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                          January | February 2013
 Spray-dried plasma from porcine blood in
      diets for Atlantic salmon parrs

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The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

Spray-dried plasma
from porcine blood in diets for
Atlantic salmon parrs

by Enric Gisbert PhD, Research Scientist, IRTA-San Carlos de la Rápita,
Spain and Javier Polo PhD, APC Europe SA, Granollers, Spain

         ince	 the	 late	 1970s,	 Atlantic	 salmon	    fishmeal	 replacer,	 and	 as	 a	
         aquaculture	 has	 grown	 into	 a	 global	     pellet	colouring	agent.	
         industry	 that	 annually	 produces	 over	         On	 a	 nutritional	 basis,	
         1.4	 million	 tonnes	 of	 salmon	 with	 an	   blood	 meals	 with	 the	 high-
estimated	value	of	US$7,812	million	according	         est	 digestibility	 are	 gener-
to	2012	FAO	statistics.	The	growth	of	salmon	          ally	those	which	have	been	
aquaculture	 has	 been	 accompanied	 by	 a	 con-       spray	 dried.	 Spray-dried	
tinuous	improvement	in	feed	formulation	and	           proteins	 are	 subjected	 to	
technology	to	maximize	growth	and	survival	of	         less	heat	damage	and	dena-
salmon	at	different	stages	of	development.	The	        turing	of	the	protein	during	
search	for	new	and	alternative	feed	ingredients	       the	 drying	 process	 com-
and	formulations	continues	in	order	to	ensure	         pared	 to	 traditional	 ren-
sustainability	of	this	industry.	                      dered	or	ring-dried	proteins.	
                                                       Aquaculture	 feed	 manu-
    A	 major	 challenge	 for	 the	 aquaculture	        facturers	 that	 use	 blood	
feed	 production	 industry	 is	 to	 identify	 and	     meal	 and	 blood	 products	
validate	 stable,	 predictable	 and	 high	 qual-       in	 their	 feeds	 are	 mainly	
ity	 sources	 of	 alternative	 proteins	 for	 the	     concentrated	 in	 Asia	 and	
manufacture	 of	 aqua	 feeds.	 In	 this	 context,	     North	 and	 South	 America,	
any	 satisfactory	 alternative	 feed	 ingredient	      whereas	 European	 feed	
must	 be	 able	 to	 supply	 comparable	 nutri-         producers	 are	 using	 non-
tional	 value	 at	 a	 competitive	 cost.	 Global	      ruminant	 blood	 products	
recognition	that	terrestrial	animal	by-product	        mainly	 in	 marine	 fish	 feed	
meals,	 especially	 non-ruminant	 blood	 meals	        because	 it	 is	 now	 legally	
and	 blood	 products,	 represent	 the	 largest	        accepted	 by	 EU	 regulation	
and	 largely	 untapped	 safe	 source	 of	 animal	      (Tacon,	2005).	
protein	 available	 within	 the	 international	
aquafeed	industry.	                                    Spray dried-plasma
    Despite	 the	 fact	 that	 blood	 meal	 and	        as a feed ingredient
blood	products	have	been	shown	to	be	cost-                  Spray-dried	 blood,	 red	
effective	nutrient	sources	for	farmed	fish	and	        blood	 cells	 (haemoglobin)	
shrimp,	it	was	estimated	that	less	than	five	per-      and	 plasma	 proteins	 have	
cent	of	total	global	manufactured	aqua	feeds	          long	been	recognized	as	high	
(21	 million	 tonnes	 in	 2005)	 contained	 blood	     quality	 feed	 ingredients	 for	
meal	 (2–5%	 average	 dietary	 inclusion	 level).	     swine,	 cattle	 and	 poultry.	     Figure 1: Final size distribution in body weight
Blood	meal	is	mainly	used	as	a	cost-effective	         Spray-dried	 plasma	 (SDP)	 is	    (BW) of Atlantic salmon fed diets containing
                                                                                          graded levels of spray dried plasma (SDD)
source	of	highly	digestible	animal	protein,	as	a	      a	 feed	 ingredient	 composed	

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of	a	diverse	mixture	of	functional	proteins	and	             The	quantity	of	oil	needed	to	dissolve	the	           ated	by	biological,	histological	and	biochemical	
other	 biologically	 important	 components.	 SDP	        highest	 level	 (9%)	 of	 SDP	 was	 also	 used	 for	      parameters,	 such	 as	 growth,	 survival,	 feed	
has	 an	 excellent	 amino	 acid	 profile	 with	 high	    incorporating	 lower	 levels	 of	 SDP	 in	 all	 the	      conversion	ratio	(FCR),	protein	efficiency	ratio	
(99%)	digestibility	of	amino	acids	(Bureau	et	al.,	      experimental	 feeds.	 This	 strategy	 assured	            (PER),	 organisation	 of	 the	 intestinal	 mucosa,	
1999)	and	it	has	been	noted	in	multiple	publica-         that	 diets	 were	 isolipidic	 (31%),	 although	          proximate	 body	 composition,	 haematocrit,	
tions	that	it	improves	animal	growth,	feed	intake	       they	 did	 not	 have	 similar	 levels	 of	 dietary	       serum	protein	profile	and	blood	cell	count.	In	
and	 feed	 efficiency.	 In	 addition,	 SDP	 has	 been	   proteins	(ranged	from	43.3%	in	SDP0	diet	to	              addition,	 smoltification	 success	 was	 assessed	
recommended	for	inclusion	in	animal	diets	as	a	          50.1%	in	SDP9	diet).	This	variation	in	protein	           by	evaluating	fish	survival,	as	well	as,	the	histo-
source	 of	 immunological	 support	 due	 to	 their	      content	 of	 diets	 did	 not	 invalidate	 the	 pos-       logical	organisation	of	gill	filaments	and	plasma	
high	 levels	 of	 globulin	 proteins	 (Campbell	 et	     sible	 results	 of	 this	 study,	 since	 the	 dietary	    osmolality	and	electrolyte	composition.
al.,	2010).	Although	blood	products	have	many	           protein	 levels	 tested	 were	 higher	 than	 those	
good	qualities,	there	is	scarce	literature	on	the	       generally	recommended	for	this	species	at	this	           Weight and size
effects	 of	 dietary	 SDP	 inclusion	 in	 fish	 feeds	   developmental	stage	(Bendiksen	et	al.,	2003).	                At	 the	 end	 of	 the	 trial,	 the	 mean	 weight	
(Johnson	and	Summerfelt,	2000).                          Different	 studies	 have	 reported	 that	 dietary	        of	 salmon	 fed	 different	 diets	 was	 similar	
                                                         protein	 levels	 higher	 than	 39-40	 percent	 do	        (92.8-98.5	 g)	 regardless	 of	 the	 SDP	 level	
Effects of SDP on Atlantic                               not	affect	growth	performance	in	this	species	            incorporated	on	the	feed.	However,	the	size	
salmon smolts                                            at	the	tested	dietary	lipid	level.                        distribution	 of	 individual	 body	 weight	 was	
    In	a	recent	study,	we	evaluated	the	inclu-                                                                     significantly	 affected	 by	 the	 diet.	 Size	 het-
sion	 of	 SDP	 derived	 from	 porcine	 blood	            Evaluating SDP effect                                     erogeneity	 is	 a	 common	 feature	 in	 salmonid	
(AP820P;	APC	Europe,	SA)	as	a	feed	ingredi-                  Diets	 were	 tested	 in	 triplicate	 in	 Atlantic	    farming	 that	 affects	 the	 overall	 performance	
ent	 in	 commercial	 feeds	 for	 Atlantic	 salmon	       salmon	 parr	 (45.4	 ±	 5.76	 g)	 for	 a	 period	 of	     of	the	rearing	process.	
(Salmo salar)	 parr	 and	 its	 effect	 on	 growth	       86	days	(0	g	salinity	/l,	12.5ºC,	12	h	L:12	h	D),	            The	 results	 of	 the	 hierarchical	 size	 effect	
performance,	feed	utilization,	organisation	and	         then	 fish	 were	 smoltified	 and	 kept	 in	 marine	      are	the	establishment	of	a	group	of	dominant	
functionality	 of	 the	 digestive	 system	 and	          water	(35	g	salinity/l,	16ºC,	18	h	L:6	h	D)	for	          fish	 that	 do	 not	 allow	 smaller	 (subordinate)	
haematological	 parameters.	 SDP	 was	 incor-            two	weeks	in	a	IRTAMAR®	recirculation	unit.	              ones	 to	 feed	 normally.	 Therefore,	 under	
porated	into	diets	at	increasing	levels	(0,	3,	6	        Fish	were	fed	four	times	per	day	(0830,	1200,	            conditions	 promoting	 hierarchy	 formation,	
and	9%)	and	was	prepared	by	dispersing	it	in	            1600	and	2000	h)	with	automatic	feeders	set	              the	largest	fish	at	the	beginning	are	expected	
olive	 oil	 and	 then	 spraying	 it	 on	 commercial	     at	the	feed	ratio	of	0.9%	of	stocked	biomass.	            to	get	the	largest	share	of	the	feed,	grow	the	
salmon	 feed	 (Skretting	 T2	 Select,	 Skretting).	      The	 feed	 ratio	 was	 periodically	 adjusted	 by	        fastest	and	have	the	highest	weight	at	the	end	
Diets	 were	 named	 SDP0,	 SDP3,	 SDP6	 or	              means	 of	 intermediate	 samplings	 for	 weight	          of	the	production	process.	
SDP9	considering	the	inclusion	levels	of	SDP	            and	growth	performance.	                                      Under	 the	 present	 experimental	 condi-
in	experimental	feeds.	                                      The	 effect	 of	 SDP	 in	 salmon	 was	 evalu-         tions,	salmon	fed	SDP6	had	the	most	homo-

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                                                    January-February 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 19

geneous	 distribution	 in	 body	 weight	 among	            the	intestinal	mucosa	of	fish	fed	the	SDP9	
the	 tested	 diets.	 Thus,	 fish	 fed	 SDP6	 had	 a	       diet	 may	 be	 linked	 to	 the	 ability	 of	 SDP	
higher	 proportion	 of	 fish	 within	 the	 mode	           to	 support	 the	 immune-competence	 of	
of	 the	 population	 (81-120	 g),	 and	 a	 lower	          the	 fish.	 This	 hypothesis	 needs	 further	
proportion	of	fish	belonging	to	smaller	(40-80	            research	in	order	to	be	validated,	although	
g)	 or	 larger	 (121-170	 g)	 size	 classes	 in	 com-      previous	 studies	 on	 other	 fish	 species	
parison	to	the	control	group.	The	same	trend	              seem	to	support	this	idea.
was	 observed	 when	 data	 were	 expressed	 in	                The	 nutrition	 provides	 by	 SDP	 has	
standard	length	or	using	the	Fulton’s	condition	           been	reported	to	improve	immune	com-
factor.	 These	 findings	 are	 of	 practical	 impor-       petence	in	shrimp	(Russell	and	Campbell,	
tance	 since	 the	 improved	 size	 distribution	           2008),	eel	(Jensen	and	Nielsen,	2003)	and	
might	 reduce	 the	 tasks	 of	 size	 selection	 dur-       in	trout	challenged	by	Yersinia	ruckeri,	that	
ing	 processing,	 and	 also	 diminish	 hierarchical	       in	addition	of	the	consistent	results	in	ter-
dominance	situations	that	ultimately	maximize	             restrial	animals,	indicate	the	improve	per-
the	 harvested	 biomass	 and	 reduce	 the	 cost	           formance	of	these	animals	under	stressed	
associated	with	growing	fish	to	harvest	size.              farming	conditions.

Survival and FCR                                           Conclusions
     All	fish	from	different	experimental	groups	               SDP	 is	 an	 excellent	 ingredient	 for	
were	 able	 to	 successfully	 osmoregulate	 and	           Atlantic	salmon	parr	and	smolt	diets	since	
keep	 their	 hydromineral	 equilibrium	 of	 their	         it	is	a	highly	digestible	protein	source	that	
body	 fluids	 after	 smoltification,	 as	 data	 on	        improved	 feed	 and	 protein	 efficiency	
plasma	 osmolality	 and	 electrolyte	 content	             ratios	and	promoted	a	more	homogene-
indicated.	Although	there	were	no	differences	             ous	 distribution	 of	 body	 weight	 in	 the	
in	 survival	 among	 salmon	 fed	 different	 diets,	       tested	population.	The	SDP9	diet	result-
parr	fed	diets	containing	SDP	showed	a	slight,	            ed	 in	 an	 increase	 in	 goblet	 cell	 number	
but	 not	 significant,	 higher	 survival	 after	 smol-     in	 the	 intestinal	 mucosa,	 which	 supports	
tification	in	comparison	to	the	control	group	             the	 idea	 that	 SDP	 may	 provide	 support	
(SDP0),	which	may	be	due	to	the	higher	pro-                to	 the	 innate	 host	 defense	 mechanism	
portion	of	small-sized	parr	in	the	SDP0	group.             of	 the	 gut.	 Based	 upon	 the	 FCR	 and	
     The	enhanced	nutrition	supplied	by	SDP	in	            PER	 results	 of	 this	 study,	 the	 optimal	
diets	also	improved	FCR	and	PER;	salmonoids	               dietary	inclusion	level	of	SDP	in	diets	for	
fed	SDP3	and	SDP6	diets	had	the	lowest	FCR	                Atlantic	salmon	parr	was	calculated	to	be	
and	 highest	 PER	 values,	 respectively.	 These	          4.1	 percent.	 Research	 is	 being	 currently	
results	 indicated	 that	 the	 nitrogen	 content	          conducted	 on	 the	 use	 of	 SDP	 in	 diets	
from	 these	 diets	 was	 much	 more	 efficiently	          for	 marine	 fish	 species,	 in	 particular	 for	
used	by	fish.	Growth	performance	and	proxi-                gilthead	 sea	 bream	 (Sparus aurata),	 and	
mate	 biochemical	 composition	 of	 fish	 were	            the	preliminary	results	are	really	encour-
similar	 among	 dietary	 groups,	 although	 fish	          aging	 and	 within	 the	 same	 line	 to	 those	             Figure 2: Broken analysis of food
fed	 SDP3	 and	 SDP6	 consumed	 less	 feed	 in	            obtained	in	Atlantic	salmon.                                conversion (FCR) and protein efficiency
comparison	to	the	control	diet.	The	reduction	                                                                         rates (PER) from Atlantic salmon fed
in	 feed	 consumption	 and	 high	 PER	 coupled	            References                                                  different diets containing graded levels
                                                                                                                       of spray-dried plasma (SDP). The value
with	 the	 high	 digestibility	 of	 SDP	 may	 also	
                                                           APC	Inc	(2003).	Evaluation	of	BIOFEND®	                     within the inner rectangle indicates
result	in	less	nitrogen	waste	in	the	effluents	of	         (spray-dried	plasma)	on	growth	and	                         the estimated level of SDP inclusion in
aquaculture	facilities,	which	is	considered	a	key	         sur vival	of	rainbow	trout	(Oncorhynchus                    diets considering the results of the used
element	for	the	long-term	sustainability	of	the	           mykiss)	challenged	with	Yersinia	ruckeri.	                  methodology.
aquaculture	industry.                                      Discoveries	Tech	Briefs,	Volume	6,	2	
                                                           pages.	Februar y	2003,	APC	Inc.,	Iowa,	IA	
Digestion and intestinal mucosa                            50010,	USA	(                        Jensen,	S.	and	M.	Nielsen.	(2003).	Effect	of	APC	
    Functionality	 of	 the	 digestive	 system	 was	        products/biofend/images/Discoveries621803.                  plasma	additives	on	eels	being	introduced	to	
not	affected	by	diets,	as	fish	had	similar	activ-          pdf).                                                       red	head	disease.	Poster	paper	presented	at	
ity	 levels	 of	 pancreatic	 and	 intestinal	 diges-       Bendiksen,	E.A.,	O.K.	Berg,	M.	Jobling,	A.M	                Aquaculture	Europe	2003,	8-12	August	2003,	
tive	 enzymes.	 However,	 fish	 fed	 SDP9	 had	            Arnesen	and	K.	Masoval.	2003.	Digestibility,	               Trondheim.
increased	number	of	goblet	cells	in	the	intes-             growth	and	nutrient	utilisation	of	Atlantic	salmon	         Johnson,	J.A.	and	R.C.	Summerfelt.	2000.	Spray-
tinal	 mucosa,	 but	 height	 of	 intestinal	 villi	 was	   parr	(Salmo salar	L.)	in	relation	to	temperature,	          dried	blood	cells	as	a	par tial	replacement	for	
not	 modified	 in	 this	 group.	 The	 major	 func-         feed	fat	content	and	oil	source.	Aquaculture	224:	          fishmeal	in	diets	for	rainbow	trout	Oncorhynchus
tion	 of	 intestinal	 goblet	 cells	 and	 their	 main	     283-299.                                                    mykiss.	J.	World	Aquac.	Soc.	31:	96-104.
secretory	 products,	 mucins,	 is	 the	 formation	         Bureau,	D.P.,	A.M.	Harris,	and	C.Y.	Cho.	1999.	             Russell,	L.	and	J.M.	Campbell.	(2000).	Trials	show	
of	mucus	layers	which	serve	as	the	‘front	line’	           Apparent	digestibility	of	rendered	animal	protein	          promise	for	spray-dried	plasma	protein	in	shrimp	
for	the	innate	host	defense	mechanism.	These	              ingredients	for	rainbow	trout	(Oncorhynchus                 feeds.	The	Global	Aquaculture	Advocate,	3(6):42-
mucus	 layers	 play	 key	 roles	 in	 the	 establish-       mykiss).	Aquaculture	180:	345-358.	                         43.
ment	of	the	commensal	intestinal	microbiota	               Campbell,	J.M.,	J.	Polo,	L.E.	Russell	and	J.D.	Crenshaw.	   Tacon,	A.G.J.	2005.	The	Current	and	Potential	use	
and	protection	from	colonisation	and	invasion	             2010.	Review	of	spray-dried	plasma's	impact	on	             of	Blood	products	and	Blood	meal	in	Aquafeeds.	
by	 the	 pathogenic	 microbiota.	 Thus,	 the	              intestinal	barrier	function.	Livestock	Science	133:	        Report	Prepared	For	European	Animal	Protein	
reported	 higher	 abundance	 of	 goblet	 cells	 in	        239-241.                                                    Association,	53.

                                                     20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2013
      diet.	 A	 dispensable	 amino	 acid	 is	 one	 that	       rich	 in	 energy,	 minerals	 and	 essential	 fatty	               A	 chief	 and	 readily	 available	 source	
      can	be	synthesized	by	the	animal	in	quanti-              acids.	It	is	used	at	levels	up	to	50	percent	in	              of	 high	 quality	 animal	 protein	 is	 chicken	
      ties	 sufficient	 for	 maximal	 growth.	 Most	           catfish	fry	feeds,	up	to	12	percent	in	catfish	               viscera	 which	 are	 considered	 as	 a	 waste	
      simple	 -	 stomach	 animals,	 including	 catfish	        fingerling	 feeds	 and	 from	 0-8	 percent	 in	               in	 the	 poultry	 industry.	 In	 the	 poultry	
      require	 the	 same	 10	 indispensable	 amino	            grow-out	fish	feeds.	                                         processing	 industry,	 viscera	 accounts	 for	
      acids.                                                       Fishmeal	remains	the	major	dietary	pro-                   nearly	 30	 percent	 of	 the	 byproducts.	
                                                               tein	 source	 in	 fish	 feed	 but	 escalating	                Fishmeal	is	a	major	protein	source	in	aqua-
                          Natural Protein
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                                                               cost,	 uncertainty	 unavailability	 and	 lesser	              feed	 especially	 for	 carnivorous	 species.	
      as a replacement for fishmeal                            quantity	 has	 necessitated	 the	 use	 of	 other	             Increasing	 demand,	 unstable	 supplies	 and	
         Fishmeal	 is	 the	 most	 important	 compo-            protein	sources	to	reduce	feed	cost	without	                  high	prices	of	fishmeal	with	the	expansion	
      nent	 in	 fish	 feed	 making.	 Fishmeal	 contains	       compromising	 growth.	 	 Therefore,	 efforts	                 of	 aquaculture	 have	 made	 it	 necessary	
      60-80	 percent	 protein	 of	 excellent	 quality,	        have	 long	 been	 directed	 to	 find	 alternate	              to	 search	 for	 alternative	 protein	 sources.	
      which	 is	 highly	 palatable	 to	 fish.	 Since	 fish-    protein	 sources	 of	 good	 quality	 which	 are	              Moreover,	 price	 of	 fishmeal	 is	 often	 high.	
 M    meal	 is	 a	 good	 source	 of	 essential	 amino	         less	 expensive	 and	 readily	 available	 as	 sub-            It	 is	 necessary	 to	 replace	 fishmeal	 with	
 Y    acids,	 it	 is	 often	 used	 to	 supplement	 feeds	      stitutes	for	fishmeal	component	in	practical	                 cheaper	protein	sources.
      containing	 plant	 proteins.	 Fishmeal	 is	 also	        diets.	                                                           Plant	 protein	 sources	 such	 as	 defatted	

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                                                      Spray-dried plasma
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Spray-dried plasma from porcine blood in diets for Atlantic salmon parrs

  • 1. I N C O R P O R AT I N G f i s h far m ing t e c h no l og y January | February 2013 Spray-dried plasma from porcine blood in diets for Atlantic salmon parrs International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
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  • 4. FEATURE Spray-dried plasma from porcine blood in diets for Atlantic salmon parrs by Enric Gisbert PhD, Research Scientist, IRTA-San Carlos de la Rápita, Spain and Javier Polo PhD, APC Europe SA, Granollers, Spain S ince the late 1970s, Atlantic salmon fishmeal replacer, and as a aquaculture has grown into a global pellet colouring agent. industry that annually produces over On a nutritional basis, 1.4 million tonnes of salmon with an blood meals with the high- estimated value of US$7,812 million according est digestibility are gener- to 2012 FAO statistics. The growth of salmon ally those which have been aquaculture has been accompanied by a con- spray dried. Spray-dried tinuous improvement in feed formulation and proteins are subjected to technology to maximize growth and survival of less heat damage and dena- salmon at different stages of development. The turing of the protein during search for new and alternative feed ingredients the drying process com- and formulations continues in order to ensure pared to traditional ren- sustainability of this industry. dered or ring-dried proteins. Aquaculture feed manu- A major challenge for the aquaculture facturers that use blood feed production industry is to identify and meal and blood products validate stable, predictable and high qual- in their feeds are mainly ity sources of alternative proteins for the concentrated in Asia and manufacture of aqua feeds. In this context, North and South America, any satisfactory alternative feed ingredient whereas European feed must be able to supply comparable nutri- producers are using non- tional value at a competitive cost. Global ruminant blood products recognition that terrestrial animal by-product mainly in marine fish feed meals, especially non-ruminant blood meals because it is now legally and blood products, represent the largest accepted by EU regulation and largely untapped safe source of animal (Tacon, 2005). protein available within the international aquafeed industry. Spray dried-plasma Despite the fact that blood meal and as a feed ingredient blood products have been shown to be cost- Spray-dried blood, red effective nutrient sources for farmed fish and blood cells (haemoglobin) shrimp, it was estimated that less than five per- and plasma proteins have cent of total global manufactured aqua feeds long been recognized as high (21 million tonnes in 2005) contained blood quality feed ingredients for meal (2–5% average dietary inclusion level). swine, cattle and poultry. Figure 1: Final size distribution in body weight Blood meal is mainly used as a cost-effective Spray-dried plasma (SDP) is (BW) of Atlantic salmon fed diets containing graded levels of spray dried plasma (SDD) source of highly digestible animal protein, as a a feed ingredient composed 18 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2013
  • 5. Fatten up your bottom line. Bühler high-performance animal and aqua feed production systems are used by leading companies around the world. These producers know they can rely not just on the technology itself, but also on the support that accompanies it. A service combining local presence with global expertise both lowers feed mill operating costs and increases capacity utilization. To find out more, visit Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96, Innovations for a better world.
  • 6. FEATURE of a diverse mixture of functional proteins and The quantity of oil needed to dissolve the ated by biological, histological and biochemical other biologically important components. SDP highest level (9%) of SDP was also used for parameters, such as growth, survival, feed has an excellent amino acid profile with high incorporating lower levels of SDP in all the conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (99%) digestibility of amino acids (Bureau et al., experimental feeds. This strategy assured (PER), organisation of the intestinal mucosa, 1999) and it has been noted in multiple publica- that diets were isolipidic (31%), although proximate body composition, haematocrit, tions that it improves animal growth, feed intake they did not have similar levels of dietary serum protein profile and blood cell count. In and feed efficiency. In addition, SDP has been proteins (ranged from 43.3% in SDP0 diet to addition, smoltification success was assessed recommended for inclusion in animal diets as a 50.1% in SDP9 diet). This variation in protein by evaluating fish survival, as well as, the histo- source of immunological support due to their content of diets did not invalidate the pos- logical organisation of gill filaments and plasma high levels of globulin proteins (Campbell et sible results of this study, since the dietary osmolality and electrolyte composition. al., 2010). Although blood products have many protein levels tested were higher than those good qualities, there is scarce literature on the generally recommended for this species at this Weight and size effects of dietary SDP inclusion in fish feeds developmental stage (Bendiksen et al., 2003). At the end of the trial, the mean weight (Johnson and Summerfelt, 2000). Different studies have reported that dietary of salmon fed different diets was similar protein levels higher than 39-40 percent do (92.8-98.5 g) regardless of the SDP level Effects of SDP on Atlantic not affect growth performance in this species incorporated on the feed. However, the size salmon smolts at the tested dietary lipid level. distribution of individual body weight was In a recent study, we evaluated the inclu- significantly affected by the diet. Size het- sion of SDP derived from porcine blood Evaluating SDP effect erogeneity is a common feature in salmonid (AP820P; APC Europe, SA) as a feed ingredi- Diets were tested in triplicate in Atlantic farming that affects the overall performance ent in commercial feeds for Atlantic salmon salmon parr (45.4 ± 5.76 g) for a period of of the rearing process. (Salmo salar) parr and its effect on growth 86 days (0 g salinity /l, 12.5ºC, 12 h L:12 h D), The results of the hierarchical size effect performance, feed utilization, organisation and then fish were smoltified and kept in marine are the establishment of a group of dominant functionality of the digestive system and water (35 g salinity/l, 16ºC, 18 h L:6 h D) for fish that do not allow smaller (subordinate) haematological parameters. SDP was incor- two weeks in a IRTAMAR® recirculation unit. ones to feed normally. Therefore, under porated into diets at increasing levels (0, 3, 6 Fish were fed four times per day (0830, 1200, conditions promoting hierarchy formation, and 9%) and was prepared by dispersing it in 1600 and 2000 h) with automatic feeders set the largest fish at the beginning are expected olive oil and then spraying it on commercial at the feed ratio of 0.9% of stocked biomass. to get the largest share of the feed, grow the salmon feed (Skretting T2 Select, Skretting). The feed ratio was periodically adjusted by fastest and have the highest weight at the end Diets were named SDP0, SDP3, SDP6 or means of intermediate samplings for weight of the production process. SDP9 considering the inclusion levels of SDP and growth performance. Under the present experimental condi- in experimental feeds. The effect of SDP in salmon was evalu- tions, salmon fed SDP6 had the most homo- Natural ingredients for aqua feed • Pro-Bind Plus a nutritional, gelatin based pellet binder, especially for pelleted (shrimp) feed. Improvement • Hydrolyzed feather protein a fish meal alter- by nature native, especially for carnivorous fish species. • Muco-Pro® high contents of natural proteins, amino acids and peptides. • Gelko a spraydried attractant and binder. • Blood meal and Hemoglobin Powder high protein content and good digestibility, for better feed conversion. Visit our booth (Y21) at the Aquatic during the VIV Asia in Bangkok March 13-15 January-February 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 19
  • 7.
  • 8. FEATURE geneous distribution in body weight among the intestinal mucosa of fish fed the SDP9 the tested diets. Thus, fish fed SDP6 had a diet may be linked to the ability of SDP higher proportion of fish within the mode to support the immune-competence of of the population (81-120 g), and a lower the fish. This hypothesis needs further proportion of fish belonging to smaller (40-80 research in order to be validated, although g) or larger (121-170 g) size classes in com- previous studies on other fish species parison to the control group. The same trend seem to support this idea. was observed when data were expressed in The nutrition provides by SDP has standard length or using the Fulton’s condition been reported to improve immune com- factor. These findings are of practical impor- petence in shrimp (Russell and Campbell, tance since the improved size distribution 2008), eel (Jensen and Nielsen, 2003) and might reduce the tasks of size selection dur- in trout challenged by Yersinia ruckeri, that ing processing, and also diminish hierarchical in addition of the consistent results in ter- dominance situations that ultimately maximize restrial animals, indicate the improve per- the harvested biomass and reduce the cost formance of these animals under stressed associated with growing fish to harvest size. farming conditions. Survival and FCR Conclusions All fish from different experimental groups SDP is an excellent ingredient for were able to successfully osmoregulate and Atlantic salmon parr and smolt diets since keep their hydromineral equilibrium of their it is a highly digestible protein source that body fluids after smoltification, as data on improved feed and protein efficiency plasma osmolality and electrolyte content ratios and promoted a more homogene- indicated. Although there were no differences ous distribution of body weight in the in survival among salmon fed different diets, tested population. The SDP9 diet result- parr fed diets containing SDP showed a slight, ed in an increase in goblet cell number but not significant, higher survival after smol- in the intestinal mucosa, which supports tification in comparison to the control group the idea that SDP may provide support (SDP0), which may be due to the higher pro- to the innate host defense mechanism portion of small-sized parr in the SDP0 group. of the gut. Based upon the FCR and The enhanced nutrition supplied by SDP in PER results of this study, the optimal diets also improved FCR and PER; salmonoids dietary inclusion level of SDP in diets for fed SDP3 and SDP6 diets had the lowest FCR Atlantic salmon parr was calculated to be and highest PER values, respectively. These 4.1 percent. Research is being currently results indicated that the nitrogen content conducted on the use of SDP in diets from these diets was much more efficiently for marine fish species, in particular for used by fish. Growth performance and proxi- gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), and mate biochemical composition of fish were the preliminary results are really encour- similar among dietary groups, although fish aging and within the same line to those Figure 2: Broken analysis of food fed SDP3 and SDP6 consumed less feed in obtained in Atlantic salmon. conversion (FCR) and protein efficiency comparison to the control diet. The reduction rates (PER) from Atlantic salmon fed in feed consumption and high PER coupled References different diets containing graded levels of spray-dried plasma (SDP). The value with the high digestibility of SDP may also APC Inc (2003). Evaluation of BIOFEND® within the inner rectangle indicates result in less nitrogen waste in the effluents of (spray-dried plasma) on growth and the estimated level of SDP inclusion in aquaculture facilities, which is considered a key sur vival of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus diets considering the results of the used element for the long-term sustainability of the mykiss) challenged with Yersinia ruckeri. methodology. aquaculture industry. Discoveries Tech Briefs, Volume 6, 2 pages. Februar y 2003, APC Inc., Iowa, IA Digestion and intestinal mucosa 50010, USA ( Jensen, S. and M. Nielsen. (2003). Effect of APC Functionality of the digestive system was products/biofend/images/Discoveries621803. plasma additives on eels being introduced to not affected by diets, as fish had similar activ- pdf). red head disease. Poster paper presented at ity levels of pancreatic and intestinal diges- Bendiksen, E.A., O.K. Berg, M. Jobling, A.M Aquaculture Europe 2003, 8-12 August 2003, tive enzymes. However, fish fed SDP9 had Arnesen and K. Masoval. 2003. Digestibility, Trondheim. increased number of goblet cells in the intes- growth and nutrient utilisation of Atlantic salmon Johnson, J.A. and R.C. Summerfelt. 2000. Spray- tinal mucosa, but height of intestinal villi was parr (Salmo salar L.) in relation to temperature, dried blood cells as a par tial replacement for not modified in this group. The major func- feed fat content and oil source. Aquaculture 224: fishmeal in diets for rainbow trout Oncorhynchus tion of intestinal goblet cells and their main 283-299. mykiss. J. World Aquac. Soc. 31: 96-104. secretory products, mucins, is the formation Bureau, D.P., A.M. Harris, and C.Y. Cho. 1999. Russell, L. and J.M. Campbell. (2000). Trials show of mucus layers which serve as the ‘front line’ Apparent digestibility of rendered animal protein promise for spray-dried plasma protein in shrimp for the innate host defense mechanism. These ingredients for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus feeds. The Global Aquaculture Advocate, 3(6):42- mucus layers play key roles in the establish- mykiss). Aquaculture 180: 345-358. 43. ment of the commensal intestinal microbiota Campbell, J.M., J. Polo, L.E. Russell and J.D. Crenshaw. Tacon, A.G.J. 2005. The Current and Potential use and protection from colonisation and invasion 2010. Review of spray-dried plasma's impact on of Blood products and Blood meal in Aquafeeds. by the pathogenic microbiota. Thus, the intestinal barrier function. Livestock Science 133: Report Prepared For European Animal Protein reported higher abundance of goblet cells in 239-241. Association, 53. 20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2013
  • 9. FEATURE FEATURE diet. A dispensable amino acid is one that rich in energy, minerals and essential fatty A chief and readily available source can be synthesized by the animal in quanti- acids. It is used at levels up to 50 percent in of high quality animal protein is chicken ties sufficient for maximal growth. Most catfish fry feeds, up to 12 percent in catfish viscera which are considered as a waste simple - stomach animals, including catfish fingerling feeds and from 0-8 percent in in the poultry industry. In the poultry require the same 10 indispensable amino grow-out fish feeds. processing industry, viscera accounts for acids. Fishmeal remains the major dietary pro- nearly 30 percent of the byproducts. tein source in fish feed but escalating Fishmeal is a major protein source in aqua- Natural Protein Justification for chicken viscera Nutrition for Optimal Growth cost, uncertainty unavailability and lesser feed especially for carnivorous species. as a replacement for fishmeal quantity has necessitated the use of other Increasing demand, unstable supplies and Fishmeal is the most important compo- protein sources to reduce feed cost without high prices of fishmeal with the expansion nent in fish feed making. Fishmeal contains compromising growth. Therefore, efforts of aquaculture have made it necessary 60-80 percent protein of excellent quality, have long been directed to find alternate to search for alternative protein sources. C which is highly palatable to fish. Since fish- protein sources of good quality which are Moreover, price of fishmeal is often high. M meal is a good source of essential amino less expensive and readily available as sub- It is necessary to replace fishmeal with Y acids, it is often used to supplement feeds stitutes for fishmeal component in practical cheaper protein sources. CM containing plant proteins. Fishmeal is also diets. Plant protein sources such as defatted MY Hatchery Feeds CY Superio CMY Factory direct and distributor sales. ing r id Fe Experts in international logistics. Prov eds K ts® for up ul s M I C R O A L G A L, LFor more informationI about using S A N D spray driedC T I O Nplasma D U C T S A R V A L & W E A N N G F E E D AP 820P P R O D U animal P R O or S e ri o r R e trademarks or registered trademarks of Reed Mariculture Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Instant Algae, Instant Zooplankton, RotiGrow, Shellfish Diet, Instant Algae® single species, blends and custom feeds AP 301P spray dried hemoglobin in your aquacultureOtohime® premium Japanese larval and diets, contact APC. and “Providing Superior Feeds for Superior Results”are © 2012-2013 Reed Mariculture, Inc. All Rights reserved. RotiGrow® grow-out, enrichment and greenwater feeds weaning feeds; 17 sizes from 75 µm to 10 mm Shellfish Diet® for all stages from D-Larvae to TDO™ top-dressed with Haematococcus, natural broodstock stimulants, and more! Instant Zooplankton® clean Mini-L160 rotifers and ClorAm-X® detoxifies and removes ammonia, Parvocalanus copepod cultures chlorine and chloramines in fresh and salt water 10 Liter Cubitainer 1 kg Bag Reed Mariculture Inc | The easiest to use, cleanest and most effective feeds on the market TO L L - F R E E : 1-877-732-3276 | VOICE: 408-377-1065 | FAX: 408-884-2322 | VIV Asia 2013 March 13-15, 2013 | BITEC Bangkok, Thailand oon! AMINODat® Aqua – Coming s Enhance your knowledge about your Visit us at VIV Asia, Bangkok raw materials. REGISTER NOW 13. – 15 .03.2013 Booth B 0 60 for FREE entrance and Hall 106, high quality conferences at Special themes | The world’s most promising meeting point to boost your business from Feed to Meat. 12-01-496 AZ_AMINODat Aqua-International Aquafeed Magazine, 190x132mm_Satzspiegel_Jan-Feb13.indd 1 14.12.12 14:31 January-February 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 11 January-February 2013 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 21
  • 10. This digital re-print is part of the January | February 2013 edition of International LINKS Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on I N C O R P O R AT I N G f I s h fA R m I N G T e C h N O l O G y • See the full issue • Visit the International Aquafeed website Chicken viscera for fish feed formulation Profitable aquafeed moisture control • Contact the International Aquafeed Team Spray-dried plasma – from porcine blood in diets for Atlantic salmon parrs The shrimp feed industry in China – an overview • Subscribe to International Aquafeed Vo l u m e 1 6 I s s u e 1 2 0 1 3 - Ja n ua ry | f e b r ua ry To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE