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inter est in and concer n for or ganizational str uctur e, author ity, coor dination,
span of contr ol, and other issues r elevant to or ganizational design
Intr oduction

3 phases of evolution

incr easing concer n for a top-management view point that pr eceded r enew ed
inter est in the w or k of Henr y Fayol
antecedents to later thinking about the natur e of the fir m and the r ole of management

Pr esident of th Gener al Motor s Ex por t Cor por ation
degr ee in mining engineer ing fr om Case Institute (1908)
Biogr aphy

w as Roosevelt's secr et emissar y to Hitler
1942 : head of the U.S. Navy Bur eau of Aer onautics
Pr esident and chair man of the boar d of Willys Over land Motor s
On ward In dus try(w ith Alan C. Reiley)
pr oduction and distr ibution

pr inciples of or ganizational efficiency

efficient coor dination of all r elationship
pr ofit thr ough ser vice as an obligation
Or ganization

Lenny Mar tini - 29006014

the for m of ever y human association for the attainment
of a common pur pose
the vital spar k w hich actuates, dir ects and contr ols the
plans and pr ocedur e of or ganization

r elation of management to or ganization analogous to
the r elation of the psychic complex to the physical body

Par t III The Social Per son Er a- Ch. 16

or der ly ar r angement of gr oup effor t, to pr ovide unity of
action in the pur suit of a common pur pose

concer ned w ith for mal str uctur e and objective

had its foundation in author ity

sear ch for pr inciples of or ganization and pr inciple of management

supr eme coor dinating pow er

Mooney & Reiley : ex tr icated r ules of or ganization
fr om histor y to incr ease or ganizational efficiency

author ity

Henr y Dennison : flex ible str uctur e
Gulick, Ur w ick, Gr aicunas : for mal r elationship to r educe confusion
and foster cer tainty and pr edictability
Davis : shift in management thinking fr om top management view
point w ith or ganic functions

the sour ce of r esponsibility for dir ection
r ight inher ed legitimately in the or ganization

coor dination
James D. Mooney : The Affable Ir ishman

Summar y

definition of the objective

Concepts and opinions

had to be under stood by member to add
the degr ee of teamw or k and accomplish

doctr ine
Pr inciple of Or ganization

Gulick&Ur w ick : synthesize management theor y

r ight inher ed legitimately in the or ganization

Hopf : scientific appr oach to study of the fir m as a w hole

hier ar chy of degr ees of author ity and cor r esponding
r esponsibility in ever y or ganization

separ ation of ow ner ship and contr ol
tr ansaction cot economics

had its foundation in leader ship

scalar pr inciple

leader ship
mechanical engineer
w or ked at Winchester Repeating Ar ms Company
established the depar tment of management in the
College of Commer ce and Administr ation

delegation confer r ed author ity on a subor dinate by a super ior

division of labor

functional pr inciple

need for coor dination

set up a depar tment of management in the Gener al Motor s Insitute

line vs staff

tr aditional, shop-level, oper ative management
or ientation, factor y management

hier ar chical str uctur es
depar tmentation

1. fundamental functions

lar ge-scale or ganizations r equir ed for malism in design

2. division of r esponsibility

coor dination

4. functioning of the system
consider ation of developing the or ganization

5. flex ibility of or ganization

pr inciples r esembled Weber 's bur eaucr atic hier ar chy,
legal notion of author ity, and defined duties &
r esponsibilities

6. pr ovision for futur e gr ow th
7. per sonal char acter istic & abilities

studied gover nments, ar mies, catholic chur ch

8. cr eation of an ideal

his management thought about pr inciples of or ganization became a
building block for a for malistic view s of or ganization

9. quality of leader ship

design of or ganizational str uctur e diametr ically
opposed to Mooney & Reiley's appr oach

specification of the factor s, for ces, effects and
r elationships that enter into and ar e r equir ed for the
solution of a business pr oblem

or ganization engineer ing = making a success of gr oup life
find like-minded people, gr oup them, develop the total
or ganization str uctur e last


mental w or k of cr eative natur e that facilitated
under standing and accomplishment of the
or ganization's mission

1. r egar d for his ow n family's w elfar e and standing
2. liking for the w or k itself

br inging functions, physical factor s and per sonnel into
pr oper r elationships w ith one another
r ight to plan, or ganize, and contr ol the or ganization's activities


Ralph C. Davis : Pater Familiae Et M agis ter

4. r espect and r egar d for the main pur pose of the or ganization

tr aditional view , decision making


constr aining and r egulating activities

advocated modifying jobs to pr ovide gr eater satisfaction

or ganic functions of management

r outine planning

Henr y Dennison, Organ ization En gin eerin g(1931)

r ecognized infor mal gr oups and their influence on
r estr iction of output
nonfinancial incentives w hen pr oper ly mix ed w ith
economic incentives built loyalty

pr epar ation

3. r egar d for one or mor e member s of the or ganization
and for their good opinion, and pleasur e in w or king
w ith them

or ganizing

based on author ity

final or ganizational str uctur e should be flex ible to
str engthen gr oup per for mance

8 contr ol functions

dir ection

author ity and r esponsibility should be clear ly defined

contr olling

super vision

span of contr ol optimum betw een 6-12 subor dinate

compar ison

pr ofit shar ing

cor r ective action

low inter est loans for employees to pur chase homes

economic incentives

employee r epr esentation plans

1. pr eliminar y contr ol
2. concur r ent contr ol

timing in phases of contr ol

unemployment insur ance to stabilize employees' incomes
ear ly per sonnel depar tments

3. cor r ective action
function of ex ecutive leader ship

a manager ial tr ansaction

Or g anization and Peo ple

any values that the business or ganization is r equir ed or
ex pected to acquir e, cr eate, pr eser ve or distr ibute

objective of business or ganization

Or ganizations : Str uctur e and Design

consultant, author and ex ecutive

biogr aphy


C. Canby Balder ston, Kar abasz, & Rober t P. Br echt on
M an agemen t of an En terpris e

ex ecutive leader ship w as a motivating for ce

mater ial
pr oduction or iented view of management

Tow ar d a Top-Management view point

or ganization as a for mal fr amew or k
per sonnel management outside shop-management boundar ies

for m follow s function in designing the or ganizational str uctur e
anticipate dictum str uctur e follow s str ategy
the state of development of a business enter pr ise tends
to per petuate an equilibr ium betw een the factor s of
size, cost and human capacity
highest degr ee r egular r ealization of the business objectives

E.H. Ander son & G.T. Schw enning of The Scien ce of
Production Organ ization (1938)

management teacher s
initiated by Char les L. Jamison fr om Univer sity of Michigan &William N.
Mitchell of Chicago

could be achieved by a scientific appr oach based on measur ement
or ganization should ser ve society and ther eby max imize ear nings
not sacr ificed one par t to the w hole, benefiting one
par ty at the ex pense of another

began for mal oper ations in 1941
foster a philosophy of management

goal of cor por ate gr ow th w as afaux ami


gr eater under standing by Ex ecutive leader ship
w ider acquaintance among people inter ested in management

gr eater r esponsibilities of top management dur ing WW II
inadequate planning and clar ification of futur e objectives

need for a synthesis in management education
synthesize Henr y Fayol's w or k

Har r y Hopf : Tow ar d The Optimum


elements of enter pr ise

Tex ts, Teacher s and Tr ends

all manager s should be judged by the r esults they obtained

negotiating w ith labor in an ex change r elationship

the ar t and science of or ganizing, pr epar ing, and dir ecting human effor t
applied to contr ol the for ces and to utilize the mater ials of natur e for the
benefit of man


The Fun damen tals of Top M an agemen t(1951)

or ganizational objectives w er e constr ained by
community ideals or commonly held standar ds of
business conduct
stimulated and dir ected member s

use of staff
team w or k

3. definite location of r esponsibility

pr ovide basis for economical and effective action in
achievement goals

r epr esent author ity

distinction betw een differ ent kinds of duties

biogr aphy


study of top management
theor y and pr actice of management

Academy of Management

1. economic function of a company

or ganizing
contr olling

inter est

2. or ganizational str uctur e

for ming

3. health of its ear nings gr ow th

administr ative management
Analyzing Top Management

4. pr actices of fair ness to stockholder s
5. r esear ch and development pr actices

dir ecting
coor dinating depar tments

Jackson Mar tindell : Cr iter ia for sustain, quality of the management

pr ofessor


6. fiscal policies

business people

7. value contr ibuted by the boar d of dir ector s

r eflected the incr eased aw ar eness of the necessity of teaching
management & br inging together diver se ideas into a sear ch for
management theor y

8. company's pr oductive efficiency
9. sales or ganization
10. ex ecutive abilities of the company

incr easing aw ar eness of the r elationship of industr y to society as a w hole

manager s and dir ector s w er e economic autocr ats w ho
per for med a contr olling gr oup that hold the pow er to
diver t pr ofit into their pockets
shar eholder s had little contr ol over the selection of
manager s and dir ector s

need for management to r elate effectively to its public
social r esponsibility of management
customer s

Ar thur G. Ander son on In dus trial En gin eerin g an d Factory M an agemen t

Ber le & Means on The M odern Corporation an d Private Property (1932)

aw ar eness of stakeholder s

no clear solution to separ ation of ow ner ship and contr ol


need for pr ofessionalization in management
danger s in oligar chy of an ex ecutive gr oups that placed
its ow n inter ests above or ganization

lar ger view of the r ole of management
Rober t A. Gor don on Bus in es s Leaders hip in the Large Corporation(1945)


solution : dynamic, pr ofessional ex ecutives w ho w er e
r esponsive to the needs of the gr oups ser ved by the
or ganization

tr ansfer ow ner ship r ight betw een buyer and seller

manager ial


tr ansactions
function of the manager

bar gaining

super ior -subor dinate
collective super ior

3 types of ow ner ship tr ansfer s

coor dination
Invisible and Visible hands

r epor ting

Luther Gulick (1937)


managing w as not giving or der s but gaining the
cooper ation of those w ho car r ied out the or der s

decisions making, or der and instr uctions, leader ship
inter r elating var ious par ts of the w or k
infor m the ex ecutive thr ough r ecor ds, r esear ch and inspections
planning, accounting, contr ol

developed a theor y of depar tmentation

questioning Adam Smith's invisible hand

cost to using the mar ket mechanism, might be r educed
if a fir m could coor dinate these mar ket tr ansaction

for mal str uctur e of author ity, coor dinating
per sonnel function, tr aining staff, maintaining
favor able conditions of w or k

dir ecting

John R. Commons on In s titution al Econ omics : Its Place
in Political Econ omy (1934)

r ationing

if the mar ket is so efficient, w hy do w e have business fir ms?

br oad outline and methods to accomplish goals

or ganizing
management as 4th factor of pr oduction (Say, Atkinson, Mar hall)

smallest unit of analysis in the tr ansfer of pr oper ty r ights

stockholder s

Ow ner ship and Contr ol

R.H. Coase on The Nature of the Firm (1937)

Building blocks for Administr ative Theor y

major pur pose of or ganization w as coor dination
1. pur pose
gr ouping activities by

business fir ms as the visible hand

2. pr ocess used
3. per son or things dealt w ith

pr inciple of homogeneity

4. place
major gr ouping, pr imar y levels of depar tmentation
ensur e coor dination, maintain flex ibility
1. pr inciple of objective
2. pr inciple of cor r espondence
3. pr inciple of r esponsibility

Lt. Colonel Lyndall F. Ur w ick on Papers on the Scien ce of Admin is tration

8 pr inciples applicable to all or ganizations

4. the scalar pr inciple
5. pr inciple of the span of contr ol
6. pr inciple of specialization
7. coor dination pr inciple
8. pr inciple of definition

the smaller the r esponsibility of the gr oup member , the
lar ger may be the number of the gr oup
the near er w e appr oach the supr eme head of the w hole
or ganization, the mor e w e w or k tow ar ds gr oup of six
The Span of Contr ol

V.A. Gr aicunas

nar r ow & limited span of contr ol, suppor ted by

the psychological pr inciple of span of attention
cr oss r elationship, dir ect gr oup r elationship

geometr ic gr ow th of cr oss r elationships
max imum 4 or 5 subor dinate

16- Organization and People - Lenny 29006014.mmap - 07/11/2006 -

ex ception for r outine w or k

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Organization and People

  • 1. inter est in and concer n for or ganizational str uctur e, author ity, coor dination, span of contr ol, and other issues r elevant to or ganizational design Intr oduction 3 phases of evolution incr easing concer n for a top-management view point that pr eceded r enew ed inter est in the w or k of Henr y Fayol antecedents to later thinking about the natur e of the fir m and the r ole of management Pr esident of th Gener al Motor s Ex por t Cor por ation degr ee in mining engineer ing fr om Case Institute (1908) Biogr aphy w as Roosevelt's secr et emissar y to Hitler 1942 : head of the U.S. Navy Bur eau of Aer onautics Pr esident and chair man of the boar d of Willys Over land Motor s On ward In dus try(w ith Alan C. Reiley) pr oduction and distr ibution pr inciples of or ganizational efficiency efficient coor dination of all r elationship pr ofit thr ough ser vice as an obligation Or ganization Management Lenny Mar tini - 29006014 the for m of ever y human association for the attainment of a common pur pose the vital spar k w hich actuates, dir ects and contr ols the plans and pr ocedur e of or ganization r elation of management to or ganization analogous to the r elation of the psychic complex to the physical body Par t III The Social Per son Er a- Ch. 16 or der ly ar r angement of gr oup effor t, to pr ovide unity of action in the pur suit of a common pur pose concer ned w ith for mal str uctur e and objective had its foundation in author ity sear ch for pr inciples of or ganization and pr inciple of management supr eme coor dinating pow er Mooney & Reiley : ex tr icated r ules of or ganization fr om histor y to incr ease or ganizational efficiency author ity Henr y Dennison : flex ible str uctur e Gulick, Ur w ick, Gr aicunas : for mal r elationship to r educe confusion and foster cer tainty and pr edictability Davis : shift in management thinking fr om top management view point w ith or ganic functions the sour ce of r esponsibility for dir ection r ight inher ed legitimately in the or ganization coor dination James D. Mooney : The Affable Ir ishman Summar y definition of the objective Concepts and opinions had to be under stood by member to add the degr ee of teamw or k and accomplish objectives doctr ine Pr inciple of Or ganization Gulick&Ur w ick : synthesize management theor y r ight inher ed legitimately in the or ganization Hopf : scientific appr oach to study of the fir m as a w hole hier ar chy of degr ees of author ity and cor r esponding r esponsibility in ever y or ganization separ ation of ow ner ship and contr ol tr ansaction cot economics had its foundation in leader ship scalar pr inciple leader ship mechanical engineer w or ked at Winchester Repeating Ar ms Company established the depar tment of management in the College of Commer ce and Administr ation delegation confer r ed author ity on a subor dinate by a super ior division of labor functional pr inciple need for coor dination set up a depar tment of management in the Gener al Motor s Insitute line vs staff tr aditional, shop-level, oper ative management or ientation, factor y management hier ar chical str uctur es depar tmentation 1. fundamental functions lar ge-scale or ganizations r equir ed for malism in design 2. division of r esponsibility coor dination 4. functioning of the system consider ation of developing the or ganization 5. flex ibility of or ganization pr inciples r esembled Weber 's bur eaucr atic hier ar chy, legal notion of author ity, and defined duties & r esponsibilities 6. pr ovision for futur e gr ow th 7. per sonal char acter istic & abilities studied gover nments, ar mies, catholic chur ch 8. cr eation of an ideal his management thought about pr inciples of or ganization became a building block for a for malistic view s of or ganization 9. quality of leader ship design of or ganizational str uctur e diametr ically opposed to Mooney & Reiley's appr oach specification of the factor s, for ces, effects and r elationships that enter into and ar e r equir ed for the solution of a business pr oblem or ganization engineer ing = making a success of gr oup life find like-minded people, gr oup them, develop the total or ganization str uctur e last planning mental w or k of cr eative natur e that facilitated under standing and accomplishment of the or ganization's mission 1. r egar d for his ow n family's w elfar e and standing 2. liking for the w or k itself br inging functions, physical factor s and per sonnel into pr oper r elationships w ith one another r ight to plan, or ganize, and contr ol the or ganization's activities motivation Ralph C. Davis : Pater Familiae Et M agis ter 4. r espect and r egar d for the main pur pose of the or ganization tr aditional view , decision making concepts constr aining and r egulating activities advocated modifying jobs to pr ovide gr eater satisfaction or ganic functions of management r outine planning Henr y Dennison, Organ ization En gin eerin g(1931) r ecognized infor mal gr oups and their influence on r estr iction of output nonfinancial incentives w hen pr oper ly mix ed w ith economic incentives built loyalty scheduling pr epar ation dispatching 3. r egar d for one or mor e member s of the or ganization and for their good opinion, and pleasur e in w or king w ith them or ganizing based on author ity final or ganizational str uctur e should be flex ible to str engthen gr oup per for mance 8 contr ol functions dir ection author ity and r esponsibility should be clear ly defined contr olling super vision span of contr ol optimum betw een 6-12 subor dinate compar ison pr ofit shar ing cor r ective action low inter est loans for employees to pur chase homes economic incentives employee r epr esentation plans 1. pr eliminar y contr ol 2. concur r ent contr ol timing in phases of contr ol unemployment insur ance to stabilize employees' incomes ear ly per sonnel depar tments 3. cor r ective action function of ex ecutive leader ship a manager ial tr ansaction management Or g anization and Peo ple any values that the business or ganization is r equir ed or ex pected to acquir e, cr eate, pr eser ve or distr ibute objective of business or ganization Or ganizations : Str uctur e and Design consultant, author and ex ecutive biogr aphy men C. Canby Balder ston, Kar abasz, & Rober t P. Br echt on M an agemen t of an En terpris e (1935) ex ecutive leader ship w as a motivating for ce machines mater ial pr oduction or iented view of management Tow ar d a Top-Management view point or ganization as a for mal fr amew or k per sonnel management outside shop-management boundar ies for m follow s function in designing the or ganizational str uctur e anticipate dictum str uctur e follow s str ategy the state of development of a business enter pr ise tends to per petuate an equilibr ium betw een the factor s of size, cost and human capacity highest degr ee r egular r ealization of the business objectives E.H. Ander son & G.T. Schw enning of The Scien ce of Production Organ ization (1938) concepts management teacher s initiated by Char les L. Jamison fr om Univer sity of Michigan &William N. Mitchell of Chicago could be achieved by a scientific appr oach based on measur ement or ganization should ser ve society and ther eby max imize ear nings not sacr ificed one par t to the w hole, benefiting one par ty at the ex pense of another began for mal oper ations in 1941 foster a philosophy of management goal of cor por ate gr ow th w as afaux ami objectives gr eater under standing by Ex ecutive leader ship w ider acquaintance among people inter ested in management gr eater r esponsibilities of top management dur ing WW II inadequate planning and clar ification of futur e objectives need for a synthesis in management education synthesize Henr y Fayol's w or k Har r y Hopf : Tow ar d The Optimum optimology money elements of enter pr ise Tex ts, Teacher s and Tr ends all manager s should be judged by the r esults they obtained negotiating w ith labor in an ex change r elationship the ar t and science of or ganizing, pr epar ing, and dir ecting human effor t applied to contr ol the for ces and to utilize the mater ials of natur e for the benefit of man management The Fun damen tals of Top M an agemen t(1951) or ganizational objectives w er e constr ained by community ideals or commonly held standar ds of business conduct stimulated and dir ected member s use of staff team w or k 3. definite location of r esponsibility pr ovide basis for economical and effective action in achievement goals r epr esent author ity distinction betw een differ ent kinds of duties biogr aphy planning study of top management theor y and pr actice of management Academy of Management 1. economic function of a company or ganizing contr olling inter est 2. or ganizational str uctur e for ming 3. health of its ear nings gr ow th administr ative management Analyzing Top Management 4. pr actices of fair ness to stockholder s 5. r esear ch and development pr actices dir ecting coor dinating depar tments Jackson Mar tindell : Cr iter ia for sustain, quality of the management pr ofessor member 6. fiscal policies business people 7. value contr ibuted by the boar d of dir ector s r eflected the incr eased aw ar eness of the necessity of teaching management & br inging together diver se ideas into a sear ch for management theor y 8. company's pr oductive efficiency 9. sales or ganization 10. ex ecutive abilities of the company incr easing aw ar eness of the r elationship of industr y to society as a w hole manager s and dir ector s w er e economic autocr ats w ho per for med a contr olling gr oup that hold the pow er to diver t pr ofit into their pockets shar eholder s had little contr ol over the selection of manager s and dir ector s need for management to r elate effectively to its public social r esponsibility of management customer s Ar thur G. Ander son on In dus trial En gin eerin g an d Factory M an agemen t (1928) Ber le & Means on The M odern Corporation an d Private Property (1932) aw ar eness of stakeholder s no clear solution to separ ation of ow ner ship and contr ol employee need for pr ofessionalization in management danger s in oligar chy of an ex ecutive gr oups that placed its ow n inter ests above or ganization lar ger view of the r ole of management Rober t A. Gor don on Bus in es s Leaders hip in the Large Corporation(1945) planning solution : dynamic, pr ofessional ex ecutives w ho w er e r esponsive to the needs of the gr oups ser ved by the or ganization tr ansfer ow ner ship r ight betw een buyer and seller manager ial staffing tr ansactions function of the manager bar gaining super ior -subor dinate collective super ior 3 types of ow ner ship tr ansfer s coor dination Invisible and Visible hands r epor ting Luther Gulick (1937) budgeting managing w as not giving or der s but gaining the cooper ation of those w ho car r ied out the or der s decisions making, or der and instr uctions, leader ship inter r elating var ious par ts of the w or k infor m the ex ecutive thr ough r ecor ds, r esear ch and inspections planning, accounting, contr ol developed a theor y of depar tmentation questioning Adam Smith's invisible hand cost to using the mar ket mechanism, might be r educed if a fir m could coor dinate these mar ket tr ansaction for mal str uctur e of author ity, coor dinating per sonnel function, tr aining staff, maintaining favor able conditions of w or k dir ecting John R. Commons on In s titution al Econ omics : Its Place in Political Econ omy (1934) r ationing if the mar ket is so efficient, w hy do w e have business fir ms? br oad outline and methods to accomplish goals or ganizing management as 4th factor of pr oduction (Say, Atkinson, Mar hall) smallest unit of analysis in the tr ansfer of pr oper ty r ights stockholder s public Ow ner ship and Contr ol R.H. Coase on The Nature of the Firm (1937) Building blocks for Administr ative Theor y major pur pose of or ganization w as coor dination 1. pur pose gr ouping activities by business fir ms as the visible hand 2. pr ocess used 3. per son or things dealt w ith pr inciple of homogeneity 4. place major gr ouping, pr imar y levels of depar tmentation ensur e coor dination, maintain flex ibility 1. pr inciple of objective 2. pr inciple of cor r espondence 3. pr inciple of r esponsibility Lt. Colonel Lyndall F. Ur w ick on Papers on the Scien ce of Admin is tration 8 pr inciples applicable to all or ganizations 4. the scalar pr inciple 5. pr inciple of the span of contr ol 6. pr inciple of specialization 7. coor dination pr inciple 8. pr inciple of definition the smaller the r esponsibility of the gr oup member , the lar ger may be the number of the gr oup the near er w e appr oach the supr eme head of the w hole or ganization, the mor e w e w or k tow ar ds gr oup of six The Span of Contr ol V.A. Gr aicunas nar r ow & limited span of contr ol, suppor ted by the psychological pr inciple of span of attention cr oss r elationship, dir ect gr oup r elationship geometr ic gr ow th of cr oss r elationships max imum 4 or 5 subor dinate 16- Organization and People - Lenny 29006014.mmap - 07/11/2006 - ex ception for r outine w or k