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September | October 2013
Feeding lined seahorse juveniles with
enriched Artemia nauplii
The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
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eahorses	 are	 a	 high-value	 fish	
species	 in	 both	 medicinal	 and	
aquarium	trades.	In	China,	seahors-
es	are	called	‘animal	ginseng’.	Since	
2004,	 all	 33	 recognised	 seahorse	 species	
(Hippocampus)	 in	 the	 world	 have	 been	
listed	on	Appendix	II	of	the	Convention	on	
International	Trade	 in	 Endangered	 Species	
of	Wild	Fauna	and	Flora	(CITES	2004)	due	
to	overexploitation.	
There	arises	an	urgent	need	for	breeding	
seahorses	to	meet	human	demand.	To	meet	
this	demand,	considerable	progress	in	breed-
ing	seahorses	has	been	made	in	the	past	ten	
years.	To	date,	more	than	10	seahorse	species	
have	 been	 reared	 successfully	 in	 captivity.	
However,	low	survival,	particularly	in	the	early	
juvenile	 stage,	 is	 still	 one	 of	 the	 bottlenecks	
affecting	the	economic	return	in	commercial	
seahorse	culture.	
Juvenile	nutrition	is	recognised	as	a	major	
factor	that	can	influence	juvenile	survival	and	
growth.	Furthermore,	broodstock	nutrition	is	
recognised	as	a	major	factor	that	can	influence	
fish	reproduction	and	subsequent	larval	quality	
of	many	fish	species.	Hence,	optimising	both	
juvenile	feeds	to	enhance	growth	and	survival	
of	seahorse	and	to	reduce	production	cost	is	
crucial	for	successful	commercial	culture.
Although	copepods	are	the	best	food	for	
juvenile	seahorses,	mass	culture	of	copepods	
is	still	a	challenge.	Alternatively,	newly	hatched	
Artemia	nauplii	have	been	widely	used	as	live	
food	for	seahorses.	However,	newly	hatched	
Artemia	nauplii	are	deficient	in	DHA	and	EPA,	
i.e.	they	do	not	provide	adequate	nutrition	to	
improve	the	growth	and	survival	of	seahorse	
juveniles.	Therefore,	Artemia	nauplii	are	usually	
enriched	 with	 n-3	 HUFAs	 prior	 to	 feeding	
seahorse	 juveniles.	 However,	 excess	 HUFAs	
fortification	may	cause	adverse	effects	prob-
ably	due	to	oxidative	stress.
Characteristics of Artemia
Artemia	 nauplii	 have	 to	 be	
enriched	 with	 highly	 unsaturated	
fatty	acids	(HUFAs)	prior	to	feeding	
seahorse	juveniles.	However,	infor-
mation	 about	 optimized	 encrich-
ment	for	seahorse	juveniles	is	very	
limited.	The	enzymatic	activity	is	a	
good	indicator	revealing	the	diges-
tive	and	absorptive	capacity	of	the	
animal	 and	 is	 useful	 in	 evaluat-
ing	 effect	 of	 feed	 on	 survival	 and	
growth	performance.	
Dietary	 HUFAs	 are	 able	 to	
modify	 some	 enzymatic	 activities,	
and	moderate	dietary	HUFAs	sup-
plementation	significantly	promotes	
lipid	 metabolism	 and	 reduces	 lipid	
peroxidation	 products	 by	 enhanc-
ing	antioxidant	defence	in	the	juve-
However,	 excess	 HUFAs	 may	
result	 in	 adverse	 effects	 on	 the	
Feeding lined seahorse juveniles
with enriched Artemia nauplii
by Dong Zhang PhD and Fei Yin PhD, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese
Academy of Fishery Sciences, China
Figure: 1
26 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2013
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enzymatic	activities	in	the	juveniles,	
which	might	be	related	to	oxidative	
stress.	 In	 practice,	 the	 concentra-
tion	 of	 27.0	 μl/l	 HUFAs	 is	 rec-
ommended	 for	 enriching	 Artemia	
nauplii	for	lined	seahorse	juveniles.
The	 lined	 seahorse,	
Hippocampus erectus	 (Perry),	 has	
been	reared	successfully	for	years,	
and	 is	 recognised	 as	 a	 good	 can-
didate	for	commercial	aquaculture.	
There	 is	 currently	 very	 limited	
information	 about	 how	 HUFAs	
affect	 the	 survival	 and	 growth	 of	
the	seahorse	juveniles,	the	activities	
of	 lipid	 metabolism	 related	 and	
anti-oxidative	stress	enzymes.	
Since	HUFAs	are	able	to	affect	
activities	 and	 gene	 expressions	 of	
lipid	 metabolism-related	 enzymes,	
the	 enzymatic	 activity	 is	 a	 good	
indicator	revealing	the	digestive	and	
absorptive	 capacity	 of	 seahorses.	
Studying	enzymatic	activity	is	useful	
in	evaluating	the	effect	of	feed	on	
survival	and	growth	performance.
Experimental protocols
Newly	hatched	nauplii	of	Artemia	sinica	at	
approximately	 200	 nauplii/mL	 were	 cultured	
in	 15	 litre	 tanks,	 which	 were	 enriched	 with	
four	 concentrations	 0.0	 μl/l,	 13.5	 μl/l,	 27.0	
μl/l,	and	54.0	μl/l,	of	HUFAs	(2/3	DHA,	1/3	
EPA),	 respectively	 for	 12	 h	 with	 aeration	 at	
temperature	of	28.0±1.0	C.	
Each	 tank	 (50×30×30	 cm)	 was	 stocked	
with	twenty	20	day-old	juveniles.	Plastic	plants	
were	 used	 as	 the	 substrate	 and	 holdfasts	
for	the	juveniles.	The	juveniles	were	fed	the	
Artemia	nauplii	enriched	with	four	concentra-
tions	of	HUFAs.	Each	diet	was	fed	to	three	
tanks	of	the	biochemical	parametres	and	enzy-
matic	activities	(Lipase	(LPS),	Lipoproteinlipase	
(LPL),	malate	dehydrogenase	(MDH),	alkaline	
Figure: 2
September-October 2013 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 27
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phosphatase	 (AKP),	 pyruvic	 acid	 (PA),	 lac-
tate	 (LD)],	 antioxidant	 defence	 enzymes,	
superoxide	dismutase	(SOD),	catalase	(CAT),	
glutathione	peroxidase	(GPX),	and	oxidative	
breakdown	product,	malonaldehyde	(MDA))	
were	monitored	over	30	days.	
The	 juveniles	 were	 fed	 twice	
at	0800	h	and	1500	h	each	day	
at	approximately	10	nauplii/mL.	
Before	 each	 feeding,	 the	 bot-
tom	of	the	tanks	was	siphoned	
to	 remove	 feces	 and	 uneaten	
Impact of different
HUFAs concentrations
The	 different	 concentra-
tions	 of	 HUFAs	 significantly	
affected	the	activities	of	lipase	
(LPS),	 lipoproteinlipase	 (LPL)	
and	 malate	 dehydrogenase	 (MDH)	 of	 the	
lined	 seahorse	 juveniles,	 but	 alkaline	 phos-
phatase	(AKP)	(Figure	1).	
The	 LPS	 activity	 of	 the	 juveniles	 in	 the	
concentration	 of	 27.0	 μl/l	 HUFAs	 was	 sig-
nificantly	 higher	 than	 that	 in	 other	 three	
concentrations	(Figure	1).	LPL	activity	in	the	
higher	concentrations	(i.e.	27.0	and	54.0	μl/l	
HUFAs)	 were	 significantly	 higher	 than	 that	
in	 the	 lower	 concentrations	 (i.e.	 0.0	 and	
13.5	 μl/l	 HUFAs)	 (Figure	 1).	 MDH	 activity	
decreased	 with	 increasing	 concentration	 of	
HUFAs	(Figure	1).	
The	 different	 concentrations	 of	 HUFAs	
significantly	 affected	 the	 contents	 of	 lactate	
(LD)	 and	 malonaldehyde	 (MDA)	 of	 the	
seahorse	 juveniles	 (Figure	 2).	 The	 lowest	
LD	content	of	the	juveniles	occurred	in	the	
concentration	of	54.0	μl/l	HUFAs	(Figure.	2).	
MDA	 content	 decreased	 significantly	 from	
the	concentrations	of	0.0	to	27.0	μl/l	HUFAs	
(Figure	2).	Pyruvic	acid	(PA)	content	was	not	
significantly	different	among	the	four	concen-
trations	(Figure	2).
The	 different	 concentrations	 of	 HUFAs	
significantly	 affected	 activities	 of	
superoxide	 dismutase	 (SOD),	
catalase	 (CAT)	 and	 glutathione	
peroxidase	 (GPX)	 of	 the	 sea-
horse	 juveniles	 (Figure	 3).	 The	
SOD	 activity	 in	 the	 lower	 con-
centrations	(i.e.	0.0	and	13.5	μl/l	
HUFAs)	 was	 significantly	 higher	
than	in	the	higher	concentration	
(i.e.	 27.0	 and	 54.0	 μl/l	 HUFAs)	
(Fig.	 3).	 CAT	 activity	 increased	
significantly	 from	 the	 concentra-
tions	of	0.0	μl/l	HUFAs	to	27.0	μl/l	
(Figure	3).	GPX	activity	increased	
significantly	 with	 increasing	 con-
centration	of	HUFAs	(Figure	3).
Dietary	 HUFAs	 may	 be	 used	
to	modify	some	enzyme	activities	
and	 biochemical	 contents,	 and	
moderate	dietary	HUFAs	supple-
mentation	 significantly	 promotes	
lipid	 metabolism	 and	 reduces	
lipid	 peroxidation	 products	 by	
enhancing	antioxidant	defence	in	
H. erectus	juveniles.	
However,	excess	HUFAs	may	
result	 in	 adverse	 effects	 on	 the	
enzymatic	 activities	 in	 the	 juve-
niles,	 which	 might	 be	 related	 to	
oxidative	stress.	
In	 practice,	 the	 concentration	
of	 27.0	 μl/l	 HUFAs	 is	 recom-
mended	 for	 enriching	 Artemia	
nauplii	 for	 H. erectus	 juveniles,	
which	 is	 consistent	 with	 the	
results	of	growth	and	survival.
More InforMatIon:
Dong Zhang
Figure: 3
28 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2013
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The potential of
microalgae meals
– in compound feeds for aquaculture
Understanding ammonia
in aquaculture ponds
Volume 16 Issue 5 2013 - sePTemBeR | oCToBeR
– Salmon
AquaNor event review
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Feeding lined seahorse juveniles with enriched Artemia nauplii

  • 1. September | October 2013 Feeding lined seahorse juveniles with enriched Artemia nauplii The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 INCORPORATING f ish farming technolog y
  • 2. Innovations for a better world. Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96, Fatten up your bottom line. Bühler high-performance animal and aqua feed production systems are used by leading companies around the world. These producers know they can rely not just on the technology itself, but also on the support that accompanies it. A service combining local presence with global expertise both lowers feed mill operating costs and increases capacity utilization. To find out more, visit
  • 3. S eahorses are a high-value fish species in both medicinal and aquarium trades. In China, seahors- es are called ‘animal ginseng’. Since 2004, all 33 recognised seahorse species (Hippocampus) in the world have been listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES 2004) due to overexploitation. There arises an urgent need for breeding seahorses to meet human demand. To meet this demand, considerable progress in breed- ing seahorses has been made in the past ten years. To date, more than 10 seahorse species have been reared successfully in captivity. However, low survival, particularly in the early juvenile stage, is still one of the bottlenecks affecting the economic return in commercial seahorse culture. Juvenile nutrition is recognised as a major factor that can influence juvenile survival and growth. Furthermore, broodstock nutrition is recognised as a major factor that can influence fish reproduction and subsequent larval quality of many fish species. Hence, optimising both juvenile feeds to enhance growth and survival of seahorse and to reduce production cost is crucial for successful commercial culture. Although copepods are the best food for juvenile seahorses, mass culture of copepods is still a challenge. Alternatively, newly hatched Artemia nauplii have been widely used as live food for seahorses. However, newly hatched Artemia nauplii are deficient in DHA and EPA, i.e. they do not provide adequate nutrition to improve the growth and survival of seahorse juveniles. Therefore, Artemia nauplii are usually enriched with n-3 HUFAs prior to feeding seahorse juveniles. However, excess HUFAs fortification may cause adverse effects prob- ably due to oxidative stress. Characteristics of Artemia nauplii Artemia nauplii have to be enriched with highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) prior to feeding seahorse juveniles. However, infor- mation about optimized encrich- ment for seahorse juveniles is very limited. The enzymatic activity is a good indicator revealing the diges- tive and absorptive capacity of the animal and is useful in evaluat- ing effect of feed on survival and growth performance. Dietary HUFAs are able to modify some enzymatic activities, and moderate dietary HUFAs sup- plementation significantly promotes lipid metabolism and reduces lipid peroxidation products by enhanc- ing antioxidant defence in the juve- niles. However, excess HUFAs may result in adverse effects on the Feeding lined seahorse juveniles with enriched Artemia nauplii by Dong Zhang PhD and Fei Yin PhD, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, China Figure: 1 26 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2013 FEATURE
  • 4. REAL BREWERS’YEAST “Made inGermany” For Leiber`s specialty yeast products, “Made in Germany”is a seal of quality. Multibiotic effect of Leiber yeast - vitality, health and performance for fish. Leiber GmbH · Hafenstraße 24, 49565 Bramsche, Germany · Tel +49 (0) 5461 9303-0 · Fax +49 (0) 5461 9303-28 · · THE SPECIAL WORLD OF LEIBER YEAST...
  • 5. enzymatic activities in the juveniles, which might be related to oxidative stress. In practice, the concentra- tion of 27.0 μl/l HUFAs is rec- ommended for enriching Artemia nauplii for lined seahorse juveniles. The lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus (Perry), has been reared successfully for years, and is recognised as a good can- didate for commercial aquaculture. There is currently very limited information about how HUFAs affect the survival and growth of the seahorse juveniles, the activities of lipid metabolism related and anti-oxidative stress enzymes. Since HUFAs are able to affect activities and gene expressions of lipid metabolism-related enzymes, the enzymatic activity is a good indicator revealing the digestive and absorptive capacity of seahorses. Studying enzymatic activity is useful in evaluating the effect of feed on survival and growth performance. Experimental protocols Newly hatched nauplii of Artemia sinica at approximately 200 nauplii/mL were cultured in 15 litre tanks, which were enriched with four concentrations 0.0 μl/l, 13.5 μl/l, 27.0 μl/l, and 54.0 μl/l, of HUFAs (2/3 DHA, 1/3 EPA), respectively for 12 h with aeration at temperature of 28.0±1.0 C. Each tank (50×30×30 cm) was stocked with twenty 20 day-old juveniles. Plastic plants were used as the substrate and holdfasts for the juveniles. The juveniles were fed the Artemia nauplii enriched with four concentra- tions of HUFAs. Each diet was fed to three tanks of the biochemical parametres and enzy- matic activities (Lipase (LPS), Lipoproteinlipase (LPL), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), alkaline Figure: 2 September-October 2013 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 27 FEATURE| AMINOCarp® – Improve your feed formulation.
  • 6. phosphatase (AKP), pyruvic acid (PA), lac- tate (LD)], antioxidant defence enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and oxidative breakdown product, malonaldehyde (MDA)) were monitored over 30 days. The juveniles were fed twice at 0800 h and 1500 h each day at approximately 10 nauplii/mL. Before each feeding, the bot- tom of the tanks was siphoned to remove feces and uneaten food. Impact of different HUFAs concentrations The different concentra- tions of HUFAs significantly affected the activities of lipase (LPS), lipoproteinlipase (LPL) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) of the lined seahorse juveniles, but alkaline phos- phatase (AKP) (Figure 1). The LPS activity of the juveniles in the concentration of 27.0 μl/l HUFAs was sig- nificantly higher than that in other three concentrations (Figure 1). LPL activity in the higher concentrations (i.e. 27.0 and 54.0 μl/l HUFAs) were significantly higher than that in the lower concentrations (i.e. 0.0 and 13.5 μl/l HUFAs) (Figure 1). MDH activity decreased with increasing concentration of HUFAs (Figure 1). The different concentrations of HUFAs significantly affected the contents of lactate (LD) and malonaldehyde (MDA) of the seahorse juveniles (Figure 2). The lowest LD content of the juveniles occurred in the concentration of 54.0 μl/l HUFAs (Figure. 2). MDA content decreased significantly from the concentrations of 0.0 to 27.0 μl/l HUFAs (Figure 2). Pyruvic acid (PA) content was not significantly different among the four concen- trations (Figure 2). The different concentrations of HUFAs significantly affected activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) of the sea- horse juveniles (Figure 3). The SOD activity in the lower con- centrations (i.e. 0.0 and 13.5 μl/l HUFAs) was significantly higher than in the higher concentration (i.e. 27.0 and 54.0 μl/l HUFAs) (Fig. 3). CAT activity increased significantly from the concentra- tions of 0.0 μl/l HUFAs to 27.0 μl/l (Figure 3). GPX activity increased significantly with increasing con- centration of HUFAs (Figure 3). Conclusions Dietary HUFAs may be used to modify some enzyme activities and biochemical contents, and moderate dietary HUFAs supple- mentation significantly promotes lipid metabolism and reduces lipid peroxidation products by enhancing antioxidant defence in H. erectus juveniles. However, excess HUFAs may result in adverse effects on the enzymatic activities in the juve- niles, which might be related to oxidative stress. In practice, the concentration of 27.0 μl/l HUFAs is recom- mended for enriching Artemia nauplii for H. erectus juveniles, which is consistent with the results of growth and survival. More InforMatIon: Dong Zhang Email: Figure: 3 28 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2013 FEATURE 8 – 10 April 2014 . Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand New for 2014 Now including the first ASEAN Rice Summit Specialist conference The exhibition will be supported by its own specialist conference: The GRAPAS Conference 2014 Supported by The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau Co-located with VICTAM Asia 2014 Contact details For visitor, exhibition stand space and conference information please visit: Asia’s premier rice & flour milling and grain processing exhibition and conference GRAPAS Asia 2014 is the only dedicated trade show and conference organised specifically for rice & flour milling, grain storage, preservation & processing, noodle, breakfast cereal and extruded snack production within the dynamic and growing regions of South & South East Asia. GRAPASisland:Layout 1 30/8/13 14:29 Page 1
  • 7. LINKS • See the full issue • Visit the International Aquafeed website • Contact the International Aquafeed Team • Subscribe to International Aquafeed The potential of microalgae meals – in compound feeds for aquaculture Understanding ammonia in aquaculture ponds Volume 16 Issue 5 2013 - sePTemBeR | oCToBeR INCORPORATING fIsh fARmING TeChNOlOGy EXPERT TOPIC – Salmon AquaNor event review Thisdigitalre-printispartoftheSeptember|October2013editionofInternational Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE