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Nuclear Physics
 Nuclear Models
 Liquid drop Model
 Semi Empirical Mass Formula
Shell Model
Concept of Magic number
Nuclear Models
Why is the binding energy per nucleon almost constant?
Why do certain nuclei emit α- and β-particles through these
 particles do not exist inside the nucleus?
Why are the nuclei containing 2,8,20,28,50,82 nucleons most
Like any other quantum mechanical system, a nucleus also
 exist in its excited states. The most stable state is the ground
 state in which the nuclei are generally found.

Different models:

1.   Liquid drop model
2.   Shell model
3.   Collective model
4.   Optical model
Nuclear models:
1. the “water-drop” model
    2. the “shell” model
   Models describe aspects
   of the structure of nuclei
   and how they behave.
The water-drop model
   Or Liquid drop model
1. The nuclei of all elements are considered to be behave like a liquid
   drop of incompressible liquid of very high density.

2. In an equilibrium state the nuclei of atoms remain spherically
   symmetric under the action of strong attractive nuclear forces just
   like the drop of a liquid which is spherical due to surface tension.

3. The density of a nucleus is independent of its size just like the
   density of liquid which is also independent of its size.

4. The nucleons of the nucleus move about within a spherical
   enclosure called the nuclear potential barrier just like the movement
   of the molecules of a liquid within a spherical drop of liquid.

5. The binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus is constant just like
   the latent heat of vaporization of a liquid.
As a first approximation, we can think of
  Volume Energy                each nucleon in a nucleus as interacting
                               solely with its nearest neighbors.

Energy associated with each nucleon-
nucleon bond = U

Because each bond energy is shared by
two nucleons therefore
each has a binding energy of ½ U.

When an assembly of spheres of the
same size is packed together
into the smallest volume, each interior
sphere has 12 other spheres
In contact with it
Volume Energy
Hence each interior nucleon in a nucleus has a binding energy of
      =12(1/2U) = 6U.

If all A nucleons in a nucleus were in the interior, the total binding
Energy would be
      EV= 6AU
                     EV = a1 A                      Volume energy

Also we know that if nucleus is spherical then

                                R3           A
Surface Energy
       Actually, of course, some nucleons are on the surface of every
       Nucleus and therefore have fewer than 12 neighbors.
Surface energy        surface area


If R = R0 A1/3 then

Surface energy        4πR0 A2/3

Surface energy = - a2 A2/3

Surface energy         A2/3
It is important for lighter nuclei since a greater fraction of their nucleons
are on the surface.

Coulomb Energy
   The repulsion between each pair of protons in a nucleus also
   contribute toward decreasing its binding energy.

   The coulomb energy EC of a nucleus is the work that must be done
   To bring together Z protons from infinity into a spherical aggregate
   The size of the nucleus.
                                      4 0r

   Since there are Z(Z-1)/2 pairs of protons,

                                Z (Z 1)       Z (Z 1)e 2 1
                           EC           V
                                    2            8 0     r   av
 Where     r
                         is the value of 1/r averaged over all proton pairs.

 If the protons are uniformly distributed throughout a nucleus of
 radius R, 1 is proportional to 1/R and hence 1/A1/3
               r    av

 Therefore                                     Z ( Z 1)
                                  EC      a3         1

The Coulomb energy is negative because it arises from an effect
that opposes nuclear stability.
The total binding energy Eb of a nucleus
                                         Surface energies

                                                             Z ( Z 1)
      Eb    Ev     ES    EC         a1 A a2 A           a3         1

            Volume energies              Coulomb energies

The binding energy per nucleon is

                  EBE           a2            Z ( Z 1)
                          a1     1/ 3
                                         a3             4
                   A            A                       3
Empirical binding energy
                             per nucleon curve

theoretical binding energy
per nucleon curve (using
Liquid drop model concept)
Correction to the formula                     Asymmetry Energy
Correction 1: When the neutrons in a nucleus outnumber the protons,
which means that higher energy levels to be occupied than would be
the case if N and Z were equal.
 • Neutrons and protons are spin ½ fermions  obey
   Pauli exclusion principle.
 • If other factors were equal  ground state would
   have equal numbers of n & p.
                             Neutron and proton states with same spacing ε.
                             Crosses represent initially occupied states in ground
                             If three protons were turned into neutrons the extra
                             energy required would be 3 3ε.
                             In general if there are N-Z excess neutrons over
                             protons the extra energy is
                             ((Z-N)/2)2 ε. relative to Z = N.
Correction to the formula
 Correction 1: When the neutrons in a nucleus outnumber the protons,
 which means that higher energy levels to be occupied than would be
 the case if N and Z were equal.
    ΔE=(number of new neutrons)(energy increase/new neutron)
             1             1             Because N=A-Z, (N-Z)2=(A-2Z)2
    E          N       Z     N   Z
             2             2         2
         N    Z
The greater the number of nucleon in a
nucleus the smaller is the energy level
spacing ε, with ε proportional to 1/A
Asymmetry energy due to difference
Between N and Z
                                  A 2Z
                  Ea     E a4
Correction to the formula Pairing Term
Note: The asymmetry energy is negative because it
reduces the binding energy of the nucleus
Correction 2: The correction term arises from the tendency of proton
pairs and neutron pairs to occur. Even –even nuclei are the most stable
And hence have higher binding energies. Therefore nuclei such as 42He,
 12 C, 16 O etc. Appear as peak on the empirical curve of BE/A.
   6     8

The pairing energy Ep is
positive for even-even
The pairing energy Ep is
zero for odd-even and
even-odd nuclei
The pairing energy Epis
negative for odd-odd nuclei
Pairing Term
• Nuclei with even number of n or
  even number of p more tightly
  bound fig.
• Only 4 stable o-o nuclei cf 153    Nuclei     Pairing
• p and n have different energy                  term
  levels  small overlap of wave
  functions. Two p(n) in same        e-e      +ive
  level with opposite values of jz   e-o      0
  have AS spin state  sym
  spatial w.f. maximum overlap      o-o      -ive
  maximum binding energy
  because of short range
Correction to the formula                                       ……
The pairing energy Ep is
given by the relation

                    EP                  ,0   3/ 4
  Semi Empirical Mass Formula (SEMF)
a1=14.1 MeV        Surface Term         a3=0.595 MeV       Pairing Term

                                  Z ( Z 1)      ( A 2Z ) 2       a5
  Eb ( A, Z ) a1 A a2 A2 / 3 a3         1
                                             a4            ( ,0) 3 / 4
                                                    A           A
 Volume Term            Coulomb Term               Asymmetry Term
        a2=13.0 MeV                  a4=19.0 MeV              a5=33.5 MeV

  Numerical 1. The atomic mass of the zinc isotope 6430Zn is
  63.929 a.m.u. calculate its binding energy using semi-empirical
  mass formula and compare the results with direct formula.
                                              [Ans: 561.7 MeV]
Numerical 2. Isobars are nuclides that have the same mass number
   A. Derive a formula for the atomic number of the most stable
   isobar of a given A and use its to find the most stable isobar of
Solution: To find the value of Z for which the binding energy Eb
is a maximum which correspond to maximum stability, we must
Solve dEb/dZ = 0 for Z. From the liquid drop mass formula

          dEb     a3                      4 a4
                          2Z        1          A   2Z          0
          dZ          3
                              1                            1
                              3                            3
                  a3 A            4a4          0.595 A             76
          Z               1                            1
                          3               1            3                1
                2a3 A             8a4 A       1.19 A       152 A

For A =25 this formula gives Z = 11.7, from which we
conclude that Z = 12 should be the atomic number of
The most stable isobar of A=25. This nuclei is 2512Mg.
Main Achievements of liquid drop
model (LDM)
   1.It explains binding energy of large number of nuclei.

   2.It explains the fusion and fission processes nicely.

   3. Explains energies of radioactive decays, fission and fusion.

Applications of the water-drop model
1. Nuclear fission
(very large nuclei break up)
2. Nuclear fusion
(very small nuclei fuse together)
Main drawbacks of liquid drop
model (LDM)

    1. It is not able to explain the magic numbers.

    2. It is not able to explain excited states.

    3. It is not able to calculate the nuclear spin.
Shell Model
The basic assumption of the liquid drop model is that each nucleon in
a nucleus interact only with its nearest neighbors, like a molecule in a

In shell model each nucleon interact chiefly with a general force field
produced by all the other nucleons.

The atoms with 2,10,18,36,54 and 86 electrons have all their
electron shell completely filled.

In the same way, nuclei that have 2,8,20,28,50,82 and 126 neutrons
 and protons are more abundant than other nuclei of similar mass
numbers, suggesting their structures are more stable.
Shell Model                               ……

It has been observed that nuclei having either the
number of protons Z on number of neutrons N =A
- Z equal to one of the numbers 2, 8, 20, 50, 82
and 126 are more stable than their neighbours.
These numbers are called magic numbers
Main Assumptions                                              ……

1. Nucleon forms subshells and shells with in the nucleus

1. The shell within the nucleus get closed with a suitable
   number of nucleons

3. Each nucleon is supposed to possess a spin angular momentum
   of ħ/2 and orbital angular momentum lħ.

4. This theory assumes that LS coupling holds only for the very
   lightest nuclei in which the l values are necessarily small in their
   normal configuration.

5. The heavier nuclei exhibit j-j coupling.
Shell model                                                 ……

It is assumed that the nucleons move in its orbit within the nucleus,
independently of all other nucleons.

The orbit is determined by a potential energy function V(r) which
represent the average effect of all interaction with other nucleons,
and is same for each particle.

Each nucleons is regarded as an independent particle and the
interaction between a nucleons is considered to be a small perturbation
On the interaction between a nucleon and the potential field.

There is a direct analogy between the theoretical treatment of a
Nucleus and an electron in an atom.
Problem: Using shell model calculate the
  spin and parities of the following nucleus
       1.   27
       2.   33
       3.   16

                        Where l is orbital quantum number
Parity: (-1)l
                        If l is even parity is even, If l is odd parity is odd

    The parity of a wave function refer to its behaviour under a
    simultaneous reflection of the space coordinates i.e. x to –x,
     y to –y and z to –z.
    Parity of a nucleus refers to the behaviour of the wave function
    as a result of the inversion of the coordinates.
             P ( x, y , z )       ( x, y, z ) Even
                P ( x, y , z )         ( x, y , z )     Odd
Electric quadrupole moment (Q): measure of how much nuclear charge
distribution depart from sphericity.

A spherical nucleus has no quadrupole moement, i.e. Q = 0
 while one shaped like a prolate - speroid or egg shaped Q is +ve
In an oblate or disc like spheroid (pumpkin shaped) have Q is –ve.
Nuclei of magic N and Z are found to have zero quadrupole moment and
hence are spherical in nature.

Shell model is an attempt to account for the existence of magic
numbers and certain other nuclear properties in terms of nucleon
behavior in a common force field

Neutron and protons occupy separate sets of sates in a nucleus
Because proton interact electrically as well as through the specifically
nuclear charge.
Quadrupole moment
                  2    2         2
              Q     zb       a

Prolate (b > a)     Sphere (b = a)   Oblate (a > b)
                    Q is 0
                                     Q is -ve
Q is +ve
Experimental Evidence of Nuclear Magic
1. It has been experimentally observed that the nuclei for which
N and Z are 2,8…….. 42He and 168O are more stable then their

2. Stability also related to the natural abundance. It has been observed
From the experimental data that the nuclei having number of nucleons
as magic number are in abundance as compared to other nuclei in

For Example:     16
                      (N, Z = 8),
                40 Ca (N, Z = 20),          All are abundant in nature
          206 Pb ( Z = 82,N=126)
Experimental Evidence of Nuclear Magic
                Numbers             ……
3. Sn (Z = 50) has 10 stable isotopes, more than any other element ,
While Ca (Z = 20) has six isotopes. This indicates that elements with
Z=50 and Z=20 are more than usually stable.

4. No more than 5 isotones occur in nature for any N except N=50,
where there are 6 and N = 82, where there are 7. Neutron numbers of
82, 50 therefore, indicate particular stability.

5. The doubly magic nuclei (N &Z both magic) 42He, 168O, 4020Ca and
206 Pb are particularly tightly bound.

6. The binding energy of the next neutron and proton after magic
number is very small.
Main Achievements of Shell model
  1.It explains Magic numbers.

  2. It explains the magnetic moment of some nuclei nicely.

  3. It explains successfully the ground state spin.

  4. It explains the great stability and high binding energy

  5. It explains the phenomenon of nuclear isomerism.

Note: Atoms having the same mass number but different and
 same atomic number, are distinguish by certain difference in the
internal structure of the nucleus are called isomers.
Main Limitation of Shell Model (SM)
 1. It fail to explain the stability of four stable nuclei 21H, 63Li, 105B
 14 N.

 2. It does not predict correct values of nuclear spin for certain nuclei

 3. The Quadrupole moment calculated using this model in also not in
      good agreement.

 4.The magnetic moment is also shows some deviation from
   observed values.
6563.nuclear models

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6563.nuclear models

  • 2.  Nuclear Models  Liquid drop Model  Semi Empirical Mass Formula Shell Model Concept of Magic number
  • 3. Nuclear Models Why is the binding energy per nucleon almost constant? Why do certain nuclei emit α- and β-particles through these particles do not exist inside the nucleus? Why are the nuclei containing 2,8,20,28,50,82 nucleons most stable? Like any other quantum mechanical system, a nucleus also exist in its excited states. The most stable state is the ground state in which the nuclei are generally found. Different models: 1. Liquid drop model 2. Shell model 3. Collective model 4. Optical model
  • 4. Nuclear models: 1. the “water-drop” model 2. the “shell” model Models describe aspects of the structure of nuclei and how they behave.
  • 5. The water-drop model Or Liquid drop model
  • 6. Assumptions 1. The nuclei of all elements are considered to be behave like a liquid drop of incompressible liquid of very high density. 2. In an equilibrium state the nuclei of atoms remain spherically symmetric under the action of strong attractive nuclear forces just like the drop of a liquid which is spherical due to surface tension. 3. The density of a nucleus is independent of its size just like the density of liquid which is also independent of its size. 4. The nucleons of the nucleus move about within a spherical enclosure called the nuclear potential barrier just like the movement of the molecules of a liquid within a spherical drop of liquid. 5. The binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus is constant just like the latent heat of vaporization of a liquid.
  • 7. As a first approximation, we can think of Volume Energy each nucleon in a nucleus as interacting solely with its nearest neighbors. Energy associated with each nucleon- nucleon bond = U Because each bond energy is shared by two nucleons therefore each has a binding energy of ½ U. When an assembly of spheres of the same size is packed together into the smallest volume, each interior sphere has 12 other spheres In contact with it
  • 8. Volume Energy Hence each interior nucleon in a nucleus has a binding energy of =12(1/2U) = 6U. If all A nucleons in a nucleus were in the interior, the total binding Energy would be EV= 6AU Or EV = a1 A Volume energy Also we know that if nucleus is spherical then 4 R3 A 3
  • 9. Surface Energy Actually, of course, some nucleons are on the surface of every Nucleus and therefore have fewer than 12 neighbors. Surface energy surface area 4πR2 If R = R0 A1/3 then Surface energy 4πR0 A2/3 Or Surface energy = - a2 A2/3 Surface energy A2/3
  • 10. It is important for lighter nuclei since a greater fraction of their nucleons are on the surface. Coulomb Energy The repulsion between each pair of protons in a nucleus also contribute toward decreasing its binding energy. The coulomb energy EC of a nucleus is the work that must be done To bring together Z protons from infinity into a spherical aggregate The size of the nucleus. e2 V 4 0r Since there are Z(Z-1)/2 pairs of protons, Z (Z 1) Z (Z 1)e 2 1 EC V 2 8 0 r av
  • 11. 1 Where r is the value of 1/r averaged over all proton pairs. av If the protons are uniformly distributed throughout a nucleus of radius R, 1 is proportional to 1/R and hence 1/A1/3 r av Therefore Z ( Z 1) EC a3 1 3 A The Coulomb energy is negative because it arises from an effect that opposes nuclear stability.
  • 12. The total binding energy Eb of a nucleus Surface energies 2 3 Z ( Z 1) Eb Ev ES EC a1 A a2 A a3 1 3 A Volume energies Coulomb energies The binding energy per nucleon is EBE a2 Z ( Z 1) a1 1/ 3 a3 4 A A 3 A
  • 13. Empirical binding energy per nucleon curve theoretical binding energy per nucleon curve (using Liquid drop model concept)
  • 14. Correction to the formula Asymmetry Energy Correction 1: When the neutrons in a nucleus outnumber the protons, which means that higher energy levels to be occupied than would be the case if N and Z were equal. • Neutrons and protons are spin ½ fermions  obey Pauli exclusion principle. • If other factors were equal  ground state would have equal numbers of n & p. Illustration Neutron and proton states with same spacing ε. Crosses represent initially occupied states in ground state. If three protons were turned into neutrons the extra energy required would be 3 3ε. In general if there are N-Z excess neutrons over protons the extra energy is ((Z-N)/2)2 ε. relative to Z = N.
  • 15. Correction to the formula Correction 1: When the neutrons in a nucleus outnumber the protons, which means that higher energy levels to be occupied than would be the case if N and Z were equal. ΔE=(number of new neutrons)(energy increase/new neutron) 1 1 Because N=A-Z, (N-Z)2=(A-2Z)2 E N Z N Z 2 2 2 2 N Z 8 The greater the number of nucleon in a nucleus the smaller is the energy level spacing ε, with ε proportional to 1/A Asymmetry energy due to difference Between N and Z 2 A 2Z Ea E a4 A
  • 16. Correction to the formula Pairing Term Note: The asymmetry energy is negative because it reduces the binding energy of the nucleus Correction 2: The correction term arises from the tendency of proton pairs and neutron pairs to occur. Even –even nuclei are the most stable And hence have higher binding energies. Therefore nuclei such as 42He, 12 C, 16 O etc. Appear as peak on the empirical curve of BE/A. 6 8 The pairing energy Ep is positive for even-even nuclei The pairing energy Ep is zero for odd-even and even-odd nuclei The pairing energy Epis negative for odd-odd nuclei
  • 17. Pairing Term • Nuclei with even number of n or even number of p more tightly bound fig. • Only 4 stable o-o nuclei cf 153 Nuclei Pairing e-e. • p and n have different energy term levels  small overlap of wave functions. Two p(n) in same e-e +ive level with opposite values of jz e-o 0 have AS spin state  sym spatial w.f. maximum overlap o-o -ive maximum binding energy because of short range attraction.
  • 18. Correction to the formula …… The pairing energy Ep is given by the relation a5 EP ,0 3/ 4 A Semi Empirical Mass Formula (SEMF) a1=14.1 MeV Surface Term a3=0.595 MeV Pairing Term Z ( Z 1) ( A 2Z ) 2 a5 Eb ( A, Z ) a1 A a2 A2 / 3 a3 1 a4 ( ,0) 3 / 4 3 A A A Volume Term Coulomb Term Asymmetry Term a2=13.0 MeV a4=19.0 MeV a5=33.5 MeV
  • 19. Numericals: Numerical 1. The atomic mass of the zinc isotope 6430Zn is 63.929 a.m.u. calculate its binding energy using semi-empirical mass formula and compare the results with direct formula. [Ans: 561.7 MeV]
  • 20. Numerical 2. Isobars are nuclides that have the same mass number A. Derive a formula for the atomic number of the most stable isobar of a given A and use its to find the most stable isobar of A=25 Solution: To find the value of Z for which the binding energy Eb is a maximum which correspond to maximum stability, we must Solve dEb/dZ = 0 for Z. From the liquid drop mass formula dEb a3 4 a4 1 2Z 1 A 2Z 0 dZ 3 A A 1 1 3 3 a3 A 4a4 0.595 A 76 Z 1 1 3 1 3 1 2a3 A 8a4 A 1.19 A 152 A For A =25 this formula gives Z = 11.7, from which we conclude that Z = 12 should be the atomic number of The most stable isobar of A=25. This nuclei is 2512Mg.
  • 21. Main Achievements of liquid drop model (LDM) 1.It explains binding energy of large number of nuclei. 2.It explains the fusion and fission processes nicely. 3. Explains energies of radioactive decays, fission and fusion. Applications of the water-drop model 1. Nuclear fission (very large nuclei break up) 2. Nuclear fusion (very small nuclei fuse together)
  • 22. Main drawbacks of liquid drop model (LDM) 1. It is not able to explain the magic numbers. 2. It is not able to explain excited states. 3. It is not able to calculate the nuclear spin.
  • 23. Shell Model The basic assumption of the liquid drop model is that each nucleon in a nucleus interact only with its nearest neighbors, like a molecule in a liquid. In shell model each nucleon interact chiefly with a general force field produced by all the other nucleons. The atoms with 2,10,18,36,54 and 86 electrons have all their electron shell completely filled. In the same way, nuclei that have 2,8,20,28,50,82 and 126 neutrons and protons are more abundant than other nuclei of similar mass numbers, suggesting their structures are more stable.
  • 24. Shell Model …… It has been observed that nuclei having either the number of protons Z on number of neutrons N =A - Z equal to one of the numbers 2, 8, 20, 50, 82 and 126 are more stable than their neighbours. These numbers are called magic numbers
  • 25. Main Assumptions …… 1. Nucleon forms subshells and shells with in the nucleus 1. The shell within the nucleus get closed with a suitable number of nucleons 3. Each nucleon is supposed to possess a spin angular momentum of ħ/2 and orbital angular momentum lħ. 4. This theory assumes that LS coupling holds only for the very lightest nuclei in which the l values are necessarily small in their normal configuration. 5. The heavier nuclei exhibit j-j coupling.
  • 26. Shell model …… It is assumed that the nucleons move in its orbit within the nucleus, independently of all other nucleons. The orbit is determined by a potential energy function V(r) which represent the average effect of all interaction with other nucleons, and is same for each particle. Each nucleons is regarded as an independent particle and the interaction between a nucleons is considered to be a small perturbation On the interaction between a nucleon and the potential field. There is a direct analogy between the theoretical treatment of a Nucleus and an electron in an atom.
  • 28. Problem: Using shell model calculate the spin and parities of the following nucleus 1. 27 13Al 2. 33 16Ar 3. 16 8O Where l is orbital quantum number Parity: (-1)l If l is even parity is even, If l is odd parity is odd The parity of a wave function refer to its behaviour under a simultaneous reflection of the space coordinates i.e. x to –x, y to –y and z to –z. Parity of a nucleus refers to the behaviour of the wave function as a result of the inversion of the coordinates. P ( x, y , z ) ( x, y, z ) Even P ( x, y , z ) ( x, y , z ) Odd
  • 29. Electric quadrupole moment (Q): measure of how much nuclear charge distribution depart from sphericity. A spherical nucleus has no quadrupole moement, i.e. Q = 0 while one shaped like a prolate - speroid or egg shaped Q is +ve In an oblate or disc like spheroid (pumpkin shaped) have Q is –ve. Nuclei of magic N and Z are found to have zero quadrupole moment and hence are spherical in nature. Shell model is an attempt to account for the existence of magic numbers and certain other nuclear properties in terms of nucleon behavior in a common force field Neutron and protons occupy separate sets of sates in a nucleus Because proton interact electrically as well as through the specifically nuclear charge.
  • 30. Quadrupole moment 2 2 2 Q zb a 5 Prolate (b > a) Sphere (b = a) Oblate (a > b) Spheroid Spheroid Q is 0 Q is -ve Q is +ve
  • 31. Experimental Evidence of Nuclear Magic Numbers 1. It has been experimentally observed that the nuclei for which N and Z are 2,8…….. 42He and 168O are more stable then their neighbours. 2. Stability also related to the natural abundance. It has been observed From the experimental data that the nuclei having number of nucleons as magic number are in abundance as compared to other nuclei in Nature. For Example: 16 8O (N, Z = 8), 40 Ca (N, Z = 20), All are abundant in nature 20 206 Pb ( Z = 82,N=126) 82
  • 32. Experimental Evidence of Nuclear Magic Numbers …… 3. Sn (Z = 50) has 10 stable isotopes, more than any other element , While Ca (Z = 20) has six isotopes. This indicates that elements with Z=50 and Z=20 are more than usually stable. 4. No more than 5 isotones occur in nature for any N except N=50, where there are 6 and N = 82, where there are 7. Neutron numbers of 82, 50 therefore, indicate particular stability. 5. The doubly magic nuclei (N &Z both magic) 42He, 168O, 4020Ca and 206 Pb are particularly tightly bound. 82 6. The binding energy of the next neutron and proton after magic number is very small.
  • 33. Main Achievements of Shell model (SM) 1.It explains Magic numbers. 2. It explains the magnetic moment of some nuclei nicely. 3. It explains successfully the ground state spin. 4. It explains the great stability and high binding energy 5. It explains the phenomenon of nuclear isomerism. Note: Atoms having the same mass number but different and same atomic number, are distinguish by certain difference in the internal structure of the nucleus are called isomers.
  • 34. Main Limitation of Shell Model (SM) 1. It fail to explain the stability of four stable nuclei 21H, 63Li, 105B 14 N. 7 2. It does not predict correct values of nuclear spin for certain nuclei 3. The Quadrupole moment calculated using this model in also not in good agreement. 4.The magnetic moment is also shows some deviation from observed values.