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Intro to Philosophy
University of New Orleans
What is Philosophy
• Bertrand Russell
Philosophy is an intermediary of theology and
• Philosophy is not a world view
• Etymology of the Word
“Love of Wisdom”
What is Philosophy
• Definition of the Word
Investigating underlying reasons for reality
Understanding based on logical reasoning rather than empirical
• Analogy
Psychology is a science that studies mental processes and
Philosophy comes from reason
Just like psychology, philosophy has subfields
What is Philosophy
• Philosophical Questions
Fundamental, open questions that cannot be solved through
What must or mustn’t be the case based on preconceptions
What is mind vs Nature of the Mind
Not Philosophical


• Conflict between ideas creates fundamental questions
View that mind is different than brain
View that mind is brain
View that mind is controlled by brain
Which is most reasonable to believe
What is Philosophy
• Must use reason to resolve
Scientific evidence can be used, but answer must be based on reason
Critical Reasoning
• Need to communicate on equitable terms
Philosophy is finding the truth
Must use common meanings
• Philosophy is settled through argument
• Two Parts of Every Argument
Claim  Anyone can make
Supporting Evidence  Difficult
God is not perfect because his creation is imperfect

Subfields of Psychology
• History of Psychology
Study of the emergence of Psychology
Compare and Contrast
Plato vs Descartes, importance of dualism, etc…
• Philosophy of Religion
Nature of God
What is God
• Epistemology
Epi- Has to do with knowledge
Nature and origin of knowledge
Knowledge is special
Different than belief
How to acquire, innate knowledge, rationalists, empiricists, etc…
Subfields of Psychology
• Metaphysics
Questions about existance
Does God exist?
Reasons for and against
Essence of the Mind
What makes a person a person
What makes a person the same person over time
If different, is it just to punish you for something you did
• Socio-Political Philosophy
Justice, Order, and Authority
How it ought to be
Subfields of Psychology
• Philosophy of the mind
Different than psychology
• Philosophy of Language
Nature of language
Syntax is necessary
Syntax refers to the form, semantics the content
Can we have thoughts without language
• Philosophy of Science
Assumptions of the limitations of Science
• Aesthetics
Principles of Art forms
Purpose and importance of Art
What is Art?
Subfields of Psychology
• Logic
Good Reasoning vs. Bad Reasoning
What makes an assumption dubious
• Ethics
Study for what we should do morally
Concepts and permissions for what is morally permissible,
impermissible, and obligatory
• Normative Disciplines
Logic and Ethics
What we should do to get a desired result
• Descriptive Discipline
How to do/Why
All other subfields of Psychology
Misconceptions of Philosophy
• You have to be wise to be a philosopher
Philosophy is reason, not spewing witticisms
• Assertion makes you a philosopher
• Everyone’s opinion is equal to another's
An experts opinion is worth more than yours
• You will always get the truth
Truth is aim, but it may boil down to an educated
• It is critical
Philosophy is critical of Views, not people
Reasons for Philosophy
• Independent thinking and tolerance increases
• Awareness of ambiguities and fallacies in
• Compels to take a reason for what others
believe is self-evident
• Compels to think, rather than memorizing
• Main use for reason is arguments
Logic is devoted to the art of arguments
• Arguments are everywhere
• Formal Language
No artificial language or symbols
• Informal Language
What is an Argument
• What someone offers through language to show
• Consists of a claim supported by evidence
• Standard Form Argument
Explicitly number
Conclusion at the bottom next to therefore symbol
Line separating evidence from claim
Easy to evaluate, reveals logical structure
• Prose
More difficult to recognize
How to Recognize an Argument
• Indicators
Therefore, accordingly, so, hence, etc…
Because, first, from, since, etc…
Useful Generalizations About
• May occur anywhere in a passage
• Evidence and Claims are relative terms
Depends on role in an argument
• Every premise/evidence is an assumption
Don’t explain evidence
Truth is presupposed
Implicit Assumption
Hidden assumption
Explicit Assumption
Shown Assumptions
Dubious Assumption
Wrong assumption
• Because no academy award winning actor has ever won a
Noble Prize, Kevin Spacey has never won an academy
Underlined is explicit
Implicit assumptions
Kevin Spacey has won a noble prize
It is possible to win a noble prize
Noble Prize exists
• Cats Love Tuna
Implicit assumptions
Cats exist
Cats eat tuna
• Some conclusions can be assumed
All cheaters are dishonest, and you are a cheater
Conclusion is that you are dishonest
• Rhetorical Questions
Questions can never be conclusions, because
they can never be true or false
They have no truth value
Avoid when offering evidence
Background Information
• Not every statement has to be evidence or a
Background information can be used
The iPhone, which was created by Apple,
introduced the concept of a multi-touch
interface, completely revolutionizing the phone
Evaluating Arguments
• For an argument to be good, it must not
violate the principles of good reasoning
• Cogent Argument
Good argument
• Fallacious Argument
Bad argument
The RIFUT Rule
• For an argument to be cogent, it must be:
Independent of the Conclusion
Free of Dubious Assumptions
True and Consistent
Truth and Consistency of Argument
• Can’t know anything if it is untrue
• Definite refutation if evidence is proven false
• Consistency
Set of statements that can all be proven true
Inconsistent if all cannot be simultaneously true
Definite refutation
Killing is immoral, killing in selfdefense is moral
Independence of Argument
• Cannot show claim is true by assuming claim
is true
• Cannot restate claim as evidence
God created the world, and therefore he exists
Circular Argument
• Not all valid arguments are good arguments
• Never assume the truth of conclusion when
providing evidence
Free of Dubious Assumptions
• Fallacy of presumption
Assume something unproven and unreasonable is a truth
• Fallacy of Composition
Because part of ___ has ___, all of ___ has ___
Assumes what’s true of part is true of the whole
• Fallacy of Division
Assumes what’s true of whole is true of parts
Cannot go from whole to part or visa-versa
• False Dilemma/Black and White Fallacy
Oversimplifies complex issue by stating fewer sides than there
are and demanding a decision
“If you don’t support gay rights, you are a homophobe”
• Fallacy of Relevance
Does an argument commit a non-sequitur
Claim does not follow from evidence
• Ad Hominem
Person A attacks Person B to discredit argument
“Don’t attack the messenger”
• Ad Populum
Appeal to people to win support for claims
Do something because other people do
Evoke emotions
• Appeal to Ignorance
Claim true because hasn’t been proven false, or visa-versa
• Appeal to Inappropriate Authority
Appeal to expert regarding something other than area of expertise
Michael Jordan wears these sneakers, so you should too
• Genetic Fallacy
Attribute validity on basis of origin
“Planned parenthood was founded by a racist,
so the organization is racist”
Other Fallacies
• Straw Man
Exaggerate/Misrepresent than attack the exaggerated version
• Slippery Slope Fallacy
Distorts view and claims one thing will lead to undesired
consequences, therefore it is invalid
• Irrelevent Conclusion Fallacy
“Sophie is a cat who likes tuna, so the full moon eats people”
• Red Herring Fallacy
Where something unrelated to the topic at hand is used to divert from
“I don’t want to go to school, the gas price is too high and driving there
would be expensive”
History of Philosophy
• Four periods of Western Philosophy
Ancient Period
Medieval Period
Modern Period
Contemporary Period
Ancient Philosophy (6th century B.C.)
• Begins in Greece
• Presocratics
Philosophers before Socrates
First people to give non-religious answers to fundamental questions in
Western Philosophy
Dealt with Cosmological Questions about the nature of the
Coined the term Philosopher
Created Epistemology, Rational Theology
Charged with impiety
Ancient Philosophy (6th century B.C.)
• Sophists
Itinerant teachers who taught common people
how to argue
• Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Medieval Period (11th-14th century)
• Dominated by Catholic Church
• St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas
• Jewish and Muslim philosophers reintroduce Roman
culture to the world
• Achem’s Razor
Simpler of two arguments, with all else being equal, will more
likely be correct
• St. Francis Bacon
Designs Scientific Method
• Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan explains how society emerges from nature
Socio-Political Philosopher
Modern Period (16th-18th Century)
• Rene Descartes
Father of Modern Philosophy
• Major philosophies of the time were Rationalism
and Empiricism
• Baruch Spinoza
Key Rationalist
• John Locke
Key Empiricist
• Immanuel Kant
Moral Theory; based on duty
Contemporary Period (19th centuryModern Times)
• Continental Philosophy
Existentialism, Socialism, Feminism, etc…
Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche, etc…
Mainly on European Continent
• Anglo-American Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy
Utilitarianism, Pragmatism
William James, Bertrand Russell, Camus
Mainly England and America
Socrates (469-399 B.C.)
• Wrote Nothing
• Against empirical knowledge
• Associated with justice, morals, ethics
• Socratic Method
Question and answer method
• Taught Plato, who taught Aristotle
• Father of idealism, rationalism, socio-political
• The Republic
Dialogue concerning ideal state
• Founded the Academy
Prototype of all Western Universities
Included Mathematics
Lasted 900 years
Plato’s Apology
• One of Plato’s many dialogues
Socrates is main character
• Athens trial in 399
Athens was true Democracy, all citizen participate
• Accusers
Meletus , Antius bring charges
Corrupting youth, impiety
Socrates criticizers
Many people slander him
Socrates’ Defense
• Claims he doesn’t deal with physical matters
• Claims he is not a teacher
He knows nothing, does not travel, does not take money
• Origin of trouble
Asked Oracle if anyone was wiser than he
Oracle says no
Sets out on religious quest to find someone
wiser than him
Goes to people who claim to have
Through Socratic Method, embarrasses
Politicians, Poets, Artisans
Socrates’ Defense
• Meletus
Represents poets
Claims everyone besides Socrates elevates youth; and
eventually that Socrates intentionally harms youth
Socrates says no one intentionally harms himself, so
why would he harm children if it would hurt him by
If Meletus truly cared about the youth, he would’ve
tried stopping Socrates before
Claims Socrates was an atheist
Socrates says Oracle’s mission was God’s command
The Vote
• 31 vote margin makes Socrates guilty
• Over 500 jurors
• Accusers recommend death penalty
Socrates recommends no punishment, full room
and board at a luxurious job
“Concedes” to 1 mina fine, then eventually 30
Condemned to death after his
recommendation by an over 100 vote margin
Philosophy of Religion
• Study of the nature of religion
• Many types of Religion
• Does God Exist?
Monotheistic God of Islam, Judaism, Christianity
• How is belief in God justified
Appeal to faith
Belief independent of evidence and
• Study of God and attributes in relation to the
• Natural Theology
Can be established by reason
• Revealed Theology
• Theists, Agnostics, Atheists
Definition of God
• A person with divine attributes
Not necessarily a human
Basic concept in ethics
Responsibilities, rights, free will
A rational, autonomous, moralistic being
• A perfect person
Divine Attributes
Omniscient, omnipotent, immutable,
omnitemporal, omnibenevolent
Problem of Evil
• How can evil exist with an all good God
• Arguments
Nothing can be intrinsically evil
Done for greater good
Doesn’t allow arguments to the contrary
Circular Definition
• Appeal to free will
God doesn’t cause evil
Comes from people, who are autonomous
Are natural disasters evil?
Evil can only arise through choice
Is eternal damnation evil
If God is omniscient, how can we have free will
God knows but doesn’t intervene?
Arguments for God
• Called Proofs
• A posteriori Proofs
Proofs known through experience only
• A priori Proofs
Isn’t justified though experience
Cosmological Arguments
• A posteriori proof
• Prove God’s existence using commonly known
facts of the universe
• St. Thomas Aquinas
The Five Ways
Second way; Argument from Efficient
Cause to First Cause
Argument from Efficient Cause to First
• Cosmological Argument
• Things are caused
• Things cannot come from themselves
• There cannot be an infinite regress of causes
• There must be an uncaused first cause
• God is the uncaused first cause
• Therefore God exists
• Refutation
Inconsistency Fallacy; #2, 5
#5 does not show God still exists
Teleological Argument
• A posteriori proof
• Argument from end product of nature to
prove intelligent design
• William Paley
Watch Argument
Given complexity and purpose, assume
Watch Argument
• Human artifacts represent intelligent design
• Universe resembles artifacts
• Therefore universe resembles intelligent design
• Universe is complex
• Therefore, must be powerful designer
• Refutation
Inductive Argument
Certain degree of probability, doesn’t prove
Doesn’t prove God exists today
Indirectly circular (#1)
Does purpose follow from design?
Is complexity proof of intelligent design
David Hume
Strength of inductive argument is dependent on its relevance; most things
don’t have a strong relevance
Ontological Argument
• A priori proof
• God’s existence follows from the idea of God
• St. Anselm
What was taught concerning universals based
on St. Thomas Aquinas
Faith and reasoning, etc…
Is life a trait?
We don’t use it as such
Anselm’s Argument
• God is something which nothing greater be conceived
• Nonbeliever knows what God is
They understand something which nothing greater be conceived
• If it existed in the mind alone it wouldn’t be something from which nothing greater
can be conceived, because existence in reality is greater than existence in the mind
• Therefore, God exists by virtue of his definition
• Refutation
Reductio ad absurdum
Deduce contradiction from opposite of what must be true; e.g. rocks must
have weight otherwise they’d float
Immanuel Kant
The idea alone is different than actually having it
Same logic can be applied to an island; so there must be a hidden island
Brain In A Vat
• If our brain was removed and placed in a vat
where it was controlled, and we experienced life
as if we had a body, did it happen?
• How do we know if this is all real
• Can we rely on our senses?
• Epistemological and Metaphysical conundrum
• Rene Descartes laid foundation for this
• Objectivity vs. Subjectivity; which is more reliable
• Anybody can believe something; knowledge,
however, is something special
The philosophical study of knowledge is
• Two types of knowledge
Performative Knowledge
How to; I know how to _____
Propositional Knowledge
That; I know that_____
Propositional Knowledge
• A Priori Knowledge
Can be justified by reason alone
E.g. 2 is greater than 1
• A Posteriori Knowledge
Can be justified by experience alone
• S(omeone) Knows that P(ropositional Knowledge)
Way to remember Propositional Knowledge
E.g. I know that I am human
• Three conditions for Propositional Knowledge
S has to believe P
S has to be justified in that belief
P must be true
The Truth Condition
• Truth must be consistent
People used to “know” that the earth was flat
In retrospect, they didn’t know that, they just believed
• Truth is a property
• Subjectivist Theory of Truth
Everyone has their own truth
• Relativist Theory of Truth
Truth varies by the beliefs of the time
• Objectivist Theory of Truth
Truth is objective and a property; either it’s true or it’s not
The Truth Condition
• Bertrand Russell
Stated that truth can only be applied to beliefs and statements
Requirements for a Theory of Truth
Allows Falsehood
Truth can be a property of beliefs
Wholly dependent on connection to outside world
• Coherence Theory
Belief is true when it coheres with our other beliefs
There can be more than one true set of beliefs
Presupposes Law of Noncontradiction
Just because it coheres with our other beliefs doesn’t mean
it’s true
The Truth Condition
• Correspondence Theory
Our beliefs must correspond with the world and
People believe facts are dubious entries; truth is
a necessary condition for knowledge
We must look outside our beliefs to know
Epistemological Theories
• Modern Period begins with Rene Descartes
Period rises from skepticism
• Rationalism
Reason is a fundamental means of acquiring knowledge
Requires certainties for knowledge
Innate Knowledge
Based on mathematical thinking, deduction
• Empiricism
Experience is a fundamental means of gaining knowledge
No innate knowledge
Tabla Rosa; blank slate
Based on Scientific thinking
Rene Descartes
• Renaissance Man
• Wrote The Meditations
Six in all
First Meditation is on doubt
Attacks the senses
Claim they deceive him, and that it is
not prudent to follow wholly that which has
previously deceived us
Meditation 1
• Descartes determines all of his prior beliefs are wrong,
and is in search for a new foundation for knowledge
Wants to discover one thing that is impossible to doubt
Can deduce other things from this which are
• Cartesian Doubt
To doubt all belief to find something impossible to doubt
• Senses cannot be indubitable, according to Descartes
Applies reason only
Meditation 2
• Discovers something impossible to doubt
I think, therefore I am
Foundation for Descartes philosophy
Even if he were deceived by some malevolent being,
something must exist to be deceived
Doesn’t know who he is or what he is, but
knows that he is
He deduces that he is a thing that thinks
• Foundation for Dualism
Believes in two different substances, corporal (body) and mind
John Locke
• Empiricist, Academic, Government Official
• Major work was An Essay Concerning Human
• Hugely influential on colonies in America
An Essay…
• Systematically identifies the origin of human knowledge
• We need ideas
Gives us knowledge
How do we obtain ideas?
• Believes we should not try to question things to certainty because you cannot
know everything
• Principle of Identity
Things are themselves
• Shuns the idea of innate knowledge
Just because everyone believes something doesn’t mean it’s innate
Cannot find one belief that is commonly held by everyone
• What is an Idea
Whatever the mind perceives in itself
Basic Building Blocks of Knowledge
Reflection; when the mind considers itself
An Essay…
• How are simple ideas produced (Colors, Sounds, etc…)
We don’t obtain them prior to experience
Obtain through qualities in bodies
Primary Qualities-In the things themselves
Shape, etc…
Secondary Qualities-Sensible Qualities
Feel, taste, etc…
Tertiary Qualities-Qualities that change primary
Melting, etc…
• Nothing can exist without ideas
Words, actions, etc…
An Essay…
• Intuitive Knowledge
Must perceive two different ideas without any outside influence
Highest, most sure knowledge
• Demonstrative Knowledge
Mind employs intermediary ideas
Less certain
E.g. Humans are mortal, Socrates was human, therefore Socrates was
• Sensitive Knowledge
Mind perceives external objects
Most limited type of knowledge
Comes from senses
Philosophy of Mind
• Personal Identity
• Fundamental Questions about the mind
• What is a person
An autonomous, rational, moral agent
Has rights, responsibilities
What makes a person the same person over time
The soul? The brain? Traits?
Sameness is more powerful than similarity
What Makes a Person a Person
• A person is a bearer of rights and
• Needs to be rational
• Needs to be autonomous
• Needs to be a moral agent
Capable of Inflicting Harm
• A person doesn’t have to be a human being
• A human being isn’t always a person
Does a Soul Make a Person the Same
Person Over Time?
• As long as the soul exists, we exist, hypothetically
Soul exists post mortem
• Sameness of Soul Criterion
As long as you have the same soul, you will be the same
• Criteria for a Soul
A soul must be immaterial
Doesn’t abide by the laws of mechanics
Cannot be quantified
Is not the body
Cartesian Dualism
• There are two things that make a human being
The mind (Immaterial) and corporal substance (Material)
• Consistent with most theories of human life (Like religion)
Something about beliefs is immaterial and unexplainable
Something like vision requires an awareness of what exists
• Metaphysical View
Second Meditation; I think therefore I am
What am I?
Not primarily a corporal substance
The essence of the body is extension
Occupies space, can be perceived, quantifiable
If you melt wax is it still the same wax?
Descartes believes it is
You don’t get awareness from a body
Cartesian Dualism
• Descartes believes we are primarily thinking substances
A thing that thinks, feels, and argues
A mind, a soul
Essence of minds is thought
Makes us who we are
• Machines and animals can’t think because it is the soul that thinks
Animals are automatons, machines with soft tissue
• Absolute separation of the mind from the body
Descartes’ Analogy
We are the pilot of a ship that we are strongly linked to
Cartesian Dualism
• Problems with Dualism
Using doubt for property divergence
I cannot doubt I have a mind, I can doubt I have a body,
therefore Body and Mind aren’t the same thing
Mind/Body Problem (The Problem of Causation)
How can the mind affect the body and visa-versa so intimately
if they are different
Drinking alcohol can impair the mind, even though it is
Where is the locus of interaction
Descartes believes the pineal gland
The “Third Eye,” likely controls sleep cycle and
• Belief that only one type of substance makes everything up
• Subjective Idealism
Everything made has the qualities of mind; all we have is ideas
of things
Nothing is corporal
• Pantheism
Everything that exists is part of God
• Materialism
Denies the existence of thinking substance
Refined version is Physicalism
Everything can be reduced to something
studied by Science, such as energy, etc…
Identity Theory
• A form of Physicalism
• Reductionist View
All mental states are identical/reducible to physical states
E.g. pain IS the firing of C-Fibers
• Token Identity
Tokens are a particular event
States are identical, but not directly
Everyone experiences a token differently; if they experienced it the same way, they’d
be the same person
• Type Identity
Types are a a broad categorization of tokens (E.g. pain can be anything from being punched to
falling down)
All pain produces the same state
All mental types are physical types; reduces everything to physics
• Token vs Type in linguistics; saying “Flower flower flower flower” has one type of word, four
tokens (individual instances) of the word
Identity Theory
• Refutation
Hilary Putnam says it is too narrow-minded
If an alien with a completely different
chemical makeup feels pain, how would it feel pain
if it has a different brain?
Putnam states when thinking of something
like pain, we should think more of the psychological
state than the physical state
The output is what matters, not the
Eventually leads to Multiple
Realizability and Funtionalism
Gilbert Ryle
• Wrote The Concept of Mind
Attacks Cartesian Dualism
“The Ghost in the Machine”
Mind and body are polar opposites, every being is
both, mind is the pilot of the ship
• Believes Descartes commits a category mistake
Fallacy when you confuse something that’s part of one logical
category and put it into another category
E.g. going to a university, looking at the individual
buildings, then asking where the university is
States Descartes applies physical words to something
Sameness of Body Criterion
• We are the same person over time because of
our body
• Brain is part of the body
Therefore, as long as we have the same brain,
we have the same person
Embodiment of Self
• Body identifies the person
As long as you have the same body, you will be the same
• David Hume
Believes there is no constant immutable belief
Denies the idea of a self
The closest thing to a self is a stream of ideas
“The self is nothing but a bundle or collection of
different perceptions which succeed each other with
inconceivable rapidity and are in perpetual flux”
We are constantly improving and changing
Phineas Gage
• Foreman in railway construction company
Many positive qualities, efficient, hardworking,
Had an accident where a pole destroyed part of his
brain, but survived retaining all of his memories
After accident, many of his traits changed, so
much so that he was called “No Longer Gage”
Indifferent, capricious, irreverent, etc…
Transorbital Lobotomies
• Dr. Egas Moniz
Portuguese Doctor who invented the lobotomy
• Dr. Walter Freedman
Invented Icepick Lobotomies in U.S.
Used hammers to drive an icepick into someone’s
brain through their eyelids
Performed all over the U.S.
• In a Transorbital Lobotomy, a part of the frontal lobe is
destroyed to make people behave in socially
acceptable ways
Really made them zombies
Continuity of Memories Criterion
• Are we the person we are because of memories
• Need some or most memories to be the person
• John Locke
What makes a person a person?
Thinking being, consciousness separate from thinking, awareness of
who we are, sameness of rational being
• Under this, we can be multiple people in the same life
Gallant Officer Objection
If A=B and B=C then C=A; identity should be transitive
Someone steals an apple at five years old
50 years later, he wins the medal of honor, but still remembers the
20 years later, he remembers winning the medal of honor,
but forgets the apple
In this case, A=B and B=C but A=/=C
Psychological Continuity Criterion
• We are the same person because our bundle of traits,
desires, beliefs, qualities, etc…
• Conditions
A=B if A is psychologically continuous with B, and A isn’t
psychologically continuous with anyone else
• What if we were cloned, and our real body died
Would our clone still be us?
What if we survived, and the clone and individual went
their separate ways
If they met again 20 years later, would they be the
same person?
Nature of the Mind
• Can something nonhuman have a mind?
• Mind/Body Problem
• How do we know something has a mind?
• Cognitive Sciences
Study of the Mind and Intenlligence
Intelligence System
Something that can potentially be
Bertrand Russell
• Analogy Argument
We look within ourselves and know what causes us to
behave how we do
When we see others behaving similarly to us, we
put our reasoning behind them
• We assume higher intelligence has the same
experiences as us
E.g. Tigers feel pleasure, dogs feel pain, etc…
• Machines don’t think, but have the ability to do things
that require thought for us
Russell says that machines are missing purpose
• What are functions?
Two senses
Purpose of a thing
y=2x and 2y=4x are different functions, but with the same
purpose and are equivalent
• Functional Description vs. Physical Description
What is purpose vs. the architecture of it
An example would be is an artificial heart a legitimate heart, because
even though it is made differently, it serves the same purpose?
• Anything that satisfies a function is a computer
In the mind of a functionalist, our minds are computers
• Is Cognition computation?
If so, there is nothing biological about thinking
• Theory of Mind
• Mental States are explained in purely functional ways
Defined by input/outputs
Follow a rule to go from one thing to another
• Gives rise to computer metaphor
Mind is to man what software is to computer
• Multiple Realizability
Multiple different types of architecture can realize the
same function
• Functions are inherently equivalent
• Nothing biological about the mind
• Simulation vs. Emulation
Are they equal
• Can a Machine think?
• Learning
Change in behavior that rises from experience
Do machines Learn and evolve?
• Machines must follow rules. Machines must
be rational and are incapable of irrationality
Alan Turing
• Founding father of computer sciences
• Enigma Project
Decoded German Cyphers
• Created the Turing Test
The Imitation Game
• Three Participants
Male, Female, and Interrogator
Interrogator must determine which is
All are in different rooms and
communicate in writing
Either the male or the female must imitate what
the other would say stereotypically
Turing Test
• Same concept as imitation game, but rather
than a male and a female, it is played between
a machine and a human
Interrogator must determine which is the
Machine tries to be human
• Tests whether or not a machine is intelligent
Is fluency in language equivalent to intelligence?
What is a Machine
• Three parts
Central Processing Unit (CPU); carries out orders
Control; Order is obeyed
• All digital computers are equal in the same
sense all humans are equal
All computers can implement any algorithm
Turing’s Prediction
• By 2000, machines will be indistinguishable
from humans and there will be a gigabyte of
storage in machines
We aren’t close to making machines
indistinguishable from humans
1 gb is next to nothing today
John Searle
• American Philosopher and Teacher at Berkley
• Chinese Thought Experiment
While Searle believes in weak AI, he doesn’t believe in Strong AI; AI with a
If given instructions on how to transcribe Chinese letters, after ten years of
practice, will he know Chinese?
He can do it, but won’t understand it
• Cognitivism
Take the analogy “Mind is to Human what software is to machine” literally
• Searle believes the key to the mind is understanding
Producing the right behavior is not equal to knowing the right behavior
• Conclusions
As long as programs are defined as operations, they cannot comprehend
Has Syntax but no Semantics
John Searle
• Robot Reply
If a computer is in a robot, and it did something
similar to perceive its environment rather than
perform operations, can it think?
If equipped with video camera and storage, and it
sees a pig, can it understand the pig it sees?
• Searle believes that a machine can simulate a
human, but cannot emulate a human
With no meaning, it won’t do anything but produce
John Searle
• Reductionism
Belief we can reduce higher level stuff to lower level stuff
Mental states reduce to physical states
• Consciousness is defined by Searle as the subjective
character of experience
Problem is we only have access to our own minds
We cannot understand what others perceive
Believes we cannot explain consciousness through biology
E.g. Bats have echolocation
We understand how it works, but we
don’t understand what it’s like to have
• Study of morally permissible, impermissible, and
What we should do, shouldn’t do, and must do
• Normative discipline
How it ought to be rather than how it is
• Ethical issues
Gay rights, abortion, etc…
Always at least one big ethical issue in the
Anatomy of Moral Theories
• Ethics is concerned with enabling us to know what we ought to do
• Moral Principle
Moral rule
Articulates what makes it moral
• Rational Principle
What we can follow to make sure we follow the moral principle
• Moral Objectivist Theories
Some actions are always permissible, impermissible, obligatory
No exceptions
• Moral Nonobjectivist Theories
No actions are black and white
Case-by-case basis
Moral Objectivist Theories
• Divine Command Theory
God delivers morals
Actions must accord with God’s will
• Virtue Based Ethics
A thing is right depending on the virtue
We must used reason to find the virtuous thing to do
Aristotle defines it as “The mean between the
• Duty Based Ethics
An action is only moral if it coincides with our duty
Moral Nonobjectivist Theories
• Moral Subjectivism
An action is right only if the person decides it is
Varies person to person
Moral Relativism
Morals determined by society
Varies society to society
• Moral Nihilism
There is no standard, everything is permissible
• Consequentialism
A thing is right only if the consequences are good
End justifies the means
Moral Egoism
We do that which makes us happiest
We do that which makes society the best
• Cultural Relativism
Some things are permissible in some cultures,
impermissible in others
Objective fact
Has nothing to do with morality
E.g. slavery was permissible in the antebellum south,
eating certain foods is impermissible in some societies
• Moral Relativism
How it ought to be
E.g. is female circumcision moral?
Ruth Benedict
• Draws distinction between abnormal and normal
Should abide by normal behavior in a society
Abnormal behavior falls outside of cultural norms
How much is influenced by our culture
Is it biological?
• Concludes normality is culturally defined
Most individuals are plastics who are molded by our
• Is there something more to a society than societal
James Rachels
• Claims the plasticity of society doesn’t determine morality
• Cultural Differences Argument
People claim there is no objective morality due to cultural relativism
Rachels claims that this idea is not cogent and is unsound
Some societies believed in a geocentric view, others in a
heliocentric view; does this mean that there was no objective truth regarding
the matter because there are disagreements?
Moral relativists cannot defend that genocide is objectively
Reformers always advocate something immoral under this
• Customs are not equal to values
• Universal Values according to Rachels
Protecting infants
Truth Telling
Valuing of Life
No murder
• Ayn Rand’s Philosophy
Objectivism, perception is reliable, we can
obtain knowledge through senses, etc…
Criticism is that the pursuit of happiness of ones
own selfish desires is advocated
Predicated on unabashed selfishness
• There is both a descriptive and normative
dimension of egoism
Psychological Egoism
• Descriptive dimension of Egoism
• Empirical view of why people act how they do
People act selfishly
• Is it true?
Problem is we can spin anything to be selfish
E.g. if someone jumps on a hand grenade
to save his comrades, we can say he did it out of
a desire to obtain honor
Moral Egoism
• Normative dimension of Egoism
• Individual Moral Egoism
People must do what they do in order to make x happy
X can be a family member, a friend, etc…
Example would be the friend who has to control everything
Everything centers around him
Go to his movie, eat his food, play his game,
• Universal Moral Egoism
People ought to do that which maximizes his/her own
Plato’s Origin of Justice
• From the Republic
Glaucon and Socrates (Voice of Plato) are the
main characters
“The mean and compromise to do that
which is the best of all (To do injustice and not
be punished) and the worst of all (To suffer
injustice without retaliation); justice, the middle,
is tolerated”
Defends using the Story of Gyges
The Story of Gyges
• A warrior in a Greek City-State
Discovers a ring that makes him invisible
• Behavior personifies moral egoism
Can do whatever he wants without punishment
i.e. the best life
• Conspires against king and kills him
• Plato says no one would be able to resist this
Hobbes’ Origin of Justice
• From The Leviathan
All men are equal at the core
All men think of themselves as wise
Delude themselves on the extent of their knowledge
In nature, humans do that which make them happy
Every man for himself, no standard for right and wrong
“When there is no rule, there is no low; when there is no law, there is no
In order to achieve civility, two things are needed
Social Contract
Unrestrained freedom in the state of nature must be
constrained by laws and mutual covenants
Strong Authority
To prevent violation of social contract
Lewis Pojman
• Personal/Psychological Egoism
Selfish by choice; descriptive view
• Individual Moral Egoism
Person who expects everyone to conform to his happiness
• Universal Moral Egoism
What makes me happy
• Attempted refutations of Egoism
Publicity Argument
Self-defeating for the egoist to push an egotistical philosophical theory
If everyone is an egoism, my individual happiness will suffer
However, says an egoism can privately support egoism, but publicly condemn it
Solipsistic Argument
Egoism assumes I and only I exist
Paradox of Egoism
In order to reap the benefits of egoism, one must give up egoism and become
Richard Dawkins
• Socio-Biologist
Draws parallels from nature to human behavior
• “Morality is a successful strategy for gene replication”
Only occurs in society
• Uses Bird Colony Example
Suckers (Altruistic)
Will groom any bird that presents itself for grooming
Cheaters (Egoists)
Bird that will present itself for grooming, but won’t groom
Grudges (Reciprocal Altruists)
Will only groom a bird that grooms it first
In colonies of suckers, everyone thrives
In colonies of cheaters, everyone loses
In a mix, cheaters rely on the suckers
Determines selfishness is not good for society
• Tutored Alexander the Great
• Believed in a hierarchy of knowledge
^ Metaphysics (Most contemplative)
v Ethics (Most practical)
• Unlike Plato and Socrates, had no disdain for empiricism
• Wrote The Nichomachean Ethics
What is our aim?
What is Happiness?
Masses “Do not give the same account
as the wise”
Aristotle’s Definition of Happiness
• Life of Pleasure (Happiness=Pleasure)
Masses mostly subscribe to this (The “uneducated and vulgar”)
Seek momentary, fleeting pleasures as happiness
The sensual life
• The Political Life (Honor/Status=Happiness)
Pursuit of honor and wealth
Upper classes
• The Moral Life (Knowledge=Pleasure)
The “Chief Good”
Contemplative Life
Knowledge and virtue
Happiness is an end, not a means to an end
Result of a compilation of activity of the soul and a complete life
Happiness is not fleeting
How to Achieve Aristotle’s Happiness
• We use reason to learn what we ought to do
• External Things
Need a moderate amount of material objects
Required for happiness
• Action
Must practice a passion
Must know actions are virtuous
Right thing for the right reason
Deliberately choose to do the right thing for its own sake
“By performing brave acts we become brave”
• Use of Reason
• Virtue
• Intellectual Virtue
Attained through learning/teaching
• Moral Virtue
Attained by doing virtuous things
What you ought to do is the mean between the extremes
Some actions have no mean
Murder, adultery, etc… are always wrong
Some do have a mean
We use reason to find the mean
Courage(Virtue) Overconfidence
Immanuel Kant
• Critique of Pure Reason
• Kant’s Ethics
Deontelogical Ethics
Based on Duty
Duty Based Ethics
• What are duties
Things we ought to do, but don’t have to do
“You don’t get an ought from an is or an is from an ought”
Ought to eat right, but not everyone does
There is slavery, but isn’t right
• Consequences are irrelevant
The wrong thing for the right reasons are moral
• How to determine our duties
Can’t defer to authority or religion
Use reason as a rational agent
• Categorical Imperative
Rule to discover our duties
Act on an action if, hypothetically, it would be a good universal law
Must allow everyone to do it
Everyone should be obligated to do it
• Duties must be autonomous, and there are no exceptions
Duty Based Ethics
• Hypothetical Imperative
Actions you perform for the sake of something else
Not moral or immoral, since it’s for an end
E.g. studying for a test, which is a means to
the end of the duty of fulfilling one’s own potential
• Problems
Ignores consequences
Duties vary person to person
Absolutely binding
John Stuart Mill
• Conventionalist (Nothing is ever true)
• Did not invent utilitarianism, just pushed it
His essay, Utilitarianism, gives a concise
definition of utilitarianism
• Greatest Happiness Principle
What is moral is what causes the greatest amount of happiness
• What is Utilitarian Happiness?
Maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain
• Consequentialism
Weight consequences and choose best option
• Commonly attributed to the sensual life
Mill states this is a misconception
• Definition of Greatest Happiness Principle
Not happiness for the agent, but greatest happiness altogether
Individuals happiness is irrelevant
Some pleasures are greater than others
“Better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied”
Uses Aristotle’s hierarchy
Sensual pleasures are lowest, knowledge is greatest
• Act Utilitarianism
Mill’s Utilitarianism
Weigh each cost individually
Consequences of A vs. B, do that which maximizes happiness
Issues is that it is very time-consuming
What if the time for action passes while contemplating
Is the Greatest Happiness simply a majority?
E.g. if 51% of people are against Gay Marriage, does that mean it
should be illegal?
What if the majority is wrong?
• Rule Utilitarianism
Act on rule of that which maximizes greatest happiness
Create conceptions of rules ahead of time
• Issue with utilitarianism is that it is argumentum ad populum

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Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 2 24
Jude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptx
Jude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptxJude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptx
Jude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptx

Philosophy 101

  • 2. What is Philosophy • Bertrand Russell Philosophy is an intermediary of theology and Science • Philosophy is not a world view • Etymology of the Word “Love of Wisdom”
  • 3. What is Philosophy • Definition of the Word Investigating underlying reasons for reality Understanding based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods • Analogy Psychology is a science that studies mental processes and behaviors Philosophy comes from reason Just like psychology, philosophy has subfields
  • 4. What is Philosophy • Philosophical Questions Fundamental, open questions that cannot be solved through experience What must or mustn’t be the case based on preconceptions What is mind vs Nature of the Mind Not Philosophical Philosophical • Conflict between ideas creates fundamental questions View that mind is different than brain View that mind is brain View that mind is controlled by brain Which is most reasonable to believe
  • 5. What is Philosophy • Must use reason to resolve Scientific evidence can be used, but answer must be based on reason Critical Reasoning • Need to communicate on equitable terms Philosophy is finding the truth Must use common meanings • Philosophy is settled through argument • Two Parts of Every Argument Claim  Anyone can make Supporting Evidence  Difficult E.g. God is not perfect because his creation is imperfect Claim Evidence
  • 6. Subfields of Psychology • History of Psychology Study of the emergence of Psychology Compare and Contrast Plato vs Descartes, importance of dualism, etc… • Philosophy of Religion Nature of God What is God • Epistemology Epi- Has to do with knowledge Nature and origin of knowledge Knowledge is special Different than belief How to acquire, innate knowledge, rationalists, empiricists, etc…
  • 7. Subfields of Psychology • Metaphysics Questions about existance Does God exist? Reasons for and against Essence of the Mind What makes a person a person What makes a person the same person over time If different, is it just to punish you for something you did yesterday? • Socio-Political Philosophy Justice, Order, and Authority Idealist How it ought to be
  • 8. Subfields of Psychology • Philosophy of the mind Different than psychology Predates • Philosophy of Language Nature of language Syntax is necessary Organization Syntax refers to the form, semantics the content Can we have thoughts without language • Philosophy of Science Assumptions of the limitations of Science • Aesthetics Principles of Art forms Purpose and importance of Art What is Art?
  • 9. Subfields of Psychology • Logic Good Reasoning vs. Bad Reasoning What makes an assumption dubious • Ethics Study for what we should do morally Concepts and permissions for what is morally permissible, impermissible, and obligatory • Normative Disciplines Logic and Ethics What we should do to get a desired result • Descriptive Discipline How to do/Why All other subfields of Psychology
  • 10. Misconceptions of Philosophy • You have to be wise to be a philosopher Philosophy is reason, not spewing witticisms • Assertion makes you a philosopher • Everyone’s opinion is equal to another's An experts opinion is worth more than yours • You will always get the truth Truth is aim, but it may boil down to an educated guess • It is critical Philosophy is critical of Views, not people
  • 11. Reasons for Philosophy • Independent thinking and tolerance increases • Awareness of ambiguities and fallacies in arguments • Compels to take a reason for what others believe is self-evident • Compels to think, rather than memorizing definitions
  • 12. Arguments • Main use for reason is arguments Logic is devoted to the art of arguments • Arguments are everywhere • Formal Language No artificial language or symbols • Informal Language Powerful
  • 13. What is an Argument • What someone offers through language to show truth • Consists of a claim supported by evidence • Standard Form Argument Explicitly number Conclusion at the bottom next to therefore symbol Line separating evidence from claim Easy to evaluate, reveals logical structure • Prose More difficult to recognize
  • 14. How to Recognize an Argument • Indicators Claims Therefore, accordingly, so, hence, etc… Evidence Because, first, from, since, etc…
  • 15. Useful Generalizations About Arguments • May occur anywhere in a passage • Evidence and Claims are relative terms Depends on role in an argument • Every premise/evidence is an assumption Don’t explain evidence Truth is presupposed Implicit Assumption Hidden assumption Explicit Assumption Shown Assumptions Dubious Assumption Wrong assumption
  • 16. Assumptions • Because no academy award winning actor has ever won a Noble Prize, Kevin Spacey has never won an academy award Underlined is explicit Implicit assumptions Kevin Spacey has won a noble prize It is possible to win a noble prize Noble Prize exists • Cats Love Tuna Implicit assumptions Cats exist Cats eat tuna
  • 17. Assumptions • Some conclusions can be assumed All cheaters are dishonest, and you are a cheater Conclusion is that you are dishonest • Rhetorical Questions Questions can never be conclusions, because they can never be true or false They have no truth value Avoid when offering evidence
  • 18. Background Information • Not every statement has to be evidence or a conclusion Background information can be used The iPhone, which was created by Apple, introduced the concept of a multi-touch interface, completely revolutionizing the phone industry.
  • 19. Evaluating Arguments • For an argument to be good, it must not violate the principles of good reasoning • Cogent Argument Good argument • Fallacious Argument Bad argument
  • 20. The RIFUT Rule • For an argument to be cogent, it must be: Relevant Independent of the Conclusion Free of Dubious Assumptions Unambiguous True and Consistent
  • 21. Truth and Consistency of Argument • Can’t know anything if it is untrue • Definite refutation if evidence is proven false • Consistency Set of statements that can all be proven true Inconsistent if all cannot be simultaneously true Definite refutation Killing is immoral, killing in selfdefense is moral
  • 22. Independence of Argument • Cannot show claim is true by assuming claim is true • Cannot restate claim as evidence God created the world, and therefore he exists Circular Argument • Not all valid arguments are good arguments • Never assume the truth of conclusion when providing evidence
  • 23. Free of Dubious Assumptions • Fallacy of presumption Assume something unproven and unreasonable is a truth • Fallacy of Composition Because part of ___ has ___, all of ___ has ___ Assumes what’s true of part is true of the whole • Fallacy of Division Assumes what’s true of whole is true of parts Cannot go from whole to part or visa-versa • False Dilemma/Black and White Fallacy Oversimplifies complex issue by stating fewer sides than there are and demanding a decision “If you don’t support gay rights, you are a homophobe”
  • 24. Relevance • Fallacy of Relevance Does an argument commit a non-sequitur Claim does not follow from evidence • Ad Hominem Person A attacks Person B to discredit argument “Don’t attack the messenger” • Ad Populum Appeal to people to win support for claims Do something because other people do Evoke emotions • Appeal to Ignorance Claim true because hasn’t been proven false, or visa-versa • Appeal to Inappropriate Authority Appeal to expert regarding something other than area of expertise Michael Jordan wears these sneakers, so you should too
  • 25. Relevance • Genetic Fallacy Attribute validity on basis of origin “Planned parenthood was founded by a racist, so the organization is racist”
  • 26. Other Fallacies • Straw Man Exaggerate/Misrepresent than attack the exaggerated version • Slippery Slope Fallacy Distorts view and claims one thing will lead to undesired consequences, therefore it is invalid • Irrelevent Conclusion Fallacy Catch-all “Sophie is a cat who likes tuna, so the full moon eats people” • Red Herring Fallacy Where something unrelated to the topic at hand is used to divert from it “I don’t want to go to school, the gas price is too high and driving there would be expensive”
  • 27. History of Philosophy • Four periods of Western Philosophy Ancient Period Medieval Period Modern Period Contemporary Period
  • 28. Ancient Philosophy (6th century B.C.) • Begins in Greece • Presocratics Philosophers before Socrates First people to give non-religious answers to fundamental questions in Western Philosophy Malaysians Dealt with Cosmological Questions about the nature of the universe Pythagoras Coined the term Philosopher Xenophanes Created Epistemology, Rational Theology Anaxagoras Charged with impiety
  • 29. Ancient Philosophy (6th century B.C.) • Sophists Itinerant teachers who taught common people how to argue • Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
  • 30. Medieval Period (11th-14th century) • Dominated by Catholic Church • St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas • Jewish and Muslim philosophers reintroduce Roman culture to the world • Achem’s Razor Simpler of two arguments, with all else being equal, will more likely be correct • St. Francis Bacon Designs Scientific Method • Thomas Hobbes Leviathan explains how society emerges from nature Socio-Political Philosopher
  • 31. Modern Period (16th-18th Century) • Rene Descartes Father of Modern Philosophy • Major philosophies of the time were Rationalism and Empiricism • Baruch Spinoza Key Rationalist • John Locke Key Empiricist • Immanuel Kant Moral Theory; based on duty
  • 32. Contemporary Period (19th centuryModern Times) • Continental Philosophy Existentialism, Socialism, Feminism, etc… Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche, etc… Mainly on European Continent • Anglo-American Philosophy Analytic Philosophy Utilitarianism, Pragmatism William James, Bertrand Russell, Camus Mainly England and America
  • 33. Socrates (469-399 B.C.) • Wrote Nothing • Against empirical knowledge • Associated with justice, morals, ethics • Socratic Method Question and answer method • Taught Plato, who taught Aristotle
  • 34. Plato • Father of idealism, rationalism, socio-political philosophy • The Republic Dialogue concerning ideal state • Founded the Academy Prototype of all Western Universities Included Mathematics Lasted 900 years
  • 35. Plato’s Apology • One of Plato’s many dialogues Socrates is main character • Athens trial in 399 Athens was true Democracy, all citizen participate fully • Accusers Meletus , Antius bring charges Corrupting youth, impiety Socrates criticizers Many people slander him
  • 36. Socrates’ Defense • Claims he doesn’t deal with physical matters • Claims he is not a teacher He knows nothing, does not travel, does not take money • Origin of trouble Asked Oracle if anyone was wiser than he Oracle says no Sets out on religious quest to find someone wiser than him Goes to people who claim to have wisdom Through Socratic Method, embarrasses them Politicians, Poets, Artisans
  • 37. Socrates’ Defense • Meletus Represents poets Claims everyone besides Socrates elevates youth; and eventually that Socrates intentionally harms youth Socrates says no one intentionally harms himself, so why would he harm children if it would hurt him by association If Meletus truly cared about the youth, he would’ve tried stopping Socrates before Claims Socrates was an atheist Socrates says Oracle’s mission was God’s command
  • 38. The Vote • 31 vote margin makes Socrates guilty • Over 500 jurors • Accusers recommend death penalty Socrates recommends no punishment, full room and board at a luxurious job “Concedes” to 1 mina fine, then eventually 30 mina Condemned to death after his recommendation by an over 100 vote margin
  • 39. Philosophy of Religion • Study of the nature of religion • Many types of Religion • Does God Exist? Monotheistic God of Islam, Judaism, Christianity • How is belief in God justified Appeal to faith Belief independent of evidence and thought
  • 40. Theology • Study of God and attributes in relation to the world • Natural Theology Can be established by reason • Revealed Theology Revelation • Theists, Agnostics, Atheists
  • 41. Definition of God • A person with divine attributes Not necessarily a human Person Basic concept in ethics Responsibilities, rights, free will A rational, autonomous, moralistic being • A perfect person Infallible Divine Attributes Omniscient, omnipotent, immutable, omnitemporal, omnibenevolent
  • 42. Problem of Evil • How can evil exist with an all good God • Arguments Nothing can be intrinsically evil Done for greater good Doesn’t allow arguments to the contrary Circular Definition • Appeal to free will God doesn’t cause evil Comes from people, who are autonomous Are natural disasters evil? Evil can only arise through choice Is eternal damnation evil If God is omniscient, how can we have free will God knows but doesn’t intervene?
  • 43. Arguments for God • Called Proofs • A posteriori Proofs Proofs known through experience only • A priori Proofs Isn’t justified though experience
  • 44. Cosmological Arguments • A posteriori proof • Prove God’s existence using commonly known facts of the universe • St. Thomas Aquinas The Five Ways Second way; Argument from Efficient Cause to First Cause
  • 45. Argument from Efficient Cause to First Cause • Cosmological Argument • Things are caused • Things cannot come from themselves • There cannot be an infinite regress of causes • There must be an uncaused first cause • God is the uncaused first cause • Therefore God exists • Refutation Inconsistency Fallacy; #2, 5 #5 does not show God still exists
  • 46. Teleological Argument • A posteriori proof • Argument from end product of nature to prove intelligent design • William Paley Watch Argument Given complexity and purpose, assume creator
  • 47. Watch Argument • Human artifacts represent intelligent design • Universe resembles artifacts • Therefore universe resembles intelligent design • Universe is complex • Therefore, must be powerful designer • Refutation Inductive Argument Certain degree of probability, doesn’t prove Doesn’t prove God exists today Indirectly circular (#1) Does purpose follow from design? Is complexity proof of intelligent design David Hume Strength of inductive argument is dependent on its relevance; most things don’t have a strong relevance
  • 48. Ontological Argument • A priori proof • God’s existence follows from the idea of God • St. Anselm Scholasticism What was taught concerning universals based on St. Thomas Aquinas Faith and reasoning, etc… Is life a trait? We don’t use it as such
  • 49. Anselm’s Argument • God is something which nothing greater be conceived • Nonbeliever knows what God is They understand something which nothing greater be conceived • If it existed in the mind alone it wouldn’t be something from which nothing greater can be conceived, because existence in reality is greater than existence in the mind • Therefore, God exists by virtue of his definition • Refutation Reductio ad absurdum Deduce contradiction from opposite of what must be true; e.g. rocks must have weight otherwise they’d float Immanuel Kant The idea alone is different than actually having it Guanillo Same logic can be applied to an island; so there must be a hidden island
  • 50. Brain In A Vat • If our brain was removed and placed in a vat where it was controlled, and we experienced life as if we had a body, did it happen? • How do we know if this is all real • Can we rely on our senses? • Epistemological and Metaphysical conundrum • Rene Descartes laid foundation for this • Objectivity vs. Subjectivity; which is more reliable
  • 51. Epistemology • Anybody can believe something; knowledge, however, is something special The philosophical study of knowledge is Epistemology • Two types of knowledge Performative Knowledge How to; I know how to _____ Propositional Knowledge That; I know that_____
  • 52. Propositional Knowledge • A Priori Knowledge Can be justified by reason alone E.g. 2 is greater than 1 • A Posteriori Knowledge Can be justified by experience alone • S(omeone) Knows that P(ropositional Knowledge) Way to remember Propositional Knowledge E.g. I know that I am human • Three conditions for Propositional Knowledge S has to believe P S has to be justified in that belief P must be true
  • 53. The Truth Condition • Truth must be consistent People used to “know” that the earth was flat In retrospect, they didn’t know that, they just believed that • Truth is a property • Subjectivist Theory of Truth Everyone has their own truth • Relativist Theory of Truth Truth varies by the beliefs of the time • Objectivist Theory of Truth Truth is objective and a property; either it’s true or it’s not
  • 54. The Truth Condition • Bertrand Russell Stated that truth can only be applied to beliefs and statements Requirements for a Theory of Truth Allows Falsehood Truth can be a property of beliefs Wholly dependent on connection to outside world • Coherence Theory Belief is true when it coheres with our other beliefs There can be more than one true set of beliefs Rebuttal Presupposes Law of Noncontradiction Just because it coheres with our other beliefs doesn’t mean it’s true
  • 55. The Truth Condition • Correspondence Theory Our beliefs must correspond with the world and facts People believe facts are dubious entries; truth is a necessary condition for knowledge We must look outside our beliefs to know something
  • 56. Epistemological Theories • Modern Period begins with Rene Descartes Period rises from skepticism • Rationalism Reason is a fundamental means of acquiring knowledge Requires certainties for knowledge Innate Knowledge Based on mathematical thinking, deduction • Empiricism Experience is a fundamental means of gaining knowledge No innate knowledge Tabla Rosa; blank slate Based on Scientific thinking
  • 57. Rene Descartes • Renaissance Man • Wrote The Meditations Six in all First Meditation is on doubt Attacks the senses Claim they deceive him, and that it is not prudent to follow wholly that which has previously deceived us
  • 58. Meditation 1 • Descartes determines all of his prior beliefs are wrong, and is in search for a new foundation for knowledge Wants to discover one thing that is impossible to doubt Can deduce other things from this which are indubitable • Cartesian Doubt To doubt all belief to find something impossible to doubt • Senses cannot be indubitable, according to Descartes Applies reason only
  • 59. Meditation 2 • Discovers something impossible to doubt I think, therefore I am Foundation for Descartes philosophy Even if he were deceived by some malevolent being, something must exist to be deceived Doesn’t know who he is or what he is, but knows that he is He deduces that he is a thing that thinks • Foundation for Dualism Believes in two different substances, corporal (body) and mind (Immaterial)
  • 60. John Locke • Empiricist, Academic, Government Official • Major work was An Essay Concerning Human Understanding • Hugely influential on colonies in America
  • 61. An Essay… • Systematically identifies the origin of human knowledge • We need ideas Gives us knowledge How do we obtain ideas? • Believes we should not try to question things to certainty because you cannot know everything • Principle of Identity Things are themselves • Shuns the idea of innate knowledge Just because everyone believes something doesn’t mean it’s innate Cannot find one belief that is commonly held by everyone • What is an Idea Whatever the mind perceives in itself Basic Building Blocks of Knowledge Sensation Reflection; when the mind considers itself
  • 62. An Essay… • How are simple ideas produced (Colors, Sounds, etc…) We don’t obtain them prior to experience Obtain through qualities in bodies Primary Qualities-In the things themselves Shape, etc… Secondary Qualities-Sensible Qualities Feel, taste, etc… Tertiary Qualities-Qualities that change primary qualities Melting, etc… • Nothing can exist without ideas Words, actions, etc…
  • 63. An Essay… • Intuitive Knowledge Must perceive two different ideas without any outside influence Highest, most sure knowledge • Demonstrative Knowledge Mind employs intermediary ideas Less certain E.g. Humans are mortal, Socrates was human, therefore Socrates was mortal • Sensitive Knowledge Mind perceives external objects Most limited type of knowledge Comes from senses
  • 64. Philosophy of Mind • Personal Identity • Fundamental Questions about the mind • What is a person An autonomous, rational, moral agent Has rights, responsibilities What makes a person the same person over time The soul? The brain? Traits? Sameness is more powerful than similarity
  • 65. What Makes a Person a Person • A person is a bearer of rights and responsibilities • Needs to be rational • Needs to be autonomous • Needs to be a moral agent Capable of Inflicting Harm • A person doesn’t have to be a human being • A human being isn’t always a person
  • 66. Does a Soul Make a Person the Same Person Over Time? • As long as the soul exists, we exist, hypothetically Soul exists post mortem • Sameness of Soul Criterion As long as you have the same soul, you will be the same person • Criteria for a Soul A soul must be immaterial Doesn’t abide by the laws of mechanics Everlasting Cannot be quantified Is not the body
  • 67. Cartesian Dualism • There are two things that make a human being The mind (Immaterial) and corporal substance (Material) • Consistent with most theories of human life (Like religion) Something about beliefs is immaterial and unexplainable Something like vision requires an awareness of what exists • Metaphysical View Second Meditation; I think therefore I am What am I? Not primarily a corporal substance The essence of the body is extension Occupies space, can be perceived, quantifiable If you melt wax is it still the same wax? Descartes believes it is You don’t get awareness from a body
  • 68. Cartesian Dualism • Descartes believes we are primarily thinking substances A thing that thinks, feels, and argues A mind, a soul Properties Immaterial Essence of minds is thought Makes us who we are • Machines and animals can’t think because it is the soul that thinks Animals are automatons, machines with soft tissue • Absolute separation of the mind from the body Descartes’ Analogy We are the pilot of a ship that we are strongly linked to
  • 69. Cartesian Dualism • Problems with Dualism Using doubt for property divergence I cannot doubt I have a mind, I can doubt I have a body, therefore Body and Mind aren’t the same thing Mind/Body Problem (The Problem of Causation) How can the mind affect the body and visa-versa so intimately if they are different Drinking alcohol can impair the mind, even though it is physical Where is the locus of interaction Descartes believes the pineal gland The “Third Eye,” likely controls sleep cycle and dreaming
  • 70. Monism • Belief that only one type of substance makes everything up • Subjective Idealism Everything made has the qualities of mind; all we have is ideas of things Nothing is corporal • Pantheism Everything that exists is part of God • Materialism Denies the existence of thinking substance Refined version is Physicalism Everything can be reduced to something studied by Science, such as energy, etc…
  • 71. Identity Theory • A form of Physicalism • Reductionist View All mental states are identical/reducible to physical states E.g. pain IS the firing of C-Fibers • Token Identity Tokens are a particular event States are identical, but not directly Everyone experiences a token differently; if they experienced it the same way, they’d be the same person • Type Identity Types are a a broad categorization of tokens (E.g. pain can be anything from being punched to falling down) All pain produces the same state All mental types are physical types; reduces everything to physics • Token vs Type in linguistics; saying “Flower flower flower flower” has one type of word, four tokens (individual instances) of the word
  • 72. Identity Theory • Refutation Hilary Putnam says it is too narrow-minded If an alien with a completely different chemical makeup feels pain, how would it feel pain if it has a different brain? Putnam states when thinking of something like pain, we should think more of the psychological state than the physical state The output is what matters, not the input Eventually leads to Multiple Realizability and Funtionalism
  • 73. Gilbert Ryle • Wrote The Concept of Mind Attacks Cartesian Dualism “The Ghost in the Machine” Mind and body are polar opposites, every being is both, mind is the pilot of the ship • Believes Descartes commits a category mistake Fallacy when you confuse something that’s part of one logical category and put it into another category E.g. going to a university, looking at the individual buildings, then asking where the university is States Descartes applies physical words to something unobservable
  • 74. Sameness of Body Criterion • We are the same person over time because of our body • Brain is part of the body Therefore, as long as we have the same brain, we have the same person
  • 75. Embodiment of Self • Body identifies the person As long as you have the same body, you will be the same self • David Hume Believes there is no constant immutable belief Denies the idea of a self The closest thing to a self is a stream of ideas “The self is nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions which succeed each other with inconceivable rapidity and are in perpetual flux” We are constantly improving and changing
  • 76. Phineas Gage • Foreman in railway construction company Many positive qualities, efficient, hardworking, etc… Had an accident where a pole destroyed part of his brain, but survived retaining all of his memories After accident, many of his traits changed, so much so that he was called “No Longer Gage” Indifferent, capricious, irreverent, etc…
  • 77. Transorbital Lobotomies • Dr. Egas Moniz Portuguese Doctor who invented the lobotomy • Dr. Walter Freedman Invented Icepick Lobotomies in U.S. Used hammers to drive an icepick into someone’s brain through their eyelids Performed all over the U.S. • In a Transorbital Lobotomy, a part of the frontal lobe is destroyed to make people behave in socially acceptable ways Really made them zombies
  • 78. Continuity of Memories Criterion • Are we the person we are because of memories • Need some or most memories to be the person • John Locke What makes a person a person? Thinking being, consciousness separate from thinking, awareness of who we are, sameness of rational being • Under this, we can be multiple people in the same life Gallant Officer Objection If A=B and B=C then C=A; identity should be transitive Someone steals an apple at five years old 50 years later, he wins the medal of honor, but still remembers the apple 20 years later, he remembers winning the medal of honor, but forgets the apple In this case, A=B and B=C but A=/=C
  • 79. Psychological Continuity Criterion • We are the same person because our bundle of traits, desires, beliefs, qualities, etc… • Conditions A=B if A is psychologically continuous with B, and A isn’t psychologically continuous with anyone else • What if we were cloned, and our real body died Would our clone still be us? What if we survived, and the clone and individual went their separate ways If they met again 20 years later, would they be the same person?
  • 80. Nature of the Mind • Can something nonhuman have a mind? • Mind/Body Problem • How do we know something has a mind? • Cognitive Sciences Study of the Mind and Intenlligence Intelligence System Something that can potentially be intelligent
  • 81. Bertrand Russell • Analogy Argument We look within ourselves and know what causes us to behave how we do When we see others behaving similarly to us, we put our reasoning behind them • We assume higher intelligence has the same experiences as us E.g. Tigers feel pleasure, dogs feel pain, etc… • Machines don’t think, but have the ability to do things that require thought for us Russell says that machines are missing purpose
  • 82. Functionalism • What are functions? Two senses Purpose of a thing Equivalencies y=2x and 2y=4x are different functions, but with the same purpose and are equivalent • Functional Description vs. Physical Description What is purpose vs. the architecture of it An example would be is an artificial heart a legitimate heart, because even though it is made differently, it serves the same purpose? • Anything that satisfies a function is a computer In the mind of a functionalist, our minds are computers • Is Cognition computation? If so, there is nothing biological about thinking
  • 83. Functionalism • Theory of Mind • Mental States are explained in purely functional ways Defined by input/outputs Follow a rule to go from one thing to another • Gives rise to computer metaphor Mind is to man what software is to computer • Multiple Realizability Multiple different types of architecture can realize the same function • Functions are inherently equivalent • Nothing biological about the mind
  • 84. Functionalism • Simulation vs. Emulation Are they equal • Can a Machine think? • Learning Change in behavior that rises from experience Do machines Learn and evolve? • Machines must follow rules. Machines must be rational and are incapable of irrationality
  • 85. Alan Turing • Founding father of computer sciences • Enigma Project Decoded German Cyphers • Created the Turing Test
  • 86. The Imitation Game • Three Participants Male, Female, and Interrogator Interrogator must determine which is which All are in different rooms and communicate in writing Either the male or the female must imitate what the other would say stereotypically
  • 87. Turing Test • Same concept as imitation game, but rather than a male and a female, it is played between a machine and a human Interrogator must determine which is the machine Machine tries to be human • Tests whether or not a machine is intelligent Is fluency in language equivalent to intelligence?
  • 88. What is a Machine • Three parts Memory Central Processing Unit (CPU); carries out orders Control; Order is obeyed • All digital computers are equal in the same sense all humans are equal All computers can implement any algorithm
  • 89. Turing’s Prediction • By 2000, machines will be indistinguishable from humans and there will be a gigabyte of storage in machines We aren’t close to making machines indistinguishable from humans 1 gb is next to nothing today
  • 90. John Searle • American Philosopher and Teacher at Berkley • Chinese Thought Experiment While Searle believes in weak AI, he doesn’t believe in Strong AI; AI with a mind If given instructions on how to transcribe Chinese letters, after ten years of practice, will he know Chinese? He can do it, but won’t understand it • Cognitivism Take the analogy “Mind is to Human what software is to machine” literally • Searle believes the key to the mind is understanding Producing the right behavior is not equal to knowing the right behavior • Conclusions As long as programs are defined as operations, they cannot comprehend Has Syntax but no Semantics
  • 91. John Searle • Robot Reply If a computer is in a robot, and it did something similar to perceive its environment rather than perform operations, can it think? If equipped with video camera and storage, and it sees a pig, can it understand the pig it sees? • Searle believes that a machine can simulate a human, but cannot emulate a human With no meaning, it won’t do anything but produce sequences
  • 92. John Searle • Reductionism Belief we can reduce higher level stuff to lower level stuff Mental states reduce to physical states • Consciousness is defined by Searle as the subjective character of experience Problem is we only have access to our own minds We cannot understand what others perceive Believes we cannot explain consciousness through biology E.g. Bats have echolocation We understand how it works, but we don’t understand what it’s like to have
  • 93. Ethics • Study of morally permissible, impermissible, and obligatory What we should do, shouldn’t do, and must do • Normative discipline How it ought to be rather than how it is • Ethical issues Gay rights, abortion, etc… Always at least one big ethical issue in the media
  • 94. Anatomy of Moral Theories • Ethics is concerned with enabling us to know what we ought to do • Moral Principle Moral rule Articulates what makes it moral • Rational Principle What we can follow to make sure we follow the moral principle • Moral Objectivist Theories Some actions are always permissible, impermissible, obligatory No exceptions • Moral Nonobjectivist Theories No actions are black and white Case-by-case basis
  • 95. Moral Objectivist Theories • Divine Command Theory God delivers morals Actions must accord with God’s will • Virtue Based Ethics A thing is right depending on the virtue We must used reason to find the virtuous thing to do Aristotle defines it as “The mean between the extremes” • Duty Based Ethics An action is only moral if it coincides with our duty
  • 96. Moral Nonobjectivist Theories • Moral Subjectivism Relativism An action is right only if the person decides it is Varies person to person Moral Relativism Morals determined by society Varies society to society • Moral Nihilism There is no standard, everything is permissible • Consequentialism A thing is right only if the consequences are good End justifies the means Moral Egoism We do that which makes us happiest Utilitarianism We do that which makes society the best
  • 97. Relativism • Cultural Relativism Some things are permissible in some cultures, impermissible in others Objective fact Has nothing to do with morality E.g. slavery was permissible in the antebellum south, eating certain foods is impermissible in some societies • Moral Relativism How it ought to be E.g. is female circumcision moral?
  • 98. Ruth Benedict • Draws distinction between abnormal and normal behavior Should abide by normal behavior in a society Abnormal behavior falls outside of cultural norms How much is influenced by our culture Is it biological? • Concludes normality is culturally defined Most individuals are plastics who are molded by our society • Is there something more to a society than societal norms?
  • 99. James Rachels • Claims the plasticity of society doesn’t determine morality • Cultural Differences Argument People claim there is no objective morality due to cultural relativism Rachels claims that this idea is not cogent and is unsound Some societies believed in a geocentric view, others in a heliocentric view; does this mean that there was no objective truth regarding the matter because there are disagreements? Moral relativists cannot defend that genocide is objectively wrong Reformers always advocate something immoral under this • Customs are not equal to values • Universal Values according to Rachels Protecting infants Truth Telling Valuing of Life No murder
  • 100. Egoism • Ayn Rand’s Philosophy Objectivism, perception is reliable, we can obtain knowledge through senses, etc… Criticism is that the pursuit of happiness of ones own selfish desires is advocated Predicated on unabashed selfishness • There is both a descriptive and normative dimension of egoism
  • 101. Psychological Egoism • Descriptive dimension of Egoism • Empirical view of why people act how they do People act selfishly • Is it true? Problem is we can spin anything to be selfish E.g. if someone jumps on a hand grenade to save his comrades, we can say he did it out of a desire to obtain honor
  • 102. Moral Egoism • Normative dimension of Egoism • Individual Moral Egoism People must do what they do in order to make x happy X can be a family member, a friend, etc… Example would be the friend who has to control everything Everything centers around him Go to his movie, eat his food, play his game, etc… • Universal Moral Egoism People ought to do that which maximizes his/her own interest/pleasure
  • 103. Plato’s Origin of Justice • From the Republic Glaucon and Socrates (Voice of Plato) are the main characters “The mean and compromise to do that which is the best of all (To do injustice and not be punished) and the worst of all (To suffer injustice without retaliation); justice, the middle, is tolerated” Defends using the Story of Gyges
  • 104. The Story of Gyges • A warrior in a Greek City-State Discovers a ring that makes him invisible • Behavior personifies moral egoism Can do whatever he wants without punishment i.e. the best life • Conspires against king and kills him • Plato says no one would be able to resist this temptation
  • 105. Hobbes’ Origin of Justice • From The Leviathan All men are equal at the core All men think of themselves as wise Delude themselves on the extent of their knowledge In nature, humans do that which make them happy Every man for himself, no standard for right and wrong “When there is no rule, there is no low; when there is no law, there is no justice” In order to achieve civility, two things are needed Social Contract Unrestrained freedom in the state of nature must be constrained by laws and mutual covenants Strong Authority To prevent violation of social contract
  • 106. Lewis Pojman • Personal/Psychological Egoism Selfish by choice; descriptive view • Individual Moral Egoism Person who expects everyone to conform to his happiness • Universal Moral Egoism What makes me happy • Attempted refutations of Egoism Publicity Argument Self-defeating for the egoist to push an egotistical philosophical theory If everyone is an egoism, my individual happiness will suffer However, says an egoism can privately support egoism, but publicly condemn it Solipsistic Argument Egoism assumes I and only I exist Paradox of Egoism In order to reap the benefits of egoism, one must give up egoism and become altruistic
  • 107. Richard Dawkins • Socio-Biologist Draws parallels from nature to human behavior • “Morality is a successful strategy for gene replication” Only occurs in society • Uses Bird Colony Example Suckers (Altruistic) Will groom any bird that presents itself for grooming Cheaters (Egoists) Bird that will present itself for grooming, but won’t groom Grudges (Reciprocal Altruists) Will only groom a bird that grooms it first In colonies of suckers, everyone thrives In colonies of cheaters, everyone loses In a mix, cheaters rely on the suckers Determines selfishness is not good for society
  • 108. Aristotle • Tutored Alexander the Great • Believed in a hierarchy of knowledge ^ Metaphysics (Most contemplative) v Ethics (Most practical) • Unlike Plato and Socrates, had no disdain for empiricism • Wrote The Nichomachean Ethics What is our aim? Happiness What is Happiness? Masses “Do not give the same account as the wise”
  • 109. Aristotle’s Definition of Happiness • Life of Pleasure (Happiness=Pleasure) Masses mostly subscribe to this (The “uneducated and vulgar”) Seek momentary, fleeting pleasures as happiness The sensual life • The Political Life (Honor/Status=Happiness) Pursuit of honor and wealth Upper classes • The Moral Life (Knowledge=Pleasure) The “Chief Good” Contemplative Life Knowledge and virtue Happiness is an end, not a means to an end Result of a compilation of activity of the soul and a complete life Happiness is not fleeting
  • 110. How to Achieve Aristotle’s Happiness • We use reason to learn what we ought to do • External Things Need a moderate amount of material objects Required for happiness • Action Must practice a passion Must know actions are virtuous Right thing for the right reason Deliberately choose to do the right thing for its own sake “By performing brave acts we become brave” • Use of Reason • Virtue
  • 111. Virtue • Intellectual Virtue Attained through learning/teaching • Moral Virtue Attained by doing virtuous things What you ought to do is the mean between the extremes Some actions have no mean Murder, adultery, etc… are always wrong Some do have a mean We use reason to find the mean Fear Courage(Virtue) Overconfidence
  • 112. Immanuel Kant • Critique of Pure Reason Epistemology • Kant’s Ethics Deontelogical Ethics Based on Duty
  • 113. Duty Based Ethics • What are duties Things we ought to do, but don’t have to do “You don’t get an ought from an is or an is from an ought” Ought to eat right, but not everyone does There is slavery, but isn’t right • Consequences are irrelevant The wrong thing for the right reasons are moral • How to determine our duties Can’t defer to authority or religion Use reason as a rational agent • Categorical Imperative Rule to discover our duties Act on an action if, hypothetically, it would be a good universal law Must allow everyone to do it Everyone should be obligated to do it • Duties must be autonomous, and there are no exceptions
  • 114. Duty Based Ethics • Hypothetical Imperative Actions you perform for the sake of something else Not moral or immoral, since it’s for an end E.g. studying for a test, which is a means to the end of the duty of fulfilling one’s own potential • Problems Ignores consequences Duties vary person to person Absolutely binding
  • 115. John Stuart Mill • Conventionalist (Nothing is ever true) • Did not invent utilitarianism, just pushed it His essay, Utilitarianism, gives a concise definition of utilitarianism
  • 116. Utilitarianism • Greatest Happiness Principle What is moral is what causes the greatest amount of happiness • What is Utilitarian Happiness? Maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain • Consequentialism Weight consequences and choose best option • Commonly attributed to the sensual life Mill states this is a misconception • Definition of Greatest Happiness Principle Not happiness for the agent, but greatest happiness altogether Individuals happiness is irrelevant Some pleasures are greater than others “Better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied” Uses Aristotle’s hierarchy Sensual pleasures are lowest, knowledge is greatest
  • 117. Utilitarianism • Act Utilitarianism Mill’s Utilitarianism Weigh each cost individually Consequences of A vs. B, do that which maximizes happiness Issues is that it is very time-consuming What if the time for action passes while contemplating Is the Greatest Happiness simply a majority? E.g. if 51% of people are against Gay Marriage, does that mean it should be illegal? What if the majority is wrong? • Rule Utilitarianism Act on rule of that which maximizes greatest happiness Create conceptions of rules ahead of time • Issue with utilitarianism is that it is argumentum ad populum