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The Unix Shell: Basic and Advanced Concepts
Corrado Santoro
ARSLAB - Autonomous and Robotic Systems Laboratory
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Universit`a di Catania, Italy
Master Cloud P.A.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Basic Concepts
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
What is a shell
”She sells sea shells
on the sea shore”
The shell is the part of an operating system which allows a
user to interact with the system itself.
It can be:
Textual (terminal)
The shell name means that it constitutes a “wrapper” or
“packaging” of its internal part which is the overall operating
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The Unix shell
It is the most complete shell since it not only allows user to
launch programs and operate with the system, but it is also a
programming language.
There are several Unix shells available:
Bourne Shell (sh, bash): the first shell and the most
common used.
C Shell (csh): created in Unix-BSD, it has a programming
language different than that of sh.
Tenex C Shell (tcsh): evolution of the csh.
Korn Shell (ksh): a different shell developed by David
Korn (AT&T labs), with its proper programming language.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The Unix shell
From the user point of view, a shell is characterised by a
prompt from which a user can enter a command:
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command
The prompt usually gives the user usefull information, i.e.:
The name of the computer
The current directory
The name of the current user
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The Unix shell
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command
The command can be:
An internal command: it is interpreted and executed
internally by the shell itself.
An external command: it is the name of an executable
program, which is run by the shell by spawning a new
process; when the program terminates, the control returns
to the shell.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Basics of Unix processes
A Unix process is characterised by:
The command line
The exit value
The environment variables
The standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr)
All of these part take a fundamental role in the interaction with
the shell.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Command Line and Exit Status
/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command par1 par2 par3
The executable command is run and all the command line
is passed to the main function as an array of strings.
The return value of the main function is the exit status of
the command.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
✡✝ ✆
For the exit status:
0: the execution succeeds with no errors;
non zero (positive): one or more errors occur (in general,
each specific error has an associated exit status value).
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
An Example
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
The executable file ls is searched for (it is in /bin/ls);
The shell spawns a new (child) process and run the
executable (fork + exec);
The command line, as the array of strings [ "ls", "/"],
is passed to the main function;
The shell calls the wait() function, waiting for the child to
When “ls” terminates, the control is given to the shell
again, which gathers the exit code (return value) of “ls”.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Inspecting Exit Status
Using the shell internal command echo $? we know the exit
status of the last process executed:
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $?
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $?
Here the command terminated with success (zero value), but
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $?
here the command terminated with error (non-zero value,
/ciccio dir does not exist).
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Command Line and Exit Status
In summary:
The command line is the interface from the shell to an
external command (executable).
The exit status is the interface from the command to the
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Internal Commands
and Variables
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Internal Commands and Variables
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $?
The command echo is an internal command, it is executed by
the shell itself. Its maning is “show on the screen the literal
which follows” (similar to printf()).
What is the literal “$?” ?
Each literal starting with $ represents an environment
variable, i.e. a variable belonging to the process, which can be
read and written.
$? is a special shell variable which expands to “the exit status
of the last command executed”.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Environment Variables
Each process has a set of environment variables (pairs
[name, value]) which can be used for several
Environment variables are inherited (from the parent) by a
child process.
The opposite does not hold: a variable modified by a child
process is not propagated to the parent.
Variables can be read or written in a C program using the
functions getenv and setenv.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The Shell Environment
The shell internal commands env and set can be used to
show all the shell environment variable:
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ env
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Some Usefull Shell Variables
USER: the ID of the current user
PWD: the current working directory
HOME: the home directory of the current user
PATH: a colon-sperated list of complete directory names,
which are places in which the shell searches for the
executable of an external command
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Towards Scripting: Combining
Commands and Using
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Towards Shell Programming: Combining several
commands into a single line
The semicolon “;” can be used to separate different commands
typed in a single line.
All the commands are executed in sequence no matter their exit
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / ; echo $?
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ; echo $?
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ; echo CIAO $USER
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
CIAO corrado
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Combining several commands only on successful
The double ampersand “&&” can be used to separate different
commands typed in a single line, but a command is executed
only if the previous one succeeded, i.e. its exit status is zero.
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / && echo CIAO $USER
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
CIAO corrado
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio && echo CIAO $USER
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
This is an initial form of “if-then” conditional expression
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The complete conditional expression
The double ampersand “&&” is indeed a conditional expression
which includes also the double pipe “||” to indicate the “else”
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / && echo CIAO $USER || echo Errore
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
CIAO corrado
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio && echo CIAO $USER || echo Err
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio || echo Errore
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / || echo Errore
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
The complete syntax is:
command && then-part || else-part
Either the then-part or the else-part can be omitted.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Streams and Redirection
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Each process is characterised by three files which are automatically
open when the process is started:
STDIN: standard input, the file for data input. Usually the
STDOUT: standard output, the file for data output. Usually the
STDERR: standard error, the file for error messages output.
Usually the screen.
Their presence is tied to the execution model of the old mainframe
computers ...
They are associated respectively to file descriptors “0”, “1” and “2” of
the process and are propagated from the parent process to the child.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Stream redirection
stdin, stdout and stderr can be redirected to other files, in a
shell command, using the characters <, > and 2>.
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / > list.txt
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Stream redirection
stdin, stdout and stderr can be redirected to other files, in a
shell command, using respectively the characters <, > and 2>.
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / 2> list.txt
bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz
boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio 2> list.txt
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt
ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Stream redirection and output suppression
If you want to suppress the output (or the error messages) of a
command, you can perform redirection to the special file
/dev/null. It is a sink without basement :-)
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / > /dev/null
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio 2> /dev/null
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Write a command which searches for a word in some files and
prints “Found” if at least a file contains the given word, “Not
found” otherwise.
Use the command grep which has the following syntax:
grep <word-to-search> <space-separated-list-of-file
The command prints the list of files which contain the word and
0, if at least one file contains the word
1, if no files contain the word
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Stream pipelining
The stdout of a command can “feed” the stdin of another
command in order to perform stream-based processing. This is
performed by concatenating commands using the single pipe
character “|”. The syntax is:
command-1 | command-2
Example: searching for a file which includes the word “Shell”:
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls
list.txt robotEscher_Eura_blur.eps Shell1.dvi Shell1.nav Shell1.tex Shell1.vr
Makefile Shell1.aux Shell1.log Shell1.out Shell1.snm Shell1.toc
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls | grep Shell
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Scripting: basics, constructs and
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The shell allows the execution of commands written in a text file
as they were submitted from the from the keyboard.
Let us suppose to write the text file “listshells”:
ls . | grep Shell
✡✝ ✆
We can “execute” is in one of the following ways:
By invoking the shell and passing the file name as
parameter: sh listshells
By marking the file as executable, with chmod +x
listshells, and then executing it with ./listshells.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Scripting Example
ls . | grep Shell
✡✝ ✆
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ sh listshells
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ chmod +x listshells
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ./listshells
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Scripting and Magic Numbers
ls . | grep Shell
✡✝ ✆
What is the meaning of the first line?
In general, the first two (or four) bytes of a file make the so-called
magic number, which is used to univocally identify the file type.
The exec system function reads the magic number and, if it knows
the type, executes the file accordingly.
7F 45 4C 46, a ELF (executable and linkable format) file
CA FE BA BE, a Java class file
’M’ ’Z’, a Windows EXE file
’#’, ’!’, an interpreted file, the pathname which follows is the
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Scripting and Arguments
We want to search for the word not in the current dir but in a
given dir, so let’s “parametrise” our script:
ls $1 | grep Shell
✡✝ ✆
The word is now searched for in the directory given as first parameter
when invoking the script:
corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ./listshells /home/corrado
$1, $2, $3, ... are special variables which expand to the relevant
positional parameter given in the command line.
$0 is the name of the command itself.
They play the same role of argv of a C program.
The variable $# expands to the number of parameters.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The “if” conditional expression in script
We knew the conditional expression made of double
ampersand “&&” and double pipe “||”. It can be used also in
However there is a “more meaningful” conditional expression
based on the construct if-then-else:
if command
... then part
... else part
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Scripting and Conditionals
Let us analyse the following script:
if ls $1 | grep Shell > /dev/null
echo "Found"
echo "Not Found"
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Conditionals and the Test Program
The if construct takes as argument a “program invocation”
and behaves according to the exit value of the program
If the program exits with success (exit code = 0), the then
part is executed, otherwise the else part.
But, can we use “classical conditionals”, such as
comparison of variables, etc., in a if construct?
The answer is Yes!, by using the test program.
It is Unix tool which allows to specify, as argument by
means of a proper syntax (see man test), the type of test
needed and returns
Success (exit code = 0), if the test succeed
Not success (exit code != 0), if the test fails
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Test Example
The following script prints “Starting something” if the literal
“start” is given as the first parameter of the script itself; otherwise it
prints “Invalid parameter”.
if test $1 = start
echo Starting something
echo Invalid parameter
✡✝ ✆
The following script prints “File exists” if the file with the path
given as argument is present in the file system; “File DOES NOT
exists”, otherwise.
if test -e $1
echo File exists
echo File DOES NOT exist
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Conditionals and the Test Program
The test program has an alias which has a strange name:
The meaning of a “square bracket” is to make the test
statement more similar to a boolean condition of a
classical programming language
If “[” is used instead of “test”, the line must terminate with
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Test Example with [
The following script prints “Starting something” if the literal
“start” is given as the first parameter of the script itself; otherwise it
prints “Invalid parameter”.
if [ $1 = start ]
echo Starting something
echo Invalid parameter
✡✝ ✆
The following script prints “File exists” if the file with the path
given as argument is present in the file system; “File DOES NOT
exists”, otherwise.
if [ -e $1 ]
echo File exists
echo File DOES NOT exist
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Iteration: the “for” construct
The shell provides an internal command to perform
Iteration is always performed through a list of
space-separated literals
As in similar constructs, an iteration variable must be
The syntax of for is:
for iteration-variable in list of literals
... body of the iteration
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
For Example
The following script iterates over numbers from 1 to 10 and prints the
iteration value.
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
echo $i
✡✝ ✆
The following script iterates over numbers from 1 to 10 and prints
“Hello” for numbers less than or equal to 5 and “World” for numbers
greater than 5.
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
if [ $i -le 5 ]
echo Hello
echo World
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
An environment variable can be set using the syntax:
var-name= literal-value
It can be read and used in other statments with the syntax:
There is no algebra in shell! No operations can be
performed with variables
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
if [ $i -le 5 ]
echo Hello
echo World
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Capturing the output (stdout) of a command
Can we capture the output (stdout) of a command in a
variable, in order to use it in a conditional or iteration
For example, can we capture the output of ls in order to
make operations with the listed files?
We can do that by using the reverse-quote symbol: “‘”
The following example gathers the output of ls into variable
FILES and then prints it:
echo $FILES
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Let us write a script which, given a path name, prints only
the name of directories present in that path
We can use test -d FILE to check if FILE exists and is a
for file in ‘ls $1‘
if [ -d $1/$file ]
echo File $1/$file is a directory
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Executing Mathematical Operations
But... given that a variable contains a numeric literal, can
we perform some mathematical operations on it?
The let internal command can execute mathematical
operations on variables
It is present only in bash and not in other Bourne shells
(sh, dash, etc.)
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
let result = $i * 2
echo $result
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Executing Mathematical Operations
In any case, for mathematical and other operations, there
is the expr program
It executes the mathematical operation given as argument
and prints the result
It also can perform operations on strings, such as
computing the length, extracting a substring, etc.
If it is enclosed into a reverse-quoted string, the output can
be gathered into another variable
The following example prints the value of the iteration
variable times 2 (quoting the “*” with backslash is
necessary since the basic meaning of “*” is “all files”):
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
result=‘expr $i * 2‘
echo $result
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Generating Numerical Sequences
The examples given uses a sequence of numbers in a for
statement, which is given manually
By using the seq program we can automatically generate a
certain numeric sequence
Syntax is:
seq start end
seq start increment end
for i in ‘seq 1 10‘
result=‘expr $i * 2‘
echo $result
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Iteration: the “while” construct
The shell provides also a while construct
The condition tested has the same semantics of the if: it
runs a command and test the exit value
The syntax of while is:
while command
... body of the iteration
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
While example
Let us write a script which iterates on the arguments given
and prints each argument
We use the internal command shift which performs a
“parameter shifting”, i.e. removes the first parameter from
the list and “shifts left” the other; it also decrements the
variable $# “number of parameters”.
while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]
echo $1
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Conditionals: the “case” construct
Like any structured programming language, the shell also
has a case construct
The syntax of case is:
case expr in
body of first case
body of second case
.... *)
body of default case
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Case example
case $1 in
echo starting...
echo stopping...
echo Invalid command
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Reading stdin
The stdin can be read using the command read, its syntax
read [ varname ]
If varname is specified, the input is stored into it, otherwise
the built-in variable $REPLY is used
# the -n option in echo does not print the tailing CR
echo -n "Insert a string: "
echo $REPLY
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Let us write a script which performs a recursive copy of all
the files of a source dir into a destination dir
For each file:
if it is regular, it has to be copied directly;
if it is a directory, it has be created (if not exists) or
re-created (if exists)
To write the script, we can use the “find dir” program,
which prints all the files of dir scanning recursively also the
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercise 1
if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]
echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir
exit 1
cd $1
for file in ‘find .‘
if [ "$file" == "." ]
if [ -d $file ]
# the file is a directory
if [ -e $2/$file ]
rm -rf $2/$file
mkdir $2/$file
# the file is a regular file?
cp $file $2/$file
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 +
1 check if the dest dir is not empty; in this case do not
perform the copy unless option “-w” is specified
2 check if the dest dir is not empty; in this case, ask to
overwrite the content unless option “-w” is specified which,
instead, overwrites the content by default
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercise 2.1
if [ "$1" == "-w" ]; then
if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then
echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir
exit 1
cd $1
for file in ‘find .‘; do
if [ "$file" == "." ] ; then
if [ -d $file ] ; then
# the file is a directory
if [ -e $2/$file ] ; then
if [ "$FORCE_OVERWRITE" == "n" ] ; then
echo Destination directory $2/$file is not empty
exit 2
rm -rf $2/$file
mkdir $2/$file
# the file is a regular file?
cp $file $2/$file
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercise 2.2
if [ "$1" == "-w" ] ; then
if [ "$#" -ne "2" ] ; then
echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir
exit 1
cd $1
for file in ‘find .‘; do
if [ "$file" == "." ] ; then
if [ -d $file ] ; then # the file is a directory
if [ -e $2/$file ] ; then
if [ "$FORCE_OVERWRITE" == "n" ] ;then
echo -n "Destination directory $2/$file is not empty, do you want to overwrite
if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ] ; then
echo "Copy aborted"
exit 2
rm -rf $2/$file
mkdir $2/$file
# the file is a regular file?
cp $file $2/$file
done Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Using stdout as argument in a pipe
Let us suppose we want to search for a string into the C
source files of our project which is organised with some
We should:
1 recursively scan the main dir
2 filter only “.c” files
3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files
Can we make it using a single-line command with some
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Using stdout as argument in a pipe
1 recursively scan the main dir
2 filter only “.c” files
$ find . | grep ".c$"
✡✝ ✆
Notice: grep ’.c$’ means “find strings terminating with .c”
3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files: we
should get the output above and use as argument of
another grep command, e.g.
grep myfunc the output above
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Using stdout as argument in a pipe
The xargs command reads data from stdin and use it as
argument of another (given) command:
1 recursively scan the main dir
2 filter only “.c” files
3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files
$ find . | grep ".c$" | xargs grep main
./inemo/source/imu_fusion.c:int main(void)
./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu2/main.c:int main()
./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/nunchuck_test.c:int main(void)
./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/main.c:int main(void)
./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/integration1.c:int main(void)
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Regular Expressions
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
What is a regular expression?
A Unix regular expression (regex) is a string which, by
using a well-formed syntax, specifying a pattern matching
A regex is represented by a string in which each character
has a well-defined meaning
Regexs are used in many shell utilities (grep, find, sed,
awk, etc.), provided natively in some script languages
(perl) and also in libraries for “classical” programming
languages (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.).
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Regex and POSIX
POSIX defines the “standard syntax” of regex, however some
programs adopt their own dialect.
Therefore, there are many “regex types”:
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Some syntactical elements
ˆ Matches the begin of a string
$ Matches the end of a string
. Matches any character
* Matches zero or more of the previous specification
+ Matches one or more of the previous specification
? Matches zero or one of the previous specification
 Quote next char
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
An example
Let us find all files terminating with .java in dir
find /home/corrado/software -regex "ˆ$"
✡✝ ✆
We are using the find command with the -regex option.
ˆ matches the begin of the string
.+ matches one or more of any character
. matches the dot “.”
java matches the string java
$ matches the end of the string
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Begin and End of the string
Are ˆ and $ always necessary? Let us try these new
find /home/corrado/software -regex java
find /home/corrado/software | grep java
✡✝ ✆
Even if also grep uses regex, the behaviour of the two
commands is quite different:
The former matches only if the whole string is java (there
are implicit “start” and “end” markers)
The latter matches any string which includes the word
An excerpt from find man page:
-regextype type
Changes the regular expression syntax understood by -regex and -iregex tests
which occur later the command line. Currently-implemented types are
emacs (this is the default), posix-awk, posix-basic, posix-egrep and
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Regex equivalence in find and grep
Find the file whose pathname is java:
find /home/corrado/software -regex java
find /home/corrado/software | grep "ˆjava$"
✡✝ ✆
Find the files whose pathname includes java:
find /home/corrado/software -regex ".*java.*"
find /home/corrado/software | grep java
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Other syntactical elements
[...] Matches one of the enclosed characters:
[abc] Matches “a” or “b” or “c”
[aeiou] Matches a lowercase wovel
[AEIOUaeiou] Matches a wovel no matter its case
[start-end] Matches one of the characters from start to
[a-z] Matches characters from “a” to “z”
[a-z ] Matches characters from “a” to “z”, or the
[a-zA-Z] Matches characters from “a” to “z” or from “A” to
[ˆstart-end] DOES NOT Match one of the characters
[ˆab] Matches all chars except “a” and “b”
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Regex for classical C or Java identifiers (variables): they must
begin with an lowercase or uppercase letter or underscore, and
then continue with zero or more letters or numbers or
✡✝ ✆
Match all chars excluding spaces:
"[ˆ ]*"
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Repeated set specification
We can specify that a certain pattern must be present n times,
or from n to m times:
{n} The previous pattern must be present n or more
{n,m} The previous pattern must be present from n to m
This specification belongs to “posix-basic” regex (not
“emacs” regex), so in the find command we must specify
the -regextype option.
Find all files whose names include a double “l”:
find . -regextype posix-basic -regex ".*l{2}.*"
✡✝ ✆
Find all files whose names include from 1 to 2 “l”:
find . -regextype posix-basic -regex ".*l{1,2}.*"
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
If a matched set has to be matched again, the matching
expression can be “grouped” with “(” and “)”, and then
“backreferenced” with “n”, where n is number of group: Find all
files whose names starts with two same uppercase characters:
find . -regextype posix-basic -regex "ˆ([A-Z])1.*"
✡✝ ✆
Matches all five-letter lowercase palindromes:
find . -regextype posix-basic -regex "([a-z])([a-z])[a-z]21"
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Grouping (POSIX-extended)
In POSIX-extended syntax, grouping can be also used to
specify OR-based pattern matching:
List all files whose names start with ONE or TWO:
ls | egrep "ˆ(ONE|TWO).*"
✡✝ ✆
egrep is the version of grep which uses POSIX-extended
In POSIX-extended, grouping is defined with ( and ) (without
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Sed, the stream editor
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
What is a “sed”?
sed is a Unix utility whose name means “stream editor”
It which performs a programmable sequence of
processing actions (a script) on the data coming from
Data processed is then copied to STDOUT, so the basic
usage of sed is within a shell “pipeline”
The syntax is:
sed ’script’ Read from stdin, apply the script and
write to stdout;
sed ’script’ input-file Read from input-file, apply
the script and write to stdout;
sed ’script’ input-file > output-file Read
from input-file, apply the script and write to output-file.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Basic usage of sed: find and replace
Scripting in sed is performed using some commands made
of single-characters (this could make reading a sed script
A basic usage of sed is to find a certain pattern in the
incoming stream and replace it with another pattern.
The syntax of the script is the following:
To express patterns, regexs can be also used.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Find and replace: Examples
Show file “data.txt” and replace all occurrence of “ONE” with
cat data.txt | sed ’s/ONE/TWO/’
✡✝ ✆
List all file names of current dir and replace all “.PDF”
extensions with “.pdf”:
ls . | sed ’s/.PDF$/.pdf/’
✡✝ ✆
List all file names of current dir and remove any 1-to-3 char
ls . | sed ’s/..{1,3}$//’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Find and replace: Examples
As for regex, in sed a search pattern can use backreferences.
Given a list of coples “lastname” “firstname” in file “names.txt” ...
Santoro Corrado
Verdi Giuseppe
Rossi Mario
Bianchi Francesco
✡✝ ✆
... let us generate a new file with “firstname” and “lastname” (-r
option enables posix-extended regex):
cat names.txt | sed -r ’s/([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z]+)/2 1/’ > names_2.txt
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Sed: standard syntax of script
A Sed script is a list of lines of the form:
line-spec command
where line-spec specifies the lines to which apply the
command; it may refer to:
number, apply the command to the specified line number
from,to, apply the command to the lines in the interval from
$, apply the command to the last line; it can also be used
in from,$;
/pattern/, apply the command to lines matching the pattern
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Sed: standard syntax of script
A Sed script is a list of lines of the form:
line-spec command
where command may be:
s/.../.../, find and replace command seen before;
d, delete (suppress) the line
q, quit (end processing)
p, print the line when sed is used with the -n option.
“-n” Option: the normal behaviour of sed is to print each line
(both matching and not matching), with this option printing must
be explicitly performed with the p command.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Some Examples
Given the file “names.txt” ...
# Here is a list of names
Santoro Corrado
Bianchi Francesco
✡✝ ✆
... let us generate a new file with “firstname” and “lastname” but
exclude first line:
cat names.txt | sed -r ’2,$ s/([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z]+)/2 1/’ > names_2.txt
✡✝ ✆
Suppress lines beginning with “#”:
cat names.txt | sed -r ’/ˆ#/ d’ > names_2.txt
✡✝ ✆
Show includes:
cat mysource.c | sed -n ’/ˆ#include/ p’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
More versatile stream editing, the
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
What is a “awk”?
awk is a Unix tool which performs a stream editing, but in a
more versatile way than grep and sed
Syntax of awk scripts is similar to a programming language
As in other stream editors, data is processed from STDIN
and then copied to STDOUT
Its name comes from the develpers: A. Aho, P. Weinberger
and B. W. Kernighan.
The syntax is:
awk ’script’ Read from stdin, apply the script and write to
Since the script may include several lines, its basic usage is
within a shell script.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Basic awk script syntax
An awk script is a set of lines:
pattern { action(s) }
pattern matches a certain text line coming from stdin;
action(s) is a set of commands (expressed in an imperative
language) to be executed.
Example (show includes):
cat mysource.c | awk ’/ˆ#include/ { print }’
✡✝ ✆
Here the print command outputs the entire line.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Token Separation
A basic and built-in functionality of awk is token separation,
i.e. the entire line is automatically split in a list of
“space-separated” tokens which can be accessed using $1, $2,
Example: show filenames and owners
ls -l | awk ’ { print $3, $9 }’
✡✝ ✆
We can also use the keywords BEGIN and END in the pattern
part to specify some commands to be executed at the
beginning and the end of the input stream:
ls -l | awk 
’BEGIN { print "Owner Filename" }
{ print $3, $9 }’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Variables in awk
Variables may appear in a script. They are untyped (or
runtime-typed) and artihmetic operations are possible.
Example: Show ower and filename and also count files:
ls -l | awk 
print "Owner Filename";
{ print $3, $9; nfiles=nfiles + 1; }
END { print "There are", nfiles, "files"; } ’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Conditionals in awk
if constructs can appear in an awk script. The syntax is C-like:
if { then part }
else { else part }
Variables may appear in a script. They are untyped (or runtime-typed)
and artihmetic operations are possible.
Example: Show ower and filename and also count files but stop after
10 files
ls -l | awk 
print "Owner Filename";
{ print $3, $9;
nfiles=nfiles + 1;
if (nfiles == 10) {
exit 1;
END { print "There are", nfiles, "files"; } ’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Conditionals in awk
if constructs can use the special operator “˜” to match a regular
expression. The regex is expressed using the usual way: /regex/
Example: Show ower and filename and but filter only files beginning
with “test”
ls -l | awk 
print "Owner Filename";
if ($9 ˜ /ˆtest/) {
print $3, $9;
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Other Structured Constructs in awk
In addition to if, awk provides the classical constructs of structured
programming, they include:
do while
The syntax is C-like, i.e.
’ BEGIN { for (i = 0; i < 10;i++) { print i; } }’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Records, fields and built-in variables
Awk, in performing stdin processing, uses the following concepts:
A record corresponds to a “unit of processing”, i.e. a line coming
from stdin;
A record is composed of one or more fields, which are literals
separated by a given symbol, i.e. the space.
To help processing, awk provides the following built-in variables which
may be read and written:
NR, number of records, that is, the line number
NF, number of fields of the current record
FS, the field separator (space by default)
RS, the record separator (newline by default)
These variables may be changed in order to process a file/stream
with a specific format.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Processing a file with specific format in awk
Let us consider the /etc/passwd file:
✡✝ ✆
Here the field separator is “:”, so we can process the file in awk by
changing the FS variable. E.g. let us write a script which prints the
login name and the associated home directory:
cat /etc/passwd | awk ’ BEGIN { FS=":" } { print $1, $6; } ’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Arrays in awk
Awk language provides associative arrays, i.e. arrays
whose index can be any type,e.g.
mydata[1] = 20;
array["Corrado"] = "Santoro";
Arrays can be used in loops with the statement: for (a
in array) { .... }
E.g. let us gather usernames and print them at the end of
cat /etc/passwd | awk 
’BEGIN { i = 0; FS=":"; }
{ user[i] = $1; i++; }
END { for (u in user) { print user[u]; } }’
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Other usefull shell tools (a
non-exhaustive list)
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Other shell tools
sort sorts input lines to output, several sort criteria can be
expressed (e.g. alphanumeric, numeric, date/time, reverse, etc.)
true a “stupid” program which returns “0”, it can be used to
perform infinite loops, e.g.:✞
while true; do echo ciao; done
✡✝ ✆
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercises (I)
Print the username given the user id.
List all the usernames which have a “login shell” and order
them ascending.
Given a file including a list of names, print only duplicates.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
Exercises (II)
Given this /etc/network/interfaces file:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
print, for each interface, the following information:
interface name
IP address
gateway address
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
The Unix Shell: Basic and Advanced Concepts
Corrado Santoro
ARSLAB - Autonomous and Robotic Systems Laboratory
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Universit`a di Catania, Italy
Master Cloud P.A.
Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell

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Introduction to shell scripting

  • 1. The Unix Shell: Basic and Advanced Concepts Corrado Santoro ARSLAB - Autonomous and Robotic Systems Laboratory Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Universit`a di Catania, Italy Master Cloud P.A. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 3. What is a shell ”She sells sea shells on the sea shore” The shell is the part of an operating system which allows a user to interact with the system itself. It can be: Textual (terminal) Graphical The shell name means that it constitutes a “wrapper” or “packaging” of its internal part which is the overall operating system. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 4. The Unix shell It is the most complete shell since it not only allows user to launch programs and operate with the system, but it is also a programming language. There are several Unix shells available: Bourne Shell (sh, bash): the first shell and the most common used. C Shell (csh): created in Unix-BSD, it has a programming language different than that of sh. Tenex C Shell (tcsh): evolution of the csh. Korn Shell (ksh): a different shell developed by David Korn (AT&T labs), with its proper programming language. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 5. The Unix shell From the user point of view, a shell is characterised by a prompt from which a user can enter a command: corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command The prompt usually gives the user usefull information, i.e.: The name of the computer The current directory The name of the current user ... Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 6. The Unix shell corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command The command can be: An internal command: it is interpreted and executed internally by the shell itself. An external command: it is the name of an executable program, which is run by the shell by spawning a new process; when the program terminates, the control returns to the shell. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 7. Basics of Unix processes A Unix process is characterised by: The command line The exit value The environment variables The standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) All of these part take a fundamental role in the interaction with the shell. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 8. Command Line and Exit Status /didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ command par1 par2 par3 The executable command is run and all the command line is passed to the main function as an array of strings. The return value of the main function is the exit status of the command. ✞ int main(int argc, char **argv) ✡✝ ✆ For the exit status: 0: the execution succeeds with no errors; non zero (positive): one or more errors occur (in general, each specific error has an associated exit status value). Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 9. An Example corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ The executable file ls is searched for (it is in /bin/ls); The shell spawns a new (child) process and run the executable (fork + exec); The command line, as the array of strings [ "ls", "/"], is passed to the main function; The shell calls the wait() function, waiting for the child to terminate; When “ls” terminates, the control is given to the shell again, which gathers the exit code (return value) of “ls”. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 10. Inspecting Exit Status Using the shell internal command echo $? we know the exit status of the last process executed: corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $? 0 corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $? Here the command terminated with success (zero value), but corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $? 2 corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ here the command terminated with error (non-zero value, /ciccio dir does not exist). Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 11. Command Line and Exit Status In summary: The command line is the interface from the shell to an external command (executable). The exit status is the interface from the command to the shell. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 12. Internal Commands and Variables Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 13. Internal Commands and Variables corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ echo $? 2 corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ The command echo is an internal command, it is executed by the shell itself. Its maning is “show on the screen the literal which follows” (similar to printf()). What is the literal “$?” ? Each literal starting with $ represents an environment variable, i.e. a variable belonging to the process, which can be read and written. $? is a special shell variable which expands to “the exit status of the last command executed”. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 14. Environment Variables Each process has a set of environment variables (pairs [name, value]) which can be used for several functionalities. Environment variables are inherited (from the parent) by a child process. The opposite does not hold: a variable modified by a child process is not propagated to the parent. Variables can be read or written in a C program using the functions getenv and setenv. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 15. The Shell Environment The shell internal commands env and set can be used to show all the shell environment variable: corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ env ... USER=corrado LC_TELEPHONE=it_IT.UTF-8 INSIDE_NEMO_PYTHON= SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring-4hePqy/ssh SESSION_MANAGER=local/Corrado-1215P:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1452,unix/Corrado-1215P:/tmp/.ICE-unix/145 USERNAME=corrado DEFAULTS_PATH=/usr/share/gconf/default.default.path XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg/xdg-default:/etc/xdg PATH=/home/corrado/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games DESKTOP_SESSION=default PWD=/home/corrado/didattica/MasterCloud/shell LANG=en_US.utf8 GDMSESSION=default SHLVL=1 XDG_SEAT=seat0 HOME=/home/corrado GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated ... Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 16. Some Usefull Shell Variables USER: the ID of the current user PWD: the current working directory HOME: the home directory of the current user PATH: a colon-sperated list of complete directory names, which are places in which the shell searches for the executable of an external command USER=corrado PATH=/home/corrado/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin: /bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games PWD=/home/corrado/didattica/MasterCloud/shell Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 17. Towards Scripting: Combining Commands and Using Conditionals Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 18. Towards Shell Programming: Combining several commands into a single line The semicolon “;” can be used to separate different commands typed in a single line. All the commands are executed in sequence no matter their exit status. corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / ; echo $? bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var 0 corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ; echo $? ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory 2 corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio ; echo CIAO $USER ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory CIAO corrado corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 19. Combining several commands only on successful execution The double ampersand “&&” can be used to separate different commands typed in a single line, but a command is executed only if the previous one succeeded, i.e. its exit status is zero. corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / && echo CIAO $USER bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var CIAO corrado corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio && echo CIAO $USER ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ This is an initial form of “if-then” conditional expression Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 20. The complete conditional expression The double ampersand “&&” is indeed a conditional expression which includes also the double pipe “||” to indicate the “else” part. corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / && echo CIAO $USER || echo Errore bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var CIAO corrado corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio && echo CIAO $USER || echo Err ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory Errore corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio || echo Errore ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory Errore corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / || echo Errore bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ The complete syntax is: command && then-part || else-part Either the then-part or the else-part can be omitted. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 21. Streams and Redirection Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 22. STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR Each process is characterised by three files which are automatically open when the process is started: STDIN: standard input, the file for data input. Usually the keyboard. STDOUT: standard output, the file for data output. Usually the screen. STDERR: standard error, the file for error messages output. Usually the screen. Their presence is tied to the execution model of the old mainframe computers ... They are associated respectively to file descriptors “0”, “1” and “2” of the process and are propagated from the parent process to the child. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 23. Stream redirection stdin, stdout and stderr can be redirected to other files, in a shell command, using the characters <, > and 2>. corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / > list.txt corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt bin boot cdrom dev etc home home2 initrd.img lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 24. Stream redirection stdin, stdout and stderr can be redirected to other files, in a shell command, using respectively the characters <, > and 2>. corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / 2> list.txt bin cdrom etc home2 lib media opt root sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home initrd.img lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio 2> list.txt corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ cat list.txt ls: cannot access /ciccio: No such file or directory corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 25. Stream redirection and output suppression If you want to suppress the output (or the error messages) of a command, you can perform redirection to the special file /dev/null. It is a sink without basement :-) corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls / > /dev/null corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls /ciccio 2> /dev/null corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 26. Exercise Write a command which searches for a word in some files and prints “Found” if at least a file contains the given word, “Not found” otherwise. Use the command grep which has the following syntax: grep <word-to-search> <space-separated-list-of-file The command prints the list of files which contain the word and returns: 0, if at least one file contains the word 1, if no files contain the word Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 27. Stream pipelining The stdout of a command can “feed” the stdin of another command in order to perform stream-based processing. This is performed by concatenating commands using the single pipe character “|”. The syntax is: command-1 | command-2 Example: searching for a file which includes the word “Shell”: corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls list.txt robotEscher_Eura_blur.eps Shell1.dvi Shell1.nav Shell1.tex Shell1.vr Makefile Shell1.aux Shell1.log Shell1.out Shell1.snm Shell1.toc corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ls | grep Shell Shell1.aux Shell1.dvi Shell1.log Shell1.nav Shell1.out Shell1.snm Shell1.tex Shell1.toc Shell1.vrb corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 28. Scripting: basics, constructs and examples Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 29. Scripting The shell allows the execution of commands written in a text file as they were submitted from the from the keyboard. Let us suppose to write the text file “listshells”: ✞ #!/bin/sh ls . | grep Shell ✡✝ ✆ We can “execute” is in one of the following ways: By invoking the shell and passing the file name as parameter: sh listshells By marking the file as executable, with chmod +x listshells, and then executing it with ./listshells. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 30. Scripting Example ✞ #!/bin/sh ls . | grep Shell ✡✝ ✆ corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ sh listshells Shell1.aux Shell1.dvi Shell1.log Shell1.nav Shell1.out Shell1.snm Shell1.tex Shell1.toc Shell1.vrb corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ chmod +x listshells corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ./listshells Shell1.aux Shell1.dvi Shell1.log Shell1.nav Shell1.out Shell1.snm Shell1.tex Shell1.toc Shell1.vrb corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 31. Scripting and Magic Numbers ✞ #!/bin/sh ls . | grep Shell ✡✝ ✆ What is the meaning of the first line? In general, the first two (or four) bytes of a file make the so-called magic number, which is used to univocally identify the file type. The exec system function reads the magic number and, if it knows the type, executes the file accordingly. 7F 45 4C 46, a ELF (executable and linkable format) file CA FE BA BE, a Java class file ’M’ ’Z’, a Windows EXE file ’#’, ’!’, an interpreted file, the pathname which follows is the interpreter Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 32. Scripting and Arguments We want to search for the word not in the current dir but in a given dir, so let’s “parametrise” our script: ✞ #!/bin/sh ls $1 | grep Shell ✡✝ ✆ The word is now searched for in the directory given as first parameter when invoking the script: corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ ./listshells /home/corrado Shell.txt corrado@Corrado-1215P:˜/didattica/MasterCloud/shell$ $1, $2, $3, ... are special variables which expand to the relevant positional parameter given in the command line. $0 is the name of the command itself. They play the same role of argv of a C program. The variable $# expands to the number of parameters. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 33. The “if” conditional expression in script We knew the conditional expression made of double ampersand “&&” and double pipe “||”. It can be used also in scripts. However there is a “more meaningful” conditional expression based on the construct if-then-else: if command then ... then part else ... else part fi Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 34. Scripting and Conditionals Let us analyse the following script: ✞ #!/bin/sh if ls $1 | grep Shell > /dev/null then echo "Found" else echo "Not Found" fi ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 35. Conditionals and the Test Program The if construct takes as argument a “program invocation” and behaves according to the exit value of the program itself. If the program exits with success (exit code = 0), the then part is executed, otherwise the else part. But, can we use “classical conditionals”, such as comparison of variables, etc., in a if construct? The answer is Yes!, by using the test program. It is Unix tool which allows to specify, as argument by means of a proper syntax (see man test), the type of test needed and returns Success (exit code = 0), if the test succeed Not success (exit code != 0), if the test fails Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 36. Test Example The following script prints “Starting something” if the literal “start” is given as the first parameter of the script itself; otherwise it prints “Invalid parameter”. ✞ #!/bin/sh if test $1 = start then echo Starting something else echo Invalid parameter fi ✡✝ ✆ The following script prints “File exists” if the file with the path given as argument is present in the file system; “File DOES NOT exists”, otherwise. ✞ #!/bin/sh if test -e $1 then echo File exists else echo File DOES NOT exist fi ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 37. Conditionals and the Test Program The test program has an alias which has a strange name: “[” The meaning of a “square bracket” is to make the test statement more similar to a boolean condition of a classical programming language If “[” is used instead of “test”, the line must terminate with “]”. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 38. Test Example with [ The following script prints “Starting something” if the literal “start” is given as the first parameter of the script itself; otherwise it prints “Invalid parameter”. ✞ #!/bin/sh if [ $1 = start ] then echo Starting something else echo Invalid parameter fi ✡✝ ✆ The following script prints “File exists” if the file with the path given as argument is present in the file system; “File DOES NOT exists”, otherwise. ✞ #!/bin/sh if [ -e $1 ] then echo File exists else echo File DOES NOT exist fi ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 39. Iteration: the “for” construct The shell provides an internal command to perform iterations Iteration is always performed through a list of space-separated literals As in similar constructs, an iteration variable must be specified. The syntax of for is: for iteration-variable in list of literals do ... body of the iteration done Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 40. For Example The following script iterates over numbers from 1 to 10 and prints the iteration value. ✞ #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do echo $i done ✡✝ ✆ The following script iterates over numbers from 1 to 10 and prints “Hello” for numbers less than or equal to 5 and “World” for numbers greater than 5. ✞ #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do if [ $i -le 5 ] then echo Hello else echo World fi done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 41. Variables An environment variable can be set using the syntax: var-name= literal-value It can be read and used in other statments with the syntax: $var-name There is no algebra in shell! No operations can be performed with variables ✞ #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do if [ $i -le 5 ] then echo Hello else echo World fi done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 42. Capturing the output (stdout) of a command Can we capture the output (stdout) of a command in a variable, in order to use it in a conditional or iteration expression? For example, can we capture the output of ls in order to make operations with the listed files? We can do that by using the reverse-quote symbol: “‘” The following example gathers the output of ls into variable FILES and then prints it: ✞ #!/bin/sh FILES=‘ls‘ echo $FILES ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 43. Example Let us write a script which, given a path name, prints only the name of directories present in that path We can use test -d FILE to check if FILE exists and is a directory ✞ #!/bin/sh for file in ‘ls $1‘ do if [ -d $1/$file ] then echo File $1/$file is a directory fi done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 44. Executing Mathematical Operations But... given that a variable contains a numeric literal, can we perform some mathematical operations on it? The let internal command can execute mathematical operations on variables It is present only in bash and not in other Bourne shells (sh, dash, etc.) ✞ #!/bin/bash for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do let result = $i * 2 echo $result done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 45. Executing Mathematical Operations In any case, for mathematical and other operations, there is the expr program It executes the mathematical operation given as argument and prints the result It also can perform operations on strings, such as computing the length, extracting a substring, etc. If it is enclosed into a reverse-quoted string, the output can be gathered into another variable The following example prints the value of the iteration variable times 2 (quoting the “*” with backslash is necessary since the basic meaning of “*” is “all files”): ✞ #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do result=‘expr $i * 2‘ echo $result done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 46. Generating Numerical Sequences The examples given uses a sequence of numbers in a for statement, which is given manually By using the seq program we can automatically generate a certain numeric sequence Syntax is: seq start end seq start increment end ✞ #!/bin/sh for i in ‘seq 1 10‘ do result=‘expr $i * 2‘ echo $result done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 47. Iteration: the “while” construct The shell provides also a while construct The condition tested has the same semantics of the if: it runs a command and test the exit value The syntax of while is: while command do ... body of the iteration done Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 48. While example Let us write a script which iterates on the arguments given and prints each argument We use the internal command shift which performs a “parameter shifting”, i.e. removes the first parameter from the list and “shifts left” the other; it also decrements the variable $# “number of parameters”. ✞ #!/bin/sh while [ "$#" -gt "0" ] do echo $1 shift done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 49. Conditionals: the “case” construct Like any structured programming language, the shell also has a case construct The syntax of case is: case expr in first-case) body of first case ;; second-case) body of second case ;; .... *) body of default case ;; esac Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 50. Case example ✞ #!/bin/sh case $1 in start) echo starting... ;; stop) echo stopping... ;; *) echo Invalid command ;; esac ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 51. Reading stdin The stdin can be read using the command read, its syntax is: read [ varname ] If varname is specified, the input is stored into it, otherwise the built-in variable $REPLY is used ✞ #!/bin/bash # the -n option in echo does not print the tailing CR echo -n "Insert a string: " read echo $REPLY ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 52. Exercise Let us write a script which performs a recursive copy of all the files of a source dir into a destination dir For each file: if it is regular, it has to be copied directly; if it is a directory, it has be created (if not exists) or re-created (if exists) To write the script, we can use the “find dir” program, which prints all the files of dir scanning recursively also the sub-dirs. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 53. Exercise 1 ✞ #!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne "2" ] then echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir exit 1 fi cd $1 for file in ‘find .‘ do if [ "$file" == "." ] then continue fi if [ -d $file ] then # the file is a directory if [ -e $2/$file ] then rm -rf $2/$file fi mkdir $2/$file else # the file is a regular file? cp $file $2/$file fi done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 54. Exercise 2 Exercise 1 + 1 check if the dest dir is not empty; in this case do not perform the copy unless option “-w” is specified 2 check if the dest dir is not empty; in this case, ask to overwrite the content unless option “-w” is specified which, instead, overwrites the content by default Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 55. Exercise 2.1 ✞ #!/bin/bash if [ "$1" == "-w" ]; then FORCE_OVERWRITE=y shift else FORCE_OVERWRITE=n fi if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir exit 1 fi cd $1 for file in ‘find .‘; do if [ "$file" == "." ] ; then continue fi if [ -d $file ] ; then # the file is a directory if [ -e $2/$file ] ; then if [ "$FORCE_OVERWRITE" == "n" ] ; then echo Destination directory $2/$file is not empty exit 2 else rm -rf $2/$file fi fi mkdir $2/$file else # the file is a regular file? cp $file $2/$file fi done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 56. Exercise 2.2 ✞ #!/bin/bash if [ "$1" == "-w" ] ; then FORCE_OVERWRITE=y shift else FORCE_OVERWRITE=n fi if [ "$#" -ne "2" ] ; then echo usage: $0 source-dir dest-dir exit 1 fi cd $1 for file in ‘find .‘; do if [ "$file" == "." ] ; then continue fi if [ -d $file ] ; then # the file is a directory if [ -e $2/$file ] ; then if [ "$FORCE_OVERWRITE" == "n" ] ;then echo -n "Destination directory $2/$file is not empty, do you want to overwrite read if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ] ; then echo "Copy aborted" exit 2 fi fi rm -rf $2/$file fi mkdir $2/$file else # the file is a regular file? cp $file $2/$file fi done Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 57. Using stdout as argument in a pipe Let us suppose we want to search for a string into the C source files of our project which is organised with some directories We should: 1 recursively scan the main dir 2 filter only “.c” files 3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files Can we make it using a single-line command with some pipelines? Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 58. Using stdout as argument in a pipe 1 recursively scan the main dir 2 filter only “.c” files ✞ $ find . | grep ".c$" ... ... ... ./inemo/source/sensors.c ./inemo/source/imu_fusion.c ./inemo/source/timers.c ./inemo/source/telemetry.c ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu2/twi.c ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu2/imu.c ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/nunchuck_test.c $ ✡✝ ✆ Notice: grep ’.c$’ means “find strings terminating with .c” 3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files: we should get the output above and use as argument of another grep command, e.g. grep myfunc the output above Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 59. Using stdout as argument in a pipe The xargs command reads data from stdin and use it as argument of another (given) command: 1 recursively scan the main dir 2 filter only “.c” files 3 search for the pattern into such filtered “.c” files ✞ $ find . | grep ".c$" | xargs grep main ./inemo/source/imu_fusion.c:int main(void) ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu2/main.c:int main() ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/nunchuck_test.c:int main(void) ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/main.c:int main(void) ./ghettopilot-read-only/src/imu/integration1.c:int main(void) $ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 61. What is a regular expression? A Unix regular expression (regex) is a string which, by using a well-formed syntax, specifying a pattern matching A regex is represented by a string in which each character has a well-defined meaning Regexs are used in many shell utilities (grep, find, sed, awk, etc.), provided natively in some script languages (perl) and also in libraries for “classical” programming languages (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.). Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 62. Regex and POSIX POSIX defines the “standard syntax” of regex, however some programs adopt their own dialect. Therefore, there are many “regex types”: posix-basic posix-extended posix-awk posix-egrep emacs ... Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 63. Some syntactical elements ˆ Matches the begin of a string $ Matches the end of a string . Matches any character * Matches zero or more of the previous specification + Matches one or more of the previous specification ? Matches zero or one of the previous specification Quote next char Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 64. An example Let us find all files terminating with .java in dir /home/corrado/software: ✞ find /home/corrado/software -regex "ˆ$" ✡✝ ✆ We are using the find command with the -regex option. ˆ matches the begin of the string .+ matches one or more of any character . matches the dot “.” java matches the string java $ matches the end of the string Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 65. Begin and End of the string Are ˆ and $ always necessary? Let us try these new commands: ✞ find /home/corrado/software -regex java find /home/corrado/software | grep java ✡✝ ✆ Even if also grep uses regex, the behaviour of the two commands is quite different: The former matches only if the whole string is java (there are implicit “start” and “end” markers) The latter matches any string which includes the word java An excerpt from find man page: ✞ -regextype type Changes the regular expression syntax understood by -regex and -iregex tests which occur later the command line. Currently-implemented types are emacs (this is the default), posix-awk, posix-basic, posix-egrep and posix-extended. ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 66. Regex equivalence in find and grep Find the file whose pathname is java: ✞ find /home/corrado/software -regex java find /home/corrado/software | grep "ˆjava$" ✡✝ ✆ Find the files whose pathname includes java: ✞ find /home/corrado/software -regex ".*java.*" find /home/corrado/software | grep java ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 67. Other syntactical elements [...] Matches one of the enclosed characters: [abc] Matches “a” or “b” or “c” [aeiou] Matches a lowercase wovel [AEIOUaeiou] Matches a wovel no matter its case [start-end] Matches one of the characters from start to end: [a-z] Matches characters from “a” to “z” [a-z ] Matches characters from “a” to “z”, or the underscore [a-zA-Z] Matches characters from “a” to “z” or from “A” to “Z” [ˆstart-end] DOES NOT Match one of the characters enclosed: [ˆab] Matches all chars except “a” and “b” Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 68. Examples Regex for classical C or Java identifiers (variables): they must begin with an lowercase or uppercase letter or underscore, and then continue with zero or more letters or numbers or underscore: ✞ "ˆ[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$" ✡✝ ✆ Match all chars excluding spaces: ✞ "[ˆ ]*" ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 69. Repeated set specification We can specify that a certain pattern must be present n times, or from n to m times: {n} The previous pattern must be present n or more times {n,m} The previous pattern must be present from n to m times This specification belongs to “posix-basic” regex (not “emacs” regex), so in the find command we must specify the -regextype option. Find all files whose names include a double “l”: ✞ find . -regextype posix-basic -regex ".*l{2}.*" ✡✝ ✆ Find all files whose names include from 1 to 2 “l”: ✞ find . -regextype posix-basic -regex ".*l{1,2}.*" ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 70. Backreference If a matched set has to be matched again, the matching expression can be “grouped” with “(” and “)”, and then “backreferenced” with “n”, where n is number of group: Find all files whose names starts with two same uppercase characters: ✞ find . -regextype posix-basic -regex "ˆ([A-Z])1.*" ✡✝ ✆ Matches all five-letter lowercase palindromes: ✞ find . -regextype posix-basic -regex "([a-z])([a-z])[a-z]21" ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 71. Grouping (POSIX-extended) In POSIX-extended syntax, grouping can be also used to specify OR-based pattern matching: List all files whose names start with ONE or TWO: ✞ ls | egrep "ˆ(ONE|TWO).*" ✡✝ ✆ egrep is the version of grep which uses POSIX-extended regexs. In POSIX-extended, grouping is defined with ( and ) (without backslashes). Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 72. Sed, the stream editor Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 73. What is a “sed”? sed is a Unix utility whose name means “stream editor” It which performs a programmable sequence of processing actions (a script) on the data coming from STDIN Data processed is then copied to STDOUT, so the basic usage of sed is within a shell “pipeline” The syntax is: sed ’script’ Read from stdin, apply the script and write to stdout; sed ’script’ input-file Read from input-file, apply the script and write to stdout; sed ’script’ input-file > output-file Read from input-file, apply the script and write to output-file. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 74. Basic usage of sed: find and replace Scripting in sed is performed using some commands made of single-characters (this could make reading a sed script hard). A basic usage of sed is to find a certain pattern in the incoming stream and replace it with another pattern. The syntax of the script is the following: s/pattern-to-search/pattern-to-replace/ To express patterns, regexs can be also used. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 75. Find and replace: Examples Show file “data.txt” and replace all occurrence of “ONE” with “TWO”: ✞ cat data.txt | sed ’s/ONE/TWO/’ ✡✝ ✆ List all file names of current dir and replace all “.PDF” extensions with “.pdf”: ✞ ls . | sed ’s/.PDF$/.pdf/’ ✡✝ ✆ List all file names of current dir and remove any 1-to-3 char extension: ✞ ls . | sed ’s/..{1,3}$//’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 76. Find and replace: Examples As for regex, in sed a search pattern can use backreferences. Given a list of coples “lastname” “firstname” in file “names.txt” ... ✞ Santoro Corrado Verdi Giuseppe Rossi Mario Bianchi Francesco ✡✝ ✆ ... let us generate a new file with “firstname” and “lastname” (-r option enables posix-extended regex): ✞ cat names.txt | sed -r ’s/([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z]+)/2 1/’ > names_2.txt ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 77. Sed: standard syntax of script A Sed script is a list of lines of the form: line-spec command where line-spec specifies the lines to which apply the command; it may refer to: number, apply the command to the specified line number (base-1); from,to, apply the command to the lines in the interval from to; $, apply the command to the last line; it can also be used in from,$; /pattern/, apply the command to lines matching the pattern Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 78. Sed: standard syntax of script A Sed script is a list of lines of the form: line-spec command where command may be: s/.../.../, find and replace command seen before; d, delete (suppress) the line q, quit (end processing) p, print the line when sed is used with the -n option. “-n” Option: the normal behaviour of sed is to print each line (both matching and not matching), with this option printing must be explicitly performed with the p command. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 79. Some Examples Given the file “names.txt” ... ✞ # Here is a list of names Santoro Corrado ... Bianchi Francesco ✡✝ ✆ ... let us generate a new file with “firstname” and “lastname” but exclude first line: ✞ cat names.txt | sed -r ’2,$ s/([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z]+)/2 1/’ > names_2.txt ✡✝ ✆ Suppress lines beginning with “#”: ✞ cat names.txt | sed -r ’/ˆ#/ d’ > names_2.txt ✡✝ ✆ Show includes: ✞ cat mysource.c | sed -n ’/ˆ#include/ p’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 80. More versatile stream editing, the AWK Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 81. What is a “awk”? awk is a Unix tool which performs a stream editing, but in a more versatile way than grep and sed Syntax of awk scripts is similar to a programming language As in other stream editors, data is processed from STDIN and then copied to STDOUT Its name comes from the develpers: A. Aho, P. Weinberger and B. W. Kernighan. The syntax is: awk ’script’ Read from stdin, apply the script and write to stdout. Since the script may include several lines, its basic usage is within a shell script. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 82. Basic awk script syntax An awk script is a set of lines: pattern { action(s) } pattern matches a certain text line coming from stdin; action(s) is a set of commands (expressed in an imperative language) to be executed. Example (show includes): ✞ cat mysource.c | awk ’/ˆ#include/ { print }’ ✡✝ ✆ Here the print command outputs the entire line. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 83. Token Separation A basic and built-in functionality of awk is token separation, i.e. the entire line is automatically split in a list of “space-separated” tokens which can be accessed using $1, $2, etc.. Example: show filenames and owners ✞ ls -l | awk ’ { print $3, $9 }’ ✡✝ ✆ We can also use the keywords BEGIN and END in the pattern part to specify some commands to be executed at the beginning and the end of the input stream: ✞ #!/bin/bash ls -l | awk ’BEGIN { print "Owner Filename" } { print $3, $9 }’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 84. Variables in awk Variables may appear in a script. They are untyped (or runtime-typed) and artihmetic operations are possible. Example: Show ower and filename and also count files: ✞ #!/bin/bash ls -l | awk ’ BEGIN { nfiles=0; print "Owner Filename"; } { print $3, $9; nfiles=nfiles + 1; } END { print "There are", nfiles, "files"; } ’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 85. Conditionals in awk if constructs can appear in an awk script. The syntax is C-like: if { then part } else { else part } Variables may appear in a script. They are untyped (or runtime-typed) and artihmetic operations are possible. Example: Show ower and filename and also count files but stop after 10 files ✞ #!/bin/bash ls -l | awk ’ BEGIN { nfiles=0; print "Owner Filename"; } { print $3, $9; nfiles=nfiles + 1; if (nfiles == 10) { exit 1; } } END { print "There are", nfiles, "files"; } ’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 86. Conditionals in awk if constructs can use the special operator “˜” to match a regular expression. The regex is expressed using the usual way: /regex/ Example: Show ower and filename and but filter only files beginning with “test” ✞ #!/bin/bash ls -l | awk ’ BEGIN { print "Owner Filename"; } { if ($9 ˜ /ˆtest/) { print $3, $9; } }’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 87. Other Structured Constructs in awk In addition to if, awk provides the classical constructs of structured programming, they include: while do while for switch/case break/continue The syntax is C-like, i.e. ✞ #!/bin/bash awk ’ BEGIN { for (i = 0; i < 10;i++) { print i; } }’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 88. Records, fields and built-in variables Awk, in performing stdin processing, uses the following concepts: A record corresponds to a “unit of processing”, i.e. a line coming from stdin; A record is composed of one or more fields, which are literals separated by a given symbol, i.e. the space. To help processing, awk provides the following built-in variables which may be read and written: NR, number of records, that is, the line number NF, number of fields of the current record FS, the field separator (space by default) RS, the record separator (newline by default) These variables may be changed in order to process a file/stream with a specific format. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 89. Processing a file with specific format in awk Let us consider the /etc/passwd file: ✞ root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/nologin sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/usr/sbin/nologin sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin man:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/usr/sbin/nologin lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/usr/sbin/nologin mail:x:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/usr/sbin/nologin corrado:x:1000:1000:Corrado,,,:/home/corrado:/bin/bash ✡✝ ✆ Here the field separator is “:”, so we can process the file in awk by changing the FS variable. E.g. let us write a script which prints the login name and the associated home directory: ✞ #!/bin/bash cat /etc/passwd | awk ’ BEGIN { FS=":" } { print $1, $6; } ’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 90. Arrays in awk Awk language provides associative arrays, i.e. arrays whose index can be any type,e.g. mydata[1] = 20; array["Corrado"] = "Santoro"; Arrays can be used in loops with the statement: for (a in array) { .... } E.g. let us gather usernames and print them at the end of processing: ✞ #!/bin/bash cat /etc/passwd | awk ’BEGIN { i = 0; FS=":"; } { user[i] = $1; i++; } END { for (u in user) { print user[u]; } }’ ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 91. Other usefull shell tools (a non-exhaustive list) Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 92. Other shell tools sort sorts input lines to output, several sort criteria can be expressed (e.g. alphanumeric, numeric, date/time, reverse, etc.) true a “stupid” program which returns “0”, it can be used to perform infinite loops, e.g.:✞ while true; do echo ciao; done ✡✝ ✆ Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 94. Exercises (I) Print the username given the user id. List all the usernames which have a “login shell” and order them ascending. Given a file including a list of names, print only duplicates. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 95. Exercises (II) Given this /etc/network/interfaces file: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address netmask gateway print, for each interface, the following information: interface name IP address gateway address Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell
  • 96. The Unix Shell: Basic and Advanced Concepts Corrado Santoro ARSLAB - Autonomous and Robotic Systems Laboratory Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Universit`a di Catania, Italy Master Cloud P.A. Corrado Santoro The Unix Shell