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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyse your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made.
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
The theme of my project is the biography of my great grandad who was a
footballer in the late 1930s-early 1940s. I was originally drawn into the
theme by the brief which was that we needed an interview, so this meant
I had a direct link to bunny bell through my grandma (his daughter) and I
could get important pictures and insight into his life. Aswell, it make the
information a lot more credible than most other source since she was there
for some of the events. I was also attracted to the theme since I am very
interested in my family history and what my family did, I knew about bunny
bell being a footballer and his nine goals in one match but other than that I
didn't know that much about him, and I wanted to research him and learn
about him and what he did in his life and if his legacy is remembered at the
clubs he played at.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
The research that I undertook was looking at the conventions of a documentary,
existing products, experiments/reflection of experiments, and audience research.
This research helped to develop my project because looking at the conventions of a
documentary helped me know what would be expected of a documentary and
what certain targets, I would need to meet to make my documentary appear like an
actual documentary. Looking at existing products this helped me get inspiration
and what documentary's look like in that genre of footballer documentary's as well
as looking at what I don't want to include in my documentary that those
documentaries include like lots of stock footage which was used in the Neymar
documentary where it didn't make much sense with what the narrator said. The
experiments where good practice for how to do an interview and how to clip the
audio together which I am not used to doing since all my previous projects
didn't really require much audio work if any. The audience research helped me to
see what people in my target audience would want/expect to see in my projects.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
I developed and improved my ideas throughout the project by overcoming
problems issues I find throughout the whole project for example covid
preventing me seeing my grandma to get the interview done so the week at
college I made parallax's and mini-intros for different sections of the
documentary this meant that I was still progressing in my work with the
main source to create my project. I also decided to make the lighting a lot
more natural for the interview with soft light going over the interviewees
face from the right. I also used my microphone audio for the interview since
the area that we were recording in was big and so audio from the phone
sounded echoey and bad, but the microphone was focused only on the
interviewee and heavily reduced the echo, this gave the video more of an air
of professionalism since the audio was recorded on a better microphone. I
also improved my audio work with having to match imagery in the intro and
outro to the song playing.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
The outcome of creating the project was the finished product as well as
me gaining organizational and planning skills for uncertain events which
could get in the way of production. I have also gained technical skills
like being able to create parallax and interview someone, and set up
the set to interview them..
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before
you started?
I felt unsure at first about the project since I wasn't sure what I would
do at first and I was thinking about doing a music artist, but I then
realized that the interviewee for that would just be a fan and it
wouldn't be as good. I then decided to do my project on bunny bell
after realizing that I had a direct relation to him, and my grandma
would know a lot about him. After deciding what I would do I felt
confident that I could get my work complete and that I could do
necessary research into him.
What do you think about your project development and
how did it help you to refine your idea?
I think that my project development helped to map out what I was
going to do, how I was going to do it and when I was going to do it. This
helped me refine my idea because it made me become a lot more
realistic, and it also helped me to break it down into sections. Also, the
development of my project helped me streamline my idea and made
me cut out bits that didn't make sense or fit into the project it has
also altered my initial thought of how the project will look and be
styled by seeing what was possible to made in the time frame.
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc?
I produced the initial idea, planned and filmed the whole process but
my grandma did contribute to the project by giving me the footage by
letting me interview her as well as being able to provide me with
images of bunny bell. My grandma was easy to contact, and she didn't
live too far away from me, but since she is old there is a risk of me
getting covid and passing it onto her. Initially when I went to record the
video at my grandma's house, she was very nervous, but I eventually
calmed her then after a few minutes of recording she became very
comfortable with the camera.
How did you feel when the project was
completed and why?
I felt good since I overcame the issues that confronted me at the being
of the production and managed to produce a fully formed
documentary. Issues that I had from the project was how short I was
and how condensed it felt, even with trying to make the video longer it
still wouldn't get past 3 minutes even after trying to stretch out the
clips and intros and outros, I think this happened because I didn't write
as good questions, so some answers weren't very good which meant I
had to edit them out which consequentially meant I had to shorten the
video. Also, after finishing I felt like I had gained more knowledge from
learning how to create thing like parallax's and teaching me on simple
audio work along with time management and planning.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and what did you
learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible]
• One good point of the task was learning how to create parallax's and gaining the skills to be able to create them independently
without help, as well as the photoshop skills I have gained in the process of creating the parallax's and editing the images and
getting them ready to be made into a parallax.
• Another good point of the task was being able to work with the audio, this includes: the audio from the interview and
capturing that and the music. The audio from the interview showed me that the collecting of audio is important especially in
an environment where it is very open. Editing the audio was new to me since I hadn't done interviews and much audio work, I
learnt that I had to sync the audio properly and the use of a clap in the camera audio and the microphone helps with the
syncing. The music was taken from YouTube an it was royalty free and fit with the video and the style and genre of the video,
the editing of the music into the video was a bit more complicated than the interview audio since it was to fade in and out of
volume in the audio, I did this by cutting the music whenever the interview happened then I lowered the volume and used
an exponential fade in and out of the music into higher or lower volumes (the louder audio is used in the intros and outro).
• Another good point of the task was learning how to set up an interview, the equipment, the question and planning and
organizing the whole event. The recording was originally planned to be a week earlier but since my mum caught covid it meant
that hit had to be delayed which meant I had to move around my plan to be able to do work during that week of college, so I
made the skeleton of the video, this taught me to be more flexible with my planning and be able to adapt to new situations
quickly. Setting up the interview, this was mainly to do with lighting background, I learnt a lot about different techniques for
lighting and how adjusting the harshness or making light go through certain objects to effect the atmosphere of the film.
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
• One challenge that I faced was my mum catch covid then it stopping us from
doing the interview, meaning it pushed my schedule back by a week so instead I
did my parallax work early as to not wasted time this helped me set out a rough
draft of what my video should look like and to show what I need to do.
• Another challenge that I faced was syncing the audio with the video and making it
work properly even using the clap to sync it was harder to do. The way I fixed this
issue was I used the video audio and matched that with the microphone
audio then once t synced, I deleted the video audio.
• Another challenge that I faced was my grandma being nervous for the
interview since she isn't used to being on camera, this meant that for the
beginning portion of the interview my grandma rushed the answers, and she said
them very fast as well as stuttering, the way responded to
this issue was I calmed her down and eventually after a bit of practice and her
being used to being on camera.
What were the negative points about the
experience, and what could you have done to
improve them?
The negative points of the experiments was the panic of when I
couldn't get to my grandparents' house, and I might have had to go to
her house over half term which would have been two weeks without
footage to edit my footage together, but luckily, I got to go to the
weekend after, I could have improved the experience by being a lot
more prepared in case something like this could have happened, and
considered it as a more likely option that could have happened.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of
poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I would rate the final piece as good since overall, it worked and the
style and the idea and the basis of the project comes through in the
final product. There are a few minor issues which annoy me like how
short the video and the fact that the second camera didn't work- this
isn't too bad, but it doesn't help break up the interview segments and
make them more interesting and engaging for the viewer. The
shortness of the video is down to the lack of useable questions since a
lot of them didn't have answers since she didn't know.
What is your opinion of your final piece? What
elements do you think are successful and why?
The elements of my production which were successful were the
reaction to the covid issue and the adaption to the situation but still
finding work to do to help progress the project.
Another element of production which was successful was the making
of the segments of the video, this helps break down the video for the
viewer and make it more digestible and clearer on what time period we
are in, in bunny bells life.
Another successful element of the production was making the
parallax's and how much quicker I was in making them by the end of
the week, this really helped me when I started editing the footage and I
added a new segment and I had to make a new segment intro quickly.
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
I think my project presented a lot of the characteristics and
conventions of a documentary, this is with the linear struture and
storytelling of bunny bells story as well as the whole documentary
centered around the interview and the main part of the documentary
since it is from someone who is a realiable source. As well there is
pictures from the time when he was playing footaball to present
evidence of it as well as breaking up the constant interview.
How did you design appeal to your target
My design appealed to my target audience since its short, so it doesn't
take too much time to watch, and it is also very simple to follow with
the linear storytelling and the simple and clean looking effects and
doesn't overwhelm the viewer. I have also put in the family aspect into
the video which shows that he was a lot more than just a footballer
which humanises him and makes people in the target age range be able
to relate him.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a
The ways the project was an overall success was that it was completed
on time I managed to overcome unforeseen obstacles, another success
was me managing my time properly and instead of waiting around and
doing nothing with my time I did other work towards the project, so I
was constantly progressing with my work even if I didn't have my main
footage. Another success was gaining new skills like being able to make
a very simple but effective parallaxes to keep the flow and the constant
movement of the video going throughout the whole video and bring
these old pictures and moments to life with simple animations.
What elements did not go well and why?
Elements of my project which did not go as well were writing better
and more question for the interview as to make the video longer with
more footage. As well as communicate a lot more with my interviewee
about what is going to happen as to ease their nerves in case they are
not use to being filmed or have any issues or misunderstanding which
will improve the quality of the interview as well as making it an easier
process for me and the interviewee, this happened with my grandma
since she wasn't used to being filmed and I didn't communicate well
enough with her for her to understand what the video was for and she
got very nervous at first so it made the process a bit more difficult
How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember,
skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation,
time management, communication, etc as well]
My skills developed during the portfolio were teamwork and having to
ask other people for help on my parallaxes and helping them. during
the audio interviews where I interviewed Antony about a chosen
subject of his choice and I had to edit it together this took time
management since we had other interviews to do as well as having to
of finished the project and written a summary on it by the end of the
What meaning and messages did you want to
convey and were you successful?
I wanted to convey the fact that Bunny Bell was a great footballer, and
he has left a legacy at Tranmere rovers and Everton, but also, he was
also more than a footballer, he was a more than just his career, he was
a father, a son, a brother, a grandfather and a great grandfather. I think
this message was conveyed but it could have been conveyed better
than it was with a bit more in depth questions, to show a bit more of
how he was after his career ended. I think that I partly conveyed it
through the early life segments and the outro segment which showed
pictures of bunny bell and his family to show that he wasn't always
Bunny Bell and that most of the time he was Bob Bell, and he was just a
normal man.
What feedback did you get from your peers
and viewings?
• One piece of peer feedback was them enjoying the main intro and outro. This was
because they enjoyed the timing with the music on the outro and how the images faded
with the beat, they said the last image on the outro is very powerful in the way it is
displayed and how it flashes up and shows him with his daughter and granddaughters
and slowly fades into black.
• Another piece of peer feedback is they enjoyed the parallax's and they enjoyed how they
brought the old photo's back to life and made it a lot more engaging for the viewer to
• Another piece of peer feedback is they think that parallaxes were used too much and
some of the quality in them isn't as good as others for example the bunny bell signing for
Everton and the way the pen moves just doesn’t look natural and could have been done
• Another piece of peer feedback is the video is too short and it should be made a couple
minutes longer to make the video seem less rushed. They said this could be done by
slowing down how fat my interviewee talks as well as writing more questions so
that there is more footage to work with.
What would you do differently in the future
and why?
What I would do differently in the future would be write better
question instead of writing simple ones and expecting good answers
communicate to people involved in the project like my interviewee to
make it a lot clearer to them what I am going to be doing and filming,
so they know what to expect especially with older people who don't
understand filming. I would also make the interview slightly more
stylistic and would get a 2nd tripod to hold the second camera as to
give the interview a bit of variety and it not just be one still shot. I
would also gather more pictures from the real-life events since it makes
it a constant reminder for the viewer that bob bell was a real person
and almost shows evidence for that event.
What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the
future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from
academic literature and professionals has helped and why?
The knowledge that I have gained from working on this project has
been very useful on teaching me on how to make a documentary. For
example, planning and prep in all projects is important but it needs to
be a lot more flexible and that I should plan for the worst since it could
very well happen to me and cause issues and not having an action plan
and having to produce one on the spot is a lot more stressful. I have
also learnt how to make parallax's which has given me skills on
aftereffects and being introduced to new software which was a major
part of my documentary. Literature that has helped my project would
be the bunny bell article on toffee web which had a lot of the photos
from events as well as going through a lot of his life.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
If I was making a similar project in the future, I would pick a topic
where the interviewee that would be more prepared for the interview
and I would set up the interview a bit more differently to add a bit
more of variety to the camera shot as well as making the interview
setting slightly more stylistic. I would write more questions than I
needed just so I had an abundance of footage just in case I wanted to
lengthen out the documentary. I would also get more B-roll shots to
still have more footage than needed just in case I needed it. I would
also do a voice over as well and not be completely dependent on the
How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please
identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example,
webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications.
I could develop my skills for future projects by looking at tutorials of
how to write good interview questions on the internet, most likely
through a video like on YouTube or a webpage talking about different
techniques. I could also develop skills on different software like
aftereffects which I had never used until I did work on my project, I can
further improve my skills on it by looking a YouTube tutorials and being
able to add effects to images to make them more engaging for the
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
I could develop my planning and organizational skills and make them a
lot more flexible. I could also develop my writing and interviewing
techniques and developing the skills to ask the right question for the
write person. I could also develop my concentration since there was a
lot of times over the project where I wasn't doing anything, and I kept
zoning out when I should have been working but instead was getting
distract by things like my phone and people around me.

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Factual evaluation

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyse your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made. Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? The theme of my project is the biography of my great grandad who was a footballer in the late 1930s-early 1940s. I was originally drawn into the theme by the brief which was that we needed an interview, so this meant I had a direct link to bunny bell through my grandma (his daughter) and I could get important pictures and insight into his life. Aswell, it make the information a lot more credible than most other source since she was there for some of the events. I was also attracted to the theme since I am very interested in my family history and what my family did, I knew about bunny bell being a footballer and his nine goals in one match but other than that I didn't know that much about him, and I wanted to research him and learn about him and what he did in his life and if his legacy is remembered at the clubs he played at.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? The research that I undertook was looking at the conventions of a documentary, existing products, experiments/reflection of experiments, and audience research. This research helped to develop my project because looking at the conventions of a documentary helped me know what would be expected of a documentary and what certain targets, I would need to meet to make my documentary appear like an actual documentary. Looking at existing products this helped me get inspiration and what documentary's look like in that genre of footballer documentary's as well as looking at what I don't want to include in my documentary that those documentaries include like lots of stock footage which was used in the Neymar documentary where it didn't make much sense with what the narrator said. The experiments where good practice for how to do an interview and how to clip the audio together which I am not used to doing since all my previous projects didn't really require much audio work if any. The audience research helped me to see what people in my target audience would want/expect to see in my projects.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? I developed and improved my ideas throughout the project by overcoming problems issues I find throughout the whole project for example covid preventing me seeing my grandma to get the interview done so the week at college I made parallax's and mini-intros for different sections of the documentary this meant that I was still progressing in my work with the main source to create my project. I also decided to make the lighting a lot more natural for the interview with soft light going over the interviewees face from the right. I also used my microphone audio for the interview since the area that we were recording in was big and so audio from the phone sounded echoey and bad, but the microphone was focused only on the interviewee and heavily reduced the echo, this gave the video more of an air of professionalism since the audio was recorded on a better microphone. I also improved my audio work with having to match imagery in the intro and outro to the song playing.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? The outcome of creating the project was the finished product as well as me gaining organizational and planning skills for uncertain events which could get in the way of production. I have also gained technical skills like being able to create parallax and interview someone, and set up the set to interview them..
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? I felt unsure at first about the project since I wasn't sure what I would do at first and I was thinking about doing a music artist, but I then realized that the interviewee for that would just be a fan and it wouldn't be as good. I then decided to do my project on bunny bell after realizing that I had a direct relation to him, and my grandma would know a lot about him. After deciding what I would do I felt confident that I could get my work complete and that I could do necessary research into him.
  • 10. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? I think that my project development helped to map out what I was going to do, how I was going to do it and when I was going to do it. This helped me refine my idea because it made me become a lot more realistic, and it also helped me to break it down into sections. Also, the development of my project helped me streamline my idea and made me cut out bits that didn't make sense or fit into the project it has also altered my initial thought of how the project will look and be styled by seeing what was possible to made in the time frame.
  • 11. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc? I produced the initial idea, planned and filmed the whole process but my grandma did contribute to the project by giving me the footage by letting me interview her as well as being able to provide me with images of bunny bell. My grandma was easy to contact, and she didn't live too far away from me, but since she is old there is a risk of me getting covid and passing it onto her. Initially when I went to record the video at my grandma's house, she was very nervous, but I eventually calmed her then after a few minutes of recording she became very comfortable with the camera.
  • 12. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? I felt good since I overcame the issues that confronted me at the being of the production and managed to produce a fully formed documentary. Issues that I had from the project was how short I was and how condensed it felt, even with trying to make the video longer it still wouldn't get past 3 minutes even after trying to stretch out the clips and intros and outros, I think this happened because I didn't write as good questions, so some answers weren't very good which meant I had to edit them out which consequentially meant I had to shorten the video. Also, after finishing I felt like I had gained more knowledge from learning how to create thing like parallax's and teaching me on simple audio work along with time management and planning.
  • 13. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 14. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] • One good point of the task was learning how to create parallax's and gaining the skills to be able to create them independently without help, as well as the photoshop skills I have gained in the process of creating the parallax's and editing the images and getting them ready to be made into a parallax. • Another good point of the task was being able to work with the audio, this includes: the audio from the interview and capturing that and the music. The audio from the interview showed me that the collecting of audio is important especially in an environment where it is very open. Editing the audio was new to me since I hadn't done interviews and much audio work, I learnt that I had to sync the audio properly and the use of a clap in the camera audio and the microphone helps with the syncing. The music was taken from YouTube an it was royalty free and fit with the video and the style and genre of the video, the editing of the music into the video was a bit more complicated than the interview audio since it was to fade in and out of volume in the audio, I did this by cutting the music whenever the interview happened then I lowered the volume and used an exponential fade in and out of the music into higher or lower volumes (the louder audio is used in the intros and outro). • Another good point of the task was learning how to set up an interview, the equipment, the question and planning and organizing the whole event. The recording was originally planned to be a week earlier but since my mum caught covid it meant that hit had to be delayed which meant I had to move around my plan to be able to do work during that week of college, so I made the skeleton of the video, this taught me to be more flexible with my planning and be able to adapt to new situations quickly. Setting up the interview, this was mainly to do with lighting background, I learnt a lot about different techniques for lighting and how adjusting the harshness or making light go through certain objects to effect the atmosphere of the film.
  • 15. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... • One challenge that I faced was my mum catch covid then it stopping us from doing the interview, meaning it pushed my schedule back by a week so instead I did my parallax work early as to not wasted time this helped me set out a rough draft of what my video should look like and to show what I need to do. • Another challenge that I faced was syncing the audio with the video and making it work properly even using the clap to sync it was harder to do. The way I fixed this issue was I used the video audio and matched that with the microphone audio then once t synced, I deleted the video audio. • Another challenge that I faced was my grandma being nervous for the interview since she isn't used to being on camera, this meant that for the beginning portion of the interview my grandma rushed the answers, and she said them very fast as well as stuttering, the way responded to this issue was I calmed her down and eventually after a bit of practice and her being used to being on camera.
  • 16. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? The negative points of the experiments was the panic of when I couldn't get to my grandparents' house, and I might have had to go to her house over half term which would have been two weeks without footage to edit my footage together, but luckily, I got to go to the weekend after, I could have improved the experience by being a lot more prepared in case something like this could have happened, and considered it as a more likely option that could have happened.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I would rate the final piece as good since overall, it worked and the style and the idea and the basis of the project comes through in the final product. There are a few minor issues which annoy me like how short the video and the fact that the second camera didn't work- this isn't too bad, but it doesn't help break up the interview segments and make them more interesting and engaging for the viewer. The shortness of the video is down to the lack of useable questions since a lot of them didn't have answers since she didn't know.
  • 18. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? The elements of my production which were successful were the reaction to the covid issue and the adaption to the situation but still finding work to do to help progress the project. Another element of production which was successful was the making of the segments of the video, this helps break down the video for the viewer and make it more digestible and clearer on what time period we are in, in bunny bells life. Another successful element of the production was making the parallax's and how much quicker I was in making them by the end of the week, this really helped me when I started editing the footage and I added a new segment and I had to make a new segment intro quickly.
  • 19. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? I think my project presented a lot of the characteristics and conventions of a documentary, this is with the linear struture and storytelling of bunny bells story as well as the whole documentary centered around the interview and the main part of the documentary since it is from someone who is a realiable source. As well there is pictures from the time when he was playing footaball to present evidence of it as well as breaking up the constant interview.
  • 20. How did you design appeal to your target audience? My design appealed to my target audience since its short, so it doesn't take too much time to watch, and it is also very simple to follow with the linear storytelling and the simple and clean looking effects and doesn't overwhelm the viewer. I have also put in the family aspect into the video which shows that he was a lot more than just a footballer which humanises him and makes people in the target age range be able to relate him.
  • 21. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 22. In what ways was the overall project a success? The ways the project was an overall success was that it was completed on time I managed to overcome unforeseen obstacles, another success was me managing my time properly and instead of waiting around and doing nothing with my time I did other work towards the project, so I was constantly progressing with my work even if I didn't have my main footage. Another success was gaining new skills like being able to make a very simple but effective parallaxes to keep the flow and the constant movement of the video going throughout the whole video and bring these old pictures and moments to life with simple animations.
  • 23. What elements did not go well and why? Elements of my project which did not go as well were writing better and more question for the interview as to make the video longer with more footage. As well as communicate a lot more with my interviewee about what is going to happen as to ease their nerves in case they are not use to being filmed or have any issues or misunderstanding which will improve the quality of the interview as well as making it an easier process for me and the interviewee, this happened with my grandma since she wasn't used to being filmed and I didn't communicate well enough with her for her to understand what the video was for and she got very nervous at first so it made the process a bit more difficult
  • 24. How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation, time management, communication, etc as well] My skills developed during the portfolio were teamwork and having to ask other people for help on my parallaxes and helping them. during the audio interviews where I interviewed Antony about a chosen subject of his choice and I had to edit it together this took time management since we had other interviews to do as well as having to of finished the project and written a summary on it by the end of the day.
  • 25. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? I wanted to convey the fact that Bunny Bell was a great footballer, and he has left a legacy at Tranmere rovers and Everton, but also, he was also more than a footballer, he was a more than just his career, he was a father, a son, a brother, a grandfather and a great grandfather. I think this message was conveyed but it could have been conveyed better than it was with a bit more in depth questions, to show a bit more of how he was after his career ended. I think that I partly conveyed it through the early life segments and the outro segment which showed pictures of bunny bell and his family to show that he wasn't always Bunny Bell and that most of the time he was Bob Bell, and he was just a normal man.
  • 26. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? • One piece of peer feedback was them enjoying the main intro and outro. This was because they enjoyed the timing with the music on the outro and how the images faded with the beat, they said the last image on the outro is very powerful in the way it is displayed and how it flashes up and shows him with his daughter and granddaughters and slowly fades into black. • Another piece of peer feedback is they enjoyed the parallax's and they enjoyed how they brought the old photo's back to life and made it a lot more engaging for the viewer to watch. • Another piece of peer feedback is they think that parallaxes were used too much and some of the quality in them isn't as good as others for example the bunny bell signing for Everton and the way the pen moves just doesn’t look natural and could have been done better. • Another piece of peer feedback is the video is too short and it should be made a couple minutes longer to make the video seem less rushed. They said this could be done by slowing down how fat my interviewee talks as well as writing more questions so that there is more footage to work with.
  • 27. What would you do differently in the future and why? What I would do differently in the future would be write better question instead of writing simple ones and expecting good answers communicate to people involved in the project like my interviewee to make it a lot clearer to them what I am going to be doing and filming, so they know what to expect especially with older people who don't understand filming. I would also make the interview slightly more stylistic and would get a 2nd tripod to hold the second camera as to give the interview a bit of variety and it not just be one still shot. I would also gather more pictures from the real-life events since it makes it a constant reminder for the viewer that bob bell was a real person and almost shows evidence for that event.
  • 28. What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from academic literature and professionals has helped and why? The knowledge that I have gained from working on this project has been very useful on teaching me on how to make a documentary. For example, planning and prep in all projects is important but it needs to be a lot more flexible and that I should plan for the worst since it could very well happen to me and cause issues and not having an action plan and having to produce one on the spot is a lot more stressful. I have also learnt how to make parallax's which has given me skills on aftereffects and being introduced to new software which was a major part of my documentary. Literature that has helped my project would be the bunny bell article on toffee web which had a lot of the photos from events as well as going through a lot of his life.
  • 29. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 30. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? If I was making a similar project in the future, I would pick a topic where the interviewee that would be more prepared for the interview and I would set up the interview a bit more differently to add a bit more of variety to the camera shot as well as making the interview setting slightly more stylistic. I would write more questions than I needed just so I had an abundance of footage just in case I wanted to lengthen out the documentary. I would also get more B-roll shots to still have more footage than needed just in case I needed it. I would also do a voice over as well and not be completely dependent on the interview.
  • 31. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. I could develop my skills for future projects by looking at tutorials of how to write good interview questions on the internet, most likely through a video like on YouTube or a webpage talking about different techniques. I could also develop skills on different software like aftereffects which I had never used until I did work on my project, I can further improve my skills on it by looking a YouTube tutorials and being able to add effects to images to make them more engaging for the viewer.
  • 32. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? I could develop my planning and organizational skills and make them a lot more flexible. I could also develop my writing and interviewing techniques and developing the skills to ask the right question for the write person. I could also develop my concentration since there was a lot of times over the project where I wasn't doing anything, and I kept zoning out when I should have been working but instead was getting distract by things like my phone and people around me.