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Nutritional supplement
in multiple pregnancy
Fellow. You Jung, Shin
Nutrition and complications
associated with multiple gestation
• Pregnant women
• Pre-eclampsia
• Preterm delivery
• Cesarean delivery
• Postpartum hemorrhage
• Fetus/Infants
• Prematurity
• Low birth weight
• Intrauterine growth restriction
• Neonatal morbidity
• High perinatal, and infant
Luke B. What is the influence of maternal weight gain on the fetal growth of twins?
Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1998;41:56–64.
Mares M, Casanueva E. Embarazo gemelar: determinantes
maternas del peso al nacer. Perinatol Reprod Hum. 2001;15:238–244.
Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-411B
Summary of pooled estimates for the
effect of maternal micronutrient
supplementation on pregnancy outcomes
Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-11B
Physiologic changes
Component of weight gain during pregnancy
Williamson, Nutrition in pregnancy, 2006 British nutrition foundation nutrition bulletin 2006;31:28-59
Weight gain
Chart for estimating BMI
• Williams figure 48-1
• P962
• Prenatal care
Williams 24/e
BMI-specific weight gain goals.
(BMI 19.8-26)
(BMI 26.1-29)
(BMI >29)
Luke et al, J repord Med 2003;48:217-24
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Weight gain
in twin and singleton
Cambell, Nutrition During Pregnancy Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements, 1986
Weight gain recommendation
Prepregnancy weight
category (BMI)
Weight gain range
Weight gain in
2nd and 3rd
Singleton Underweight (<18.5) 12.5-18.0 [28-40] 0.6 (0.5-0.6)
Normal weight (18.5-24.9) 11.5-16.0 [25-35] 0.5 (0.4-0.5)
Overweight (25.0-29.9) 7.0-11.5 [15-25] 0.3 (0.2-0.3)
Obese (≥30.0) 5.0-9.1 [11-20] 0.2 (0.2-0.3)
Twin Underweight (<18.5)
Normal weight (18.5-24.9) 16.8-24.5 [37-54]
Overweight (25.0-29.9) 14.1-22.7 [31-50]
Obese (≥30.0) 11.3-19.1 [25-42]
2009 IOM guideline
Weight gain & Calories
Calories and weight gain
in multiple pregnancies
• In multiple pregnancy, as the metabolic rate of the mother is
greater than in singleton pregnancy, it has been suggested that at
high calorie diet may help maintain her nutritional state.
• A low rate of gain (<6kg) before 24 weeks is significantly associated
with poor fetal growth and higher morbidity
• twins were three times more likely to be born prematurity to
women of any weight who lost weight after 28 weeks gestation.
Konweinski et al. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae 1973;22(suppl.),44-47
Program dietary recommendations
and weight grain goals
Luke, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003;189,934-38
Williams 24/e
Recommendations measured adequate intake
from Institute of medicine,2006,2011
Nutrition During Pregnancy:
Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements(1990)
Reported average nutrient intakes by
pregnant women in comparison with
1989 recommended dietary allowances
Twin Pregnancy Nutritional Recommendations
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Risk of iron deficiency
• Pregnancy (second two trimesters)
• Menorrhagia (loss of more than 80 ml of blood per month)
• Diets low in both meat and ascorbic acid
• Multiple gestation
• Blood donation more than three times per year
• Chronic use of aspirin
Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
Multiple pregnancy, NICE clinical guideline, 2014
Normal hemoglobin values during pregnancy.
Svanberg et al. (1976a), Sjöstedt et al. (1977), Puolakka et al. (1980b), and Taylor et al. (1982). The baseline values
(zero weeks) are based on LSRO (1984), and the 4- and 8-week values are extrapolated from all these data and from
Clapp et al. (1988). Unpublished figure from R. Yip, Centers for Disease Control, 1989.
Nutrition During Pregnancy:
Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements(1990)
Changes in maternal iron status
in twin pregnancy
Luke et al, Seminars in perinatology, 2005;29:349-54
• a/w Preterm births, low birth weight, development of chronic disease.
• high placental/birth weight ratio <-development of a large placenta
: predictive of long-term programming of hypertension and
cardiovascular disease.
• 2.4-4 times IDA in multiple gestation
• Iron requirement :nearly two fold in twin
• Dietary sources of iron ( preferable, particularly heme-iron-rich sources )
: red meat, pork, poultry, fish, and eggs.
Luke et al, Seminars in perinatology, 2005;29:349-54
Bricker, Best practice & research clinical obstetrics and gynecology 2014;28:305-17
Folic acid
Folic acid
• Required for DNA synthesis and cell division, plays a
critical role in fetal development.
• Megaloblastic anemia d/t 2o folate def.
: 8 times higher in multiple pregnancies.
• Low folate status
• preterm delivery, low birth weight, fetal growth
Berry, Clin obstet and gynecol 1995:38(3);455-62
Scholl & Johnson, AM J Clin Nutr 2000 May;71(5 Suppl):1295S-303S.
Folic acid
• Health professionals should:
• Use any appropriate opportunity to advise women who may become pregnant
that they can most easily reduce the risk of having a baby with a neural tube
defect (for example, anencephaly and spina bifida) by taking folic acid
supplements. Advise them to take 400 micrograms (μg) daily before pregnancy
and throughout the first 12 weeks, even if they are already eating foods
fortified with folic acid or rich in folate.
• Advise all women who may become pregnant about a suitable folic acid
supplement, such as the maternal Healthy Start vitamin supplements.
• Encourage women to take folic acid supplements and to eat foods rich in folic
acid (for example, fortified breakfast cereals and yeast extract) and to
consume foods and drinks rich in folate (for example, peas and beans and
orange juice). Maternal and child nutrition, NICE public health guidance 11. 2014
Folic acid
• Dietary source
: fortified grains, spinach, lentils, chick peas, asparagus, broccoli,
peas, Brussels sprouts, corn, and oranges.
• Recommended
• 0.4 mg/d (400mcg/d)
• 4 mg/d (to prevent recurrence of NTD)
• 600mcg/d, once pregnant
IOM, subcommittee on nutritional status and weight gain during pregnancy 1990
High dose folic acid
• GPs should prescribe 5 mg of folic acid a day
for women who are planning a pregnancy, or are
in the early stages of pregnancy, if they:
1. (or their partner) have a NTD
2. have had a previous baby with a NTD
3. (or their partner) have a family history of NTD
4. have diabetes.
Maternal and child nutrition, NICE public health guidance 11. 2014
Drugs and folic acid
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
• Vitamins
• Fat soluble :A,D,E,K
• Water soluble: B, C, Folate
• Minerals and trace elements
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Zinc
Vitamin A
• Maximal recommended vitamin A supplement in pregnancy is 8,000
• Excessive doses of vitamin A (at least more than 10,000 IUs/d
and probably more than 25,000 IUs) in pregnancy have been
associated with fetal anomalies, including anomalies of the
cardiovascular system, face and palate, ears, and genitourinary
• Excessive supplementation of most other vitamins can result in
GI disturbances but seem without teratogenic effect.
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Vitamin B
• Dietary source
:우유, 우유생성물, 시리얼, 고기, 고기 생성물, 초록색 잎이 많은 야채,
효모균 추출물, 간 등 (B2)
• Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 0.1-0.9mg/day in 3rd trimester
• Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.3-1.4mg/day
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Vitamin C
• 2 compounds- ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid
• Electron donor in the metabolism of tyrosine, folate, histamine, and
some drugs and is involved in the synthesis of carnitine and bile
acids, release of corticosteroids, and incorporation of iron into
• Vitamin C deficiency : scurvy ( impairs the synthesis of collagen)
• Recommendation: 85mg/day
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Vitamin D
• Essential for absorption of Calcium
• Vitamin D deficiency a/w
• SGA (x2.4) / HTN, Pre-eclampsia (x5, <50 nmol/l) / primary
C/S (x4, <37.5nmol/l).
• Rickets / hypocalcemic seizure
• Dietary source of vitamin D
: 계란, 고기 , 기름이 많은 생선 등
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Vitamin D
• At-risk groups having a low vitamin D status include:
• All pregnant and breastfeeding women, particularly teenagers and young women
• Infants and children under 5 years
• People over 65
• People who have low or no exposure to the sun. For example, those who cover their
skin for cultural reasons, who are housebound or confined indoors for long periods
• People who have darker skin, for example, people of African, African–Caribbean
and South Asian origin.
• Recommendation
• 10 micrograms/day (400 IU)
Vitamin D: increasing supplement use among at-risk groups, NICE public
health guidance 56, 2014
• Dietary sources
: milk, diary products with some calcium in green leafy
vegetables such as kale, and turnip greens, with
approximately one third of ingested calcium being absorbed.
• Recommendation of IOM:
• 1300mg (<18 years)
• 1000mg (19-50 years)
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Essential fatty acid (EFA)
• vital components of the brain and retina cells and play a potentially
important role in the development of mental and visual function.
• Dietary source of EFA
• fresh or canned oil-rich fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel
and herrings.
• walnuts, spinach and canola oil or canola margarine.
Rice et al. professional care of mother and child 1996:6(6);171-73
Roem, Twin research 2003:6(6);514-19
Essential fatty acid (EFA)
• Omega-6 FA
• linoleic acid
• Cereals, grains, processed foods, meat, milk, eggs, and oils,
including corn, sunflower, safflower, and sesame.
• Omega-3 FA:
• α-linoleic acid, EPA&DHA: 300-500mg/d (WHO)
• Fish oils, Sunflower, safflower, corn, and soybean oil, as well as egg
yolk, meat, and spinach
• Plant sources may not contain the necessary decosahexaenoic acid
(DHA) component of Omega-3 FA
Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
Other micronutrients
• In a RCT in 2004,
• micronutrient supplementation (vitamin C 60 mg, B-carotene
4.8 mg, vitamin E 10 mg, thiamin 1.4 mg, riboflavin 1.6 mg,
niacin 15 mg, pantothenic acid 6 mg, folic acid 200 microgram,
cobalamin 1 microgram, zinc 15 mg, magnesium 87.5 mg, and
calcium carbonate 100 mg) in pregnancy resulted in a 10%
improvement in birth weight and a reduction in birth weight
below 2,700 g among singleton pregnancies.
Hininger et al, Eur J Clin Nutr 2004;58:52–9.
Cochrane review
• Cochrane review found no RCTs to advise whether
specific dietary advice for women with multiple
pregnancy does more good than harm.
• The optimal diet for women with multiple pregnancies is
Nutritional advice for improving outcomes in multiple pregnancies
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;15(6):CD008867
2014 NICE
NICE clinical guideline
(multiple pregnancy)
1.2.2 Diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements Give women with twin and triplet pregnancies the same advice about
diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements as in routine antenatal care. Be aware of the higher incidence of anemia in women with twin and
triplet pregnancies compared with women with singleton pregnancies. Perform a full blood count at 20–24 weeks to identify women with
twin and triplet pregnancies who need early supplementation with iron or
folic acid, and repeat at 28 weeks as in routine antenatal care.
Multiple pregnancy, NICE clinical guideline 129. 2014
NICE public health guideline
(Antenatal care)
1.3.2 Nutritional supplements Pregnant women (and those intending to become pregnant) should
be informed that dietary supplementation with folic acid, before
conception and throughout the first 12 weeks, reduces the risk of
having a baby with a neural tube defect (for example, anencephaly or
spina bifida). The recommended dose is 400 mcg per day. Iron supplementation should not be offered routinely to all
pregnant women. It does not benefit the mother's or the baby's health
and may have unpleasant maternal side effects.
Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
NICE public health guideline
(Antenatal care) Pregnant women should be informed that vitamin A
supplementation (intake above 700 micrograms) might be
teratogenic and should therefore be avoided.
Pregnant women should be informed that liver and liver products
may also contain high levels of vitamin A, and therefore
consumption of these products should also be avoided.
Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
NICE public health guideline
(Antenatal care) New All women should be informed at the booking appointment about the
importance for their own and their baby's health of maintaining adequate vitamin D
stores during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding. In order to achieve this, women
should be advised to take a vitamin D supplement (10 micrograms of vitamin D per day),
as found in the Healthy Start multivitamin supplement. Women who are not eligible for
the Healthy Start benefit should be advised where they can buy the supplement.
Particular care should be taken to enquire as to whether women at greatest risk are
following advice to take this daily supplement. women with darker skin (such as those of
African, African–Caribbean or South Asian family origin women who have limited
exposure to sunlight, such as women who are housebound or confined indoors for long
periods, or who cover their skin for cultural reasons.
Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
Recommendations 2007
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
1. Women in the reproductive age group should be advised about the benefits of
folic acid in addition to a multivitamin supplement during wellness visits (birth
control renewal, Pap testing, yearly examination) especially if pregnancy is
contemplated. (III-A)
2. Women should be advised to maintain a healthy diet, as recommended in
Eating Well With Canada’s Food Guide (Health Canada). Foods containing
excellent to good sources of folic acid are fortified grains, spinach, lentils, chick
peas, asparagus, broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, corn, and oranges. However, it
is unlikely that diet alone can provide levels similar to folate-multivitamin
supplementation. (III-A)
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
3. Women taking a multivitamin containing folic acid should be advised not to
take more than one daily dose of vitamin supplement, as indicated on the
product label. (II-2-A)
4. Folic acid and multivitamin supplements should be widely available without
financial or other barriers for women planning pregnancy to ensure the extra
level of supplementation. (III-B)
5. Folic acid 5 mg supplementation will not mask vitamin B12 deficiency
(pernicious anemia), and investigations (examination or laboratory) are not
required prior to initiating supplementation. (II-2-A)
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
• 6. The recommended strategy to prevent recurrence of a congenital anomaly
(anencephaly, myelomeningocele, meningocele, oral facial cleft, structural heart
disease, limb defect, urinary tract anomaly, hydrocephalus) that has been
reported to have a decreased incidence following preconception / first
trimester folic acid +/- multivitamin oral supplementation is planned pregnancy
+/- supplementation compliance. A folate-supplemented diet with additional
daily supplementation of multivitamins with 5 mg folic acid should begin at least
three months before conception and continue until 10 to 12 weeks post
conception. From 12 weeks post-conception and continuing throughout
pregnancy and the postpartum period (4–6 weeks or as long as breastfeeding
continues), supplementation should consist of a multivitamin with folic acid
(0.4–1.0 mg). (I-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
• 7. The recommended strategy(ies) for primary prevention or to decrease
the incidence of fetal congenital anomalies will include a number of options
or treatment approaches depending on patient age, ethnicity, compliance,
and genetic congenital anomaly risk status.
• Option A: Patients with no personal health risks, planned pregnancy, and
good compliance require a good diet of folate-rich foods and daily
supplementation with a multivitamin with folic acid (0.4–1.0 mg) for at least
two to three months before conception and throughout pregnancy and the
postpartum period (4–6 weeks and as long as breastfeeding continues). (II-
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
• Option B: Patients with health risks, including epilepsy, insulin
dependent diabetes, obesity with BMI >35 kg/m2, family history of
neural tube defect, belonging to a high-risk ethnic group (e.g., Sikh)
require increased dietary intake of folate-rich foods and daily
supplementation, with multivitamins with 5 mg folic acid, beginning at
least three months before conception and continuing until 10 to 12
weeks post conception. From 12 weeks post-conception and continuing
throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4–6 weeks or as
long as breastfeeding continues), supplementation should consist of a
multivitamin with folic acid (0.4–1.0 mg). (II-2-A)
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
Option C: Patients who have a history of poor compliance with medications and
additional lifestyle issues of variable diet, no consistent birth control, and possible
teratogenic substance use (alcohol, tobacco, recreational non-prescription drugs)
require counselling about the prevention of birth defects and health problems with
folic acid and multivitamin supplementation. The higher dose folic acid strategy (5 mg)
with multivitamin should be used, as it may obtain a more adequate serum red blood cell
folate level with irregular vitamin / folic acid intake but with a minimal additional
health risk. (III-B)
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
8.The Canadian Federal Government could consider an evaluation process for the
benefit/risk of increasing the level of national folic acid flour fortification to 300 mg/100
g (present level 140 mg/100 g). (III-B)
9.The Canadian Federal Government could consider an evaluation process for the
benefit/risk of additional flour fortification with multivitamins other than folic acid. (III-
10.The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada will explore the possibility of
a Canadian Consensus conference on the use of folic acid and multivitamins for the primary
prevention of specific congenital anomalies.
The conference would include Health Canada/Congenital Anomalies Surveillance, Canadian
College of Medical Geneticists, Canadian Paediatric Society, Motherisk, and pharmaceutical
industry representatives.
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
Thank you
for your attention

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Nutritional supplement on multiple pregnancy

  • 1. Nutritional supplement in multiple pregnancy 2015.04.28 Fellow. You Jung, Shin
  • 2. Nutrition and complications associated with multiple gestation • Pregnant women • Pre-eclampsia • IDA • Preterm delivery • Cesarean delivery • Postpartum hemorrhage • Fetus/Infants • Prematurity • Low birth weight • Intrauterine growth restriction • Neonatal morbidity • High perinatal, and infant mortality Luke B. What is the influence of maternal weight gain on the fetal growth of twins? Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1998;41:56–64. Mares M, Casanueva E. Embarazo gemelar: determinantes maternas del peso al nacer. Perinatol Reprod Hum. 2001;15:238–244.
  • 3. Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-411B
  • 4. Summary of pooled estimates for the effect of maternal micronutrient supplementation on pregnancy outcomes Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-11B
  • 6. Component of weight gain during pregnancy Williamson, Nutrition in pregnancy, 2006 British nutrition foundation nutrition bulletin 2006;31:28-59
  • 8. Chart for estimating BMI • Williams figure 48-1 • P962 • Prenatal care Williams 24/e
  • 9. BMI-specific weight gain goals. Underweight (BMI<19.8) Normal (BMI 19.8-26) Overweight (BMI 26.1-29) Obese (BMI >29) Luke et al, J repord Med 2003;48:217-24 Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 10. Weight gain in twin and singleton Cambell, Nutrition During Pregnancy Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements, 1986
  • 11. Weight gain recommendation Prepregnancy weight category (BMI) Weight gain range (kg[Ib]) Weight gain in 2nd and 3rd trimester (kg/wks) Singleton Underweight (<18.5) 12.5-18.0 [28-40] 0.6 (0.5-0.6) Normal weight (18.5-24.9) 11.5-16.0 [25-35] 0.5 (0.4-0.5) Overweight (25.0-29.9) 7.0-11.5 [15-25] 0.3 (0.2-0.3) Obese (≥30.0) 5.0-9.1 [11-20] 0.2 (0.2-0.3) Twin Underweight (<18.5) Normal weight (18.5-24.9) 16.8-24.5 [37-54] Overweight (25.0-29.9) 14.1-22.7 [31-50] Obese (≥30.0) 11.3-19.1 [25-42] 2009 IOM guideline
  • 12. Weight gain & Calories
  • 13. Calories and weight gain in multiple pregnancies • In multiple pregnancy, as the metabolic rate of the mother is greater than in singleton pregnancy, it has been suggested that at high calorie diet may help maintain her nutritional state. • A low rate of gain (<6kg) before 24 weeks is significantly associated with poor fetal growth and higher morbidity • twins were three times more likely to be born prematurity to women of any weight who lost weight after 28 weeks gestation. Konweinski et al. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae 1973;22(suppl.),44-47
  • 14. Program dietary recommendations and weight grain goals Luke, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003;189,934-38
  • 15. Williams 24/e Recommendations measured adequate intake from Institute of medicine,2006,2011
  • 16. Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements(1990)
  • 17. Reported average nutrient intakes by pregnant women in comparison with 1989 recommended dietary allowances
  • 18. Twin Pregnancy Nutritional Recommendations Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 19. Iron
  • 20. Risk of iron deficiency • Pregnancy (second two trimesters) • Menorrhagia (loss of more than 80 ml of blood per month) • Diets low in both meat and ascorbic acid • Multiple gestation • Blood donation more than three times per year • Chronic use of aspirin Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014 Multiple pregnancy, NICE clinical guideline, 2014
  • 21. Normal hemoglobin values during pregnancy. Svanberg et al. (1976a), Sjöstedt et al. (1977), Puolakka et al. (1980b), and Taylor et al. (1982). The baseline values (zero weeks) are based on LSRO (1984), and the 4- and 8-week values are extrapolated from all these data and from Clapp et al. (1988). Unpublished figure from R. Yip, Centers for Disease Control, 1989. Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements(1990)
  • 22. Changes in maternal iron status in twin pregnancy Luke et al, Seminars in perinatology, 2005;29:349-54
  • 23. IDA • a/w Preterm births, low birth weight, development of chronic disease. • high placental/birth weight ratio <-development of a large placenta : predictive of long-term programming of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. • 2.4-4 times IDA in multiple gestation • Iron requirement :nearly two fold in twin • Dietary sources of iron ( preferable, particularly heme-iron-rich sources ) : red meat, pork, poultry, fish, and eggs. Luke et al, Seminars in perinatology, 2005;29:349-54 Bricker, Best practice & research clinical obstetrics and gynecology 2014;28:305-17
  • 25. Folic acid • Required for DNA synthesis and cell division, plays a critical role in fetal development. • Megaloblastic anemia d/t 2o folate def. : 8 times higher in multiple pregnancies. • Low folate status • preterm delivery, low birth weight, fetal growth restriction. Berry, Clin obstet and gynecol 1995:38(3);455-62 Scholl & Johnson, AM J Clin Nutr 2000 May;71(5 Suppl):1295S-303S.
  • 26. Folic acid • Health professionals should: • Use any appropriate opportunity to advise women who may become pregnant that they can most easily reduce the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect (for example, anencephaly and spina bifida) by taking folic acid supplements. Advise them to take 400 micrograms (μg) daily before pregnancy and throughout the first 12 weeks, even if they are already eating foods fortified with folic acid or rich in folate. • Advise all women who may become pregnant about a suitable folic acid supplement, such as the maternal Healthy Start vitamin supplements. • Encourage women to take folic acid supplements and to eat foods rich in folic acid (for example, fortified breakfast cereals and yeast extract) and to consume foods and drinks rich in folate (for example, peas and beans and orange juice). Maternal and child nutrition, NICE public health guidance 11. 2014
  • 27. Folic acid • Dietary source : fortified grains, spinach, lentils, chick peas, asparagus, broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, corn, and oranges. • Recommended • 0.4 mg/d (400mcg/d) • 4 mg/d (to prevent recurrence of NTD) • 600mcg/d, once pregnant IOM, subcommittee on nutritional status and weight gain during pregnancy 1990
  • 28. High dose folic acid • GPs should prescribe 5 mg of folic acid a day for women who are planning a pregnancy, or are in the early stages of pregnancy, if they: 1. (or their partner) have a NTD 2. have had a previous baby with a NTD 3. (or their partner) have a family history of NTD 4. have diabetes. Maternal and child nutrition, NICE public health guidance 11. 2014
  • 29. Interactions: Drugs and folic acid J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 30. Micronutrients • Vitamins • Fat soluble :A,D,E,K • Water soluble: B, C, Folate • Minerals and trace elements • Calcium • Magnesium • Zinc
  • 31. Vitamin A • Maximal recommended vitamin A supplement in pregnancy is 8,000 IUs/d. • Excessive doses of vitamin A (at least more than 10,000 IUs/d and probably more than 25,000 IUs) in pregnancy have been associated with fetal anomalies, including anomalies of the cardiovascular system, face and palate, ears, and genitourinary tract. • Excessive supplementation of most other vitamins can result in GI disturbances but seem without teratogenic effect. Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 32. Vitamin B • Dietary source :우유, 우유생성물, 시리얼, 고기, 고기 생성물, 초록색 잎이 많은 야채, 효모균 추출물, 간 등 (B2) • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 0.1-0.9mg/day in 3rd trimester • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.3-1.4mg/day Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 33. Vitamin C • 2 compounds- ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid • Electron donor in the metabolism of tyrosine, folate, histamine, and some drugs and is involved in the synthesis of carnitine and bile acids, release of corticosteroids, and incorporation of iron into ferritin. • Vitamin C deficiency : scurvy ( impairs the synthesis of collagen) • Recommendation: 85mg/day Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 34. Vitamin D • Essential for absorption of Calcium • Vitamin D deficiency a/w • SGA (x2.4) / HTN, Pre-eclampsia (x5, <50 nmol/l) / primary C/S (x4, <37.5nmol/l). • Rickets / hypocalcemic seizure • Dietary source of vitamin D : 계란, 고기 , 기름이 많은 생선 등 Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 35. Vitamin D • At-risk groups having a low vitamin D status include: • All pregnant and breastfeeding women, particularly teenagers and young women • Infants and children under 5 years • People over 65 • People who have low or no exposure to the sun. For example, those who cover their skin for cultural reasons, who are housebound or confined indoors for long periods • People who have darker skin, for example, people of African, African–Caribbean and South Asian origin. • Recommendation • 10 micrograms/day (400 IU) Vitamin D: increasing supplement use among at-risk groups, NICE public health guidance 56, 2014
  • 36. Calcium • Dietary sources : milk, diary products with some calcium in green leafy vegetables such as kale, and turnip greens, with approximately one third of ingested calcium being absorbed. • Recommendation of IOM: • 1300mg (<18 years) • 1000mg (19-50 years) Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 37. Essential fatty acid (EFA) • vital components of the brain and retina cells and play a potentially important role in the development of mental and visual function. • Dietary source of EFA • fresh or canned oil-rich fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and herrings. • walnuts, spinach and canola oil or canola margarine. Rice et al. professional care of mother and child 1996:6(6);171-73 Roem, Twin research 2003:6(6);514-19
  • 38. Essential fatty acid (EFA) • Omega-6 FA • linoleic acid • Cereals, grains, processed foods, meat, milk, eggs, and oils, including corn, sunflower, safflower, and sesame. • Omega-3 FA: • α-linoleic acid, EPA&DHA: 300-500mg/d (WHO) • Fish oils, Sunflower, safflower, corn, and soybean oil, as well as egg yolk, meat, and spinach • Plant sources may not contain the necessary decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) component of Omega-3 FA Goodnight, Obstet Gynecol , 2009;149:1121-1134
  • 39. Other micronutrients • In a RCT in 2004, • micronutrient supplementation (vitamin C 60 mg, B-carotene 4.8 mg, vitamin E 10 mg, thiamin 1.4 mg, riboflavin 1.6 mg, niacin 15 mg, pantothenic acid 6 mg, folic acid 200 microgram, cobalamin 1 microgram, zinc 15 mg, magnesium 87.5 mg, and calcium carbonate 100 mg) in pregnancy resulted in a 10% improvement in birth weight and a reduction in birth weight below 2,700 g among singleton pregnancies. Hininger et al, Eur J Clin Nutr 2004;58:52–9.
  • 41. Cochrane review • Cochrane review found no RCTs to advise whether specific dietary advice for women with multiple pregnancy does more good than harm. • The optimal diet for women with multiple pregnancies is uncertain. Nutritional advice for improving outcomes in multiple pregnancies Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;15(6):CD008867
  • 43. NICE clinical guideline (multiple pregnancy) 1.2.2 Diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements Give women with twin and triplet pregnancies the same advice about diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements as in routine antenatal care. Be aware of the higher incidence of anemia in women with twin and triplet pregnancies compared with women with singleton pregnancies. Perform a full blood count at 20–24 weeks to identify women with twin and triplet pregnancies who need early supplementation with iron or folic acid, and repeat at 28 weeks as in routine antenatal care. Multiple pregnancy, NICE clinical guideline 129. 2014
  • 44. NICE public health guideline (Antenatal care) 1.3.2 Nutritional supplements Pregnant women (and those intending to become pregnant) should be informed that dietary supplementation with folic acid, before conception and throughout the first 12 weeks, reduces the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect (for example, anencephaly or spina bifida). The recommended dose is 400 mcg per day. Iron supplementation should not be offered routinely to all pregnant women. It does not benefit the mother's or the baby's health and may have unpleasant maternal side effects. Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
  • 45. NICE public health guideline (Antenatal care) Pregnant women should be informed that vitamin A supplementation (intake above 700 micrograms) might be teratogenic and should therefore be avoided. Pregnant women should be informed that liver and liver products may also contain high levels of vitamin A, and therefore consumption of these products should also be avoided. Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
  • 46. NICE public health guideline (Antenatal care) New All women should be informed at the booking appointment about the importance for their own and their baby's health of maintaining adequate vitamin D stores during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding. In order to achieve this, women should be advised to take a vitamin D supplement (10 micrograms of vitamin D per day), as found in the Healthy Start multivitamin supplement. Women who are not eligible for the Healthy Start benefit should be advised where they can buy the supplement. Particular care should be taken to enquire as to whether women at greatest risk are following advice to take this daily supplement. women with darker skin (such as those of African, African–Caribbean or South Asian family origin women who have limited exposure to sunlight, such as women who are housebound or confined indoors for long periods, or who cover their skin for cultural reasons. Antenatal care, NICE public health guidance 62. 2014
  • 48. JOINT SOGC- MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 49. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 50. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations 1. Women in the reproductive age group should be advised about the benefits of folic acid in addition to a multivitamin supplement during wellness visits (birth control renewal, Pap testing, yearly examination) especially if pregnancy is contemplated. (III-A) 2. Women should be advised to maintain a healthy diet, as recommended in Eating Well With Canada’s Food Guide (Health Canada). Foods containing excellent to good sources of folic acid are fortified grains, spinach, lentils, chick peas, asparagus, broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, corn, and oranges. However, it is unlikely that diet alone can provide levels similar to folate-multivitamin supplementation. (III-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 51. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations 3. Women taking a multivitamin containing folic acid should be advised not to take more than one daily dose of vitamin supplement, as indicated on the product label. (II-2-A) 4. Folic acid and multivitamin supplements should be widely available without financial or other barriers for women planning pregnancy to ensure the extra level of supplementation. (III-B) 5. Folic acid 5 mg supplementation will not mask vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia), and investigations (examination or laboratory) are not required prior to initiating supplementation. (II-2-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 52. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations • 6. The recommended strategy to prevent recurrence of a congenital anomaly (anencephaly, myelomeningocele, meningocele, oral facial cleft, structural heart disease, limb defect, urinary tract anomaly, hydrocephalus) that has been reported to have a decreased incidence following preconception / first trimester folic acid +/- multivitamin oral supplementation is planned pregnancy +/- supplementation compliance. A folate-supplemented diet with additional daily supplementation of multivitamins with 5 mg folic acid should begin at least three months before conception and continue until 10 to 12 weeks post conception. From 12 weeks post-conception and continuing throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4–6 weeks or as long as breastfeeding continues), supplementation should consist of a multivitamin with folic acid (0.4–1.0 mg). (I-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 53. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations • 7. The recommended strategy(ies) for primary prevention or to decrease the incidence of fetal congenital anomalies will include a number of options or treatment approaches depending on patient age, ethnicity, compliance, and genetic congenital anomaly risk status. • Option A: Patients with no personal health risks, planned pregnancy, and good compliance require a good diet of folate-rich foods and daily supplementation with a multivitamin with folic acid (0.4–1.0 mg) for at least two to three months before conception and throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4–6 weeks and as long as breastfeeding continues). (II- 2-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 54. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations • Option B: Patients with health risks, including epilepsy, insulin dependent diabetes, obesity with BMI >35 kg/m2, family history of neural tube defect, belonging to a high-risk ethnic group (e.g., Sikh) require increased dietary intake of folate-rich foods and daily supplementation, with multivitamins with 5 mg folic acid, beginning at least three months before conception and continuing until 10 to 12 weeks post conception. From 12 weeks post-conception and continuing throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4–6 weeks or as long as breastfeeding continues), supplementation should consist of a multivitamin with folic acid (0.4–1.0 mg). (II-2-A) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 55. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations Option C: Patients who have a history of poor compliance with medications and additional lifestyle issues of variable diet, no consistent birth control, and possible teratogenic substance use (alcohol, tobacco, recreational non-prescription drugs) require counselling about the prevention of birth defects and health problems with folic acid and multivitamin supplementation. The higher dose folic acid strategy (5 mg) with multivitamin should be used, as it may obtain a more adequate serum red blood cell folate level with irregular vitamin / folic acid intake but with a minimal additional health risk. (III-B) J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 56. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Recommendations 8.The Canadian Federal Government could consider an evaluation process for the benefit/risk of increasing the level of national folic acid flour fortification to 300 mg/100 g (present level 140 mg/100 g). (III-B) 9.The Canadian Federal Government could consider an evaluation process for the benefit/risk of additional flour fortification with multivitamins other than folic acid. (III- B) 10.The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada will explore the possibility of a Canadian Consensus conference on the use of folic acid and multivitamins for the primary prevention of specific congenital anomalies. The conference would include Health Canada/Congenital Anomalies Surveillance, Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canadian Paediatric Society, Motherisk, and pharmaceutical industry representatives. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007;29(12):1003-13
  • 57. Thank you for your attention

Editor's Notes

  1. Twin Pregnancies: Eating for Three? Maternal Nutrition Update Marı´a E. Rosello´-Sobero´n, Laiza Fuentes-Chaparro, and Esther Casanueva, PhD September 2005: 295–302
  2. Research Micronutrient supplementation and pregnancy outcomes Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-411B
  3. Research Micronutrient supplementation and pregnancy outcomes Kosuke kawai et al. Bull World health organ 2011;89:402-411B
  4. The National Institutes of Health (2000) classifies adults according to BMI as follows: normal (18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2); overweight (25 to 29.9 kg/m2); and obese (≥ 30 kg/m2). Obesity is further divided into: class 1 (30 to 34.9 kg/m2); class 2 (35 to 39.9 kg/m2); and class 3 (≥ 40 kg/m2). FIGURE 48-1 Chart for estimating body mass index (BMI). To find the BMI category for a particular subject, locate the point at which the height and weight intersect.
  5. Fig. 1. Body mass index-specific weight gain goals. A. Maternal weight gain in kilograms for underweight prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) (BMI less than 19.8 kg/m2). B. Maternal weight gain in kilograms for normal prepregnancy BMI (BMI 19.8–26 kg/m2). C. Maternal weight gain in kilograms for overweight prepregnancy BMI (BMI 26.1–29 kg/m2). D. Maternal weight gain in kilograms for obese prepregnancy BMI (BMI more than 29 kg/m2). Modified from Luke B, Hediger ML, Nugent C, Newman RB, Mauldin JG, Witter FR, et al. Body mass index-specific weight gains associated with optimal birth weights in twin pregnancies. J Reprod Med 2003;48:217–24. Goodnight. Twin Nutrition. Obstet Gynecol 2009
  6. Modified from the Institue of Medicine and National Reseach Counsil (2009) 그외 nutirion and multifetal pregnancy 에서는
  7. Specialized prenatal care and maternal and infant outcomes in twin pregnancy
  8. TABLE 9-6. Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances for Adolescent and Adult Pregnant and Lactating Women
  9. Table 3. Twin Pregnancy Nutritional Recommendations Optimal anenatal care for twin and triplet pregnancy : the evidence base
  10. Figure 14-1 Normal hemoglobin values during pregnancy. Values from 12 to 40 weeks of gestation are based on data from Svanberg et al. (1976a), Sjöstedt et al. (1977), Puolakka et al. (1980b), and Taylor et al. (1982). The baseline values (zero weeks) are based on LSRO (1984), and the 4- and 8-week values are extrapolated from all these data and from Clapp et al. (1988). Unpublished figure from R. Yip, Centers for Disease Control, 1989, with permission. Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements(1990)
  11. Nutrition and multiple gestation Luke, Semin Perinatol, 2005;29(5):349-54
  12. Optimal nutrition for improved twin pregnancy outcome Luke, Semin Perinatol 2005;29(5):349-54 Bricker, Best practice & research clin obstet and gynecol 2014,28:305-17
  13. Am J Clin Nutr.
  14. Sprout 새싹
  15. JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Pre-conceptional Vitamin/Folic Acid Supplementation 2007: The Use of Folic Acid in Combination With a Multivitamin Supplement for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects and Other Congenital Anomalies
  16. Goodnight and Newman Twin Nutrition VOL. 114, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2009 Optimal Nutrition for Improved Twin Pregnancy Outcome 다른 것 The pediatric and obstetric literature includes case reports of kidney malformations in children whose mothers took between 40,000 and 50,000 IU of vitamin A during pregnancy. Even at lower doses, excessive amounts of vitamin A may cause subtle damage to the developing nervous system, resulting in serious behavioral and learning disabilities in later life. The margin of safety for vitamin D is smaller for this vitamin than for any other. Birth defects of the heart, particularly aortic stenosis, have been reported in both humans and experimental animals with doses as low as 4000 IU, which is 10 times the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) during pregnancy. 1IU=0.3mcg 8000IU=2400mcg
  17. Vitamin D: increasing supplement use among at-risk groups Issued: November 2014 NICE public health guidance 56 At-risk groups are currently advised to take a supplement that meets 100% of the reference nutrient intake for their age group. This is 8.5 micrograms/day (340 international units, IU) for infants aged 0–6 months, 7 micrograms/day (280 IU) for older infants and children up to the age of 5 and 10 micrograms/day (400 IU) for adults. All infants and young children aged 6 months to 5 years are advised to take a daily supplement containing vitamin D in the form of vitamin drops. But infants who are fed infant formula will not need them until they have less than 500 ml of infant formula a day, because these products are fortified with vitamin D. Breastfed infants may need drops containing vitamin D from 1 month of age if their mother has not taken vitamin D supplements throughout pregnancy. ( 'Vitamin D – advice for supplements for at risk groups – letter from the UK Chief Medical Officers' Department of Health).
  18. Nutritional management of multiple pregnancy Kerryn Roem Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Royal Women.s Hospital, Melbourne Twin Research Volume 6 Number 6 pp. 514–519
  19. at least two meals (12 oz total) weekly of low mercury containing fish (eg, shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, Pollock, and catfish) Avoid highly contaminated fish ( e.g. shark, swordfish, king, mackerel, tilefish) during pregnancy Safflower 홍화
  20. Goodnight and Newman Twin Nutrition VOL. 114, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2009 Optimal Nutrition for Improved Twin Pregnancy Outcome 26. Hininger I, Favier M, Arnaud J, Faure H, Thoulon JM, Hariveau E, et al. Effects of a combined micronutrient supplementation on maternal biological status and newborn anthropometrics measurements: a randomized double-blind, placebo- controlled trial in apparently healthy pregnant women. Eur J Clin Nutr 2004;58:52–9.
  21. Cochrane 2011 Nutritional advice for improving outcomes in multiple pregnancies