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Lesson 2
Rules of Netiquette
⇨is a set of rules and customs that
it is considered polite to follow
when you are communicating by
means of e – email or the Internet.
Most of us use the Internet every day. Sometimes, we do not pay attention on
how much information we share online. Below is a questionnaire about how much
information you have shared so far. Put a check (√) under Shared or Not Shared.
Type of Information Shared Not Shared
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Middle Name
4. Current and Previous School(s)
5. Your cellphone number
6. The name of your mother and father
7. The name of your siblings
8. Your address
9. Your phone number
10. Your birthday
How Safe Are You?
How many checks did you have for Shared?
You probably answered Shared in the first two items. If that is the case, try using a
search engine like Google then type your first and last name.
Did you get links to your profile page?
Try switching to image search. Did your pictures appear?
If you have a unique name, chances are, it did. Do not feel bad if it not
appear through; in fact, it is probably for your best interest not to have pictures
of yourself in a search engine.
So how did these things happen?
How can search engine locate you?
Is there any danger of being found by search engines?
How many hours do you spend on the Internet per day?
Can you live without the Internet for a week?
How many time s have you complained about your Internet connection speed?
As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things powered by the
Internet. Whether it is socializing, playing games, reading sports news,
shopping, etc., the Internet has given you one of the most powerful
tools that your parents, during their teenage years, did not have.
Because of this, do you not think that it is also important to wield this
powerful tool? Without proper training, swordsman can easily injure
himself when wielding a sword; the same could be said for you
whenever you use the Internet.
Online Safety and Security
The Internet, truly is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your
business, gain new friends and stay touch with old ones. It is also a source of
entertainment through games, online communities, and everything in between.
But like most things in this world, there is always the “the other side of the icon”
The Internet is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you do not know
what you are doing with it. But there is no need to worry; it is never that late.
Type of Information Risks
How Safe Are You?
1. First Name
There is a risk in sharing you first name. Chances are, a hacker
may already know plenty of stuff about you even if you only
give out your first name. Likewise, you cannot just walk in a
room and start introducing yourself to everyone . You do not
know whom you can come across with.
2. Last Name
If sharing your first name is a small risk, having both your first and last
is more risky. You will be vulnerable to being searched for using search
engines, which include image search. Matching a name with a face is a
modus to several cybercrimes like identity theft.
3. Middle Name Sharing your middle name alone is probably not the most risky of these
shares information, but sharing you full name would be.
4. Current and
Previous school(s)
Most people who steal identities study their subject. They can use this
information for verification purposes.
5. Your cellphone
Your cellphone number should never be posted over the Internet. The
Internet is a public place. It is the same as posting your number on a
billboard. You would not want random strangers to text or call you, or
worse, pretend that hey are someone else.
6. The name of your
mother and father
Risky, yet not as risky as posting their full names, especially your
mother’s maiden name. in fact, you may have already encountered
many websites that inquire your mother’s maiden name as an answer
to a secret question whenever you lose your password.
8. Your address Hopefully, you answered “no” to this one. Giving the Internet your
number is one thing; giving them your address is a whole other level. It
would be much easier for criminals to find you.
9. Your home phone
This shared information is more risky than sharing your personal phone
number. Scams usually use this information to deceive you, one of
which is when stranger pretends to know your parents or pretends to
be you.
10. Your birthday Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to get
as many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile makes you
vulnerable to identity theft.
7. The name of your
Disclosing this is a huge risk. Strangers may pretend or use their identity
to dupe you.
The Internet is defined as the information
superhighway. This means that anyone has access to this
highway, can place information, and grab that
information. Any information, even things that you set
privately, can be accessed one way or another. This is
why social networking sites like Facebook continue to
improve their security features. The threat of cybercrime
is very real. While you may not experience the threat
now, whatever information we share today could affect
our future.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
The Internet is a public place and it is up to you to protect yourself. Here
are some tips to help you stay safe when using the Internet.
1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.
2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.
3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website
handles the information you share.
4. Know the security features of the social networking site you use. By keeping
your profile private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile.
5. Do not share your password with anyone.
6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito (or Private)
mode,” a feature of the browser, will not protect you from hackers.
7. Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
8. Never post anything about a future vacation. It is similar to posting, “Rob my
house at this date.”
9. Add friends you know in real life.
10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
11. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use only one
antivirus software to avoid conflicts.
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private network by adding a password.
13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites. You are most
vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads (torrents) as the downloads is most likely
not monitored by the site owner.
14. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
Most people would dispute that there is no rich
things as private over the Internet and they may be
right. There are hackers who can find a backdoor
even if your profile is already set to private. You
have no control of whoever is looking at your
friend’s screen whenever they open your profile or
chat with you. You have no control people getting
access to your friend’s account and seeing your
private stuff.
Internet Threats
Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using the Internet:
1. Malware – stands for malicious software
a. Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the Internet and local networks or data storage
like flash drives and CDs.
b. Worm – a malicious program that transfer from one computer to another by any
type of means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself. For example, the
ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) created by Filipino.
c. Trojan – malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once
downloaded or installed, leave your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your
d. Spyware – a program that runs in the background without you knowing it (thus
called “spy”. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing
through keylogging.
*Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke done by he users. This is done to steal their
password or any other sensitive information. It can record email, messages, or any
information you type using your keyboard.
e. Adware – a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.
2. Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertiser. It can be used to send malware.
3. Phishing – its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card
details. This is done by sending email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to
update his/her username, password, credit card, or personal information.
*Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain
Name Services) system.
Protecting Reputations Online
In the past, doing something embarrassing was not much a big deal. It
happened, people would laugh at it, and they move on. Nowadays, embarrassing
moments are captured using any device you could imagine. What is worse people
can easily upload it to the Internet, where it can be stored forever. This could
impact not only your reputation but also the people around you. Also what is
worse is that people tend to ignore this fact, and suffer from it later in their life.
Once you post something over the Internet, search engines keep them in
their archives for search results. This makes anything you post to last forever
even if you delete it in your page. Something you and your friends find funny
today may be something that could harm someone’s reputation later.
Before hiring, companies do a background check on the applicant, and the
easiest way to check your background is to visit pages that are related to you.
Thus, if they find disreputable information about you, it may harm your
reputation even if this information has been discarded.
Think Before You Click
Here are things you might want to consider before posting something over the Internet:
1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself:
Would you want your parents or grandparents to see it?
Would you want your future boss to see it?
Once you post something on the web, you have no control of who sees your post.
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online. Talk to your friends
about this serious responsibility.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will not be able to scan that
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.
5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one who posted it
to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.
Copyright Infringement
If you create something – an idea, an invention, a
form of literary work, or a research, you have the right
as to how it should be used by others. This called
intellectual property. In the other words, the copyright
law includes your rights over your work, and anyone
who uses it without your consent is punished by law. Try
grabbing any book its first few pages and you will find
with a disclaimer with the words: “ No part of this book
may be copied, reproduced…” That is a copyright page.
As a responsible user of the Internet, you
have to consider that not everything out there
is free for you to use. Just like your own,
contents that you see from websites have their
respective copyrights. There are several
instances where employees or business owners
face copyright infringement and are sentenced
to a huge fine due to reckless copying of
Here are some tips that could help you avoid
copyright infringement:
1. Understand. Copyright protects literary
works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films,
music (and lyrics), choreography, and
sculptures, but it generally does not protect
underlying ideas and facts. This means that you
can express something using your own words,
but you should give credit to the source.
2. Be responsible. Even if a material
does not say that it is copyrighted, it
is not a valid defense against
copyright. Be responsible enough to
know if something has a copyright.
3. Be creative. Ask yourself whether
what you are making is something
that came from you or something
made from somebody else creativity.
It is important to add your own
creative genius in everything hat will
be credited to you.
4. Know the Law. There are some limitations to copyright
laws. For instances in the Philippines, copyright only last
a lifetime (of the author) plus 50 years. There are also
provisions for “fair use” which mean that an intellectual
property may be used without a consent as long as it is
used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines,
parodies, news reports, research, library archiving,
teaching, and education. If you have doubts that what
you are doing does not fall under the policy of fair use,
seek permission first.
Another misconception is that fan-fiction is not copyright
infringement. In reality, it is and some copyright holders ignore
them but they can opt to use their rights.
Figure 1. Fair Use Logo
Online Research
Have you ever search the Internet for certain
information where the search engine returned a
different result?
For example, if you were to search for “The Madonna” as the
representation of Mary in the form of an art, you would probably use
the keyword “Madonna” to search for it on the net. But if you use that
same keyword nowadays, you are more likely to stumble upon
“Madonna”, the music artist instead. And if you used “ The Madonna”
to search for the “The Madonna” in he first place you will be directed
in the right place.
Here are some tips in conducting online research:
1. Have a question in mind. Focus on a question you want answered. If it is a
series of questions, start with one. Never search everything on one go.
2. Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Use several filters
to determine the most appropriate result for you. These search engines use your
previous search history and your geographical location, and send you result
which related to you. Try to search “weather” and most search engines would
return the weather conditions of where you are. But if all of these filters fail, you
should remember to narrow down what you are searching for. For example, if
you were to look for “Tom Sawyer animation” rather than just “Tom Sawyer”.
Another example is if you were to look for science research experiments, it
would be better to include what branch of science it is or what type of study it is.
3. Advanced Search. The best way to filter information you get from search
engines is by using the advanced search. This will allow you to filter out
information you do not need.
In Microsoft engine, Bing, you can use certain keywords and symbols for your advanced
Symbol Function
+ Find web pages that contain all the terms that are preceded
by the + symbol; allows you to include terms that are
usually ignored
“ “ Finds the exact words in a phrase
( ) Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of words.
AND or & Find web pages that contain all terms or phrases
NOT or – Excludes web pages that contain a term or phrase
OR or | Finds web pages that contain either of the terms or phrases
By default, all searches are AND searches.
You must capitalize the NOT and OR functions. Otherwise, Bing will
ignore them as stop words, which are commonly occurring words and
numbers that are omitted to speed a full – text search.
Stop words and all punctuation marks, except for the symbols noted
in this topic, are ignored unless they are surrounded by quotation
marks or preceded by the + symbol.
Only the first ten terms are used to get search results.
Similar to MDAS, whenever you solve an arithmetic problem ( where
multiplication is computed first over division, addition, and
subtraction), term grouping and Boolean functions are supported in
the following preferred order:
1. Parentheses ( )
2. Quotation marks “ ”
3. NOT + -
4. AND &
5. OR |
Because OR is the function with the lowest precedence, enclose OR
terms in parentheses when combined with other operators in a
4. Look for a credible source. Some wikis, though filled with updated
information, are not a credible source. This is due to the fact that
anyone can edit its content. When using wikis, check out the link of the
cited text (indicated by superscript number) to be navigated to the
footnote where the list of source is located. Click the source of the
information and see if it is credible.
The more credible sources are scientific journals, established
news and magazine websites, online encyclopedia, and scholarly
You can also check the URL of a website if it ends with a .org,
.gov, and .edu. A website that ends with .com intended to be a
commercial websites and may be slanted to promoting a product or
service you should consider the intent of the information on the web
page. In most cases, .edu websites are best for research as
government and organization websites may have a tendency to make
information favorable for them.
Unfortunately, not all websites follow the standards I domain is
correct is to have multiple sources of information. Some sites use the
suffixes like .com loosely; some sites are not credible even though they
use a .edu suffix.
Another tip to validate if the information is correct is to have
multiple sources of information. Having two or more websites will tell
you whether the information is reliable or not.
5. Give credit. If you are going to use the information from a user for
educational purposes, give credit to the original author of the page or
information. To properly cite a reference, you may use the format
Name of the person or organization (the author of the information).
Title of the home page in italics (title is shown in title bar but is
sometimes missing or unrelated). URL. Date last seen.
Lapiz, Adrian Harold L. “Orleander’s Fun Facts about Banana.” Viewed on
September 7, 2015.
“Accounting: What you should know.” Jargon Online Network. Viewed on April
13, 2015.
Your turn to Shine
1. Do you agree or disagree with the provisions of the copyright law?
Defend your answer.
2. How would you feel is someone posted something embarrassing
about you? What would you do?
Take the Challenge!
Together with your group from the cybernews
reporting, create campaign materials promoting
“Think before you click.” it could be in a form of
small posters posted along the hallway or bulletin
boards as approved by the school. This campaign is
an awareness program for the younger batches of
your school.
Key Terms
Cybercrime – a crime committed or assisted through the use of the
Privacy policy – tells the use how the website will handle its data.
Copyright – a part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your
work, and anyone who uses it without your consent is
punishable by law.
Fair Use – means that an intellectual property may be used without a
consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms,
search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library
archiving, teaching, and education.

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Lesson 2 rules of netiquette

  • 1. Lesson 2 Rules of Netiquette
  • 2. Netiquette ⇨is a set of rules and customs that it is considered polite to follow when you are communicating by means of e – email or the Internet.
  • 3. Most of us use the Internet every day. Sometimes, we do not pay attention on how much information we share online. Below is a questionnaire about how much information you have shared so far. Put a check (√) under Shared or Not Shared. Type of Information Shared Not Shared 1. First Name 2. Last Name 3. Middle Name 4. Current and Previous School(s) 5. Your cellphone number 6. The name of your mother and father 7. The name of your siblings 8. Your address 9. Your phone number 10. Your birthday How Safe Are You?
  • 4. How many checks did you have for Shared? You probably answered Shared in the first two items. If that is the case, try using a search engine like Google then type your first and last name. Did you get links to your profile page? Try switching to image search. Did your pictures appear? If you have a unique name, chances are, it did. Do not feel bad if it not appear through; in fact, it is probably for your best interest not to have pictures of yourself in a search engine. So how did these things happen? How can search engine locate you? Is there any danger of being found by search engines?
  • 5. How many hours do you spend on the Internet per day? Can you live without the Internet for a week? How many time s have you complained about your Internet connection speed? As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things powered by the Internet. Whether it is socializing, playing games, reading sports news, shopping, etc., the Internet has given you one of the most powerful tools that your parents, during their teenage years, did not have. Because of this, do you not think that it is also important to wield this powerful tool? Without proper training, swordsman can easily injure himself when wielding a sword; the same could be said for you whenever you use the Internet.
  • 6. Online Safety and Security The Internet, truly is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends and stay touch with old ones. It is also a source of entertainment through games, online communities, and everything in between. But like most things in this world, there is always the “the other side of the icon” The Internet is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you do not know what you are doing with it. But there is no need to worry; it is never that late. Type of Information Risks How Safe Are You? 1. First Name There is a risk in sharing you first name. Chances are, a hacker may already know plenty of stuff about you even if you only give out your first name. Likewise, you cannot just walk in a room and start introducing yourself to everyone . You do not know whom you can come across with.
  • 7. 2. Last Name If sharing your first name is a small risk, having both your first and last is more risky. You will be vulnerable to being searched for using search engines, which include image search. Matching a name with a face is a modus to several cybercrimes like identity theft. 3. Middle Name Sharing your middle name alone is probably not the most risky of these shares information, but sharing you full name would be. 4. Current and Previous school(s) Most people who steal identities study their subject. They can use this information for verification purposes. 5. Your cellphone number Your cellphone number should never be posted over the Internet. The Internet is a public place. It is the same as posting your number on a billboard. You would not want random strangers to text or call you, or worse, pretend that hey are someone else. 6. The name of your mother and father Risky, yet not as risky as posting their full names, especially your mother’s maiden name. in fact, you may have already encountered many websites that inquire your mother’s maiden name as an answer to a secret question whenever you lose your password.
  • 8. 8. Your address Hopefully, you answered “no” to this one. Giving the Internet your number is one thing; giving them your address is a whole other level. It would be much easier for criminals to find you. 9. Your home phone number This shared information is more risky than sharing your personal phone number. Scams usually use this information to deceive you, one of which is when stranger pretends to know your parents or pretends to be you. 10. Your birthday Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to get as many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile makes you vulnerable to identity theft. 7. The name of your siblings Disclosing this is a huge risk. Strangers may pretend or use their identity to dupe you.
  • 9. The Internet is defined as the information superhighway. This means that anyone has access to this highway, can place information, and grab that information. Any information, even things that you set privately, can be accessed one way or another. This is why social networking sites like Facebook continue to improve their security features. The threat of cybercrime is very real. While you may not experience the threat now, whatever information we share today could affect our future.
  • 10. Tips to Stay Safe Online The Internet is a public place and it is up to you to protect yourself. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when using the Internet. 1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to. 2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it. 3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles the information you share. 4. Know the security features of the social networking site you use. By keeping your profile private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile. 5. Do not share your password with anyone. 6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito (or Private) mode,” a feature of the browser, will not protect you from hackers. 7. Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
  • 11. 8. Never post anything about a future vacation. It is similar to posting, “Rob my house at this date.” 9. Add friends you know in real life. 10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites. 11. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use only one antivirus software to avoid conflicts. 12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private network by adding a password. 13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites. You are most vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads (torrents) as the downloads is most likely not monitored by the site owner. 14. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones. 15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
  • 12. Most people would dispute that there is no rich things as private over the Internet and they may be right. There are hackers who can find a backdoor even if your profile is already set to private. You have no control of whoever is looking at your friend’s screen whenever they open your profile or chat with you. You have no control people getting access to your friend’s account and seeing your private stuff.
  • 13. Internet Threats Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using the Internet: 1. Malware – stands for malicious software a. Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another either through the Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs. b. Worm – a malicious program that transfer from one computer to another by any type of means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself. For example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) created by Filipino. c. Trojan – malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leave your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information. d. Spyware – a program that runs in the background without you knowing it (thus called “spy”. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.
  • 14. *Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke done by he users. This is done to steal their password or any other sensitive information. It can record email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard. e. Adware – a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups. 2. Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertiser. It can be used to send malware. 3. Phishing – its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details. This is done by sending email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit card, or personal information. *Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Services) system.
  • 15. Protecting Reputations Online In the past, doing something embarrassing was not much a big deal. It happened, people would laugh at it, and they move on. Nowadays, embarrassing moments are captured using any device you could imagine. What is worse people can easily upload it to the Internet, where it can be stored forever. This could impact not only your reputation but also the people around you. Also what is worse is that people tend to ignore this fact, and suffer from it later in their life. Once you post something over the Internet, search engines keep them in their archives for search results. This makes anything you post to last forever even if you delete it in your page. Something you and your friends find funny today may be something that could harm someone’s reputation later. Before hiring, companies do a background check on the applicant, and the easiest way to check your background is to visit pages that are related to you. Thus, if they find disreputable information about you, it may harm your reputation even if this information has been discarded.
  • 16. Think Before You Click Here are things you might want to consider before posting something over the Internet: 1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself: Would you want your parents or grandparents to see it? Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post something on the web, you have no control of who sees your post. 2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online. Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility. 3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will not be able to scan that post. 4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan. 5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.
  • 17. Copyright Infringement If you create something – an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have the right as to how it should be used by others. This called intellectual property. In the other words, the copyright law includes your rights over your work, and anyone who uses it without your consent is punished by law. Try grabbing any book its first few pages and you will find with a disclaimer with the words: “ No part of this book may be copied, reproduced…” That is a copyright page.
  • 18. As a responsible user of the Internet, you have to consider that not everything out there is free for you to use. Just like your own, contents that you see from websites have their respective copyrights. There are several instances where employees or business owners face copyright infringement and are sentenced to a huge fine due to reckless copying of materials.
  • 19. Here are some tips that could help you avoid copyright infringement: 1. Understand. Copyright protects literary works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music (and lyrics), choreography, and sculptures, but it generally does not protect underlying ideas and facts. This means that you can express something using your own words, but you should give credit to the source.
  • 20. 2. Be responsible. Even if a material does not say that it is copyrighted, it is not a valid defense against copyright. Be responsible enough to know if something has a copyright.
  • 21. 3. Be creative. Ask yourself whether what you are making is something that came from you or something made from somebody else creativity. It is important to add your own creative genius in everything hat will be credited to you.
  • 22. 4. Know the Law. There are some limitations to copyright laws. For instances in the Philippines, copyright only last a lifetime (of the author) plus 50 years. There are also provisions for “fair use” which mean that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education. If you have doubts that what you are doing does not fall under the policy of fair use, seek permission first.
  • 23. Another misconception is that fan-fiction is not copyright infringement. In reality, it is and some copyright holders ignore them but they can opt to use their rights. Figure 1. Fair Use Logo
  • 24. Online Research Have you ever search the Internet for certain information where the search engine returned a different result? For example, if you were to search for “The Madonna” as the representation of Mary in the form of an art, you would probably use the keyword “Madonna” to search for it on the net. But if you use that same keyword nowadays, you are more likely to stumble upon “Madonna”, the music artist instead. And if you used “ The Madonna” to search for the “The Madonna” in he first place you will be directed in the right place.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Here are some tips in conducting online research: 1. Have a question in mind. Focus on a question you want answered. If it is a series of questions, start with one. Never search everything on one go. 2. Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Use several filters to determine the most appropriate result for you. These search engines use your previous search history and your geographical location, and send you result which related to you. Try to search “weather” and most search engines would return the weather conditions of where you are. But if all of these filters fail, you should remember to narrow down what you are searching for. For example, if you were to look for “Tom Sawyer animation” rather than just “Tom Sawyer”. Another example is if you were to look for science research experiments, it would be better to include what branch of science it is or what type of study it is.
  • 28. 3. Advanced Search. The best way to filter information you get from search engines is by using the advanced search. This will allow you to filter out information you do not need.
  • 29.
  • 30. In Microsoft engine, Bing, you can use certain keywords and symbols for your advanced search: Symbol Function + Find web pages that contain all the terms that are preceded by the + symbol; allows you to include terms that are usually ignored “ “ Finds the exact words in a phrase ( ) Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of words. AND or & Find web pages that contain all terms or phrases NOT or – Excludes web pages that contain a term or phrase OR or | Finds web pages that contain either of the terms or phrases
  • 31. By default, all searches are AND searches. You must capitalize the NOT and OR functions. Otherwise, Bing will ignore them as stop words, which are commonly occurring words and numbers that are omitted to speed a full – text search. Stop words and all punctuation marks, except for the symbols noted in this topic, are ignored unless they are surrounded by quotation marks or preceded by the + symbol. Only the first ten terms are used to get search results.
  • 32. Similar to MDAS, whenever you solve an arithmetic problem ( where multiplication is computed first over division, addition, and subtraction), term grouping and Boolean functions are supported in the following preferred order: 1. Parentheses ( ) 2. Quotation marks “ ” 3. NOT + - 4. AND & 5. OR | Because OR is the function with the lowest precedence, enclose OR terms in parentheses when combined with other operators in a search.
  • 33. 4. Look for a credible source. Some wikis, though filled with updated information, are not a credible source. This is due to the fact that anyone can edit its content. When using wikis, check out the link of the cited text (indicated by superscript number) to be navigated to the footnote where the list of source is located. Click the source of the information and see if it is credible.
  • 34. The more credible sources are scientific journals, established news and magazine websites, online encyclopedia, and scholarly databases. You can also check the URL of a website if it ends with a .org, .gov, and .edu. A website that ends with .com intended to be a commercial websites and may be slanted to promoting a product or service you should consider the intent of the information on the web page. In most cases, .edu websites are best for research as government and organization websites may have a tendency to make information favorable for them.
  • 35. Unfortunately, not all websites follow the standards I domain is correct is to have multiple sources of information. Some sites use the suffixes like .com loosely; some sites are not credible even though they use a .edu suffix. Another tip to validate if the information is correct is to have multiple sources of information. Having two or more websites will tell you whether the information is reliable or not.
  • 36. 5. Give credit. If you are going to use the information from a user for educational purposes, give credit to the original author of the page or information. To properly cite a reference, you may use the format below: Name of the person or organization (the author of the information). Title of the home page in italics (title is shown in title bar but is sometimes missing or unrelated). URL. Date last seen. Examples: Lapiz, Adrian Harold L. “Orleander’s Fun Facts about Banana.” Viewed on September 7, 2015.
  • 37. “Accounting: What you should know.” Jargon Online Network. Viewed on April 13, 2015.
  • 38. Your turn to Shine 1. Do you agree or disagree with the provisions of the copyright law? Defend your answer. 2. How would you feel is someone posted something embarrassing about you? What would you do?
  • 39. Take the Challenge! Together with your group from the cybernews reporting, create campaign materials promoting “Think before you click.” it could be in a form of small posters posted along the hallway or bulletin boards as approved by the school. This campaign is an awareness program for the younger batches of your school.
  • 40. Key Terms Cybercrime – a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet Privacy policy – tells the use how the website will handle its data. Copyright – a part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your work, and anyone who uses it without your consent is punishable by law. Fair Use – means that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education.