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Harry Allinson
Existing Product
Something I can see straight away is the colours, which pop out. Not only do
the three primary colours symbolise reggae, I also is very commentary with the
black border with the white outside and the white texts on the black layers. On
the contrary this makes for a very aesthetic t-shirt because of these elements.
The text used in this are very effective hence they are
very bold, which makes them stand out more on the
blackness. This is a good idea they have implemented
in there t-shirt Because it looks good and it portrays a
This product will primarily appeal to ages 25-44 because
Reggae became most prominate in the 70s and 80s which
caused religious, cultural and social movements to emerge into
the modern day as rastafarianism, which has become more
popular among the youth. Type A social status would certainly
be the primary demographic for this product because of the
Rasta colours which are often associated with being natural and
respecting the earth, which is also what a type A social status is
similar to. So people who are of a type A social status would be
the main people who would be most interested in this product
because they would be the type of people who would invest the
most time and effort into buying products similar to the tone of
this product. Also this product would also attract the
psychographic, emulator because emulators want to appear like
an achiever to attract the opposite sex or the approval of peers
Existing Product
Similarly to the last product, this product is very good
because of it’s great usage of colours hence why the product
catches your eye instantly with it’s red, yellow, green and it’s
black, which aesthetically separates the colours.
The artist in this poster is on a slight angle which, I think is a
very good idea to use in this product because it feels more
life-like since he seems like he is in motion.
Because of the high contrast of the poster, the product is
much more visually appealing hence you can see everything
much more clearly
This product will make the audience want to buy it
because it is very complimentary and it is of a popular
male Reggae artist that will attract a lot of men to this
product, making this product's primary gender male
since its Reggae and the artist on it is male, which will
attaract mostly men. Men who are aged 20-30s would
be the primary demographic for this because the artist
is a fairly New Reggae artist, in contrast to the
trandition Reggae artist Bob Marley who's music was
popular in the late 70s and early 80s.
Existing Product
One thing that is the most visually appealing is that the producers have framed an image on an image. This
has made the album cover much more interesting because it has a saturated representation of the genre
(Reggae) around the artist which has made the album cover overall, much more aesthetic and original.
Hench the alternative and slight pseudo realism on the outskirts of the
fundamental image, the main image is effected. For example, is the
outskirts were of the streets, you would most likely assume that the
album cover was more about an urban genre, like hip-hop or RnB,
because of this surrounding area of the main image, you might assume
that it was Reggae or some other beach vibrant genre.
This album cover is evidently not trying to be serious, hence the
title and the border of the photo, not being aliened. The producers
did this on purpose to basically tell the audience that the songs
featured in the album aren’t supported to be serious and also to
carry the Reggae style, which is supposed to be chill. You can also
see this in the photo because the production is casual and the
stance that the artist is in is one that is casual in the image, which is
also quite symbolic aspect of Reggae.
This would primarily appeal to people with a type A social status
because it has elements of nature like the tree, grass, sand,
ocean and the sun in the background, which will appeal to this
social status specifically because they want to make the world a
better place environmentally. Also this would mainly attract
people of middle age (40-60 years) because of its vintage style
and men because not only is the genre Reggae, which attracts
mostly men, the artist on the album cover is a men as well,
which will attract men aswell men are usually attracted to male
Existing Product
Layering is one of the fundamental things that made this product look as good as it is because it makes
the artist (Bob Marley) pop out, making him stand out more. You see this cleverly used with the title
“Smash Hits”, behind Bob Marley’s head but in front of the border, which makes for a weirdly aesthetic
feature that seems to work very well.
Hence this is from the 80s the colours used in the image are very vintage
and not as contrasted as modern magazine covers, the magazine
probably wouldn’t sell as well (if you took Bob Marley out the picture).
However for its time the colours were very good and the actual quality
of the photo used in this cover is very because there’s not scratches or
dirt on the photo, which in its self is very good for the selling of the
Magazine. The main thing that stands out to me in terms of colour is the
iconic green, yellow and red hat, which is greatly symbolic of Reggae.
Also the text at the bottom left of the image are really good at catching
the viewers eyes hence the vibrancy. This is good because it could entice
audiences to want to buy it and read more.
An appeal for someone wanting to buy this product is that it's
vibrant which tends to be a great selling point because it gives off a
positive vibe to the audience. Also the layout is very professionally
produced so that will attract people to want to buy this magazine.
Hence the Rasta hat and the artist (Bob Marley) being highly
symbolic of love and gaving to the people who are in need, the
primary social status of this magazine's audience would be type A
because a type A social status means your concerned about how you
actions will effect the world around you. People of this social status
are the main people to buy ths product.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
– The Rasta/Ethiopian colours of Reggae yellow, red and green.
– The artist on the cover of whatever the product is.
– Vibrancy
– Text about what the product is about on the cover i.e. titles, sub-titles and other information about
the product.
– Contrast.
– Multiple different styles and sub-genres of Reggae.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
– The Rasta colours are symbol of love and respect which make people feel enlighted when they see
the colours.
– The artist in the centre of the frame so that the viewer can clearly see hima and to add symmetry,
which is often linked with attractiveness which frequently makes art look better.
– Vibrancy so that the product gives off a positive vibe to the viewer.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: Out of the 10 who answered, 80% were male and 20% were female.
• What this says about my audience: This says that the majority of my audience is male.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this
audience because males are the primary audience of Reggae. Therefore, it is
highly likely that my audience will find my products apealing
because men statistically commit to this genre more then women do.
• Observation: 10% are 20+, 80% are 16-19 and 10% are 15 and under.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my primary audience is going to
go into adulthood or already a young adult.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Although my
main audience is targeting 25-44 year olds, my products will still be eye
catching to people who are of a younger age (16-19 year olds) because my
products will have a variety of different aesthetic features to them.
Audience research
• Observation: Most people associate Reggae with music.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience Mainly associates Reggae with
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience
because the main fundamental aspect of Reggae is music and so if my audience has a familiarity of Reggae
with music, it will be better because then they might prefer multiple different products within a package
because most of the audience will feel an understanding for the products because they are familiar with
the genre and they may have more of an understanding possibly.
Audience research
• Observation: Out of the 10 answered questions on how much they liked Reggae, it presented
that 60/100 was the average overall.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience likes Reggae quite a lot for
a genre that isn’t as main stream anymore.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience
because it will be Reggae influenced so the audience will be pleased when they see the product
hence a lot of my audience loved reggae a lot.
Audience research
• Observation: A fairly mixed result, with large image with only 1 vote (10%), small image with 4 votes
(40%) and medium image with 5 votes (50%).
• What this says about my audience: This says there’s a main divide between small image and medium
image being on my t-shirt with my audience. Hence I will need to pander to my audience to get my
audience to enjoy and buy my product, I probably shouldn’t use a large image because then there
wouldn’t be has many sales as medium image, because I know that my audience wouldn’t want that.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I
will used a small/medium sized image so that my audience will be attracted to it.
Audience research
• Observation: There isn’t really any specific Album cover style that my audience loves the most.
• What this says about my audience: Most, individually have their own different preference,
when it comes to the album cover style that they prefer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience
because I will uses multiple different elements that they are into and implement it into my product
so that they will enjoy the product more because it will be more personally aesthetic to them.
Audience research
• Observation: There is only 50/50 text (40%), images and 25%, 75% (60%) image chosen by the
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience is more in favour of having
less text then images overall on a magazine cover.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience
because I will make my album cover have more image then text so that my audience will enjoy it
Audience research
• Observation: The main image style that my audience prefers is vibrant (50%) with the second favorited being cartoon
• What this says about my audience: They love vibrancy and cartoon styles (less realistic styles and more edited).
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Luckily Reggae is already a vibrant genre, so
my audience will love that aspect of it. In terms of a cartoon image style, I think that I will
make a few cartoon image styled products so that my audience can enjoy them and also
because I know how to make cartoon images on Photoshop, so that’s perfect for me.
Audience research
Interview 1
• What do you think about Reggae music? and why?
I think that Reggae music is very relaxing music because it has a slow and calming sound.
• What would you put on a Reggae T-Shirt? And why?
I would put text on the T-Shirt and a image with a Reggae style to it.
• What magazine cover style be your preference? And why?
My preference would be large and text around the image so that the audience knows what could be inside the
magazine when they look at the front cover.
• What would you have on your album cover? And why?
I would have text on top and I would also have a lot of colour to it so that it look aesthetic.
• What would you have on a poster? And why?
I would have a cartoon on my poster because I would that a cartoon would catch someone's eye’s.
Interview 1
• Observation: I could tell that he is familiar with Reggae and he
seemed to have quite a firm idea of what he wanted to put on the
• What this says about my audience: This says that my
audience may have a far to good understanding of Reggae style and music
and what they would like to see on my products.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I know
what they like so I will implement what they like into my product.
Interview 2
• What do you think about Reggae music? and why?
I think that Reggae music is very good because it is a smooth listen.
• What would you put on a Reggae T-Shirt? And why?
I think that I would put a lot of colour on it so it looks more aesthetic for a Reggae look.
• What magazine cover style be your preference? And why?
My magazine cover style would have mainly image with a title and text around it. I would do this so that the
audience can see the text and can also the image and can understand what the magazine will be about.
• What would you have on a Reggae album cover? And why?
I would have the Reggae colours on the cover and I would also have original or/and not original styles. This is
because you need to attract people to your album so that as many people can look at your album as possible.
This is seen the Pink Floyd album cover where, even if you haven’t heard the music you will be likely familiar
with the cover of the album because it’s so well make and eye-catching.
• What would you have on a poster? And why?
Complementary colours so that the poster is aesthetic and looks professional so people will like the look of it
and want to buy it.
Interview 2
• Observation: The interviewee had a fair understanding of Reggae and he
also knew what he would like on certain products.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my
audience knows what they would have on multiple different products.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: My product will appeal to m audience because my audience has
a pretty good understanding and love for Reggae as a music genre and a style for
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
Primary 25-44 • This is the age where it would be main age range to
listen be interested in the product because it is a more
modernized version of a traditionally older genre. Thus
making more younger people feel more appealing
towards the products.
Male • Male is the main gender demographic for this genre and
therefore I will make that my main targeted
demographical gender. However I don’t need to make
the style male because then no females will enjoy the
products, so I will proceed to make my products non-
pandering to a certain gender because I don’t really think
that it is need to sell the products, hence its art at the
end of the day.
Emulator • The audience's psychogrpahic would be emulator
because because this would be the type of group to want
to be like an achiever to attract the opposite sex or the
opproval of their peers.
Social Status
Type A • My audience would primarily be a Type A social status
because Reggae is a culture that is natural and raw,
which similar to Type A social status because people in
this social status are concerned about how their actions
will effect the world around them and they want to make
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
• Research was an essential part of production because it enhanced my knowlegde of Reggae and product types themselves.
Futhermore, this made going it product much easier, as I had a clear I ideas as to what I should do going into production.
• Before going into production I didn't clearly understand what Rasta was about but I did some research, I found out and
it helped me a lot because I found out new information about the genre that I can use in production.
• When researching it helped me a lot when formulating ideas for my different products including my magazine cover and T-
Shirt, which was helpful in a similar way that the plan was.
– Questionnaires
• Now this, was very good for me to know what other peoples thoughts and opinions were on certain subject areas so that I
knew what peoples preferences were so that I could figure out what is best for my audience thus making products that I know
that my audience will thoroughly enjoy.
• It took a while to make the survey and get responses from the questions.
– Interviews
• Interviews were pretty effective because you could ask someone face to face what they thought of something,
which was good because it made so you could talk to the person answering the questions, oppose to the
questionnaires, where it’s pretty anonymous and you can talk to them about there answers.
• Sometimes it’s hard to get answer out of people and it can sometimes take a long time for them to complete the
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
The response that I got were peoples personal options on what should be on different
medias (magazine’s, album covers...). With the audience research, I either got a mixed result
or a result which was the majority of peoples preference.
The responses from the interviews were pretty positive and they also included as to why
they thought what they thought about a certain medias, what was good because it added
elaboration to why they said what they said.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
• I distributed my surveys via survey monkey.
• One advantage of this was that I could easily send out surveys quickly and without price.
• One massive disadvantage is getting results sometimes, because it can take ages to get all the
results, which can take away valuable time.

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A Guide to a Winning Interview June 2024A Guide to a Winning Interview June 2024
A Guide to a Winning Interview June 2024
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2. fmp research (1) (1)

  • 2. Existing Product Something I can see straight away is the colours, which pop out. Not only do the three primary colours symbolise reggae, I also is very commentary with the black border with the white outside and the white texts on the black layers. On the contrary this makes for a very aesthetic t-shirt because of these elements. The text used in this are very effective hence they are very bold, which makes them stand out more on the blackness. This is a good idea they have implemented in there t-shirt Because it looks good and it portrays a message. This product will primarily appeal to ages 25-44 because Reggae became most prominate in the 70s and 80s which caused religious, cultural and social movements to emerge into the modern day as rastafarianism, which has become more popular among the youth. Type A social status would certainly be the primary demographic for this product because of the Rasta colours which are often associated with being natural and respecting the earth, which is also what a type A social status is similar to. So people who are of a type A social status would be the main people who would be most interested in this product because they would be the type of people who would invest the most time and effort into buying products similar to the tone of this product. Also this product would also attract the psychographic, emulator because emulators want to appear like an achiever to attract the opposite sex or the approval of peers
  • 3. Existing Product Similarly to the last product, this product is very good because of it’s great usage of colours hence why the product catches your eye instantly with it’s red, yellow, green and it’s black, which aesthetically separates the colours. The artist in this poster is on a slight angle which, I think is a very good idea to use in this product because it feels more life-like since he seems like he is in motion. Because of the high contrast of the poster, the product is much more visually appealing hence you can see everything much more clearly This product will make the audience want to buy it because it is very complimentary and it is of a popular male Reggae artist that will attract a lot of men to this product, making this product's primary gender male since its Reggae and the artist on it is male, which will attaract mostly men. Men who are aged 20-30s would be the primary demographic for this because the artist is a fairly New Reggae artist, in contrast to the trandition Reggae artist Bob Marley who's music was popular in the late 70s and early 80s.
  • 4. Existing Product One thing that is the most visually appealing is that the producers have framed an image on an image. This has made the album cover much more interesting because it has a saturated representation of the genre (Reggae) around the artist which has made the album cover overall, much more aesthetic and original. Hench the alternative and slight pseudo realism on the outskirts of the fundamental image, the main image is effected. For example, is the outskirts were of the streets, you would most likely assume that the album cover was more about an urban genre, like hip-hop or RnB, because of this surrounding area of the main image, you might assume that it was Reggae or some other beach vibrant genre. This album cover is evidently not trying to be serious, hence the title and the border of the photo, not being aliened. The producers did this on purpose to basically tell the audience that the songs featured in the album aren’t supported to be serious and also to carry the Reggae style, which is supposed to be chill. You can also see this in the photo because the production is casual and the stance that the artist is in is one that is casual in the image, which is also quite symbolic aspect of Reggae. This would primarily appeal to people with a type A social status because it has elements of nature like the tree, grass, sand, ocean and the sun in the background, which will appeal to this social status specifically because they want to make the world a better place environmentally. Also this would mainly attract people of middle age (40-60 years) because of its vintage style and men because not only is the genre Reggae, which attracts mostly men, the artist on the album cover is a men as well, which will attract men aswell men are usually attracted to male
  • 5. Existing Product Layering is one of the fundamental things that made this product look as good as it is because it makes the artist (Bob Marley) pop out, making him stand out more. You see this cleverly used with the title “Smash Hits”, behind Bob Marley’s head but in front of the border, which makes for a weirdly aesthetic feature that seems to work very well. Hence this is from the 80s the colours used in the image are very vintage and not as contrasted as modern magazine covers, the magazine probably wouldn’t sell as well (if you took Bob Marley out the picture). However for its time the colours were very good and the actual quality of the photo used in this cover is very because there’s not scratches or dirt on the photo, which in its self is very good for the selling of the Magazine. The main thing that stands out to me in terms of colour is the iconic green, yellow and red hat, which is greatly symbolic of Reggae. Also the text at the bottom left of the image are really good at catching the viewers eyes hence the vibrancy. This is good because it could entice audiences to want to buy it and read more. An appeal for someone wanting to buy this product is that it's vibrant which tends to be a great selling point because it gives off a positive vibe to the audience. Also the layout is very professionally produced so that will attract people to want to buy this magazine. Hence the Rasta hat and the artist (Bob Marley) being highly symbolic of love and gaving to the people who are in need, the primary social status of this magazine's audience would be type A because a type A social status means your concerned about how you actions will effect the world around you. People of this social status are the main people to buy ths product.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – The Rasta/Ethiopian colours of Reggae yellow, red and green. – The artist on the cover of whatever the product is. – Vibrancy – Text about what the product is about on the cover i.e. titles, sub-titles and other information about the product. – Contrast. – Multiple different styles and sub-genres of Reggae. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? – The Rasta colours are symbol of love and respect which make people feel enlighted when they see the colours. – The artist in the centre of the frame so that the viewer can clearly see hima and to add symmetry, which is often linked with attractiveness which frequently makes art look better. – Vibrancy so that the product gives off a positive vibe to the viewer.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: Out of the 10 who answered, 80% were male and 20% were female. • What this says about my audience: This says that the majority of my audience is male. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because males are the primary audience of Reggae. Therefore, it is highly likely that my audience will find my products apealing because men statistically commit to this genre more then women do.
  • 9. • Observation: 10% are 20+, 80% are 16-19 and 10% are 15 and under. • What this says about my audience: This says that my primary audience is going to go into adulthood or already a young adult. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Although my main audience is targeting 25-44 year olds, my products will still be eye catching to people who are of a younger age (16-19 year olds) because my products will have a variety of different aesthetic features to them. Audience research
  • 10. • Observation: Most people associate Reggae with music. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience Mainly associates Reggae with music. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because the main fundamental aspect of Reggae is music and so if my audience has a familiarity of Reggae with music, it will be better because then they might prefer multiple different products within a package because most of the audience will feel an understanding for the products because they are familiar with the genre and they may have more of an understanding possibly. Audience research
  • 11. • Observation: Out of the 10 answered questions on how much they liked Reggae, it presented that 60/100 was the average overall. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience likes Reggae quite a lot for a genre that isn’t as main stream anymore. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it will be Reggae influenced so the audience will be pleased when they see the product hence a lot of my audience loved reggae a lot. Audience research
  • 12. • Observation: A fairly mixed result, with large image with only 1 vote (10%), small image with 4 votes (40%) and medium image with 5 votes (50%). • What this says about my audience: This says there’s a main divide between small image and medium image being on my t-shirt with my audience. Hence I will need to pander to my audience to get my audience to enjoy and buy my product, I probably shouldn’t use a large image because then there wouldn’t be has many sales as medium image, because I know that my audience wouldn’t want that. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will used a small/medium sized image so that my audience will be attracted to it. Audience research
  • 13. • Observation: There isn’t really any specific Album cover style that my audience loves the most. • What this says about my audience: Most, individually have their own different preference, when it comes to the album cover style that they prefer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because I will uses multiple different elements that they are into and implement it into my product so that they will enjoy the product more because it will be more personally aesthetic to them. Audience research
  • 14. • Observation: There is only 50/50 text (40%), images and 25%, 75% (60%) image chosen by the audience. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience is more in favour of having less text then images overall on a magazine cover. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because I will make my album cover have more image then text so that my audience will enjoy it more. Audience research
  • 15. • Observation: The main image style that my audience prefers is vibrant (50%) with the second favorited being cartoon (30%). • What this says about my audience: They love vibrancy and cartoon styles (less realistic styles and more edited). • How will your product appeal to this audience: Luckily Reggae is already a vibrant genre, so my audience will love that aspect of it. In terms of a cartoon image style, I think that I will make a few cartoon image styled products so that my audience can enjoy them and also because I know how to make cartoon images on Photoshop, so that’s perfect for me. Audience research
  • 17. Interview 1 • What do you think about Reggae music? and why? I think that Reggae music is very relaxing music because it has a slow and calming sound. • What would you put on a Reggae T-Shirt? And why? I would put text on the T-Shirt and a image with a Reggae style to it. • What magazine cover style be your preference? And why? My preference would be large and text around the image so that the audience knows what could be inside the magazine when they look at the front cover. • What would you have on your album cover? And why? I would have text on top and I would also have a lot of colour to it so that it look aesthetic. • What would you have on a poster? And why? I would have a cartoon on my poster because I would that a cartoon would catch someone's eye’s.
  • 18. Interview 1 • Observation: I could tell that he is familiar with Reggae and he seemed to have quite a firm idea of what he wanted to put on the products. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience may have a far to good understanding of Reggae style and music and what they would like to see on my products. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I know what they like so I will implement what they like into my product.
  • 19. Interview 2 • What do you think about Reggae music? and why? I think that Reggae music is very good because it is a smooth listen. • What would you put on a Reggae T-Shirt? And why? I think that I would put a lot of colour on it so it looks more aesthetic for a Reggae look. • What magazine cover style be your preference? And why? My magazine cover style would have mainly image with a title and text around it. I would do this so that the audience can see the text and can also the image and can understand what the magazine will be about. • What would you have on a Reggae album cover? And why? I would have the Reggae colours on the cover and I would also have original or/and not original styles. This is because you need to attract people to your album so that as many people can look at your album as possible. This is seen the Pink Floyd album cover where, even if you haven’t heard the music you will be likely familiar with the cover of the album because it’s so well make and eye-catching. • What would you have on a poster? And why? Complementary colours so that the poster is aesthetic and looks professional so people will like the look of it and want to buy it.
  • 20. Interview 2 • Observation: The interviewee had a fair understanding of Reggae and he also knew what he would like on certain products. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience knows what they would have on multiple different products. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to m audience because my audience has a pretty good understanding and love for Reggae as a music genre and a style for products.
  • 21. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range Primary 25-44 • This is the age where it would be main age range to listen be interested in the product because it is a more modernized version of a traditionally older genre. Thus making more younger people feel more appealing towards the products. Gender Male • Male is the main gender demographic for this genre and therefore I will make that my main targeted demographical gender. However I don’t need to make the style male because then no females will enjoy the products, so I will proceed to make my products non- pandering to a certain gender because I don’t really think that it is need to sell the products, hence its art at the end of the day. Psychographic Emulator • The audience's psychogrpahic would be emulator because because this would be the type of group to want to be like an achiever to attract the opposite sex or the opproval of their peers. Social Status Type A • My audience would primarily be a Type A social status because Reggae is a culture that is natural and raw, which similar to Type A social status because people in this social status are concerned about how their actions will effect the world around them and they want to make
  • 23. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research • Research was an essential part of production because it enhanced my knowlegde of Reggae and product types themselves. Futhermore, this made going it product much easier, as I had a clear I ideas as to what I should do going into production. • Before going into production I didn't clearly understand what Rasta was about but I did some research, I found out and it helped me a lot because I found out new information about the genre that I can use in production. • When researching it helped me a lot when formulating ideas for my different products including my magazine cover and T- Shirt, which was helpful in a similar way that the plan was. – Questionnaires • Now this, was very good for me to know what other peoples thoughts and opinions were on certain subject areas so that I knew what peoples preferences were so that I could figure out what is best for my audience thus making products that I know that my audience will thoroughly enjoy. • It took a while to make the survey and get responses from the questions. – Interviews • Interviews were pretty effective because you could ask someone face to face what they thought of something, which was good because it made so you could talk to the person answering the questions, oppose to the questionnaires, where it’s pretty anonymous and you can talk to them about there answers. • Sometimes it’s hard to get answer out of people and it can sometimes take a long time for them to complete the questions.
  • 24. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? The response that I got were peoples personal options on what should be on different medias (magazine’s, album covers...). With the audience research, I either got a mixed result or a result which was the majority of peoples preference. The responses from the interviews were pretty positive and they also included as to why they thought what they thought about a certain medias, what was good because it added elaboration to why they said what they said. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage • I distributed my surveys via survey monkey. • One advantage of this was that I could easily send out surveys quickly and without price. • One massive disadvantage is getting results sometimes, because it can take ages to get all the results, which can take away valuable time.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally