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‫ألزقها و أرتاح‬

         By: Abdelrhman Attia Tantawy, 2009

• KEFENTECH is a new product to
  Egyptian market .

• Kefentech is a transdermal patch can
  be used while fasting.

• Safety of Kefentech make it drug of
  choice for pregnant , elderly,
  asthmatic patient …. Etc

• Be Market leader for analgesic anti-
  inflammatory plasters.

• Brand awareness between :
     1.   Pharmacists
     2.   Our costumers ..

• Educate the market about new product
  features and indications .

• PUSH our product for trying .
TOWS analysis

                                     S                           W

                                                  •New product
                       •Long lasting

  •Open market         •Focus our ad. before/in
O •No competition      Ramadan.                   •Educts the market
  •Ramadan             •Make strong position .

    •Appear of new
T   competition soon. •positioning                •Branding


– Pharmacist and doctors.
– Direct costumer
  •   Elderly
  •   Athletic
  •   Pregnant woman
  •   Fasting people .


– As the 1st “market leader” and the best.
– The long lasting pain killer.


• We’re going to use 3 ways ad. tools.
  1. Audio media in FM radio
  2. Press and in store printing.
  3. Direct marketing .

• Don’t use sale promotion … will
  decrease our product image …
Idea generation

              “Past it and relax”

Past it: to inform that                   relax: coming from
our product is a                          the 1st impetration to
transdermal patch                         the drug … also
not orally …                              reflect the fast onset
differentiation                           of action and long
between other                             duration.
heavy competitor …


• new product need too attractive ad. To start word of
  mouth and audient catching words. So using funny ad.

• Adding our position :
      •   long duration of action.
      •   Powerful effect
      •   fast onset of action .
      •   Emergence indication that can help you any time any where .
      •   Safety for pregnant .
      •   Kefentech don't break your feast.

• End the ad. With formal slogan with formal voice to
  inform the customer about indications of the product.
Radio ad. NO 1
Ramsees ….

Creative idea

• It will be conversation between two
  persons in the street.

• Trusting the product efficacy .

• use historical character to add long
  duration of action.
‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬

                 ‫• ”صٛخ ضارع ٚ اضخص ٚ سٍاراخ ... تً تٍٍة ” .‬

      ‫عًٍ : أدّذ , ٘ٛي أرا عارٌف ٌٍح ذّثاي رِسٍس ٌسٗ ٚائف وذج ٚ‬       ‫•‬
                         ‫ضٙر ِفرٚد ِٓ 000.001 سٕح ؟؟!!!؟؟‬
                                            ‫أدّذ: ٌٍٗ ٌا أتٛ عًٍ ؟!!‬   ‫•‬
‫عًٍ: عٍطاْ داطٍد ٌسلح وٍفٕره عًٍ ضٙرج ِٓ ساعد ِا ٚأف ٕ٘ا...‬            ‫•‬
                              ‫أدّذ : ٌا سالَ .. ٘ٛا فً ِماسٛ ؟؟!!..‬    ‫•‬

                             ‫• ‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أول ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬
                                      ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح‬
Radio ad. NO 2
S3edi 3la alsoor

Creative idea

• Using Egyptian persons from “als3eed”
  makes good communication between
  Egyptian market and our product ( ice-
  break) .

• The idea is a conversation between a
  bay and his father , the boy falls from
  garden’s wall and start conversation in a
  funny way
‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬

‫• ‪ :vo‬فً ٌَٛ ِٓ األٌاَ ِذّذٌٓ واْ تٍٍعة ٚ ٚلع عًٍ رجٍٗ ِٓ عًٍ اٌصٛر تراع‬
                                                              ‫عستح أتٛج.‬

                  ‫”صٛخ ٌٚذ تٍٍعة ... ٚ تعذٌٓ تٍمع ٚ صٛخ أٌُ ضذٌذ ” .‬

                     ‫آٖ ٌا تاتا آٖ رجًٍ ٚاجعأً أٚي !!!!!!!! آٖ‬     ‫• ِذّذٌٓ :‬
       ‫أٔطف ٌاد . خذ أٌسق وٍفٕرٍه عًٍ رجٍه ٚ أٔد ذرذاح ؟!!‬             ‫• األب :‬
                      ‫طٍة. ٖٚ ... دا اٌٛجع راح خاٌص ٌاتٛ .‬          ‫• ِذّذٌٓ :‬

      ‫• ‪ٌٍِٙٛ ِٓ ٚ : Vo‬ا , ِذّذٌٓ وً ٌَٛ تٍٕط ِٓ عًٍ اٌصٛر تراع عستد أتٛج‬

                                        ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أقىة ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬   ‫•‬
                                               ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬
Radio ad. NO 3
Alged alshoga3

Creative idea

• For elderly segment we use grand
  father as a symbol.

• Boy and his grandfather .the boy see
  our patch on his grand arm so ask
  “what is that!!” … and ad. Begin.

‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬

             ‫• ”صٛخ ٌٚذ تٍٍعة ... ٚصٛخ عجٛز : عًٍ ٍِٙه عٍٍا ٌا ٌٚذ ” .‬

‫جذٚا جذٚا , ٘ٛا أٌح أًٌ أرا دطح عًٍ دراعه دٖ ٌا جذٚا ؟!!؟‬         ‫اٌٌٛذ :‬   ‫•‬
                                             ‫٘ا أًٌٚ ؟؟!!؟ .‬
   ‫ٌاٖ , ٌسلح وٍفٕرٍه دج لصح أدٌّح ، وٕد ِاضً فً اٌصذرٖ ٚ‬           ‫• اٌجذ :‬
 ‫طٍع عٍٍا 3 رجاٌح ِخٍفٍٓ . ٚأًٌٌٛ ٘اخ أًٌ ِعان ٚأال.......‬
                           ‫ٚ عٍّد أٌح ٌا جذٚا ٘ا ؟؟؟!!؟؟؟!‬          ‫• اٌٌٛذ :‬
   ‫ضرترُٙ طثعا , تس أذخثط فً دراعً , فجأج جاًٌ ٚادذ أتٓ‬            ‫• اٌجذ :‬
‫دالي ٚ أدأً ٌسلح وٍفٕرٍه ٚ أًٌ ”أٌسلٙا ٚ أٔرا دررذاح“ ٚ ِٓ‬
                     ‫ساعرٙاٚ أٔا داطرٙا ٚ دراعً ِٛجعٍٕص.‬

                                     ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أقىا ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬    ‫•‬
                                            ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬
Radio ad. NO 4
Pregnant woman


• using pregnant woman because they
  need safe product for low-back-pain .

• Long duration of action also needed in
  this case.

• Ad. Take place between group of ladies
  and one complains from low-back-pain .

‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬

                                                                ‫”صٛخ آالَ ٌذاًِ ” .‬     ‫•‬

        ‫أٌذمًٛٔ ٌا تٕاخ .. اٌذًّ ٚجعًٍ ظٙري أعًّ أٌح ٚ ِٛش عاٌسج أخذ‬      ‫اٌذاًِ :‬      ‫•‬
                             ‫داجٗ خاٌفح عًٍ اٌذًّ ....؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!؟!؟!؟‬
‫تصً , جٍثً فٛطح ٚ دطً عٍٍٙا ضٌٛح فٍفً ِع ضٌٛح ضطح . ٚ ِعألذٍٓ وٍٛر‬             ‫ٌٍٍح:‬    ‫•‬
    ‫وثار ٚ ٔأئطح ٍِح ٔار ... رتع ساعح عًٍ إٌار ذٍذفا ٚ دطٍٗ عًٍ ضٙرٌه‬
                                                         ‫ٚوً دج دٍرٚح.‬
                                 ‫صٛخ خافد : ”أٖ صخ , فىرج ترضح , ٘ٛا وطري .‬
                     ‫أٌح ٌا ٌٍٍٍٙٗ دٖ . تٛصً عٍٍىً ٚ عًٍ األتر اٌصٍٍٕح .‬     ‫عفاف:‬      ‫•‬
 ‫أل ٌا سٙا أٔا عٕذي اٌذً ... عٍٍىً ٚ عًٍ ٌسلح وٍفٕره .. ِفٍص ِٕٙا خٛف ٚ‬    ‫سٛزاْ :‬      ‫•‬
                                                              ‫ِضّٛٔح .‬

                                                 ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أئمن ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬   ‫•‬
                                               ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚأرذاح .‬
Radio ad. NO 5

Creative idea

• Make a special ad. For Ramadan to inform
  Egyptian market .

• Because it’s a new information to most of
  customers so we going to use pure , clear ,
  simple ad. Make serious as match as we can .
  That will increase our credibility.

• Ad informed as a news or spot information.

‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬

                                            ‫• وً سٕح ٚأٔرُ طٍثٍٓ .‬

‫• أٔا د. خاٌذ ٚ عاٌس أئٛي عٍى داجح ِّٙٗ تّٕاسثح رِضاْ . ذأدر‬
 ‫ذسرخُ ٌسلاخ وٍفٕره ٚ ذرذاح ِٓ األٌُ درى فً رِضاْ . ٚ دٖ‬
   ‫عٍطاْ وٍفٕره ِثرٕمضطً اٌصٍاَ ٚ دج تسثة أٙا ترٛأف األٌُ‬
                                       ‫عٓ طرٌك اٌجٍذ تس.‬

          ‫• ‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , بتتمنالك صىما هنيُ و أفطار شهيُ.‬
           ‫ا‬            ‫ا‬
                       ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬
Flyers & drop cards

• Flays in Egyptian Arabic language placed in all
  distribution channels.

• Content : clear and simple indications and

• Due to the new dosage form of pain killer , so use
  design looks like the patch itself from the back…
  and the info written in the front .

• The Stand appear like human back with a patch
  (also the place of flyers)

                           i   a
                               n   RA

Flyer ( front )

        Ketoprofen 30mg

Ankle   Hand      Back                    pregn
                                    nee         elderly
pain    pain      pain                    ancy

Flyer ( back)

                                    PAST it
                                          and   RELAX
    Ketoprofen 30mg

002 010 74 20 147


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Kefentech || Abdelrhman Tantawy

  • 1. ‫ألزقها و أرتاح‬ By: Abdelrhman Attia Tantawy, 2009
  • 2. Overview • KEFENTECH is a new product to Egyptian market . • Kefentech is a transdermal patch can be used while fasting. • Safety of Kefentech make it drug of choice for pregnant , elderly, asthmatic patient …. Etc by:aa.tantawy
  • 3. Objective • Be Market leader for analgesic anti- inflammatory plasters. • Brand awareness between : 1. Pharmacists 2. Our costumers .. • Educate the market about new product features and indications . • PUSH our product for trying . by:aa.tantawy
  • 4. TOWS analysis S W •Fast •New product •Long lasting •Safe •Open market •Focus our ad. before/in O •No competition Ramadan. •Educts the market •Ramadan •Make strong position . •Appear of new T competition soon. •positioning •Branding by:aa.tantawy
  • 5. Target – Pharmacist and doctors. – Direct costumer • Elderly • Athletic • Pregnant woman • Fasting people . by:aa.tantawy
  • 6. Positioning – As the 1st “market leader” and the best. – The long lasting pain killer. by:aa.tantawy
  • 7. Promotion • We’re going to use 3 ways ad. tools. 1. Audio media in FM radio 2. Press and in store printing. 3. Direct marketing . • Don’t use sale promotion … will decrease our product image … by:aa.tantawy
  • 9. Idea generation “Past it and relax” Past it: to inform that relax: coming from our product is a the 1st impetration to transdermal patch the drug … also not orally … reflect the fast onset differentiation of action and long between other duration. heavy competitor … by:aa.tantawy
  • 10. Concept • new product need too attractive ad. To start word of mouth and audient catching words. So using funny ad. • Adding our position : • long duration of action. • Powerful effect • fast onset of action . • Emergence indication that can help you any time any where . • Safety for pregnant . • Kefentech don't break your feast. • End the ad. With formal slogan with formal voice to inform the customer about indications of the product. by:aa.tantawy
  • 11. Radio ad. NO 1 Ramsees …. by:aa.tantawy
  • 12. Creative idea • It will be conversation between two persons in the street. • Trusting the product efficacy . • use historical character to add long duration of action. by:aa.tantawy
  • 13. ‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬ ‫• ”صٛخ ضارع ٚ اضخص ٚ سٍاراخ ... تً تٍٍة ” .‬ ‫عًٍ : أدّذ , ٘ٛي أرا عارٌف ٌٍح ذّثاي رِسٍس ٌسٗ ٚائف وذج ٚ‬ ‫•‬ ‫ضٙر ِفرٚد ِٓ 000.001 سٕح ؟؟!!!؟؟‬ ‫أدّذ: ٌٍٗ ٌا أتٛ عًٍ ؟!!‬ ‫•‬ ‫عًٍ: عٍطاْ داطٍد ٌسلح وٍفٕره عًٍ ضٙرج ِٓ ساعد ِا ٚأف ٕ٘ا...‬ ‫•‬ ‫أدّذ : ٌا سالَ .. ٘ٛا فً ِماسٛ ؟؟!!..‬ ‫•‬ ‫• ‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أول ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬ ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح‬ ‫‪by:aa.tantawy‬‬
  • 14. Radio ad. NO 2 S3edi 3la alsoor by:aa.tantawy
  • 15. Creative idea • Using Egyptian persons from “als3eed” makes good communication between Egyptian market and our product ( ice- break) . • The idea is a conversation between a bay and his father , the boy falls from garden’s wall and start conversation in a funny way by:aa.tantawy
  • 16. ‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬ ‫• ‪ :vo‬فً ٌَٛ ِٓ األٌاَ ِذّذٌٓ واْ تٍٍعة ٚ ٚلع عًٍ رجٍٗ ِٓ عًٍ اٌصٛر تراع‬ ‫عستح أتٛج.‬ ‫”صٛخ ٌٚذ تٍٍعة ... ٚ تعذٌٓ تٍمع ٚ صٛخ أٌُ ضذٌذ ” .‬ ‫آٖ ٌا تاتا آٖ رجًٍ ٚاجعأً أٚي !!!!!!!! آٖ‬ ‫• ِذّذٌٓ :‬ ‫أٔطف ٌاد . خذ أٌسق وٍفٕرٍه عًٍ رجٍه ٚ أٔد ذرذاح ؟!!‬ ‫• األب :‬ ‫طٍة. ٖٚ ... دا اٌٛجع راح خاٌص ٌاتٛ .‬ ‫• ِذّذٌٓ :‬ ‫• ‪ٌٍِٙٛ ِٓ ٚ : Vo‬ا , ِذّذٌٓ وً ٌَٛ تٍٕط ِٓ عًٍ اٌصٛر تراع عستد أتٛج‬ ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أقىة ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬ ‫•‬ ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬ ‫‪by:aa.tantawy‬‬
  • 17. Radio ad. NO 3 Alged alshoga3 by:aa.tantawy
  • 18. Creative idea • For elderly segment we use grand father as a symbol. • Boy and his grandfather .the boy see our patch on his grand arm so ask “what is that!!” … and ad. Begin. by:aa.tantawy
  • 19. ‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬ ‫• ”صٛخ ٌٚذ تٍٍعة ... ٚصٛخ عجٛز : عًٍ ٍِٙه عٍٍا ٌا ٌٚذ ” .‬ ‫جذٚا جذٚا , ٘ٛا أٌح أًٌ أرا دطح عًٍ دراعه دٖ ٌا جذٚا ؟!!؟‬ ‫اٌٌٛذ :‬ ‫•‬ ‫٘ا أًٌٚ ؟؟!!؟ .‬ ‫ٌاٖ , ٌسلح وٍفٕرٍه دج لصح أدٌّح ، وٕد ِاضً فً اٌصذرٖ ٚ‬ ‫• اٌجذ :‬ ‫طٍع عٍٍا 3 رجاٌح ِخٍفٍٓ . ٚأًٌٌٛ ٘اخ أًٌ ِعان ٚأال.......‬ ‫ٚ عٍّد أٌح ٌا جذٚا ٘ا ؟؟؟!!؟؟؟!‬ ‫• اٌٌٛذ :‬ ‫ضرترُٙ طثعا , تس أذخثط فً دراعً , فجأج جاًٌ ٚادذ أتٓ‬ ‫• اٌجذ :‬ ‫دالي ٚ أدأً ٌسلح وٍفٕرٍه ٚ أًٌ ”أٌسلٙا ٚ أٔرا دررذاح“ ٚ ِٓ‬ ‫ساعرٙاٚ أٔا داطرٙا ٚ دراعً ِٛجعٍٕص.‬ ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أقىا ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬ ‫•‬ ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬ ‫‪by:aa.tantawy‬‬
  • 20. Radio ad. NO 4 Pregnant woman by:aa.tantawy
  • 21. Concept • using pregnant woman because they need safe product for low-back-pain . • Long duration of action also needed in this case. • Ad. Take place between group of ladies and one complains from low-back-pain . by:aa.tantawy
  • 22. ‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬ ‫”صٛخ آالَ ٌذاًِ ” .‬ ‫•‬ ‫أٌذمًٛٔ ٌا تٕاخ .. اٌذًّ ٚجعًٍ ظٙري أعًّ أٌح ٚ ِٛش عاٌسج أخذ‬ ‫اٌذاًِ :‬ ‫•‬ ‫داجٗ خاٌفح عًٍ اٌذًّ ....؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!؟!؟!؟‬ ‫تصً , جٍثً فٛطح ٚ دطً عٍٍٙا ضٌٛح فٍفً ِع ضٌٛح ضطح . ٚ ِعألذٍٓ وٍٛر‬ ‫ٌٍٍح:‬ ‫•‬ ‫وثار ٚ ٔأئطح ٍِح ٔار ... رتع ساعح عًٍ إٌار ذٍذفا ٚ دطٍٗ عًٍ ضٙرٌه‬ ‫ٚوً دج دٍرٚح.‬ ‫صٛخ خافد : ”أٖ صخ , فىرج ترضح , ٘ٛا وطري .‬ ‫أٌح ٌا ٌٍٍٍٙٗ دٖ . تٛصً عٍٍىً ٚ عًٍ األتر اٌصٍٍٕح .‬ ‫عفاف:‬ ‫•‬ ‫أل ٌا سٙا أٔا عٕذي اٌذً ... عٍٍىً ٚ عًٍ ٌسلح وٍفٕره .. ِفٍص ِٕٙا خٛف ٚ‬ ‫سٛزاْ :‬ ‫•‬ ‫ِضّٛٔح .‬ ‫‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , أئمن ٌسلح أٌُ فً ِصر .‬ ‫•‬ ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚأرذاح .‬ ‫‪by:aa.tantawy‬‬
  • 23. Radio ad. NO 5 RAMADAN by:aa.tantawy
  • 24. Creative idea • Make a special ad. For Ramadan to inform Egyptian market . • Because it’s a new information to most of customers so we going to use pure , clear , simple ad. Make serious as match as we can . That will increase our credibility. • Ad informed as a news or spot information. by:aa.tantawy
  • 25. ‫‪Radio ad. Script‬‬ ‫• وً سٕح ٚأٔرُ طٍثٍٓ .‬ ‫• أٔا د. خاٌذ ٚ عاٌس أئٛي عٍى داجح ِّٙٗ تّٕاسثح رِضاْ . ذأدر‬ ‫ذسرخُ ٌسلاخ وٍفٕره ٚ ذرذاح ِٓ األٌُ درى فً رِضاْ . ٚ دٖ‬ ‫عٍطاْ وٍفٕره ِثرٕمضطً اٌصٍاَ ٚ دج تسثة أٙا ترٛأف األٌُ‬ ‫عٓ طرٌك اٌجٍذ تس.‬ ‫• ‪ : Vo‬وٍفرٍه , بتتمنالك صىما هنيُ و أفطار شهيُ.‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫وٍفٕره , اٌسلٙا ٚ أرذاح .‬ ‫‪by:aa.tantawy‬‬
  • 26. PRESS
  • 27. Flyers & drop cards • Flays in Egyptian Arabic language placed in all distribution channels. • Content : clear and simple indications and advantages. • Due to the new dosage form of pain killer , so use design looks like the patch itself from the back… and the info written in the front . • The Stand appear like human back with a patch (also the place of flyers) by:aa.tantawy
  • 28. PHARMACY STAND PS ATt i a d n RA EX L Y O U R L F I E KEFENTECH30mg PLASTER Ketoprofen by:aa.tantawy
  • 29. Flyer ( front ) KEFENTECH Ketoprofen 30mg PLASTER Ankle Hand Back pregn nee elderly pain pain pain ancy by:aa.tantawy
  • 30. Flyer ( back) PAST it and RELAX KEFENTECH PLASTER Ketoprofen 30mg by:aa.tantawy
  • 31. 002 010 74 20 147 BY.ABDULRHMAN ATTIA TANTAWY