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Drugs in Obstetrics
By: Maj Saminder Malik
Drugs in Obstetrics
1. Oxytocics
2. Epidosin
3. Antihypertensives
4. Anticonvulsants
5. Analgesia & anesthesia
Oxytocic in Obstetrics
Power to excite uterine muscle contractions
1. Oxytocin
2. Ergot Derivatives
3. Prostaglandins
It is synthesized in the supra-optic and para ventricular nuclei of
the hypothalamus
A half life of 3-4 min and duration of action of approx. 20 min
Stimulates amniotic and decidual prostaglandin production
Bound intracellular calcium (mobilize from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum to activate the contractile protein)
Stimulate myoepithelial cells of mammary glands for milk
Anti diuretic action
Oxytocin (preparations)
Synthetic oxytocin (5IU/ml)
Syntometrine (5+0.5mg)
Desamino oxytocin ( buccal tablets; 50IU)
Oxytocin nasal solution (40U/ml)
Pregnancy, labor , puerperium
To accelerate abortion, expedite H. Mole
To stop bleeding following evacuation of the uterus
Adjunct to induction of abortion along with other abortifacient agents
To induce and augment labor
Active management of third stage of labor
To minimize & control blood loss & control PPH
To facilitate cervical ripening for effective induction
Diagnostic of Contraction Stress Test & Oxytocin Sensitivity Test
Grand multipara
Obstructed labor
Fetal distress
Cardiac patient
Previous history of anaphylactic shock
Adverse effects
Uterine hyper stimulation
Uterine rupture
Water intoxication
Anti diuresis
Amniotic fluid embolism
Fetal : fetal distress, fetal hypoxia, fetal death
Nurse’s responsibilities
Intake output ratio
Uterine contractions and FHR
Blood pressure, pulse and respiration
By IV infusion. Monitor drop rate
Make crash cart available
Nurse’s responsibilities
length and duration of contractions
Notify physician of contractions lasting over 1 min or
absence of contractions
To report increased blood loss, abdominal cramps or
increased temperature
Ergot derivatives
Preparation Ampoules Tablet
Ergometrine (ergonovine) 0.25mg or
0.2mg 0.5-1mg
Syntometrine (Sandoz) 0.5mg
0.5-1mg +5 U
Onset of action
Routes Ergometrine methergine
IV 45-60sec 5min
IM 6-7min 7min
Oral 10min 10min
Mode of action
Acts directly on myometrium
Excites powerful frequent uterine
contractions with increasing intensity
without any relaxation in between
both upper & lower uterine segment
Prophylaxis & treatment of atonic PPH
First trimester MTP
Following LSCS/ Hysterotomy
Before birth of anterior shoulder
Before second twin is born
Heart disease in pregnancy
PIH/ Chronic hypertension
Rh negative patient
Vascular diseases
Ergot derivatives
Common side effects are nausea and vomiting
Precipitate rise of BP, myocardial infarction, stroke and bronchospasm
because of vaso-constrictive effect
Prolonged use may result in gangrene formation of the toes
Prolonged use in puerperium may interfere with lactation
Caution: ergometrine should not be used during pregnancy, first stage
of labor, second stage of labor, second stage prior to crowning of the
head an din breech delivery prior to crowning
Ergot derivatives
Nurse’s responsibilities:
Assess : Blood pressure, pulse and respiration
Watch for signs of hemorrhage
Administer: orally or IM in deep muscle mass
Have emergency cart readily available
Evaluate: therapeutic effect – decreased blood loss
Teach : to report increased blood loss, abdominal cramps, headache,
sweating, nausea, vomiting or dyspnea
Mechanism of action:
increases intramyometrial calcium concentration &
enhance uterine contraction.
Act on G protein coupled receptors & activate
calcium channels
PGF2α promotes myometrial contractility
PGE2α helps cervical maturation
Routes Availability Preparation Dose
Dinoprostone (prostin E2) Vaginal tablet 3mg in post. Fornix.
Repeat dose after 6-8
hrs. Max dose 6mg
Releasing dinoprostone Vaginal pessary 10mg over 24hrs.
Removed when cervix is
Prostin E2 (cerviprime) Vaginal gel 0.5mg at/below internal
Parenteral PGE2 IV 1mg/ml
PGF2a (dinoprost
IM 5mg/ml
Methyl analogue of PGF2a
IM 250mcg/ml
Methyl ester of PGE1
Hypersenstivity to the compound
Uterine scar
Active cardiac, pulmonary, renal or hepatic
disease, hypotension (PGE2)
Bronchial asthama (PGF2a)
Side effects
Nausea, vomiting
Cervical lacerations
hyper stimulation
Prostaglandins - uses
Powerful oxytocic effect irrespective of period of pregnancy.
In later months it can be used for acceleration of labor
It has got no anti diuretic effect
Termination of molar pregnancy
Induction of abortion, labor & augmentation
Cervical ripening prior to the induction of abortion or labor
Management of atonic PPH
Medical managemnt of tubal ectopic pregnancy
Nurses' responsibility
Monitor for hypersensitivity reaction
Maintain asepsis
After instillation of cerviprime gel patient should
lie in bed for half an hour. Max. 3 instillations can
be done at the interval of 6-8hrs
Epidosin (valethamate bromide)
Used in active management of labor
Facilitate dilataion and effacement of cervix
Anticholinergic, spasmolytic action on
smooth muscles
Acceleration of first stage of labor
Dilataion of cervix in labor
Spasmodic dysmenorrhea
Route of administration & dose
SC/IM/ IV/Orally
Dose: >3-4cm dilated cervix in labor
1ampoule = 8mg IM/IV 3doses every 20min
Side effects mild tachycardia
Anti-hypertensive therapy
Vasodilators Calcium
Methyldopa Labetalol Hydralazine Nifedipine
Drug of first choice
Central and peripheral anti-adrenergic action
Effective and safe for both mother and fetus
Dose: Orally 25omg BD may be increased o 1gm tds
depending upon the response
IV infusion 250 – 500 mg
Contraindications: hepatic disorders
Psychic patients
Side effects: Maternal hypotension
Hemolytic anemia
Sodium retention
Excessive sedation
Fetal intestinal ileus
Mechanism of action: combined alpha and beta adrenergic
blocking agents
Contraindication: hepatic disorders
Dose: orally 100mg tds. May be increased upto 800mg daily
IV infusion (hypertensive crisis) 1-2 mg/ ml until desired effect
Side effects: experience is less compared to methyldopa. Efficacy
and safety with short term use. Appear equal to methyl dopa
Mechanism of action: arteriolar vasodilator
Contraindication: because of the variable sodium retention, diuretics
should be used
Dose: orally 100mg/day in 4 divided doses
IV 5mg bolus followed by 25mg in 200 ml NS at a rate of 2.5 mg/hr to be
doubled every 30 min
Side effects: maternal : hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia,
palpitation, lupus like syndronme
Neonatal : thrombocytopenia
Mode of action: direct arteriolar vasodilator
Dose: orally 5-10 mg td
Contraindications: simultaneous use of magnesium sulphate
could be hazardous due to synergic effect
Side effects: flushing, headache, hypotension, tachycardia,
inhibition of labor
Tocolytic agents
Prevention of preterm labor
Delays labor by 48-72 hrs
Give time to administer steroids, treat infection
1. Beta 2 adrenergic receptor agonists
2. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors
3. Calcium channel blockers
4. Antagonists (atosiban)
Commonly used:
Mechanism of action: Activation of the
intracellular enzymes( acetylate cyclase, cAMP,
protein kinase) reduces intracellular free
calcium and inhibits the activation of MLCK
Dose: ritodrine is given by infusion 50mcg/min and
increased by 50 mcg every 10min until contractions cease.
Maximum dose of 200mcg /min till 12-48 hrs may be
given. Infusion is continued for about 12 hours after
contraction ceases. DO NOT USE SALINE TO MAKE
Terbutaline: has longer life and has fewer side effects
subcutaneous injection of 0.025mg every 3-4 hours is
Isoxuprine: is given a IV drip 100mg in 5%D. Rate 0.2
mcg/minute. To continue for at least 2 hours after contraction
ceases. Maintenance Is by IM 10mg six hourly for 24 hours,
tab 10mg 6-8hourly
Side effects: maternal headache, palpitation, tachycardia,
pulmonary edema, hypotension, cardiac failure,
hyperglycemia, ARDS, Hyper-insulinemia, lactic academia,
hypokalemia, even death
Neonatal hypoglycemia, IVH
PG synthetase inhibitor -
Reduces synthesis of PGs thereby reduces
intracellular free ca, activation of MLCK and
uterine contractions
Dose: loading dose 50mg PO or PR followed by
25mg evry 6 hours for 48 hrs
Side effects: Maternal heart burn , GI bleeding,
asthma, thrombocytopenia, renal injury
Calcium Channel blockers
Mechanism: nifedipine blocks the entry of calcium inside the cell.
Compared to beta-mimetics, effects are less. It is equally effective to
Mg SO4
Dose: oral: 10 -20 mg every 6-8hrs
Side effects: maternal hypotension, headache, flushing, nausea
Magnesium Sulphate
Inhibition to calcium ion
Contraindication: myasthenia gravis, impaired renal
Side effects: Maternal: flushing, perspiration,
headache, muscle weakness, pulmonary edema rarely
Neonatal Lethargy hypotonia respiratory depression
Oxytocin antagonists - Atosibvan
It blocks myometrial oxytocin receptors
Dose: IV infusion 300mcg/min, initial bolus may be
Side effcts: nausea, vomiting, platelet dysfunction
Fetal oligohydramnios, IVH, NEC
Anticonvulsants – MgSo4
Mode of action: it decreases the acetylcholine release from the nerve
Dose: IM loading dose 4gm IV ( 20% solution) over 3-5min to follow
10gm deep IM, 5gm in each buttock. Maintenance dose: 5gm deep IM
on alternate buttocks every 4 hours (pritchard’s regimen)
IV loading dose: 4-6 gm. IV over 15-20min. Maintenance dose: 1-
2gm/hr IV infusion (Zuspan regimen)
Maintenance dose to be continued for 24hrs after the last seizure
Side effects: relatively safe and is drug of choice. Muscular paresis
(diminished knee jerks), respiratory failure. Renal function to be
Antidote: injection of calcium gluconate 10% 10ml IV
MgSo4 – Toxic levels
Normal = 0.8 – 1mmol/L
Therapeutic levels = 1.7 – 3.5 mmol/L
Prolonged PR interval & wide QRS = 3.5-5mmol/L
Loss of tendon reflexes = 5-7.49mmol/L
Respiratory paralysis = 7.5 – 11.9mmol/L
Cardiac arrest = >12mmol/L
MgSo4 - side effects
Flushing & lethargy
Generalized muscle weakness
Pulmonary oedema
Cardiac arrest & death
Newborn respiratory depression
Central muscle relaxant & anticonvulsant
Dose: 20-40mg IV
Side effects: Maternal – Hypotension
Fetal - Respiratory Distress, hypotonia,
thermoregulatory problem
Analgesia & anesthesia in obstetrics
Sedatives and analgesics
Opioid analgesics
Dose: injectable preparations contains 50 mg/ml can be
administered SC, IM, IV .its dose is 50-100mg IM combined
with promethazine.
Contradictions: should not be used IV within 2hrs and IM
within 3 hrs. of expected time of delivery of the baby, for fear
of birth asphyxia. It should not be used in cases of preterm
labor and when respiratory reserve of the mother is reduced
Side effects: M: drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache,
sedation, nausea, vomiting
Inhibits ascending pathways in CNS. Increases
pain threshold and alters pain perception.
Indications: moderate to severe pain in labor,
postoperative pain , and adjunct to GA
Dose: 0.5-1mg IM per1-2hrs available in
injectable form 0.05mg/ml
Side effects: dizziness, delirium, euphoria,
nausea, vomiting, muscle rigidity, blurred vision
Dose: 30-40mg
Naloxone is an efficient & reliable antagonist
Adverse effects: neonate respiratory depression
secondary to the medication crossing to the
placenta and affecting the fetus.
Unsteady ambulation of the client
Inhibition of the mother’s ability to cope with the
pain of labor
Diazepam – usual dose is 5-10mg
Midazolam – dose of 0.05mg/kg is given IV
Combination of narcotics & tranquilzers
Butorphanol and nalbuphine
Inhalational methods
Nitrous Oxide and air
Premixed nitrous oxide and oxygen
Methoxyflurane, isoflurane , enflurane
Epidural and spinal regional
Adverse effects:
Nausea & vomiting
Inhibition of bladder & bladder elimination sensations
Bradycardia or tachycardia
Respiratory depression
Allergic reaction and pruritis
Pudendal block
It consists of a local anesthetic such as
lidocaine (xylocaine) or bupivacaine (Marcaine)
being administered transvaginally into the space
in front of the pudendal nerve
Epidural anaesthesia
Epidural block consists of a local anesthetic
bupivacaine (Marcaine) along with an analgesic
morphine (duramorph) or fentanyl (sublimaze)
injected into the epidural space at the level of 4th
or 5th vertebrae
Adverse effects : maternal hypotension, fetal
bradycardia, inability to feel the urge to void,
loss of bearing down refl;ex
Spinal block
Spinal block consist of a local anesthetic injected
into the subarachnoid space into the spinal fluid at
3rd, 4th, 5th lumbar interspace, alone or in
combination with an analgesic such as fentanyl
Adverse effects: maternal hypotension, fetal
bradycardia, loss of bearing fown reflex
Para-cervical block
It consists of lidocaine (xylocaine) being injected
into the cervical mucosa early in labor during the
1st stage to block the pain of uterine contractions
Adverse effects include fetal bradycardia.
Improper technique can result in serious toxicity
General Anesthesia
100% oxygen is administered by tight mask fit for more than 3 min.
Induction of anaesthesia is done with the injection of thiopentone
sodium 200 – 250mg as a 2.5% solution IV followed by refrigerated
suxamethonium 100mg.
The patient is intubated with cuffed ET tube. Anaesthesia is
maintained with 50% NO2, 50% oxygen and a trace of halothane
Relaxation is maintained with non-depolarizing muscle relaxant
(Vecuronium 4mg or Atracurium 25mg)

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0x01 - Newton's Third Law:  Static vs. Dynamic Abusers0x01 - Newton's Third Law:  Static vs. Dynamic Abusers
0x01 - Newton's Third Law: Static vs. Dynamic Abusers

Drugs in obstetrics

  • 1. Drugs in Obstetrics By: Maj Saminder Malik
  • 2. Drugs in Obstetrics 1. Oxytocics 2. Epidosin 3. Antihypertensives 4. Anticonvulsants 5. Analgesia & anesthesia
  • 3. Oxytocic in Obstetrics Power to excite uterine muscle contractions 1. Oxytocin 2. Ergot Derivatives 3. Prostaglandins
  • 4. Oxytocin It is synthesized in the supra-optic and para ventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus A half life of 3-4 min and duration of action of approx. 20 min Stimulates amniotic and decidual prostaglandin production Bound intracellular calcium (mobilize from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to activate the contractile protein) Stimulate myoepithelial cells of mammary glands for milk ejection Anti diuretic action
  • 5. Oxytocin (preparations) Synthetic oxytocin (5IU/ml) Syntometrine (5+0.5mg) Desamino oxytocin ( buccal tablets; 50IU) Oxytocin nasal solution (40U/ml)
  • 6. Indications Pregnancy, labor , puerperium To accelerate abortion, expedite H. Mole To stop bleeding following evacuation of the uterus Adjunct to induction of abortion along with other abortifacient agents To induce and augment labor Active management of third stage of labor To minimize & control blood loss & control PPH To facilitate cervical ripening for effective induction Diagnostic of Contraction Stress Test & Oxytocin Sensitivity Test
  • 7. Contraindications Grand multipara Obstructed labor Fetal distress Cardiac patient Previous history of anaphylactic shock
  • 8. Adverse effects Maternal Uterine hyper stimulation Uterine rupture Water intoxication Hypotension Anti diuresis Amniotic fluid embolism Fetal : fetal distress, fetal hypoxia, fetal death
  • 9. Nurse’s responsibilities Assess: Intake output ratio Uterine contractions and FHR Blood pressure, pulse and respiration Administer: By IV infusion. Monitor drop rate Make crash cart available
  • 10. Nurse’s responsibilities Evaluate: length and duration of contractions Notify physician of contractions lasting over 1 min or absence of contractions Teach: To report increased blood loss, abdominal cramps or increased temperature
  • 11. Ergot derivatives Preparation Ampoules Tablet Ergometrine (ergonovine) 0.25mg or 0.5mg 0.5mg Methergine(methylergonovi ne) 0.2mg 0.5-1mg Syntometrine (Sandoz) 0.5mg ergometrine 0.5-1mg +5 U syntometrine
  • 12. Onset of action Routes Ergometrine methergine IV 45-60sec 5min IM 6-7min 7min Oral 10min 10min
  • 13. Mode of action Acts directly on myometrium Excites powerful frequent uterine contractions with increasing intensity without any relaxation in between both upper & lower uterine segment
  • 14. Indications Prophylaxis & treatment of atonic PPH First trimester MTP Following LSCS/ Hysterotomy
  • 15. Contraindications Before birth of anterior shoulder Before second twin is born Heart disease in pregnancy PIH/ Chronic hypertension Rh negative patient Vascular diseases
  • 16. Ergot derivatives Common side effects are nausea and vomiting Precipitate rise of BP, myocardial infarction, stroke and bronchospasm because of vaso-constrictive effect Prolonged use may result in gangrene formation of the toes Prolonged use in puerperium may interfere with lactation Caution: ergometrine should not be used during pregnancy, first stage of labor, second stage of labor, second stage prior to crowning of the head an din breech delivery prior to crowning
  • 17. Ergot derivatives Nurse’s responsibilities: Assess : Blood pressure, pulse and respiration Watch for signs of hemorrhage Administer: orally or IM in deep muscle mass Have emergency cart readily available Evaluate: therapeutic effect – decreased blood loss Teach : to report increased blood loss, abdominal cramps, headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting or dyspnea
  • 18. Prostaglandins Mechanism of action: increases intramyometrial calcium concentration & enhance uterine contraction. Act on G protein coupled receptors & activate calcium channels PGF2α promotes myometrial contractility PGE2α helps cervical maturation
  • 19. Prostaglandins Routes Availability Preparation Dose Vaginal route Dinoprostone (prostin E2) Vaginal tablet 3mg in post. Fornix. Repeat dose after 6-8 hrs. Max dose 6mg Releasing dinoprostone Vaginal pessary 10mg over 24hrs. Removed when cervix is ripe Prostin E2 (cerviprime) Vaginal gel 0.5mg at/below internal os Parenteral PGE2 IV 1mg/ml PGF2a (dinoprost tromethamine) IM 5mg/ml Methyl analogue of PGF2a (carboprost) IM 250mcg/ml Methyl ester of PGE1 (misoprost) tablets
  • 20. Contraindications Hypersenstivity to the compound Uterine scar Active cardiac, pulmonary, renal or hepatic disease, hypotension (PGE2) Bronchial asthama (PGF2a)
  • 22. Prostaglandins - uses Powerful oxytocic effect irrespective of period of pregnancy. In later months it can be used for acceleration of labor It has got no anti diuretic effect Termination of molar pregnancy Induction of abortion, labor & augmentation Cervical ripening prior to the induction of abortion or labor Management of atonic PPH Medical managemnt of tubal ectopic pregnancy
  • 23. Nurses' responsibility Monitor for hypersensitivity reaction Maintain asepsis After instillation of cerviprime gel patient should lie in bed for half an hour. Max. 3 instillations can be done at the interval of 6-8hrs
  • 24. Epidosin (valethamate bromide) Used in active management of labor Facilitate dilataion and effacement of cervix Anticholinergic, spasmolytic action on smooth muscles
  • 25. Indications Acceleration of first stage of labor Dilataion of cervix in labor Spasmodic dysmenorrhea
  • 26. Route of administration & dose SC/IM/ IV/Orally Dose: >3-4cm dilated cervix in labor 1ampoule = 8mg IM/IV 3doses every 20min Side effects mild tachycardia
  • 28. Methyldopa Drug of first choice Central and peripheral anti-adrenergic action Effective and safe for both mother and fetus Dose: Orally 25omg BD may be increased o 1gm tds depending upon the response IV infusion 250 – 500 mg
  • 29. Methyldopa Contraindications: hepatic disorders Psychic patients CCF Side effects: Maternal hypotension Hemolytic anemia Sodium retention Excessive sedation Fetal intestinal ileus
  • 30. Labetalol Mechanism of action: combined alpha and beta adrenergic blocking agents Contraindication: hepatic disorders Dose: orally 100mg tds. May be increased upto 800mg daily IV infusion (hypertensive crisis) 1-2 mg/ ml until desired effect Side effects: experience is less compared to methyldopa. Efficacy and safety with short term use. Appear equal to methyl dopa
  • 31. Hydralazine Mechanism of action: arteriolar vasodilator Contraindication: because of the variable sodium retention, diuretics should be used Dose: orally 100mg/day in 4 divided doses IV 5mg bolus followed by 25mg in 200 ml NS at a rate of 2.5 mg/hr to be doubled every 30 min Side effects: maternal : hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, palpitation, lupus like syndronme Neonatal : thrombocytopenia
  • 32. Nifedipine Mode of action: direct arteriolar vasodilator Dose: orally 5-10 mg td Contraindications: simultaneous use of magnesium sulphate could be hazardous due to synergic effect Side effects: flushing, headache, hypotension, tachycardia, inhibition of labor
  • 33. Tocolytic agents Prevention of preterm labor Delays labor by 48-72 hrs Give time to administer steroids, treat infection 1. Beta 2 adrenergic receptor agonists 2. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors 3. Calcium channel blockers 4. Antagonists (atosiban)
  • 34. Betamimetics Commonly used: Terbutaline Ritodrine Isoxuprine Mechanism of action: Activation of the intracellular enzymes( acetylate cyclase, cAMP, protein kinase) reduces intracellular free calcium and inhibits the activation of MLCK
  • 35. Betamimetics Dose: ritodrine is given by infusion 50mcg/min and increased by 50 mcg every 10min until contractions cease. Maximum dose of 200mcg /min till 12-48 hrs may be given. Infusion is continued for about 12 hours after contraction ceases. DO NOT USE SALINE TO MAKE INFUSION Terbutaline: has longer life and has fewer side effects subcutaneous injection of 0.025mg every 3-4 hours is given
  • 36. Betamimetics Isoxuprine: is given a IV drip 100mg in 5%D. Rate 0.2 mcg/minute. To continue for at least 2 hours after contraction ceases. Maintenance Is by IM 10mg six hourly for 24 hours, tab 10mg 6-8hourly Side effects: maternal headache, palpitation, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, hypotension, cardiac failure, hyperglycemia, ARDS, Hyper-insulinemia, lactic academia, hypokalemia, even death Neonatal hypoglycemia, IVH
  • 37. PG synthetase inhibitor - Indomethacine Reduces synthesis of PGs thereby reduces intracellular free ca, activation of MLCK and uterine contractions Dose: loading dose 50mg PO or PR followed by 25mg evry 6 hours for 48 hrs Side effects: Maternal heart burn , GI bleeding, asthma, thrombocytopenia, renal injury
  • 38. Calcium Channel blockers Nifedipine MgSo4 Mechanism: nifedipine blocks the entry of calcium inside the cell. Compared to beta-mimetics, effects are less. It is equally effective to Mg SO4 Dose: oral: 10 -20 mg every 6-8hrs Side effects: maternal hypotension, headache, flushing, nausea
  • 39. Magnesium Sulphate Inhibition to calcium ion Contraindication: myasthenia gravis, impaired renal function Side effects: Maternal: flushing, perspiration, headache, muscle weakness, pulmonary edema rarely Neonatal Lethargy hypotonia respiratory depression rerely
  • 40. Oxytocin antagonists - Atosibvan It blocks myometrial oxytocin receptors Dose: IV infusion 300mcg/min, initial bolus may be needed Side effcts: nausea, vomiting, platelet dysfunction Fetal oligohydramnios, IVH, NEC
  • 41. Anticonvulsants – MgSo4 Mode of action: it decreases the acetylcholine release from the nerve endings Dose: IM loading dose 4gm IV ( 20% solution) over 3-5min to follow 10gm deep IM, 5gm in each buttock. Maintenance dose: 5gm deep IM on alternate buttocks every 4 hours (pritchard’s regimen) IV loading dose: 4-6 gm. IV over 15-20min. Maintenance dose: 1- 2gm/hr IV infusion (Zuspan regimen) Maintenance dose to be continued for 24hrs after the last seizure Side effects: relatively safe and is drug of choice. Muscular paresis (diminished knee jerks), respiratory failure. Renal function to be monitored. Antidote: injection of calcium gluconate 10% 10ml IV
  • 42. MgSo4 – Toxic levels Normal = 0.8 – 1mmol/L Therapeutic levels = 1.7 – 3.5 mmol/L Prolonged PR interval & wide QRS = 3.5-5mmol/L Loss of tendon reflexes = 5-7.49mmol/L Respiratory paralysis = 7.5 – 11.9mmol/L Cardiac arrest = >12mmol/L
  • 43. MgSo4 - side effects Flushing & lethargy Generalized muscle weakness Pulmonary oedema Cardiac arrest & death Newborn respiratory depression hyporeflexia
  • 44. Diazepam Central muscle relaxant & anticonvulsant Dose: 20-40mg IV Side effects: Maternal – Hypotension Fetal - Respiratory Distress, hypotonia, thermoregulatory problem
  • 45. Analgesia & anesthesia in obstetrics Sedatives and analgesics Opioid analgesics
  • 46. Pethidine Dose: injectable preparations contains 50 mg/ml can be administered SC, IM, IV .its dose is 50-100mg IM combined with promethazine. Contradictions: should not be used IV within 2hrs and IM within 3 hrs. of expected time of delivery of the baby, for fear of birth asphyxia. It should not be used in cases of preterm labor and when respiratory reserve of the mother is reduced Side effects: M: drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, sedation, nausea, vomiting
  • 47. Fentanyl Inhibits ascending pathways in CNS. Increases pain threshold and alters pain perception. Indications: moderate to severe pain in labor, postoperative pain , and adjunct to GA Dose: 0.5-1mg IM per1-2hrs available in injectable form 0.05mg/ml Side effects: dizziness, delirium, euphoria, nausea, vomiting, muscle rigidity, blurred vision
  • 48. Pentazocin Dose: 30-40mg Naloxone is an efficient & reliable antagonist Adverse effects: neonate respiratory depression secondary to the medication crossing to the placenta and affecting the fetus. Unsteady ambulation of the client Inhibition of the mother’s ability to cope with the pain of labor
  • 49. Tranquilizers Diazepam – usual dose is 5-10mg Midazolam – dose of 0.05mg/kg is given IV Combination of narcotics & tranquilzers Butorphanol and nalbuphine
  • 50. Inhalational methods Nitrous Oxide and air Premixed nitrous oxide and oxygen Trichloroethylene Methoxyflurane, isoflurane , enflurane
  • 51. Epidural and spinal regional analgesia Adverse effects: Nausea & vomiting Inhibition of bladder & bladder elimination sensations Bradycardia or tachycardia Hypotension Respiratory depression Allergic reaction and pruritis
  • 52. Pudendal block It consists of a local anesthetic such as lidocaine (xylocaine) or bupivacaine (Marcaine) being administered transvaginally into the space in front of the pudendal nerve
  • 53. Epidural anaesthesia Epidural block consists of a local anesthetic bupivacaine (Marcaine) along with an analgesic morphine (duramorph) or fentanyl (sublimaze) injected into the epidural space at the level of 4th or 5th vertebrae Adverse effects : maternal hypotension, fetal bradycardia, inability to feel the urge to void, loss of bearing down refl;ex
  • 54. Spinal block Spinal block consist of a local anesthetic injected into the subarachnoid space into the spinal fluid at 3rd, 4th, 5th lumbar interspace, alone or in combination with an analgesic such as fentanyl Adverse effects: maternal hypotension, fetal bradycardia, loss of bearing fown reflex
  • 55. Para-cervical block It consists of lidocaine (xylocaine) being injected into the cervical mucosa early in labor during the 1st stage to block the pain of uterine contractions Adverse effects include fetal bradycardia. Improper technique can result in serious toxicity
  • 56. General Anesthesia 100% oxygen is administered by tight mask fit for more than 3 min. Induction of anaesthesia is done with the injection of thiopentone sodium 200 – 250mg as a 2.5% solution IV followed by refrigerated suxamethonium 100mg. The patient is intubated with cuffed ET tube. Anaesthesia is maintained with 50% NO2, 50% oxygen and a trace of halothane Relaxation is maintained with non-depolarizing muscle relaxant (Vecuronium 4mg or Atracurium 25mg)