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Today social networks are really popular especially among
teenagers, because they want always to text with their friends
wherever they live, they want to create some relationships and
they want to know all the news about famous people and
current topics.
The most used social networks are:
WhatsApp messenger is an instant messaging application for smartphones.
This app was created by Jan Koum and Brian Acton in 2009.
On 1st February 2016 was announced the achievement of 1 bilion of users.
With this app we can send messages, videos, audios, documents and we
can also send our geographical location. Now, with WhatsApp we can make
a phone call or a video call too!
• Facebook is a social network that was created by Mark Zuckerberg on 4th
February 2004. The site, founded at Harvard in the United States, was originally
designed just for Harvard University students, but soon it was opened to
students from other schools in the Boston area, the Ivy League and Stanford
• After a few months it was opened to everyone over 13 years old.
• Facebook became very popular and now it is the third most visited social
network all over the world after Google and YouTube.
• Instagram is a social network that allows users to take pictures, apply
filters, and share them on the Net. Then all your friends can put a like
and comment the photo.
• In 2012, the company was bought for a billion dollars by Facebook Inc.
• This app was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger on 6th
October 2010 and immediately it became very popular.
• In Italy it is used by 14 million users every month and by 8 million
users a day (especially women: 53%). The prevailing age is from 19 to
24 years.
• YouTube is a social network, founded on 14th February 2005 by Chad
Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen.
• The first video uploaded on YouTube was Me at the zoo, published by
Jawed Karim. The video lasted 18 seconds and was filmed in front of
an elephant cage of the San Diego Zoo, California.
• On YouTube you can see video clips, trailers, funny videos, news,
slideshows and more.
• In 2006 Google bought it for about 1.65 billion of dollars.
• Twitter is a social network, created on 21st March 2006 by the Obvious
Corporation of San Francisco. The name "Twitter" comes from the English
verb to tweet which means "chirp"
• With twitter users can write whenever and wherever they want a comment
or a text in their profile and then their friends can read them.
• This social network isn’t very popular between teenagers in Italy, but in
other countries it is used among every type of people! Anyway most of
the users are famous people.
• Snapchat is a social network for
smartphones and tablet created by Evan
Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown,
Stanford University students, in September
• The main feature of Snapchat is that users
can send texts, photos and videos that will
stay in the network just for 24 hours.
• Snapchat became famous and represents a
new world for social media especially
because before it wasn’t possible for users
to interact through virtual stickers.
• Internet is a public network that connects billion of devices all
over the world.
• Now it is the main instrument of mass communication, that
offers to all the users a lot of informative news about
• It’s strange to say that but “internet is a network of networks”
because it contains also social networks and a lot of internet
• When the word Internet is used to refer to the specific global
system of interconnected Internet Protocol networks, the word
is a proper noun that should be written with the capital letter.
• Some guides say that the word should be capitalized when it is
used as a noun, but not capitalized when it is used as an
• The origin of the Internet dates back to the sixties years, when
the United States created, during the Cold War, a new system of
• The first world-wide public computer network was created by
Joseph C.R. Licklider and Welden E. Clarkon on August 1962.
They also called it "Intergalactic Computer Network".
• Italy was the third country in Europe, after Norway and England,
to connect online. The connection started from the University
of Pisa, where there was a research group among the most
advanced in Europe. Some of the members of the group worked
with Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf that now are known as the
fathers of the internet.
But despite all ,the birth of
this now fondamental
means has facilitated
everyone's life and
unfortunately, as
everything has some
positive and negative
Internet has
conditioned the whole
world from the smallest
to the biggest city as it
can be used to do
research, buy any
product and connect
people with the rest of
the world.
The positive effects of the
internet are many: we can
socialize with many people,
we can make advertisement
and even we can also work on
this platform.
•But despite this it
often happens that
recognizing the true
from the virtual
becomes very
For this reason,
in addition to
the positive
aspects there
are negative
ones due above
all to the abuse
of this system.
An example is cyberbullying, an
increasingly frequent phenomenon,
which mainly affects adolescents and
even leads them to suicide in extreme
Another problem with the
Internet is the fact that
unfortunately, once you
use it, you lose your
privacy by making
everything public.
But despite all ,the birth of
this now fondamental
means has facilitated
everyone's life and
unfortunately, as
everything has some
positive and negative
Netiquette is etiquette on the internet. Since the internet
changes rapidly, its netiquette does too. The need for a sense
of netiquette arises mostly when sending or distributing e-
mail, posting on public groups, or chatting. To some extent,
the practice of netiquette depends on understanding how e-
mail, chatting, or other aspects of the internet actually work
or are practiced. So a little preliminary observation can help.
Writing a formal email can seem like a challenging task,
since email is so often used for personal and informal
purposes. If you need to write an email to a teacher, boss,
business contact, government agency, or other recipient
that requires formality, just follow a few simple guidelines.
Keep your message clear and to the point, and follow
expectations for style, tone and formatting. Finally, review
the content of your email before sending it.
• Use a professional email address
• Stick to a professional font
• Use a short and accurate subject line
• Use a proper salutation and form of closing
• Introduce yourself in the first paragraph (if necessary)
• Slang
• Unnecessary contractions
• Emoticons and emojis
• Jokes
Follow These 8 Safety Rules When You Post Online
When you post online, the aim is usually to share your ideas and opinions,
or even snippets from your personal life.Unfortunately, online posting also
opens the door for a whole series of potential wrongdoings, from slander
and online bullying, to identity theft and crimes that target young people.
Still, these days, most of us do post online.
1. Never post anything — words, pictures, videos, links, emails, blogs,
comments and tweets — that you’re not happy for the whole world to
view. Because that’s the potential of the Internet. There is no hiding
place. No matter how secure or obscure a site is, there is always the risk
that it can be hacked, and no matter how little interest you think other
people would have in what you said or did, someone you thought you
could trust may forward or link to the contents you intended to be
2.This follows directly from rule #1: think before you post. This rule is
aimed mainly at young people. But it applies to all of us
every day.Some other “think first” tips:* don’t post things that aren’t true or
allegations that you can’t prove — you could land in legal hot water.* Don’t
victimize or bully other individuals (anonymously or not). You could cause a
personal tragedy and end up in jail.
3.Don’t fire off a comment based on an instant reaction that you might
regret later.
Don’t copy someone else’s comments or ideas and pass them off as your
Watch your language!
4.Phone number. Why would you ever want to give out your phone number
to the rest of the world? OK, crooks might be able to find it in a phone
book, but to prevent identify theft or even abusive calls, don’t post online.
5. We all have a point of view on pretty much everything we read on the
internet. If you want to post online with a comment, many sites ask for your
name and email address which, they say, is not for disclosure. Why take the
risk? Use your first name or even a made-up name, and a temporary email
address.And apply golden rule #2 — think before you post. Usually, you
can’t take back what you said. Even deleting your comment doesn’t
guarantee it hasn’t already been read and stored somewhere else.
6.Keep it closed. As with the child-photo guidance given above, consider
having a closed group on social networking sites that can only be accessed
by invited users.
Read the fine print. Most sites where you can post online comments have a
set of rules about how they can use your comments and any personal
details you provide about yourself. These rules are usually viewable via a
clickable link to “privacy policy.” Make a point of reading this before
posting. And if there isn’t a privacy policy, beware!
7.Read the fine print. Most sites where you can post online comments have a set of
rules about how they can use your comments and any personal details you provide
about yourself. These rules are usually viewable via a clickable link to “privacy
policy.” Make a point of reading this before posting. And if there isn’t a privacy
policy, beware!
8.Don’t tell. Don’t give information about your planned movements which would
let a burglar know when you’re not at home. See these useful scambusters issues
about posting your whereabouts online and about protecting yourself from
And don’t give other information that would not only help identify you but also
provides useful material to id theft — like your car registration (or even a photo of
you with your identifiable car), social security number, your age.
• Cyberbullying is a term that indicates a type of continuous,
repeated, offensive and systematic attack inflicted through the
• Cyberbullying is practiced when someone is bullying on social
media sites.
• The cyberbully can post personal entries or information about
the victims and when they are on the Internet they are seen by
many other users very easily.
• Nowdays, there are a lot of methods that allow bullies to persecute their
• Through messages, images, offensive videos, sent via smartphones or
posted on the websites via the Internet.
The victim of cyber-bullying receives direct offenses
through the Net and knows that they are seen, read and
shared by lots of people. These events are dangerous and
generate fear in the victim.
When photos, videos or offenses are on the
internet they can’t be easily removed.
• The combination of cameras and internet access and the speed
of this modern smartphone technologies have made
cyberbulling easier.
Cyber-bullies are often protected by anonymity or hidden behind fake
identities, so they can act undisturbed and they don’t pay the
consequences of their actions. On the Internet, shielded by a PC, the
cyber-bully does not see the reactions and everything seems like a
game, because there are no effects that he can see and he is never
fully aware of the damage he can bring.
• The consequences for the victims may be low self esteem ,
increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional
responses, including being scared, frustrated, angry and
• In Italy from May 17, 2017 the first law on cyberbullying has come
into force. The law provides the possibility, from 14 years upwards,
even without the intervention of an adult, to ask for the elimination
of unwelcome contents to managers and administrators of internet
sites and social media. Cancellation must take place within 48 hours.
• The majority of guys, about 70%, believe that it’s better to defend
themselves or suffer ill-treatment without reacting. Few of them
decide to confide even just to a friend. This means that 85% of cases
of cyberbullying do not reach the knowledge of an adult.
Do not respond to the virtual bully and ask immediately for help
to your parents or to a teacher. And if you do not want to talk to
someone you know, contact an advisor or directly the Police,
they will listen and help you.
Since prehistoric times, significant changes in communication
technologies have evolved in tandem with shifts in political and
economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. Human
communication was revolutionized with the origin of speech
approximately 500,000 years ago. Symbols were developed
about 30,000 years ago. The imperfection of speech, which
nonetheless allowed easier dissemination of ideas and
stimulated inventions, eventually resulted in
the creation of new forms of
communications, improving both the range
at which people could communicate and
the longevity of the information. All of those
inventions were based on the key concept
of the symbol.
The oldest known symbols created for the purpose of
communication were cave paintings, a form of rock art, dating to
the Upper Paleolithic age. The oldest known cave painting is
located within Chauvet Cave, dated to around 30,000 BC. These
paintings contained increasing amounts of information: people
may have created the first calendar as far back as 15,000 years
ago. The connection between drawing and writing is further
shown by linguistics: in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece the
concepts and words of drawing and writing were one and the
A pictogram is a symbol representing a concept, object,
activity, place or event by illustration. Pictography is a form
of proto-writing whereby ideas are transmitted through
drawing. Pictographs were the next step in the evolution of
communication: the most important difference between
petroglyphs and pictograms is
that petroglyphs are simply
showing an event, but pictograms
are telling a story about the event,
they can for example be
ordered chronologically.
Pictograms were used by various ancient
cultures all over the world since around 9000
BC, when tokens marked with simple pictures
began to be used to label basic farm produce,
and become increasingly popular around
6000–5000 BC.
Pictograms, in turn, evolved into ideograms, graphical symbols
that represent an idea. Their ancestors, the pictograms, could
represent only something resembling their form: therefore a
pictogram of a circle could represent a sun, but not concepts like
'heat', 'light', 'day' or 'Great God of the Sun'. Ideograms, on the
other hand, could convey more abstract concepts, so that for
example an ideogram of two sticks can mean not only 'legs' but
also a verb 'to walk'.
The first pure alphabets emerged around 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, but by then
alphabetic principles had already been incorporated into Egyptian hieroglyphs for a
millennium (Middle Bronze Age alphabets).
By 2700 BC, Egyptian alphabet had a set of some 22 geroglyphs to represent syllables
that begin with a single consonant of their language. These gerolyphs were used to
write grammatical inflections, and, later, to transcribe loan words and foreign names.
However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature, the original Egyptian uniliterals were
not a system and were never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech. In the
Middle Bronze Age an apparently "alphabetic" system is thought by some to have been
developed in central Egypt around 1700 BC for or by Semitic workers, but we cannot
read these early writings and their exact nature remains open to interpretation.
Over the next five centuries this Semitic "alphabet" (really a syllabary like Phoenician
writing) seems to have spread north. All subsequent alphabets around the
world[citation needed] with the sole exception of Korean Hangul have either descended
Realizzato dalla 2^P in collaborazione con
la professoressa Mascali

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Power point 2 p

  • 2. INTRODUCTION Today social networks are really popular especially among teenagers, because they want always to text with their friends wherever they live, they want to create some relationships and they want to know all the news about famous people and current topics. The most used social networks are:
  • 3. WhatsApp messenger is an instant messaging application for smartphones. This app was created by Jan Koum and Brian Acton in 2009. On 1st February 2016 was announced the achievement of 1 bilion of users. With this app we can send messages, videos, audios, documents and we can also send our geographical location. Now, with WhatsApp we can make a phone call or a video call too!
  • 4. • Facebook is a social network that was created by Mark Zuckerberg on 4th February 2004. The site, founded at Harvard in the United States, was originally designed just for Harvard University students, but soon it was opened to students from other schools in the Boston area, the Ivy League and Stanford University. • After a few months it was opened to everyone over 13 years old. • Facebook became very popular and now it is the third most visited social network all over the world after Google and YouTube.
  • 5. • Instagram is a social network that allows users to take pictures, apply filters, and share them on the Net. Then all your friends can put a like and comment the photo. • In 2012, the company was bought for a billion dollars by Facebook Inc. • This app was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger on 6th October 2010 and immediately it became very popular. • In Italy it is used by 14 million users every month and by 8 million users a day (especially women: 53%). The prevailing age is from 19 to 24 years.
  • 6. • YouTube is a social network, founded on 14th February 2005 by Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen. • The first video uploaded on YouTube was Me at the zoo, published by Jawed Karim. The video lasted 18 seconds and was filmed in front of an elephant cage of the San Diego Zoo, California. • On YouTube you can see video clips, trailers, funny videos, news, slideshows and more. • In 2006 Google bought it for about 1.65 billion of dollars.
  • 7. • Twitter is a social network, created on 21st March 2006 by the Obvious Corporation of San Francisco. The name "Twitter" comes from the English verb to tweet which means "chirp" • With twitter users can write whenever and wherever they want a comment or a text in their profile and then their friends can read them. • This social network isn’t very popular between teenagers in Italy, but in other countries it is used among every type of people! Anyway most of the users are famous people.
  • 8. • Snapchat is a social network for smartphones and tablet created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown, Stanford University students, in September 2011. • The main feature of Snapchat is that users can send texts, photos and videos that will stay in the network just for 24 hours. • Snapchat became famous and represents a new world for social media especially because before it wasn’t possible for users to interact through virtual stickers. SNAPCHAT
  • 11. WHAT IS IT? • Internet is a public network that connects billion of devices all over the world. • Now it is the main instrument of mass communication, that offers to all the users a lot of informative news about everything! • It’s strange to say that but “internet is a network of networks” because it contains also social networks and a lot of internet sites.
  • 12. TERMINOLOGY • When the word Internet is used to refer to the specific global system of interconnected Internet Protocol networks, the word is a proper noun that should be written with the capital letter. • Some guides say that the word should be capitalized when it is used as a noun, but not capitalized when it is used as an adjective.
  • 13. HISTORY • The origin of the Internet dates back to the sixties years, when the United States created, during the Cold War, a new system of defense. • The first world-wide public computer network was created by Joseph C.R. Licklider and Welden E. Clarkon on August 1962. They also called it "Intergalactic Computer Network".
  • 14. INTERNET IN ITALY • Italy was the third country in Europe, after Norway and England, to connect online. The connection started from the University of Pisa, where there was a research group among the most advanced in Europe. Some of the members of the group worked with Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf that now are known as the fathers of the internet.
  • 15. But despite all ,the birth of this now fondamental means has facilitated everyone's life and unfortunately, as everything has some positive and negative aspects.
  • 17. Internet has conditioned the whole world from the smallest to the biggest city as it can be used to do research, buy any product and connect people with the rest of the world.
  • 18. The positive effects of the internet are many: we can socialize with many people, we can make advertisement and even we can also work on this platform.
  • 19. •But despite this it often happens that recognizing the true from the virtual becomes very difficult.
  • 20. For this reason, in addition to the positive aspects there are negative ones due above all to the abuse of this system.
  • 21. An example is cyberbullying, an increasingly frequent phenomenon, which mainly affects adolescents and even leads them to suicide in extreme cases.
  • 22. Another problem with the Internet is the fact that unfortunately, once you use it, you lose your privacy by making everything public.
  • 23. But despite all ,the birth of this now fondamental means has facilitated everyone's life and unfortunately, as everything has some positive and negative aspects.
  • 24. WHAT IS NETIQUETTE? Netiquette is etiquette on the internet. Since the internet changes rapidly, its netiquette does too. The need for a sense of netiquette arises mostly when sending or distributing e- mail, posting on public groups, or chatting. To some extent, the practice of netiquette depends on understanding how e- mail, chatting, or other aspects of the internet actually work or are practiced. So a little preliminary observation can help.
  • 25. SENDING CORRECTLY AN E-MAIL Writing a formal email can seem like a challenging task, since email is so often used for personal and informal purposes. If you need to write an email to a teacher, boss, business contact, government agency, or other recipient that requires formality, just follow a few simple guidelines. Keep your message clear and to the point, and follow expectations for style, tone and formatting. Finally, review the content of your email before sending it.
  • 26. MAIN RULES TO WRITE A FORMAL E-MAIL • Use a professional email address • Stick to a professional font • Use a short and accurate subject line • Use a proper salutation and form of closing • Introduce yourself in the first paragraph (if necessary) Avoid: • Slang • Unnecessary contractions • Emoticons and emojis • Jokes
  • 27. Follow These 8 Safety Rules When You Post Online When you post online, the aim is usually to share your ideas and opinions, or even snippets from your personal life.Unfortunately, online posting also opens the door for a whole series of potential wrongdoings, from slander and online bullying, to identity theft and crimes that target young people. Still, these days, most of us do post online. 1. Never post anything — words, pictures, videos, links, emails, blogs, comments and tweets — that you’re not happy for the whole world to view. Because that’s the potential of the Internet. There is no hiding place. No matter how secure or obscure a site is, there is always the risk that it can be hacked, and no matter how little interest you think other people would have in what you said or did, someone you thought you could trust may forward or link to the contents you intended to be private.
  • 28. 2.This follows directly from rule #1: think before you post. This rule is aimed mainly at young people. But it applies to all of us every day.Some other “think first” tips:* don’t post things that aren’t true or allegations that you can’t prove — you could land in legal hot water.* Don’t victimize or bully other individuals (anonymously or not). You could cause a personal tragedy and end up in jail. 3.Don’t fire off a comment based on an instant reaction that you might regret later. Don’t copy someone else’s comments or ideas and pass them off as your own. Watch your language! 4.Phone number. Why would you ever want to give out your phone number to the rest of the world? OK, crooks might be able to find it in a phone book, but to prevent identify theft or even abusive calls, don’t post online.
  • 29. 5. We all have a point of view on pretty much everything we read on the internet. If you want to post online with a comment, many sites ask for your name and email address which, they say, is not for disclosure. Why take the risk? Use your first name or even a made-up name, and a temporary email address.And apply golden rule #2 — think before you post. Usually, you can’t take back what you said. Even deleting your comment doesn’t guarantee it hasn’t already been read and stored somewhere else. 6.Keep it closed. As with the child-photo guidance given above, consider having a closed group on social networking sites that can only be accessed by invited users. Read the fine print. Most sites where you can post online comments have a set of rules about how they can use your comments and any personal details you provide about yourself. These rules are usually viewable via a clickable link to “privacy policy.” Make a point of reading this before posting. And if there isn’t a privacy policy, beware!
  • 30. 7.Read the fine print. Most sites where you can post online comments have a set of rules about how they can use your comments and any personal details you provide about yourself. These rules are usually viewable via a clickable link to “privacy policy.” Make a point of reading this before posting. And if there isn’t a privacy policy, beware! 8.Don’t tell. Don’t give information about your planned movements which would let a burglar know when you’re not at home. See these useful scambusters issues about posting your whereabouts online and about protecting yourself from burglars. And don’t give other information that would not only help identify you but also provides useful material to id theft — like your car registration (or even a photo of you with your identifiable car), social security number, your age.
  • 32. WHAT IS CYBER BULLYING? • Cyberbullying is a term that indicates a type of continuous, repeated, offensive and systematic attack inflicted through the network
  • 33. • Cyberbullying is practiced when someone is bullying on social media sites. • The cyberbully can post personal entries or information about the victims and when they are on the Internet they are seen by many other users very easily.
  • 34. • Nowdays, there are a lot of methods that allow bullies to persecute their victims. • Through messages, images, offensive videos, sent via smartphones or posted on the websites via the Internet.
  • 35. The victim of cyber-bullying receives direct offenses through the Net and knows that they are seen, read and shared by lots of people. These events are dangerous and generate fear in the victim. When photos, videos or offenses are on the internet they can’t be easily removed.
  • 36. • The combination of cameras and internet access and the speed of this modern smartphone technologies have made cyberbulling easier.
  • 37. Cyber-bullies are often protected by anonymity or hidden behind fake identities, so they can act undisturbed and they don’t pay the consequences of their actions. On the Internet, shielded by a PC, the cyber-bully does not see the reactions and everything seems like a game, because there are no effects that he can see and he is never fully aware of the damage he can bring.
  • 38. • The consequences for the victims may be low self esteem , increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional responses, including being scared, frustrated, angry and depressed.
  • 39. THE LAW AGAINST CYBER BULLYING • In Italy from May 17, 2017 the first law on cyberbullying has come into force. The law provides the possibility, from 14 years upwards, even without the intervention of an adult, to ask for the elimination of unwelcome contents to managers and administrators of internet sites and social media. Cancellation must take place within 48 hours.
  • 40. • The majority of guys, about 70%, believe that it’s better to defend themselves or suffer ill-treatment without reacting. Few of them decide to confide even just to a friend. This means that 85% of cases of cyberbullying do not reach the knowledge of an adult.
  • 41. HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF Do not respond to the virtual bully and ask immediately for help to your parents or to a teacher. And if you do not want to talk to someone you know, contact an advisor or directly the Police, they will listen and help you.
  • 43. Since prehistoric times, significant changes in communication technologies have evolved in tandem with shifts in political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. Human communication was revolutionized with the origin of speech approximately 500,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago. The imperfection of speech, which nonetheless allowed easier dissemination of ideas and stimulated inventions, eventually resulted in the creation of new forms of communications, improving both the range at which people could communicate and the longevity of the information. All of those inventions were based on the key concept of the symbol.
  • 44. The oldest known symbols created for the purpose of communication were cave paintings, a form of rock art, dating to the Upper Paleolithic age. The oldest known cave painting is located within Chauvet Cave, dated to around 30,000 BC. These paintings contained increasing amounts of information: people may have created the first calendar as far back as 15,000 years ago. The connection between drawing and writing is further shown by linguistics: in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece the concepts and words of drawing and writing were one and the same
  • 45. PICTOGRAMS A pictogram is a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration. Pictography is a form of proto-writing whereby ideas are transmitted through drawing. Pictographs were the next step in the evolution of communication: the most important difference between petroglyphs and pictograms is that petroglyphs are simply showing an event, but pictograms are telling a story about the event, they can for example be ordered chronologically.
  • 46. Pictograms were used by various ancient cultures all over the world since around 9000 BC, when tokens marked with simple pictures began to be used to label basic farm produce, and become increasingly popular around 6000–5000 BC.
  • 47. Ideograms Pictograms, in turn, evolved into ideograms, graphical symbols that represent an idea. Their ancestors, the pictograms, could represent only something resembling their form: therefore a pictogram of a circle could represent a sun, but not concepts like 'heat', 'light', 'day' or 'Great God of the Sun'. Ideograms, on the other hand, could convey more abstract concepts, so that for example an ideogram of two sticks can mean not only 'legs' but also a verb 'to walk'.
  • 48. ALPHABET The first pure alphabets emerged around 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, but by then alphabetic principles had already been incorporated into Egyptian hieroglyphs for a millennium (Middle Bronze Age alphabets). By 2700 BC, Egyptian alphabet had a set of some 22 geroglyphs to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language. These gerolyphs were used to write grammatical inflections, and, later, to transcribe loan words and foreign names. However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature, the original Egyptian uniliterals were not a system and were never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech. In the Middle Bronze Age an apparently "alphabetic" system is thought by some to have been developed in central Egypt around 1700 BC for or by Semitic workers, but we cannot read these early writings and their exact nature remains open to interpretation. Over the next five centuries this Semitic "alphabet" (really a syllabary like Phoenician writing) seems to have spread north. All subsequent alphabets around the world[citation needed] with the sole exception of Korean Hangul have either descended
  • 49. Realizzato dalla 2^P in collaborazione con la professoressa Mascali