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Unit 14 – LO4 by Tariq Jamal
Centre Number: 64135
Candidate Number: 4069
Contents page
Slide Number Content
3 Deadlines
4 Post production software
5-9 Post-production skills
10-13 Safe working practices
14 Shortcuts in Photoshop
15-20 Colour
21 Font(s)
22 Chosen masthead font style
23 Chosen main headline font
24 Changes (front cover)
25 Old version (front cover)
26-27 Front cover (Final version) connotations
28-29 Changes (double-page spread)
30 Old version (double-page spread)
31 New version (double-page spread)
32-35 Double page spread (Final version) connotations
36 Conclusion
• I feel I have met the deadlines I set myself. This is
because I organised myself by following the production
plan I sat for myself since the beginning. For example, I
spent a week working on front cover, that meant
staying after school if I have to so I can finish it in a
week and not cross over with the next week. The week
after I finished setting up my front cover, I started
working on my double-page spread. I finished this in a
week as well. Gathering pictures, information and
putting the content in it. The same what I did with the
front cover. The week after I followed every day from
my production plan and therefore I didn’t feel I was
behind the schedule at any moment.
Post production software
• The software which I had used throughout the production and post
production of my magazine pages would be Adobe Photoshop. I had
used this software for creating my magazine pages because it allows
you to control images to the way you want them and it also has a lot of
tools which are very useful as it allows me to create high quality
magazine pages.
• Adobe Photoshop however is a good software to use for magazines
due to its range off tools such as the rulers (CTRL+R) which allows you
to be able to insert lines which can line up the conventions with each
other so its not out of shape or out of line and looks odd.
Post-Production skills
• Ruler tool – I used the ruler tool (CRTL+R) to enable me to drag loads of lines onto the canvas to
allow and show were each of my conventions were going to go on my front cover and DPS. This is
done so that I can have all the conventions inline with each other so it looks professional and also
allows space for perhaps another code/convention. I used the ruler for especially for the main
image, main headline, masthead, barcode and the puff promotion. By having the rulers on the
canvas allowed me to split up each of these convention s and allow each of them to align with each
other to look fit for purpose and professional.
Post-Production skills
• Ellipse tool - I used the ellipse tool in drawing
the circle which I had the puff promotion in on
my front cover.
Post-Production skills
• Eye dropper tool – I used the eye dropper tool (I) for my magazine front cover and
DPS, this was because I had to get the same colour from my masthead for example
and manipulate that colour onto the brand identity on the bottom of the DPS by
the page numbers to make the magazine look original and professional.
• Quick selection tool – The quick selection tool (W) was useful for changing the
images for my front cover and DPS because it enabled me to outline the images
based on these pages and got rid of the background rather than using the eraser
tool and rubbing it all out.
• Pen tool – I used the pen tool (P) to go around an image for example on my DPS I
used the pen tool going around the arm of the artists so the text doesn’t come in
contact with the image which will make it look unprofessional. However the pen
tool was beneficial because it can allow you to draw around certain images,
conventions on the page to avoid the text clashing with any of them.
• Eraser tool – The eraser tool (E) was used on mainly the images because after I
used the quick selection tool some of the background from the image. However
there was still there were still small parts in the background of the picture that I
didn’t need and by using the eraser tool I went around the images and removed
any extra parts of the image that I don’t need. This made the image more clear
and more suited as the main image as it looked professional.
Post-Production skills
• Text tool – The text tool (T) was used on both of the pages for the text. This tool works by allowing
you to draw a text box were the text wants to go and then you can change what font style you want
and the size of it. This tool was used for the masthead, main headline and all text on the
conventions also on the page. This is a very important tool as it without it, I couldn’t have had the
masthead, main headline, covers stories, etc. On the pages. I also used the text tool with the drop
capital on the double page spread, as I made the first letter of the text bold and bigger than all the
other text on the page to make it stand out.
Post-Production skills
• Move tool – The move tool (V) was used throughout
both of my pages this was because it allowed me to
click on any part of the front cover and DPS and move
it to wherever I wanted/needed it which gave me ideas
to test what looks best were and moved it all around.
The move tool however is a very handy tool on
Photoshop because you can drag any convention you
want anywhere.
• Gradient tool – The gradient tool (G) was a useful tool
to use in the production of my magazine pages because
as my magazine had to have a grey background and the
gradient tool came in handy by allowing the white
original background go to grey.
• Safe working practises for Photoshop would be the quick selection tool, the text tool, the eye
dropper tool, the font styles and the rubber tool.
• The text tool however is a safe working practise also because it enables you to put text on the
magazine pages where the pen tool can come in handy as it enables you to draw a text box around
an image or title so that the magazine looks professional and allows the text to be easily read
without conflicting with the image.
• The eye dropper allows you to be able to click on a specific colour on the front cover and have that
same colour on the DPS to follow the house style of the magazine to make it effective and
contradictive to other issues.
• The rubber tool, is essential for the images because it allows you to rub out any parts of the image
on the outline which you do not want and makes the image look appropriate for the magazine.
• The quick selection tool is a safe working practise because it enable you to be able to click on
something on one of the pages and move it to where you want it from the use of the ruler tool, so
that the product will be inch perfect and will look suitable on a shops shelf.
• As the font styles are downloaded from it is essential that the font stays on the
Photoshop document as you can then repeat the same font style for the drop capital on the DPS
and the main headline on the front cover.
Safe working practices
One important working practice is the backing up of data
and files. Computers can crash, files can be corrupted, hard
drives can fail - there are many risks that could result in
data loss. Therefore, the importance of storing duplicate
copies makes sure even I lose the work, it wouldn’t have a
major effect on the production of the magazine.
Safe working practices
Having a risk assessment will make sure that the health and safety of those in the workplace are
not in ganger. Risk Assessments, particularly at the work place and on-location during photo
shoots identifies the possible risks that could potentially cause harm to people and take
reasonable steps to prevent this. For example, a risk assessment would be to know what the
weather forecast the day before and what time of the day would it be available to take pictures.
Similarly, the creation of a locations recce is used to assess the how suitable the location is to
take a shoot. The primary reason for a location recce is for health and safety reasons. For
example, identifying the environment, equipment, logistics and staff for health and safety
Safe working practices
Contingency plans will make sure that the magazine is published without delay. Allocating contingency days
throughout the production of the magazine ensures that unforeseen circumstances/events that could
potentially cause delays will not impact the publication date of the magazine. For example, unfortunate
changes in weather. In that case, my contingency plan would be to go to another place with suitable location I
looked at before. Evidence of this is my production plan. At the start I had a draft production plan which only
contained one week. Then after that, I made a final production plan which was much more in detail and it
expanded over the course of 4 weeks. Therefore this final production plan helped me to fill any dates which I
didn’t have last time. Unlike my draft production plan, it was more in detail and therefore I had a few days in
the weeks where I didn’t do anything. These days would have been used as a part of my contingency plan if
things didn’t work out in other days (i.e. bad weather, delay with printing, etc.). As you can see from the
screenshots below, the days 5th November, 13th November, 19th November, 29th November have been
allocated for contingency plan if anything goes wrong in the other days in the production plan.
Safe working practices
Shortcuts in Photoshop
Move tool - V
Rectangular marquee tool - M
Lasso tool - L
Quick selection tool - W
Crop tool - C
Eye dropper tool - I
Spot healing brush tool - J
Brush tool - B
Clone Stamp tool - S
History brush tool - Y
Eraser - E
Gradient tool - G
Blur tool - Doesn’t have a shortcut
Dodge tool - O
Pen tool - P
Text tool - T
Path selection tool - A
Rectangle tool - U
Object rotate tool - K
Camera rotate tool - N
Hand tool - H
Zoom tool - Z
Default foreground and background colours - D
Rulers - (CTRL+R)
• The colours I set from the beginning were black, white and grey. This is because based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot
of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The black and white colours connote that
classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the
classic music events. Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events (Such as BBC Night
of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my music magazine.
• I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic music. It’s also the colour of the
background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine editions.
• As you can see from the screenshot underneath, the colour of the background of my front cover is grey as it matches my magazine of
inspiration (BBC Music Magazine) and the main image contains a male who’s wearing a Tuxedo (which was in my mood board) and
therefore it represents the colours black and white which are classic colours and the main colours of my magazine.
• Looking also at the double-page spread, The page’s background is white (with little shades of music note to represent the classic music
theme in my magazine), and black font. The quote box on the right side of the page is grey. This is done so it can grab attention of the
reader to the quote. Therefore I have kept the same colours I set out from the beginning.
These are my swatches before I
added any of mine.
I chose the black colour which
is the colour of the Tuxedo to
add to my swatches.
As you can see I added the colour of
the Tuxedo (Black) to my swatches
I decided to add the
colour of the background
to my swatches as well
which is the colour grey.
I added the colour of the
background to my
swatches and named it as
‘Background colour’
As you can see the colour of the
Tuxedo (Black) and the colour of
the background (grey) have been
added to my swatches at the
• The website I used to gather the font styles needed was In the end I decided to choose the font
style ‘Times New Roman’. The reason I was inspired to
choose it was because it was used as the masthead of BBC
Music Magazine which is a music magazine that has the
same target audience of my magazine. This font style would
look familiar and eye-catching to the target audience of my
magazine as it’s easy to read and there’s an element of
classic about it.
• The another font I chose for the main headline is
‘Edwardian Script ITC’. This is because it’s the same font as
it’s used in the BBC Music Magazine’s main headline. This
font is also symbolises old writing which connotes the
sense of classic music in my magazine.
Chosen masthead font style
I chose this font as it connotes some sense
of classical writing in it and it connotes that
older/upper class people writing would be
similar and this font also looks like this
masthead on the BBC music magazine at the
bottom of this slide so it will grab the
attention as it would look appealing to the
target audience.
Chosen main headline font
BBC Music Magazine uses
‘Edwardian script ITC’ as it
looks the same in both
screenshots and therefore
this would grab the
attention of the consumer
as they’d notice the font is
familiar and has some sense
of classic in it.
Changes (Front cover)
• I've been told that I should put the social media products near the bar
code on the front cover to make the reader aware of it and recognise it at
the bottom of the page. He also told me that I should stretch the
masthead across the whole width of the page so there won't be any
empty spaces so it'd look more appealing to the reader. He also told me
that the main image should slightly overlap the masthead as well. The
colour of the background was also noticed and I was told that it should be
changed so it can look more appealing to the reader as well. Having a plain
white background could look dull or boring to some people therefore I
changed it and put a violin in the background with a slightly darker colour
(grey). Therefore this would connote the passion and the sense of music in
my magazine and the violin at the background also relate back to the main
image of the front cover as the person on the front cover is holding a
violin. Violin is also an instrument that is used in classic music a lot of
times so it relates back to the genre of my music magazine.
Front cover (Old version)
No social media logos
Plain white
Main image cut down
Puff promotion needed to be in a square,
circle, to grab the attention of the reader
Front cover connotations (Final version)
For the main headline, I decided to use a
rhetorical question as this would grab the
attention of the reader of my magazine and
it would therefore make the reader think
that the answer to this question is in the
magazine and so therefore this would
encourage them to find out the answer and
purchase the magazine and read it to find
out about the main headline.
My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for
the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation
of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of
the people who read my magazine would be interested
to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it
would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s
positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab
the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so
when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it
straight away and therefore it will grab their attention.
Including the page number would also encourage the
consumer to open my magazine and go to that page
and read about this feature.
Front cover connotations (Final version)
Having the website is very important as this
would make the reader go online and research
magazine on the internet. This makes the reader
find out more information about my magazine
outside of its paper copy and they can also buy
the copy online and read the copies online if they
don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also
makes my magazine look more approachable and
flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also.
The masthead is on the top of the front cover
is because this will grab the attention of the
reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my
research connotes that my magazine of
inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its
masthead on top of its front cover page.
The social media logos connote that consumers can go
online and find my magazine on the social media websites
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages
on social media would contain updates about special
features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This
would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d
follow my page on social media and therefore it can
encourage them to buy my magazine.
Changes (Double page spread)
• I had a lot of empty space on the page which I didn't use. I thought that I
should use this space and not just leave it empty because it'd make my
page look dull and not very engaging with the reader. I improved it by
putting a linked picture to the interview and by putting the masthead of
my music magazine on it to increase its awareness. You'll see this on the
next slide on my improved double-page spread. I also didn't have social
media links, this was a bad thing that was pointed out by Mr Crafts
because links to social media would help the audience to find out more
about the feature and therefore they won't just be limited to the double
page spread but they can also go online and find out more about it. I was
also told by Mr Crafts to add caption underneath the picture on the
double page spread to let the reader know what the picture connotes and
so this would give the reader a better idea and clearer image on the
interview as they'd know why the picture is used. I also changed the
background of the page because a plain white background might look dull
to some people so I wanted to be a bit more creative by adding a different
background which you will see in the next paragraph.
Double page spread
• I added captions to let the reader know what the
picture connotes. I then changed the background of
the page as part of the feedback given by Mr Crafts
because a plain white background might look dull to
some people so I added a background that had music
notes in it and this connotes the passion and the sense
of music in my magazine and it also looks more
appealing to the audience. Social media references
were also added to the page alongside the web link.
The masthead of my magazine was also on top right
corner of the double page spread so people would
know what my logo is.
Double page spread (Old version)
No logo
of my
Empty space – looks dull
New version
Double page spread (Final version)
For the main image, I
decided to have a
picture at the middle of
the page to grab the
attention of the reader
and to make my double
page spread look less
dull; I also decided to
have captions
underneath it to let the
reader know what’s
exactly going on within
the picture.
Double page spread (Final version)
The denotation of the links to social media at the
bottom of each page next to the page number
will attract the attention of the reader when
they’re close to finish reading each page. Having
links to social media websites will allow the
reader of my magazine to go online and
investigate information about the interview in my
magazine. From there they can also find out
information about different events my music
magazine has. Having links to social media would
increase the popularity and appeal of my music
Double page spread (Final version)
The denotation of the link to my
web address will attract the
attention of the reader when
they’re close to finish reading
each interview. Having a link to
my web address will allow the
reader of my magazine to go
online and investigate what
events and stories my music
magazine have on its website so
it will have more information for
the reader. As you can see in the
screenshot from BBC music
magazine there’s a web address
link at the bottom of the
interview so I adapted this
method to my music magazine.
Double page spread (Final version)
The denotation of drop capital
makes the feature on my double
page spread look less dull as the
rest of the text is heavy and
recognisable for the reader.
Therefore it’s different than just
normal text. The font of the drop
capital would be the same font as
the title of the feature/interview
which connotes that they’re
connected and to also distinguish
the drop capital from the rest of the
text on the double page spread.
• WWW –
• This learning outcome helped me to understand what my
weaknesses were before in my pages and therefore I improved
these weaknesses and made my page look better. For example,
putting a different colour background on front cover and double
page spread which would grab the attention of the reader of my
• This learning outcome also gave me a better experience in using
Photoshop as I had to use it again to make the changes I did for my
• EBI –
• I think I rushed editing my magazine as I didn’t do it earlier and
therefore I should have taken more time editing it so my editing
would be more reliable and focused. I shouldn’t have rushed it as I
could have not done it as well as because of the lack of focus.

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Unit 14 – LO4

  • 1. Unit 14 – LO4 by Tariq Jamal Centre Number: 64135 Candidate Number: 4069
  • 2. Contents page Slide Number Content 3 Deadlines 4 Post production software 5-9 Post-production skills 10-13 Safe working practices 14 Shortcuts in Photoshop 15-20 Colour 21 Font(s) 22 Chosen masthead font style 23 Chosen main headline font 24 Changes (front cover) 25 Old version (front cover) 26-27 Front cover (Final version) connotations 28-29 Changes (double-page spread) 30 Old version (double-page spread) 31 New version (double-page spread) 32-35 Double page spread (Final version) connotations 36 Conclusion
  • 3. Deadlines • I feel I have met the deadlines I set myself. This is because I organised myself by following the production plan I sat for myself since the beginning. For example, I spent a week working on front cover, that meant staying after school if I have to so I can finish it in a week and not cross over with the next week. The week after I finished setting up my front cover, I started working on my double-page spread. I finished this in a week as well. Gathering pictures, information and putting the content in it. The same what I did with the front cover. The week after I followed every day from my production plan and therefore I didn’t feel I was behind the schedule at any moment.
  • 4. Post production software • The software which I had used throughout the production and post production of my magazine pages would be Adobe Photoshop. I had used this software for creating my magazine pages because it allows you to control images to the way you want them and it also has a lot of tools which are very useful as it allows me to create high quality magazine pages. • Adobe Photoshop however is a good software to use for magazines due to its range off tools such as the rulers (CTRL+R) which allows you to be able to insert lines which can line up the conventions with each other so its not out of shape or out of line and looks odd.
  • 5. Post-Production skills • Ruler tool – I used the ruler tool (CRTL+R) to enable me to drag loads of lines onto the canvas to allow and show were each of my conventions were going to go on my front cover and DPS. This is done so that I can have all the conventions inline with each other so it looks professional and also allows space for perhaps another code/convention. I used the ruler for especially for the main image, main headline, masthead, barcode and the puff promotion. By having the rulers on the canvas allowed me to split up each of these convention s and allow each of them to align with each other to look fit for purpose and professional.
  • 6. Post-Production skills • Ellipse tool - I used the ellipse tool in drawing the circle which I had the puff promotion in on my front cover.
  • 7. Post-Production skills • Eye dropper tool – I used the eye dropper tool (I) for my magazine front cover and DPS, this was because I had to get the same colour from my masthead for example and manipulate that colour onto the brand identity on the bottom of the DPS by the page numbers to make the magazine look original and professional. • Quick selection tool – The quick selection tool (W) was useful for changing the images for my front cover and DPS because it enabled me to outline the images based on these pages and got rid of the background rather than using the eraser tool and rubbing it all out. • Pen tool – I used the pen tool (P) to go around an image for example on my DPS I used the pen tool going around the arm of the artists so the text doesn’t come in contact with the image which will make it look unprofessional. However the pen tool was beneficial because it can allow you to draw around certain images, conventions on the page to avoid the text clashing with any of them. • Eraser tool – The eraser tool (E) was used on mainly the images because after I used the quick selection tool some of the background from the image. However there was still there were still small parts in the background of the picture that I didn’t need and by using the eraser tool I went around the images and removed any extra parts of the image that I don’t need. This made the image more clear and more suited as the main image as it looked professional.
  • 8. Post-Production skills • Text tool – The text tool (T) was used on both of the pages for the text. This tool works by allowing you to draw a text box were the text wants to go and then you can change what font style you want and the size of it. This tool was used for the masthead, main headline and all text on the conventions also on the page. This is a very important tool as it without it, I couldn’t have had the masthead, main headline, covers stories, etc. On the pages. I also used the text tool with the drop capital on the double page spread, as I made the first letter of the text bold and bigger than all the other text on the page to make it stand out.
  • 9. Post-Production skills • Move tool – The move tool (V) was used throughout both of my pages this was because it allowed me to click on any part of the front cover and DPS and move it to wherever I wanted/needed it which gave me ideas to test what looks best were and moved it all around. The move tool however is a very handy tool on Photoshop because you can drag any convention you want anywhere. • Gradient tool – The gradient tool (G) was a useful tool to use in the production of my magazine pages because as my magazine had to have a grey background and the gradient tool came in handy by allowing the white original background go to grey.
  • 10. • Safe working practises for Photoshop would be the quick selection tool, the text tool, the eye dropper tool, the font styles and the rubber tool. • The text tool however is a safe working practise also because it enables you to put text on the magazine pages where the pen tool can come in handy as it enables you to draw a text box around an image or title so that the magazine looks professional and allows the text to be easily read without conflicting with the image. • The eye dropper allows you to be able to click on a specific colour on the front cover and have that same colour on the DPS to follow the house style of the magazine to make it effective and contradictive to other issues. • The rubber tool, is essential for the images because it allows you to rub out any parts of the image on the outline which you do not want and makes the image look appropriate for the magazine. • The quick selection tool is a safe working practise because it enable you to be able to click on something on one of the pages and move it to where you want it from the use of the ruler tool, so that the product will be inch perfect and will look suitable on a shops shelf. • As the font styles are downloaded from it is essential that the font stays on the Photoshop document as you can then repeat the same font style for the drop capital on the DPS and the main headline on the front cover. Safe working practices
  • 11. One important working practice is the backing up of data and files. Computers can crash, files can be corrupted, hard drives can fail - there are many risks that could result in data loss. Therefore, the importance of storing duplicate copies makes sure even I lose the work, it wouldn’t have a major effect on the production of the magazine. Safe working practices
  • 12. Having a risk assessment will make sure that the health and safety of those in the workplace are not in ganger. Risk Assessments, particularly at the work place and on-location during photo shoots identifies the possible risks that could potentially cause harm to people and take reasonable steps to prevent this. For example, a risk assessment would be to know what the weather forecast the day before and what time of the day would it be available to take pictures. Similarly, the creation of a locations recce is used to assess the how suitable the location is to take a shoot. The primary reason for a location recce is for health and safety reasons. For example, identifying the environment, equipment, logistics and staff for health and safety reasons. Safe working practices
  • 13. Contingency plans will make sure that the magazine is published without delay. Allocating contingency days throughout the production of the magazine ensures that unforeseen circumstances/events that could potentially cause delays will not impact the publication date of the magazine. For example, unfortunate changes in weather. In that case, my contingency plan would be to go to another place with suitable location I looked at before. Evidence of this is my production plan. At the start I had a draft production plan which only contained one week. Then after that, I made a final production plan which was much more in detail and it expanded over the course of 4 weeks. Therefore this final production plan helped me to fill any dates which I didn’t have last time. Unlike my draft production plan, it was more in detail and therefore I had a few days in the weeks where I didn’t do anything. These days would have been used as a part of my contingency plan if things didn’t work out in other days (i.e. bad weather, delay with printing, etc.). As you can see from the screenshots below, the days 5th November, 13th November, 19th November, 29th November have been allocated for contingency plan if anything goes wrong in the other days in the production plan. Safe working practices
  • 14. Shortcuts in Photoshop Move tool - V Rectangular marquee tool - M Lasso tool - L Quick selection tool - W Crop tool - C Eye dropper tool - I Spot healing brush tool - J Brush tool - B Clone Stamp tool - S History brush tool - Y Eraser - E Gradient tool - G Blur tool - Doesn’t have a shortcut Dodge tool - O Pen tool - P Text tool - T Path selection tool - A Rectangle tool - U Object rotate tool - K Camera rotate tool - N Hand tool - H Zoom tool - Z Default foreground and background colours - D Rulers - (CTRL+R)
  • 15. Colour • The colours I set from the beginning were black, white and grey. This is because based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The black and white colours connote that classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the classic music events. Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events (Such as BBC Night of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my music magazine. • I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine editions. • As you can see from the screenshot underneath, the colour of the background of my front cover is grey as it matches my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine) and the main image contains a male who’s wearing a Tuxedo (which was in my mood board) and therefore it represents the colours black and white which are classic colours and the main colours of my magazine. • Looking also at the double-page spread, The page’s background is white (with little shades of music note to represent the classic music theme in my magazine), and black font. The quote box on the right side of the page is grey. This is done so it can grab attention of the reader to the quote. Therefore I have kept the same colours I set out from the beginning.
  • 16. Colour These are my swatches before I added any of mine. I chose the black colour which is the colour of the Tuxedo to add to my swatches.
  • 17. Colour As you can see I added the colour of the Tuxedo (Black) to my swatches
  • 18. Colour I decided to add the colour of the background to my swatches as well which is the colour grey.
  • 19. Colour I added the colour of the background to my swatches and named it as ‘Background colour’
  • 20. Colour As you can see the colour of the Tuxedo (Black) and the colour of the background (grey) have been added to my swatches at the bottom.
  • 21. Font(s) • The website I used to gather the font styles needed was In the end I decided to choose the font style ‘Times New Roman’. The reason I was inspired to choose it was because it was used as the masthead of BBC Music Magazine which is a music magazine that has the same target audience of my magazine. This font style would look familiar and eye-catching to the target audience of my magazine as it’s easy to read and there’s an element of classic about it. • The another font I chose for the main headline is ‘Edwardian Script ITC’. This is because it’s the same font as it’s used in the BBC Music Magazine’s main headline. This font is also symbolises old writing which connotes the sense of classic music in my magazine.
  • 22. Chosen masthead font style I chose this font as it connotes some sense of classical writing in it and it connotes that older/upper class people writing would be similar and this font also looks like this masthead on the BBC music magazine at the bottom of this slide so it will grab the attention as it would look appealing to the target audience. Choral
  • 23. Chosen main headline font BBC Music Magazine uses ‘Edwardian script ITC’ as it looks the same in both screenshots and therefore this would grab the attention of the consumer as they’d notice the font is familiar and has some sense of classic in it.
  • 24. Changes (Front cover) • I've been told that I should put the social media products near the bar code on the front cover to make the reader aware of it and recognise it at the bottom of the page. He also told me that I should stretch the masthead across the whole width of the page so there won't be any empty spaces so it'd look more appealing to the reader. He also told me that the main image should slightly overlap the masthead as well. The colour of the background was also noticed and I was told that it should be changed so it can look more appealing to the reader as well. Having a plain white background could look dull or boring to some people therefore I changed it and put a violin in the background with a slightly darker colour (grey). Therefore this would connote the passion and the sense of music in my magazine and the violin at the background also relate back to the main image of the front cover as the person on the front cover is holding a violin. Violin is also an instrument that is used in classic music a lot of times so it relates back to the genre of my music magazine.
  • 25. Front cover (Old version) No social media logos Plain white background Main image cut down Puff promotion needed to be in a square, circle, to grab the attention of the reader
  • 26. Front cover connotations (Final version) For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical question as this would grab the attention of the reader of my magazine and it would therefore make the reader think that the answer to this question is in the magazine and so therefore this would encourage them to find out the answer and purchase the magazine and read it to find out about the main headline. My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
  • 27. Front cover connotations (Final version) Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also. The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page. The social media logos connote that consumers can go online and find my magazine on the social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages on social media would contain updates about special features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine.
  • 28. Changes (Double page spread) • I had a lot of empty space on the page which I didn't use. I thought that I should use this space and not just leave it empty because it'd make my page look dull and not very engaging with the reader. I improved it by putting a linked picture to the interview and by putting the masthead of my music magazine on it to increase its awareness. You'll see this on the next slide on my improved double-page spread. I also didn't have social media links, this was a bad thing that was pointed out by Mr Crafts because links to social media would help the audience to find out more about the feature and therefore they won't just be limited to the double page spread but they can also go online and find out more about it. I was also told by Mr Crafts to add caption underneath the picture on the double page spread to let the reader know what the picture connotes and so this would give the reader a better idea and clearer image on the interview as they'd know why the picture is used. I also changed the background of the page because a plain white background might look dull to some people so I wanted to be a bit more creative by adding a different background which you will see in the next paragraph.
  • 29. Double page spread • I added captions to let the reader know what the picture connotes. I then changed the background of the page as part of the feedback given by Mr Crafts because a plain white background might look dull to some people so I added a background that had music notes in it and this connotes the passion and the sense of music in my magazine and it also looks more appealing to the audience. Social media references were also added to the page alongside the web link. The masthead of my magazine was also on top right corner of the double page spread so people would know what my logo is.
  • 30. Double page spread (Old version) No logo of my magazine Empty space – looks dull No captions
  • 32. Double page spread (Final version) connotations For the main image, I decided to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I also decided to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
  • 33. Double page spread (Final version) connotations The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine.
  • 34. Double page spread (Final version) connotations The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine.
  • 35. Double page spread (Final version) connotations The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 36. Conclusion • WWW – • This learning outcome helped me to understand what my weaknesses were before in my pages and therefore I improved these weaknesses and made my page look better. For example, putting a different colour background on front cover and double page spread which would grab the attention of the reader of my magazine. • This learning outcome also gave me a better experience in using Photoshop as I had to use it again to make the changes I did for my magazine. • EBI – • I think I rushed editing my magazine as I didn’t do it earlier and therefore I should have taken more time editing it so my editing would be more reliable and focused. I shouldn’t have rushed it as I could have not done it as well as because of the lack of focus.