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Transport in multicellular plants
Why is a transport system needed?
• Plant cells need a regular supply of nutrients
and raw materials just like animal cells.
• They however need these at a lower rate and
their needs also differ.
• Multicellular plants have a small surface area
to volume ratio.
• Consequently, a transport system is needed to
supply some materials to them.
Materials required by the plant
1. Oxygen – all the cells of a plant need oxygen
for respiration. Actively photosynthesizing
cells however produce more oxygen than they
need. Other cells take in oxygen from the
environment. Their rate of respiration is
however much less than that of mammals and
so do not need a rapid supply.
Materials required by the plant cont'd
2. Carbon dioxide – photosynthetic cells require
carbon dioxide during daylight.
3. Organic nutrients – cells that do not make
their own food require organic nutrients
from photosynthetic cells.
4. Inorganic ions and water – all the cells of a
plant require inorganic ions and water.
These are transported from the soil by roots.
Other needs
• One of the greatest requirements of a plant is
• The leaves are adapted to ensure that the
cells receive maximum sunlight.
The nature of the transport system in
• Plants have a much slower transport system
than mammals because their energy
requirements are much less than that of
• Carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse into and
out of a leaf easily and readily.
• Plants have two transport systems; one for
inorganic ions and water and another for
organic materials.
The dicot root
Dicot root
Dicot stem
Dicot stem
Transport of water and inorganic ions
• Water enters the plant through the root hairs
and moves across the root to the xylem tissue
in the centre.
• It then rises up to the leaves through the
Structure of xylem tissue
• Xylem has dual function of support and
transport. This is made possible because of
their structure.
• In angiosperms, xylem tissue contains:
1.Vessel elements
4.Parenchyma cells
Xylem vessels
• Xylem vessels are made up of several vessel
elements arranged end to end.
• Vessel elements are elongated.
• Vessel elements were originally normal plant
cells in whose walls lignin was laid down.
• Lignin is impermeable to water, and as more is
laid down in the wall of a cell, the cell
eventually dies.
Xylem vessels cont'd
• The empty space that is left is called a lumen.
• Wherever plasmodesmata were in the original
cell wall, no lignin was laid there.
• The non-lignified areas form pits which are
gaps in the cell wall.
• The pits are crossed by permeable,
unthickened cellulose cell wall.
Xylem vessels cont'd
• The end walls separating neighbouring xylem
elements break down and a continuous tube
is formed.
• The long, non-living tube is a xylem vessel.
• These are also dead cells with lignified walls.
• Their ends are not open and so do not form
• The ends taper off.
• They have pits and so they can help in the
transport of water.
• They are the main conducting tissue in
gymnosperms (primitive)
• These cells are also elongated and dead.
• Their function is to support the plant.
Parenchyma cells
• These are like regular plant cells.
• They have unthickened cell walls and the
organelles that would be found in a plant cell.
• However, because they are not exposed to
light, they have no chloroplasts.
• They have a variety of shapes but are usually
isodiametric (same size in all directions).
Movement from soil to root hair
• Some of the epidermal cells just behind the
root tip are drawn out to form long extensions
called root hairs.
• These root hairs extend into spaces between
soil particles.
• There they absorb water.
• Many root hairs are formed and these provide
a large surface area in contact with soil water.
Movement from soil to root hair
• This therefore increases the rate at which
water is absorbed.
• The root hairs are very delicate and have to be
replaced very often.
• Water moves down a water potential
• This gradient is created by the presence of
inorganic ions and organic materials like
sugars and proteins in the cell sap of the root
Movement from soil to root hair
• This concentration of inorganic ions inside the
root hairs is greater than the concentration of
inorganic ions in the soil water.
• Mineral ions also move into the root hair cells.
• These ions can either move by facilitated
diffusion or active transport.
• If the concentration of a particular ion is
greater outside the root hair cell than inside
Movement from soil to root hair
the root hair cell, then movement is passive
by facilitated diffusion.
• If the concentration is greater inside the cell
than outside, then movement is by active
• Usually, the ions needed by the plant are in
low concentrations in the soil.
• Most movement is therefore by active
Movement from soil to root hair
• Root hairs are important for the absorption of
• In some plants, especially trees, there is a
symbiotic relationship with fungi called
• These serve a similar function to root hairs by
helping with the absorption of nutrients from
the soil and transporting them.
Movement from soil to root hair
• Both water and minerals move together even
though different processes are employed to
move them.
• Mineral salts cannot be absorbed if water is
not present.
Movement from root hair to xylem
• Water moves across the cortex into the xylem
because the water potential in the xylem
vessels is lower than that of the cortical cells.
• The water takes two possible routes across
the cortex:
1.Apoplast pathway
2.Symplast pathway
Apoplast pathway
• The cell wall is made of fibres of cellulose
which form a network.
• The water can soak into the fibres as they
would soak into paper.
• Because of this , water can pass from cell wall
to cell wall without entering the cytoplasm of
cortical cells.
• Movement may be through the intercellular
Symplast pathway
• The water moves into the cytoplasm or
vacuole of the cortical cells.
• It then passes into adjacent cells through the
Movement from root hair to xylem
• The cells in the outer layer of the stele, the
endodermis, have suberin in their cell walls.
• This suberin forms the Casparian strip and
makes the endodermis impenetrable to water.
• The suberin is laid down as the plant gets
• Some cells do not have suberin deposits.
These are called passage cells.
Movement from root hair to xylem
• Water can then travel symplastically and then
pass through passage cells.
• The water then continues to move through
the pericycle and into the xylem.
• Symplastic movement of water gives a plant
control over what ions pass into its xylem
vessels since everything passes the plasma
Movement of water up the xylem
• To fully explain how water moves up the
xylem vessels, transpiration must first be
Transpiration (movement from
leaves to atmosphere)
• Mesophyll cells are not tightly packed and
have air spaces among them.
• Water from the mesophyll cells evaporates
into the air spaces making the air spaces
saturated with water vapour.
• There is direct contact between the air inside
the leaf and the air outside the leaf through
the stomata.
Transpiration cont'd
• If there is a water potential gradient, then
water will move out of the leaf.
• This loss of water vapour from the leaf is
called transpiration.
• Transpiration rate will increase if a steep
gradient is created.
Transpiration cont'd
• Several things can increase the rate of
• These include:
1.Low humidity
2.Rise in temperature
3.Increased wind speed
4.Opening of the stomata
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• Movement of water up the xylem is
dependent on the difference in pressure at
the top and bottom of the vessel.
• As water leaves the leaf by transpiration,
water constantly leaves the top of the xylem
vessel down a gradient.
• The water either moves into mesophyll cells
or along their cell walls.
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• As water leaves the top of the xylem vessels,
hydrostatic pressure is reduced.
• The hydrostatic pressure is greater at the
bottom of the vessel than at the top.
• This causes water to move up the vessel.
• The water in the xylem vessel is under great
tension and would cause the vessel to
collapse if the lignin wasn’t present.
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• Movement through the vessels is by
• This means that all the water molecules move
together as a body of liquid.
• This is due to cohesion and adhesion.
• Cohesion is the attraction of water molecules
to each other.
• Adhesion is the attraction of water molecules
to the lignin in the walls of the xylem vessels.
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• If an air bubble becomes trapped (an air lock
develops)in the column then the difference in
pressure is not transmitted.
• This prevents the water moving upwards.
• Development of air locks is prevented by the
small diameter of the vessel.
• If however one develops, the pits allow the
water to move to another xylem vessel.
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• The pressure difference between the top and
bottom of the plant is maintained by
increasing the pressure at the bottom of the
vessels (root pressure).
• Root pressure is increased when ions are
actively secreted into the root cells.
• This lowers the water potential and water
moves in in great amounts.
Movement of water up xylem
vessels cont'd
• The contribution of root pressure is very small
and not significant as water will continue to
move up the xylem of a dead plant.
• Water movement in plants is passive and is
fuelled largely by transpiration.
NB. As water is being moved, minerals salts
move with it also
Movement of water from xylem to
leaf cells
• Water diffuses from the top of the xylem
vessels to the cells of the leaf.
• This is down a concentration gradient the
creation of which is explained before.
Movement of organic materials
• Organic materials eg. Sugars are made by the
• These materials are also called assimilates.
• The method of transporting soluble organic
substances is called translocation.
• Phloem tissue is responsible for translocation.
Phloem tissue
• Phloem tissue contains:
1.Sieve elements
2.Companion cells
3.Parenchyma cells
Sieve elements
• A sieve element is a living cell
• It contains a cell wall, a plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum and
• It doesn’t have a nucleus and ribosomes.
• The layer of cytoplasm is very thin.
• The end walls have a very special feature.
Sieve elements cont'd
• A sieve plate is formed where two sieve
elements meet.
• The plate is made up of the end walls of two
elements perforated by holes.
• Many elongated sieve elements, joined at
their end walls forms a sieve tube.
• A sieve tube is a continuous column.
Sieve elements cont'd
• If the elements are viewed under the
microscope, strands of protein can be seen
passing through the pores.
• These strands however are produced in
response to the damage caused when the
tissue was cut during slide preparation;
Companion cells
• A companion cell is found lying close to every
sieve tube element.
• Companion cells have the same structure as
regular plant cells.
• They however have a large number of
mitochondria and ribosomes.
• Many plasmodesmata make contact between
the cytoplasm of the companion cell and the
sieve element.
Contents of sieve tubes
• The liquid inside sieve tubes is called phloem
sap or just sap.
Collecting sap for analysis
• This is a difficult process.
• As soon as the tissue is cut, the elements
respond by immediately secreting protein.
• Within hours it secretes a carbohydrate called
• Castor oil plant is unusual and the sap
continues to flow even after the phloem is cut
for some time.
Collecting sap for analysis cont'd
• In other plants, aphids are used to collect the
• Aphids feed by sticking their stylet into the
• If the stylet is cut near to the insect’s head the
sap continues to flow.
• The flow is slow and so the plant’s phloem
‘clotting’ mechanism is not employed.
Process of translocation
• For the food to be transported, it has to be
loaded from its site of manufacture to the
• Triose sugars are converted into sucrose.
• The sucrose in solution moves across the cells
of the leaves into the phloem tissue.
• The sucrose is actively loaded into the phloem
element from the companion cell.
Process of translocation cont'd
• The sucrose moves in solution and can
therefore move by the apoplast or symplast
• Both the companion cell and the sieve
elements work together.
• Sucrose is loaded into the companion cell by
active transport.
Loading of sucrose into phloem
• Hydrogen ions are actively moved out of the
companion cell, using ATP as an energy
• The hydrogen ions then move back into the
companion cell down the concentration
• As the hydrogen ions move back in, sucrose
moves into the companion cell as well.
Loading of sucrose into phloem
• This is possible because the same protein that
acts as a carrier for hydrogen ions is also a
carrier for sucrose molecules (co-transporter
• Even though sucrose is moving against a
concentration gradient, no ATP is required
because of the presence and movement of
hydrogen ions.
Loading of sucrose into phloem
• The sucrose molecules then move through the
plasmodesmata into the sieve tube.
Movement in the phloem
• Movement in the phloem is by mass flow.
• The pressure difference is actively created (in
the xylem, the pressure difference is passively
• When sucrose molecules are actively loaded
into the phloem, the water potential in the
phloem is reduced.
• Water thus moves into the phloem by
Movement in the phloem cont'd
• When the sucrose is removed from the
phloem by other cells like those of a fruit,
water again follows by osmosis.
• The movement of the water out of the
phloem creates a pressure difference.
• Hydrostatic pressure is low in the lower part
of the leaf and high in the area of the leaf
where the sieve tube is found.
Movement in the phloem cont'd
• The pressure difference causes water to flow
from a high pressure area to a low pressure
area taking solutes with it.
Unloading of sucrose from the
• It is still unclear as to how sucrose is unloaded
from the phloem.
• It is believed that it is unloaded by diffusion.
• As soon as it enters the cells an enzyme
converts it into something else thus
maintaining a concentration gradient. Eg.
Invertase hydrolyses sucrose to glucose and
Translocation cont'd
• Wherever in the plant sucrose is loaded into
the phloem, that area is called a source.
• Wherever in the plant sucrose is unloaded
from the phloem, that area is called a sink.
Benefits of having a sieve plate
• They probably act as support preventing the
phloem from collapsing. The support for the
xylem comes from its lignified walls.
• They allow damage to be rapidly overcome
because of the ‘clotting mechanism’.
• The ‘clotting’ prevents loss of important
nutrients. It also prevents entry of pathogens.
Evidence for mass flow
• Initially there was much controversy about
whether movement in the phloem was by
mass flow.
• One reason for the controversy is the phloem
protein blocking the pores that is observed
when phloem is looked at.
• Now it is known that these proteins only form
when the phloem is damaged.
Evidence for mass flow cont'd
1. The rate of movement in phloem is
approximately 10000 times faster than it
would be if movement was by diffusion.
2. The rate of transport measured match
closely with the pressure differences
measured at source and sink (providing the
pores are unobstructed).
Evidence for mass flow cont'd
• There is also much evidence for the active
loading of sucrose into sieve elements.
• The work done so far has been tedious and
• There is circumstantial evidence to support
active loading however.
Evidence for mass flow cont'd
• These include:
1.The pH of phloem sap is approximately 8. This
is what is expected if Hydrogen ions are
actively transported out of the companion
2.The difference in electrical potential across
the plasma membrane is approximately
Evidence for mass flow cont'd
• This is consistent with an excess of ions
outside of the companion cell compared with
3. ATP is in large amounts in phloem companion
cells. This would be needed if active transport
is taking place.
Similarities between movement of
manufactured food and movement of water.
• Both move by mass flow along a pressure
• Both move through tubes formed by cells
stacked end to end.
Differences between xylem and
• Vessels are made of dead
• Vessels have lignified cell
• The end walls disappear
• Have pits
• Elements are made from
living cells
• Phloem tubes do not have
lignified cell walls
• The end walls form sieve
plates. They do not
disappear completely
• Do not have pits. They have
plasmodesmata instead

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Timetable cape mayjune2014final1feb2013
Timetable cape mayjune2014final1feb2013Timetable cape mayjune2014final1feb2013
Timetable cape mayjune2014final1feb2013Deon Peterkin

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Caribstudiesmodule1notes 130509212020-phpapp01
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Caribstudiesmodule1notes 130509212020-phpapp01
Timetable cape mayjune2014final1feb2013
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