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Seminar on ABG 
Presentor : Dr. 
Chair Person : Dr. 
 Blood is most commonly drawn from the radial 
artery because it is 
◦ easily accessible 
◦ easily compressed to control bleeding 
◦ less risk for occlusion. 
 The femoral artery (or less often, the brachial 
artery) is also used, especially during emergency 
situations or with children. 
 Blood can also be taken from an arterial catheter 
already placed in one of these arteries.
 Samples drawn in plastic syringes should not be iced 
and should always be analyzed within 30 minutes.
Parameters Of ABG 
 pH 
 PaO2 
 PCo2 
 Hco3- 
 Sao2 
 Lactate 
 Anion Gap 
 Electrolyte 
 Glucose
The Key to Blood Gas Interpretation: 
Four Equations, Three Physiologic 
Equation Physiologic 
1) PaCO2 equation Alveolar ventilation 
2) Alveolar gas equation Oxygenation 
3) Oxygen content equation Oxygenation 
4) Henderson-Hasselbalch equation Acid-base balance 
These four equations, crucial to understanding and 
interpreting arterial blood gas data, will provide the structure 
for this slide presentation.
PaCO2 Equation: PaCO2 reflects ratio of metabolic 
CO2 production to alveolar ventilation 
VCO2 x 0.863 VCO2 = CO2 production 
PaCO2 = ------------------- VA = VE – VD 
VA VE = minute (total) ventilation (= resp. rate 
tidal volume) 
VD = dead space ventilation (= resp. rate x dead space volume 
0.863 converts VCO2 and VA units to mm Hg 
Condition State of 
PaCO2 in blood alveolar ventilation 
> 45 mm Hg Hypercapnia Hypoventilation 
35 - 45 mm Hg Eucapnia Normal 
< 35 mm Hg Hypocapnia Hyperventilation
Hypercapnia (cont) 
VCO2 x 0.863 
PaCO2 = ------------------ 
VA VA = VE – VD 
Inadequate VE leading to decreased VA and increased 
PaCO2: sedative drug overdose; respiratory muscle 
paralysis; central hypoventilation 
Increased VD leading to decreased VA and increased 
PaCO2: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; severe 
restrictive lung disease (with shallow, rapid breathing)
Dangers of Hypercapnia 
Elevated PaCO2 poses a threat for three reasons: 
1) An elevated PaCO2 will lower the PAO2 and as a 
result will lower the PaO2. 
(Alveolar gas equation) 
2) An elevated PaCO2 will lower the pH 
( Henderson-Hasselbalch equation). 
3) The higher the baseline PaCO2, the greater it will 
rise for a given fall in alveolar ventilation, e.g., a 1 
L/min decrease in VA will raise PaCO2 a greater 
amount when the baseline PaCO2 is 50 mm Hg than 
when it is40 mmHg.
A-a Gradient 
 FIO2 = 713 x O2% 
 A-a gradient = PA O2 - PaO2 
◦ Normal is 0-10 mm Hg 
◦ 2.5 + 0.21 x age in years 
 With higher inspired O2 concentrations, the A-a 
gradient will also increase
Alveolar Gas Equation 
PAO2 = PIO2 - 1.2 (PaCO2)* 
Where PAO2 is the average alveolar PO2, and PIO2 is the 
partial pressure of inspired oxygen in the trachea 
PIO2 = FIO2 (PB – 47 mm Hg) 
FIO2 is fraction of inspired oxygen and PB is the barometric 
pressure. 47 mm Hg is the water vapor pressure at normal 
body temperature. 
* Note: This is the “abbreviated version” of the AG equation, suitable for most clinical purposes. In the longer 
version, the multiplication factor “1.2” declines with increasing FIO2, reaching zero when 100% oxygen is inhaled. In 
these exercises “1.2” is dropped when FIO2 is above 60%.
Alveolar Gas Equation 
PAO2 = PIO2 - 1.2 (PaCO2) 
where PIO2 = FIO2 (PB – 47 mm Hg) 
Except in a temporary unsteady state, alveolar PO2 (PAO2) is always 
higher than arterial PO2 (PaO2). As a result, whenever PAO2 
decreases, PaO2 also decreases. Thus, from the AG equation: 
If FIO2 and PB are constant, then as PaCO2 increases both PAO2 
and PaO2 will decrease (hypercapnia causes hypoxemia). 
If FIO2 decreases and PB and PaCO2 are constant, both PAO2 and 
PaO2 will decrease (suffocation causes hypoxemia). 
If PB decreases (e.g., with altitude), and PaCO2 and FIO2 are 
constant, both PAO2 and PaO2 will decrease (mountain climbing 
leads to hypoxemia).
PaO2-FiO2 ratio 
 Normal PaO2/FiO2 is 300-500 
 <250 indicates a clinically significant gas exchange 
 Hypoventilation 
 V/Q mismatch 
 Right-Left shunting 
 Diffusion impairment 
 Reduced inspired oxygen tension
Right to Left Shunt 
 Parenchymal diseases 
leading to atelectasis or 
alveolar flooding 
(lobar pneumonia or 
 Pathologic vascular 
(AVM or intracardiac 
Reduced inspired oxygen 
 Delivery to tissue beds determined by arterial 
oxygen content and cardiac output 
 Oxygen content of blood is affected by level & 
affinity state of hemoglobin 
◦ Example is CO poisoning: reduction of arterial O2 content despite 
normal PaO2 and Hgb caused by reduction in available O2 binding 
sites on the Hgb molecule 
 Tissue hypoxia may occur despite adequate 
oxygen delivery 
◦ CN poisoning causes interference with oxygen utilization by the 
cellular cytochrome system, leading to cellular hypoxia
P(A-a)O2 is the alveolar-arterial difference in partial 
pressure of oxygen. It is commonly called the “A-a 
gradient,” it results from gravity-related blood flow 
changes within the lungs (normal ventilation-perfusion 
PAO2 is always calculated based on FIO2, PaCO2, and 
barometric pressure. 
PaO2 is always measured on an arterial blood sample in 
a “blood gas machine.” 
Normal P(A-a)O2 ranges from @ 5 to 25 mm Hg 
breathing room air (it increases with age).
Estimating A-a gradient: 
Normal A-a gradient = (Age+10) / 4 
 A-a increases 5 to 7 mmHg for every 10% increase 
in FiO2 
Predicted O2 (PaO2) = 109-0.43* age in 
Average PaO2 95mmHg (range 85– 100 mmHg)
Physiologic Causes of Low PaO2 
Cardiac right-to-left shunt Increased 
Decreased PIO2 Normal 
Low mixed venous oxygen content* Increased 
Pulmonary right-to-left shunt Increased 
Ventilation-perfusion imbalance Increased 
Diffusion barrier Increased 
Hypoventilation (increased PaCO2) Normal
Oxygen Content 
Neither the PaO2 nor the SaO2 tells how much oxygen is in the 
CaO2 provides the oxygen content, (units = ml O2/dl) 
calculated as: 
CaO2 = quantity O2 bound + quantity O2 dissolved 
to hemoglobin in plasma 
CaO2 = (Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (.003 x PaO2) 
1.34 ml O2 bound to each gm of Hb. 
0.003 is solubility coefficient of oxygen in plasma
Acid/Base Balance 
• The pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of 
the blood. 
• It is inversely proportional to the no. of (H+) in the 
• The normal pH range is 7.35-7.45.
Calculation of pH 
6.10 log 3 
0.03 2 
  
     
Validation of ABG 
The first part in ABG validation is: 
 Determination of Hydrogen Ion Concentration by 
     
The second part of ABG validation is 
• To confirm that for given hydrogen ions the pH is 
Hydrogen ion concentration can be calculated 
at a given pH by using this method 
 At pH of 7.4 hydrogen ion concentration is 40 
If pH < 7.4 
For every 0.1 decrease in pH multiply hydrogen ion 
concentration by 1.2 for example 
 For pH 7.3 = 40 * 1.2 
 For pH 7.2 = 40 * 1.2*1.2 and so on 
If pH > 7.4 
 For every 0.1 increase in pH multiply hydrogen ion 
concentration by 0.8 for example 
 For pH 7.5 = 40 * 0.8 For pH 7.6 = 40 * 0.8*0.8
pH in the Physiologic range 
between the pH 
and H+ 
concentration (in 
nanomol/L) in the 
physiologic range
Acids and Bases 
Acid : A substance that can “donate” H+ ion or when added 
to solution raises H+ ion (i.e., lowers pH). 
Base : A substance that can “accept” H+ ion or when added 
to solution lowers H+ ion (i.e., raises pH). 
(Definitions proposed by Bronsted) 
H2CO3 <-> H+ + HCO3 
HCl <-> H+ + Cl- 
+ <-> H+ + NH3 
H2PO4- <-> H+ + HPO4 
 Acidemia is present when blood pH <7.35. 
 Alkalemia is present when blood pH >7.45. 
 Metabolic 
refers to disorders that result from a primary 
alteration in [H+] or [HCO-]. 
 Respiratory 
refers to disorders that result from a primary 
alteration in PCO2 due to altered CO2 elimination.
Daily Acid Production 
 Metabolism of 
carbohydrates and fats → 15,000 mmol of CO2 
CO2 + water → H2CO3 (weak acid) 
CO2 removed via respiration. 
 Noncarbonic acids derived from the metabolism of proteins. 
Eg. Oxidation of sulfur-containing amino acids → H2SO4 
1 meq/kg of non-volatile acid produced daily. 
These H+ ions are excreted in the urine. 
Non-Volatile Acids Volatile Acids 
15,070 mmoles = 15,070 million nanomoles.
The ultimate pH of the body will 
depend on …….. 
 The amount of acid produced. 
 The buffering capacity of the body. 
 The rate of acid excretion by the lungs and kidneys.
At the end of the day, what would pH be if all 
acid produced is retained in the body ? 
Initial H+ 
40 nanomoles/L 
Daily H+ 
15,070 ×106 nanomoles 
Final H+ 
40 + {(15,070/42) ×106} 
= 358 ×106 nanomoles/L 0.45 
*Nanomole = one billionth of a mole.
Normal acid base homeostasis
Acid base balance 
 Acid base homeostasis is essential for normal cellular 
enzyme function. 
 Arterial pH is maintained within a very narrow range 
(7.35 and 7.45) by the interteraction of 
Adjustment occurs within …. 
1. Blood buffers ….seconds to minutes. 
2. Lungs ….1 to 15 minutes. 
3. Kidneys ….hours to days.
 Buffers are chemical systems that either accept or 
release H+, so that changes in the free H+ concentration 
are minimized. 
 Buffer, by themselves, do not remove acid/alkali from the 
Production of “new” bicarbonate linked to excretion of ammonium ions
Say 10 millimoles/L of H+ are produced 
(= 10 × 106 nanomoles/L). 
If unchecked, pH would decrease to <2.0 which is 
But, this acid load is bufferred by 10 mmoles/L 
(=10 meq/L) of HCO3 
–, producing CO2 and water. 
Therefore, HCO3 
– concentration decreases from 24 
to 14. 
Consequently pH decreases from 7.40 to 7.32, 
which is within physiological range.
Extracelular buffers (40 – 45%) 
1.Bicarbonate/Carbon Dioxide buffer 
2.Inorganic phosphates 
3.Plasma proteins 
Intracellular and Bone buffers (55 – 60%) 
2.Organic and inorganic phosphates 
Why learn/analyze ABG?
 Provides information on the physiological processes 
that maintain pH homeostasis. 
 Plays a pivotal role in diagnosis and management 
of critically ill patients. 
◦ Proper evaluation of ABG guides appropriate 
diagnosis and, therefore, treatment.
An ABG Report 
Parameters of importance Measured 
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic Acidosis 
Primary Defect: Decrease in HCO3 
 Accumulation of metabolic acids (non-carbonic) 
caused by: 
◦ Excess acid production which overwhelms renal capacity for 
excretion. e.g. Diabetic ketoacidosis. 
◦ Loss of alkali: 
Leaves un-neutralized acid behind. e.g. Diarrhea. 
◦ Renal excretory failure: 
Normal total acid production in face of poor renal function. 
e.g. Chronic renal failure.
Causes of Metabolic Acidosis 
Acid Gain 
1. L-lactic acid (= tissue hypoxia) 
2. Ketoacids (= DKA, starvation) 
3. D-lactic acid (= Low GI motility or altered GI 
flora, eg. blind loop syndromes) 
4. Intoxicants which are acids or become acids 
 Methanol to formic acid 
 Ethylene glycol to glyoxalic acid 
 Paraldehyde to acetic acid 
 Acetylsalicylic acid 
 Toluene to hippuric acid 
5. Renal Failure 
Anion Gap = 
Na – [Cl + HCO3]
Causes of Lactic Acidosis 
 Type A 
- Acute severe hypoxia 
- Acute severe anemia 
 Type B 
- Metformin 
- Malignancy 
- Thiamine deficiency 
- Cyanide 
Causes of Metabolic Acidosis 
 Loss of NaHCO3 
1. Loss via GI tract (diarrhea, ileus, fistula) 
2. Loss in Urine (proximal RTA, acetazolamide) 
3. Failure of kidneys to make new bicarbonate 
(distal RTA) 
4. Acid production and the excretion of its anion in 
the urine without [H+] or [NH4 
+] (Eg. Defective 
renal reabsorption of betahydroxybutarate)
Metabolic acidosis 
Compensatory Change
Sequential response to a H+ load, culminating in the restoration of 
acid-base balance by the renal excretion of the excess H+ 
H+ Load 
2 – 4 Hours 
Minutes to 
and bone 
buffering by 
buffering by 
Renal H+ 
Hours to 
Immediate days
Anion Gap 
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis 
Example: 15 millimoles of organic acid added. 
15 mEq of bicarbonate will be used up while buffering.
Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis 
Example: 15 mEq of bicarbonate is lost. 
Kidneys reclaim extra chloride to maintain electroneutrality.
High Anion Gap Met. Acidosis 
 Ketoacidosis 
 Lactic Acidosis 
 Uremia 
 Toxicity 
◦ Salicylate 
◦ Ethylene Glycol 
◦ Methanol 
◦ Paraldehyde 
 Massive rhabdomyolysis 
Anion Gap = 
(Na – HCO3 – Cl)
Anion Gap 
AG = [Na – (Cl + HCO3)] 
 Increased unmeasured cation: 
◦ Normally present cations 
K+, Ca2+ , Mg2+ 
◦ Abnormal cations: 
Lithium, IgG 
 Decreased unmeasured anion: 
◦ Hypoalbuminemia 
 Lab Error: 
◦ Hyponatremia due to viscous 
◦ Hyperchloremia in Bromide toxicity 
◦ Random lab errors 
 Decreased unmeasured cation: 
◦ Decreased K, Ca, Mg 
 Increased unmeasured anion: 
◦ Organic:lactate, ketones 
◦ Inorganic: PO42-, sulfates 
◦ Hyperalbuminemia 
◦ Exogenous anions: salicylates, 
formate, penicillin, nitrate, etc. 
◦ Incompletely idenitified: uremia, 
paraldehyde, ehtylene glycol, HHS, 
 Lab Error: 
◦ Falsely increased Na 
◦ Falsely decreased Cl or HCO3
Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base Disorders 
↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic Alkalosis 
Primary Defect: Rise in HCO3 
 from renal or extra-renal sources. 
 Compensatory change: 
◦ Tissues and RBC exchange intracellular H+ 
for extra-cellular Na+ and K+ 
◦ Hypoventilation and elevation of PaCO2 
(Maximal PaCO2 rarely exceeds 55 mmHg)
Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base 
↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 
↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2
Metabolic Alkalosis – Pathogenesis 
 Loss of hydrogen ion from upper GI tract 
(vomiting) or urine (diuretics) 
 Addition of alkali – administration of bicarbonate 
or its precursors (citrate, lactate, etc.) 
• Volume/chloride depletion 
• Hypokalemia 
• Aldosterone excess
Metabolic Alkalosis – Causes 
Saline Responsive 
Urine Chloride (<10 mEq/L) 
Saline Resistant 
Urine Chloride (>20 mEq/L) 
ECF Volume Depletion 
Vomiting/Gastric Suction 
Hypercapnia correction 
Hypertensive (Normal 
or increased ECF) 
Cushing syndrome 
No ECF Vol. Depletion 
NaHCO3 infusion 
Multiple transfusions 
Bartter’s syndrome 
Severe K depletion
Metabolic Alkalosis – Clinical Features
Metabolic Alkalosis – Clinical Features 
 CNS: 
◦ Increased neuromuscular excitability leading to 
paresthesia, light headache, and carpopedal spasm 
 CVS: 
◦ Hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias 
 Other: 
◦ Weakness, muscle cramps, postural dizziness 
◦ Muscle weakness and polyuria due to hypokalemia 
 Respiratory: 
◦ Compensatory hypoventilation may lead to hypoxia 
symptoms in patients with pre-existing lung disease
D/D of Metabolic Alkalosis 
Cl < 10 mEq/L 
(unless on diuretics) 
> 20 mEq/L 
Na < 20 mEq/L 
(unless recent 
> 20 mEq/L 
K May be high 
if high distal 
(diuretics or recent 
Usually high 
is acting
Metabolic Alkalosis – Treatment 
Treat underlying cause 
 Saline reponsive 
◦ Normal saline with KCl or Isolyte-G 
◦ H2 inhibitors or PPI 
◦ In diuretic induced, dose reduction, KCl 
suplementation, spironolactone 
◦ Discontinue exogenous sources of alkali (bicarbonate, 
RL, acetate, citrate) 
◦ When pH > 7.65, may administer 0.1 N HCl via central 
◦ Dialysis 
 Saline Resistant – Treat the cause. 
Spironolactone, K correction and Na restriction.
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory Acidosis 
Primary Defect: Rise in PCO2 
 Decrease in pulmonary clearance of CO2 
 Compensatory Change: 
◦ Acute (<24 hrs): Buffering by tissue and RBC to 
increase HCO3. Rarely more than 4 mEq 
◦ Chronic (>72 hrs): Stimulation of renal tubular 
secretion of H+ thus synthesizing more HCO3. Chloride 
is lost along with NH4+
Respiratory Acidosis – Causes 
 CNS Depression 
◦ Drugs (anaesthesia, sedatives), infection, stroke 
 Neuromuscular impairment 
◦ Myopathy, Myasthenia gravis, polymyositis, hypokalemia 
 Ventilation restriction 
◦ Rib fracture, pneumothorax, hemothorax 
 Airway 
◦ Asthma, obstruction 
 Alveolar diseases 
◦ COPD, pulmonary edema, ARDS, pneumonitis 
 Miscellaneous 
◦ Obesity, Hypoventilation
Respiratory Acidosis
Response to an increase in PCO2 
Increased PCO2 
Hours to Days 
10 to 30 
Renal H+ 
Respiratory Acidosis – Treatment 
 Acute 
◦ Treat the cause. 
◦ Bronchodilators. 
◦ Mechanical ventilation. 
◦ Antibiotics 
 Chronic 
◦ Oxygen -long term supplemental. 
◦ Nasal continuous positive airway pressure. 
◦ Improving respiratory muscle function. 
◦ Drugs- Progesterone, Doxapram, Almitrine, 
Acetazolamide, Methyphenidate and Caffeine.
Respiratory Alkalosis
Respiratory Alkalosis 
Primary Defect: Decrease in PCO2 
 Compensatory Change: 
◦ Acute (<24 hrs): Buffering by tissue and RBC 
to lower HCO3. Rarely to less than 18 mEq/L 
◦ Chronic (>72 hrs): Impairs kidney's ability to 
excrete acid thus lowering HCO3. If more than 
2 weeks, pH may return to normal.
Respiratory Alkalosis – Causes 
 Hypoxemia 
◦ Pneumonia, interstitial diseases, pulm emboli, edema, etc. 
◦ CHF 
◦ Severe anemia 
◦ High altitude resisdence 
 Direct stimulation of the medullary respiratory 
◦ Psychogenic/voluntary 
◦ Pain 
◦ Pregnacy 
◦ Hepatic failure 
◦ Gram Negative sepsis 
◦ Salicylate toxicity 
◦ Rapid correction of metabolic acidosis 
◦ Neurological – CVA, trauma, tumors, infections, etc. 
 Mechanical Ventilation (overtreatment)
Respiratory Alkalosis – Treatment 
 Treat the cause 
 Does not need treatment unless pH > 7.50 
 Relief of hypoxia. 
 Rebreathing into a non compliant bag as 
long as hyperventilation exists. 
 Treatment of anxiety.
Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base Disorders 
↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 
↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2 
↑ PCO2 ↑ HCO3 
↓ PCO2 ↓ HCO3
The Boston Approach 
Acid-Base Disorders
5-Steps in the Evaluation of 
Systemic Acid Base Disorders 
1. Comprehensive history and physical 
2. Evaluate simultaneously performed ABG & 
serum electrolytes. 
3. Identification of the dominant disorder. 
4. Calculation of compensation. 
5. Calculate the anion gap and the Δ. 
1.Anion Gap 
3.Δ Bicarbonate
Step 3: 
Identification of the dominant disorder 
pH Initial 
↓ ↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 
↑ ↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2
Step 3: 
Identification of the dominant disorder 
(Primary) disorder 
↓ ↓ ↓ Metabolic acidosis 
↑ ↑ ↑ Metabolic 
↓ ↑ ↑ Respiratory 
↑ ↓ ↓ Respiratory 
Dictums in ABG Analysis 
 pH and Primary parameter change in the 
same direction suggests a metabolic 
 pH and Primary parameter change in the 
opposite direction suggests a respiratory 
What is the Magnitude of 
Compensation Formula Simplified 
0.1 0.3 
0.2 0.5 
Acute Chronic 
Step 4. Check if the compensatory 
response is appropriate or not. 
If the compensation is not appropriate, 
suspect a second (and perhaps a triple) 
acid-base disorder.
Step 4: 
Calculation of compensation 
Disorder pH Primary 
-]  PCO2 ΔPCO2  1.2  ΔHCO3 
  [HCO3 
-]  PCO2 ΔPCO2  0.7  ΔHCO3 
  [HCO3 
-] Acute: 
  PCO2  [HCO3 
-  0.1  ΔPCO2 
-  0.3  ΔPCO2 
-] Acute: 
  PCO2  [HCO3 
-  0.2  ΔPCO2 
-  0.5  ΔPCO2 
Note: The formula calculates the change in the compensatory parameter.
Step 5: Calculate the “gaps” 
Anion gap = Na+ − [Cl− + HCO3 
Δ AG = Anion gap − 12 
Δ HCO3 = 24 − HCO3 
Δ AG = Δ HCO3 
−, then Pure high AG Met. Acidosis 
Δ AG > Δ HCO3 
−, then High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis 
Δ AG < Δ HCO3 
−, then High AG Met Acidosis + HCMA 
Add Δ AG to measured HCO3 
− to obtain 
bicarbonate level that would have existed IF the 
high AG metabolic acidosis were to be absent, 
i.e., “Pre-existing Bicarbonate.” 
 e existing Bicarb 
Delta AG 
Current Bicarb 
Pr _ _ 
Delta AG / Delta HCO3 Ratio 
 Ratio 1-2 : High anion gap acidosis 
 Ratio > 2 : HAG acidosis and metabolic 
 Ratio < 1 : HAG acidosis and NAG acidosis 
: DKA with ketone excretion 
: CKD with anion excretion but H+ 
Dictums in ABG Analysis 
1. Primary change & Compensatory change always 
occur in the same direction. 
2. pH and Primary parameter change in the same 
direction suggests a metabolic problem. 
pH and Primary parameter change in the opposite 
direction suggests a respiratory problem. 
3. Renal and pulmonary compensatory mechanisms 
return pH toward but rarely to normal. 
A normal pH in the presence of changes in PCO2 or 
HCO3 suggets a mixed acid-base disorder.
Normal Values for Major Acid-Base variables 
pH H+ 
 S Na = 135 – 145 mEq/L 
 S K = 3.5 – 5.5 mEq/L 
 S Cl = 97 – 110 mEq/L 
Arterial 7.37 – 7.43 37 – 43 36 – 44 22 – 26 
Venous 7.32 – 7.38 42 – 48 42 – 50 23 – 27
Common clinical states and associated acid-base disorders 
Clinical state Acid-base disorder 
Renal failure Metabolic acidosis 
Vomiting Metabolic alkalosis 
Severe diarrhea Metabolic acidosis 
Cirrhosis Respiratory alkalosis 
Hypotension Metabolic acidosis 
COPD Respiratory acidosis 
Sepsis Respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis 
Pulmonary embolus Respiratory alkalosis 
Pregnancy Respiratory alkalosis 
Diuretic use Metabolic alkalosis
Clues to Mixed Acid-Base Disorders 
 Normal pH (with the exception of chronic 
respiratory alkalosis) 
 PCO2 and HCO3 deviating in opposite 
 pH change in the opposite direction of a 
known primary (dominant) acid-base 
Is a VBG just as good as an 
Risk with ABG 
◦ Significant pain 
◦ Hematoma 
◦ Aneurysm formation 
◦ Thrombosis or 
◦ Needlestick injuries . 
Advantages with ABG 
◦ PaO2 
◦ Arterial 
saturation (SaO2)
 Brandenburg and Dire investigated 66 patients (DKA) . 
An ABG and VBG were subsequently drawn. 44 pts 
had acidosis with arterial pH less than 7.35. 
 Among these cases, the mean difference between 
arterial and venous pH values was 0.02 (range 0.0 to 
0.11) with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) of 
 This study concludes that venous blood gas 
measurements accurately demonstrated the degree of 
acidosis in patients with DKA.
 Lactate 
In 2000, Lavary et al studied 375 patients and 
compared arterial and venous lactates and showed 
that there was no significant difference between 
the two 
 Recent study in 2002 investigated whether venous 
pCO2 and pH could be used to screen for 
significant hypercarbia , 
the authors stated that a venous pCO2 of 
44mmHg had a sensitivity for detection of 
hypercarbia of 100% and a specificity of 57%, thus 
making it an effective screening test for hypercarbia
Comparing Electrolytes 
In ABG & Biochem Lab Analyser
Case Scenarios in 
Acid-Base Disorders
Case 1 
 A 15 yr old juvenile diabetic presents with abdominal 
pain, vomiting, fever & tiredness for 1 day. He had 
stopped taking insulin 3 days ago. Examination 
revealed tachycardia, BP- 100/60, signs of 
dehydration. Abdominal examination was normal. 
 ABG: 
pH 7.31 
PaCO2 26 mmHg 
HCO3 12 mEq/L 
PaO2 92 mm Hg 
Serum Electrolytes: 
Na 140 mEq/L 
K 5.0 mEq/L 
Cl 100 mEq/L 
 Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
Case 1: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Metabolic Acidosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ PaCO2 = 1.2 × Δ HCO3 
= 1.2 × 12 
= 14.4 
PaCO2 = 40 – 14 = 26 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 140 – (100 + 12) 
= 28 
AG is high. 
pH 7.31 
PaCO2 26 
HCO3 12 
PaO2 92 
Na 140 
K 5.0 
Cl 100
Case 1: Solution 
 Δ AG = 28 – 12 
= 16 
 Δ HCO3 = 24 – 12 
= 12 
 Δ AG > Δ HCO3 
 Final Diagnosis: 
pH 7.31 
PaCO2 26 
HCO3 12 
PaO2 92 
Na 140 
K 5.0 
Cl 100 
High AG Met. Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis
Case 2 
 A 24 yr old boy presents with continuous vomiting of 
3 days duration, mental confusion, giddiness, and 
tiredness for 1 day. 
 Examination revealed tachycardia, hypotension and 
 ABG 
pH 7.50 
PaCO2 48 
HCO3 32 
PaO2 90 
Serum Electrolytes: 
Na 139 
K 3.9 
Cl 85 
 Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
Case 2: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 
= 0.7 × 8 
= 5.6 
PaCO2 = 40 + 6 = 46 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 139 – (85 + 32) 
= 22 
AG is high. 
pH 7.50 
PaCO2 48 
HCO3 32 
PaO2 90 
Na 139 
K 3.9 
Cl 85
Case 2: Solution 
 Δ AG = 22 – 12 
= 10 
 High AG metabolic acidosis 
 Final Diagnosis: 
pH 7.50 
PaCO2 48 
HCO3 32 
PaO2 90 
Na 139 
K 3.9 
Cl 85 
Metabolic Alkalosis + High AG Met. Acidosis
Case 3: Varieties of Metabolic Acidosis 
Patient A B C 
ECF volume Low Low Normal 
Glucose 600 120 120 
pH 7.20 7.20 7.20 
Na 140 140 140 
Cl 103 118 118 
HCO- 10 10 10 
AG 27 12 12 
Ketones 4+ 0 0 
Renal handling of Hydrogen in 
Metabolic Acidosis 
 In the setting of metabolic acidosis, normal kidneys try to 
increase H+ excretion by increasing titratable acidity and 
ammonia. The latter is excreted as NH+. 
 When NH4 
+ is excreted, it also causes increased 
chloride loss, to maintain electrical neutrality. 
 Chloride loss, therefore, will be in excess of Na and K. 
 Urine Anion-Gap = Na + K – Cl 
 In metabolic acidosis, if Urine anion gap is negative, it 
suggests that the kidneys are excreting H+ effectively.
Urine Electrolytes in Metabolic 
Patient A B C 
U. Na 10 50 
U. K 14 47 
U. Cl 74 28 
Urine AG –50 +69 
Dx: Diarrhea RTA 
Urine Anion Gap = (U. Na + U. K – U. Cl) 
In Normal anion gap Metabolic Acidosis, 
Positive Urine AG suggests distal Renal Tubular Acidosis 
Negative Urine AG suggests non-renal cause for Metabolic Acidosis.
Case 4 
 A 50 yr old man presented with history of 
progressive dyspnoea with wheezing for 4 days. 
 He also had fever, cough with yellowish 
 He had increased sleepiness for 1 day. 
 On examination, he was tachypnoeic, pulse- 
100/min bounding, BP-160/96, central cyanosis 
+, drowsy, asterixis +, RS – B/L extensive 
wheezing +. 
 CXR- hyperinflated lung fields with tubular heart.
Case 4: Laboratory data 
 ABG: 
pH 7.30 
PaCO2 60 mmHg 
HCO3 28 mEq/L 
PaO2 68 mm Hg 
 Serum Electrolytes: 
Na 136 mEq/L 
K 4.5 mEq/L 
Cl 98 mEq/L 
 Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
Case 4: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Respiratory Acidosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ HCO3 = 0.3 × Δ PaCO2 
= 0.3 × 20 
= 6 
HCO3 = 24 + 6 = 30 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 138 – (98 + 28) 
= 10 
AG is normal. 
pH 7.30 
PaCO2 60 
HCO3 28 
PaO2 68 
Na 136 
K 4.5 
Cl 98
Case 5 
 20 year old girl presented with complaints of 
difficulty in breathing and upper abdominal 
discomfort for the past 1 hr. 
 On examination, vitals normal, patient 
hyperventilating, RS – normal, Abdomen – normal.
Case 5: Laboratory data 
 ABG: 
pH 7.50 
PaCO2 25 mmHg 
HCO3 21 mEq/L 
PaO2 100 mm Hg 
 Serum Electrolytes: 
Na 137 mEq/L 
K 3.9 mEq/L 
Cl 99 mEq/L 
Calcium 9.0 mEq/L 
 Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
Case 5: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Respiratory Alkalosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ HCO3 = 0.2 × Δ PaCO2 
= 0.2 × 15 
= 3 
HCO3 = 24 – 3 = 21 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 137 – (99 + 21) 
= 17 
pH 7.50 
PaCO2 25 
HCO3 21 
PaO2 100 
Na 137 
K 3.9 
Cl 99 
Calcium 9.0 
AG is slightly high which can be seen in 
respiratory alkalosis.
Case 6 
For each of the following sets of arterial blood gas 
values, what is (are) the likely acid-base disorder(s)? 
pH PaCO2 HCO3 Acid-Base status 
7.28 50 23 respiratory acidosis and 
metabolic acidosis 
7.50 33 25 respiratory alkalosis 
and metabolic alkalosis 
7.23 34 14 metabolic acidosis and 
respiratory acidosis
Case 7 
 Explain the acid-base status of a 35-year-old man with 
history of chronic renal failure treated with high dose 
diuretics admitted to hospital with pneumonia and the 
following lab values: 
ABG Serum Electrolytes 
pH 7.52 Na+ 145 mEq/L 
PaCO2 30 mm Hg K+ 2.9 mEq/L 
PaO2 62 mm Hg Cl- 98 mEq/L 
- 21 mEq/L
Case 7: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Respiratory Alkalosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ HCO3 = 0.2 × Δ PaCO2 
= 0.2 × 10 
= 2 
HCO3 = 24 – 2 = 22 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 145 – (98 + 21) 
= 26 
pH 7.52 
PaCO2 30 
HCO3 21 
PaO2 62 
Na 145 
K 2.9 
Cl 98 
AG is very high suggestive of metabolic 
Case 7: Solution 
 Δ AG = 26 – 12 
= 14 
 Δ HCO3 = 24 – 21 
= 3 
 Δ AG > Δ HCO3 
High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis 
 Final Diagnosis: 
Respiratory Alkalosis + 
High AG Metabolic Acidosis + 
Metabolic Alkalosis 
pH 7.52 
PaCO2 30 
HCO3 21 
PaO2 62 
Na 145 
K 2.9 
Cl 98
Case 8 
The following values are found in a 65-year-old patient. 
Evaluate this patient's acid-base status? 
ABG Serum Chemistry 
pH 7.51 Na + 155 mEq/L 
PaCO50 mm Hg K+ 5.5 mEq/L 
2 HCO- 39 mEq/L Cl- 90 mEq/L 
CO2 40 mEq/L 
BUN 121 mg/dl 
Glucose 77 mg/dl
Case 8: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 
= 0.7 × 16 
= 11.2 
PaCO2 = 40 + 11 = 51 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 155 – (90 + 40) 
= 25 
AG is high. 
pH 7.51 
PaCO2 50 
HCO3 40 
PaO2 62 
Na 155 
K 5.5 
Cl 90 
BUN 121
Case 8: Solution 
 Δ AG = 25 – 12 
= 13 
 High AG metabolic acidosis 
 Final Diagnosis: 
Metabolic Alkalosis + 
pH 7.51 
PaCO2 50 
HCO3 40 
PaO2 62 
Na 155 
K 5.5 
Cl 90 
BUN 121 
High AG Metabolic Acidosis
Case 9 
 A 52-year-old woman has been mechanically ventilated 
for two days following a drug overdose. Her arterial blood 
gas values and electrolytes, stable for the past 12 hours, 
ABG Serum Chemistry 
pH 7.45 Na + 142 mEq/L 
PaCO2 25 mm Hg K+ 4.0 mEq/L 
Cl- 100 mEq/L 
HCO3- 18 mEq/L
Case 9: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Chronic Respiratory 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ HCO3 = 0.5 × Δ PaCO2 
= 0.5 × 15 
= 7.5 
HCO3 = 24 – 8 = 16 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 142 – (100 + 18) 
= 24 
pH 7.45 
PaCO2 25 
HCO3 18 
Na 142 
K 4.0 
Cl 100 
AG is very high suggestive of metabolic 
Case 9: Solution 
 Δ AG = 24 – 12 
= 12 
 Δ HCO3 = 24 –18 
= 6 
 Δ AG > Δ HCO3 
High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis 
 Final Diagnosis: 
Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis + 
High AG Metabolic Acidosis + 
? Metabolic Alkalosis
Case 10 
 An 18-year-old college student is admitted to the 
ICU for an acute asthma attack, after not 
responding to treatment received in the Casualty 
department. ABG values (on room air) show: pH 
7.46, PaCO2 25 mm Hg, HCO3- 17 mEq/L, PaO2 
55 mm Hg, SaO2 87%. Her peak expiratory flow 
rate is 95 L/min (25% of predicted value). 
 Asthma medication is continued. Two hours later 
she becomes more tired and peak flow is < 60 
L/minute. Blood gas values (on 40% oxygen) now 
show: pH 7.20, PaCO2 52 mm Hg, HCO3- 20 
mEq/L, PaO2 65 mm Hg. At this point intubation 
and mechanical ventilation are considered. What is 
her acid-base status?
Case 10 Solution 
 Initial status: 
◦ chronic respiratory alkalosis, resulting from 
several days of hyperventilation (pH almost 
 When her asthamatic condition has 
worsened, she has acutely hypoventilated. 
 The second set of blood gas values reflects 
acute respiratory acidosis on top of a 
chronic respiratory alkalosis.
Case 11 
A 21 year old male with progressive renal insufficiency is 
admitted with abdominal cramping. He had congenital 
obstructive uropathy with creation of ileal loop for 
diversion. On admission, 
ABG Serum Chemistry 
pH 7.20 Na + 140 mEq/L 
PaCO2 24 mm Hg K+ 5.6 mEq/L 
Cl- 110 mEq/L 
HCO3- 10 mEq/L
Case 11: Solution 
 Dominant disorder is Metabolic Acidosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ PaCO2 = 1.2 × Δ HCO3 
= 1.2 × 14 
= 16.8 
PaCO2 = 40 – 17 = 23 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 140 – (110 + 10) 
= 20 
High anion-gap metabolic acidosis. 
pH 7.20 
PaCO2 24 
HCO3 10 
Na 140 
K 5.6 
Cl 110
Case 11: Solution 
 Δ AG = 20 – 12 
= 8 
 Δ HCO3 = 24 –10 
= 14 
 Δ AG < Δ HCO3 
pH 7.20 
PaCO2 24 
HCO3 10 
Na 140 
K 5.6 
Cl 110 
High AG Met Acidosis + Normal-AG Met. Acidosis 
 Final Diagnosis: 
Mixed Metabolic Acidosis
Case 12 
 A 45 year old female with 
hypertension was treated 
with low salt diet and 
diuretics. BP 135/85. 
Otherwise normal. 
See initial lab values. 
 She developed profound 
water diarrhea, nausea and 
 On exam, HR = 96, T=100.6 
F, BP 115/70. Abdominal 
tenderness with guarding on 
Na 137 138 
K+ 3.1 2.8 
Cl- 90 102 
HCO3 35 25 
pH 7.51 7.42 
PaCO2 47 39
Case 12: Solution 
 Initally, dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis 
 Compensation formula: 
Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 
= 0.7 × 11 
= 7.7 
PaCO2 = 40 + 8 = 48 
Compensation is appropriate. 
 Anion Gap = 137 – (90 + 35) 
= 12 
AG is normal. 
pH 7.51 
PaCO2 47 
HCO3 35 
Na 137 
K 3.1 
Cl 90
Case 12: Solution 
 Subsequently, she has developed 
pH HCO3 PaCO2 
↓ ↓ ↓ 
pH 7.51  7.42 
PaCO2 47  39 
HCO3 35  25 
Na 137  138 
K 3.1  2.8 
Cl 90  102
Case 12: Solution 
 Subsequently, she has developed 
pH HCO3 PaCO2 
↓ ↓ ↓ Metabolic acidosis 
The decrease in bicarbonate is almost same as 
the rise in chloride. 
 Final Diagnosis: 
Metabolic Alkalosis + 
Hyperchloremic (non-AG) Metabolic Acidosis
Case 13 
 A patient with salicylate overdose. 
pH = 7.45 
PCO2 = 20 mmHg 
HCO3 = 13 mEq/L 
 Dominant disorder: Respiratory alkalosis 
 Appropriate Compensation would have been 
HCO3 of 20 (24 – 4) 
 Lower than expected HCO3 suggests presence of 
metabolic acidosis as well.
Case 14 
 A 55 year old female with DM Nephropathy was admitted 
with acute LV failure and hyperkalemia. ST-T changes 
and increased troponin noted. 
 Hemodialysis was initiated. 
 CAG revealed near normal coronaries. 
 She was about to be discharged home when she 
developed sudden cardiorespiratory arrest. 
 CPR and ACLS begun and after about 8 mins cardiac 
rhythm returned. 
 She was transferred to ICU and placed on ventilator at 
about 1 PM.
Case 14 (continued): ABG & Ventilator settings 
Parameter 1 PM 2 PM 6 PM 8 PM 
pH 6.99 7.24 7.52 7.54 
PO2 162 73 274 131 
PaCO2 49 33 17 20 
HCO3 12 14 13 16 
Base Excess –20 –12 –6 –3 
Ventilator settings 
Rate 20 20 20 16 
Tidal volume 400 400 500 500 
FIO2 100% 80% 80% 60% 
Action Taken 
Sod. Bicarb 
3 amps. 
Tidal vol. 
Decr. Rate & 
“Life is a struggle, 
not against sin, 
not against the Money Power, 
not against malicious animal 
magnetism , 
but against hydrogen ions." 

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Sravan abg ppt modified

  • 1. Seminar on ABG Presentor : Dr. Sravan Chair Person : Dr. Vinathi
  • 2. Extraction  Blood is most commonly drawn from the radial artery because it is ◦ easily accessible ◦ easily compressed to control bleeding ◦ less risk for occlusion.  The femoral artery (or less often, the brachial artery) is also used, especially during emergency situations or with children.  Blood can also be taken from an arterial catheter already placed in one of these arteries.
  • 4.  Samples drawn in plastic syringes should not be iced and should always be analyzed within 30 minutes.
  • 5. Parameters Of ABG  pH  PaO2  PCo2  Hco3-  Sao2  Lactate  Anion Gap  Electrolyte s  Glucose
  • 6. The Key to Blood Gas Interpretation: Four Equations, Three Physiologic Processes Equation Physiologic Process 1) PaCO2 equation Alveolar ventilation 2) Alveolar gas equation Oxygenation 3) Oxygen content equation Oxygenation 4) Henderson-Hasselbalch equation Acid-base balance These four equations, crucial to understanding and interpreting arterial blood gas data, will provide the structure for this slide presentation.
  • 7. PaCO2 Equation: PaCO2 reflects ratio of metabolic CO2 production to alveolar ventilation VCO2 x 0.863 VCO2 = CO2 production PaCO2 = ------------------- VA = VE – VD VA VE = minute (total) ventilation (= resp. rate x tidal volume) VD = dead space ventilation (= resp. rate x dead space volume 0.863 converts VCO2 and VA units to mm Hg Condition State of PaCO2 in blood alveolar ventilation > 45 mm Hg Hypercapnia Hypoventilation 35 - 45 mm Hg Eucapnia Normal ventilation < 35 mm Hg Hypocapnia Hyperventilation
  • 8. Hypercapnia (cont) VCO2 x 0.863 PaCO2 = ------------------ VA VA = VE – VD Inadequate VE leading to decreased VA and increased PaCO2: sedative drug overdose; respiratory muscle paralysis; central hypoventilation Increased VD leading to decreased VA and increased PaCO2: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; severe restrictive lung disease (with shallow, rapid breathing)
  • 9. Dangers of Hypercapnia Elevated PaCO2 poses a threat for three reasons: 1) An elevated PaCO2 will lower the PAO2 and as a result will lower the PaO2. (Alveolar gas equation) 2) An elevated PaCO2 will lower the pH ( Henderson-Hasselbalch equation). 3) The higher the baseline PaCO2, the greater it will rise for a given fall in alveolar ventilation, e.g., a 1 L/min decrease in VA will raise PaCO2 a greater amount when the baseline PaCO2 is 50 mm Hg than when it is40 mmHg.
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  • 12. A-a Gradient  FIO2 = 713 x O2%  A-a gradient = PA O2 - PaO2 ◦ Normal is 0-10 mm Hg ◦ 2.5 + 0.21 x age in years  With higher inspired O2 concentrations, the A-a gradient will also increase
  • 13. Alveolar Gas Equation PAO2 = PIO2 - 1.2 (PaCO2)* Where PAO2 is the average alveolar PO2, and PIO2 is the partial pressure of inspired oxygen in the trachea PIO2 = FIO2 (PB – 47 mm Hg) FIO2 is fraction of inspired oxygen and PB is the barometric pressure. 47 mm Hg is the water vapor pressure at normal body temperature. * Note: This is the “abbreviated version” of the AG equation, suitable for most clinical purposes. In the longer version, the multiplication factor “1.2” declines with increasing FIO2, reaching zero when 100% oxygen is inhaled. In these exercises “1.2” is dropped when FIO2 is above 60%.
  • 14. Alveolar Gas Equation PAO2 = PIO2 - 1.2 (PaCO2) where PIO2 = FIO2 (PB – 47 mm Hg) Except in a temporary unsteady state, alveolar PO2 (PAO2) is always higher than arterial PO2 (PaO2). As a result, whenever PAO2 decreases, PaO2 also decreases. Thus, from the AG equation: If FIO2 and PB are constant, then as PaCO2 increases both PAO2 and PaO2 will decrease (hypercapnia causes hypoxemia). If FIO2 decreases and PB and PaCO2 are constant, both PAO2 and PaO2 will decrease (suffocation causes hypoxemia). If PB decreases (e.g., with altitude), and PaCO2 and FIO2 are constant, both PAO2 and PaO2 will decrease (mountain climbing leads to hypoxemia).
  • 15. PaO2-FiO2 ratio  Normal PaO2/FiO2 is 300-500  <250 indicates a clinically significant gas exchange derangement
  • 16. Hypoxemia  Hypoventilation  V/Q mismatch  Right-Left shunting  Diffusion impairment  Reduced inspired oxygen tension
  • 17. Right to Left Shunt  Parenchymal diseases leading to atelectasis or alveolar flooding (lobar pneumonia or ARDS)  Pathologic vascular communications (AVM or intracardiac shunts)
  • 18. Reduced inspired oxygen delivery  Delivery to tissue beds determined by arterial oxygen content and cardiac output  Oxygen content of blood is affected by level & affinity state of hemoglobin ◦ Example is CO poisoning: reduction of arterial O2 content despite normal PaO2 and Hgb caused by reduction in available O2 binding sites on the Hgb molecule  Tissue hypoxia may occur despite adequate oxygen delivery ◦ CN poisoning causes interference with oxygen utilization by the cellular cytochrome system, leading to cellular hypoxia
  • 19. P(A-a)O2 P(A-a)O2 is the alveolar-arterial difference in partial pressure of oxygen. It is commonly called the “A-a gradient,” it results from gravity-related blood flow changes within the lungs (normal ventilation-perfusion imbalance). PAO2 is always calculated based on FIO2, PaCO2, and barometric pressure. PaO2 is always measured on an arterial blood sample in a “blood gas machine.” Normal P(A-a)O2 ranges from @ 5 to 25 mm Hg breathing room air (it increases with age).
  • 20. Estimating A-a gradient: Normal A-a gradient = (Age+10) / 4  A-a increases 5 to 7 mmHg for every 10% increase in FiO2  Predicted O2 (PaO2) = 109-0.43* age in years Average PaO2 95mmHg (range 85– 100 mmHg)
  • 21. Physiologic Causes of Low PaO2 NON-RESPIRATORY P(A-a)O2 Cardiac right-to-left shunt Increased Decreased PIO2 Normal Low mixed venous oxygen content* Increased RESPIRATORY P(A-a)O2 Pulmonary right-to-left shunt Increased Ventilation-perfusion imbalance Increased Diffusion barrier Increased Hypoventilation (increased PaCO2) Normal
  • 22. Oxygen Content Neither the PaO2 nor the SaO2 tells how much oxygen is in the blood. CaO2 provides the oxygen content, (units = ml O2/dl) calculated as: CaO2 = quantity O2 bound + quantity O2 dissolved to hemoglobin in plasma CaO2 = (Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (.003 x PaO2) 1.34 ml O2 bound to each gm of Hb. 0.003 is solubility coefficient of oxygen in plasma
  • 23. Acid/Base Balance • The pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of the blood. • It is inversely proportional to the no. of (H+) in the blood. • The normal pH range is 7.35-7.45.
  • 24. Calculation of pH HCO 6.10 log 3 PaCO 0.03 2 pH     PaCO       3 2 24 HCO H Henderson- Hesselbach equation
  • 25. Validation of ABG The first part in ABG validation is:  Determination of Hydrogen Ion Concentration by using PaCO       3 2 24 HCO H The second part of ABG validation is • To confirm that for given hydrogen ions the pH is correct.
  • 26. Hydrogen ion concentration can be calculated at a given pH by using this method  At pH of 7.4 hydrogen ion concentration is 40 nmol/L If pH < 7.4 For every 0.1 decrease in pH multiply hydrogen ion concentration by 1.2 for example  For pH 7.3 = 40 * 1.2  For pH 7.2 = 40 * 1.2*1.2 and so on If pH > 7.4  For every 0.1 increase in pH multiply hydrogen ion concentration by 0.8 for example  For pH 7.5 = 40 * 0.8 For pH 7.6 = 40 * 0.8*0.8
  • 27. pH in the Physiologic range Relationship between the pH and H+ concentration (in nanomol/L) in the physiologic range
  • 28. Acids and Bases Acid : A substance that can “donate” H+ ion or when added to solution raises H+ ion (i.e., lowers pH). Base : A substance that can “accept” H+ ion or when added to solution lowers H+ ion (i.e., raises pH). (Definitions proposed by Bronsted) H2CO3 <-> H+ + HCO3 – HCl <-> H+ + Cl- NH4 + <-> H+ + NH3 H2PO4- <-> H+ + HPO4 2- ACID BASE
  • 29. Terminology  Acidemia is present when blood pH <7.35.  Alkalemia is present when blood pH >7.45.  Metabolic refers to disorders that result from a primary alteration in [H+] or [HCO-]. 3  Respiratory refers to disorders that result from a primary alteration in PCO2 due to altered CO2 elimination.
  • 30. Daily Acid Production  Metabolism of carbohydrates and fats → 15,000 mmol of CO2 CO2 + water → H2CO3 (weak acid) CO2 removed via respiration.  Noncarbonic acids derived from the metabolism of proteins. Eg. Oxidation of sulfur-containing amino acids → H2SO4 1 meq/kg of non-volatile acid produced daily. These H+ ions are excreted in the urine. Non-Volatile Acids Volatile Acids 15,070 mmoles = 15,070 million nanomoles.
  • 31. The ultimate pH of the body will depend on ……..  The amount of acid produced.  The buffering capacity of the body.  The rate of acid excretion by the lungs and kidneys.
  • 32. At the end of the day, what would pH be if all acid produced is retained in the body ? pH Initial H+ concentration 40 nanomoles/L 7.40 Daily H+ addition 15,070 ×106 nanomoles Final H+ concentration 40 + {(15,070/42) ×106} = 358 ×106 nanomoles/L 0.45 *Nanomole = one billionth of a mole.
  • 33. Normal acid base homeostasis
  • 34. Acid base balance  Acid base homeostasis is essential for normal cellular enzyme function.  Arterial pH is maintained within a very narrow range (7.35 and 7.45) by the interteraction of Adjustment occurs within …. 1. Blood buffers ….seconds to minutes. 2. Lungs ….1 to 15 minutes. 3. Kidneys ….hours to days.
  • 35. Buffering  Buffers are chemical systems that either accept or release H+, so that changes in the free H+ concentration are minimized.  Buffer, by themselves, do not remove acid/alkali from the body.
  • 36. Production of “new” bicarbonate linked to excretion of ammonium ions
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  • 38. Buffering Illustration Say 10 millimoles/L of H+ are produced (= 10 × 106 nanomoles/L). If unchecked, pH would decrease to <2.0 which is fatal. But, this acid load is bufferred by 10 mmoles/L (=10 meq/L) of HCO3 –, producing CO2 and water. Therefore, HCO3 – concentration decreases from 24 to 14. Consequently pH decreases from 7.40 to 7.32, which is within physiological range.
  • 39. Buffering Extracelular buffers (40 – 45%) 1.Bicarbonate/Carbon Dioxide buffer system 2.Inorganic phosphates 3.Plasma proteins Intracellular and Bone buffers (55 – 60%) 1.Proteins 2.Organic and inorganic phosphates 3.Hemoglobin 4.Bone
  • 41.  Provides information on the physiological processes that maintain pH homeostasis.  Plays a pivotal role in diagnosis and management of critically ill patients. ◦ Proper evaluation of ABG guides appropriate diagnosis and, therefore, treatment.
  • 42. An ABG Report Parameters of importance Measured pH pCO2 Calculated HCO3
  • 44. Metabolic Acidosis Primary Defect: Decrease in HCO3  Accumulation of metabolic acids (non-carbonic) caused by: ◦ Excess acid production which overwhelms renal capacity for excretion. e.g. Diabetic ketoacidosis. ◦ Loss of alkali: Leaves un-neutralized acid behind. e.g. Diarrhea. ◦ Renal excretory failure: Normal total acid production in face of poor renal function. e.g. Chronic renal failure.
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  • 46. Causes of Metabolic Acidosis Acid Gain 1. L-lactic acid (= tissue hypoxia) 2. Ketoacids (= DKA, starvation) 3. D-lactic acid (= Low GI motility or altered GI flora, eg. blind loop syndromes) 4. Intoxicants which are acids or become acids  Methanol to formic acid  Ethylene glycol to glyoxalic acid  Paraldehyde to acetic acid  Acetylsalicylic acid  Toluene to hippuric acid 5. Renal Failure Anion Gap = Na – [Cl + HCO3]
  • 47. Causes of Lactic Acidosis  Type A -Shock - Acute severe hypoxia - Acute severe anemia  Type B - Metformin - Malignancy - Thiamine deficiency - Cyanide - NRTI
  • 48. Causes of Metabolic Acidosis  Loss of NaHCO3 1. Loss via GI tract (diarrhea, ileus, fistula) 2. Loss in Urine (proximal RTA, acetazolamide) 3. Failure of kidneys to make new bicarbonate (distal RTA) 4. Acid production and the excretion of its anion in the urine without [H+] or [NH4 +] (Eg. Defective renal reabsorption of betahydroxybutarate)
  • 50. Sequential response to a H+ load, culminating in the restoration of acid-base balance by the renal excretion of the excess H+ H+ Load 2 – 4 Hours Minutes to Hours Intracellular and bone buffering Respiratory buffering by lowering PCO2 Extracellular buffering by HCO3 Increased Renal H+ excretion Hours to Immediate days
  • 51. Anion Gap Unmeasured Cation Unmeasured Anion
  • 52. High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Example: 15 millimoles of organic acid added. 15 mEq of bicarbonate will be used up while buffering.
  • 53. Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Example: 15 mEq of bicarbonate is lost. Kidneys reclaim extra chloride to maintain electroneutrality.
  • 54. High Anion Gap Met. Acidosis  Ketoacidosis  Lactic Acidosis  Uremia  Toxicity ◦ Salicylate ◦ Ethylene Glycol ◦ Methanol ◦ Paraldehyde  Massive rhabdomyolysis Anion Gap = (Na – HCO3 – Cl)
  • 55. Anion Gap AG = [Na – (Cl + HCO3)]  Increased unmeasured cation: ◦ Normally present cations K+, Ca2+ , Mg2+ ◦ Abnormal cations: Lithium, IgG  Decreased unmeasured anion: ◦ Hypoalbuminemia  Lab Error: ◦ Hyponatremia due to viscous serum ◦ Hyperchloremia in Bromide toxicity ◦ Random lab errors  Decreased unmeasured cation: ◦ Decreased K, Ca, Mg  Increased unmeasured anion: ◦ Organic:lactate, ketones ◦ Inorganic: PO42-, sulfates ◦ Hyperalbuminemia ◦ Exogenous anions: salicylates, formate, penicillin, nitrate, etc. ◦ Incompletely idenitified: uremia, paraldehyde, ehtylene glycol, HHS, etc  Lab Error: ◦ Falsely increased Na ◦ Falsely decreased Cl or HCO3
  • 56. Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base Disorders Primary disorder Initial change Compensatory change Metabolic acidosis ↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2
  • 58. Metabolic Alkalosis Primary Defect: Rise in HCO3  from renal or extra-renal sources.  Compensatory change: ◦ Tissues and RBC exchange intracellular H+ for extra-cellular Na+ and K+ ◦ Hypoventilation and elevation of PaCO2 (Maximal PaCO2 rarely exceeds 55 mmHg)
  • 59. Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base Disorders Primary disorder Initial change Compensatory change Metabolic acidosis ↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 Metabolic alkalosis ↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2
  • 60. Metabolic Alkalosis – Pathogenesis Generation  Loss of hydrogen ion from upper GI tract (vomiting) or urine (diuretics)  Addition of alkali – administration of bicarbonate or its precursors (citrate, lactate, etc.) Maintenance • Volume/chloride depletion • Hypokalemia • Aldosterone excess
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  • 62. Metabolic Alkalosis – Causes Saline Responsive Urine Chloride (<10 mEq/L) Saline Resistant Urine Chloride (>20 mEq/L) ECF Volume Depletion Vomiting/Gastric Suction Diuretics Hypercapnia correction Hypertensive (Normal or increased ECF) Hyperaldosteronism Cushing syndrome No ECF Vol. Depletion NaHCO3 infusion Multiple transfusions Normo/Hypotensive Bartter’s syndrome Severe K depletion
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  • 64. Metabolic Alkalosis – Clinical Features
  • 65. Metabolic Alkalosis – Clinical Features  CNS: ◦ Increased neuromuscular excitability leading to paresthesia, light headache, and carpopedal spasm  CVS: ◦ Hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias  Other: ◦ Weakness, muscle cramps, postural dizziness ◦ Muscle weakness and polyuria due to hypokalemia  Respiratory: ◦ Compensatory hypoventilation may lead to hypoxia symptoms in patients with pre-existing lung disease
  • 66. D/D of Metabolic Alkalosis Urine Electrolyte Saline Sensitive Saline Resistant Cl < 10 mEq/L (unless on diuretics) > 20 mEq/L Na < 20 mEq/L (unless recent vomiting) > 20 mEq/L K May be high if high distal Na (diuretics or recent vomiting) Usually high as aldosterone is acting
  • 67. Metabolic Alkalosis – Treatment Treat underlying cause  Saline reponsive ◦ Normal saline with KCl or Isolyte-G ◦ H2 inhibitors or PPI ◦ In diuretic induced, dose reduction, KCl suplementation, spironolactone ◦ Discontinue exogenous sources of alkali (bicarbonate, RL, acetate, citrate) ◦ When pH > 7.65, may administer 0.1 N HCl via central veins ◦ Dialysis  Saline Resistant – Treat the cause. Spironolactone, K correction and Na restriction.
  • 69. Respiratory Acidosis Primary Defect: Rise in PCO2  Decrease in pulmonary clearance of CO2  Compensatory Change: ◦ Acute (<24 hrs): Buffering by tissue and RBC to increase HCO3. Rarely more than 4 mEq ◦ Chronic (>72 hrs): Stimulation of renal tubular secretion of H+ thus synthesizing more HCO3. Chloride is lost along with NH4+
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  • 71. Respiratory Acidosis – Causes  CNS Depression ◦ Drugs (anaesthesia, sedatives), infection, stroke  Neuromuscular impairment ◦ Myopathy, Myasthenia gravis, polymyositis, hypokalemia  Ventilation restriction ◦ Rib fracture, pneumothorax, hemothorax  Airway ◦ Asthma, obstruction  Alveolar diseases ◦ COPD, pulmonary edema, ARDS, pneumonitis  Miscellaneous ◦ Obesity, Hypoventilation
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  • 74. Response to an increase in PCO2 Increased PCO2 Hours to Days 10 to 30 minutes Increased Renal H+ Excretion Intracellular Buffering
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  • 76. Respiratory Acidosis – Treatment  Acute ◦ Treat the cause. ◦ Bronchodilators. ◦ Mechanical ventilation. ◦ Antibiotics  Chronic ◦ Oxygen -long term supplemental. ◦ Nasal continuous positive airway pressure. ◦ Improving respiratory muscle function. ◦ Drugs- Progesterone, Doxapram, Almitrine, Acetazolamide, Methyphenidate and Caffeine.
  • 78. Respiratory Alkalosis Primary Defect: Decrease in PCO2  Compensatory Change: ◦ Acute (<24 hrs): Buffering by tissue and RBC to lower HCO3. Rarely to less than 18 mEq/L ◦ Chronic (>72 hrs): Impairs kidney's ability to excrete acid thus lowering HCO3. If more than 2 weeks, pH may return to normal.
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  • 83. Respiratory Alkalosis – Causes  Hypoxemia ◦ Pneumonia, interstitial diseases, pulm emboli, edema, etc. ◦ CHF ◦ Severe anemia ◦ High altitude resisdence  Direct stimulation of the medullary respiratory center ◦ Psychogenic/voluntary ◦ Pain ◦ Pregnacy ◦ Hepatic failure ◦ Gram Negative sepsis ◦ Salicylate toxicity ◦ Rapid correction of metabolic acidosis ◦ Neurological – CVA, trauma, tumors, infections, etc.  Mechanical Ventilation (overtreatment)
  • 84. Respiratory Alkalosis – Treatment  Treat the cause  Does not need treatment unless pH > 7.50  Relief of hypoxia.  Rebreathing into a non compliant bag as long as hyperventilation exists.  Treatment of anxiety.
  • 85. Pattern of Changes in Acid-Base Disorders Primary disorder Initial change Compensatory change Metabolic acidosis ↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 Metabolic alkalosis ↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2 Respiratory acidosis ↑ PCO2 ↑ HCO3 Respiratory alkalosis ↓ PCO2 ↓ HCO3
  • 86. The Boston Approach to Acid-Base Disorders
  • 87. 5-Steps in the Evaluation of Systemic Acid Base Disorders 1. Comprehensive history and physical examination. 2. Evaluate simultaneously performed ABG & serum electrolytes. 3. Identification of the dominant disorder. 4. Calculation of compensation. 5. Calculate the anion gap and the Δ. 1.Anion Gap 2.ΔAG 3.Δ Bicarbonate
  • 88. Step 3: Identification of the dominant disorder Primary disorder pH Initial change Compensatory change Metabolic acidosis ↓ ↓ HCO3 ↓ PCO2 Metabolic alkalosis ↑ ↑ HCO3 ↑ PCO2
  • 89. Step 3: Identification of the dominant disorder pH HCO3 PCO2 Dominant (Primary) disorder ↓ ↓ ↓ Metabolic acidosis ↑ ↑ ↑ Metabolic alkalosis ↓ ↑ ↑ Respiratory acidosis ↑ ↓ ↓ Respiratory alkalosis
  • 90. Dictums in ABG Analysis  pH and Primary parameter change in the same direction suggests a metabolic problem  pH and Primary parameter change in the opposite direction suggests a respiratory problem
  • 91. What is the Magnitude of Compensation?
  • 92. Compensation Formula Simplified 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.5 Acute Chronic Metabolic Acidosis Alkalosis Acidosis Respiratory Alkalosis
  • 93. Step 4. Check if the compensatory response is appropriate or not. If the compensation is not appropriate, suspect a second (and perhaps a triple) acid-base disorder.
  • 94. Step 4: Calculation of compensation Disorder pH Primary change Compensatory Response Equation Metabolic Acidosis -]  PCO2 ΔPCO2  1.2  ΔHCO3   [HCO3 Metabolic Alkalosis -]  PCO2 ΔPCO2  0.7  ΔHCO3   [HCO3 Respiratory Acidosis -] Acute:   PCO2  [HCO3 -  0.1  ΔPCO2 Chronic: ΔHCO3 -  0.3  ΔPCO2 ΔHCO3 Respiratory Alkalosis -] Acute:   PCO2  [HCO3 -  0.2  ΔPCO2 Chronic: ΔHCO3 -  0.5  ΔPCO2 ΔHCO3 Note: The formula calculates the change in the compensatory parameter.
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  • 97. Step 5: Calculate the “gaps” Anion gap = Na+ − [Cl− + HCO3 −] Δ AG = Anion gap − 12 Δ HCO3 = 24 − HCO3 Δ AG = Δ HCO3 −, then Pure high AG Met. Acidosis Δ AG > Δ HCO3 −, then High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis Δ AG < Δ HCO3 −, then High AG Met Acidosis + HCMA Note: Add Δ AG to measured HCO3 − to obtain bicarbonate level that would have existed IF the high AG metabolic acidosis were to be absent, i.e., “Pre-existing Bicarbonate.”  e existing Bicarb Delta AG     Current Bicarb Pr _ _ _ _        
  • 98. Delta AG / Delta HCO3 Ratio  Ratio 1-2 : High anion gap acidosis  Ratio > 2 : HAG acidosis and metabolic alkalosis  Ratio < 1 : HAG acidosis and NAG acidosis : DKA with ketone excretion : CKD with anion excretion but H+ retention
  • 99. Dictums in ABG Analysis 1. Primary change & Compensatory change always occur in the same direction. 2. pH and Primary parameter change in the same direction suggests a metabolic problem. pH and Primary parameter change in the opposite direction suggests a respiratory problem. 3. Renal and pulmonary compensatory mechanisms return pH toward but rarely to normal. Corollary: A normal pH in the presence of changes in PCO2 or HCO3 suggets a mixed acid-base disorder.
  • 100. Normal Values for Major Acid-Base variables pH H+ nanoEq/L  S Na = 135 – 145 mEq/L  S K = 3.5 – 5.5 mEq/L  S Cl = 97 – 110 mEq/L PaCO2 mmHg HCO3 – mEq/L Arterial 7.37 – 7.43 37 – 43 36 – 44 22 – 26 Venous 7.32 – 7.38 42 – 48 42 – 50 23 – 27
  • 101. Common clinical states and associated acid-base disorders Clinical state Acid-base disorder Renal failure Metabolic acidosis Vomiting Metabolic alkalosis Severe diarrhea Metabolic acidosis Cirrhosis Respiratory alkalosis Hypotension Metabolic acidosis COPD Respiratory acidosis Sepsis Respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis Pulmonary embolus Respiratory alkalosis Pregnancy Respiratory alkalosis Diuretic use Metabolic alkalosis
  • 102. Clues to Mixed Acid-Base Disorders  Normal pH (with the exception of chronic respiratory alkalosis)  PCO2 and HCO3 deviating in opposite directions  pH change in the opposite direction of a known primary (dominant) acid-base disorder
  • 103. Is a VBG just as good as an ABG? Risk with ABG ◦ Significant pain ◦ Hematoma ◦ Aneurysm formation ◦ Thrombosis or embolization ◦ Needlestick injuries . Advantages with ABG ◦ PaO2 ◦ Arterial Oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO2)
  • 104.  Brandenburg and Dire investigated 66 patients (DKA) . An ABG and VBG were subsequently drawn. 44 pts had acidosis with arterial pH less than 7.35.  Among these cases, the mean difference between arterial and venous pH values was 0.02 (range 0.0 to 0.11) with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9689  This study concludes that venous blood gas measurements accurately demonstrated the degree of acidosis in patients with DKA.
  • 105.  Lactate In 2000, Lavary et al studied 375 patients and compared arterial and venous lactates and showed that there was no significant difference between the two  Recent study in 2002 investigated whether venous pCO2 and pH could be used to screen for significant hypercarbia , the authors stated that a venous pCO2 of 44mmHg had a sensitivity for detection of hypercarbia of 100% and a specificity of 57%, thus making it an effective screening test for hypercarbia
  • 106. Comparing Electrolytes In ABG & Biochem Lab Analyser
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  • 109. Case Scenarios in Acid-Base Disorders
  • 110. Case 1  A 15 yr old juvenile diabetic presents with abdominal pain, vomiting, fever & tiredness for 1 day. He had stopped taking insulin 3 days ago. Examination revealed tachycardia, BP- 100/60, signs of dehydration. Abdominal examination was normal.  ABG: pH 7.31 PaCO2 26 mmHg HCO3 12 mEq/L PaO2 92 mm Hg Serum Electrolytes: Na 140 mEq/L K 5.0 mEq/L Cl 100 mEq/L  Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
  • 111. Case 1: Solution  Dominant disorder is Metabolic Acidosis  Compensation formula: Δ PaCO2 = 1.2 × Δ HCO3 = 1.2 × 12 = 14.4 PaCO2 = 40 – 14 = 26 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 140 – (100 + 12) = 28 AG is high. pH 7.31 PaCO2 26 HCO3 12 PaO2 92 Na 140 K 5.0 Cl 100
  • 112. Case 1: Solution  Δ AG = 28 – 12 = 16  Δ HCO3 = 24 – 12 = 12 -  Δ AG > Δ HCO3  Final Diagnosis: pH 7.31 PaCO2 26 HCO3 12 PaO2 92 Na 140 K 5.0 Cl 100 High AG Met. Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis
  • 113. Case 2  A 24 yr old boy presents with continuous vomiting of 3 days duration, mental confusion, giddiness, and tiredness for 1 day.  Examination revealed tachycardia, hypotension and dehydration.  ABG pH 7.50 PaCO2 48 HCO3 32 PaO2 90 Serum Electrolytes: Na 139 K 3.9 Cl 85  Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
  • 114. Case 2: Solution  Dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 = 0.7 × 8 = 5.6 PaCO2 = 40 + 6 = 46 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 139 – (85 + 32) = 22 AG is high. pH 7.50 PaCO2 48 HCO3 32 PaO2 90 Na 139 K 3.9 Cl 85
  • 115. Case 2: Solution  Δ AG = 22 – 12 = 10  High AG metabolic acidosis  Final Diagnosis: pH 7.50 PaCO2 48 HCO3 32 PaO2 90 Na 139 K 3.9 Cl 85 Metabolic Alkalosis + High AG Met. Acidosis
  • 116. Case 3: Varieties of Metabolic Acidosis Patient A B C ECF volume Low Low Normal Glucose 600 120 120 pH 7.20 7.20 7.20 Na 140 140 140 Cl 103 118 118 HCO- 10 10 10 3 AG 27 12 12 Ketones 4+ 0 0 High-AG Met. Acidosis Non-AG Met. Acidosis Non-AG Met. Acidosis
  • 117. Renal handling of Hydrogen in Metabolic Acidosis  In the setting of metabolic acidosis, normal kidneys try to increase H+ excretion by increasing titratable acidity and ammonia. The latter is excreted as NH+. 4  When NH4 + is excreted, it also causes increased chloride loss, to maintain electrical neutrality.  Chloride loss, therefore, will be in excess of Na and K.  Urine Anion-Gap = Na + K – Cl  In metabolic acidosis, if Urine anion gap is negative, it suggests that the kidneys are excreting H+ effectively.
  • 118. Urine Electrolytes in Metabolic Acidosis Patient A B C U. Na 10 50 U. K 14 47 U. Cl 74 28 Urine AG –50 +69 Dx: Diarrhea RTA Urine Anion Gap = (U. Na + U. K – U. Cl) In Normal anion gap Metabolic Acidosis, Positive Urine AG suggests distal Renal Tubular Acidosis Negative Urine AG suggests non-renal cause for Metabolic Acidosis.
  • 119. Case 4  A 50 yr old man presented with history of progressive dyspnoea with wheezing for 4 days.  He also had fever, cough with yellowish expectoration.  He had increased sleepiness for 1 day.  On examination, he was tachypnoeic, pulse- 100/min bounding, BP-160/96, central cyanosis +, drowsy, asterixis +, RS – B/L extensive wheezing +.  CXR- hyperinflated lung fields with tubular heart.
  • 120. Case 4: Laboratory data  ABG: pH 7.30 PaCO2 60 mmHg HCO3 28 mEq/L PaO2 68 mm Hg  Serum Electrolytes: Na 136 mEq/L K 4.5 mEq/L Cl 98 mEq/L  Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
  • 121. Case 4: Solution  Dominant disorder is Respiratory Acidosis  Compensation formula: Δ HCO3 = 0.3 × Δ PaCO2 = 0.3 × 20 = 6 HCO3 = 24 + 6 = 30 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 138 – (98 + 28) = 10 AG is normal. pH 7.30 PaCO2 60 HCO3 28 PaO2 68 Na 136 K 4.5 Cl 98
  • 122. Case 5  20 year old girl presented with complaints of difficulty in breathing and upper abdominal discomfort for the past 1 hr.  On examination, vitals normal, patient hyperventilating, RS – normal, Abdomen – normal.
  • 123. Case 5: Laboratory data  ABG: pH 7.50 PaCO2 25 mmHg HCO3 21 mEq/L PaO2 100 mm Hg  Serum Electrolytes: Na 137 mEq/L K 3.9 mEq/L Cl 99 mEq/L Calcium 9.0 mEq/L  Evaluate the acid-base disturbance(s)?
  • 124. Case 5: Solution  Dominant disorder is Respiratory Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ HCO3 = 0.2 × Δ PaCO2 = 0.2 × 15 = 3 HCO3 = 24 – 3 = 21 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 137 – (99 + 21) = 17 pH 7.50 PaCO2 25 HCO3 21 PaO2 100 Na 137 K 3.9 Cl 99 Calcium 9.0 AG is slightly high which can be seen in respiratory alkalosis.
  • 125. Case 6 For each of the following sets of arterial blood gas values, what is (are) the likely acid-base disorder(s)? pH PaCO2 HCO3 Acid-Base status 7.28 50 23 respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis 7.50 33 25 respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis 7.23 34 14 metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis
  • 126. Case 7  Explain the acid-base status of a 35-year-old man with history of chronic renal failure treated with high dose diuretics admitted to hospital with pneumonia and the following lab values: ABG Serum Electrolytes pH 7.52 Na+ 145 mEq/L PaCO2 30 mm Hg K+ 2.9 mEq/L PaO2 62 mm Hg Cl- 98 mEq/L HCO3 - 21 mEq/L
  • 127. Case 7: Solution  Dominant disorder is Respiratory Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ HCO3 = 0.2 × Δ PaCO2 = 0.2 × 10 = 2 HCO3 = 24 – 2 = 22 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 145 – (98 + 21) = 26 pH 7.52 PaCO2 30 HCO3 21 PaO2 62 Na 145 K 2.9 Cl 98 AG is very high suggestive of metabolic acidosis.
  • 128. Case 7: Solution  Δ AG = 26 – 12 = 14  Δ HCO3 = 24 – 21 = 3  Δ AG > Δ HCO3 - High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis  Final Diagnosis: Respiratory Alkalosis + High AG Metabolic Acidosis + Metabolic Alkalosis pH 7.52 PaCO2 30 HCO3 21 PaO2 62 Na 145 K 2.9 Cl 98
  • 129. Case 8 The following values are found in a 65-year-old patient. Evaluate this patient's acid-base status? ABG Serum Chemistry pH 7.51 Na + 155 mEq/L PaCO50 mm Hg K+ 5.5 mEq/L 2 HCO- 39 mEq/L Cl- 90 mEq/L 3 CO2 40 mEq/L BUN 121 mg/dl Glucose 77 mg/dl
  • 130. Case 8: Solution  Dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 = 0.7 × 16 = 11.2 PaCO2 = 40 + 11 = 51 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 155 – (90 + 40) = 25 AG is high. pH 7.51 PaCO2 50 HCO3 40 PaO2 62 Na 155 K 5.5 Cl 90 BUN 121
  • 131. Case 8: Solution  Δ AG = 25 – 12 = 13  High AG metabolic acidosis  Final Diagnosis: Metabolic Alkalosis + pH 7.51 PaCO2 50 HCO3 40 PaO2 62 Na 155 K 5.5 Cl 90 BUN 121 High AG Metabolic Acidosis
  • 132. Case 9  A 52-year-old woman has been mechanically ventilated for two days following a drug overdose. Her arterial blood gas values and electrolytes, stable for the past 12 hours, show: ABG Serum Chemistry pH 7.45 Na + 142 mEq/L PaCO2 25 mm Hg K+ 4.0 mEq/L Cl- 100 mEq/L HCO3- 18 mEq/L
  • 133. Case 9: Solution  Dominant disorder is Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ HCO3 = 0.5 × Δ PaCO2 = 0.5 × 15 = 7.5 HCO3 = 24 – 8 = 16 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 142 – (100 + 18) = 24 pH 7.45 PaCO2 25 HCO3 18 Na 142 K 4.0 Cl 100 AG is very high suggestive of metabolic acidosis.
  • 134. Case 9: Solution  Δ AG = 24 – 12 = 12  Δ HCO3 = 24 –18 = 6  Δ AG > Δ HCO3 - High AG Met Acidosis + Met. Alkalosis  Final Diagnosis: Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis + High AG Metabolic Acidosis + ? Metabolic Alkalosis
  • 135. Case 10  An 18-year-old college student is admitted to the ICU for an acute asthma attack, after not responding to treatment received in the Casualty department. ABG values (on room air) show: pH 7.46, PaCO2 25 mm Hg, HCO3- 17 mEq/L, PaO2 55 mm Hg, SaO2 87%. Her peak expiratory flow rate is 95 L/min (25% of predicted value).  Asthma medication is continued. Two hours later she becomes more tired and peak flow is < 60 L/minute. Blood gas values (on 40% oxygen) now show: pH 7.20, PaCO2 52 mm Hg, HCO3- 20 mEq/L, PaO2 65 mm Hg. At this point intubation and mechanical ventilation are considered. What is her acid-base status?
  • 136. Case 10 Solution  Initial status: ◦ chronic respiratory alkalosis, resulting from several days of hyperventilation (pH almost normal)  When her asthamatic condition has worsened, she has acutely hypoventilated.  The second set of blood gas values reflects acute respiratory acidosis on top of a chronic respiratory alkalosis.
  • 137. Case 11 A 21 year old male with progressive renal insufficiency is admitted with abdominal cramping. He had congenital obstructive uropathy with creation of ileal loop for diversion. On admission, ABG Serum Chemistry pH 7.20 Na + 140 mEq/L PaCO2 24 mm Hg K+ 5.6 mEq/L Cl- 110 mEq/L HCO3- 10 mEq/L
  • 138. Case 11: Solution  Dominant disorder is Metabolic Acidosis  Compensation formula: Δ PaCO2 = 1.2 × Δ HCO3 = 1.2 × 14 = 16.8 PaCO2 = 40 – 17 = 23 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 140 – (110 + 10) = 20 High anion-gap metabolic acidosis. pH 7.20 PaCO2 24 HCO3 10 Na 140 K 5.6 Cl 110
  • 139. Case 11: Solution  Δ AG = 20 – 12 = 8  Δ HCO3 = 24 –10 = 14  Δ AG < Δ HCO3 - pH 7.20 PaCO2 24 HCO3 10 Na 140 K 5.6 Cl 110 High AG Met Acidosis + Normal-AG Met. Acidosis  Final Diagnosis: Mixed Metabolic Acidosis
  • 140. Case 12  A 45 year old female with hypertension was treated with low salt diet and diuretics. BP 135/85. Otherwise normal. See initial lab values.  She developed profound water diarrhea, nausea and weakness.  On exam, HR = 96, T=100.6 F, BP 115/70. Abdominal tenderness with guarding on palpation. Paramete r Initial Subse quent Na 137 138 K+ 3.1 2.8 Cl- 90 102 HCO3 35 25 pH 7.51 7.42 PaCO2 47 39
  • 141. Case 12: Solution  Initally, dominant disorder is Metabolic Alkalosis  Compensation formula: Δ PaCO2 = 0.7 × Δ HCO3 = 0.7 × 11 = 7.7 PaCO2 = 40 + 8 = 48 Compensation is appropriate.  Anion Gap = 137 – (90 + 35) = 12 AG is normal. pH 7.51 PaCO2 47 HCO3 35 Na 137 K 3.1 Cl 90
  • 142. Case 12: Solution  Subsequently, she has developed pH HCO3 PaCO2 ↓ ↓ ↓ pH 7.51  7.42 PaCO2 47  39 HCO3 35  25 Na 137  138 K 3.1  2.8 Cl 90  102
  • 143. Case 12: Solution  Subsequently, she has developed pH HCO3 PaCO2 ↓ ↓ ↓ Metabolic acidosis The decrease in bicarbonate is almost same as the rise in chloride.  Final Diagnosis: Metabolic Alkalosis + Hyperchloremic (non-AG) Metabolic Acidosis
  • 144. Case 13  A patient with salicylate overdose. pH = 7.45 PCO2 = 20 mmHg HCO3 = 13 mEq/L  Dominant disorder: Respiratory alkalosis  Appropriate Compensation would have been HCO3 of 20 (24 – 4)  Lower than expected HCO3 suggests presence of metabolic acidosis as well.
  • 145. Case 14  A 55 year old female with DM Nephropathy was admitted with acute LV failure and hyperkalemia. ST-T changes and increased troponin noted.  Hemodialysis was initiated.  CAG revealed near normal coronaries.  She was about to be discharged home when she developed sudden cardiorespiratory arrest.  CPR and ACLS begun and after about 8 mins cardiac rhythm returned.  She was transferred to ICU and placed on ventilator at about 1 PM.
  • 146. Case 14 (continued): ABG & Ventilator settings Parameter 1 PM 2 PM 6 PM 8 PM pH 6.99 7.24 7.52 7.54 PO2 162 73 274 131 PaCO2 49 33 17 20 HCO3 12 14 13 16 Base Excess –20 –12 –6 –3 Ventilator settings Mode CMV CMV CMV CMV Rate 20 20 20 16 Tidal volume 400 400 500 500 FIO2 100% 80% 80% 60% Action Taken Sod. Bicarb 3 amps. Increase Tidal vol. Decrease Rate Decr. Rate & Ch. To SIMV
  • 147. “Life is a struggle, not against sin, not against the Money Power, not against malicious animal magnetism , but against hydrogen ions." H.L. MENCKEN