to a historic city
which has loads of attractions for the family or just for them.
The events article appeals to this audience as there are music
events which the younger generation might enjoy as well as
the theatre events which might appeal to the older generation.
When looking back at my questionnaire it was very obvious
that the audience which answered my questionnaire wasn’t the
type of audience which I wanted to appeal my products to as
this audience didn't seem very interested in a magazine
product. However, I did use some of the research which I found
out with my questionnaire to improve my product. One
question which
I asked was “If you do read magazines, why do you read them?”, most of the answers were about how they like
magazines to be informative- I used this information to make my magazine articles to be very informative to the
audience. I added more images into my articles to entice the audience as one of my questions from my
questionnaire was “what content would you enjoy in a lifestyle magazine” 54.55% of my audience said they
would like to see images more than anything else. I felt as though I had appealed to my target audience
throughout my project as I used the the profiles which I had researched from Yougov and the questionnaire
answers to help me produce a well thought out magazine which appealed to my 18-45 target audience.
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
Everything. Its fabulous, the colours are vibrant and express that you have put
a lot of thought into the colour scheme. The font used is a great selection. Its
basic but effect which helps clearly display the genre of the magazine.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
An improvement I would suggest is on the ‘petunia by azalea ’ post. I would
suggest editing the images lighting so that it blends with the vibrant colours.
This will give a more blended effect of the model and the back ground.
Also I would suggest adding in different textures of your font/experimenting so
that you get the most effect out of the product.
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
I really liked this because there is a different theme for every page there is,
also something which I liked would be the attention to detail with the
designs for each page because you can tell that there are no things which
look out of place, also something else which I like is the front cover to the
magazine because although it is quite simple it is very effective in what you
are trying to portray to your audience.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
The main improvement which I can see would have to be the first page
which will the floral background it looks like you have duplicated the same
image twice and you can see a like between the two images which isn’t a
really big problem but it something which you can see quite obviously, But
overall I think that it is a really good piece of work which you have
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
I very much like the layout of all the DPS and the way the images have
been incorporated. It doesn’t feel empty, nor does it feel crowded. The
coherent colour schemes nicely tie everything together and give the
magazine theme and make it easy to pick out certain pieces of information.
The way you have used capitalisation as well as well as different
thicknesses of text (I forgot the correct term) is very efficient in guiding the
eye to what's important. The visual hierarchy is a 10/10.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
I think the petunia by azalea image could do with a little bit of contrast and
colour work as the flowers are very vibrant and bright with some contrast
but the other elements such as the bottle and the model. Could do with a
little more contrast just so it all blends together a little more however I think
you could fix this by adding contrast over the whole image.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?
– Overall, I think my feedback was generally good. I agree with all of the
feedback which I had received. The first feedback which I received was very
positive and I agreed with the font opinion. The improvements which this
person suggested is about my back cover and I completely agree with
editing my background. The second feedback which I received
complimented the attention to detail with the designs for each page. The
improvement which this person left was the same as feedback 1. The said
that they could tell that I just duplicated the same image. This is something
which I needed to improve and I completely agreed with what they said. The
third person put a lot of detail in their feedback which I agreed with. They
suggested that I should contrast and work on the flowers for my back cover.
This showed that I needed to work on my back cover for my main
improvement. I'm glad I got this type of feedback as it made me realise what
I needed to focus my attention on.
• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?
– I don’t disagree with anything from my peer feedback, I felt everything was
accurate which what they stated. The improvements which I received were
bang on as I knew that this needed to be improved.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What changes would you make to your product based upon your
peer feedback and why?
There would only be one change which I would make to my product based on my
feedback which I received and that would be changing my back cover. I would change
the back cover because my target audience wouldn't be attracted to this perfume
because the advert looks tacky not classy. I agreed that the back cover didn't look
aesthetic and it wasn’t the type of style which I wanted to achieve. The background is
very vibrant- that vibrant that I couldn't get a colour which would stand against the
background. I would either look for a different background or restart the whole back
cover all over again. I could also edit the background which could test my Photoshop
skills, I could contrast the background but leave the Perfume bottle and the model. This
would make the model and perfume bottle stand out against the background.

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7. Evaluation

  • 3. Research When I started the research for this product I started to look at different genres of magazines. I knew that I wanted to create a lifestyle magazine hence why I looked at 4 different lifestyle magazines. These were: Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Time Out and People Magazine. I looked at the front covers, websites and double page spreads. Looking back at it now I noticed that my this part of my research influenced my final product in a obvious way. Time Out’s front cover is very simplistic with just a image, the title and the cover line. This is something which I followed as you can see by my front cover with the Polaroid on the front. Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan and People magazine didn't really influence my last product. I would say that this was a weakness of my research, if I had spent more time researching the different types of magazines which were more similar to Time Out, I might have been able to make my finished product better from the research which I conducted at the start. In my research I analysed magazines, created a questionnaire and had some responses from that as well as conducted my own interviews. The questionnaire started off very well, I felt as though my questions were strong and assertive. However, I based my questionnaire on reading magazines. Buying and reading magazines is not very popular anymore. This is something which came across very strong in my answers from my questionnaire. Most of my answers were negative on magazines which was very disappointing. The audience which filled out my survey monkey questionnaire were younger than my target audience or they did not have the same interests as my target audience. This was a weakness of my research, I didn't get the answers which I was hoping for it effected my final product. If I knew what my audience wanted in a lifestyle magazine I could have adapted the ideas into my work rather than just guessing and using to help.
  • 4. Research Seen as though my survey didn't go as planed I decided to look at profiles for the audiences of Cosmopolitan, People, Vanity Fair and Time Out magazine to give myself more of an idea what my audience will be attracted by. I took more notice of the Time Out audience profile seen as though it was the type of magazine which I was more interested in. These helped me a lot when I was producing my final product because I knew what my audience would be interested in and how I could attract their attention by their audience profile. This was definitely a strength of my research, I used the answers from the questionnaire and the income information from the audience profiles to reach a sensible price for my magazine. I felt that if I did not know the audience profiles that I would have struggled when I was in the production time period. For the last part of my research I conducted 2 interviews with 5 questions: ‘Do you think media is a dying industry? and why?’ ‘What initially interests you in a magazine? And why?’ ’What kind of magazines do you read? How could they be improved?’ ‘How do you usually hear about different magazines?’ ’What would you want to see in a lifestyle magazine?’ These helped with my final product as the first question was to see if I should create a website as well as having a print platform. This turned out to be very useful as it meant that I had decided to create a magazine as well as a website. The second question was to see what I could do to attract the audience, I took this into consideration when I started to create my magazine- the first interviewee said that the cover needed to be interesting, the second interviewee said about the photography and the subject of the magazine. I think looking back on my final products that I have achieved what the audience wanted in the first two interview questions.
  • 5. Research The third question helped me decide what I could do to attract my audience from their past experiences with the magazines they read and how they would personally improve them. Interviewee 2 said that they wanted more detail into the writing, I tried to achieve this goal. I completed 4 double page spreads which I felt were full of detail, I agreed with the interviewee about the magazine having longer articles than more short articles. I felt as though I achieved this in my final product. The fourth and fifth question helped me decide what I would include in my lifestyle magazine. These interviews which I conducted really helped my final product as it gave me first hand experiences of two people who read magazines and are rather enthusiastic about the media industry. The weaknesses of my research are very clear as I carried on with my production. I felt the main weakness of my work was the questionnaire, if I had the time to improve this questionnaire I would have done. I would have found more of a target audience which were interested in magazines instead of the audience which filled out my survey who clearly didn't’t find magazines interesting. Another weakness which I could improve is looking at 2 additional existing products, for the start of my research. I would try find existing products which were very similar to my final product and see how they would compare now. If I found additional existing products at the start of my research it might have changed the way my product would have worked out. It might have meant that I could have made different types of material for my magazine. Instead of having a coffee article I could have had a article which was similar to one of these additional products.
  • 6. Planning When I was planning for my product I started off with my Initial Plans which made me think of what I would like to make for my target audience and how I would interest the audience. In my planning period I had to complete my initial plans, a proposal, production experiments and pre-production. I felt that there was a lot of detail which went into these documents. At the start of this rotation the first document which I completed was a Initial plans PowerPoint. This consisted of a initial reaction, 3 mind maps and a final mind map for my idea. At first this I didn't know what I wanted to create, all I knew is that I wanted to create a magazine. My initial reaction was very organised and explained the initial thoughts which I had to the brief. Looking back at the initial reaction I said that I wanted to create a vintage classy design, this isn't what my product looked like instead it looks very minimalist. Even though my magazine is simplistic I personally would still be attracted to it. Now that I have completed my production and when I look back at my reaction I don’t know what I was worried about as it turned out good. I created 3 mind maps exploring different ideas. My mind map 1 was a lifestyle magazine with different articles (this is the idea which I ended up doing for my project). I felt that this mind map was very helpful for my final product, I knew clearly what I wanted to do and I stuck to the plan all throughout this process. I collected a range of images for the mood board for this mind map, I found images of York and it gave me some ideas where I could take some images and how I could apply different effects. My second mood board was a vintage fashion magazine, the colour theme would be black, white and red. I had 3 articles which I could have written as well as locations to shoot for the images in the magazine. This helped my final product as even though I did not choose this idea I still used specific ideas from this idea (I used the location ideas for taking photos). My last idea was something completely different to my final product as I thought that it would be a good idea to plan something different. I think this helped my final product as it gave me a clearer idea on what I wanted to created.
  • 7. Planning I think my initial plan PowerPoint was one of my strengths in this rotations. It felt as though I had everything planned out clear and concise. I also noticed throughout my production I kept to the idea which I had planned in my initial plans PowerPoint. My main strength was my final mind map which had every single bit of detail which I needed to have a successful project, this helped my research as I had various ideas for articles as well as a prepared equipment which I might need to book out. Another planning document I had to complete was for my proposal. This is the second document which I completed. I came up with a name for my magazine as well as the target audience for my product. I referred back to the target audience from my research to find out my target audience. I also included some research on the National Statistics finding out how much middle class spent on recreation and Culture- this was to help me find which social status the audience would fit into. I felt as though the proposal was one of my strengths throughout planning. This was mainly because I felt confident with my idea and I knew what I wanted to complete. However, looking back at my Project Concept I said about contacting various shops which I did do. However, I did not contact the Botanist which was my original plan. I think this part of my proposal was a weakness because if I had enough time I would have liked to contact more independent shops, this might have meant that I could have created more articles because I would've had more information to create another article. Another task which I completed, was my experiments. I spent quite a while completing 11 experiments. These included researching different effects for images, I think when I started my experiments I was on track with what I wanted to create. I started with a front cover and then some double page spreads. Thinking about my experiments now I noticed that my experiments didn't exactly help my finished product but it gave me the confidence to mess around with different effects. Learning skills on Photoshop was a strength for my project as well as doing my front cover and Double Page Spread.
  • 8. Planning The weakness of my experiments was the fact that I didn't use any of the skills I learnt when creating my own product. My magazine was very simplistic and natural, if I had edited my images it wouldn't of looked genuine and would have not gone with my natural theme. I think if I could do my experiments again I would experiment with different natural effects. Even changing the lightness and contrast would have effected my product more than these experiments did. If I did more natural experiments it would have meant I could have added a range of skills to my images which could have mean that my magazine would have looked more professional. The next task which I completed what my Pre- Production PowerPoint. This consisted of a style sheet, Flat Plans, A slide for any equipment which may be needed, Location list for photography, A contingency, health and safety plan as well as a comparison between using a phone camera or an actual camera. This task was one of my strengths of research, it meant that I had everything planned and any problems I had a solution to that. I was very glad that I created a style sheet full of colours which could be used in my project. I ended up taking note of the colours which I liked and used the green colour for my double page spreads. I think this was a strength of my planning as if I had not completed a style sheet my colour theme could have turned into colours which didn't look good together. I also created a style sheet for my fonts to see which ones I liked the most, I also asked some of my class mates which shared their opinions. I ended up choosing a font which was shown on this slide. Throughout my products this font is used. My flat plans were just a rough layout for each product that I might create. I didn't stick to these flat plans as even though I had planned them once I had written my articles the text wouldn't have fitted into the space which I left for the text. Even though I didn't use these flat plans I felt it was still useful that I created them as if I did get stuck for layout ideas I could revert back to these plans and see what my original plans were. In the end my front cover didn't’t look anything like what my flat plans were. I think this was a weakness in my planning stage as I hadn't fully thought about my genre and the fact that the audience wouldn't’t be interested in the flat plans which I had created.
  • 9. Planning The front cover flat plan was a weakness from my planning. The flat plan wasn’t aesthetic or simplistic unlike the layout of my whole magazine. When I looked back during my production process I realised that I would need something more natural. Seen as though I noticed that the flat plan didn't go with my layout I improved it and with my front cover now I think it is very minimalist which is the look which I was going for. This made a massive improvement which my work as it all looked the same and had the same layout and theme. The next slide was about the equipment, I was unsure about the equipment which I would use between an actual camera and a phone camera. I decided to experiment. I was glad that I discussed this, as if I had not explored this then my images may have turned out rubbish. I think this was definitely a strength of my planning stage as it made me more prepared and looking back on my final product I'm glad I explored this technique as my images turned out really well and if I used a camera it might not have ended like that. Another strength of my planning was the contingency plan and health and safety plans. I felt as though my contingency plan was well thought of and if I did have a problem I could revert back to my contingency and figure out what to do. Health and safety planning is always a good thing to have in case anything does go wrong, my solutions were very detailed and the potential issues were very sensible. Looking over all my planning documents I noticed that it was a strong topic and I took notice of all my planning when I was creating my project. The few weaknesses which I did have might have effected my project if I had improved them but overall I felt as though my planning which I had already conducted helped me create the products which I am proud of.
  • 10. Time Management During my project I felt like I managed my time well. I tried to stick to the schedule which I made before my production. The first week was spent doing Product and Audience Research. I stuck to this schedule for this week and have everything completed by the end of the week. I felt like I managed my time well in this week as well as in the 2 weeks which followed that. For this week I felt if I did have extra time I wouldn't have needed it, I managed to get everything handed in and completed everything to a high standard. Week 2 was my Product and Audience Research as well as starting my production experiments. On the Tuesday I finished off all my research which was the main aim for this week, I completed a larger audience profile to help with creating my production. This was something extra which I knew I had time to complete because I was on top of my schedule. On Thursday I started my experiments, I should have started them on the Wednesday so I was already behind schedule for my experiments, this just meant that I had to speed up my experiments to get finished for the week after. As I was a day behind I started straight away on my double page spreads and front covers. By the end of the week I had completed my first 3 experiments which meant I was back on track with my project. In the second week I felt I managed my time well even though I was a day behind, I caught up with all the work I missed by the end of the week. The third week was finishing my production experiments. On the Tuesday morning I started to make a website, I only made a home page for my website because I felt through this I could get a little idea of what I wanted the layout to be like as well as I didn't want to waste loads of time making a website just for an experiment. I then started to do more experiments. I managed to create 11 experiments in the duration of a week. By the Friday I was prepared to start my proposal and pre-production documents for the following week. I think if I had an extra few days for my experiments I could have created more natural experiments which might have helped me create a better front cover for my final product. However, I was still happy with the fact I had finished my production experiments on time and I was prepared for the following week.
  • 11. Time Management The next following weeks were rather rushed, I wish I had use more time more wisely. My proposal took a while to complete, I felt as if I had completed this earlier than what I did I would have been able to put more detail in my pre- production especially in the style sheets. I wanted to make sure I had finished all my planning documents before the following week as that was when I was starting my production. By the Friday, I had squeezed all the time out of the week to finish and just before lunch I managed to complete all the planning documents. I wanted to add as much detail as I could, if I had additional time I could have added more detail into my style sheets or the contingency/health and safety planning documents. I felt this week I could have managed my time more effectively than rushing on the Friday to complete the documents. However, I finished my planning documents which meant I could start on my production the week after. Week 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 was spent creating my project. I had decided that the first week was for emailing independent shops for my articles which I had completed on the Tuesday morning and I was just waiting for the responses from the shops. As I waited for responses I edited my front cover with a few effects which I was just using the technique of trial and error. I felt I had managed my time well on this day as instead of waiting around for responses I started another task which became very useful. The following day I started one of my articles about the best coffee shops. I created a rough layout which I would have time later to rearrange if I didn't’ like it. I wrote the article and pasted this into the space which I had left. This was a productive day as I had finished one of my articles in the second day of production. The next two days were focused on my second article about York. By the end of the week I had made a start on my front cover and two finished articles. I managed my time well in this week. However, if I needed more time I would have the following week to correct anything. The 2nd week of production was aimed at finishing my front cover and creating an advert for my website to pop up. My Photoshop document seemed to take forever to edit the text, I decided that while it was frozen I would use my phone and create the advert and then edit it on Premiere Pro. This was a good use of my time as if I didn't create my advert in this space I would just be wasting my time just sat watching it load.
  • 12. Time Management After a few days I had completed a front cover, 2 double page spreads and a advert. This was very productive and I still had two more weeks to complete another double page spread, a back cover and a website. Over the next few works, I figured out that I would have enough time to create a contents page as well as another double page spread for my project. Overall, I felt as though I managed my time really well in this project as I was always on topic unlike some of my past rotations. I managed to get all my work in for the deadline. In the space of four college weeks (16 days) I had completed: Back Cover Front Cover DPS DPS DPS DPS Content s page Website:
  • 13. Technical Qualities DPS Similarities: With my double page spreads it occurred to me that my columns finished at different lengths, this is improved in the double pages to the left. The existing product shows this layout with all the text ending on the same line which is set. The layout of the articles and the existing product also have the same layout with the stand first occurring at one point in the double page spreads. They all involve a Drop Cap which is a convention of a magazine article. The existing product is very classy but my lifestyle magazine and this product are rather different but they have the same conventions which a magazine would have. Differences: The existing double page spread is laid out differently to all my articles. Its very simplistic with just the one large image on the left hand side of the double page spread where as all my articles include 2 or more images on the double page spread (excluding the events article- an advert is placed on the second page). I decided for my articles I wouldn't’t use a background because I wanted my images to stand out to attract the audience. The existing product has added a background onto their text page, I think it does look effective but I wouldn't have personally added on in because I wanted the green text to be a main feature as well.
  • 14. Technical Qualities DPS Colour theme: Main colour theme for all of the double page spreads is Green, White and Black. The white and black give a classy outlook, it does look rather plain but the green text brightens up the article. It gives it a more appealing view and stands out against the background. The colour scheme isn’t very busy and has a simplistic tone. The colours don’t take up all the attention unlike the existing products headline with the red font above the text. Images: My double page spreads have a range of different images. These are very natural images which consist natural sunlight. The images have different tones in the double page spreads but there is high key lighting in most of my images. The difference between the images which I have collected and the image of the actress is the different moods. My images are nature based and they explore the nature of York in the spreads which feature York. The layout of the existing product is very similar to the spreads which I have created. The text is in columns like a typical convention of a double spread as well as there are images surrounding the articles. Text + Font: The text throughout all my articles are the same, there are all written in Minion Pro and the green text is minion pro bold. This gives a theme throughout my articles and makes them all look professional. The existing product has most likely chosen an Arial font as it is a typical convention of a double page spread. All my articles and this product both have a Drops Cap at the start of every article, this is a typical convention and gives the double page spreads a professional outlook.
  • 15. Headline Headline Drops CapStand First Stand First Drops Cap Colour theme: Green/Blues/ Yellow/Black- Very Simplistic and eye catching. Colour theme: Red/White/Black - Very classy colour theme (attracts the audience)
  • 16. Technical Qualities Back Cover Text + Font: The text on this back-cover advert is very plain and simple. The text on the perfume bottle is very standard but I would have liked it to have been more feminine as it looks very standard and not attractive. However, when looking at the existing advert the text is very simple and plain which is very different for a perfume advert. The colours of the text blends into the model’s clothes which is very effective. This is the main difference between my back cover and this back cover. My cover doesn’t stand out against the background and it looks very out of place. Images: These two adverts are very similar when considering the images. The two model which are posing are in the same position, this is a very mysterious pose which I like about my back cover. The existing product looks very professional and the lighting is very effective. This would attract the audience. The difference between the two images is that my back cover doesn’t look natural- the background looks very staged and not real unlike the existing product. Colour theme: The main colour theme for my back cover is pink, white and purple. This is a very feminine colour theme which can inform the reader of the magazine that this product is for females. This colour theme is very bright and consistent unlike the Estee Lauder advert. The modern muse advert includes the colour theme of black and white. This can be seen as being very classy which matches the models pose. This is the large difference between these two products, the one which I created is very bright and colourful whereas the other product is very plain and simple.
  • 17. Technical Qualities Front Cover Colour theme: These front cover colour themes are very different in terms of the colour themes. My front covers main colour theme is green and white. This matches the articles in my magazine. The green and white colour theme is very aesthetic and matches my nature themed magazine. When looking at the other effortless existing product it shows a different side of the nature theme. The black and white image stands out against the white background and gives a peaceful tone. The pale colour stands out against this black and white colour theme which is very effective. The colour theme differs from each other yet they both have similar with the theme which they are trying to achieve. Images: The two front covers are very natural yet they have different lightings. My front cover image is focused on the York Minster, it is very bright and the blue background is very vibrant. The image is in the centre of the front cover the polaroid with the image is placed. Normally, the readers eyes when looking at a front cover look straight at the centre of the page. The image on the existing product is covering most of the page which is very effective. The waves and the black and white colour theme gives a very calming feel which might be shown throughout this magazine. The layout of the text and the image is very effective as the front cover doesn’t look crammed or empty. This is a similarity between these two front covers- they don’t feel Text + Font: The text on these front covers is very effective. My front cover title is the same as all the titles on all my products. The green flowery title is very aesthetic and looks good with a white background. The text on my front cover is the same colour as the title, the text on the bottom stands out against the white background. Both of the front covers aren’t crammed or empty it gives more room for text, however the existing front cover decided not to add any cover lines- this is very effective because it adds more simplicity for the front cover. The ‘Voyage’ text looks very simple in front of the nude box colour. The different text and fonts in these two front covers give a simple and effortless look to both of the front covers.
  • 18. Aesthetic Qualities DPS I think my 4 double page spreads all look good and are the same feature. When I refer back to my feedback, my peers commented on the coherent colour and how this gives it a theme. I think the way the images have been merged into my articles is a very clever way as my York article is breaking the rules with going across the two pages but I feel like it works. The way that my articles don’t look crowed but have enough pictures and text to not feel empty. For my double page spreads I like how the green colour theme makes a regular appearance, as well as the same fonts which makes my work look professional and efficient. I think the green colour attracts the eye to what is important and what the audience should read, the different colour also brightens the pages up and can attract the reader just because its bright. I think if I could improve anything it would just be keeping the size of font the same on the headlines to show a repetitive theme to do this I would look at each of the headline sizes and judge which would look best and change them all to that size.This is something which I will look at in the future as I feel as though the independent shop title looks very crammed together and that is not the look which I have aimed for. I think the strengths of my articles is the layout of the whole page, its very effective and doesn't look empty unlike the double page spread experiment which I conducted. I think the weaknesses of this project is the titles not being the same size- The tracking style should be the same for each title. I think the events near you advert is also a weakness as the models body stops half way through and it looks a bit weird. If I felt like this was a big problem to improve this I would take more photos of the model and add them into my advert instead.
  • 19. Aesthetic Qualities Front Cover This was only a rough copy of my front cover as I decided to change my front cover right at the end of my production. However, I liked this design better than my first design because its very simplistic and minimal. Even though I like it, I have decided that I am going to improve it at a later date. I think this design would appeal to my audience as its aesthetic with the polaroid design as well as how it is laid out. I like the visual of the polaroid in the middle, but what could make it more effective is having a retro effect on the image inside the polaroid to make it more believable, this could be improved very easily. I would also improve the cover line layouts, they don’t look very appealing and simplistic it just looks like they are just placed there instead of carefully placing them somewhere were they might be more effective. I would improve this by either getting images of the cover lines and creating a montage like that or I would get rid of the cover lines all together and make it even more minimal. The barcode also looks out of place so I would think of a better place to add that- I could rotate it to the side of the front page to make it out the way or I could even put it on the back cover. I think the date, issue and price looks good at the position which it is placed, this is normally were it is on other magazine front covers. The title font is the same in each of my products hence why I have used it for the front cover. This is good as it can keep the same theme throughout my products. The green colour also stands out for my target audience. The weakness of this product is the cover lines which I will find a way how to make them more effective and attractive. The strengths of this product is the polaroid image. I really like this mainly because my target audience will find it attractive and appealing.
  • 20. Aesthetic Qualities Back Cover This is my back cover, it is an advert for a perfume advert. Personally I think that this product needs improving quite a bit. This is mainly because of the background. The background is very bright for an advert like this, the text is barely standing out against it. I don’t think my audience would be attracted to this advert because of the brightness and it is very crammed. To make this back cover better and more original I would either look for a different calming background rather than a busy one like this, I could always restart my advert if I had enough time. The last option would be to edit the background, this would including contrasting and adjusting the brightness and the white balance to create a calming background. If I adjusted the background it would mean that the perfume bottle, model and title would stand out more than what it does now. I don’t like the font which I have used on this advert either so I would look for simple fonts which I could use which will stand out more. I would also change the perfume bottle as well, it looks very out of place and doesn't blend in how it is, I would find a new style or apply a colour overlay so it wasn’t as bright but still I would want it to catch the audiences attention. I don’t think there are any strengths in this advert as it doesn't look very appealing and I personally wouldn't buy that perfume if I saw the advert like that. The only thing which I like about this advert is how the model is being portrayed. It looks very mysterious and that might make the audience feel intrigued to what the perfume is like. However, the weaknesses are the background and the ”Petunia by Azalea” because it doesn't stand out at all.
  • 21. Aesthetic Qualities Contents Page This is my contents page, it is the second thing which the audience comes across when reading my magazine from start to finish. I really like this contents page as it is very original and I think it looks good. The title is very simplistic but with the green text it looks very aesthetic. The background is the same as most of my articles- I think a white background is very appealing to the audience which I am appealing to mainly because its really aesthetic and plain. Everything stands out against a plain background which can be very eye catching with the green colour theme. I like the image at the top of the page which shows the British flags down a street in York. This also stands out as the image itself is high key lighting and is very bright. If I saw this content page in a magazine I would want to read on and see what the articles are like. Even though I like the contents page there are things which I could improve, I would improve the ‘Urban’ title at the bottom. I only added this to fill up the white space at the bottom, however I think that was a mistake. I could have easily create more articles to fill the space or leave the space. I like the layout of the page, especially the green numbers which are placed out evenly but if I could create more articles to entice the audience into reading more of the magazine. If I did create more articles I would make the image smaller at the top and move the text up, where the Urban title is I would add more articles in this space. I think there was more strengths in this page then weaknesses, as I spent quite a lot of time making sure it was very aesthetic and simplistic. As I have said previously, the only weakness which I felt could have been improved was the out of place ‘Urban title’.
  • 22. Audience Appeal My lifestyle magazine was focused on the audience of a unisex gender with the age of an 18-45 year old. I based this from looking at the different audience profiles which I researched. I felt as though the up to date content which I have provided in my products would appeal to this target audience. A lot of the younger generation like to travel around cities so to appeal to this age group I included the attractions which might appeal to them if they ever visited York. This would also interest the older generation as they might want to go on holiday to a historic city which has loads of attractions for the family or just for them. The events article appeals to this audience as there are music events which the younger generation might enjoy as well as the theatre events which might appeal to the older generation. When looking back at my questionnaire it was very obvious that the audience which answered my questionnaire wasn’t the type of audience which I wanted to appeal my products to as this audience didn't seem very interested in a magazine product. However, I did use some of the research which I found out with my questionnaire to improve my product. One question which I asked was “If you do read magazines, why do you read them?”, most of the answers were about how they like magazines to be informative- I used this information to make my magazine articles to be very informative to the audience. I added more images into my articles to entice the audience as one of my questions from my questionnaire was “what content would you enjoy in a lifestyle magazine” 54.55% of my audience said they would like to see images more than anything else. I felt as though I had appealed to my target audience throughout my project as I used the the profiles which I had researched from Yougov and the questionnaire answers to help me produce a well thought out magazine which appealed to my 18-45 target audience.
  • 24. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? Everything. Its fabulous, the colours are vibrant and express that you have put a lot of thought into the colour scheme. The font used is a great selection. Its basic but effect which helps clearly display the genre of the magazine. • What improvements could have been made to the product? An improvement I would suggest is on the ‘petunia by azalea ’ post. I would suggest editing the images lighting so that it blends with the vibrant colours. This will give a more blended effect of the model and the back ground. Also I would suggest adding in different textures of your font/experimenting so that you get the most effect out of the product.
  • 25. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? I really liked this because there is a different theme for every page there is, also something which I liked would be the attention to detail with the designs for each page because you can tell that there are no things which look out of place, also something else which I like is the front cover to the magazine because although it is quite simple it is very effective in what you are trying to portray to your audience. • What improvements could have been made to the product? The main improvement which I can see would have to be the first page which will the floral background it looks like you have duplicated the same image twice and you can see a like between the two images which isn’t a really big problem but it something which you can see quite obviously, But overall I think that it is a really good piece of work which you have produced.
  • 26. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? I very much like the layout of all the DPS and the way the images have been incorporated. It doesn’t feel empty, nor does it feel crowded. The coherent colour schemes nicely tie everything together and give the magazine theme and make it easy to pick out certain pieces of information. The way you have used capitalisation as well as well as different thicknesses of text (I forgot the correct term) is very efficient in guiding the eye to what's important. The visual hierarchy is a 10/10. • What improvements could have been made to the product? I think the petunia by azalea image could do with a little bit of contrast and colour work as the flowers are very vibrant and bright with some contrast but the other elements such as the bottle and the model. Could do with a little more contrast just so it all blends together a little more however I think you could fix this by adding contrast over the whole image.
  • 27. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – Overall, I think my feedback was generally good. I agree with all of the feedback which I had received. The first feedback which I received was very positive and I agreed with the font opinion. The improvements which this person suggested is about my back cover and I completely agree with editing my background. The second feedback which I received complimented the attention to detail with the designs for each page. The improvement which this person left was the same as feedback 1. The said that they could tell that I just duplicated the same image. This is something which I needed to improve and I completely agreed with what they said. The third person put a lot of detail in their feedback which I agreed with. They suggested that I should contrast and work on the flowers for my back cover. This showed that I needed to work on my back cover for my main improvement. I'm glad I got this type of feedback as it made me realise what I needed to focus my attention on. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? – I don’t disagree with anything from my peer feedback, I felt everything was accurate which what they stated. The improvements which I received were bang on as I knew that this needed to be improved.
  • 28. Peer Feedback Summary • What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why? There would only be one change which I would make to my product based on my feedback which I received and that would be changing my back cover. I would change the back cover because my target audience wouldn't be attracted to this perfume because the advert looks tacky not classy. I agreed that the back cover didn't look aesthetic and it wasn’t the type of style which I wanted to achieve. The background is very vibrant- that vibrant that I couldn't get a colour which would stand against the background. I would either look for a different background or restart the whole back cover all over again. I could also edit the background which could test my Photoshop skills, I could contrast the background but leave the Perfume bottle and the model. This would make the model and perfume bottle stand out against the background.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  4. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  5. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  7. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  9. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  10. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  11. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  12. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  13. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  14. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  15. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  16. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  17. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  18. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  19. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  20. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?