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Alexander BORIS
    Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

                  Spectroscopic ellipsometry:
                  application to electrodynamics
                  of correlated electron materials
                  and oxide superlattices.

September 1, 2011, Vancouver

           International Summer School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxides
Outline                           Outline
               • the complex dielectic function spectra -
                       one of the first steps in research of the
                       physical properties of a new material

       • spectroscopic ellipsometry -
                       basic principles and experimental implementation

       • advantages of ellipsometry -             illustrative examples -

  i)    exact numerical inversion, no        i)    superconductivity-induced
        Kramers-Kronig transformation,             transfer of the spectral weight in
        allows for K-K consistency check           high temperature cuprate SCs

  ii) no reference measurements, very        ii) superconductivity-induced optical
      accurate and highly reproducible           anomalies and iron pnictide

  iii) oblique and variable angle of         iii) dimensionality-controlled
       incidence, very sensitive to               collective charge and spin* order
       thin-film properties                       in nickel-oxide superlattices

              * combined with low-energy muons which serve as a sensitive
              local probe of the internal magnetic field distribution
Outline                      Outline
          • the complex dielectic function spectra -
                 one of the first steps in research of the
                 physical properties of a new material
Electromagnetic waves      Electrodynamics of Solids

      ‫ܧ = ܧ‬଴ ݁ [௜(ఠ௧ିk‫ ݔ‬ାఋ)]
Dielectric polarization, susceptibility, pemittivity
                            Electrodynamics of Solids

                      ࡱ                                                            ࡼ
                                                    +                                      +q
                                   -                       -
                              -          -

     Electric field

                                                    -      +                                 ݈
                          -                  -
                                   -                +                                       -q
                                                                                          ߤ ൌ ‫݈∙ݍ‬
                              Electric           Ionic (phonon)                        Dipole moment

                                  Polarization ࡼ ൌ 	 ∑࢏ ࣆ࢏ ൌ ߝ଴ χ ࡱ
                                         ࢿ ൌ 1 ൅	χ	ൌ 1 ൅
                                                                  ఌబ ࡱ
                           Electrodynamics of ∂E
                               ∇× H =    j + ε 0ε Solids
Maxwell’s equations for wave                     c          ∂t
 propagation in a conductor:                         ∂H
                                       ∇ × E = −µ0
                                                                    ∂E       ∂ 2E 
                                       ⇒ ∇ × (∇ × E) = −∇ E = − µ0 σ
                                                                        + ε 0ε 2 
                                                                    ∂t       ∂t 

 plane wave :          ‫ܧ = ܧ‬଴ ݁ [௜(ఠ௧ିk‫ ݔ‬ାఋ)] ⇒ 	k ଶ = ߤ଴ ݅߱ߪ + ߤ଴ ߝ଴ ߝ߱ଶ
                                                4ߨ           1
                           SI → CGS:        ߤ଴ → ଶ ,			ߝ଴ →
                                                ܿ           4ߨ
                  ఠమ          ସగ                      ఠ                         ସగ
       	k ଶ   =         ߝ+݅      ߪ   , 									k	 ≡ 	 N, 								Nଶ 	= ߝ + ݅      ߪ
                  ௖మ          ఠ                       ௖                         ఠ

Complex                dielectric function           optical conductivity

        ߝ̃ ߱ = ߝଵ (߱) + ݅ ∙ ߝଶ (߱)                     ߪ ߱ = ߪଵ ߱ + ݅ ∙ ߪଶ (߱)
                                      ߝଶ ߱ =      ߪଵ 	(߱)
Dielectric response of Drude metal
                                               dv        mb
  equation of motion for electrons          mb    = eE −    v
                                               dt        τ
                                                              damping term
                                                      momentum transferred to phonons
                                                      and impurities per unit time
                                 eτ     1
                  solution    v=            E
                                 mb 1 − iωτ
                                            nb e 2 τ
          current density      j = nb e v =             E
                                             mb 1 − iωτ
                σ0           γ = 1/ τ                               ω pl

      σ (ω) =                                          ε1 (ω) = 1 − 2 2
              1 − iωτ                                              ω +γ
                                    4π nbe2
           ne2τ              ω pl =
                                                                   ω pl γ 2
      σ0 =                            mb               σ1 (ω) =
            mb           collective oscillations of             4π γ ω 2 + γ 2
                          electron charge density
Complex dielectric functionElectrodynamics of Solids

            ߝଵ (߱)

 ߝଶ ߱ =    ߪ 	(߱)
        ߱ ଵ
Optical sum rules:                                        ∞
                              Spectral Weight and Sum Rules             π ne e 2
                                 f-sum rule: SW (0, ∞) = ∫ σ 1 (ω )dω =          = const
                                ݊௘ - total number of electrons in the system, 		݉௘ - free electron mass

  D.Y. Smith and E. Shiles,
  PRB 17, (1978) 4689-4694

            = 2 Al ∫ σ (ω )dω
             πe N 0


                                                                         ω pl
                                                                                    π nb e 2
        intra-band spectral weight:              SW   intra
                                                              (0, ∞) =          =              = f (T ) ≠ const
                                                                          8          2mb
Kramers-Kronig relations
   1926-1927                 response
               follow causality: P = ε 0 χ E
                                          applied field
                 P(t ) = ε 0 ∫ χ (t − t ' )E(t ' )dt ',       χ (t − t ' ) = 0 for t < t '

                 P(ω) = ε 0 χ (ω)E(ω)

                                                                    ω ' ε 2 (ω ')
                                      ε 1 (ω ) − 1 =
                    KKR:                                      ⋅ P∫                dω '
                                                       π          0
                                                                    ω ' −ω
                                                                        2     2

                                                                    ε 1 (ω ') − 1
                                      ε 2 (ω ) = −            ⋅ P∫                dω '
                                                       π          0
                                                                    ω ' −ω
                                                                         2     2

                                                ∆σ 1 (ω ')

         consistency check: ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2          dω '
                                                ω ' −ω  2
Normal incidenceReflectivity by normal incidence
                                                Incident light
                                                  ‫ܧ‬଴௜ sin ߱‫ݐ‬     ߶௥


                                     Reflected light
                                      ‫ܧ‬଴௥ sinሺ߱‫ ݐ‬൅ ߶௥ ሻ
                    E0 r        ~2
         r     R=              =r
         Er         E0 i

                ~ = ε − 1 = R (ω ) exp{iφ (ω )}
                    ε +1

                            2ω ln R (ω ' )
        KKR:    φr (ω ) = −   ∫ ω 2 − ω ' 2 dω '
                            π 0
Outline                        Outline

    • spectroscopic ellipsometry -
                   basic principles and experimental implementation
Analogy with electric circuit electric circuit admittance
                Analogy with impedance

                        Lissajous figure

                                    a      b          resistance & reactance
                                                       (complex impedance)

          X        Y
                                                          Z = R+iωL

              R                                                  Vmaxsinωt
                                                      ϕ          Imaxsin(ωt-ϕ)
                       L                       Vmax

         ϕ= arctan(ωL/R)=
         = arcSin(a/b)
Polarization of light               Electrodynamics of Solids
                              ࡱ-field vector ࡱ = ࡱ࢞ + ࡱ࢟

      Linear polarization
        phase delay ߮=0                                                   X

    Curcular polarization
      phase delay ߮=ߨ/2

    Elliptical polarization                                     Ψ
   phase delay ߮=0.35·2ߨ
Spectroscopic ellipsometry



                             near Brewster angle
             Polaryzer        tan ߠ஻ = ݊௧ ⁄݊௜
Spectroscopic ellipsometry



                             near Brewster angle
             Polaryzer        tan ߠ஻ = ݊௧ ⁄݊௜             ϕ
Spectroscopic ellipsometry
    Elliptically polarized light determined by:

     1. Relative phase shift, ∆= ∆௣ − ∆௦ ;
     2. Relative attenuation, tan Ψ =                           1,0

                                                                      0     90      180     270   360
                                                                           Analyzer angle (Ai )
                                                            I(Ai)/I0 = 1 + α sin(2Ai) + β cos(2Ai)

                                                                          tan Ψ =       tan ܲ ,
         Polaryzer                                                                 1−ߙ
                       ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱)                                                         ߚ
                 ߩ ߱ =        = tan Ψ(߱) ݁ ௜∙୼(ఠ)                           cos Δ =
                       ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱)                                                       1 − ߙଶ

                                                       1 + tan Ψ(߱) ∙ ݁ ௜∆(ఠ)
           	ൠ 	 ⇒ 	 ߝ̃ ߱ = (sin ߮)ଶ +(sin ߮)ଶ (tan ߮)ଶ
      Δ(߱)                                             1 − tan Ψ(߱) ∙ ݁ ௜∆(ఠ)
Spectroscopic ellipsometry

            Paul Drude

             ~ 1890
ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhebeamline at ANKA
                         IR IT

                          IR-1 beamline
                Y.-L. Mathis, B. Gasharova, D. Moss

                                            Current: 80 -180 mA

                                            lifetime: 12-23 hours
ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhebeamline at ANKA
                         IR IT

                                                                                                      IR-1 beamline
                                                         Y.-L. Mathis, B. Gasharova, D. Moss


                                    Magnetic Field [T]
                                                                                                           Magnetic profile
                                                                                                           of a dipole

                                                         0.5                                                                    Edge and dipole
Spatial distribution                                                                                                          radiation in the visible
from the edge at
3 m from the source
(calculated for 100µm)                                    1.0m      0.5      0.0        -0.5      -1.0
                                                              Position on particle trajectory [m]
                                                                           Photons/s/.1%bw/mm^2 x10

               40                                                     150

                                                                                                                                    at λ=10 µm
      y [mm]


               -20                                                    50


                     -40mm -20      0   20                     40
                                 x [mm]
wide-band spectroscopic ellipsometry THz to UV
                  Ellipsometry: from

                        ANKA Synchrotron
                        edge radiation

    1m                     10m               100m                   1   eV       6.2

  0.2    THz 1         2
                                 far-IR        mid-IR near-IR                UV
        10                  100               1000                  10000 cm-1
                                                                 near-IR to deep-UV
             far-IR homebuilt ellipsometer                          spectroscopic
                at ANKA IR1- beam line,                         ellipsometer (VASE)
                     @ Karlsruhe IT                            Woollam Co., @ MPI-FKF

                                        IR homebuilt ellipsometer
                                       based on Bruker 66v/S FTIR
                                        spectrometer, @ MPI-FKF
wide-band spectroscopic ellipsometry THz to UV
                  Ellipsometry: from

                        ANKA Synchrotron
                        edge radiation

    1m                     10m               100m                   1   eV       6.2

  0.2    THz 1         2
                                 far-IR        mid-IR near-IR                UV
        10                  100               1000                  10000 cm-1
                                                                 near-IR to deep-UV
             far-IR homebuilt ellipsometer                          spectroscopic
                at ANKA IR1- beam line,                         ellipsometer (VASE)
                     @ Karlsruhe IT                            Woollam Co., @ MPI-FKF

                                        IR homebuilt ellipsometer
                                       based on Bruker 66v/S FTIR
                                        spectrometer, @ MPI-FKF
Outline                             Outline

       • advantages of ellipsometry -

  i)    exact numerical inversion, no
        Kramers-Kronig transformation,
        allows for K-K consistency check

  ii) no reference measurements, very
      accurate and highly reproducible

  iii) oblique and variable angle of
       incidence, very sensitive to
       thin-film properties
Outline                             Outline

       • advantages of ellipsometry -           illustrative examples -

  i)    exact numerical inversion, no      i)    superconductivity-induced
        Kramers-Kronig transformation,           transfer of the spectral weight in
        allows for K-K consistency check         high temperature cuprate SCs
Kramers-Kronig consistency check

                                                                  ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')

            ∆ε 1Exp (ω0 )              ∆ε    KK
                                                  (ω0 ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 2 dω '
                                                                0 ω ' −ω0

      This additional constraint unique to ellipsometry allows one to determine
      with high accuracy changes in the spectral weight in the extrapolation
      region beyond the experimentally accessible spectral range:

             hω < 10 meV              .........          hω > 6.6 eV
T-dependent Drude                           ω pl         π e 2 nb

                             SW Drude =             =
                                             8            2 mb

                                  γ (T1 ) > γ (T2 )                          γ2
                                                           σ1 (ω) = σ DC
                                      T1 > T2
                                                                           ω2 + γ 2


                                                                          ω pl

                                                           ε1 (ω) = ε ∞ − 2 2

                                                                         ω +γ

                0.0   0.5   1.0       1.5          2.0
                            hν (eV)
T-dependent Drude SW                         ω pl         π e 2 nb

                             SW Drude =              =
                                               8           2 mb

                                            electron correlation effects


                                                            Daniel Khomslii’s lecture
                                                                 = f (T ) ≠ const
         -20                                                  mb


                0.0   0.5   1.0       1.5           2.0
                            hν (eV)
Kramers-Kronig consistency check

                                                                                                        1.0                                     σ1,A- σ1,B
                              A                               ωp= 1.5 eV

                                                                                       ∆σ1 (10 Ω cm )
                  6                                                                                                                       SWA-SWB


                                                                                                                                                +0.1 %
                                                                 γΑ = 0.05 eV

  σ1 (10 Ω cm )

                                                                                                        0.4                                     -0.25 %
                                                                 γB = 0.06 eV

                          B                                                                             0.2

                                                                                                            0.00   0.02            0.04            0.06            0.08

                                                                                                                           photon energy (eV)
                   0.00           0.05           0.10          0.15             0.20                    0.0

                                         photon energy (eV)


                                                   ∆σ (ω ')
                                                                                                                                                      ε1,A- ε1,B
                              ∆ε 1 (ω0 ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 1 2 dω '

                                                 0 ω ' −ω0
                                                                                                        -1.5                                SWA-SWB
                                                                                                                                                      +0.1 %
                                                                                                                                                      -0.25 %
                                                                                                            0.18          0.21              0.24                   0.27

                                                                                                                           photon energy (eV)
in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2Oin-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8
                     8                                                  Tc=91 K

                                            Tc = 91 K


                                        10 K
                                        200 K
σ1 (Ω cm )




                                                                                   10 K
                0                                                                  100 K
                0.01           0.1                -2000                            200 K
                       Photon energy (eV)

                                                       0.01           0.1
                                                              Photon energy (eV)
in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T>Tc)

               0                                                                  ∆SW > 0
                                                                          6                            exp
                                                                                              from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV)
                             as measured
∆σ1 (mΩ cm )

               -2                                                                                                   100K      200K

                        extrapolated with                                                     with               SW = SW
                                                                          4                                          100K
                                                                                                                 SW > SW

                                                                                                                  (by ≈ 1.5%)

                               SW head = − SW tail                        2
                               SW   head
                                           > − SW   tail

                    ∆T = 200 K - by ≈ 1.5%
                                 100 K        (0.007eV 2 )                0
           0.00      0.02   0.04     0.06     0.08         0.10
                                                                          0.1        0.2        0.3                 0.4          0.5
                         Photon energy (eV)
                                                                                         Photon energy (eV)

                                                                  ∆SW total > 0

                                                SW 100 K = SW 200 K + 0.007 eV 2
Perfect conductor
                                  ω plτ → ∞
                                 σ0       σ0    ne2
     purely reactive    σ(ω) =         =     =
                               1 − iωτ   iωτ   iωm*

       Cooper pairs         ms = 2m, es = 2e, ns = n / 2

                                1 ns es2 r       1 1 r
                       j (ω) =           E(ω) =         E(ω)
                               iω ms            iω µ0λ2

                                ms       r r i ( kr⋅rr −ωt )
     penetration depth      λ=         , E = E0e
                               µ0ns es

         The first London equation: E = µ0λ2
R.A. Ferrell, R.E. Glover, M. Tinkham
FGT-sum fule                                    KKR
                                        1                         1
                       ε1 (ω) = −               ⇒     σ1 (ω) =             δ (ω)
                                    λL ω2   2

          >6 ∆SC
λL   2
         =8   ∫ ∆σ (ω)dω
Optical response of NbN SC film
                                                       J.Demsar et al., 2011

 with movable

                                     ω              1                      1
                       σ 2 (ω) = −      ε1 (ω) =               σ1 (ω) =             δ (ω)
                                     4π          4π λL ω
D-wave gap in cuprates
in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2Oin-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8
                     8                                                  Tc=91 K

                                            Tc = 91 K


                                        10 K
                                        200 K
σ1 (Ω cm )




                                                                                   10 K
                0                                                                  100 K
                0.01           0.1                -2000                            200 K
                       Photon energy (eV)

                                                       0.01           0.1
                                                              Photon energy (eV)
in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T<Tc)

                                         ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')
                                           ∞                                    ∞
               ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 2 2 + 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2                                   = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')dω ' ( FGT − sum rule)
                             1                                           1
                                                       dω ' with
                          λLω         0+
                                         ω ' −ω    2
                                                                        L       0+

                                  as measured                      6                                     exp
                                                                                               from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV)
                             extrapolated with
∆σ1 (mΩ cm )

                                                                                                                  1/λ L=∆SW

                                    λL = 2300 Α                    4

                                    λL = 2000 Α

                                      ∆T = 100 K - 10 K
               0                                                                ∆SW           ≈0
               0.00   0.02   0.04   0.06       0.08   0.10
                         Photon energy (eV)                        0.1             0.2             0.3              0.4       0.5
                                                                                     Photon energy (eV)

                                                                                     ≈ 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω '
                                                                               L          0+
in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T<Tc)

                                         ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')
                                           ∞                                          ∞
               ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 2 2 + 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2                                      = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')dω ' ( FGT − sum rule)
                             1                                             1
                                                       dω ' with
                          λLω         0+
                                         ω ' −ω    2
                                                                            L         0+

                                  as measured                      6                                         exp
                                                                                                   from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV)
                             extrapolated with
∆σ1 (mΩ cm )

                                                                                                                      1/λ L=∆SW+1%

                                    λL = 2300 Α                    4                                                    2
                                                                                                                      1/λ L=∆SW-1%

                                    λL = 2000 Α

                                      ∆T = 100 K - 10 K
               0                                                                      ∆SW         ≈0
               0.00   0.02   0.04   0.06       0.08   0.10
                         Photon energy (eV)                        0.1                 0.2             0.3              0.4          0.5
                                                                                           Photon energy (eV)

                                                                            = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω ' ± 0.5% (0.0008 eV 2 )
                                                                    L            0+
SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8
                       in-plane                                                     Tc=91 K

                                                   SW 100 K = SW 200 K + 0.007 eV 2
                                                                              ∆ε1         (∆T=200K-100K)
                                             6                                      exp
                                                                              ∆ε1         (∆T=100K-10K)

                                                                 ∆SW > 0


                                                         ∆SW         ν0
                                             0.1          0.2             0.3                0.4          0.5
                                                           Photon energy (eV)

                                                        = ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω ' ± 0.0008 eV 2
                                                    L     0+
H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel,
Science, 295, 2239 (2002)
SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8
                       in-plane                 Tc=91 K


H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel,
Science, 295, 2239 (2002)
SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8
                       in-plane                   Tc=91 K



H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel,
Science, 295, 2239 (2002)

         Science, 304, 708 (2004)
Outline                         Outline

    • advantages of ellipsometry -         illustrative examples -

  ii) no reference measurements, very    ii) superconductivity-induced optical
      accurate and highly reproducible       anomalies and iron pnictide
Iron arsenide superconductors
                                 lattice structure

multiband electronic structure

                                            Fe As


      Tc=38.5 K
SC-reduced absorption in visible
                                      ω      ∆
                                   ! ħω > 200∆SCmax
Thermal modulation ellipsometry
inter-band excitations: LDAexcitations: LDA assignment
               inter-band assignment

                                                 A.N. Yaresko

                    Γ           M
SC-induced anomalies in visible (single-band BCS)

                ! Ν ouSC ≡ Ν ouNS


A.L. Dobryakov et al.,
Optics Communications 105, 309 (1994)
SC-reduced absorption in visible (Ba1-xKxFeAs)

           ! Ν ouSC < Ν ouNS

           0.5 eV
SC-induced lowering of the chemical potential

 Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969)

                                 1 ∆ SC
                   µ SC   ≈ µN −
                                 4 µN

              ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV
SC-induced lowering of the chemical potential

 Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969)

                               1 ∆ SC
                 µ SC   ≈ µN −
                               4 µN

            ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV

 Multi band BCS:    ∆iSC ≠ ∆ jSC 
                                                  j→
                                  ⇒ nSC = nN + ∆nSC i
                                      i     i

                    µ = µ = µ SC 
                     i   j

        • self-consistent treatment of a variable chemical potential at
        the SC transition is required
SC-induced inter-band charge transfer

Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969)

                               1 ∆ SC
                 µ SC   ≈ µN −
                               4 µN

             ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV

Multi band BCS:      ∆iSC ≠ ∆ jSC 
                                                   j→
                                   ⇒ nSC = nN + ∆nSC i
                                       i     i

                     µ = µ = µ SC 
                      i   j

      Two el’s subsystems in cuprates:
      D. I. Khomskii and F.V. Kusmartsev, PRB 46 (1992)

                               N CuO2        ∆2
         µ SC = µ N −
                         N CuO2 + N chain   4µ N
                                  N CuO2       ∆2 
                 =n   N      1 +                    ~ 1%
          CuO2        CuO2
                              N CuO + N chain 4µ N
                                                  2 
                                   2               
SC-induced inter-band charge transfer


 ∆SC < ∆SC 
  h      e        nh < nh
                    SC     N

 mh < me h  ∆F SC (0) > ∆ SC / ε F
   *    *                    2


Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 - SC-reduced absorption in visible:

  • assigned to excitations from As-px,y/Fe-dz2 to Fe-dyz,zx and Fe-dxy states
  • charge transfer between the Fe-dyz,zx and Fe-dxy bands
            below Tc could explain the optical anomaly
  • self-consistent treatment of a variable chemical potential
            at the SC transition is required
  • in the presence of large Fe-As bond polarizability it can potentially
             enhance superconductivity in iron pnictides.
Outline                           Outline

    • advantages of ellipsometry -          illustrative examples -

  iii) oblique and variable angle of    iii) dimensionality-controlled
       incidence, very sensitive to          collective charge and spin* order
       thin-film properties                  in nickel-oxide superlattices

            * combined with low-energy muons which serve as a sensitive
            local probe of the internal magnetic field distribution
2D e-gas in semiconductors

                      Band Bending picture

        QHE v Klitzing 1980
        FQHE H. Störmer 1984

                          Jochen Mannhart’s lecture
Dimentionality control in oxides
 “solid-state chemistry approach”      wide-band-gap
                                      (~ 5eV) insulator

 Ruddlesden–Popper (R–P) homologous    paramagnetic
 series of Srn+1RunO3n+1                   metal
Why RNiO3?
        J.-S. Zhou, J.B. Goodenough et al.,               LaAlO3
                                 PRL 84, 526 (2000)
                                                      (~ 5eV) insulator

   Ni3+ 3d7 t62ge1g
                                        ∆CF >> JH
  eg                                                      LaNiO3
                                     W ~ EG~ JH ~ U    paramagnetic
  t2g                                                      metal
RNiO3-based Heterosctructures
    Possible 3D-to-2D- and interface-                            (~ 5eV) insulator
    induced “engineered” properties
         of correlated electrons:

•     metal- insulator transition with unusual
      magnetic and charge ordering
•     orbital reconstruction
•     multiferroicity
       G. Giovannetti et al., PRL 103, 156401 (2009)
•     superconductivity
       J. Chaloupka and G. Khaliullin, PRL 100, 016404 (2008)

       P. Hansmann et al., PRL 103, 016401 (2009)

    “… possible orbital occupancy analogous to the cuprates …”
Theory                                       Experiment

     Perfect sample                                     Real sample


                                                    Extrinsic properties
      Intrinsic properties                     (stacking faults, inter-diffusion
(collective quantum phases)                        substrate contribution)

                                           high oxygen pressure PLD, MPI-FKF
                                           G. Cristiani and H.-U. Habermeier
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 superlattices

                                                                  (001) LaSrAlO4
                            (001) SrTiO3

     N = 4 u.c. x 10, d = 290 ± 10 Å           N = 3 u.c. x 13, d = 312 ± 10 Å

MF-MPI beam line @ANKA, A. Frano, E. Benckiser, P. Wochner
Reciprocal-space maps

              N = 4 u.c.   N = 2 u.c.   N = 2 u.c.

Alex Frano’s poster
Reciprocal-space maps

               N = 4 u.c.          N = 2 u.c.         N = 2 u.c.

TEM: MF-MPI StEM E. Detemple, W. Sigle, P. van Aken
Theory       Experiment

                     Perfect sample      Real sample


                                      Extrinsic properties
                     Intrinsic properties faults, inter-diffusion
               (collective quantum phases) contribution)
                         inevitable defects

                 + local probes!      vs.     macro probes

          optical spectroscopy                    dc conductivity
              (ellipsometry)                      and permittivity
               muon-SR                               magnetic
             (slow muons)                           susceptibility

          AFM, charge order                  FM, ferroelectric, SC
Charge dynamics via spectroscopic ellipsometry

                                         sample                                              detector

                                            E   Es                                analyzer
                                 P         Ep            ϕ          IrpI

                                                     ~          r p (ω )
                                       polarizer     ρ (ω ) =   ~
                                                                             = tan Ψ (ω )ei∆ (ω )
                        light source
                                                                r s (ω )

                         oblique incidence
                             - sensitive to thin-film properties

                         intrinsic SL’s electrodynamics
                         is not flawed by a substrate, contacts and
                         extended defects
Isotropic film on isotropic substrate in vacuum
                                                  ଶ               ଶ                           ૛
         ߮௜                                      ܰ cos ߮ − ܰ − sin ࣐
                                       ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ =                                                    ૚⁄૛
    01                                           ܰ ଶ cos ߮ + ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐                      ૛
         ܰ               SL                           ଶ                   ଶ           ૛                   ૛
    12                                           −݊ cos ߚ + ܰ ݊ − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ
                                       ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ =                                                                ૚⁄૛
                 ߚ௜                               ݊ଶ cos ߚ   +ܰ   ݊ଶ      − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ                    ૛
         ࡺ࢙      substrate
                                                 cos ߮ − ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐              ૛
                                       ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ =
        ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱)
         ̃                                       cos ߮ + ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐              ૛
  ߩ ߱ =
  ෤            = tan Ψ(߱) ݁ ௜∙୼(ఠ)
        ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱)
           ̃                                                                                                ૚⁄૛
                                                                      ଶ           ૛                   ૛
                                                 −ࡺࡿ cos ߚ + ܰ − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ
              ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ + ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ     ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ =                                                        ૚⁄૛
   ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱) =
    ̃                                              cos ߚ + ܰ ଶ − ࡺࡿ ૛ sin ࢼ                       ૛
              1 + ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ
             ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ + ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ         Snell‘s law: sin ߮ = ܰ௦ sin ߚ
   ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱) =
            1 + ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ                                                                                  ૚⁄૛
                                                                              ௗ           ଶ                    ૛
                                       Phase thickness: ߙ = 2ߨ                    ܰ − sin ࣐

                     Known: ߩ ߱ , ߮, ࡺࡿ
                            ෤                    ߱
                     Unkown: ࡺ ߱ , ݀
complex dielectric function of bare SLs
 numerical inversion

                                          Drude parameters:
                                          N = 4:   ω p ≈ 1.10 eV , γ ≈ 87 meV        m*
                                                                                        = 10
                                          N = 2:   ω p ≈ 1.05 eV , γ ≈ 196 meV       m

                                         EF = 0.5eV , VF = 1.33 ⋅107 cm , l = F
                                                                       s     2π cγ
                                                           o                     o
                       mean free path:    N = 4:   l = 9.7 A,   N = 2:    l = 4.4 A
from itinerant to localized electrons
from itinerant to localized electrons
from itinerant to localized electrons


                              Effective number of electrons localized:
                                   ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′
                                                π e N Ni 0
from itinerant to localized electrons


                                         Effective number of electrons localized:
   bulk NdNiO3 - ΔNeff=0.058                                     ω
                                              ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′
 T.Katsufuji, Y.Tokura et al., (1995):                     π e N Ni 0
from itinerant to localized electrons


                                         Effective number of electrons localized:
   bulk NdNiO3 - ΔNeff=0.058                                     ω
                                              ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′
 T.Katsufuji, Y.Tokura et al., (1995):                     π e N Ni 0
Metal – Insulator Transition (MIT) in LaNiO3

      Continuing the analogy with bulk RNiO3 series, one would then expect another
      second-order transition due to the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering at TN < TMI
      in the N = 2 SLs, as in RNiO3 with small R (Lu through Sm).
Low-Energy µSR measurements
                                         Rob Kiefl’s lecture

                          Thomas Prokscha, Zaher Salman,
                          Andreas Suter, Elvezio Morenzoni
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Relaxation
                      F (t ) − B (t )                 BTF = 0
           AZF (t ) =                 = aoG (t )
                      F (t ) + B(t )
         G(t) is the Fourier transform of the field
         distribution averaged over all muon sites.

      Fast depolarization rate:
                                                           Ni spins are AFM ordered
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Rotation
                                                               BTF=100 G
     The time evolution of the muon
     polarisation in a transverse field BTF is
                 F (t ) − B(t )
    ATF (t ) =                   = aoG (t ) cos(ω L t )
                 F (t ) + B (t )
      where Larmor frequency ωL= γµBTF ,
                    γµ= 2π×13.55 MHz/kG
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Rotation
                                                          BTF > 0
     The time evolution of the muon
     polarisation in a transverse field BTF is
                 F (t ) − B(t )
    ATF (t ) =                   = aoG (t ) cos(ω L t )
                 F (t ) + B (t )
      where Larmor frequency ωL= γµBTF ,
                    γµ= 2π×13.55 MHz/kG

          BTF =100 Gauss                         BTF =1000 Gauss    BTF =3000 Gauss
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
Science, 332, 937 (2011)

   i)   superconductivity-induced
        transfer of the spectral weight in
        high temperature cuprate SCs

   ii) superconductivity-induced
       optical anomalies and iron-based
       pnictide superconductors

   iii) dimensionality-controlled
        collective charge and spin* order
        in nickel-oxide superlattices
Thank you !

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Spectroscopic ellipsometry

  • 1. Alexander BORIS Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Stuttgart Spectroscopic ellipsometry: application to electrodynamics of correlated electron materials and oxide superlattices. September 1, 2011, Vancouver MAX-PLANCK-UBC CENTRE FOR QUANTUM MATERIALS International Summer School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxides
  • 2. Outline Outline • the complex dielectic function spectra - one of the first steps in research of the physical properties of a new material • spectroscopic ellipsometry - basic principles and experimental implementation • advantages of ellipsometry - illustrative examples - i) exact numerical inversion, no i) superconductivity-induced Kramers-Kronig transformation, transfer of the spectral weight in allows for K-K consistency check high temperature cuprate SCs ii) no reference measurements, very ii) superconductivity-induced optical accurate and highly reproducible anomalies and iron pnictide superconductors iii) oblique and variable angle of iii) dimensionality-controlled incidence, very sensitive to collective charge and spin* order thin-film properties in nickel-oxide superlattices * combined with low-energy muons which serve as a sensitive local probe of the internal magnetic field distribution
  • 3. Outline Outline • the complex dielectic function spectra - one of the first steps in research of the physical properties of a new material
  • 4. Electromagnetic waves Electrodynamics of Solids ‫ܧ = ܧ‬଴ ݁ [௜(ఠ௧ିk‫ ݔ‬ାఋ)]
  • 5. Dielectric polarization, susceptibility, pemittivity Electrodynamics of Solids ࡱ ࡼ + +q - - - - Polarization + Electric field - + ݈ - - - + -q - ߤ ൌ ‫݈∙ݍ‬ Electric Ionic (phonon) Dipole moment Polarization ࡼ ൌ ∑࢏ ࣆ࢏ ൌ ߝ଴ χ ࡱ ࡼ ࢿ ൌ 1 ൅ χ ൌ 1 ൅ ఌబ ࡱ
  • 6. Electrodynamics of ∂E ∇× H = j + ε 0ε Solids Maxwell’s equations for wave c ∂t propagation in a conductor: ∂H ∇ × E = −µ0 ∂t  ∂E ∂ 2E  ⇒ ∇ × (∇ × E) = −∇ E = − µ0 σ 2 + ε 0ε 2   ∂t ∂t  plane wave : ‫ܧ = ܧ‬଴ ݁ [௜(ఠ௧ିk‫ ݔ‬ାఋ)] ⇒ k ଶ = ߤ଴ ݅߱ߪ + ߤ଴ ߝ଴ ߝ߱ଶ 4ߨ 1 SI → CGS: ߤ଴ → ଶ , ߝ଴ → ܿ 4ߨ ఠమ ସగ ఠ ସగ k ଶ = ߝ+݅ ߪ , k ≡ N, Nଶ = ߝ + ݅ ߪ ௖మ ఠ ௖ ఠ Complex dielectric function optical conductivity ߝ̃ ߱ = ߝଵ (߱) + ݅ ∙ ߝଶ (߱) ߪ ߱ = ߪଵ ߱ + ݅ ∙ ߪଶ (߱) ෤ 4ߨ ߝଶ ߱ = ߪଵ (߱) ߱
  • 7. Dielectric response of Drude metal dv mb equation of motion for electrons mb = eE − v dt τ damping term momentum transferred to phonons and impurities per unit time eτ 1 solution v= E mb 1 − iωτ nb e 2 τ current density j = nb e v = E mb 1 − iωτ σ0 γ = 1/ τ ω pl 2 σ (ω) = ε1 (ω) = 1 − 2 2 1 − iωτ ω +γ 4π nbe2 ne2τ ω pl = 2 ω pl γ 2 2 σ0 = mb σ1 (ω) = 1 mb collective oscillations of 4π γ ω 2 + γ 2 electron charge density
  • 8. Complex dielectric functionElectrodynamics of Solids ߝଵ (߱) 4ߨ ߝଶ ߱ = ߪ (߱) ߱ ଵ
  • 9. Optical sum rules: ∞ Spectral Weight and Sum Rules π ne e 2 f-sum rule: SW (0, ∞) = ∫ σ 1 (ω )dω = = const 0 2me ݊௘ - total number of electrons in the system, ݉௘ - free electron mass D.Y. Smith and E. Shiles, PRB 17, (1978) 4689-4694 Ω = 2 Al ∫ σ (ω )dω 2m neff πe N 0 Ω ω pl 2 π nb e 2 intra-band spectral weight: SW intra (0, ∞) = = = f (T ) ≠ const 8 2mb
  • 10. Kramers-Kronig relations 1926-1927 response follow causality: P = ε 0 χ E applied field ∞ P(t ) = ε 0 ∫ χ (t − t ' )E(t ' )dt ', χ (t − t ' ) = 0 for t < t ' −∞ P(ω) = ε 0 χ (ω)E(ω) ∞ ω ' ε 2 (ω ') ε 1 (ω ) − 1 = 2 KKR: ⋅ P∫ dω ' π 0 ω ' −ω 2 2 2ω ∞ ε 1 (ω ') − 1 ε 2 (ω ) = − ⋅ P∫ dω ' π 0 ω ' −ω 2 2 ∆σ 1 (ω ') ∞ consistency check: ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 dω ' 0 ω ' −ω 2
  • 11. Normal incidenceReflectivity by normal incidence reflectivity Incident light ‫ܧ‬଴௜ sin ߱‫ݐ‬ ߶௥ r Ei Reflected light ‫ܧ‬଴௥ sinሺ߱‫ ݐ‬൅ ߶௥ ሻ 2 E0 r ~2 r R= =r Er E0 i 2 ~ = ε − 1 = R (ω ) exp{iφ (ω )} r ε +1 r ∞ 2ω ln R (ω ' ) KKR: φr (ω ) = − ∫ ω 2 − ω ' 2 dω ' π 0
  • 12. Outline Outline • spectroscopic ellipsometry - basic principles and experimental implementation
  • 13. Analogy with electric circuit electric circuit admittance Analogy with impedance Lissajous figure a b resistance & reactance (complex impedance) X Y Z = R+iωL R Vmaxsinωt ϕ Imaxsin(ωt-ϕ) L Vmax Imax ϕ= arctan(ωL/R)= = arcSin(a/b) Time
  • 14. Polarization of light Electrodynamics of Solids ࡱ-field vector ࡱ = ࡱ࢞ + ࡱ࢟ Y Linear polarization phase delay ߮=0 X Y Curcular polarization phase delay ߮=ߨ/2 X Y Elliptical polarization Ψ ‫ܧ‬௫ phase delay ߮=0.35·2ߨ X ‫ܧ‬௬
  • 15. Spectroscopic ellipsometry Sample Analyzer near Brewster angle Polaryzer tan ߠ஻ = ݊௧ ⁄݊௜
  • 16. Spectroscopic ellipsometry Sample Analyzer near Brewster angle Polaryzer tan ߠ஻ = ݊௧ ⁄݊௜ ϕ
  • 17. Spectroscopic ellipsometry Detector: 2,0 Elliptically polarized light determined by: Intensity 1. Relative phase shift, ∆= ∆௣ − ∆௦ ; ௥೛ 2. Relative attenuation, tan Ψ = 1,0 ௥ೞ Sample 0,0 0 90 180 270 360 Analyzer angle (Ai ) Analyzer I(Ai)/I0 = 1 + α sin(2Ai) + β cos(2Ai) 1+ߙ tan Ψ = tan ܲ , Polaryzer 1−ߙ ̃ ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱) ߚ ෤ ߩ ߱ = = tan Ψ(߱) ݁ ௜∙୼(ఠ) cos Δ = ̃ ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱) 1 − ߙଶ 1 + tan Ψ(߱) ∙ ݁ ௜∆(ఠ) ଶ Ψ(߱) ൠ ⇒ ߝ̃ ߱ = (sin ߮)ଶ +(sin ߮)ଶ (tan ߮)ଶ Δ(߱) 1 − tan Ψ(߱) ∙ ݁ ௜∆(ఠ)
  • 18. Spectroscopic ellipsometry Paul Drude ellipsometer ~ 1890 2007
  • 19. ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhebeamline at ANKA IR IT IR-1 beamline Y.-L. Mathis, B. Gasharova, D. Moss Current: 80 -180 mA lifetime: 12-23 hours
  • 20. ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhebeamline at ANKA IR IT IR-1 beamline Y.-L. Mathis, B. Gasharova, D. Moss 1.5 Magnetic Field [T] Magnetic profile 1.0 of a dipole 0.5 Edge and dipole Spatial distribution radiation in the visible from the edge at 0.0 3 m from the source (calculated for 100µm) 1.0m 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Position on particle trajectory [m] Photons/s/.1%bw/mm^2 x10 40 150 20 at λ=10 µm y [mm] 100 0 -20 50 -40mm 9 0 -40mm -20 0 20 40 x [mm]
  • 21. wide-band spectroscopic ellipsometry THz to UV Ellipsometry: from ANKA Synchrotron edge radiation 1m 10m 100m 1 eV 6.2 0.2 THz 1 2 far-IR mid-IR near-IR UV 10 100 1000 10000 cm-1 near-IR to deep-UV far-IR homebuilt ellipsometer spectroscopic at ANKA IR1- beam line, ellipsometer (VASE) @ Karlsruhe IT Woollam Co., @ MPI-FKF IR homebuilt ellipsometer based on Bruker 66v/S FTIR spectrometer, @ MPI-FKF
  • 22. wide-band spectroscopic ellipsometry THz to UV Ellipsometry: from ANKA Synchrotron edge radiation 1m 10m 100m 1 eV 6.2 0.2 THz 1 2 far-IR mid-IR near-IR UV 10 100 1000 10000 cm-1 near-IR to deep-UV far-IR homebuilt ellipsometer spectroscopic at ANKA IR1- beam line, ellipsometer (VASE) @ Karlsruhe IT Woollam Co., @ MPI-FKF IR homebuilt ellipsometer based on Bruker 66v/S FTIR spectrometer, @ MPI-FKF
  • 23. Outline Outline • advantages of ellipsometry - i) exact numerical inversion, no Kramers-Kronig transformation, allows for K-K consistency check ii) no reference measurements, very accurate and highly reproducible iii) oblique and variable angle of incidence, very sensitive to thin-film properties
  • 24. Outline Outline • advantages of ellipsometry - illustrative examples - i) exact numerical inversion, no i) superconductivity-induced Kramers-Kronig transformation, transfer of the spectral weight in allows for K-K consistency check high temperature cuprate SCs
  • 25. Kramers-Kronig consistency check ∆σ 1Exp (ω ') ∞ ∆ε 1Exp (ω0 ) ∆ε KK (ω0 ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 2 dω ' 0 ω ' −ω0 1 This additional constraint unique to ellipsometry allows one to determine with high accuracy changes in the spectral weight in the extrapolation region beyond the experimentally accessible spectral range: hω < 10 meV ......... hω > 6.6 eV
  • 26. T-dependent Drude ω pl π e 2 nb 2 SW Drude = = 8 2 mb σDC γ (T1 ) > γ (T2 ) γ2 σ1 (ω) = σ DC T1 > T2 ω2 + γ 2 0 ω pl 2 ε1 (ω) = ε ∞ − 2 2 -20 ε1 ω +γ -40 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 hν (eV)
  • 27. T-dependent Drude SW ω pl π e 2 nb 2 SW Drude = = 8 2 mb electron correlation effects σDC UHB Daniel Khomslii’s lecture 0 nb = f (T ) ≠ const -20 mb ε1 -40 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 hν (eV)
  • 28. Kramers-Kronig consistency check 1.2 1.0 σ1,A- σ1,B 0.8 A ωp= 1.5 eV ∆σ1 (10 Ω cm ) 6 SWA-SWB -1 0.6 -1 +0.1 % γΑ = 0.05 eV 3 σ1 (10 Ω cm ) -1 0.4 -0.25 % 4 γB = 0.06 eV -1 B 0.2 3 0.0 2 -0.2 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 photon energy (eV) 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.0 photon energy (eV) -0.5 ∆σ (ω ') ∞ ε1,A- ε1,B ∆ε 1 (ω0 ) = 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 1 2 dω ' -1.0 ∆ε1 0 ω ' −ω0 -1.5 SWA-SWB +0.1 % -2.0 -0.25 % 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 photon energy (eV)
  • 29. in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2Oin-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 8 Tc=91 K Tc = 91 K 6000 10 K 100K 200 K σ1 (Ω cm ) 4000 -1 0 -1 2000 -1000 ε1b 10 K 0 100 K 0.01 0.1 -2000 200 K Photon energy (eV) -3000 0.01 0.1 Photon energy (eV)
  • 30. in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T>Tc) 8 exp N ∆ε1 0 ∆SW > 0 6 exp from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV) as measured ∆σ1 (mΩ cm ) -2 100K 200K -1 extrapolated with with SW = SW 4 100K SW > SW 200K -4 -1 (by ≈ 1.5%) ∆ε1 SW head = − SW tail 2 -6 SW head > − SW tail -8 ∆T = 200 K - by ≈ 1.5% 100 K (0.007eV 2 ) 0 -10 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Photon energy (eV) Photon energy (eV) ∆SW total > 0 SW 100 K = SW 200 K + 0.007 eV 2
  • 31. Perfect conductor ω plτ → ∞ σ0 σ0 ne2 purely reactive σ(ω) = = = 1 − iωτ iωτ iωm* Cooper pairs ms = 2m, es = 2e, ns = n / 2 1 ns es2 r 1 1 r j (ω) = E(ω) = E(ω) r iω ms iω µ0λ2 ms r r i ( kr⋅rr −ωt ) penetration depth λ= , E = E0e µ0ns es 2 r dj The first London equation: E = µ0λ2 r dt
  • 32. R.A. Ferrell, R.E. Glover, M. Tinkham 1958-1959 FGT-sum fule KKR 1 1 ε1 (ω) = − ⇒ σ1 (ω) = δ (ω) λL ω2 2 8λL 2 >6 ∆SC 1 λL 2 =8 ∫ ∆σ (ω)dω 0+ 1
  • 33. Optical response of NbN SC film J.Demsar et al., 2011 Mach-Zander interferometer with movable mirror: ω 1 1 σ 2 (ω) = − ε1 (ω) = σ1 (ω) = δ (ω) 4π 4π λL ω 2 8λL 2
  • 34. D-wave gap in cuprates
  • 35. in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2Oin-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 8 Tc=91 K Tc = 91 K 6000 10 K 100K 200 K σ1 (Ω cm ) 4000 -1 0 -1 2000 -1000 ε1b 10 K 0 100 K 0.01 0.1 -2000 200 K Photon energy (eV) -3000 0.01 0.1 Photon energy (eV)
  • 36. in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T<Tc) ∆σ 1Exp (ω ') ∞ ∞ ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 2 2 + 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')dω ' ( FGT − sum rule) 1 1 dω ' with λLω 0+ ω ' −ω 2 λ2 L 0+ 8 exp ∆ε1 as measured 6 exp from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV) extrapolated with ∆σ1 (mΩ cm ) 2 1/λ L=∆SW -1 ° with λL = 2300 Α 4 -1 ° λL = 2000 Α ∆ε1 2 ∆T = 100 K - 10 K 0 SC 0 ∆SW ≈0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Photon energy (eV) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Photon energy (eV) ∞ ≈ 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω ' 1 λ2 L 0+
  • 37. in-plane Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 (T<Tc) ∆σ 1Exp (ω ') ∞ ∞ ∆ε 1 (ω ) = 2 2 + 8 ⋅ P ∫ 2 = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Exp (ω ')dω ' ( FGT − sum rule) 1 1 dω ' with λLω 0+ ω ' −ω 2 λ2 L 0+ 8 exp ∆ε1 as measured 6 exp from ∆σ1 (0 < ω < 1.0 eV) extrapolated with ∆σ1 (mΩ cm ) 2 1/λ L=∆SW+1% -1 ° with λL = 2300 Α 4 2 1/λ L=∆SW-1% -1 ° λL = 2000 Α ∆ε1 2 ∆T = 100 K - 10 K 0 SC 0 ∆SW ≈0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Photon energy (eV) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Photon energy (eV) ∞ = 8 ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω ' ± 0.5% (0.0008 eV 2 ) 1 λ2 L 0+
  • 38. SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 in-plane Tc=91 K SW 100 K = SW 200 K + 0.007 eV 2 8 exp ∆ε1 (∆T=200K-100K) 6 exp ∆ε1 (∆T=100K-10K) 4 N ∆SW > 0 ∆ε1 2 0 SC ∆SW ν0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Photon energy (eV) ∞ = ∫ ∆σ 1Intra (ω ')dω ' ± 0.0008 eV 2 1 λ2 L 0+ H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel, Science, 295, 2239 (2002)
  • 39. SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 in-plane Tc=91 K Bi2212 H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel, Science, 295, 2239 (2002)
  • 40. SW transfer in Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8 in-plane Tc=91 K Bi2212 Y123 H.J.A. Molegraaf & D. van der Marel, Science, 295, 2239 (2002)
  • 41. Conclusions Science, 304, 708 (2004)
  • 42. Outline Outline • advantages of ellipsometry - illustrative examples - ii) no reference measurements, very ii) superconductivity-induced optical accurate and highly reproducible anomalies and iron pnictide superconductors
  • 43. Iron arsenide superconductors Ba lattice structure multiband electronic structure Fe As superconductivity Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 Tc=38.5 K
  • 44. SC-reduced absorption in visible ω ∆ ! ħω > 200∆SCmax
  • 46. inter-band excitations: LDAexcitations: LDA assignment inter-band assignment A.N. Yaresko Γ M
  • 47. SC-induced anomalies in visible (single-band BCS) ! Ν ouSC ≡ Ν ouNS 2∆ A.L. Dobryakov et al., Optics Communications 105, 309 (1994)
  • 48. SC-reduced absorption in visible (Ba1-xKxFeAs) ! Ν ouSC < Ν ouNS ∆Εg 0.5 eV
  • 49. SC-induced lowering of the chemical potential Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969) 1 ∆ SC 2 µ SC ≈ µN − 4 µN ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV 2
  • 50. SC-induced lowering of the chemical potential Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969) 1 ∆ SC 2 µ SC ≈ µN − 4 µN ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV 2 Multi band BCS: ∆iSC ≠ ∆ jSC   j→  ⇒ nSC = nN + ∆nSC i i i µ = µ = µ SC  i j  • self-consistent treatment of a variable chemical potential at the SC transition is required
  • 51. SC-induced inter-band charge transfer Single band BCS: e.g. D.J. Scalapino, “SC-ty” (1969) 1 ∆ SC 2 µ SC ≈ µN − 4 µN ∆ SC / ε F ~ ∆F SC (0) ~ 0.1 meV 2 Multi band BCS: ∆iSC ≠ ∆ jSC   j→  ⇒ nSC = nN + ∆nSC i i i µ = µ = µ SC  i j  Two el’s subsystems in cuprates: D. I. Khomskii and F.V. Kusmartsev, PRB 46 (1992) N CuO2 ∆2 µ SC = µ N − N CuO2 + N chain 4µ N  N CuO2 ∆2  nSC =n N 1 +  ~ 1% CuO2 CuO2  N CuO + N chain 4µ N 2   2 
  • 52. SC-induced inter-band charge transfer Fe3dxz,zy+Fe3dxy ∆SC < ∆SC  h e  nh < nh SC N ⇒ mh < me h  ∆F SC (0) > ∆ SC / ε F * * 2  Fe3dxy
  • 53. Conclusions Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 - SC-reduced absorption in visible: • assigned to excitations from As-px,y/Fe-dz2 to Fe-dyz,zx and Fe-dxy states • charge transfer between the Fe-dyz,zx and Fe-dxy bands below Tc could explain the optical anomaly • self-consistent treatment of a variable chemical potential at the SC transition is required • in the presence of large Fe-As bond polarizability it can potentially enhance superconductivity in iron pnictides.
  • 54. Outline Outline • advantages of ellipsometry - illustrative examples - iii) oblique and variable angle of iii) dimensionality-controlled incidence, very sensitive to collective charge and spin* order thin-film properties in nickel-oxide superlattices * combined with low-energy muons which serve as a sensitive local probe of the internal magnetic field distribution
  • 55. 2D e-gas in semiconductors Band Bending picture QHE v Klitzing 1980 FQHE H. Störmer 1984 Jochen Mannhart’s lecture
  • 56. Dimentionality control in oxides LaAlO3 “solid-state chemistry approach” wide-band-gap (~ 5eV) insulator LaNiO3 Ruddlesden–Popper (R–P) homologous paramagnetic series of Srn+1RunO3n+1 metal
  • 57. Why RNiO3? J.-S. Zhou, J.B. Goodenough et al., LaAlO3 PRL 84, 526 (2000) wide-band-gap (~ 5eV) insulator Ni3+ 3d7 t62ge1g ∆CF >> JH eg LaNiO3 S=1/2 W ~ EG~ JH ~ U paramagnetic t2g metal
  • 58. RNiO3-based Heterosctructures LaAlO3 wide-band-gap Possible 3D-to-2D- and interface- (~ 5eV) insulator induced “engineered” properties of correlated electrons: • metal- insulator transition with unusual magnetic and charge ordering • orbital reconstruction • multiferroicity G. Giovannetti et al., PRL 103, 156401 (2009) • superconductivity J. Chaloupka and G. Khaliullin, PRL 100, 016404 (2008) P. Hansmann et al., PRL 103, 016401 (2009) “… possible orbital occupancy analogous to the cuprates …” LaNiO3 paramagnetic metal
  • 59. Theory Experiment Perfect sample Real sample Technology Extrinsic properties Intrinsic properties (stacking faults, inter-diffusion (collective quantum phases) substrate contribution) high oxygen pressure PLD, MPI-FKF G. Cristiani and H.-U. Habermeier
  • 60. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 superlattices compressive tensile (001) LaSrAlO4 (001) SrTiO3 N = 4 u.c. x 10, d = 290 ± 10 Å N = 3 u.c. x 13, d = 312 ± 10 Å MF-MPI beam line @ANKA, A. Frano, E. Benckiser, P. Wochner
  • 61. Reciprocal-space maps N = 4 u.c. N = 2 u.c. N = 2 u.c. Alex Frano’s poster
  • 62. Reciprocal-space maps N = 4 u.c. N = 2 u.c. N = 2 u.c. TEM: MF-MPI StEM E. Detemple, W. Sigle, P. van Aken
  • 63. Theory Experiment Perfect sample Real sample Technology Extrinsic properties Intrinsic properties faults, inter-diffusion (stacking (collective quantum phases) contribution) substrate inevitable defects + local probes! vs. macro probes optical spectroscopy dc conductivity charge: (ellipsometry) and permittivity muon-SR magnetic spin: (slow muons) susceptibility AFM, charge order FM, ferroelectric, SC
  • 64. Charge dynamics via spectroscopic ellipsometry Y Ai sample detector E Es analyzer IrsI P Ep ϕ IrpI ~ ~ r p (ω ) polarizer ρ (ω ) = ~ = tan Ψ (ω )ei∆ (ω ) light source r s (ω ) oblique incidence - sensitive to thin-film properties intrinsic SL’s electrodynamics is not flawed by a substrate, contacts and extended defects
  • 65. Isotropic film on isotropic substrate in vacuum ૚⁄૛ ଶ ଶ ૛ ߮௜ ܰ cos ߮ − ܰ − sin ࣐ ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ = ૚⁄૛ 01 ܰ ଶ cos ߮ + ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐ ૛ d ܰ SL ଶ ଶ ૛ ૛ ૚⁄૛ 12 −݊ cos ߚ + ܰ ݊ − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ = ૚⁄૛ ૛ ߚ௜ ݊ଶ cos ߚ +ܰ ݊ଶ − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ ૛ ࡺ࢙ substrate ૚⁄૛ cos ߮ − ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐ ૛ ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ = ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱) ̃ cos ߮ + ܰ ଶ − sin ࣐ ૛ ૚⁄૛ ߩ ߱ = ෤ = tan Ψ(߱) ݁ ௜∙୼(ఠ) ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱) ̃ ૚⁄૛ ଶ ૛ ૛ −ࡺࡿ cos ߚ + ܰ − ࡺࡿ sin ࢼ ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ + ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ = ૚⁄૛ ‫ݎ‬௣ (߱) = ̃ cos ߚ + ܰ ଶ − ࡺࡿ ૛ sin ࢼ ૛ 1 + ‫ݎ‬଴ଵ೛೛ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶ೛೛ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ + ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ Snell‘s law: sin ߮ = ܰ௦ sin ߚ ‫ݎ‬௦ (߱) = ̃ 1 + ‫ݎ‬଴ଵೞೞ ‫ݎ‬ଵଶೞೞ ݁ ି௜ଶఈ ૚⁄૛ ௗ ଶ ૛ Phase thickness: ߙ = 2ߨ ܰ − sin ࣐ ఒ Known: ߩ ߱ , ߮, ࡺࡿ ෤ ߱ Unkown: ࡺ ߱ , ݀
  • 66. complex dielectric function of bare SLs numerical inversion Drude parameters: N = 4: ω p ≈ 1.10 eV , γ ≈ 87 meV m* = 10 N = 2: ω p ≈ 1.05 eV , γ ≈ 196 meV m V EF = 0.5eV , VF = 1.33 ⋅107 cm , l = F s 2π cγ o o mean free path: N = 4: l = 9.7 A, N = 2: l = 4.4 A
  • 67. from itinerant to localized electrons LaNiO3
  • 68. from itinerant to localized electrons LaNiO3
  • 69. from itinerant to localized electrons LaNiO3 ΔNeff=0.03 Effective number of electrons localized: ω ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′ 2m π e N Ni 0
  • 70. from itinerant to localized electrons LaNiO3 ΔNeff=0.03 Effective number of electrons localized: bulk NdNiO3 - ΔNeff=0.058 ω ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′ 2m T.Katsufuji, Y.Tokura et al., (1995): π e N Ni 0
  • 71. from itinerant to localized electrons LaNiO3 ΔNeff=0.03 Effective number of electrons localized: bulk NdNiO3 - ΔNeff=0.058 ω ∆N eff (ω ) = 2 0 ∫ ∆σ (ω ′)dω ′ 2m T.Katsufuji, Y.Tokura et al., (1995): π e N Ni 0
  • 72. Metal – Insulator Transition (MIT) in LaNiO3 Continuing the analogy with bulk RNiO3 series, one would then expect another second-order transition due to the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering at TN < TMI in the N = 2 SLs, as in RNiO3 with small R (Lu through Sm).
  • 73. Low-Energy µSR measurements Rob Kiefl’s lecture Thomas Prokscha, Zaher Salman, Andreas Suter, Elvezio Morenzoni
  • 74. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Relaxation F (t ) − B (t ) BTF = 0 AZF (t ) = = aoG (t ) F (t ) + B(t ) G(t) is the Fourier transform of the field distribution averaged over all muon sites. Fast depolarization rate: Ni spins are AFM ordered
  • 75. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Rotation BTF=100 G The time evolution of the muon polarisation in a transverse field BTF is µ+ F (t ) − B(t ) ATF (t ) = = aoG (t ) cos(ω L t ) F (t ) + B (t ) where Larmor frequency ωL= γµBTF , γµ= 2π×13.55 MHz/kG
  • 76. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : µ+ Spin Rotation BTF > 0 The time evolution of the muon polarisation in a transverse field BTF is µ+ F (t ) − B(t ) ATF (t ) = = aoG (t ) cos(ω L t ) F (t ) + B (t ) where Larmor frequency ωL= γµBTF , γµ= 2π×13.55 MHz/kG BTF =100 Gauss BTF =1000 Gauss BTF =3000 Gauss
  • 77. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
  • 78. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
  • 79. LaNiO3|LaAlO3 SLs : charge and spin order
  • 81. SUMMARY i) superconductivity-induced transfer of the spectral weight in high temperature cuprate SCs ii) superconductivity-induced optical anomalies and iron-based pnictide superconductors iii) dimensionality-controlled collective charge and spin* order in nickel-oxide superlattices