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Harry Allinson
Existing Product
By analysing this image, we can see that the reggae artist was shot in a street
environment because there’s nothing in the background that catches the
attention of the viewer, only the foreground (the artist) which tells the reader
that the magazine is about the figure on the cover.
We can also see that there was defiantly lighting used in this because Stephen’s
face has direct light on it to make it stand out more. The angle of the camera is
directly on Stephen front on which makes it easier to see the person on the front
Stephen is wearing green, which is symbolic of life & nature which is very much
apart of reggae and what it represents. Also he is wearing chains which is good
for people who might not know who he is because when someone wears chains,
it usually suggests that that person is rich, successful or some sort of artist, so
people could suspect that the person that they are viewing is an interesting
character without aid of the text to know who he was about.
On the front cover of the magazine, we can see that the people who made this,
thought about use of colours with great intelligence because they have used, a
dark background to make the foreground to stand out, they have made the artists
skins brighter with the light, which makes his skin look orange so that his face
stand out. Also, they have used a red rectangle under the white text of his name
to emphasis his name so people will notice and understand that the magazine is
about Stephan Marley and there is the three colours which represent reggae at
the top, text to the title “UNITED REGGAE” to make the title stand out because
there’s not a lot of vibrancy on the cover so people will notice it and that people
will understand that the magazine is about reggae because of those colours.
Existing Product
This album cover uses a black and white photo of Bob Marley
chilling in the front of a car with green, yellow and red (Colours
of reggae) at the top of the cover, with black text on top of the
colours. The production of this is very good because the black
and white and the saturated colours at the top are opposite
which makes both the reggae colours and the old photo of Bob
Marley stand out a lot.
The location on the cover very good for the type of music it is
because people can relate to that he is in a car oppose to if he
was in a mansion hence most people don’t live in mansion. The
font style is quite casual, however the artists and groups names
are in Capital to make them stand out.
The photographer framed it so that Bob Marley was placed in
the middle of the frame so he stood out more and so he was
clearly noticeable when you look at the cover.
I think that it appeals to the audience because its not an over
the top cover and usage of colours with the photo makes the
cover stand out even more, thus making more people want to
buy and take interest in the album, the artist and the cover
Existing Product
The hat used in this, along with the text and Peter’s
clothes are symbolic of the reggae colours which
imminently tells the viewer that this is a reggae
magazine, not a pop one. They have used a much
different font for the name and the title of the magazine
and a bigger text size to make it stand out more so that
the viewer can see the two most important things about
the magazine (Genre and what its about).
The background of the front cover is very dark, however
the front cover is very saturated which makes the Peter
Tosh stand out more in the cover. Also there is lighting
used in this to lighten up Peter Tosh’s figure, thus making
him stand out.
The cover has smaller text around Peter which makes the
cover look more aesthetically pleasing because it fills in
empty space and adds more information to the cover
and makes it look alive and interesting because they
have put things on the cover that make people want to
read more and possibly buy it because it looks intriguing.
Existing Product
In this pre-1990 reggae poster, there is good use of colours,
especially with the black contrasting with the yellow, making
both sections of the poster stand out more hence there
pretty much opposite colours. Where the black of the figure
cuts off the yellow, portion of the poster, it shows the face in
white, which stands out among all the black since there
opposite colours.
Research Analysis
What common features do the researched products have?
– The 3 primary colours (Red, Yellow & Green) to symbolise and show that the product is in fact
reggae so that the viewer knows that there looking at a reggae magazine and not a pop one.
– Also usually, the product will have some figure on it, if that be Bob Marley or some other
reggae music artist, so that it will catch the interest of the viewer if they’re interested in that
specific artist or they recognise that artist and what to learn more about him or her.
– There’s usually text around the person in the magazine with intriguing titles and information.
The produces of the magazine are very clever with this because what they do is that they would
make texts bigger or would use more brighter colours to emphasise that texts importance or
how special.
What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
I will defiantly include the reggae colours because most times, without them its almost impossible to
process that it’s a reggae product. A lot of times, especially in magazines, the production of the product
won’t be extremely professional. This is because reggae music is often relaxing with means that the
producers will try to not make the design too much of something that reggae isn’t, which is serious. I will
also use someone in my front cover of what my product will be.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: 50/50 Male and female.
• What this says about my audience: There could be a mix of genders.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Both genders like
posters. Men overall are more interested in Reggae.
Audience research
• Observation: All the answers are 16-24 years.
• What this says about my audience: This says that there a quite a
mature audience.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Reggae is
usually listened to by older, more mature audiences so it will appeal in
that way.
Audience research
• Observation: Everyone stated that they associate Reggae with being happy.
• What this says about my audience: They probably have knowledge
a bit about Reggae so they may know the mood it inflicts.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Most people like being
happy so it’s appealing because the vibe of my product it may give off
might make them happy.
Audience research
• Observation: All my audience has herd of Bob Marley. Most of the answered that they haven’t
listened to Bob Marley but there were still people who said they have listened to him.
• What this says about my audience: Most of them don’t listen to reggae but know of
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Since they’ve heard of
Reggae, but haven't really looked into it, they might be interested in wanting to
learn about the music and the culture around it.
Audience research
• Observation: No one on my survey thought that Reggae was below satisfactory.
• What this says about my audience: That they don't dislike Reggae but they also
don't love it lots as well.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: It will be an interesting topic to
learn about since they have a lack of education on the topic.
Audience research
• Observation: No one wanted 25% image 75% text. It was 50/50
between 75% image, 25% text and 50% text, 50% image.
• What this says about my audience: Overall they wouldn't want
much text oppose to images.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My poster/magazine
will mostly be images which is what the audience will like.
Audience research
• Observation: Most people said that Reggae was most similar to Pop out of a
variety of genres that I gave the audience.
• What this says about my audience: They don't know much about Reggae
since Reggae is more similar to RnB and Hip-Hop then Pop.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: It will educate them on the topic
since they don't know the genre and the whole reggae culture is very interesting
for most people since its not very common to come across.
Audience research
• Observation: 80% of people said that the primary reason they listen to music is because of the
mood it puts them into.
• What this says about my audience: They like music to either make them feel good or relate to the
songs to make them feel something.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Reggae puts people into a happy mood, which may
corolate to the preference of the audience which is obviously good since they've stated that
they mainly like music because of the mood it puts you in.
Audience research
• Observation: Most people like magazines because of the information it gives you in
the text.
• What this says about my audience: They like reading information and specifically
information that is interesting because ethey will enjoy it more in that respect.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My magazine will appeal to my
audience because it will focus on the inforation strongly.
Audience research
• Observation: The audience prefer more image then text, inside the
• What this says about my audience: The either love images and just want
more or they hate text or both.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product has a lot of
images inside of magazine which the audience will evidentially love.
Interview 1
In my first interview I proceeded to ask a variety of questions
about reggae to my friend Jayesh and what his thoughts were
on the subject at hand. Fundamentally, I asked him if he liked
or had taken appreciation on the genre. He said he did and he
also said that he enjoys listening to the likes of Bob Marley
and other relatively popular artists in the culture. After that I
asked him about magazines and he defiantly seem interested.
However, he hadn't recently, in the past years, read one but
he said that although he doesn't enjoy magazine, he thought
that it would be a great product for my genre hence there are
people out in the world that collect magazines and take
interest in them. So in that respect, He evidentially knew that
it would get costumers interested.
Interview 1
• Observation: Jayesh thought that the whole idea (Reggae
Magazine) was a great idea even though he didn't enjoy
reading magazines.
• What this says about my audience: A lot of my
audience say that the idea that I have is a great one since it's
interesting and it's an interesting product.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: My product will appeal to my audience
because my audience tend to be open-minded, open
to suggestion and to certain extents can be quite edgy,
therefore my product will appeal to my audience.
Interview 2
Since I was thinking of making a poster as well as a magazine, I quizzed
my friend AJ about his thoughts on a reggae poster and the whole
reggae culture and style. He said that he preferred 25% text and 75%
image oppose to the opposite 25% image and 75% text. He said that
he didn't really know much about reggae, but said that it looked
interesting. I showed him some reggae things and he then said he
enjoyed it and thought, when I discussed my thoughts and ideas, that
he liked and was excited to see what I had to offer with my product. I
turn the focus on the subject of posters and he said that "he had
posters in his own room of various celebrities and model", stating "I
think that posters are very sick cause it pins people and things that
interest you and they also look very cool." He proceeded to talk about
how my product could most defiantly work.
Interview 2
• Observation: AJ thought that a Reggae poster would be a great
idea since I gave him a brief overview of what Reggae is like and he
knew that I have a good amount of skill to enable me to complete a
poster that looks aesthetically please and presentable.
• What this says about my audience: They are interested
in what I do since there has been such a positive reaction to it
• How will your product appeal to this audience: It
will appeal to this audience because they are
the in the right demographic for my
genre (Reggae) and type (poster) on average (so
there will be a high chance of my audience liking
or having interest in what I'm doing.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
16+ years • Reggae is a more mature genre in comparison to
Pop music, for example. Therefore, people older
than 16 will mainly appeal to them, mostly.
Mostly male, depending on the context and platform that it is being
presented on. However, Reggae is more primarily male and especially
male in Britain since Reggae isn't built into the British culture as much
as Jamaca has. Therefore the range between men and women
increases making more men prefer Reggae oppose to women since
Reggae is commonly linked with RnB and Hip-Hop and those genres are
also mainly male so when the average person hears about Reggae in
Britain, they will try and relate it to a Genre that sounds close and this
will result in female on average most likely being disliking towards
Reggae oppose to men who will be defiantly, on average more likely to
enjoy it.
Most Reggae artists are male and those artists aren’t like Justin Biber, they
don't try to primary appeal to female. Therefore my audience will appeal to
mostly males since when an artist is male and not trying to appeal to
females, mainly, then more males are interested because a lot of time males
feel like they can relate to other male artist, as well as female artists overall
tend to be less appealing to men since female artists tend to speak about
things that men, on average are less interested in. Therefore, if you do the
maths, then if there's more male Reggae artists then female ones and I'm
doing a reggae magazine with male artists (Damian Marley and Bob Marley)
then there will certainly more males interested overall. However this could
potentially level out since there are more women who read then men overall
so there could be a level out in that respect.
Culturally interested and interested in things
since my products will be only available in
the UK.
Psychologists have recently found that women are usually interests in
people oppose to men who are usually interested in things. One example
of have we know this is that there are more women nurses. This is due to
the fact that women are on average better when working with people in
comparison to men since men are less interested in people and more
interested in things. Linking this fact back, people in the UK who are
interested in things (mostly men), will be interested in my product. Also
people will also be interested in my product because they might be
interested in other cultures or genres so they may explore reggae since
it's quite it may be a quite interesting to learn about.
Social Status
Socially active usually since a big thing
about Reggae is togetherness and love.
My product will appeal to this audience
because they would like a product which
will almost represent there persona and
social style.
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
• Pre-product research, I was already interested in Reggae which was definitely a
springboard for gaining more knowledge off which I could apply to my product in
– Questionnaires
They were useful for getting useful information about things that relate to my product.
They can sometimes be bad since people might put false answers.
– Interviews
These were better than questionnaires because they actually got genuine
results which were constructive and it was face to face so it was better to
get information and output from them about the topic at hand.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
I got a response that was overall a great one since people put sensible answers
which made me able to use there input into my work.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a
I distributed my answers on Survey monkey, which was very efficient and I had not
problems using it.
One disadvantage was that it was hard getting people to do the survey and you need
at least 10 responses so it was very hard to get that many responses.

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  • 2. Existing Product By analysing this image, we can see that the reggae artist was shot in a street environment because there’s nothing in the background that catches the attention of the viewer, only the foreground (the artist) which tells the reader that the magazine is about the figure on the cover. We can also see that there was defiantly lighting used in this because Stephen’s face has direct light on it to make it stand out more. The angle of the camera is directly on Stephen front on which makes it easier to see the person on the front cover. Stephen is wearing green, which is symbolic of life & nature which is very much apart of reggae and what it represents. Also he is wearing chains which is good for people who might not know who he is because when someone wears chains, it usually suggests that that person is rich, successful or some sort of artist, so people could suspect that the person that they are viewing is an interesting character without aid of the text to know who he was about. On the front cover of the magazine, we can see that the people who made this, thought about use of colours with great intelligence because they have used, a dark background to make the foreground to stand out, they have made the artists skins brighter with the light, which makes his skin look orange so that his face stand out. Also, they have used a red rectangle under the white text of his name to emphasis his name so people will notice and understand that the magazine is about Stephan Marley and there is the three colours which represent reggae at the top, text to the title “UNITED REGGAE” to make the title stand out because there’s not a lot of vibrancy on the cover so people will notice it and that people will understand that the magazine is about reggae because of those colours.
  • 3. Existing Product This album cover uses a black and white photo of Bob Marley chilling in the front of a car with green, yellow and red (Colours of reggae) at the top of the cover, with black text on top of the colours. The production of this is very good because the black and white and the saturated colours at the top are opposite which makes both the reggae colours and the old photo of Bob Marley stand out a lot. The location on the cover very good for the type of music it is because people can relate to that he is in a car oppose to if he was in a mansion hence most people don’t live in mansion. The font style is quite casual, however the artists and groups names are in Capital to make them stand out. The photographer framed it so that Bob Marley was placed in the middle of the frame so he stood out more and so he was clearly noticeable when you look at the cover. I think that it appeals to the audience because its not an over the top cover and usage of colours with the photo makes the cover stand out even more, thus making more people want to buy and take interest in the album, the artist and the cover overall.
  • 4. Existing Product The hat used in this, along with the text and Peter’s clothes are symbolic of the reggae colours which imminently tells the viewer that this is a reggae magazine, not a pop one. They have used a much different font for the name and the title of the magazine and a bigger text size to make it stand out more so that the viewer can see the two most important things about the magazine (Genre and what its about). The background of the front cover is very dark, however the front cover is very saturated which makes the Peter Tosh stand out more in the cover. Also there is lighting used in this to lighten up Peter Tosh’s figure, thus making him stand out. The cover has smaller text around Peter which makes the cover look more aesthetically pleasing because it fills in empty space and adds more information to the cover and makes it look alive and interesting because they have put things on the cover that make people want to read more and possibly buy it because it looks intriguing.
  • 5. Existing Product In this pre-1990 reggae poster, there is good use of colours, especially with the black contrasting with the yellow, making both sections of the poster stand out more hence there pretty much opposite colours. Where the black of the figure cuts off the yellow, portion of the poster, it shows the face in white, which stands out among all the black since there opposite colours.
  • 6. Research Analysis What common features do the researched products have? – The 3 primary colours (Red, Yellow & Green) to symbolise and show that the product is in fact reggae so that the viewer knows that there looking at a reggae magazine and not a pop one. – Also usually, the product will have some figure on it, if that be Bob Marley or some other reggae music artist, so that it will catch the interest of the viewer if they’re interested in that specific artist or they recognise that artist and what to learn more about him or her. – There’s usually text around the person in the magazine with intriguing titles and information. The produces of the magazine are very clever with this because what they do is that they would make texts bigger or would use more brighter colours to emphasise that texts importance or how special. What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I will defiantly include the reggae colours because most times, without them its almost impossible to process that it’s a reggae product. A lot of times, especially in magazines, the production of the product won’t be extremely professional. This is because reggae music is often relaxing with means that the producers will try to not make the design too much of something that reggae isn’t, which is serious. I will also use someone in my front cover of what my product will be.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: 50/50 Male and female. • What this says about my audience: There could be a mix of genders. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Both genders like posters. Men overall are more interested in Reggae.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: All the answers are 16-24 years. • What this says about my audience: This says that there a quite a mature audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Reggae is usually listened to by older, more mature audiences so it will appeal in that way.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: Everyone stated that they associate Reggae with being happy. • What this says about my audience: They probably have knowledge a bit about Reggae so they may know the mood it inflicts. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Most people like being happy so it’s appealing because the vibe of my product it may give off might make them happy.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: All my audience has herd of Bob Marley. Most of the answered that they haven’t listened to Bob Marley but there were still people who said they have listened to him. • What this says about my audience: Most of them don’t listen to reggae but know of it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Since they’ve heard of Reggae, but haven't really looked into it, they might be interested in wanting to learn about the music and the culture around it.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: No one on my survey thought that Reggae was below satisfactory. • What this says about my audience: That they don't dislike Reggae but they also don't love it lots as well. • How will your product appeal to this audience: It will be an interesting topic to learn about since they have a lack of education on the topic.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: No one wanted 25% image 75% text. It was 50/50 between 75% image, 25% text and 50% text, 50% image. • What this says about my audience: Overall they wouldn't want much text oppose to images. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My poster/magazine will mostly be images which is what the audience will like.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: Most people said that Reggae was most similar to Pop out of a variety of genres that I gave the audience. • What this says about my audience: They don't know much about Reggae since Reggae is more similar to RnB and Hip-Hop then Pop. • How will your product appeal to this audience: It will educate them on the topic since they don't know the genre and the whole reggae culture is very interesting for most people since its not very common to come across.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: 80% of people said that the primary reason they listen to music is because of the mood it puts them into. • What this says about my audience: They like music to either make them feel good or relate to the songs to make them feel something. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Reggae puts people into a happy mood, which may corolate to the preference of the audience which is obviously good since they've stated that they mainly like music because of the mood it puts you in.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: Most people like magazines because of the information it gives you in the text. • What this says about my audience: They like reading information and specifically information that is interesting because ethey will enjoy it more in that respect. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My magazine will appeal to my audience because it will focus on the inforation strongly.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: The audience prefer more image then text, inside the magazine. • What this says about my audience: The either love images and just want more or they hate text or both. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product has a lot of images inside of magazine which the audience will evidentially love.
  • 19. Interview 1 In my first interview I proceeded to ask a variety of questions about reggae to my friend Jayesh and what his thoughts were on the subject at hand. Fundamentally, I asked him if he liked or had taken appreciation on the genre. He said he did and he also said that he enjoys listening to the likes of Bob Marley and other relatively popular artists in the culture. After that I asked him about magazines and he defiantly seem interested. However, he hadn't recently, in the past years, read one but he said that although he doesn't enjoy magazine, he thought that it would be a great product for my genre hence there are people out in the world that collect magazines and take interest in them. So in that respect, He evidentially knew that it would get costumers interested.
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: Jayesh thought that the whole idea (Reggae Magazine) was a great idea even though he didn't enjoy reading magazines. • What this says about my audience: A lot of my audience say that the idea that I have is a great one since it's interesting and it's an interesting product. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because my audience tend to be open-minded, open to suggestion and to certain extents can be quite edgy, therefore my product will appeal to my audience.
  • 21. Interview 2 Since I was thinking of making a poster as well as a magazine, I quizzed my friend AJ about his thoughts on a reggae poster and the whole reggae culture and style. He said that he preferred 25% text and 75% image oppose to the opposite 25% image and 75% text. He said that he didn't really know much about reggae, but said that it looked interesting. I showed him some reggae things and he then said he enjoyed it and thought, when I discussed my thoughts and ideas, that he liked and was excited to see what I had to offer with my product. I turn the focus on the subject of posters and he said that "he had posters in his own room of various celebrities and model", stating "I think that posters are very sick cause it pins people and things that interest you and they also look very cool." He proceeded to talk about how my product could most defiantly work.
  • 22. Interview 2 • Observation: AJ thought that a Reggae poster would be a great idea since I gave him a brief overview of what Reggae is like and he knew that I have a good amount of skill to enable me to complete a poster that looks aesthetically please and presentable. • What this says about my audience: They are interested in what I do since there has been such a positive reaction to it • How will your product appeal to this audience: It will appeal to this audience because they are the in the right demographic for my genre (Reggae) and type (poster) on average (so there will be a high chance of my audience liking or having interest in what I'm doing.
  • 23. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 16+ years • Reggae is a more mature genre in comparison to Pop music, for example. Therefore, people older than 16 will mainly appeal to them, mostly. Gender Mostly male, depending on the context and platform that it is being presented on. However, Reggae is more primarily male and especially male in Britain since Reggae isn't built into the British culture as much as Jamaca has. Therefore the range between men and women increases making more men prefer Reggae oppose to women since Reggae is commonly linked with RnB and Hip-Hop and those genres are also mainly male so when the average person hears about Reggae in Britain, they will try and relate it to a Genre that sounds close and this will result in female on average most likely being disliking towards Reggae oppose to men who will be defiantly, on average more likely to enjoy it. Most Reggae artists are male and those artists aren’t like Justin Biber, they don't try to primary appeal to female. Therefore my audience will appeal to mostly males since when an artist is male and not trying to appeal to females, mainly, then more males are interested because a lot of time males feel like they can relate to other male artist, as well as female artists overall tend to be less appealing to men since female artists tend to speak about things that men, on average are less interested in. Therefore, if you do the maths, then if there's more male Reggae artists then female ones and I'm doing a reggae magazine with male artists (Damian Marley and Bob Marley) then there will certainly more males interested overall. However this could potentially level out since there are more women who read then men overall so there could be a level out in that respect. Psychographic Culturally interested and interested in things since my products will be only available in the UK. Psychologists have recently found that women are usually interests in people oppose to men who are usually interested in things. One example of have we know this is that there are more women nurses. This is due to the fact that women are on average better when working with people in comparison to men since men are less interested in people and more interested in things. Linking this fact back, people in the UK who are interested in things (mostly men), will be interested in my product. Also people will also be interested in my product because they might be interested in other cultures or genres so they may explore reggae since it's quite it may be a quite interesting to learn about. Social Status Socially active usually since a big thing about Reggae is togetherness and love. My product will appeal to this audience because they would like a product which will almost represent there persona and social style.
  • 25. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research • Pre-product research, I was already interested in Reggae which was definitely a springboard for gaining more knowledge off which I could apply to my product in future. – Questionnaires They were useful for getting useful information about things that relate to my product. They can sometimes be bad since people might put false answers. – Interviews These were better than questionnaires because they actually got genuine results which were constructive and it was face to face so it was better to get information and output from them about the topic at hand.
  • 26. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? I got a response that was overall a great one since people put sensible answers which made me able to use there input into my work. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage I distributed my answers on Survey monkey, which was very efficient and I had not problems using it. One disadvantage was that it was hard getting people to do the survey and you need at least 10 responses so it was very hard to get that many responses.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally