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Mod 3: Coping
with conflict
and stress
Pg 165 – 198
Chapter 8 in
8.1 Definition of Conflict
(page 165)
Conflict involves intrapersonal or interpersonal
confrontations, caused by the simultaneous arousal of
incompatible motives or needs, that lead to a temporary or
permanent disruption of normal functioning.
8.2 Modern view of conflict
in working situations
• Traditional view: avoid the working environment
• Interactive view: conflict is a natural, inevitable part of
human behaviour – it should be properly controlled and
• If well-managed then it conflict can be beneficial and
essential if an organisation is to function effectively.
• Manager: must maintain minimum levels of conflict – he
has to monitor, analyse and control existing levels of
conflict continuously.
8.2 Proper management
and control of conflict:
• Distinguish between functional (constructive) and
disfunctional (destructive) conflict
• Take stock of the pro’s (potential benefits) and the con’s
(potential costs or disadvantages) of conflict
• Instituting procedures which would maximise the
potential benefits of conflict and minimise its costs.
8.3 Functional and
Disfunctional Conflict (p.166)
Functional Conflict Disfunctional conflict
• Mild levels of conflict which
are constructive in nature
• Usually lead to healthier
personal relationships,
improved performance and
positive organisa-tional
• Non-functional conflict
• Involves ever increasing
levels of conflict
• Is destructive in nature
• Usually lead to
relationships, poor
performance and
negative organisational
8.4 Types of Conflict p.166
1. Intrapersonal conflict
2. Interpersonal conflict
3. Conflict within groups
4. Intergroup confict
5. Conflict between
management and staff
6. Interorganisational
7. Community or
societal conflict
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.1 Intrapersonal
• Conflict within an
• Caused by boredom,
frustration or anxiety
when faced with certain
tasks or decisions.
• Degree of intrapersonal
conflict day to day
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.2 Interpersonal Interpersonal conflict requires:
• Interactions in which two
or more individuals
attempt to satisfy
mutually incompatible
• Opposing or conflicting
• State of tension due to
opposing or conflicting
patters of behaviour.
• Opposing interests
• Recognition of conflicting
interests from parties
• Belief that other party has
harmed or intends to
harm its interests
• Ongoing interaction
• Direct actions by one or
both sides that harm
interest of other side
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.3 Conflict within groups
• Individuals within the
same group often
experience conflict
• Causes: different views
regarding the causes of a
• Can be more personal,
leave taken at the same
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.4 Intergroup conflict
• Varying degrees of
conflict between different
• Healthy competition
between groups
• Less healthy conflict –
annual race for increase
in office space
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.5 Conflict between
management and staff
• “Them vs. us” syndrome
• Different perceptions
regarding functions of
management and staff
• Some see management
having “a soft job”
• Appreciation shown to
staff can be lacking
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.6 Interorganisational
• Conflict between
members of competing
• Examples: Cellular
cellphone networks, car
manufacturers, Television
8.4 Types of conflict
8.4.7 Community or societal conflict
• Political, social,
economical and
religious differences
can give rise to
8.5 Causes of conflict p.168
1. Training and development
2. Poor communication
3. Working conditions
4. Intercultural differences
5. Different goals and values
6. Conflicting personalities
7. Poor self-image
8.5.1 Training &
• Some workers may have received more training than
others and therefore have more skills regarding a
specific subject.
• If they are grouped together they will experience
frustration and stress which could result in
destructive (dysfunctional) conflict.
• One employee is older and more experienced than
another; the other employee is younger and less
experienced but has more certificates. Both believe
their way of solving a problem is the correct way.
8.5.2 Poor
Communication p.169
• Incorrect channels – must convey information via
the correct channels or means of communication.
• Ineffectiveness of formal communication channels
which leads to ineffective distribution of information.
• Faulty communication
• Subjective factors – hostile and non-hostile remarks
• Attempts at constructive criticism are misinterpreted
as personal remarks.
• In the new book communication channels are faulty:
o Organisational level
o Personal level
Causes of conflict
8.5.3 Working conditions 8.5.4 Intercultural differences
• Inadequate working
• Poor lighting, cramped
spaces, heat, poor
ventilation, poor
facilities, number of
working hours, leave
and pension benefits
lead to conflict
• People from different
cultures have different
conceptions, values
and norms of behaviour
that influence their
lifestyle, views, politics
and religion.
• These factors can lead
to conflict
Causes of conflict
8.5.5 Different goals
and values
8.5.6 Conflicting
• Conflict situations can
arise when working on
a project due to
different goals and
• The supervisor expects
dedication from juniors
to give high quality, but
they might just want to
get through the day to
go home.
• People with different
personalities have their
own likes and dislikes.
• Introverts vs extroverts
• Neat vs untidy
• If the above
personalities are
working on the same
project then conflict
can arise.
8.5.7 A poor self-image
• People with a poor self-image will be afraid to take
calculated risks because of fear of failure and being
laughed at.
• They tend to be aggressive, emotional and critical of
others and are unable to handle even constructive
• This may be the cause of conflict between their
fellow workers and themselves.
8.6 Results of conflict p.171
Potential benefits Potential negative results
• Conflict situations serve to
expose problems
• Lead to healthy self-criticism
• Lead to creativity, discovery
of latent talents and abilities,
• Facilitate innovation and
• Increase loyalty, motivation
and performance within
• Cause physical, mental
stress and fatigue
• Leads to defensive
• Wastes time & energy
• Lead to delayed & poor
• Creates deadlocks
• Disrupts comm and
willingness to listen
• Negative influence on
external image of org.
8.7 Coping with conflict p.172
1. General guidelines for coping with interpersonal
2. Avoidance or withdrawal
3. Accommodation
4. Subordination
5. Compromise (or agreement)
6. Cooperation and problem solving (co-operational
problem solving)
7. Mediation
8. Arbitration
8.7.1 General guidelines
for interpersonal conflict
• Focus on problem, not on person or party
• Focus on facts. Be specific. Avoid vague accusations.
• Be objective. Control emotions. Be cautious not to be
influenced by other’s emotions.
• Show interest in opposing party’s views – be a good
listener, be patient. Allow time for other person to express
his views.
• Respect opposing party’s dignity and pride.
How to handle
diplomatic confrontation
• L – Listen
• E – Empathy
• A – Act towards problem, not person
• D – Do not focus on person, but on facts/problem
• E – Equality (treat them like yourself)
• R – Respect (them with dignity and pride)
• S – Solution (come up with a solution)
8.7 Coping with conflict
8.7.2 Avoidance or withdrawal
• Involves a process where problem is deliberately ignored
“procrastination” or an attitude of “let the problem go
8.7.3 Accommodation
• Interpersonal behaviour for the sake of harmonious
relationships rather than one’s own benefit.
8.7.4 Subordination
• Suppressing differences because they have a more
important common goal to achieve – or more important
enemy to face.
8.7 Coping with conflict
8.7.5 Compromise (agreement)
• Partly satisfying requirements of each of parties
concerned. Temporary settlement of conflict.
8.7.6 Cooperation and problem solving
• Attempt to find a true solution beneficial to all parties. All
work together to find the best solution by offering advice,
listening to solutions. A common goal is set before co-
operational problem solving.
8.7.7 Mediation
• Asking an outside party to assist both conflicting sides in
reaching an agreement.
8.7 Coping with conflict
8.7.7 Arbitration
• When normal negotiations have failed to solve conflict,
conflicting parties may agree to submit their dispute to
an external, impartial arbitrator, who will then formulate a
• Binding arbitration – all parties involved must accept the
arbitrator’s decision
• Voluntary arbitration – either party is free to reject or
accept the proposed settlement
• To get to a lasting agreement, it is essential arbitrator
should be acceptable to both parties.
8.8 Formal mechanisms
for solving conflict
1. Grievance procedure
o Reasons why a grievance procedure is essential
2. Disciplinary action
o Principles underlying the disciplinary code
3. Essential requirements for a disciplinary code
o Requirements that has to be met
8.8.1 Definitions p.174
It is an orderly, formal
system whereby the
employer and employee
determine whether or
not the employment
contract has been
It is a complaint that is
related to the
employee’s treatment
or position within his
daily working routine
and which needs the
attention of
8.8.1 Grievance Procedure
1. Reasons why it is essential:
• 1st level supervisors do
not have the
interpersonal skill or
authority to settle all
complaints and
• Existence reduces
likelihood of unauthorised
action by supervisors
• Formal procedure draws
attention of higher
management to see
problems and needs of
employees – and
irregular or unfair aspects
in policy
• Serves as an outlet for
employees’ frustration
and can improve staff
1. Receive complaint
2. Define nature of complaint
3. Separate facts from opinions
4. Analyse and evaluate the facts
5. Make a decision
6. Apply the answer
7. Follow up to determine whether the clash has been
• Disciplinary action
An action on the part of
management aimed at
stopping member
behaviour that
threatens to disrupt the
functioning of the
• Disciplinary code
A set of rules or a
code of conduct that
the members of the
organisation must
obey if it is to function
Examples of disciplinary action: Reprimands, formal verbal warnings,
written warnings, a final written warning, demotion in seniority,
suspension, termination of service, transfer, penalties.
8.8.2 Disciplinary action
Principles underlying the disciplinary code:
• Recognises management’s right to take appropriate
steps against any employee whose conduct is
detrimental to the interests of the company.
• Recognises an employee’s right to a fair hearing and to
appeal against any disciplinary measure which he
regards as unjust.
• Emphasis is on prevention, justice and rehabilitation.
Disciplinary procedures should only be instituted if an
employee makes no effort to improve his behaviour.
Disciplinary procedure
• Verbal warning: Supervisor to worker
• Written warning: Indicate offence and
how it should be corrected
• Final written warning: Manager or
Supervisor to worker
• Dismissal: By using disciplinary hearing
• Final written warning: After appeal has
been received.
• Phase 1
• Phase 2
• Phase 3
• Phase 4
• Phase 5
8.8.3 Essential requirements
for the disciplinary code
A disciplinary system should meet the following
• A definite and clearly stated disciplinary policy and procedure
should exist
• Rules of the organisation must be clearly communicated to
employees before they can be held accountable.
• Set rules and standards should be reasonable
• Employee is presumed innocent until proven guilty
• Disciplinary steps must be fair and consistent
• Disciplinary steps should involve progressively severe
• The offending employee has the right to counsel, and the right
to appeal.
8.10 Coping with stress
1. Definition:
Stress is the physiological, psychological and behavioural
response of an individual in his attempts to adjust/balance
to internal and/or external pressures or demands.
8.10.2 The relationship
between conflict & stress
2. Relationship between conflict and stress
Remember the definition of conflict?
Intra- and interpersonal confrontations caused by
simultaneous arousal of incompatible motives or needs,
results in a disruption of normal functioning.
Conflict represents internal or external pressures to which
the individual has to adjust.
Conflict therefore can cause the individual to experience
stress. Should the response be negative, then it can lead to
even a greater experience of stress.
The conflict-stress cycle can become vicious …
8.10.3 Different types of
stress (Eustress) p.181
• Seen as a positive force, it stimulates the individual into
finding life challenging and exciting. “The right amount
and kind of stress makes you come alive” – it makes you
perform at your best.
• Can lead to: improved job-related performance, greater
creativity and motivation, can lead to a more satisfying
• It is essential, a positive aspect in any one’s life.
• Can lead towards achieving your goals.
8.10.3 Different types of
stress (Distress) p.181
• Negative force, accomplished by feelings of trauma and
an inability to cope.
• Characterised: feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, tension,
sense of being rushed.
• Victims show: physiological irregularities like heart
palpitations and excessive perspiration.
• Job situation: inability to concentrate, poor judgement,
loss of emotional control, increased conflict.
8.10.4 Stressors
Stressor: any factor on condition which causes stress:
• Emotional (worry, fear, frustration, conflict, guilt, grief
• Physiological (injury to the body, illness or exhaustion
• Physical (time pressure, work load, criteria of performance)
Three interrelated categories of stressors:
• Frustrations (obstacles, frustrations, personal limitations)
• Conflicts (confrontations, incompatible needs)
• Pressures (to achieve certain goals or to behave in a
particular manner) – External or internal
8.10.4 Severity of stress
(How strong?)p.182
Severity of stress is determined (measured) by the degree to
which it disrupts functioning. This depends on:
• The characteristics of the stressor
• The particular individual’s resources and the available
supporting human and material resources
• The relationship between the two factors above
8.10.5 Physiology of stress
Stress is the human body’s attempts to restore an
imbalance caused by a stressor of some kind
The body reacts in different stages:
• The alarm (or warning) stage (fight or flight)
o See page 183 for physiological changes
• The resistance stage (enters into here when stress is
experienced by some time)
• The exhaustion (“burn-out”) stage
(stress is overwhelming and
victim is unable to cope).
Also see page
for other
8.10.6 Negative physical, emotional &
behavioural effects of stress p.184
• Interrelated emotional, behavioural and physical effects
of stress on the human being
• Know the definitions of the various neuroses
• See page 185 for behavioural and physical effects
• Emotional (temporary) effects
o Transitory (temporary) effects
o More damaging, persistent effects of neuroses
• Anxiety (fear always)
• Depression (sadness)
• Hysteria (panic)
• Obsessions (if routine
is broken then person
cannot function
8.10.7 Common reasons
for stress p.185
1. Personal living conditions
2. Working environment
1. Poor physical working conditions
2. Job overload
3. Job underload
4. Role in the organisation
5. Relationship at work
6. Organisational structure and climate
7. Career prospects
8. Family relationship
3. Economical, political and social stressors
4. The personality of the individual Personality of the
individual p.188-189
Type A personality Type B personality
• Self-assertive, aggressive, hostile
“ready to pick a fight”
• Impatient
• Workaholic
• Involved in multiple projects
• Take on excessive responsibility
• Extremely competitive
• Critical of others
• Impatient listener
• Explosive speaker (fast)
• Make quick, impulsive decisions
• Placid and calm, no hostility
towards others
• Patient and hardy
• Relatively relaxed, easy-going
• Neither competitive nor
achievement-oriented or over-
• Reflects thoroughly before
making decisions
• Copes well with stress
• Adapts well to changing
environmental needs
8.10.8 Coping with stress
1. General guidelines for coping with stress (De-
• Improve your decision-making skills
• Improve your self-image and think positively
• Follow a healthy diet; get enough exercise and sleep
• Develop relaxation techniques
• Establish a reliable support system
• Be assertive
8.10.8 Coping with stress
2. Guidelines for coping with interpersonal conflict
and stress in the working environment
• Take constructive action to solve problems
• Attack the cause, not merely the symptoms
• Broaden your scope
• Compromise
• Practise diplomatic confrontation
• Admit your mistake
• Practice empathy
• Try to bring humour into the situation
• Practice restraint
N6 Communication - Coping with Conflict and Stress for N6 students at TVET Colleges
N6 Communication - Coping with Conflict and Stress for N6 students at TVET Colleges

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N6 Communication - Coping with Conflict and Stress for N6 students at TVET Colleges

  • 1. Mod 3: Coping with conflict and stress Pg 165 – 198 Chapter 8 in textbook
  • 2. 8.1 Definition of Conflict (page 165) Conflict involves intrapersonal or interpersonal confrontations, caused by the simultaneous arousal of incompatible motives or needs, that lead to a temporary or permanent disruption of normal functioning.
  • 3. 8.2 Modern view of conflict in working situations • Traditional view: avoid the working environment • Interactive view: conflict is a natural, inevitable part of human behaviour – it should be properly controlled and managed. • If well-managed then it conflict can be beneficial and essential if an organisation is to function effectively. • Manager: must maintain minimum levels of conflict – he has to monitor, analyse and control existing levels of conflict continuously.
  • 4. 8.2 Proper management and control of conflict: • Distinguish between functional (constructive) and disfunctional (destructive) conflict • Take stock of the pro’s (potential benefits) and the con’s (potential costs or disadvantages) of conflict • Instituting procedures which would maximise the potential benefits of conflict and minimise its costs.
  • 5. 8.3 Functional and Disfunctional Conflict (p.166) Functional Conflict Disfunctional conflict • Mild levels of conflict which are constructive in nature • Usually lead to healthier personal relationships, improved performance and positive organisa-tional results • Non-functional conflict • Involves ever increasing levels of conflict • Is destructive in nature • Usually lead to deteriorating interpersonal relationships, poor performance and negative organisational results
  • 6. 8.4 Types of Conflict p.166 1. Intrapersonal conflict 2. Interpersonal conflict 3. Conflict within groups 4. Intergroup confict 5. Conflict between management and staff 6. Interorganisational conflict 7. Community or societal conflict
  • 7. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.1 Intrapersonal • Conflict within an individual • Caused by boredom, frustration or anxiety when faced with certain tasks or decisions. • Degree of intrapersonal conflict day to day
  • 8. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.2 Interpersonal Interpersonal conflict requires: • Interactions in which two or more individuals attempt to satisfy mutually incompatible needs. • Opposing or conflicting needs. • State of tension due to opposing or conflicting patters of behaviour. • Opposing interests • Recognition of conflicting interests from parties • Belief that other party has harmed or intends to harm its interests • Ongoing interaction • Direct actions by one or both sides that harm interest of other side
  • 9. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.3 Conflict within groups • Individuals within the same group often experience conflict • Causes: different views regarding the causes of a problem • Can be more personal, leave taken at the same time.
  • 10. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.4 Intergroup conflict • Varying degrees of conflict between different groups • Healthy competition between groups • Less healthy conflict – annual race for increase in office space
  • 11. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.5 Conflict between management and staff • “Them vs. us” syndrome • Different perceptions regarding functions of management and staff • Some see management having “a soft job” • Appreciation shown to staff can be lacking
  • 12. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.6 Interorganisational conflict • Conflict between members of competing organisations • Examples: Cellular cellphone networks, car manufacturers, Television networks
  • 13. 8.4 Types of conflict 8.4.7 Community or societal conflict • Political, social, economical and religious differences can give rise to conflict
  • 14. 8.5 Causes of conflict p.168 1. Training and development 2. Poor communication 3. Working conditions 4. Intercultural differences 5. Different goals and values 6. Conflicting personalities 7. Poor self-image
  • 15. 8.5.1 Training & Development • Some workers may have received more training than others and therefore have more skills regarding a specific subject. • If they are grouped together they will experience frustration and stress which could result in destructive (dysfunctional) conflict. • One employee is older and more experienced than another; the other employee is younger and less experienced but has more certificates. Both believe their way of solving a problem is the correct way.
  • 16. 8.5.2 Poor Communication p.169 • Incorrect channels – must convey information via the correct channels or means of communication. • Ineffectiveness of formal communication channels which leads to ineffective distribution of information. • Faulty communication • Subjective factors – hostile and non-hostile remarks • Attempts at constructive criticism are misinterpreted as personal remarks. • In the new book communication channels are faulty: o Organisational level o Personal level
  • 17. Causes of conflict 8.5.3 Working conditions 8.5.4 Intercultural differences • Inadequate working conditions • Poor lighting, cramped spaces, heat, poor ventilation, poor facilities, number of working hours, leave and pension benefits lead to conflict • People from different cultures have different conceptions, values and norms of behaviour that influence their lifestyle, views, politics and religion. • These factors can lead to conflict
  • 18. Causes of conflict 8.5.5 Different goals and values 8.5.6 Conflicting personalities • Conflict situations can arise when working on a project due to different goals and values • The supervisor expects dedication from juniors to give high quality, but they might just want to get through the day to go home. • People with different personalities have their own likes and dislikes. • Introverts vs extroverts • Neat vs untidy • If the above personalities are working on the same project then conflict can arise.
  • 19. 8.5.7 A poor self-image • People with a poor self-image will be afraid to take calculated risks because of fear of failure and being laughed at. • They tend to be aggressive, emotional and critical of others and are unable to handle even constructive criticism. • This may be the cause of conflict between their fellow workers and themselves.
  • 20. 8.6 Results of conflict p.171 Potential benefits Potential negative results • Conflict situations serve to expose problems • Lead to healthy self-criticism • Lead to creativity, discovery of latent talents and abilities, • Facilitate innovation and change • Increase loyalty, motivation and performance within groups • Cause physical, mental stress and fatigue • Leads to defensive behaviour • Wastes time & energy • Lead to delayed & poor decisions • Creates deadlocks • Disrupts comm and willingness to listen • Negative influence on external image of org.
  • 21. 8.7 Coping with conflict p.172 1. General guidelines for coping with interpersonal conflict 2. Avoidance or withdrawal 3. Accommodation 4. Subordination 5. Compromise (or agreement) 6. Cooperation and problem solving (co-operational problem solving) 7. Mediation 8. Arbitration
  • 22. 8.7.1 General guidelines for interpersonal conflict • Focus on problem, not on person or party • Focus on facts. Be specific. Avoid vague accusations. • Be objective. Control emotions. Be cautious not to be influenced by other’s emotions. • Show interest in opposing party’s views – be a good listener, be patient. Allow time for other person to express his views. • Respect opposing party’s dignity and pride.
  • 23. How to handle interpersonal diplomatic confrontation • L – Listen • E – Empathy • A – Act towards problem, not person • D – Do not focus on person, but on facts/problem • E – Equality (treat them like yourself) • R – Respect (them with dignity and pride) • S – Solution (come up with a solution)
  • 24. 8.7 Coping with conflict 8.7.2 Avoidance or withdrawal • Involves a process where problem is deliberately ignored “procrastination” or an attitude of “let the problem go away” 8.7.3 Accommodation • Interpersonal behaviour for the sake of harmonious relationships rather than one’s own benefit. 8.7.4 Subordination • Suppressing differences because they have a more important common goal to achieve – or more important enemy to face.
  • 25. 8.7 Coping with conflict 8.7.5 Compromise (agreement) • Partly satisfying requirements of each of parties concerned. Temporary settlement of conflict. 8.7.6 Cooperation and problem solving • Attempt to find a true solution beneficial to all parties. All work together to find the best solution by offering advice, listening to solutions. A common goal is set before co- operational problem solving. 8.7.7 Mediation • Asking an outside party to assist both conflicting sides in reaching an agreement.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. 8.7 Coping with conflict 8.7.7 Arbitration • When normal negotiations have failed to solve conflict, conflicting parties may agree to submit their dispute to an external, impartial arbitrator, who will then formulate a settlement. • Binding arbitration – all parties involved must accept the arbitrator’s decision • Voluntary arbitration – either party is free to reject or accept the proposed settlement • To get to a lasting agreement, it is essential arbitrator should be acceptable to both parties.
  • 29. 8.8 Formal mechanisms for solving conflict 1. Grievance procedure o Reasons why a grievance procedure is essential 2. Disciplinary action o Principles underlying the disciplinary code 3. Essential requirements for a disciplinary code o Requirements that has to be met
  • 30. 8.8.1 Definitions p.174 • GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE It is an orderly, formal system whereby the employer and employee determine whether or not the employment contract has been violated • GRIEVANCE It is a complaint that is related to the employee’s treatment or position within his daily working routine and which needs the attention of management.
  • 31. 8.8.1 Grievance Procedure p.174 1. Reasons why it is essential: • 1st level supervisors do not have the interpersonal skill or authority to settle all complaints and dissatisfactions. • Existence reduces likelihood of unauthorised action by supervisors • Formal procedure draws attention of higher management to see problems and needs of employees – and irregular or unfair aspects in policy • Serves as an outlet for employees’ frustration and can improve staff morale.
  • 32. PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING A GRIEVANCE 1. Receive complaint 2. Define nature of complaint 3. Separate facts from opinions 4. Analyse and evaluate the facts 5. Make a decision 6. Apply the answer 7. Follow up to determine whether the clash has been resolved.
  • 33. Definitions • Disciplinary action An action on the part of management aimed at stopping member behaviour that threatens to disrupt the functioning of the system. • Disciplinary code A set of rules or a code of conduct that the members of the organisation must obey if it is to function successfully. Examples of disciplinary action: Reprimands, formal verbal warnings, written warnings, a final written warning, demotion in seniority, suspension, termination of service, transfer, penalties.
  • 34. 8.8.2 Disciplinary action p.175 Principles underlying the disciplinary code: • Recognises management’s right to take appropriate steps against any employee whose conduct is detrimental to the interests of the company. • Recognises an employee’s right to a fair hearing and to appeal against any disciplinary measure which he regards as unjust. • Emphasis is on prevention, justice and rehabilitation. Disciplinary procedures should only be instituted if an employee makes no effort to improve his behaviour.
  • 35. Disciplinary procedure • Verbal warning: Supervisor to worker • Written warning: Indicate offence and how it should be corrected • Final written warning: Manager or Supervisor to worker • Dismissal: By using disciplinary hearing • Final written warning: After appeal has been received. • Phase 1 • Phase 2 • Phase 3 • Phase 4 • Phase 5
  • 36. 8.8.3 Essential requirements for the disciplinary code A disciplinary system should meet the following requirements: • A definite and clearly stated disciplinary policy and procedure should exist • Rules of the organisation must be clearly communicated to employees before they can be held accountable. • Set rules and standards should be reasonable • Employee is presumed innocent until proven guilty • Disciplinary steps must be fair and consistent • Disciplinary steps should involve progressively severe penalties. • The offending employee has the right to counsel, and the right to appeal.
  • 37. 8.10 Coping with stress p.180 1. Definition: Stress is the physiological, psychological and behavioural response of an individual in his attempts to adjust/balance to internal and/or external pressures or demands.
  • 38. 8.10.2 The relationship between conflict & stress 2. Relationship between conflict and stress Remember the definition of conflict? Intra- and interpersonal confrontations caused by simultaneous arousal of incompatible motives or needs, results in a disruption of normal functioning. Conflict represents internal or external pressures to which the individual has to adjust. Conflict therefore can cause the individual to experience stress. Should the response be negative, then it can lead to even a greater experience of stress. The conflict-stress cycle can become vicious …
  • 39. 8.10.3 Different types of stress (Eustress) p.181 • Seen as a positive force, it stimulates the individual into finding life challenging and exciting. “The right amount and kind of stress makes you come alive” – it makes you perform at your best. • Can lead to: improved job-related performance, greater creativity and motivation, can lead to a more satisfying career. • It is essential, a positive aspect in any one’s life. • Can lead towards achieving your goals.
  • 40. 8.10.3 Different types of stress (Distress) p.181 • Negative force, accomplished by feelings of trauma and an inability to cope. • Characterised: feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, tension, sense of being rushed. • Victims show: physiological irregularities like heart palpitations and excessive perspiration. • Job situation: inability to concentrate, poor judgement, loss of emotional control, increased conflict.
  • 41.
  • 42. 8.10.4 Stressors p.181 Stressor: any factor on condition which causes stress: • Emotional (worry, fear, frustration, conflict, guilt, grief • Physiological (injury to the body, illness or exhaustion • Physical (time pressure, work load, criteria of performance) Three interrelated categories of stressors: • Frustrations (obstacles, frustrations, personal limitations) • Conflicts (confrontations, incompatible needs) • Pressures (to achieve certain goals or to behave in a particular manner) – External or internal
  • 43. 8.10.4 Severity of stress (How strong?)p.182 Severity of stress is determined (measured) by the degree to which it disrupts functioning. This depends on: • The characteristics of the stressor • The particular individual’s resources and the available supporting human and material resources • The relationship between the two factors above
  • 44. 8.10.5 Physiology of stress p.182 Stress is the human body’s attempts to restore an imbalance caused by a stressor of some kind The body reacts in different stages: • The alarm (or warning) stage (fight or flight) o See page 183 for physiological changes • The resistance stage (enters into here when stress is experienced by some time) • The exhaustion (“burn-out”) stage (stress is overwhelming and victim is unable to cope).
  • 45. Also see page 183 for other symptoms
  • 46.
  • 47. 8.10.6 Negative physical, emotional & behavioural effects of stress p.184 • Interrelated emotional, behavioural and physical effects of stress on the human being • Know the definitions of the various neuroses • See page 185 for behavioural and physical effects • Emotional (temporary) effects o Transitory (temporary) effects o More damaging, persistent effects of neuroses • Anxiety (fear always) • Depression (sadness) • Hysteria (panic) • Obsessions (if routine is broken then person cannot function normally)
  • 48. 8.10.7 Common reasons for stress p.185 1. Personal living conditions 2. Working environment 1. Poor physical working conditions 2. Job overload 3. Job underload 4. Role in the organisation 5. Relationship at work 6. Organisational structure and climate 7. Career prospects 8. Family relationship 3. Economical, political and social stressors 4. The personality of the individual
  • 49. Personality of the individual p.188-189 Type A personality Type B personality • Self-assertive, aggressive, hostile “ready to pick a fight” • Impatient • Workaholic • Involved in multiple projects • Take on excessive responsibility • Extremely competitive • Critical of others • Impatient listener • Explosive speaker (fast) • Make quick, impulsive decisions • Placid and calm, no hostility towards others • Patient and hardy • Relatively relaxed, easy-going • Neither competitive nor achievement-oriented or over- ambitious • Reflects thoroughly before making decisions • Copes well with stress • Adapts well to changing environmental needs
  • 50.
  • 51. 8.10.8 Coping with stress p.190 1. General guidelines for coping with stress (De- stress) • Improve your decision-making skills • Improve your self-image and think positively • Follow a healthy diet; get enough exercise and sleep • Develop relaxation techniques • Establish a reliable support system • Be assertive
  • 52. 8.10.8 Coping with stress p.193 2. Guidelines for coping with interpersonal conflict and stress in the working environment • Take constructive action to solve problems • Attack the cause, not merely the symptoms • Broaden your scope • Compromise • Practise diplomatic confrontation • Admit your mistake • Practice empathy • Try to bring humour into the situation • Practice restraint