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Harry Allinson
Existing Products Research
– Harry Allinson haunted house soundscape
– Within this sound bite there was a lot of lightning which made the experience more
atmospheric and intense because it suggests that there is potential danger outside of
the haunted house which makes the soundscape feel even more scary.
– The is often strange noises that change in pace, this makes the tone of the audio uneven
an messes with you brain a little because it tricks what you would predict to happen
with something very unexpected, which makes listening to the audio even more spooky.
– Also there are also sounds of a women screaming, which further intensifies the
emotional stimulation of the overall soundscape because when you hear someone real
voice oppose to just some strings, it clicks a reaction within the brain which enhance the
effect of horror.
Existing Products Research
• Show Name Here
– Analysis
– In this soundscape, there were a lot of different sound effects strung across the duration
of the one hour-long ambient YouTube video. These sound effects feel aversive because
of the digitally enhanced noises, which made the sounds fell less dull because the
producers had edited the sounds so that they sound satisfying to the ear.
– The way the rocket sounds transition into something new in a progressive manner feels
very complimentary to the subtle spark and interior shuttle effects because it gives the
sound a great balance of volume between the cut-ins of the sound.
Existing Products Research
• Show Name Here
– Analysis
– The fact that the all the beach sounds are all played at once in different sequences,
allows me to paint the perfect image within my head because the formulation of sounds
that overlap which makes the sounds have even more bulk and depth to them, which
makes the sounds feel more relatable and satisfying.
– The sound quality was very high because the noise that was projected from the
headphones sounded a bit scuffled in comparison to some other sound bite. This made
the overall listening experience a little bit under whelming.
Existing Products Research
• Show Name Here
– Analysis
– In this doctor who episode, it uses a vast amount of audio effects when something spirals out of
control to enhance the emotion of what is going on within the story because it made the
atmosphere better with overall audio experience.
– The story progressively intensified as the story went on, which was a very great touch to the story
because it made it more and more interesting as time went on in the story, which made the overall
structure of the story more solid because you could feel the vague sense of direction that the story
was heading in to a certain extent.
My friend and I decided to visit an abandoned house before it got dark to go exploring so that I can take some photographs
because we had some free time from college. As I explored, the temperature dropped and the lights darkened which was a
signal that I should leave the house because then I wouldn’t be able to see to get out if my phone died. As we tried configure
are selves out of the mansion via the door, it wouldn’t open because as I crouched it seemed that the door had been locked
after we came entered. As this happened and as the day came to night, I had a reality rush and began to try and get out
through a window but they were all boarded up near the entrance.
I decided to go to the toilet for the second time since the start of our adventure because of the fizzy drink’s (Dr Pepper) that I
had consumed, which separated myself from Jarawa again. As I got out I saw Jarawa sitting on some stairs cancelling a call and
we swiftly decided to try and find a way of escaping out of the building. As we adventured up the stairs to try and get to the
roof, we noticed that the stairs leading up were broken and trying to get past the gap could be bone breaking.
As Jarawa slowly walked backwards, he slipped on a shard of glass and fell down the hatch in the floor where the stairs used to
be. BANG! I sprinted down the stairs to see if Jarawa was alright and as I spiralled down the stairs to see if he was alright, I
scoped out round the corner of the stairs that Jarawa had a large key lying beside him and as I approached him I could see that
he landed on a tiny matrices which evidentially caused less damage to him. As I called “Are you ok?”, to Jarawa I suddenly saw a
gun next to him that had fallen out of his pocket. I put two and two together and understood why he wanted me to come with
him to the abandon building and why the door locked after we entered. I kept my distance so that he couldn’t get a good shot
at me although I don’t think he had recognised his slip-up of his gun falling out is pocket but I don’t want to take that risk to get
come just in-case.
After that, Jarawa got up in a state of laughter as he was soaked full of adrenaline which further bolstered the urge to shoot at
me as noticed his gun on the floor that he knew that I saw in his disillusioned state from the fall. I bolted up the stairs as he
pulled the trigger, “BANG!”, clipping the banister rail and crashing the range-filled bullet into the wall. Although I was in a panic
as I thankfully missed a bullet I was a still getting chased down by a man with a suppressed gun in a locked down house, which
wasn’t the best environment to be in. As Jarawa was damaged, this gave me leeway and time to get away more easily.
I found myself next to another set of stairs within the mansion with lead up to the balcony of the mansion so I decided to get
up to the balcony so that I could get out of danger. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard creaking from below so I quickly tried
to get down and out using an old pipe to slide onto the grounds of the garden so that I can get away from Jarawa. As I
successfully got away from the interior of the house, I saw two other men who were speaking Russian walking to the entrance
so I hid inside a shed and grappled a shovel and lent against the walls for my protection. I felt a great urge to run but I could
hear Jarawa panting heavily above me on the balcony. As I was hiding in the shed I heard the two other men above me
speaking English to Jarawa. They two men were asking Jarawa if they should bring out the body bags. At that point, as I heard a
change in direction coming from above, I ran to the exit with no hesitation so that they didn’t have a good change of shooting
As I ran I heard a silenced shot from behind. As the bullet met ends with the soil below my tense feet, I hid behind a wall
as grabbed a shard of mirror so I could see where Jarawa & his hit men were. As I angled my mirror to the side of the wall,
my mirror shattered into a million pieces and knew that these people really wanted me dead. I suddenly pulled out my
phone and tried to call but it was too late, my phone was dead and so too was I if I didn’t get out of this decrepit area. As
an instant realisation as to the situation I was in, kicked in, I jolted to a bolt and galloped over a fence and found myself
next to Jarawa’s car and decided to punctured his wheels with a shank so that I could escape without him trailing along in
his car. Then I sprinted to my house in a panic and struggled up to my room and grabbed my great grand dad’s old sniper
rifle and peaked out my window and waited for Jarawa and his men to try and assassinate me. As I ponded out my window
after waiting for a few minutes, my heart dropped as I saw a spark of light glistening in the darkness of the night.
As the light grew, I noticed that it was a Molotov cocktail that was wrapped around a hand of a Russian assassin so I
proceeded to fire a shot at the lit bottle in his hand. Bang! As the bullet cracked the bottle, flames tortured a hit men
painfully and only tentatively injured Jarawa. As one of the hit men were in fatal physical condition, Jarawa in a rage picked
up a rock a pelted it at my window to attempting to compromise my plan so that I would die. Without hesitation, I struck
his razor rock back at him striking his head and bruising his skull as he flopped to the ground in a puddle of blood via the
formulation of the waterfall dripping and oozing from the exterior of his brain tissue.
The third man in the group flanked around the house and climbed though my window and kicked open my door whilst
drawing his steady pistol. In terror, as my adrenaline reached its peak, I decided to dive at the mans legs in a hurry before
he could get a shot. As our bodies fell like jenga and I snatched his gun and shot his chest in a panic. I suddenly felt faint
and then I woke up two days later in a hospital bed. I was confused and in a dazed state of mind whilst lying on my cosy
bed. I asked a doctor what happened and he told me that I was drugged on pentobarbital, which made go into a coma and
was almost fatal to your heart.
The next day, I walked home out of the hospital not having any memory of what happened what happened before the
coma and walked past an abandon house which made me remember what had just happened. As I got home I got a call
from my home phone which caught me off guard because of the previous events. I decided to answer and there was a call
from a Russian man on the other end of the call who said “is the boy dead?”, which I respond “no.”
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
I think that my story will work quite well because it has a bunch of different plot twists which will make the story be
more enjoyable because it will be less one dimensional, dull and predictable when someone listens to it in audio. Also
because the story has elements of Horror, Thriller & Action, it will broaden the mood of what is going on within the
story thus making it more interesting to listen to because it will make the listener want to carry on hearing what is
going on within the story because of the alterations within the film which will make them curious as to what will come
beyond the point that they’re at in the story since there may be a transitioning tonality to the story via the intensity
and the suspense when they are listening.
I think that I will defiantly use the majority of what is in my story, in sections, because although it is all over the place
in parts, it clearly has somewhat of a storyline that can be enjoyed and appreciated. Also since my story is excessively
durational, I will need to decrease the bulkiness so that it is manageable what making the story in production and
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
My Story Post production Time line
Positioning of audio in correlation to
the time between audio clips so that
there is a correct amount of time
between each clip to enhance the
horrific nature of the listening
experience of the story.
Spooky Tension building
Horror Sounds
Special Effects
Creaking ScreamingBreathing
Psychological thriller
14-21 Years
Working Title: The House
Audience: My target audience is aged between 14-21 years because that’s the age that I think that that would be the appropriate age range to have the highest
appeal to my story since there are characters who are around the age of college students which allows people within this age range to identify with the people
within the story, thus feel more connected and interested in the story.
Because the majority of the characters in the story are men in a horror/action story, which will attract both genders however it will mainly attract men because
they can identify with the people within the story.
There isn’t really any definite psychographic that I would signify my audience as being because I think that my story would be enjoyed universally, however I had to
choose the psychographic that my story would have the most impact one, it would be belonger because they seem like they have the most time on their hand since
they don’t live in a large city, which, for a lot of them, will allow them to have less distractions thus allow them to be able to listen to my story.
My target audience’s social status is type A because my audience, oppose to a type B person, cares about the environment and are more open to experiences in life
thus are probably more down to enjoy a variety of different arts and entertainment, like art.
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
The main concept for my story is two college students going into an abandoned house and the person who I am with is
trying kill me but I don’t know that until I find out when he falls through the floor of the house and I see his gun on the
floor. Then it becomes a chase between me and the two Russian hit men that my “friend” has hired came to the house and
they try and kill me.
After that I travel to to my house and set up base and start shooting shots at the people trying to kill me and kill all of
them although the last guy I kill almost kills me and I fall into a coma because Jarawa but chemicals into my drink before
he tried to kill me. Then, days later, I wake up and forget what just happen and I am in a hospital and when I get released, I
walk past the house and get a flashback and remember the whole previous experience. I get home afterwards and get a
call saying “is the boy dead?”, which I reply “no.”
I learnt
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
The Old Man
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this
influence your project?
When recording for my nursery rhyme, I had issues recording in different environments because in
some environments, like the stairs, had too much echo to record in, which made the raw audio files
sound too spacey. Also another problem with working in the stairs area, is that if someone is above or
below you when you record, the sounds that are projected in that space is amplified because small
amounts of sound coming from the area bounce around a lot which makes noises more sensitive in
that environment which isn’t good because they can travel around in the area, making the audio files
when recorded, less pure in terms of how clear someone sounds and how focused the sound is on
what the person is saying in the recording.
Also when I was recording I used my phone to get the information of the nursery rhyme’s lyrics so that
I could read them off of my phone into the recorder. This was a huge mistake because it corrupted the
audio files because my phone interfered with the signal of the recorder when it was near by when I
was reading the nursery rhyme.
The recoding that I used in the end was outside in an area where it wasn’t too windy and noisy, which
made the recording of the audio sound pretty crispy although there was a small amount of cracking in
the background from the phone’s interference to the recorder.
Overall, the recoding was a semi success because at the end of it I had my read-out nursery rhyme
which is all I needed from the recording, although the audio was a bit off.
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and
some writing about what went well, what
could be better and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
Script Draft
The story will be told in a 1st person narrative in the script
• At the start, the narrator will briefly go over situation that him and his friend are going
• After talking about their adventure into and around the abandoned house, the narrator
will proceed to talk about how the door locked in the house after they entered.
• Then the narrator will talk about how he attempts find a way out of the house so that he
can get out with his mate. Then, in the perspective of the narrator, he finds out that his
friend has fallen down through the abandon house and has a gun and keys by his side
where he has fallen.
• After the realization the main character runs away from his friend (Jarawa) and gets out
of the abandoned house and see's two Russian hit men and hides for a bit then runs for
the exit.
• The will then narrator explain how he gets to his house and takes aim at the enemies
(The 2 hit men and Jarawa) and shots two of them and then one of them gets into his
house and he manages to kill the last hit man before he kills him.
Script Draft
• Then, the narrator will, in the first person perspective of the main character, go
into a coma from the chemicals the Jarawa had previously put into his drink
when they were in the abandoned house together.
• The narrator will then talk about how he wakes up in a hospital an has no
recollection of what had just happened with the murder attempt on him and
he begins to walk home. The narrator will then describe how he see’s an
abandoned house as he walks and he gets a flashback of what had just
happened which spooked him a little bit.
• Finally, the narrator talks about how he gets a call from a Russian man who
asks him, “is the boy dead”, which he responds “no.” (Cliffhanger)
Script Final1st Person Narration:
“My friend Jarawa and I decided to visit an abandoned house before it got dark to go exploring As I explored, the
temperature dropped and the lights darkened. As we tried configure are selves out of the mansion via the door, it wouldn’t
open because as I crouched it seemed that the door had been locked after we entered the house. As this happened and as
the day came to night, I had a reality rush and began to try and get out through a window but they were all boarded up
near the entrance.”
“I decided to go to the toilet for the second time since the start of our adventure because of the Dr Pepper that I had
consumed, which separated myself from Jarawa again. As I got out I saw Jarawa sitting on some stairs cancelling a call and
we swiftly decided to try and find a way of escaping out of the building. So we went upstairs…”
“As Jarawa slowly walked backwards, he slipped on a shard of glass and fell down the hatch in the floor where the stairs
used to be. BANG! I sprinted down the stairs to see if Jarawa was alright. As I scoped out round the corner of the stairs I saw
that Jarawa had a large key lying beside him. As I called ‘Are you ok?’, to Jarawa I suddenly saw a gun next to him that had
fallen out of his pocket. I put two and two together and understood why he wanted me to come with him to the abandon
building and why the door locked after we entered. I kept my distance so that he couldn’t get a good shot at me although I
don’t think he had recognised his slip-up of his gun falling out is pocket but I don’t want to take that risk to get come just in-
‘”After that, Jarawa got up in a state of laughter as he was soaked full of adrenaline which further bolstered the urge to
shoot at me as he noticed his gun on the floor that he knew that I saw in his disillusioned state from the fall. I bolted up the
stairs as he pulled the trigger, PING! Clipping the banister rail and crashing the range-filled bullet into the wall.”
“Although I was in a panic as I thankfully missed a bullet I was a still getting chased down by a man with a suppressed gun in
a locked down house, which wasn’t the best environment to be in. As Jarawa was damaged, this gave me leeway and time
to get away more easily. “
“I decided to get up to the balcony so that I could get out of danger. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard creaking from
below so I quickly tried to get down and out using an old pipe to slide onto the outside grounds. As I successfully got away
from the interior of the house, I saw two other men who were speaking Russian walking to the entrance so I hid inside a
shed and grappled a shovel. I felt a great urge to run but I could hear Jarawa panting heavily above. As I was hiding in the
shed I heard the two other men above me speaking English to Jarawa. They two men were asking Jarawa if they should
bring out the body bags. At that point, as I heard a change in direction coming from above, I ran to the exit with no
hesitation so that they didn’t have a good change of shooting me.”
Areas for potential sound effects
1st Person Narration:
“As I ran I heard a silenced shot from behind. As the bullet met ends with the soil below my tense feet, I hid behind a wall as I
grabbed a shard of mirror so I could see where Jarawa & his hit men were. As I angled my mirror to the side of the wall, my mirror
shattered into a million pieces and knew that these people really wanted me dead.. As an instant realisation as to the situation I was
in, kicked in, I jolted to a bolt and galloped over a fence and found myself next to Jarawa’s car and decided to punctured his wheels
with a shank so that I could more easily.”
“Then I sprinted to my house in a panic and struggled up to my room and grabbed my great grand dad’s old sniper rifle and peaked
out my window and waited for Jarawa and his men to try and assassinate me. As I ponded out my window after waiting for a few
minutes, my heart dropped as I saw a spark of light glistening in the darkness of the night. “
“As the light grew, I noticed that it was a Molotov cocktail that was wrapped around a hand of a Russian assassin so I proceeded to
fire a shot at the lit bottle in his hand. ‘CRACK!’ ‘Whoosh!’ As the bullet cracked the bottle, flames tortured a hit men painfully and
only tentatively injured Jarawa. As one of the hit men were in fatal physical condition, Jarawa in a rage picked up a rock a pelted it at
me. Without hesitation, I pelted his razor rock back at him striking his head and cutting his skull as he flopped to the ground in a
puddle of blood via the formulation of the waterfall dripping and oozing from the exterior of his brain tissue.”
“The third man in the group flanked around the house and climbed though my window and kicked open my door whilst drawing his
steady pistol. In terror, as my adrenaline reached its peak, I decided to dive at the mans legs in a hurry before he could get a shot. As
our bodies fell like jenga and I snatched his gun and shot his chest in a panic.”
“I suddenly felt faint and then I woke up two days later in a hospital bed. I was confused and in a dazed state of mind whilst lying on a
cosy bed. I asked a doctor what happened and he told me that I was drugged on pentobarbital, which made go into a coma and was
almost fatal to your heart.”
“The next day, I walked home out of the hospital not having any memory of what happened what happened before the coma and
walked past an abandon house which made me remember what had just happened. As I got home I got a call from my home phone
which caught me off guard because of the previous events. I decided to answer and there was a call from a Russian man on the other
end of the call who said ‘is the boy dead?’ Which I responded ‘no.”
Script Final Areas for potential sound effects
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Creaking I will create this sound by downloading the sound online and place it on the timeline
in the right place next to where I say it “creaks.”
Puncturing a tire Distort and speed-up a sampled raw audio clip to make it sound like a punctured tire
so that there isn't just dry audio when I puncture a tire in the story thus making the
listening experience of the story more interesting and enjoyable.
Heart beat I will include a heart beat so that it can emphasis the effect that the drug that Jarawa
drugged me on has had on me so that it makes the story feel more real and dramatic
so that it makes the story more interesting and entertaining.
Locking sound This sound within the story is one of the most important sounds because when the door locks
when there all inside, is the first main thing that hints that something is wrong in the story, so
emphasising this sound will be useful to get the listeners of the story, in the zone so that they
will be tempted to listen to more of the story.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Bang Sound of gun
shots, Jarawa crashing
to the ground.
Onomatopoeically pronounced via an audio recording and SFX that will be downloaded off of
YouTube and adulterated from an audio editing software (Garage Band) to fit what is going
on it the story tonally and atmospherically so that it fits with the flow of the stories thus
making the story, overall, feel better.
sound effects
I will formulate and create this sound effect by recording walking/running sound effects and I
will also fine some of these effects online that I could download so that I have a varied mix of
different raw recordings of walking/ running sounds so that it isn’t the same running/walking
sounds in different environments in the story so that it sounds more realistic to the types of
grounds that people are stepping on in the story. Alternatively, to make the same effect, I
could also transform, distort and edit these sounds in the editing software so that it will
create the same effect instead of trying to get a lot of different sounds of the same thing so
that it will save me time which could potentially be to my benefit because it could allow me
to emulate forward in this project so that I will have more time to do more things in the post
that could be more useful for me to make me optimized the time potential to digitally
enhance my story.
Whoosh sound effect Crucially I will need this effect when I, in the story, explode a Molotov cocktail with a sniper
rifle because there will be an outburst of fire which means that if I didn't add a sound for this
it will slightly loose the feeling of audible stimulation and thrill because there won’t be any
sound translate what is happening in the story which is why it is important that I use a
whoosh sound in this section of the story where it is necessary. T create this sound I will
download a “whoosh” sound off of YouTube and from there I will align the audio clip on the
timeline, cut it and add the appropriate SFX so that it fits to the environment that the story is
in and the necessary volume so that it isn’t too loud or quite in the story in contrast to the
other clips so that it work which what is going on in the story.
Actor Role Location for recording
Harry 1st Person Narrator Recording Studio (College)
Band Name Track Name Link
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Daily Reflection Day 1
• When producing my product, I learnt via the processes that writing a
script and reading off of it can be very effective because it allowed me to
understand how to organise the text off of my story that I need to record,
which allowed me to efficiently project my story into a recorder for the
post production so that I am allowed to move more swiftly through my
• Also after writing a script, I would go back to it to write more down before
recording it because after writing a script it almost acted as some sort of
foundation that I could easily add on, which allowed me read back over
my script and optimize the potential for a better story hence I could easily
look back over it and add or take away extra things where I would make
the story better which allowed me to end my story happy with what I had
created since I had gone over it a couple of time on different days
to formulate the story that I wanted to go for to make it the best and most
creative I could.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• I feel like, although I thought that my voice sounded quite good in the
story, my pronunciations of some of the spoken works was the main con of
my story hence it made the flow of the story in the recordings off since it
made the story clunky at times.
• Furthermore, I think that because in some sections of the story I didn’t
alter my tone of voice to fit the tone of the story it felt a bit off because
like when I was in the shed in the story, my tone of voice was too neutral
to fit the scene of the atmosphere. Although I was proud at some of the
story where I applied the right tone of voice, from the sections that I
though could have been improved, I have learnt that I need to think
more vigilantly when using my voice as a tool to funnel the overall tone
and mood of what is happening within the story so that I make better
decisions in the future to project an even better story.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• I think that the range of different music in the story thoroughly enhanced what I was saying in the story
because all of the songs used in the music video fit the tone, for example, at the start, when it was a
horror section of the section, I added horror music which was great because it bolster the mood even
when there were parts of what I said scattered round in the story that were semi monotone and the
same was applied when I used thriller music which also went well with the themes of the music video
because when the song that was complimentary to what I was saying in the story came on, it made the
story feel faster and more intense, which was good because that’s what I intended to do hence I
wanted to make the listener of the story feel amerced in the story via all the audio sounds I could think
of (music, talking, sound effects etc...)
• Also, so that the music in the story wasn't too obnoxious and/or so that it didn't overpower the volume
of the story teller in the story, I edited round with the volumes of different layers in Garageband so that
could find the perfect volume balance of different clips when they were playing at the same time (so
that one isn't too loud or too quite). I liked this a lot because after doing this it made for a better and
more joyful listening experience which is what I wasn't when finalising my production in the audio
editing software.
• Nearer to the end of post-production I proceeded to add fades of volume so that the music
didn't come-in too harshly on the ear so that the listener of the story isn't just hit with music too quickly
because that could potentially be overly stimulating to some listeners and it just sounds better because
not only does it sound more professional, but you get to take in the perpetuation of mood in the story
that is propped up via the music which makes listening to the story more pleasurable via the fades.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• Similarly to the music, sound effects were really important to create a certain mood and to
create a more realistic at atmosphere is some cases. So when I went to add different sound
effects in post-production, I thought carefully as to where I would like to add the sound effects
to make my story sound more solid. As I planned where I would add these sounds, I decided to
look back on my script so that I knew the areas for where I would add them as proceeded to
download the sound effects. After I had all of the files, I applied them to the areas where I
though they needed to be on the timeline so that it was in sync with what I was saying in the
story. After that, I alter the volume and applied the right amount of audio effects, like reverb, to
make it fit the atmosphere of the story. Looking back from this, I would say for the most part my
sound effects that I had added were very effective since they not only in sync but were at the
volume and with the right amount of effects applied. How every I added a Mario jumping sound
for one of the sound effects which was defiantly over the top since it didn’t fit the mood as well
as when I added a laughing sound effect because it was also over the top.
• When reminiscing about the product that I had made at the effects used I would say that what I
have learn is that I need to think more wisely with the sound effects that I use because if I can
get to a stage where I can apply the right amount of sound effects and the right sound effect to
not only a story, then I think that I be able to excel when producing stories and films alike in a
more professional manner which will defiantly help more progress in my career since I will know
what to do when creating a product better.
• When going through with research I had to analyse different existing products
which a very productive thing to do before creating my own product because I
could not only inspirations from these existing products but I could also listen to
these existing products and create my own original ideas from them because I
could understand, from these products, a similar technique and build off of those
foundations of structure that are used in the products and put my own creative
twist of narration on them so that I can understand how other people create their
stories in there ways and so that I can build my original stories off of their
techniques so that I can take inspirations from other stories and put my own story
on them so that I can create a story that is not only my own but has inspired
elements from other stories which can make my own sound and feel more
professional and put together.
• Planning what elements will be involved in the production of my story was very helpful because I
could look back my planning and add more and develop an understanding of what I would need to
do to make my production more efficient and what I would need to add to my product to make
my story sound like what I would want it to sound like.
• The one disadvantage of planning personally was that it took time for me to create my script
because I needed to take my story that I had created and make it fit as a 1st person narration
script which took time because I had to trim the story down a bit and highlight where I would
potentially add sound effect so that I knew where the sound effects would be which was tough
because I got a bit behind since it took me quite long to do which wasn't good for the proceeds of
the story.
• This what a great effect on the outcome of my product for the positive because it reminded me
on the script where I should put the sound effects, which was great because if I hadn't had looked
at my script on post product I know that I would have forgotten half of where the sound effects
should have been so it was very useful for that and also just overall organisation because it
allowed me to keep all my planning ideas in one place which made it so that I didn't mess up what
I was going to do, which allowed me to go through with production more confidently which made
post production easier to get through because I had a reference point to look back on so that I
knew what I needed to do for production.
Time Management
• Some sections of when I was producing my project, I defiantly managed my time well,
especially when I was creating my story because before creating my story I already knew
that I would create a story so as a result of this I decided that I would create more time for
myself to create it so that I didn’t slack behind time of production thus allowing me to
swiftly continue onto my script so that I could easily get recording done for the post
product to fully complete my product. When allowing to give myself more time to create
my massive story in comparison to what I was told the duration should be on max, I ended
up giving me extra time when in post which was really good because it meant that I didn’t
have to rush through the post production and mess up all of my sound effects and music
which was good because it gave me time to carefully and efficiently edit my story to
somewhat the best of my ability hence I had more time on my hands to do so. From this I
had leant well and understood, not just the importance of time management but the
potential for greatness when doing it because you can truly create more when you don't
have limited to because you're not as rash when formulating a product in contrast to if you
were rash, so in that respect I would say that I have defiantly learnt a lot from this
experiment of audio recording and I will bring what I have learnt from this and try my best
to carry it onto other products that I will create in the future because I know that it will
allow me to optimize my create potential which I think would be good from me.
Technical Qualities
In comparison to this product, mine had a lot less duration and mine was a lot more
intense because the genre of my story was an action/horror/thriller within a time
contrate of 5 minutes oppose to over half an hour so overall my product was a lot less
relaxing and progressive in the storyline.
I recorded my audio via an audio recorder, with allowed me to record HQ sounds that I
could apply to my story to make it sound crisp so that when I would add other sounds
like music and sound effects, it would sound great. In the other product it sounded like
the sound quality of the voice was at a lower quality then mine but I think it was
intentional because I think they wanted to create a mysterious vintage atmosphere so
that it would be more incising for the listener. However in my product I created a senses
in my product via music and sound effects mainly because I was going for a more
modernized sound for my product.
I would also say that both mine and the existing product are on similar amounts of
complexity because they both share a similar amount of sound effects and music and
the works used in both stories are defiantly not basic, however since the existing
product was made by a professional writer the scrips quality was a bit better than mine.
Aural Qualities
Overall I defiantly thing that my work sounded good because I implemented elements to my production
that went well most notably the music because I think that had the greatest impact to the stories tone
and intensity because it greatly enhanced and propped up the what I was saying within the stories to a
level where if I stripped away the music it wouldn't be terrible but it would be bland in comparison to if I
did use the music because it made the overall story and listening experience sound better overall which
made me learn a lot because it made me understand the power of music within media where you can
apply it because it can make a productive have more entertainment value, which can be very useful
when sell a product because ideally you would want to be entertain by a product.
From going back and analyzing my product the main weakness that I would improve is defiantly that my
pronunciations of works and the way I sometimes breakdown sentences is flawed because I think that
because my script was very big I decided to rush through some sections of the script so that I could get
onto the post production quicker so that I didn't fall behind, which defiantly wasn't a smart idea because
it caused the main thing that I didn't enjoy about my story product. From this I have learnt that rushing
things will almost always cause something to go wrong so the next time that I'm going into sometime I
need to take my time with it if it is very important for a product to make it the best that I can.
The story was also certainly creative hence it was multi-genre and it was filled with twists and
realizations with created a real sense of suspense. On top of that the music alongside that was amazing
because thoroughly enhance what was going on within the story which made it more entertaining.
Audience Appeal
Understanding my audience was an important aspect when creating a product because when I was thinking about what
product I was going to make I need to think about what audience I would need to pander to in the story that I would
make so that it is relatable and interesting for that certain demographic thus, if there was a market involved, it would get
more sales hence more people from a certain age, gender, psychographic and social status would be more include to be
more interested in the pursuit of wanting to buy the product because it would be more attractive to their demographic.
When it came to primary gender I easily knew that my audience would pander to the male populous more than the
female one since on average, males would tend to enjoy the genres of action and thrillers in one story or film more than
females would so I came to the conclusion that I would try and apply more masculine traits to the story hence if males
are going to enjoy my product more than the other gender then I might as well max-out the appeal of the primary
Age was in some ways more important the gender because there is more of a cultural difference when it comes to age
then gender because a 60 year old isn't most of the time going to be culturally comparable to someone who is 18 years
old when it comes to entertainment in some ways because different cultures pass through different generations, making
it important to focus on what would be entertaining for a certain audience of a certain age because then you know what
to apply to your product to appeal to a certain age of your audience. As a result, when I choose the age range of 14-21
year olds, I had to make conscious decisions to add themes within my story that people in the age range would enjoy
more than a different age range so that they can enjoy the story more. Because of this decision I added a lot of action
into my story that is quite over the top at times and suspense because most people in this age range would probably like
suspense because it's exciting and people in this age bracket are young so in contrast to other ages they how more
energy thus a lot of people within this age range would like the thrilling elements of the story.
Finally I choose a specific psychographic of belonged because they don’t live in a large city, thus allowing them to have
more time to do things and not be distracted by a lot of things going on within the city thus allowing them time to listen
to the entertainment of stories because they have more time to do things in their lives where they live.

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Audio pro forma (1)

  • 2. Existing Products Research – Harry Allinson haunted house soundscape – Within this sound bite there was a lot of lightning which made the experience more atmospheric and intense because it suggests that there is potential danger outside of the haunted house which makes the soundscape feel even more scary. – The is often strange noises that change in pace, this makes the tone of the audio uneven an messes with you brain a little because it tricks what you would predict to happen with something very unexpected, which makes listening to the audio even more spooky. – Also there are also sounds of a women screaming, which further intensifies the emotional stimulation of the overall soundscape because when you hear someone real voice oppose to just some strings, it clicks a reaction within the brain which enhance the effect of horror.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Show Name Here – Analysis – In this soundscape, there were a lot of different sound effects strung across the duration of the one hour-long ambient YouTube video. These sound effects feel aversive because of the digitally enhanced noises, which made the sounds fell less dull because the producers had edited the sounds so that they sound satisfying to the ear. – The way the rocket sounds transition into something new in a progressive manner feels very complimentary to the subtle spark and interior shuttle effects because it gives the sound a great balance of volume between the cut-ins of the sound.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Show Name Here – Analysis – The fact that the all the beach sounds are all played at once in different sequences, allows me to paint the perfect image within my head because the formulation of sounds that overlap which makes the sounds have even more bulk and depth to them, which makes the sounds feel more relatable and satisfying. – The sound quality was very high because the noise that was projected from the headphones sounded a bit scuffled in comparison to some other sound bite. This made the overall listening experience a little bit under whelming.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Show Name Here – Analysis – In this doctor who episode, it uses a vast amount of audio effects when something spirals out of control to enhance the emotion of what is going on within the story because it made the atmosphere better with overall audio experience. – The story progressively intensified as the story went on, which was a very great touch to the story because it made it more and more interesting as time went on in the story, which made the overall structure of the story more solid because you could feel the vague sense of direction that the story was heading in to a certain extent.
  • 6. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 8. Story My friend and I decided to visit an abandoned house before it got dark to go exploring so that I can take some photographs because we had some free time from college. As I explored, the temperature dropped and the lights darkened which was a signal that I should leave the house because then I wouldn’t be able to see to get out if my phone died. As we tried configure are selves out of the mansion via the door, it wouldn’t open because as I crouched it seemed that the door had been locked after we came entered. As this happened and as the day came to night, I had a reality rush and began to try and get out through a window but they were all boarded up near the entrance. I decided to go to the toilet for the second time since the start of our adventure because of the fizzy drink’s (Dr Pepper) that I had consumed, which separated myself from Jarawa again. As I got out I saw Jarawa sitting on some stairs cancelling a call and we swiftly decided to try and find a way of escaping out of the building. As we adventured up the stairs to try and get to the roof, we noticed that the stairs leading up were broken and trying to get past the gap could be bone breaking. As Jarawa slowly walked backwards, he slipped on a shard of glass and fell down the hatch in the floor where the stairs used to be. BANG! I sprinted down the stairs to see if Jarawa was alright and as I spiralled down the stairs to see if he was alright, I scoped out round the corner of the stairs that Jarawa had a large key lying beside him and as I approached him I could see that he landed on a tiny matrices which evidentially caused less damage to him. As I called “Are you ok?”, to Jarawa I suddenly saw a gun next to him that had fallen out of his pocket. I put two and two together and understood why he wanted me to come with him to the abandon building and why the door locked after we entered. I kept my distance so that he couldn’t get a good shot at me although I don’t think he had recognised his slip-up of his gun falling out is pocket but I don’t want to take that risk to get come just in-case. After that, Jarawa got up in a state of laughter as he was soaked full of adrenaline which further bolstered the urge to shoot at me as noticed his gun on the floor that he knew that I saw in his disillusioned state from the fall. I bolted up the stairs as he pulled the trigger, “BANG!”, clipping the banister rail and crashing the range-filled bullet into the wall. Although I was in a panic as I thankfully missed a bullet I was a still getting chased down by a man with a suppressed gun in a locked down house, which wasn’t the best environment to be in. As Jarawa was damaged, this gave me leeway and time to get away more easily. I found myself next to another set of stairs within the mansion with lead up to the balcony of the mansion so I decided to get up to the balcony so that I could get out of danger. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard creaking from below so I quickly tried to get down and out using an old pipe to slide onto the grounds of the garden so that I can get away from Jarawa. As I successfully got away from the interior of the house, I saw two other men who were speaking Russian walking to the entrance so I hid inside a shed and grappled a shovel and lent against the walls for my protection. I felt a great urge to run but I could hear Jarawa panting heavily above me on the balcony. As I was hiding in the shed I heard the two other men above me speaking English to Jarawa. They two men were asking Jarawa if they should bring out the body bags. At that point, as I heard a change in direction coming from above, I ran to the exit with no hesitation so that they didn’t have a good change of shooting me.
  • 9. Story As I ran I heard a silenced shot from behind. As the bullet met ends with the soil below my tense feet, I hid behind a wall as grabbed a shard of mirror so I could see where Jarawa & his hit men were. As I angled my mirror to the side of the wall, my mirror shattered into a million pieces and knew that these people really wanted me dead. I suddenly pulled out my phone and tried to call but it was too late, my phone was dead and so too was I if I didn’t get out of this decrepit area. As an instant realisation as to the situation I was in, kicked in, I jolted to a bolt and galloped over a fence and found myself next to Jarawa’s car and decided to punctured his wheels with a shank so that I could escape without him trailing along in his car. Then I sprinted to my house in a panic and struggled up to my room and grabbed my great grand dad’s old sniper rifle and peaked out my window and waited for Jarawa and his men to try and assassinate me. As I ponded out my window after waiting for a few minutes, my heart dropped as I saw a spark of light glistening in the darkness of the night. As the light grew, I noticed that it was a Molotov cocktail that was wrapped around a hand of a Russian assassin so I proceeded to fire a shot at the lit bottle in his hand. Bang! As the bullet cracked the bottle, flames tortured a hit men painfully and only tentatively injured Jarawa. As one of the hit men were in fatal physical condition, Jarawa in a rage picked up a rock a pelted it at my window to attempting to compromise my plan so that I would die. Without hesitation, I struck his razor rock back at him striking his head and bruising his skull as he flopped to the ground in a puddle of blood via the formulation of the waterfall dripping and oozing from the exterior of his brain tissue. The third man in the group flanked around the house and climbed though my window and kicked open my door whilst drawing his steady pistol. In terror, as my adrenaline reached its peak, I decided to dive at the mans legs in a hurry before he could get a shot. As our bodies fell like jenga and I snatched his gun and shot his chest in a panic. I suddenly felt faint and then I woke up two days later in a hospital bed. I was confused and in a dazed state of mind whilst lying on my cosy bed. I asked a doctor what happened and he told me that I was drugged on pentobarbital, which made go into a coma and was almost fatal to your heart. The next day, I walked home out of the hospital not having any memory of what happened what happened before the coma and walked past an abandon house which made me remember what had just happened. As I got home I got a call from my home phone which caught me off guard because of the previous events. I decided to answer and there was a call from a Russian man on the other end of the call who said “is the boy dead?”, which I respond “no.”
  • 10. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction I think that my story will work quite well because it has a bunch of different plot twists which will make the story be more enjoyable because it will be less one dimensional, dull and predictable when someone listens to it in audio. Also because the story has elements of Horror, Thriller & Action, it will broaden the mood of what is going on within the story thus making it more interesting to listen to because it will make the listener want to carry on hearing what is going on within the story because of the alterations within the film which will make them curious as to what will come beyond the point that they’re at in the story since there may be a transitioning tonality to the story via the intensity and the suspense when they are listening. I think that I will defiantly use the majority of what is in my story, in sections, because although it is all over the place in parts, it clearly has somewhat of a storyline that can be enjoyed and appreciated. Also since my story is excessively durational, I will need to decrease the bulkiness so that it is manageable what making the story in production and post-production.
  • 11. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction My Story Post production Time line Layering Positioning of audio in correlation to the time between audio clips so that there is a correct amount of time between each clip to enhance the horrific nature of the listening experience of the story. Music Horror Spooky Tension building Horror Sounds Special Effects Genre Creaking ScreamingBreathing Action Thriller Horror Violence Weapons Running Intensity Psychological thriller Scariness Audience Psychographic Belonger Gender Male Age Demographi c 14-21 Years
  • 12. Proposal Working Title: The House Audience: My target audience is aged between 14-21 years because that’s the age that I think that that would be the appropriate age range to have the highest appeal to my story since there are characters who are around the age of college students which allows people within this age range to identify with the people within the story, thus feel more connected and interested in the story. Because the majority of the characters in the story are men in a horror/action story, which will attract both genders however it will mainly attract men because they can identify with the people within the story. There isn’t really any definite psychographic that I would signify my audience as being because I think that my story would be enjoyed universally, however I had to choose the psychographic that my story would have the most impact one, it would be belonger because they seem like they have the most time on their hand since they don’t live in a large city, which, for a lot of them, will allow them to have less distractions thus allow them to be able to listen to my story. My target audience’s social status is type A because my audience, oppose to a type B person, cares about the environment and are more open to experiences in life thus are probably more down to enjoy a variety of different arts and entertainment, like art. Project Concept (approx. 200 words) The main concept for my story is two college students going into an abandoned house and the person who I am with is trying kill me but I don’t know that until I find out when he falls through the floor of the house and I see his gun on the floor. Then it becomes a chase between me and the two Russian hit men that my “friend” has hired came to the house and they try and kill me. After that I travel to to my house and set up base and start shooting shots at the people trying to kill me and kill all of them although the last guy I kill almost kills me and I fall into a coma because Jarawa but chemicals into my drink before he tried to kill me. Then, days later, I wake up and forget what just happen and I am in a hospital and when I get released, I walk past the house and get a flashback and remember the whole previous experience. I get home afterwards and get a call saying “is the boy dead?”, which I reply “no.” I learnt
  • 14. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 15. The Old Man •
  • 16. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
  • 17. Recording When recording for my nursery rhyme, I had issues recording in different environments because in some environments, like the stairs, had too much echo to record in, which made the raw audio files sound too spacey. Also another problem with working in the stairs area, is that if someone is above or below you when you record, the sounds that are projected in that space is amplified because small amounts of sound coming from the area bounce around a lot which makes noises more sensitive in that environment which isn’t good because they can travel around in the area, making the audio files when recorded, less pure in terms of how clear someone sounds and how focused the sound is on what the person is saying in the recording. Also when I was recording I used my phone to get the information of the nursery rhyme’s lyrics so that I could read them off of my phone into the recorder. This was a huge mistake because it corrupted the audio files because my phone interfered with the signal of the recorder when it was near by when I was reading the nursery rhyme. The recoding that I used in the end was outside in an area where it wasn’t too windy and noisy, which made the recording of the audio sound pretty crispy although there was a small amount of cracking in the background from the phone’s interference to the recorder. Overall, the recoding was a semi success because at the end of it I had my read-out nursery rhyme which is all I needed from the recording, although the audio was a bit off.
  • 18. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 20. Script Draft The story will be told in a 1st person narrative in the script • At the start, the narrator will briefly go over situation that him and his friend are going into. • After talking about their adventure into and around the abandoned house, the narrator will proceed to talk about how the door locked in the house after they entered. • Then the narrator will talk about how he attempts find a way out of the house so that he can get out with his mate. Then, in the perspective of the narrator, he finds out that his friend has fallen down through the abandon house and has a gun and keys by his side where he has fallen. • After the realization the main character runs away from his friend (Jarawa) and gets out of the abandoned house and see's two Russian hit men and hides for a bit then runs for the exit. • The will then narrator explain how he gets to his house and takes aim at the enemies (The 2 hit men and Jarawa) and shots two of them and then one of them gets into his house and he manages to kill the last hit man before he kills him.
  • 21. Script Draft • Then, the narrator will, in the first person perspective of the main character, go into a coma from the chemicals the Jarawa had previously put into his drink when they were in the abandoned house together. • The narrator will then talk about how he wakes up in a hospital an has no recollection of what had just happened with the murder attempt on him and he begins to walk home. The narrator will then describe how he see’s an abandoned house as he walks and he gets a flashback of what had just happened which spooked him a little bit. • Finally, the narrator talks about how he gets a call from a Russian man who asks him, “is the boy dead”, which he responds “no.” (Cliffhanger)
  • 22. Script Final1st Person Narration: “My friend Jarawa and I decided to visit an abandoned house before it got dark to go exploring As I explored, the temperature dropped and the lights darkened. As we tried configure are selves out of the mansion via the door, it wouldn’t open because as I crouched it seemed that the door had been locked after we entered the house. As this happened and as the day came to night, I had a reality rush and began to try and get out through a window but they were all boarded up near the entrance.” “I decided to go to the toilet for the second time since the start of our adventure because of the Dr Pepper that I had consumed, which separated myself from Jarawa again. As I got out I saw Jarawa sitting on some stairs cancelling a call and we swiftly decided to try and find a way of escaping out of the building. So we went upstairs…” “As Jarawa slowly walked backwards, he slipped on a shard of glass and fell down the hatch in the floor where the stairs used to be. BANG! I sprinted down the stairs to see if Jarawa was alright. As I scoped out round the corner of the stairs I saw that Jarawa had a large key lying beside him. As I called ‘Are you ok?’, to Jarawa I suddenly saw a gun next to him that had fallen out of his pocket. I put two and two together and understood why he wanted me to come with him to the abandon building and why the door locked after we entered. I kept my distance so that he couldn’t get a good shot at me although I don’t think he had recognised his slip-up of his gun falling out is pocket but I don’t want to take that risk to get come just in- case.” ‘”After that, Jarawa got up in a state of laughter as he was soaked full of adrenaline which further bolstered the urge to shoot at me as he noticed his gun on the floor that he knew that I saw in his disillusioned state from the fall. I bolted up the stairs as he pulled the trigger, PING! Clipping the banister rail and crashing the range-filled bullet into the wall.” “Although I was in a panic as I thankfully missed a bullet I was a still getting chased down by a man with a suppressed gun in a locked down house, which wasn’t the best environment to be in. As Jarawa was damaged, this gave me leeway and time to get away more easily. “ “I decided to get up to the balcony so that I could get out of danger. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard creaking from below so I quickly tried to get down and out using an old pipe to slide onto the outside grounds. As I successfully got away from the interior of the house, I saw two other men who were speaking Russian walking to the entrance so I hid inside a shed and grappled a shovel. I felt a great urge to run but I could hear Jarawa panting heavily above. As I was hiding in the shed I heard the two other men above me speaking English to Jarawa. They two men were asking Jarawa if they should bring out the body bags. At that point, as I heard a change in direction coming from above, I ran to the exit with no hesitation so that they didn’t have a good change of shooting me.” Areas for potential sound effects
  • 23. 1st Person Narration: “As I ran I heard a silenced shot from behind. As the bullet met ends with the soil below my tense feet, I hid behind a wall as I grabbed a shard of mirror so I could see where Jarawa & his hit men were. As I angled my mirror to the side of the wall, my mirror shattered into a million pieces and knew that these people really wanted me dead.. As an instant realisation as to the situation I was in, kicked in, I jolted to a bolt and galloped over a fence and found myself next to Jarawa’s car and decided to punctured his wheels with a shank so that I could more easily.” “Then I sprinted to my house in a panic and struggled up to my room and grabbed my great grand dad’s old sniper rifle and peaked out my window and waited for Jarawa and his men to try and assassinate me. As I ponded out my window after waiting for a few minutes, my heart dropped as I saw a spark of light glistening in the darkness of the night. “ “As the light grew, I noticed that it was a Molotov cocktail that was wrapped around a hand of a Russian assassin so I proceeded to fire a shot at the lit bottle in his hand. ‘CRACK!’ ‘Whoosh!’ As the bullet cracked the bottle, flames tortured a hit men painfully and only tentatively injured Jarawa. As one of the hit men were in fatal physical condition, Jarawa in a rage picked up a rock a pelted it at me. Without hesitation, I pelted his razor rock back at him striking his head and cutting his skull as he flopped to the ground in a puddle of blood via the formulation of the waterfall dripping and oozing from the exterior of his brain tissue.” “The third man in the group flanked around the house and climbed though my window and kicked open my door whilst drawing his steady pistol. In terror, as my adrenaline reached its peak, I decided to dive at the mans legs in a hurry before he could get a shot. As our bodies fell like jenga and I snatched his gun and shot his chest in a panic.” “I suddenly felt faint and then I woke up two days later in a hospital bed. I was confused and in a dazed state of mind whilst lying on a cosy bed. I asked a doctor what happened and he told me that I was drugged on pentobarbital, which made go into a coma and was almost fatal to your heart.” “The next day, I walked home out of the hospital not having any memory of what happened what happened before the coma and walked past an abandon house which made me remember what had just happened. As I got home I got a call from my home phone which caught me off guard because of the previous events. I decided to answer and there was a call from a Russian man on the other end of the call who said ‘is the boy dead?’ Which I responded ‘no.” Script Final Areas for potential sound effects
  • 24. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Creaking I will create this sound by downloading the sound online and place it on the timeline in the right place next to where I say it “creaks.” Puncturing a tire Distort and speed-up a sampled raw audio clip to make it sound like a punctured tire so that there isn't just dry audio when I puncture a tire in the story thus making the listening experience of the story more interesting and enjoyable. Heart beat I will include a heart beat so that it can emphasis the effect that the drug that Jarawa drugged me on has had on me so that it makes the story feel more real and dramatic so that it makes the story more interesting and entertaining. Locking sound This sound within the story is one of the most important sounds because when the door locks when there all inside, is the first main thing that hints that something is wrong in the story, so emphasising this sound will be useful to get the listeners of the story, in the zone so that they will be tempted to listen to more of the story.
  • 25. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Bang Sound of gun shots, Jarawa crashing to the ground. Onomatopoeically pronounced via an audio recording and SFX that will be downloaded off of YouTube and adulterated from an audio editing software (Garage Band) to fit what is going on it the story tonally and atmospherically so that it fits with the flow of the stories thus making the story, overall, feel better. Walking/Running sound effects I will formulate and create this sound effect by recording walking/running sound effects and I will also fine some of these effects online that I could download so that I have a varied mix of different raw recordings of walking/ running sounds so that it isn’t the same running/walking sounds in different environments in the story so that it sounds more realistic to the types of grounds that people are stepping on in the story. Alternatively, to make the same effect, I could also transform, distort and edit these sounds in the editing software so that it will create the same effect instead of trying to get a lot of different sounds of the same thing so that it will save me time which could potentially be to my benefit because it could allow me to emulate forward in this project so that I will have more time to do more things in the post that could be more useful for me to make me optimized the time potential to digitally enhance my story. Whoosh sound effect Crucially I will need this effect when I, in the story, explode a Molotov cocktail with a sniper rifle because there will be an outburst of fire which means that if I didn't add a sound for this it will slightly loose the feeling of audible stimulation and thrill because there won’t be any sound translate what is happening in the story which is why it is important that I use a whoosh sound in this section of the story where it is necessary. T create this sound I will download a “whoosh” sound off of YouTube and from there I will align the audio clip on the timeline, cut it and add the appropriate SFX so that it fits to the environment that the story is in and the necessary volume so that it isn’t too loud or quite in the story in contrast to the other clips so that it work which what is going on in the story.
  • 26. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Harry 1st Person Narrator Recording Studio (College)
  • 27. Music Band Name Track Name Link
  • 28. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for?
  • 30. Daily Reflection Day 1 • When producing my product, I learnt via the processes that writing a script and reading off of it can be very effective because it allowed me to understand how to organise the text off of my story that I need to record, which allowed me to efficiently project my story into a recorder for the post production so that I am allowed to move more swiftly through my production. • Also after writing a script, I would go back to it to write more down before recording it because after writing a script it almost acted as some sort of foundation that I could easily add on, which allowed me read back over my script and optimize the potential for a better story hence I could easily look back over it and add or take away extra things where I would make the story better which allowed me to end my story happy with what I had created since I had gone over it a couple of time on different days to formulate the story that I wanted to go for to make it the best and most creative I could.
  • 31. Daily Reflection Day 2 • I feel like, although I thought that my voice sounded quite good in the story, my pronunciations of some of the spoken works was the main con of my story hence it made the flow of the story in the recordings off since it made the story clunky at times. • Furthermore, I think that because in some sections of the story I didn’t alter my tone of voice to fit the tone of the story it felt a bit off because like when I was in the shed in the story, my tone of voice was too neutral to fit the scene of the atmosphere. Although I was proud at some of the story where I applied the right tone of voice, from the sections that I though could have been improved, I have learnt that I need to think more vigilantly when using my voice as a tool to funnel the overall tone and mood of what is happening within the story so that I make better decisions in the future to project an even better story.
  • 32. Daily Reflection Day 3 • I think that the range of different music in the story thoroughly enhanced what I was saying in the story because all of the songs used in the music video fit the tone, for example, at the start, when it was a horror section of the section, I added horror music which was great because it bolster the mood even when there were parts of what I said scattered round in the story that were semi monotone and the same was applied when I used thriller music which also went well with the themes of the music video because when the song that was complimentary to what I was saying in the story came on, it made the story feel faster and more intense, which was good because that’s what I intended to do hence I wanted to make the listener of the story feel amerced in the story via all the audio sounds I could think of (music, talking, sound effects etc...) • Also, so that the music in the story wasn't too obnoxious and/or so that it didn't overpower the volume of the story teller in the story, I edited round with the volumes of different layers in Garageband so that could find the perfect volume balance of different clips when they were playing at the same time (so that one isn't too loud or too quite). I liked this a lot because after doing this it made for a better and more joyful listening experience which is what I wasn't when finalising my production in the audio editing software. • Nearer to the end of post-production I proceeded to add fades of volume so that the music didn't come-in too harshly on the ear so that the listener of the story isn't just hit with music too quickly because that could potentially be overly stimulating to some listeners and it just sounds better because not only does it sound more professional, but you get to take in the perpetuation of mood in the story that is propped up via the music which makes listening to the story more pleasurable via the fades.
  • 33. Daily Reflection Day 4 • Similarly to the music, sound effects were really important to create a certain mood and to create a more realistic at atmosphere is some cases. So when I went to add different sound effects in post-production, I thought carefully as to where I would like to add the sound effects to make my story sound more solid. As I planned where I would add these sounds, I decided to look back on my script so that I knew the areas for where I would add them as proceeded to download the sound effects. After I had all of the files, I applied them to the areas where I though they needed to be on the timeline so that it was in sync with what I was saying in the story. After that, I alter the volume and applied the right amount of audio effects, like reverb, to make it fit the atmosphere of the story. Looking back from this, I would say for the most part my sound effects that I had added were very effective since they not only in sync but were at the volume and with the right amount of effects applied. How every I added a Mario jumping sound for one of the sound effects which was defiantly over the top since it didn’t fit the mood as well as when I added a laughing sound effect because it was also over the top. • When reminiscing about the product that I had made at the effects used I would say that what I have learn is that I need to think more wisely with the sound effects that I use because if I can get to a stage where I can apply the right amount of sound effects and the right sound effect to not only a story, then I think that I be able to excel when producing stories and films alike in a more professional manner which will defiantly help more progress in my career since I will know what to do when creating a product better.
  • 35. Research • When going through with research I had to analyse different existing products which a very productive thing to do before creating my own product because I could not only inspirations from these existing products but I could also listen to these existing products and create my own original ideas from them because I could understand, from these products, a similar technique and build off of those foundations of structure that are used in the products and put my own creative twist of narration on them so that I can understand how other people create their stories in there ways and so that I can build my original stories off of their techniques so that I can take inspirations from other stories and put my own story on them so that I can create a story that is not only my own but has inspired elements from other stories which can make my own sound and feel more professional and put together.
  • 36. Planning • Planning what elements will be involved in the production of my story was very helpful because I could look back my planning and add more and develop an understanding of what I would need to do to make my production more efficient and what I would need to add to my product to make my story sound like what I would want it to sound like. • The one disadvantage of planning personally was that it took time for me to create my script because I needed to take my story that I had created and make it fit as a 1st person narration script which took time because I had to trim the story down a bit and highlight where I would potentially add sound effect so that I knew where the sound effects would be which was tough because I got a bit behind since it took me quite long to do which wasn't good for the proceeds of the story. • This what a great effect on the outcome of my product for the positive because it reminded me on the script where I should put the sound effects, which was great because if I hadn't had looked at my script on post product I know that I would have forgotten half of where the sound effects should have been so it was very useful for that and also just overall organisation because it allowed me to keep all my planning ideas in one place which made it so that I didn't mess up what I was going to do, which allowed me to go through with production more confidently which made post production easier to get through because I had a reference point to look back on so that I knew what I needed to do for production.
  • 37. Time Management • Some sections of when I was producing my project, I defiantly managed my time well, especially when I was creating my story because before creating my story I already knew that I would create a story so as a result of this I decided that I would create more time for myself to create it so that I didn’t slack behind time of production thus allowing me to swiftly continue onto my script so that I could easily get recording done for the post product to fully complete my product. When allowing to give myself more time to create my massive story in comparison to what I was told the duration should be on max, I ended up giving me extra time when in post which was really good because it meant that I didn’t have to rush through the post production and mess up all of my sound effects and music which was good because it gave me time to carefully and efficiently edit my story to somewhat the best of my ability hence I had more time on my hands to do so. From this I had leant well and understood, not just the importance of time management but the potential for greatness when doing it because you can truly create more when you don't have limited to because you're not as rash when formulating a product in contrast to if you were rash, so in that respect I would say that I have defiantly learnt a lot from this experiment of audio recording and I will bring what I have learnt from this and try my best to carry it onto other products that I will create in the future because I know that it will allow me to optimize my create potential which I think would be good from me.
  • 38. Technical Qualities 8NiwStaI&list=PLO2EdiTM6pJeLhKzW33T qY0aLc-t9gZq2&index=3 In comparison to this product, mine had a lot less duration and mine was a lot more intense because the genre of my story was an action/horror/thriller within a time contrate of 5 minutes oppose to over half an hour so overall my product was a lot less relaxing and progressive in the storyline. I recorded my audio via an audio recorder, with allowed me to record HQ sounds that I could apply to my story to make it sound crisp so that when I would add other sounds like music and sound effects, it would sound great. In the other product it sounded like the sound quality of the voice was at a lower quality then mine but I think it was intentional because I think they wanted to create a mysterious vintage atmosphere so that it would be more incising for the listener. However in my product I created a senses in my product via music and sound effects mainly because I was going for a more modernized sound for my product. I would also say that both mine and the existing product are on similar amounts of complexity because they both share a similar amount of sound effects and music and the works used in both stories are defiantly not basic, however since the existing product was made by a professional writer the scrips quality was a bit better than mine.
  • 39. Aural Qualities Overall I defiantly thing that my work sounded good because I implemented elements to my production that went well most notably the music because I think that had the greatest impact to the stories tone and intensity because it greatly enhanced and propped up the what I was saying within the stories to a level where if I stripped away the music it wouldn't be terrible but it would be bland in comparison to if I did use the music because it made the overall story and listening experience sound better overall which made me learn a lot because it made me understand the power of music within media where you can apply it because it can make a productive have more entertainment value, which can be very useful when sell a product because ideally you would want to be entertain by a product. From going back and analyzing my product the main weakness that I would improve is defiantly that my pronunciations of works and the way I sometimes breakdown sentences is flawed because I think that because my script was very big I decided to rush through some sections of the script so that I could get onto the post production quicker so that I didn't fall behind, which defiantly wasn't a smart idea because it caused the main thing that I didn't enjoy about my story product. From this I have learnt that rushing things will almost always cause something to go wrong so the next time that I'm going into sometime I need to take my time with it if it is very important for a product to make it the best that I can. The story was also certainly creative hence it was multi-genre and it was filled with twists and realizations with created a real sense of suspense. On top of that the music alongside that was amazing because thoroughly enhance what was going on within the story which made it more entertaining.
  • 40. Audience Appeal Understanding my audience was an important aspect when creating a product because when I was thinking about what product I was going to make I need to think about what audience I would need to pander to in the story that I would make so that it is relatable and interesting for that certain demographic thus, if there was a market involved, it would get more sales hence more people from a certain age, gender, psychographic and social status would be more include to be more interested in the pursuit of wanting to buy the product because it would be more attractive to their demographic. When it came to primary gender I easily knew that my audience would pander to the male populous more than the female one since on average, males would tend to enjoy the genres of action and thrillers in one story or film more than females would so I came to the conclusion that I would try and apply more masculine traits to the story hence if males are going to enjoy my product more than the other gender then I might as well max-out the appeal of the primary gender. Age was in some ways more important the gender because there is more of a cultural difference when it comes to age then gender because a 60 year old isn't most of the time going to be culturally comparable to someone who is 18 years old when it comes to entertainment in some ways because different cultures pass through different generations, making it important to focus on what would be entertaining for a certain audience of a certain age because then you know what to apply to your product to appeal to a certain age of your audience. As a result, when I choose the age range of 14-21 year olds, I had to make conscious decisions to add themes within my story that people in the age range would enjoy more than a different age range so that they can enjoy the story more. Because of this decision I added a lot of action into my story that is quite over the top at times and suspense because most people in this age range would probably like suspense because it's exciting and people in this age bracket are young so in contrast to other ages they how more energy thus a lot of people within this age range would like the thrilling elements of the story. Finally I choose a specific psychographic of belonged because they don’t live in a large city, thus allowing them to have more time to do things and not be distracted by a lot of things going on within the city thus allowing them time to listen to the entertainment of stories because they have more time to do things in their lives where they live.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  7. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  8. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  11. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  16. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  17. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  18. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  19. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  20. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  21. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.