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Sky Bus
                                      -   A paradigm shift in Urban Transportation
                                                                                 M. Mayur
        Sky bus is a modern suspended railway invented by Indian technologist, Er. B Raja
Ram. It is an eco – friendly, noise free and economical operation, which makes it interesting
not only in cities in India, but also in different cities in Europe and America. Sky Bus falls
under tramway category, according to the Constitution of India. Since it operates along and
parallel to existing roadways and within municipal limits, it is excluded from the Indian
Railway Act. Sky bus is economical than metro rails and other means when considered
within the city limits, in the view of transportation and safety.
What is Sky Bus?                              Challenges of transportation:

        Sky bus is a suspended railway              1. Urban space remains frozen
system, can never capsize nor collide due
to its design and construction technique.           2. Population shifting to urban
This is noise free, pollution free and                 habitats, resulting in mass
economical with no points and crossings.               transit capacity
In short, sky bus is “A unique mass transit
system which than can be put up within              3. Should be free from pollution
any two years in any crowded and
congested city for safe transportation              4. Should be affordable           by
without loss of time.”                                 common people

                                                    5. With     point       to     point

                                                    6. Better quality of travel:

                                                            a. Air conditioned

                                                            b. Virtually      no    wait

                                                            c. Safer than existing
                                                               systems – in view of
                                                               value of human life.

                                                    Though, some of the challenges are
                                                    met     by     other  means       of
Why sky bus is safe?                                transportation, Sky Bus is efficient
                                                    in meeting all the above specified
        The present Railway Technology
                                                    requirements and challenges and
used in metros, suffer from a fundamental
                                                    serves the public.
technology defect of derailment and
separation of travelling coach from the             Some of Salient points of Sky
railway track, falling down on the ground           Bus:
killing people. So long as wheels are on
rail, the coach runs, but failure of rails,         1.    Sky bus is innovative solution
obstruction or even heavy wind force can                 to the problems of derailments
create a dangerous situation. But when                   and collisions of conventional
wheels climb the 25 to 30 mm flange, go                  metros.
over the rail and derailment occurs. Such
                                                    2. The      core functionality of
capsizing can kill people inside the coach
                                                         dynamics of suspended coaches
as well as those on the road below.
                                                         has been tested and proven
                                                         according    to    international
                                                         safety norms in the year 2004.
3. The costs also are demonstrated      is unique advantage of Sky
   to be most competitive. Hence        Bus.
   Rs. 50 crores + / - per route
   kilometer       is    practical   12. Employment is also provided in
   commercial cost for executing         the construction purpose of Sky
   a sky bus project.                    Bus @ 250 persons for every
                                         10 km.
4. Each and every technology
   element included in sky bus       13. Coaches are made maintenance
   project is tested and proven in       free in case of Sky Bus system.
   live harsh environments and all   14. The advantage of Sky Bus is
   the test limits exist in safer        that polycarbonate sheets are
   boundaries that are laid down         fixed around it to take care of
   by international standards.           any vandal activity.
5. Sky bus comes to state with no    15. The Sky Bus        is   fully   –
   financial risk to Government,         computerized:
   being financially viable.
                                            a. Self – identification in
6. Sky bus may be constructed                  need for attention ,
   within 24 months and people
   will be travelling in sky bus.           b. Need               based
                                               maintenance with very
7. It is affordable for a common               high        degree    of
   man with least rate possible,               reliability ,
   according      to     the  city
   constructed,     including  air          c. Minimized cost for the
   conditioned travel, pollution               bogies and track is
   free and high quality of life               maintenance free.
   protection for people.
                                     16. The Sky Bus costs about 2500
8. The construction and execution        crores for a length of 50km, but
   of sky bus occurs with least          current elevated metro option
   disturbance to daily city life.       using conventional railway
                                         system costs about 5000 crores,
9. No demolition of existing             which is nearly 2 times the cost
   structures is needed, and no          of construction of Sky Bus.
   extra land is to be utilized.

10. Adds additional urban space
   every at 9000 m2/per km
   between stations, a special
   feature distinguishing sky bus.

11. Transportation of goods can be
    handled by the Sky Bus, which
Fact about Sky Bus:                                 His inventions cover Railway
                                              Technologies, Anti – collision devices,
        Sky Bus is the technology             Sky Bus.
breakthrough that India has achieved. Sky
Bus is an improved Railway Technology,               He is Mr. B. Raja Ram, the
eliminating the problems of existing metro    inventor of Sky Bus Technology.
rail systems like derailments, collisions,
capsizing and crushing people, which they           He holds degrees namely Bachelor
suffered for decades.                         of Engineering, Master of Technology,
                                              Fellow of National Academy of
Why Sky Bus is so popular?                    Engineering, Fellow of Institution of
                                              Engineers. He is a member of Indian
       If it is invented by a student, or a   Railway Service of Engineers.
research scientist who has no experience in
any railway field or no knowledge of                He is the recipient of prestigious
railway sciences, then it may be not so       FICCI      national      award       for
popular.                                      OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO
                                              KNOWLEDGE BASED INDUSTRIES,
       But it is invented by such person,     as adjudged by Justice Bhagawati
who is a bureaucrat, engineer, scientist,     Committee.
manager and inventor. The inventor is first
class first Distinction Engineering
Graduate and an M. Tech from prestigious
IIT Kharagpur. He served a decade in
railway open line in various capacities,
another decade in railway research at
RDSO & IIT, worked in abroad as a
consultant till 1990.

        He is involved in Konkan Railway
project from the beginning i.e., 1990. Then
he was promoted to cader Managing
Director and Director of many projects
related to Konkan Railway Corporation
Limited (KRCL) till January 2005.

       He has own original contributions
of new theories regarding rail – wheel and
track – vehicle interactions, which are
                                                        Mr. Raja Ram Bojji
recognized and published by many World
                                                   Life member of
       He has several patents (nearly 50),
around the globe, and in India for his
                                                 Computer Society of
valuable inventions.                                    India
He believes it is in the realm of
reality     to    make     food,    travel,
communication and dwelling virtually free
to all humans on the plant through bold
application of science and technology to
infrastructure development.

       He wants India to lead the world
in transportation, with Sky Bus
Technology, which makes railway
systems safer and financially affordable by
even a common man.

Technology of Sky Bus:

              The basic concept of Sky
Bus is derived from the concept of Sky-
Wheels presented in 1989 at World
Congress for Railway Research.
        In the Sky Bus technology, the
median in the middle of road is used to
raise columns to support 9.4 m wide
concrete box 2.4 m high, which houses
sky-guides and a powered bogie and can
run on the sky-guides at speed up to 100
kmph .The coaches are suspended from the
bogie frame running overhead and thus are
designed for lighter crush loads as
compared to normal railway coaches.
Tremendous savings are achieved in
systems design.
Advantages of Sky Bus over other            In the view of Safety:
                                                   1. Sky Bus is derailment proof
These advantages are categorized in                   and by design can never get
different kinds:                                      separated for the railway tracks,
                                                      so there is no capsizing of
      1. Performance                                  coaches.
      2. Safety                                    2. Sky Bus is protected from
      3. Land & Protection to existing                collisions, as it travels at higher
         buildings                                    levels than roads.

      4. Capital and running costs          In the view of Land & Protection to
                                            existing structures:
      5. Construction
                                                   1. Sky Bus has short stations of
      6. Charges                                      50m length, adequate for next
                                                      50 – 75years of traffic growth,
      7. Financial viability
                                                      combining the local bus stop.
In the view of Performance:
                                                   2. Occupies only the road divider
      1. Sky bus can be scalable to                   with 1m wide pillars, the Sky
         handle 20K to 80K pphpd,                     bus is travelling about 6m
         which mono – rail and metro                  above the roads.
         rail cannot.
                                                   3. The Sky Bus can be designed
      2. Sky Bus handles cargo for the                to take 20m radius curvature,
         city – in containers as well as              hence no buildings will be
         trucks as a whole lifted and                 affected which are following
         delivered to required points. So             existing roads.
         truck pollution is eliminated.
                                                   4. These can reach the places,
         Existing metro’s cannot. Mono
                                                      where buses can reach, but the
         – rails cannot even be
                                                      point is somewhat at a distance
                                                      higher in level.
      3. Speeds are same and somewhat
                                                   5. If Sky Bus unit of 20m length
         better than railways i.e., 100
                                                      is designed, then it can carry
         kmph to 110 kmph, depending
                                                      300 – 430 pphpd, while other
         on inter – station distances.
                                                      metros cannot.

                                                   6. Least land utilization, almost
                                                      nothing compared to others is

                                                   7. Even the depot areas etc., Sky
                                                      Bus can make use of space
above existing Bus depots –         In the view of Charges:
          without fresh land acquisition.
                                                     1. At Rs. 250.00 only, per person
       8. Sky     Bus is a railway                      per 500 km of air – condition
          technology, with maximum                      travel anywhere to anywhere,
          feasibility options like Bus –                in a month, it is affordable for
          while other metro options                     regular city commuter.
          cannot help in this.
                                                     2. Minimum entry charges are of
In the view of Capital and Running                      Rs. 5.00 only will apply and
Costs:                                                  floating or occasional users will
                                                        be charged Rs. 2.00 per km.
       1. The capital cost per km of
          double line route, including               3. Other modes of transportation,
          rolling – stock and train control             do not offer such low rates.
          is Rs. 50 crores on average + / -
          10%.                                In the view of Financial Viability:

                                                     1. Fare – box collections coupled
       2. Maintenance costs are much
          lower in the Sky Bus –                        with commercial exploitation at
          components are smaller, tracks                the additional urban space
          are maintenance – free, the                   created by Sky Bus, produces a
          coach bodies are designed to be               15 – 20% return to the investor.
          maintenance – free.                        2. The Sky Bus returns the capital
       3. The energy in Sky Bus, is used                of construction within 7 to 10
          to carry more people than in                  years.
          Metro Rails, which carries                 3. “The Sky Bus construction
          more dead loads.                              goes on without Government
In the view of Construction:                            funding component”.

       1. Sky Bus uses factory produced       Components of Sky Bus:
          pre – fabricated technologies
                                                              The system Sky Bus
          with post tensioning and causes
                                              consists of several conventional and some
          least disturbance to the daily
                                              new proven technologies, which makes the
          life of city during construction.
                                              Sky bus more efficient. These are designed
       2. It takes around 24 months to        so that to keep the sky bus moving without
          complete because of minimum         any defect and to give the passengers the
          problems of land and parallel       ultimate comfort along with other
          activities of pre – fabricated      luxurious facilities which they cannot get
          structures.                         in the local buses or in trains.

       3. Other metro rails take 5 to 7
          years in construction.
Components are:

      a. Sky Way

      b. Sky Bogies

      c. Sky Coaches

      d. Sky Stations

      e. Traverser      arrangements     at

Sky Way:
                                              Sky Bogie:
      1. In the middle of the road way,
                                                    1. Standard two axle bogies used
         pile foundations support 1 m
                                                       in metros for speeds of 100
         dia column approx. 8m high,
                                                       kmph are used, which gain
         and spaced at 15m all along the
                                                       speed up to a maximum of 160
         road way.
                                                       kmph of standard gauge.
      2. The Sky way consists of a
                                                    2. Linear     induction     motor
         concrete box structure carried
                                                       technology is incorporated,
         over a series of piers at a height
                                                       with 3 phase AC motors with
         of 8m above the existing road
                                                       regenerative power capability.
                                                    3. Braking - bogie mounted.
      3. In short, Sky Way is the way in
           which the Sky Bus travels                       a. Disc      Brakes     are
           along the road, but at higher                      provided.
                                                           b. Emergency mechanical
      4. Sky Way consists of two rails                        brakes      are     also
         fixed      with     appropriate                      provided, in case of any
         fastenings with in concrete box                      emergency.
         support and guide the Sky
Sky Station:

                                                  1. Unlike conventional mass
                                                     transit systems, Sky Bus needs
                                                     smaller stations.

                                                  2. Totally computerized control,
                                                     access control is also electronic
                                                     by prepaid cards being swiped
Sky Coaches:                                         in.

      1. Double walled light shells with          3. Stations act as only access
         wide large windows are                      facility, and not as passenger
         suspended from the sky bogies.              holding area.

      2. Air – conditioned and with        Traverser:
         automatic doors are provided.            1. Traverser is the system which
      3. Audio visual information is                 automatically shifts the Sky
         provided to passengers, for                 Bus units for balancing the
         easy understanding of sky                   loads / changing routes too as
         stations.                                   well as shift units to depot lines
      4. Special 4m wide or 2m x 2m
         wide sliding doors are provided   For Designing purpose:
         for quick entry and exit of              Even in case of designing, the Sky
         passengers.                       Bus is easier to design in structural point
      5. Each pair carries 300 persons.    of view.

      6. Service is possible in every 30   The design loads are:
         seconds or one minute.                a. Weight of bogie        :       5t
b. Tare weight of coach :      6.5 t       hence is safer than existing rail
                                               – based system.
    c. Passenger load              :
             9t                             4. The system is noise – free,
                                               pollution   –     free   with
    d. Weight of equipment :       2t          18000pphpd to scalable to
    e. Axle load            :      12 t        72000 pphpd as required.

    f. Total for a bogie    :      24 t     5. It is a unique mass transit
                                               system which can be put up
                                               within two years in any
                                               crowded and congested city.

                                            6. In addition to moving people,
                                               Sky Bus can carry 20 ft
                                               containers,      boosting      its
                                               capacity utilization to double
                                               that of other existing systems.

Description of Sky Bus:

      1. Heavy 52 / 60 kg /m rails
         placed at standard gauge
         floating in elastic medium and
         damped by inertia of measured
         mass held at 8m x 2m box
         enclosure, supported over a 1m
         dia columns placed at 15m
         distance from each other.

      2. The fixed structure at 8m
         height above road level is
         aesthetically pleasing and there
         is no concern of claustrophobic
         feeling for road users.

      3. Aesthetic and eco – friendly,
         the Sky Bus can never derail,
         capsize nor collide, by design
         as well as by construction,
Working Principle of Sky Bus

Our Country’s Technology, Sky Bus is an improved railway technology. It can carry
         18K to 72K pphpd, with 100kmph and air – conditioned travel.

The two problems suffered by railway technology are derailment and separation of
                        travelling coach from the rails.

                                         As long as the wheels are on the rails, the coach runs.

                                      But failure of rails / obstruction by a heavy wind force may
                                                       create dangerous situations.

                                     When the wheels climb 25 to 30 mm flange, then derailment
If derailment occurs, then there is nothing to hold the coach,
                             then the coach just topples.

             Such falling of coach can kill people inside the coach and
                          also people on the road, if any.


                 Suppose a standard railway coach running on a railway
The under frame with standard railway wheel – set running
                                                                on a railway track…

                                               The under frame remains the same, railway wheels run on
                                                the same track, coach is firmly attached to under frame

                                          The under-frame with wheels and railway traction
                                          motors & railway track enclosed in the concrete
                                          box- travel on the railway track , carrying the coach
                                          below outside the concrete box- now the coach and
                                          the track are positively held together- cannot escape
                                          from rails!

                                                           between the rail guidance system
                                                           and the Bus Coaches- with 400%.
Safety Measures:
                                                       •   The railway bogies in conventional
   •   Compared to conventional railway                    system have propensity to lose
       systems, the centre of gravity of                   control     on    derailment,    but
       the mass being carried on the                       additional safety in Sky Bus bogie
       wheels is brought down to be                        is that we have derailment
       closer to the wheel support. Hence                  arresters, which prevents the wheel
       dynamic safety is many times                        from jumping off the rails. So we
       improved.                                           are ensuring that there is no
   •   In conventional railway wind can                    derailment. Safety factor built into
       topple the trains. In Sky Bus wind                  multiple suspenders.
       cannot topple- there is positive link       In Future:
After the successful test run    to really solve the urban transport crisis.
of the sky bus in its test track in Madgaon     The Sky Bus metro is one single
Goa, The Indian Railway has recognized          technology which can change the face of
its work efficiency and found it as the         our cities, take out almost 10 million road
future of mass communication in the urban       vehicles in the cities and make the cities
areas. The Sky bus has proved its               livable, improving quality of life and
                                                attract and sustain economic activity to
                                                generate wealth.

effectiveness in various sectors in all the
tests it has gone through. Hence the Sky
bus has proposed by the Railway
department     in     following      cities
of India, Ahmedabad, Pune, Kochi,
Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pondicherry,
Ranchi, Shimla, Thane, Bhubaneswar,
Bangalore, Chennai Coimbatore Delhi,
Goa, Gurgaon and Hyderabad.


        The Sky bus is the technology
breakthrough that India has achieved. Sky
bus is an improved railway technology,
eliminating the problems of existing metro
rail systems, like, derailments collisions,
and capsizing crushing people. Old
conventional railway men, who remained
basically operating and maintenance
experts, may take a little time to
appreciate, but the fact remains. Sky bus is
an     improved      railway     technology
eliminating their fears of derailments and
capsizing from which they suffered for

        Financially Sky bus Metro makes
urban transport a dream come true for
administrators- virtually free gift to people
without Government fund in

           What needs to be done is to
eliminate the doubting Thomas in our
minds, and adopt the Sky bus, if we want

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  • 1. Sky Bus - A paradigm shift in Urban Transportation M. Mayur Abstract: Sky bus is a modern suspended railway invented by Indian technologist, Er. B Raja Ram. It is an eco – friendly, noise free and economical operation, which makes it interesting not only in cities in India, but also in different cities in Europe and America. Sky Bus falls under tramway category, according to the Constitution of India. Since it operates along and parallel to existing roadways and within municipal limits, it is excluded from the Indian Railway Act. Sky bus is economical than metro rails and other means when considered within the city limits, in the view of transportation and safety.
  • 2. What is Sky Bus? Challenges of transportation: Sky bus is a suspended railway 1. Urban space remains frozen system, can never capsize nor collide due to its design and construction technique. 2. Population shifting to urban This is noise free, pollution free and habitats, resulting in mass economical with no points and crossings. transit capacity In short, sky bus is “A unique mass transit system which than can be put up within 3. Should be free from pollution any two years in any crowded and congested city for safe transportation 4. Should be affordable by without loss of time.” common people 5. With point to point connectivity 6. Better quality of travel: a. Air conditioned b. Virtually no wait service c. Safer than existing systems – in view of value of human life. Though, some of the challenges are met by other means of Why sky bus is safe? transportation, Sky Bus is efficient in meeting all the above specified The present Railway Technology requirements and challenges and used in metros, suffer from a fundamental serves the public. technology defect of derailment and separation of travelling coach from the Some of Salient points of Sky railway track, falling down on the ground Bus: killing people. So long as wheels are on rail, the coach runs, but failure of rails, 1. Sky bus is innovative solution obstruction or even heavy wind force can to the problems of derailments create a dangerous situation. But when and collisions of conventional wheels climb the 25 to 30 mm flange, go metros. over the rail and derailment occurs. Such 2. The core functionality of capsizing can kill people inside the coach dynamics of suspended coaches as well as those on the road below. has been tested and proven according to international safety norms in the year 2004.
  • 3. 3. The costs also are demonstrated is unique advantage of Sky to be most competitive. Hence Bus. Rs. 50 crores + / - per route kilometer is practical 12. Employment is also provided in commercial cost for executing the construction purpose of Sky a sky bus project. Bus @ 250 persons for every 10 km. 4. Each and every technology element included in sky bus 13. Coaches are made maintenance project is tested and proven in free in case of Sky Bus system. live harsh environments and all 14. The advantage of Sky Bus is the test limits exist in safer that polycarbonate sheets are boundaries that are laid down fixed around it to take care of by international standards. any vandal activity. 5. Sky bus comes to state with no 15. The Sky Bus is fully – financial risk to Government, computerized: being financially viable. a. Self – identification in 6. Sky bus may be constructed need for attention , within 24 months and people will be travelling in sky bus. b. Need based maintenance with very 7. It is affordable for a common high degree of man with least rate possible, reliability , according to the city constructed, including air c. Minimized cost for the conditioned travel, pollution bogies and track is free and high quality of life maintenance free. protection for people. 16. The Sky Bus costs about 2500 8. The construction and execution crores for a length of 50km, but of sky bus occurs with least current elevated metro option disturbance to daily city life. using conventional railway system costs about 5000 crores, 9. No demolition of existing which is nearly 2 times the cost structures is needed, and no of construction of Sky Bus. extra land is to be utilized. 10. Adds additional urban space every at 9000 m2/per km between stations, a special feature distinguishing sky bus. 11. Transportation of goods can be handled by the Sky Bus, which
  • 4. Fact about Sky Bus: His inventions cover Railway Technologies, Anti – collision devices, Sky Bus is the technology Sky Bus. breakthrough that India has achieved. Sky Bus is an improved Railway Technology, He is Mr. B. Raja Ram, the eliminating the problems of existing metro inventor of Sky Bus Technology. rail systems like derailments, collisions, capsizing and crushing people, which they He holds degrees namely Bachelor suffered for decades. of Engineering, Master of Technology, Fellow of National Academy of Why Sky Bus is so popular? Engineering, Fellow of Institution of Engineers. He is a member of Indian If it is invented by a student, or a Railway Service of Engineers. research scientist who has no experience in any railway field or no knowledge of He is the recipient of prestigious railway sciences, then it may be not so FICCI national award for popular. OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE BASED INDUSTRIES, But it is invented by such person, as adjudged by Justice Bhagawati who is a bureaucrat, engineer, scientist, Committee. manager and inventor. The inventor is first class first Distinction Engineering Graduate and an M. Tech from prestigious IIT Kharagpur. He served a decade in railway open line in various capacities, another decade in railway research at RDSO & IIT, worked in abroad as a consultant till 1990. He is involved in Konkan Railway project from the beginning i.e., 1990. Then he was promoted to cader Managing Director and Director of many projects related to Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) till January 2005. He has own original contributions of new theories regarding rail – wheel and track – vehicle interactions, which are Mr. Raja Ram Bojji recognized and published by many World Forums. Life member of He has several patents (nearly 50), around the globe, and in India for his Computer Society of valuable inventions. India
  • 5. He believes it is in the realm of reality to make food, travel, communication and dwelling virtually free to all humans on the plant through bold application of science and technology to infrastructure development. He wants India to lead the world in transportation, with Sky Bus Technology, which makes railway systems safer and financially affordable by even a common man. Technology of Sky Bus: The basic concept of Sky Bus is derived from the concept of Sky- Wheels presented in 1989 at World Congress for Railway Research. In the Sky Bus technology, the median in the middle of road is used to raise columns to support 9.4 m wide concrete box 2.4 m high, which houses sky-guides and a powered bogie and can run on the sky-guides at speed up to 100 kmph .The coaches are suspended from the bogie frame running overhead and thus are designed for lighter crush loads as compared to normal railway coaches. Tremendous savings are achieved in systems design.
  • 6. Advantages of Sky Bus over other In the view of Safety: modes: 1. Sky Bus is derailment proof These advantages are categorized in and by design can never get different kinds: separated for the railway tracks, so there is no capsizing of 1. Performance coaches. 2. Safety 2. Sky Bus is protected from 3. Land & Protection to existing collisions, as it travels at higher buildings levels than roads. 4. Capital and running costs In the view of Land & Protection to existing structures: 5. Construction 1. Sky Bus has short stations of 6. Charges 50m length, adequate for next 50 – 75years of traffic growth, 7. Financial viability combining the local bus stop. In the view of Performance: 2. Occupies only the road divider 1. Sky bus can be scalable to with 1m wide pillars, the Sky handle 20K to 80K pphpd, bus is travelling about 6m which mono – rail and metro above the roads. rail cannot. 3. The Sky Bus can be designed 2. Sky Bus handles cargo for the to take 20m radius curvature, city – in containers as well as hence no buildings will be trucks as a whole lifted and affected which are following delivered to required points. So existing roads. truck pollution is eliminated. 4. These can reach the places, Existing metro’s cannot. Mono where buses can reach, but the – rails cannot even be point is somewhat at a distance compared. higher in level. 3. Speeds are same and somewhat 5. If Sky Bus unit of 20m length better than railways i.e., 100 is designed, then it can carry kmph to 110 kmph, depending 300 – 430 pphpd, while other on inter – station distances. metros cannot. 6. Least land utilization, almost nothing compared to others is needed. 7. Even the depot areas etc., Sky Bus can make use of space
  • 7. above existing Bus depots – In the view of Charges: without fresh land acquisition. 1. At Rs. 250.00 only, per person 8. Sky Bus is a railway per 500 km of air – condition technology, with maximum travel anywhere to anywhere, feasibility options like Bus – in a month, it is affordable for while other metro options regular city commuter. cannot help in this. 2. Minimum entry charges are of In the view of Capital and Running Rs. 5.00 only will apply and Costs: floating or occasional users will be charged Rs. 2.00 per km. 1. The capital cost per km of double line route, including 3. Other modes of transportation, rolling – stock and train control do not offer such low rates. is Rs. 50 crores on average + / - 10%. In the view of Financial Viability: 1. Fare – box collections coupled 2. Maintenance costs are much lower in the Sky Bus – with commercial exploitation at components are smaller, tracks the additional urban space are maintenance – free, the created by Sky Bus, produces a coach bodies are designed to be 15 – 20% return to the investor. maintenance – free. 2. The Sky Bus returns the capital 3. The energy in Sky Bus, is used of construction within 7 to 10 to carry more people than in years. Metro Rails, which carries 3. “The Sky Bus construction more dead loads. goes on without Government In the view of Construction: funding component”. 1. Sky Bus uses factory produced Components of Sky Bus: pre – fabricated technologies The system Sky Bus with post tensioning and causes consists of several conventional and some least disturbance to the daily new proven technologies, which makes the life of city during construction. Sky bus more efficient. These are designed 2. It takes around 24 months to so that to keep the sky bus moving without complete because of minimum any defect and to give the passengers the problems of land and parallel ultimate comfort along with other activities of pre – fabricated luxurious facilities which they cannot get structures. in the local buses or in trains. 3. Other metro rails take 5 to 7 years in construction.
  • 8. Components are: a. Sky Way b. Sky Bogies c. Sky Coaches d. Sky Stations e. Traverser arrangements at terminals Sky Way: Sky Bogie: 1. In the middle of the road way, 1. Standard two axle bogies used pile foundations support 1 m in metros for speeds of 100 dia column approx. 8m high, kmph are used, which gain and spaced at 15m all along the speed up to a maximum of 160 road way. kmph of standard gauge. 2. The Sky way consists of a 2. Linear induction motor concrete box structure carried technology is incorporated, over a series of piers at a height with 3 phase AC motors with of 8m above the existing road regenerative power capability. level. 3. Braking - bogie mounted. 3. In short, Sky Way is the way in which the Sky Bus travels a. Disc Brakes are along the road, but at higher provided. level. b. Emergency mechanical 4. Sky Way consists of two rails brakes are also fixed with appropriate provided, in case of any fastenings with in concrete box emergency. support and guide the Sky Bogie.
  • 9. Sky Station: 1. Unlike conventional mass transit systems, Sky Bus needs smaller stations. 2. Totally computerized control, access control is also electronic by prepaid cards being swiped Sky Coaches: in. 1. Double walled light shells with 3. Stations act as only access wide large windows are facility, and not as passenger suspended from the sky bogies. holding area. 2. Air – conditioned and with Traverser: automatic doors are provided. 1. Traverser is the system which 3. Audio visual information is automatically shifts the Sky provided to passengers, for Bus units for balancing the easy understanding of sky loads / changing routes too as stations. well as shift units to depot lines etc… 4. Special 4m wide or 2m x 2m wide sliding doors are provided For Designing purpose: for quick entry and exit of Even in case of designing, the Sky passengers. Bus is easier to design in structural point 5. Each pair carries 300 persons. of view. 6. Service is possible in every 30 The design loads are: seconds or one minute. a. Weight of bogie : 5t
  • 10. b. Tare weight of coach : 6.5 t hence is safer than existing rail – based system. c. Passenger load : 9t 4. The system is noise – free, pollution – free with d. Weight of equipment : 2t 18000pphpd to scalable to e. Axle load : 12 t 72000 pphpd as required. f. Total for a bogie : 24 t 5. It is a unique mass transit system which can be put up within two years in any crowded and congested city. 6. In addition to moving people, Sky Bus can carry 20 ft containers, boosting its capacity utilization to double that of other existing systems. Description of Sky Bus: 1. Heavy 52 / 60 kg /m rails placed at standard gauge floating in elastic medium and damped by inertia of measured mass held at 8m x 2m box enclosure, supported over a 1m dia columns placed at 15m distance from each other. 2. The fixed structure at 8m height above road level is aesthetically pleasing and there is no concern of claustrophobic feeling for road users. 3. Aesthetic and eco – friendly, the Sky Bus can never derail, capsize nor collide, by design as well as by construction,
  • 11. Working Principle of Sky Bus Our Country’s Technology, Sky Bus is an improved railway technology. It can carry 18K to 72K pphpd, with 100kmph and air – conditioned travel. The two problems suffered by railway technology are derailment and separation of travelling coach from the rails. As long as the wheels are on the rails, the coach runs. But failure of rails / obstruction by a heavy wind force may create dangerous situations. When the wheels climb 25 to 30 mm flange, then derailment occurs.
  • 12. If derailment occurs, then there is nothing to hold the coach, then the coach just topples. Such falling of coach can kill people inside the coach and also people on the road, if any. EVOLUTION OF SKY BUS TECHNOLOGY Suppose a standard railway coach running on a railway track…
  • 13. The under frame with standard railway wheel – set running on a railway track… The under frame remains the same, railway wheels run on the same track, coach is firmly attached to under frame positively The under-frame with wheels and railway traction motors & railway track enclosed in the concrete box- travel on the railway track , carrying the coach below outside the concrete box- now the coach and the track are positively held together- cannot escape from rails! between the rail guidance system and the Bus Coaches- with 400%. Safety Measures: • The railway bogies in conventional • Compared to conventional railway system have propensity to lose systems, the centre of gravity of control on derailment, but the mass being carried on the additional safety in Sky Bus bogie wheels is brought down to be is that we have derailment closer to the wheel support. Hence arresters, which prevents the wheel dynamic safety is many times from jumping off the rails. So we improved. are ensuring that there is no • In conventional railway wind can derailment. Safety factor built into topple the trains. In Sky Bus wind multiple suspenders. cannot topple- there is positive link In Future:
  • 14. After the successful test run to really solve the urban transport crisis. of the sky bus in its test track in Madgaon The Sky Bus metro is one single Goa, The Indian Railway has recognized technology which can change the face of its work efficiency and found it as the our cities, take out almost 10 million road future of mass communication in the urban vehicles in the cities and make the cities areas. The Sky bus has proved its livable, improving quality of life and attract and sustain economic activity to generate wealth. effectiveness in various sectors in all the tests it has gone through. Hence the Sky bus has proposed by the Railway department in following cities of India, Ahmedabad, Pune, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pondicherry, Ranchi, Shimla, Thane, Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Chennai Coimbatore Delhi, Goa, Gurgaon and Hyderabad. Conclusion: The Sky bus is the technology breakthrough that India has achieved. Sky bus is an improved railway technology, eliminating the problems of existing metro rail systems, like, derailments collisions, and capsizing crushing people. Old conventional railway men, who remained basically operating and maintenance experts, may take a little time to appreciate, but the fact remains. Sky bus is an improved railway technology eliminating their fears of derailments and capsizing from which they suffered for decades! Financially Sky bus Metro makes urban transport a dream come true for administrators- virtually free gift to people without Government fund in What needs to be done is to eliminate the doubting Thomas in our minds, and adopt the Sky bus, if we want