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A festive evaluation of prior knowledge!
1. What can cause conflict between
2. What helped cause WWI?
3. What kinds of new weapons did they use
in the war?
4. What is an alliance?
5. What is militarism?
6. What future problems can
this war cause in the future?
Germany Machine Gun trenches
Austria-Hungary USA rats
Rifle alliances Russia
Poison gas Tank Czar Nicolas
Woodrow Wilson nationalism Kaiser Wilhelm
Franz Ferdinand imperialism lice
Trench foot militarism plane
Bayonet Erich Luddendorf Western Front
Lusitania Italy Serbia
Gavrillo Princep France submarines
Draw a circle on your paper. Look
at all of the terms. Write down
terms in the circle that you feel
have something in common. Label
it with a category
1. MILITARISM: aggressive
preparation for war grows.
• Mili leaders stock supplies &
develop war plans (Schlieffen
plan) that never changed & were
basis for all decisions.
• Drafted men
(conscription)& armies double in
size by 1914
2.Europe divided into many
alliances & the big 2 were:
a. Triple Alliance – Italy,
Austria-Hungary &
b. Triple Entente- France,
Great Britain &
Major European Countries formed two
alliances prior to WWI. Match the
country with the alliance!
Germany France Italy Russia
Great Britain Austria-Hungary
3. Imperialism led to
competition for colonies to
get control
of resources.
Germ had
little &
Br & Fr had
a lot!
4. NATIONALISM: desire
for own nation grows.
•many ethnic groups w/o
own national states
want independence
•1914: Serbia wants all
Slavic peoples (Bosnia,
others) to join together to
create Slavic state, but Aus-
Hun against it (they control
M- militarism- build up weapons, supplies,
troops & plans
A- alliances- nations that help one other,
2 big alliances!
I-imperialism- competition for
N-nationalism-ethnic groups want
independence. (Serbs!)
•June 28, 1914: Archduke
Franz Ferdinand, heir to
A-H throne & wife Sophia
visited Sarajevo, Bosnia.
terrorist group
who want
free),try to kill
Franz. (Tried a
bomb & failed).
shoots both
•Aus-Hun doesn’t know if
Serb govt involved
• Want to attack.
•Afraid of Russia
•Turn to Germ for
1. Write a short article describing the death of
Franz Ferdinand. Your article should include at
least 5 specific DETAILS of the assassination &
at least one reason for this action being taken
by the Black Hand.  
2. Now, choose ONE of the following topics to
write an editorial (an article giving opinions or
perspectives) :
a. Do we have any similar situations today? Do you
believe this could happen today?
b. How did Serbian nationalism play a role in the
assassination? Did the Serbs have an alternative
 c. What course of action should the Austrian-
Hungarian government take next?
Germ Emperor
Kaiser Wilhelm
II gives
promising full
support of
Aus-Hun, even
if Rus gets
• Serbs turn
down AUS-
Hun demands
& A-H
declares war
on Serbs
July 28th
• First World War
•Serbia’s ally,
Czar Nicholas
II of Rus,
orders partial
troops &
supplies &
making them
ready for war).
•Russia’s war plans say to
fight Germ & Aus-Hun,
Czar Nicholas must
mobilize against both.
•Czar orders full
mobilization on July 29th
•Ger sees mobilization as
act of war & declares
war on Russia.
•The German Schlieffen
plan calls for a 2 front
war & makes Germ
invade Belgium to attack
France to get Russia
(written in 1894)
(think about
•Ger declared war
on France on Aug.
, 1914
•Germ told
to let
•Aug. 4th
, 1914, Great Brit
declares war on Germ for
violating Belgium’s
• GB part of
w/ Fr & Rus
(Triple Entente)
True or False
1. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand started WWI
2. The Triple Alliance was an agreement between
Britain, France and Russia 
3.Germany only had a few colonies in Africa.
4. The Schleiffen Plan was a plan to attack Russia through
5. Large areas of Austria-Hungary & Bosnia contained
nationalist groups
6.Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia
7.Germany declared war on Brit & France in 1914. 
8. Due to militarism, many nation’s armies doubled in size
by 1914
1. Franz Ferdinand (next
leader of Aus-Hun)
assassinated by Serb
terrorists the Black Hand
2. Aus-Hun gets Blank Check
from Germany 7/5/14
3. Aus-Hun declares war on
Serb 7/28/14
4. Russia Mobilizes army on
7/ 29 – 31/14 against both
Aus-Hun & Germ
5. Germans see mobilization
as act of war. Declares war
on Russia
6. German Schlieffen plan
makes Germ invade Belgium
& France to get Russia
7. Germany declares war on
France 8/3/14
8. Great Britain declares war
on Germany 8/4/14
•Govt spreads PROPAGANDA-
ideas used to influence
public opinion for or against
a cause-
• helped to create hatred
& support for causes.
• Most believe war
will end in 2 weeks
or less
•Eastern Front: Germany &
•Western Front-Mostly in Fr
• Schlieffen Plan
go thru Belgium
to circle Paris,
trapping Fr,
then on around
to Russia
• Ger stopped at 1st Battle of
Marne (Sept. 6-10, 1914).
• Fr troops sent in taxis to front
line in red uniforms.
• Both sides dig trenches
• New technology (Poison gas,
tank, plane, mortars, machine
gun, zeppelin)
• Little movement,
• Many deaths
• Bad conditions
• Trenches
• lice
(July 1916)
v=SXtsiqrhqsU Opening scenes All quiet
• You are a soldier serving a 6 month tour of duty in
the trenches on the Western Front. It is April 1917
& the US has just joined the Allies. Do the following:
1. Write a _ page letter back home to your
parents/friend/dog/relative, etc. In your letter,
describe what life is like in the trenches.Include:
a. who you are fighting for & against?
b. what are the conditions like?
c. What weapons do you see/use? Tactics?
d. What is your job?
e. What do you do all day?
Be creative, use headings, and use SPECIFIC DETAILS
•Eastern Front (Germ/Rus)-
Very mobile, w/ huge losses
of life.
1. Russia is beaten in E.
Germ & suffers major losses
at Tannenberg (general kills self,
92,000 POWs, 78,000 deaths) &
Masurian Lakes (125,000 dead,
45,000 POWS)
2.Aus-Hun defeated by Rus in
3.Italy joins Triple Entente
(now called the ALLIES w/
GB, FR, RUS) in 1915
4.Germ pushes Russians back
into Russia w/ heavy
losses(Russia out of war)
5. Bulgaria joins w/ Germ &
Aus-Hun. (now Central
6.Serbs destroyed in Sept ’15
*Ottoman Empire joins CP
Western Front Eastern Front
Fr & Ger trenches
stretch from English
h Channel to
Very mobile!
German Schlieffen
plan stopped by
Russian defeat ed in
Germany & Gallacia-
2.5 mil casualties
Both sides bogged
sown for most of war
Success for Germ
and A-H
HUGE loss of life Huge loss of life
Allied Powers Central Powers
additions or
•US neutral
•GB blockades
Germ w/ navy
•Germ uses
warfare (will
shoot down
any ship)
•May 7, 1915
Germ sinks
BR passenger
liner, killing
1000 (128 Americans)
•Germ stops
subs, afraid
USA will join
• Jan. 1917, ADMIRAL
KAISER into using
unrestricted sub warfare
& blockades again to
Kaiser Wilhelm
II that Brits
will starve
before US acts
• “I give your majesty my word
as an officer, not one American
will land on the continent”
• US Pres
• Woodrow
• Wilson asks
• for a Dec of
• War April 2nd
• 1917. Enters
• war over
unrestricted sub warfare &
Zimmerman telegram
• German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman sent the govt of Mexico a coded
message, inviting Mexico to wage war on the US as a member of the Central
Powers. Germany would then help Mexico claim land form the US. Mexico
turned t down, and the BR intercepted the message
• “We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare.
We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America
neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of
alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together,
generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to
reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The
settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above
most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of
America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative,
invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between
Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the
ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling
England in a few months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN”
•Became TOTAL WAR-
mobilization of
resources & people.
•Women take over
jobs in factories
•Euros went to PLANNED
ECONOMIES- systems
run by govt agencies that
expanded powers to meet
needs such as: drafts,
regulate import/exports,
ration food,
control prices, wages &
rent control
•Don’t write!
•1918 better for
Allies w/ arrival
of US troops
gambles &
planned 1 big
offensive on
Western Front
•Get w/in 50 miles of
Paris, but stopped at 2nd
Battle of Marne
Battle of the Marne
•Germ forced back by US
•Sept 29, 1918, Gen.
Ludendorff says war is
•Allies won’t make
peace w/ Germ
imperial govt
• Kaiser Wilhelm
II gives up &
• AUS-Hun fell
apart & new
nations emerge
*Freidrich Ebert,
new temp leader
Armistice, is
signed Nov 11th
• Map of Europe redrawn due
to Treaty.
a.Aus-Hun, Serbia & Ottoman
Empire gone
b. Rus (USSR) & Germ
c. Finland, Latvia,
Hungary &
• The financial cost of the war
amounted to almost $38 billion for
• Britain spent $35 billion,
• France $24 billion,
• Russia $22 billion,
• USA $22 billion
• Austria-Hungary $20 billion.
• In total the war cost the Allies
$125 billion
• the Central Powers $60 billion
d. Br take Iran &
Palestine. Called a
MANDATE when nation
officially governed
by another nation, but
not owned by them
• Jan 1919, 27 ALLIED nations
meet to make final a
settlement. US, GB, Fr, It
dominate! No Ger or Rus
Treaty of Versailles
1. Your group will get a packet with: 4 leader ID
cards, 4 blank treaty/leader cards & one big
Treaty sheet.
2. Each person takes a different leader sheet.
YOU are that leader! Learn about yourself & fill
out the info on the blank leader sheet.
3. Next, teach the rest of the people in your group
about YOUR (leader’s) goals. EVERYONE does
this. Write down the info about each leader as
you learn about them.
4. Now, as a group, address the 5 problems from the Paris
Conference to create the Treaty. Remember, use your
person’s goals/beliefs to guide your decisions. Majority
rules for a decision (3/4)
•Battle deaths: 53,402
•Other deaths in service:
•Non-mortal wounded:
•Living vets as
of 2000: 2,416
What does it take to mobilize?
• How did Europeans prepare for
• What effect would mobilization
have on existing tensions?
• What roles do civilians play in
• How did countries ensure that
troops had enough weapons, food,
ammunition and other supplies?
League of Nations!
1. With a partner, read the Preamble to the
League of Nations to understand it’s goals
& purpose. Answer the questions below!
(complete sentences!)
2. Move around the room. Using the Political
cartoon sheet, analyze 4 of the 6
cartoons. You must analyze number 5!
3. Finally, go back, read the back of the
Preamble page & answer the question why
the LON was a failure! Be sure to compare
the Preamble to what you learned from
the cartoons! Use support!
To ponder!
• Analyzing How did Wilson seek to end not
only World War I but all wars?
• What agreements ended WWI
Problems at PARIS PEACE
CONFERENCE (1919) due to
secret treaties & own selfish
• Russia can’t come
• Germ not invited
• Run by BIG 3- US, FR &
• Big battle btw them
pres- presented
14 Points to
Congress to take
to meeting. He
said they
14 Points
a. reach peace openly &
reduce weapons
b. Create a “general
association of nations” to
guarantee independence.
(League of Nations)
c.Must create democracies &
self-determination (right of
each people to have own
Prime minister wants
Germ to be punished & pay for
premier of France says Fr
suffered most, needs security.
Wants fines, land, and no
•Jan. 25, 1919.
League of
Nations created
JOIN due to
•Demands Germ: stripped of
2. pay
damages to pay for
3. create a buffer
area btw FR &
Germ called
•Jan. 25, 1919.
League of
Nations created
JOIN due to
signed w/ Germ. Most
important. 5 others
•Germ unhappy w/ Article
231, which is War Guilt
Clause, stating
Germ admits
guilt for war.
1. pay reparations
2. reduce army to 100,000
3. get rid of air force &
reduce navy
4. return Alsace & Loraine,
5. Sections of E. Germ given
to create Poland.
6.Germ along Rhineland
now a DMZ, (no weapons)

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World War One

  • 1. A festive evaluation of prior knowledge! 1. What can cause conflict between countries? 2. What helped cause WWI? 3. What kinds of new weapons did they use in the war? 4. What is an alliance? 5. What is militarism? 6. What future problems can this war cause in the future?
  • 2. Germany Machine Gun trenches Austria-Hungary USA rats Rifle alliances Russia Poison gas Tank Czar Nicolas Woodrow Wilson nationalism Kaiser Wilhelm Franz Ferdinand imperialism lice Trench foot militarism plane Bayonet Erich Luddendorf Western Front Lusitania Italy Serbia Gavrillo Princep France submarines Elephants Ocelots cats Draw a circle on your paper. Look at all of the terms. Write down terms in the circle that you feel have something in common. Label it with a category animals
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. REASONS FOR WAR 1. MILITARISM: aggressive preparation for war grows. • Mili leaders stock supplies & develop war plans (Schlieffen plan) that never changed & were basis for all decisions. • Drafted men (conscription)& armies double in size by 1914
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. REASONS FOR WAR 2.Europe divided into many alliances & the big 2 were: a. Triple Alliance – Italy, Austria-Hungary & Germany b. Triple Entente- France, Great Britain & Russia
  • 12.
  • 13. Triple Alliance Triple Entente Major European Countries formed two alliances prior to WWI. Match the country with the alliance! Germany France Italy Russia Great Britain Austria-Hungary
  • 14. REASONS FOR WAR 3. Imperialism led to competition for colonies to get control of resources. Germ had little & Br & Fr had a lot!
  • 15. 4. NATIONALISM: desire for own nation grows. •many ethnic groups w/o own national states want independence
  • 16. •1914: Serbia wants all Slavic peoples (Bosnia, others) to join together to create Slavic state, but Aus- Hun against it (they control Bosnia)
  • 17.
  • 18. M- militarism- build up weapons, supplies, troops & plans A- alliances- nations that help one other, 2 big alliances! I-imperialism- competition for colonies N-nationalism-ethnic groups want independence. (Serbs!)
  • 19. •June 28, 1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to A-H throne & wife Sophia visited Sarajevo, Bosnia.
  • 20.
  • 21. •BLACK HAND (Serbian terrorist group who want Bosnia free),try to kill Franz. (Tried a bomb & failed). •GAVRILLO PRINCEP shoots both
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. DON’T WRITE!!!! •Aus-Hun doesn’t know if Serb govt involved • Want to attack. •Afraid of Russia •Turn to Germ for help.
  • 27. 1. Write a short article describing the death of Franz Ferdinand. Your article should include at least 5 specific DETAILS of the assassination & at least one reason for this action being taken by the Black Hand.   2. Now, choose ONE of the following topics to write an editorial (an article giving opinions or perspectives) : a. Do we have any similar situations today? Do you believe this could happen today? b. How did Serbian nationalism play a role in the assassination? Did the Serbs have an alternative  c. What course of action should the Austrian- Hungarian government take next?
  • 28. Germ Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II gives “BLANK CHECK”, promising full support of Aus-Hun, even if Rus gets involved
  • 29. WAR BEGINS!!! • Serbs turn down AUS- Hun demands & A-H declares war on Serbs July 28th , 1914 • First World War
  • 30. WAR BEGINS!!! •Serbia’s ally, Czar Nicholas II of Rus, orders partial MOBILIZATION (assembling troops & supplies & making them ready for war).
  • 31. WAR BEGINS •Russia’s war plans say to fight Germ & Aus-Hun, Czar Nicholas must mobilize against both. •Czar orders full mobilization on July 29th , 1914.
  • 32. WAR BEGINS!!! •Ger sees mobilization as act of war & declares war on Russia.
  • 33. •The German Schlieffen plan calls for a 2 front war & makes Germ invade Belgium to attack France to get Russia (written in 1894) (think about alliances)
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. •Ger declared war on France on Aug. 3rd , 1914
  • 38. •Aug. 4th , 1914, Great Brit declares war on Germ for violating Belgium’s neutrality. • GB part of alliance w/ Fr & Rus (Triple Entente)
  • 40. True or False 1. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand started WWI 2. The Triple Alliance was an agreement between Britain, France and Russia  3.Germany only had a few colonies in Africa. 4. The Schleiffen Plan was a plan to attack Russia through Prussia 5. Large areas of Austria-Hungary & Bosnia contained nationalist groups 6.Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia 7.Germany declared war on Brit & France in 1914.  8. Due to militarism, many nation’s armies doubled in size by 1914
  • 41.
  • 42. 1. Franz Ferdinand (next leader of Aus-Hun) assassinated by Serb terrorists the Black Hand 6/28/14 2. Aus-Hun gets Blank Check from Germany 7/5/14 3. Aus-Hun declares war on Serb 7/28/14 4. Russia Mobilizes army on 7/ 29 – 31/14 against both Aus-Hun & Germ
  • 43. 5. Germans see mobilization as act of war. Declares war on Russia 6. German Schlieffen plan makes Germ invade Belgium & France to get Russia 7. Germany declares war on France 8/3/14 8. Great Britain declares war on Germany 8/4/14
  • 44. WAR BEGINS •Govt spreads PROPAGANDA- ideas used to influence public opinion for or against a cause- • helped to create hatred & support for causes. • Most believe war will end in 2 weeks or less
  • 45.
  • 46. •Eastern Front: Germany & Russia •Western Front-Mostly in Fr • Schlieffen Plan go thru Belgium to circle Paris, trapping Fr, then on around to Russia
  • 47. • Ger stopped at 1st Battle of Marne (Sept. 6-10, 1914). • Fr troops sent in taxis to front line in red uniforms.
  • 48.
  • 50. WESTERN FRONT • Both sides dig trenches • New technology (Poison gas, tank, plane, mortars, machine gun, zeppelin) • Little movement, stalemate! • Many deaths • Bad conditions • Trenches • lice
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. BATTLE OF THE SOMME (July 1916)
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 79. • You are a soldier serving a 6 month tour of duty in the trenches on the Western Front. It is April 1917 & the US has just joined the Allies. Do the following: 1. Write a _ page letter back home to your parents/friend/dog/relative, etc. In your letter, describe what life is like in the trenches.Include: a. who you are fighting for & against? b. what are the conditions like? c. What weapons do you see/use? Tactics? d. What is your job? e. What do you do all day? Be creative, use headings, and use SPECIFIC DETAILS & EXAMPLES
  • 80.
  • 82. •Eastern Front (Germ/Rus)- Very mobile, w/ huge losses of life. 1. Russia is beaten in E. Germ & suffers major losses at Tannenberg (general kills self, 92,000 POWs, 78,000 deaths) & Masurian Lakes (125,000 dead, 45,000 POWS) 2.Aus-Hun defeated by Rus in Serbia
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. 3.Italy joins Triple Entente (now called the ALLIES w/ GB, FR, RUS) in 1915 4.Germ pushes Russians back into Russia w/ heavy losses(Russia out of war) 5. Bulgaria joins w/ Germ & Aus-Hun. (now Central Powers) 6.Serbs destroyed in Sept ’15 *Ottoman Empire joins CP
  • 86. Western Front Eastern Front Fr & Ger trenches stretch from English h Channel to Switzerland Very mobile! German Schlieffen plan stopped by trenches Russian defeat ed in Germany & Gallacia- 2.5 mil casualties Both sides bogged sown for most of war Success for Germ and A-H HUGE loss of life Huge loss of life
  • 87. Allied Powers Central Powers Pre-war name Original members New additions or losses
  • 88. •US neutral •GB blockades Germ w/ navy •Germ uses unrestricted submarine warfare (will shoot down any ship)
  • 89. •May 7, 1915 Germ sinks LUSITANIA, a BR passenger liner, killing 1000 (128 Americans) •Germ stops subs, afraid USA will join war.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. • Jan. 1917, ADMIRAL HOLTZENDORF talks KAISER into using unrestricted sub warfare & blockades again to break stalemate
  • 93. •HOLTZENDORF promises Kaiser Wilhelm II that Brits will starve before US acts • “I give your majesty my word as an officer, not one American will land on the continent”
  • 94.
  • 95. • US Pres • Woodrow • Wilson asks • for a Dec of • War April 2nd • 1917. Enters • war over unrestricted sub warfare & Zimmerman telegram
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. • German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman sent the govt of Mexico a coded message, inviting Mexico to wage war on the US as a member of the Central Powers. Germany would then help Mexico claim land form the US. Mexico turned t down, and the BR intercepted the message • “We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN”
  • 99. •Became TOTAL WAR- complete mobilization of resources & people. •Women take over jobs in factories
  • 100. •Euros went to PLANNED ECONOMIES- systems run by govt agencies that expanded powers to meet needs such as: drafts, regulate import/exports, ration food, control prices, wages & rent control
  • 101. •Don’t write! •1918 better for Allies w/ arrival of US troops
  • 102. •Germ GENERAL ERICH VON LUDENDORFF gambles & planned 1 big offensive on Western Front
  • 103. •Get w/in 50 miles of Paris, but stopped at 2nd Battle of Marne
  • 104.
  • 106. GERMANY LOSES •Germ forced back by US troops •Sept 29, 1918, Gen. Ludendorff says war is lost. •Allies won’t make peace w/ Germ imperial govt
  • 107. • Kaiser Wilhelm II gives up & flees. • AUS-Hun fell apart & new nations emerge *Freidrich Ebert, new temp leader announces Armistice, is signed Nov 11th 1918
  • 108. • Map of Europe redrawn due to Treaty. a.Aus-Hun, Serbia & Ottoman Empire gone b. Rus (USSR) & Germ smaller
  • 110.
  • 111. • The financial cost of the war amounted to almost $38 billion for Germany • Britain spent $35 billion, • France $24 billion, • Russia $22 billion, • USA $22 billion • Austria-Hungary $20 billion. • In total the war cost the Allies $125 billion • the Central Powers $60 billion
  • 112. d. Br take Iran & Palestine. Called a MANDATE when nation officially governed by another nation, but not owned by them
  • 113.
  • 114. END OF THE WAR • Jan 1919, 27 ALLIED nations meet to make final a settlement. US, GB, Fr, It dominate! No Ger or Rus
  • 115. Treaty of Versailles 1. Your group will get a packet with: 4 leader ID cards, 4 blank treaty/leader cards & one big Treaty sheet. 2. Each person takes a different leader sheet. YOU are that leader! Learn about yourself & fill out the info on the blank leader sheet. 3. Next, teach the rest of the people in your group about YOUR (leader’s) goals. EVERYONE does this. Write down the info about each leader as you learn about them. 4. Now, as a group, address the 5 problems from the Paris Conference to create the Treaty. Remember, use your person’s goals/beliefs to guide your decisions. Majority rules for a decision (3/4)
  • 116. WORLD WAR I CASUALTIES: AMERICAN •Battle deaths: 53,402 •Other deaths in service: 63,114 •Non-mortal wounded: 204,002 •Living vets as of 2000: 2,416
  • 117.
  • 118. What does it take to mobilize? • How did Europeans prepare for WWI? • What effect would mobilization have on existing tensions? • What roles do civilians play in mobilizing? • How did countries ensure that troops had enough weapons, food, ammunition and other supplies?
  • 119.
  • 120.
  • 121. League of Nations! 1. With a partner, read the Preamble to the League of Nations to understand it’s goals & purpose. Answer the questions below! (complete sentences!) 2. Move around the room. Using the Political cartoon sheet, analyze 4 of the 6 cartoons. You must analyze number 5! 3. Finally, go back, read the back of the Preamble page & answer the question why the LON was a failure! Be sure to compare the Preamble to what you learned from the cartoons! Use support!
  • 122. To ponder! • Analyzing How did Wilson seek to end not only World War I but all wars? • What agreements ended WWI
  • 123. PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE Problems at PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE (1919) due to secret treaties & own selfish interests • Russia can’t come • Germ not invited • Run by BIG 3- US, FR & GB. • Big battle btw them
  • 124. WOODROW WILSON •WOODROW WILSON-US pres- presented 14 Points to Congress to take to meeting. He said they should:
  • 125. 14 Points a. reach peace openly & reduce weapons b. Create a “general association of nations” to guarantee independence. (League of Nations) c.Must create democracies & self-determination (right of each people to have own nation).
  • 126. • DAVID LLOYD GEORGE – Brit Prime minister wants Germ to be punished & pay for crimes GEORGES CLEMENCEAU – premier of France says Fr suffered most, needs security. Wants fines, land, and no weapons
  • 127. PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE •Jan. 25, 1919. League of Nations created (US DOES NOT JOIN due to Versailles).
  • 128. •Demands Germ: stripped of weapons 2. pay REPARATIONS- damages to pay for war 3. create a buffer area btw FR & Germ called Rhineland.
  • 129. PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE •Jan. 25, 1919. League of Nations created (US DOES NOT JOIN due to Versailles). •Compromises made.
  • 130. •TREATY OF VERSAILLES- signed w/ Germ. Most important. 5 others signed •Germ unhappy w/ Article 231, which is War Guilt Clause, stating Germ admits guilt for war.
  • 131. MUST DO THE FOLLOWING: 1. pay reparations 2. reduce army to 100,000 3. get rid of air force & reduce navy 4. return Alsace & Loraine, 5. Sections of E. Germ given to create Poland. 6.Germ along Rhineland now a DMZ, (no weapons)