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Music Production
Berklee College
• Sound travels at different speeds through
different mediums
We can detect miniscule differences in our ears
• Propagation=Delay
Speed of Sound is 340 m/s
• Extent of the wave/compression
Sound in air; wave is in the same direction of propagation
Longitudinal Wave
• The higher the amplitude, the louder the sound
Measured in decibels (Relative measurement)
DBSPL; Decibels in air (Standard is softest thing we can hear)
DBFS; Decibels in computer (Loudest thing we can hear is standard)
• Dynamic Plug-Ins
Control amplitude over time
• Frequency is the computer measurement of pitch
How fast it is vibrating
• Frequency effects are related to timbre
Different frequencies with energies
Every instrument has a unique one
• EQ-Collection of filters to modify frequency
• Range of human hearing is 20hz-20,000hz
Hertz is 1 vibration/second
Visualizing Sound
• Oscilloscope
(Time, Amplitude)
Hard to tell frequency
• Sonogram Analyzer
(Frequency, Amplitude, Time)
Momentary picture, hard to tell change
• Spectrum Analyzer
Sonogram Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer
Dynamic Range
• Range between the largest and smallest
possible values of an observable quantity
• In music, refers to the range of an instrument
• Can be manipulated through compression
• Pop music typically varies between 6-10db
• The study of sound perception
• Sound doesn’t just involve the ear, but the brain
as well
• The semitone scale is logarithmic, not linear
• Phantom Fundamental
A correct sense of pitch may be obtained even if
sound reproduction filters out the lower harmonics
• Masking
Certain frequencies can drown each other out
• Condenser (Stage mic) and Dynamic (Recording)
Picks up a small area; less sensitive
Mainly for vocals
Peaks around 5khz
Makes everything as accurate as possible
Mainly for recording
Flatline from 2-20khz
• Cardioid Pattern
Area in front is sensitive area
• Figure 8 Pattern
Area in front and back is sensitive area
• Omni…..
Circular sensitive area
• Placement of Mics
Place where it sounds the best
Line Level
• Raise or lower signal to line level so it can be used
all across studio
+4 (Studio Standard) and -10 (Consumer Level)
• Gain Stage
Either amplifies or attenuates signal
Bring sounds up and leave it there for the
entire time
When at Unity, gain stage does nothing
• Microphone Preamp
Brings up to line level
• Always get high quality cables and connectors
• Single Conductor/Instrument Cable
Like guitar cable that goes in amp
Use shorter ones ideally
Susceptible to noise
• TRS/Stereo Cable
Similar to instrument cable
Used to connect headphones in balanced configuration
Sends two signals that mask each other
• XLR Cable
Microphone Cable
• Direct Box
Goes from unbalanced to balanced cable
• RCA Cable
Plug into audio input; like TV Cable (Yellow, White, Red)
Connecting A Microphone
• Avoid sound of actually making the
Set input gain to zero, set phantom power off
Err on lower side of volume
Trim/Input Gain manipulates preamp
• When disconnecting, turn everything
off, phantom power off, turn down input gain
Analog to Digital Converter
• Process of going from analog-digital energy is
called sampling
• Fletcher-Munson Curve
We perceive higher frequencies as louder than
lower frequencies
Pickup Connections
• Use TS/instrument cable
Use Direct/Instrument input
Some audio inputs have already
• Don’t need to use phantom power
• Electric Instruments have latency
Lag between playing time and time until the speakers
• Always playback
• Ways to record
Plug into amp, put microphone in front of amp
Plug into amp, then plug amp into audio input
Use line output
• Can refer to the entire process, or the phrases
Composing song, generating ideas
Everything done in computer
Analog to Digital Conversion
• CPU can only understand computer notation
Conversion is called sampling
• Computers based on bits
A 1 or 0
Single bit represents on and off
Collection of bits is called a word
16 bits=typical audio
2^bitword=Number of total bits
1 bit=2 individual bits, 4 bits=16
individual bits
Higher bits=Higher dynamic range
• Best to use at least 24 bits in DAW
Sampling Rate
• How often we do measurements
Higher sampling rate is a higher frequency
44,100 sampling rate represents 22,050 hz
Plays sounds 1/44,100 times a
44,100 is CD standard
Must playback at the same sampling
rate, otherwise it will speed up
Can be utilized creatively
Buffer Size
• Queue of Buffers
Larger size=more plug-ins/synchronizers, but more
of a delay when recording
Lower size=less plug-ins, less latency
• Use low buffer size when recording
• Use high buffer size when editing
• Freezing a Track
Record tracks as audio, then play back audio to
bring down buffer size
File Types
• Zip.File
Compresses file without losing data
• When recording, use .wav or .aiff format
Use broadcast.wav (BWF.wav) when possible
• Interleaved/Noninterleaved
Interleaved saves one file for left speaker and right
• When Recording use 48khz sampling size
.wav, .aiff, BWF.wav file
128 buffer size when recording, 1024 when editing
24bit depth
Project Folder
• Create folders, not single files in DAWs
Do not save project folders in project folders
• Project Sharing
Create new folder, create .zip file, then send
• Always know where things are being saved
If you want to save a version, created a new
file, not a folder
Types of Tracks
• Audio Track
Holds digital audio
• MIDI Track
Holds MIDI info
No sound
• Auxiliary Tracks
For setting up effects
• Instrument Tracks
Inputs MIDI data, outputs digital audio
• Global Tracks
Tempo/Meter changes, markers, key changes
Recording Audio
• When recording with one pickup/mic, record as
mono track
Name tracks
• Audio feedback
Take off headphones, keep speakers down when
record-enabling a track
• Create another track, mute first track if you don’t
like the first one
Can compare later and edit between them
Nondestructive Editing
• Can get original data back
• Trimming
Changing bounds of region
• Separating and Cutting (Scissor Tool)
Cut and Paste
• The Grid
Move left and right, and up in down
Put things in perfect location
• Fades
Can get rid of a click
Two separate samples blend seamlessly into each other
• Zooming
Select before zooming
• Cycling
Cycle repeat a small part of music to fine tune a section
• Naming and Coloring
Can be used to organize
• Merging
Also called consolidating/gluing
Type of destructive edit
• Markers
Used to locate specific place in a song
Found in Global Tracks
• Comping
Compilation Tracks*
Best pieces of a bunch of different recordings
• 16 MIDI Channels
Allows to choose between synths
• MIDI messages
Note on/off
Control Change
Pitch Bend
• Note On/Off
Sounds note on specified channel
What note and how hard to hit (Velocity)
7-bit number (0-127) for velocity and note
• Sustain is control channel 64
• Channel Pressure
How hard to push on keyboard
• Sampler and Synthesizers
Synths use a formula
Samplers play back prerecorded sounds
MIDI Controllers
• Drum pads, keyboards, etc..
Need drivers to be plugged in
• Pitch and Modulation Wheels usually standard
• 8 Knobs
Send control change (CC) messages
On most MIDI controllers
• Make MIDI controller send on channel 1
• In MIDI, every note is a single event
• Editing Velocities
Adjust performance
Adjust relative volume on each note
• Quantization
Pulls notes to nearest value
Set grid (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc…)
Makes it less sloppy
Adjust bad notes by hand first, then quantize
Strength of Quantization
At 100% sounds robotic, use lower amounts and keep
quantizing until it sounds good
Software Instruments
• Virtual Instruments
Can buy third party instruments
• Focus
Have an idea of what you want
Have listener focus to bass here, melody
here, etccc
Done through manipulating loudness
• The Channel Strip
Top (Input) to Bottom (Output) with exceptions
Very top are inputs
Under that is trim
How loud something must be to get into mixer
• Insert table
First side is TRS cable
Can insert compressors, etc…
• Stereo
Two tracks for left and right
• Mono
One track for left and right
• Knobs
Aux. Send
Separate output for the track
EQ inserts
• Solo
Mutes other tracks
• Main volume faders
Manipulates amplitude
• Channel Strip in DAW
Aux. send will be either pre-send or post-send
Play with in DAW
The Bus
• Place to edit multiple things at once
Send all drummer tracks to a single track, etc…
Sub-mix (Mix in a mix)
Send-and-return signal flow can
apply same effect to different tracks in different
Organize buses
• DSP-Digital Signal Processing
• Dynamic Effects
Amplitude; volume over time
Compressors limiters expanders gates
• Delay Effects
Reverbs, delays, flangers, choruses, phasers
• Filter Effects
Boost low, cut highs
EQ, Filters
• Inserts
Can put external effects directly onto the mixing board
Easy to do in DAW
Processes one by one, from top to bottom (Order does
• Sub-mixes are called buses
Can be used to add a certain effect to multiple tracks
• Bypass Effect
Shuts off effect to compare
Use modifier key
• MIDI data doesn’t process in the same way as digital audio
• Sub-mix
Mixing groups that belong together all at once (I.e. mixing all drums, mixing all
vocals, etc…)
Submixes tend to use a single bus
Use I/O or bus window to create
Create aux input to play (Set bus to input)
• Always remember, that mixing is not as important as the quality of the
The mix should correct minor defects only
• Aux Sends
Pre-fader vs Post-fader sends
Independent-Dependent on a track folder (Generally stick with postfader when mixing, pre-fader when recording)
Post-fader will reduce effects along with volume, pre-fader will not
• Setting parallel effects
Same effect at different levels
Create bus and aux track for effects
Modify sends to change how much it is effected (Wet/dry
• Reverb
Dry=less effect, wet=more effect
Less reverb gives closer feel, more makes it seem further
• Automation (Moving Effects)
Changing volume, effect, etc… over the duration of a song
Any knob can be automated in a DAW
Some tracks have a record for automation, others use global tracks
• Types of Automation
Latch, touch, overwrite, play
Latch vs Touch
Touch overwrites small part of the
fader, then returns back to original level when released
Latch will stay at level
• Tracks Window/Sequence Coordinator (Overwrite)
Shows it as a line
Can use pencil tool to draw lines
Can be used to ride the fader (I.e. always keep
vocals slightly above everything else)
Dynamic Effects
• What are Dynamics
Many different meanings
To performer, it is the volume of the sound, as well as the intensity
• Dynamic range of an Effect
Range where effect will reproduce properly
Bottom end is noise floor (Just get noise below)
Top end is distortion
The middle end is linear, while the top and bottom are nonlinear
• Decibel Scale is logarithmic
Two types are DBFS and DBSPL
• EQ changes with amplitude
Quieter is a midrange focus, whereas louder focuses on upper/lower ends
Dynamic Effects
• Noise
Acoustic Noise is noise of space
In order to identify, listen to environment with all noise
Electric Noise is noise picked up from space/equipment
In order to reduce, limit amount of gear
• Distortion
Distortion turns volume variation into timbre variation
Drive is forced distortion
Clipping is digital distortion
This kind of distortion is too aggressive
During signal flow, stay in green while recording
Dynamic Effects
• Dynamic Range Manipulation
Looking at whole song and increasing/decreasing
on large scales
Single performer/track manipulation
When amplitude changes drastically in short
time (Think when drumstick hits drum)
Algorithmic Control
Dynamic Effects
• Decreasing dynamic range (Compression)
Increase lows, decrease highs
• Increasing Dynamic Range (Expansion)
Increase highs, decrease lows
• Riding the Fader
When it gets too loud bring it down, when it gets too low bring it up
Moving fader up and down on bottom of wave form of performance
Makes it hard to mix because it’s on the main fader
Put on a new gain/trim for best effects
• Dynamic effects (Compressors, expanders, limiters, gates) are
Dynamic Effects
• Dynamic Processor Parameters
Analyze signal, calculate envelope
Envelope is the average signal at a given time
R.M.S. = Root mean squared
Square everything, take average, square the root , you get
Envelope controls volume fader
• Threshold
When dynamic processor starts functioning
Does nothing before threshold
• Ratio
Input:Output above threshold
1:1 is no effect, 2:1 (output is half input), 10:1 is heavy
Dynamic Effects
• Speed of volume fader
Controlled by Attack/Release
Lower they are, faster the dynamic effect takes place
• Knee
Effects curve of threshold
Makes effect less sharp
• Look-ahead
Delay on signal, but not on envelope
Reduce level before transient occurs
• Compressor
Reduce level of input signal when envelope goes above threshold
• Expander
Reduce level of input signal when envelope goes below threshold
Dynamic Effects
• Noise Gate
Removes hiss and noise from music
Sets threshold above noise level and below music
Keep ratio high to eliminate noise, acts like an expander at a
lower ratio (Is basically a high-ratio expander)
• Downward Compression
Controls transient
Reduces dynamic range and amplitude
• Limiter
Makes things as loud as possible without increasing amplitude
Functions as a compressor with a high ratio and low attack
Prevents noise from reaching a certain amplitude
Filter and Delay Effects
• Delay Concept
Filters are single sample delays
• Parameters
Delay time
Time from input to output
How much of the wet signal is sent back to itself
• Delay Spectrum
Comb Filtering
Delays to create sense of harmonics (Can be used to thin a sound and let
others through)
White Noise
Equal energy across the frequency range
Short delay times create a pitch because sense of pitch is perceiving something fast
Filter and Delay Effects
• Modulated Short Delays
Short delay to create comb filter, but change delay time to make it
Psychedelic at one end, smooth at other
Unnatural but useful
• Flangers
Comb filters set in motion by LFO (Low frequency oscillator)
Usually done differently in each speaker to make it sound swirly
• Phasers
Deep Notches in motion
Doesn’t have a comb filter i.e. no pattern and isn’t even across spectrum
Each DAW has a different sounding one
Good for things that are overwhelming in the mix
Filter and Delay Effects
• Chorus
Multiple detuned copies
Emulates doppler effect
Simulates being played by multiple people
• Lissajous
Measures the width of a sound
Good to make room for new thing
• Filters
Low-Pass/High-Pass/Band-Pass Filters
What it lets through
Low pass lets lows through, etc…
Establish cutoff frequency, then change things away from cutoff frequency
Very Drastic
Good for synths, not necessarily for mixing
Filter and Delay Effects
• Shelf Filters
Reduction filter
Reduces high/low end, doesn’t remove
Consistent across frequencies
• Parametric Filter
Bell shaped bump in middle of frequency range
For midrange sounds
Filter and Delay Effects
• EQ
We are naturally attracted to the brightest thing
High shelf filters are important to guiding
Play everything to its strengths
So important in mixing
Context is more important than sound in
Filter and Delay Effects
• Medium Delays
Sound like real-world sounds
Slap-back Delay (Stereo Delay)
Natural delay (Like talking in a room)
• Long Delays
Can be tempo set to make it in tune with music
Can help make music wider
Many have built in filters
Get in the way of harmony
Filter and Delay Effects
• Reverb
Good way to guide listeners focus
Dryer sounds sound closer to listener
Algorithmic vs. Convolution Reverb
Synth vs. Sampler reverb
• Algorithmic Reverb
Early Reflections
A set of short delays
Delays start of reverb
Room size/slope/stereo controls
Diffuse Reverb
Longer delays
Reverb time
Below 2 seconds is ideal (More than 2 seconds is unnatural)
Filter and Delay Effects
• Convolution Reverb
Use impulse response (Prerecorded) to set what you like
Usually different recordings
Small room, cathedral, jazz hall, etc…
• Width in Mixing
Most important stuff goes in the middle
Focuses (Usually)
High Hats
Snare Drums
Kick Drums
Beware of masking
Filter and Delay Effects
• Make secondary elements wide
Can be done with panning
Can use stereo width plug-ins
• Low end frequencies fill the room
• Upper frequencies, width matters
• Space in Mixing
Give impressions of space with reverbs and longer delays
Haas Effect
Musicians control relatives, not absolutes
Closer things appear brighter
Stereo Width
Volume can make something sound brighter
Reverb makes things appear further
• Oscillator  Filter  Amplifier
• Oscillators
First module in synthesis
Generates sound form
Sine wave, square wave, triangle
wave, sawtooth, etc…
Really bright, high frequency, obnoxious
Synthesizer oscillator can change over time
• Filters
Low-pass filter is most prominent in synthesis
Analogy to voice
Vocal chords are our oscillators, our mouth is
the filter (What passes through)
Boosts are fine for synthesizers, where in mixing
they are counterproductive
Resonance is feedback
More resonance=more emphasis on high-cut
• Amplifiers
Voltage Control Amplifier (VCA)
Envelope attached to amp
Amplifier is in motion
ADSR control
Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
Higher attack in synth dulls sound, doesn’t
make it sharper like with a compressor
Can create vibrato
Cyclical (Up and down)
Happens below hearing threshold (0-20 hz)
Can be used to modulate almost anything
Source, destination, and amount
Parameters of every LFO
• Bottom Line; synthesis is very complicated, especially
on more powerful synths, but almost any sound
imaginable can be created from it. Synthesis requires
experimentation and further study. Happy Producing!

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Music production

  • 2. Propagation • Sound travels at different speeds through different mediums We can detect miniscule differences in our ears • Propagation=Delay Speed of Sound is 340 m/s
  • 3. Amplitude • Extent of the wave/compression Sound in air; wave is in the same direction of propagation Longitudinal Wave • The higher the amplitude, the louder the sound Measured in decibels (Relative measurement) DBSPL; Decibels in air (Standard is softest thing we can hear) DBFS; Decibels in computer (Loudest thing we can hear is standard) • Dynamic Plug-Ins Control amplitude over time Expanders Compressors Limiters Gates
  • 4. Frequency • Frequency is the computer measurement of pitch How fast it is vibrating • Frequency effects are related to timbre Different frequencies with energies Every instrument has a unique one • EQ-Collection of filters to modify frequency • Range of human hearing is 20hz-20,000hz Hertz is 1 vibration/second
  • 5. Visualizing Sound • Oscilloscope (Time, Amplitude) Hard to tell frequency • Sonogram Analyzer (Frequency, Amplitude, Time) Momentary picture, hard to tell change • Spectrum Analyzer
  • 9. Dynamic Range • Range between the largest and smallest possible values of an observable quantity • In music, refers to the range of an instrument • Can be manipulated through compression • Pop music typically varies between 6-10db
  • 10. Psychoacoustics • The study of sound perception • Sound doesn’t just involve the ear, but the brain as well • The semitone scale is logarithmic, not linear • Phantom Fundamental A correct sense of pitch may be obtained even if sound reproduction filters out the lower harmonics • Masking Certain frequencies can drown each other out
  • 11. Microphones • Condenser (Stage mic) and Dynamic (Recording) Condenser Picks up a small area; less sensitive Mainly for vocals Peaks around 5khz Dynamic Makes everything as accurate as possible Mainly for recording Flatline from 2-20khz
  • 12. Microphones • Cardioid Pattern Area in front is sensitive area • Figure 8 Pattern Area in front and back is sensitive area • Omni….. Circular sensitive area • Placement of Mics Place where it sounds the best
  • 13. Line Level • Raise or lower signal to line level so it can be used all across studio +4 (Studio Standard) and -10 (Consumer Level) • Gain Stage Either amplifies or attenuates signal Bring sounds up and leave it there for the entire time When at Unity, gain stage does nothing • Microphone Preamp Brings up to line level
  • 14. Cables • Always get high quality cables and connectors • Single Conductor/Instrument Cable Like guitar cable that goes in amp Unbalanced Use shorter ones ideally Susceptible to noise • TRS/Stereo Cable Similar to instrument cable Used to connect headphones in balanced configuration Sends two signals that mask each other • XLR Cable Microphone Cable • Direct Box Goes from unbalanced to balanced cable • RCA Cable Plug into audio input; like TV Cable (Yellow, White, Red)
  • 15. Connecting A Microphone • Avoid sound of actually making the connection Set input gain to zero, set phantom power off Err on lower side of volume Trim/Input Gain manipulates preamp • When disconnecting, turn everything off, phantom power off, turn down input gain
  • 16. Analog to Digital Converter • Process of going from analog-digital energy is called sampling • Fletcher-Munson Curve We perceive higher frequencies as louder than lower frequencies
  • 17. Pickup Connections • Use TS/instrument cable Use Direct/Instrument input Some audio inputs have already • Don’t need to use phantom power • Electric Instruments have latency Lag between playing time and time until the speakers • Always playback • Ways to record Plug into amp, put microphone in front of amp Plug into amp, then plug amp into audio input Use line output
  • 18. Production • Can refer to the entire process, or the phrases Pre-Production Composing song, generating ideas Production Recording Post-Production Everything done in computer
  • 19. Analog to Digital Conversion • CPU can only understand computer notation Conversion is called sampling • Computers based on bits A 1 or 0 Single bit represents on and off Collection of bits is called a word 16 bits=typical audio 2^bitword=Number of total bits 1 bit=2 individual bits, 4 bits=16 individual bits Higher bits=Higher dynamic range • Best to use at least 24 bits in DAW
  • 20. Sampling Rate • How often we do measurements Higher sampling rate is a higher frequency 44,100 sampling rate represents 22,050 hz Plays sounds 1/44,100 times a second 44,100 is CD standard Must playback at the same sampling rate, otherwise it will speed up Can be utilized creatively
  • 21. Buffer Size • Queue of Buffers Larger size=more plug-ins/synchronizers, but more of a delay when recording Lower size=less plug-ins, less latency • Use low buffer size when recording • Use high buffer size when editing • Freezing a Track Record tracks as audio, then play back audio to bring down buffer size
  • 22. File Types • Zip.File Compresses file without losing data • When recording, use .wav or .aiff format Use broadcast.wav (BWF.wav) when possible • Interleaved/Noninterleaved Interleaved saves one file for left speaker and right speaker • When Recording use 48khz sampling size .wav, .aiff, BWF.wav file 128 buffer size when recording, 1024 when editing 24bit depth
  • 23. Project Folder • Create folders, not single files in DAWs Do not save project folders in project folders • Project Sharing Create new folder, create .zip file, then send • Always know where things are being saved If you want to save a version, created a new file, not a folder
  • 24. Types of Tracks • Audio Track Holds digital audio • MIDI Track Holds MIDI info No sound • Auxiliary Tracks For setting up effects • Instrument Tracks Inputs MIDI data, outputs digital audio • Global Tracks Tempo/Meter changes, markers, key changes
  • 25. Recording Audio • When recording with one pickup/mic, record as mono track Name tracks • Audio feedback Take off headphones, keep speakers down when record-enabling a track • Create another track, mute first track if you don’t like the first one Can compare later and edit between them
  • 26. Nondestructive Editing • Can get original data back
  • 27. Tools • Trimming Changing bounds of region • Separating and Cutting (Scissor Tool) Cut and Paste • The Grid Move left and right, and up in down Put things in perfect location • Fades Can get rid of a click Crossfades Two separate samples blend seamlessly into each other • Zooming Select before zooming
  • 28. Tools • Cycling Cycle repeat a small part of music to fine tune a section • Naming and Coloring Can be used to organize • Merging Also called consolidating/gluing Type of destructive edit • Markers Used to locate specific place in a song Found in Global Tracks • Comping Compilation Tracks* Best pieces of a bunch of different recordings
  • 29. MIDI • 16 MIDI Channels Allows to choose between synths • MIDI messages Note on/off Control Change Pitch Bend
  • 30. MIDI • Note On/Off Sounds note on specified channel What note and how hard to hit (Velocity) 7-bit number (0-127) for velocity and note • Sustain is control channel 64 • Channel Pressure How hard to push on keyboard • Sampler and Synthesizers Synths use a formula Samplers play back prerecorded sounds
  • 31. MIDI Controllers • Drum pads, keyboards, etc.. Need drivers to be plugged in • Pitch and Modulation Wheels usually standard • 8 Knobs Send control change (CC) messages On most MIDI controllers • Make MIDI controller send on channel 1
  • 32. MIDI • In MIDI, every note is a single event • Editing Velocities Adjust performance Adjust relative volume on each note • Quantization Pulls notes to nearest value Set grid (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc…) Makes it less sloppy Adjust bad notes by hand first, then quantize Strength of Quantization At 100% sounds robotic, use lower amounts and keep quantizing until it sounds good
  • 33. Software Instruments • Virtual Instruments Can buy third party instruments Plug-ins Izotope***
  • 34. Mixing • Focus Have an idea of what you want Have listener focus to bass here, melody here, etccc Done through manipulating loudness
  • 35. Mixing • The Channel Strip Modular Top (Input) to Bottom (Output) with exceptions Very top are inputs Under that is trim How loud something must be to get into mixer • Insert table First side is TRS cable Can insert compressors, etc… • Stereo Two tracks for left and right • Mono One track for left and right • Knobs Aux. Send Separate output for the track EQ inserts Pan
  • 36. Mixing • Solo Mutes other tracks • Main volume faders Manipulates amplitude • Channel Strip in DAW Aux. send will be either pre-send or post-send Play with in DAW
  • 37. The Bus • Place to edit multiple things at once Send all drummer tracks to a single track, etc… Sub-mix (Mix in a mix) Send-and-return signal flow can apply same effect to different tracks in different amounts Organize buses
  • 38. Mixing • DSP-Digital Signal Processing • Dynamic Effects Amplitude; volume over time Compressors limiters expanders gates • Delay Effects Propagation Reverbs, delays, flangers, choruses, phasers • Filter Effects Timbre Boost low, cut highs EQ, Filters
  • 39. Mixing • Inserts Can put external effects directly onto the mixing board Easy to do in DAW Processes one by one, from top to bottom (Order does matter) • Sub-mixes are called buses Can be used to add a certain effect to multiple tracks simultaneously • Bypass Effect Shuts off effect to compare Use modifier key • MIDI data doesn’t process in the same way as digital audio
  • 40. Mixing • Sub-mix Mixing groups that belong together all at once (I.e. mixing all drums, mixing all vocals, etc…) Submixes tend to use a single bus Use I/O or bus window to create Create aux input to play (Set bus to input) • Always remember, that mixing is not as important as the quality of the recording The mix should correct minor defects only • Aux Sends Pre-fader vs Post-fader sends Independent-Dependent on a track folder (Generally stick with postfader when mixing, pre-fader when recording) Post-fader will reduce effects along with volume, pre-fader will not
  • 41. Mixing • Setting parallel effects Same effect at different levels Create bus and aux track for effects Modify sends to change how much it is effected (Wet/dry level) • Reverb Dry=less effect, wet=more effect Less reverb gives closer feel, more makes it seem further • Automation (Moving Effects) Changing volume, effect, etc… over the duration of a song Any knob can be automated in a DAW Some tracks have a record for automation, others use global tracks
  • 42. Mixing • Types of Automation Latch, touch, overwrite, play Latch vs Touch Touch overwrites small part of the fader, then returns back to original level when released Latch will stay at level • Tracks Window/Sequence Coordinator (Overwrite) Shows it as a line Can use pencil tool to draw lines Can be used to ride the fader (I.e. always keep vocals slightly above everything else)
  • 43. Dynamic Effects • What are Dynamics Many different meanings To performer, it is the volume of the sound, as well as the intensity • Dynamic range of an Effect Range where effect will reproduce properly Bottom end is noise floor (Just get noise below) Top end is distortion The middle end is linear, while the top and bottom are nonlinear • Decibel Scale is logarithmic Ratio:Setpoint Two types are DBFS and DBSPL • EQ changes with amplitude Quieter is a midrange focus, whereas louder focuses on upper/lower ends
  • 44. Dynamic Effects • Noise Acoustic Noise is noise of space In order to identify, listen to environment with all noise off Electric Noise is noise picked up from space/equipment In order to reduce, limit amount of gear • Distortion Distortion turns volume variation into timbre variation Drive is forced distortion Clipping is digital distortion This kind of distortion is too aggressive During signal flow, stay in green while recording
  • 45. Dynamic Effects • Dynamic Range Manipulation Macro-scale Looking at whole song and increasing/decreasing on large scales Micro-scale Single performer/track manipulation Microscale Transient When amplitude changes drastically in short time (Think when drumstick hits drum) Algorithmic Control
  • 46. Dynamic Effects • Decreasing dynamic range (Compression) Increase lows, decrease highs • Increasing Dynamic Range (Expansion) Increase highs, decrease lows • Riding the Fader When it gets too loud bring it down, when it gets too low bring it up Moving fader up and down on bottom of wave form of performance Makes it hard to mix because it’s on the main fader Put on a new gain/trim for best effects • Dynamic effects (Compressors, expanders, limiters, gates) are nonlinear
  • 47. Dynamic Effects • Dynamic Processor Parameters Analyze signal, calculate envelope Envelope is the average signal at a given time R.M.S. = Root mean squared Square everything, take average, square the root , you get envelope Envelope controls volume fader • Threshold When dynamic processor starts functioning Does nothing before threshold • Ratio Input:Output above threshold 1:1 is no effect, 2:1 (output is half input), 10:1 is heavy
  • 48. Dynamic Effects • Speed of volume fader Controlled by Attack/Release Lower they are, faster the dynamic effect takes place • Knee Effects curve of threshold Makes effect less sharp • Look-ahead Delay on signal, but not on envelope Reduce level before transient occurs • Compressor Reduce level of input signal when envelope goes above threshold • Expander Reduce level of input signal when envelope goes below threshold
  • 49. Dynamic Effects • Noise Gate Removes hiss and noise from music Sets threshold above noise level and below music Keep ratio high to eliminate noise, acts like an expander at a lower ratio (Is basically a high-ratio expander) • Downward Compression Controls transient Reduces dynamic range and amplitude • Limiter Makes things as loud as possible without increasing amplitude Functions as a compressor with a high ratio and low attack Prevents noise from reaching a certain amplitude
  • 50. Filter and Delay Effects • Delay Concept Filters are single sample delays • Parameters Delay time Time from input to output Dry/Wet Undelayed/Delayed Feedback How much of the wet signal is sent back to itself • Delay Spectrum Comb Filtering Delays to create sense of harmonics (Can be used to thin a sound and let others through) White Noise Equal energy across the frequency range Short delay times create a pitch because sense of pitch is perceiving something fast
  • 51. Filter and Delay Effects • Modulated Short Delays Short delay to create comb filter, but change delay time to make it dynamic Psychedelic at one end, smooth at other Unnatural but useful • Flangers Comb filters set in motion by LFO (Low frequency oscillator) Usually done differently in each speaker to make it sound swirly • Phasers Deep Notches in motion Doesn’t have a comb filter i.e. no pattern and isn’t even across spectrum Each DAW has a different sounding one Good for things that are overwhelming in the mix
  • 52. Filter and Delay Effects • Chorus Multiple detuned copies Emulates doppler effect Simulates being played by multiple people • Lissajous Measures the width of a sound Good to make room for new thing • Filters Low-Pass/High-Pass/Band-Pass Filters What it lets through Low pass lets lows through, etc… Establish cutoff frequency, then change things away from cutoff frequency Very Drastic Good for synths, not necessarily for mixing
  • 53. Filter and Delay Effects • Shelf Filters Reduction filter Reduces high/low end, doesn’t remove frequencies Consistent across frequencies • Parametric Filter Bell shaped bump in middle of frequency range For midrange sounds
  • 54. Filter and Delay Effects • EQ We are naturally attracted to the brightest thing High shelf filters are important to guiding listener Play everything to its strengths So important in mixing Context is more important than sound in isolation
  • 55. Filter and Delay Effects • Medium Delays Sound like real-world sounds Slap-back Delay (Stereo Delay) Natural delay (Like talking in a room) • Long Delays Can be tempo set to make it in tune with music Can help make music wider Many have built in filters Get in the way of harmony
  • 56. Filter and Delay Effects • Reverb Good way to guide listeners focus Dryer sounds sound closer to listener Algorithmic vs. Convolution Reverb Synth vs. Sampler reverb • Algorithmic Reverb Early Reflections A set of short delays Predelay Delays start of reverb Room size/slope/stereo controls Diffuse Reverb Longer delays Reverb time Below 2 seconds is ideal (More than 2 seconds is unnatural)
  • 57. Filter and Delay Effects • Convolution Reverb Use impulse response (Prerecorded) to set what you like Usually different recordings Small room, cathedral, jazz hall, etc… • Width in Mixing Most important stuff goes in the middle Focuses (Usually) High Hats Vocals Snare Drums Bass Kick Drums Beware of masking
  • 58. Filter and Delay Effects • Make secondary elements wide Can be done with panning Can use stereo width plug-ins Chorus/Flanger/etc… • Low end frequencies fill the room • Upper frequencies, width matters • Space in Mixing Give impressions of space with reverbs and longer delays Haas Effect Musicians control relatives, not absolutes Closer things appear brighter Stereo Width Volume can make something sound brighter Reverb makes things appear further
  • 59. Synthesis • Oscillator  Filter  Amplifier • Oscillators First module in synthesis Generates sound form Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, sawtooth, etc… Really bright, high frequency, obnoxious Synthesizer oscillator can change over time
  • 60. Synthesis • Filters Low-pass filter is most prominent in synthesis Analogy to voice Vocal chords are our oscillators, our mouth is the filter (What passes through) Boosts are fine for synthesizers, where in mixing they are counterproductive Resonance is feedback More resonance=more emphasis on high-cut
  • 61. Synthesis • Amplifiers Voltage Control Amplifier (VCA) Envelope attached to amp Amplifier is in motion ADSR control Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release Higher attack in synth dulls sound, doesn’t make it sharper like with a compressor
  • 62. Synthesis • LFO Can create vibrato Cyclical (Up and down) Happens below hearing threshold (0-20 hz) Can be used to modulate almost anything Source, destination, and amount Parameters of every LFO • Bottom Line; synthesis is very complicated, especially on more powerful synths, but almost any sound imaginable can be created from it. Synthesis requires experimentation and further study. Happy Producing!