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Making Sense of
Your Assignments
Making Sense of Your Assignments & Texts
           Are you overwhelmed with understanding your assignments?
     Do you know how to present what you have learned through your writing?

Many of your assignments will be complex with multiple steps requiring you to use
higher level thinking skills. This workshop will help you to break down an assignment
to focus your reading and study strategies. It will also help you to take new
knowledge into effective assignment responses.
• Problem solving steps

• Sample “breaking down” for
  – Western Civilization
  – Diversity in the Workplace
  – Management Principles
Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.

• Make a plan.

• Carry out the plan.

• Reflect - How can the plan be improved?
                        Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.
  • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules”
  • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content”

• Make a plan.

• Carry out the plan.

• Reflect - How can the plan be improved?
                            Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
What are the “rules” …

 • How do you need to structure your
   • formatting, length, due date, etc.

 • How you are going to be evaluated?
   • Scope, content, critical thinking and clarity of ideas.
   • Proper writing mechanics and academic citations.

 • How do you submit assignment?
   • E-mail attachment, Angel submission or paper
Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.
  • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules”
  • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content”

• Make a plan.

• Carry out the plan.

• Reflect - How can the plan be improved?
                            Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
Identify the Content -- “What” Questions/Answers

• What is the actual question or problem am I being
     asked to address/solve/answer?
• What are key terms/vocabulary that I need to know/

• What are the concepts that I
      HAVE to,
      WANT to,
      NEED to KNOW?
• What are the action words in the assignment?
       apply, argue, compare/contrast, describe, discuss, defi
   ne, evaluate, critique, interpret, react, summarize, synthes
Bloom’s Taxonomy

                   EVALUATION – JUDGE – Do you have to appraise, assess or critique

                   on a basis of specific standards and criteria?

                   SYNTHESIS – COMBINE – Do you need to take your own ideas and

                   integrate them with course concepts into a product, plan or proposal?
                   Can you identify what is relevant from what irrelevant?

                   ANALYSIS – CONNECT – Do you need to


                   compare/contrast, distinguish, classify and relate any
                   assumptions, hypotheses, evidence or structure of a statement or

                   APPLICATION - USE – Do you have to select, transfer or use data

                   and principles to complete a problem or task?

                                                                                             summarize describe

                   COMPREHENSION – UNDERSTAND - Do you have to translate
                   your understanding or interpretation of information?

                   KNOWLEDGE – REGURGITATE -- Do you have to recall or

                   recognizes information? Do you have to present the ideas and principles
                   that you learned in a basic summary?
Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.
  • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules”
  • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content”

• Make a plan.
  • Create a timeline
  • Gather the materials you need to read and/or research
  • Create action steps/appropriate studying strategies
     • Brainstorming
     • Idea lists
     • Mindmaps
     • Outlining
How do I make an
“assignment timeline” ?
        • Identify the individual steps
        you will need to take to complete
        the assignment.
                Use the University of Minnesota’s
                            Assignment Calculator

            •Then plug them into a
            calendar - backwards plan
            from the due date
            Use the NEC Academic Support
            Terms at a Glance Calendar
Steps    Steps
          1& 2      3&4


Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.
  • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules”
  • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content”

• Make a plan.
  • Create a timeline
  • Gather the materials you need to read and/or research
  • Create action steps/appropriate studying strategies
     • Brainstorming
     • Idea lists
     • Mindmaps
     • Outlining
I put my due dates & action steps into a
          calendar, NOW WHAT?
• Gather the materials you need to read and/or

• Use your understanding of the concepts that you
HAVE to,WANT to,NEED to KNOW to create action
steps/use appropriate studying strategies
   • Brainstorming
   • Idea lists
   • Mind maps
   • Outlining
“So, How Do I Actually Do This
 With My Classes?” Examples
 – Independent Study
   • Western Civilization

 – Online Study
   • Management Principles

 – Study Group
   • Diversity in the Workplace
Independent Study Assignment Example

Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to
the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of
their development into Western society. We will examine the
contributions of Greece and Rome and how they expanded
their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and
have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed;
how people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how
numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed
with others; and how a broken Europe, after several
starts, reinvigorated itself with the Renaissance, and split again
in the Reformation. Throughout the period of
study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a
means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that
make up the trajectory of history.
                              Understanding the “Problem”
             Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
Independent Study Assignment Example
Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to
the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of
their development into Western society. We will examine the
contributions of Greece and Rome and how they expanded
their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and
have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed;
how people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how
numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed
with others; and how a broken Europe, after several
starts, reinvigorated itself with the Renaissance, and split again
in the Reformation. Throughout the period of
study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a
means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that
make up the trajectory of history.

COMPREHENSION                   ANALYSIS               SYNTHESIS
Independent Study Assignment Example
Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to
the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of
their development into Western society. We will examine the
      Understanding the “Problem” for this course,
contributions ofunderstanding how how instructor wants
  begins with Greece and Rome and the they expanded
their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and
  you to think. The instructor wants you to engage in
have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed;
howlearning that is more than memorizing historical
      people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how
 facts. You have to understand the HOWs & the WHYs
numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed
with others; and how a broken Europe, after & synthesize
      in order to comprehend, analyze several
starts, reinvigorated itselfinformation.
                             with the Renaissance, and split again
in the Reformation. Throughout the period of
study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a
means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that
make up the trajectory of history.

COMPREHENSION                   ANALYSIS               SYNTHESIS
Independent Study Assignment Example

The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the
basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the
fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how
those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires
arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and
economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the
rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe
struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in
existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how
much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true
innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three
10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography
do not count toward total).

                               Understanding the “Problem”
    Break the method and criteria for evaluation into manageable key words and requirements.
Independent Study Assignment Example

The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the
basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the
fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how
those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires
arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and
economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the
rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe
struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in
existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how
much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true
innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three
10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography
do not count toward total).
Independent Study Assignment Example

          SO… you will be evaluated on
The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the
basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the
             how well you show you
fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how
those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires
          understand the course’s basic
arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and
economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the
             concepts, completion of
rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe
               reading assignments
struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in
existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how
           and 3 papers of 10-11 pages
much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true
innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three
            with additional cover and
10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography
do not count toward total).
                  citation pages.
Independent Study Assignment Example
Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes.

Essay requirements:
Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 font, double-
spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces
between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in electronic form to, and
then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very strongly recommended that students have Microsoft
Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as
“turned in” when the Instructor receives the emailed attachment.

I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your questions
that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call should be arranged. If
neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first essay is in some ways the most
important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that the content addresses the essay topic.

Due dates:
The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately the three-quarter
point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term (the exact dates will be provided by the Instructor).

Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of the Term.
The penalty for turning in late assignments is:
1-7 days late – 5-point reduction
8-14 days late – 15-point reduction
15-21 days late – 30-point reduction
Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted for work due by
the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such as severe illness (i.e.
hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the student must inform the Instructor
in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing circumstances as they pertain to the course.
                        Independent Study Assignment Example
Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes.
Essay requirements:
Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12
font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy
quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in
electronic form to, and then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very
strongly recommended that students have Microsoft Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late
submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as “turned in” when the Instructor receives the
emailed attachment.
I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your
questions that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call
should be arranged. If neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first
essay is in some ways the most important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that
the content addresses the essay topic.
Due dates:
The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately
the three-quarter point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term (the exact dates will be provided by
the Instructor).
Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of
the Term. The penalty for turning in late assignments is:
1-7 days late – 5-point reduction        8-14 days late – 15-point reduction 15-21 days late – 30-point reduction

Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted
for work due by the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such
as severe illness (i.e. hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the
student must inform the Instructor in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing
circumstances as they pertain to the course.
                         Independent Study Assignment Example
Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes.
Essay requirements:
Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12
font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy
quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in
electronic form to, and then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very
                  SO… you need to follow very specific
strongly recommended that students have Microsoft Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late
submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as “turned in” when the Instructor receives the

                 formatting requirements, submit your
emailed attachment.
         assignment to, email your paper
I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your
questions that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call

          as an attachment to the instructor and hand
should be arranged. If neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first
essay is in some ways the most important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that
the content addresses the essay topic.
Due dates:       assignments in on time or lose points.
The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately
the three-quarter point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term from dates will be provided by
                  You will get verbal feedback (the exact the
the Instructor).
Penalties:                                     instructor.
Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of
the Term. The penalty for turning in late assignments is:
1-7 days late – 5-point reduction        8-14 days late – 15-point reduction 15-21 days late – 30-point reduction

Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted
for work due by the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such
as severe illness (i.e. hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the
student must inform the Instructor in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing
circumstances as they pertain to the course.
Independent Study Assignment Example
For the last paper, choose one of the following topics:

A) The Renaissance transformed Europe, but did so very
      differently in Northern Europe than in the region of its
      origin – the Italian peninsula. Again using specific
      examples, discuss the differences between the Italian
      Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For this
      paper, you may choose to do a fictional narrative – such
      as placing yourself as a character in the time period, or
      writing a story from the third-person perspective.

B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the
       Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art
       influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that
       period, and make every effort to connect a central
       theme to each.                    Make a Plan
                               Decide which of the questions you are going to answer.
Independent Study Assignment Example
For the last paper, choose one of the following topics:

A) The Renaissance transformed Europe, but did so very
      differently in Northern Europe than in the region of its
      origin – the Italian peninsula. Again using specific
      examples, discuss the differences between the Italian
      Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For this
      paper, you may choose to do a fictional narrative – such
      as placing yourself as a character in the time period, or
      writing a story from the third-person perspective.

B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the
       Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art
       influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that
       period, and make every effort to connect a central
       theme to each.
Independent Study Assignment Example
FIRST, highlight important words…
      B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle
      Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss
      how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected
      to that period, and make every effort to connect a central
      theme to each.
                                    HOW DID ART INFLUENCE
            SECOND,                       (By Period)
            TAKE NOTES                      Greece
       in your own words to be              Rome
         sure you understand             Middle Ages
        what the assignment is           Renaissance
        asking you to address            Reformation

                                        Dominant ideas?
                                       Central Theme(s)?
                                     Use examples for each
Independent Study Assignment Example
Try out different style of notetaking                                        B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle
    and organizing when trying to                                            Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss
    formulate your answer to the                                             how art influenced any of the dominant ideas
              question.                                                      connected to that period, and make every effort to
                                                                             connect a central theme to each.


                                                                                                                                             Central Themes?
                                                     HOW DID ART INFLUENCE?                                                  Idea #1
                                                           Dominant Ideas
                                                                                                                                 Idea #2
          Greece                                 Rome                             Middle Ages                          Example

                                                                                                     Central Themes?
                    Central Themes?

                                                                                                                                 Idea #3
                                                           Central Themes?

     Idea #1                                Idea #1                                   Idea #1
Example                                                                          Example

                                                                                           Idea #2                     Reformation

                                                                                                                                           Central Theme
          Idea #2                                Idea #2
Example                                Example
                                                                                 Example                                    Idea #1

          Idea #3                                Idea #3                                   Idea #3
                                                                                 Example                                         Idea #2
Independent Study Assignment Example
  B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the
  Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the
  dominant ideas connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a
  central theme to each.

                                      OR, try

                           NOTETAKING STEMS

(1) The art of Ancient Greece influenced the ways in which the Greek
citizens thought about ______________ and __________...etc.
These ideas are central connected by the theme of ______________ .

(2) The art of Rome influenced the ways in which the Roman citizens
thought about ______________ and __________...etc.
These ideas are central connected by the theme of ______________ .

  Keep going with your notes for Middle Ages, Renaissance & Reformation
Independent Study Assignment Example
HOW DID ART INFLUENCE the Dominant Ideas? (By Period)
I. Greece                               III. Middle Ages
      A. Idea/how influenced by art           A. Idea/how influenced by art
          i.  example                             i.   example
      B. Idea/how influenced by art           B. Idea/how influenced by art
          i.  example                             i.   example
      C. Idea                                 C. Idea
          i.  example                             i.   example
      D. Central Theme                        D. Central Theme

II. Rome                                             IV. Renaissance
      A. Idea/how influenced by art                       A. Idea/how influenced by art
         i.   example                                          i.   example
      B. Idea/how influenced by art                       B. Idea/how influenced by art
         i.   example                                          i.   example
      C. Idea                                             C. Idea/how influenced by art
         i.   example                                          i.   example
      D. Central Theme
B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle      V. Reformation
Ages, the Renaissance, try the
                    OR, and                               A. Idea/how influenced by art
Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the
dominant ideas connected to that period, and make
                                                              i.    example
                                                                  And so forth for the Reformation
every effort to connect a central theme to each.
Independent Study Assignment Example
         - the structure of the assignment
         Due at the midpoint of the term
         Typed - Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right
         and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography.
         First submitted to,
         Then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor

         - the elements/concepts of the assignment
         HOW DID ART INFLUENCE the Dominant ideas? (By Period) – find Central Theme(s) & use examples for each
         Greece Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Reformation

Developing your timeline for
when and how you are going to                                                                                  Understand
complete all the different                                                                                      Question/
components of the assignment
                                                                            Break down question, read
and choosing your appropriate                                                 materials & take notes
strategies in order to write your
response…                                                                                                         Write 1st
                                                                     1st draft                    Turnitin

                                                                                   Revise          Email       Paper
      THE PLAN                                        Submit to
                                                     Smarthinking                   final           final
                                                                                                   paper        Due
“So, How Do I Actually Do This
 With My Classes?” Examples
 – Independent Study
   • Western Civilization

 – Online Study
   • Management Principles

 – Study Group
   • Diversity in the Workplace
Online Course Assignment Example   ASSIGNMENT : Team work within the discussion
                                   board activity.
                                   Assignment is individual.
                                   CONCEPTS: Leadership and motivation are
                                   important to management.
                                   Studying the nuances of leadership &
                                   fundamental understanding of motivation (a
                                   powerful tool of influence). Inter-relation al
                                   nature of leadership and motivation.

                                       FIRST -- Review & Take Notes on
                                            the Module Overview
                                      for important information regarding the focus and
                                                   content of the module.
Be sure to also read the instructor commentary & click on the links to the learning objectives

                                                             Online Course Assignment Example
Course Materials
                            and Due Dates         Writing Assignments:
                                                  Be sure you understand all
                                                  parts of the assignment

                             Know what
Reading:                     discussion
Be sure to gather all of
                             questions you
your reading materials:
                             and/or your team
Textbooks, Supplement
                             need to answer.
s, Selected
Readings, etc.
                                           Online Course Assignment Example
Online Course Assignment Example
        3 Part Assignment
    1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17)
    2 – Case Narrative (p. 18)
    3 – Case Model (p. 19)

        1                                  2



1   Online Course Assignment Example
                         3 Part Assignment
                      1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17)
                      2 – Case Narrative (p. 18)
                      3 – Case Model (p. 19)

                        The questions are a
                        great resource to
                        help you focus your
                        reading and writing.

                               READ &
                            all questions
                         you begin reading
                         the CASE STUDY
                         TAKE NOTES as
                              you read.
2                                   Online Course Assignment Example
                                                                    3 Part Assignment
                                                                1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17)
                                                                2 – Case Narrative (p. 18)
                                                                3 – Case Model (p. 19)

                                3                       The CASE STUDY
                    2                                NARRATIVE FORMAT is
                                                   structured into 4 parts which
                                                    relate directly to the Case
                                                        Study Questions.

                                                   Firm Overview/Intro to Case
                                                   Questions 1-3

                                                   Internal Perspectives
                                                   Questions 4-5

                                         6         External Perspectives
                                                   Questions 5-7

        8                                          Questions 8-12


Online Course Assignment Example

Question                        Question
  #5                              #8

                                              The CASE MODEL is a
                                             graphic representation of
                                           some of the key elements of
                          critical         the case study and relate to
                                             your answers to specific

                                              Case Study Questions
                                           And your critical analysis of
                                            the salient points from the
                                                    case study.
Online Course Assignment Example
         - the structure of the assignment
         3 part assignment – Case Study Questions, Case Study Narrative, Case Study Model

         - the elements/concepts of the assignment
         The questions feed into all of the other components of the assignment – focus on both the characteristics of
         the individual business (Amy’s Bread), the industry, and the problems the company is facing – you propose
         solutions and analyze the advantages & disadvantages of the solutions.

Developing your timeline for
when and how you are going to                                                                                 Organize
complete all the different                                                                                     all your
components of the assignment                              Read the case materials & take
                                                           notes by answering the Case
and choosing your appropriate                              Study Questions as you read.
strategies in order to write your
                                                     Start Case
response…                                              Study
                                                                                               Write 1st draft Case
                                                                                                Study Narrative
                                                     Edit All 3
     CARRY OUT                                        parts
                                                                                                             to ANGEL

      THE PLAN                                         Due
“So, How Do I Actually Do This
 With My Classes?” Examples
 – Independent Study
   • Western Civilization

 – Online Study
   • Management Principles

 – Study Group
   • Diversity in the Workplace
Study Group Assignment Example
The student’s intent is to learn about an important contemporary issue, workplace
diversity. Its distinctness comes from the fact that the current United States workforce is
very different from the one that existed fifty or even thirty years ago. The workplace
population has shifted and the expectations are that this trend will continue.
Understanding these changes and the impact that they have on the work environment are
the focal points for this course.

Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as social significance. This differs
from Equal Employment legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be said to
have a moral and humane basis. Understanding and clearly articulating this distinction is a
major goal of this study. Over the course of the study, we will examine various elements of
discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping within the workplace. This will involve a view of
corporate culture, legal reviews and legislative action as well as textual material.

We will approach this subject by looking at business practices and how they relate to
respect for people and their uniqueness and to the multidimensional diversity of
humankind and the power that this holds. By the end of the course, we will develop and
review how to approach workplace diversity constructively in order to impact productivity
and competitiveness.
                                          Understanding the “Problem”
                        Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
Study Group Assignment Example
The student’s intent is to learn about an important contemporary issue, workplace
diversity. Its distinctness comes from the fact that the current United States workforce is
very different from the one that existed fifty or even thirty years ago. The workplace
population has shifted and the expectations are that this trend will continue.
Understanding these changes and the impact that they have on the work environment are
the focal points for this course.

Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as social significance. This differs
from Equal Employment legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be said to
have a moral and humane basis. Understanding and clearly articulating this distinction is a
major goal of this study. Over the course of the study, we will examine various elements of
discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping within the workplace. This will involve a view of
corporate culture, legal reviews and legislative action as well as textual material.

We will approach this subject by looking at business practices and how they relate to
respect for people and their uniqueness and to the multidimensional diversity of
humankind and the power that this holds. By the end of the course, we will develop and
review how to approach workplace diversity constructively in order to impact productivity
and competitiveness.
                                          Understanding the “Problem”
                        Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
Study Group Assignment Example
Methods and Criteria of Evaluation
Evaluation will be by the tutor in terms of the student’s ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned and
researched material. All verbal and written activities will be evaluated by the tutor for their scope, content, clarity of
ideas and balanced approach to research that exhibit a critical perspective. Both written and verbal ideas must be
focused and fully developed in order to achieve advanced level credit. The student must demonstrate an ability to
research and use Dept. of Labor statistics, as well as journal and periodical material pertinent to the study. This must
involve both library and web-based research. Responses must demonstrate the practical application of textbook and
research material.

An addendum at the end of this contract outlines written material expectations that will be applied for introductory level
college credit standards. For credit to be earned at the advanced level, the nature of the research activities and written
work must be at the advanced level involving more extensive research and more substantial and complex analysis and
integration of ideas.

All assignments must be written at the college level. Writing should be logically organized and should conform to the rules
of correct English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Writing assignments containing citations (indications that
you are using either another person’s exact words or ideas) must be properly cited using the MLA Citation Style. Students
are urged to use the Diana Hacker manual for assistance with writing style, content, and properly using the MLA Citation
Academic Integrity:
Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. All work for this course must be original
created by the student for this course. You are not permitted to use someone else’s work or to hand in work that you
created for another course. If you copy another person’s words verbatim, you must place those words in quotes and include
a citation. If you copy another person’s ideas, you must include a citation. Failure to follow these guidelines constitutes
plagiarism and is expressly not permitted. Be especially careful when you use web resources in your written work and to
cite                                                       Understanding the “Problem”
                                                        Know how you are going to be evaluated
Assignments                                               Study Group Assignment Example
   The first group of readings relates to the study of differences and how these
influence the work environment. You will review the concept of difference in light of
legal decisions. Within this context, you will write a brief essay that clearly outlines
your definition of diversity in the workplace, the goal of effective workplace
diversity and why it has become so important an issue.
(To be provided) Delgado and Stefancic's “Images of the Outsider in American Law
and Culture” (Cornell Law Review); Caldwell’s “Hair Piece: Perspectives on the
Intersection of Race and Gender” (Duke Law Journal); Flagg's "Was Blind But Now I
See (Michigan Law Review);" Reskin's "Unconsciousness Raising;" and others.

You will research the distinction and importance of Affirmative Action and Equal
Employment enactments and legislation. These have a history that is important to      Paper
the U.S. workplace. You will write a research paper about this and how this relates     #2
to the subject of effective diversity in the workplace.

You will examine gender and racial inequality at work with special emphasis on the
issue of invisibility for women and white color-blindness relative to racism.
Readings: Flaggs’ “‘Was Blind, But Now I See’: White Race Consciousness and the
Requirement of Discriminatory Intent” (Michigan Law Review); Arthur Fletcher’s
“Business and Race: Only Halfway There;” and McIntosh’s “White Privilege and Male
Privilege,” (Work In Progress Series #189: Stone Center, Wellesley College for
Women).                                                      Etc…..
Study Group Assignment Example
2nd Paper
 Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as
 social significance. This differs from Equal Employment
 legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be
 said to have a moral and humane basis. Understanding
 and clearly articulating this distinction is a major goal of
 the study, Diversity in the Workplace.

 Explain the historical development of each of these
 two enactments; their key elements; whether each is a
 law; and how they do or do not influence the issue of
 effective diversity in the workplace.
                                Understanding the “Problem”
                      Break down the question into the parts you have to answer.
effective diversity                  Study Group Assignment Example
      in the workplace.
  do influence                  do not influence


                                        Equal Employment

            Explain the historical development of each of these two enactments
(Equal Employment & Affirmative Action); their key elements; whether each is a law; and how
         they do or do not influence the issue of effective diversity in the workplace.

                                                          Make a PLAN
                    Brainstorm ideas before, during and after reading the course materials by creating a mind map.
Study Group Assignment Example
I. Equal Opportunity
     A. Key Elements
          i.    “W” questions – Who , What, When, Where, Why & How
     B. Law?
          i.    Yes or No - explain
     C. Effective Diversity in the Workplace
          i.    Yes, does influence                              OR -- Make a PLAN
               a) HOW?                          By creating an outline of your ideas before, during and
          ii. No, does not influence              after reading the course materials by creating a mind
               a) HOW?
II. Affirmative Action
      A. Key Elements
           i.    “W” questions – Who , What, When, Where, Why & How
      B. Law?
           i.    Yes or No - explain
                                                 Explain the historical development of each
      C. Effective Diversity in the Workplace
                                                          of these two enactments
           i.    Yes, does influence
                                                 (Equal Employment & Affirmative Action);
                a) HOW?
                                                  their key elements; whether each is a law;
           ii. No, does not influence
                                                   and how they do or do not influence the
                a) HOW?
                                                issue of effective diversity in the workplace.
Group Study Assignment Example
         - the structure of the assignment
         Research paper, no length given, must cite sources in MLA style. Focus on clarity of
         ideas and logical presentation of ideas.
         - the elements/concepts of the assignment
         Historical development of Equal Employment and Affirmative Action – focus on key
         elements, influence on effective diversity in the workplace, and whether or not a

Developing your timeline for
when and how you are going to
complete all the different
components of the assignment
and choosing your appropriate                                                        EE & AA
strategies in order to write your
                                               Develop notes on EE & AA – be
response…                                        sure to look at influence &
                                              impact on diversity effectiveness
                                                                                    Meet with
     CARRY OUT                                 Write 1st draft                      Learning
                                                            Meet with                 Email     Paper
      THE PLAN                                              Learning
                                                                           Revise      final
                                                                                      paper      Due
REVISTING -- Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem.

• Make a plan.

• Carry out the plan.

• Reflect - How can the plan be improved?
                        Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
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Making sense of your assignments

  • 1. Making Sense of Your Assignments
  • 2. Making Sense of Your Assignments & Texts Are you overwhelmed with understanding your assignments? Do you know how to present what you have learned through your writing? Many of your assignments will be complex with multiple steps requiring you to use higher level thinking skills. This workshop will help you to break down an assignment to focus your reading and study strategies. It will also help you to take new knowledge into effective assignment responses.
  • 3. Agenda • Problem solving steps • Sample “breaking down” for assignments – Western Civilization – Diversity in the Workplace – Management Principles
  • 4. Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Make a plan. • Carry out the plan. • Reflect - How can the plan be improved? Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
  • 5. Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules” • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content” • Make a plan. • Carry out the plan. • Reflect - How can the plan be improved? Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
  • 6. What are the “rules” … • How do you need to structure your response? • formatting, length, due date, etc. • How you are going to be evaluated? • Scope, content, critical thinking and clarity of ideas. • Proper writing mechanics and academic citations. • How do you submit assignment? • E-mail attachment, Angel submission or paper
  • 7. Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules” • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content” • Make a plan. • Carry out the plan. • Reflect - How can the plan be improved? Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It
  • 8. Identify the Content -- “What” Questions/Answers • What is the actual question or problem am I being asked to address/solve/answer? • What are key terms/vocabulary that I need to know/ define? • What are the concepts that I HAVE to, WANT to, NEED to KNOW? • What are the action words in the assignment? (analyze, apply, argue, compare/contrast, describe, discuss, defi ne, evaluate, critique, interpret, react, summarize, synthes ize)
  • 9. Bloom’s Taxonomy evaluate EVALUATION – JUDGE – Do you have to appraise, assess or critique critique on a basis of specific standards and criteria? synthesize SYNTHESIS – COMBINE – Do you need to take your own ideas and argue integrate them with course concepts into a product, plan or proposal? Can you identify what is relevant from what irrelevant? compare/ ANALYSIS – CONNECT – Do you need to contrast analyze compare/contrast, distinguish, classify and relate any assumptions, hypotheses, evidence or structure of a statement or question? apply APPLICATION - USE – Do you have to select, transfer or use data react and principles to complete a problem or task? summarize describe interpret discuss COMPREHENSION – UNDERSTAND - Do you have to translate your understanding or interpretation of information? KNOWLEDGE – REGURGITATE -- Do you have to recall or define recognizes information? Do you have to present the ideas and principles that you learned in a basic summary?
  • 10. Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules” • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content” • Make a plan. • Create a timeline • Gather the materials you need to read and/or research • Create action steps/appropriate studying strategies • Brainstorming • Idea lists • Mindmaps • Outlining
  • 11. How do I make an “assignment timeline” ? • Identify the individual steps you will need to take to complete the assignment. Use the University of Minnesota’s Assignment Calculator •Then plug them into a calendar - backwards plan from the due date Use the NEC Academic Support Terms at a Glance Calendar
  • 12. Steps Steps 1& 2 3&4 Step 5 Project Due
  • 13. Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Know what you are being asked to do – “rules” • Figure out what you need to learn/do – “content” • Make a plan. • Create a timeline • Gather the materials you need to read and/or research • Create action steps/appropriate studying strategies • Brainstorming • Idea lists • Mindmaps • Outlining
  • 14. I put my due dates & action steps into a calendar, NOW WHAT? • Gather the materials you need to read and/or research • Use your understanding of the concepts that you HAVE to,WANT to,NEED to KNOW to create action steps/use appropriate studying strategies • Brainstorming • Idea lists • Mind maps • Outlining
  • 15. “So, How Do I Actually Do This With My Classes?” Examples – Independent Study • Western Civilization – Online Study • Management Principles – Study Group • Diversity in the Workplace
  • 16. Independent Study Assignment Example Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of their development into Western society. We will examine the contributions of Greece and Rome and how they expanded their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed; how people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed with others; and how a broken Europe, after several starts, reinvigorated itself with the Renaissance, and split again in the Reformation. Throughout the period of study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that make up the trajectory of history. Understanding the “Problem” Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
  • 17. Independent Study Assignment Example Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of their development into Western society. We will examine the contributions of Greece and Rome and how they expanded their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed; how people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed with others; and how a broken Europe, after several starts, reinvigorated itself with the Renaissance, and split again in the Reformation. Throughout the period of study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that make up the trajectory of history. COMPREHENSION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS
  • 18. Independent Study Assignment Example Western Civilization I is designed to introduce the student to the emergence of the first civilizations and the trajectory of their development into Western society. We will examine the Understanding the “Problem” for this course, contributions ofunderstanding how how instructor wants begins with Greece and Rome and the they expanded their empires; how ideas are conceived, put into practice, and you to think. The instructor wants you to engage in have social consequences; how and why empires collapsed; howlearning that is more than memorizing historical people and societies existed during the Middle Ages; how facts. You have to understand the HOWs & the WHYs numerous cultures developed values and coexisted/clashed with others; and how a broken Europe, after & synthesize in order to comprehend, analyze several starts, reinvigorated itselfinformation. with the Renaissance, and split again in the Reformation. Throughout the period of study, culture, and the role of ideas, will be emphasized as a means of analyzing and connecting the people and events that make up the trajectory of history. COMPREHENSION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS
  • 19. Independent Study Assignment Example METHOD AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three 10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography do not count toward total). Understanding the “Problem” Break the method and criteria for evaluation into manageable key words and requirements.
  • 20. Independent Study Assignment Example METHOD AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three 10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography do not count toward total).
  • 21. Independent Study Assignment Example METHOD AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION SO… you will be evaluated on The student must demonstrate a working and analytical knowledge of the basic concepts presented in the course. They should understand the how well you show you fundamental values and ideas necessary to establish civilization and how those concepts were put into practice by Greece and Rome; why empires understand the course’s basic arise and fall; how social and cultural forces interact with politics and economics; the importance of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; the concepts, completion of rise of Christianity; the significance of the Middle Ages as Europe reading assignments struggled with self-defense, and to keep the knowledge of the past in existence; the emergence of the Renaissance and Reformation – how and 3 papers of 10-11 pages much of that time was a recycling of history and how much was true innovation. Students must complete the assigned readings and write three with additional cover and 10-11 page papers on the topics listed below (title page and bibliography do not count toward total). citation pages.
  • 22. Independent Study Assignment Example EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY!!! Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes. Essay requirements: Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 font, double- spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in electronic form to, and then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very strongly recommended that students have Microsoft Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as “turned in” when the Instructor receives the emailed attachment. Feedback: I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your questions that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call should be arranged. If neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first essay is in some ways the most important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that the content addresses the essay topic. Due dates: The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately the three-quarter point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term (the exact dates will be provided by the Instructor). Penalties: Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of the Term. The penalty for turning in late assignments is: 1-7 days late – 5-point reduction 8-14 days late – 15-point reduction 15-21 days late – 30-point reduction Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted for work due by the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such as severe illness (i.e. hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the student must inform the Instructor in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing circumstances as they pertain to the course.
  • 23. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY!!! Independent Study Assignment Example Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes. Essay requirements: Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in electronic form to, and then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very strongly recommended that students have Microsoft Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as “turned in” when the Instructor receives the emailed attachment. Feedback: I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your questions that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call should be arranged. If neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first essay is in some ways the most important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that the content addresses the essay topic. Due dates: The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately the three-quarter point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term (the exact dates will be provided by the Instructor). Penalties: Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of the Term. The penalty for turning in late assignments is: 1-7 days late – 5-point reduction 8-14 days late – 15-point reduction 15-21 days late – 30-point reduction Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted for work due by the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such as severe illness (i.e. hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the student must inform the Instructor in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing circumstances as they pertain to the course.
  • 24. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY!!! Independent Study Assignment Example Below are specific guidelines for essay requirements, feedback, due dates, penalties, and Incompletes. Essay requirements: Students will be graded on their written assignments. The papers must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. Papers must be first submitted in electronic form to, and then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor. Additionally, it is very SO… you need to follow very specific strongly recommended that students have Microsoft Word 2007, or 2010. Due dates and penalties for late submissions are in effect (read below), and assignments only count as “turned in” when the Instructor receives the formatting requirements, submit your emailed attachment. Feedback: assignment to, email your paper I have a strong preference for giving verbal feedback – that way I can explain things fully and answer any of your questions that might arise. Ideally, we should meet in person, but if you cannot make it in, then a phone call as an attachment to the instructor and hand should be arranged. If neither are possible, then you can request some written comments. Discussing the first essay is in some ways the most important because we can work to eliminate simple mistakes and make sure that the content addresses the essay topic. Due dates: assignments in on time or lose points. The first essay is due at approximately the midpoint of the Term. The second essay is due at approximately the three-quarter point, and the final essay is due by the end of the Term from dates will be provided by You will get verbal feedback (the exact the the Instructor). Penalties: instructor. Assignments are late when the Instructor receives them via email after the due dates given out at the beginning of the Term. The penalty for turning in late assignments is: 1-7 days late – 5-point reduction 8-14 days late – 15-point reduction 15-21 days late – 30-point reduction Papers will not be accepted more than 21 days late and will receive 0 points. No extensions will be granted for work due by the end of the Term. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for extreme circumstances, such as severe illness (i.e. hospitalization), death in the family, or some other catastrophic event. In such a case, the student must inform the Instructor in a timely manner, and keep the Instructor posted of the continuing circumstances as they pertain to the course.
  • 25. Independent Study Assignment Example For the last paper, choose one of the following topics: A) The Renaissance transformed Europe, but did so very differently in Northern Europe than in the region of its origin – the Italian peninsula. Again using specific examples, discuss the differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For this paper, you may choose to do a fictional narrative – such as placing yourself as a character in the time period, or writing a story from the third-person perspective. B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a central theme to each. Make a Plan Decide which of the questions you are going to answer.
  • 26. Independent Study Assignment Example For the last paper, choose one of the following topics: A) The Renaissance transformed Europe, but did so very differently in Northern Europe than in the region of its origin – the Italian peninsula. Again using specific examples, discuss the differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For this paper, you may choose to do a fictional narrative – such as placing yourself as a character in the time period, or writing a story from the third-person perspective. B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a central theme to each.
  • 27. Independent Study Assignment Example FIRST, highlight important words… B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a central theme to each. HOW DID ART INFLUENCE SECOND, (By Period) TAKE NOTES Greece in your own words to be Rome sure you understand Middle Ages what the assignment is Renaissance asking you to address Reformation Dominant ideas? Central Theme(s)? Use examples for each
  • 28. Independent Study Assignment Example Try out different style of notetaking B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle and organizing when trying to Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss formulate your answer to the how art influenced any of the dominant ideas question. connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a central theme to each. MINDMAPPING/BRAINSTORMING Renaissance Central Themes? HOW DID ART INFLUENCE? Idea #1 Example Dominant Ideas Idea #2 Greece Rome Middle Ages Example Central Themes? Central Themes? Idea #3 Central Themes? Idea #1 Idea #1 Idea #1 Example Example Example Example Idea #2 Reformation Central Theme Idea #2 Idea #2 Example Example Example Idea #1 Example Idea #3 Idea #3 Idea #3 Example Idea #2
  • 29. Independent Study Assignment Example B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that period, and make every effort to connect a central theme to each. OR, try NOTETAKING STEMS (1) The art of Ancient Greece influenced the ways in which the Greek citizens thought about ______________ and __________...etc. These ideas are central connected by the theme of ______________ . (2) The art of Rome influenced the ways in which the Roman citizens thought about ______________ and __________...etc. These ideas are central connected by the theme of ______________ . Keep going with your notes for Middle Ages, Renaissance & Reformation
  • 30. Independent Study Assignment Example HOW DID ART INFLUENCE the Dominant Ideas? (By Period) I. Greece III. Middle Ages A. Idea/how influenced by art A. Idea/how influenced by art i. example i. example B. Idea/how influenced by art B. Idea/how influenced by art i. example i. example C. Idea C. Idea i. example i. example D. Central Theme D. Central Theme II. Rome IV. Renaissance A. Idea/how influenced by art A. Idea/how influenced by art i. example i. example B. Idea/how influenced by art B. Idea/how influenced by art i. example i. example C. Idea C. Idea/how influenced by art i. example i. example D. Central Theme B) Using examples from Greece, Rome, the Middle V. Reformation Ages, the Renaissance, try the OR, and A. Idea/how influenced by art Outlining Reformation, discuss how art influenced any of the dominant ideas connected to that period, and make i. example And so forth for the Reformation every effort to connect a central theme to each.
  • 31. Independent Study Assignment Example YOUR PLAN CONSISTS OF KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT: - the structure of the assignment Due at the midpoint of the term Typed - Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced, normal margins (usually 1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on right and left), no pictures, no lengthy quotes or extra spaces between paragraphs, with citations and bibliography. First submitted to, Then emailed as an attachment to the Instructor - the elements/concepts of the assignment HOW DID ART INFLUENCE the Dominant ideas? (By Period) – find Central Theme(s) & use examples for each Greece Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Reformation Developing your timeline for when and how you are going to Understand complete all the different Question/ Mindmap components of the assignment Break down question, read and choosing your appropriate materials & take notes strategies in order to write your response… Write 1st draft Submit Revise CARRY OUT to 1st draft Turnitin Revise Email Paper THE PLAN Submit to Smarthinking final final paper Due
  • 32. “So, How Do I Actually Do This With My Classes?” Examples – Independent Study • Western Civilization – Online Study • Management Principles – Study Group • Diversity in the Workplace
  • 33. NOTES: Online Course Assignment Example ASSIGNMENT : Team work within the discussion board activity. Assignment is individual. CONCEPTS: Leadership and motivation are important to management. Studying the nuances of leadership & fundamental understanding of motivation (a powerful tool of influence). Inter-relation al nature of leadership and motivation. FIRST -- Review & Take Notes on the Module Overview for important information regarding the focus and content of the module.
  • 34. Be sure to also read the instructor commentary & click on the links to the learning objectives Online Course Assignment Example
  • 35. Course Materials and Due Dates Writing Assignments: Be sure you understand all parts of the assignment Discussion: Know what Reading: discussion Be sure to gather all of questions you your reading materials: and/or your team Textbooks, Supplement need to answer. s, Selected Readings, etc. Online Course Assignment Example
  • 36. Online Course Assignment Example 3 Part Assignment 1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17) 2 – Case Narrative (p. 18) 3 – Case Model (p. 19) 1 2 3 2 1 3
  • 37. 1 Online Course Assignment Example 3 Part Assignment 1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17) 2 – Case Narrative (p. 18) 3 – Case Model (p. 19) The questions are a great resource to help you focus your reading and writing. READ & ANNOTATE all questions BEFORE you begin reading the CASE STUDY & TAKE NOTES as you read.
  • 38. 2 Online Course Assignment Example 3 Part Assignment 1 - Case Study Questions (p. 17) 2 – Case Narrative (p. 18) 3 – Case Model (p. 19) 1 3 The CASE STUDY 2 NARRATIVE FORMAT is structured into 4 parts which relate directly to the Case Study Questions. 4 Firm Overview/Intro to Case Questions 1-3 5 Internal Perspectives Questions 4-5 7 6 External Perspectives Questions 5-7 5 Solutions 8 Questions 8-12 9 10 11 12
  • 39. Online Course Assignment Example Question Question #5 #8 The CASE MODEL is a Question #7 graphic representation of Your some of the key elements of critical the case study and relate to your answers to specific analysis Case Study Questions And your critical analysis of the salient points from the case study.
  • 40. Online Course Assignment Example YOUR PLAN CONSISTS OF KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT: - the structure of the assignment 3 part assignment – Case Study Questions, Case Study Narrative, Case Study Model - the elements/concepts of the assignment The questions feed into all of the other components of the assignment – focus on both the characteristics of the individual business (Amy’s Bread), the industry, and the problems the company is facing – you propose solutions and analyze the advantages & disadvantages of the solutions. Developing your timeline for when and how you are going to Organize complete all the different all your materials components of the assignment Read the case materials & take notes by answering the Case and choosing your appropriate Study Questions as you read. strategies in order to write your Start Case response… Study Write 1st draft Case Study Narrative Model Upload Edit All 3 CARRY OUT parts Assignment to ANGEL Assignment THE PLAN Due
  • 41. “So, How Do I Actually Do This With My Classes?” Examples – Independent Study • Western Civilization – Online Study • Management Principles – Study Group • Diversity in the Workplace
  • 42. Study Group Assignment Example The student’s intent is to learn about an important contemporary issue, workplace diversity. Its distinctness comes from the fact that the current United States workforce is very different from the one that existed fifty or even thirty years ago. The workplace population has shifted and the expectations are that this trend will continue. Understanding these changes and the impact that they have on the work environment are the focal points for this course. Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as social significance. This differs from Equal Employment legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be said to have a moral and humane basis. Understanding and clearly articulating this distinction is a major goal of this study. Over the course of the study, we will examine various elements of discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping within the workplace. This will involve a view of corporate culture, legal reviews and legislative action as well as textual material. We will approach this subject by looking at business practices and how they relate to respect for people and their uniqueness and to the multidimensional diversity of humankind and the power that this holds. By the end of the course, we will develop and review how to approach workplace diversity constructively in order to impact productivity and competitiveness. Understanding the “Problem” Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
  • 43. Study Group Assignment Example The student’s intent is to learn about an important contemporary issue, workplace diversity. Its distinctness comes from the fact that the current United States workforce is very different from the one that existed fifty or even thirty years ago. The workplace population has shifted and the expectations are that this trend will continue. Understanding these changes and the impact that they have on the work environment are the focal points for this course. Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as social significance. This differs from Equal Employment legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be said to have a moral and humane basis. Understanding and clearly articulating this distinction is a major goal of this study. Over the course of the study, we will examine various elements of discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping within the workplace. This will involve a view of corporate culture, legal reviews and legislative action as well as textual material. We will approach this subject by looking at business practices and how they relate to respect for people and their uniqueness and to the multidimensional diversity of humankind and the power that this holds. By the end of the course, we will develop and review how to approach workplace diversity constructively in order to impact productivity and competitiveness. Understanding the “Problem” Break the purpose of the course down into manageable concepts/key words.
  • 44. Study Group Assignment Example Methods and Criteria of Evaluation Evaluation will be by the tutor in terms of the student’s ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned and researched material. All verbal and written activities will be evaluated by the tutor for their scope, content, clarity of ideas and balanced approach to research that exhibit a critical perspective. Both written and verbal ideas must be focused and fully developed in order to achieve advanced level credit. The student must demonstrate an ability to research and use Dept. of Labor statistics, as well as journal and periodical material pertinent to the study. This must involve both library and web-based research. Responses must demonstrate the practical application of textbook and research material. An addendum at the end of this contract outlines written material expectations that will be applied for introductory level college credit standards. For credit to be earned at the advanced level, the nature of the research activities and written work must be at the advanced level involving more extensive research and more substantial and complex analysis and integration of ideas. Addendum All assignments must be written at the college level. Writing should be logically organized and should conform to the rules of correct English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Writing assignments containing citations (indications that you are using either another person’s exact words or ideas) must be properly cited using the MLA Citation Style. Students are urged to use the Diana Hacker manual for assistance with writing style, content, and properly using the MLA Citation Style. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. All work for this course must be original created by the student for this course. You are not permitted to use someone else’s work or to hand in work that you created for another course. If you copy another person’s words verbatim, you must place those words in quotes and include a citation. If you copy another person’s ideas, you must include a citation. Failure to follow these guidelines constitutes plagiarism and is expressly not permitted. Be especially careful when you use web resources in your written work and to cite Understanding the “Problem” Know how you are going to be evaluated
  • 45. Assignments Study Group Assignment Example The first group of readings relates to the study of differences and how these influence the work environment. You will review the concept of difference in light of legal decisions. Within this context, you will write a brief essay that clearly outlines your definition of diversity in the workplace, the goal of effective workplace diversity and why it has become so important an issue. (To be provided) Delgado and Stefancic's “Images of the Outsider in American Law and Culture” (Cornell Law Review); Caldwell’s “Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Intersection of Race and Gender” (Duke Law Journal); Flagg's "Was Blind But Now I See (Michigan Law Review);" Reskin's "Unconsciousness Raising;" and others. You will research the distinction and importance of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment enactments and legislation. These have a history that is important to Paper the U.S. workplace. You will write a research paper about this and how this relates #2 to the subject of effective diversity in the workplace. You will examine gender and racial inequality at work with special emphasis on the issue of invisibility for women and white color-blindness relative to racism. Readings: Flaggs’ “‘Was Blind, But Now I See’: White Race Consciousness and the Requirement of Discriminatory Intent” (Michigan Law Review); Arthur Fletcher’s “Business and Race: Only Halfway There;” and McIntosh’s “White Privilege and Male Privilege,” (Work In Progress Series #189: Stone Center, Wellesley College for Women). Etc…..
  • 46. Study Group Assignment Example 2nd Paper Workplace diversity has economic importance as well as social significance. This differs from Equal Employment legislation and Affirmative Action approaches that can be said to have a moral and humane basis. Understanding and clearly articulating this distinction is a major goal of the study, Diversity in the Workplace. Explain the historical development of each of these two enactments; their key elements; whether each is a law; and how they do or do not influence the issue of effective diversity in the workplace. Understanding the “Problem” Break down the question into the parts you have to answer.
  • 47. effective diversity Study Group Assignment Example in the workplace. HOW? do influence do not influence HOW? Equal Employment Explain the historical development of each of these two enactments (Equal Employment & Affirmative Action); their key elements; whether each is a law; and how they do or do not influence the issue of effective diversity in the workplace. Make a PLAN Brainstorm ideas before, during and after reading the course materials by creating a mind map.
  • 48. Study Group Assignment Example Explain the HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT I. Equal Opportunity A. Key Elements i. “W” questions – Who , What, When, Where, Why & How B. Law? i. Yes or No - explain C. Effective Diversity in the Workplace i. Yes, does influence OR -- Make a PLAN a) HOW? By creating an outline of your ideas before, during and ii. No, does not influence after reading the course materials by creating a mind map. a) HOW? II. Affirmative Action A. Key Elements i. “W” questions – Who , What, When, Where, Why & How B. Law? i. Yes or No - explain Explain the historical development of each C. Effective Diversity in the Workplace of these two enactments i. Yes, does influence (Equal Employment & Affirmative Action); a) HOW? their key elements; whether each is a law; ii. No, does not influence and how they do or do not influence the a) HOW? issue of effective diversity in the workplace.
  • 49. Group Study Assignment Example YOUR PLAN CONSISTS OF KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT: - the structure of the assignment Research paper, no length given, must cite sources in MLA style. Focus on clarity of ideas and logical presentation of ideas. - the elements/concepts of the assignment Historical development of Equal Employment and Affirmative Action – focus on key elements, influence on effective diversity in the workplace, and whether or not a law. Developing your timeline for when and how you are going to complete all the different components of the assignment Research and choosing your appropriate EE & AA strategies in order to write your Develop notes on EE & AA – be response… sure to look at influence & impact on diversity effectiveness Meet with Revise CARRY OUT Write 1st draft Learning Coach Meet with Email Paper THE PLAN Learning Coach Revise final paper Due
  • 50. REVISTING -- Problem Solving Steps • Understand the problem. • Make a plan. • Carry out the plan. • Reflect - How can the plan be improved? Source: George Pólya (1945) How to Solve It

Editor's Notes

  1. Polya’s 4 part Problem Solving Steps are applicable not only to math but also to understanding all sorts of problems from your assignments to the ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS analogy… You need to understand that Rock breaks scissors, Scissors cut paper, Paper covers rock. Then think about the person you are competing with – what might s/he play first? You play the item to beat the one you think will be thrown, evaluate, etc.
  2. Carrying out the plan means using the strategies you find most effective, sticking to your timeline, revising the timeline as necessary – also building in time for getting assistance and feedback – constantly monitor what is and is not working well for you in terms of timelines and content organization strategies.