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Syllabus – MGMT 557 Organizational Culture

January 2012 Session

(January 9, 2012 – March 4, 2012 – 8 week class)

Course Syllabus

       Textbooks and syllabus are subject to change each session.
       Students are responsible for using the appropriate textbook
       and syllabus. Instructors may modify assignments.

Course Description

This course examines the fundamental concepts, theories, models, and analyses of organizational
culture. The course reviews external survival issues such as:

       Mission, goals, structure and measurement

       Internal integration issues

       Assumptions about human behavior in organizations
       Effective leadership and its relationship to organizational culture

Required Text and Resources:

Course Description

This course examines the fundamental concepts, theories, models, and analyses of organizational
culture. The course reviews external survival issues such as:

               Mission, goals, structure and measurement
               Internal integration issues

               Assumptions about human behavior in organizations
               Effective leadership and its relationship to organizational culture

Course Objectives

               Describe organizational culture and its impact on effectiveness.

               Identify and apply major ways of understanding organizational culture.

               Synthesize how leaders begin culture creation.
               Formulate how leaders embed and transmit culture.

MGMT 557                                        Syllabus                                January 2012
Required Text and Resources:

Title:          Organizational Culture and Leadership
Author:         Edgar Schein
Publisher:      John Wiley and Sons, Inc
Ed/Year:        3rd edition / 2004
ISBN-13:        9780787968458

Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) Online Real-Time Feedback version (Must be purchased from
Benedictine University bookstore by calling 630-829-6010)

Suggested Text and Resources

Text: DEC is Dead: Long Live DEC
Author: Edgar Schein
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2003

Course Requirements

Discussion Forums provide for a collaborative learning experience where class participants share
their experiences and analysis relative to the concepts covered each week. Members have access to
each others responses and are encouraged to engage in a dialogue (al be it written exchange) for
deeper understanding and use of concepts. Each week, one Discussion assignment on topics related to
concepts of that week will be assigned. To receive a minimum passing grade, you must make a
posting (an initial response) by midweek and a response to at least one other posting by the end of
the week which must be on two separate days, however, I hope each of you make more than two
postings and really get into the heart of the discussions.

NOTE: Only discussions threads posted by 11:00pm CST on Sunday of the week they are due will
count for grading purposes.
Course Polices: You are encouraged to access this course 3 to 5 times per week. By doing so you will
be able to actively participate in the Discussion Forums, complete your assignments and access
announcements in a timely manner. Assignments are to be submitted by the due date listed on the
course schedule. Late assignments will be penalized.

      Week                   Title                                Assignments


                                                          Complete the OCI and score it
                                                          specifically to your current organization
        01     Organizational Culture                     or a recent experience.
                                                          Schein, Chapters 1-6

                                                  Week 01 Multimedia

MGMT 557                                      Syllabus                                    January 2012
Week 01 Discussion - Personal Experiences

                      Think about personal experiences
                      where as a leader, you imposed
                      your values or beliefs on others.
                      Recall the experience and the

               Week 01 Written Assignment -
               Organizational Culture Inventory

               Complete the Organizational Culture Inventory.
               Discuss, analyze and indicate how it reflects
               different levels of culture and culture concepts.
               Discuss, analyze the two cases in Chapter 03;
               report out.

               Then, describe the organization that you
               analyzed using the OCI. This time analyze the
               organization in terms of mission, goals, means,
               measurements, and remedial processes

                      1. In terms of organizations adaption
                         to the external environment.
                      2. Similar analysis focusing on
                         managing internal integration using
                         the concepts.

               This paper should be between 5-10 pages and
               be written in APA style.

               This assignment will be due at the end of
               Week 02.

               Week 01 Team Assignment - Virtual Team

               Review the Course Materials page for
               information on your final project!

               In Week 07 and Week 08 of this course, there
               will be a discussion and written assignment
               based on Cultural Assessments. Acclimate

MGMT 557   Syllabus                                     January 2012
yourself with these assignments so that you
                                        are prepared to incorporate past learning
                                        experiences from Weeks 01-06.

                                        Discussion Assignment:

                                        Create a PowerPoint presentation based on
                                        your Cultural Assessment final deliverable.
                                        This presentation should consist of 5-10 slides
                                        and should contain specific information relating
                                        to the information learned in this course. The
                                        Notes section of the PowerPoint will be
                                        particularly important.

                                        No more than 1 slide should be spent
                                        describing the background of the company.
                                        The majority of the information contained in the
                                        presentation should be analysis of
                                        organizational culture.

                                        Written Assignment:

                                        Your final written assessment consists of two

                                        As a future leader in your organization, do a
                                        cultural assessment. Pay special attention to
                                        the 10 Step Intervention in Chapter 17 and
                                        incorporate pieces from your Weeks 01-06
                                        assignments as you create this portion of the

                                        Again, in your future role as a leader, do an
                                        assessment in learning and leading quality.
                                        Develop a specific plan for your own future,
                                        personal development. Refer to Chapter 19 as
                                        you create this portion of the paper.

                                        This paper should be no more than 10 pages
                                        and be written in APA style.

                                        Week 02 Discussion - Culture and
                                        Organizational Effectiveness
      02   Cultural Effectiveness

                                               After you have completed the OCI,

MGMT 557                            Syllabus                                    January 2012
think about the most effective
                                             organization that you have been a
                                             part of or had the opportunity to
                                             observe. Now think about the least
                                             effective organization that you have
                                             been a part of or had the
                                             opportunity to observe.

                                             Compare and contrast the two
                                             organizations. What is the
                                             relationship between culture and
                                             organizational effectiveness?
                                             Reflect about how you felt working
                                             in those two types of cultures.

                                      Week 02 Written Assignment -
                                      Organizational Culture Inventory

                                      Complete the Organizational Culture Inventory.
                                      Discuss, analyze and indicate how it reflects
                                      different levels of culture and culture concepts.
                                      Discuss, analyze the two cases in Chapter 03;
                                      report out.

                                      Then, describe the organization that you
                                      analyzed using the OCI. This time analyze the
                                      organization in terms of mission, goals, means,
                                      measurements, and remedial processes

                                             1. In terms of organizations adaption
                                                to the external environment.
                                             2. Similar analysis focusing on
                                                managing internal integration using
                                                the concepts.

                                      This paper should be between 5-10 pages and
                                      be written in APA style.

                                      This assignment will be due at the end of
                                      Week 02.

                                      Reading - Schein, Chapters 7-10
      03   Cultural Assumptions

MGMT 557                          Syllabus                                     January 2012
Week 03 Multimedia

               Week 03 Written Assignment - Management

                      For this week's individual
                      assignment, complete the following
                      two analyses.

                      Describe the management styles in
                      your organization using McGregor's
                      Theory X and Y assumptions.
                      Compare and contrast
                      organizations in terms of
                      McGregor's Theory X and Y and
                      implications of them for employee
                      satisfaction and performance.

                      Then, do an analysis of the same
                      organization using Hofstede's
                      concepts of Individualism,
                      Tolerance for Ambiguity, Power
                      Distance, and Masculinity.
                      (Chapter 10)

                      This paper should be between 5-7
                      pages and be written in APA style.

               Week 03 Team Assignment - The Five
               Elements of External Adaptation

               In your teams, discuss the applications of the
               five elements of external adaptation in your
               individual organizations.

               Submit a document that includes a description
               of each of the five elements from a different
               organization represented in the group. For
               example, the first team member should choose
               a single element and describe that element in
               terms of their organization. The next team
               member should choose a different element and
               describe it in terms of their specific
               organization. This process should continue
               until all team members have shared an
               experience. Team members can contribute

MGMT 557   Syllabus                                    January 2012
twice in order to ensure that all five elements
                                       have been described.

                                       Submit your document to the Team Drop Box
                                       at the end of Week 04.

                                       Week 04 Discussion - McGregor and

                                              McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
                                              concepts were first published in
                                              1960. Now 50 years later, what is
                                              your thinking on whether
                                              organizations are any closer to
                                              Theory Y concepts?

                                              Further, how do Hofstede's Cultural
                                              Dimensions relate to Theory X and
                                              Theory Y?

                                       Week 04 Team Assignment - The Five
                                       Elements of External Adaptation

                                       In your teams, discuss the applications of the
      04   McGregor and Hofstede       five elements of external adaptation in your
                                       individual organizations.

                                       Submit a document that includes a description
                                       of each of the five elements from a different
                                       organization represented in the group. For
                                       example, the first team member should choose
                                       a single element and describe that element in
                                       terms of their organization. The next team
                                       member should choose a different element and
                                       describe it in terms of their specific
                                       organization. This process should continue
                                       until all team members have shared an
                                       experience. Team members can contribute
                                       twice in order to ensure that all five elements
                                       have been described.

                                       Submit your document to the Team Drop Box
                                       at the end of Week 04.

MGMT 557                           Syllabus                                     January 2012
Reading - Schein, Chapters 11-15

                                         Week 05 Written Assignment -
                                         Characteristics of an Organization

                                                Reflecting back on your
                                                organization (from the OCI); find
                                                historical data which would help to
                                                understand the assumptions, goals
                                                and ideas of the founders of the
                                                organization. Then relate the
                                                current values and assumption of
           Creating Organizational              the organization; relate them back
      05   Cultures - The Role of               to the founders. (Refer to the
           Leadership                           chapter on How Founders/Leaders
                                                Create Organizational Cultures.)

                                                Examine the reward system, the
                                                control system, the
                                                communications, and formal
                                                statements that characterize the
                                                organizational leaders. (Refer to
                                                the chapter on How Leaders
                                                Embed and Transmit Culture.)

                                                This paper should be between 5-10
                                                pages and be written in APA style.

                                         Week 06 Discussion - Story

                                                Describe a story from your
                                                organization that clearly contributes
      06   Culture Creation                     to the embedded culture. How
                                                does that story impact today's

                                         Reading - Schein, Chapters 16-20

                                         Week 07 Written Assignment - Cultural
      07   Culture and Change            Assessment

                                                Your final written assessment
                                                consists of two sections.

MGMT 557                             Syllabus                                       January 2012
As a future leader in your
                                          organization, do a cultural
                                          assessment. Pay special attention
                                          to the 10 Step Intervention in
                                          Chapter 18 and incorporate pieces
                                          from your Weeks 01-03
                                          assignments as you create this
                                          portion of the paper.

                                          Again, in your future role as a
                                          leader, do an assessment in
                                          learning and leading quality.
                                          Develop a specific plan for your
                                          own future, personal development.
                                          Refer to Chapter 20 as you create
                                          this portion of the paper.

                                          This paper should be no more than
                                          10 pages and be written in APA

                                   Reading - Schein, Chapters 16-20

                                   Week 08 Discussion - Cultural Assessment
                                   PowerPoint Presentation

                                          Create a PowerPoint presentation
                                          based on your Cultural
                                          Assessment final deliverable. This
                                          presentation should consist of 5-10
                                          slides and should contain specific
                                          information relating to the
                                          information learned in this course.
      08   Cultural Humility
                                          The Notes section of the
                                          PowerPoint will be particularly

                                          No more than 1 slide should be
                                          spent describing the background of
                                          the company. The majority of the
                                          information contained in the
                                          presentation should be analysis of
                                          organizational culture.

MGMT 557                       Syllabus                                   January 2012
Team Evaluations

                                                    Benedictine Student Survey

Library Resources

The primary mission of the Benedictine University Library is to provide library resources and services
that support the Benedictine University community and meet its academic and research needs. To
support our mission, the Library has made provisions for all students to gain access to important
academic resources through the Benedictine Library Website. As you begin your academic journey
please take note of these key concepts that will affect that access:

        Entry into academic databases and most Library resources must be made through the

        Benedictine Library Website at

        Within one week of your official enrollment your patron information will be automatically

        entered into the library system, where once entered, you will be able to check out books and

        access databases

        When off-campus you will be prompted by authentication software (a proxy server) to provide

        your Library ID number and last name to access article databases and request books. This

        software proxy server confirms that you are a current Benedictine University student and thus

        allowed access

        Your Library ID number is a combination of the Benedictine Library prefix 2281100 and your

        seven-digit student ID number (also called your “b” number). Thus 2281100XXXXXXX is

        the Library ID number with X’s being the seven digit student number. This number is

        prominently located just below the barcode on your Benedictine ID card

        Tutorials on the Research Process including basic Library skills and Web-based Resource

        Guides are available on the Library Website Click on Reserves &

        course support or simply follow the link

        Additional Library information and tutorials are available on the Library Website by clicking on

        How do I?...(Help & FAQs) or simply follow the link

        For further information on any aspect of Library resources and access please call or write the

        Benedictine Library Reference Desk at 630-829-6057 or Please take note of

        Library hours and staff directory located on the Library Website under About the Library and
        feel free to contact us about any concern or need you might have.

MGMT 557                                        Syllabus                                   January 2012
Late Assignments

  Per University policy, assignments cannot be accepted by an instructor after the last day of the
  course. In the event of extenuating circumstances, please see the information regarding the
  Incomplete Policies and Procedures.

  Incompletes: Policy and Procedures

  Under extraordinary circumstances, when a student is unable to complete all course assignments
  by the final date of the session, a grade of 'I'(Incomplete) may be requested by the student and
  issued with the permission of the instructor. In order to be eligible for an Incomplete, a student
  must be performing satisfactorily in the course, have completed a substantial portion of the course
  and be in good academic standing.

  Online students may have as many as 28 days in which to complete their work and submit for a
  final grade from the instructor. Incomplete grades not addressed by students will become an “F”
  unless the student has removed it. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all course

  University Academic Honesty Policy

  The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university.
  Benedictine University pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman Catholic
  tradition and our Benedictine Heritage.

  Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all University students. Actions such as cheating,
  plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple submission,
  solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and constitute
  unacceptable behavior in the University community.

  To access the complete Academic Honesty Policy, which includes student responsibility,
  responsibility and authority of faculty, violations, reporting and communicating, responsibilities of
  the provost, appeals, composition of the academic appeals board, procedures of the academic
  appeals board, and records, please select the following link:

  Services for Students with Disabilities

  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
  1990 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities by standing provision of
  reasonable accommodations to make programs and activities accessible to qualified individuals
  with disabilities.

  If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, you may be eligible for
  reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, please
  contact the Student Success Center, Krasa Center - 012A, 630-829-6340. All students are
  expected to fulfill essential course requirements. The University will not waive any essential skill or
  requirement of a course or degree program.

MGMT 557                                       Syllabus                                    January 2012

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Mgmt 557-2

  • 1. Syllabus – MGMT 557 Organizational Culture January 2012 Session (January 9, 2012 – March 4, 2012 – 8 week class) Course Syllabus Textbooks and syllabus are subject to change each session. Students are responsible for using the appropriate textbook and syllabus. Instructors may modify assignments. Course Description This course examines the fundamental concepts, theories, models, and analyses of organizational culture. The course reviews external survival issues such as: Mission, goals, structure and measurement Internal integration issues Assumptions about human behavior in organizations Effective leadership and its relationship to organizational culture Required Text and Resources: Course Description This course examines the fundamental concepts, theories, models, and analyses of organizational culture. The course reviews external survival issues such as: Mission, goals, structure and measurement Internal integration issues Assumptions about human behavior in organizations Effective leadership and its relationship to organizational culture Course Objectives Describe organizational culture and its impact on effectiveness. Identify and apply major ways of understanding organizational culture. Synthesize how leaders begin culture creation. Formulate how leaders embed and transmit culture. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 2. Required Text and Resources: Title: Organizational Culture and Leadership Author: Edgar Schein Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc Ed/Year: 3rd edition / 2004 ISBN-13: 9780787968458 Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) Online Real-Time Feedback version (Must be purchased from Benedictine University bookstore by calling 630-829-6010) Suggested Text and Resources Text: DEC is Dead: Long Live DEC Author: Edgar Schein Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2003 Course Requirements Discussion Forums provide for a collaborative learning experience where class participants share their experiences and analysis relative to the concepts covered each week. Members have access to each others responses and are encouraged to engage in a dialogue (al be it written exchange) for deeper understanding and use of concepts. Each week, one Discussion assignment on topics related to concepts of that week will be assigned. To receive a minimum passing grade, you must make a posting (an initial response) by midweek and a response to at least one other posting by the end of the week which must be on two separate days, however, I hope each of you make more than two postings and really get into the heart of the discussions. NOTE: Only discussions threads posted by 11:00pm CST on Sunday of the week they are due will count for grading purposes. Course Polices: You are encouraged to access this course 3 to 5 times per week. By doing so you will be able to actively participate in the Discussion Forums, complete your assignments and access announcements in a timely manner. Assignments are to be submitted by the due date listed on the course schedule. Late assignments will be penalized. Week Title Assignments Reading Complete the OCI and score it specifically to your current organization 01 Organizational Culture or a recent experience. Schein, Chapters 1-6 Week 01 Multimedia MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 3. Week 01 Discussion - Personal Experiences Think about personal experiences where as a leader, you imposed your values or beliefs on others. Recall the experience and the result. Week 01 Written Assignment - Organizational Culture Inventory Complete the Organizational Culture Inventory. Discuss, analyze and indicate how it reflects different levels of culture and culture concepts. Discuss, analyze the two cases in Chapter 03; report out. Then, describe the organization that you analyzed using the OCI. This time analyze the organization in terms of mission, goals, means, measurements, and remedial processes 1. In terms of organizations adaption to the external environment. 2. Similar analysis focusing on managing internal integration using the concepts. This paper should be between 5-10 pages and be written in APA style. This assignment will be due at the end of Week 02. Week 01 Team Assignment - Virtual Team Formation Review the Course Materials page for information on your final project! In Week 07 and Week 08 of this course, there will be a discussion and written assignment based on Cultural Assessments. Acclimate MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 4. yourself with these assignments so that you are prepared to incorporate past learning experiences from Weeks 01-06. Discussion Assignment: Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your Cultural Assessment final deliverable. This presentation should consist of 5-10 slides and should contain specific information relating to the information learned in this course. The Notes section of the PowerPoint will be particularly important. No more than 1 slide should be spent describing the background of the company. The majority of the information contained in the presentation should be analysis of organizational culture. Written Assignment: Your final written assessment consists of two sections. As a future leader in your organization, do a cultural assessment. Pay special attention to the 10 Step Intervention in Chapter 17 and incorporate pieces from your Weeks 01-06 assignments as you create this portion of the paper. Again, in your future role as a leader, do an assessment in learning and leading quality. Develop a specific plan for your own future, personal development. Refer to Chapter 19 as you create this portion of the paper. This paper should be no more than 10 pages and be written in APA style. Week 02 Discussion - Culture and Organizational Effectiveness 02 Cultural Effectiveness After you have completed the OCI, MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 5. think about the most effective organization that you have been a part of or had the opportunity to observe. Now think about the least effective organization that you have been a part of or had the opportunity to observe. Compare and contrast the two organizations. What is the relationship between culture and organizational effectiveness? Reflect about how you felt working in those two types of cultures. Week 02 Written Assignment - Organizational Culture Inventory Complete the Organizational Culture Inventory. Discuss, analyze and indicate how it reflects different levels of culture and culture concepts. Discuss, analyze the two cases in Chapter 03; report out. Then, describe the organization that you analyzed using the OCI. This time analyze the organization in terms of mission, goals, means, measurements, and remedial processes 1. In terms of organizations adaption to the external environment. 2. Similar analysis focusing on managing internal integration using the concepts. This paper should be between 5-10 pages and be written in APA style. This assignment will be due at the end of Week 02. Reading - Schein, Chapters 7-10 03 Cultural Assumptions MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 6. Week 03 Multimedia Week 03 Written Assignment - Management Styles For this week's individual assignment, complete the following two analyses. Describe the management styles in your organization using McGregor's Theory X and Y assumptions. Compare and contrast organizations in terms of McGregor's Theory X and Y and implications of them for employee satisfaction and performance. Then, do an analysis of the same organization using Hofstede's concepts of Individualism, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Power Distance, and Masculinity. (Chapter 10) This paper should be between 5-7 pages and be written in APA style. Week 03 Team Assignment - The Five Elements of External Adaptation In your teams, discuss the applications of the five elements of external adaptation in your individual organizations. Submit a document that includes a description of each of the five elements from a different organization represented in the group. For example, the first team member should choose a single element and describe that element in terms of their organization. The next team member should choose a different element and describe it in terms of their specific organization. This process should continue until all team members have shared an experience. Team members can contribute MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 7. twice in order to ensure that all five elements have been described. Submit your document to the Team Drop Box at the end of Week 04. Week 04 Discussion - McGregor and Hofstede McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y concepts were first published in 1960. Now 50 years later, what is your thinking on whether organizations are any closer to Theory Y concepts? Further, how do Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions relate to Theory X and Theory Y? Week 04 Team Assignment - The Five Elements of External Adaptation In your teams, discuss the applications of the 04 McGregor and Hofstede five elements of external adaptation in your individual organizations. Submit a document that includes a description of each of the five elements from a different organization represented in the group. For example, the first team member should choose a single element and describe that element in terms of their organization. The next team member should choose a different element and describe it in terms of their specific organization. This process should continue until all team members have shared an experience. Team members can contribute twice in order to ensure that all five elements have been described. Submit your document to the Team Drop Box at the end of Week 04. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 8. Reading - Schein, Chapters 11-15 Week 05 Written Assignment - Characteristics of an Organization Reflecting back on your organization (from the OCI); find historical data which would help to understand the assumptions, goals and ideas of the founders of the organization. Then relate the current values and assumption of Creating Organizational the organization; relate them back 05 Cultures - The Role of to the founders. (Refer to the Leadership chapter on How Founders/Leaders Create Organizational Cultures.) Examine the reward system, the control system, the communications, and formal statements that characterize the organizational leaders. (Refer to the chapter on How Leaders Embed and Transmit Culture.) This paper should be between 5-10 pages and be written in APA style. Week 06 Discussion - Story Describe a story from your organization that clearly contributes 06 Culture Creation to the embedded culture. How does that story impact today's culture? Reading - Schein, Chapters 16-20 Week 07 Written Assignment - Cultural 07 Culture and Change Assessment Your final written assessment consists of two sections. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 9. As a future leader in your organization, do a cultural assessment. Pay special attention to the 10 Step Intervention in Chapter 18 and incorporate pieces from your Weeks 01-03 assignments as you create this portion of the paper. Again, in your future role as a leader, do an assessment in learning and leading quality. Develop a specific plan for your own future, personal development. Refer to Chapter 20 as you create this portion of the paper. This paper should be no more than 10 pages and be written in APA style. Reading - Schein, Chapters 16-20 Week 08 Discussion - Cultural Assessment PowerPoint Presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your Cultural Assessment final deliverable. This presentation should consist of 5-10 slides and should contain specific information relating to the information learned in this course. 08 Cultural Humility The Notes section of the PowerPoint will be particularly important. No more than 1 slide should be spent describing the background of the company. The majority of the information contained in the presentation should be analysis of organizational culture. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 10. Team Evaluations Benedictine Student Survey Library Resources The primary mission of the Benedictine University Library is to provide library resources and services that support the Benedictine University community and meet its academic and research needs. To support our mission, the Library has made provisions for all students to gain access to important academic resources through the Benedictine Library Website. As you begin your academic journey please take note of these key concepts that will affect that access: Entry into academic databases and most Library resources must be made through the Benedictine Library Website at Within one week of your official enrollment your patron information will be automatically entered into the library system, where once entered, you will be able to check out books and access databases When off-campus you will be prompted by authentication software (a proxy server) to provide your Library ID number and last name to access article databases and request books. This software proxy server confirms that you are a current Benedictine University student and thus allowed access Your Library ID number is a combination of the Benedictine Library prefix 2281100 and your seven-digit student ID number (also called your “b” number). Thus 2281100XXXXXXX is the Library ID number with X’s being the seven digit student number. This number is prominently located just below the barcode on your Benedictine ID card Tutorials on the Research Process including basic Library skills and Web-based Resource Guides are available on the Library Website Click on Reserves & course support or simply follow the link Additional Library information and tutorials are available on the Library Website by clicking on How do I?...(Help & FAQs) or simply follow the link For further information on any aspect of Library resources and access please call or write the Benedictine Library Reference Desk at 630-829-6057 or Please take note of Library hours and staff directory located on the Library Website under About the Library and feel free to contact us about any concern or need you might have. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012
  • 11. Late Assignments Per University policy, assignments cannot be accepted by an instructor after the last day of the course. In the event of extenuating circumstances, please see the information regarding the Incomplete Policies and Procedures. Incompletes: Policy and Procedures Under extraordinary circumstances, when a student is unable to complete all course assignments by the final date of the session, a grade of 'I'(Incomplete) may be requested by the student and issued with the permission of the instructor. In order to be eligible for an Incomplete, a student must be performing satisfactorily in the course, have completed a substantial portion of the course and be in good academic standing. Online students may have as many as 28 days in which to complete their work and submit for a final grade from the instructor. Incomplete grades not addressed by students will become an “F” unless the student has removed it. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all course requirements. University Academic Honesty Policy The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university. Benedictine University pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and our Benedictine Heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all University students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community. To access the complete Academic Honesty Policy, which includes student responsibility, responsibility and authority of faculty, violations, reporting and communicating, responsibilities of the provost, appeals, composition of the academic appeals board, procedures of the academic appeals board, and records, please select the following link: Services for Students with Disabilities Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities by standing provision of reasonable accommodations to make programs and activities accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities. If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, please contact the Student Success Center, Krasa Center - 012A, 630-829-6340. All students are expected to fulfill essential course requirements. The University will not waive any essential skill or requirement of a course or degree program. MGMT 557 Syllabus January 2012