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Environment and presentation
On the side are some pictures that are evidence of the
equipment and the environment that I was surrounded with.
Using these I was able to complete my pitch for my
magazine. From the images you can see that I had used
many things to make sure that my pitch was successful. For
example, I used a slide changer, this was so that I didn't
have to be put in an awkward position where i had to
constantly use the keyboard or mouse to change the slide.
Further to this, i had to use a Apple Mac computer, which
was where i was able to have my pitch loaded and ready on
there; using this i was able to link it to the interactive
whiteboard, this was where i was able to present my work
where it could be viewed by my peers. One of the more
important components to the pitch was the camera and it’s
stand, this was so that it could get a video of me presenting
the pitch but also showing the powerpoint that i had made.
Evidence of Pitch
While presenting the pitch, we used a camera so that I will be able to prove
that I had done the presentation but mostly so that I would be able to receive
feedback for myself from having others reviewing the video. After completing
this, I had to make a survey using survey monkey, the reason for this is so that
I will be able to get clear feedback on my pitch and the PowerPoint that I had
made, on the survey monkey I asked questions such as “Is there anything you
would change about my front cover” and then I would list a few things that
my front cover had such as the model. Using this I was able to get important
feedback which would give me the chance to look back over things and then
see what I could do make them look better.
Some feedback that I received was that I could have made notes and revised
them, this would have made sure that I knew what I was saying on every slide
and I wouldn't “Umm” as much as I did during the pitch.
I had to sign a witness statement that I presented my pitch to my peers. Also
on the witness statement was some positive and negatives on my
Materials used
For the material that I used to
present my pitch, I used PowerPoint
mainly, to create the slides with all
of my pitch, this allowed me to add
important images such as evidence
of my Photoshop work and the
steps going through making my
Survey monkey evidence
Below is proof from the email that I had sent to whom I presented my pitch to, I had sent them a
link which sent them then straight to my survey where they were able to then fill it out.
The reason to why I sent the email is to make sure that people were given easy access to my survey
instead of having to go through the website and find it, which is quite a complex process. Further to
this, using survey monkey as it allowed people to give their honest opinion on what they thought of
my pitch instead of me going face-to-face and asking what they thought they would appease certain
things due to it being harder to be more honest in a situation where it could cause tension.
Witness statement
On the side are my witness statement, these were completed during I presented my pitch for my
magazine. Looking over this I can see that there is possible improvements that I could make so that I
might be able to do better when presenting it. Further to this, it goes over my strengths and
weaknesses of my pitch.
From looking over my witness statement, I got feedback from
my teacher, this had good parts and bad parts from my pitch
explaining what I needed to add to improve it. For example, all
of the things that I had completed and the ‘what went well’
were all in green and areas that I needed to improve on were
highlighted in yellow. To make sure that I have all green, this
would meant that I would have to go back over my work and
possibly add more detail for example. An example of this is that
I didn't’t go into detail on how I will be marketing my magazine,
so to overcome this I would go with the idea of using certain
social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook
and Twitter. Using these would allow people to stay up to date
with new knowledge on the magazine and the content. The
reason to why I have chosen these media platforms is because
of the amount of people that are using these apps on a daily
Survey monkey
Looking at the screenshots of my survey monkey questions and
answers above, in the first question you can see, all the people
that answered my question rated my pitch around 60/100,
responding to “how did I do with presenting my pitch?”.
For my question 2, “were my front covers relevant with my
chosen genres?”, for this everyone who responded voted
“yes”, that the front covers that I had created were relevant to
the musical genres that I had chosen for them. This shows me
that the front covers that had been designed and edited
correctly for their purpose of being used for the Pop/Hip-hop
Survey monkey continued
For question 3, “anything I could improve on my
pitch?”, for this question I gave the option of writing
their own personal comment as this would give me the
chance to receive in depth feedback where I can actually
get an idea of what I should improve on. One of the
points that I was given as feedback was that I should
have made notes so that I wouldn’t have struggled on
what I should have said instead of having to pause and
Secondly, on question 4, the question that I had asked
was “Is there anything that I could change on my Front
Covers?”. The 2 responses that I received were that I
could have improved/changed were the theme and the
main image.
Survey monkey continued
Question 5, for this question I asked “what do
you think about my front cover designs?” and
the type of answer for this was a scale of 1-10,
the average answer I received was 7 out of 10.
Secondly, for question 6, I asked “Do you agree
with my final choice of magazine”. The answer
for this question was 100% people who
answered this voted ‘yes’.
Pitch improvements
For me to improve my pitch, I would have had to included all of my Photoshop work, further to this I
should have included the parts to my pitch that I was missing. One thing that I should have added
was my back pages that I made in Photoshop for my magazine.
Secondly, another thing that I could have done to improve my pitch was to go into more detail on
parts such as the theories and distribution, why I chose ASDA for example. If I was to do this it
would make my pitch a lot more appealing as it would have more detail on everything which would
make it a lot easier to understand.
Lastly, the biggest thing that I could have done to improve my pitch was make some notes and
revise. This would have been a great thing to do for my pitch as it would mean that I know what I,
saying instead of constantly trying to think.
Production plan
Week beginning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Find a location for
an office
Buy equipment Recruit staff Set up equipment
and furniture in the
Meet all employees
and go through
what needs to be
Completed by
June 4th June 5th June 6th June 7th June 8th
Week beginning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Get writers and
journalists to gather
information for the
Organize a meeting
for design ideas
Set a date to when
the magazine will
be released
Manage the
schedule for the
Editorial and
budget decisions
need to made
Completed by
June 11th June 12th June 13th June 14th June 15th
Production plan continued
Week beginning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Editorial and
budget decisions
need to made
Decide the content
which will be in the
Decide the content
which will be in the
Edit the magazine Edit the magazine
Completed by
June 18th June 19th June 20th June 21st June 22nd
Week beginning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Edit the magazine Layout the pages
for the magazine
Layout the pages
for the magazine
Proofreading Proofreading /
launch date
Completed by
June 25th June 26th June 27th June 28th June 29th
I will be making around 15,000 copies for my magazine. The reason for this is because
of the high demand for the exclusives that my magazines can provide.
Calendar dates
My launch date for my magazine is June 29th, the reason to why I have
chosen this day to release my magazine because it is the end of the
money so people will have the spare money to be able to afford to but
my magazine and possibly subscribe if they enjoy the magazine.
Ethical & Legal Issues.
The IPSO(independent press standards organization), has set
rules known as the editors code of practice, in which the editor
of a magazine, newspaper or any other form of media, has to
follow a particular rule set followed by this organization.
Initially it was the PCC (Press Complaints Commission) that
dealt with these rules and set specific standards that editors
would have to follow, and now this has been taken over by the
They focus on a long list of categories such as Accuracy, Privacy,
Harassment, Intrusion into grief or shock, Reporting Suicide,
Children, Children in sex cases, Hospitals, Reporting of crime,
Clandestine devices and subterfuge, Victims of sexual assault,
Discrimination, Financial journalism, Confidential sources,
Witness payments in criminal trials and Payment to criminals.
These are all the categories that are included in the editor’s
Code of Practice.
Within my magazine you will be able to see that it is very
ethical with the way I have put it together and it doesn't exceed
any laws as I haven’t included any images that may be
disturbing to all ages and also I have not used any language that
will displease anyone who reads.
Copyright ©
• Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so
you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material
that already exists.
• Within my magazine, I will be making sure that I become a member of the BBC so
that I will never breach any standards and everything I publish will be protected.
• The copyright in a work of authorship immediately becomes the property of the
author who created it at the moment it is put into fixed form. No one but the
author can claim copyright to the work, unless the author grants rights to others
in a written agreement
Data Protection Act (1998)
The Date Protection Act 1998 is an act put in place by the untied kingdom parliament, this defines the ways in which information about living
people may be legally used and handled. Its main purpose is to make sure that certain individuals are protected against misuses or abuse of
information about them.
People that use data means that they would have to follow the strict rules that come with it, this is known as ‘data protection principles’. These
are the things that they must ensure the information is:
• Used fairly and lawfully
• Used for limited, specifically stated purposes
• Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
• Accurate
• Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
• Handled according to people’s data protection rights
• Kept safe and secure
• Not transferred outside the European Economic Area without
• adequate protection
If the information is more sensitive and needs the stricter rules such as:
• Ethnic background
• Political opinions
• Religious beliefs
• Health
• Sexual health
• Criminal records
Editor’s code of practice
Looking at this section, the press are made sure to take care and not to publish inaccurate,
misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text.
Also, the press, while free to edit and campaign, they must distinguish the clear difference
between comment, conjecture and the facts.
Every person is entitled to respect their privacy and family life etc. further to this, for people
taking pictures, it is not acceptable to take a photograph individuals, without their consent, this
means that when they are in public or in private places their privacy needs to be respected.
Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit. It isn’t allowed for
journalists to consistently ask questions, calling, following or photographing people once asked to
Instruction into grief or shock
In cases involving personal grief or shock, enquiries and approaches must be made with sympathy
and discretion and publication handled sensitively. These provisions should not restrict the right
to report legal proceedings.
Reporting suicide
When reporting on a subject such as suicide, to prevent simulative acts then care and caution
must be taken to avoid excessive detail of the method used, while taking into account the media’s
right to report legal proceedings.
Everyone should be allowed to complete their time at school with intrusion.
Without school authorities then they are not allowed to photograph or approach the pupil or
Children in sex cases
In any kind of press report of a case involving a sexual offence against a minor –
They must not be identified, however the adult is allowed to be identified, a word such as
“incest” must not be used where there is a child victim might be identified.
Journalists must identify themselves and obtain permission from a responsible executive
before entering non-public areas of hospitals or similar institutions to pursue enquiries.
The restrictions on intruding into privacy are particularly relevant to enquiries about
individuals in hospitals or similar institutions.
Reporting of crime
when reporting a crime, relatives or friends of persons convicted of committing a crime
should not have their identity shared if they do not give consent of such things, unless they
are relevant in context. The reason for this is because if there is a minor involved in the case
who can be a witness or the victim of the said crime, this must not restrict the right to report
legal proceedings.
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
The press must not seek to obtain or publish material acquired by using hidden cameras or
clandestine listening devices; or by intercepting private or mobile telephone calls, messages
or emails; or by the unauthorised removal of documents or photographs; or by accessing
digitally-held information without consent.
Victims of sexual assault
The press must not identify or publish material likely to lead to the identification of a victim
of sexual assault unless there is adequate justification and they are legally free to do so.
Details of an individual's race, colour, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or
mental illness or disability must be avoided unless genuinely relevant to the story.
Editors code of practice continued
Financial journalism
Even where the law isn't prohibited, journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its
general publication, or should they pass any kind of information to others that shouldn’t have the information.
Confidential sources
Journalists have a moral obligation to protect confidential sources of information
Witness payments in criminal trials
No payment or offer of payment to a witness – or any person who may reasonably be expected to be called as a witness – should be
made in any case once proceedings are active as defined by the Contempt of Court Act 1981. This prohibition lasts until the suspect
has been freed unconditionally by police without charge or bail or the proceedings are otherwise discontinued; or has entered a guilty
plea to the court; or, in the event of a not guilty plea, the court has announced its verdict. Any payment or offer of payment made to a
person later cited to give evidence in proceedings must be disclosed to the prosecution and defence. The witness must be advised of
this requirement.
Payment to criminals
Payment or offers of payment for stories, pictures or information, which seek to exploit a particular crime or to glorify or glamorise
crime in general, must not be made directly or via agents to convicted or confessed criminals or to their associates. Editors invoking
the public interest to justify payment or offers would need to demonstrate that there was good reason to believe the public interest
would be served. If, despite payment, no public interest emerged, then the material should not be published.
Risk assessment
What I needed in my photo shoot for my magazine:
• Camera – this was so that I would be able to take a picture of my model (Frankie McBrien).
• Mobile phone – so I would be able to contact my model to tell him the details of the photo shoot.
• Checklist – to make sure that I had everything for the shoot.
• I had to confirm ownership of the room that we were using for the pictures, this was so that people
wouldn't’t enter when we were taking pictures.
• I had to explain my intentions for using the room so that we would be able to access it.
• As the model, Frankie did have a dress code for the Photo shoot.
• Neighbour disturbance – we had to make sure that we weren't disturbing others as we had to make sure
that we were being considerate of our surroundings.
• Depending on how long we were going to be there just incase we had toilets within a good distance if
anyone needed a break.
• Take photo – as the director I had to be the one who was taking the picture
• Additional contributors – I had help from Miss Stevens. This was so that I was able to get some important
advice where I would be able to get better photos.
Risk assessment continued
final front covers
Double page spreads
Final Back pages
In conclusion to Unit LO4/5, from the beginning of this unit there have been several different topics. It has
started from Environment of the presentation, the Evidence of the pitch, the materials that were used for
the pitch and for the presentation itself, then the witness statement evidence and analysis and the survey
monkey evidence and analysis, in LO4. further to this, in LO5 the unit looked at certain parts of the
magazine and specific details of it, such as the production plan, the calendar events, the improvements I
made and could have made on my Pitch, and then after this I moved onto going into depth on the legal and
ethical issues that would be relevant within the magazine, along with the editor’s code of practice for the
editing side of it, and the final document that was looked at was the risk assessment which included actual
risks that could have interrupted my photo-shoot or during the editorial process. All of this has been
explained in detail through my work.

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Unit 13 lo4/5

  • 1.
  • 2. Environment and presentation On the side are some pictures that are evidence of the equipment and the environment that I was surrounded with. Using these I was able to complete my pitch for my magazine. From the images you can see that I had used many things to make sure that my pitch was successful. For example, I used a slide changer, this was so that I didn't have to be put in an awkward position where i had to constantly use the keyboard or mouse to change the slide. Further to this, i had to use a Apple Mac computer, which was where i was able to have my pitch loaded and ready on there; using this i was able to link it to the interactive whiteboard, this was where i was able to present my work where it could be viewed by my peers. One of the more important components to the pitch was the camera and it’s stand, this was so that it could get a video of me presenting the pitch but also showing the powerpoint that i had made.
  • 3. Evidence of Pitch While presenting the pitch, we used a camera so that I will be able to prove that I had done the presentation but mostly so that I would be able to receive feedback for myself from having others reviewing the video. After completing this, I had to make a survey using survey monkey, the reason for this is so that I will be able to get clear feedback on my pitch and the PowerPoint that I had made, on the survey monkey I asked questions such as “Is there anything you would change about my front cover” and then I would list a few things that my front cover had such as the model. Using this I was able to get important feedback which would give me the chance to look back over things and then see what I could do make them look better. Some feedback that I received was that I could have made notes and revised them, this would have made sure that I knew what I was saying on every slide and I wouldn't “Umm” as much as I did during the pitch. I had to sign a witness statement that I presented my pitch to my peers. Also on the witness statement was some positive and negatives on my performance.
  • 4. Materials used For the material that I used to present my pitch, I used PowerPoint mainly, to create the slides with all of my pitch, this allowed me to add important images such as evidence of my Photoshop work and the steps going through making my magazine.
  • 5. Survey monkey evidence Below is proof from the email that I had sent to whom I presented my pitch to, I had sent them a link which sent them then straight to my survey where they were able to then fill it out. The reason to why I sent the email is to make sure that people were given easy access to my survey instead of having to go through the website and find it, which is quite a complex process. Further to this, using survey monkey as it allowed people to give their honest opinion on what they thought of my pitch instead of me going face-to-face and asking what they thought they would appease certain things due to it being harder to be more honest in a situation where it could cause tension.
  • 6.
  • 7. Witness statement On the side are my witness statement, these were completed during I presented my pitch for my magazine. Looking over this I can see that there is possible improvements that I could make so that I might be able to do better when presenting it. Further to this, it goes over my strengths and weaknesses of my pitch.
  • 8. Feedback From looking over my witness statement, I got feedback from my teacher, this had good parts and bad parts from my pitch explaining what I needed to add to improve it. For example, all of the things that I had completed and the ‘what went well’ were all in green and areas that I needed to improve on were highlighted in yellow. To make sure that I have all green, this would meant that I would have to go back over my work and possibly add more detail for example. An example of this is that I didn't’t go into detail on how I will be marketing my magazine, so to overcome this I would go with the idea of using certain social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Using these would allow people to stay up to date with new knowledge on the magazine and the content. The reason to why I have chosen these media platforms is because of the amount of people that are using these apps on a daily basis.
  • 9. Survey monkey Looking at the screenshots of my survey monkey questions and answers above, in the first question you can see, all the people that answered my question rated my pitch around 60/100, responding to “how did I do with presenting my pitch?”. For my question 2, “were my front covers relevant with my chosen genres?”, for this everyone who responded voted “yes”, that the front covers that I had created were relevant to the musical genres that I had chosen for them. This shows me that the front covers that had been designed and edited correctly for their purpose of being used for the Pop/Hip-hop genre.
  • 10. Survey monkey continued For question 3, “anything I could improve on my pitch?”, for this question I gave the option of writing their own personal comment as this would give me the chance to receive in depth feedback where I can actually get an idea of what I should improve on. One of the points that I was given as feedback was that I should have made notes so that I wouldn’t have struggled on what I should have said instead of having to pause and think. Secondly, on question 4, the question that I had asked was “Is there anything that I could change on my Front Covers?”. The 2 responses that I received were that I could have improved/changed were the theme and the main image.
  • 11. Survey monkey continued Question 5, for this question I asked “what do you think about my front cover designs?” and the type of answer for this was a scale of 1-10, the average answer I received was 7 out of 10. Secondly, for question 6, I asked “Do you agree with my final choice of magazine”. The answer for this question was 100% people who answered this voted ‘yes’.
  • 12. Pitch improvements For me to improve my pitch, I would have had to included all of my Photoshop work, further to this I should have included the parts to my pitch that I was missing. One thing that I should have added was my back pages that I made in Photoshop for my magazine. Secondly, another thing that I could have done to improve my pitch was to go into more detail on parts such as the theories and distribution, why I chose ASDA for example. If I was to do this it would make my pitch a lot more appealing as it would have more detail on everything which would make it a lot easier to understand. Lastly, the biggest thing that I could have done to improve my pitch was make some notes and revise. This would have been a great thing to do for my pitch as it would mean that I know what I, saying instead of constantly trying to think.
  • 13. Production plan Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Find a location for an office Buy equipment Recruit staff Set up equipment and furniture in the office Meet all employees and go through what needs to be done Completed by June 4th June 5th June 6th June 7th June 8th Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Get writers and journalists to gather information for the magazine. Organize a meeting for design ideas Set a date to when the magazine will be released Manage the schedule for the magazine Editorial and budget decisions need to made Completed by June 11th June 12th June 13th June 14th June 15th
  • 14. Production plan continued Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Editorial and budget decisions need to made Decide the content which will be in the magazine Decide the content which will be in the magazine Edit the magazine Edit the magazine Completed by June 18th June 19th June 20th June 21st June 22nd Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Edit the magazine Layout the pages for the magazine Layout the pages for the magazine Proofreading Proofreading / launch date Completed by June 25th June 26th June 27th June 28th June 29th I will be making around 15,000 copies for my magazine. The reason for this is because of the high demand for the exclusives that my magazines can provide.
  • 15. Calendar dates My launch date for my magazine is June 29th, the reason to why I have chosen this day to release my magazine because it is the end of the money so people will have the spare money to be able to afford to but my magazine and possibly subscribe if they enjoy the magazine.
  • 16. Ethical & Legal Issues. The IPSO(independent press standards organization), has set rules known as the editors code of practice, in which the editor of a magazine, newspaper or any other form of media, has to follow a particular rule set followed by this organization. Initially it was the PCC (Press Complaints Commission) that dealt with these rules and set specific standards that editors would have to follow, and now this has been taken over by the IPSO. They focus on a long list of categories such as Accuracy, Privacy, Harassment, Intrusion into grief or shock, Reporting Suicide, Children, Children in sex cases, Hospitals, Reporting of crime, Clandestine devices and subterfuge, Victims of sexual assault, Discrimination, Financial journalism, Confidential sources, Witness payments in criminal trials and Payment to criminals. These are all the categories that are included in the editor’s Code of Practice. Within my magazine you will be able to see that it is very ethical with the way I have put it together and it doesn't exceed any laws as I haven’t included any images that may be disturbing to all ages and also I have not used any language that will displease anyone who reads.
  • 17. Copyright © • Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. • Within my magazine, I will be making sure that I become a member of the BBC so that I will never breach any standards and everything I publish will be protected. • The copyright in a work of authorship immediately becomes the property of the author who created it at the moment it is put into fixed form. No one but the author can claim copyright to the work, unless the author grants rights to others in a written agreement
  • 18. Data Protection Act (1998) The Date Protection Act 1998 is an act put in place by the untied kingdom parliament, this defines the ways in which information about living people may be legally used and handled. Its main purpose is to make sure that certain individuals are protected against misuses or abuse of information about them. People that use data means that they would have to follow the strict rules that come with it, this is known as ‘data protection principles’. These are the things that they must ensure the information is: • Used fairly and lawfully • Used for limited, specifically stated purposes • Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive • Accurate • Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary • Handled according to people’s data protection rights • Kept safe and secure • Not transferred outside the European Economic Area without • adequate protection If the information is more sensitive and needs the stricter rules such as: • Ethnic background • Political opinions • Religious beliefs • Health • Sexual health • Criminal records
  • 19. Editor’s code of practice Accuracy Looking at this section, the press are made sure to take care and not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text. Also, the press, while free to edit and campaign, they must distinguish the clear difference between comment, conjecture and the facts. Privacy Every person is entitled to respect their privacy and family life etc. further to this, for people taking pictures, it is not acceptable to take a photograph individuals, without their consent, this means that when they are in public or in private places their privacy needs to be respected. Harassment Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit. It isn’t allowed for journalists to consistently ask questions, calling, following or photographing people once asked to stop. Instruction into grief or shock In cases involving personal grief or shock, enquiries and approaches must be made with sympathy and discretion and publication handled sensitively. These provisions should not restrict the right to report legal proceedings. Reporting suicide When reporting on a subject such as suicide, to prevent simulative acts then care and caution must be taken to avoid excessive detail of the method used, while taking into account the media’s right to report legal proceedings. Children Everyone should be allowed to complete their time at school with intrusion. Without school authorities then they are not allowed to photograph or approach the pupil or pupils. Children in sex cases In any kind of press report of a case involving a sexual offence against a minor – They must not be identified, however the adult is allowed to be identified, a word such as “incest” must not be used where there is a child victim might be identified. Hospitals Journalists must identify themselves and obtain permission from a responsible executive before entering non-public areas of hospitals or similar institutions to pursue enquiries. The restrictions on intruding into privacy are particularly relevant to enquiries about individuals in hospitals or similar institutions. Reporting of crime when reporting a crime, relatives or friends of persons convicted of committing a crime should not have their identity shared if they do not give consent of such things, unless they are relevant in context. The reason for this is because if there is a minor involved in the case who can be a witness or the victim of the said crime, this must not restrict the right to report legal proceedings. Clandestine devices and subterfuge The press must not seek to obtain or publish material acquired by using hidden cameras or clandestine listening devices; or by intercepting private or mobile telephone calls, messages or emails; or by the unauthorised removal of documents or photographs; or by accessing digitally-held information without consent. Victims of sexual assault The press must not identify or publish material likely to lead to the identification of a victim of sexual assault unless there is adequate justification and they are legally free to do so. Discrimination Details of an individual's race, colour, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental illness or disability must be avoided unless genuinely relevant to the story.
  • 20. Editors code of practice continued Financial journalism Even where the law isn't prohibited, journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication, or should they pass any kind of information to others that shouldn’t have the information. Confidential sources Journalists have a moral obligation to protect confidential sources of information Witness payments in criminal trials No payment or offer of payment to a witness – or any person who may reasonably be expected to be called as a witness – should be made in any case once proceedings are active as defined by the Contempt of Court Act 1981. This prohibition lasts until the suspect has been freed unconditionally by police without charge or bail or the proceedings are otherwise discontinued; or has entered a guilty plea to the court; or, in the event of a not guilty plea, the court has announced its verdict. Any payment or offer of payment made to a person later cited to give evidence in proceedings must be disclosed to the prosecution and defence. The witness must be advised of this requirement. Payment to criminals Payment or offers of payment for stories, pictures or information, which seek to exploit a particular crime or to glorify or glamorise crime in general, must not be made directly or via agents to convicted or confessed criminals or to their associates. Editors invoking the public interest to justify payment or offers would need to demonstrate that there was good reason to believe the public interest would be served. If, despite payment, no public interest emerged, then the material should not be published.
  • 21. Risk assessment What I needed in my photo shoot for my magazine: • Camera – this was so that I would be able to take a picture of my model (Frankie McBrien). • Mobile phone – so I would be able to contact my model to tell him the details of the photo shoot. • Checklist – to make sure that I had everything for the shoot. • I had to confirm ownership of the room that we were using for the pictures, this was so that people wouldn't’t enter when we were taking pictures. • I had to explain my intentions for using the room so that we would be able to access it. • As the model, Frankie did have a dress code for the Photo shoot. • Neighbour disturbance – we had to make sure that we weren't disturbing others as we had to make sure that we were being considerate of our surroundings. • Depending on how long we were going to be there just incase we had toilets within a good distance if anyone needed a break. • Take photo – as the director I had to be the one who was taking the picture • Additional contributors – I had help from Miss Stevens. This was so that I was able to get some important advice where I would be able to get better photos.
  • 26. Conclusion In conclusion to Unit LO4/5, from the beginning of this unit there have been several different topics. It has started from Environment of the presentation, the Evidence of the pitch, the materials that were used for the pitch and for the presentation itself, then the witness statement evidence and analysis and the survey monkey evidence and analysis, in LO4. further to this, in LO5 the unit looked at certain parts of the magazine and specific details of it, such as the production plan, the calendar events, the improvements I made and could have made on my Pitch, and then after this I moved onto going into depth on the legal and ethical issues that would be relevant within the magazine, along with the editor’s code of practice for the editing side of it, and the final document that was looked at was the risk assessment which included actual risks that could have interrupted my photo-shoot or during the editorial process. All of this has been explained in detail through my work.