SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Marks and Spencer.
• During rebranding they chose to do high
  profile media campaigns
• These adverts have the tag-line This is not just
  food, this is M&S food more personal to the
• Slow motion and close up shots, coupled with
  the ‘sultry’ voice of Dirva Kirwin
• These adverts are described as ‘food porn’
  ‘hypersexualised’ ‘sexist’
Wikipedia Page of how M&S make their adverts
               more flirtatious

               Examples of M&S Food Adverts
Example of How Fast food advertisers use sexual connotations to sell
                          their produce

Paris Hilton Burger advert.
                                                   Another example of a model advertising a
                                                      burger. The adverts hints at sexual
This advert has elements of sexual
     innuendos. Instead of just
advertising the burger, they add the
  woman in a provocative position
which will aim to target woman and
    men as both will experience
Part F
Conventions of TV Documentaries
        Convention                                           What is it/ Why its used?
Archival Footage and Photographs                                       •‘Old’ images
                                                                   • Newsreel footage
                                                                 • Shots from fiction films.

          Talking head                               •    In their own environment- occupational/home
         “interviewees”                                           • Sometimes on the road.
                                       •       This is used for people views and interpretations on different ideas.

         Jiggly Camera                                   •   Form of re-enforcing documentary reality.

      Voice over narration             •       Usually occurs to explain an image or what is going on in the scene

        Re-enactments                               • Stages real event that has already happened.
                                           •     Most of the time it uses actors and not the original characters.

      Montage/Sequence             •     It conveys ideas visually by putting them in a specific order in the film.
                                   •     Narrative montages involve the planning of sequence of shots used to
                                           indicate changes in time and place. Ideational montages link actions
                                                     with words, and are often used in documentaries.
                                       • This visual representation of the characters thoughts helps position
                                          the viewer in the story, and helps the viewer better understand what
                                                                   the character is saying
Conventions developed.
       Fonts              We are using fonts of
                           popular fast food
                            restaurants and
                       supermarkets for our titles.

      Archival         Instead of archival footage
Footage/Photographs      we have used archival
                        photos as we do not have
                       the resources to obtain the

Voice Over Narration    Our narrator/voice of God
                         will be taking part in the

Montage/Sequence       We will use montage to
                       reiterate what the voiceover
                       will be stating. The montage
                       will also allow us to show
                       the experiment to prove our
Conventions Challenged
                    Before:                                                After:

                                                    We are challenging the stereotype of a
                                                    presenter, by having it be a black girl, not white
                                                    and someone who is young instead of middle
The voiceovers are viewed as the voice of God and   The voiceovers will also be the interviewee,
are not mixed with the interviewees.                therefore they will be taking part and also looking
                                                    at it from an outside perspective.
Conventions used.

Archival footage                           Statistics and facts

‘real people’ interviews & talking heads   Set ups

Jiggly camera
Part G
This is how we presented our first 5 minutes with a
breakdown of what the colours represent on a slide
This is how we presented our first 5 minutes with a breakdown of what
the colours represent on a slide before.                    RIANNA
What we did next?
• We spoke with our teacher and understood
  we needed to break down our ideas more.
• As a group we brainstormed more and ended
  up with new episodes.
• On the following slides are some of our

•   Series name: Food for thought (possible title)
•   Series length: 3 hours
•   Number of episodes: 3
•   Episode length: 60 minutes
•   Episode names (in order): 1st Ideologies 2nd
    Advertising 3rd Capitalism

Episode 1 Ideologies
                       Subtopic break down
1.)                          2.) Sexuality            3.) Presentation of models
Stereotype/Representatio                              and food
n of food
• Exploring which foods      • Exploring what foods    • Why is unhealthy food
  are seen as fun/boring       are sexualized            modelled by healthy
  and why? E.g. potatoes     • How are food sexualized   looking people
  and chocolates (using        e.g the M&S adverts     • Why don’t we see the
  kids to demonstrate        • Reasons behind            true representation
  this)                        companies making food • How does this effect the
• Look for the common          seem sexy                 public
  factor with the            • Products which
  fun/boring foods and         challenge the idea of
  why/how?                     sexualized e.g the MALE
• What products                in aero adverts
  challenge this idea?
  How E.g. Kellogs Special
  K is ‘sexy’ when its
Episode 2 Advertising
                    Subtopic break down
1.) Company image      2.) Celebrities         3.) Dream vs Reality
                                               (presentation of food)
• Which adverts are     • What celebrities are • British ideal of
  more family             with what              chicken, showing the
  friendly/sexy/funny/s   supermarket?           public a picture of
  tore orientated etc     Reasons why?           cooked chicken and a
• What does each        • The connotations       advert ‘cooked’
  advert tell us about    employing each celeb   chicken to see what
  the store               means for the store    they pick, why?
• Exploring how         • How do celebrities   • How is this ideal
  celebrities enhance     relate to customers    made, can we all
  company image, do       e.g stacey solomon –   achieve it as some
  they?                   young mothers ?        adverts imply

Episode 3 Capitalism
                           Subtopic break down
1.) Company information         2.) Sponsorships &            3.) Deals within store (linked to
                                endorsements                  advertising)

• Research into the big         • What does X celebrity       • Do the deals make us
  players in the food market      being with X store/shop       spend more? 3 for 2 when
• Statistics on annual            mean for the customer         we only needed one?
  takings – looking at what     • Are sponsorships made       • Is the blatant recent
  demographic spends              with record labels for        competitiveness between
  more, where they spend          examples to coincide with     supermarkets good or
  more (fruit/alcohol/etc)        an album release              bad?
• Are the prices fair and       • Weird sponsorships –        • Are we being tricked?
  relative                        McDONALDS – OLYMPICS          Prices being raised higher
• EXAMPLE: if KFC and           • Should fast food be           2wks before to be
  SAMS get their meat from        associated with the           ‘lowered’ when they were
  the same place why is           biggest sporting event        cheaper 3wks ago?
  there such a big difference     ever?                       • Are we now buying for no
  in cost?                                                      reason?
                                                              • Deals to good to be true?
                                                                – sell by dates etc

Information on the 5 minutes
• Taken from which episode? Episode 1 –
  Subtopic 2
• Brief reason why? – As a group we wanted to
  ascertain why food is being sexualised and
  opinion on it
• Continued on next slide

What do you hope the audience will gain from the 5

• Rianna: An understanding that food is sexualised
  for us to be more attracted to it and in turn buy
• Tiara: insight to how products are advertised and
• Shahna: more knowledge on sexualisation and
  showing them differing opinions on it
• Nkechi: make the audience aware of techniques
  use to glamourize (in reference to food)
Details of the 5 minutes
                    what will happen

•   Montage shots of hyper sexualised food
•   Voiceover while this is happening
•   Mid shot of the presenter talking
•   Cross back to the montage shots
•   Voiceover again
•   Cut to statistics about food expenditure on
    average/family case study on how the
    economic climate has effected their spending
Details of the 5 minutes
                   what will happen

• Presenter introduces the store we will be
  focusing on
• Presenter questions the public ‘describe
  Marks & Spencer in 3 words’
• We see 3/4 groups of people answer
• Statistics and information on the store
• Presenter shows what we are now buying
  more of and less of (relation to our economic
Details of the 5 minutes
                   what will happen

• Presenter tells the audience that we are still
  our there shopping so what is it down to?
• Have peoples reactions to some M&S adverts
• The audience do not see the advert, just the
  reaction to it
• Set up of an old style kitchen and presenter
  questions how food and cooking has gone
  from the set up shown to being described as
Details of the 5 minutes
                   what will happen

• * this being the public opinion of what Marks
  and Spencer is like
• * the set up will be cuts of cake mix being
  whisked/full baking tin put in the oven/cake
  cooking/being taken out/decorated/sliced
• What we are hoping to show next is from a
  member of the public a negative opinion of
  how sexy the adverts/food has become

Details of the 5 minutes
                   what will happen

• * this being the public opinion of what Marks
  and Spencer is like
• * the set up will be cuts of cake mix being
  whisked/full baking tin put in the oven/cake
  cooking/being taken out/decorated/sliced
• What we are hoping to show next is from a
  member of the public a negative opinion of
  how sexy the adverts/food has become

Details of the 5 minutes
                    what will happen

• Present our own findings from the public
• This part is mainly voiceover heavy with props
  showing our results and Voice of Authority saying
  the questions
• These results will then lead up to question
• So far in mind we have sociologists/possibly M&S
  worker/manager/student who studies
  gastronomy/Chef/food tech teacher
• Ending on Presentation of models and food
Preview of next
                              Introduction of subtopic                                             topic – C. 20
                                   – nearly 1min                                                     seconds

Introduction – nearly 2mins                              Development of subtopic – nearly 2mins
• Montage shots of hyper sexualised food
• Mid shot of the presenter talking about hyper
  sexualised food
• Cross back to the montage shots
• Statistics
• Presenter introduces the store we will be
  focusing on
• Public opinion on Marks and Spencer
• Statistics on the store
• Reaction to Marks and Spencer adverts from
• Set up in kitchen to question the change in
  food representation
• Public opinion of Marks and Spencer’s adverts
  positive and negative
• Present findings from our own case study
• These results will then lead up to question
• So far in mind we have sociologists/possibly
  M&S worker/manager/student who studies
  gastronomy/Chef/food tech teacher
• Voiceover asking why are products like this
  being advertised by the attractive healthy
  model if it makes you like this
• Clips of the male Abercrombie and Fitch
• Clips of falling chocolate
• Clips of ‘large’ people walking
Part H
Part I
Part J
Part K
•Woman who are more inclined to being in
the kitchen
•Teenagers, University students- more
inclined to binge eat, not having a proper
schedule to consume ‘good food’.
•People who are interested in living a
healthy life style, they may be interested in
the gym, obsessed celebrity bodies.
I used the media platform    I had this
of Blackberry messenger to   photo as my
get a view and opinion of    display image:
our documentary.
We chose Channel 4 as
we felt that it is one of
the websites that
promotes food, Great
British cooking and
social aspects around
food , such as shows
like Come Dine with me.
From the research we                                 So , as a result we thought to
gathered that Channel 4                              promote our documentary
was the website that                                 and stick with the trend we
promoted and aired most of                           would also put it on Channel
the cooking channels we                              4 as it would receive a vast
watch on our tele’s.                                 amount of viewing ands
                                                     accessible to a wide sector.

                             We were thinking to put our
                             documentary on around about 7 , this
                             is usually a time when our target
                             audience (and whoever else is
                             interested) settles in at home and is
                             engaged with the Television
Part M
Extreme close up/ close up of peoples
They will be making the title from
different pieces of food, whether it is
Chips or even broccoli.

                                          Hands suggests anyone
                                          As our documentary is about
                                          “food” anyone can watch it.
                                          The hand creates a sense of
                                          the audience having their
                                          say .
Red is used as a symbol of guilt, sin, passion
and anger, often as connected with blood or

ice, water, sky, sadness, winter, police, royalty,
Hanukkah, boys, cold, calm, magic, trueness,

nature, growth, grass, hope, youth, sickness, health,
Islam, spring, Saint Patrick's Day, money

royalty, imperialism, nobility, Lent, Easter, Mardi Gras,
episcopacy, upper class, poison, friendship, engineering,
passion, sharing, wisdom, rage,

soil, autumn, earth, skin, maple leaf, chocolate,
coffee, caramel, stone, Africa, African culture,
Indigenous, Malayan race, Thanksgiving, Nazism
Although I have done a color brainstorm , for out title we don’t know if we will
necessarily be thinking about a specific picture as we will be using food to create the
titles, however we will consider the colors of the foods and what they represent.

                                I have an idea to use the burger in
                                two ways:

                                                          1. Instead of the credits
                                                             flowing down the screen,
                                                             the burger will eat it off
                                                             the screen.
                                                          2. The burger regurgitating
                                                             the peoples names as
I have many ideas of the captions font and
    Titles            colour for our documentary. The titles and
                      captions will be placed at the start of each
C                     episode and at the bottom of the screen

A     I had the idea of using a

      simple and bold font like
      Ariel Bold and make the
I     letters get smaller
      showing the hierarchy of
                                         1) This one has a
                                         reflection showing
T     society and the whole              that with advertising
A     idea of capitalism.                you are reflecting an
L                                        image of reality.

                                         2) A woman holding the word
                                         advertising to show the gesture
                                         of showing a product.
The brain shows
                                 what we think is
                                 associated with food
                                 or anything in

Ideology is a set of ideas, so
this is why I thought of a
thought bubble

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Rnp two of threee

  • 1. Marks and Spencer. • During rebranding they chose to do high profile media campaigns • These adverts have the tag-line This is not just food, this is M&S food more personal to the audience • Slow motion and close up shots, coupled with the ‘sultry’ voice of Dirva Kirwin • These adverts are described as ‘food porn’ ‘hypersexualised’ ‘sexist’ RIANNA
  • 2. Wikipedia Page of how M&S make their adverts more flirtatious Examples of M&S Food Adverts
  • 3. Example of How Fast food advertisers use sexual connotations to sell their produce Paris Hilton Burger advert. Another example of a model advertising a burger. The adverts hints at sexual innuendos
  • 4. This advert has elements of sexual innuendos. Instead of just advertising the burger, they add the woman in a provocative position which will aim to target woman and men as both will experience benefits.
  • 6. Conventions of TV Documentaries Convention What is it/ Why its used? Archival Footage and Photographs •‘Old’ images • Newsreel footage • Shots from fiction films. Talking head • In their own environment- occupational/home “interviewees” • Sometimes on the road. • This is used for people views and interpretations on different ideas. Jiggly Camera • Form of re-enforcing documentary reality. Voice over narration • Usually occurs to explain an image or what is going on in the scene Re-enactments • Stages real event that has already happened. • Most of the time it uses actors and not the original characters. Montage/Sequence • It conveys ideas visually by putting them in a specific order in the film. • Narrative montages involve the planning of sequence of shots used to indicate changes in time and place. Ideational montages link actions with words, and are often used in documentaries. • This visual representation of the characters thoughts helps position the viewer in the story, and helps the viewer better understand what the character is saying
  • 7. Conventions developed. Fonts We are using fonts of popular fast food restaurants and supermarkets for our titles. Archival Instead of archival footage Footage/Photographs we have used archival photos as we do not have the resources to obtain the videos. Voice Over Narration Our narrator/voice of God will be taking part in the experiment. Montage/Sequence We will use montage to reiterate what the voiceover will be stating. The montage will also allow us to show the experiment to prove our theory.
  • 8. Conventions Challenged Before: After: We are challenging the stereotype of a presenter, by having it be a black girl, not white and someone who is young instead of middle aged. The voiceovers are viewed as the voice of God and The voiceovers will also be the interviewee, are not mixed with the interviewees. therefore they will be taking part and also looking at it from an outside perspective.
  • 9. Conventions used. Archival footage Statistics and facts ‘real people’ interviews & talking heads Set ups Jiggly camera
  • 11. This is how we presented our first 5 minutes with a breakdown of what the colours represent on a slide before. RIANNA
  • 12. This is how we presented our first 5 minutes with a breakdown of what the colours represent on a slide before. RIANNA
  • 13. What we did next? • We spoke with our teacher and understood we needed to break down our ideas more. • As a group we brainstormed more and ended up with new episodes. • On the following slides are some of our brainstorms. RIANNA
  • 15. Information • Series name: Food for thought (possible title) • Series length: 3 hours • Number of episodes: 3 • Episode length: 60 minutes • Episode names (in order): 1st Ideologies 2nd Advertising 3rd Capitalism RIANNA
  • 16. Episode 1 Ideologies Subtopic break down 1.) 2.) Sexuality 3.) Presentation of models Stereotype/Representatio and food n of food • Exploring which foods • Exploring what foods • Why is unhealthy food are seen as fun/boring are sexualized modelled by healthy and why? E.g. potatoes • How are food sexualized looking people and chocolates (using e.g the M&S adverts • Why don’t we see the kids to demonstrate • Reasons behind true representation this) companies making food • How does this effect the • Look for the common seem sexy public factor with the • Products which fun/boring foods and challenge the idea of why/how? sexualized e.g the MALE • What products in aero adverts challenge this idea? How E.g. Kellogs Special K is ‘sexy’ when its flakes RIANNA
  • 17. Episode 2 Advertising Subtopic break down 1.) Company image 2.) Celebrities 3.) Dream vs Reality (presentation of food) • Which adverts are • What celebrities are • British ideal of more family with what chicken, showing the friendly/sexy/funny/s supermarket? public a picture of tore orientated etc Reasons why? cooked chicken and a • What does each • The connotations advert ‘cooked’ advert tell us about employing each celeb chicken to see what the store means for the store they pick, why? • Exploring how • How do celebrities • How is this ideal celebrities enhance relate to customers made, can we all company image, do e.g stacey solomon – achieve it as some they? young mothers ? adverts imply RIANNA
  • 18. Episode 3 Capitalism Subtopic break down 1.) Company information 2.) Sponsorships & 3.) Deals within store (linked to endorsements advertising) • Research into the big • What does X celebrity • Do the deals make us players in the food market being with X store/shop spend more? 3 for 2 when • Statistics on annual mean for the customer we only needed one? takings – looking at what • Are sponsorships made • Is the blatant recent demographic spends with record labels for competitiveness between more, where they spend examples to coincide with supermarkets good or more (fruit/alcohol/etc) an album release bad? • Are the prices fair and • Weird sponsorships – • Are we being tricked? relative McDONALDS – OLYMPICS Prices being raised higher • EXAMPLE: if KFC and • Should fast food be 2wks before to be SAMS get their meat from associated with the ‘lowered’ when they were the same place why is biggest sporting event cheaper 3wks ago? there such a big difference ever? • Are we now buying for no in cost? reason? • Deals to good to be true? – sell by dates etc RIANNA
  • 19. Information on the 5 minutes • Taken from which episode? Episode 1 – Subtopic 2 • Brief reason why? – As a group we wanted to ascertain why food is being sexualised and opinion on it • Continued on next slide RIANNA
  • 20. What do you hope the audience will gain from the 5 minutes? • Rianna: An understanding that food is sexualised for us to be more attracted to it and in turn buy more. • Tiara: insight to how products are advertised and why • Shahna: more knowledge on sexualisation and showing them differing opinions on it • Nkechi: make the audience aware of techniques use to glamourize (in reference to food)
  • 21. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • Montage shots of hyper sexualised food • Voiceover while this is happening • Mid shot of the presenter talking • Cross back to the montage shots • Voiceover again • Cut to statistics about food expenditure on average/family case study on how the economic climate has effected their spending RIANNA
  • 22. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • Presenter introduces the store we will be focusing on • Presenter questions the public ‘describe Marks & Spencer in 3 words’ • We see 3/4 groups of people answer • Statistics and information on the store • Presenter shows what we are now buying more of and less of (relation to our economic climate) RIANNA
  • 23. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • Presenter tells the audience that we are still our there shopping so what is it down to? • Have peoples reactions to some M&S adverts • The audience do not see the advert, just the reaction to it • Set up of an old style kitchen and presenter questions how food and cooking has gone from the set up shown to being described as this RIANNA
  • 24. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • * this being the public opinion of what Marks and Spencer is like • * the set up will be cuts of cake mix being whisked/full baking tin put in the oven/cake cooking/being taken out/decorated/sliced • What we are hoping to show next is from a member of the public a negative opinion of how sexy the adverts/food has become RIANNA
  • 25. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • * this being the public opinion of what Marks and Spencer is like • * the set up will be cuts of cake mix being whisked/full baking tin put in the oven/cake cooking/being taken out/decorated/sliced • What we are hoping to show next is from a member of the public a negative opinion of how sexy the adverts/food has become RIANNA
  • 26. Details of the 5 minutes what will happen • Present our own findings from the public • This part is mainly voiceover heavy with props showing our results and Voice of Authority saying the questions • These results will then lead up to question experts. • So far in mind we have sociologists/possibly M&S worker/manager/student who studies gastronomy/Chef/food tech teacher • Ending on Presentation of models and food introduction RIANNA
  • 27. Preview of next Introduction of subtopic topic – C. 20 – nearly 1min seconds Introduction – nearly 2mins Development of subtopic – nearly 2mins
  • 28. • Montage shots of hyper sexualised food • Mid shot of the presenter talking about hyper sexualised food • Cross back to the montage shots • Statistics
  • 29. • Presenter introduces the store we will be focusing on • Public opinion on Marks and Spencer • Statistics on the store • Reaction to Marks and Spencer adverts from ‘actors’ • Set up in kitchen to question the change in food representation
  • 30. • Public opinion of Marks and Spencer’s adverts positive and negative • Present findings from our own case study • These results will then lead up to question experts. • So far in mind we have sociologists/possibly M&S worker/manager/student who studies gastronomy/Chef/food tech teacher
  • 31. • Voiceover asking why are products like this being advertised by the attractive healthy model if it makes you like this • Clips of the male Abercrombie and Fitch models • Clips of falling chocolate • Clips of ‘large’ people walking
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 36.
  • 38.
  • 40. •Woman who are more inclined to being in the kitchen •Teenagers, University students- more inclined to binge eat, not having a proper schedule to consume ‘good food’. •People who are interested in living a healthy life style, they may be interested in the gym, obsessed celebrity bodies.
  • 41. I used the media platform I had this of Blackberry messenger to photo as my get a view and opinion of display image: our documentary.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. We chose Channel 4 as we felt that it is one of the websites that promotes food, Great British cooking and social aspects around food , such as shows like Come Dine with me.
  • 45. From the research we So , as a result we thought to gathered that Channel 4 promote our documentary was the website that and stick with the trend we promoted and aired most of would also put it on Channel the cooking channels we 4 as it would receive a vast watch on our tele’s. amount of viewing ands accessible to a wide sector. We were thinking to put our documentary on around about 7 , this is usually a time when our target audience (and whoever else is interested) settles in at home and is engaged with the Television
  • 47. Extreme close up/ close up of peoples hands They will be making the title from different pieces of food, whether it is Chips or even broccoli. Hands suggests anyone As our documentary is about “food” anyone can watch it. The hand creates a sense of the audience having their say .
  • 48.
  • 49. Red is used as a symbol of guilt, sin, passion and anger, often as connected with blood or sex ice, water, sky, sadness, winter, police, royalty, Hanukkah, boys, cold, calm, magic, trueness, nature, growth, grass, hope, youth, sickness, health, Islam, spring, Saint Patrick's Day, money royalty, imperialism, nobility, Lent, Easter, Mardi Gras, episcopacy, upper class, poison, friendship, engineering, passion, sharing, wisdom, rage, soil, autumn, earth, skin, maple leaf, chocolate, coffee, caramel, stone, Africa, African culture, Indigenous, Malayan race, Thanksgiving, Nazism
  • 50. Although I have done a color brainstorm , for out title we don’t know if we will necessarily be thinking about a specific picture as we will be using food to create the titles, however we will consider the colors of the foods and what they represent. I have an idea to use the burger in two ways: 1. Instead of the credits flowing down the screen, the burger will eat it off the screen. 2. The burger regurgitating the peoples names as credits.
  • 51. I have many ideas of the captions font and Titles colour for our documentary. The titles and captions will be placed at the start of each C episode and at the bottom of the screen A I had the idea of using a P simple and bold font like Ariel Bold and make the I letters get smaller showing the hierarchy of 1) This one has a reflection showing T society and the whole that with advertising A idea of capitalism. you are reflecting an L image of reality. I S M 2) A woman holding the word advertising to show the gesture of showing a product.
  • 52. The brain shows what we think is associated with food or anything in society Ideology is a set of ideas, so this is why I thought of a thought bubble