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Contraception for Family Planning
                        FOR FAMILY PLANNING
Women shelter and feed a child in their womb                   What is Contraception?
for nine months. But most of the time it is              Women (and men too) need to know
women who have no control over whether                   ways of controlling how many
or not they wanted to bring a child into this            children they want and when to
world in the first place or not !                        have them.          The is called
                                                         contraception (kawn-tra-sep-shun).
 Why Do We need To Limit Our Families ?                  For women this knowledge is crucial
In most societies here, the husband or the               for exercising their right to delay or
family exercises this control. In early days the         prevent pregnancy.
joint family system helped take care of many
children growing up at the same time. But                Though there are many ways of
now families are mainly nuclear and this                 preventing pregnancy, let us first
support is no longer available to mothers.               know those that can be easily used
Moreover with things so costly, it is difficult          and are available at village level.
to look after more than a couple of children

                                   Types of Contraception
Broadly we can divide the methods of contraception into:
   I.     Natural and Unnatural methods.
   II.    Further, the unnatural methods can be further
   divided into Temporary and Permanent methods.

I. Natural Methods

1. Abstinence :
Not having sex is the surest
method of avoiding pregnancy,
but one which is the toughest to

2. Withdrawal method                                   Withdrawal Often Fails !
Man withdraws his penis from the          The problem with this method is that the chances of fail-
woman just before the semen               ure are very high. This is because the fluid that comes
comes out. This is the commonest          out of the penis when the man is excited (even before the
                                          semen is brought out) may also have enough sperms.
method couples in rural areas use
                                          These can travel up a woman’s uterus and to the tube
to avoid pregnancy.                       and can cause pregnancy.

There are better and safer methods that a woman can adopt if she wants to avoid preg-
3. Rhythm or Calendar method
This method involves every woman knowing her safe period, that is, the period when a
woman is least likely to get pregnant. This method is safest only in those women who
gets more or less regular periods.

Though there are many ways to calculate “safe periods”, we will earn one of the simplest
ways. Though slightly more risky, it can be used very well by even women who cannot
read or write.

                                             Calculating Safe Period
                          A Woman is asked to divide her cycle into (approximately) three
                          equal parts of nine or ten days. Starting the first day of her
                          menstrual cycle as Day 1, the first and the last part of the cycle
                          are considered as her safe period. She should not have sex in
                          the middle part as she is fertile then and could get pregnanat.
                          Else, her partner should use a condom during the “unsafe

 For example: Suppose your period starts on 7th
 January. Count that day as Day 1.

 Now Count off 10 days. Starting with the 10th day,
 underline the next 10 days in which you
 SHOULD NOT have sexual contact.

 Now suppose your next period starts off on the 3rd
 February. Count off 10 days and mark off the same
 way as given. Underline the days you must not
 have sex or make sure your partner uses a condom
 when you have sex.

4. Mucus Method                         Examine Your Cervical Mucus
                                           To Know your Fertility
This method requires
learning. It requires a                       dry (no mucus); nothing comes on the fingers
woman taking out the                          (not fertile - can have sexual contact
mucus from her vagina
between her thumb and
finger and checking to see                    does not stretch; crumbly, cream-like on the
                                              finger (not fertile - can have sexual contact)
how much it stretches.

Mucus does not stretch
and breaks easily : Safe to                   stretches a little but breaks (slightly fertile -
                                              do not have unprotected sexual contact)
have sex

Mucus stretches and is
slippery : Should NOT have                    wet; slippery and stretches between fingers (very fertile;
                                              dangerous to have unprotected sex; can get pregnant)
II. Unnatural Methods
a. Temporary Methods
Many methods for avoiding pregnancy are now
available for couples to choose from. Of the temporary
ones are:
   1. Condoms (kawn-dem) like Nirodh
   2. IU.D. (Intra Uterine Device) or Copper T
   3. Oral Contraceptive Pills
                                                                       Planning children is the
                                                                  responsiblility of both husband and
                                                                 wife. Encourage the husband to also
                                                                 be involved in deciding the method of
                                       1. Condoms
                                       Condoms (made of latex rubber) when rolled up on the
                                       excited stiff penis of a man act as a barrier. They do not
                                       allow the semen (and hence the sperms) to travel up the
                                       woman’s uterus and hence avoid pregnancy. This is the
                                       only method available for men though not very popular
                                       with them. Many men claim that it decreases their
   Presently, condoms is the only      pleasure of sex as one needs to roll it on the penis only
     method available to men.          when it is erect. This interferes with the act of sex at a
                                       crucial time.
   Though men may not like to use condoms, the idea can be popularised by making
   men realise that:
   · There is no unnatural method that is 100% safe for women and this is one of the
      ways that he can show he cares for his wife/partner.
   · It helps him to avoid getting any disease from his sex partner.

              Condoms must be put on an erect             Condoms must be used only once
              penis before it enters the vagina           and then thrown away properly.

     Know this about Condoms
     · Condoms come in three sizes, but the six inches one is considered the regular

     · All Primary Health Care centres and health workers distribute it free of cost
       as NIRODH. It is also socially marketed cheaply as ZAROOR and may also
       be purchased from the market under different brand names.

     · It is important to squeeze air out of the tip as the man rolls it open over his
       penis or else the tip may burst and leak.

     · Rarely men may get an allergy to the rubber in the form of a rash.
2. Intra Uterine Device - Copper T
Copper T is the commonest and most popular. It is shaped
like the alphabet T and its stem is covered by a Copper wire.
This Copper T when inserted by a trained person inside the
woman’s uterus keeps releasing bits of copper. This reacts
with the uterus so that a fertilised egg (an egg that has been
joined by a man’s sperm) cannot lodge in the uterus.

The effect of most of the Copper Ts lasts for two to three years but we also have new ones that can
last for five years. Hence, it is the most popular form of contraceptive among women.
                   Problems of Copper T
                   · Most rural women have infections of the genital tract and if due care
                   is not taken for cleanliness, the infection may go up the uterus.
                   · Many women get heavy bleeding because of a Copper T.
                   · Most get cramps in the lower abdomen and pain in the lower back
                   but very often the cramps get better after a month or two.

                   Sometimes, though rarely, the Copper T may damage the uterus or cause a
pregnancy that gets stuck in the tubes - both situations are emergencies and need an operation.

3. Oral Contraceptive Pills
Made of hormones that are found naturally in women, OCPs stop
the eggs from being released. Pregnancy cannot happen when there
is no egg for the sperm from the man to fertilize.

Where to get OCPs?
· The government gives Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) free. Called MALA-N, it costs
  only Rs 2.00 in the markets for a packet of twenty-eight tablets sold as Mala - D. One
  packet can be used for a month. It has twenty-one white pills with hormone and
  seven red pills without any hormones (instead they have iron for the mother’s health).

                                    How To Take The Pills?
           Any woman who wants to prevent pregnancy can start eating a white
             pill strictly - for the first time — from the fifth day of her menstrual
             period daily at a fixed time, preferably while going to bed.

           After eating one white pill every night for twenty-one days, the woman
           must start eating the red pills that do not have hormones. This
           withdrawal of the hormones (in the white pills) will allow bleeding to
           occur. This assures the woman that she is not pregnant. After the whole
           pack is over she must start with the white pills of another pack.
More Questions on OCPs Answered
        What are the Problems
       associated With OCPs ?
In some women, OCPs may cause a
feeling of heaviness, swelling of feet
and high BP. In those with a tendency
to get blood clots, they may cause leg
swelling and effects on the heart. Many
women get fullness and discomfort in
the breast which pain on pressing.                      Who should           NOT      use
Weight gain of a few kgs and                            OCPs?
headaches are also common.                              It is suggested that OCPs must be
                                                        given only to women below 40
    Are OCPs Useful After Sex ?                         years. Older women could go in for
OCPS can also be used as AFTER-SEX                      a     permanent       method     of
PILLS. Four tablets taken within 72                     contraception. You can use a
hours of sex and repeated after 12                      checklist before giving OCPs to any
hours is said to prevent pregnancy. But                 woman.
it may cause nausea, swelling and
increase in BP temporarily. Even a                      Checklist
Copper T inserted within 3 days of sex                  · Above 40 years of age
can prevent pregnancy.                                  · Above 35 years & heavy
                                                        · Severe pain in calves or thighs
      What if You Forget to take the
                                                        · Fits /seizures
              Pill for one day?
                                                        · Vein swelling in the legs
 Forgetting the pill for even a single day can
                                                          causing problem
 put the woman at risk of getting pregnant.
                                                        · Severe chest pain
 If she ever forgets, she must take the pill
                                                        · Unusual shortness of breath
 immediately and then take the next dose at
                                                        · Severe headache and
 the usual time.
                                                          difficulty in vision
                                                        · Feeding milk for less than six
   4. Other Hormonal Contracep-                         · Bleeding between menstrual
   tions                                                  cycles or after sex
   There are other ways of giving hormones              · No periods
   to women for avoiding pregnancies.                   · Abnormally yellow skin &
   · There are once a week pills like Saheli            · B.P. more than 140/90 mm Hg
     that are a bit problematic to remember             · Lump in the breast
     for the first few weeks (when they are             · Swollen legs
     needed to be taken twice a week).
                                                          If any one of the conditions
   · We also have three monthly injections              listed in the checklist is found,
     like Depo-Provera and Net -En and                  the decision to give OCPs must
     implants like NORPLANT also, but are                      be left to a doctor.
     unadvisable in Indian conditions,
     because if they ever cause bleeding                Every woman taking OCPs must
     problems, it is very difficult to have a            be examined every year by a
     long cure.                                                    doctor.
b. Permanent Methods of Contraception
Operations help prevent pregnancy permanently. For the male the operation is called
Vasectomy and for the woman it is called Tubectomy.

1. Vasectomy (vasek-tummy): Operation For
Vasectomy involves cutting and closing tubes called vas
deferens so that it cannot transfer the sperms to the semen.

The operation is very simple and painless. Most times,
the man does not feel more than a prick of the injection
given on either side to prevent pain sensation. The
operation is a simple OPD procedure, and the man can
                                                                               In vasectomy, the tubes car-
walk back after his operation. He needs to get his stitches                    rying sperms from testes to
removed in five days and in a couple of weeks time, he                         penis are cut and tied.
can even lift heavy weights as before.
       Precaution After Vasectomy                            Does Vasectomy Make You Weak ?
As sperms are stored for a while before release, a          In men, the male hormone is sent to the body
man may cause pregnancy until six weeks after               directly through the blood. So, cutting the tubes
the date of operation of vasectomy. During this             in vasectomy makes no difference to the
time, the couple is advised to use condoms or               person’s capability to have sex or to his voice,
OCPs.                                                       hair or skin.

 Vasectomies are safer, simpler, faster and less            For a couple of weeks the operation may give
expensive than a tubectomy. But more women                  pain but it disappears. In some the operation
than men get operated. This is because of women’s           site may get infected, while in others there may
lower status in a male dominated society.                   be swelling and pain.

                    How Vasectomy is Done
                                                                   Vasectomy without
                                                                A new type of vasectomy
                                                                called      Non     Scalpel
                                                                Vasectomy or NSV is safe,
                                                                convenient and much more
                                                                acceptable to many males.The
                                                                man’s vas is cut and tied
                                                                through a hole-puncture
                                                                carried out by a special thick
                                                                needle. It can be popularised
                                                                as a ‘’No Cut, No Stitch
                                                                vasectomy.’’ Every area has
                    Normally the man does not
                                                                trained surgeons who can
                    feel more than a pin-prick!                 perform NSV. ASK FOR IT!

                          Can We Reverse the Effects of Vasectomy ?
  Although considered permanent, if a man for some reason wants to get back his capacity to
 give birth to a child, his vasectomy can be reversed. By another operation, the cut vas on each
 side can be joined once again. However the chances of it being successful enough to allow the
 man to be able to have children are low.
2. Tubectomy : Operation For Women
This is the operation that can stop woman from getting
pregnant permanently. In Tubectomy, the surgeon
cuts the tubes of the woman on either side and closes
the ends, so that the sperms from the father cannot
reach the egg in the tube. On the other end, even the
egg cannot travel down to the uterus even if the sperm
were to reach it.

Tubectomy can be done in 2 ways :
1. Making large cut on abdomen.                                             In Tubectomy, tubes carrying
                                                                            the eggs from ovary to uterus
2. Using Laparoscope Tube.
                                                                                   are cut and tied.
(does not require a large cut on the abdomen).

                                 Laparoscopic Operation
Tubectomy Without Large Cut On Abdo-              When Laparascopy is Harmful
men                                               In our country, most tubectomy
The good point of laparascopy is that it can      operations are carried out in
be done quickly and one may not need to           “camps”. Conditions are far
make the patient unconscious. However, it         from ideal and the chances of
requires more skill and training of the doctor    germ infections are great.
who performs the operation.
                     Tubectomy Done In Camps Are Not The Best !
            In laparoscopy operations the surgeon has to keep seeing through the tube of a
            laparoscope while operating. It is easier to see if a germfree gas can be pumped
            inside the abdomen. However, in most camps it is seen that even dust laden air
            is often pumped through a bicycle pump! Germs enter the woman’s body.
            These are considered the biggest reason why many women feel pain and have
            problems after the operation for life.

            Also, in such camps doctors try to do many operations as there is always a
            rush. They may not bother waiting the minimum 20 minutes needed to clean
            the instruments between one patient and another. Due to this, germs can

            The commonest problem with tubectomy is seen to be pain and increased
            bleeding for years after the operation. Though dismissed by doctors, it is
            often serious enough to prevent the woman from working. This can be
            prevented if proper cleaning up procedures are followed at the time of the

            Failure of the operation resulting in pregnancy is another problem of
            tubectomy. The pregnancy happens because the doctor is inexperienced. Or
            at times the band applied on the cut tubes slips. A woman whose tubectomy
            fails and she gets pregnant is liable to get compensation from the doctor/
            government hospital for looking after the unwanted child or to undergo
            abortion. Such cases can be brought to light by forwarding a claim at the
            district office.
                      Other Methods Of Contraception Used

                                      1. ABORTION
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (M.T.P.)              Conditions For Doctors To Allow
If any woman demands that her pregnancy be                           M.T.P
ended as her contraception had failed, even if         If the pregnancy is less than twelve
there is no way to prove it, under the MTP Act         weeks only one doctor can take a
of 1971 she has a right to it. The medical system      decision for MTP, but after that
is duty-bound to provide her the facility of MTP       and until twenty weeks, two
if her pregnancy is of less than twenty weeks or       doctors are necessary for such a
five months duration.                                  decision. The district medical
                                                       officer must certify both such
Other reasons sufficient for allowing a                doctors and the surgeon to be
pregnancy to be ended before twenty weeks of           competent to carry out the
completion can be:                                     procedure. Other than at
   1. Where the pregnancy is likely to affect the      government institutions, MTPs
      physical or mental health of the mother,         can be carried out only at places
   2. Where the yet unborn child is likely to have a   that are permitted to do so by the
      serious handicap due to physical/mental          government.
   3. Where pregnancy is a result of rape and          However MTP must not be used
   4. Where actually or in the near future, the        or abused as a method of post-sex
      pregnancy could endanger the health of the       contraception. Repeated MTPs
      mother.                                          affect the health of the woman
                                                       very badly.

                                    Any abortion beyond twenty weeks
                                        pregnancy (5 months) or by
                                   unqualified doctors is ILLEGAL. Both
                                   doctor and patient can be sent to jail
                           2. Menstrual Regulation (M.R.)
This is a simple procedure that can be used if a woman’s periods are delayed for a week
or so and is not sure if she is pregnant.

It can be done on a woman with less than two weeks of delayed periods. A simple OPD
procedure, MR is available free/cheaply at every rural or thirty-bedded hospital. A
narrow tube is inserted into the uterus and a large syringe attached to it sucks out every
thing inside it. Even if there is a pregnancy, the age of the child inside the womb cannot
be more than six weeks. By this age, it is not expected to have any sensation or feelings,
hence such a procedure is accepted by all religions that may otherwise do not permit

Couples can use it if contraception has failed. But repeated dependence on such a
procedure increases the chances of the woman to get an infection in the uterus.
                           Know the Answers
                             Contraception for Family Planning

Please Fill in the blanks:
1.   The natural methods of family planning are __________ , ____________, ____________

      and ____________________.

2.    In Calendar Method ( or Rhythmn Method) , a woman must divide the month into ____

      number of cycles, each cycle must be of ______ days. The first cycle starts with the ____

      day of her monthly periods.

3.    In Mucus Method, the most fertile period is when the mucus is ______________________

      and at this time the couple should _______ have sex.

4.    _______________ is the only contraceptive device for men.

5.    ____________________ for women is effective for 2-3 years once it is put.

6.   There are _____ number of pills in OCPs. The woman must take _____ pill every

      day starting with the ______ colour pill on the _____ day of her monthly period.

7.    _________________ is the permanent method for men and for women it is called


8. Mentrual Regulation can be done in women less than _____ weeks of menstrual periods.

“Right” or “Wrong”
1.   Only women should know contraception methods as they are the ones
     who have to bear children.

2.    Calendar or Rhythm method is only good for women whose periods are regular.

3.    Condoms can be washed and re-used again and again.

4.    If a woman is using OCPs and forgets to take her pill for 1 day, she
      should take it immediately and continue the next dose next day.

5.    Abortion beyond 5th month of pregnancy and done
      by unqualified doctor is a crime.

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16 family welfare

  • 2. 16-2 CONTRACEPTION FOR FAMILY PLANNING Women shelter and feed a child in their womb What is Contraception? for nine months. But most of the time it is Women (and men too) need to know women who have no control over whether ways of controlling how many or not they wanted to bring a child into this children they want and when to world in the first place or not ! have them. The is called contraception (kawn-tra-sep-shun). Why Do We need To Limit Our Families ? For women this knowledge is crucial In most societies here, the husband or the for exercising their right to delay or family exercises this control. In early days the prevent pregnancy. joint family system helped take care of many children growing up at the same time. But Though there are many ways of now families are mainly nuclear and this preventing pregnancy, let us first support is no longer available to mothers. know those that can be easily used Moreover with things so costly, it is difficult and are available at village level. to look after more than a couple of children properly. Types of Contraception Broadly we can divide the methods of contraception into: I. Natural and Unnatural methods. II. Further, the unnatural methods can be further divided into Temporary and Permanent methods. I. Natural Methods 1. Abstinence : Not having sex is the surest method of avoiding pregnancy, but one which is the toughest to follow. 2. Withdrawal method Withdrawal Often Fails ! Man withdraws his penis from the The problem with this method is that the chances of fail- woman just before the semen ure are very high. This is because the fluid that comes comes out. This is the commonest out of the penis when the man is excited (even before the semen is brought out) may also have enough sperms. method couples in rural areas use These can travel up a woman’s uterus and to the tube to avoid pregnancy. and can cause pregnancy. There are better and safer methods that a woman can adopt if she wants to avoid preg- nancy.
  • 3. 16-3 3. Rhythm or Calendar method This method involves every woman knowing her safe period, that is, the period when a woman is least likely to get pregnant. This method is safest only in those women who gets more or less regular periods. Though there are many ways to calculate “safe periods”, we will earn one of the simplest ways. Though slightly more risky, it can be used very well by even women who cannot read or write. Calculating Safe Period A Woman is asked to divide her cycle into (approximately) three equal parts of nine or ten days. Starting the first day of her menstrual cycle as Day 1, the first and the last part of the cycle are considered as her safe period. She should not have sex in the middle part as she is fertile then and could get pregnanat. Else, her partner should use a condom during the “unsafe period”. For example: Suppose your period starts on 7th January. Count that day as Day 1. Now Count off 10 days. Starting with the 10th day, underline the next 10 days in which you SHOULD NOT have sexual contact. Now suppose your next period starts off on the 3rd February. Count off 10 days and mark off the same way as given. Underline the days you must not have sex or make sure your partner uses a condom when you have sex. 4. Mucus Method Examine Your Cervical Mucus To Know your Fertility This method requires learning. It requires a dry (no mucus); nothing comes on the fingers woman taking out the (not fertile - can have sexual contact mucus from her vagina between her thumb and finger and checking to see does not stretch; crumbly, cream-like on the finger (not fertile - can have sexual contact) how much it stretches. Mucus does not stretch and breaks easily : Safe to stretches a little but breaks (slightly fertile - do not have unprotected sexual contact) have sex Mucus stretches and is slippery : Should NOT have wet; slippery and stretches between fingers (very fertile; dangerous to have unprotected sex; can get pregnant) sex.
  • 4. 16-4 II. Unnatural Methods a. Temporary Methods Many methods for avoiding pregnancy are now available for couples to choose from. Of the temporary ones are: 1. Condoms (kawn-dem) like Nirodh 2. IU.D. (Intra Uterine Device) or Copper T 3. Oral Contraceptive Pills Planning children is the responsiblility of both husband and wife. Encourage the husband to also be involved in deciding the method of contraception. 1. Condoms Condoms (made of latex rubber) when rolled up on the excited stiff penis of a man act as a barrier. They do not allow the semen (and hence the sperms) to travel up the woman’s uterus and hence avoid pregnancy. This is the only method available for men though not very popular with them. Many men claim that it decreases their Presently, condoms is the only pleasure of sex as one needs to roll it on the penis only method available to men. when it is erect. This interferes with the act of sex at a crucial time. Though men may not like to use condoms, the idea can be popularised by making men realise that: · There is no unnatural method that is 100% safe for women and this is one of the ways that he can show he cares for his wife/partner. · It helps him to avoid getting any disease from his sex partner. Condoms must be put on an erect Condoms must be used only once penis before it enters the vagina and then thrown away properly. Know this about Condoms · Condoms come in three sizes, but the six inches one is considered the regular size. · All Primary Health Care centres and health workers distribute it free of cost as NIRODH. It is also socially marketed cheaply as ZAROOR and may also be purchased from the market under different brand names. · It is important to squeeze air out of the tip as the man rolls it open over his penis or else the tip may burst and leak. · Rarely men may get an allergy to the rubber in the form of a rash.
  • 5. 16-5 2. Intra Uterine Device - Copper T Copper T is the commonest and most popular. It is shaped like the alphabet T and its stem is covered by a Copper wire. This Copper T when inserted by a trained person inside the woman’s uterus keeps releasing bits of copper. This reacts with the uterus so that a fertilised egg (an egg that has been joined by a man’s sperm) cannot lodge in the uterus. Copper-T The effect of most of the Copper Ts lasts for two to three years but we also have new ones that can last for five years. Hence, it is the most popular form of contraceptive among women. Problems of Copper T · Most rural women have infections of the genital tract and if due care is not taken for cleanliness, the infection may go up the uterus. · Many women get heavy bleeding because of a Copper T. · Most get cramps in the lower abdomen and pain in the lower back but very often the cramps get better after a month or two. Sometimes, though rarely, the Copper T may damage the uterus or cause a pregnancy that gets stuck in the tubes - both situations are emergencies and need an operation. 3. Oral Contraceptive Pills Made of hormones that are found naturally in women, OCPs stop the eggs from being released. Pregnancy cannot happen when there is no egg for the sperm from the man to fertilize. Where to get OCPs? · The government gives Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) free. Called MALA-N, it costs only Rs 2.00 in the markets for a packet of twenty-eight tablets sold as Mala - D. One packet can be used for a month. It has twenty-one white pills with hormone and seven red pills without any hormones (instead they have iron for the mother’s health). How To Take The Pills? Any woman who wants to prevent pregnancy can start eating a white pill strictly - for the first time — from the fifth day of her menstrual period daily at a fixed time, preferably while going to bed. After eating one white pill every night for twenty-one days, the woman must start eating the red pills that do not have hormones. This withdrawal of the hormones (in the white pills) will allow bleeding to occur. This assures the woman that she is not pregnant. After the whole pack is over she must start with the white pills of another pack.
  • 6. 16-6 More Questions on OCPs Answered What are the Problems associated With OCPs ? In some women, OCPs may cause a feeling of heaviness, swelling of feet and high BP. In those with a tendency to get blood clots, they may cause leg swelling and effects on the heart. Many women get fullness and discomfort in the breast which pain on pressing. Who should NOT use Weight gain of a few kgs and OCPs? headaches are also common. It is suggested that OCPs must be given only to women below 40 Are OCPs Useful After Sex ? years. Older women could go in for OCPS can also be used as AFTER-SEX a permanent method of PILLS. Four tablets taken within 72 contraception. You can use a hours of sex and repeated after 12 checklist before giving OCPs to any hours is said to prevent pregnancy. But woman. it may cause nausea, swelling and increase in BP temporarily. Even a Checklist Copper T inserted within 3 days of sex · Above 40 years of age can prevent pregnancy. · Above 35 years & heavy smoker · Severe pain in calves or thighs What if You Forget to take the · Fits /seizures Pill for one day? · Vein swelling in the legs Forgetting the pill for even a single day can causing problem put the woman at risk of getting pregnant. · Severe chest pain If she ever forgets, she must take the pill · Unusual shortness of breath immediately and then take the next dose at · Severe headache and the usual time. difficulty in vision · Feeding milk for less than six months 4. Other Hormonal Contracep- · Bleeding between menstrual tions cycles or after sex There are other ways of giving hormones · No periods to women for avoiding pregnancies. · Abnormally yellow skin & eyes · There are once a week pills like Saheli · B.P. more than 140/90 mm Hg that are a bit problematic to remember · Lump in the breast for the first few weeks (when they are · Swollen legs needed to be taken twice a week). If any one of the conditions · We also have three monthly injections listed in the checklist is found, like Depo-Provera and Net -En and the decision to give OCPs must implants like NORPLANT also, but are be left to a doctor. unadvisable in Indian conditions, because if they ever cause bleeding Every woman taking OCPs must problems, it is very difficult to have a be examined every year by a long cure. doctor.
  • 7. 16-7 b. Permanent Methods of Contraception Operations help prevent pregnancy permanently. For the male the operation is called Vasectomy and for the woman it is called Tubectomy. 1. Vasectomy (vasek-tummy): Operation For Men Vasectomy involves cutting and closing tubes called vas deferens so that it cannot transfer the sperms to the semen. The operation is very simple and painless. Most times, the man does not feel more than a prick of the injection given on either side to prevent pain sensation. The operation is a simple OPD procedure, and the man can In vasectomy, the tubes car- walk back after his operation. He needs to get his stitches rying sperms from testes to removed in five days and in a couple of weeks time, he penis are cut and tied. can even lift heavy weights as before. Precaution After Vasectomy Does Vasectomy Make You Weak ? As sperms are stored for a while before release, a In men, the male hormone is sent to the body man may cause pregnancy until six weeks after directly through the blood. So, cutting the tubes the date of operation of vasectomy. During this in vasectomy makes no difference to the time, the couple is advised to use condoms or person’s capability to have sex or to his voice, OCPs. hair or skin. Vasectomies are safer, simpler, faster and less For a couple of weeks the operation may give expensive than a tubectomy. But more women pain but it disappears. In some the operation than men get operated. This is because of women’s site may get infected, while in others there may lower status in a male dominated society. be swelling and pain. How Vasectomy is Done Vasectomy without Knife A new type of vasectomy called Non Scalpel Vasectomy or NSV is safe, convenient and much more acceptable to many males.The man’s vas is cut and tied through a hole-puncture carried out by a special thick needle. It can be popularised as a ‘’No Cut, No Stitch vasectomy.’’ Every area has Normally the man does not trained surgeons who can feel more than a pin-prick! perform NSV. ASK FOR IT! Can We Reverse the Effects of Vasectomy ? Although considered permanent, if a man for some reason wants to get back his capacity to give birth to a child, his vasectomy can be reversed. By another operation, the cut vas on each side can be joined once again. However the chances of it being successful enough to allow the man to be able to have children are low.
  • 8. 16-8 2. Tubectomy : Operation For Women This is the operation that can stop woman from getting pregnant permanently. In Tubectomy, the surgeon cuts the tubes of the woman on either side and closes the ends, so that the sperms from the father cannot reach the egg in the tube. On the other end, even the egg cannot travel down to the uterus even if the sperm were to reach it. Tubectomy can be done in 2 ways : 1. Making large cut on abdomen. In Tubectomy, tubes carrying the eggs from ovary to uterus 2. Using Laparoscope Tube. are cut and tied. (does not require a large cut on the abdomen). Laparoscopic Operation Tubectomy Without Large Cut On Abdo- When Laparascopy is Harmful men In our country, most tubectomy The good point of laparascopy is that it can operations are carried out in be done quickly and one may not need to “camps”. Conditions are far make the patient unconscious. However, it from ideal and the chances of requires more skill and training of the doctor germ infections are great. who performs the operation. Tubectomy Done In Camps Are Not The Best ! In laparoscopy operations the surgeon has to keep seeing through the tube of a laparoscope while operating. It is easier to see if a germfree gas can be pumped inside the abdomen. However, in most camps it is seen that even dust laden air is often pumped through a bicycle pump! Germs enter the woman’s body. These are considered the biggest reason why many women feel pain and have problems after the operation for life. Also, in such camps doctors try to do many operations as there is always a rush. They may not bother waiting the minimum 20 minutes needed to clean the instruments between one patient and another. Due to this, germs can spread. The commonest problem with tubectomy is seen to be pain and increased bleeding for years after the operation. Though dismissed by doctors, it is often serious enough to prevent the woman from working. This can be prevented if proper cleaning up procedures are followed at the time of the operation. Failure of the operation resulting in pregnancy is another problem of tubectomy. The pregnancy happens because the doctor is inexperienced. Or at times the band applied on the cut tubes slips. A woman whose tubectomy fails and she gets pregnant is liable to get compensation from the doctor/ government hospital for looking after the unwanted child or to undergo abortion. Such cases can be brought to light by forwarding a claim at the district office.
  • 9. 16-9 Other Methods Of Contraception Used 1. ABORTION Medical Termination of Pregnancy (M.T.P.) Conditions For Doctors To Allow If any woman demands that her pregnancy be M.T.P ended as her contraception had failed, even if If the pregnancy is less than twelve there is no way to prove it, under the MTP Act weeks only one doctor can take a of 1971 she has a right to it. The medical system decision for MTP, but after that is duty-bound to provide her the facility of MTP and until twenty weeks, two if her pregnancy is of less than twenty weeks or doctors are necessary for such a five months duration. decision. The district medical officer must certify both such Other reasons sufficient for allowing a doctors and the surgeon to be pregnancy to be ended before twenty weeks of competent to carry out the completion can be: procedure. Other than at 1. Where the pregnancy is likely to affect the government institutions, MTPs physical or mental health of the mother, can be carried out only at places 2. Where the yet unborn child is likely to have a that are permitted to do so by the serious handicap due to physical/mental government. abnormality, 3. Where pregnancy is a result of rape and However MTP must not be used 4. Where actually or in the near future, the or abused as a method of post-sex pregnancy could endanger the health of the contraception. Repeated MTPs mother. affect the health of the woman very badly. Any abortion beyond twenty weeks pregnancy (5 months) or by unqualified doctors is ILLEGAL. Both doctor and patient can be sent to jail ! 2. Menstrual Regulation (M.R.) This is a simple procedure that can be used if a woman’s periods are delayed for a week or so and is not sure if she is pregnant. It can be done on a woman with less than two weeks of delayed periods. A simple OPD procedure, MR is available free/cheaply at every rural or thirty-bedded hospital. A narrow tube is inserted into the uterus and a large syringe attached to it sucks out every thing inside it. Even if there is a pregnancy, the age of the child inside the womb cannot be more than six weeks. By this age, it is not expected to have any sensation or feelings, hence such a procedure is accepted by all religions that may otherwise do not permit abortion. Couples can use it if contraception has failed. But repeated dependence on such a procedure increases the chances of the woman to get an infection in the uterus.
  • 10. 16-10 Know the Answers Contraception for Family Planning Please Fill in the blanks: 1. The natural methods of family planning are __________ , ____________, ____________ and ____________________. 2. In Calendar Method ( or Rhythmn Method) , a woman must divide the month into ____ number of cycles, each cycle must be of ______ days. The first cycle starts with the ____ day of her monthly periods. 3. In Mucus Method, the most fertile period is when the mucus is ______________________ and at this time the couple should _______ have sex. 4. _______________ is the only contraceptive device for men. 5. ____________________ for women is effective for 2-3 years once it is put. 6. There are _____ number of pills in OCPs. The woman must take _____ pill every day starting with the ______ colour pill on the _____ day of her monthly period. 7. _________________ is the permanent method for men and for women it is called __________________. 8. Mentrual Regulation can be done in women less than _____ weeks of menstrual periods. “Right” or “Wrong” 1. Only women should know contraception methods as they are the ones who have to bear children. 2. Calendar or Rhythm method is only good for women whose periods are regular. 3. Condoms can be washed and re-used again and again. 4. If a woman is using OCPs and forgets to take her pill for 1 day, she should take it immediately and continue the next dose next day. 5. Abortion beyond 5th month of pregnancy and done by unqualified doctor is a crime.