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Intro to Physical Disabilities

  Kinesiotherapy Training Module

•    Cerebrovascular Accident             •  Diabetes Mellitus
•    Head Injury                          •  Amyotrophic Lateral
•    Spinal Cord Injury                      Sclerosis
•    Disorders of the Spine               •  Parkinson’s Disease
•    Multiple Sclerosis                   •  Huntington’s Disease
•    Guillain-Barre                       •  Alzheimer’s Disease
•    Myasthenia Gravis                    •  Lupus Erythematosis
•    Amputation                           •  Arthritis

                          Illness, Injuries, Diseases               2
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA, Stroke)

•  Loss of brain functions due to oxygen deprivation
    •  Oxygen deprivation occurs as result of a blockage or hemorrhage
        •  Blockage (Ischemic type) – caused by a clot (thrombus or
           embolus) that occludes a blood vessel; accounts for 80% of all
        •  Hemorrhage – blood vessel bursts, often from an aneurysm;
           accounts for 20% of all strokes

•  Second leading cause of death worldwide
•  Result in varying degrees of neurological impairment
    •  Ischemic strokes tend to result in greater neurologic loss, but also
       tend to have a higher survival rate

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•  Risk factors for stroke include:
    •  Advanced age
    •  Diabetes
    •  Elevated cholesterol levels
    •  Smoking
    •  Hypertension (the most modifiable risk factor)

•  Stroke Characteristics:
    •  Left brain lesion results in right side impairment
    •  Right brain lesion results in left side impairment
    •  Speech, memory, and vision are often impaired as well

                              Illness, Injuries, Diseases      5

•  Terminology
    •  Hemiparesis – partial paralysis on one side, often resulting in
       diminished motor skills
    •  Hemiplegia – paralysis in on one side, often resulting in loss of
       motor skill
    •  Aphasia – partial or total loss of the ability to express or understand
       verbal or written language
    •  Lability - uncontrollable emotional outbursts
    •  Apraxia – inability to perform purposeful movements, but not
       accompanied by a loss of sensory function or paralysis
    •  Ataxia - inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements

                           Illness, Injuries, Diseases                       6
Head Injury

•  Closed Head Injury – an injury to the brain caused by an external source
   that imposes an acceleration, a deceleration, or rotational force

•  Open Head Injury – an injury to the brain caused by a penetrating wound

•  Symptoms depend upon the region of the brain that is injured

•  Impairment as a result of brain injury:
    •  Physical – motor weakness, imbalance, spasticity
    •  Cognitive – impaired short term memory, perceptual function, and
       decision making
    •  Behavioral – emotional outbursts, impulsivity

                              Illness, Injuries, Diseases                     7
Spinal Cord Injury

•  The spinal cord is an elongated cylindrical mass of nervous tissue that is
   enclosed in the spinal canal of the vertebral column
    •  Between 17 or 18 inches long in the average adult

•  Extends from the base of the brain to about the 1st or 2nd lumbar

•  Nerves descending below the ending of the spinal cord form the Cauda
   Equina, before exiting to periphery

•  Cervical and lumbar enlargements are noted, to accommodate the cell
   bodies (lower motor neurons) for upper and lower extremities

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Spinal Cord Injury

•  Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
    •  Results from a lesion (injury) to the spinal cord, disrupting motor
       function and sensation below the level of the lesion

    •  Classified according to the spinal level of the lesion, (i.e. injury at the
       6th thoracic vertebra is classified as a T6 injury)

    •  Complete - injury that results in the complete loss of function below
       the point of injury

    •  Incomplete - injury in which some feeling or movement is still evident
       below the point of injury

                               Illness, Injuries, Diseases                       10
Spinal Cord Injury

•  Spinal Cord Injury
    •  Paralysis – inability to move a body part due to injury or disease of the
       nerves that supply the involved muscles
        •  Plegia - true paralysis
        •  Paresis - significant weakening of the affected muscle(s)

•  Causes:
    •  Trauma – the majority of SCI (gunshots, car/diving accident, etc)
    •  Infections – (viral, bacterial) polio, transverse myelitis, meningitis, etc
    •  Tumors – both benign and malignant
    •  Exposure to toxins

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Spinal Cord Injury
•  Complications:
    •  Motor loss
    •  Sensory loss
    •  Incontinence
    •  Decubitus ulcers
    •  Spasticity
    •  Urinary tract infections
    •  Respiratory illness

•  Quadriplegia - lesion above T1 (1st thoracic vertebra)
    •  Involves any injury in the cervical spine
    •  Effects all four extremities, and trunk

•  Paraplegia – lesion at T1 or lower
    •  Involves any injury from the 1st thoracic vertebrae down to the coccyx
    •  Effects both lower extremities

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Spinal Cord Injury

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Spinal Cord Nerve Levels

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Spinal Cord Dermatomes

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Disorders of the Spine
•  Spinal Stenosis – progressive narrowing of the spaces in the spine, resulting
   in compression of nerve roots or spinal cord by bony spurs or soft tissue
   such as discs in the spinal canal
    •  Most often occurs in the lumbar spine, but can occur in the cervical
       region; less frequently in the thoracic region

    •  Can cause pain or numbness in legs, back, neck, shoulders or arms; limb
       weakness and
       incoordination; loss of sensation
       in extremities; problems
       with bladder or bowel function

    •  Commonly caused by age-related
       changes in the spine (osteo-
       arthritis, disk degeneration,
       thickened ligaments)
                                Illness, Injuries, Diseases                    17
Disorders of the Spine
•  Spondylolysis – a defect or fracture of the pars interarticularis (posterior
   part of the spine)
    •  Pars joins together the upper and lower joints of the vertebra

•  Spondyolisthesis - anterior or posterior displacement of one vertebra or
   vertebral segment in relation to the vertebra below
   •  Usually occurs because there is a spondylolysis in the vertebra on top
   •  Can occur anywhere in the spine, but is most common in the lower
   •  Displacement can cause pressure on spinal cord or nerve roots

•  Ankylosing spondylitis - inflammation of the facet joints between
   vertebrae; eventually causes the affected spinal bones to fuse
    •  Usually begins between the ages of 20 and 40; affects men more often
       than women

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Disorders of the Spine

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Disorders of the Spine

•  Herniated Disc - the inner disc material (nucleus), seeps through a crack in
   its outer shell (annulus)

•  Bulging Disc - a bulge in the annulus
    •  Occurs when the outer shell of a spinal disc weakens to the point where
       pressure causes it to bulge

•  Scoliosis - the sideways curvature of the spine

•  Kyphosis - rounding forward of the upper spine

•  Spina Bifida - incomplete closure of the bony spinal column; leaves a
   portion of the membranes or spinal cord exposed

                               Illness, Injuries, Diseases                   20
Disorders of the Spine

•  Radiculitis - inflammation of a nerve root, synonymous with radicular pain

•  Radicular Pain – pain which radiates along the dermatome (sensory
   distribution) of a nerve due to inflammation or other irritation of the nerve
   root from its connection to the spinal cord

•  Radiculopathy - chronic injury of spinal nerve roots caused by nerve
   compression or irritation
    •  Most common in lower back (lumbar radiculopathy) and neck (cervical
    •  Numbness, tingling, weakness, loss of motor function, and radiating
       pain are some of the common symptoms
    •  Pain is often described as sharp and radiating; worsens with activity or
       change in position

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Multiple Sclerosis

•  Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – a progressive neurologic disease characterized
   by a loss of myelin (demyelinization)
    •  Myelin – the coating of nerve fibers

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Multiple Sclerosis

•  Often results in continual loss of physical functions with progressive
   weakness, spasticity, and impaired coordination; can also affect speech and
•  Often marked by periods of exacerbations and remissions
        •  Exacerbations – symptoms worsen
        •  Remission – symptoms diminish or stabilize

•  Excessive heat exacerbates negative symptoms

•  Therapeutic exercise cannot reverse or halt the disease progression;
   however exercise can help maintain musculoskeletal function so that the
   patient can more effectively maintain functional independence

•  Persons are prone to early muscular fatigue, so exercise progression should
   avoid over-fatigue

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Guillain-Barre Syndrome

•  Guillain-Barre Syndrome – rare inflammatory disorder, causes symmetrical
   paralysis and loss of reflexes; usually begins in the lower extremities, then
   progresses upward
    •  An autoimmune disorder (the body’s immune system attacks itself)

    •  Results in destruction of the myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves

    •  Often occurs after a respiratory infection, or may be triggered by a

    •  Weakness and numbness begin in the distal extremities and
       progressively worsen as symptoms move toward the trunk

                                Illness, Injuries, Diseases                   24
                   Guillain-Barre Syndrome

•  Paralysis can progress to impair respiration

•  If early symptoms are severe, there is a significant increase in risk for
   serious long-term complications

•  Outcome usually very good when symptoms abate within 3 weeks of
   initial onset

•  Complete recovery noted in 70-80% of cases, but recovery can take
   weeks, months, or years; 20-30% have incomplete recovery

•  Up to 10 percent of people will experience a relapse

                           Illness, Injuries, Diseases                         25
Myasthenia Gravis

•  Myasthenia Gravis – a non-progressive disease of unknown origin
    •  Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder

    •  Onset can be sudden or gradual

    •  No known cure but treatment efforts are often favorable

    •  Often goes into remission for long periods

    •  Results in extreme fatigue and muscular exhaustion

    •  Muscular fatigue worsens as the day progresses
        •  Patterns of weakness usually begin in the face and spread to the other body
        •  An initial symptom is ptosis ( drooping eye lid) that exacerbates as the day

                                  Illness, Injuries, Diseases                             26
Myasthenia Gravis

•  Muscular fatigue worsens as the day progresses (cont.)
   •  Other symptoms include double vision, speech impairments, and
      difficulty chewing
   •  As symptoms spread, the shoulders and thighs become weak and can
      eventually impair the muscles of respiration

•  Symptoms get worse with repeated use and improve with rest

•  Shortness of breath can lead to respiratory failure if proper treatment is not

                                Illness, Injuries, Diseases                     27

•  Amputation – the cutting off of a limb or part of a limb

•  Major causes of amputation:
    •  Peripheral vascular disease – leading cause
        •  Particularly linked to smoking and diabetes
        •  Seen mostly in elderly

    •  Trauma – second leading cause
        •  Most related to motor vehicle accidents and gunshot wounds
        •  Young males represent the largest population group

•  Lower extremity amputation sites:
    •  Toe
    •  Ray - toe and part of the corresponding metatarsal
    •  Transmetatarsal – through the metatarsal
    •  Lisfranc - amputation of the foot at the tarsometatarsal joint
    •  Chopart - removes the forefoot and midfoot, saving talus and calcaneus
                               Illness, Injuries, Diseases                      28

•  Lower extremity amputation sites:
    •  Ankle disarticulation (Symes) – through the ankle
    •  Transtibial (BK - below knee)
    •  Knee disarticulation – through the knee
    •  Transfemoral (AK - above knee)
    •  Hip disarticulation – through the hip
    •  Hemipelvectomy – partial pelvis removal
    •  Hemicorporectomy – both lower limbs and all of pelvis removed

•  Phantom Limb Sensation - any sensory phenomenon (except pain) which is
   felt below an amputation site

    •  Phantom Limb Pain - mild to extreme pain felt in the area below the
       amputation site; can be extremely agonizing

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Diabetes Mellitus

•  Diabetes Mellitus – A chronic disease in which the body either doesn’t
   produce enough insulin or can’t use its own insulin efficiently
    •  Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, an organ near the
    •  Insulin is needed to convert sugar and other food into energy
    •  This causes elevated blood glucose levels

•  Type 1 Diabetes – juvenile onset, insulin dependent
    •  Type 1 is irreversible

•  Type 2 Diabetes – Non-insulin dependent, primarily adult onset, but can
   affect children
    •  Type 2 can be reversed or minimized through diet, exercise, and weight

                               Illness, Injuries, Diseases                  31
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

•  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) – also known as Lou Gehrig’s
    •  Chronic, progressive, fatal disease characterized by degeneration of
       both upper and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord

    •  As motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control
       muscle movement is lost, affecting voluntary muscle action
        •  Generally results in total paralysis during the latter stages of the

    •  Symptoms generally appear in the 4th or 5th decade of life

    •  Average life span is 8 years from the onset of the disease

                               Illness, Injuries, Diseases                        32
Parkinson's Disease

•  Parkinson’s Disease (paralysis agitans)- progressive movement disorder
   caused by degeneration in areas of the cerebrum resulting in a decreased
   production of dopamine

    •  Characterized by:
        •  Tremors
        •  Rigidity
        •  Slow voluntary movements (bradykinesia)
        •  Postural instability
        •  Muscle weakness

•  Occurs when cells in one of the movement-control centers of the brain begin
   to die for unknown reasons

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Huntington's Disease

•  Huntington’s Disease – inherited genetic disorder of the CNS,
   characterized by progressive mental and physical deterioration, eventually
   resulting in death
    •  Caused by a dominant gene, which when inherited the gene from one
       or both parents, causes a 50% likelihood of developing the disease
    •  HD is also known as Huntington’s Chorea

•  Chorea (dyskinesia) - a neurological disorder causing abnormal
   involuntary movements
    •  Chorea comes from the Greek word for dance
    •  Chorea – restless, wiggling, turning bodily movements
    •  Chorea movements - uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements,
       especially of the arms, legs, and face

                              Illness, Injuries, Diseases                   35
Huntington's Disease

•  Symptoms
    •  Can begin at any age from infancy to old age, but usually arise
       between 35 and 44 years of age

    •  Earliest symptoms are a general lack of coordination and unsteady gait

    •  As the disease advances, uncoordinated jerky body movements become
       more apparent, and behavioral and psychiatric problems increase

    •  Physical abilities are gradually impeded until coordinated movement
       becomes very difficult to impossible

    •  Mental abilities generally decline into dementia

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Alzheimer's Disease

•  Alzheimer’s Disease – disabling neurological disorder resulting in dementia,
   characterized by dysfunction and death of specific cerebral neurons
    •  Most serious form of dementia

    •  Results in widespread intellectual impairment and personality changes

    •  A significant pathological marker for the disease is the presence of
       neurofibrillary tangles in specific portions of the brain

    •  Most important known risk factor is age

    •  The number of people with AD doubles every 5 years beyond age 65

    •  Forgetfulness is an early sign, then short term memory loss, progressing
       to long term memory loss, and finally, total memory loss

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•  Lupus – chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the
   connective tissue

    •  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - can affect any part of the body,
       but most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver,
       kidneys, and nervous system
         •  The course of the disease is unpredictable with periods of illness
            (called flares) alternating with remissions
         •  Common complaints include fever, malaise, muscle pain, fatigue,
            and temporary loss of cognitive abilities; joint pain especially in the
            wrists, small joints of the hands, elbows, knees, and ankles is also

    •  Cutaneous (discoid) - version of the disease that is limited to the skin;
       characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp; does
       not affect internal organs
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•  Characterized by sensitivity to direct sunlight; must avoid overheating
•  More common in women; can occur at any age, but is usually diagnosed
   between the ages of 15 and 40.

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•  Arthritis - joint disorder characterized by arthralgia , swelling, stiffness,
   and redness
    •  Arthralgia – severe joint pain, extending along a nerve or group of
    •  Involves breakdown of articular cartilage
         •  Cartilage - dense, elastic, fibrous connective tissue composed of
            collagen fibers and/or elastin fibers
         •  Cartilage is contained in various joint structures, the outer ear,
            larynx, and various other body structures

    •  Over 100 different types of arthritis exist; the most common types are:
    •  Osteoarthritis
    •  Rheumatoid Arthritis

                                 Illness, Injuries, Diseases                       41

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•  Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type
    •  Chronic degenerative disorder primarily affecting the articular cartilage
       of synovial joints
    •  Eventually results in bone remodeling, with spurs and lipping
       overgrowth at the joint margins

•  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - an autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory,
   systemic disease; initially attacks the synovial membrane within a joint
    •  Systemic - relating to or affecting the entire body or an entire organism
    •  Inflammation of the synovial membrane leads to the destruction of the
       articular cartilage

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  • 1. Intro to Physical Disabilities Kinesiotherapy Training Module
  • 2. Disabilities •  Cerebrovascular Accident •  Diabetes Mellitus •  Head Injury •  Amyotrophic Lateral •  Spinal Cord Injury Sclerosis •  Disorders of the Spine •  Parkinson’s Disease •  Multiple Sclerosis •  Huntington’s Disease •  Guillain-Barre •  Alzheimer’s Disease •  Myasthenia Gravis •  Lupus Erythematosis •  Amputation •  Arthritis Illness, Injuries, Diseases 2
  • 3. Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA, Stroke) •  Loss of brain functions due to oxygen deprivation •  Oxygen deprivation occurs as result of a blockage or hemorrhage •  Blockage (Ischemic type) – caused by a clot (thrombus or embolus) that occludes a blood vessel; accounts for 80% of all strokes •  Hemorrhage – blood vessel bursts, often from an aneurysm; accounts for 20% of all strokes •  Second leading cause of death worldwide •  Result in varying degrees of neurological impairment •  Ischemic strokes tend to result in greater neurologic loss, but also tend to have a higher survival rate Illness, Injuries, Diseases 3
  • 5. CVA •  Risk factors for stroke include: •  Advanced age •  Diabetes •  Elevated cholesterol levels •  Smoking •  Hypertension (the most modifiable risk factor) •  Stroke Characteristics: •  Left brain lesion results in right side impairment •  Right brain lesion results in left side impairment •  Speech, memory, and vision are often impaired as well Illness, Injuries, Diseases 5
  • 6. CVA •  Terminology •  Hemiparesis – partial paralysis on one side, often resulting in diminished motor skills •  Hemiplegia – paralysis in on one side, often resulting in loss of motor skill •  Aphasia – partial or total loss of the ability to express or understand verbal or written language •  Lability - uncontrollable emotional outbursts •  Apraxia – inability to perform purposeful movements, but not accompanied by a loss of sensory function or paralysis •  Ataxia - inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements Illness, Injuries, Diseases 6
  • 7. Head Injury •  Closed Head Injury – an injury to the brain caused by an external source that imposes an acceleration, a deceleration, or rotational force •  Open Head Injury – an injury to the brain caused by a penetrating wound •  Symptoms depend upon the region of the brain that is injured •  Impairment as a result of brain injury: •  Physical – motor weakness, imbalance, spasticity •  Cognitive – impaired short term memory, perceptual function, and decision making •  Behavioral – emotional outbursts, impulsivity Illness, Injuries, Diseases 7
  • 8. Spinal Cord Injury •  The spinal cord is an elongated cylindrical mass of nervous tissue that is enclosed in the spinal canal of the vertebral column •  Between 17 or 18 inches long in the average adult •  Extends from the base of the brain to about the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebra •  Nerves descending below the ending of the spinal cord form the Cauda Equina, before exiting to periphery •  Cervical and lumbar enlargements are noted, to accommodate the cell bodies (lower motor neurons) for upper and lower extremities Illness, Injuries, Diseases 8
  • 10. Spinal Cord Injury •  Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) •  Results from a lesion (injury) to the spinal cord, disrupting motor function and sensation below the level of the lesion •  Classified according to the spinal level of the lesion, (i.e. injury at the 6th thoracic vertebra is classified as a T6 injury) •  Complete - injury that results in the complete loss of function below the point of injury •  Incomplete - injury in which some feeling or movement is still evident below the point of injury Illness, Injuries, Diseases 10
  • 11. Spinal Cord Injury •  Spinal Cord Injury •  Paralysis – inability to move a body part due to injury or disease of the nerves that supply the involved muscles •  Plegia - true paralysis •  Paresis - significant weakening of the affected muscle(s) •  Causes: •  Trauma – the majority of SCI (gunshots, car/diving accident, etc) •  Infections – (viral, bacterial) polio, transverse myelitis, meningitis, etc •  Tumors – both benign and malignant •  Exposure to toxins Illness, Injuries, Diseases 11
  • 13. Spinal Cord Injury •  Complications: •  Motor loss •  Sensory loss •  Incontinence •  Decubitus ulcers •  Spasticity •  Urinary tract infections •  Respiratory illness •  Quadriplegia - lesion above T1 (1st thoracic vertebra) •  Involves any injury in the cervical spine •  Effects all four extremities, and trunk •  Paraplegia – lesion at T1 or lower •  Involves any injury from the 1st thoracic vertebrae down to the coccyx •  Effects both lower extremities Illness, Injuries, Diseases 13
  • 14. Spinal Cord Injury Illness, Injuries, Diseases 14
  • 15. Spinal Cord Nerve Levels Illness, Injuries, Diseases 15
  • 16. Spinal Cord Dermatomes Illness, Injuries, Diseases 16
  • 17. Disorders of the Spine •  Spinal Stenosis – progressive narrowing of the spaces in the spine, resulting in compression of nerve roots or spinal cord by bony spurs or soft tissue such as discs in the spinal canal •  Most often occurs in the lumbar spine, but can occur in the cervical region; less frequently in the thoracic region •  Can cause pain or numbness in legs, back, neck, shoulders or arms; limb weakness and incoordination; loss of sensation in extremities; problems with bladder or bowel function •  Commonly caused by age-related changes in the spine (osteo- arthritis, disk degeneration, thickened ligaments) Illness, Injuries, Diseases 17
  • 18. Disorders of the Spine •  Spondylolysis – a defect or fracture of the pars interarticularis (posterior part of the spine) •  Pars joins together the upper and lower joints of the vertebra •  Spondyolisthesis - anterior or posterior displacement of one vertebra or vertebral segment in relation to the vertebra below •  Usually occurs because there is a spondylolysis in the vertebra on top •  Can occur anywhere in the spine, but is most common in the lower spine •  Displacement can cause pressure on spinal cord or nerve roots •  Ankylosing spondylitis - inflammation of the facet joints between vertebrae; eventually causes the affected spinal bones to fuse •  Usually begins between the ages of 20 and 40; affects men more often than women Illness, Injuries, Diseases 18
  • 19. Disorders of the Spine Illness, Injuries, Diseases 19
  • 20. Disorders of the Spine •  Herniated Disc - the inner disc material (nucleus), seeps through a crack in its outer shell (annulus) •  Bulging Disc - a bulge in the annulus •  Occurs when the outer shell of a spinal disc weakens to the point where pressure causes it to bulge •  Scoliosis - the sideways curvature of the spine •  Kyphosis - rounding forward of the upper spine •  Spina Bifida - incomplete closure of the bony spinal column; leaves a portion of the membranes or spinal cord exposed Illness, Injuries, Diseases 20
  • 21. Disorders of the Spine •  Radiculitis - inflammation of a nerve root, synonymous with radicular pain •  Radicular Pain – pain which radiates along the dermatome (sensory distribution) of a nerve due to inflammation or other irritation of the nerve root from its connection to the spinal cord •  Radiculopathy - chronic injury of spinal nerve roots caused by nerve compression or irritation •  Most common in lower back (lumbar radiculopathy) and neck (cervical radiculopathy) •  Numbness, tingling, weakness, loss of motor function, and radiating pain are some of the common symptoms •  Pain is often described as sharp and radiating; worsens with activity or change in position Illness, Injuries, Diseases 21
  • 22. Multiple Sclerosis •  Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – a progressive neurologic disease characterized by a loss of myelin (demyelinization) •  Myelin – the coating of nerve fibers Illness, Injuries, Diseases 22
  • 23. Multiple Sclerosis •  Often results in continual loss of physical functions with progressive weakness, spasticity, and impaired coordination; can also affect speech and vision •  Often marked by periods of exacerbations and remissions •  Exacerbations – symptoms worsen •  Remission – symptoms diminish or stabilize •  Excessive heat exacerbates negative symptoms •  Therapeutic exercise cannot reverse or halt the disease progression; however exercise can help maintain musculoskeletal function so that the patient can more effectively maintain functional independence •  Persons are prone to early muscular fatigue, so exercise progression should avoid over-fatigue Illness, Injuries, Diseases 23
  • 24. Guillain-Barre Syndrome •  Guillain-Barre Syndrome – rare inflammatory disorder, causes symmetrical paralysis and loss of reflexes; usually begins in the lower extremities, then progresses upward •  An autoimmune disorder (the body’s immune system attacks itself) •  Results in destruction of the myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves •  Often occurs after a respiratory infection, or may be triggered by a vaccination •  Weakness and numbness begin in the distal extremities and progressively worsen as symptoms move toward the trunk Illness, Injuries, Diseases 24
  • 25.   Guillain-Barre Syndrome •  Paralysis can progress to impair respiration •  If early symptoms are severe, there is a significant increase in risk for serious long-term complications •  Outcome usually very good when symptoms abate within 3 weeks of initial onset •  Complete recovery noted in 70-80% of cases, but recovery can take weeks, months, or years; 20-30% have incomplete recovery •  Up to 10 percent of people will experience a relapse Illness, Injuries, Diseases 25
  • 26. Myasthenia Gravis •  Myasthenia Gravis – a non-progressive disease of unknown origin •  Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder •  Onset can be sudden or gradual •  No known cure but treatment efforts are often favorable •  Often goes into remission for long periods •  Results in extreme fatigue and muscular exhaustion •  Muscular fatigue worsens as the day progresses •  Patterns of weakness usually begin in the face and spread to the other body parts •  An initial symptom is ptosis ( drooping eye lid) that exacerbates as the day progresses Illness, Injuries, Diseases 26
  • 27. Myasthenia Gravis •  Muscular fatigue worsens as the day progresses (cont.) •  Other symptoms include double vision, speech impairments, and difficulty chewing •  As symptoms spread, the shoulders and thighs become weak and can eventually impair the muscles of respiration •  Symptoms get worse with repeated use and improve with rest •  Shortness of breath can lead to respiratory failure if proper treatment is not administered Illness, Injuries, Diseases 27
  • 28. Amputation •  Amputation – the cutting off of a limb or part of a limb •  Major causes of amputation: •  Peripheral vascular disease – leading cause •  Particularly linked to smoking and diabetes •  Seen mostly in elderly •  Trauma – second leading cause •  Most related to motor vehicle accidents and gunshot wounds •  Young males represent the largest population group •  Lower extremity amputation sites: •  Toe •  Ray - toe and part of the corresponding metatarsal •  Transmetatarsal – through the metatarsal •  Lisfranc - amputation of the foot at the tarsometatarsal joint •  Chopart - removes the forefoot and midfoot, saving talus and calcaneus Illness, Injuries, Diseases 28
  • 29. Amputation •  Lower extremity amputation sites: •  Ankle disarticulation (Symes) – through the ankle •  Transtibial (BK - below knee) •  Knee disarticulation – through the knee •  Transfemoral (AK - above knee) •  Hip disarticulation – through the hip •  Hemipelvectomy – partial pelvis removal •  Hemicorporectomy – both lower limbs and all of pelvis removed •  Phantom Limb Sensation - any sensory phenomenon (except pain) which is felt below an amputation site •  Phantom Limb Pain - mild to extreme pain felt in the area below the amputation site; can be extremely agonizing Illness, Injuries, Diseases 29
  • 31. Diabetes Mellitus •  Diabetes Mellitus – A chronic disease in which the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t use its own insulin efficiently •  Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, an organ near the stomach •  Insulin is needed to convert sugar and other food into energy •  This causes elevated blood glucose levels •  Type 1 Diabetes – juvenile onset, insulin dependent •  Type 1 is irreversible •  Type 2 Diabetes – Non-insulin dependent, primarily adult onset, but can affect children •  Type 2 can be reversed or minimized through diet, exercise, and weight control Illness, Injuries, Diseases 31
  • 32. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis •  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) – also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease •  Chronic, progressive, fatal disease characterized by degeneration of both upper and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord •  As motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost, affecting voluntary muscle action •  Generally results in total paralysis during the latter stages of the disease •  Symptoms generally appear in the 4th or 5th decade of life •  Average life span is 8 years from the onset of the disease Illness, Injuries, Diseases 32
  • 33. Parkinson's Disease •  Parkinson’s Disease (paralysis agitans)- progressive movement disorder caused by degeneration in areas of the cerebrum resulting in a decreased production of dopamine •  Characterized by: •  Tremors •  Rigidity •  Slow voluntary movements (bradykinesia) •  Postural instability •  Muscle weakness •  Occurs when cells in one of the movement-control centers of the brain begin to die for unknown reasons Illness, Injuries, Diseases 33
  • 35. Huntington's Disease •  Huntington’s Disease – inherited genetic disorder of the CNS, characterized by progressive mental and physical deterioration, eventually resulting in death •  Caused by a dominant gene, which when inherited the gene from one or both parents, causes a 50% likelihood of developing the disease •  HD is also known as Huntington’s Chorea •  Chorea (dyskinesia) - a neurological disorder causing abnormal involuntary movements •  Chorea comes from the Greek word for dance •  Chorea – restless, wiggling, turning bodily movements •  Chorea movements - uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face Illness, Injuries, Diseases 35
  • 36. Huntington's Disease •  Symptoms •  Can begin at any age from infancy to old age, but usually arise between 35 and 44 years of age •  Earliest symptoms are a general lack of coordination and unsteady gait •  As the disease advances, uncoordinated jerky body movements become more apparent, and behavioral and psychiatric problems increase •  Physical abilities are gradually impeded until coordinated movement becomes very difficult to impossible •  Mental abilities generally decline into dementia Illness, Injuries, Diseases 36
  • 37. Alzheimer's Disease •  Alzheimer’s Disease – disabling neurological disorder resulting in dementia, characterized by dysfunction and death of specific cerebral neurons •  Most serious form of dementia •  Results in widespread intellectual impairment and personality changes •  A significant pathological marker for the disease is the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in specific portions of the brain •  Most important known risk factor is age •  The number of people with AD doubles every 5 years beyond age 65 •  Forgetfulness is an early sign, then short term memory loss, progressing to long term memory loss, and finally, total memory loss Illness, Injuries, Diseases 37
  • 39. Lupus •  Lupus – chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the connective tissue •  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - can affect any part of the body, but most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system •  The course of the disease is unpredictable with periods of illness (called flares) alternating with remissions •  Common complaints include fever, malaise, muscle pain, fatigue, and temporary loss of cognitive abilities; joint pain especially in the wrists, small joints of the hands, elbows, knees, and ankles is also common •  Cutaneous (discoid) - version of the disease that is limited to the skin; characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp; does not affect internal organs Illness, Injuries, Diseases 39
  • 40. Lupus •  Characterized by sensitivity to direct sunlight; must avoid overheating •  More common in women; can occur at any age, but is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40. Illness, Injuries, Diseases 40
  • 41. Arthritis •  Arthritis - joint disorder characterized by arthralgia , swelling, stiffness, and redness •  Arthralgia – severe joint pain, extending along a nerve or group of nerves •  Involves breakdown of articular cartilage •  Cartilage - dense, elastic, fibrous connective tissue composed of collagen fibers and/or elastin fibers •  Cartilage is contained in various joint structures, the outer ear, larynx, and various other body structures •  Over 100 different types of arthritis exist; the most common types are: •  Osteoarthritis •  Rheumatoid Arthritis Illness, Injuries, Diseases 41
  • 43. Arthritis •  Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type •  Chronic degenerative disorder primarily affecting the articular cartilage of synovial joints •  Eventually results in bone remodeling, with spurs and lipping overgrowth at the joint margins •  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - an autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory, systemic disease; initially attacks the synovial membrane within a joint •  Systemic - relating to or affecting the entire body or an entire organism •  Inflammation of the synovial membrane leads to the destruction of the articular cartilage Illness, Injuries, Diseases 43