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This is my first picture that is taken from my mood board and I’m not sure what games it’s from, however it looks good. The
location of the image is somewhere near some mountains and a grassy area for where the character runs along. The angle is
2D and from a distance. The level design is 2D which makes it look good especially for a retro kind of game. Majority of
these games and pictures remind me of Mario which is and looks very similar to these photos. The effects look really good
as well because it looks like there’s two different biomes in one picture showing the distance between them. The picture
overall looks very bright because of the use of bright colours. The props used in the picture such as the traps that are meant
to be avoided are put in a good place for people to jump over. The audience would watch this or buy it because it’s similar
to the likes of Mario and sonic which are some of the best games to ever exist so people would give it a go. If it had a decent
name, characters and other features people would buy and play this game.
Existing Product
This image is also picked from my mood board and is from the game Mario. One of the original Mario games and the image
shows the starter / first level on the game. The location on the image is hard to tell, however there’s cactus’ so this could be
in a desert with a grassy area in the background and clear skies. The angle is the same as the previous image, it’s from a
certain distance away and is a 2D level design. The effects are really good especially for a game that is a classic and was
made a while ago. The lighting is bright enough because of the bright colours used.
My target audience would like this game because it’s one of the classic Mario games and is known for being one of the best
games of all time. This was one of the first Mario games so my target audience would get told this from maybe older siblings
and play it. It was made long time ago so people in my age range like 7 and 8 year olds won’t know what this is. But like said
earlier they will get told by others. Just by seeing this picture, if people have the game it will make them want to go on the
game again and experience a game that was full of memories.
Existing Product
This picture is also from my mood board and is a game that includes a panda and what looks like a beach side background
which is the starter level I think. The game looks pretty good the angle again is from a certain distance so the players can
see all of the action that occurs during the gameplay. The effects in my opinion look really good for a game that I don’t know
about and I like the limited amount of colours used for the level because it doesn’t look too complex. The level looks bright
because it’s set in the daytime and has the use of blue, cream and green as the main bright colours.
This game will appeal to my target audience and will want them to buy it, watch it or play it because it has a similar concept
to Mario and looks like a simple and easy game to play. The graphics look pretty decent and they’ve included the main
character as a panda which will appeal to the younger people in the audience. I think this game won’t grab the most
attention because it looks like a game people might not have seen before, therefore people might not like it, however if
people got told by others they might play it. It all depends on what the audience think if it in the end, my target audience
will like it because of the concept being similar to Mario and sonic.
Existing Product
This game is not off my mood board, but is off the internet as a pre-historic game design made in 1990. I’m not sure what
game it is, however it looks good from being in 1990. The location of the image is hard to tell, however the angle is the
same, the effects are pretty good as well and the colours mainly are well thought out and look good. The colours make the
level or whatever it is bright. The level itself looks good, it includes enemy characters, certain obstacles and looks like a
challenging game.
My target audience might want to buy this game because it’s made in the 1990’s and people might want to go back in time
and look at some of the games that aren’t quite as popular, but are made a while ago. If my target audience were to buy
this game, it probably would be bought by the older people in my audience because of how old the game is. However this
doesn’t change younger people playing it either, because the older people in my audience could tell them about it and then
play it.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
– All the existing products/images are 2D level designed games. Majority of them include a character and well designed
backgrounds. There is use of bright colours and good effects. All the images have what looks like good level designs
and good lighting. They all include some form of nature either being plants or different types of weather. Two out of
the four are pixel games whereas the other two are normal games.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
– The aspects from my research that I will include in my final product will be the likes of the 2D level design. Maybe
some of the features in those images I could include in my game. For example the parts where you need to jump I will
include in my game and maybe some of the enemy characters can give me an idea on what enemies to create when it
comes to making my product. My target audience would like to see my ideas coming from other games and
combining them to make my own character or level design.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: It turns out all the people that answered are male and no females answered my survey.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that males are more interested in my project more than
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will listen and remember what recommendations they
have put for the upcoming questions. I will also make the game by thinking of what males would like in a
game, so maybe violence and a challenge.
Audience research
• Observation: It looks like there’s more 17-18 year olds that answered the question compared to the other
options in the question.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience are all teenagers and nearly becoming
adults so it’s a decent audience to get recommendations from.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience by including some
of their answers and be making it because of the age that people are. So I would make my game so it’s got
a age range of 16+ and not for people under that age.
Audience research
• Observation: I turns out that everybody that answered are interested in games.
• What this says about my audience: They’re all interested in games and that they will be interested in my
game that I will make.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my target audience because I
will use the ideas given to me from the questionnaire and because I know everyone’s interested I will take
a many ideas as possible.
Audience research
• Observation: It turns out from the question that there’s a mixture of answers including some in the
other option. This question was multiple choice and people chose adventure as the main gaming
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience are taking these answers seriously
and want a bit of everything the question asks.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I
will include adventure, fantasy and some of the suggested answers in my game as the genres. I will
only choose 2-3 genres though because I can’t choose them all.
Audience research
• Observation: In this question it turns out again there’s a mixture of what people play, but it’s mainly
the PlayStation consoles that people play.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my target audience play on most consoles that I
suggested and some play their own that I didn’t include in the question.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I
will include controls that are used on consoles. So to move for example I will include the PlayStation
buttons as it’s a game.
Audience research
• Observation: In this question it’s another mixture between 3 answers and the one with the most
ticks was over an hour. There was nobody that plays all the time which was good because playing all
the time can affect health.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience will play my game for maybe an
hour or two then go off it and play something else.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim the game to be a decent length so people
don’t play it loads, but can play it for a short amount of time.
Audience research
• Observation: It turns out that people play games on the phone and not on the tablet. However
some people don’t play games on their phone or tablet whatsoever.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience enjoy playing on their phones
more than tablet. Some people play both, however some don’t paly game at all. So I’ve got a
mixture of people that do and don’t paly on certain devices.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I’ll make my game suitable to a smart phone and on
a console so people can play the game on both. Certain features on the console however wouldn’t
be on the phone.
Audience research
• Observation: For this question there’s another mixture of what people think and the most choices
have come between ‘having a weapon’ and ‘other’.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want their own suggestions
instead of my own.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I
will choose between people choices they’ve made. So I’ll choose between having some kind of
weapon and what the people chose in the ‘other’ option.
Audience research
• Observation: Out of the choices people chose Axe as the favourite to choose as the main characters
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want their own decisions making
instead of my own however ‘axe’ got most votes, therefore that might be the main weapon.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my target audience by adding what
the people who answered voted for and that’s the ‘axe’ and maybe something that’s suggested in
Audience research
• Observation: For the last question people chose between the first and the second option, so the
decision is mine to make.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want to see a poster which is one
extra thing to make or two things to make. Either way I’m going to make two side products for the
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I
will include two of these side products to go with the final product.
Interview 1
• What video games do you play and why?
Play FIFA UFC, WWE, football manager.
• If you have a console, what console do you play on?
PS4 and Xbox one and a bit of PC
• What’s your favourite game at the moment or the one you are playing the most?
• What would you choose as your weapon in a adventure game?
A big sledgehammer
• If you were to have a superpower on your main character what would it be?
To pause time
Interview 1
• Observation: The first interviewee likes his sports as he chose sport related games
for the main video games he plays. FIFA was his favourite game at the moment and
had a variety of consoles he plays on. He chose as his weapon as ‘a big
sledgehammer’ which is a reasonable answer for an adventure game. And his
superpower was to pause time and in my opinion that’s a good choice especially
for an adventure game that would help a lot during gameplay.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience like adventure
games and the sports kind of things.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: If I want to appeal to my audience I
will include the likes of a sledgehammer or what looks like one and have the
superpower as pause time.
Interview 2
• What video games do you play and why?
FIFA 15, assassins creed unity, G-force, sonic sega all stars racing, wii sports, Kinect
sports, GTA, Ballz
• If you have a console, what console do you play on?
PS4, Xbox one, Wii, iOS.
• What’s your favourite game at the moment or the one you are playing the most?
• What would you choose as your weapon in a adventure game?
Iron Man suit.
• If you were to have a superpower on your main character what would it be?
Pause time.
Interview 2
• Observation: It turns out the second interviewee plays a mixture of different
games such as sonic, FIFA, Wii sports and are spread across different consoles. His
favourite game was an iOS game which is reasonable because my game is going to
be a smart phone game and maybe a console game if it gets developed well. His
chosen weapon would be the Iron Man sit which in my opinion sounds a bit
stupid, however it’s a good choice because of what that suit can do. This won’t be
included in my game as a weapon throughout the game, but as a pick-up. The
superpower was to also pause time, the same answer from the previous interview.
Overall if I was to choose between both interviews I would choose the answers
from the first interview because they sound reasonable for an adventure game
and have good answers.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience has a likability for
sports so I might include some sport related features into my game.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by
including some of the answers in my questionnaire and interviews so some
people’s ideas can be in my game.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range 7+
• I will appeal to this audience by including features that
are reasonable for that age range, so I won’t include
much violence and anything too scary. Things such as
killing enemies, I will find a way to kill them without to
much violence with the chosen weapon in the game.
Gender Both, mainly male.
• To appeal to my audience I will add features that will be
cool and be liked by the male demographics. My gaming
idea is based of Mario, so the idea is to make it similar
but make every feature myself and that’s how I’m going
to appeal to my audience.
Psychographic Belonger
• I will appeal to the psychographic by making sure family
members can get involved with the game and make sure
you can do something in a short or long space of time.
Social Status Any
• I think with my product any kind of social status can like
my game because I will try and include something for
everyone to enjoy. Different social stated people have
answered my questionnaire and I’m going to include
some of those ideas into my game.
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
– The strengths of my research were that it was easy to analyse the pictures that I chose because I
knew what to type and knew what I was on about. I chose one well-known game, two 2D level
designs and a game I think made in the 1990’s. Talking about them was good so then I could see
what those type of games have included and try and think of something similar to add to mine.
– Questionnaires
– The questionnaire was good and got some reasonable answers in the end. There were some good
answers, in fact some of them were really interesting and might include within my game. That was a
strength however the weaknesses of the questionnaire were the answers in the ‘other’ option boxes.
I got at least one stupid answer, but I won’t choose that as a good answer and will ignore it and think
about the positive and well-thought out answers.
– Interviews
– The interviews were really good because they also had decent answers. The main strength was that
both interviewee’s took the questions seriously and that’s what helped me think out of all the
answers given what to include within my game. There wasn’t any weaknesses because all the
answers were serious and good instead of stupid.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
– The majority of the responses were reasonable and serious. I got decent answers that made me
think if I should recommend including some of these ideas into my game and that’s how good they
were. Some of the other responses weren’t really worth discussing because they weren’t taken
seriously and I ignored them in the end.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
– The advantage of the survey was getting people’s opinions and what they thought of the questions
that I asked. I included the ‘other’ option so people could use their own ideas in the questions
instead of choosing my own.
– The disadvantage of having a survey would be in my opinion giving the ‘other’ option in questions
because some people don’t take it seriously and type some stupid answer that won’t be included by
any means.

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Research fmp

  • 2. Existing Product This is my first picture that is taken from my mood board and I’m not sure what games it’s from, however it looks good. The location of the image is somewhere near some mountains and a grassy area for where the character runs along. The angle is 2D and from a distance. The level design is 2D which makes it look good especially for a retro kind of game. Majority of these games and pictures remind me of Mario which is and looks very similar to these photos. The effects look really good as well because it looks like there’s two different biomes in one picture showing the distance between them. The picture overall looks very bright because of the use of bright colours. The props used in the picture such as the traps that are meant to be avoided are put in a good place for people to jump over. The audience would watch this or buy it because it’s similar to the likes of Mario and sonic which are some of the best games to ever exist so people would give it a go. If it had a decent name, characters and other features people would buy and play this game.
  • 3. Existing Product This image is also picked from my mood board and is from the game Mario. One of the original Mario games and the image shows the starter / first level on the game. The location on the image is hard to tell, however there’s cactus’ so this could be in a desert with a grassy area in the background and clear skies. The angle is the same as the previous image, it’s from a certain distance away and is a 2D level design. The effects are really good especially for a game that is a classic and was made a while ago. The lighting is bright enough because of the bright colours used. My target audience would like this game because it’s one of the classic Mario games and is known for being one of the best games of all time. This was one of the first Mario games so my target audience would get told this from maybe older siblings and play it. It was made long time ago so people in my age range like 7 and 8 year olds won’t know what this is. But like said earlier they will get told by others. Just by seeing this picture, if people have the game it will make them want to go on the game again and experience a game that was full of memories.
  • 4. Existing Product This picture is also from my mood board and is a game that includes a panda and what looks like a beach side background which is the starter level I think. The game looks pretty good the angle again is from a certain distance so the players can see all of the action that occurs during the gameplay. The effects in my opinion look really good for a game that I don’t know about and I like the limited amount of colours used for the level because it doesn’t look too complex. The level looks bright because it’s set in the daytime and has the use of blue, cream and green as the main bright colours. This game will appeal to my target audience and will want them to buy it, watch it or play it because it has a similar concept to Mario and looks like a simple and easy game to play. The graphics look pretty decent and they’ve included the main character as a panda which will appeal to the younger people in the audience. I think this game won’t grab the most attention because it looks like a game people might not have seen before, therefore people might not like it, however if people got told by others they might play it. It all depends on what the audience think if it in the end, my target audience will like it because of the concept being similar to Mario and sonic.
  • 5. Existing Product This game is not off my mood board, but is off the internet as a pre-historic game design made in 1990. I’m not sure what game it is, however it looks good from being in 1990. The location of the image is hard to tell, however the angle is the same, the effects are pretty good as well and the colours mainly are well thought out and look good. The colours make the level or whatever it is bright. The level itself looks good, it includes enemy characters, certain obstacles and looks like a challenging game. My target audience might want to buy this game because it’s made in the 1990’s and people might want to go back in time and look at some of the games that aren’t quite as popular, but are made a while ago. If my target audience were to buy this game, it probably would be bought by the older people in my audience because of how old the game is. However this doesn’t change younger people playing it either, because the older people in my audience could tell them about it and then play it.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – All the existing products/images are 2D level designed games. Majority of them include a character and well designed backgrounds. There is use of bright colours and good effects. All the images have what looks like good level designs and good lighting. They all include some form of nature either being plants or different types of weather. Two out of the four are pixel games whereas the other two are normal games. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? – The aspects from my research that I will include in my final product will be the likes of the 2D level design. Maybe some of the features in those images I could include in my game. For example the parts where you need to jump I will include in my game and maybe some of the enemy characters can give me an idea on what enemies to create when it comes to making my product. My target audience would like to see my ideas coming from other games and combining them to make my own character or level design.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: It turns out all the people that answered are male and no females answered my survey. • What this says about my audience: This shows that males are more interested in my project more than females. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will listen and remember what recommendations they have put for the upcoming questions. I will also make the game by thinking of what males would like in a game, so maybe violence and a challenge.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: It looks like there’s more 17-18 year olds that answered the question compared to the other options in the question. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience are all teenagers and nearly becoming adults so it’s a decent audience to get recommendations from. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience by including some of their answers and be making it because of the age that people are. So I would make my game so it’s got a age range of 16+ and not for people under that age.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: I turns out that everybody that answered are interested in games. • What this says about my audience: They’re all interested in games and that they will be interested in my game that I will make. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my target audience because I will use the ideas given to me from the questionnaire and because I know everyone’s interested I will take a many ideas as possible.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: It turns out from the question that there’s a mixture of answers including some in the other option. This question was multiple choice and people chose adventure as the main gaming genre. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience are taking these answers seriously and want a bit of everything the question asks. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will include adventure, fantasy and some of the suggested answers in my game as the genres. I will only choose 2-3 genres though because I can’t choose them all.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: In this question it turns out again there’s a mixture of what people play, but it’s mainly the PlayStation consoles that people play. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my target audience play on most consoles that I suggested and some play their own that I didn’t include in the question. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will include controls that are used on consoles. So to move for example I will include the PlayStation buttons as it’s a game.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: In this question it’s another mixture between 3 answers and the one with the most ticks was over an hour. There was nobody that plays all the time which was good because playing all the time can affect health. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience will play my game for maybe an hour or two then go off it and play something else. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim the game to be a decent length so people don’t play it loads, but can play it for a short amount of time.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: It turns out that people play games on the phone and not on the tablet. However some people don’t play games on their phone or tablet whatsoever. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience enjoy playing on their phones more than tablet. Some people play both, however some don’t paly game at all. So I’ve got a mixture of people that do and don’t paly on certain devices. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I’ll make my game suitable to a smart phone and on a console so people can play the game on both. Certain features on the console however wouldn’t be on the phone.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: For this question there’s another mixture of what people think and the most choices have come between ‘having a weapon’ and ‘other’. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want their own suggestions instead of my own. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will choose between people choices they’ve made. So I’ll choose between having some kind of weapon and what the people chose in the ‘other’ option.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: Out of the choices people chose Axe as the favourite to choose as the main characters weapon. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want their own decisions making instead of my own however ‘axe’ got most votes, therefore that might be the main weapon. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my target audience by adding what the people who answered voted for and that’s the ‘axe’ and maybe something that’s suggested in ‘other’.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: For the last question people chose between the first and the second option, so the decision is mine to make. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience want to see a poster which is one extra thing to make or two things to make. Either way I’m going to make two side products for the game. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will include two of these side products to go with the final product.
  • 19. Interview 1 • What video games do you play and why? Play FIFA UFC, WWE, football manager. • If you have a console, what console do you play on? PS4 and Xbox one and a bit of PC • What’s your favourite game at the moment or the one you are playing the most? FIFA • What would you choose as your weapon in a adventure game? A big sledgehammer • If you were to have a superpower on your main character what would it be? To pause time
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: The first interviewee likes his sports as he chose sport related games for the main video games he plays. FIFA was his favourite game at the moment and had a variety of consoles he plays on. He chose as his weapon as ‘a big sledgehammer’ which is a reasonable answer for an adventure game. And his superpower was to pause time and in my opinion that’s a good choice especially for an adventure game that would help a lot during gameplay. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience like adventure games and the sports kind of things. • How will your product appeal to this audience: If I want to appeal to my audience I will include the likes of a sledgehammer or what looks like one and have the superpower as pause time.
  • 21. Interview 2 • What video games do you play and why? FIFA 15, assassins creed unity, G-force, sonic sega all stars racing, wii sports, Kinect sports, GTA, Ballz • If you have a console, what console do you play on? PS4, Xbox one, Wii, iOS. • What’s your favourite game at the moment or the one you are playing the most? Ballz • What would you choose as your weapon in a adventure game? Iron Man suit. • If you were to have a superpower on your main character what would it be? Pause time.
  • 22. Interview 2 • Observation: It turns out the second interviewee plays a mixture of different games such as sonic, FIFA, Wii sports and are spread across different consoles. His favourite game was an iOS game which is reasonable because my game is going to be a smart phone game and maybe a console game if it gets developed well. His chosen weapon would be the Iron Man sit which in my opinion sounds a bit stupid, however it’s a good choice because of what that suit can do. This won’t be included in my game as a weapon throughout the game, but as a pick-up. The superpower was to also pause time, the same answer from the previous interview. Overall if I was to choose between both interviews I would choose the answers from the first interview because they sound reasonable for an adventure game and have good answers. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience has a likability for sports so I might include some sport related features into my game. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by including some of the answers in my questionnaire and interviews so some people’s ideas can be in my game.
  • 23. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 7+ • I will appeal to this audience by including features that are reasonable for that age range, so I won’t include much violence and anything too scary. Things such as killing enemies, I will find a way to kill them without to much violence with the chosen weapon in the game. Gender Both, mainly male. • To appeal to my audience I will add features that will be cool and be liked by the male demographics. My gaming idea is based of Mario, so the idea is to make it similar but make every feature myself and that’s how I’m going to appeal to my audience. Psychographic Belonger • I will appeal to the psychographic by making sure family members can get involved with the game and make sure you can do something in a short or long space of time. Social Status Any • I think with my product any kind of social status can like my game because I will try and include something for everyone to enjoy. Different social stated people have answered my questionnaire and I’m going to include some of those ideas into my game.
  • 25. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research – The strengths of my research were that it was easy to analyse the pictures that I chose because I knew what to type and knew what I was on about. I chose one well-known game, two 2D level designs and a game I think made in the 1990’s. Talking about them was good so then I could see what those type of games have included and try and think of something similar to add to mine. – Questionnaires – The questionnaire was good and got some reasonable answers in the end. There were some good answers, in fact some of them were really interesting and might include within my game. That was a strength however the weaknesses of the questionnaire were the answers in the ‘other’ option boxes. I got at least one stupid answer, but I won’t choose that as a good answer and will ignore it and think about the positive and well-thought out answers. – Interviews – The interviews were really good because they also had decent answers. The main strength was that both interviewee’s took the questions seriously and that’s what helped me think out of all the answers given what to include within my game. There wasn’t any weaknesses because all the answers were serious and good instead of stupid.
  • 26. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? – The majority of the responses were reasonable and serious. I got decent answers that made me think if I should recommend including some of these ideas into my game and that’s how good they were. Some of the other responses weren’t really worth discussing because they weren’t taken seriously and I ignored them in the end. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage – The advantage of the survey was getting people’s opinions and what they thought of the questions that I asked. I included the ‘other’ option so people could use their own ideas in the questions instead of choosing my own. – The disadvantage of having a survey would be in my opinion giving the ‘other’ option in questions because some people don’t take it seriously and type some stupid answer that won’t be included by any means.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally