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                      MONITORING OF STRUCTURES
                                                                    M. Mayur,
                          Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Structure is an element composing of many
components such as beams, columns, roofs,
slabs, foundations and basements. Without
beams and columns, no structure is able to
stand on ground. But these structures also
damage due to temperature conditions they
expose, mismanagement during construction
and lack of quality of control in
construction. The damage is defined as
changes to the material or geometric
properties of a structural system, including
changes to the boundary conditions and
system connectivity, which adversely affect
the system’s performance. The SHM process
involves the observation of a system over
time using periodically sampled dynamic
response measurements from an array of
sensors, the extraction of damage-sensitive
features from these measurements, and the
statistical analysis of these features to       Introduction:
determine the current state of system health.
After extreme events, such as earthquakes or    The process of implementing a damage
blast loading, SHM is used for rapid            detection and characterization strategy for
condition screening and aims to provide, in     engineering structures is referred to as
near real time, reliable information            Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).
regarding the integrity of the structure.
                                                Qualitative and non-continuous methods
                                                have long been used to evaluate structures
                                                for their capacity to serve their intended
                                                purpose. Since the beginning of the 19th
                                                century, railroad wheel-tappers have used
                                                the sound of a hammer striking the train
                                                wheel to evaluate if damage was present. In
rotating machinery, vibration monitoring has    Operational Evaluation
been used for decades as a performance
evaluation technique. In the last ten to        Operational evaluation attempts to answer
fifteen years, SHM technologies have            four questions regarding the implementation
emerged creating an exciting new field          of a damage identification capability:
within various branches of engineering.
Academic conferences and scientific                 What are the life-safety and/or
journals have been established during this           economic         justification    for
time that specifically focuses on SHM.               performing the SHM?
These technologies are currently becoming           How is damage defined for the
increasingly common.                                 system being investigated and, for
                                                     multiple damage possibilities, which
                                                     cases are of the most concern?
                                                    What are the conditions, both
                                                     operational and environmental, under
                                                     which the system to be monitored
                                                    What are the limitations on acquiring
                                                     data in the operational environment?

                                                Data Acquisition, Normalization and
Paradigm approach in SHM:                       Cleansing

The paradigm approach of an SHM is              The data acquisition portion of the SHM
mainly divided in to four parts namely:         process involves selecting the excitation
                                                methods, the sensor types, number and
 Operational Evaluation,                       locations,        and         the         data
 Data Acquisition and Cleansing,               acquisition/storage/transmittal    hardware.
 Feature     Extraction    and   Data          Again, this process will be application
  Compression, and                              specific. Economic considerations will play
 Statistical Model Development for             a major role in making these decisions. The
  Feature Discrimination.                       intervals at which data should be collected is
                                                another consideration that must be
   When one attempts to apply this              addressed.
   paradigm to data from real world
   structures, it quickly becomes apparent      Because data can be measured under varying
   that the ability to cleanse, compress,       conditions, the ability to normalize the data
   normalize and fuse data to account for       becomes very important to the damage
   operational        and     environmental     identification process. As it applies to SHM,
   variability is a key implementation issue.   data normalization is the process of
   These processes can be implemented           separating changes in sensor reading caused
   through hardware or software and, in         by damage from those caused by varying
   general, some combination of these two       operational and environmental conditions.
   approaches will be used.                     One of the most common procedures is to
normalize the measured responses by the           features identified from the undamaged and
measured inputs. When environmental or            damaged system. The use of analytical tools
operational variability is an issue, the need     such as experimentally-validated finite
can arise to normalize the data in some           element models can be a great asset in this
temporal fashion to facilitate the comparison     process. In many cases the analytical tools
of data measured at similar times of an           are used to perform numerical experiments
environmental or operational cycle. Sources       where the flaws are introduced through
of variability in the data acquisition process    computer simulation. Damage accumulation
and with the system being monitored need to       testing, during which significant structural
be identified and minimized to the extent         components of the system under study are
possible. In general, not all sources of          degraded by subjecting them to realistic
variability can be eliminated. Therefore, it is   loading conditions, can also be used to
necessary to make the appropriate                 identify appropriate features. This process
measurements such that these sources can be       may involve induced-damage testing,
statistically quantified. Variability can arise   fatigue testing, corrosion growth, or
from changing environmental and test              temperature cycling to accumulate certain
conditions, changes in the data reduction         types of damage in an accelerated fashion.
process, and unit-to-unit inconsistencies.        Insight into the appropriate features can be
                                                  gained from several types of analytical and
Feature Extraction and Data                       experimental studies as described above and
Compression                                       is usually the result of information obtained
                                                  from some combination of these studies.
The area of the SHM process that receives
the most attention in the technical literature    Statistical Model Development
is the identification of data features that
allows one to distinguish between the             The portion of the SHM process that has
undamaged and damaged structure. Inherent         received the least attention in the technical
in this feature selection process is the          literature is the development of statistical
condensation of the data. The best features       models for discrimination between features
for damage identification are, again,             from the undamaged and damaged
application specific.                             structures. Statistical model development is
                                                  concerned with the implementation of the
One of the most common feature extraction         algorithms that operate on the extracted
methods is based on correlating measured          features to quantify the damage state of the
system response quantities, such a vibration      structure. The algorithms used in statistical
amplitude or frequency, with the first-hand       model development usually fall into three
observations of the degrading system.             categories. When data are available from
Another method of developing features for         both the undamaged and damaged structure,
damage identification is to apply engineered      the statistical pattern recognition algorithms
flaws, similar to ones expected in actual         fall into the general classification referred to
operating conditions, to systems and develop      as supervised learning. Group classification
an initial understanding of the parameters        and regression analysis are categories of
that are sensitive to the expected damage.        supervised          learning        algorithms.
The flawed system can also be used to             Unsupervised learning refers to algorithms
validate that the diagnostic measurements         that are applied to data not containing
are sensitive enough to distinguish between       examples from the damaged structure.
Outlier or novelty detection is the primary          •   Principle IV (a): Sensors cannot
class of algorithms applied in unsupervised              measure damage. Feature extraction
learning applications. All of the algorithms             through signal processing and
analyze statistical distributions of the                 statistical classification is necessary
measured or derived features to enhance the              to convert sensor data into damage
damage identification process.                           information;
                                                     •   Principle IV (b): Without intelligent
In total,                                                feature extraction, the more sensitive
                                                         a measurement is to damage, the
Operation evaluation gives the conditions of             more sensitive it is to changing
SHM,                                                     operational and environmental
Data Acquisition gives the number and types          •   Principle V: The length- and time-
of sensors to be introduced in buildings,                scales associated with damage
                                                         initiation and evolutions dictate the
Feature extraction gives the technical                   required properties of the SHM
literature to distinguish between damaged                sensing system;
and non damaged items of buildings,                  •   Principle VI: There is a trade-off
                                                         between the sensitivity to damage of
Statistical Model Development is used for                an algorithm and its noise rejection
determining damaged and undamaged                        capability;
structures.                                          •   Principle VII: The size of damage
                                                         that can be detected from changes in
Principles of SHM:                                       system dynamics is inversely
                                                         proportional to the frequency range
Based on the extensive literature that has               of excitation.
developed on SHM over the last 20 years, it
can be argued that this field has matured to             So far, we have known about SHM.
the point where several fundamental
Principles, or general principles, have                  Let us know about it in a deep
emerged.                                                 manner something about
                                                         Components of SHM.
    •       Principle I: All materials have
            inherent laws or defects;            Components of SHM:
    •       Principle II: The assessment of
            damage requires a comparison                Structure
            between two system states;                  Sensors
    •       Principle III: Identifying the              Data acquisition systems
            existence and location of damage            Data management
            can be done in an unsupervised              Data transfer
            learning mode, but identifying the          Data interpretation and diagnosis.
            type of damage present and the
            damage severity can generally only
            be done in a supervised learning
            mode;                                Data Interpretation and Diagnosis systems
                                                 consist of:
1.   System Identification,                  measured. Examples of this include
   2.   Structural model update,                temperature, light intensity, gas pressure,
   3.   Structural condition assessment,        fluid flow, and force.
   4.   Prediction of remaining service life.
                                                Data management:
                                                Data management comprises all the
Sensors are a device that measures a            disciplines related to managing data as a
physical quantity and converts it in to a       valuable resource. The official definition
signal that can be measured by an               provided by DAMA International, the
instrument or by an observer. A sensor is a     professional organization for those in the
device which receives and responds to a         data management profession, is: "Data
signal. A good sensor obeys the following       Resource Management is the development
rules:                                          and execution of architectures, policies,
                                                practices and procedures that properly
   •    Is sensitive to the measured property   manage the full data lifecycle needs of an
   •    Is insensitive to any other property    enterprise."
        likely to be encountered in its
        application                             Data transfer systems are used to transfer the
   •    Does not influence the measured         data to systems which help in predicting the
        property.                               failures of structures.

Data Acquisition Systems:                       Structure

Data acquisition is the process of sampling     Conceptually, an accelerometer behaves as a
signals that measure real world physical        damped mass on a spring. When the
conditions and converting the resulting         accelerometer experiences acceleration, the
samples into digital numeric values that can    mass is displaced to the point that the spring
be manipulated by a computer.                   is able to accelerate the mass at the same
                                                rate as the casing. The displacement is then
This includes:                                  measured to give the acceleration.

   •    Sensors that convert physical           In commercial devices, piezoelectric,
        parameters to electrical signals.       piezoresistive and capacitive components
   •    Signal conditioning circuitry to        are commonly used to convert the
        convert sensor signals into a form      mechanical motion into an electrical signal.
        that can be converted to digital        Piezoelectric accelerometers rely on
        values.                                 piezoceramics (e.g. lead zirconate titanate)
   •    Analog-to-digital converters, which     or single crystals (e.g. quartz, tourmaline).
        convert conditioned sensor signals to   They are unmatched in terms of their upper
        digital values.                         frequency range, low packaged weight and
                                                high temperature range. Piezoresistive
                                                accelerometers are preferred in high shock
                                                applications. Capacitive accelerometers
Data acquisition begins with the physical       typically use a silicon micro-machined
phenomenon or physical property to be           sensing element. Their performance is
superior in the low frequency range and they      of the die. By integrating two devices
can be operated in servo mode to achieve          perpendicularly on a single die a two-axis
high stability and linearity.                     accelerometer can be made. By adding an
                                                  additional out-of-plane device three axes can
Modern accelerometers are often small             be measured. Such a combination always
micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS),          has a much lower misalignment error than
and are indeed the simplest MEMS devices          three discrete models combined after
possible, consisting of little more than a        packaging.
cantilever beam with a proof mass (also
known as seismic mass). Damping results           Micromechanical       accelerometers      are
from the residual gas sealed in the device.       available in a wide variety of measuring
As long as the Q-factor is not too low,           ranges, reaching up to thousands of g's. The
damping does not result in a lower                designer must make a compromise between
sensitivity.                                      sensitivity and the maximum acceleration
                                                  that can be measured.
Under the influence of external accelerations
the proof mass deflects from its neutral          Building and structural monitoring
position. This deflection is measured in an
analog or digital manner. Most commonly,          Accelerometers are used to measure the
the capacitance between a set of fixed beams      motion and vibration of a structure that is
and a set of beams attached to the proof          exposed to dynamic loads.[22] Dynamic loads
mass is measured. This method is simple,          originate from a variety of sources
reliable, and inexpensive. Integrating            including:
piezoresistors in the springs to detect spring
deformation, and thus deflection, is a good          •   Human activities - walking, running,
alternative, although a few more process                 dancing or skipping
steps are needed during the fabrication              •   Working machines - inside a
sequence. For very high sensitivities                    building or in the surrounding area
quantum tunneling is also used; this requires        •   Construction work - driving piles,
a dedicated process making it very                       demolition, drilling and excavating
expensive. Optical measurement has been              •   Moving loads on bridges
demonstrated on laboratory scale.                    •   Vehicle collisions
                                                     •   Impact loads - falling debris
Another, far less common, type of MEMS-              •   Concussion loads - internal and
based accelerometer contains a small heater              external explosions
at the bottom of a very small dome, which            •   Collapse of structural elements
heats the air inside the dome to cause it to         •   Wind loads and wind gusts
rise. A thermocouple on the dome                     •   Air blast pressure
determines where the heated air reaches the          •   Loss of support because of ground
dome and the deflection off the center is a              failure
measure of the acceleration applied to the           •   Earthquakes and aftershocks
                                                  Measuring and recording how a structure
Most     micromechanical        accelerometers    responds to these inputs is critical for
operate in-plane, that is, they are designed to   assessing the safety and viability of a
be sensitive only to a direction in the plane
structure. This type of monitoring is called    information of the structural behavior of
Dynamic Monitoring.                             bridges obtained from the monitoring
                                                system, maintenance costs could also be
WIRELESS MONITORING                             reduced,     since     inspection   methods
TECHNIQUES BASED ON MEMS                        (addressed i.e. in the following chapter) can
                                                be applied more efficiently. Only after
Existing monitoring systems use traditional     certain changes in the structural behavior
wired sensor technologies and several other     have been identified, an inspection (either
devices that are time consuming to install      by means of non-destructive testing or visual
and relatively expensive (compared to the       methods) is necessary and proper repair
value of the structure). They are using large   could be done right after the occurrence of
number of sensors (i. e. more than ten) are     the defect. This reduces the risk of further
expensive and will therefore be installed       damage.
only on a few bridges. A wireless
monitoring system with MEMS (Micro-               The analysis of measured data and the
Electro-Mechanical-Systems) sensors could       knowledge of continuous changes of
reduce these costs significantly. MEMS are      structural behavior will also improve the life
small integrated devices or systems that        time prognosis of civil structures reducing
combine      electrical   and     mechanical    the overall maintenance costs of buildings
components that could be produced for less      and transport networks. Data has to be
than 50 € each. The principle of such a         continuously transmitted (e.g. using the
system is shown in the scheme given in Fig.     internet) to the supervisor. Each sensor
1.                                              device (mote), which is itself a complete,
                                                small measurement and communication
                                                system, has to be power and cost optimized.
                                                Using multi-hop techniques, the data of the
                                                sensor network has to be transmitted over
                                                short distances of some 10 m to a base
                                                station on site. There the data items are
                                                collected and stored in a data base for
                                                subsequent analysis. This data can then be
                                                accessed by a remote user. If the central unit
                                                detects a hazardous condition by analyzing
                                                the data, it has to raise an alarm message.
                                                The central unit also allows for wireless
Currently, a wireless sensor node with such     administration,         calibration       and
a MEMS sensor could be fabricated at a          reprogramming of the sensor nodes in order
price varying from 100 to about 400 € and       to keep the whole system flexible. Each
future developments show the potential for      mote is composed of one or more sensors, a
prices of only a few Euro. Monitoring           data acquisition and processing unit, a
systems equipped with MEMS sensors and          wireless transceiver and a battery as power
wireless communication can reduce the           supply (Fig. 2, right) [3, 4]. The acquisition
costs to a small percentage of a conventional   and processing unit usually is equipped with
monitoring system and therefore will            a low power microcontroller offering an
increase its application not only in            integrated analogue to digital converter
monitoring bridges. Due to the detailed         (ADC) and sufficient data memory (RAM)
to store the measurements. This unit also
incorporates signal conditioning circuitry
interfacing the sensors to the ADC. In the
following sections, some components are
mentioned, but a more detailed description
is given elsewhere.

                                             An example of Micro machined Silicon

A typical example of hybrid sensor system
for wireless MEMS and DMS sensor data.

                                             An example showing monitoring of dams.

A diagram showing sensors in structures.

                                             An example showing sensors in beams.
It is a typical example showing electrical
generator and a sensor for health monitoring
                                                A type of forest based sensor for trees.
of systems.

An example      of   sensor   based health      An example of dam’s health in China.
monitoring           of           structures.
A perfect Silicon Sensor for Structural
Health Monitoring.


The inspection of building structures and
especially of bridges is mainly done visually
nowadays. Therefore, the condition of the
structure is examined from the surface and
the interpretation and assessment is based on
the level of experience of the engineers. An
approach to continuous structural health
monitoring techniques based on wireless
sensor networks were presented, which
provide data from the inside of a structure to
better understand its structural performance
and to predict its durability and remaining
life time. Using this technique, monitoring
of large structures in civil engineering
becomes very efficient. . Essential is that the
new system provides a more reliable impact

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Structural Health Monitoring

  • 1. SENSOR BASED HEALTH MONITORING OF STRUCTURES By, M. Mayur, Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Puttur. Abstract: Structure is an element composing of many components such as beams, columns, roofs, slabs, foundations and basements. Without beams and columns, no structure is able to stand on ground. But these structures also damage due to temperature conditions they expose, mismanagement during construction and lack of quality of control in construction. The damage is defined as changes to the material or geometric properties of a structural system, including changes to the boundary conditions and system connectivity, which adversely affect the system’s performance. The SHM process involves the observation of a system over time using periodically sampled dynamic response measurements from an array of sensors, the extraction of damage-sensitive features from these measurements, and the statistical analysis of these features to Introduction: determine the current state of system health. After extreme events, such as earthquakes or The process of implementing a damage blast loading, SHM is used for rapid detection and characterization strategy for condition screening and aims to provide, in engineering structures is referred to as near real time, reliable information Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). regarding the integrity of the structure. Qualitative and non-continuous methods have long been used to evaluate structures for their capacity to serve their intended purpose. Since the beginning of the 19th century, railroad wheel-tappers have used the sound of a hammer striking the train wheel to evaluate if damage was present. In
  • 2. rotating machinery, vibration monitoring has Operational Evaluation been used for decades as a performance evaluation technique. In the last ten to Operational evaluation attempts to answer fifteen years, SHM technologies have four questions regarding the implementation emerged creating an exciting new field of a damage identification capability: within various branches of engineering. Academic conferences and scientific  What are the life-safety and/or journals have been established during this economic justification for time that specifically focuses on SHM. performing the SHM? These technologies are currently becoming  How is damage defined for the increasingly common. system being investigated and, for multiple damage possibilities, which cases are of the most concern?  What are the conditions, both operational and environmental, under which the system to be monitored functions?  What are the limitations on acquiring data in the operational environment? Data Acquisition, Normalization and Paradigm approach in SHM: Cleansing The paradigm approach of an SHM is The data acquisition portion of the SHM mainly divided in to four parts namely: process involves selecting the excitation methods, the sensor types, number and  Operational Evaluation, locations, and the data  Data Acquisition and Cleansing, acquisition/storage/transmittal hardware.  Feature Extraction and Data Again, this process will be application Compression, and specific. Economic considerations will play  Statistical Model Development for a major role in making these decisions. The Feature Discrimination. intervals at which data should be collected is another consideration that must be When one attempts to apply this addressed. paradigm to data from real world structures, it quickly becomes apparent Because data can be measured under varying that the ability to cleanse, compress, conditions, the ability to normalize the data normalize and fuse data to account for becomes very important to the damage operational and environmental identification process. As it applies to SHM, variability is a key implementation issue. data normalization is the process of These processes can be implemented separating changes in sensor reading caused through hardware or software and, in by damage from those caused by varying general, some combination of these two operational and environmental conditions. approaches will be used. One of the most common procedures is to
  • 3. normalize the measured responses by the features identified from the undamaged and measured inputs. When environmental or damaged system. The use of analytical tools operational variability is an issue, the need such as experimentally-validated finite can arise to normalize the data in some element models can be a great asset in this temporal fashion to facilitate the comparison process. In many cases the analytical tools of data measured at similar times of an are used to perform numerical experiments environmental or operational cycle. Sources where the flaws are introduced through of variability in the data acquisition process computer simulation. Damage accumulation and with the system being monitored need to testing, during which significant structural be identified and minimized to the extent components of the system under study are possible. In general, not all sources of degraded by subjecting them to realistic variability can be eliminated. Therefore, it is loading conditions, can also be used to necessary to make the appropriate identify appropriate features. This process measurements such that these sources can be may involve induced-damage testing, statistically quantified. Variability can arise fatigue testing, corrosion growth, or from changing environmental and test temperature cycling to accumulate certain conditions, changes in the data reduction types of damage in an accelerated fashion. process, and unit-to-unit inconsistencies. Insight into the appropriate features can be gained from several types of analytical and Feature Extraction and Data experimental studies as described above and Compression is usually the result of information obtained from some combination of these studies. The area of the SHM process that receives the most attention in the technical literature Statistical Model Development is the identification of data features that allows one to distinguish between the The portion of the SHM process that has undamaged and damaged structure. Inherent received the least attention in the technical in this feature selection process is the literature is the development of statistical condensation of the data. The best features models for discrimination between features for damage identification are, again, from the undamaged and damaged application specific. structures. Statistical model development is concerned with the implementation of the One of the most common feature extraction algorithms that operate on the extracted methods is based on correlating measured features to quantify the damage state of the system response quantities, such a vibration structure. The algorithms used in statistical amplitude or frequency, with the first-hand model development usually fall into three observations of the degrading system. categories. When data are available from Another method of developing features for both the undamaged and damaged structure, damage identification is to apply engineered the statistical pattern recognition algorithms flaws, similar to ones expected in actual fall into the general classification referred to operating conditions, to systems and develop as supervised learning. Group classification an initial understanding of the parameters and regression analysis are categories of that are sensitive to the expected damage. supervised learning algorithms. The flawed system can also be used to Unsupervised learning refers to algorithms validate that the diagnostic measurements that are applied to data not containing are sensitive enough to distinguish between examples from the damaged structure.
  • 4. Outlier or novelty detection is the primary • Principle IV (a): Sensors cannot class of algorithms applied in unsupervised measure damage. Feature extraction learning applications. All of the algorithms through signal processing and analyze statistical distributions of the statistical classification is necessary measured or derived features to enhance the to convert sensor data into damage damage identification process. information; • Principle IV (b): Without intelligent In total, feature extraction, the more sensitive a measurement is to damage, the Operation evaluation gives the conditions of more sensitive it is to changing SHM, operational and environmental conditions; Data Acquisition gives the number and types • Principle V: The length- and time- of sensors to be introduced in buildings, scales associated with damage initiation and evolutions dictate the Feature extraction gives the technical required properties of the SHM literature to distinguish between damaged sensing system; and non damaged items of buildings, • Principle VI: There is a trade-off between the sensitivity to damage of Statistical Model Development is used for an algorithm and its noise rejection determining damaged and undamaged capability; structures. • Principle VII: The size of damage that can be detected from changes in Principles of SHM: system dynamics is inversely proportional to the frequency range Based on the extensive literature that has of excitation. developed on SHM over the last 20 years, it can be argued that this field has matured to So far, we have known about SHM. the point where several fundamental Principles, or general principles, have Let us know about it in a deep emerged. manner something about Components of SHM. • Principle I: All materials have inherent laws or defects; Components of SHM: • Principle II: The assessment of damage requires a comparison  Structure between two system states;  Sensors • Principle III: Identifying the  Data acquisition systems existence and location of damage  Data management can be done in an unsupervised  Data transfer learning mode, but identifying the  Data interpretation and diagnosis. type of damage present and the damage severity can generally only be done in a supervised learning mode; Data Interpretation and Diagnosis systems consist of:
  • 5. 1. System Identification, measured. Examples of this include 2. Structural model update, temperature, light intensity, gas pressure, 3. Structural condition assessment, fluid flow, and force. 4. Prediction of remaining service life. Data management: Sensors: Data management comprises all the Sensors are a device that measures a disciplines related to managing data as a physical quantity and converts it in to a valuable resource. The official definition signal that can be measured by an provided by DAMA International, the instrument or by an observer. A sensor is a professional organization for those in the device which receives and responds to a data management profession, is: "Data signal. A good sensor obeys the following Resource Management is the development rules: and execution of architectures, policies, practices and procedures that properly • Is sensitive to the measured property manage the full data lifecycle needs of an • Is insensitive to any other property enterprise." likely to be encountered in its application Data transfer systems are used to transfer the • Does not influence the measured data to systems which help in predicting the property. failures of structures. Data Acquisition Systems: Structure Data acquisition is the process of sampling Conceptually, an accelerometer behaves as a signals that measure real world physical damped mass on a spring. When the conditions and converting the resulting accelerometer experiences acceleration, the samples into digital numeric values that can mass is displaced to the point that the spring be manipulated by a computer. is able to accelerate the mass at the same rate as the casing. The displacement is then This includes: measured to give the acceleration. • Sensors that convert physical In commercial devices, piezoelectric, parameters to electrical signals. piezoresistive and capacitive components • Signal conditioning circuitry to are commonly used to convert the convert sensor signals into a form mechanical motion into an electrical signal. that can be converted to digital Piezoelectric accelerometers rely on values. piezoceramics (e.g. lead zirconate titanate) • Analog-to-digital converters, which or single crystals (e.g. quartz, tourmaline). convert conditioned sensor signals to They are unmatched in terms of their upper digital values. frequency range, low packaged weight and high temperature range. Piezoresistive accelerometers are preferred in high shock applications. Capacitive accelerometers Data acquisition begins with the physical typically use a silicon micro-machined phenomenon or physical property to be sensing element. Their performance is
  • 6. superior in the low frequency range and they of the die. By integrating two devices can be operated in servo mode to achieve perpendicularly on a single die a two-axis high stability and linearity. accelerometer can be made. By adding an additional out-of-plane device three axes can Modern accelerometers are often small be measured. Such a combination always micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), has a much lower misalignment error than and are indeed the simplest MEMS devices three discrete models combined after possible, consisting of little more than a packaging. cantilever beam with a proof mass (also known as seismic mass). Damping results Micromechanical accelerometers are from the residual gas sealed in the device. available in a wide variety of measuring As long as the Q-factor is not too low, ranges, reaching up to thousands of g's. The damping does not result in a lower designer must make a compromise between sensitivity. sensitivity and the maximum acceleration that can be measured. Under the influence of external accelerations the proof mass deflects from its neutral Building and structural monitoring position. This deflection is measured in an analog or digital manner. Most commonly, Accelerometers are used to measure the the capacitance between a set of fixed beams motion and vibration of a structure that is and a set of beams attached to the proof exposed to dynamic loads.[22] Dynamic loads mass is measured. This method is simple, originate from a variety of sources reliable, and inexpensive. Integrating including: piezoresistors in the springs to detect spring deformation, and thus deflection, is a good • Human activities - walking, running, alternative, although a few more process dancing or skipping steps are needed during the fabrication • Working machines - inside a sequence. For very high sensitivities building or in the surrounding area quantum tunneling is also used; this requires • Construction work - driving piles, a dedicated process making it very demolition, drilling and excavating expensive. Optical measurement has been • Moving loads on bridges demonstrated on laboratory scale. • Vehicle collisions • Impact loads - falling debris Another, far less common, type of MEMS- • Concussion loads - internal and based accelerometer contains a small heater external explosions at the bottom of a very small dome, which • Collapse of structural elements heats the air inside the dome to cause it to • Wind loads and wind gusts rise. A thermocouple on the dome • Air blast pressure determines where the heated air reaches the • Loss of support because of ground dome and the deflection off the center is a failure measure of the acceleration applied to the • Earthquakes and aftershocks sensor. Measuring and recording how a structure Most micromechanical accelerometers responds to these inputs is critical for operate in-plane, that is, they are designed to assessing the safety and viability of a be sensitive only to a direction in the plane
  • 7. structure. This type of monitoring is called information of the structural behavior of Dynamic Monitoring. bridges obtained from the monitoring system, maintenance costs could also be WIRELESS MONITORING reduced, since inspection methods TECHNIQUES BASED ON MEMS (addressed i.e. in the following chapter) can be applied more efficiently. Only after Existing monitoring systems use traditional certain changes in the structural behavior wired sensor technologies and several other have been identified, an inspection (either devices that are time consuming to install by means of non-destructive testing or visual and relatively expensive (compared to the methods) is necessary and proper repair value of the structure). They are using large could be done right after the occurrence of number of sensors (i. e. more than ten) are the defect. This reduces the risk of further expensive and will therefore be installed damage. only on a few bridges. A wireless monitoring system with MEMS (Micro- The analysis of measured data and the Electro-Mechanical-Systems) sensors could knowledge of continuous changes of reduce these costs significantly. MEMS are structural behavior will also improve the life small integrated devices or systems that time prognosis of civil structures reducing combine electrical and mechanical the overall maintenance costs of buildings components that could be produced for less and transport networks. Data has to be than 50 € each. The principle of such a continuously transmitted (e.g. using the system is shown in the scheme given in Fig. internet) to the supervisor. Each sensor 1. device (mote), which is itself a complete, small measurement and communication system, has to be power and cost optimized. Using multi-hop techniques, the data of the sensor network has to be transmitted over short distances of some 10 m to a base station on site. There the data items are collected and stored in a data base for subsequent analysis. This data can then be accessed by a remote user. If the central unit detects a hazardous condition by analyzing the data, it has to raise an alarm message. The central unit also allows for wireless Currently, a wireless sensor node with such administration, calibration and a MEMS sensor could be fabricated at a reprogramming of the sensor nodes in order price varying from 100 to about 400 € and to keep the whole system flexible. Each future developments show the potential for mote is composed of one or more sensors, a prices of only a few Euro. Monitoring data acquisition and processing unit, a systems equipped with MEMS sensors and wireless transceiver and a battery as power wireless communication can reduce the supply (Fig. 2, right) [3, 4]. The acquisition costs to a small percentage of a conventional and processing unit usually is equipped with monitoring system and therefore will a low power microcontroller offering an increase its application not only in integrated analogue to digital converter monitoring bridges. Due to the detailed (ADC) and sufficient data memory (RAM)
  • 8. to store the measurements. This unit also incorporates signal conditioning circuitry interfacing the sensors to the ADC. In the following sections, some components are mentioned, but a more detailed description is given elsewhere. An example of Micro machined Silicon sensor. A typical example of hybrid sensor system for wireless MEMS and DMS sensor data. An example showing monitoring of dams. A diagram showing sensors in structures. An example showing sensors in beams.
  • 9. It is a typical example showing electrical generator and a sensor for health monitoring A type of forest based sensor for trees. of systems. An example of sensor based health An example of dam’s health in China. monitoring of structures.
  • 10. A perfect Silicon Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring. Conclusion: The inspection of building structures and especially of bridges is mainly done visually nowadays. Therefore, the condition of the structure is examined from the surface and the interpretation and assessment is based on the level of experience of the engineers. An approach to continuous structural health monitoring techniques based on wireless sensor networks were presented, which provide data from the inside of a structure to better understand its structural performance and to predict its durability and remaining life time. Using this technique, monitoring of large structures in civil engineering becomes very efficient. . Essential is that the new system provides a more reliable impact generation.