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Question 1

  a) Briefly explain the differences between the marketing and selling concept.

     In sales concept, the organization main focus is to sell products that the
     organization make, instead of selling products that customer need and want. In
     the marketing concept on the other hand, the organizations concern about
     producing product and services that can satisfy customers‟ wants, taste and

     Secondly selling concept concern more on selling goods and services they
     produce to people who want to consume it. As a result the company will adopt
     marketing mixes in order to sell their goods and services to target market. The
     main reason for marketing concept is to achieve satisfaction from their customer
     who used the goods and services. There are also many efforts done by those
     marketers as their strategy.

     The sales concept goal is to make as much profit through volume selling of their
     product through the use of intensive marketing.
     Both selling and marketing concept are concept that directly opposed in respect.
     There will always be a need for some selling.

      The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the
     goods and services fit him. Marketing comprise of many activity such as
     marketing research, pricing, product development and distribution. In fact, selling
     is part of marketing. Marketing takes place before and after the selling activity.

     Many companies have adopted the marketing concept in Malaysia for example
     KFC. Many companies know the concept but do not practice it. They prefer
     sales-oriented company.
b) Briefly explain the philosophies of marketing. (15 marks)

   Most successful business requires efficient and effective management. This
   means the manager must able to plan, organize, direct and control the factors of
   production in order to achieve the organization‟s goals.

   1. Production philosophies
      Production concept is the orientation that holds consumer who will favor
      these products that are available and highly affordable and therefore
      management should concentrate on improving production and distribution
      efficiency. The emphasis on this concept is to produce it as much base on
      the capability of the firm. Products that easily available and affordable to most
      customers, will give companies the advantages of selling the products very
      well in the market.

   2. Product philosophies
      Product concept is an approach to business that centers its activities on
      continually improving and refining its products. All efforts are put into making
      the product better. For example we can offer you non-chip paint on your car.
      The product concept proposes that consumers will prefer products that have
      better quality, performance and features as opposed to a normal product.
      The concept is truly applicable in some niches such as electronics and
      mobile handsets. Two companies which stand apart from the crowd when we
      talk about the product concept are Apple and Google. Both of these
      companies have strived hard on their products and deliver us feature rich,
      innovative and diverse application products and people just love these

   3. Selling philosophies
      Selling concept means that the consumer will not buy enough of the
      organization undertakes substantial selling and promotion efforts. In simple
      words, marketing need to aggressively promote their product by either
      advertising, doing a sales promotion and personal selling in order to catch
      more customer to consume the product. Selling concept is more focus on the
      selling rather than satisfaction of their consumer. A good example would be
      the attractive advertisement conducted by Dashing that use Remy Ishak as
      their opinion leader.
4. Marketing concept
   Companies that adopt marketing concept in their production are known to be
   „market oriented‟. So, marketing manager must work hard in order to satisfy
   and fulfill customer need and wants. One famous and world-wide well-known
   company id Macdonald is known to adopt this marketing concept. How do
   they done it? Just ask teenagers today about Mcd. Almost everyone know
   them including adults too. In Malaysia, the marketing concept has been
   expressed in many forms such as „Maybank – a bank with a smile‟.

5. Societal- marketing philosophies
   Societal marketing concept not only concern about the customer need and
   wants but also the long term and society as a whole. For example it concern
   about pollution of the environment, waste of natural resources and others.
   Currently, societal marketing concept is to receiving an increasing emphasis
   among many business organizations. Products such as lead-free petrol,
   recycled paper are some of the things that marketers are paying more
   attention to care for the environment. These are important issues because
   customers are now more educated and more aware that they demand not
   just quality products but also to have extra benefits. For example benefit
   sought from the product.
Question 2

  a) Briefly explain the BCG growth-share matrix. (10 marks)

     Strategic business units (SBUs) is the key business that make up the company.
     An SBU can be a company division, a product line or sometime single product or

     1. Stars
        Stars are high-growth, high-share business or products. They often need
        heavy investment to finance their rapid growth. Eventually they will turn into
        cash cow

     2. Cash cows
        Cash cows are low-growth, high-share business or products. These
        established and successful SBUs need less investment to hold their market
        share. Thus, they produce a lot of the cash that the company uses to pay its
        bills and support other SBUs that need investment.

     3. Question marks
        Question marks are low low-share business units in high-growth markets.
        They require a lot of cash to hold their share, let alone increase it.
        Management has to think hard about which question marks it should try to
        build into star and which should be phased out.

     4. Dogs
        Dogs are low-growth, low-share business and products. They may generate
        enough cash to maintain themselves but do not promise to be large source of
b) Marketer need to deal with marketing management. Briefly explain about
   marketing analysis. (15 marks)

  Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the
  company‟s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis by which it
  evaluate the company overall strength (S), weakness (W), opportunities (O), and
  threats (T).

  Strength includes internal capabilities, resources and positive situational factors
  that may help the company serve its customers and achieve its objectives.
  Besides that, the competitive advantages also the strength of the organization
  that competes with their competitors.

  Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may
  interfere with the company‟s performance. For example like the weak
  management of worker that the organization have that will affect the
  organization‟s performance.

  Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the
  company may be able to exploit to its advantage.
  And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present
  challenges to performance. There are many threats that occur recently for
  example the overflow of information on the internet which become threat to the
  organization‟s objective.

  The company should analyze its markets and marketing environment to find
  attractive opportunities and identify environmental threats. It should analyze
  company strengths and weakness as well as current and possible marketing
  actions to determine which opportunities it can best pursue. The goal is to match
  the company strength to attractive opportunities in the environment, while
  eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and minimizing the threats. Marketing
  analysis provides inputs to each of the other marketing management functions.
Question 3

      a) Explain the micro and macro forces of environment. (6 marks)

        Micro is the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its
        Marketers must work in harmony with other company departments to create
        customer value and relationships. For example, Walmart‟s marketers can‟t
        promise us low prices unless its operations department delivers low costs. In
        creating value for customers, marketers must partner with other firms in the
        company‟s value delivery network. For example, Lexus can‟t create a high-
        quality ownership experience for its customers unless its suppliers provide
        quality parts and its dealers provide high sales and service quality.
        Customers are the most important actors in the company‟s microenvironment.
        The aim of the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and
        create strong relationships with them.

        Macro consists of broader forces that affect the actors in the
        microenvironment. Changing demographic means changes in markets. For
        example, Merrill Lynch now targets aging baby boomers to help them
        overcome the hurdles to retirement planning. Besides that, concern for the
        natural environment has spawned a so-called green movement in industries
        ranging from PCs to diesel locomotives. For example, last year HP recovered
        and recycled 250 million pounds of electronics globally, equivalent to some
        800 jumbo jets. The goal of many companies today is environmental
b) The changes of technology and social affect the marketing strategies.
   Explain with examples. (10 marks)

Technology is the knowledge of how to accomplish tasks and goals and often
includes all activities involved in translating technical knowledge into physical
reality that can be used on a societal scale. Marketers must be aware of the new
developments in technology and their possible effects, because technology can
and does affect marketing activities in many different ways. Businesses can
easily decline when they ignore the changes in the technology.

Major technological break-through carries a threefold market impact. They can
start entirely new industry, as computers and airplanes have done. Then, it also
radically alters or virtually destroys existing industries. For example, computer
replacing typewriter.

Besides that, technology also involves high cost. Stimulate other markets and
industries not related to the new technology. Rather than being involve in the
producing new products, companies can improve on current products by
developing and making product improvement.

The social environment changes also affect the company and marketing mix. An
increasing number of working women in Malaysia, for example has also led to
increasing number of firms producing fast-food services such as Brahim‟s packet
rendang, kurma, sweet and sour and even instant roti canai to cater to these
career women‟s demand for convenient food and cooking ingredients.

The food industries in Malaysia require conforming the needs and demands of
the various ethnic groups. In general the “Halal” sign at any site selling food will
be something that will make it convenient for all Muslims to consume a halal food
without doubt.

The societies today are accepting the value of health and leisure. So, marketers
need to cater for these activities. There a re increasing number of tour packages
available offering very attractive prices especially during the school holidays. The
Malaysian government has encourage local tourism by giving two Saturday off in
a month and promote the “Cuti-cuti Malaysia” holiday program to boost local
c) Explain the types of public that help the organization‟s ability to achieve its
   objectives. (9 marks)

  Public is any group that has actual or potential interest in or impact on an
  organization‟s ability to achieve its objectives. There are seven types of
  1. Financial publics
     This group influences the company‟s ability to obtain funds. For example
     banks, investment analysts, and stockholders are the major financial
  2. Media publics
     This group carries news, features and editorial opinion. It includes
     newspapers, magazines, television stations, and blogs and other internet
  3. Local publics
     This group includes neighborhood residents and community organizations.
     Large companies usually create departments and programs that deal with
     local community issues and provide community support.
  4. General public
     A company needs to be concerned about the general‟s public attitude
     toward its products and activities. The public‟s image of the company
     affects its buying.
  5. Internal publics
     This group includes workers, managers, volunteers and the boards of
     directors. Large companies use newsletter and other means to inform and
     motivate their internal publics. When their employees feel good about the
     company they work for, this positive attitude spills over to the external
  6. Citizen-action publics
     A company‟s marketing decisions may be questioned by the consumer
     organizations, environmental groups, minority groups and others. Its
     public relation department can help it stay in touch with consumer and
     citizen groups.
Question 4

     a) Explain the internal and external influences that affect the consumer behavior.
        (12 marks)

        Consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal, and
        psychological characteristics.

        1. Cultural factors

        Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned
        by a member of society form family and other important institutions. Marketers
        need to understand the role played by the buyer‟s culture, subcultures, and
        social class. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influence on
        buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country. For example, the
        cultural shift toward greater concern about health and fitness has created a
        huge industry for health-and-fitness services, exercise equipment and
        clothing, organic foods, and a variety of diets.

        Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or group of people with shared
        value systems based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures
        include nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions.
        Examples of four such important subculture groups include Hispanic
        American, Africa American, Asian American, and mature customer.

        Social class is not determined by a single factor, such as income, but is
        measured as a combination of occupation, income, education, wealth, and
        others variables.

        2. Social factors

        Group that have a direct influence and to which a person belong are called
        membership groups. Reference groups serve as direct (face-to-face) or
        indirect points of comparison or reference in forming a person‟s attitudes or
        behavior such as opinion leader. Aspirational group is one to which the
        individual wishes to belong, for example Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

        Family member can strongly influence buyer behavior. For example
        husband-wife involvements are widely by product category and by stage in
        the buying process.

        People usually choose products appropriate to their roles and status.
        Consider the various roles of working mother plays. In her company, she
        plays the roles of a brand manager; in her family, she plays the role of wife
and mother; at her favorite sporting events, she plays the role of avid fan. As
a brand manager, she will buy the kind of clothing that reflects her role and
status in her company.

3. Personal factors

Life-stages changes usually result from demographics and life changing
events marriage, having children, purchasing a home, divorce and retirement.
A person‟s occupation affects the goods and services bought. Blue-collar
workers tend to buy more rugged work clothes, whereas executives buy more
business suits. A person‟s economic situation will affect his or her store and
product choices. Their demand was backed by purchasing power.

4. Psychological factors

Motivation is the need that drives or directs the person to seek satisfaction of
the need. Maslow hierarchy explains about the arrangement of human need.
They include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs,
and self-actualization needs.

Perception is the process where people select, organize and interpret
information to form a meaningful picture of the world. People can form
different perceptions of the same stimulus because of three perceptual
processes which is selective attention, selective distortion, and selective

Learning describes the changes in an individual‟s behavior arising from the
experience. Learning occurs through the interplays of drives, stimuli, cues,
responses, and reinforcement.

A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something. Beliefs
may base on real knowledge, opinion, faith and may or may not on emotional
charge. Attitude describes a person‟s relatively consistent evaluations,
feelings, and tendencies toward and object or idea.
b) Explain how marketers use marketing strategy to segmenting, targeting,
   differentiate and positioning. (13 marks)

Market segmentation
Market segmentation involves dividing a market into smaller segment of buyers
with distinct needs, characteristic or behaviors that might require separate
marketing strategies. There are six steps marketers need to know segmenting a
market. There are follows:
  i.       Select a market or product category for study

        This involves the process of defining the overall market or product category.
        For example, Nestle surely would have made an intensive study among
        Malaysians market before they introduces a new type of drink “Nestomalt” a
        brand that compete with “Horlicks”.

 ii.       Choose a basis or bases for segmenting the market

        In this process, marketers need to have creativity and in depth market
        knowledge. For example, when Nestle range of famous “Maggie” brand
        produced the latest addition of the “Thai Chili Sauce”, they must have
        considered the needs of hot chili lover sauce. It is obvious, if the demand for
        this chili sauce among Malaysians is not they will not introduce it into the

 iii.      Select segmentation descriptors

        Through this process, marketers choose the segmentation descriptors which
        requires them select demographics as a marketer segmentation basis. They
        could use gender, age, income and occupation as a descriptor. For example
        “Anlene” milk powder id definitely targeted for adults above 30 years old, who
        need high calcium intake and need to prevent themselves from getting
iv.   Profile and analyze segments

In creating a profile, marketers may need to get the right data from some
organizations who have conducted some form of research on areas they are
focusing. The profile include the details of the segment‟s size, expected growth,
purchase frequency, current brand usage, brand loyalty and long term sales and
market potential. Analyzing profiles of the right segment is important before
deciding which the best segment to target is.

 v.    Select target markets

This requires the marketing firm to select the most suitable target market and
decide on the firm‟s marketing mix. For example, when New Zealand Milk (M)
Sdn Bhd produces the “Anlene Gold” milk powder for those customers above 1
year, it is certainly a great decision because no other producers have produced a
similar milk powder to cater for customers of this age group. Recently in year
2003, this company have introduced “Anlene Active High Calcium with Bone Max
formula” specially formulated for those above 30s to help reduce the risk of

 vi.   Design, implement and maintain appropriate marketing mixes

This involves the process of using the most suitable marketing mix: product,
prices, place and promotion to enable the firm target the segmenting of the
market successfully.

Selecting Target Market

Many organizations are not usually able to sell goods and services with equal
efficiency and success to the entire market, because of limited resources,
competition and large markets, example to every market segments. It is
necessary for the sake of efficiency to select target markets. In market targeting,
producers identify market segments, select anyone of them and create products
tailored to each group. Therefore, in market targeting, marketers need to decide
on how many segments to cover and how to identify the best segment. The
marketing management may choose one of the following alternatives to market
targeting.     They   are   undifferentiated   marketing,    differentiated   marketing,
concentrated marketing and micromarketing.

Positioning and differentiation

The positioning and differentiation is an attempt to distinguish a company from its
competitors along real dimensions in order to be the preferred company to
certain segments of the market. Position aims to help customers know the real
differences between competing producers‟ products, so that they can match
themselves to other producers‟ product that can be of most value to them.
Although positioning is ultimately in terms of the buyer‟s perception, the actions
taken by firms through their marketing efforts provide the essential information
that buyer‟s process in reaching their perceptions. There are seven positioning
bases that every marketer must know. They are:

         I.     Product attributes

A product is associated with an attribute, which include the product‟s feature,
national creation, economical buy and durability. Scholl is known for its quality
and providing comfort to users‟ feet.

         II.    Benefit offer

The objective here is to position the product‟s benefit in relation to competitors.
For example, Colgate‟s “Double Fluoride” reduces cavity.

        III.    Usage or application

All products that are introduced into its market have a specific purpose and
usage. The Johnson Baby Company‟s positioning strategy involves advertising
the product to cater for the adult market also. For example, Johnson Baby Lotion
from Johnson & Johnson is not only advertised for its basic purpose example
lotion for baby skin but is it also useful for adults use.
IV.       Competitor

A product can be positioned directly against a competitor. For example the
“Pepsi Challenge Campaign” was directly positioned to compete against Coke in
term of taste.

        V.       Price and quality

It stresses on high price as indication for quality. For example, Sony is well
known for quality sound and picture for its audio equipment and televisions. A
low price may also indicate value. Department Stores like Kamdar and Globe Silk
Store has successfully adopted the “lower price and value strategy”, making
them very popular among the Malaysians consumers.

       VI.       Product user

Marketers can position its products based on the type of user or the user‟s
personality. For example, Anlene Gold is specially formulated for adults above 51
in great need for high calcium intake to combat osteoporosis.

       VII.      Product class

Here, the aim of marketers is to position its product as being associated with a
particular category of products. For example Dorina Margarine is positioned as a
“margarine brand” that competes with butter. To many Malaysians who are
weight and health conscious, Dorina light Margarine is as good as butter but has
low cholesterol.

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Question 1

  • 1. Question 1 a) Briefly explain the differences between the marketing and selling concept. (10marks) In sales concept, the organization main focus is to sell products that the organization make, instead of selling products that customer need and want. In the marketing concept on the other hand, the organizations concern about producing product and services that can satisfy customers‟ wants, taste and preferences. Secondly selling concept concern more on selling goods and services they produce to people who want to consume it. As a result the company will adopt marketing mixes in order to sell their goods and services to target market. The main reason for marketing concept is to achieve satisfaction from their customer who used the goods and services. There are also many efforts done by those marketers as their strategy. The sales concept goal is to make as much profit through volume selling of their product through the use of intensive marketing. Both selling and marketing concept are concept that directly opposed in respect. There will always be a need for some selling. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the goods and services fit him. Marketing comprise of many activity such as marketing research, pricing, product development and distribution. In fact, selling is part of marketing. Marketing takes place before and after the selling activity. Many companies have adopted the marketing concept in Malaysia for example KFC. Many companies know the concept but do not practice it. They prefer sales-oriented company.
  • 2. b) Briefly explain the philosophies of marketing. (15 marks) Most successful business requires efficient and effective management. This means the manager must able to plan, organize, direct and control the factors of production in order to achieve the organization‟s goals. 1. Production philosophies Production concept is the orientation that holds consumer who will favor these products that are available and highly affordable and therefore management should concentrate on improving production and distribution efficiency. The emphasis on this concept is to produce it as much base on the capability of the firm. Products that easily available and affordable to most customers, will give companies the advantages of selling the products very well in the market. 2. Product philosophies Product concept is an approach to business that centers its activities on continually improving and refining its products. All efforts are put into making the product better. For example we can offer you non-chip paint on your car. The product concept proposes that consumers will prefer products that have better quality, performance and features as opposed to a normal product. The concept is truly applicable in some niches such as electronics and mobile handsets. Two companies which stand apart from the crowd when we talk about the product concept are Apple and Google. Both of these companies have strived hard on their products and deliver us feature rich, innovative and diverse application products and people just love these brands. 3. Selling philosophies Selling concept means that the consumer will not buy enough of the organization undertakes substantial selling and promotion efforts. In simple words, marketing need to aggressively promote their product by either advertising, doing a sales promotion and personal selling in order to catch more customer to consume the product. Selling concept is more focus on the selling rather than satisfaction of their consumer. A good example would be the attractive advertisement conducted by Dashing that use Remy Ishak as their opinion leader.
  • 3. 4. Marketing concept Companies that adopt marketing concept in their production are known to be „market oriented‟. So, marketing manager must work hard in order to satisfy and fulfill customer need and wants. One famous and world-wide well-known company id Macdonald is known to adopt this marketing concept. How do they done it? Just ask teenagers today about Mcd. Almost everyone know them including adults too. In Malaysia, the marketing concept has been expressed in many forms such as „Maybank – a bank with a smile‟. 5. Societal- marketing philosophies Societal marketing concept not only concern about the customer need and wants but also the long term and society as a whole. For example it concern about pollution of the environment, waste of natural resources and others. Currently, societal marketing concept is to receiving an increasing emphasis among many business organizations. Products such as lead-free petrol, recycled paper are some of the things that marketers are paying more attention to care for the environment. These are important issues because customers are now more educated and more aware that they demand not just quality products but also to have extra benefits. For example benefit sought from the product.
  • 4. Question 2 a) Briefly explain the BCG growth-share matrix. (10 marks) Strategic business units (SBUs) is the key business that make up the company. An SBU can be a company division, a product line or sometime single product or brand. 1. Stars Stars are high-growth, high-share business or products. They often need heavy investment to finance their rapid growth. Eventually they will turn into cash cow 2. Cash cows Cash cows are low-growth, high-share business or products. These established and successful SBUs need less investment to hold their market share. Thus, they produce a lot of the cash that the company uses to pay its bills and support other SBUs that need investment. 3. Question marks Question marks are low low-share business units in high-growth markets. They require a lot of cash to hold their share, let alone increase it. Management has to think hard about which question marks it should try to build into star and which should be phased out. 4. Dogs Dogs are low-growth, low-share business and products. They may generate enough cash to maintain themselves but do not promise to be large source of cash.
  • 5. b) Marketer need to deal with marketing management. Briefly explain about marketing analysis. (15 marks) Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company‟s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis by which it evaluate the company overall strength (S), weakness (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T). Strength includes internal capabilities, resources and positive situational factors that may help the company serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Besides that, the competitive advantages also the strength of the organization that competes with their competitors. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company‟s performance. For example like the weak management of worker that the organization have that will affect the organization‟s performance. Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance. There are many threats that occur recently for example the overflow of information on the internet which become threat to the organization‟s objective. The company should analyze its markets and marketing environment to find attractive opportunities and identify environmental threats. It should analyze company strengths and weakness as well as current and possible marketing actions to determine which opportunities it can best pursue. The goal is to match the company strength to attractive opportunities in the environment, while eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and minimizing the threats. Marketing analysis provides inputs to each of the other marketing management functions.
  • 6. Question 3 a) Explain the micro and macro forces of environment. (6 marks) Micro is the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers. Marketers must work in harmony with other company departments to create customer value and relationships. For example, Walmart‟s marketers can‟t promise us low prices unless its operations department delivers low costs. In creating value for customers, marketers must partner with other firms in the company‟s value delivery network. For example, Lexus can‟t create a high- quality ownership experience for its customers unless its suppliers provide quality parts and its dealers provide high sales and service quality. Customers are the most important actors in the company‟s microenvironment. The aim of the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create strong relationships with them. Macro consists of broader forces that affect the actors in the microenvironment. Changing demographic means changes in markets. For example, Merrill Lynch now targets aging baby boomers to help them overcome the hurdles to retirement planning. Besides that, concern for the natural environment has spawned a so-called green movement in industries ranging from PCs to diesel locomotives. For example, last year HP recovered and recycled 250 million pounds of electronics globally, equivalent to some 800 jumbo jets. The goal of many companies today is environmental sustainability.
  • 7. b) The changes of technology and social affect the marketing strategies. Explain with examples. (10 marks) Technology is the knowledge of how to accomplish tasks and goals and often includes all activities involved in translating technical knowledge into physical reality that can be used on a societal scale. Marketers must be aware of the new developments in technology and their possible effects, because technology can and does affect marketing activities in many different ways. Businesses can easily decline when they ignore the changes in the technology. Major technological break-through carries a threefold market impact. They can start entirely new industry, as computers and airplanes have done. Then, it also radically alters or virtually destroys existing industries. For example, computer replacing typewriter. Besides that, technology also involves high cost. Stimulate other markets and industries not related to the new technology. Rather than being involve in the producing new products, companies can improve on current products by developing and making product improvement. The social environment changes also affect the company and marketing mix. An increasing number of working women in Malaysia, for example has also led to increasing number of firms producing fast-food services such as Brahim‟s packet rendang, kurma, sweet and sour and even instant roti canai to cater to these career women‟s demand for convenient food and cooking ingredients. The food industries in Malaysia require conforming the needs and demands of the various ethnic groups. In general the “Halal” sign at any site selling food will be something that will make it convenient for all Muslims to consume a halal food without doubt. The societies today are accepting the value of health and leisure. So, marketers need to cater for these activities. There a re increasing number of tour packages available offering very attractive prices especially during the school holidays. The Malaysian government has encourage local tourism by giving two Saturday off in a month and promote the “Cuti-cuti Malaysia” holiday program to boost local tourism.
  • 8. c) Explain the types of public that help the organization‟s ability to achieve its objectives. (9 marks) Public is any group that has actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization‟s ability to achieve its objectives. There are seven types of publics. 1. Financial publics This group influences the company‟s ability to obtain funds. For example banks, investment analysts, and stockholders are the major financial publics. 2. Media publics This group carries news, features and editorial opinion. It includes newspapers, magazines, television stations, and blogs and other internet media. 3. Local publics This group includes neighborhood residents and community organizations. Large companies usually create departments and programs that deal with local community issues and provide community support. 4. General public A company needs to be concerned about the general‟s public attitude toward its products and activities. The public‟s image of the company affects its buying. 5. Internal publics This group includes workers, managers, volunteers and the boards of directors. Large companies use newsletter and other means to inform and motivate their internal publics. When their employees feel good about the company they work for, this positive attitude spills over to the external publics. 6. Citizen-action publics A company‟s marketing decisions may be questioned by the consumer organizations, environmental groups, minority groups and others. Its public relation department can help it stay in touch with consumer and citizen groups.
  • 9. Question 4 a) Explain the internal and external influences that affect the consumer behavior. (12 marks) Consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics. 1. Cultural factors Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by a member of society form family and other important institutions. Marketers need to understand the role played by the buyer‟s culture, subcultures, and social class. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influence on buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country. For example, the cultural shift toward greater concern about health and fitness has created a huge industry for health-and-fitness services, exercise equipment and clothing, organic foods, and a variety of diets. Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions. Examples of four such important subculture groups include Hispanic American, Africa American, Asian American, and mature customer. Social class is not determined by a single factor, such as income, but is measured as a combination of occupation, income, education, wealth, and others variables. 2. Social factors Group that have a direct influence and to which a person belong are called membership groups. Reference groups serve as direct (face-to-face) or indirect points of comparison or reference in forming a person‟s attitudes or behavior such as opinion leader. Aspirational group is one to which the individual wishes to belong, for example Datuk Lee Chong Wei. Family member can strongly influence buyer behavior. For example husband-wife involvements are widely by product category and by stage in the buying process. People usually choose products appropriate to their roles and status. Consider the various roles of working mother plays. In her company, she plays the roles of a brand manager; in her family, she plays the role of wife
  • 10. and mother; at her favorite sporting events, she plays the role of avid fan. As a brand manager, she will buy the kind of clothing that reflects her role and status in her company. 3. Personal factors Life-stages changes usually result from demographics and life changing events marriage, having children, purchasing a home, divorce and retirement. A person‟s occupation affects the goods and services bought. Blue-collar workers tend to buy more rugged work clothes, whereas executives buy more business suits. A person‟s economic situation will affect his or her store and product choices. Their demand was backed by purchasing power. 4. Psychological factors Motivation is the need that drives or directs the person to seek satisfaction of the need. Maslow hierarchy explains about the arrangement of human need. They include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Perception is the process where people select, organize and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. People can form different perceptions of the same stimulus because of three perceptual processes which is selective attention, selective distortion, and selective retention. Learning describes the changes in an individual‟s behavior arising from the experience. Learning occurs through the interplays of drives, stimuli, cues, responses, and reinforcement. A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something. Beliefs may base on real knowledge, opinion, faith and may or may not on emotional charge. Attitude describes a person‟s relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward and object or idea.
  • 11. b) Explain how marketers use marketing strategy to segmenting, targeting, differentiate and positioning. (13 marks) Market segmentation Market segmentation involves dividing a market into smaller segment of buyers with distinct needs, characteristic or behaviors that might require separate marketing strategies. There are six steps marketers need to know segmenting a market. There are follows: i. Select a market or product category for study This involves the process of defining the overall market or product category. For example, Nestle surely would have made an intensive study among Malaysians market before they introduces a new type of drink “Nestomalt” a brand that compete with “Horlicks”. ii. Choose a basis or bases for segmenting the market In this process, marketers need to have creativity and in depth market knowledge. For example, when Nestle range of famous “Maggie” brand produced the latest addition of the “Thai Chili Sauce”, they must have considered the needs of hot chili lover sauce. It is obvious, if the demand for this chili sauce among Malaysians is not they will not introduce it into the market. iii. Select segmentation descriptors Through this process, marketers choose the segmentation descriptors which requires them select demographics as a marketer segmentation basis. They could use gender, age, income and occupation as a descriptor. For example “Anlene” milk powder id definitely targeted for adults above 30 years old, who need high calcium intake and need to prevent themselves from getting osteoporosis.
  • 12. iv. Profile and analyze segments In creating a profile, marketers may need to get the right data from some organizations who have conducted some form of research on areas they are focusing. The profile include the details of the segment‟s size, expected growth, purchase frequency, current brand usage, brand loyalty and long term sales and market potential. Analyzing profiles of the right segment is important before deciding which the best segment to target is. v. Select target markets This requires the marketing firm to select the most suitable target market and decide on the firm‟s marketing mix. For example, when New Zealand Milk (M) Sdn Bhd produces the “Anlene Gold” milk powder for those customers above 1 year, it is certainly a great decision because no other producers have produced a similar milk powder to cater for customers of this age group. Recently in year 2003, this company have introduced “Anlene Active High Calcium with Bone Max formula” specially formulated for those above 30s to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. vi. Design, implement and maintain appropriate marketing mixes This involves the process of using the most suitable marketing mix: product, prices, place and promotion to enable the firm target the segmenting of the market successfully. Selecting Target Market Many organizations are not usually able to sell goods and services with equal efficiency and success to the entire market, because of limited resources, competition and large markets, example to every market segments. It is necessary for the sake of efficiency to select target markets. In market targeting, producers identify market segments, select anyone of them and create products tailored to each group. Therefore, in market targeting, marketers need to decide
  • 13. on how many segments to cover and how to identify the best segment. The marketing management may choose one of the following alternatives to market targeting. They are undifferentiated marketing, differentiated marketing, concentrated marketing and micromarketing. Positioning and differentiation The positioning and differentiation is an attempt to distinguish a company from its competitors along real dimensions in order to be the preferred company to certain segments of the market. Position aims to help customers know the real differences between competing producers‟ products, so that they can match themselves to other producers‟ product that can be of most value to them. Although positioning is ultimately in terms of the buyer‟s perception, the actions taken by firms through their marketing efforts provide the essential information that buyer‟s process in reaching their perceptions. There are seven positioning bases that every marketer must know. They are: I. Product attributes A product is associated with an attribute, which include the product‟s feature, national creation, economical buy and durability. Scholl is known for its quality and providing comfort to users‟ feet. II. Benefit offer The objective here is to position the product‟s benefit in relation to competitors. For example, Colgate‟s “Double Fluoride” reduces cavity. III. Usage or application All products that are introduced into its market have a specific purpose and usage. The Johnson Baby Company‟s positioning strategy involves advertising the product to cater for the adult market also. For example, Johnson Baby Lotion from Johnson & Johnson is not only advertised for its basic purpose example lotion for baby skin but is it also useful for adults use.
  • 14. IV. Competitor A product can be positioned directly against a competitor. For example the “Pepsi Challenge Campaign” was directly positioned to compete against Coke in term of taste. V. Price and quality It stresses on high price as indication for quality. For example, Sony is well known for quality sound and picture for its audio equipment and televisions. A low price may also indicate value. Department Stores like Kamdar and Globe Silk Store has successfully adopted the “lower price and value strategy”, making them very popular among the Malaysians consumers. VI. Product user Marketers can position its products based on the type of user or the user‟s personality. For example, Anlene Gold is specially formulated for adults above 51 in great need for high calcium intake to combat osteoporosis. VII. Product class Here, the aim of marketers is to position its product as being associated with a particular category of products. For example Dorina Margarine is positioned as a “margarine brand” that competes with butter. To many Malaysians who are weight and health conscious, Dorina light Margarine is as good as butter but has low cholesterol.