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Libro de Gramática Español

       Bianca Dominick
            Tema                                 Página
1.      El Presente                              3
      •       Stem-Changing Verbs                4
      •       Irregular Yo Forms                 5
      •       Irregular Verbs                    6
2.      Ser y Estar                              7
3.      Verbos Como Gustar                       8
4.      Nouns, Articles, Adjectives              9
5.      Preterito vs Imperfecto                  10-11
6.      El Subjunctivo                           12
      •       In Noun Clauses                    13-14
      •       In Adjective Clauses               15
7.      Mandatos                                 16
8.      Object Pronouns                          17
9.      Possessive Adjectives                    18
10.     Possessive Pronouns                      19
11.     Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns    20
12.     Reflexive Verbs                          21
13.     Por y Para                               22-23
14.     To Become                                24
El Presente
• Regular –ar, -er, -ir verbs
           Bailar                 Comer                Batir
  Bailo       Bailamos    Como       Comemos   Bato       Batimos
  Bailas      Bailáis     Comes      Coméis    Bates      Batís
  Baila       Bailan      Come       Comen     Bate       Baten

• Used to express actions or situations that are
  going on at the present time and to express
  general truths
• Used to express habitual actions or actions that
  will take place in the near future (acabar)
El presente:
                       Stem-Changing Verbs
                      No Stem change in the nosotros or vosotros form.
    Hervir (e-ie)          Dormir (o-ue)                 Servir (e-i)          Jugar (e-ue)
Hiervo     Hervimos    Duermo      Dormimos Sirvo               Servimos   Juego     Jugamos
Hierves    Hervís      Duermes     Dormís       Sirves          Servís     Juegas    Jugáis
Hierve     Hierven     Duerme      Duermen      Sirve           sirven     Juega     Juegan

    Construir, destruir, incluir, and influir add a y before
    the personal endings (but not in the nosotros or
    vosotros forms)
                                 Incluyo        Incluimos
                                 Incluyes       Incluís
                                 Incluye        incluyen
El Presente:
Hacer   Hago
                 Irregular Yo Forms
Poner   Pongo       Caber   Quepo
                                    Conocer     Conozco
Tener   Tengo       Saber    Sé

Valer   Valgo
                     Ver     Veo    Conducir    Conduzco

Decir   Digo
                     Dar     Doy    Escoger      Escojo
Salir   Salgo

Venir   Vengo
                    Estar   Estoy
                                      Dirigir    Dirijo

 Oír    Oigo         Ir      Voy
                                      Seguir      Sigo
Caer    Caigo        Ser     Soy

Traer   Traigo
El Presente:
               Irregular Verbs
    Dar          • doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan

Decir (e-ie)     • Digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen

   Estar         • Estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están

     Ir          • Voy, vas, va, vamos, váis, van

    Oír          • Oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oís, oyen

    Ser          • Soy, eres, es, somos, sóis, son

Tener (e-ie)     • Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen

Venir (e-ie)     • Vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen
Ser y Estar
                                     “To Be”
                                                            • Location or spatial
               • Nationality and place of
                                                            • Health
               • Profession or
                 occupation                                 • Physical states and
               • Characteristics of
                 people, animals, and                       • Emotional states
                 things                                     • Certain weather

 Ser:          • Generalizations
               • Possession                 Estar:            expressions
                                                            • Ongoing actions
                                                              (progressive tenses)
Permanence     • Material of composition    Temporality     • Results of actions (past
               • Time, date or season
               • Where or when an
                                                            • *use estar with
                 event takes place

   Many times, either can be used, but he meaning of each statement is different.
   Some adjectives have different meanings depending on which verb you use.
Verbos Como Gustar
                                       Gustar: to please

                                        Aburrir: to bore
The thing or person that
     pleases is the         Caer bien/mal: to (not) get along with
   subject, so gustar
 agrees in person and                 Disgustar: to upset
    number with it.
                                     Doler: to hurt, to ache

When followed by 1 or             Encantar: to like very much
 more infinitives, the
singular form is always              Faltar: to lack, to need
                                     Fascinar: to fascinate

 Gustar is often used in         Hacer falta: to miss, to need
  the conditional (me
  gustaría) to soften a    Importar: to be important to, to matter
                           Interesar: to be interesting to, to interest

     A personal: a +             Molestar: to bother, to annoy
pronoun] can be used to               Preocupar: to worry
    emphasize who is
 pleased, bothered, etc.    Quedar: to be left over, to fit (clothing)

                                     Sporender: to surprise

                                Apetecer: to crave, to long for
Nouns, Articles, Adjectives
Nouns have gender and                                                                   Articles must agree in gender
                              Masculine or feminine?          Singular or plural?
       number                                                                                    and number

Plural/feminine: las, unas   Plural/masculine: los, unos   Singular/feminine: la, una    Singular/masculine: el, un

                                                                                         Some adjectives end in an e
Adjectives must agree in                                                                (triste, alegre, etc.)  stays
                                 Masuline: end in o           Feminine: end in a
  gender and number                                                                     an e regardless of the gender
                                                                                                  of the noun

                               Some nouns are not clear
                             about their gender because
Now have fun describing        they do not end in o or a
                                                             Plural: end with an s              Singular: no s
      stuff! ^_^              (amistad, español, etc.) 
                             look up their gender before
                                   describing them
Preterito vs Imperfecto
         -ar                                               -ar
-é          -amos                                 -aba        -ábamos
-aste       -asteis                               -abas       -abais
-ó          -aron                                 -aba        -aban

                                El Pasado
                  Preterito                 Imperfecto
-í          -imos
                                                  -ía         -íamos
-iste       -isteis
                                                  -ías        -íais
-ió         -ieron
                                                  -ía         -ían
Preterito vs Imperfecto
            Preterito                   Imperfecto

• Ayer                      • A menudo
• Anteayer                  • A veces
• Anoche                    • Cada día
• Desde el primer momento   • Cada semana
• Durante dos siglos        • Cada mes
• El otro día               • Cada año
• En ese momento            • Con frecuencia
• Entonces                  • De vez en cuando
• Esta mañana               • En aquella época
• Esta tarde                • Frecuentemente
• La semana pasada          • Generalmente
• El mes pasado             • Muchas veces
• El año pasado             • Mucho
• Hace dos días             • Nunca
• Hace tres años            • Por un rato
• Ayer por la mañana        • Siempre
• Ayer por la tarde         • Tantas veces
                            • Todas las semanas
                            • Todos los días
                            • Todo el tiempo
                            • Varias veces
El Subjunctivo
    • Wishing/wanting
W                                                                  Attitudes, Uncertain, H
                                                                                                  Subjunctive Mood

    • Emotions
                                                   Main Clause +
                                    Structure       Connector +
                                                 Subordinate Clause
    • Doubt
    • Disbelief
D                                                                        e, es, e, emos, en       -ar conjugation

    • Impersonal Expressions
                               -er conjugation    a, as, a, amos, an

    • Negation
    • God/grief
                                                                           Dar (Dé), Estar
                                                                       (Esté), Ir (Vaya), Saber
                                                                           (Sepa), Haber
                                                                          (Haya), Ser (Sea)
El Subjunctivo:
                      Importar : be

      Aconsejar: to
                      important, to
                         matter                 In noun clauses
                                       Inistir (en):                                                       No es
                                                                                                                                Dudar: to

         advise                       to insist (on)                                                                                           Negar (e-ie):
                                                                                                         verdad: it’s
                                                                                                                                                 to deny
                                                                                                          not true
                  Verbs of                                                                                                   of
Sugerir (e-
  ie): to
                  will and                     Mandar: to
                                                                                                      No es
                                                                                                                        doubt, disb                       Es

                 Influence                                                                          seguro: it’s
                                                                                                    not certain
                                                                                                                         elief, and                   imposible:
      Rogar (o-ue):
       to beg, to
                                      Prohibir: to
         plead                                                                                                     No es cierto:              Es
                      Recomendar                                             Alegrarse
                        (e-ie): to                                                                                    it’s not          improbable:
                                                                            (de): to be                            true, it’s not            it’s
                                                                              happy                                   certain            improbable
                                                       Ojála (que):
                                                                                              Esperar: to
                                                          I hope
                                                                                               hope, to
                                                         (that), I
                                                       wish (that)

                                                                                                      Sentir (e-
                                               Es triste: it’s        of Emotion                      ie): to be
                                                    sad                                               sorry, to

                                                                  Temer: to
                                                                 be afraid, to
                                                                                      to surprise
El Subjunctivo:
    In noun clauses
Impersonal Expressions
Es bueno que…
Es mejor que…
Es malo que…
Es importante que…
Es necesario que…
Es urgente que…
El Subjunctivo:
                 In adjective clauses
                                            Antecedent of the
                                            subordinate clause is

Question with adjective                                                              Antecedent is a negative
clause – speaker is trying                                                           pronoun
to find out something                                                                (nadie, ninguno/a)
he/she is uncertain of                                                               •subjunctive

               Direct object is “nadie”                             Direct object represents
               or “alguien”                                         a hypothetical person
               •use personal “a” (even if                           •do not use personal “a”
                existence is uncertain)
                   Tú: drop the s                        Usted/Ustedes: put in
                     Irregulares:                         yo form and change     Nosotros:

               ten, ven, ve, di, sal, sé                   to opposite vowel     same as
                         , haz                           Irregulares: TVDISHES   Usted and
                                  DOP + IOP + se can attach to
                                         an affirmative
                                     DOP + IOP + se must go
                                        before the negative
                   Tú: put in yo                                                 TVDISHES

                 form, change to                                                 and
                                                         Usted/Ustedes: same
                opposite vowel, ad                                               monos
                                                              as above
                       an s                                                      verbs
                                                         Irregulares: TVDISHES
               Irregulares: TVDISHES
Object Pronouns
•To whom?                                                                      •Receive the action of the verb
•For Whom?                                                                     •What?
•Me, te, le, nos, os, les                                                      •Me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las
•Come before the conjugated verb                                               •Come before the conjugated verb
•Can be attached to an infinitive, a gerund                                    •Can be attached to an infinitive, a gerund
 (ando/iendo), or an affirmative command                                        (ando/iendo), or an affirmative command
 (probably have to add an accent)                                               (probably have to add an accent
                                                                               •“lo” is used for an abstract idea or
                                                                                something with no gender

                                                               Direct Object

•A + [prepositional pronoun] is used for                                       •Indirect object pronoun comes before the
 clarity or emphasis                                                            Direct object pronoun when they are used
•Mí: me, myself Ti: you, yourself Usted:                                        together
 you, yourself Él: him, it Ella: her, it Sí:                                   •Le and les change to se when they are
 himself, herself, itself Nosotros/as:                                          used with lo, la, los, or las
 us, ourselves Vosotros/as: you, yourselves                                    •Le lo  se lo
 Ustedes: you, yourselves Ellos: them Ellas:                                   •Les la  se la
 them Sí: themselves
                                                                               •Les los  se los
•[mí, tí, sí ]+ con 
                                                                               •Le las  se las
 [conmigo, contigo, consigo]
•Entre, excepto, incluso, menos, salvo, seg
 ún are used with tú and yo
Possessive Adjectives
                                                           Belongs to
Belongs                                                     nosotros
                                                                               Singular              Masculine          nuestro
                          Singular            mi
 to yo
    Belongs                                                            to                 Singular           Feminine              nuestra
                              Plural               mis              nosotros
     to yo

                                                           Belongs to
                                                                                Plural               Masculine          nuestros

Belongs                                                             Belongs
                          Singular            tu                       to                  Plural            Feminine              nuestras
 to tú

                                Plural              tus
        to tú
                                                           Belongs to
                                                                               Singular              Masculine          vuestro

                                                                       to                 Singular           Feminine              vuestra
Belongs to                                                          vosotros
él, ellos, ell
                           Singular           su
a(s), usted(
     es)                                                   Belongs to
                                                                                Plural               Masculine          vuestros
        Belongs to él,
        ellos, ella(s),           Plural             sus
                                                                       to                  Plural            Feminine              vuestras
Possessive Pronouns
                                              Yours                                                          Yours
   Mine (Yo)             Yours (Tú)       (Usted), His       Ours (Nosotros)      Yours (Vosotros)     (Ustedes), Theirs
                                        (Él), Hers (Ella)                                                (Ellos, Ellas)

                                 Los                  Los      El        Los        El        Los
El mío     Los míos   El tuyo           El suyo                                                        El suyo   El suyos
                                tuyos                suyos   nuestro   nuestros   vuestro   vuestros

                                 Las                  Las      La        Las        La        Las                  Las
La mía     Las mías   La tuya           La suya                                                        La suya
                                tuyas                suyas   nuestra   nuestras   vuestra   vuestras              suyas

         Agree in number and                      Subject  keep                 After the verb ser (like a
         gender with the thing                      the article                Predicate Nominative)  get
          they are referring to                      adjective                  rid of the article adjective
Demonstrative Adjectives and
                                             way over
 Near, This            Far, That            there, that
                                            over there
   Ese                   Este                  Aquel
   Esa                   Esta                Aquella
   Esos                 Estos               Aquellos
   Esas                 Estas               Aquellas

   To make it a pronoun, put an accent on the first e

                    Esto is neutral
Reflexive Verbs
                                                        Acostarse (to go to bed)                                                    Aburrir (to bore)  aburrirse (to                       Acercarse [a] (to approach)
    Subject of the                                      Afeitarse (to shave)                                                        be bored)                                               Arrepentirse [de] (to repent [of])
      verb both                                         Bañarse (to take a bath)                                                    Acordar (to agree)  acordarse                          Atreverse [a] (to dare [to])
                                                                                                                                    [de] (to remember)
    performs and                                        Cepillarse (to brush *one’s                                                                                                         Convertirse [en] (to become)
                                                        hair/teeth])                                                                Comer (to eat)  comerse (to eat
     receives the                                                                                                                   up)                                                     Darse cuenta [de] (to realize)
        action                                          Despertarse (to wake up)

                                                                                                are used with a reflexive pronoun
                     Daily Routines and Personal Care

                                                                                            Verbs that change meaning when they

                                                                                                                                                                         Always Reflexive
                                                                                                                                    Dormir (to sleep)  dormirse (to                        Enterarse [de] (to find out
                                                        Dormirse (to go to sleep)                                                   fall asleep)                                            [about])
                                                        Ducharse (to take a shower)                                                 Ir (to go)  irse [de] (to go away                      Fijarse [en] (to take notice [of])
                                                        Lavarse (to wash [oneself])                                                 [from])                                                 Morirse [de] (to die [of])
                                                        Maquillarse (to put on makeup)                                              Llevar (to carry)  llevarse (to                        Olvidarse [de] (to forget [about])
                                                                                                                                    carry away)
                                                        Peinarse (to comb *one’s hair+)                                                                                                     Preocuparse [por] (to worry
                                                                                                                                    Mudar (to change)  mudarse                             [about])
                                                        Ponerse (to put on [clothing])
Reflexive Pronouns                                                                                                                  (to move [change residence])
                                                                                                                                                                                            Quejarse [de] (to complain
                                                        Secarse (to dry off)                                                        Parecer (to seem)  parecerse                           [about])
                                                        Quitarse (to take off [clothing])                                           [a] (to resemble, to look like)
                                                                                                                                                                                            Soprenderse [de] (to be surprised
  me           nos                                      Vestirse (to get dressed)                                                   Poner (to put)  ponerse (to put                        [about])
                                                                                                                                    on [clothing])
                                                                                                                                    Quitar (to take away)  quitarse
                                                                                                                                    (to take off [clothing])
  te            os

  se            se                                                                                                                                        Reflexive
                                                           Plural                                                                                         pronoun
                                                          reciprocal                                                                                    comes before
                                                         actions done                                                                                     the direct
                                                            to one                                                                                          object
                                                           another                                                                                         pronoun
Por y Para
Motion or general location
(along, through, around, by)

Duration of an action
(for, during, in)
Reason or motive for an              Destination (toward, in the
action (because of, on               direction of)

account of, on behalf of)            Deadline/specific time in
Object of a search (for, in          the future (by, for)
search of)                           Purpose or goal + [infinitive]
Means by which (by, by way           (in order to)
of, by means of) [por                Purpose + [noun] (for, used
teléfono, por tren]                  for)
Exchange or substitution             Recipient (for)
(for, in exchange for)
                                     Comparison with others or
Unit of measure (per, by)            opinion (for, considering)
Passive voice (by)                   Employment (for)
Por y Para
Por allí/aquí (around

Por casualidad (by
                                 No estar para bromas
Por ejemplo (For

                                 (to be in no mood for
example)                         jokes)
Por eso (therefore, for          No ser para tanto (to
that reason)                     not be so important)
Por fin (finally)                Para colmo (to top I all
Por lo general (in               off)
general)                         Para que sepas (just so
Por lo menos (at least)          you know)
Por lo tanto (therefore)         Para siempre (forever)
Por lo visto
Por más/mucho que
(no matter how much)
Por otro lado/otra
parte (on the other
Por primera vez (for
the first time)
Por si acaso (just in
Por supesto (of course)
To Become

Hacerse                   Ponerse                  Volverse                Llegar a ser
• Followed by a noun      • Followed by an         • Followed by an        • Followed by a noun
  or adjective              adjective                adjective               or adjective
• Indicate a change       • Indicates an           • Indicates a sudden,   • Indicate a change
  brought about by          involuntary physical     profound change         brought about by
  effort                    or emotional change    • (went crazy, became     effort
• (became a doctor, be    • (turned red from         imposible)            • (became a doctor, be
  came a lawyer, got        embarrassment, got                               came a lawyer, got
  rich, became popular)     sick)                                            rich, became popular)

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Sp4 spanish grammar book

  • 1. Libro de Gramática Español Bianca Dominick
  • 2. Indice Tema Página 1. El Presente 3 • Stem-Changing Verbs 4 • Irregular Yo Forms 5 • Irregular Verbs 6 2. Ser y Estar 7 3. Verbos Como Gustar 8 4. Nouns, Articles, Adjectives 9 5. Preterito vs Imperfecto 10-11 6. El Subjunctivo 12 • In Noun Clauses 13-14 • In Adjective Clauses 15 7. Mandatos 16 8. Object Pronouns 17 9. Possessive Adjectives 18 10. Possessive Pronouns 19 11. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns 20 12. Reflexive Verbs 21 13. Por y Para 22-23 14. To Become 24
  • 3. El Presente • Regular –ar, -er, -ir verbs Bailar Comer Batir Bailo Bailamos Como Comemos Bato Batimos Bailas Bailáis Comes Coméis Bates Batís Baila Bailan Come Comen Bate Baten • Used to express actions or situations that are going on at the present time and to express general truths • Used to express habitual actions or actions that will take place in the near future (acabar)
  • 4. El presente: Stem-Changing Verbs No Stem change in the nosotros or vosotros form. Hervir (e-ie) Dormir (o-ue) Servir (e-i) Jugar (e-ue) Hiervo Hervimos Duermo Dormimos Sirvo Servimos Juego Jugamos Hierves Hervís Duermes Dormís Sirves Servís Juegas Jugáis Hierve Hierven Duerme Duermen Sirve sirven Juega Juegan Construir, destruir, incluir, and influir add a y before the personal endings (but not in the nosotros or vosotros forms) Incluir Incluyo Incluimos Incluyes Incluís Incluye incluyen
  • 5. El Presente: Hacer Hago Irregular Yo Forms Poner Pongo Caber Quepo Conocer Conozco Tener Tengo Saber Sé Valer Valgo Ver Veo Conducir Conduzco Decir Digo Dar Doy Escoger Escojo Salir Salgo Venir Vengo Estar Estoy Dirigir Dirijo Oír Oigo Ir Voy Seguir Sigo Caer Caigo Ser Soy Traer Traigo
  • 6. El Presente: Irregular Verbs Dar • doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan Decir (e-ie) • Digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen Estar • Estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están Ir • Voy, vas, va, vamos, váis, van Oír • Oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oís, oyen Ser • Soy, eres, es, somos, sóis, son Tener (e-ie) • Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen Venir (e-ie) • Vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen
  • 7. Ser y Estar “To Be” • Location or spatial • Nationality and place of relationships origin • Health • Profession or occupation • Physical states and conditions • Characteristics of people, animals, and • Emotional states things • Certain weather Ser: • Generalizations • Possession Estar: expressions • Ongoing actions (progressive tenses) Permanence • Material of composition Temporality • Results of actions (past • Time, date or season participles) • Where or when an • *use estar with event takes place “muerto/a”* Many times, either can be used, but he meaning of each statement is different. Some adjectives have different meanings depending on which verb you use.
  • 8. Verbos Como Gustar Gustar: to please Aburrir: to bore The thing or person that pleases is the Caer bien/mal: to (not) get along with subject, so gustar agrees in person and Disgustar: to upset number with it. Doler: to hurt, to ache When followed by 1 or Encantar: to like very much more infinitives, the singular form is always Faltar: to lack, to need used. Fascinar: to fascinate Gustar is often used in Hacer falta: to miss, to need the conditional (me gustaría) to soften a Importar: to be important to, to matter request. Interesar: to be interesting to, to interest A personal: a + Molestar: to bother, to annoy [noun/prepositional pronoun] can be used to Preocupar: to worry emphasize who is pleased, bothered, etc. Quedar: to be left over, to fit (clothing) Sporender: to surprise Apetecer: to crave, to long for
  • 9. Nouns, Articles, Adjectives Nouns have gender and Articles must agree in gender Masculine or feminine? Singular or plural? number and number Plural/feminine: las, unas Plural/masculine: los, unos Singular/feminine: la, una Singular/masculine: el, un Some adjectives end in an e Adjectives must agree in (triste, alegre, etc.)  stays Masuline: end in o Feminine: end in a gender and number an e regardless of the gender of the noun Some nouns are not clear about their gender because Now have fun describing they do not end in o or a Plural: end with an s Singular: no s stuff! ^_^ (amistad, español, etc.)  look up their gender before describing them
  • 10. Preterito vs Imperfecto -ar -ar -é -amos -aba -ábamos -aste -asteis -abas -abais -ó -aron -aba -aban El Pasado Preterito Imperfecto -er/-ir -er/-ir -í -imos -ía -íamos -iste -isteis -ías -íais -ió -ieron -ía -ían
  • 11. Preterito vs Imperfecto Preterito Imperfecto • Ayer • A menudo • Anteayer • A veces • Anoche • Cada día • Desde el primer momento • Cada semana • Durante dos siglos • Cada mes • El otro día • Cada año • En ese momento • Con frecuencia • Entonces • De vez en cuando • Esta mañana • En aquella época • Esta tarde • Frecuentemente • La semana pasada • Generalmente • El mes pasado • Muchas veces • El año pasado • Mucho • Hace dos días • Nunca • Hace tres años • Por un rato • Ayer por la mañana • Siempre • Ayer por la tarde • Tantas veces • Todas las semanas • Todos los días • Todo el tiempo • Varias veces
  • 12. El Subjunctivo • Wishing/wanting W Attitudes, Uncertain, H ypothetical Subjunctive Mood • Emotions E Main Clause + Structure Connector + Subordinate Clause • Doubt D • Disbelief D e, es, e, emos, en -ar conjugation • Impersonal Expressions I -er conjugation a, as, a, amos, an • Negation N • God/grief G Dar (Dé), Estar (Esté), Ir (Vaya), Saber Irregulars (Sepa), Haber (Haya), Ser (Sea)
  • 13. El Subjunctivo: Importar : be Aconsejar: to important, to matter In noun clauses Inistir (en): No es Dudar: to doubt advise to insist (on) Negar (e-ie): verdad: it’s to deny not true Expressions Verbs of of Sugerir (e- ie): to suggest will and Mandar: to order No es doubt, disb Es Influence seguro: it’s not certain elief, and imposible: it’s impossible Rogar (o-ue): to beg, to Prohibir: to denial prohibit plead No es cierto: Es Recomendar Alegrarse (e-ie): to it’s not improbable: (de): to be true, it’s not it’s recommend happy certain improbable Ojála (que): Esperar: to I hope hope, to (that), I wish wish (that) Expressions Sentir (e- Es triste: it’s of Emotion ie): to be sad sorry, to regret Temer: to Soprender: be afraid, to to surprise fear
  • 14. El Subjunctivo: In noun clauses Impersonal Expressions Es bueno que… Es mejor que… Es malo que… Es importante que… Es necesario que… Es urgente que…
  • 15. El Subjunctivo: In adjective clauses Antecedent of the subordinate clause is unknown •subjunctive Question with adjective Antecedent is a negative clause – speaker is trying pronoun to find out something (nadie, ninguno/a) he/she is uncertain of •subjunctive •subjunctive Direct object is “nadie” Direct object represents or “alguien” a hypothetical person •use personal “a” (even if •do not use personal “a” existence is uncertain)
  • 16. Mandatos Tú: drop the s Usted/Ustedes: put in Irregulares: yo form and change Nosotros: Affirmativos ten, ven, ve, di, sal, sé to opposite vowel same as , haz Irregulares: TVDISHES Usted and DOP + IOP + se can attach to an affirmative Ustedes -------------------------------------- DOP + IOP + se must go Irregulars: before the negative Tú: put in yo TVDISHES Negativos form, change to and Usted/Ustedes: same opposite vowel, ad monos as above an s verbs Irregulares: TVDISHES Irregulares: TVDISHES
  • 17. Object Pronouns •To whom? •Receive the action of the verb •For Whom? •What? •Me, te, le, nos, os, les •Me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las •Come before the conjugated verb •Come before the conjugated verb •Can be attached to an infinitive, a gerund •Can be attached to an infinitive, a gerund (ando/iendo), or an affirmative command (ando/iendo), or an affirmative command (probably have to add an accent) (probably have to add an accent •“lo” is used for an abstract idea or something with no gender Indirect Direct Object Object Pronouns Pronouns Double Prepositional Object Pronouns Pronouns •A + [prepositional pronoun] is used for •Indirect object pronoun comes before the clarity or emphasis Direct object pronoun when they are used •Mí: me, myself Ti: you, yourself Usted: together you, yourself Él: him, it Ella: her, it Sí: •Le and les change to se when they are himself, herself, itself Nosotros/as: used with lo, la, los, or las us, ourselves Vosotros/as: you, yourselves •Le lo  se lo Ustedes: you, yourselves Ellos: them Ellas: •Les la  se la them Sí: themselves •Les los  se los •[mí, tí, sí ]+ con  •Le las  se las [conmigo, contigo, consigo] •Entre, excepto, incluso, menos, salvo, seg ún are used with tú and yo
  • 18. Possessive Adjectives Belongs to Belongs nosotros Singular Masculine nuestro Singular mi to yo Belongs Belongs to Singular Feminine nuestra Plural mis nosotros to yo Belongs to Plural Masculine nuestros nosotros Belongs Belongs Singular tu to Plural Feminine nuestras to tú nosotros Belongs Plural tus to tú Belongs to Singular Masculine vuestro vosotros Belongs to Singular Feminine vuestra Belongs to vosotros él, ellos, ell Singular su a(s), usted( es) Belongs to Plural Masculine vuestros vosotros Belongs to él, ellos, ella(s), Plural sus usted(es) Belongs to Plural Feminine vuestras vosotros
  • 19. Possessive Pronouns Yours Yours Mine (Yo) Yours (Tú) (Usted), His Ours (Nosotros) Yours (Vosotros) (Ustedes), Theirs (Él), Hers (Ella) (Ellos, Ellas) Los Los El Los El Los El mío Los míos El tuyo El suyo El suyo El suyos tuyos suyos nuestro nuestros vuestro vuestros Las Las La Las La Las Las La mía Las mías La tuya La suya La suya tuyas suyas nuestra nuestras vuestra vuestras suyas Agree in number and Subject  keep After the verb ser (like a gender with the thing the article Predicate Nominative)  get they are referring to adjective rid of the article adjective
  • 20. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns way over Near, This Far, That there, that over there Ese Este Aquel Esa Esta Aquella Esos Estos Aquellos Esas Estas Aquellas To make it a pronoun, put an accent on the first e Esto is neutral
  • 21. Reflexive Verbs Acostarse (to go to bed) Aburrir (to bore)  aburrirse (to Acercarse [a] (to approach) Subject of the Afeitarse (to shave) be bored) Arrepentirse [de] (to repent [of]) verb both Bañarse (to take a bath) Acordar (to agree)  acordarse Atreverse [a] (to dare [to]) [de] (to remember) performs and Cepillarse (to brush *one’s Convertirse [en] (to become) hair/teeth]) Comer (to eat)  comerse (to eat receives the up) Darse cuenta [de] (to realize) action Despertarse (to wake up) are used with a reflexive pronoun Daily Routines and Personal Care Verbs that change meaning when they Always Reflexive Dormir (to sleep)  dormirse (to Enterarse [de] (to find out Dormirse (to go to sleep) fall asleep) [about]) Ducharse (to take a shower) Ir (to go)  irse [de] (to go away Fijarse [en] (to take notice [of]) Lavarse (to wash [oneself]) [from]) Morirse [de] (to die [of]) Maquillarse (to put on makeup) Llevar (to carry)  llevarse (to Olvidarse [de] (to forget [about]) carry away) Peinarse (to comb *one’s hair+) Preocuparse [por] (to worry Mudar (to change)  mudarse [about]) Ponerse (to put on [clothing]) Reflexive Pronouns (to move [change residence]) Quejarse [de] (to complain Secarse (to dry off) Parecer (to seem)  parecerse [about]) Quitarse (to take off [clothing]) [a] (to resemble, to look like) Soprenderse [de] (to be surprised me nos Vestirse (to get dressed) Poner (to put)  ponerse (to put [about]) on [clothing]) Quitar (to take away)  quitarse (to take off [clothing]) te os se se Reflexive Plural  pronoun reciprocal comes before actions done the direct to one object another pronoun
  • 22. Por y Para Motion or general location (along, through, around, by) Por Duration of an action (for, during, in) Reason or motive for an Destination (toward, in the action (because of, on direction of) Para account of, on behalf of) Deadline/specific time in Object of a search (for, in the future (by, for) search of) Purpose or goal + [infinitive] Means by which (by, by way (in order to) of, by means of) [por Purpose + [noun] (for, used teléfono, por tren] for) Exchange or substitution Recipient (for) (for, in exchange for) Comparison with others or Unit of measure (per, by) opinion (for, considering) Passive voice (by) Employment (for)
  • 23. Por y Para Por allí/aquí (around Por there/here) Por casualidad (by chance/accident) No estar para bromas Por ejemplo (For Para (to be in no mood for example) jokes) Por eso (therefore, for No ser para tanto (to that reason) not be so important) Por fin (finally) Para colmo (to top I all Por lo general (in off) general) Para que sepas (just so Por lo menos (at least) you know) Por lo tanto (therefore) Para siempre (forever) Por lo visto (apparently) Por más/mucho que (no matter how much) Por otro lado/otra parte (on the other hand) Por primera vez (for the first time) Por si acaso (just in case) Por supesto (of course)
  • 24. To Become Hacerse Ponerse Volverse Llegar a ser • Followed by a noun • Followed by an • Followed by an • Followed by a noun or adjective adjective adjective or adjective • Indicate a change • Indicates an • Indicates a sudden, • Indicate a change brought about by involuntary physical profound change brought about by effort or emotional change • (went crazy, became effort • (became a doctor, be • (turned red from imposible) • (became a doctor, be came a lawyer, got embarrassment, got came a lawyer, got rich, became popular) sick) rich, became popular)