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August 7, 2018
Common Marketing Activities
August 7, 2018
David Marks
Common Marketing Activities
Common Marketing Activities company makes
the marketing plans and strategies for the
improvement of the particular organization. The
company considered here is MacDonald’s.
Therefore, I would ask Leader for clarifications
on marketing activities and plans(Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). The leader has the
description of the current marketing positions of business. He can provide a description
of the current marketing mix that a company will
utilize for the achievement of their marketing
objectives. According to leaders, the best
marketing requires preparation and focus to that
development are the improvements of a proper
marketing plan. The clarification includes the
building of the company’s brand(Kotler and
Armstrong, 2006). Subsequently, the identity,
legitimacy and the unique differences are also
created that make the company worthy of public
The five common marketing activities in which a company might invest are described
Cold-Calling is marketing technique where the companies only call people over the
telephone and offer them services. The individuals who were formerly unaware of the
organization might have their attentiveness settled by the call.
Search Engine Marketing
It is another marketing activity where MacDonald’s creates websites(Ramos and Cota,
2009). These websites are among the top results on the search engines. Suppose a
customer is searching for a product or service, the customer is provided with some
distributors from which he or she can get the service or product(Kennedy and Hauksson,
Articles and Newsletters
Articles and Newsletters are another marketing activities. Most of the companies apply
this method as it is very common. People often receives advertisements of the companies
in articles and newsletters.
Placement of product in entertainment
The online game players frequently notice products from a portion of the script or scene.
The organizations pay for this privileges.
Trade show performances
The trade show performance is a traditional way of spreading to the people about the
brand. The organizations like MacDonald’s looks for retailers who can carry their product.
Trade shows are a form of business to business or B2B marketing.
3. The three criteria for selecting the best marketing activities for the market group are
listed below:
Identification of the priorities. The resources should be prioritized and enable
MacDonald’s to choose the best consumer as well as market opportunities.
Provision of a direct-line-of-sight among the investments and activities of marketing
along with the business results and outcomes(Lagarde, 2013).
The criteria also include guides for the creation of the organization’s marketing
dashboards and metrics.
4. Apart from a couple of marketing activities, there are some recommended
marketing activities for the manager of an organization. The approved marketing
activities are:
Selection of products
Selection products is an important marketing activity of MacDonald’s. A manufacturer or
service provider ideally listens to its customers and prospects before settling on item and
service decisions. However, the companies analyze consumer purchasing trends, conduct
market research surveys, and study opponents’ product sales practices to learn what is the
need and desires of the customers.
Winning the customer service
Customers are the source of income of an organization. So it is significant to take care of
the customers. An active customer to the business relationship is required for the good of
the company(Milisavljevic, 2013). If MacDonald’s has worse customer service, then no
one can save the company to run on losses.
Pricing of products or services
The service or products esteeming requires MacDonald’s to analyze each product’s
market. Here, comparison of competitors’ prices for comparable services or product is
made, and decisions are taken about what price the market will accept. But this calculated
danger makes evaluating activities an evolving skill rather than an exact science.
Moreover, businesses may rate a product based on the product’s status inside the market.
For example, an organization may introduce a new flavored coffee to a market with
several other types of beverages(Wooliscroft, 2011).
Digital marketing
It is a particular term for the commercialization of services or products for the utilization
of computerized technologies for the most part on the Internet. Digital marketing consists
of search engine optimization or SEO, content marketing, search engine marketing or
SEM, content computerization, influencer marketing, social media marketing, campaign
marketing, and e-commerce marketing(Chaffey et al., 2014).
5. List of legal, ethical and cultural considerations which impact the marketing
Legal and Ethical
During a commercialization activities, the advertising industry controls within strict
federal protocols. It is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission. Some legal and
ethical considerations consist of truth in publicity, advertising to children, promoting
tactics as well as publicizing harmful products. For example, the cigarette advertisement
is prohibited on televisions and radios, but the advertisement of alcohol is permitted in all
media. Televisions ads about fast foods like hamburgers are entirely legal and is also
effective for the organizations such as MacDonald’s.
The cultural considerations comprise of a set of ideologies along with the values of a
particular community. The cultural factors have a vital effect on the buying decisions of
the customers. The aesthetic factors of a marketing activity include status, gender, and
religion of the person. With these factors, the organization will be able to perform market
segmentation(Aguirre-Rodriguez, 2013). Suppose an organization wants to flourish their
brand in China. Therefore, that particular company needs to know about the Chinese
culture about what they eat, what they wear, how much females and males live in a city
such as Shanghai. After that, the company can perform marketing activities.
6. Some legal and ethical steps are discussed here the implementation of marketing
activities in Japan. The marketing activity includes the promotion of a new toy.
Initially, the company needs to concern about the legal issues of advertising to
children. If the particular toy is legal to sell in China, then the company can easily
sell the product. The marketing to children is intrinsically misleading because the
children take things literally. Media characters are the main reason behind the
influence. According to Linn, children do not understand the influential intent. In
Japan, it is legal to sell toys to children who are not harmful to the body. The
company can take advantage of implementing innovative technology of Japan to
prevent negative effects.
7. Three ways to gather customer’s reaction and feedback to the marketing activities
8. Survey method
According to recent reports, customers sometimes did not get proper service from the
service provider. On the other hand, with the help of this survey method, the response of
customer can be gathered correctly. Besides that, this survey method includes some
several questions related with the specific topic, product or service and survey questions
also includes more than one options for helping the customers. Apart from that, there are
two types of questions exist in the survey method such as open-ended and close-ended
questions which will be asked to the customers. Along with this side, with the help of this
survey method, appropriate feedback of customer can be collected more effectively.
However, in order to improve marketing activities, McDonald needs to apply this survey
in order to gather customer’s reaction and feedback.
2. Telephonic survey
Thus, gather feedback over the phone call is one of the time-saving method which
enhances an opportunity to collect information via call. In other words, with the help of
customer’s details, McDonald would call their customers and collect feedback about their
product quality and services.
3. Email chat
This method is applicable for high-class customers who does not have enough time to
spend on this feedback process. On the other hand, the response of those customers are
also very important so, in order to gather the reaction and feedback from those
customers, McDonald should apply this e-mail survey which does not consume time very
much. In addition, with the help of this method, management can improve their
marketing activities.
8. Three areas to improve marketing activities
In order to improve the marketing mix, identification of customer’s requirements is
playing a significant role and the management of McDonald should grab opportunities to
improve their marketing mix. First of all, in this competitive market customers already
has various types of choice. In other sense, threats of subordinates are one of the major
risk factors among all issues. So, three areas of research are followed:
1. understand the need of customers
This is the very critical section of research which includes customer’s basic need.
2. Provide products in reasonable price
Customers are price sensitive, and they want good products in low price.
3. Provide better service than other restaurants
In order to attract more customers, McDonald needs to provide better service rather than
any other fast food restaurant.
9. 9. steps to monitor and review the performance of marketing
First of all, the attention of customers is very important so that promotional strategy
would help the management. After that, service quality comes which is enhanced by
skilled staffs of the company. In other words, training is an essential part which can
improve organizational performance. Besides that, the price of products is one of the
significant aspects of the marketing activities. In other words, with the help of handsome
price list, McDonald can beat their rival companies. In addition, low price strategy is a
very effective marketing tool.
Task 2
1. Strategic Marketing plan of Watershed Wines
Watershed Wines is an Australian Wine Company which offers and sells wine in weddings
and functions. During wedding receptions, corporate functions, large formal affairs as
well as meetings, this Australian Wine Company play a significant role in delivering the
taste of pure wine to the customers. The strategic plan of Watershed Wines consists of a
distribution of healthy wine in parties and events(Cohen, 2006). A healthy allocation or
resources contain gambling on markets at various life stages. It is done for compensating
different degrees of risk. The organization must not spread the resources too thinly. On
the other hand, Watershed Wines must understand the consequences of saturation. It
means in a saturated market, whatever the company sell must come at the expenditure of
something else. Apart from these, the organization must know their level of strengths. As
soon as the Wine Company are aware of their strengths, then they can easily know about
the market segmentation procedure along with their distribution partners(Mangram,
2012). Besides that, they should also understand the target customers. It is very crucial
for the wine companies to know the target customers because many people are living in
this world, who thinks that wine has negative effects on the liver. Therefore, the company
must export wines to such places where people takes wine as their primary drinks. In
some parts of India and Pakistan, wine is considered as a harmful drink.
Watershed wines must perform marketing mix as their strategic marketing plan. The
sector business groups of Watershed Wines must give close learning along with bits of
knowledge and help Australian wine organizations to grow and develop new markets for
their wine or manufacture existing markets. Moreover, the association must build up
systems over the world’s exchange channels, wine educators media as well as influencers.
Asides that, they should work intently inside these systems to convey center occasions and
exercises that replicate the business sector technique and provide competitive advantage
Australian wine manufacturers(Anderson, 2012).
2. Marketing activities
2.1 Summary
A respectable strategy of marketing helps the wines associations to characterize their
primary goal, vision as well as business objectives. Additionally, the methodology plans
the strides they have to take to accomplish these aims. However, the marketing procedure
influences the way the organization maintains the whole business, so it should be
arranged and created in counsel with the group. It also clarifies the position and part of
organization’s products and administrations in the business sector. Also, it profiles clients
and rivalry of the organization. It is a complete and wide-reaching strategic planning that
portrays the industry and its items and administrations. Other than that, it recognizes the
promoting strategies the affiliation will utilize and permits them to construct an
advertising arrangement and measure its adequacy.
2.2 Four marketing activities for the target market
Here, the target market of Watershed Wines is the United Kingdom. The four marketing
activities consist of promotion of brand values, customer service, following legal and
ethical issues and market segmentation process(Weinstein, 2014). These four activities
are necessary for Watershed Wines. An excellent customer service satisfies the customers
which in turn it helps in increasing the brand value of the company. Market segmentation
process helps in dividing the type of clients.
2.3 Cultural, social, environmental and ethical issues for the target market
Watershed Wines need some socio-cultural requirements which will assist them to
perform marketing activities. If the customer sees itself as someone who should have one-
use income, then the company can positively sell high-priced wine to this type of person.
It means the organization must look after the status of the individual and then it should
decide whom to sell which type of wine. In some cultures such as the British cultures,
people prioritize wine as their primary drink. It reflects their status. On the other hand, in
some cultures such as Mexican cultures, people prioritize beer as their main drink(김미덕,
2013). The company must examine the difference between the cultures before targeting a
place for marketing. The environmental issues include the economy. The economy of
United Kingdom is healthy, and people also likes wine. Therefore, the organization must
not worry about the economic environment of UK. Moreover, ethically, there is a demand
for wine in the United Kingdom.
2.4 Analysis of marketing activities
Brand Value
Customer Service Market Segmentation
Advantages Higher profit
margins, long-
term branding,
and an increase
of market shares.
Customer satisfaction
and increase of profit
Differentiates the types
of customers.
Disadvantages Negative
attributes and the
brand can
become familiar
to every people.
dissatisfaction leads
to a reduction in profit
The improper search
may result in lack of data
about the customers.
Cost Depends on the
currency value of
the target market.
Costs about five
times more to gain a
new customer as it
does to retain an
existing one.
Market segmentation if
used properly requires
low cost with greater
Legal Issues Marketing
should not
statements that
insult standards
of decorum.
The customer has
the right to file a
complaint against the
company if the
company provides
defected wines.
If Surveying to all places
is not possible then,
permissions are needed
from the government to
go through the citizen’s
Culture and
colors of that
target nation.
Customer service
can introduce
advertising free stalls
in corners of the
world for free
customer service.
Social class, core
cultural value, family
lifecycles are the socio-
cultural issues of market
Viability Long-term
Long-term viability. Long-term viability.
2.5 Analysis of marketing activities (cont.)
Here, two appropriate marketing activities are considered such as Brand value promotion
and customer service. The brand value development is an essential part of the Watershed
Wine Company. For Watershed Wine, all unique movement should strengthen its image
messages of value and consumer loyalty. Apart from it, the capacity of promotion is to
convey strong positive messages to existing and potential clients. In client administration,
cost and quality have a tendency to be the prevailing variables. In any case, with the
business-to-business (B2B) exchange, management issues. For example dependability,
installment terms, and conveyance plan turn out to be considerably more imperative.
2.6 Documentation of selected marketing activity
The business exchange in a modern promoting situation additionally contrasts from
consumer marketing in that the buying choice is frequently made by a gathering of
individuals rather than one person, and the offering procedure can be a great deal more
unpredictable. Apart from these marketing activities some range of potential activities are
the use of social networking sites such as Facebook Fan Page and Instagram. The
organization can post events on the Facebook page to promote their brand equity.
3. Implementation of international marketing activities
This section deals with the strategic planning of global marketing. Here, the chosen
marketing business is Relationship Marketing.
Relationship Marketing Plans
The company needs to follow some strategic plans to do relationship marketing. The
methods are described below:
In relationship marketing, networking is a significant factor in strengthening the
relationship between the customers and the organizations. Similarly, Watershed Wine
needs to enhance the relationship between the customers and the company. Offline and
Online networking are a powerful relationship marketing technique. It is not only for the
job seekers but also for the employee who are working in Vineyards of Australia. An
excellent networking helps to build a strong brand awareness along the expansion of
active potential customer based(McDonald, Payne and Frow, 2011). Specifically, it is a
win-win technique.
Cherishing every customer
Customer entertainment plays a significant role in increasing the customer satisfaction.
Watershed Wine must make sure that each and every interactions the company is having
with the current customers shows them that how much they are valued for the
association. Besides, extemporaneous identification of existing customers can go a long
way. As soon as the people start to feel that the company take care of the client service,
then the words will spread automatically to other’s ears. Consequently, it will become easy
for the organizational promotion.
Listening to customers
During customer care calls, the customer places complaints or inquire about any service.
At that time, some employees of the organization behave in a rude way. Ethically, it puts a
negative impact on the organization. Therefore, Watershed Wines must look after this
matter, that customer gets no harassments. Customer harassment can lead to political
issues. It is beneficial for the organization to listen and respond to customers(McDonald,
Payne and Frow, 2011). People love when they know that they have been heard by the
client service center. Apart from these, the customers get pleased when they hear that the
organization is ready to help them 24*7.
Providing customers with free information
Some organizations do not want to share information with clients because the
information is confidential. But Watershed Wines can easily exchange information about
the benefits and drawbacks of drinking wine. The wine has lots of benefits. When the
customer receives beneficial information, then they will buy more wines from that
particular country. The organization can also share the story of Australian Vineyards.
4. Monitoring and reviewing marketing activities
Here, some recommendations and outlines are described which is required by the
marketing team for reviewing and monitoring marketing activities. After performing
marketing activities, it is important to measure the performance and set future targets.
The control and consideration of marketing activities are done on the workers and
employees. The steps include written warning, final written warning, oral reprimand,
termination review, and termination. When the supervisor observes a problem in worker‘s
performance during marketing, he or she should issue an oral reprimand. If the problem
stays, the supervisor provides the employee with a writer warning stating that the
employee has offensive behavior and consequences. After written warning, final written
warning is provided which includes copies of previous notice. If the performance of the
employee does not improve, then the supervisor informs HR and issue a termination
review. After the completion of all these steps, the organization takes final decisions to
fire the employee. Therefore, the organization needs the recommendation to improve the
performance of the employees. The recommended strategies and action plans are
described below:
Developing the employee relationship
The relationship between the employees can be enhanced by strengthening business
communication. The communication challenges of Watershed Wines can be counteracted
when the specialists of that particular organization survey their style of communication.
However, a conventional communication process requires a few abilities. Consequently,
the workers of Watershed Wines should prepare themselves appropriately with excellent
relational skills(Buttle, 2009). It is fundamental for distinguishing the gathering of people
fragments based on different necessities, wanted results, and objectives. Moreover, a
business to customer interaction is remarkable for the organization. By tailing this
method, a man can turn into a superb communicator. Watershed’s workers need to
enhance a dynamic outside awareness that allows the communicator not simply to tangle
over her or his interchanges with others.
Monitoring job performance
Watershed must evaluate and monitor job performance of the employees in a yearly
manner. It will be good for them if they perform twice in a year. It provides the employees
with the practical equivalent of a report card for identifying about their performance level.
The particular step includes preparation of self-evaluations which allows them to
highlight current accomplishments and also discuss the issues that they consider
obstructions for them. After the monitoring procedure, the workers must be provided
with feedback so that they can also know how right or wrong they are about the work.
The application of Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a business strategy for improving the productivity and quality of an
employee. Six Sigma is useful for creating projects, measuring the current business
process, collect data and also analyze them. Superficially, this strategy of activity helps in
determining the primary cause which gives birth to problems of employee
performance(Miglani, 2015). It helps in optimizing the issue, and it controls production.
Subsequently, the corrections are done initially on before they impact the final product.
Aguirre-Rodriguez, A. (2013). Cultural Factors That Impact Brand Personification
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Anderson, D. (2012). Strategic marketing planning for the small to medium-sized
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Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Isaac, H., Volle, P. and Mercanti-Guérin, M.
(2014). Marketing digital. Montreuil: Pearson.
Cohen, W. (2006). The marketing plan. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.
Kennedy, A. and Hauksson, K. (2012). Global search engine marketing. Indianapolis,
Ind.: Que.
Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
Lagarde, F. (2013). Socratic Questioning Applied to Social Marketing. Social Marketing
Mangram, M. (2012). The globalization of Tesla Motors: a strategic marketing plan
analysis. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(4), pp.289-312.
McDonald, M., Payne, A. and Frow, P. (2011). Marketing plans for services. Chichester,
West Sussex, UK: John Wiley.
Miglani, P. (2015). Application of Lean Six Sigma in Reduction of Medication
Errors. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare, 2(1), pp.55-72.
Milisavljevic, M. (2013). Value oriented strategic marketing. Marketing, 44(4), pp.299-
Ramos, A. and Cota, S. (2009). Search engine marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Weinstein, A. (2014). Target market selection in B2B technology markets. J Market Anal,
2(1), pp.59-69.
Wooliscroft, B. (2011). Marketing theory as history. Marketing Theory, 11(4), pp.499-501.
김미덕, (2013). Ethical Issues in the Market of Famous Paintings. journalofethics, 1(92),
Tags: Common Market for Eastern &ampCommon Marketing ActivitiesCommon
Marketing Errors Property Managers Should AvoidCommon Marketing
MisconceptionsCommon Marketing Problems of Small Business Owners
David Marks
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Common marketing activities

  • 1. 1/13 August 7, 2018 Common Marketing Activities August 7, 2018 David Marks Common Marketing Activities 0 Common Marketing Activities company makes the marketing plans and strategies for the improvement of the particular organization. The company considered here is MacDonald’s. Therefore, I would ask Leader for clarifications on marketing activities and plans(Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). The leader has the description of the current marketing positions of business. He can provide a description of the current marketing mix that a company will utilize for the achievement of their marketing objectives. According to leaders, the best marketing requires preparation and focus to that development are the improvements of a proper marketing plan. The clarification includes the building of the company’s brand(Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). Subsequently, the identity, legitimacy and the unique differences are also created that make the company worthy of public support. The five common marketing activities in which a company might invest are described below: Cold-Calling Cold-Calling is marketing technique where the companies only call people over the telephone and offer them services. The individuals who were formerly unaware of the organization might have their attentiveness settled by the call. Search Engine Marketing It is another marketing activity where MacDonald’s creates websites(Ramos and Cota, 2009). These websites are among the top results on the search engines. Suppose a customer is searching for a product or service, the customer is provided with some distributors from which he or she can get the service or product(Kennedy and Hauksson, 2012).
  • 2. 2/13 Articles and Newsletters Articles and Newsletters are another marketing activities. Most of the companies apply this method as it is very common. People often receives advertisements of the companies in articles and newsletters. Placement of product in entertainment The online game players frequently notice products from a portion of the script or scene. The organizations pay for this privileges. Trade show performances The trade show performance is a traditional way of spreading to the people about the brand. The organizations like MacDonald’s looks for retailers who can carry their product. Trade shows are a form of business to business or B2B marketing. 3. The three criteria for selecting the best marketing activities for the market group are listed below: Identification of the priorities. The resources should be prioritized and enable MacDonald’s to choose the best consumer as well as market opportunities. Provision of a direct-line-of-sight among the investments and activities of marketing along with the business results and outcomes(Lagarde, 2013). The criteria also include guides for the creation of the organization’s marketing dashboards and metrics. 4. Apart from a couple of marketing activities, there are some recommended marketing activities for the manager of an organization. The approved marketing activities are: Selection of products Selection products is an important marketing activity of MacDonald’s. A manufacturer or service provider ideally listens to its customers and prospects before settling on item and service decisions. However, the companies analyze consumer purchasing trends, conduct market research surveys, and study opponents’ product sales practices to learn what is the need and desires of the customers. Winning the customer service Customers are the source of income of an organization. So it is significant to take care of the customers. An active customer to the business relationship is required for the good of the company(Milisavljevic, 2013). If MacDonald’s has worse customer service, then no one can save the company to run on losses. Pricing of products or services
  • 3. 3/13 The service or products esteeming requires MacDonald’s to analyze each product’s market. Here, comparison of competitors’ prices for comparable services or product is made, and decisions are taken about what price the market will accept. But this calculated danger makes evaluating activities an evolving skill rather than an exact science. Moreover, businesses may rate a product based on the product’s status inside the market. For example, an organization may introduce a new flavored coffee to a market with several other types of beverages(Wooliscroft, 2011). Digital marketing It is a particular term for the commercialization of services or products for the utilization of computerized technologies for the most part on the Internet. Digital marketing consists of search engine optimization or SEO, content marketing, search engine marketing or SEM, content computerization, influencer marketing, social media marketing, campaign marketing, and e-commerce marketing(Chaffey et al., 2014). 5. List of legal, ethical and cultural considerations which impact the marketing activities. Legal and Ethical During a commercialization activities, the advertising industry controls within strict federal protocols. It is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission. Some legal and ethical considerations consist of truth in publicity, advertising to children, promoting tactics as well as publicizing harmful products. For example, the cigarette advertisement is prohibited on televisions and radios, but the advertisement of alcohol is permitted in all media. Televisions ads about fast foods like hamburgers are entirely legal and is also effective for the organizations such as MacDonald’s. Cultural The cultural considerations comprise of a set of ideologies along with the values of a particular community. The cultural factors have a vital effect on the buying decisions of the customers. The aesthetic factors of a marketing activity include status, gender, and religion of the person. With these factors, the organization will be able to perform market segmentation(Aguirre-Rodriguez, 2013). Suppose an organization wants to flourish their brand in China. Therefore, that particular company needs to know about the Chinese culture about what they eat, what they wear, how much females and males live in a city such as Shanghai. After that, the company can perform marketing activities.
  • 4. 4/13 6. Some legal and ethical steps are discussed here the implementation of marketing activities in Japan. The marketing activity includes the promotion of a new toy. Initially, the company needs to concern about the legal issues of advertising to children. If the particular toy is legal to sell in China, then the company can easily sell the product. The marketing to children is intrinsically misleading because the children take things literally. Media characters are the main reason behind the influence. According to Linn, children do not understand the influential intent. In Japan, it is legal to sell toys to children who are not harmful to the body. The company can take advantage of implementing innovative technology of Japan to prevent negative effects. 7. Three ways to gather customer’s reaction and feedback to the marketing activities 8. Survey method According to recent reports, customers sometimes did not get proper service from the service provider. On the other hand, with the help of this survey method, the response of customer can be gathered correctly. Besides that, this survey method includes some several questions related with the specific topic, product or service and survey questions also includes more than one options for helping the customers. Apart from that, there are two types of questions exist in the survey method such as open-ended and close-ended questions which will be asked to the customers. Along with this side, with the help of this survey method, appropriate feedback of customer can be collected more effectively. However, in order to improve marketing activities, McDonald needs to apply this survey in order to gather customer’s reaction and feedback. 2. Telephonic survey Thus, gather feedback over the phone call is one of the time-saving method which enhances an opportunity to collect information via call. In other words, with the help of customer’s details, McDonald would call their customers and collect feedback about their product quality and services. 3. Email chat This method is applicable for high-class customers who does not have enough time to spend on this feedback process. On the other hand, the response of those customers are also very important so, in order to gather the reaction and feedback from those customers, McDonald should apply this e-mail survey which does not consume time very much. In addition, with the help of this method, management can improve their marketing activities. 8. Three areas to improve marketing activities In order to improve the marketing mix, identification of customer’s requirements is playing a significant role and the management of McDonald should grab opportunities to improve their marketing mix. First of all, in this competitive market customers already has various types of choice. In other sense, threats of subordinates are one of the major risk factors among all issues. So, three areas of research are followed:
  • 5. 5/13 1. understand the need of customers This is the very critical section of research which includes customer’s basic need. 2. Provide products in reasonable price Customers are price sensitive, and they want good products in low price. 3. Provide better service than other restaurants In order to attract more customers, McDonald needs to provide better service rather than any other fast food restaurant. 9. 9. steps to monitor and review the performance of marketing activates First of all, the attention of customers is very important so that promotional strategy would help the management. After that, service quality comes which is enhanced by skilled staffs of the company. In other words, training is an essential part which can improve organizational performance. Besides that, the price of products is one of the significant aspects of the marketing activities. In other words, with the help of handsome price list, McDonald can beat their rival companies. In addition, low price strategy is a very effective marketing tool. Task 2 1. Strategic Marketing plan of Watershed Wines Watershed Wines is an Australian Wine Company which offers and sells wine in weddings and functions. During wedding receptions, corporate functions, large formal affairs as well as meetings, this Australian Wine Company play a significant role in delivering the taste of pure wine to the customers. The strategic plan of Watershed Wines consists of a distribution of healthy wine in parties and events(Cohen, 2006). A healthy allocation or resources contain gambling on markets at various life stages. It is done for compensating different degrees of risk. The organization must not spread the resources too thinly. On the other hand, Watershed Wines must understand the consequences of saturation. It means in a saturated market, whatever the company sell must come at the expenditure of something else. Apart from these, the organization must know their level of strengths. As soon as the Wine Company are aware of their strengths, then they can easily know about the market segmentation procedure along with their distribution partners(Mangram, 2012). Besides that, they should also understand the target customers. It is very crucial for the wine companies to know the target customers because many people are living in this world, who thinks that wine has negative effects on the liver. Therefore, the company must export wines to such places where people takes wine as their primary drinks. In some parts of India and Pakistan, wine is considered as a harmful drink.
  • 6. 6/13 Watershed wines must perform marketing mix as their strategic marketing plan. The sector business groups of Watershed Wines must give close learning along with bits of knowledge and help Australian wine organizations to grow and develop new markets for their wine or manufacture existing markets. Moreover, the association must build up systems over the world’s exchange channels, wine educators media as well as influencers. Asides that, they should work intently inside these systems to convey center occasions and exercises that replicate the business sector technique and provide competitive advantage Australian wine manufacturers(Anderson, 2012). 2. Marketing activities 2.1 Summary A respectable strategy of marketing helps the wines associations to characterize their primary goal, vision as well as business objectives. Additionally, the methodology plans the strides they have to take to accomplish these aims. However, the marketing procedure influences the way the organization maintains the whole business, so it should be arranged and created in counsel with the group. It also clarifies the position and part of organization’s products and administrations in the business sector. Also, it profiles clients and rivalry of the organization. It is a complete and wide-reaching strategic planning that portrays the industry and its items and administrations. Other than that, it recognizes the promoting strategies the affiliation will utilize and permits them to construct an advertising arrangement and measure its adequacy. 2.2 Four marketing activities for the target market Here, the target market of Watershed Wines is the United Kingdom. The four marketing activities consist of promotion of brand values, customer service, following legal and ethical issues and market segmentation process(Weinstein, 2014). These four activities are necessary for Watershed Wines. An excellent customer service satisfies the customers which in turn it helps in increasing the brand value of the company. Market segmentation process helps in dividing the type of clients. 2.3 Cultural, social, environmental and ethical issues for the target market Watershed Wines need some socio-cultural requirements which will assist them to perform marketing activities. If the customer sees itself as someone who should have one- use income, then the company can positively sell high-priced wine to this type of person. It means the organization must look after the status of the individual and then it should decide whom to sell which type of wine. In some cultures such as the British cultures, people prioritize wine as their primary drink. It reflects their status. On the other hand, in some cultures such as Mexican cultures, people prioritize beer as their main drink(김미덕, 2013). The company must examine the difference between the cultures before targeting a place for marketing. The environmental issues include the economy. The economy of
  • 7. 7/13 United Kingdom is healthy, and people also likes wine. Therefore, the organization must not worry about the economic environment of UK. Moreover, ethically, there is a demand for wine in the United Kingdom. 2.4 Analysis of marketing activities MARKETING ACTIVITY Brand Value Promotion Customer Service Market Segmentation Advantages Higher profit margins, long- term branding, and an increase of market shares. Customer satisfaction and increase of profit margin. Differentiates the types of customers. Disadvantages Negative attributes and the brand can become familiar to every people. Customer dissatisfaction leads to a reduction in profit margins. The improper search may result in lack of data about the customers. Cost Depends on the currency value of the target market. Costs about five times more to gain a new customer as it does to retain an existing one. Market segmentation if used properly requires low cost with greater benefits. Legal Issues Marketing communication should not include statements that insult standards of decorum. The customer has the right to file a complaint against the company if the company provides defected wines. If Surveying to all places is not possible then, permissions are needed from the government to go through the citizen’s file. Socio-Cultural Issues Culture and colors of that target nation. Customer service can introduce advertising free stalls in corners of the world for free customer service. Social class, core cultural value, family lifecycles are the socio- cultural issues of market segmentation. Viability Long-term viability. Long-term viability. Long-term viability. 2.5 Analysis of marketing activities (cont.) Here, two appropriate marketing activities are considered such as Brand value promotion and customer service. The brand value development is an essential part of the Watershed Wine Company. For Watershed Wine, all unique movement should strengthen its image messages of value and consumer loyalty. Apart from it, the capacity of promotion is to convey strong positive messages to existing and potential clients. In client administration,
  • 8. 8/13 cost and quality have a tendency to be the prevailing variables. In any case, with the business-to-business (B2B) exchange, management issues. For example dependability, installment terms, and conveyance plan turn out to be considerably more imperative. 2.6 Documentation of selected marketing activity The business exchange in a modern promoting situation additionally contrasts from consumer marketing in that the buying choice is frequently made by a gathering of individuals rather than one person, and the offering procedure can be a great deal more unpredictable. Apart from these marketing activities some range of potential activities are the use of social networking sites such as Facebook Fan Page and Instagram. The organization can post events on the Facebook page to promote their brand equity. 3. Implementation of international marketing activities This section deals with the strategic planning of global marketing. Here, the chosen marketing business is Relationship Marketing. Relationship Marketing Plans The company needs to follow some strategic plans to do relationship marketing. The methods are described below: Networking In relationship marketing, networking is a significant factor in strengthening the relationship between the customers and the organizations. Similarly, Watershed Wine needs to enhance the relationship between the customers and the company. Offline and Online networking are a powerful relationship marketing technique. It is not only for the job seekers but also for the employee who are working in Vineyards of Australia. An excellent networking helps to build a strong brand awareness along the expansion of active potential customer based(McDonald, Payne and Frow, 2011). Specifically, it is a win-win technique. Cherishing every customer Customer entertainment plays a significant role in increasing the customer satisfaction. Watershed Wine must make sure that each and every interactions the company is having with the current customers shows them that how much they are valued for the association. Besides, extemporaneous identification of existing customers can go a long way. As soon as the people start to feel that the company take care of the client service, then the words will spread automatically to other’s ears. Consequently, it will become easy for the organizational promotion. Listening to customers
  • 9. 9/13 During customer care calls, the customer places complaints or inquire about any service. At that time, some employees of the organization behave in a rude way. Ethically, it puts a negative impact on the organization. Therefore, Watershed Wines must look after this matter, that customer gets no harassments. Customer harassment can lead to political issues. It is beneficial for the organization to listen and respond to customers(McDonald, Payne and Frow, 2011). People love when they know that they have been heard by the client service center. Apart from these, the customers get pleased when they hear that the organization is ready to help them 24*7. Providing customers with free information Some organizations do not want to share information with clients because the information is confidential. But Watershed Wines can easily exchange information about the benefits and drawbacks of drinking wine. The wine has lots of benefits. When the customer receives beneficial information, then they will buy more wines from that particular country. The organization can also share the story of Australian Vineyards. 4. Monitoring and reviewing marketing activities Here, some recommendations and outlines are described which is required by the marketing team for reviewing and monitoring marketing activities. After performing marketing activities, it is important to measure the performance and set future targets. The control and consideration of marketing activities are done on the workers and employees. The steps include written warning, final written warning, oral reprimand, termination review, and termination. When the supervisor observes a problem in worker‘s performance during marketing, he or she should issue an oral reprimand. If the problem stays, the supervisor provides the employee with a writer warning stating that the employee has offensive behavior and consequences. After written warning, final written warning is provided which includes copies of previous notice. If the performance of the employee does not improve, then the supervisor informs HR and issue a termination review. After the completion of all these steps, the organization takes final decisions to fire the employee. Therefore, the organization needs the recommendation to improve the performance of the employees. The recommended strategies and action plans are described below: Developing the employee relationship The relationship between the employees can be enhanced by strengthening business communication. The communication challenges of Watershed Wines can be counteracted when the specialists of that particular organization survey their style of communication. However, a conventional communication process requires a few abilities. Consequently, the workers of Watershed Wines should prepare themselves appropriately with excellent relational skills(Buttle, 2009). It is fundamental for distinguishing the gathering of people fragments based on different necessities, wanted results, and objectives. Moreover, a business to customer interaction is remarkable for the organization. By tailing this
  • 10. 10/13 method, a man can turn into a superb communicator. Watershed’s workers need to enhance a dynamic outside awareness that allows the communicator not simply to tangle over her or his interchanges with others. Monitoring job performance Watershed must evaluate and monitor job performance of the employees in a yearly manner. It will be good for them if they perform twice in a year. It provides the employees with the practical equivalent of a report card for identifying about their performance level. The particular step includes preparation of self-evaluations which allows them to highlight current accomplishments and also discuss the issues that they consider obstructions for them. After the monitoring procedure, the workers must be provided with feedback so that they can also know how right or wrong they are about the work. The application of Six Sigma Six Sigma is a business strategy for improving the productivity and quality of an employee. Six Sigma is useful for creating projects, measuring the current business process, collect data and also analyze them. Superficially, this strategy of activity helps in determining the primary cause which gives birth to problems of employee performance(Miglani, 2015). It helps in optimizing the issue, and it controls production. Subsequently, the corrections are done initially on before they impact the final product. References Aguirre-Rodriguez, A. (2013). Cultural Factors That Impact Brand Personification Strategy Effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 31(1), pp.70-83. Anderson, D. (2012). Strategic marketing planning for the small to medium-sized business. [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017): Business Expert Press. Buttle, F. (2009). Customer relationship management. Amsterdam: Butterworth- Heinemann. Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Isaac, H., Volle, P. and Mercanti-Guérin, M. (2014). Marketing digital. Montreuil: Pearson. Cohen, W. (2006). The marketing plan. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons. Kennedy, A. and Hauksson, K. (2012). Global search engine marketing. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Lagarde, F. (2013). Socratic Questioning Applied to Social Marketing. Social Marketing Quarterly.
  • 11. 11/13 Mangram, M. (2012). The globalization of Tesla Motors: a strategic marketing plan analysis. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(4), pp.289-312. McDonald, M., Payne, A. and Frow, P. (2011). Marketing plans for services. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley. Miglani, P. (2015). Application of Lean Six Sigma in Reduction of Medication Errors. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare, 2(1), pp.55-72. Milisavljevic, M. (2013). Value oriented strategic marketing. Marketing, 44(4), pp.299- 309. Ramos, A. and Cota, S. (2009). Search engine marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill. Weinstein, A. (2014). Target market selection in B2B technology markets. J Market Anal, 2(1), pp.59-69. Wooliscroft, B. (2011). Marketing theory as history. Marketing Theory, 11(4), pp.499-501. 김미덕, (2013). Ethical Issues in the Market of Famous Paintings. journalofethics, 1(92), pp.41-61. Tags: Common Market for Eastern &ampCommon Marketing ActivitiesCommon Marketing Errors Property Managers Should AvoidCommon Marketing MisconceptionsCommon Marketing Problems of Small Business Owners David Marks Dear sir/Ma'am Our dedication and hard work towards developing quality content has made us competent to provide excellent services to the clients as per their needs. We ensure plagiarism free writing obeying academic integrity and honesty making us a dedicated team towards developing original content helping students to ensure high grades. Our services are hassle free, timely yet at an affordable rate driving clients to avail it for a longer period of time making them loyal and satisfied towards us.
  • 12. 12/13 Services we offer: Essay writing Report writing Assignment writing Reflective writing Proposal writing Dissertation writing Thesis writing CDR writing Annotated bibliography PowerPoint presentation Article/book review Why us? Plagiarism free original content On-time services maintaining deadlines Experienced writers Plagiarism and Grammarly report Dedicate Team Leaders and Quality Checkers Subjects we cover: Marketing management Human resource management Literature Law Finance Accounts Economics Nursing Sociology Environmental science Business studies Political science History Journalism and Masscommunication Geography Declaration: Working with us will give you the opportunity to avail divergent range of academic services at affordable rates in assistance with the dedicated team having members from different disciplines holding high degrees in their respective domains. We are experienced in developing B-plan, writing dissertations and theses having employed highly qualified and experienced writers. You can reach us at- Email:-