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Vertical Collaborative Teams

       December 15, 2011
Key Learning Objectives
                        Determine         Continue                Review
Participate in
                        “non-             development             expectations
                        negotiables”      of core                 and provide
sharing with
                        for how           instruction             feedback for
                        collaborative     action plan             January 23
                        teams use         using learning          and February
                        their time        from DLT                20 district PD

                 “The most significant tight policies should be
                 the ones most directly associated with the
                 learning mission.”
                                                     -Eaker and Keating
Virtual Parking Lot: TodaysMeet
• Use the following link on TodaysMeet to share any questions
  and/or comments about the concepts that frame our agenda
  as part of a backchannel and/or formative assessment.

                                               1. Go to
                                               2. Name your room (i.e.,
                                               3. Determine when room
                                                  will be deleted
                                               4. Select create room
                                               5. Select “transcript” to
                                                  capture questions and
Grounding: Celebration of Staff

How are you planning
to celebrate the
work of your staff
before the holiday
Team Sharing
Cluster   Team
East      BAHS
Central   Nicollet
West      Eagle Ridge
Feedback During Sharing
• Use the TodaysMeet link set up for your
  vertical team to provide feedback to the
  teams from BAHS, Eagle Ridge, or Nicollet
Site    URL



Feedback: What Did You Hear…?
• …that speaks to the
  good work that the
  team/building is
• …that you want to
  learn more about from
  the site?
• …that may guide your
  work (learning at your
Break: Think Lunch
As we transition
to the rest of our
meeting, enjoy a
10 minute break.
Collaborative Team Work & Time
       As you review the processing about the leading and doing of collaborative teams
       that we discussed last Wednesday and other resources, identify the “non-
       negotiables” for how our collaborative teams need to function?

                                     List                                           Share
• Individually review                             • Create a list of
  the excerpts on the                               non-negotiables to
  handout and            • Create a list what       guide collaborative   • Be prepared to
  identify non-            needs/has to be          teams with your         share your list with
  negotiables for CTs      part of how              vertical team           the other cohorts
                           teams work
        Review                                        Collaborate

                        Think Descriptive Checklist!
Trio Talk
• During your lunch, discuss
  the following questions:     Trios
• What did you learn
  about how collaborative      BAHS, EN, WB
  teams need to use their
• How does that
                               BHS, RN, ST
  understanding inform
  how collaborative team       ERJH, GP, MWS
  time is structured and/or
  needs to be monitored?       HB, NJHS, SO
• Be prepared to share with
  the other trios.             HV, MJHS, VV
By the End of the Year…
For those writing curriculum     For those engaged in district PD
• Develop units of instruction   • Document essential learning
  for their grade level based       outcomes, essential
  on standards and guided by        knowledge, essential skills,
  essential learning outcomes       and key vocabulary for
  (ELOs)                            course(s) taught—aligned with
• Begin developing formative     • Begin developing formative
  assessments aligned with          assessments aligned with
  ELOs, essential knowledge,        ELOs, essential knowledge,
  skills, and key vocabulary        skills, and key vocabulary
• Share units of instruction     • Share work across content
  across grade level                area
Developing Formative Assessments
Essential        Assessment         Assessment      Assessment       Assessment
Outcome          Option 1           Option 2        Option 3         Option 4

                                      Create, document a variety of
   Document essential                 assessment options to check for and
   learning outcomes,                 demonstrate student understanding
   essential knowledge,
   essential skills that students
   need to learn
Developing Formative Assessments
Essential       Assessment      Assessment         Assessment        Assessment
Outcome         Option 1        Option 2           Option 3          Option 4
Communicate     Record what     In small groups,   Talk with         Write a
understanding   you learned     discuss the        another class     paragraph
of character    about each of   character traits   member about      about the most
development     the main        that are the       what you think    essential
                characters      most important     the character     character traits
                using a         for helping us     will do—          that have been
                fishbone        understand the     predict his       demonstrated
                diagram.        story; create a    actions, and      and what they
                                list to share      then briefly      reveal about
                                with the rest of   write why you     the meaning of
                                the class.         made the          the story.
                                                   predictions you
Focus of District PD—January 23
                        8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

K-6—Math                             K-12 Specialists
• Continue to develop units of       • Continue to review standards
  instruction (that are based on       and benchmarks for the
  standards and benchmarks             course(s) or grade level taught
  and that are guided by
  essential learning outcomes)       • Identify the essential learning
• Deepen understanding of              outcomes by unpacking the
  assessment literacy                  standards (get at the what—
• Develop formative                    knowledge and how—skills)
  assessments aligned with           • Document the essential
  essential learning outcomes,         learning outcomes,
  knowledge, skills, and key           knowledge, skills, and key
  vocabulary                           vocabulary
Focus of District PD—February 20
                        8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

K-6—Math                             K-12 Specialists
• Continue to develop units of       • Share essential learning
  instruction (that are based on       outcomes to identify when,
  standards and benchmarks             where, and to what extent the
  and that are guided by               essential learning outcome is
  essential learning outcomes)         being addressed
• Deepen understanding of            • Deepen understanding of
  assessment literacy                  assessment literacy
• Develop formative                  • Develop formative
  assessments aligned with             assessments aligned with
  essential learning outcomes,         essential learning outcomes,
  knowledge, skills, and key           knowledge, skills, and key
  vocabulary                           vocabulary
Focus of District PD—February 20
                 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for Secondary

                                    7-12 (not ELA, Science, and Math)
7-12 ELA, Science, and Math
                                    •   Continue to review standards and
• Share essential learning              benchmarks for the course(s) taught
  outcomes to identify when,        •   Identify the essential learning outcomes by
  where, and to what extent the         unpacking the standards (get at the what—
  essential learning outcome is         knowledge and how—skills)
  being addressed                   •   Document the essential learning outcomes,
                                        knowledge, skills, and key vocabulary
• Deepen understanding of
                                    •   Vertically share essential learning outcomes
  assessment literacy                   to identify when, where, and to what extent
• Develop formative                     the essential learning outcome is being
  assessments aligned with              addressed
  essential learning outcomes,      •   Deepen understanding of assessment literacy
  knowledge, skills, and key        •   Develop formative assessments aligned with
                                        essential learning outcomes, knowledge,
  vocabulary                            skills, and key vocabulary
Prepping for January 23, February 20
• January 5 training and    • February 2 training and
  planning session for        planning session for
  elementary principals       elementary and
• January 12 and 19           secondary principals
  (additional time added      (separate sessions)
  to principals’ meetings   • February 9 and 16
  to review processes and     (additional time added
  expectations)               to principals’ meetings
                              to review processes and
Curriculum Writing Prior to January 23
Grade    Meeting      FYI…
Level    Date         • You are more than welcome to
                        attend any of the curriculum
K        January 19     writing sessions so that you
                        develop a better
1st      January 18     understanding of the work in
                        which your teachers are and
                        will continue to be engaged
2nd      January 12   • You can also access PPTs and
                        meeting notes from all
3rd      January 11     curriculum meetings on the
                        TLT dashboard and access
4th      January 10     emerging units of instruction
                        on the curriculum library
                        (Drupal Gardens)
District PD: Interventions
When?                For Whom?                 Who Should Attend?
February 3 and 10    District                  All district interventionists
February 13-14       Elementary Teachers       Up to 7 teachers from each
                                               elementary building—
                                               ideally one from each
                                               grade level
February 27-28       Secondary Teachers        Up to 15 teachers from
                                               each secondary site.
                                               Up to 5 from BAHS
Note: Confirm participants no later than January 3. Staff from other
districts will be invited to attend, so a confirmation would be most
appreciated. Budget codes will be sent following our meeting. Information
regarding summer resource development will be sent following the start of
the new year.
April dates are
being rescheduled!
                          District PD: Assessment
  When?           For Whom?                Who Should Attend?

  April 16-17     Secondary Teachers       Up to 12 teachers from each
  May 24-25                                secondary site and 4 from BAHS
                                           can attend each session for a total
                                           of 24 teachers per secondary site
                                           and 8 from BAHS
  May 1-2         Elementary Teachers      Up to 10 teachers from each
  May 21-22                                elementary can attend; five sites
                                           can attend May 1-2, and the other
                                           sites can attend May 21-22
  Note: Confirm participants no later than February 1. Staff from other
  districts will be invited to attend, so a confirmation would be most
  appreciated. Budget codes will be sent following our meeting. Summer
  assessment writing information will be confirmed after the start of the new
District Curriculum, PD & Other Dates
• Look for a draft calendar
  for meeting dates for the
   – District Curriculum Writing
   – District PD
       • Intervention Cohorts
       • Assessment Cohorts
       • Elementary Reading
       • Elementary Math
       • Secondary Interventionists
   – District PBIS Planning Team
   – District Equity Planning Team
Starting January…
• Vertical collaborative team meetings will focus more on
  sharing results
   – Expect to bring evidence of your work related to core
     instruction and 3 big ideas
   – Look for specifics—in advance of the meetings—about the
     focus of our sharing (i.e., January—core instruction)
• Horizontal collaborative team meetings
   – Elementary and secondary will now meet from 9:30-12:30
   – Meeting locations will be confirmed soon
   – Similar, yet more flexible groupings
• APs should attend collaborative team meetings
Core Instruction:
       What’s Happened or Happening?
                     (Initially Shared: 11/13/2011)

• The units of instruction (based on standards and essential
  learning outcomes) through our district curriculum meetings
• The essential learning outcomes (and essential knowledge, skills,
  and vocabulary) being articulated through our district PD days
  (including Jan. 23 & Feb. 20)
• The work of your collaborative teams dedicated to the 4 PLC
  questions, not building PD topics
• The PD being led in your building to support teachers'
  understanding of question 1
• The meetings related to reading, math, team or department
  meetings that support the focus of question 1
Core Instruction: Defined
              (Initially Shared with Principals: 11/13/2011)

• Core instruction involves
  – The identification of essential learning outcomes for the grade
    level and/or course(s) taught
  – The development of units of instruction, guided by essential
    learning outcomes and standards and benchmarks
  – The development of a continuum of assessments aligned with
    the essential learning outcomes, skills, knowledge, and key
    academic vocabulary
  – The identification of research-based instructional strategies to
    deliver instruction
  – The identification and/or development of classroom-based
    interventions and enrichments
Core Instruction Action Plan
• As we deepen our understanding        • Individually reflect on the
  of core instruction, review the         questions to the left.
  descriptors for how we plan to        • Review the notes from last
  operationalize the definition of        Wednesday.
  core instruction and the first 3      • Review the work that has
  components of our definition.           occurred through our district’s
• Respond to the questions that           curriculum development and our
  follow regarding the core               district’s PD plan.
  instruction action plan:              • When prompted, join your
    – What needs to be part of your       collaborative team members and
      core instruction action plan?       generate a list of the “expected
    – In what ways do the non-            work” at sites and across the
      negotiables for collaborative       district on core instruction.
      team guide inform your core
      instruction action plan?          • Be prepared to share when
    – Where do you want your staff        prompted.
      members to be by the end of the
Action Plan: Essential Questions
                      (Initially Shared: 8/18/2011)

• What actions or strategies
  are needed?                            Current Reality
• What will you document as                    (Needs Assessment)
  evidence of impact? Of
• What resources will you                     Student
  use?                                   Achievement Goals
• Who will be responsible?
• What are your timelines           Core
  and processes for              Instruction      System of
                                                                Culture and
  monitoring?                        Plan
                                                 Action Plan    Action Plan   Action Plan
PD Action Plans
                      (Initially Shared: 8/18/2011)

• Create an action plan that details how the learning
  for adults will be implemented and monitored.
   – The specific learning that your site will engage in (think
     KUDOs—what teachers will “know, understand, and do”)
   – The timeline for when the learning will occur
   – The timeline for monitoring the learning (getting at impact
     and results)
   – The processes you will use for monitoring learning (i.e.,
     reflections on learning, reflections for action, student
     learning, etc.)
   – The resources required to support your PD
   – The person(s) responsible
The Way to a Happy School
                 To leave the old with a burst of song;
             To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
                 To forget the things that bind you fast
            To the vain regrets of the year that’s past;
               To have the strength to let go your hold
         Of the not worthwhile of the days grown old;
                  To dare go forth with a purpose true,
          To the unknown task of the year that’s new;
                  To help your brother along the road,
                        To do his work and lift his load;
           To add your gift to the world’s good cheer,
         Is to have and to give a Happy School Year.
                                    ~ Author Unknown

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Principal VT December 15

  • 1. Vertical Collaborative Teams December 15, 2011
  • 2. Key Learning Objectives Determine Continue Review Participate in “non- development expectations collaborative negotiables” of core and provide sharing with for how instruction feedback for vertical collaborative action plan January 23 collaborative teams use using learning and February teams their time from DLT 20 district PD “The most significant tight policies should be the ones most directly associated with the learning mission.” -Eaker and Keating
  • 3. Virtual Parking Lot: TodaysMeet • Use the following link on TodaysMeet to share any questions and/or comments about the concepts that frame our agenda as part of a backchannel and/or formative assessment. • 1. Go to 2. Name your room (i.e., ISD191VerticalTeams) 3. Determine when room will be deleted 4. Select create room 5. Select “transcript” to capture questions and comments
  • 4.
  • 5. Grounding: Celebration of Staff How are you planning to celebrate the work of your staff before the holiday break?
  • 6. Team Sharing Cluster Team East BAHS Central Nicollet West Eagle Ridge
  • 7. Feedback During Sharing • Use the TodaysMeet link set up for your vertical team to provide feedback to the teams from BAHS, Eagle Ridge, or Nicollet Site URL BAHS ERJ NJH
  • 8. Feedback: What Did You Hear…? • …that speaks to the good work that the team/building is doing? • …that you want to learn more about from the site? • …that may guide your work (learning at your building)?
  • 9. Break: Think Lunch As we transition to the rest of our meeting, enjoy a 10 minute break.
  • 10. Collaborative Team Work & Time As you review the processing about the leading and doing of collaborative teams that we discussed last Wednesday and other resources, identify the “non- negotiables” for how our collaborative teams need to function? List Share • Individually review • Create a list of the excerpts on the non-negotiables to handout and • Create a list what guide collaborative • Be prepared to identify non- needs/has to be teams with your share your list with negotiables for CTs part of how vertical team the other cohorts collaborative teams work Review Collaborate Think Descriptive Checklist!
  • 11. Trio Talk • During your lunch, discuss the following questions: Trios • What did you learn about how collaborative BAHS, EN, WB teams need to use their time? • How does that BHS, RN, ST understanding inform how collaborative team ERJH, GP, MWS time is structured and/or needs to be monitored? HB, NJHS, SO • Be prepared to share with the other trios. HV, MJHS, VV
  • 12. By the End of the Year… For those writing curriculum For those engaged in district PD • Develop units of instruction • Document essential learning for their grade level based outcomes, essential on standards and guided by knowledge, essential skills, essential learning outcomes and key vocabulary for (ELOs) course(s) taught—aligned with standards • Begin developing formative • Begin developing formative assessments aligned with assessments aligned with ELOs, essential knowledge, ELOs, essential knowledge, skills, and key vocabulary skills, and key vocabulary • Share units of instruction • Share work across content across grade level area
  • 13. Developing Formative Assessments Essential Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Outcome Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Create, document a variety of Document essential assessment options to check for and learning outcomes, demonstrate student understanding essential knowledge, essential skills that students need to learn
  • 14. Developing Formative Assessments Essential Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Outcome Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Communicate Record what In small groups, Talk with Write a understanding you learned discuss the another class paragraph of character about each of character traits member about about the most development the main that are the what you think essential characters most important the character character traits using a for helping us will do— that have been fishbone understand the predict his demonstrated diagram. story; create a actions, and and what they list to share then briefly reveal about with the rest of write why you the meaning of the class. made the the story. predictions you did.
  • 15. Focus of District PD—January 23 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. K-6—Math K-12 Specialists • Continue to develop units of • Continue to review standards instruction (that are based on and benchmarks for the standards and benchmarks course(s) or grade level taught and that are guided by essential learning outcomes) • Identify the essential learning • Deepen understanding of outcomes by unpacking the assessment literacy standards (get at the what— • Develop formative knowledge and how—skills) assessments aligned with • Document the essential essential learning outcomes, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, and key knowledge, skills, and key vocabulary vocabulary
  • 16. Focus of District PD—February 20 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. K-6—Math K-12 Specialists • Continue to develop units of • Share essential learning instruction (that are based on outcomes to identify when, standards and benchmarks where, and to what extent the and that are guided by essential learning outcome is essential learning outcomes) being addressed • Deepen understanding of • Deepen understanding of assessment literacy assessment literacy • Develop formative • Develop formative assessments aligned with assessments aligned with essential learning outcomes, essential learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, and key knowledge, skills, and key vocabulary vocabulary
  • 17. Focus of District PD—February 20 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for Secondary 7-12 (not ELA, Science, and Math) 7-12 ELA, Science, and Math • Continue to review standards and • Share essential learning benchmarks for the course(s) taught outcomes to identify when, • Identify the essential learning outcomes by where, and to what extent the unpacking the standards (get at the what— essential learning outcome is knowledge and how—skills) being addressed • Document the essential learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, and key vocabulary • Deepen understanding of • Vertically share essential learning outcomes assessment literacy to identify when, where, and to what extent • Develop formative the essential learning outcome is being assessments aligned with addressed essential learning outcomes, • Deepen understanding of assessment literacy knowledge, skills, and key • Develop formative assessments aligned with essential learning outcomes, knowledge, vocabulary skills, and key vocabulary
  • 18. Prepping for January 23, February 20 • January 5 training and • February 2 training and planning session for planning session for elementary principals elementary and • January 12 and 19 secondary principals (additional time added (separate sessions) to principals’ meetings • February 9 and 16 to review processes and (additional time added expectations) to principals’ meetings to review processes and expectations)
  • 19. Curriculum Writing Prior to January 23 Grade Meeting FYI… Level Date • You are more than welcome to attend any of the curriculum K January 19 writing sessions so that you develop a better 1st January 18 understanding of the work in which your teachers are and will continue to be engaged 2nd January 12 • You can also access PPTs and meeting notes from all 3rd January 11 curriculum meetings on the TLT dashboard and access 4th January 10 emerging units of instruction on the curriculum library (Drupal Gardens)
  • 20. District PD: Interventions When? For Whom? Who Should Attend? February 3 and 10 District All district interventionists Interventionists February 13-14 Elementary Teachers Up to 7 teachers from each elementary building— ideally one from each grade level February 27-28 Secondary Teachers Up to 15 teachers from each secondary site. Up to 5 from BAHS Note: Confirm participants no later than January 3. Staff from other districts will be invited to attend, so a confirmation would be most appreciated. Budget codes will be sent following our meeting. Information regarding summer resource development will be sent following the start of the new year.
  • 21. April dates are being rescheduled! District PD: Assessment When? For Whom? Who Should Attend? April 16-17 Secondary Teachers Up to 12 teachers from each May 24-25 secondary site and 4 from BAHS can attend each session for a total of 24 teachers per secondary site and 8 from BAHS May 1-2 Elementary Teachers Up to 10 teachers from each May 21-22 elementary can attend; five sites can attend May 1-2, and the other sites can attend May 21-22 Note: Confirm participants no later than February 1. Staff from other districts will be invited to attend, so a confirmation would be most appreciated. Budget codes will be sent following our meeting. Summer assessment writing information will be confirmed after the start of the new year.
  • 22. District Curriculum, PD & Other Dates • Look for a draft calendar for meeting dates for the following: – District Curriculum Writing – District PD • Intervention Cohorts • Assessment Cohorts • Elementary Reading Interventionists • Elementary Math Interventionists • Secondary Interventionists – District PBIS Planning Team – District Equity Planning Team
  • 23. Starting January… • Vertical collaborative team meetings will focus more on sharing results – Expect to bring evidence of your work related to core instruction and 3 big ideas – Look for specifics—in advance of the meetings—about the focus of our sharing (i.e., January—core instruction) • Horizontal collaborative team meetings – Elementary and secondary will now meet from 9:30-12:30 – Meeting locations will be confirmed soon – Similar, yet more flexible groupings • APs should attend collaborative team meetings
  • 24. Core Instruction: What’s Happened or Happening? (Initially Shared: 11/13/2011) • The units of instruction (based on standards and essential learning outcomes) through our district curriculum meetings • The essential learning outcomes (and essential knowledge, skills, and vocabulary) being articulated through our district PD days (including Jan. 23 & Feb. 20) • The work of your collaborative teams dedicated to the 4 PLC questions, not building PD topics • The PD being led in your building to support teachers' understanding of question 1 • The meetings related to reading, math, team or department meetings that support the focus of question 1
  • 25. Core Instruction: Defined (Initially Shared with Principals: 11/13/2011) • Core instruction involves – The identification of essential learning outcomes for the grade level and/or course(s) taught – The development of units of instruction, guided by essential learning outcomes and standards and benchmarks – The development of a continuum of assessments aligned with the essential learning outcomes, skills, knowledge, and key academic vocabulary – The identification of research-based instructional strategies to deliver instruction – The identification and/or development of classroom-based interventions and enrichments
  • 26. Core Instruction Action Plan • As we deepen our understanding • Individually reflect on the of core instruction, review the questions to the left. descriptors for how we plan to • Review the notes from last operationalize the definition of Wednesday. core instruction and the first 3 • Review the work that has components of our definition. occurred through our district’s • Respond to the questions that curriculum development and our follow regarding the core district’s PD plan. instruction action plan: • When prompted, join your – What needs to be part of your collaborative team members and core instruction action plan? generate a list of the “expected – In what ways do the non- work” at sites and across the negotiables for collaborative district on core instruction. team guide inform your core instruction action plan? • Be prepared to share when – Where do you want your staff prompted. members to be by the end of the year?
  • 27. Action Plan: Essential Questions (Initially Shared: 8/18/2011) • What actions or strategies are needed? Current Reality • What will you document as (Needs Assessment) evidence of impact? Of implementation? • What resources will you Student use? Achievement Goals • Who will be responsible? • What are your timelines Core and processes for Instruction System of Interventions Culture and Climate Community Engagement Action monitoring? Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan
  • 28. PD Action Plans (Initially Shared: 8/18/2011) • Create an action plan that details how the learning for adults will be implemented and monitored. – The specific learning that your site will engage in (think KUDOs—what teachers will “know, understand, and do”) – The timeline for when the learning will occur – The timeline for monitoring the learning (getting at impact and results) – The processes you will use for monitoring learning (i.e., reflections on learning, reflections for action, student learning, etc.) – The resources required to support your PD – The person(s) responsible
  • 29. The Way to a Happy School Year To leave the old with a burst of song; To recall the right and forgive the wrong; To forget the things that bind you fast To the vain regrets of the year that’s past; To have the strength to let go your hold Of the not worthwhile of the days grown old; To dare go forth with a purpose true, To the unknown task of the year that’s new; To help your brother along the road, To do his work and lift his load; To add your gift to the world’s good cheer, Is to have and to give a Happy School Year. ~ Author Unknown

Editor's Notes

  1. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  2. The bold, italicized serve as the focus for your core instruction action plan this year.