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Dr.U.K.M.Nazmun Ara
Resident (Phase – B)
Paediatric Cardiology
BSMMU, Dhaka.
Congenital cardiac malformations that lack
two completely well developed ventricles,
and in which functionally there is only a
single ventricular chamber that supports
both pulmonary and systemic circulations
Various terms used to describe these hearts
single ventricle,
univentricular heart,
double inlet ventricle,
univentricular atrioventricular connection,
common ventricle,
functionally single ventricle
As early as 1699, Chemineau described a
heart composed of two auricles, but only one
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Anderson
et al. used the term univentricular heart.
Many other authors continued preferred
terms such as double inlet LV and tricuspid
In 1984, Anderson et al. introduced the term
“univentricular AV connection” to describe
hearts in which both inlets (whether patent or
not) were committed primarily to one
dominant ventricle.
The final concensus of the STS congenital heart surgery
database committee and the European Association for
Cardiovascular Surgery includes single ventricle hearts
1. Hearts with double inlet atrioventricular connection(
2. Hearts with absence of one atrioventricular connection(
Tricuspid atresia, mitral atresia)
3. Hearts with a common atrioventricular valve(
unbalanced complete AV canal defect)
4. Hearts with only one fully well developed ventricle and
heterotaxia syndrome ( single ventricle heterotaxia
Despite the HLHS is a common form of
univentricular heart but the current
database proposal includes it in an
separate section.
Some other congenital heart diseases
which is used to treat univentricular heart
Pulmonary atresia with intact IVS, some
complex forms of DORV etc.
 The embryology of single ventricle in
humans is still unknown.
Presumably, both ventricular septation and
movement of the common atrioventricular
orifice are disrupted.
It is likely that many genetic alterations can
result in a single ventricle phenotype.
Incidence - 54 cases per million live births
by a New England registry in 1980.
Recent estimates are still higher.
Autopsy of 60 univentricular hearts excluding
tricuspid and mitral atresia—
Prevalence of common types of single
Ventricular Morphology
Atrioventricular Connections
Ventricular Arterial Connections
A. Double inlet LV with a hypoplastic right
ventricle -
The most common form.
In this anomaly, the rudimentary right
ventricle is located anterior and superior to
the dominant left ventricular chamber and
most commonly connects to the ascending
aorta (ventriculoarterial discordance).
Sidedness - If the hypoplastic right
ventricle lies along the right shoulder of the
heart, the sidedness of the dominant LV
will be normal, and if it is found on the left
shoulder of the heart, then the left
ventricular sidedness will be the mirror
image (ventricular inversion or L-loop
In the dominant chamber, direct continuity
between one or both AV valves and the
semilunar valve establishes its morphology
as left ventricular.
B. Double inlet right ventricle
It is an exceedingly rare anomaly.
Demonstration of separation of the AV
valves from the semilunar valves by a
collar of myocardium (the conus,
infundibulum, or outflow tract) will establish
the morphology of the dominant chamber
as right ventricular.
C. Rarely, the morphology of neither the
dominant chamber nor the hypoplastic
chamber can be determined with certainty.
Such cases are typically categorized as
single functional ventricle of
undifferentiated or indeterminate type.
A double inlet AV connection is almost
always associated with a dominant
morphologic LV.
In this situation, both atria connect to the
dominant ventricle by two distinct AV
valves, which are usually mirror-image
morphologic mitral valves.
In contrast, in hearts with a common inlet
AV connection, the dominant ventricle is
almost always of right ventricular
It should be noted that common inlet right
ventricle occurs much less frequently than
double inlet LV (12% vs. 88%).
The third form of
univentricular AV
connection is a
single inlet
ventricle, which
tricuspid atresia
and mitral
ventriculoarterial relationship is defined by
the ventricle from which most (>50%) of an
overriding semilunar valve originates.
Any ventriculoarterial connection can occur -
concordant connection (i.e., aorta arising
from morphologic LV) ,
discordant connections (i.e., aorta arising
off rudimentary outlet chamber with right
ventricular morphology) - univentricular
heart of left ventricular morphology,
double outlet from the dominant ventricular
mass (univentricular heart of right
ventricular morphology) or from the
hypoplastic rudimentary outlet chamber ,
single outlet from the dominant ventricular
VSD/the bulboventricular foramen/ the
outlet foramen.
In DILV - muscular in most cases or
sometimes subaortic VSD, when there is
hypoplasia of the infundibulum .
The defect can be restrictive or
unrestrictive at birth but often will become
restrictive over time.
1. Double Inlet Left Ventricle
2. Double-Inlet Right Ventricle
3. Double-Inlet Ventricle of Mixed
4. Double-Inlet Ventricle with Indeterminate
or Undifferentiated Morphology
5. Absent AV connection
6. Double-Inlet Ventricle Via a Common AV
DILV is the most common form of single
ventricle (78% of the cases reviewed by
Van Praagh et al.).
Classification based on the great artery
I, normally related great arteries;
II, right-anterior aorta;
III, left-anterior aorta; and
IV, left-posterior aorta (inverted).
By combining the criteria distinguishing the
types of DILV, three clinically observed
forms occur (A-I, A-II, and A-III).
In each of these clinical forms, other
common associations include subaortic
obstruction, pulmonary outflow tract
obstruction, and conduction abnormalities.
 A-I Single Ventricle, “Holmes Heart”
(DILV with Normally Related Great Arteries)
 A-II Single Ventricle
(DILV with Right-Sided Hypoplastic Subaortic
Right Ventricle and discordant VA connection).
 A-III Single Ventricle
(DILV with left-sided subaortic hypoplastic right
ventricle and discordant VA connection)
DILV with Normally Related Great Arteries
Relatively rare, observed in only 15% of the
Van Praagh series .
DILV with Right-Sided Hypoplastic Subaortic
Right Ventricle.
25% of the cases of single ventricle reviewed
by Van Praagh et al.
A similar anomaly consisting of complete TGA
with severe override and straddling of the
right AV valve into the morphologic LV and
associated hypoplasia of the morphologic
right ventricle.
DILV with left-sided subaortic hypoplastic
right ventricle
38% of the series review by Van Praagh et
al (most common type).
This form of DILV shares anatomic
features similar to AV and VA discordance
(corrected transposition of the great
5%, of the series reviewed by Van Praagh et
Hypoplastic rudimentary left ventricular
chamber that is located posteriorly and
slightly to the left of the morphologic right
ventricl usually can be recognized by careful
angiographic or echocardiographic analysis.
 5% of the series reported by Van Praagh
et al.
Also called a common ventricle, it was
designated by Van Praagh as the C type of
single ventricle with absence of the
ventricular septum or undivided ventricles
with a rudimentary septum.
A primitive form of univentricular AV
connection without a rudimentary chamber.
It shares many of the pathologic features of
both double-inlet right ventricle and double-
inlet of mixed morphology.
No clear-cut differentiation or distinction of
ventricular myocardium can be determined.
 Atresia or absence of either Rt or Lt AV
Either ventricle can be hypoplastic.
VA connection can be concordant or
Both atria are connected to one ventricle
by a common AV valve.
It is a form of AV septal defect.
33% of Van Praagh et al series of which
40% having asplenia.
Normal heart: Circulation consist of
pulmonary and systemic circuit, connected
in series, powerd by a double pump- the
right and left heart.
Unventricular heart: The single ventricle has
to maintain both systemic and pulmonary
circulation-not connected in series but in
Two main disadvantages in single ventricle
1. Arterial desaturation
2. Chronic volume overload lead to
a. Dilatation of atrium and ventricle
b. Eccentric hypertrophy
c.Spherical remodeling and reorientation
of wall fibres
d. Annaluar dilatation causing AV regurtation
Transposition of great arteries.
Subpulmonary stenosis (more prevalent)
Aortic arch obst and subaortic stenosis
Interrupted IVC
Right Aortic arch
70 percent of dominent single left ventricle
died before age 16.
Univentricular heart with right ventricular
morphology—50 percent survival 4 years
after diagnosis.
The most common causes of mortality were
arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, and
sudden unexplained death
Despite the overall grim prognosis in
unoperated patients, some adult with DILV,
TGA and well balanced circulations may
survive into their seventh decades.
Depends on varying anatomical defects
Basic principles of presentation are
1. Qp ˂ Qs : Severe cyanosis, shock
2. Qp ≈ Qs : Mild cyanosis rather stable
3. Qp »Qs : Heart failure, shock
Neonatal Period: Depends on the
associated lessions and degree of outflow
Cyanosis since birth- the most frequent
Marked cyanosis, metabolic acidosis- if
subpulmonary stenosis.
CHF and shock- if associated aortic
Cyanosis may not be obvious if increase
With increased PBF - presents with typical
L-R shunt like repeated CHF and failure to
Cyanosis may not be obvious.
Older children and adult
In patients with mild to moderate pulmonary
stenosis presents like TOF.
They may be relatively asymptomatic.
In adult they may be presented with
cyanosis, clubbing and retarded growth.
1. An unusual ventricular hypertrophy
pattern with similar QRS complexes across
most or all precordial leads is common (e.g.,
RS, rS, or QR pattern).
2. Abnormal Q waves (representing
abnormalities in septal depolarization)
3. Either first- or second-degree AV block
may be present.
4. Arrhythmias such as SVT or wandering
pacemaker may occur.
Abnormal Q waves take one of the following
Q waves in the right precordial leads,
no Q waves in any precordial leads, or
Q waves in both the right and left
precordial leads.
1. With increased PBF, the heart size
enlarges and the pulmonary vascularity
2. When PBF is normal or decreased, the
heart size is normal and the pulmonary
vascularity is normal or decreased.
3. A narrow upper mediastinum suggests
 A single ventricular chamber into which two
AV valves open.
 Morphology of the single ventricle
 Location of the rudimentary outflow chamber
 Size of the BVF and whether there is an
obstruction at the foramen. Obstruction of the
foramen is considered present if the Doppler
gradient is more than 1.5 m/sec or if the area
of the foramen is less than 2 cm2/m2.
Presence or absence of D-TGA or L-TGA,
stenosis of the pulmonary or aortic valve,
and size of the PAs.
Anatomy and position of the mitral and
tricuspid valves - stenosis, regurgitation,
hypoplasia, or straddling.
The size of the ASD.
Associated defects such as COA,
interrupted aortic arch, or PDA.
Type Relation of
to main chamber
Orientation of
trabecular septum
AV valves
LV dominance Anterior with either
D/L loop
Anterior Posterior to
trabecular septum
RV dominance Posterior Posterior Anterior
Primitive No rudimentary
No trabecular
Echocardiographic diagnosis of
univentricular hearts
showing the
while doing
catheterization is performed only when
certain preoperative information is not
available before the initial stage of surgical
It is, however, routinely indicated before
stages II and III surgical intervention.
 Prostaglandin E1
 Restoraration of normal acid base status
 Maintain end organ perfusion & function
1. Initial surgical palliative procedures
a. The first-stage operation
(1) In patients with no PS and large PBF with
resulting CHF and pulmonary edema, PA
banding may be done. PA banding is
performed, only when the BVF is normal or
(2) In patients with no PS, if the BVF is too
small, the Damus-Kaye-Stansel operation is
performed rather than the PA banding.
 (3) If PS or pulmonary atresia is present
(with O2 saturation <85%), a BT shunt is
necessary to improve cyanosis.
Recently, a hybrid procedure consisting of
PDA stenting, bilateral PA banding, and
balloon atrial septostomy (with or without
balloon dilatation), has been used as an
alternative to the BT shunt.
(4) If PS is present and the BVF is
obstructive, enlargement of the BVF by a
transaortic approach and without
cardiopulmonary bypass may be
The surgical mortality rate is about 15%. An
additional BT shunt may be needed to
provide adequate pulmonary blood flow.
 b. Surgery for interrupted aortic arch or
coarctation should be performed, if present.
c. After the first-stage operation, the infant
should be watched closely, until the time of
the second-stage palliation, for cyanosis
(with O2 saturation <75%) or signs of CHF
(too large a pulmonary blood flow for which
tightening of the PA band should be
2. Second-stage surgical palliative
3. Definitive (Fontan) procedures
Surgical approach for single ventricle
Damus-Kaye-Stansel anastomosis for
single ventricle and subpulmonary
1. Bidirectional Glenn operation (BDG) -
An end-to-side SVC-to-RPA shunt (
bidirectional superior cavopulmonary
shunt) is performed by 2.5 to 3 months of
2. The hemi-Fontan operation.
The hemi-Fontan operation - An incision is
made along the most superior part of the
right atrial appendage and is extended into
the SVC. A connection is made between
this opening and the lower margin of the
central portion of the PA. An intra-atrial
baffle is placed to direct blood to the
pulmonary arteries. The Blalock-Taussig
shunt is taken down and the native
pulmonary valve is oversewn.
A modified Fontan operation - is the
definitive procedure for patients with tricuspid
atresia. Directing the entire systemic venous
blood to the pulmonary arteries without an
intervening pumping chamber. The Fontan
operation is usually completed when the child
is around 2 years of age.
1. Following bidirectional Glenn
procedure-An intra-atrial tubular pathway
is created from the orifice of the IVC to the
orifice of the SVC termed cavocaval baffle
or a “lateral tunnel”. The cardiac end of the
SVC is anastomosed to the undersurface
of the RPA to complete the operation . An
extracardiac conduit may be used to
complete the Fontan operation.
2. Following the hemi-Fontan operation -
the intra-atrial patch that was used to direct
SVC blood to the PAs is excised and a
lateral atrial tunnel is constructed directing
flow from the IVC to the previously created
amalgamation of the SVC with the RPA .
 1. Close follow-up is necessary for early and
late complications.
2. Some survivors of surgery, if performed
late, remain symptomatic with cyanosis,
dyspnea as a result of ventricular
dysfunction, and arrhythmias. These
symptoms require regular follow-up. Early
surgery tends to reduce unfavorable results.
Thank You

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Single ventricle

  • 1. Dr.U.K.M.Nazmun Ara Resident (Phase – B) Paediatric Cardiology BSMMU, Dhaka. 14/06/2016
  • 2. Congenital cardiac malformations that lack two completely well developed ventricles, and in which functionally there is only a single ventricular chamber that supports both pulmonary and systemic circulations
  • 3. Various terms used to describe these hearts include: single ventricle, univentricular heart, double inlet ventricle, univentricular atrioventricular connection, common ventricle, functionally single ventricle
  • 4. As early as 1699, Chemineau described a heart composed of two auricles, but only one ventricle. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Anderson et al. used the term univentricular heart. Many other authors continued preferred terms such as double inlet LV and tricuspid atresia. In 1984, Anderson et al. introduced the term “univentricular AV connection” to describe hearts in which both inlets (whether patent or not) were committed primarily to one dominant ventricle.
  • 5. The final concensus of the STS congenital heart surgery database committee and the European Association for Cardiovascular Surgery includes single ventricle hearts are 1. Hearts with double inlet atrioventricular connection( DILV, DIRV) 2. Hearts with absence of one atrioventricular connection( Tricuspid atresia, mitral atresia) 3. Hearts with a common atrioventricular valve( unbalanced complete AV canal defect) 4. Hearts with only one fully well developed ventricle and heterotaxia syndrome ( single ventricle heterotaxia syndrome) 
  • 6. Despite the HLHS is a common form of univentricular heart but the current database proposal includes it in an separate section. Some other congenital heart diseases which is used to treat univentricular heart are--- Pulmonary atresia with intact IVS, some complex forms of DORV etc.
  • 7.  The embryology of single ventricle in humans is still unknown. Presumably, both ventricular septation and movement of the common atrioventricular orifice are disrupted. It is likely that many genetic alterations can result in a single ventricle phenotype.
  • 8. Incidence - 54 cases per million live births by a New England registry in 1980. Recent estimates are still higher.
  • 9. Autopsy of 60 univentricular hearts excluding tricuspid and mitral atresia— Prevalence of common types of single ventricles
  • 11. A. Double inlet LV with a hypoplastic right ventricle - The most common form. In this anomaly, the rudimentary right ventricle is located anterior and superior to the dominant left ventricular chamber and most commonly connects to the ascending aorta (ventriculoarterial discordance).
  • 12.
  • 13. Sidedness - If the hypoplastic right ventricle lies along the right shoulder of the heart, the sidedness of the dominant LV will be normal, and if it is found on the left shoulder of the heart, then the left ventricular sidedness will be the mirror image (ventricular inversion or L-loop ventricles).
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. In the dominant chamber, direct continuity between one or both AV valves and the semilunar valve establishes its morphology as left ventricular.
  • 17. B. Double inlet right ventricle It is an exceedingly rare anomaly. Demonstration of separation of the AV valves from the semilunar valves by a collar of myocardium (the conus, infundibulum, or outflow tract) will establish the morphology of the dominant chamber as right ventricular.
  • 18. C. Rarely, the morphology of neither the dominant chamber nor the hypoplastic chamber can be determined with certainty. Such cases are typically categorized as single functional ventricle of undifferentiated or indeterminate type.
  • 19. A double inlet AV connection is almost always associated with a dominant morphologic LV. In this situation, both atria connect to the dominant ventricle by two distinct AV valves, which are usually mirror-image morphologic mitral valves.
  • 20.
  • 21. In contrast, in hearts with a common inlet AV connection, the dominant ventricle is almost always of right ventricular morphology. It should be noted that common inlet right ventricle occurs much less frequently than double inlet LV (12% vs. 88%).
  • 22. The third form of univentricular AV connection is a single inlet ventricle, which includes tricuspid atresia and mitral atresia.
  • 23.
  • 24. ventriculoarterial relationship is defined by the ventricle from which most (>50%) of an overriding semilunar valve originates.
  • 25. Any ventriculoarterial connection can occur - concordant connection (i.e., aorta arising from morphologic LV) , discordant connections (i.e., aorta arising off rudimentary outlet chamber with right ventricular morphology) - univentricular heart of left ventricular morphology,
  • 26. double outlet from the dominant ventricular mass (univentricular heart of right ventricular morphology) or from the hypoplastic rudimentary outlet chamber , single outlet from the dominant ventricular mass.
  • 27. VSD/the bulboventricular foramen/ the outlet foramen. In DILV - muscular in most cases or sometimes subaortic VSD, when there is hypoplasia of the infundibulum . The defect can be restrictive or unrestrictive at birth but often will become restrictive over time.
  • 28. 1. Double Inlet Left Ventricle 2. Double-Inlet Right Ventricle 3. Double-Inlet Ventricle of Mixed Morphology 4. Double-Inlet Ventricle with Indeterminate or Undifferentiated Morphology 5. Absent AV connection 6. Double-Inlet Ventricle Via a Common AV Valve
  • 29. DILV is the most common form of single ventricle (78% of the cases reviewed by Van Praagh et al.). Classification based on the great artery relationships: I, normally related great arteries; II, right-anterior aorta; III, left-anterior aorta; and IV, left-posterior aorta (inverted).
  • 30. By combining the criteria distinguishing the types of DILV, three clinically observed forms occur (A-I, A-II, and A-III). In each of these clinical forms, other common associations include subaortic obstruction, pulmonary outflow tract obstruction, and conduction abnormalities.
  • 31.  A-I Single Ventricle, “Holmes Heart” (DILV with Normally Related Great Arteries)  A-II Single Ventricle (DILV with Right-Sided Hypoplastic Subaortic Right Ventricle and discordant VA connection).  A-III Single Ventricle (DILV with left-sided subaortic hypoplastic right ventricle and discordant VA connection)
  • 32. DILV with Normally Related Great Arteries Relatively rare, observed in only 15% of the Van Praagh series .
  • 33. DILV with Right-Sided Hypoplastic Subaortic Right Ventricle. 25% of the cases of single ventricle reviewed by Van Praagh et al. A similar anomaly consisting of complete TGA with severe override and straddling of the right AV valve into the morphologic LV and associated hypoplasia of the morphologic right ventricle.
  • 34.
  • 35. DILV with left-sided subaortic hypoplastic right ventricle 38% of the series review by Van Praagh et al (most common type). This form of DILV shares anatomic features similar to AV and VA discordance (corrected transposition of the great arteries).
  • 36. 5%, of the series reviewed by Van Praagh et al. Hypoplastic rudimentary left ventricular chamber that is located posteriorly and slightly to the left of the morphologic right ventricl usually can be recognized by careful angiographic or echocardiographic analysis.
  • 37.  5% of the series reported by Van Praagh et al. Also called a common ventricle, it was designated by Van Praagh as the C type of single ventricle with absence of the ventricular septum or undivided ventricles with a rudimentary septum.
  • 38. A primitive form of univentricular AV connection without a rudimentary chamber. It shares many of the pathologic features of both double-inlet right ventricle and double- inlet of mixed morphology. No clear-cut differentiation or distinction of ventricular myocardium can be determined.
  • 39.  Atresia or absence of either Rt or Lt AV valve. Either ventricle can be hypoplastic. VA connection can be concordant or discordant.
  • 40. Both atria are connected to one ventricle by a common AV valve. It is a form of AV septal defect. 33% of Van Praagh et al series of which 40% having asplenia.
  • 41. Normal heart: Circulation consist of pulmonary and systemic circuit, connected in series, powerd by a double pump- the right and left heart. Unventricular heart: The single ventricle has to maintain both systemic and pulmonary circulation-not connected in series but in parallel.
  • 42. 1.
  • 43. Two main disadvantages in single ventricle circulation 1. Arterial desaturation 2. Chronic volume overload lead to a. Dilatation of atrium and ventricle b. Eccentric hypertrophy c.Spherical remodeling and reorientation of wall fibres d. Annaluar dilatation causing AV regurtation
  • 44. VSD, PDA, ASD/PFO Transposition of great arteries. Subpulmonary stenosis (more prevalent) Aortic arch obst and subaortic stenosis PLSVC Interrupted IVC PAPVC CoA Right Aortic arch
  • 45. 70 percent of dominent single left ventricle died before age 16. Univentricular heart with right ventricular morphology—50 percent survival 4 years after diagnosis.
  • 46. The most common causes of mortality were arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, and sudden unexplained death Despite the overall grim prognosis in unoperated patients, some adult with DILV, TGA and well balanced circulations may survive into their seventh decades.
  • 47. Depends on varying anatomical defects Basic principles of presentation are 1. Qp ˂ Qs : Severe cyanosis, shock 2. Qp ≈ Qs : Mild cyanosis rather stable 3. Qp »Qs : Heart failure, shock
  • 48. Neonatal Period: Depends on the associated lessions and degree of outflow obstruction. Cyanosis since birth- the most frequent presentation. Marked cyanosis, metabolic acidosis- if subpulmonary stenosis. CHF and shock- if associated aortic obstruction. Cyanosis may not be obvious if increase PBF.
  • 49. Infancy: With increased PBF - presents with typical L-R shunt like repeated CHF and failure to thrive. Cyanosis may not be obvious.
  • 50. Older children and adult In patients with mild to moderate pulmonary stenosis presents like TOF. They may be relatively asymptomatic. In adult they may be presented with cyanosis, clubbing and retarded growth.
  • 51. 1. An unusual ventricular hypertrophy pattern with similar QRS complexes across most or all precordial leads is common (e.g., RS, rS, or QR pattern). 2. Abnormal Q waves (representing abnormalities in septal depolarization) 3. Either first- or second-degree AV block may be present. 4. Arrhythmias such as SVT or wandering pacemaker may occur.
  • 52. Abnormal Q waves take one of the following forms: Q waves in the right precordial leads, no Q waves in any precordial leads, or Q waves in both the right and left precordial leads.
  • 53. 1. With increased PBF, the heart size enlarges and the pulmonary vascularity increases. 2. When PBF is normal or decreased, the heart size is normal and the pulmonary vascularity is normal or decreased. 3. A narrow upper mediastinum suggests TGA.
  • 54.  A single ventricular chamber into which two AV valves open.  Morphology of the single ventricle  Location of the rudimentary outflow chamber  Size of the BVF and whether there is an obstruction at the foramen. Obstruction of the foramen is considered present if the Doppler gradient is more than 1.5 m/sec or if the area of the foramen is less than 2 cm2/m2. Echocardiography
  • 55. Presence or absence of D-TGA or L-TGA, stenosis of the pulmonary or aortic valve, and size of the PAs. Anatomy and position of the mitral and tricuspid valves - stenosis, regurgitation, hypoplasia, or straddling. The size of the ASD. Associated defects such as COA, interrupted aortic arch, or PDA.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. Type Relation of rudimentary chamber to main chamber Orientation of trabecular septum AV valves LV dominance Anterior with either D/L loop Anterior Posterior to trabecular septum RV dominance Posterior Posterior Anterior Primitive No rudimentary chamber No trabecular septum Echocardiographic diagnosis of univentricular hearts
  • 61. catheterization is performed only when certain preoperative information is not available before the initial stage of surgical management. It is, however, routinely indicated before stages II and III surgical intervention.
  • 62.  Prostaglandin E1  Restoraration of normal acid base status  Maintain end organ perfusion & function
  • 63. 1. Initial surgical palliative procedures a. The first-stage operation (1) In patients with no PS and large PBF with resulting CHF and pulmonary edema, PA banding may be done. PA banding is performed, only when the BVF is normal or unobstructed. (2) In patients with no PS, if the BVF is too small, the Damus-Kaye-Stansel operation is performed rather than the PA banding.
  • 64.  (3) If PS or pulmonary atresia is present (with O2 saturation <85%), a BT shunt is necessary to improve cyanosis. Recently, a hybrid procedure consisting of PDA stenting, bilateral PA banding, and balloon atrial septostomy (with or without balloon dilatation), has been used as an alternative to the BT shunt.
  • 65. (4) If PS is present and the BVF is obstructive, enlargement of the BVF by a transaortic approach and without cardiopulmonary bypass may be performed. The surgical mortality rate is about 15%. An additional BT shunt may be needed to provide adequate pulmonary blood flow.
  • 66.  b. Surgery for interrupted aortic arch or coarctation should be performed, if present. c. After the first-stage operation, the infant should be watched closely, until the time of the second-stage palliation, for cyanosis (with O2 saturation <75%) or signs of CHF (too large a pulmonary blood flow for which tightening of the PA band should be considered).
  • 67. 2. Second-stage surgical palliative procedures 3. Definitive (Fontan) procedures
  • 68. Surgical approach for single ventricle
  • 69. Damus-Kaye-Stansel anastomosis for single ventricle and subpulmonary stenosis.
  • 70. 1. Bidirectional Glenn operation (BDG) - An end-to-side SVC-to-RPA shunt ( bidirectional superior cavopulmonary shunt) is performed by 2.5 to 3 months of age. 2. The hemi-Fontan operation.
  • 71.
  • 72. The hemi-Fontan operation - An incision is made along the most superior part of the right atrial appendage and is extended into the SVC. A connection is made between this opening and the lower margin of the central portion of the PA. An intra-atrial baffle is placed to direct blood to the pulmonary arteries. The Blalock-Taussig shunt is taken down and the native pulmonary valve is oversewn.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. A modified Fontan operation - is the definitive procedure for patients with tricuspid atresia. Directing the entire systemic venous blood to the pulmonary arteries without an intervening pumping chamber. The Fontan operation is usually completed when the child is around 2 years of age.
  • 76. 1. Following bidirectional Glenn procedure-An intra-atrial tubular pathway is created from the orifice of the IVC to the orifice of the SVC termed cavocaval baffle or a “lateral tunnel”. The cardiac end of the SVC is anastomosed to the undersurface of the RPA to complete the operation . An extracardiac conduit may be used to complete the Fontan operation.
  • 77. 2. Following the hemi-Fontan operation - the intra-atrial patch that was used to direct SVC blood to the PAs is excised and a lateral atrial tunnel is constructed directing flow from the IVC to the previously created amalgamation of the SVC with the RPA .
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  • 79. 1.
  • 80.  1. Close follow-up is necessary for early and late complications. 2. Some survivors of surgery, if performed late, remain symptomatic with cyanosis, dyspnea as a result of ventricular dysfunction, and arrhythmias. These symptoms require regular follow-up. Early surgery tends to reduce unfavorable results.