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September | October 2012
Options and challenges of alternative protein
    and energy resources for aquafeed

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The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

  Options and challenges of alternative protein
  and energy resources for aquafeed
  by Dr Alex Obach, Managing Director, Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre, Norway

         eed	 for	 fish	 and	 shrimp	 raised	 in	      Rising demand                                         welfare	 and	 produce	 fish	 that	 are	 good	
         aquaculture	 needs	 high	 levels	 of	             Analyses	 of	 global	 demographics,	 widely	      to	eat,	both	in	terms	of	eating	experience	
         protein	 and	 energy.	 Traditionally	         publicised	 by	 the	 Food	 and	 Agriculture	          and	 nutrition.	 It	 has	 been	 a	 main	 focus	 at	
         feed	 for	 carnivorous	 or	 omnivo-           Organization	 of	 the	 United	 Nations	 (FAO),	       Skretting	Aquaculture	Research	Centre	for	
rous	 fish	 and	 for	 shrimp	 provides	 these	         indicate	a	continuing	expansion	of	the	popu-          the	 past	 decade,	 for	 example	 determining	
mainly	 as	 fishmeal	 and	 fish	 oil,	 which	          lation	passing	nine	billion	by	2050.	In	parallel,	    the	 nutritional	 value	 of	 more	 than	 400	
also	 contributes	 to	 the	 health	 promoting	         economic	development	is	providing	a	greater	          raw	 materials.	 These	 investigations	 led	
aspects	 of	 fish	 and	 shrimp	 in	 the	 human	        proportion	 with	 an	 income	 that	 permits	          to	 AminoBalance™,	 where	 balancing	 of	
diet.	                                                 them	to	be	more	selective	about	their	diet.	          amino	 acids	 increases	 the	 contribution	
                                                       The	 main	 trend	 is	 to	 switch	 from	 vegetable	    such	proteins	make	to	muscle	growth.
    Aquaculture	 of	 fed	 species	 today	 takes	       staples	to	animal	and	fish	protein.	A	third,	
60–80	percent	of	the	fishmeal	and	80	per-              but	lesser,	factor	is	the	growing	awareness	            Figure 1: Raw material options for fish
cent	 of	 the	 fish	 oil	 produced,	 mainly	 from	     of	 the	 health	 benefits	 of	 fish	 in	 the	 diet,	    feed (Source Skretting)
the	industrial	pelagic	fisheries	or,	in	a	grow-        providing	 long	 chain	 omega-3	 polyun-               Protein raw                             Starch
ing	 trend,	 from	 the	 trimmings	 produced	           saturated	 fatty	 acids	 (LC	 PUFAs)	 EPA	              materials                             sources
during	 processing	 for	 human	 consumption.	          and	 DHA,	 fish	 proteins	 and	 important	
Trimmings	are	defined	as	by-products	when	             vitamins	 and	minerals	such	 as	iodine	and	             Fish meal         Fish oil            Wheat
fish	 are	 processed	 for	 human	 consump-             selenium.
                                                                                                               Krill meal        Krill oil            Barley
tion	 or	 if	 whole	 fish	 is	 rejected	 because	          At	 the	 same	 time,	 a	 growing	 propor-
the	 quality	 at	 the	 time	 of	 landing	 does	 not	   tion	 of	 the	 pelagic	 catch,	 which	 includes	       algal meal        algal oil          Sorghum
meet	 requirements	 for	 human	 consump-               the	 industrial	 fisheries,	 is	 going	 to	 the	     Soya products    rapeseed oil           tapioca
tion.	 The	 International	 Fishmeal	 and	 Fish	        more	 lucrative	 markets	 of	 processing	 for	       Sunflower meal    Soybean oil        Potato starch
Oil	 Organisation	 estimates	 trimmings	 are	          human	 consumption,	 as	 processing	 tech-           rapeseed meal    Sunflower oil             Peas
now	used	for	around	25	percent	of	fishmeal	            nology	 improves	 and	 as	 new	 consumers	
                                                                                                              Corn gluten       Corn oil          Faba beans
production.	                                           with	 different	 tastes	 enter	 the	 market.	
                                                                                                             Wheat gluten      linseed oil             oats
    The	 industry	 is,	 therefore,	 heavily	           Simultaneously,	the	omega-3	supplements	
dependent	 on	 marine	 resources	 but	 pro-            industry	 is	 competing	 for	 the	 best	 qual-         Faba beans         Palm oil
duction	 from	 these	 resources	 cannot	 be	           ity	 fish	 oils	 and	 readily	 outbids	 the	 feed	        lupins      Camelina oil
increased	sustainably,	either	for	human	con-           producers.                                              Pea meal        Poultry fat
sumption	or	the	industrial	fisheries.	At	best,	            According	 to	 the	 FAO	 report	
                                                                                                             rice products        lard
sustainably	 managed	 fisheries	 will	 continue	       ‘The	 State	 of	 World	 Fisheries	 and	
                                                                                                             Poultry meal
to	 yield	 around	 the	 current	 harvest	 of	 five	    Aquaculture	 2012’,	 aquaculture	 is	 “set	
million	 tonnes	 of	 fishmeal	 and	 one	 million	      to	 remain	 one	 of	 the	 fastest	 grow-              Feather meal
tonnes	of	fish	oil.	                                   ing	 feed	 sectors”.	 Having	 doubled	 in	             Blood meal            	Marine	origin
    Feed	producers	such	as	Skretting	require	          the	 past	 decade	 to	 almost	 60	 million	          Meat and Bone           	Vegetable	raw	
their	 marine	 raw	 material	 suppliers	 to	           tonnes	 globally,	 it	 is	 expected	 to	 grow	             meal                     materials
document	that	the	fishmeal	and	fish	oil	are	           by	 up	 to	 50	 percent	 in	 the	 next.	 This	          Microbial
                                                                                                                                    	Animal	
derived	from	responsibly	managed	and	sus-              makes	identifying	alternative,	sustainable	              protein
tainable	fisheries	and	do	not	include	endan-           sources	 of	 protein	 and	 energy	 a	 major	           Insect meal
gered	species.	Therefore,	to	meet	a	growing	           priority.	 Researchers	 are	 looking	 for	                                   	Other	raw	
                                                                                                              Worm meal
demand	 for	 fish,	 aquaculture	 must	 identify	       alternatives	 that	 will	 provide	 low	 feed	                                       materials
alternatives	to	these	marine	ingredients.              conversion	 ratios,	 maintain	 high	 fish	              DDGS

                                                22 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2012

Recent advance                                         fish	 feed	 was	 approved	 by	 a	 qualified	 major-   Atlantic	salmon	provided	were	divided	and	
     Research	progress	to	date	means	fishmeal	         ity	 of	 EU	 member	 states,	 meaning	 that	 non-     fed	on	one	of	three	feeds:	
levels	 in	 feeds	 for	 species	 such	 as	 Atlantic	   ruminant	PAPs	will	be	authorised	for	fish	feed	          Conventional	 grower	 feed	 (pre	
salmon	have	been	reduced.	Until	recently	25	           from	June	1,	2013.	                                   MicroBalance):	 25	 percent	 fishmeal	 and	 13	
percent	appeared	to	be	the	limit	below	which	                                                                percent	fish	oil	with	EPA	+	DHA	comprising	
performance	suffered,	in	terms	of	growth	rate	         Trial results                                         about	10	percent	of	total	fatty	acids.
and	feed	conversion	ratio.	                                A	22-month	trial	with	Atlantic	salmon	in	            OptiLine	 from	 Skretting	 Norway	 (using	
     In	2010	researchers	at	Skretting	ARC	final-       a	 commercial	 scale	 farm	 in	 Norway	 dem-          MicroBalance):	 15	 percent	 fishmeal	 and	 13	
ised	a	new	concept	known	as	MicroBalance™.	            onstrated	 the	
MicroBalance™	 technology	 is	 based	 on	 the	         practicality	 of	
identification	 of	 several	 essential	 micro-nutri-   MicroBalance.	 It	
ents	 in	 fishmeal	 that	 were	 shown	 to	 be	 the	    followed	a	com-
limiting	 factors,	 not	 the	 amount	 of	 fishmeal.	   plete	 genera-
Supplementing	 the	 diet	 with	 the	 right	 bal-       tion	 of	 salmon	
ance	 of	 essential	 micro-nutrients	 and	 other	      from	 smolt	 to	
functional	 micro-ingredients	 helped	 reduce	         harvest.	 The	
fishmeal	content	in	fish	feed.                         trial	 was	 jointly	
     Applying	 the	 concept	 enabled	 Skretting	       organised	 by	
companies	to	produce	commercially	success-             Marine	 Harvest	
ful	feeds	with	as	little	as	15	percent	fishmeal	       and	 Skretting	
without	 detracting	 from	 feed	 performance,	         and	 conducted	
fish	 welfare	 or	 end	 product	 quality.	 A	 key	     at	 the	 Centre	
advantage	 of	 MicroBalance	 is	 the	 flexibil-        for	 Aquaculture	
ity	 to	 adapt	 the	 raw	 material	 combination	 in	   Competence	
response	 to	 prices,	 lessening	 for	 farmers	 the	   (CAC)	           in	
impacts	of	price	volatility.	                          Norway	 from	
     Today	 Skretting	 can	 formulate	 fish	 feed	     May	 2009	 to	
with	 levels	 of	 fishmeal	 as	 low	 as	 5–10	         February	 2011	
percent.	 Fishmeal	 can	 be	 replaced	 solely	 by	     inclusive.	 CAC	
vegetable	raw	materials	or	by	a	combination	           is	a	commercial-
of	vegetable	raw	materials	and	non-ruminant	           scale	 R&D	 farm	
processed	 animal	 proteins	 (PAPs).	 It	 should	      managed	 by	
be	noted	that	PAPs	are	widely	used	in	coun-            Marine	 Harvest	
tries	 outside	 the	 EU	 and	 provide	 extremely	      and	 is	 equipped	
good	 quality,	 safe	 nutrition	 to	 supplement	       to	 measure	 all	
fishmeal.	                                             operational	
     Typical	 examples	 include	 blood	 meal	 also	    parameters	 just	
known	 as	 haemoglobin	 meal,	 poultry	 meal,	         as	 precisely	 as	
and	 feather	 meal.	 PAPs	 were	 banned	 from	         in	 a	 small-scale	
animal	 feed	 and	 fish	 feed	 in	 the	 EU	 follow-    research	 sta-
ing	 the	 BSE	 crisis	 in	 the	 1990s.	 Recently	 a	   tion.	 A	 total	
proposal	 for	 the	 reintroduction	 of	 PAPs	 in	      of	      780,000	

                                                 September-October 2012 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 23

                                                                                                                  example,	 following	 the	 introduction	 of	 the	
                                                                                                                  MicroBalance	concept,	the	fish	oil	will	certainly	
                                                                                                                  be	the	determining	factor	for	the	FFDR.	The	
                                                                                                                  dependency	 on	 wild	 forage	 fish	 resources	
                                                                                                                  should	 be	 calculated	 for	 both	 FM	 and	 FO	
                                                                                                                  using	the	following	formulae.	
                                                                                                                    FFDRm	=	(%	fishmeal	in	feed	from	forage	
                                                                                                                       fisheries)	x	(eFCR)	/	22.2
                                                                                                                    FFDRo	 =	 (%	 fish	 oil	 in	 feed	 from	 forage	
                                                                                                                       fisheries)	x	(eFCR)	/	5.0
                                                                                                                      eFCR	 is	 the	 Economic	 Feed	 Conversion	
                                                                                                                  Ratio;	 the	 quantity	 of	 feed	 used	 to	 produce	
                                                                                                                  the	quantity	of	fish	harvested.
                                                                                                                      Only	 fishmeal	 and	 fish	 oil	 that	 is	 derived	
   Figure 2: Supply and use of fish oil (Source IFFO and Skretting)
                                                                                                                  directly	from	a	pelagic	fishery	(e.g.	anchoveta)	
                                                                                                                  is	to	be	included	in	the	calculation	of	FFDR.
percent	fish	oil	with	EPA	+	DHA	comprising	                and	DHA,	both	for	the	fish	and	for	the	health	             The	amount	of	fishmeal	in	the	diet	is	calcu-
about	10	percent	of	total	fatty	acids.                     benefits	of	fish	as	food.	                             lated	back	to	live	fish	weight	by	using	a	yield	
    Experimental	          OptiLine	           (using	         Secondly	the	EU	AquaMax	project,	coordi-           of	22.2%.	This	is	an	assumed	average	yield.	If	
MicroBalance):	 15	 percent	 fishmeal	 and	 nine	          nated	by	NIFES	in	Norway	with	32	international	        the	yield	is	known	to	be	different	that	figure	
percent	fish	oil	with	EPA	+	DHA	comprising	                partners	around	the	world	including	Skretting	         should	be	used.
about	eight	percent	of	total	fatty	acids.	                 ARC,	addressed	this	issue	directly,	developing	            The	amount	of	fish	oil	in	the	diet	is	calcu-
    The	 parameters	 monitored	 were	                      diets	 with	 low	 levels	 of	 both	 fishmeal	 and	     lated	back	to	live	fish	weight	by	using	a	yield	of	
growth,	 FCR,	 quality,	 health,	 sustainability	          fish	 oil	 and	 thus	 reducing	 the	 fish-in	 fish-out	five	percent	This	is	an	assumed	average	yield.	
and	 food	 safety.	 The	 total	 harvest	 weight	           ratios.	This	com-
was	 3,517	 tonnes.	 After	 the	 harvest	 the	             plements	 work	 table 1: total production of fed species in 2000, 2005, 2010, with total
taste,	smell	and	texture	of	the	fillets	were	              at	Skretting	ARC	 feed used, total fishmeal and total fish oil (x 1,000 tonnes).
tested	 by	 a	 panel	 of	 professional	 tasters.	          to	 develop	 the	            Year total production total of feeds         total fishmeal     total fish oil
The	results	showed	that	both	low	fishmeal	                 LipoBalance™	                         of fed species        used               used              used
feeds	 gave	 the	 same	 growth	 and	 FCR	 as	              concept,	 which	
the	control	diet.	There	were	no	observed	                  allows	 combina-
                                                                                       1995          4,028            7,612              1,870              463
differences	 in	 fish	 health,	 or	 in	 the	 quality	      tions	 of	 oils	 to	
parameters.	                                               be	prepared	that	           2000          7,684            14,150             2,823              608
    The	 salmon	 fed	 with	 the	 lowest	 propor-           will	 provide	 the	         2010          21,201           35,371             3,670              764
tion	of	marine	products	(15%	fishmeal,	9%	fish	            correct	 balance	 Source: Tacon et al. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Paper 564
oil)	 only	 needed	 1.07	 kg	 of	 fish	 in	 their	 feed	   of	 energy	 and	
to	produce	1	kg	at	harvest.	Calculating	protein	           nutrients,	 including	 EPA	 and	 DHA,	 at	 lowest	 If	the	yield	is	known	to	be	different	that	figure	
alone	 showed	 a	 positive	 ratio,	 with	 fish	 out	       cost.                                                   should	be	used.
exceeding	fish	in.                                                                                                     Using	 these	 formulae	 it	 can	 be	 seen	 that	
    MicroBalance	 is	 now	 applied	 in	 the	 diets	        Performance ratios                                      the	 FFDRs	 for	 Atlantic	 salmon,	 for	 example,	
of	several	other	commercial	species,	including	                Feed	 conversion	 ratios	 (FCRs)	 have	 were	 halved	 between	 2004	 and	 2011.	 The	
sea	 bass,	 sea	 bream,	 rainbow	 trout,	 turbot	          advanced	 significantly	 over	 the	 past	 three	 FFDRm	 was	 reduced	 from	 1.24	 to	 0.56	 and	
and	yellowtail.                                            decades.	In	Atlantic	salmon,	for	example,	the	 the	 FFDRo	 from	 4.28	 to	 2.05.	 This	 doubles	
                                                           FCR	 has	 decreased	 from	 1.30	 in	 the	 1980s	 the	quantity	of	salmon	produced	from	a	given	
Fish oil                                                   to	 slightly	 above	 1.00	 today,	 mainly	 due	 to	 quantity	of	fishmeal	and	fish	oil.
    Research	 to	 date	 has	 enabled	 produc-              the	development	of	high-nutrient-dense	diets	
ers	 of	 fish	 feed	 to	 supplement	 fish	 oil	 with	      and	 to	 improvements	 in	 feed	 management	 Health benefits
vegetable	oils	in	the	diets	of	carnivorous	spe-            (reducing	 feed	 waste).	 This	 represents	 more	           As	mentioned,	maintaining	health	benefits	
cies	 by	 as	 much	 as	 50	 percent.	 Lower	 levels	       efficient	 use	 of	 feed	 raw	 materials;	 especially	 is	a	key	objective	when	reducing	dependency	
have	 been	 tested	 in	 experimental	 diets	 with	         as	fishmeal	and	fish	oil	contents	were	reduced	 on	marine	raw	materials.	It	is	being	addressed	
no	 negative	 effects.	 Much	 of	 the	 progress	           in	the	same	period	(Table	1).                           in	several	ways.	The	first	is	to	determine	the	
results	from	the	EU	RAFOA	project.	RAFOA	                      Another	 contributor	 here	 is	 the	 emer- minimum	levels	of	EPA	and	DHA	that	the	fish	
stands	 for	 Researching	 Alternatives	 to	 Fish	          gence	of	functional	diets	that	maintain	or	even	 require.	The	feeds	with	high	levels	of	marine	
Oil	 in	 Aquaculture	 and	 the	 project	 focused	          improve	 performance	 in	 adverse	 conditions	 ingredients	 produced	 fish	 with	 high	 levels	 of	
on	 four	 species;	 Atlantic	 salmon,	 rainbow	            such	as	high	or	low	water	temperatures	and	 long	 chain	 (LC)	 poly-unsaturated	 fatty	 acids	
trout,	 sea	 bass	 and	 sea	 bream.	 Led	 by	 the	         outbreaks	of	disease.	Better	growth,	reduced	 (PUFAs);	 more	 than	 needed	 by	 the	 fish	 so	
Institute	 of	 Aquaculture	 at	 the	 University	 of	       FCR	 and	 higher	 survival	 will	 all	 contribute	 to	 that	a	proportion	was	metabolised	for	energy.	
Stirling,	 partners	 include	 NIFES	 (the	 National	       improve	the	utilisation	of	feed	resources.              At	lower	inclusion	levels	the	use	of	these	lim-
Institute	 of	 Nutrition	 and	 Seafood	 Research)	             Feed	 Fish	 Dependency	 Ratio	 (FFDR)	 is	 ited	nutrients	can	be	optimised,	since	a	higher	
and	 Skretting	 ARC,	 in	 Norway,	 the	 INRA	              the	quantity	of	wild	fish	used	per	quantity	of	 proportion	will	be	retained	in	the	muscle.	At	
(National	 Institute	 for	 Agronomic	 Research)	           cultured	 fish	 produced.	 This	 measure	 can	 be	 even	lower	levels	(close	to	nutritional	require-
in	 France	 and	 the	 University	 of	 Las	 Palmas,	        weighted	 for	 fishmeal	 or	 fish	 oil,	 whichever	 ment)	 the	 fish	 can	 maximise	 its	 capacity	 to	
in	the	Canary	Islands	(Spain).	The	main	chal-              component	 creates	 a	 larger	 burden	 of	 wild	 elongate	and	desaturate,	and	could	become	a	
lenge	 is	 to	 maintain	 adequate	 levels	 of	 EPA	        fish	in	feed.	In	the	case	of	Atlantic	salmon	for	 net	producer	of	LC	PUFAs.	

                                                    24 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2012

    On	 average	 100	 g	 of	 salmon	 fillet	 has	         Limited	progress	has	been	with	EPA.	DHA	is	
around	 16	 g	 of	 fat	 of	 which	 at	 least	 four	 to	   a	greater	challenge.
five	percent	is	omega-3	EPA	and	DHA	(DHA	                     Some	micro-algae	species	are	natural	syn-
being	the	main	fatty	acid	in	the	phospholipid	            thesisers	 of	 the	 longer	 chain	 fatty	 acids.	 The	
fraction).	Thus	a	130	g	portion	would	provide	            challenge	 here	 is	 economic;	 to	 grow	 them	
around	 930	 mg	 of	 EPA	 and	 DHA.	 That	 is	            in	 bulk,	 either	 by	 sea	 farming	 or	 in	 vats	 on	
equivalent	 to	 several	 supplement	 capsules.	           land,	 in	 sufficient	 volumes	 to	 make	 them	
Two	portions	a	week	adequately	provide	the	               competitive	 as	 a	 feed	 ingredient.	 There	 are	
recommended	dietary	levels	of	LC	PUFAs	and	               also	 reports	 of	 extracting	 LC	 PUFAs	 from	
important	 vitamins	 and	 minerals	 in	 an	 easily	       yeast	cultures	and	these	would	face	the	same	
assimilated	form.	                                        economic	challenge.
    A	second	approach	is	to	explore	ways	of	
formulating	 feed	 so	 that	 the	 LC	 PUFAs	 are	         Conclusion                                               About the author
retained	in	the	fillet	flesh.	Further	research	at	            Aqua	 feed	 producers	 must	 find	 alterna-          Alex	 Obach	 has	 held	 the	 position	
Skretting	 ARC	 into	 the	 functions	 of	 micro-          tives	 to	 the	 marine	 ingredients	 fishmeal	 and	      of	 Managing	 Director	 at	 Skretting	
ingredients	recently	led	to	a	new	salmon	feed	            fish	 oil	 while	 maintaining	 fish	 welfare	 and	       Aquaculture	 Research	 Centre	 since	
that	significantly	improves	the	feed	conversion	          aquaculture	 performance	 as	 a	 highly	 effi-           May	1,	2007.	Originally	from	Barcelona,	
ratio	and	fillet	yield.	Fillet	analysis	revealed	the	     cient	means	of	producing	nutritious	protein.	            Spain,	he	is	a	veterinarian	with	a	Master	
                                                                                                                   in	 Aquaculture	 from	 the	 University	
micro-nutrients	also	raised	the	proportion	of	            Eating	quality	and	health	benefits	are	equally	
                                                                                                                   of	 Girona	 (Spain)	 and	 a	 PhD	 in	 fish	
EPA	and	DHA	in	the	muscle.	                               important.	
                                                                                                                   pathology	 and	 immunology	 from	 the	
    The	third	approach	is	to	identify	alternative	            However,	although	the	supply	of	marine	              University	of	West	Brittany	(France).	He	
resources.	 There	 are	 two	 major	 contenders:	          ingredients	 from	 the	 wild	 catch	 is	 limited,	       started	working	at	Skretting	Aquaculture	
genetic	 modifications	 to	 crop	 plants	 and	            with	appropriate	controls	they	will	continue	            Research	Centre	in	1993	as	a	research-
micro-algae.	 Progress	 is	 being	 monitored	 by	         to	 be	 available.	 A	 key	 task	 for	 the	 industry	    er,	 initially	 within	 fish	 health	 then	 as	
feed	producers	keen	to	reduce	their	depend-               is	to	ensure	they	are	used	in	a	manner	that	             a	 nutritionist.	 He	 He	 previously	 was	
ence	 on	 marine	 ingredients.	 Some	 plants	             spreads	the	benefits	through	a	combination	              Manager	 of	 ARC’s	 Fish	 Health	 depart-
produce	PUFAs,	for	example	rape	(canola)	or	              of	 supplementation,	 feed	 formulation	 and	            ment.	Between	1993-1995,	he	was	also	
soya,	but	the	carbon	chains	are	too	short.	The	           feed	 management	 on	 farm.	 This	 way	 the	             engaged	as	lecturer	at	the	University	of	
EPA	 carbon	 chain	 has	 20	 carbon	 atoms	 and	          growing	demand	for	fish	can	be	met	and	the	              Barcelona,	 and	 worked	 for	 two	 years	
                                                                                                                   as	 Manager	 of	 the	 Marine	 Harvest	
DHA	22.	The	ambition	is	to	introduce	genes	               benefits	 shared	 sustainably	 for	 generations	
                                                                                                                   Technical	Centre.
to	 extend	 18-carbon	 chains	 already	 present.	         to	come.

                                                    September-October 2012 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 25
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Options and challenges of alternative protein and energy resources for aquafeed

  • 1. September | October 2012 Options and challenges of alternative protein and energy resources for aquafeed International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2012 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
  • 2. FEATURE Options and challenges of alternative protein and energy resources for aquafeed by Dr Alex Obach, Managing Director, Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre, Norway F eed for fish and shrimp raised in Rising demand welfare and produce fish that are good aquaculture needs high levels of Analyses of global demographics, widely to eat, both in terms of eating experience protein and energy. Traditionally publicised by the Food and Agriculture and nutrition. It has been a main focus at feed for carnivorous or omnivo- Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre for rous fish and for shrimp provides these indicate a continuing expansion of the popu- the past decade, for example determining mainly as fishmeal and fish oil, which lation passing nine billion by 2050. In parallel, the nutritional value of more than 400 also contributes to the health promoting economic development is providing a greater raw materials. These investigations led aspects of fish and shrimp in the human proportion with an income that permits to AminoBalance™, where balancing of diet. them to be more selective about their diet. amino acids increases the contribution The main trend is to switch from vegetable such proteins make to muscle growth. Aquaculture of fed species today takes staples to animal and fish protein. A third, 60–80 percent of the fishmeal and 80 per- but lesser, factor is the growing awareness Figure 1: Raw material options for fish cent of the fish oil produced, mainly from of the health benefits of fish in the diet, feed (Source Skretting) the industrial pelagic fisheries or, in a grow- providing long chain omega-3 polyun- Protein raw Starch Fats ing trend, from the trimmings produced saturated fatty acids (LC PUFAs) EPA materials sources during processing for human consumption. and DHA, fish proteins and important Trimmings are defined as by-products when vitamins and minerals such as iodine and Fish meal Fish oil Wheat fish are processed for human consump- selenium. Krill meal Krill oil Barley tion or if whole fish is rejected because At the same time, a growing propor- the quality at the time of landing does not tion of the pelagic catch, which includes algal meal algal oil Sorghum meet requirements for human consump- the industrial fisheries, is going to the Soya products rapeseed oil tapioca tion. The International Fishmeal and Fish more lucrative markets of processing for Sunflower meal Soybean oil Potato starch Oil Organisation estimates trimmings are human consumption, as processing tech- rapeseed meal Sunflower oil Peas now used for around 25 percent of fishmeal nology improves and as new consumers Corn gluten Corn oil Faba beans production. with different tastes enter the market. Wheat gluten linseed oil oats The industry is, therefore, heavily Simultaneously, the omega-3 supplements dependent on marine resources but pro- industry is competing for the best qual- Faba beans Palm oil duction from these resources cannot be ity fish oils and readily outbids the feed lupins Camelina oil increased sustainably, either for human con- producers. Pea meal Poultry fat sumption or the industrial fisheries. At best, According to the FAO report rice products lard sustainably managed fisheries will continue ‘The State of World Fisheries and Poultry meal to yield around the current harvest of five Aquaculture 2012’, aquaculture is “set million tonnes of fishmeal and one million to remain one of the fastest grow- Feather meal tonnes of fish oil. ing feed sectors”. Having doubled in Blood meal  Marine origin Feed producers such as Skretting require the past decade to almost 60 million Meat and Bone  Vegetable raw their marine raw material suppliers to tonnes globally, it is expected to grow meal materials document that the fishmeal and fish oil are by up to 50 percent in the next. This Microbial  Animal derived from responsibly managed and sus- makes identifying alternative, sustainable protein by-products tainable fisheries and do not include endan- sources of protein and energy a major Insect meal gered species. Therefore, to meet a growing priority. Researchers are looking for  Other raw Worm meal demand for fish, aquaculture must identify alternatives that will provide low feed materials alternatives to these marine ingredients. conversion ratios, maintain high fish DDGS 22 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2012
  • 3. FEATURE Recent advance fish feed was approved by a qualified major- Atlantic salmon provided were divided and Research progress to date means fishmeal ity of EU member states, meaning that non- fed on one of three feeds: levels in feeds for species such as Atlantic ruminant PAPs will be authorised for fish feed Conventional grower feed (pre salmon have been reduced. Until recently 25 from June 1, 2013. MicroBalance): 25 percent fishmeal and 13 percent appeared to be the limit below which percent fish oil with EPA + DHA comprising performance suffered, in terms of growth rate Trial results about 10 percent of total fatty acids. and feed conversion ratio. A 22-month trial with Atlantic salmon in OptiLine from Skretting Norway (using In 2010 researchers at Skretting ARC final- a commercial scale farm in Norway dem- MicroBalance): 15 percent fishmeal and 13 ised a new concept known as MicroBalance™. onstrated the MicroBalance™ technology is based on the practicality of identification of several essential micro-nutri- MicroBalance. It ents in fishmeal that were shown to be the followed a com- limiting factors, not the amount of fishmeal. plete genera- Supplementing the diet with the right bal- tion of salmon ance of essential micro-nutrients and other from smolt to functional micro-ingredients helped reduce harvest. The fishmeal content in fish feed. trial was jointly Applying the concept enabled Skretting organised by companies to produce commercially success- Marine Harvest ful feeds with as little as 15 percent fishmeal and Skretting without detracting from feed performance, and conducted fish welfare or end product quality. A key at the Centre advantage of MicroBalance is the flexibil- for Aquaculture ity to adapt the raw material combination in Competence response to prices, lessening for farmers the (CAC) in impacts of price volatility. Norway from Today Skretting can formulate fish feed May 2009 to with levels of fishmeal as low as 5–10 February 2011 percent. Fishmeal can be replaced solely by inclusive. CAC vegetable raw materials or by a combination is a commercial- of vegetable raw materials and non-ruminant scale R&D farm processed animal proteins (PAPs). It should managed by be noted that PAPs are widely used in coun- Marine Harvest tries outside the EU and provide extremely and is equipped good quality, safe nutrition to supplement to measure all fishmeal. operational Typical examples include blood meal also parameters just known as haemoglobin meal, poultry meal, as precisely as and feather meal. PAPs were banned from in a small-scale animal feed and fish feed in the EU follow- research sta- ing the BSE crisis in the 1990s. Recently a tion. A total proposal for the reintroduction of PAPs in of 780,000 September-October 2012 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 23
  • 4. FEATURE example, following the introduction of the MicroBalance concept, the fish oil will certainly be the determining factor for the FFDR. The dependency on wild forage fish resources should be calculated for both FM and FO using the following formulae. FFDRm = (% fishmeal in feed from forage fisheries) x (eFCR) / 22.2 FFDRo = (% fish oil in feed from forage fisheries) x (eFCR) / 5.0 Where: eFCR is the Economic Feed Conversion Ratio; the quantity of feed used to produce the quantity of fish harvested. Only fishmeal and fish oil that is derived Figure 2: Supply and use of fish oil (Source IFFO and Skretting) directly from a pelagic fishery (e.g. anchoveta) is to be included in the calculation of FFDR. percent fish oil with EPA + DHA comprising and DHA, both for the fish and for the health The amount of fishmeal in the diet is calcu- about 10 percent of total fatty acids. benefits of fish as food. lated back to live fish weight by using a yield Experimental OptiLine (using Secondly the EU AquaMax project, coordi- of 22.2%. This is an assumed average yield. If MicroBalance): 15 percent fishmeal and nine nated by NIFES in Norway with 32 international the yield is known to be different that figure percent fish oil with EPA + DHA comprising partners around the world including Skretting should be used. about eight percent of total fatty acids. ARC, addressed this issue directly, developing The amount of fish oil in the diet is calcu- The parameters monitored were diets with low levels of both fishmeal and lated back to live fish weight by using a yield of growth, FCR, quality, health, sustainability fish oil and thus reducing the fish-in fish-out five percent This is an assumed average yield. and food safety. The total harvest weight ratios. This com- was 3,517 tonnes. After the harvest the plements work table 1: total production of fed species in 2000, 2005, 2010, with total taste, smell and texture of the fillets were at Skretting ARC feed used, total fishmeal and total fish oil (x 1,000 tonnes). tested by a panel of professional tasters. to develop the Year total production total of feeds total fishmeal total fish oil The results showed that both low fishmeal LipoBalance™ of fed species used used used feeds gave the same growth and FCR as concept, which the control diet. There were no observed allows combina- 1995 4,028 7,612 1,870 463 differences in fish health, or in the quality tions of oils to parameters. be prepared that 2000 7,684 14,150 2,823 608 The salmon fed with the lowest propor- will provide the 2010 21,201 35,371 3,670 764 tion of marine products (15% fishmeal, 9% fish correct balance Source: Tacon et al. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Paper 564 oil) only needed 1.07 kg of fish in their feed of energy and to produce 1 kg at harvest. Calculating protein nutrients, including EPA and DHA, at lowest If the yield is known to be different that figure alone showed a positive ratio, with fish out cost. should be used. exceeding fish in. Using these formulae it can be seen that MicroBalance is now applied in the diets Performance ratios the FFDRs for Atlantic salmon, for example, of several other commercial species, including Feed conversion ratios (FCRs) have were halved between 2004 and 2011. The sea bass, sea bream, rainbow trout, turbot advanced significantly over the past three FFDRm was reduced from 1.24 to 0.56 and and yellowtail. decades. In Atlantic salmon, for example, the the FFDRo from 4.28 to 2.05. This doubles FCR has decreased from 1.30 in the 1980s the quantity of salmon produced from a given Fish oil to slightly above 1.00 today, mainly due to quantity of fishmeal and fish oil. Research to date has enabled produc- the development of high-nutrient-dense diets ers of fish feed to supplement fish oil with and to improvements in feed management Health benefits vegetable oils in the diets of carnivorous spe- (reducing feed waste). This represents more As mentioned, maintaining health benefits cies by as much as 50 percent. Lower levels efficient use of feed raw materials; especially is a key objective when reducing dependency have been tested in experimental diets with as fishmeal and fish oil contents were reduced on marine raw materials. It is being addressed no negative effects. Much of the progress in the same period (Table 1). in several ways. The first is to determine the results from the EU RAFOA project. RAFOA Another contributor here is the emer- minimum levels of EPA and DHA that the fish stands for Researching Alternatives to Fish gence of functional diets that maintain or even require. The feeds with high levels of marine Oil in Aquaculture and the project focused improve performance in adverse conditions ingredients produced fish with high levels of on four species; Atlantic salmon, rainbow such as high or low water temperatures and long chain (LC) poly-unsaturated fatty acids trout, sea bass and sea bream. Led by the outbreaks of disease. Better growth, reduced (PUFAs); more than needed by the fish so Institute of Aquaculture at the University of FCR and higher survival will all contribute to that a proportion was metabolised for energy. Stirling, partners include NIFES (the National improve the utilisation of feed resources. At lower inclusion levels the use of these lim- Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research) Feed Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR) is ited nutrients can be optimised, since a higher and Skretting ARC, in Norway, the INRA the quantity of wild fish used per quantity of proportion will be retained in the muscle. At (National Institute for Agronomic Research) cultured fish produced. This measure can be even lower levels (close to nutritional require- in France and the University of Las Palmas, weighted for fishmeal or fish oil, whichever ment) the fish can maximise its capacity to in the Canary Islands (Spain). The main chal- component creates a larger burden of wild elongate and desaturate, and could become a lenge is to maintain adequate levels of EPA fish in feed. In the case of Atlantic salmon for net producer of LC PUFAs. 24 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | September-October 2012
  • 5. FEATURE On average 100 g of salmon fillet has Limited progress has been with EPA. DHA is around 16 g of fat of which at least four to a greater challenge. five percent is omega-3 EPA and DHA (DHA Some micro-algae species are natural syn- being the main fatty acid in the phospholipid thesisers of the longer chain fatty acids. The fraction). Thus a 130 g portion would provide challenge here is economic; to grow them around 930 mg of EPA and DHA. That is in bulk, either by sea farming or in vats on equivalent to several supplement capsules. land, in sufficient volumes to make them Two portions a week adequately provide the competitive as a feed ingredient. There are recommended dietary levels of LC PUFAs and also reports of extracting LC PUFAs from important vitamins and minerals in an easily yeast cultures and these would face the same assimilated form. economic challenge. A second approach is to explore ways of formulating feed so that the LC PUFAs are Conclusion About the author retained in the fillet flesh. Further research at Aqua feed producers must find alterna- Alex Obach has held the position Skretting ARC into the functions of micro- tives to the marine ingredients fishmeal and of Managing Director at Skretting ingredients recently led to a new salmon feed fish oil while maintaining fish welfare and Aquaculture Research Centre since that significantly improves the feed conversion aquaculture performance as a highly effi- May 1, 2007. Originally from Barcelona, ratio and fillet yield. Fillet analysis revealed the cient means of producing nutritious protein. Spain, he is a veterinarian with a Master in Aquaculture from the University micro-nutrients also raised the proportion of Eating quality and health benefits are equally of Girona (Spain) and a PhD in fish EPA and DHA in the muscle. important. pathology and immunology from the The third approach is to identify alternative However, although the supply of marine University of West Brittany (France). He resources. There are two major contenders: ingredients from the wild catch is limited, started working at Skretting Aquaculture genetic modifications to crop plants and with appropriate controls they will continue Research Centre in 1993 as a research- micro-algae. Progress is being monitored by to be available. A key task for the industry er, initially within fish health then as feed producers keen to reduce their depend- is to ensure they are used in a manner that a nutritionist. He He previously was ence on marine ingredients. Some plants spreads the benefits through a combination Manager of ARC’s Fish Health depart- produce PUFAs, for example rape (canola) or of supplementation, feed formulation and ment. Between 1993-1995, he was also soya, but the carbon chains are too short. The feed management on farm. This way the engaged as lecturer at the University of EPA carbon chain has 20 carbon atoms and growing demand for fish can be met and the Barcelona, and worked for two years as Manager of the Marine Harvest DHA 22. The ambition is to introduce genes benefits shared sustainably for generations Technical Centre. to extend 18-carbon chains already present. to come. September-October 2012 | InternatIOnal AquAFeed | 25
  • 6. This digital re-print is part of the September | October 2012 edition of International LINKS Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on Vo l u m e 1 5 I s s u e 5 2 0 1 2 • See the full issue The use of algae in fish feeds as alternatives to fishmeal Gustor Aqua and Ecobiol Aqua: • Visit the International Aquafeed website – enhancing digestion in a different manner Fishmeal & fish oil – and its role in sustainable aquaculture • Contact the International Aquafeed Team Options and challenges of alternative protein and energy • Subscribe to International Aquafeed resources for aquafeed EXPERT TOPIC – Shrimp the international magazine for the aquaculture feed industry To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE