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Linux Bash Shell script
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 1
• A script is a list of system commands stored in a
• Steps to write a script :-
• Use any editor like vi or vim
• chmod permission your-script-name.
• Examples:-
$ chmod +x <>
$ chmod 755 <>
• Execute your script as:
• $ bash
• $ bash
• $ ./
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 2
• My first shell script
• echo “hello world“
• $ ./first
• $ chmod 755 first
• $ ./first
• Variables in Shell:
• In Linux (Shell), there are two types of variable:
• (1) System variables :
• (2) User defined variables :
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 3
• $ echo $USERNAME
• $ echo $HOME
• User defined variables :
• variable name=value
• Examples:
• $x = 10
• echo Command:
• echo command to display text
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 4
Shell Arithmetic
• arithmetic operations
• Syntax:
expr op1 math-operator op2
$ expr 10 + 30
$ expr 20 – 10
$ expr 100 / 20
$ expr 200 % 30
$ expr 100 * 30
$ echo `expr 60 + 30`
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 5
Renaming files
mv test1 test2
Deleting files
rm -i test1
Creating directories
mkdir dir3
Deleting directories
rmdir dir3
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 6
• $ ps
• $ ps -ef
• $ ps -l
• $ ps -efH
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 7
Creating files:
$ touch test1
$ ls -il test1
Copying files:
cp source destination
cp test1 test2
Linking files:
There are two different types of file links in Linux:
a. A symbolic, or soft, link
b. A hard link
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 8
" Double
Double Quotes" -
Anything enclose in
double quotes removed
meaning of that
characters (except 
and $).
' Single quotes 'Single quotes' - Enclosed in
single quotes remains
` Back quote `Back quote` - To execute
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 9
• Pipes:
who | wc –l
 Reading from Files:
$ read message
$ echo $message
Read command to read lines from files
• Command substitution:
• Background Processes:
• ls -R /tmp &
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 10
Reading with While
while read ip name alias
if [ ! -z “$name” ]; then
# Use echo -en here to suppress ending the line;
# aliases may still be added
echo -en “IP is $ip - its name is $name”
if [ ! -z “$aliases” ]; then
echo “ Aliases: $aliases”
# Just echo a blank line
done < /etc/hosts
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 11
Stopping processes
kill pid
disk space
$ df
$ df –h
Disk usages:
$ du
$ cat file1
$ sort file1
$ cat file2
$ sort file2
$ sort -n file2
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 12
Searching for data
• grep [options] pattern [file]
• The grep command searches either the input
or the file you specify for lines that contain
characters that match the specified pattern.
The output from grep is the lines that contain
the matching pattern.
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 13
RANDOM produces a random number between 0 and 32767.
This simple recipe produces 10 random
numbers between 200 and 500:
$ cat
let “scope = $MAX - $MIN”
if [ “$scope” -le “0” ]; then
echo “Error - MAX is less than MIN!”
for i in `seq 1 10`
let result=”$RANDOM % $scope + $MIN”
echo “A random number between $MIN and $MAX is $result”
$ ./
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 14
Problem 1: Code to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of
a Pythagorean triangle
$ cat
# calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean
# using hypotenuse^2 = adjacent^2 + opposite^2
echo -n “Enter the Adjacent length: “
read adjacent
echo -n “Enter the Opposite length: “
read opposite
osquared=$(($opposite ** 2)) # get o^2
asquared=$(($adjacent ** 2)) # get a^2
hsquared=$(($osquered + $asquared)) # h^2 = a^2 + o^2
hypotenuse=`echo “scale=3;sqrt ($hsquared)” | bc`
# bc does sqrt
echo “The Hypotenuse is $hypotenuse”
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 15
Environment Variables
• There are two types of environment variables in the
bash shell
• Global variables
• Local variables
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 16
Variable Arrays
• An array is a variable that can hold multiple values.
• To set multiple values for an environment variable, just list
them in parentheses, with each value
• separated by a space:
• $ mytest=(one two three four five)
• $
• Not much excitement there. If you try to display the array
as a normal environment variable,
• you’ll be disappointed:
• $ echo $mytest
• one
• $
• Only the first value in the array appears. To reference an
individual array element, you must use
• a numerical index value, which represents its place in the
array. The numeric value is enclosed in
• square brackets:
• $ echo ${mytest[2]}
• three
• $
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 17
Scripting basics
$ date ; who
$ chmod u+x test1
$ ./test1
$ echo This is a test
This is a test
$ echo Let’s see if this’ll work
Lets see if thisll work
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 18
The backtick
One of the most useful features of shell scripts is the lowly
back quote character, usually called the
backtick (`) in the Linux world.
You must surround the entire command line command with
backtick characters:
$ cat test5
# using the backtick character
echo "The date and time are: " $testing
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 19
Redirecting Input and Output
• Output redirection
The most basic type of redirection is sending output from a
command to a file. The bash shell uses the greater-than
symbol for this:
command > outputfile
Input redirection
Input redirection is the opposite of output redirection
The input redirection symbol is the less-than symbol (<):
command < inputfile
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 20
The expr command
$ expr 1 + 5
The bash shell includes the expr command to stay compatible
with the Bourne shell; however, it
also provides a much easier way of performing mathematical
$ var1=$[1 + 5]
$ echo $var1
$ var2 = $[$var1 * 2]
$ echo $var2
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 21
$ chmod u+x test7
$ ./test7
The final result is 500
Using bc in scripts
variable=`echo "options; expression" | bc`
$ chmod u+x test9
$ ./test9
The answer is .6880
$ cat test10
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 22
var3=`echo "scale=4; $var1 / $var2" | bc`
echo The answer for this is $var3
$ cat test11
var3=`echo "scale=4; $var1 * $var1" | bc`
var4=`echo "scale=4; $var3 * $var2" | bc`
echo The final result is $var4
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 23
$ cat test12
var5=`bc << EOF
scale = 4
a1 = ( $var1 * $var2)
b1 = ($var3 * $var4)
a1 + b1
echo The final answer for this mess is $var5
• $
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 24
Checking the exit status
$ date
Sat Sep 29 10:01:30 EDT 2007
$ echo $?
$ cat test13
# testing the exit status
var3=$[ $var1 + var2 ]
echo The answer is $var3
exit 5
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 25
$ cat test14
# testing the exit status
var3=$[ $var1 + var2 ]
exit $var3
$ chmod u+x test14
$ ./test14
$ echo $?
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 26
Structured Commands
• if-then Statement:
The if-then statement has the following format:
if command
The if-then-else Statement
if command
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Nesting ifs
if command1
elif command2
more commands
• You can continue to string elif statements together, creating one huge if-
then-elif conglomeration:
if command1
command set 1
elif command2
command set 2
elif command3
command set 3
elif command4
command set 4
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 28
Numeric comparisons
• The most common method for using the test command is
to perform a comparison of two numeric values.
# using numeric test comparisons
if [ $val1 -gt 5 ]
echo "The test value $val1 is greater than 5"
if [ $val1 -eq $val2 ]
echo "The values are equal"
echo "The values are different"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 29
Comparison Description
n1 -eq n2 Check if n1 is equal to n2.
n1 -ge n2 Check if n1 is greater than or equal to
n1 -gt n2 Check if n1 is greater than n2.
n1 -le n2 Check if n1 is less than or equal to
n1 -lt n2 Check if n1 is less than n2.
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 30
String comparisons
• String equality
• The equal and not equal conditions are fairly self-
explanatory with strings. It’s pretty easy to know
• when two string values are the same or not:
# testing string equality
if [ $USER = $testuser ]
echo "Welcome $testuser"
$ ./test7
Welcome rich
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 31
The test Command String Comparisons
Comparison Description
str1 = str2 Check if str1 is the same as
string str2.
str1 != str2 Check if str1 is not the same as
str1 < str2 Check if str1 is less than str2.
str1 > str2 Check if str1 is greater than
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 32
The for Command
for var in list
Reading values in a list
# basic for command
for test in Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado
echo The next state is $test
$ ./test1
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 33
reading values from a file
for state in `cat $file`
echo "Visit beautiful $state"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 34
internal field separator
 A space
 A tab
 A newline
for state in `cat $file`
echo "Visit beautiful $state"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 35
Reading a directory using wildcards
for file in /home/tmp/*
if [ -d "$file" ]
echo "$file is a directory"
elif [ -f "$file" ]
echo "$file is a file"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 36
For loop
for (( i=1; i ‹= 10; i++ ))
echo "The next number is $i"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 37
if [ $a -lt 1 -o $a -gt 9 ]; then
echo “The number is out of range [1,9]”
echo "Multiplication Table for $a"
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
m=$[a * i]
echo "$a x $i = $m"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 38
Shell Arguments
echo "Total number of arguments = $#"
echo "Shell script name = $0"
echo "First arguemnt = $1"
echo "Second arguemnt = $2"
echo “Third argument = $3”
echo "All arguments (a word) = $*"
echo "All arguments in array = $@"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 39
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
echo “number $i”
for i in `seq 1 100`
if [ $i -lt 5 ]; then
elif [ $i -gt 10 ]; then
echo "number $i"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 40
Loops (while statement)
while [ $i -le 10 ]
sum=$[sum + i]
echo "$i sum = $sum"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 41
multiple variables
for (( a=1, b=10; a ‹= 10; a++, b-- ))
echo "$a - $b"
Nesting Loops:
for (( a = 1; a ‹= 3; a++ ))
echo "Starting loop $a:"
for (( b = 1; b ‹= 3; b++ ))
echo " Inside loop: $b"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 42
• #!/bin/sh
• function tm_score () {
• local pdb1=$1
• local pdb2=$2
• echo "`tmscore $pdb1 $pdb2 | grep ^TM | awk '{print
• }
• a=$1
• b=$2
• tm_score $a $b
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 43
Breaking out of an inner loop
for (( a = 1; a ‹ 4; a++ ))
echo "Outer loop: $a"
for (( b = 1; b ‹ 100; b++ ))
if [ $b -eq 5 ]
echo " Inner loop: $b"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 44
Breaking out of an outer loop
for (( a = 1; a ‹ 4; a++ ))
echo "Outer loop: $a"
for (( b = 1; b ‹ 100; b++ ))
if [ $b -gt 4 ]
break 2
echo " Inner loop: $b"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 45
The continue command
for (( var1 = 1; var1 ‹ 15; var1++ ))
if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ]
echo "Iteration number: $var1"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 46
for (( a = 1; a ‹= 5; a++ ))
echo "Iteration $a:"
for (( b = 1; b ‹ 3; b++ ))
if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ]
continue 2
var3=$[ $a * $b ]
echo " The result of $a * $b is $var3"
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 47
Read file into bash array
– exec < $1
let count=0
while read LINE; do
echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]}
# echo array's content
echo ${ARRAY[@]}
# restore stdin from filedescriptor 10
# and close filedescriptor 10
exec 0<&10 10<&-
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 48
Processing the Output of a
for file in /home/rich/*
if [ -d "$file" ]
echo "$file is a directory"
echo "$file is a file"
done > output.txt
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 49
Creating a function
function name {
name() {
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 50
Using functions
function func1 {
echo "This is an example of a
while [ $count -le 5 ]
count=$[ $count + 1 ]
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4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 52
echo "This line comes before the function
function func1 {
echo "This is an example of a function"
while [ $count -le 5 ]
count=$[ $count + 1 ]
echo "This is the end of the loop"
echo "Now this is the end of the script"
function func2 {
echo "This is an example of a function"
• $echo {a..z}
• $ echo {5..-1}
• if [[ $digit =~ [0-9] ]]; then echo
'$digit is a digit' else echo "oops" fi
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 53
Regular expression operators
. Matches any single character.
? The preceding item is optional
and will be matched, at most,
* The preceding item will be
matched zero or more times.
+ The preceding item will be
matched one or more times.
{N} The preceding item is matched
exactly N times.
{N,} The preceding item is matched N
or more times.
{N,M} The preceding item is matched at
least N times, but not more than
M times.
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 54
Regular expressions
As with other comparison operators (e.g., -lt or ==), bash will
return a zero if an expression like $digit =~ "[[0-9]]"
shows that the variable on the left matches the expression
on the right and a one otherwise. This example test asks
whether the value of $digit matches a single digit.
if [[ $digit =~ [0-9] ]]; then
echo '$digit is a digit'
echo "oops"
You can also check whether a reply to a prompt is
numeric with similar syntax:
echo -n "Your answer> "
read REPLY
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo Numeric
echo Non-numeric
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Sample bash script to perform the unpack/compile process
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -d work ]
# remove old work directory if it exists
rm -rf work
mkdir work
cd work
tar xzf /usr/src/distfiles/sed-3.02.tar.gz
cd sed-3.02
./configure --prefix=/usr
4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 56

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Bash Shell Scripting

  • 1. Linux Bash Shell script 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 1
  • 2. • A script is a list of system commands stored in a file. • Steps to write a script :- • Use any editor like vi or vim • chmod permission your-script-name. • Examples:- • $ chmod +x <> • $ chmod 755 <> • Execute your script as: • $ bash • $ bash • $ ./ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 2
  • 3. • My first shell script clear • echo “hello world“ • $ ./first • $ chmod 755 first • $ ./first • Variables in Shell: • In Linux (Shell), there are two types of variable: • (1) System variables : • (2) User defined variables : 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 3
  • 4. • $ echo $USERNAME • $ echo $HOME • User defined variables : • variable name=value • Examples: • $x = 10 • echo Command: • echo command to display text 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 4
  • 5. Shell Arithmetic • arithmetic operations • Syntax: expr op1 math-operator op2 Examples: $ expr 10 + 30 $ expr 20 – 10 $ expr 100 / 20 $ expr 200 % 30 $ expr 100 * 30 $ echo `expr 60 + 30` 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 5
  • 6. Renaming files mv test1 test2 Deleting files rm -i test1 Creating directories mkdir dir3 Deleting directories rmdir dir3 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 6
  • 7. processes • $ ps PID TTY TIME CMD • $ ps -ef UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD • $ ps -l F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TTY TIME CMD • $ ps -efH UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 7
  • 8. Creating files: $ touch test1 $ ls -il test1 Copying files: cp source destination cp test1 test2 Linking files: There are two different types of file links in Linux: a. A symbolic, or soft, link b. A hard link 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 8
  • 9. Quotes " Double Quotes Double Quotes" - Anything enclose in double quotes removed meaning of that characters (except and $). ' Single quotes 'Single quotes' - Enclosed in single quotes remains unchanged. ` Back quote `Back quote` - To execute command 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 9
  • 10. • Pipes: who | wc –l  Reading from Files: $ read message $ echo $message Read command to read lines from files • Command substitution: Var=`date` Var=$(date) • Background Processes: • ls -R /tmp & 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 10
  • 11. Reading with While while read ip name alias do if [ ! -z “$name” ]; then # Use echo -en here to suppress ending the line; # aliases may still be added echo -en “IP is $ip - its name is $name” if [ ! -z “$aliases” ]; then echo “ Aliases: $aliases” else # Just echo a blank line echo fi fi done < /etc/hosts 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 11
  • 12. Stopping processes kill pid disk space $ df $ df –h Disk usages: $ du Commands: $ cat file1 $ sort file1 $ cat file2 $ sort file2 $ sort -n file2 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 12
  • 13. Searching for data • grep [options] pattern [file] • The grep command searches either the input or the file you specify for lines that contain characters that match the specified pattern. The output from grep is the lines that contain the matching pattern. 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 13
  • 14. RANDOM produces a random number between 0 and 32767. This simple recipe produces 10 random numbers between 200 and 500: $ cat #!/bin/bash MIN=200 MAX=500 let “scope = $MAX - $MIN” if [ “$scope” -le “0” ]; then echo “Error - MAX is less than MIN!” fi for i in `seq 1 10` do let result=”$RANDOM % $scope + $MIN” echo “A random number between $MIN and $MAX is $result” Done $ ./ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 14
  • 15. Problem 1: Code to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triangle $ cat #!/bin/sh # calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triangle # using hypotenuse^2 = adjacent^2 + opposite^2 echo -n “Enter the Adjacent length: “ read adjacent echo -n “Enter the Opposite length: “ read opposite osquared=$(($opposite ** 2)) # get o^2 asquared=$(($adjacent ** 2)) # get a^2 hsquared=$(($osquered + $asquared)) # h^2 = a^2 + o^2 hypotenuse=`echo “scale=3;sqrt ($hsquared)” | bc` # bc does sqrt echo “The Hypotenuse is $hypotenuse” 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 15
  • 16. Environment Variables • There are two types of environment variables in the bash shell • Global variables • Local variables 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 16
  • 17. Variable Arrays • An array is a variable that can hold multiple values. • To set multiple values for an environment variable, just list them in parentheses, with each value • separated by a space: • $ mytest=(one two three four five) • $ • Not much excitement there. If you try to display the array as a normal environment variable, • you’ll be disappointed: • $ echo $mytest • one • $ • Only the first value in the array appears. To reference an individual array element, you must use • a numerical index value, which represents its place in the array. The numeric value is enclosed in • square brackets: • $ echo ${mytest[2]} • three • $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 17
  • 18. Scripting basics $ date ; who $ chmod u+x test1 $ ./test1 $ echo This is a test This is a test $ echo Let’s see if this’ll work Lets see if thisll work $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 18
  • 19. The backtick One of the most useful features of shell scripts is the lowly back quote character, usually called the backtick (`) in the Linux world. You must surround the entire command line command with backtick characters: testing=`date` $ cat test5 #!/bin/bash # using the backtick character testing=`date` echo "The date and time are: " $testing $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 19
  • 20. Redirecting Input and Output • Output redirection The most basic type of redirection is sending output from a command to a file. The bash shell uses the greater-than symbol for this: command > outputfile Input redirection Input redirection is the opposite of output redirection The input redirection symbol is the less-than symbol (<): command < inputfile 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 20
  • 21. The expr command $ expr 1 + 5 6 The bash shell includes the expr command to stay compatible with the Bourne shell; however, it also provides a much easier way of performing mathematical equations $ var1=$[1 + 5] $ echo $var1 6 $ var2 = $[$var1 * 2] $ echo $var2 12 $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 21
  • 22. $ chmod u+x test7 $ ./test7 The final result is 500 $ Using bc in scripts variable=`echo "options; expression" | bc` $ chmod u+x test9 $ ./test9 The answer is .6880 $ $ cat test10 #!/bin/bash var1=100 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 22
  • 23. var2=45 var3=`echo "scale=4; $var1 / $var2" | bc` echo The answer for this is $var3 $ $ cat test11 #!/bin/bash var1=20 var2=3.14159 var3=`echo "scale=4; $var1 * $var1" | bc` var4=`echo "scale=4; $var3 * $var2" | bc` echo The final result is $var4 $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 23
  • 24. $ cat test12 #!/bin/bash var1=10.46 var2=43.67 var3=33.2 var4=71 var5=`bc << EOF scale = 4 a1 = ( $var1 * $var2) b1 = ($var3 * $var4) a1 + b1 EOF ` echo The final answer for this mess is $var5 • $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 24
  • 25. Checking the exit status $ date Sat Sep 29 10:01:30 EDT 2007 $ echo $? 0 $ $ cat test13 #!/bin/bash # testing the exit status var1=10 var2=30 var3=$[ $var1 + var2 ] echo The answer is $var3 exit 5 $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 25
  • 26. $ cat test14 #!/bin/bash # testing the exit status var1=10 var2=30 var3=$[ $var1 + var2 ] exit $var3 $ $ chmod u+x test14 $ ./test14 $ echo $? 40 $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 26
  • 27. Structured Commands • if-then Statement: The if-then statement has the following format: if command then commands Fi The if-then-else Statement if command then commands else commands fi 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 27
  • 28. Nesting ifs if command1 then commands elif command2 then more commands Fi • You can continue to string elif statements together, creating one huge if- then-elif conglomeration: if command1 then command set 1 elif command2 then command set 2 elif command3 then command set 3 elif command4 then command set 4 fi 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 28
  • 29. Numeric comparisons • The most common method for using the test command is to perform a comparison of two numeric values. #!/bin/bash # using numeric test comparisons val1=10 val2=11 if [ $val1 -gt 5 ] then echo "The test value $val1 is greater than 5" fi if [ $val1 -eq $val2 ] then echo "The values are equal" else echo "The values are different" fi 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 29
  • 30. Comparison Description n1 -eq n2 Check if n1 is equal to n2. n1 -ge n2 Check if n1 is greater than or equal to n2. n1 -gt n2 Check if n1 is greater than n2. n1 -le n2 Check if n1 is less than or equal to n2. n1 -lt n2 Check if n1 is less than n2. 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 30
  • 31. String comparisons • String equality • The equal and not equal conditions are fairly self- explanatory with strings. It’s pretty easy to know • when two string values are the same or not: #!/bin/bash # testing string equality testuser=rich if [ $USER = $testuser ] then echo "Welcome $testuser" fi $ ./test7 Welcome rich $ 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 31
  • 32. The test Command String Comparisons Comparison Description str1 = str2 Check if str1 is the same as string str2. str1 != str2 Check if str1 is not the same as str2. str1 < str2 Check if str1 is less than str2. str1 > str2 Check if str1 is greater than str2. 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 32
  • 33. The for Command for var in list do commands Done Reading values in a list #!/bin/bash # basic for command for test in Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado do echo The next state is $test done $ ./test1 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 33
  • 34. reading values from a file file="states" for state in `cat $file` do echo "Visit beautiful $state" Done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 34
  • 35. internal field separator  A space  A tab  A newline file="states" IFS=$’n’ for state in `cat $file` do echo "Visit beautiful $state" Done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 35
  • 36. Reading a directory using wildcards for file in /home/tmp/* do if [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory" elif [ -f "$file" ] Then echo "$file is a file" fi Done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 36
  • 37. For loop for (( i=1; i ‹= 10; i++ )) do echo "The next number is $i" done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 37
  • 38. #!/bin/sh a=$1 if [ $a -lt 1 -o $a -gt 9 ]; then echo “The number is out of range [1,9]” exit fi echo "Multiplication Table for $a" for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do m=$[a * i] echo "$a x $i = $m" done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 38
  • 39. Shell Arguments #!/bin/sh echo "Total number of arguments = $#" echo "Shell script name = $0" echo "First arguemnt = $1" echo "Second arguemnt = $2" echo “Third argument = $3” echo "All arguments (a word) = $*" echo "All arguments in array = $@" 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 39
  • 40. Loops #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do echo “number $i” done #!/bin/sh for i in `seq 1 100` do if [ $i -lt 5 ]; then continue elif [ $i -gt 10 ]; then break fi echo "number $i" done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 40
  • 41. Loops (while statement) while expression do statements done #!/bin/sh i=1 sum=0 while [ $i -le 10 ] do sum=$[sum + i] echo "$i sum = $sum" i=$[i+1] done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 41
  • 42. multiple variables for (( a=1, b=10; a ‹= 10; a++, b-- )) do echo "$a - $b" Done Nesting Loops: for (( a = 1; a ‹= 3; a++ )) do echo "Starting loop $a:" for (( b = 1; b ‹= 3; b++ )) do echo " Inside loop: $b" done done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 42
  • 43. functions • #!/bin/sh • function tm_score () { • local pdb1=$1 • local pdb2=$2 • echo "`tmscore $pdb1 $pdb2 | grep ^TM | awk '{print $3}'`" • } • a=$1 • b=$2 • tm_score $a $b 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 43
  • 44. Breaking out of an inner loop for (( a = 1; a ‹ 4; a++ )) do echo "Outer loop: $a" for (( b = 1; b ‹ 100; b++ )) do if [ $b -eq 5 ] then break fi echo " Inner loop: $b" done done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 44
  • 45. Breaking out of an outer loop for (( a = 1; a ‹ 4; a++ )) do echo "Outer loop: $a" for (( b = 1; b ‹ 100; b++ )) do if [ $b -gt 4 ] then break 2 fi echo " Inner loop: $b" done done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 45
  • 46. The continue command for (( var1 = 1; var1 ‹ 15; var1++ )) do if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ] then continue fi echo "Iteration number: $var1" done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 46
  • 47. Continue for (( a = 1; a ‹= 5; a++ )) do echo "Iteration $a:" for (( b = 1; b ‹ 3; b++ )) do if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ] then continue 2 fi var3=$[ $a * $b ] echo " The result of $a * $b is $var3" done done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 47
  • 48. Read file into bash array – exec < $1 let count=0 while read LINE; do ARRAY[$count]=$LINE ((count++)) done echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]} # echo array's content echo ${ARRAY[@]} # restore stdin from filedescriptor 10 # and close filedescriptor 10 exec 0<&10 10<&- 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 48
  • 49. Processing the Output of a Loop for file in /home/rich/* do if [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory" elif echo "$file is a file" fi done > output.txt 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 49
  • 50. Creating a function function name { commands } name() { commands } 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 50
  • 51. Using functions function func1 { echo "This is an example of a function" } count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ] do func1 count=$[ $count + 1 ] done 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 51
  • 52. 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 52 count=1 echo "This line comes before the function definition" function func1 { echo "This is an example of a function" } while [ $count -le 5 ] do func1 count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo "This is the end of the loop" func2 echo "Now this is the end of the script" function func2 { echo "This is an example of a function" }
  • 53. Regex • $echo {a..z} • $ echo {5..-1} • if [[ $digit =~ [0-9] ]]; then echo '$digit is a digit' else echo "oops" fi 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 53
  • 54. Regular expression operators Operator . Matches any single character. ? The preceding item is optional and will be matched, at most, once. * The preceding item will be matched zero or more times. + The preceding item will be matched one or more times. {N} The preceding item is matched exactly N times. {N,} The preceding item is matched N or more times. {N,M} The preceding item is matched at least N times, but not more than M times. 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 54
  • 55. Regular expressions As with other comparison operators (e.g., -lt or ==), bash will return a zero if an expression like $digit =~ "[[0-9]]" shows that the variable on the left matches the expression on the right and a one otherwise. This example test asks whether the value of $digit matches a single digit. if [[ $digit =~ [0-9] ]]; then echo '$digit is a digit' else echo "oops" fi You can also check whether a reply to a prompt is numeric with similar syntax: echo -n "Your answer> " read REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo Numeric else echo Non-numeric fi 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 55
  • 56. Sample bash script to perform the unpack/compile process #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -d work ] then # remove old work directory if it exists rm -rf work fi mkdir work cd work tar xzf /usr/src/distfiles/sed-3.02.tar.gz cd sed-3.02 ./configure --prefix=/usr make 4/29/2014 Linux Bash Shell script 56