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Neuro-Ophthalmic Anatomy
• Medical practice in general—and surgical
subspecialties in particular—are exercises in
applied anatomy. Although an adequate
understanding of physiology and, increasingly,
molecular genetics is important in understanding
disease and potential treatments, anatomy is the
Skull Base
Skull Base
• The skull base is connected to
the lower facial skeleton by 3
sets of pillars formed by the
maxillary and zygomatic bones
anteriorly and the pterygoid
process of the sphenoid bone
posteriorly. Superiorly, the
vault of the skull is made up of
the parietal bones, which meet
at the sagittal suture; the
frontal bone, which adjoins
them at the coronal suture; as
well as the occipital bone,
which meets the parietal
bones at the lambdoid suture.
Anatomy Of Right Orbital Apex
• The optic foramen transmits the optic nerve,
ophthalmic artery, and oculosympathetic nerves.
• The superior orbital fissure, a gap between the greater
and lesser wings of the sphenoid bones, transmits CNs
III, IV, VI, V1, and the superior ophthalmic vein. Within
the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone is the optic
foramen, which leads to the optic canal. The optic strut
separates the optic canal from the superior orbital
• The 4 rectus muscles arise from the annulus of Zinn.
CNs II, III (superior and inferior branches), VI, and the
nasociliary nerve all course through the annulus of
Zinn. CN IV and the frontal and lacrimal nerves and the
ophthalmic veins are located outside the annulus.
The medial orbital wall
• The medial orbital wall is
formed by 4 bones: maxilla
(frontal process), lacrimal,
sphenoid, and ethmoid. The
largest component of the
medial wall is the lamina
papyracea of the ethmoidal
bone. The anterior medial
orbital wall includes the
lacrimal sac fossa, which is
formed by both the maxillary
and lacrimal bones. The
lacrimal bone is divided by the
posterior lacrimal crest. The
anterior part of the lacrimal
sac fossa is formed by the
anterior lacrimal crest of the
maxillary bone.
Basal view of the brain showing the
anterior and posterior visual pathways
Pupilloconstrictor light reflex
Pupillary dilatation pathway
Lesions of the pupil
Horner’s syndrome
Pharmacological tests to localize
Horner’s syndrome
Dilated pupil
• Anatomical pathways, which extend from the cortical
centers of brain to the cranial nerve nuclei, are called the
supranuclear pathways. From the cranial nerve nuclei to
the ocular muscle exist the infranuclear pathways . In
peripheral nerves, the nerve starts from the brain and
reaches the anterior horn cell in the spinal cord. This is the
upper motor neuron. From the anterior horn cell of the
spinal cord, the nerve moves to the peripheral muscle. This
is the lower motor neuron. If there is a lower motor neuron
disease the limb is flaccid and if there is an upper motor
neuron disease the limb is spastic.
• The cranial nerve nuclei are like peripheral nerve
nuclei. From cortex of the brain the nerve extends to
the cranial nerve nuclei and this is the upper motor
neuron (UMN) pathway. From the cranial nerve nuclei
the nerve extends to the ocular muscle and this is the
lower motor neuron (LMN) pathway. In peripheral
nerves if the anterior horn cell gets involved as in
poliomyelitis, the patient has a LMN disease and so the
limb is flaccid. The anterior horn cell is akin to the
cranial nerve nuclei of cranial nerves. So, if the cranial
nerve nuclei gets involved the lesion produced will be a
LMN lesion.
The corticospinal and bulbospinal upper
motor neuron pathways.
Ocular Motor Cranial
Ocular Motor Cranial Nerves
• Without neural activity, the visual axes are usually
mildly to moderately divergent. The major tonic
input to ocular motility is supplied by 3 pairs of
ocular motor cranial nerves—CNs III, IV, & VI—that
innervate the 6 EOMs controlling ocular movement
. In addition, CN III innervates the levator
palpebrae superioris and the pupillary sphincter
Ocular Motor Cranial Nerves
• Except for the inferior oblique muscle, the
innervation to each of the EOMs occurs
approximately one-third the distance from the
apex. The inferior oblique muscle receives its
innervation at approximately its midpoint from a
neurovascular bundle running parallel to the lateral
aspect of the inferior rectus muscle. All 6 EOMs
receive their innervation on the inside surface,
except for the superior oblique, where branches of
CN IV terminate on the upper (outer) surface of the
Medical management of stroke
and TIA.
Neuro ophthalmology exam
Neuro ophthalmology exam
• In ophthalmology, diagnoses are often made by visual clues.
While in neuro-ophthalmology, a thorough history is the
foundation of accurate diagnosis. While conversing with the
patient, note the following: gait, facial features, eyes, ocular
adnexa, hands, clothing, and mannerisms. After a detailed history
and physical examination the diagnosis is usually apparent.
• It is said that a neuro-ophthalmologist is a ‘thinking’ or ‘cognitive’
ophthalmologist. His aim is twofold:
• Localise lesion (Where)—Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic
tract, lateral geniculate body, optic radiation, occipital cortex
• Suspect the pathology (What)—VIN DITCH MD (Vascular,
Infectious, Neoplastic, Demyelinating, Inflammatory, Traumatic,
Congenital, Heredofamilial, Metabolic, Drug induced)
Neuro ophthalmology exam
• When you come across a suspected neuro-
ophthalmic patient, set aside atleast 15-20 minutes
of the clinic time for a detailed history and
• Record the patient’s age, gender and occupation.
• Optic neuritis is generally seen in women between
20 and 40 years of age. Ischemic optic neuropathy
is mostly seen after the age of 40 years. Traumatic
optic neuropathy is more common in young males
riding two wheelers.
Neuro ophthalmology exam
• Thyroid eye disease, myasthenia gravis, benign
intracranial hypertension, meningiomas and
multiple sclerosis are more common in females.
Craniopharyngioma, optic nerve glioma and
rhabdomyosarcoma are most commonly seen in the
pediatric population. Traumatic optic neuropathy,
intracranial and orbital foreign bodies, subdural
hematoma, intracerebral hemorrhage and
ophthalmoplegia are more common in the armed
forces and police due to the high incidence of
•It helps to ask the
patient—‘Tell me in one
sentence what your
problem is. Record the
chief complaint in the
patient’s own words.
Decreased Vision
• Transient visual loss (vision returns to normal within
24 hours, usually within one hour):
• Few seconds: Papilledema
• Few minutes: Amaurosis fugax, vertebrobasilar
• 10-60 minutes: Migraine (with or without subsequent
headache), Impending crvo , ischemic optic neuropathy,
carotid occlusive disease, CNS lesion, optic disc drusen,
giant cell arteritis.
Decreased Vision
• Visual loss lasting more than 24 hours
a. Sudden painless: Retinal artery or vein occlusion,
ischemic optic neuropathy, vitreous hemorrhage,
retinal detachment
b. Gradual painless loss: open angle glaucoma,
diabetic retinopathy, and compressive optic
c. Painful loss: acute angle closure glaucoma, optic
neuritis, uveitis
Color Vision
• Loss of Color Vision
• Optic neuritis, other optic neuropathies.
• Loss of Side Vision
• Right or left hemifield—stroke, pituitary tumor,
• subdural hematoma, migraine
• Upper or lower hemifield—AION, optic neuritis
• Central—optic neuritis, toxic neuropathy
Neuro ophthalmology exam
• Loss of Contrast of Vision
• Optic neuritis.
• Shaking of Objects (oscillopsia) or Eyes
• Acquired nystagmus (vertical or horizontal).
• Eye Pain (Orbital)
• Sinusitis, orbital pseudotumor, optic neuritis, diabetic
nerve palsy
• Malignant hypertension, increased
intracranial pressure, infectious CNS
disorder, giant cell arteritis, cerebral
tumor, aneurysm, subarachnoid
hemorrhage, epidural or subdural
hematoma, migraine, cluster headache,
tension, trigeminal neuralgia, Tolosa
Hunt disease, cervical spine disease.
Double Vision
• Binocular (Double vision is eliminated when either eye
is occluded).
• a. Typically intermittent: myasthenia gravis,
intermittent decompensation of existing phoria
b. Constant: Isolated sixth, third or fourth nerve palsy,
thyroid eye disease, inflammatory pseudotumor,
cavernous sinus superior orbital fissure syndrome,
post-trauma-blowout fracture, internuclear
ophthalmoplegia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency.
Drooping of Eyelid (Ptosis)
• Aging, myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrome, third
• nerve palsy, chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia.
Lid Retraction
• Thyroid eye disease, midbrain syndrome.
Prominence of Eye (Proptosis)
• Thyroid eye disease, orbital cellulitis, pseudotumor,
• orbital tumors, trauma, varix, mucormycosis.
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•It is essential to evaluate
all cranial nerve functions
in a patient with
ophthalmoplegia or
seventh nerve palsy .
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Oculomotor nucleus complex.
• all extraocular muscles
served by CN III are
innervated by their
respective ipsilateral
nuclei except the
superior rectus muscle.
Parasympathetic fibers
traveling to the
pupillary sphincter
muscle synapse in the
ciliary ganglion in the
orbit .
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
• The nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (CN III) is located
dorsally within midbrain beneath aqueduct connecting
the third and fourth ventricles . The nuclear complex
itself represents a collection of subnuclei that have
specific identifiable functions . The fibers destined to
innervate the levator palpebrae superioris, medial
rectus, inferior rectus, pupil sphincter, and ciliary body
muscles exit ventrally ipsilateral to the individual
nuclei from which they originate. In contrast, the fibers
from the superior rectus subnucleus, which lies along
the midline, cross before exiting the brainstem to
innervate the superior rectus muscle.
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
• Unilateral supratentorial mass lesions may force the
uncus through the tentorial notch (uncal herniation) to
compress the ipsilateral CN III. Running forward in the
superior lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, the nerve
separates into a superior and an inferior division. These
divisions enter the orbit through the superior orbital
fissure within the annulus of Zinn. The superior division
runs forward intraconally to innervate first the superior
rectus muscle and then the levator palpebrae
superioris muscle. The inferior division sends
parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary ganglion in the
orbital apex approximately 10 mm anterior to the
annulus of Zinn and lateral to the optic nerve.
Lateral view of the course of CNs
III, IV, and VI.
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
• Within the ciliary ganglion, the fibers destined for
the pupillary sphincter and the ciliary body
synapse. The fibers subsequently accompany the
branch destined for the inferior oblique muscle.
There are 9–10 times as many fibers associated
with accommodation innervating the ciliary body
as there are fibers reaching the pupillary sphincter
muscle. This disparity may be one reason for the
development of light–near dissociation in Adie tonic
pupil . The remaining branches of CN III within the
orbit innervate the medial rectus and inferior
rectus muscles.
Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves
(3rd, 4th and 6th Cranial Nerves)
•In a third nerve palsy, the fourth
nerve can be assessed by looking at
a superior conjunctival vessel with
the naked eye or on the slit lamp
and asking the patient to look down
and nasally. The eye should intort
and the vessel should move down
and towards the nose .
• a compressive lesion of the third nerve
(particularly an aneurysm) will cause a
fixed, dilated pupil. In contrast, third
cranial nerve palsy from an ischemic
mononeuropathy (diabetes mellitus,
hypertension) demonstrates no
anisocoria and the pupil is briskly
reactive .
• Consider checking blood pressure and ordering
laboratory studies (eg, CBC, fasting blood sugar,
hemoglobin A1C, ESR, and CRP) in patients with a
pupil-sparing third nerve palsy. ASPIRIN
• The patient should be instructed to call if the
initially uninvolved pupil dilates or if there are new
signs or symptoms suggestive of an aneurysm.
• Atypical features for ischemic palsy should prompt
consideration for obtaining an MRI with MRA or CTA
Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves
(3rd, 4th and 6th Cranial Nerves)
• Immediate MRI to rule out mass/aneurysm is indicated for:
1. Pupil involving third nerve palsies
2. Pupil sparing third nerve palsies in:
a. Patients without diabetes or hypertension
b. Patients with incomplete third nerve palsies
c. Third nerve palsies over 3 months in duration,not
d. Associated additional cranial nerve or neurologic
3. All non-traumatic aberrant regeneration of third
nerve palsies.
Aberrant regeneration
• Aberrant regeneration may occur spontaneously
without preceding third nerve palsy in cavernous
sinus tumor or aneurysm. Signs of aberrant
regeneration in 3rd nerve palsy are:
• Pseudo Von Graefe’s sign Lid elevation on down
• Inverse Duane’s sign Lid elevation on adduction
• Pseudo Argyll Robertson pupil Pupillary
constriction on adduction, no reaction to light .
Fourth nerve
Fourth nerve
• The fourth (trochlear) cranial nerve supplies only
the superior oblique muscle.
• It is a very long and slender nerve, increasing its
• It is the only cranial nerve to emerge from the
dorsal aspect of the brain. It is the only crossed
cranial nerve besides the optic nerve, innervating
the superior oblique muscle contralateral to its
• It has the fewest axons of any of the cranial
Causes of isolated fourth nerve palsy
• Idiopathic lesions are common, and many of these
are thought to be congenital although symptoms
may not develop until decompensation occurs in
adult life due to reduced fusional ability. In contrast
to acquired lesions patients are not usually aware
of the torsional aspect, but may develop vertical
double vision that is often appreciated as of
sudden or subacute onset
Causes of isolated fourth nerve palsy
• Trauma frequently causes bilateral fourth nerve
palsy. The long and slender nerves are particularly
vulnerable as they decussate in the anterior
medullary velum, through impact with the tentorial
edge. Care must be taken not to mistake a bilateral
palsy for a unilateral lesion, particularly when
corrective surgery is contemplated.
• Microvascular lesions are relatively common, this
aetiology often being presumed when appropriate
systemic risk factors are present in the absence of
features of congenital onset.
Sixth nerve
Sixth nerve
• The nucleus of the sixth (abducens or abducent) nerve
lies at the mid-level of the pons, ventral to the floor of
the fourth ventricle. The fibres (fasciculus) leave the
brainstem ventrally at the pontomedullary junction.
• Nuclear lesion. A nuclear sixth nerve lesion also
causes a failure of horizontal gaze towards the side of
the damage due to involvement of the adjacent
horizontal gaze centre (paramedian pontine reticular
formation). Facial (seventh) nerve fibres wrap around
the sixth nerve nucleus, so ipsilateral lower motor
neurone (LMN) facial nerve palsy is also common.
Isolated sixth nerve palsy is never nuclear in origin.
Sixth nerve
• Foville (inferior medial pontine) syndrome is most
frequently caused by vascular disease or tumours
involving the dorsal pons. It is characterized by
ipsilateral involvement of the fifth to eighth cranial
nerves, central sympathetic fibres (Horner syndrome)
and horizontal gaze palsy.
• • Millard–Gubler (ventral pontine) syndrome involves
the fasciculus as it passes through the pyramidal tract
and is most frequently caused by vascular disease,
tumours or demyelination. As well as ipsilateral sixth
nerve palsy, there is contralateral hemiplegia and often
an ipsilateral LMN facial nerve palsy.
• Observation with monocular occlusion or prismatic
(e.g. temporary Fresnel stick-on) correction of diplopia
is appropriate in idiopathic and presumed
microvascular lesions; up to 90% will recover
spontaneously, usually over weeks to several months.
Young children should be treated with alternate
patching to prevent amblyopia.
• Botulinum toxin injection into the ipsilateral medial
rectus may be used to prevent contracture, assess
residual function and sometimes to facilitate prismatic
correction with a large deviation ; it is rarely curative.
• Surgery should be considered only when adequate
time has been allowed for maximal spontaneous
recovery .
• Brain MRI (with or without orbital views) is
indicated in all patients with acute sixth nerve
palsies who have no known vascular risk factors.
• Management of a transient (eg, ischemic) sixth
nerve palsy may include temporary patching of the
eye or fogging of a spectacle lens with semiopaque
• Strabismus surgery may be the best option for
patients with chronic deviations who fail or are
• intolerant of conservative measures
Sensory and Facial
Motor Anatomy
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
• Although importance of CNs II, III, IV, and VI is
obvious, CN V and CN VII also have important
impacts on normal ophthalmic function and are
frequently involved in neuro-ophthalmic disorders.
For example, proper functioning of CN V is
essential for preventing corneal damage. In
addition, complete loss of corneal sensation may
be accompanied by abnormal corneal epithelial
growth (neurotrophic keratitis associated with loss
of neural secreted growth factors).
Lateral view of the orbit, showing
its sensory nerves
The 3 divisions of CN V synapse in
the trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion
• The ophthalmic division (V1) is the most anterior
branch exiting the trigeminal ganglion. It runs forward
within the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just
below CN IV. As it approaches the superior orbital
fissure extradurally, it divides into 3 major branches:
lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary. In addition, small
branches innervate the dura of the anterior middle
cranial fossa, including the cavernous sinus, the
parasellar region, the tentorium, and the dura of the
petrous apex.
• These branches also innervate the floor of the anterior
cranial fossa, including the falx and the major blood
vessels at the skull base.
divisions of CN V
• The lacrimal and frontal nerves enter orbital apex
outside annulus of Zinn. At its terminus, the frontal
nerve divides into supraorbital and supratrochlear
branches, which innervate the forehead, frontal
sinus, and upper eyelid (including the conjunctiva).
The lacrimal nerve also runs anteriorly in superior
lateral orbit just above the lateral rectus to
innervate lacrimal gland and some skin just
superotemporal to the orbit. The nasociliary branch
is the only branch entering the intraconal space
through the annulus of Zinn.
divisions of CN V
• The nasociliary branch runs through the ciliary
ganglion and anteriorly to innervate the globe
through the short and long posterior ciliary nerves.
Prior to reaching globe, branches from the
nasociliary division pass through the anterior and
posterior ethmoidal foramina to innervate part of
the ethmoidal sinuses, the lateral wall of the nose,
and the skin of the nose to the nasal tip. This co-
innervation of the globe and the nasal skin is the
reason behind the development of the Hutchinson
sign in patients with zoster ophthalmicus.
divisions of CN V
• The maxillary division (V2) runs forward at the inferior
lateral base of the cavernous sinus to enter the
foramen rotundum, located just below the superior
orbital fissure. Just before entering the canal, V2 gives
off the middle meningeal nerve, which supplies the
dura of the lateral middle cranial fossa. On the anterior
end of the foramen rotundum, V2 enters the
pterygomaxillary area. Two large pterygopalatine
nerves supply sensation to the nasopharynx, hard and
soft palate, and portions of the nasal cavity. Posterior
alveolar nerves supply sensation to the upper gums and
divisions of CN V
• The zygomatic nerve enters the orbit through the
inferior orbital fissure and divides into
zygomaticofacial and the zygomaticotemporal
nerves, which supply sensation to lateral face . The
maxillary nerve continues anteriorly within a canal
between the orbit above and the maxillary sinus
below to exit through the infraorbital foramen (as
the infraorbital nerve) just below the inferior orbital
rim. It subsequently divides into palpebral, nasal,
and labial branches. The sensation of the cheek as
well as the lower eyelid and upper teeth and gums
is provided by this division.
divisions of CN V
• mandibular division (V3) enters through foramen
ovale, lateral to foramen lacerum and medial to
the foramen spinosum (carrying the MMA). V3
innervates the skin of the jaw and carries the
motor division of the trigeminal nerve to the
muscles of mastication and neck. Motor paralysis
results in contralateral deviation of the jaw when it
is closed (weakness of the temporalis) and
ipsilateral deviation when protruded (because of
weakness in the lateral pterygoid).
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• Figure 1-38 Supranuclear, nuclear, and infranuclear anatomy
of the facial nerve (CN VII).
• A, The corticobulbar fibers travel through the internal
capsule down into the medial one-third of the corticospinal
tracts in the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain. The
pathways for the upper third of facial function (brow and
orbicularis muscles) run parallel but apparently distinct
from pathways for the lower two-thirds along the pyramidal
tracts. The corticobulbar fibers travel in the basis pontis;
those that control the lower facial muscles decussate at the
level of the pons to synapse on the contralateral CN VII
nucleus. Corticobulbar fibers that control the upper facial
muscles decussate to synapse on the contralateral CN VII
nucleus, and some of the fibers do not cross, reaching the
ipsilateral CN VII nucleus
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• B, CN VII is predominantly motor in function, with its
nucleus located in the caudal pons. CN VII courses
dorsomedially and encircles the nucleus of CN VI. After
bending around the CN VI nucleus, CN VII exits the pons in
the cerebellopontine angle close to CN V, CN VI, and CN
VIII. CN VIII, the motor root of CN VII, and the nervus
intermedius (the sensory and parasympathetic root of CN
VII) enter the internal auditory meatus. Sensory cells
located in the geniculate ganglion continue distally as the
chorda tympani nerve, which carries taste fibers. Peripheral
fibers of the nervus intermedius portion of CN VII initiate
salivary, lacrimal, and mucous secretion.
• C, After emerging from the parotid gland, CN VII innervates
the muscles of facial expression via 5 peripheral branches.
The facial nerve. A, B, and C denote lesions of the facial nerve at the stylomastoid
foramen, distal and proximal to the geniculate ganglion, respectively. Green lines
indicate the parasympathetic fibers, red line indicates motor fibers, and purple
lines indicate visceral afferent fibers (taste)
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• Within the petrous bone, CN VII enters the fallopian
canal and traverses 3 segments (the labyrinthine, the
tympanic, and the mastoid) that run in close proximity
to the semicircular canals. The parasympathetic fibers
destined for the lacrimal gland separate from CN VII in
the region of the geniculate ganglion to accompany the
greater superficial petrosal nerve. The stapedial nerve
exits to innervate the stapedius muscle, and chorda
tympani conducts parasympathetic innervation to the
submaxillary gland and afferent fibers from the anterior
two-thirds of the tongue. These special afferent fibers
are responsible for taste in the anterior tongue and
synapse in the geniculate ganglion.
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• The main branch of CN VII exits the stylomastoid
foramen just behind the styloid process at the base of
the mastoid. The extracranial trunk of the nerve
passes between the superficial and deep lobes of the
parotid gland, where it divides into 2 trunks: the
temporofacial superiorly and the smaller cervicofacial
inferiorly. These further variably divide into 5 major
branches: the temporal, zygomatic, infraorbital, buccal,
and mandibular. The temporal and zygomatic branches
laterally innervate the orbicularis oculi muscles. The
infraorbital and buccal branches may also contribute to
the inferior orbicularis.
Facial Nerve (7th Cranial Nerve)—Test for
• Raising the eyebrows.
• Ask the patient to gently close the eyelids as if they
are sleeping. The amount of lagophthalmos can be
measured with a millimeter rule .
• Forceful closure of eyes for orbicularis oculi,
• Blink reflex—Loss of spontaneous blink may occur
in patients with apparently normal voluntary lid
closure, and is a helpful clue to suggest prior seventh
nerve palsy.
Facial Nerve (7th Cranial
Nerve)—Test for
• Blowing the mouth, saying “eee”—look for deviation
of the mouth.
• Taste sensation of the anterior two-thirds of the
• Tear function—Schirmer’s test.
• Bell’s phenomenon—it indicates how well the
cornea is protected when the patient is asleep.
Facial Nerve PALSY
• A complete interruption of the facial nerve at the
stylomastoid foramen paralyzes all muscles of facial
expression. The corner of the mouth droops, the
creases and skinfolds are effaced, the forehead is
unfurrowed, and the eyelids will not close. Upon
attempted closure of the lids, the eye on the paralyzed
side rolls upward (Bell's phenomenon). The lower lid
sags and falls away from the conjunctiva, permitting
tears to spill over the cheek. Food collects between the
teeth and lips, and saliva may dribble from the corner
of the mouth. The patient complains of a heaviness or
numbness in the face, but sensory loss is rarely
demonstrable and taste is intact.
Facial Nerve PALSY
• If the lesion is in the middle-ear portion, taste is
lost over the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on
the same side. If the nerve to the stapedius is
interrupted, there is hyperacusis (sensitivity to
loud sounds). Lesions in the internal auditory
meatus may affect the adjacent auditory and
vestibular nerves, causing deafness, tinnitus, or
dizziness. Intrapontine lesions that paralyze the
face usually affect the abducens nucleus as well,
and often the corticospinal and sensory tracts.
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• If the peripheral facial paralysis has existed for
some time and recovery of motor function is
incomplete, a continuous diffuse contraction of
facial muscles may appear. The palpebral fissure
becomes narrowed, and the nasolabial fold
deepens. Attempts to move one group of facial
muscles may result in contraction of all
(associated movements, or synkinesis). Facial
spasms, initiated by movements of the face, may
develop (hemifacial spasm).
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• Anomalous regeneration of seventh nerve fibers
may result in other troublesome phenomena. If
fibers originally connected with the orbicularis
oculi come to innervate the orbicularis oris, closure
of the lids may cause a retraction of the mouth, or
if fibers originally connected with muscles of the
face later innervate the lacrimal gland, anomalous
tearing ("crocodile tears") may occur with any
activity of the facial muscles, such as eating.
Another facial synkinesia is triggered by jaw
opening, causing closure of the eyelids on the side
of the facial palsy (jaw-winking).
• The most common form of facial paralysis is Bell’s palsy.
The annual incidence of this idiopathic disorder is ~25 per
100,000 annually, or about 1 in 60 persons in a lifetime. Risk
factors include pregnancy and diabetes mellitus.
• Clinical Manifestations The onset of Bell’s palsy is fairly
abrupt, with maximal weakness being attained by 48 h as a
general rule. Pain behind the ear may precede the paralysis
for a day or two. Taste sensation may be lost unilaterally,
and hyperacusis may be present.
• In some cases, there is mild cerebrospinal fluid
lymphocytosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may
reveal swelling and uniform enhancement of the geniculate
ganglion and facial nerve and, in some cases, entrapment of
the swollen nerve in the temporal bone.
• Approximately 80% of patients recover within a few
weeks or months. Electromyography may be of
some prognostic value; evidence of denervation
after 10 days indicates there has been axonal
degeneration, that there will be a long delay (3
months as a rule) before regeneration occurs, and
that it may be incomplete. The presence of
incomplete paralysis in the first week is the most
favorable prognostic sign. Recurrences are
reported in approximately 7% of cases.
TREATMENT Bell’s Palsy
• Symptomatic measures include (1) the use of
paper tape to depress the upper eyelid
during sleep and prevent corneal drying, and
(2) massage of the weakened muscles.
• A course of glucocorticoids, given as
prednisone 60–80 mg daily during the first 5
days and then tapered over the next 5 days,
modestly shortens the recovery period and
improves the functional outcome.
TREATMENT Bell’s Palsy
• Although large and wellcontrolled randomized trials
found no added benefit of the antiviral agents
valacyclovir (1000 mg daily for 5–7 days) or
acyclovir (400 mg five times daily for 10 days)
compared to glucocorticoids alone, some earlier
data suggested that combination therapy with
prednisone plus valacyclovir might be marginally
better than prednisolone alone, especially in
patients with severe clinical presentations.
Ocular Autonomic Pathways
• Branches of parasympathetic system play a role in
lacrimal function, and pupil size is controlled by a
balance between innervation of sympathetic fibers
to iris dilator muscles and of parasympathetic
fibers to the sphincter muscles. The accessory
retractor muscles, including the Müller muscle in
the upper eyelid, receive sympathetic innervation.
Sympathetic Pathways
• Sympathetic activity originates in the posterolateral
region of the hypothalamus. Activity in the
hypothalamus is influenced by signals in the frontal,
sensorimotor, and occipital cortex and in the limbic
system (cingulate gyrus). The course of sympathetic
fibers destined for the orbit is divided into first-,
second-, and third-order segments . Axons destined for
the dilator muscles of the pupil and Müller muscle
descend as the first-order segment, along with other
sympathetic fibers, superficially in the anteromedial
column through the brainstem to the spinal cord. the
sympathetic fibers destined for the orbit synapse in the
ciliospinal center of Budge-Waller .
Sympathetic Pathways
• The postsynaptic second-order fibers leave the spinal cord
through the ventral rami of the cervical (C8) and upper
thoracic (T1 and T2) levels before joining the paravertebral
sympathetic plexus. Ascending rostrally, the sympathetic
chain passes in the anterior loop of the ansa subclavia
proximate to the innominate artery on the right and the
subclavian artery on the left just above the lung apex.
These fibers pass through the inferior and middle cervical
ganglia to terminate in the superior cervical ganglion, at the
level of the angle of the jaw (C2) and the carotid artery
• The postganglionic third-order fibers continue in the wall of
the bifurcated carotid. Sympathetic fibers innervating the
sweat glands of the lower face follow the ECA.
Anatomy of
Sympathetic Pathways
• anteriorly in the cavernous sinus, the sympathetic fibers
join the nasociliary branch of V1. In the orbital apex, the
fibers then pass through the ciliary ganglion (without
synapsing). Along with the nasociliary branch, the
sympathetic fibers reach the globe and travel with the long
ciliary nerves to the dilator muscles of the pupil. The dilator
muscle lies just superficial to the posterior pigment
epithelium of the iris, which continues peripherally as the
nonpigmented superficial layer of the ciliary body. The
myoepithelial cells measure approximately 12.5 μm in
thickness, with an apical epithelial portion and a basilar
muscular portion that is oriented radially toward the
pupillary opening. The muscular processes terminate
peripheral to the sphincter muscle. Peripherally at the iris
root, these cells are continuous with the pigmented
epithelium of the ciliary body.
Sympathetic Pathways
• The fibers destined for the Müller muscle travel
along the OphA and its subsequent frontal &
lacrimal branches. The Müller muscle originates
near the origin of the levator aponeurosis and
inserts 10–12 mm inferiorly on the superior border
of the tarsus. The superior orbital sympathetic
fibers also innervate the sweat glands of the
forehead. Thus, disruption of these sympathetic
fibers is responsible for the mild ptosis and the
frontal anhidrosis associated with distal Horner
Parasympathetic Pathways
• Parasympathetic activity originates in various areas within
brainstem. The fibers that control pupil sphincter muscles
originate in the Edinger-Westphal (EW) nuclei of CN III
nuclear complex within the midbrain. The main input to the
EW nuclei is from the pretectal nuclei, both directly and via
the posterior commissure. The pretectal nuclei, in turn,
receive input directly from the afferent visual pathways via
the pupillary tract, which leaves the optic tract in the
brachium of the superior colliculus just anterior to the LGN.
The cortex (especially the frontal lobes), the hypothalamus,
and the reticular activating system provide tonic inhibitory
signals to the EW nucleus.
• During sleep, the pupil becomes smaller through loss of this
inhibitory activity.
Pathway of the pupillary reaction
to light
Parasympathetic Pathways
• The parasympathetic fibers and the CN III fascicles
leave the CN III nucleus and exit in the interpeduncular
fossa. Within the subarachnoid space, the
parasympathetic fibers tend to run on the medial
superficial surface of CN III. When CN III bifurcates in
the anterior cavernous sinus, the parasympathetic
fibers travel with the inferior division. In the orbital
apex, these fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion (as
opposed to the oculosympathetic and nasociliary
fibers, which travel through the ganglion without
synapse). The postsynaptic fibers then travel with the
branch destined for the inferior oblique muscle to join
the posterior ciliary nerves to reach anterior segment
and iris sphincter muscles.
Parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland
• Parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland
originates in the superior salivatory (salivary) nucleus
located in the caudal pons posterolateral to the motor
nucleus of CN VII. This nucleus receives sensory input from
the trigeminal nerve and additional afferent fibers from the
hypothalamus. Efferent parasympathetic fibers for lacrimal,
mucous, and salivary secretion leaving the nucleus join
other parasympathetic efferent fibers coming from the
salivatory nucleus and run with afferent gustatory fibers
from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue in the nervus
intermedius. The gustatory fibers synapse in the nucleus of
the tractus solitarius parallel to the fascicles of CN VII in
the nervus intermedius . This nerve joins with CN VII to exit
the brainstem on its ventral surface of the pontomedullary
• There are five supranuclear eye movement
systems. They are:
• 1. Saccadic system
• 2. Pursuit system
• 3. Vergence system
• 4. Non-optic reflex system
• 5. Position maintenance system.
• A 55-year-old man with hypertension complains of
acute headache on the left and is found to have a
left Horner syndrome. How should he be worked up
and treated?
• This patient with an acute, isolated, painful Horner
syndrome is considered to have a left internal
carotid artery dissection until proven otherwise. He
must be evaluated emergently with noninvasive
cerebrovascular imaging studies. If a dissection is
confirmed, he will have to be admitted and treated
to prevent a cerebral infarction .
Treatment of Horner Syndrome
• Most patients with Horner syndrome have no visual
changes and tolerate a mild ptosis. Rarely, lid
surgery is requested to correct a persistent ptosis.
Topical apraclonidine corrects the ptosis
associated with Horner syndrome and may be used
intermittently for cosmetic reasons or when the
ptosis reduces the superior visual field.
• Papilloedema is swelling of the optic nerve head
secondary to raised intracranial pressure (ICP).
‘Disc swelling’ and ‘disc oedema’ are non-specific
terms that include papilloedema but also a disc
swollen from other causes. All patients with
papilloedema should be suspected of harbouring an
intracranial mass. Not all patients with raised ICP
will develop disc swelling.
Cerebrospinal fluid Circulation
• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is formed by the choroid
plexus in the ventricles of the brain.
• It leaves the lateral ventricles to enter the third
ventricle through the foramina of Munro.
• From the third ventricle, it flows through the
Sylvian aqueduct to the fourth ventricle.
• From the fourth ventricle, the CSF passes through
the foramina of Luschka and Magendie to enter the
subarachnoid space, flowing around the spinal cord
and bathing the cerebral hemispheres.
Cerebrospinal fluid Circulation
• Absorption is into the cerebral venous system through arachnoid villi.
• Normal CSF pressure on lumbar puncture is 10–18 cmH2O in adults.
• • Causes of raised ICP
• Idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
• Obstruction of the ventricular system by congenital or acquired lesions.
• Space-occupying intracranial lesions, including haemorrhage.
• Impairment of CSF absorption due to meningitis, subarachnoid
haemorrhage or trauma.
• Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
• Cerebral oedema from blunt head trauma.
• Severe systemic hypertension.
Diagnosis of raised ICP
• Headaches, which characteristically occur early in the
morning and may wake the patient from sleep, although
less commonly they can occur at any time of day. The
pain may be generalized or localized, and may intensify
with head movement, bending or coughing. They tend
to get progressively worse over time. Very rarely,
headache may be absent.
• Nausea, often episodic and with associated projectile
vomiting; may occur as an isolated feature or may
precede the onset of headaches.
• Deterioration of consciousness as severity increases,
initially with drowsiness and somnolence. A dramatic
deterioration in concscious level may be indicative of
brainstem distortion and requires immediate attention.
Diagnosis of raised ICP
• Visual symptoms are commonly absent in mild or early
raised ICP.
• Transient visual obscurations lasting up to 30 seconds in
one or both eyes are frequent in established papilloedema,
and are sometimes precipitated by bending, coughing or the
Valsalva manoeuvre; disc swelling due to other causes is
usually associated with more persistent visual impairment.
• Horizontal diplopia due to sixth nerve palsy caused by
stretching of one or both abducens nerves over the petrous
tip ; this is a false localizing sign.
• Vision is generally normal or minimally reduced. Significant
reduction is a late feature in conjunction with secondary
optic atrophy.
Diagnosis of raised ICP
• MRI to exclude a space-occupying lesion and/or
enlarged ventricles; MRI can also be used to
measure ONSD (average normal diameter
approximately 5.5 mm ± 1 mm on MRI).
• In certain cases vascular imaging may be
performed, such as venography to rule out cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis.
• Lumbar puncture (LP) must not be carried out until
imaging has excluded a space-occupying lesion
that might cause downwards herniation of the
• It is useful to characterize the changes in the optic nerve head that occur in
papilledema as being mechanical or vascular in nature.
• The five mechanical clinical signs of optic disc
edema are:
• Blurring of the optic disc margins.
• Filling in of the optic disc cup.
• Anterior extension of the nerve head (3 D = 1 mm
of elevation).
• Edema of the nerve fiber layer.
• Retinal or choroidal folds, or both.
The five vascular clinical signs of
optic disc edema
• Venous congestion of arcuate and peripapillary
• Papillary and retinal peripapillary hemorrhages.
• Nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots).
• Hyperemia of the optic nerve head.
• Hard exudates of the optic disc.
Stages of papilloedema
• Papilloedema is nearly always bilateral, but may be
• • Early Mild disc hyperaemia with preservation of the
optic cup.
• Indistinct peripapillary retinal nerve striations and disc
• SVP is absent in about 20% of normal individuals and
may be difficult to identify even when present. An
identifiable venous pulsation in at least one eye means
that the ICP is normal at that point in time, bearing in
mind that diurnal fluctuation can occur.
Stages of papilloedema
• Established (acute –)
• Normal or reduced VA.
• Severe disc hyperaemia, moderate elevation with indistinct margins and
absence of the physiological cup.
• Venous engorgement, peripapillary flame haemorrhages and frequently
cotton wool spots.
• As the swelling increases, the optic nerve head appears enlarged.
• Circumferential retinal folds (Paton lines) may develop, especially
temporally .
• Macular fan: in younger patients small vesicles may form in the
superficial retina, converging on the fovea in a fan shape with the apex
at the fovea; this is not to be confused with a macular star, composed of
• Enlarged blind spot.
Stages of papilloedema
• Chronic
• VA is variable and the visual fields begin to constrict.
• Disc elevation; cotton wool spots and haemorrhages
are characteristically no longer present.
• Optociliary shunts and drusen-like crystalline
deposits (corpora amylacea) may be present on the
disc surface.
• • Atrophic (secondary optic atrophy )
• VA is severely impaired.
• The optic discs are grey–white, slightly elevated, with
few crossing blood vessels and indistinct margins.
Papilloedema Treatment
• Weight loss, including via bariatric surgery, can be
very effective and formal dietary intervention is
strongly recommended.
• Other options include acetazolamide, furosemide,
digoxin and analgesia, and in unresponsive cases
optic nerve fenestration, lumboperitoneal shunting
and transverse dural sinus stenting.
• Steroids are controversial, but a short course is
sometimes used in severe papilloedema.
• Intravenous mannitol or a lumbar puncture are
usually reserved for acute severe exacerbations.
intracranial hypertension (IIH)
• modified Dandy criteria should be met for the
diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri or IIH . The
patient should first demonstrate the signs and
symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.
Headache, transient visual obscurations, pulse-
synchronous tinnitus, papilledema with associated
visual loss, and diplopia due to sixth nerve palsies
are the common presenting symptoms and signs.
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
• there should be an absence of localized findings on
neurological examination except for the “false
localizing” sixth nerve palsies. Neuroimaging should
reveal the absence of deformity, displacement, or
obstruction of the ventricular system. We like to use
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic
resonance venography (MRV) to look for additional
support for the presence of intracranial hypertension.
Findings characteristic of increased intracranial
pressure on MRI are empty sella, smooth-walled venous
stenoses of the lateral sinuses (on MRV), orbital
findings related to the unfolding of the nerve sheath,
and enhancement of the optic disc.
Idiopathic intracranial
hypertension MANAGEMENT
• I generally treat all patients with a low-sodium weight
management program. Patients usually improve with
weight loss of 5% to 10% body weight. Much more
weight loss is usually not sustainable and does not
appear to be necessary for IIH remission. Weight loss
may be all our patient needs, since there is no visual
loss with perimetric examination except for enlarged
blind spots. However, if her symptoms of intracranial
hypertension (eg, severe headache) were interfering
with her activities of daily living, I would start
acetazolamide in 2 divided doses, then gradually
escalating doses to 1 to 2 g per day.
• Diuretics can be used if the patient cannot tolerate
Idiopathic intracranial
hypertension MANAGEMENT
• The frequency of follow-up depends mostly on the risk
of visual loss. The 2 most important factors here are
amount of visual loss present and the degree of optic
disc edema. If the risk of further visual loss is low; the
usual revisit time after diagnosis is 1 to 2 months. I
would have this patient back in 2 months and, if she is
doing well, again in 4 months. Since IIH can be a
lifelong disease (like arterial hypertension), I follow
patients who are in remission every 1 to 2 years. The
• key features in following a patient are the change in
weight, change in symptoms, perimetry results, and
papilledema grade .
• IIH is a diagnosis of exclusion (modified Dandy
• The typical patient with IIH is an overweight young
female; more aggressive evaluation for possible
etiologies should be considered in thin patients, men,
and the elderly.
• Medical treatment with weight loss and acetazolamide
are the first lines of therapy.
• Surgical treatment (optic nerve sheath fenestration or
shunting procedures) is reserved for patients with
progressive disease who fail maximal medical therapy.
• A 68-year-old woman presents with complaints of
droopy upper lids over the past few weeks.
• Sometimes one lid or the other might even close
completely. She has also noticed double vision, which
comes and goes.
• Since the majority of patients with myasthenia gravis
present with involvement of the lids and extraocular
muscles, the ophthalmologist is often the first
physician to make this diagnosis, usually based on key
history and clinical findings in the office. These reveal
a typically variable clinical picture that is modulated by
rest and fatigue; they also help establish localization
distal to the brainstem and cranial nerves.
• key questions that address typical characteristics of
myasthenia—namely improvement with rest,
fatigability, and variability.
• The one question that I find most useful, and that
addresses the effect of rest, is whether the ptosis or
diplopia is present upon first awakening. Most patients
with myasthenic ptosis report that the lids are virtually
normal or much improved first thing after sleep.
Similarly, a report by a patient with diplopia of little or
no double vision upon awakening strongly suggests
myasthenia and reflects improvement from a tropia to a
phoria during sleep. This is in contrast to other causes
of diplopia where overnight ocular dissociation leads to
a tropia upon awakening with improvement afterward.
Key Physical Findings
• Pupils
• The pupils are not clinically affected by myasthenia gravis.
There should be no pupillary dilation or Horner syndrome.
• Ptosis
• There are several lid findings suggestive of myasthenia
gravis. Bilateral ptosis is common in myasthenia but rare in
brainstem or cranial nerve disorders. However, the bilateral
nature of the ptosis may be masked by the effect of
Hering’s law, in which the effort to open the more ptotic lid
brings the less ptotic lid into a normal or even a retracted
position. In apparently unilateral ptosis, lift the ptotic lid
and observe whether the “normal” (or retracted) lid
becomes ptotic .
Key Physical Findings
• Motility
• The presence of bilateral limitation of eye movement is very
helpful since in myasthenia both eyes are commonly involved ,
whereas bilateral involvement would be most unlikely in
brainstem or cranial nerve lesions. A motility pattern appearing
to be an isolated unilateral cranial neuropathy or internuclear
ophthalmoplegia may occur in myasthenia. However, it is
uncommon for myasthenia gravis to mimic these patterns without
other findings, such as ptosis or orbicularis weakness.
• Orbicularis
• You should test orbicularis function in all patients with ptosis or
motility problems. The orbicularis is weak in most myasthenic
patients , often visibly fatiguing with continued testing. The
presence of orbicularis weakness in a patient with ptosis and
motility abnormalities indicates a localization that cannot be
explained by a brainstem or cranial nerve lesion.
• If additional symptoms suggest generalized
myasthenia gravis or if the isolated ocular
symptoms are of recent onset, you should
refer to a neuromuscular specialist in a
timely manner. I warn the patient that if
problems with breathing or swallowing
develop in the meantime, an urgent visit to
an emergency department would be in order.
myasthenia gravis
• I usually defer to neuromuscular specialist to begin
a trial of pyridostigmine, then I see the patient
again after a few weeks. If patient has isolated
ocular myasthenia gravis and pyridostigmine has
not been fully effective, I add prednisone since this
is usually more effective for the ocular signs and
may decrease the rate of generalization. I usually
start at 1 mg/kg per day for 2 weeks, followed by
tapering. This results in remission for some
patients, but others need a maintenance alternate-
day dose.
• Clues that make myasthenia a consideration in a
patient with ptosis, diplopia, or both include the
• Effect of rest
• Symptoms absent upon awakening
• Ptosis improves after office rest/ice test
• Fatigable ptosis
• Variable symptoms and findings
• Bilateral findings not mapping to cranial nerves
• Orbicularis weakness
Neuro ophthalmology  2016

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Neuro ophthalmology 2016

  • 3. Neuro-Ophthalmic Anatomy • Medical practice in general—and surgical subspecialties in particular—are exercises in applied anatomy. Although an adequate understanding of physiology and, increasingly, molecular genetics is important in understanding disease and potential treatments, anatomy is the foundation.
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  • 6. Skull Base • The skull base is connected to the lower facial skeleton by 3 sets of pillars formed by the maxillary and zygomatic bones anteriorly and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone posteriorly. Superiorly, the vault of the skull is made up of the parietal bones, which meet at the sagittal suture; the frontal bone, which adjoins them at the coronal suture; as well as the occipital bone, which meets the parietal bones at the lambdoid suture.
  • 7. Anatomy Of Right Orbital Apex • The optic foramen transmits the optic nerve, ophthalmic artery, and oculosympathetic nerves. • The superior orbital fissure, a gap between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bones, transmits CNs III, IV, VI, V1, and the superior ophthalmic vein. Within the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone is the optic foramen, which leads to the optic canal. The optic strut separates the optic canal from the superior orbital fissure. • The 4 rectus muscles arise from the annulus of Zinn. CNs II, III (superior and inferior branches), VI, and the nasociliary nerve all course through the annulus of Zinn. CN IV and the frontal and lacrimal nerves and the ophthalmic veins are located outside the annulus.
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  • 11. The medial orbital wall • The medial orbital wall is formed by 4 bones: maxilla (frontal process), lacrimal, sphenoid, and ethmoid. The largest component of the medial wall is the lamina papyracea of the ethmoidal bone. The anterior medial orbital wall includes the lacrimal sac fossa, which is formed by both the maxillary and lacrimal bones. The lacrimal bone is divided by the posterior lacrimal crest. The anterior part of the lacrimal sac fossa is formed by the anterior lacrimal crest of the maxillary bone.
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  • 13. Basal view of the brain showing the anterior and posterior visual pathways
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  • 21. Lesions of the pupil
  • 25. Pharmacological tests to localize Horner’s syndrome
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  • 28. SUPRANUCLEAR AND INFRANUCLEAR PATHWAYS • Anatomical pathways, which extend from the cortical centers of brain to the cranial nerve nuclei, are called the supranuclear pathways. From the cranial nerve nuclei to the ocular muscle exist the infranuclear pathways . In peripheral nerves, the nerve starts from the brain and reaches the anterior horn cell in the spinal cord. This is the upper motor neuron. From the anterior horn cell of the spinal cord, the nerve moves to the peripheral muscle. This is the lower motor neuron. If there is a lower motor neuron disease the limb is flaccid and if there is an upper motor neuron disease the limb is spastic.
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  • 32. SUPRANUCLEAR AND INFRANUCLEAR PATHWAYS • The cranial nerve nuclei are like peripheral nerve nuclei. From cortex of the brain the nerve extends to the cranial nerve nuclei and this is the upper motor neuron (UMN) pathway. From the cranial nerve nuclei the nerve extends to the ocular muscle and this is the lower motor neuron (LMN) pathway. In peripheral nerves if the anterior horn cell gets involved as in poliomyelitis, the patient has a LMN disease and so the limb is flaccid. The anterior horn cell is akin to the cranial nerve nuclei of cranial nerves. So, if the cranial nerve nuclei gets involved the lesion produced will be a LMN lesion.
  • 33. The corticospinal and bulbospinal upper motor neuron pathways.
  • 34.
  • 36. Ocular Motor Cranial Nerves • Without neural activity, the visual axes are usually mildly to moderately divergent. The major tonic input to ocular motility is supplied by 3 pairs of ocular motor cranial nerves—CNs III, IV, & VI—that innervate the 6 EOMs controlling ocular movement . In addition, CN III innervates the levator palpebrae superioris and the pupillary sphincter muscles.
  • 37. Ocular Motor Cranial Nerves • Except for the inferior oblique muscle, the innervation to each of the EOMs occurs approximately one-third the distance from the apex. The inferior oblique muscle receives its innervation at approximately its midpoint from a neurovascular bundle running parallel to the lateral aspect of the inferior rectus muscle. All 6 EOMs receive their innervation on the inside surface, except for the superior oblique, where branches of CN IV terminate on the upper (outer) surface of the muscle.
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  • 39. Medical management of stroke and TIA.
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  • 43. Neuro ophthalmology exam • In ophthalmology, diagnoses are often made by visual clues. While in neuro-ophthalmology, a thorough history is the foundation of accurate diagnosis. While conversing with the patient, note the following: gait, facial features, eyes, ocular adnexa, hands, clothing, and mannerisms. After a detailed history and physical examination the diagnosis is usually apparent. • It is said that a neuro-ophthalmologist is a ‘thinking’ or ‘cognitive’ ophthalmologist. His aim is twofold: • Localise lesion (Where)—Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate body, optic radiation, occipital cortex • Suspect the pathology (What)—VIN DITCH MD (Vascular, Infectious, Neoplastic, Demyelinating, Inflammatory, Traumatic, Congenital, Heredofamilial, Metabolic, Drug induced)
  • 44. Neuro ophthalmology exam • When you come across a suspected neuro- ophthalmic patient, set aside atleast 15-20 minutes of the clinic time for a detailed history and examination. • Record the patient’s age, gender and occupation. • Optic neuritis is generally seen in women between 20 and 40 years of age. Ischemic optic neuropathy is mostly seen after the age of 40 years. Traumatic optic neuropathy is more common in young males riding two wheelers.
  • 45. Neuro ophthalmology exam • Thyroid eye disease, myasthenia gravis, benign intracranial hypertension, meningiomas and multiple sclerosis are more common in females. Craniopharyngioma, optic nerve glioma and rhabdomyosarcoma are most commonly seen in the pediatric population. Traumatic optic neuropathy, intracranial and orbital foreign bodies, subdural hematoma, intracerebral hemorrhage and ophthalmoplegia are more common in the armed forces and police due to the high incidence of trauma.
  • 46. CHIEF COMPLAINT •It helps to ask the patient—‘Tell me in one sentence what your problem is. Record the chief complaint in the patient’s own words.
  • 47. Decreased Vision • Transient visual loss (vision returns to normal within 24 hours, usually within one hour): • Few seconds: Papilledema • Few minutes: Amaurosis fugax, vertebrobasilar insufficiency • 10-60 minutes: Migraine (with or without subsequent headache), Impending crvo , ischemic optic neuropathy, carotid occlusive disease, CNS lesion, optic disc drusen, giant cell arteritis.
  • 48. Decreased Vision • Visual loss lasting more than 24 hours a. Sudden painless: Retinal artery or vein occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment b. Gradual painless loss: open angle glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and compressive optic neuropathy c. Painful loss: acute angle closure glaucoma, optic neuritis, uveitis
  • 49. Color Vision • Loss of Color Vision • Optic neuritis, other optic neuropathies. • Loss of Side Vision • Right or left hemifield—stroke, pituitary tumor, glioma, • subdural hematoma, migraine • Upper or lower hemifield—AION, optic neuritis • Central—optic neuritis, toxic neuropathy
  • 50. Neuro ophthalmology exam • Loss of Contrast of Vision • Optic neuritis. • Shaking of Objects (oscillopsia) or Eyes • Acquired nystagmus (vertical or horizontal). • Eye Pain (Orbital) • Sinusitis, orbital pseudotumor, optic neuritis, diabetic nerve palsy
  • 51. Headache • Malignant hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, infectious CNS disorder, giant cell arteritis, cerebral tumor, aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, epidural or subdural hematoma, migraine, cluster headache, tension, trigeminal neuralgia, Tolosa Hunt disease, cervical spine disease.
  • 52. Double Vision • Binocular (Double vision is eliminated when either eye is occluded). • a. Typically intermittent: myasthenia gravis, intermittent decompensation of existing phoria b. Constant: Isolated sixth, third or fourth nerve palsy, thyroid eye disease, inflammatory pseudotumor, cavernous sinus superior orbital fissure syndrome, post-trauma-blowout fracture, internuclear ophthalmoplegia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency.
  • 53. Eyelid Drooping of Eyelid (Ptosis) • Aging, myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrome, third • nerve palsy, chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Lid Retraction • Thyroid eye disease, midbrain syndrome. Prominence of Eye (Proptosis) • Thyroid eye disease, orbital cellulitis, pseudotumor, • orbital tumors, trauma, varix, mucormycosis.
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  • 56. TENSILON TEST Tensilon/Enlon (edophonium hydrochloride) is available in India in a multidose 10 mg/ml bottle
  • 57. EVALUATION •It is essential to evaluate all cranial nerve functions in a patient with ophthalmoplegia or seventh nerve palsy .
  • 59. Oculomotor nucleus complex. • all extraocular muscles served by CN III are innervated by their respective ipsilateral nuclei except the superior rectus muscle. Parasympathetic fibers traveling to the pupillary sphincter muscle synapse in the ciliary ganglion in the orbit .
  • 60. Oculomotor nerve (CN III) • The nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (CN III) is located dorsally within midbrain beneath aqueduct connecting the third and fourth ventricles . The nuclear complex itself represents a collection of subnuclei that have specific identifiable functions . The fibers destined to innervate the levator palpebrae superioris, medial rectus, inferior rectus, pupil sphincter, and ciliary body muscles exit ventrally ipsilateral to the individual nuclei from which they originate. In contrast, the fibers from the superior rectus subnucleus, which lies along the midline, cross before exiting the brainstem to innervate the superior rectus muscle.
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  • 64. Oculomotor nerve (CN III) • Unilateral supratentorial mass lesions may force the uncus through the tentorial notch (uncal herniation) to compress the ipsilateral CN III. Running forward in the superior lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, the nerve separates into a superior and an inferior division. These divisions enter the orbit through the superior orbital fissure within the annulus of Zinn. The superior division runs forward intraconally to innervate first the superior rectus muscle and then the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. The inferior division sends parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary ganglion in the orbital apex approximately 10 mm anterior to the annulus of Zinn and lateral to the optic nerve.
  • 65. Lateral view of the course of CNs III, IV, and VI.
  • 66. Oculomotor nerve (CN III) • Within the ciliary ganglion, the fibers destined for the pupillary sphincter and the ciliary body synapse. The fibers subsequently accompany the branch destined for the inferior oblique muscle. There are 9–10 times as many fibers associated with accommodation innervating the ciliary body as there are fibers reaching the pupillary sphincter muscle. This disparity may be one reason for the development of light–near dissociation in Adie tonic pupil . The remaining branches of CN III within the orbit innervate the medial rectus and inferior rectus muscles.
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  • 71. Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves (3rd, 4th and 6th Cranial Nerves) •In a third nerve palsy, the fourth nerve can be assessed by looking at a superior conjunctival vessel with the naked eye or on the slit lamp and asking the patient to look down and nasally. The eye should intort and the vessel should move down and towards the nose .
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  • 73. COMPRESSIVE LESION INVOLVES PUPIL • a compressive lesion of the third nerve (particularly an aneurysm) will cause a fixed, dilated pupil. In contrast, third cranial nerve palsy from an ischemic mononeuropathy (diabetes mellitus, hypertension) demonstrates no anisocoria and the pupil is briskly reactive .
  • 74. MANAGEMENT • Consider checking blood pressure and ordering laboratory studies (eg, CBC, fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C, ESR, and CRP) in patients with a pupil-sparing third nerve palsy. ASPIRIN PRESCRIBED ( USUALLY 75 MG TO 150 MG ) • The patient should be instructed to call if the initially uninvolved pupil dilates or if there are new signs or symptoms suggestive of an aneurysm. • Atypical features for ischemic palsy should prompt consideration for obtaining an MRI with MRA or CTA
  • 75. Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves (3rd, 4th and 6th Cranial Nerves) • Immediate MRI to rule out mass/aneurysm is indicated for: 1. Pupil involving third nerve palsies 2. Pupil sparing third nerve palsies in: a. Patients without diabetes or hypertension b. Patients with incomplete third nerve palsies c. Third nerve palsies over 3 months in duration,not improving d. Associated additional cranial nerve or neurologic abnormalities. 3. All non-traumatic aberrant regeneration of third nerve palsies.
  • 76. Aberrant regeneration • Aberrant regeneration may occur spontaneously without preceding third nerve palsy in cavernous sinus tumor or aneurysm. Signs of aberrant regeneration in 3rd nerve palsy are: • Pseudo Von Graefe’s sign Lid elevation on down gaze • Inverse Duane’s sign Lid elevation on adduction • Pseudo Argyll Robertson pupil Pupillary constriction on adduction, no reaction to light .
  • 78. Fourth nerve • The fourth (trochlear) cranial nerve supplies only the superior oblique muscle. • It is a very long and slender nerve, increasing its vulnerability. • It is the only cranial nerve to emerge from the dorsal aspect of the brain. It is the only crossed cranial nerve besides the optic nerve, innervating the superior oblique muscle contralateral to its nucleus. • It has the fewest axons of any of the cranial nerves.
  • 79.
  • 80. Causes of isolated fourth nerve palsy • Idiopathic lesions are common, and many of these are thought to be congenital although symptoms may not develop until decompensation occurs in adult life due to reduced fusional ability. In contrast to acquired lesions patients are not usually aware of the torsional aspect, but may develop vertical double vision that is often appreciated as of sudden or subacute onset
  • 81. Causes of isolated fourth nerve palsy • Trauma frequently causes bilateral fourth nerve palsy. The long and slender nerves are particularly vulnerable as they decussate in the anterior medullary velum, through impact with the tentorial edge. Care must be taken not to mistake a bilateral palsy for a unilateral lesion, particularly when corrective surgery is contemplated. • Microvascular lesions are relatively common, this aetiology often being presumed when appropriate systemic risk factors are present in the absence of features of congenital onset.
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  • 84. Sixth nerve • The nucleus of the sixth (abducens or abducent) nerve lies at the mid-level of the pons, ventral to the floor of the fourth ventricle. The fibres (fasciculus) leave the brainstem ventrally at the pontomedullary junction. • Nuclear lesion. A nuclear sixth nerve lesion also causes a failure of horizontal gaze towards the side of the damage due to involvement of the adjacent horizontal gaze centre (paramedian pontine reticular formation). Facial (seventh) nerve fibres wrap around the sixth nerve nucleus, so ipsilateral lower motor neurone (LMN) facial nerve palsy is also common. Isolated sixth nerve palsy is never nuclear in origin.
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  • 87. Sixth nerve • Foville (inferior medial pontine) syndrome is most frequently caused by vascular disease or tumours involving the dorsal pons. It is characterized by ipsilateral involvement of the fifth to eighth cranial nerves, central sympathetic fibres (Horner syndrome) and horizontal gaze palsy. • • Millard–Gubler (ventral pontine) syndrome involves the fasciculus as it passes through the pyramidal tract and is most frequently caused by vascular disease, tumours or demyelination. As well as ipsilateral sixth nerve palsy, there is contralateral hemiplegia and often an ipsilateral LMN facial nerve palsy.
  • 88.
  • 89. Treatment • Observation with monocular occlusion or prismatic (e.g. temporary Fresnel stick-on) correction of diplopia is appropriate in idiopathic and presumed microvascular lesions; up to 90% will recover spontaneously, usually over weeks to several months. Young children should be treated with alternate patching to prevent amblyopia. • Botulinum toxin injection into the ipsilateral medial rectus may be used to prevent contracture, assess residual function and sometimes to facilitate prismatic correction with a large deviation ; it is rarely curative. • Surgery should be considered only when adequate time has been allowed for maximal spontaneous recovery .
  • 90. Summary • Brain MRI (with or without orbital views) is indicated in all patients with acute sixth nerve palsies who have no known vascular risk factors. • Management of a transient (eg, ischemic) sixth nerve palsy may include temporary patching of the eye or fogging of a spectacle lens with semiopaque tape. • Strabismus surgery may be the best option for patients with chronic deviations who fail or are • intolerant of conservative measures
  • 93. Trigeminal Nerve (CN V) • Although importance of CNs II, III, IV, and VI is obvious, CN V and CN VII also have important impacts on normal ophthalmic function and are frequently involved in neuro-ophthalmic disorders. For example, proper functioning of CN V is essential for preventing corneal damage. In addition, complete loss of corneal sensation may be accompanied by abnormal corneal epithelial growth (neurotrophic keratitis associated with loss of neural secreted growth factors).
  • 94. Lateral view of the orbit, showing its sensory nerves
  • 95. The 3 divisions of CN V synapse in the trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion • The ophthalmic division (V1) is the most anterior branch exiting the trigeminal ganglion. It runs forward within the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just below CN IV. As it approaches the superior orbital fissure extradurally, it divides into 3 major branches: lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary. In addition, small branches innervate the dura of the anterior middle cranial fossa, including the cavernous sinus, the parasellar region, the tentorium, and the dura of the petrous apex. • These branches also innervate the floor of the anterior cranial fossa, including the falx and the major blood vessels at the skull base.
  • 96. divisions of CN V • The lacrimal and frontal nerves enter orbital apex outside annulus of Zinn. At its terminus, the frontal nerve divides into supraorbital and supratrochlear branches, which innervate the forehead, frontal sinus, and upper eyelid (including the conjunctiva). The lacrimal nerve also runs anteriorly in superior lateral orbit just above the lateral rectus to innervate lacrimal gland and some skin just superotemporal to the orbit. The nasociliary branch is the only branch entering the intraconal space through the annulus of Zinn.
  • 97. divisions of CN V • The nasociliary branch runs through the ciliary ganglion and anteriorly to innervate the globe through the short and long posterior ciliary nerves. Prior to reaching globe, branches from the nasociliary division pass through the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina to innervate part of the ethmoidal sinuses, the lateral wall of the nose, and the skin of the nose to the nasal tip. This co- innervation of the globe and the nasal skin is the reason behind the development of the Hutchinson sign in patients with zoster ophthalmicus.
  • 98. divisions of CN V • The maxillary division (V2) runs forward at the inferior lateral base of the cavernous sinus to enter the foramen rotundum, located just below the superior orbital fissure. Just before entering the canal, V2 gives off the middle meningeal nerve, which supplies the dura of the lateral middle cranial fossa. On the anterior end of the foramen rotundum, V2 enters the pterygomaxillary area. Two large pterygopalatine nerves supply sensation to the nasopharynx, hard and soft palate, and portions of the nasal cavity. Posterior alveolar nerves supply sensation to the upper gums and molars.
  • 99. divisions of CN V • The zygomatic nerve enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure and divides into zygomaticofacial and the zygomaticotemporal nerves, which supply sensation to lateral face . The maxillary nerve continues anteriorly within a canal between the orbit above and the maxillary sinus below to exit through the infraorbital foramen (as the infraorbital nerve) just below the inferior orbital rim. It subsequently divides into palpebral, nasal, and labial branches. The sensation of the cheek as well as the lower eyelid and upper teeth and gums is provided by this division.
  • 100. divisions of CN V • mandibular division (V3) enters through foramen ovale, lateral to foramen lacerum and medial to the foramen spinosum (carrying the MMA). V3 innervates the skin of the jaw and carries the motor division of the trigeminal nerve to the muscles of mastication and neck. Motor paralysis results in contralateral deviation of the jaw when it is closed (weakness of the temporalis) and ipsilateral deviation when protruded (because of weakness in the lateral pterygoid).
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  • 103. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • Figure 1-38 Supranuclear, nuclear, and infranuclear anatomy of the facial nerve (CN VII). • A, The corticobulbar fibers travel through the internal capsule down into the medial one-third of the corticospinal tracts in the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain. The pathways for the upper third of facial function (brow and orbicularis muscles) run parallel but apparently distinct from pathways for the lower two-thirds along the pyramidal tracts. The corticobulbar fibers travel in the basis pontis; those that control the lower facial muscles decussate at the level of the pons to synapse on the contralateral CN VII nucleus. Corticobulbar fibers that control the upper facial muscles decussate to synapse on the contralateral CN VII nucleus, and some of the fibers do not cross, reaching the ipsilateral CN VII nucleus
  • 104. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • B, CN VII is predominantly motor in function, with its nucleus located in the caudal pons. CN VII courses dorsomedially and encircles the nucleus of CN VI. After bending around the CN VI nucleus, CN VII exits the pons in the cerebellopontine angle close to CN V, CN VI, and CN VIII. CN VIII, the motor root of CN VII, and the nervus intermedius (the sensory and parasympathetic root of CN VII) enter the internal auditory meatus. Sensory cells located in the geniculate ganglion continue distally as the chorda tympani nerve, which carries taste fibers. Peripheral fibers of the nervus intermedius portion of CN VII initiate salivary, lacrimal, and mucous secretion. • C, After emerging from the parotid gland, CN VII innervates the muscles of facial expression via 5 peripheral branches.
  • 105. The facial nerve. A, B, and C denote lesions of the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen, distal and proximal to the geniculate ganglion, respectively. Green lines indicate the parasympathetic fibers, red line indicates motor fibers, and purple lines indicate visceral afferent fibers (taste)
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  • 110. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • Within the petrous bone, CN VII enters the fallopian canal and traverses 3 segments (the labyrinthine, the tympanic, and the mastoid) that run in close proximity to the semicircular canals. The parasympathetic fibers destined for the lacrimal gland separate from CN VII in the region of the geniculate ganglion to accompany the greater superficial petrosal nerve. The stapedial nerve exits to innervate the stapedius muscle, and chorda tympani conducts parasympathetic innervation to the submaxillary gland and afferent fibers from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. These special afferent fibers are responsible for taste in the anterior tongue and synapse in the geniculate ganglion.
  • 111. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • The main branch of CN VII exits the stylomastoid foramen just behind the styloid process at the base of the mastoid. The extracranial trunk of the nerve passes between the superficial and deep lobes of the parotid gland, where it divides into 2 trunks: the temporofacial superiorly and the smaller cervicofacial inferiorly. These further variably divide into 5 major branches: the temporal, zygomatic, infraorbital, buccal, and mandibular. The temporal and zygomatic branches laterally innervate the orbicularis oculi muscles. The infraorbital and buccal branches may also contribute to the inferior orbicularis.
  • 112. Facial Nerve (7th Cranial Nerve)—Test for • Raising the eyebrows. • Ask the patient to gently close the eyelids as if they are sleeping. The amount of lagophthalmos can be measured with a millimeter rule . • Forceful closure of eyes for orbicularis oculi, • Blink reflex—Loss of spontaneous blink may occur in patients with apparently normal voluntary lid closure, and is a helpful clue to suggest prior seventh nerve palsy.
  • 113. Facial Nerve (7th Cranial Nerve)—Test for • Blowing the mouth, saying “eee”—look for deviation of the mouth. • Taste sensation of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. • Tear function—Schirmer’s test. • Bell’s phenomenon—it indicates how well the cornea is protected when the patient is asleep.
  • 114. Facial Nerve PALSY • A complete interruption of the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen paralyzes all muscles of facial expression. The corner of the mouth droops, the creases and skinfolds are effaced, the forehead is unfurrowed, and the eyelids will not close. Upon attempted closure of the lids, the eye on the paralyzed side rolls upward (Bell's phenomenon). The lower lid sags and falls away from the conjunctiva, permitting tears to spill over the cheek. Food collects between the teeth and lips, and saliva may dribble from the corner of the mouth. The patient complains of a heaviness or numbness in the face, but sensory loss is rarely demonstrable and taste is intact.
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  • 116. Facial Nerve PALSY • If the lesion is in the middle-ear portion, taste is lost over the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on the same side. If the nerve to the stapedius is interrupted, there is hyperacusis (sensitivity to loud sounds). Lesions in the internal auditory meatus may affect the adjacent auditory and vestibular nerves, causing deafness, tinnitus, or dizziness. Intrapontine lesions that paralyze the face usually affect the abducens nucleus as well, and often the corticospinal and sensory tracts.
  • 117. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • If the peripheral facial paralysis has existed for some time and recovery of motor function is incomplete, a continuous diffuse contraction of facial muscles may appear. The palpebral fissure becomes narrowed, and the nasolabial fold deepens. Attempts to move one group of facial muscles may result in contraction of all (associated movements, or synkinesis). Facial spasms, initiated by movements of the face, may develop (hemifacial spasm).
  • 118. Facial Nerve (CN VII) • Anomalous regeneration of seventh nerve fibers may result in other troublesome phenomena. If fibers originally connected with the orbicularis oculi come to innervate the orbicularis oris, closure of the lids may cause a retraction of the mouth, or if fibers originally connected with muscles of the face later innervate the lacrimal gland, anomalous tearing ("crocodile tears") may occur with any activity of the facial muscles, such as eating. Another facial synkinesia is triggered by jaw opening, causing closure of the eyelids on the side of the facial palsy (jaw-winking).
  • 119. BELL’S PALSY • The most common form of facial paralysis is Bell’s palsy. The annual incidence of this idiopathic disorder is ~25 per 100,000 annually, or about 1 in 60 persons in a lifetime. Risk factors include pregnancy and diabetes mellitus. • Clinical Manifestations The onset of Bell’s palsy is fairly abrupt, with maximal weakness being attained by 48 h as a general rule. Pain behind the ear may precede the paralysis for a day or two. Taste sensation may be lost unilaterally, and hyperacusis may be present. • In some cases, there is mild cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may reveal swelling and uniform enhancement of the geniculate ganglion and facial nerve and, in some cases, entrapment of the swollen nerve in the temporal bone.
  • 120. BELL’S PALSY • Approximately 80% of patients recover within a few weeks or months. Electromyography may be of some prognostic value; evidence of denervation after 10 days indicates there has been axonal degeneration, that there will be a long delay (3 months as a rule) before regeneration occurs, and that it may be incomplete. The presence of incomplete paralysis in the first week is the most favorable prognostic sign. Recurrences are reported in approximately 7% of cases.
  • 121. TREATMENT Bell’s Palsy • Symptomatic measures include (1) the use of paper tape to depress the upper eyelid during sleep and prevent corneal drying, and (2) massage of the weakened muscles. • A course of glucocorticoids, given as prednisone 60–80 mg daily during the first 5 days and then tapered over the next 5 days, modestly shortens the recovery period and improves the functional outcome.
  • 122. TREATMENT Bell’s Palsy • Although large and wellcontrolled randomized trials found no added benefit of the antiviral agents valacyclovir (1000 mg daily for 5–7 days) or acyclovir (400 mg five times daily for 10 days) compared to glucocorticoids alone, some earlier data suggested that combination therapy with prednisone plus valacyclovir might be marginally better than prednisolone alone, especially in patients with severe clinical presentations.
  • 123. Ocular Autonomic Pathways • Branches of parasympathetic system play a role in lacrimal function, and pupil size is controlled by a balance between innervation of sympathetic fibers to iris dilator muscles and of parasympathetic fibers to the sphincter muscles. The accessory retractor muscles, including the Müller muscle in the upper eyelid, receive sympathetic innervation.
  • 124. Sympathetic Pathways • Sympathetic activity originates in the posterolateral region of the hypothalamus. Activity in the hypothalamus is influenced by signals in the frontal, sensorimotor, and occipital cortex and in the limbic system (cingulate gyrus). The course of sympathetic fibers destined for the orbit is divided into first-, second-, and third-order segments . Axons destined for the dilator muscles of the pupil and Müller muscle descend as the first-order segment, along with other sympathetic fibers, superficially in the anteromedial column through the brainstem to the spinal cord. the sympathetic fibers destined for the orbit synapse in the ciliospinal center of Budge-Waller .
  • 125. Sympathetic Pathways • The postsynaptic second-order fibers leave the spinal cord through the ventral rami of the cervical (C8) and upper thoracic (T1 and T2) levels before joining the paravertebral sympathetic plexus. Ascending rostrally, the sympathetic chain passes in the anterior loop of the ansa subclavia proximate to the innominate artery on the right and the subclavian artery on the left just above the lung apex. These fibers pass through the inferior and middle cervical ganglia to terminate in the superior cervical ganglion, at the level of the angle of the jaw (C2) and the carotid artery bifurcation. • The postganglionic third-order fibers continue in the wall of the bifurcated carotid. Sympathetic fibers innervating the sweat glands of the lower face follow the ECA.
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  • 128. Sympathetic Pathways • anteriorly in the cavernous sinus, the sympathetic fibers join the nasociliary branch of V1. In the orbital apex, the fibers then pass through the ciliary ganglion (without synapsing). Along with the nasociliary branch, the sympathetic fibers reach the globe and travel with the long ciliary nerves to the dilator muscles of the pupil. The dilator muscle lies just superficial to the posterior pigment epithelium of the iris, which continues peripherally as the nonpigmented superficial layer of the ciliary body. The myoepithelial cells measure approximately 12.5 μm in thickness, with an apical epithelial portion and a basilar muscular portion that is oriented radially toward the pupillary opening. The muscular processes terminate peripheral to the sphincter muscle. Peripherally at the iris root, these cells are continuous with the pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body.
  • 129. Sympathetic Pathways • The fibers destined for the Müller muscle travel along the OphA and its subsequent frontal & lacrimal branches. The Müller muscle originates near the origin of the levator aponeurosis and inserts 10–12 mm inferiorly on the superior border of the tarsus. The superior orbital sympathetic fibers also innervate the sweat glands of the forehead. Thus, disruption of these sympathetic fibers is responsible for the mild ptosis and the frontal anhidrosis associated with distal Horner syndrome.
  • 130. Parasympathetic Pathways • Parasympathetic activity originates in various areas within brainstem. The fibers that control pupil sphincter muscles originate in the Edinger-Westphal (EW) nuclei of CN III nuclear complex within the midbrain. The main input to the EW nuclei is from the pretectal nuclei, both directly and via the posterior commissure. The pretectal nuclei, in turn, receive input directly from the afferent visual pathways via the pupillary tract, which leaves the optic tract in the brachium of the superior colliculus just anterior to the LGN. The cortex (especially the frontal lobes), the hypothalamus, and the reticular activating system provide tonic inhibitory signals to the EW nucleus. • During sleep, the pupil becomes smaller through loss of this inhibitory activity.
  • 131. Pathway of the pupillary reaction to light
  • 132. Parasympathetic Pathways • The parasympathetic fibers and the CN III fascicles leave the CN III nucleus and exit in the interpeduncular fossa. Within the subarachnoid space, the parasympathetic fibers tend to run on the medial superficial surface of CN III. When CN III bifurcates in the anterior cavernous sinus, the parasympathetic fibers travel with the inferior division. In the orbital apex, these fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion (as opposed to the oculosympathetic and nasociliary fibers, which travel through the ganglion without synapse). The postsynaptic fibers then travel with the branch destined for the inferior oblique muscle to join the posterior ciliary nerves to reach anterior segment and iris sphincter muscles.
  • 133. Parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland • Parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland originates in the superior salivatory (salivary) nucleus located in the caudal pons posterolateral to the motor nucleus of CN VII. This nucleus receives sensory input from the trigeminal nerve and additional afferent fibers from the hypothalamus. Efferent parasympathetic fibers for lacrimal, mucous, and salivary secretion leaving the nucleus join other parasympathetic efferent fibers coming from the salivatory nucleus and run with afferent gustatory fibers from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue in the nervus intermedius. The gustatory fibers synapse in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius parallel to the fascicles of CN VII in the nervus intermedius . This nerve joins with CN VII to exit the brainstem on its ventral surface of the pontomedullary junction.
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  • 135. SUPRANUCLEAR EYE MOVEMENT SYSTEMS • There are five supranuclear eye movement systems. They are: • 1. Saccadic system • 2. Pursuit system • 3. Vergence system • 4. Non-optic reflex system • 5. Position maintenance system.
  • 136. HORNER SYNDROME • A 55-year-old man with hypertension complains of acute headache on the left and is found to have a left Horner syndrome. How should he be worked up and treated? • This patient with an acute, isolated, painful Horner syndrome is considered to have a left internal carotid artery dissection until proven otherwise. He must be evaluated emergently with noninvasive cerebrovascular imaging studies. If a dissection is confirmed, he will have to be admitted and treated to prevent a cerebral infarction .
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  • 139. Treatment of Horner Syndrome • Most patients with Horner syndrome have no visual changes and tolerate a mild ptosis. Rarely, lid surgery is requested to correct a persistent ptosis. Topical apraclonidine corrects the ptosis associated with Horner syndrome and may be used intermittently for cosmetic reasons or when the ptosis reduces the superior visual field.
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  • 142. Papilloedema • Papilloedema is swelling of the optic nerve head secondary to raised intracranial pressure (ICP). ‘Disc swelling’ and ‘disc oedema’ are non-specific terms that include papilloedema but also a disc swollen from other causes. All patients with papilloedema should be suspected of harbouring an intracranial mass. Not all patients with raised ICP will develop disc swelling.
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  • 145. Cerebrospinal fluid Circulation • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is formed by the choroid plexus in the ventricles of the brain. • It leaves the lateral ventricles to enter the third ventricle through the foramina of Munro. • From the third ventricle, it flows through the Sylvian aqueduct to the fourth ventricle. • From the fourth ventricle, the CSF passes through the foramina of Luschka and Magendie to enter the subarachnoid space, flowing around the spinal cord and bathing the cerebral hemispheres.
  • 146. Cerebrospinal fluid Circulation • Absorption is into the cerebral venous system through arachnoid villi. • Normal CSF pressure on lumbar puncture is 10–18 cmH2O in adults. • • Causes of raised ICP • Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. • Obstruction of the ventricular system by congenital or acquired lesions. • Space-occupying intracranial lesions, including haemorrhage. • Impairment of CSF absorption due to meningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage or trauma. • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. • Cerebral oedema from blunt head trauma. • Severe systemic hypertension.
  • 147. Diagnosis of raised ICP • Headaches, which characteristically occur early in the morning and may wake the patient from sleep, although less commonly they can occur at any time of day. The pain may be generalized or localized, and may intensify with head movement, bending or coughing. They tend to get progressively worse over time. Very rarely, headache may be absent. • Nausea, often episodic and with associated projectile vomiting; may occur as an isolated feature or may precede the onset of headaches. • Deterioration of consciousness as severity increases, initially with drowsiness and somnolence. A dramatic deterioration in concscious level may be indicative of brainstem distortion and requires immediate attention.
  • 148. Diagnosis of raised ICP • Visual symptoms are commonly absent in mild or early raised ICP. • Transient visual obscurations lasting up to 30 seconds in one or both eyes are frequent in established papilloedema, and are sometimes precipitated by bending, coughing or the Valsalva manoeuvre; disc swelling due to other causes is usually associated with more persistent visual impairment. • Horizontal diplopia due to sixth nerve palsy caused by stretching of one or both abducens nerves over the petrous tip ; this is a false localizing sign. • Vision is generally normal or minimally reduced. Significant reduction is a late feature in conjunction with secondary optic atrophy.
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  • 150. Diagnosis of raised ICP • MRI to exclude a space-occupying lesion and/or enlarged ventricles; MRI can also be used to measure ONSD (average normal diameter approximately 5.5 mm ± 1 mm on MRI). • In certain cases vascular imaging may be performed, such as venography to rule out cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. • Lumbar puncture (LP) must not be carried out until imaging has excluded a space-occupying lesion that might cause downwards herniation of the intracranial
  • 151. OPHTHALMOSCOPIC PICTURE • It is useful to characterize the changes in the optic nerve head that occur in papilledema as being mechanical or vascular in nature. • The five mechanical clinical signs of optic disc edema are: • Blurring of the optic disc margins. • Filling in of the optic disc cup. • Anterior extension of the nerve head (3 D = 1 mm of elevation). • Edema of the nerve fiber layer. • Retinal or choroidal folds, or both.
  • 152. The five vascular clinical signs of optic disc edema • Venous congestion of arcuate and peripapillary vessels. • Papillary and retinal peripapillary hemorrhages. • Nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots). • Hyperemia of the optic nerve head. • Hard exudates of the optic disc.
  • 153. Stages of papilloedema • Papilloedema is nearly always bilateral, but may be asymmetrical. • • Early Mild disc hyperaemia with preservation of the optic cup. • Indistinct peripapillary retinal nerve striations and disc margins. • SVP is absent in about 20% of normal individuals and may be difficult to identify even when present. An identifiable venous pulsation in at least one eye means that the ICP is normal at that point in time, bearing in mind that diurnal fluctuation can occur.
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  • 155. Stages of papilloedema • Established (acute –) • Normal or reduced VA. • Severe disc hyperaemia, moderate elevation with indistinct margins and absence of the physiological cup. • Venous engorgement, peripapillary flame haemorrhages and frequently cotton wool spots. • As the swelling increases, the optic nerve head appears enlarged. • Circumferential retinal folds (Paton lines) may develop, especially temporally . • Macular fan: in younger patients small vesicles may form in the superficial retina, converging on the fovea in a fan shape with the apex at the fovea; this is not to be confused with a macular star, composed of exudates. • Enlarged blind spot.
  • 156. Stages of papilloedema • Chronic • VA is variable and the visual fields begin to constrict. • Disc elevation; cotton wool spots and haemorrhages are characteristically no longer present. • Optociliary shunts and drusen-like crystalline deposits (corpora amylacea) may be present on the disc surface. • • Atrophic (secondary optic atrophy ) • VA is severely impaired. • The optic discs are grey–white, slightly elevated, with few crossing blood vessels and indistinct margins.
  • 157. Papilloedema Treatment • Weight loss, including via bariatric surgery, can be very effective and formal dietary intervention is strongly recommended. • Other options include acetazolamide, furosemide, digoxin and analgesia, and in unresponsive cases optic nerve fenestration, lumboperitoneal shunting and transverse dural sinus stenting. • Steroids are controversial, but a short course is sometimes used in severe papilloedema. • Intravenous mannitol or a lumbar puncture are usually reserved for acute severe exacerbations.
  • 158. idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) • modified Dandy criteria should be met for the diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri or IIH . The patient should first demonstrate the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. Headache, transient visual obscurations, pulse- synchronous tinnitus, papilledema with associated visual loss, and diplopia due to sixth nerve palsies are the common presenting symptoms and signs.
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  • 160. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension • there should be an absence of localized findings on neurological examination except for the “false localizing” sixth nerve palsies. Neuroimaging should reveal the absence of deformity, displacement, or obstruction of the ventricular system. We like to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance venography (MRV) to look for additional support for the presence of intracranial hypertension. Findings characteristic of increased intracranial pressure on MRI are empty sella, smooth-walled venous stenoses of the lateral sinuses (on MRV), orbital findings related to the unfolding of the nerve sheath, and enhancement of the optic disc.
  • 161. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension MANAGEMENT • I generally treat all patients with a low-sodium weight management program. Patients usually improve with weight loss of 5% to 10% body weight. Much more weight loss is usually not sustainable and does not appear to be necessary for IIH remission. Weight loss may be all our patient needs, since there is no visual loss with perimetric examination except for enlarged blind spots. However, if her symptoms of intracranial hypertension (eg, severe headache) were interfering with her activities of daily living, I would start acetazolamide in 2 divided doses, then gradually escalating doses to 1 to 2 g per day. • Diuretics can be used if the patient cannot tolerate acetazolamide.
  • 162. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension MANAGEMENT • The frequency of follow-up depends mostly on the risk of visual loss. The 2 most important factors here are amount of visual loss present and the degree of optic disc edema. If the risk of further visual loss is low; the usual revisit time after diagnosis is 1 to 2 months. I would have this patient back in 2 months and, if she is doing well, again in 4 months. Since IIH can be a lifelong disease (like arterial hypertension), I follow patients who are in remission every 1 to 2 years. The • key features in following a patient are the change in weight, change in symptoms, perimetry results, and papilledema grade .
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  • 165. Summary • IIH is a diagnosis of exclusion (modified Dandy criteria). • The typical patient with IIH is an overweight young female; more aggressive evaluation for possible etiologies should be considered in thin patients, men, and the elderly. • Medical treatment with weight loss and acetazolamide are the first lines of therapy. • Surgical treatment (optic nerve sheath fenestration or shunting procedures) is reserved for patients with progressive disease who fail maximal medical therapy.
  • 167. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS • A 68-year-old woman presents with complaints of droopy upper lids over the past few weeks. • Sometimes one lid or the other might even close completely. She has also noticed double vision, which comes and goes. • Since the majority of patients with myasthenia gravis present with involvement of the lids and extraocular muscles, the ophthalmologist is often the first physician to make this diagnosis, usually based on key history and clinical findings in the office. These reveal a typically variable clinical picture that is modulated by rest and fatigue; they also help establish localization distal to the brainstem and cranial nerves.
  • 168. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS • key questions that address typical characteristics of myasthenia—namely improvement with rest, fatigability, and variability. • The one question that I find most useful, and that addresses the effect of rest, is whether the ptosis or diplopia is present upon first awakening. Most patients with myasthenic ptosis report that the lids are virtually normal or much improved first thing after sleep. Similarly, a report by a patient with diplopia of little or no double vision upon awakening strongly suggests myasthenia and reflects improvement from a tropia to a phoria during sleep. This is in contrast to other causes of diplopia where overnight ocular dissociation leads to a tropia upon awakening with improvement afterward.
  • 169. Key Physical Findings • Pupils • The pupils are not clinically affected by myasthenia gravis. There should be no pupillary dilation or Horner syndrome. • Ptosis • There are several lid findings suggestive of myasthenia gravis. Bilateral ptosis is common in myasthenia but rare in brainstem or cranial nerve disorders. However, the bilateral nature of the ptosis may be masked by the effect of Hering’s law, in which the effort to open the more ptotic lid brings the less ptotic lid into a normal or even a retracted position. In apparently unilateral ptosis, lift the ptotic lid and observe whether the “normal” (or retracted) lid becomes ptotic .
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  • 172. Key Physical Findings • Motility • The presence of bilateral limitation of eye movement is very helpful since in myasthenia both eyes are commonly involved , whereas bilateral involvement would be most unlikely in brainstem or cranial nerve lesions. A motility pattern appearing to be an isolated unilateral cranial neuropathy or internuclear ophthalmoplegia may occur in myasthenia. However, it is uncommon for myasthenia gravis to mimic these patterns without other findings, such as ptosis or orbicularis weakness. • Orbicularis • You should test orbicularis function in all patients with ptosis or motility problems. The orbicularis is weak in most myasthenic patients , often visibly fatiguing with continued testing. The presence of orbicularis weakness in a patient with ptosis and motility abnormalities indicates a localization that cannot be explained by a brainstem or cranial nerve lesion.
  • 173. Management • If additional symptoms suggest generalized myasthenia gravis or if the isolated ocular symptoms are of recent onset, you should refer to a neuromuscular specialist in a timely manner. I warn the patient that if problems with breathing or swallowing develop in the meantime, an urgent visit to an emergency department would be in order.
  • 175. MANAGEMENT • I usually defer to neuromuscular specialist to begin a trial of pyridostigmine, then I see the patient again after a few weeks. If patient has isolated ocular myasthenia gravis and pyridostigmine has not been fully effective, I add prednisone since this is usually more effective for the ocular signs and may decrease the rate of generalization. I usually start at 1 mg/kg per day for 2 weeks, followed by tapering. This results in remission for some patients, but others need a maintenance alternate- day dose.
  • 176. Summary • Clues that make myasthenia a consideration in a patient with ptosis, diplopia, or both include the following: • Effect of rest • Symptoms absent upon awakening • Ptosis improves after office rest/ice test • Fatigable ptosis • Variable symptoms and findings • Bilateral findings not mapping to cranial nerves • Orbicularis weakness