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The Campaign to Discourage Smoking
A Public Health Success Story?
Can we use the same tools against COVID-19?
Mask Up, Get
Robert J Miller MD
August 2021
Your beauty up in
The Ugh
The Ugly Truth
In the campaign to
reduce smoking we
pulled out all of the
stops and went after
Is it time to push back
against the no-mask
and no-vaccine
Pick One
Too harsh?
How did we push
cigarette smoking
rates back down?
How critical was trust in our success in
lowering cigarette smoking?
Change in Percent Smokers from 1965 to 2018
After 50
years should
this be
Men: current smokers from 52% to 15.8% and Women: 34.1% to 12.2%
but in 2018 13.7% (34 million) still smoke costing $Billions in
health care costs
Tobacco use has been documented for over 8,000 years. Tobacco
cultivation likely began in 5000 BC with the development of maize-
based agriculture in Central Mexico. It was originally used by Native
Americans in religious ceremonies and for medical purposes.
In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus was given tobacco as a
gift from the Native Americans. It gained instant popularity in Europe, for
they believed that tobacco had magical healing powers. Soon, the
smoking of tobacco was promoted as a viable way to get your “daily
dose of tobacco.”
Research has shown that the most potent demand-reducing influences on tobacco
use have been interventions that impact virtually all smokers repeatedly, such as
- higher taxes on tobacco products
- comprehensive advertising bans
- graphic pack warnings
- mass media campaigns
- smoke-free policies
Best Practices for Comprehensive
Tobacco Control Programs—2014
This comprehensive approach combines educational, clinical, regulatory,
economic, and social strategies.
Research has documented the effectiveness of laws and policies in a
comprehensive tobacco control effort to protect the public from secondhand
smoke exposure, promote cessation, and prevent initiation, including:
- increasing the unit price of tobacco products
- implementing comprehensive smoke free laws that prohibit smoking in all
indoor areas of worksites, restaurants, and bars, and encouraging smoke free
private settings such as multiunit housing
- providing insurance coverage of evidence-based tobacco cessation treatments
- limiting minors’ access to tobacco products.
Smoking Cessation: A Report of the
Surgeon General
HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service
Office of the Surgeon General Rockville,
Economic Trends in Tobacco
By state, the average retail price of a pack of 20 cigarettes including federal and state excise taxes,
ranged from
$4.62 in Missouri to a high of $10.67 in New York, as of November 2017.
On average, federal and state excise taxes account for 44.3% of the retail price of cigarettes.
Increasing the price of tobacco products is the single most effective way to reduce
reduce consumption.
Simply educating smokers about the dangers
of smoking is not on the list of most effective
ways to reduce smoking!
Cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths.
People who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke.
About 10 to 15 percent of smokers develop lung cancer - 21% survival at 5 Years
67 percent of smokers perished from smoking-related illness.
Lung Cancer in Smokers and Nonsmokers
How Many People Survive 5 Years Or More after
Being Diagnosed with Lung and Bronchus Cancer?
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
US enters
US enters
and cancer
1964 Surgeon
General Report
Synar amendment
doctrine on
Fed cig tax
smoke report
Broadcast ad
Nicotine gum
Master settlement
Family smoking
protection act
Fed tax increase
Cig price
FDA rule
smoke report
Benefits of lowering
smoking showed up
Lower lung cancer
deaths in men
Lower lung cancer
deaths in women
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Smoking in the US
Humphrey Bogart
Dead at 57 from esophagus cancer in
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Smoking in the US
Lauren Becall lived to be 89 and died
in 2014 of a stroke
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Steeper decline in smoking
among men and started
coming down sooner
More shallow decline in smoking among
women and started coming down later
Smoking Decline in the US
AUGUST 25, 2021
Study suggests women find it more difficult to quit smoking
than men
by European Society of Cardiology
despite smoking fewer cigarettes and being less
nicotine dependent than men, women find it more
difficult to quit.
Possible contributors could be the higher prevalence
of anxiety, depression and overweight or obesity
among women.
Women face different barriers to smoking cessation
related to fear of weight gain, sex hormones, and
Men peak was 1984
Women peak at 2005
Peak 1990
Peak 2002
So, who still smokes and why?
Is it educated, wealthy and successful people?
Is it poor, unsuccessful, uneducated and
unhappy people?
Percentage of adults aged ≥18 years who reported cigarette use “every day” or “some days,” by selected characteristics —
National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2019
2019 Statistics
Smoking by Level of
Education in 2019
“I love the poorly educated!”
Smoking by Income or
Health Insurance in 2019
Changing Social Norms about Smoking…then
Changing Social Norms about Smoking…now
Smoking By State in 2018
Utah 8.9%
California 11.3%
New York 14.1%
Texas 15.7%
Florida 16.1%
US 17.1%
Alabama 20.9%
Mississippi 22.2%
Kentucky 24.6%
West Virginia 26.0%
Lung Cancer Mortality by County in the US in 2014
Lung Cancer Incidence Rates by State for 2017
Lung Cancer Death Rates by State for 2017
Authority Task Trust
Government raise cost/restrict access and advertising Yes
Science educate public Yes
Media stop ads Yes
Culture/Politics de-glamorize smokers Yes
War against smoking (only villain was big tobacco)
Failures are people in distress or prone to addiction (and obviously
people who don’t care). Disease of despair?
Most smokers use tobacco regularly because they are addicted to nicotine.
Most smokers would like to stop smoking, and each year about half try to quit
permanently. Yet, only about 6 percent of smokers can quit each year.
Aug 7, 2021
How’s it
going with
The poor US response to Covid-19 has exposed multiple weakness in
our society including:
a malfunctioning public health system
a nonexistent national health system
a broken information system
such extreme cultural-political polarization that it raises
questions about the effectiveness of a democracy in
making equitable and coherent policy decisions.
The lowest levels of vaccine confidence were
found in countries with the highest education
levels and the best health-care systems
Successful vaccination effort requires the public
to trust the scientists who create the vaccine,
the companies that manufacture it, the health-
care workers who inject it, and the governments
that oversee the process.
That trust chain is a far more important lever of
acceptance than any piece of information,
Public Trust in Government: 1958-2021/
Public trust in government near historic
Only about one-quarter of Americans say they can trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just
about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (22%).
Amid coronavirus threat, Americans
generally have a high level of trust in
medical doctors MARCH 13, 2020
Have a great deal or a fair amount of confidence
Medical Doctors 74%
Medical Research Scientists 68%
News Media 47%
Elected Officials 35%
AUGUST 10, 2021
Nurses # 1
US Lowest Trust
in Digital News
in the World in
The Reuters Institute Digital
News Report 2021
Confidence in Institutions… list of institutions in American society. Please tell me how much
confidence you, yourself, have in each one -- a great deal, quite a lot, some or very little? 2020 Gallup Survey
The Military 72%
The Medical System 51%
Organized Religion 42%
The Presidency 39%
Newspapers 24%
Big Business 19%
Television News 18%
Congress 13%
Percent who answered: Great deal/ Quite a lot
We depend on the
‘Fourth Estate’ to
help us watch over
the government and
we have a broken
information system
Trump voters more
vaccine hesitancy…
how did COVID
become political
Trump decided to minimize the
seriousness of COVID his
messaging often came into
conflict with public health
This forced his supporters to
show their loyalty by
denigrating the input from
public health
Public Health didn’t help itself
with faulty messaging
The risk to the economy they
could see with their own eyes,
the health risks required trust in
Biggest jump in
deaths in a
Between 2018 and 2020, life expectancy in the US decreased by 1.87
years (to 76.87 years), 8.5 times the average decrease in peer
countries (0.22 years), widening the gap to 4.69 years.
Life expectancy in the US decreased disproportionately among racial
and ethnic minority groups between
Historic Drop in Life Expectancy in the United States
Democrats and Health
Republicans and Health
Republicans and Economy
Not Going Well in the US
Despite overwhelming medical information about the
gravity of this pandemic, some people promote resistance
to mitigation efforts
How to behave if you are a
true patriot
The best way to protect every one’s freedom is to oppose any
effort by the government to limit your personal freedom,
We are in a once in a century public health crisis that
threatens the health and economy of all Americans
With smoking, information (science based) had an impact but needed
government and regulatory participation to make it more expensive, illegal
and inconvenient to smoke and
the media cooperated in making it less sexy or desirable to smoke and
cancelling tobacco advertising.
There was no organized opposition to this other than the limited false
advertising from big tobacco and a dwindling number of angry smokers.
With COVID the science has been challenged almost from the beginning and
there was been organized opposition to mitigation and vaccination
strategies on a political basis, and government restrictions have been
challenged in the courts and by state legislators.
The media has been polarized as well as discredited by obvious bias and
over-reach along with outrageous misinformation!
Makes you wonder If the virus has
a secret advocate rooting for its
Authority Task Trust
Government shut down cities and require masks NO
Science does mitigation work/vaccines safe NO
Media media provide accurate information NO
Culture/Politics encourage responsible behavior NO
War against COVID
The villain was us!
Look Familiar?
Smokers Low Vaccine
Survey: Misinformation affects vaccine hesitancy
Tampa Bay Times June 19, 2021
- Main reasons cited were based on misinformation about the scientific
- Most people trust advice from their personal physician
- But most people no longer have a relationship with a personal physician
“In God we trust…everyone else bring data!”
People need more than impersonal ‘data’ they need a relationship with a
health care provisor based on trust
Countering antivaccination attitudes
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Aug 18; 112(33): 10321–10324.
Randomized trial on the best way to deal with anti-vaccer parent who claims
vaccines cause autism they tried two different approaches:
Giving them new info about the harm of getting sick was
most effective
Confronting them about their mistaken beliefs about
autism was not effective
Does use of the expression
“out of an abundance of
caution…” justify ignoring
If you’re a doctor be honest,
don’t say you are following
the science when you aren’t
Is it in your best interest to behave honestly with transparency?
Politician: No….they want power (stay in office and hide their sources
of campaign contributions, a gaffe : accidently telling the truth)
Media and Social Media: Maybe….they want ratings (conspiracy and
polarization are good for ratings, some have reputations to preserve)
Big Pharma: No…they want block buster drugs (whether they work or
not so the least scrutiny the better)
Physicians and Scientists: Hopefully Yes (if reputation,
legacy and influence are more important than
fame and fortune)
Before you
pontificating or
arguing with
others, stop
and challenge
your own
when we ponder and speak, we often do so with the mindset of three different
The preacher let me emphasize why I know I’m right.
The prosecutor let me point out why I’m sure you’re
The politician, I guess we’re all right.
To be successful think like a scientist.
Treat your position as a working hypothesis that may
turn out to be wrong as new information comes
along, show a little humility.
Isaac Newton
Hypotheses non fingo
“I do not feign hypotheses”
It’s OK to say, “I don’t know.”
When pushed to explain not just
how gravity worked but why it
worked, he said:
Richard Feynman
the physicist Richard Feynman discussing
scientific integrity:
“The first principle is that you must
not fool yourself—and you are the
easiest person to fool.”
The default position in testing your hypothesis is the null hypothesis
(i.e. assume you are wrong and have proved nothing) to try to avoid
confirmation bias.
How the medical experts should have presented their
advice on COVID
1. It’s a new (novel) virus, but since we’re in an emergency, we will start out treating this
like other Corona viruses that we know about until we have more information
2. We will start collecting reliable information by urgently setting up widespread
surveillance testing and high-quality randomized trials
3. All the high-quality data will be presented in real time as it comes in and be widely
shared with the public and scientific community
4. Guidelines on management will be continuously updated by expert panels with
expertise in public health and infectious disease and shared widely along with the data
and rationale for any changes made
Coach: “Son, I don’t know if
your problem is ignorance or
Player: “Well coach, I don’t
know, and I don’t care!”
Ignorance or Apathy…the public
The public needs to feel an obligation to be
educated and to keep informed.
Like Moore’s Law Information Technology (and information)
has been growing exponentially for over a century!
Soon this
will exceed
Thank You for Being Late | Thomas L. Friedman
We are all (almost all) now too stupid
to understand what’s going on
Most people are comfortable in
their ignorance
A few people (polymaths
and scholars) are trying to
keep up
And Information
34% 13.6% 2.1% 0.13%
What if you now need an IQ
of at least 130 to understand
nuance and complexity
How best to run a
democracy (100% or 16%
to make decisions)
Democracy is a pathetic
belief in the collective
wisdom of individual
A newspaper is a device for
making the ignorant more
ignorant and the crazy
crazier. HL Mencken
And finally, to consider how their behavior benefits
society rather than themselves
We don’t
just have
failure we
have a
Why So Many Tennis Players Don’t Want the Covid Vaccine
Despite the possible consequences of not being vaccinated — illness and
the loss of income and opportunity to play — tennis players have been
stubbornly slow to get the vaccine.
“Whether someone wants
to get a vaccine or not,
that’s completely up to
them,” Djokovic said. “I
hope that it stays that way.”
New York Times / Aug. 30, 2021
US enters
US enters
and cancer
1964 Surgeon
General Report
Synar amendment
doctrine on
Fed cig tax
smoke report
Broadcast ad
Nicotine gum
Master settlement
Family smoking
protection act
Fed tax increase
Cig price
FDA rule
smoke report
Non-smokers rights,
do the vaccinated
have any rights?
1.need to be less selfish
2. work to be better informed and less credulous
(or gullible)
3.Need to put pressure to force accountability
and transparency from all the bad actors (media,
government, industry)
Experts (authority):
the honest ones need to realize that
the avalanche of new information
does not automatically turn into public knowledge
the experts maintain (or earn) public trust
(competent/unbiased/honest) and …
present this new information in a format explicable
(accessible) to the general public
So, what strategy makes sense?
1. Advice for the Public
2. Advice for Experts/Authorities
3. Policy makers: appealing to the ‘good sense’ and altruism
of your fellow Americans won’t get the job done (in time) ,
so you need to move ahead with mandates that limit access
to people not vaccinated or not practicing proper mitigation
In 1905 the Supreme Court confirmed a Massachusetts law that
empowered cities’ boards of health to mandate smallpox vaccination of all
reciting the principle that individual liberty is not absolute in the face of
“the common good,” and that “real liberty for all” depends on restraining
individual exercises of liberty that harm others.
The pre-COVID legal landscape is quite clear: a state can require
vaccinations to protect public health, even imposing criminal penalties for
noncompliance and vaccination as a condition of attending school or of
government employment
Sept. 2, 2021
We Work at the A.C.L.U. Here’s What We Think About
Vaccine Mandates. David Cole and Daniel Mach
We see no civil liberties problem with requiring Covid-19
vaccines in most circumstances. The disease is highly
transmissible, serious and often lethal; the vaccines are safe
and effective; and crucially there is no equally effective
alternative available to protect public health.
In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates
actually further civil liberties
Opposed to Vaccine mandates Approve Mandates
Survey 15,536 adults in
13 countries
How the
people of
countries think
about their
imposing these
New Normal?
How many people
think we should
continue to save
How Is this even
Maybe there
are Two

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Smoking and lung cancer and now Covid

  • 1. The Campaign to Discourage Smoking A Public Health Success Story? Can we use the same tools against COVID-19? Mask Up, Get Vaccinated! Robert J Miller MD August 2021
  • 2. Your beauty up in smoke The Ugh The Ugly Truth In the campaign to reduce smoking we pulled out all of the stops and went after smokers Is it time to push back against the no-mask and no-vaccine crowd?
  • 4. How did we push cigarette smoking rates back down?
  • 5. How critical was trust in our success in lowering cigarette smoking?
  • 6. Change in Percent Smokers from 1965 to 2018 52% 15.8% 34.1% 12.2% Success? After 50 years should this be better?
  • 7. Men: current smokers from 52% to 15.8% and Women: 34.1% to 12.2% but in 2018 13.7% (34 million) still smoke costing $Billions in health care costs Success?
  • 8. Tobacco use has been documented for over 8,000 years. Tobacco cultivation likely began in 5000 BC with the development of maize- based agriculture in Central Mexico. It was originally used by Native Americans in religious ceremonies and for medical purposes. In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus was given tobacco as a gift from the Native Americans. It gained instant popularity in Europe, for they believed that tobacco had magical healing powers. Soon, the smoking of tobacco was promoted as a viable way to get your “daily dose of tobacco.”
  • 9.
  • 10. Research has shown that the most potent demand-reducing influences on tobacco use have been interventions that impact virtually all smokers repeatedly, such as - higher taxes on tobacco products - comprehensive advertising bans - graphic pack warnings - mass media campaigns - smoke-free policies
  • 11. Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs—2014
  • 12. This comprehensive approach combines educational, clinical, regulatory, economic, and social strategies. Research has documented the effectiveness of laws and policies in a comprehensive tobacco control effort to protect the public from secondhand smoke exposure, promote cessation, and prevent initiation, including: - increasing the unit price of tobacco products - implementing comprehensive smoke free laws that prohibit smoking in all indoor areas of worksites, restaurants, and bars, and encouraging smoke free private settings such as multiunit housing - providing insurance coverage of evidence-based tobacco cessation treatments - limiting minors’ access to tobacco products.
  • 13. Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General 2020 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of the Surgeon General Rockville, MD full-report.pdf
  • 15. Economic Trends in Tobacco (CDC) By state, the average retail price of a pack of 20 cigarettes including federal and state excise taxes, ranged from $4.62 in Missouri to a high of $10.67 in New York, as of November 2017. On average, federal and state excise taxes account for 44.3% of the retail price of cigarettes. Increasing the price of tobacco products is the single most effective way to reduce reduce consumption.
  • 16. Simply educating smokers about the dangers of smoking is not on the list of most effective ways to reduce smoking!
  • 17. Cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. People who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke. About 10 to 15 percent of smokers develop lung cancer - 21% survival at 5 Years 67 percent of smokers perished from smoking-related illness. ng/basic_info/risk_factors.htm Lung Cancer in Smokers and Nonsmokers
  • 18. How Many People Survive 5 Years Or More after Being Diagnosed with Lung and Bronchus Cancer?
  • 19. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 20. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 21. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 22. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 23. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 24. Cigarette Consumption in the US and Health Events
  • 25. N X doubl es US enters WWI Depression begins US enters WWII Evidence links smoking and cancer 1964 Surgeon General Report Synar amendment Fairness doctrine on advertising Non- smokers rights Fed cig tax doubles Secondhand smoke report Broadcast ad ban Nicotine gum Master settlement agreement Family smoking protection act Fed tax increase Cig price drop FDA rule Updates Secondhand smoke report
  • 26. Benefits of lowering smoking showed up Lower lung cancer deaths in men Lower lung cancer deaths in women
  • 27. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Men Women Smoking in the US Humphrey Bogart Dead at 57 from esophagus cancer in 1957 Men
  • 28. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Men Women Smoking in the US Lauren Becall lived to be 89 and died in 2014 of a stroke Women
  • 29. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Men Women Steeper decline in smoking among men and started coming down sooner More shallow decline in smoking among women and started coming down later Smoking Decline in the US
  • 30.
  • 31. AUGUST 25, 2021 Study suggests women find it more difficult to quit smoking than men by European Society of Cardiology despite smoking fewer cigarettes and being less nicotine dependent than men, women find it more difficult to quit. Possible contributors could be the higher prevalence of anxiety, depression and overweight or obesity among women. Women face different barriers to smoking cessation related to fear of weight gain, sex hormones, and mood.
  • 34. So, who still smokes and why? Is it educated, wealthy and successful people? Is it poor, unsuccessful, uneducated and unhappy people?
  • 35. Percentage of adults aged ≥18 years who reported cigarette use “every day” or “some days,” by selected characteristics — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2019
  • 37. Smoking by Level of Education in 2019 “I love the poorly educated!”
  • 38. Smoking by Income or Health Insurance in 2019
  • 39. Changing Social Norms about Smoking…then
  • 40. Changing Social Norms about Smoking…now
  • 41. Smoking By State in 2018 Utah 8.9% California 11.3% New York 14.1% Texas 15.7% Florida 16.1% US 17.1% Alabama 20.9% Mississippi 22.2% Kentucky 24.6% West Virginia 26.0%
  • 42. Lung Cancer Mortality by County in the US in 2014
  • 43. Lung Cancer Incidence Rates by State for 2017
  • 44. Lung Cancer Death Rates by State for 2017
  • 45. Authority Task Trust Government raise cost/restrict access and advertising Yes Science educate public Yes Media stop ads Yes Culture/Politics de-glamorize smokers Yes War against smoking (only villain was big tobacco) Failures are people in distress or prone to addiction (and obviously people who don’t care). Disease of despair?
  • 46. Most smokers use tobacco regularly because they are addicted to nicotine. Most smokers would like to stop smoking, and each year about half try to quit permanently. Yet, only about 6 percent of smokers can quit each year. reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/nicotine-addictive
  • 47. Aug 7, 2021 How’s it going with COVID?
  • 48. The poor US response to Covid-19 has exposed multiple weakness in our society including: a malfunctioning public health system a nonexistent national health system a broken information system such extreme cultural-political polarization that it raises questions about the effectiveness of a democracy in making equitable and coherent policy decisions.
  • 49. The lowest levels of vaccine confidence were found in countries with the highest education levels and the best health-care systems Successful vaccination effort requires the public to trust the scientists who create the vaccine, the companies that manufacture it, the health- care workers who inject it, and the governments that oversee the process. That trust chain is a far more important lever of acceptance than any piece of information,
  • 50. Public Trust in Government: 1958-2021/ Public trust in government near historic lows Only about one-quarter of Americans say they can trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (22%).
  • 51. Amid coronavirus threat, Americans generally have a high level of trust in medical doctors MARCH 13, 2020 Have a great deal or a fair amount of confidence Medical Doctors 74% Medical Research Scientists 68% News Media 47% Elected Officials 35% level-of-trust-in-medical-doctors/
  • 53. PROPORTION THAT TRUSTS MOST NEWS MOST OF THE TIME files/2021-06/Digital_News_Report_2021_FINAL.pdf US Lowest Trust in Digital News in the World in 2021 The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2021
  • 54. Confidence in Institutions… list of institutions in American society. Please tell me how much confidence you, yourself, have in each one -- a great deal, quite a lot, some or very little? 2020 Gallup Survey The Military 72% The Medical System 51% Organized Religion 42% The Presidency 39% Newspapers 24% Big Business 19% Television News 18% Congress 13% Percent who answered: Great deal/ Quite a lot We depend on the ‘Fourth Estate’ to help us watch over the government and we have a broken information system
  • 56. 021/03/05/growing-share-of-americans- say-they-plan-to-get-a-covid-19-vaccine- or-already-have/ Trump decided to minimize the seriousness of COVID his messaging often came into conflict with public health This forced his supporters to show their loyalty by denigrating the input from public health Public Health didn’t help itself with faulty messaging
  • 58. The risk to the economy they could see with their own eyes, the health risks required trust in “experts”
  • 59. Biggest jump in deaths in a century!
  • 60. Between 2018 and 2020, life expectancy in the US decreased by 1.87 years (to 76.87 years), 8.5 times the average decrease in peer countries (0.22 years), widening the gap to 4.69 years. Life expectancy in the US decreased disproportionately among racial and ethnic minority groups between Historic Drop in Life Expectancy in the United States
  • 64. Despite overwhelming medical information about the gravity of this pandemic, some people promote resistance to mitigation efforts
  • 65. How to behave if you are a true patriot The best way to protect every one’s freedom is to oppose any effort by the government to limit your personal freedom, unless… We are in a once in a century public health crisis that threatens the health and economy of all Americans
  • 66. With smoking, information (science based) had an impact but needed government and regulatory participation to make it more expensive, illegal and inconvenient to smoke and the media cooperated in making it less sexy or desirable to smoke and cancelling tobacco advertising. There was no organized opposition to this other than the limited false advertising from big tobacco and a dwindling number of angry smokers.
  • 67. With COVID the science has been challenged almost from the beginning and there was been organized opposition to mitigation and vaccination strategies on a political basis, and government restrictions have been challenged in the courts and by state legislators. The media has been polarized as well as discredited by obvious bias and over-reach along with outrageous misinformation! Makes you wonder If the virus has a secret advocate rooting for its success!
  • 68. Authority Task Trust Government shut down cities and require masks NO Science does mitigation work/vaccines safe NO Media media provide accurate information NO Culture/Politics encourage responsible behavior NO War against COVID The villain was us!
  • 70. Survey: Misinformation affects vaccine hesitancy Tampa Bay Times June 19, 2021 - Main reasons cited were based on misinformation about the scientific facts - Most people trust advice from their personal physician - But most people no longer have a relationship with a personal physician
  • 72.
  • 74. “In God we trust…everyone else bring data!” People need more than impersonal ‘data’ they need a relationship with a health care provisor based on trust
  • 75. TRUST
  • 76. Countering antivaccination attitudes Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Aug 18; 112(33): 10321–10324. C4547299/ Randomized trial on the best way to deal with anti-vaccer parent who claims vaccines cause autism they tried two different approaches: Giving them new info about the harm of getting sick was most effective Confronting them about their mistaken beliefs about autism was not effective
  • 77. Does use of the expression “out of an abundance of caution…” justify ignoring science? If you’re a doctor be honest, don’t say you are following the science when you aren’t
  • 78. Is it in your best interest to behave honestly with transparency? Politician: No….they want power (stay in office and hide their sources of campaign contributions, a gaffe : accidently telling the truth) Media and Social Media: Maybe….they want ratings (conspiracy and polarization are good for ratings, some have reputations to preserve) Big Pharma: No…they want block buster drugs (whether they work or not so the least scrutiny the better) Physicians and Scientists: Hopefully Yes (if reputation, legacy and influence are more important than fame and fortune)
  • 79. Before you start pontificating or arguing with others, stop and challenge your own beliefs.
  • 80. when we ponder and speak, we often do so with the mindset of three different professions The preacher let me emphasize why I know I’m right. The prosecutor let me point out why I’m sure you’re wrong The politician, I guess we’re all right.
  • 81. To be successful think like a scientist. Treat your position as a working hypothesis that may turn out to be wrong as new information comes along, show a little humility.
  • 82. Isaac Newton Hypotheses non fingo “I do not feign hypotheses” It’s OK to say, “I don’t know.” When pushed to explain not just how gravity worked but why it worked, he said:
  • 83. Richard Feynman the physicist Richard Feynman discussing scientific integrity: “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.” The default position in testing your hypothesis is the null hypothesis (i.e. assume you are wrong and have proved nothing) to try to avoid confirmation bias.
  • 84. How the medical experts should have presented their advice on COVID 1. It’s a new (novel) virus, but since we’re in an emergency, we will start out treating this like other Corona viruses that we know about until we have more information 2. We will start collecting reliable information by urgently setting up widespread surveillance testing and high-quality randomized trials 3. All the high-quality data will be presented in real time as it comes in and be widely shared with the public and scientific community 4. Guidelines on management will be continuously updated by expert panels with expertise in public health and infectious disease and shared widely along with the data and rationale for any changes made
  • 85. Coach: “Son, I don’t know if your problem is ignorance or apathy?” Player: “Well coach, I don’t know, and I don’t care!” Ignorance or Apathy…the public
  • 86. The public needs to feel an obligation to be educated and to keep informed.
  • 87. Like Moore’s Law Information Technology (and information) has been growing exponentially for over a century! Soon this will exceed human brain power
  • 88. Thank You for Being Late | Thomas L. Friedman We are all (almost all) now too stupid to understand what’s going on Most people are comfortable in their ignorance A few people (polymaths and scholars) are trying to keep up And Information
  • 89. 34% 13.6% 2.1% 0.13% What if you now need an IQ of at least 130 to understand nuance and complexity How best to run a democracy (100% or 16% to make decisions)
  • 90. Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. HL Mencken
  • 91. And finally, to consider how their behavior benefits society rather than themselves We don’t just have cognitive failure we have a spiritual failure
  • 92. Why So Many Tennis Players Don’t Want the Covid Vaccine Despite the possible consequences of not being vaccinated — illness and the loss of income and opportunity to play — tennis players have been stubbornly slow to get the vaccine. “Whether someone wants to get a vaccine or not, that’s completely up to them,” Djokovic said. “I hope that it stays that way.” New York Times / Aug. 30, 2021
  • 93.
  • 94. N X doubl es US enters WWI Depression begins US enters WWII Evidence links smoking and cancer 1964 Surgeon General Report Synar amendment Fairness doctrine on advertising Non- smokers rights Fed cig tax doubles Secondhand smoke report Broadcast ad ban Nicotine gum Master settlement agreement Family smoking protection act Fed tax increase Cig price drop FDA rule Updates Secondhand smoke report Non-smokers rights, do the vaccinated have any rights?
  • 95. Public: 1.need to be less selfish 2. work to be better informed and less credulous (or gullible) 3.Need to put pressure to force accountability and transparency from all the bad actors (media, government, industry)
  • 96. Experts (authority): the honest ones need to realize that the avalanche of new information does not automatically turn into public knowledge unless… the experts maintain (or earn) public trust (competent/unbiased/honest) and … present this new information in a format explicable (accessible) to the general public
  • 97. So, what strategy makes sense? 1. Advice for the Public 2. Advice for Experts/Authorities 3. Policy makers: appealing to the ‘good sense’ and altruism of your fellow Americans won’t get the job done (in time) , so you need to move ahead with mandates that limit access to people not vaccinated or not practicing proper mitigation strategies
  • 98. In 1905 the Supreme Court confirmed a Massachusetts law that empowered cities’ boards of health to mandate smallpox vaccination of all residents reciting the principle that individual liberty is not absolute in the face of “the common good,” and that “real liberty for all” depends on restraining individual exercises of liberty that harm others. The pre-COVID legal landscape is quite clear: a state can require vaccinations to protect public health, even imposing criminal penalties for noncompliance and vaccination as a condition of attending school or of government employment
  • 99. Sept. 2, 2021 We Work at the A.C.L.U. Here’s What We Think About Vaccine Mandates. David Cole and Daniel Mach We see no civil liberties problem with requiring Covid-19 vaccines in most circumstances. The disease is highly transmissible, serious and often lethal; the vaccines are safe and effective; and crucially there is no equally effective alternative available to protect public health. In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties
  • 100. Opposed to Vaccine mandates Approve Mandates /content/10.1101/2021.0 1.31.21250866v1.full.pdf Survey 15,536 adults in 13 countries How the people of various countries think about their government imposing these mandates
  • 102. How many people think we should continue to save lives? How Is this even controversial?