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Professor Dame Carole
  Jordan, B.Sc., Ph. D.,
   DBE, FRS, FInstP, ...
                           -A remarkable career

         (with emphasis on the “early years”) based partly on a
                lunchtime conversation, 28 April 2011 with
             Philip Judge, of the High Altitude Observatory
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Harrow County Grammar
                School for Girls ``Nisi Dominus Frustra’’
                                 Carole had ``read books by
                                 Eddington and Hoyle in the
                                 school library, and [in spite of
                                 this- PGJ] wanted to do

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
University College London
Carole was interviewed by CW Allen, Perren
Professor of Astronomy at UCL/director of Mill Hill
Observatory, and offered a place to study

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
University College London

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1959- undergraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1959- undergraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1959- undergraduate
                                      ``Sept. 14, 1959: Moon Feels
                                      First Cold Touch of
                                      ``Luna 2 becomes the first artifact of
                                      humanity to strike the moon.
                                      The Soviet Union launched The Sputnik-
                                      like probe from the Baikonur
                                      Cosmodrome on Sept. 12. It took 33.5
                                      hours to reach its destination. Hitting the
                                      moon, as prestigious an accomplishment
                                      as it was for the young Soviet space
                                      program, was not Luna 2's only objective.
                                      Prior to impact, the craft also sent back
                                      data confirming, among other things, that
                                      the moon had neither a magnetic field nor
                                      any radiation belts.’’

                                      It confirmed Luna 1’s discovery of
                                      particles emanating from the Sun.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1961- CJ’s first paper

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1961- CJ’s first paper
                     Selenological implications drawn from the
                     distortions of craters in the Hipparchus region of
                     the Moon
                     Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 9, p.3

                     Gilbert Fielder and Carole Jordan
                     University of London Observatory, Mill Hill Park,
                     London, N.W.7 UK
                     Received 8 November 1961. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1962 University College
                            London: postgraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1962 University College
                            London: postgraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1962 University College
                            London: postgraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1962 University College
                            London: postgraduate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1962 University College
                            London: postgraduate
Following her 1st degree in astronomy, Allen
suggested 3 projects:
  1. A-star statistics
  2. oscillator strengths from
     laboratory measurements
  3. Tousey's recent spectra
     containing many unidentified lines
     in EUV, 170-280 Angstrom

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tousey’s EUV spectra

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tousey’s EUV spectra

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Carole and Tousey’s EUV
Allen remarked that if she could solve the origin of the EUV lines (at
the time unidentified) she might make a name for herself.

Carole made Z-expansions using Edlen's method, computed gfs, used a
modified semi-empirical formula for the collision strengths, and built
emission measures from lines of Si.

With the above data, Carole thought that ''iron should be present in
the lists of identifications". She was first to propose that these
were 3p-3d transitions in the ions Fe IX to Fe XIV.

She identified some lines in Fe XIV, making use of f-values calculated
by Garstang.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Carole, Culham and Zeta
In 1963 CW Allen attended an open day
at Culham and saw that the many un-
identified lines in the EUV spectrum of
the Zeta plasma device resembled those
in the solar spectrum. In a later visit to
Culham with Allen, Carole pointed out
the presence of the Fe XV (284 A) line
in Zeta. Her suggestion that Fe XIV
might be present was confirmed.
Gabriel and Fawcett thought the lines
might be Fe II - IV.

She was “100% sure” that the lines
were the 3p - 3d transitions in the
higher ions.

UCL Thesis 1965: "Analysis of the solar
ultraviolet spectrum"
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Lab Spectroscopy at
 Line crowding (from different ions and due to fine structure) made
 individual line identifications difficult.

 The detailed identifications were based on much laboratory work at
 Culham by Brian Fawcett and Alan Gabriel and, in the Nature
 (1965) letter with Carole, included lines of Fe VIII to XII.

 Carole spent 6 weeks and odd days at Culham, helping to trace
 isoelectronic lines in the lab spectra. Problems were apparent in
 low ions (< stage IV), which Gabriel resolved by realizing that
 these were due to configuration interaction.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
100% sure?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
100% sure?

You bet!

SDO 2011:
Blue Fe IX 171
Green Fe XII 194
Red Fe XIV 210

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's
 Spectroscopy Division), offered
 her a post through a UKAEA
 grant to UCL. But Garstang had
 offered a postdoc position at
 JILA (Boulder), supported by his
 US Army grant. Her Culham post
 was held open while in 1966 she
 spent 9 months in Boulder, as
 the first female research
 associate at JILA.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's
 Spectroscopy Division), offered
 her a post through a UKAEA
 grant to UCL. But Garstang had
 offered a postdoc position at
 JILA (Boulder), supported by his
 US Army grant. Her Culham post
 was held open while in 1966 she
 spent 9 months in Boulder, as
 the first female research
 associate at JILA.
 Ithaca AAS meeting:
   Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's
 Spectroscopy Division), offered
 her a post through a UKAEA
 grant to UCL. But Garstang had
 offered a postdoc position at
 JILA (Boulder), supported by his
 US Army grant. Her Culham post
 was held open while in 1966 she
 spent 9 months in Boulder, as
 the first female research
 associate at JILA.
 Ithaca AAS meeting:
   Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI)
       CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's
 Spectroscopy Division), offered
 her a post through a UKAEA
 grant to UCL. But Garstang had
 offered a postdoc position at
 JILA (Boulder), supported by his
 US Army grant. Her Culham post
 was held open while in 1966 she
 spent 9 months in Boulder, as
 the first female research
 associate at JILA.
 Ithaca AAS meeting:
   Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI)
       CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI)
     Goldberg: “Gee, I hope my parachute opens”

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's
 Spectroscopy Division), offered
 her a post through a UKAEA
 grant to UCL. But Garstang had
 offered a postdoc position at
 JILA (Boulder), supported by his
 US Army grant. Her Culham post
 was held open while in 1966 she
 spent 9 months in Boulder, as
 the first female research
 associate at JILA.
 Ithaca AAS meeting:
   Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI)
       CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI)
     Goldberg: “Gee, I hope my parachute opens”
  modern phot. Fe/Si=CJ corona (Fe gf values 1972-4)
  aside: corona is “well-mixed” Woolley+Allen 1948
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ’s late 1960s
At JILA she extended ionisation-balance calculations (slide
rule+computer) in 1966, later published in 1969:
   - DR from Burgess general formula
   - reduction in DR at high densities, from his work on low

Assist. Lect., Dept. Astron. UCL, seconded to Culham 1966–69.

“Disappointed” by the offer of a postdoc at Culham, not an
established post. Wilson later apologized, he was then “still
not sure” that she wanted a long-term scientific career.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He-like lines and
                           satellites 1968-73
Pioneer in identification/diagnostic use of He-like and Li-like
satellite lines in lab and solar X-ray spectra (with Gabriel).

CJ was first to propose that a strong feature longward of
He I-like E1 intersystem line  1s 2 1S - 1s2p 3P
                                      0          1
is the forbidden M1 transition 1s2 1S0 - 1s2s 3S1

CJ and Gabriel developed the now-widely-used spectral
diagnostic techniques for n, T

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
satellite lines

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
satellite lines

     Edlen’s lab spectra showed only the satellite lines from
         excitations of Li I-like inner shells, no DR lines
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
satellite lines

     Edlen’s lab spectra showed only the satellite lines from
         excitations of Li I-like inner shells, no DR lines
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He-like lines 1968-73

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He-like lines 1968-73

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He-like lines- examples

             Si XIII

                O VII:      EPIC/MOS, XMM-Newton, ξ Boo A

                           Pandey & Srivastava 2009
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He-like lines- examples

    Solar Flare class X2, P78-1, McKenzie et al 1980
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
high-Z satellite lines
                                   1982 MNRAS

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
high-Z satellite lines
                                   1982 MNRAS

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970: “the right
International Consortium
   Culham ARU
   Harvard College Observatory
   Imperial College London
  York University, Toronto

Mission to fly a rocket into the shadow path of the 1970 total eclipse-
Gabriel et al. 1971, ApJ, 169, 595

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970: “the right

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970: “the right

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970: “the right

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970:CJ’s IDs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970:CJ’s IDs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970:CJ’s IDs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970:CJ’s IDs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eclipse 1970:
                           think about it
CJ identified 20/28 coronal lines observed between
1190-2190 Angstroms during the 1970 eclipse, and
has continued to help to “fill in the gaps” of our
knowledge of the solar spectrum.

This can probably happen no more, the work is done.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1969-20?? Helium
Hearn 1969 MNRAS. Emission coefficients for helium EUV lines

CJ: used solar emd and Hearn's calculations to predict helium line
intensities- found to be too low. With Hearn made non-eqm wind outflow
calculations- but these did not help.

CJ proposed that any process that subjected He I and He II to electrons
with energies higher than expected in ionization equilibrium would
enhance the lines, owing to the larger sensitivity of the E/kT term in the
collisional excitation rates (Δn ≧ 1 transitions).

CJ’s seminal papers:
      Jordan, C., 1975, MNRAS 170, 429
      Jordan, C., 1980; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1969-20?? Helium
Hearn 1969 MNRAS. Emission coefficients for helium EUV lines

CJ: used solar emd and Hearn's calculations to predict helium line
intensities- found to be too low. With Hearn made non-eqm wind outflow
calculations- but these did not help.

CJ proposed that any process that subjected He I and He II to electrons
with energies higher than expected in ionization equilibrium would
enhance the lines, owing to the larger sensitivity of the E/kT term in the
collisional excitation rates (Δn ≧ 1 transitions).

CJ’s seminal papers:
      Jordan, C., 1975, MNRAS 170, 429
      Jordan, C., 1980; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541
  It’s the stuff that does not fit that leads to progress...
          and these lines power the earth’s thermosphere/ionosphere.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ’s 1970-1976
Astrophysics Research Unit, Culham Laboratory, director R. Wilson:

    Post-doctoral research assistant, 1969–71

    Senior Scientific Officer, 1971–73 (Scientific Civil Service)

    Principal Scientific Officer, 1973–76

    Wilson became UCL Perren Professor in 1972. The ARU, funded by SRC,
    came under pressure to become more of a 'service', not independent,
    research group. Plans were afoot to move the ARU from Culham.

  She had some teaching experience in WEA (Workers Education
  Association), and at USAF base Upper Heyford: the American service
  people were "absolutely delightful".

1976: Jo Peach (Chemistry Fellow at Somerville College, wife of
astronomer John Peach) told her about a new Tutorial Fellowship in
Physics at Somerville)...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Solar gamma, X, and EUV radiation; IAU/
                      COSPAR Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
                                  June 11-14, 1974.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, Allen, coronal holes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, Allen, coronal holes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, Allen, coronal holes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, Allen, coronal holes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, meetings, debates
 Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The
 energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and
 corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, meetings, debates
 Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The
 energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and
 corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418.
      R. G. Athay
      ".. the question of the inversion of the intensity integral...when
      radiation losses dominate we expect temperature plateaus"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CJ, meetings, debates
 Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The
 energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and
 corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418.
      R. G. Athay
      ".. the question of the inversion of the intensity integral...when
      radiation losses dominate we expect temperature plateaus"

    C. Jordan
    "Analyses of emission measures, which I have carried out, based on
    normal incidence spectra for both the disc and center-limb ratios give
    reliable models in the temperature range 30,000-100,000 K. These
    models have been published and leave little room for temperature
    plateaus of significant width".

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
serious refereeing
 Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an
 outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc.

 She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model
 ... though it is not always easy to see it that way.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
serious refereeing
 Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an
 outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc.

 She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model
 ... though it is not always easy to see it that way.

       Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
serious refereeing
 Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an
 outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc.

 She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model
 ... though it is not always easy to see it that way.

       Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
serious refereeing
 Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an
 outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc.

 She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model
 ... though it is not always easy to see it that way.

       Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1976, a pivotal time: CJ
                      -> Oxford

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1976, a pivotal time: CJ
                      -> Oxford

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1976, a pivotal time: CJ
                      -> Oxford

  Never mind the
 “cold war”, this is
   the “cod war”
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
                           CJ and Oxford
 Wolfson Tutorial Fellow in Natural Science, Somerville College 1976-2008
 Emeritus Fellow 2008-

 Reader in physics, 1994–96
 Professor of physics 1996-2008

 Head of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2005–2008

   tutorials/classes physics (12 hr/week to 1994, then 6 hr/week)
   Finals examiner
   lecturer (stat. mech., atomic physics, astroph. plasma spectroscopy,...)
   undergraduate research supervision
   graduate (D.Phil) research supervision
   Graduate lectures and classes...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
                           CJ and Oxford
 Wolfson Tutorial Fellow in Natural Science, Somerville College 1976-2008
 Emeritus Fellow 2008-

 Reader in physics, 1994–96
 Professor of physics 1996-2008

 Head of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2005–2008

   tutorials/classes physics (12 hr/week to 1994, then 6 hr/week)
   Finals examiner
   lecturer (stat. mech., atomic physics, astroph. plasma spectroscopy,...)
   undergraduate research supervision
   graduate (D.Phil) research supervision       moral tutor
   Graduate lectures and classes...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Post-graduate students,
  D.Phil. students (year awarded)

  John Adam 1974 (UCL)
  Rashpal Gill 1982
  Blanca Mendoza 1984
  Philip Judge 1985
  Graham Harper 1988
  Mark Munday 1990
  Stefan Weber 1993
  Andy Rowe 1996
  Debbie Philippides 1996
  Neil Griffiths 1996
  Andrew McMurry 1997
  Tetsuo Amaya 1999
  Graeme Smith 2000
  Stuart Sim 2002
  Rachel Koncewicz

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Post-graduate students,
  D.Phil. students (year awarded)   PDRAs

  John Adam 1974 (UCL)              Alex Brown 1978 - 1981
  Rashpal Gill 1982                 Rashpal Gill 1982
  Blanca Mendoza 1984               Nick Veck 1980 - 1983
  Philip Judge 1985                 Paul Kuin 1982 - 1984
  Graham Harper 1988                Philip Judge 1985 -1988
  Mark Munday 1990                  Benjamin Montesinos 1987 - 1989
  Stefan Weber 1993                 Graham Harper 1988 - 1990
  Andy Rowe 1996                    J.L. Fernandez 1990 - 1991
  Debbie Philippides 1996           Fukuo Nagai 1984-1985 SERC visiting fellow
  Neil Griffiths 1996                Vincent Macaulay 1992 - 1993
  Andrew McMurry 1997               Stefan Weber 1993
  Tetsuo Amaya 1999                 Hong-Chou Pan 1993 - 1995
  Graeme Smith 2000                 Keith McPherson 1996 - 1998
  Stuart Sim 2002                   Eric Houdebine 2001 - 2003
  Rachel Koncewicz                  Jan-Uwe Ness 2004 - 2006
                                    Hilary Kay 2006 - 2007
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
                           selected activities

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

!        1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet
                solar spectra
         1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission
         1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV
                spectra of late-type stars
         1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations
                of the slow nova RR Tel
         1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of
                Fe II in the laboratory
                and late-type stellar atmospheres
         1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in
                the solar ultraviolet spectrum
         1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications
               in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom)
         2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom
                 in solar and stellar spectra

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

!        1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet
                solar spectra
         1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission
         1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV
                spectra of late-type stars
         1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations
                of the slow nova RR Tel
         1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of
                Fe II in the laboratory
                and late-type stellar atmospheres
         1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in
                the solar ultraviolet spectrum
         1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications
               in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom)
         2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom
                 in solar and stellar spectra

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

!        1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet
                solar spectra
         1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission
         1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV
                spectra of late-type stars
         1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations
                of the slow nova RR Tel
         1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of
                Fe II in the laboratory
                and late-type stellar atmospheres
         1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in
                the solar ultraviolet spectrum
         1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications
               in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom)
         2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom
                 in solar and stellar spectra

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

!        1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet
                solar spectra
         1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission
         1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV
                spectra of late-type stars
         1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations
                of the slow nova RR Tel
         1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of
                Fe II in the laboratory
                and late-type stellar atmospheres
         1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in
                the solar ultraviolet spectrum
         1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications
               in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom)
         2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom
                 in solar and stellar spectra

 “..identified the emission lines concerned as forbidden (electric
 quadrupole and magnetic dipole) transitions in Fe III, the first
 detection of these particular transitions in any source”
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1975-20?? Helium

CJ’s seminal papers:
      Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum
                   MNRAS 170, 429
      Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure
                   Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541

1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines...
1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines
          In The Quiet Solar Transition Region
2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole
2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere
           by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions
2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines
2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet
           lines of HeI and HeII

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1975-20?? Helium

CJ’s seminal papers:
      Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum
                   MNRAS 170, 429
      Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure
                   Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541

1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines...
1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines
          In The Quiet Solar Transition Region
2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole
2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere
           by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions
2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines
2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet
           lines of HeI and HeII

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
1975-20?? Helium

CJ’s seminal papers:
      Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum
                   MNRAS 170, 429
      Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure
                   Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541

1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines...
1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines
          In The Quiet Solar Transition Region
2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole
2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere
           by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions
2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines
2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet
           lines of HeI and HeII

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Atmospheric structure,
                              energy balance
    1971 Jordan and Wilson The Determination of Chromospheric-Coronal Structure from Solar XUV Observations
    1971 Burton et al. The Structure of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region from Limb and Disk Intensities
    1973 Burton et al. Further Observations of the Structure of the Chromosphere-corona Transition Region
          from Limb and Disk Intensities
    1975 Jordan IAU The structure of solar active regions from EUV and soft X-ray observations
    1975 Evans, Jordan Wilson Observations of chromospheric and coronal emission lines in F stars (Copernicus)
    1975 Gabriel & Jordan Analysis of EUV observations of regions of the quiet and active corona at the time of the
          1970 March 7 eclipse
    1976 Jordan ! The structure and energy balance of solar active regions RSPTA
    1980 Jordan A+A The energy balance of the solar transition region
    1981 Brown & Jordan The chromosphere and corona of Procyon /alpha CMi, F5 IV-V
    1981 Jordan SSRV The active sun
    1981 Jordan and Brown "Energy balance in solar and stellar coronae" (Bonas)
    1984 Brown, Ferraz, Jordan The chromosphere and corona of T Tauri Brown, Ferraz, Jordan
    1984 Brown et al High-resolution, far-ultraviolet study of Beta Draconis (G2 Ib-II) -
            Transition region structure and energy balance
    1984 Jordan, Mendoza, Gill Observational constraints on heating processes
    1985 Jordan Derivation of atmospheric structure from emission line fluxes
    1986 Jordan et al The outer atmosphere of Procyon (Alpha CMi F5IV-V) - Evidence of supergranulation or active regions
    1986 Jordan Wave-driven winds from cool stars - Progress and problems
    1987 Jordan et al The chromospheres and coronae of five G-K main-sequence stars
    1988 Jordan & Kuin The outer atmospheres and winds of T Tau and RU LUPI
    1992 Jordan Modelling of solar coronal loops, Mem. S. Astr. It. 63, 605-620
    1996 Jordan The Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region in Late-Type Stars
    2005 Sim & Jordan Modelling the chromosphere and transition region of ɛ Eri (K2 V)
    2008 Ness & Jordan The corona and upper transition region of ɛEridani
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Atmospheric structure,
                              energy balance:
 1992 Jordan Modelling of solar coronal loops, Mem.
 S. Astr. It. 63, 605-620

 "This review concentrates on what is known about
 the observable parameters, and how these are
 related to the theoretical energy balance equation"

 -clarifies the physics behind “scaling laws”
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

       1981 Culhane et al. X-ray spectra of solar flares obtained with a high-resolution bent crystal spectrometer
       1982 Jordan & Veck Comparison of observed CA XIX and CA XVIII relative line intensities with current theory
       1984 Veck et al 1984 The development and cooling of a solar limb-flare
       1984 Antonucci et al Derivation of ionization balance for calcium XVIII/XIX using XRP solar X-ray data
       1985 Nagai & Jordan Gas dynamics in the impulsive phase of solar flares.
       1986 Smale et al X-ray and optical observations of a dMe flare star in the T Tauri field
       1995 Pan & Jordan 1995 ROSAT observations of the flare star CC ERI
       1997 Pan et al An exceptional X-ray flare on the dMe star EQ1839.6+8002

 stellar chromospheres and winds

 rotation and magnetism

 red giants, hybrid giants

 T Tauri stars



Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Awards and distinctions

   1990 Fellow of the Royal Society of London

   1990 Fellow of University College London

   1991 Honorary Doctor of the University of Surrey

   1993 Member, Academia Europeae

   2008 Honorary DSc Queens University Belfast

   2011 Honorary Fellow of the Inst. of Physics.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further awards and
   In 2000 Asteroid 8078 was named Carolejordan -

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further awards and
   In 2000 Asteroid 8078 was named Carolejordan -

                                  CJ is in the JPL "small body database"
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further awards
                         and distinctions
2005 RAS Gold Medal (G) for "For contributions to solar
physics and their applications to stellar physics"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further awards
                         and distinctions
2005 RAS Gold Medal (G) for "For contributions to solar
physics and their applications to stellar physics"

(PGJ aside:

This medal was
produced under duress
from a filing cabinet).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further, further
                    awards and distinctions

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further, further
                    awards and distinctions
   Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs)

   1917 The Baroness Byron
   1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's
        Nursing Service
   1956 Margot Fonteyn
   1971 Agatha Christie
   1987 Iris Murdoch

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further, further
                    awards and distinctions
   Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs)

   1917 The Baroness Byron
   1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's
        Nursing Service
   1956 Margot Fonteyn
   1971 Agatha Christie
   1987 Iris Murdoch

 2006 Carole Jordan for ''Contributions to Physics and

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
further, further, further
                    awards and distinctions
   Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs)

   1917 The Baroness Byron
   1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's
        Nursing Service
   1956 Margot Fonteyn
   1971 Agatha Christie
   1987 Iris Murdoch

 2006 Carole Jordan for ''Contributions to Physics and
 Astronomy'' , Matron-in-Chief, Queen Elizabeth II's
                   Spectroscopic Service
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
``Nisi Dominus Frustra’’

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
``Nisi Dominus Frustra’’

                if not the master, all is in vain

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Some of CJ’s traits I try to emulate


    ...and especially with (at least one of) her students...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Some of CJ’s traits I try to emulate


    ...and especially with (at least one of) her students...
                           For this and many other reasons,
                           thank you, Carole.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
sidenote: CW Allen and
                    Carole’s Academic Heritage

Woolley & Allen 1948:
 - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona
 - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK
Woolley & Allen 1950:
 - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including
 - ambitious, but with realism.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
sidenote: CW Allen and
                    Carole’s Academic Heritage

Woolley & Allen 1948:
 - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona
 - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK
Woolley & Allen 1950:
 - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including
 - ambitious, but with realism.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
sidenote: CW Allen and
                    Carole’s Academic Heritage

Woolley & Allen 1948:
 - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona
 - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK
Woolley & Allen 1950:
 - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including
 - ambitious, but with realism.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Harrow County Grammar
                               School for Girls

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Harrow County Grammar
                               School for Girls

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Professor Dame Carole Jordan: a remarkable career

  • 1. Professor Dame Carole Jordan, B.Sc., Ph. D., DBE, FRS, FInstP, ... -A remarkable career (with emphasis on the “early years”) based partly on a lunchtime conversation, 28 April 2011 with Philip Judge, of the High Altitude Observatory Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 2. Harrow County Grammar School for Girls ``Nisi Dominus Frustra’’ Carole had ``read books by Eddington and Hoyle in the school library, and [in spite of this- PGJ] wanted to do astronomy’’ Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 3. University College London Carole was interviewed by CW Allen, Perren Professor of Astronomy at UCL/director of Mill Hill Observatory, and offered a place to study astronomy. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 7. 1959- undergraduate ``Sept. 14, 1959: Moon Feels First Cold Touch of Humans’’ ``Luna 2 becomes the first artifact of humanity to strike the moon. The Soviet Union launched The Sputnik- like probe from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sept. 12. It took 33.5 hours to reach its destination. Hitting the moon, as prestigious an accomplishment as it was for the young Soviet space program, was not Luna 2's only objective. Prior to impact, the craft also sent back data confirming, among other things, that the moon had neither a magnetic field nor any radiation belts.’’ It confirmed Luna 1’s discovery of particles emanating from the Sun. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 8. 1961- CJ’s first paper Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 9. 1961- CJ’s first paper Selenological implications drawn from the distortions of craters in the Hipparchus region of the Moon Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 9, p.3 Gilbert Fielder and Carole Jordan University of London Observatory, Mill Hill Park, London, N.W.7 UK Received 8 November 1961.  Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 10. 1962 University College London: postgraduate Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 11. 1962 University College London: postgraduate Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 12. 1962 University College London: postgraduate Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 13. 1962 University College London: postgraduate Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 14. 1962 University College London: postgraduate Following her 1st degree in astronomy, Allen suggested 3 projects: 1. A-star statistics 2. oscillator strengths from laboratory measurements 3. Tousey's recent spectra containing many unidentified lines in EUV, 170-280 Angstrom Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 17. Carole and Tousey’s EUV spectra Allen remarked that if she could solve the origin of the EUV lines (at the time unidentified) she might make a name for herself. Carole made Z-expansions using Edlen's method, computed gfs, used a modified semi-empirical formula for the collision strengths, and built emission measures from lines of Si. With the above data, Carole thought that ''iron should be present in the lists of identifications". She was first to propose that these were 3p-3d transitions in the ions Fe IX to Fe XIV. She identified some lines in Fe XIV, making use of f-values calculated by Garstang. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 18. Carole, Culham and Zeta In 1963 CW Allen attended an open day at Culham and saw that the many un- identified lines in the EUV spectrum of the Zeta plasma device resembled those in the solar spectrum. In a later visit to Culham with Allen, Carole pointed out the presence of the Fe XV (284 A) line in Zeta. Her suggestion that Fe XIV might be present was confirmed. Gabriel and Fawcett thought the lines might be Fe II - IV. She was “100% sure” that the lines were the 3p - 3d transitions in the higher ions. UCL Thesis 1965: "Analysis of the solar ultraviolet spectrum" Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 19. Lab Spectroscopy at Culham Line crowding (from different ions and due to fine structure) made individual line identifications difficult. The detailed identifications were based on much laboratory work at Culham by Brian Fawcett and Alan Gabriel and, in the Nature (1965) letter with Carole, included lines of Fe VIII to XII. Carole spent 6 weeks and odd days at Culham, helping to trace isoelectronic lines in the lab spectra. Problems were apparent in low ions (< stage IV), which Gabriel resolved by realizing that these were due to configuration interaction. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 21. 100% sure? You bet! SDO 2011: Blue Fe IX 171 Green Fe XII 194 Red Fe XIV 210 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 22. 1965-1966 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's Spectroscopy Division), offered her a post through a UKAEA grant to UCL. But Garstang had offered a postdoc position at JILA (Boulder), supported by his US Army grant. Her Culham post was held open while in 1966 she spent 9 months in Boulder, as the first female research associate at JILA. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 23. 1965-1966 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's Spectroscopy Division), offered her a post through a UKAEA grant to UCL. But Garstang had offered a postdoc position at JILA (Boulder), supported by his US Army grant. Her Culham post was held open while in 1966 she spent 9 months in Boulder, as the first female research associate at JILA. Ithaca AAS meeting: Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI) Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 24. 1965-1966 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's Spectroscopy Division), offered her a post through a UKAEA grant to UCL. But Garstang had offered a postdoc position at JILA (Boulder), supported by his US Army grant. Her Culham post was held open while in 1966 she spent 9 months in Boulder, as the first female research associate at JILA. Ithaca AAS meeting: Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI) CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI) Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 25. 1965-1966 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's Spectroscopy Division), offered her a post through a UKAEA grant to UCL. But Garstang had offered a postdoc position at JILA (Boulder), supported by his US Army grant. Her Culham post was held open while in 1966 she spent 9 months in Boulder, as the first female research associate at JILA. Ithaca AAS meeting: Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI) CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI) Goldberg: “Gee, I hope my parachute opens” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 26. 1965-1966 1965 - Wilson (Head of Culham's Spectroscopy Division), offered her a post through a UKAEA grant to UCL. But Garstang had offered a postdoc position at JILA (Boulder), supported by his US Army grant. Her Culham post was held open while in 1966 she spent 9 months in Boulder, as the first female research associate at JILA. Ithaca AAS meeting: Goldberg talk: “coronal Fe/Si = photosphere” (Fe XV, Fe XVI) CJ: “Fe/Si ~ 10x photosphere” (new lines Fe X, Fe XI) Goldberg: “Gee, I hope my parachute opens” modern phot. Fe/Si=CJ corona (Fe gf values 1972-4) aside: corona is “well-mixed” Woolley+Allen 1948 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 27. CJ’s late 1960s At JILA she extended ionisation-balance calculations (slide rule+computer) in 1966, later published in 1969: - DR from Burgess general formula - reduction in DR at high densities, from his work on low ions Assist. Lect., Dept. Astron. UCL, seconded to Culham 1966–69. “Disappointed” by the offer of a postdoc at Culham, not an established post. Wilson later apologized, he was then “still not sure” that she wanted a long-term scientific career. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 28. He-like lines and satellites 1968-73 Pioneer in identification/diagnostic use of He-like and Li-like satellite lines in lab and solar X-ray spectra (with Gabriel). CJ was first to propose that a strong feature longward of He I-like E1 intersystem line 1s 2 1S - 1s2p 3P 0 1 is the forbidden M1 transition 1s2 1S0 - 1s2s 3S1 CJ and Gabriel developed the now-widely-used spectral diagnostic techniques for n, T Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 30. satellite lines Edlen’s lab spectra showed only the satellite lines from excitations of Li I-like inner shells, no DR lines Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 31. satellite lines Edlen’s lab spectra showed only the satellite lines from excitations of Li I-like inner shells, no DR lines Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 34. He-like lines- examples Si XIII O VII: EPIC/MOS, XMM-Newton, ξ Boo A Pandey & Srivastava 2009 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 35. He-like lines- examples Solar Flare class X2, P78-1, McKenzie et al 1980 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 36. high-Z satellite lines 1982 MNRAS Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 37. high-Z satellite lines 1982 MNRAS Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 38. Eclipse 1970: “the right stuff” International Consortium Culham ARU Harvard College Observatory Imperial College London York University, Toronto Mission to fly a rocket into the shadow path of the 1970 total eclipse- Gabriel et al. 1971, ApJ, 169, 595 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 39. Eclipse 1970: “the right stuff” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 40. Eclipse 1970: “the right stuff” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 41. Eclipse 1970: “the right stuff” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 46. Eclipse 1970: think about it CJ identified 20/28 coronal lines observed between 1190-2190 Angstroms during the 1970 eclipse, and has continued to help to “fill in the gaps” of our knowledge of the solar spectrum. This can probably happen no more, the work is done. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 47. 1969-20?? Helium Hearn 1969 MNRAS. Emission coefficients for helium EUV lines CJ: used solar emd and Hearn's calculations to predict helium line intensities- found to be too low. With Hearn made non-eqm wind outflow calculations- but these did not help. CJ proposed that any process that subjected He I and He II to electrons with energies higher than expected in ionization equilibrium would enhance the lines, owing to the larger sensitivity of the E/kT term in the collisional excitation rates (Δn ≧ 1 transitions). CJ’s seminal papers: Jordan, C., 1975, MNRAS 170, 429 Jordan, C., 1980; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 48. 1969-20?? Helium Hearn 1969 MNRAS. Emission coefficients for helium EUV lines CJ: used solar emd and Hearn's calculations to predict helium line intensities- found to be too low. With Hearn made non-eqm wind outflow calculations- but these did not help. CJ proposed that any process that subjected He I and He II to electrons with energies higher than expected in ionization equilibrium would enhance the lines, owing to the larger sensitivity of the E/kT term in the collisional excitation rates (Δn ≧ 1 transitions). CJ’s seminal papers: Jordan, C., 1975, MNRAS 170, 429 Jordan, C., 1980; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541 It’s the stuff that does not fit that leads to progress... and these lines power the earth’s thermosphere/ionosphere. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 49. CJ’s 1970-1976 Astrophysics Research Unit, Culham Laboratory, director R. Wilson: Post-doctoral research assistant, 1969–71 Senior Scientific Officer, 1971–73 (Scientific Civil Service) Principal Scientific Officer, 1973–76 Wilson became UCL Perren Professor in 1972. The ARU, funded by SRC, came under pressure to become more of a 'service', not independent, research group. Plans were afoot to move the ARU from Culham. She had some teaching experience in WEA (Workers Education Association), and at USAF base Upper Heyford: the American service people were "absolutely delightful". 1976: Jo Peach (Chemistry Fellow at Somerville College, wife of astronomer John Peach) told her about a new Tutorial Fellowship in Physics at Somerville)... Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 50. Solar gamma, X, and EUV radiation; IAU/ COSPAR Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 11-14, 1974. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 51. CJ, Allen, coronal holes Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 52. CJ, Allen, coronal holes Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 53. CJ, Allen, coronal holes Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 54. CJ, Allen, coronal holes Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 55. CJ, meetings, debates Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 56. CJ, meetings, debates Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418. R. G. Athay ".. the question of the inversion of the intensity integral...when radiation losses dominate we expect temperature plateaus" Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 57. CJ, meetings, debates Structure of the quiet chromosphere and corona. Gabriel, A. H., in "The energy balance and hydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere and corona", Proc IAU 36, Sep 6-10 1976. Discussion p. 400 - 418. R. G. Athay ".. the question of the inversion of the intensity integral...when radiation losses dominate we expect temperature plateaus" C. Jordan "Analyses of emission measures, which I have carried out, based on normal incidence spectra for both the disc and center-limb ratios give reliable models in the temperature range 30,000-100,000 K. These models have been published and leave little room for temperature plateaus of significant width". Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 58. serious refereeing Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc. She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model ... though it is not always easy to see it that way. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 59. serious refereeing Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc. She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model ... though it is not always easy to see it that way. Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 60. serious refereeing Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc. She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model ... though it is not always easy to see it that way. Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 61. serious refereeing Carole has contributed to the health of (astro-) physics worldwide as an outstanding, critical and fair referee of programs, proposals, papers, etc. She (always?) identifies herself to the authors of papers- a role model ... though it is not always easy to see it that way. Carole “the refer-ator” Jordan Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 62. 1976, a pivotal time: CJ -> Oxford Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 63. 1976, a pivotal time: CJ -> Oxford Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 64. 1976, a pivotal time: CJ -> Oxford Never mind the “cold war”, this is the “cod war” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 65. 1976-today CJ and Oxford Wolfson Tutorial Fellow in Natural Science, Somerville College 1976-2008 Emeritus Fellow 2008- Reader in physics, 1994–96 Professor of physics 1996-2008 Head of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2005–2008 Teaching: tutorials/classes physics (12 hr/week to 1994, then 6 hr/week) Finals examiner lecturer (stat. mech., atomic physics, astroph. plasma spectroscopy,...) undergraduate research supervision graduate (D.Phil) research supervision Graduate lectures and classes... Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 66. 1976-today CJ and Oxford Wolfson Tutorial Fellow in Natural Science, Somerville College 1976-2008 Emeritus Fellow 2008- Reader in physics, 1994–96 Professor of physics 1996-2008 Head of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2005–2008 Teaching: tutorials/classes physics (12 hr/week to 1994, then 6 hr/week) Finals examiner lecturer (stat. mech., atomic physics, astroph. plasma spectroscopy,...) undergraduate research supervision graduate (D.Phil) research supervision moral tutor Graduate lectures and classes... Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 67. Post-graduate students, postdocs D.Phil. students (year awarded) John Adam 1974 (UCL) Rashpal Gill 1982 Blanca Mendoza 1984 Philip Judge 1985 Graham Harper 1988 Mark Munday 1990 Stefan Weber 1993 Andy Rowe 1996 Debbie Philippides 1996 Neil Griffiths 1996 Andrew McMurry 1997 Tetsuo Amaya 1999 Graeme Smith 2000 Stuart Sim 2002 Rachel Koncewicz Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 68. Post-graduate students, postdocs D.Phil. students (year awarded) PDRAs John Adam 1974 (UCL) Alex Brown 1978 - 1981 Rashpal Gill 1982 Rashpal Gill 1982 Blanca Mendoza 1984 Nick Veck 1980 - 1983 Philip Judge 1985 Paul Kuin 1982 - 1984 Graham Harper 1988 Philip Judge 1985 -1988 Mark Munday 1990 Benjamin Montesinos 1987 - 1989 Stefan Weber 1993 Graham Harper 1988 - 1990 Andy Rowe 1996 J.L. Fernandez 1990 - 1991 Debbie Philippides 1996 Fukuo Nagai 1984-1985 SERC visiting fellow Neil Griffiths 1996 Vincent Macaulay 1992 - 1993 Andrew McMurry 1997 Stefan Weber 1993 Tetsuo Amaya 1999 Hong-Chou Pan 1993 - 1995 Graeme Smith 2000 Keith McPherson 1996 - 1998 Stuart Sim 2002 Eric Houdebine 2001 - 2003 Rachel Koncewicz Jan-Uwe Ness 2004 - 2006 Hilary Kay 2006 - 2007 Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 69. 1976-today selected activities Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 70. spectroscopy NEW IDENTIFICATIONS: ! 1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet solar spectra 1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission 1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV spectra of late-type stars 1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations of the slow nova RR Tel 1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of Fe II in the laboratory and late-type stellar atmospheres 1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in the solar ultraviolet spectrum 1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom) 2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom in solar and stellar spectra Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 71. spectroscopy NEW IDENTIFICATIONS: ! 1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet solar spectra 1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission 1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV spectra of late-type stars 1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations of the slow nova RR Tel 1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of Fe II in the laboratory and late-type stellar atmospheres 1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in the solar ultraviolet spectrum 1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom) 2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom in solar and stellar spectra Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 72. spectroscopy NEW IDENTIFICATIONS: ! 1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet solar spectra 1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission 1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV spectra of late-type stars 1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations of the slow nova RR Tel 1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of Fe II in the laboratory and late-type stellar atmospheres 1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in the solar ultraviolet spectrum 1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom) 2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom in solar and stellar spectra Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 73. spectroscopy NEW IDENTIFICATIONS: ! 1977 Jordan et al Lines of H2 in extreme-ultraviolet solar spectra 1978 Bartoe et al CO UV emission 1980 Brown and Jordan S I emission in EUV spectra of late-type stars 1983 Penston et al IUE and other new observations of the slow nova RR Tel 1984 Johansson & Jordan Selective excitation of Fe II in the laboratory and late-type stellar atmospheres 1986 Jordan et al Identification of [Fe III] in the solar ultraviolet spectrum 1987 Fawcett et al. New spectral line identifications in high-temperature flares (7.7-10 Angstrom) 2011 Jordan The emission line near 1319 Angstrom in solar and stellar spectra “..identified the emission lines concerned as forbidden (electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole) transitions in Fe III, the first detection of these particular transitions in any source” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 74. 1975-20?? Helium CJ’s seminal papers: Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum MNRAS 170, 429 Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541 1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines... 1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines In The Quiet Solar Transition Region 2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole 2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions 2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines 2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet lines of HeI and HeII Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 75. 1975-20?? Helium CJ’s seminal papers: Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum MNRAS 170, 429 Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541 1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines... 1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines In The Quiet Solar Transition Region 2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole 2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions 2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines 2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet lines of HeI and HeII Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 76. 1975-20?? Helium CJ’s seminal papers: Jordan, C., 1975, The intensities of helium lines in the solar EUV spectrum MNRAS 170, 429 Jordan, C., 1980; Helium Line Emission: Its Relation to Atmospheric Structure Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A297, 541 1997,1999 MacPherson & Jordan ...anomalous intensities of helium lines... 1999 MacPherson, Jordan & Smith Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines In The Quiet Solar Transition Region 2001 Jordan et al. The anomalous intensities of helium lines in a coronal hole 2002 Smith & Jordan !Enhancement of the helium resonance lines in the solar atmosphere by suprathermal electron excitation - I. Non-thermal transport of helium ions 2003 Houdebine et al. New constraints on the formation of the helium lines 2005 Jordan, Smith & Houdebine !Photon scattering in the solar ultraviolet lines of HeI and HeII Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 77. Atmospheric structure, energy balance 1971 Jordan and Wilson The Determination of Chromospheric-Coronal Structure from Solar XUV Observations 1971 Burton et al. The Structure of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region from Limb and Disk Intensities 1973 Burton et al. Further Observations of the Structure of the Chromosphere-corona Transition Region from Limb and Disk Intensities 1975 Jordan IAU The structure of solar active regions from EUV and soft X-ray observations 1975 Evans, Jordan Wilson Observations of chromospheric and coronal emission lines in F stars (Copernicus) 1975 Gabriel & Jordan Analysis of EUV observations of regions of the quiet and active corona at the time of the 1970 March 7 eclipse 1976 Jordan ! The structure and energy balance of solar active regions RSPTA 1980 Jordan A+A The energy balance of the solar transition region 1981 Brown & Jordan The chromosphere and corona of Procyon /alpha CMi, F5 IV-V 1981 Jordan SSRV The active sun 1981 Jordan and Brown "Energy balance in solar and stellar coronae" (Bonas) 1984 Brown, Ferraz, Jordan The chromosphere and corona of T Tauri Brown, Ferraz, Jordan 1984 Brown et al High-resolution, far-ultraviolet study of Beta Draconis (G2 Ib-II) - Transition region structure and energy balance 1984 Jordan, Mendoza, Gill Observational constraints on heating processes 1985 Jordan Derivation of atmospheric structure from emission line fluxes 1986 Jordan et al The outer atmosphere of Procyon (Alpha CMi F5IV-V) - Evidence of supergranulation or active regions 1986 Jordan Wave-driven winds from cool stars - Progress and problems 1987 Jordan et al The chromospheres and coronae of five G-K main-sequence stars 1988 Jordan & Kuin The outer atmospheres and winds of T Tau and RU LUPI 1992 Jordan Modelling of solar coronal loops, Mem. S. Astr. It. 63, 605-620 1996 Jordan The Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region in Late-Type Stars 2005 Sim & Jordan Modelling the chromosphere and transition region of ɛ Eri (K2 V) 2008 Ness & Jordan The corona and upper transition region of ɛEridani Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 78. Atmospheric structure, energy balance: quintessence 1992 Jordan Modelling of solar coronal loops, Mem. S. Astr. It. 63, 605-620 "This review concentrates on what is known about the observable parameters, and how these are related to the theoretical energy balance equation" -clarifies the physics behind “scaling laws” Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 80. etc flares 1981 Culhane et al. X-ray spectra of solar flares obtained with a high-resolution bent crystal spectrometer Ca XVIII XIX, Fe XXV, XXIV, XXVI 1982 Jordan & Veck Comparison of observed CA XIX and CA XVIII relative line intensities with current theory 1984 Veck et al 1984 The development and cooling of a solar limb-flare 1984 Antonucci et al Derivation of ionization balance for calcium XVIII/XIX using XRP solar X-ray data 1985 Nagai & Jordan Gas dynamics in the impulsive phase of solar flares. 1986 Smale et al X-ray and optical observations of a dMe flare star in the T Tauri field 1995 Pan & Jordan 1995 ROSAT observations of the flare star CC ERI 1997 Pan et al An exceptional X-ray flare on the dMe star EQ1839.6+8002 stellar chromospheres and winds rotation and magnetism red giants, hybrid giants T Tauri stars Novae AGNs ... Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 81. Awards and distinctions 1990 Fellow of the Royal Society of London 1990 Fellow of University College London 1991 Honorary Doctor of the University of Surrey 1993 Member, Academia Europeae 2008 Honorary DSc Queens University Belfast 2011 Honorary Fellow of the Inst. of Physics. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 82. further awards and distinctions In 2000 Asteroid 8078 was named Carolejordan - Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 83. further awards and distinctions In 2000 Asteroid 8078 was named Carolejordan - CJ is in the JPL "small body database" Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 84. further, further awards and distinctions 2005 RAS Gold Medal (G) for "For contributions to solar physics and their applications to stellar physics" Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 85. further, further awards and distinctions 2005 RAS Gold Medal (G) for "For contributions to solar physics and their applications to stellar physics" (PGJ aside: This medal was produced under duress from a filing cabinet). Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 86. further, further, further awards and distinctions Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 87. further, further, further awards and distinctions Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs) 1917 The Baroness Byron 1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's Nursing Service 1956 Margot Fonteyn 1971 Agatha Christie 1987 Iris Murdoch Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 88. further, further, further awards and distinctions Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs) 1917 The Baroness Byron 1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's Nursing Service 1956 Margot Fonteyn 1971 Agatha Christie 1987 Iris Murdoch 2006 Carole Jordan for ''Contributions to Physics and Astronomy'' Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 89. further, further, further awards and distinctions Some Dames Commander of the British Empire (DBEs) 1917 The Baroness Byron 1942 Katharine Jones, Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's Nursing Service 1956 Margot Fonteyn 1971 Agatha Christie 1987 Iris Murdoch 2006 Carole Jordan for ''Contributions to Physics and Astronomy'' , Matron-in-Chief, Queen Elizabeth II's Spectroscopic Service Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 91. ``Nisi Dominus Frustra’’ if not the master, all is in vain Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 92. Some of CJ’s traits I try to emulate creativity integrity rigour boldness ...and especially with (at least one of) her students... generosity humour patience Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 93. Some of CJ’s traits I try to emulate creativity integrity rigour boldness ...and especially with (at least one of) her students... generosity humour patience For this and many other reasons, thank you, Carole. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 94. sidenote: CW Allen and Carole’s Academic Heritage Woolley & Allen 1948: - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK Woolley & Allen 1950: - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including conduction - ambitious, but with realism. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 95. sidenote: CW Allen and Carole’s Academic Heritage Woolley & Allen 1948: - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK Woolley & Allen 1950: - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including conduction - ambitious, but with realism. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 96. sidenote: CW Allen and Carole’s Academic Heritage Woolley & Allen 1948: - dominance of two-body collisions in the corona - “well-mixed” corona near 1MK Woolley & Allen 1950: - first chromosphere-corona energy balance model including conduction - ambitious, but with realism. Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 97. Harrow County Grammar School for Girls Wednesday, July 20, 2011
  • 98. Harrow County Grammar School for Girls Wednesday, July 20, 2011