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Lecturer: Bahman Moghimi
DBA in Marketing. PhD in IT Management
M.A. Of “Electronic Commerce”
University of Georgia
Introduction to e-Marketing
Bahman Station
 Marketing: is typically seen as the task of
exchanging value for creating, promoting, and
delivering goods and services to consumers
and businesses.
 What is value really?
◦ Brand value, Image value
◦ Monetary value
◦ Behavioral value
◦ Location value
 When do you feel valued?
 How can we create value?
 What is “Brand Equity”?
Bahman ‘s Mind-Map for E-Commerce Solutions
11 12
Conceive of attractive new
products and services and
commercialize them
Identify, attract, and build
relationships with
Build and manage facilities
for high-volume, repetitive
operational tasks
Source: Hagel and Singer, 1999
 Websites log files’ analysis show most popular page, visitor’s country
of origin & computer details, route taken to your site
 Track repeat visitors using cookies (store tiny piece of info – name,
purchase, preferences - back to the visitor’s computer)
 Improve on basic response analysis using sophisticated geo-targeting
software (automatic feedback & info change matching a visitor’s
browsing habits) 15
The term log file can refer to:
 In computer data logging, the file to which a computer
system writes a record of its activities.
 Output produced by a data logger 16
 The web is an opportunity for creating & promoting your brand
 MOVE FAST because website domain names are in short supply
 The Net is developing fast giving plenty of scope for creating a
powerful brand
 Choose your brand carefully to have a big impact on your web
audience 17
 The web provides instant feedback, whereas with other media it is more costly,
time consuming & difficult to move from start up to recognized brand
 Every website is referenced by a unique domain & every website must register
for a unique domain (even if the company has a registered name/trademark)
 Professional look: register your company’s own domain name for e-mail &
website 18
 Own domain name registration is easy & inexpensive:
– Ask your ISP to do it for you
– Or, do it yourself at websites such as or
(if you’ve signed up with a free ISP - AOL, CompuServe – you might need a
2nd ISP to register & manage your domain) 19
 High rate of domain name registration (your name might be chosen
by others if you don’t move fast)
 Specialist search tools enable to verify the availability of a domain
– Some can suggest alternative domain names, such as
– Others provide a list of high-profile names up for auction – at a
premium price, such as 20 21
 Register all the alternative ways your name could be
spelt (to avoid confusions such as: the same name registered with ‘.com’,
‘.org’, ‘.uk’, ‘’ endings; or derivatives of one name
 Might take users numerous trials to track a site if they
have no recollection of the domain name 22
 Managers need to understand the capabilities of new media to
invest on implementing an effective “Marketing Plan”.
 Examples of Technologies:
- HTML Forms - Java - XML
- Database - DHTML - XHTML
- Multimedia - Video clips - … 23
24 25 26
in different
ANGLES 27 28 29
Customized Offers 30 31
Allow Product
appearance with
change of colors 32 33 34 35
Same Price:
Comparison of
properties 36
Same technical properties:
Comparison of prices &
stores etc… 37
Easily locate
a dealer
nearest to
the customer
2end hand car.
Different segments
of the market! 38 39
testimonials &
certificates! 40
How Can you
Remain update in your
business environment 42
present the
evidence of your
abilities, customers,
honor ship, photos
etc… 43
Virtual Fitting Room! 44
1. Transferring
passion and
2. Educate the
general public
3. … 45
Live Value
Transferring 46
customers? 47 48
52 53
 shifts from "face-to-face" to "screen-to-face"
 important to consider the types of interface design
available 54
 The 7Cs Framework
 A virtual representation of a firm's chosen value
 Compelling sites
◦ communicate the core value proposition of the company
◦ provide a compelling rationale for buying and/or visiting the
site 55
The 7C’s of Customer Interface
-site layout
& design
-ability to do
-links to
other sites
-user:user; user-
site; 1 or 2 way
-what the
site contains
-ability to tailor
or personalize
 Function
 Site layout
 Section breakdown
 Linking structure
 Navigation tools
 Performance
 Speed
 Reliability
 Platform independence
 Media accessibility
 Usability 57
Color scheme
Visual themes
 1. Site Load-time Is Reasonable
If a site takes forever to load, most people will just leave. Yes, many of us have broadband now, but
that makes our patience even thinner.
 2. Adequate Text-to-Background Contrast
Eyes and monitors vary wildly, so keep your core copy contrast high. Good, old-fashioned black-on-
white is still best most of the time.
 3. Font Size/Spacing Is Easy to Read
Poor readability increases frustration, and frustration leads to site abandonment. Also, make sure your
line spacing is adequate - white-space is a designer's best friend.
 4. Flash & Add-ons Are Used Sparingly
No matter how great your site looks, people won't wait 5 minutes for a plug-in to load. Use new
technology sparingly and only when it really enhances your goals. Sticking to standard HTML/CSS is
also a plus for search engines.
 5. Images Have Appropriate ALT Tags
Not only do sight-impaired visitors use ALT tags, but search engines need them to understand your
images. This is especially critical when you use images for key content, such as menu items.
 6. Site Has Custom Not-found/404 Page
If a page on your site doesn't exist, a white page with "404 Not Found" is a good way to lose a
customer. Create a custom 404 page, preferably one that guides your visitors to content. 58
 7. Company Logo Is Prominently Placed
Put your logo or brand where it's easy to find, and that usually means the upper-left of the
 8. Tagline Makes Company's Purpose Clear
Answer "What do you do?" concisely with a descriptive tagline. Avoid marketing jargon
and boil your unique value proposition down to a few words. This is also a plus for SEO.
 9. Home-page Is Digestible In 5 Seconds
In usability, we often talk about the 5-second rule. There's some disagreement over just how
many seconds you get, but website visitors are a fickle bunch, and they need to get the basic
gist of your home-page in just a few moments.
 10. Clear Path to Company Information
The good old "About Us" page may seem boring, but confidence is important on the web,
and people need an easy way to learn more about you.
 11. Clear Path to Contact Information
Similarly, visitors want to know that they can get in touch with you if they need to.
Preferably, list your contact information as text (not in an image) - it'll get picked up by
search engines, including local searches. 59
 12. Main Navigation Is Easily Identifiable
Make your main navigation easy to find, read, and use.
 13. Navigation Labels Are Clear & Concise
Don't say "Communicate Online With Our Team" when "Contact Us" will do just fine.
Your main navigation should be short, to the point, and easy for mere mortals to grasp.
 14. Number of Buttons/Links Is Reasonable
Psychologists like to argue about how many pieces of information we can process, but if
you start to get past 7-or-so menu items, think hard about whether you need them. If
you've got 3 layers of flyaway Javascript menus, start over.
 15. Company Logo Is Linked to Home-page
This may sound minor, but people expect logos to link to home-pages, and when they
don't, confusion follows.
 16. Links Are Consistent & Easy to Identify
Consider at least making your links either blue or underlined. Links should stand out, and
you should use them sparingly enough that they don't disrupt your content.
 17. Site Search Is Easy to Access
Usability guidelines tend to prefer the upper-right corner of the page. Keep the button
simple and clear - "Search" still works best for most sites. 60
 18. Major Headings Are Clear & Descriptive
Most people don't read online, they skim. Use headings (major and minor) to set content
apart and keep it organized. Headings should be clear, and for SEO benefit, using heading
tags (<H1>, <H2>, etc.).
 19. Critical Content Is Above The Fold
The "fold" is that imaginary line where the bottom of your screen cuts off a page. Content
can fall below the fold, but anything critical to understanding who you are or what you do
(especially on the home-page) should fit on that first screen. Average screen resolution
these days is about 1024x768, depending on your audience.
 20. Styles & Colors Are Consistent
Make sure people know they're still on your site by being consistent. - Confuse them and
you'll lose them! Layout, headings, and styles should be consistent site-wide, and colors
should usually have the same meaning. Don't use red headers on one page, red links on
another, and red text somewhere else.
 21. Emphasis (bold, etc.) Is Used Sparingly
It's a fact of human cognition: try to draw attention to everything and you'll effectively
draw attention to nothing. We've all seen that site, the one with a red, blinking, underlined
"NEW!" next to everything. Don't be that guy. 61
 22. Ads & Pop-ups Are Unobtrusive
Ads are a fact of life, but integrate them nicely into your site. Don't try to force ads and
pop-ups down peoples' throats. Also make your ads clear. If you blur the line between ads
and content too much, your content may suffer.
 23. Main Copy Is Concise & Explanatory
This isn't a lesson in copywriting, but look at your home-page - can you say the same thing
in half as many words? Try to be concrete and descriptive and avoid jargon - nobody cares
if you can "leverage your synergies".
 24. URLs Are Meaningful & User-friendly
This is a point of some debate, but meaningful keyword-based URLs are generally good
for both visitors and search engines. You don't have to re-engineer an entire site just to get
new URLs, but do what you can to make them descriptive and friendly.
 25. HTML Page Titles Are Explanatory
More importantly, your page titles (in the <TITLE> tag) should be descriptive, unique, and
not jammed full of keywords. Page titles are the first thing search-engine visitors see, and
if those titles don't make sense or look spammy, they'll move on to the next result. 62 63
Dominant 64 65
 All digital information included on the site
Four dimensions to content are
◦ a) offering mix
◦ b) appeal mix
◦ c) multimedia mix
◦ d) content type 66 67
 Company Mission and Vision
 Home Page
 About Page
 Services
 Blog Posts
 Contact Page
 Others to Consider
◦ 404 pages
◦ Testimonials
◦ Terms
◦ Privacy Policy 68
Government web best practices. 69
A big-box store (also supercenter, superstore, or megastore) is a large retail
establishment, usually part of a chain. The term sometimes also refers, by extension, to
the company that operates the store. The store may sell general dry goods in which
case it is a department store, or may be limited to a particular specialty (such
establishments are often called "category killers") or may also sell groceries, in which
case some countries use the term hypermarket. 70
Category Killer
Large companies that put less efficient and highly specialized merchants out of
business. Category killers can attain this status by being cheaper, easier, bigger,
or more popular than the competition.
One of the best examples of a category killer is Wal-Mart, their chain has put
smaller stores in a wide range of specialized categories out of business. 72 73 74 75 76
For Terms, Visit 77
 Page access: If a search engine can’t reach a page, it’s impossible to have it indexed.
Make sure that the robots.txt file or robots meta tag isn’t accidentally blocking
important pages.
 Inappropriate pages: On the other hand: some pages should not be indexed, for
example incomplete pages or confidential pages. Block them via the robots.txt file or
robots meta tag.
 Pagination: help search engines handle pagination by implementing the rel=”next” and
rel=”prev” tag.
 Redirects: use 301-redirects instead of 302. 301-redirects pass more PageRank.
 404 errors: try to reduce the amount of 404 errors to a minimum.
 Site speed: site speed has become a ranking factor. Faster is better. Use Google Page
Speed to check the loading time of your pages.
 Mobile accessibility: is your site accessible for mobile devices? Google recommends a
responsive design.
 Duplicate content: check for duplicate content in Google Webmaster tools, 78
 www or non-www: Choose one and make sure the internal and inbound links use
the same format. Use Google Webmaster Tools to set the preferred version.
Automatic URL rewriting is also possible.
 Domain extension: Local businesses might want to consider choosing a country-
specific domain extension for better ranking.
 Sub-domain or subfolder: Sub-domains are often seen by Google as separate
domains, so it’s best to use subfolders. If you have several, non-related products
you can still opt for a sub-domain though
 Descriptive URLs: use a descriptive page name instead of a random number of
words and letters. The same goes for subfolders.
 Hyphens: use hyphens to split words in a URL.
 URL parameters: you can help Google handle URL parameters via Google
Webmaster tools. 79
 HTML sitemap: a HTML sitemap is not only useful for visitors, but also for
search engines. It helps them understand your site architecture.
 XML sitemap: this sitemap is only visible for search engines. XML sitemaps
allow you to add metadata which can be used to provide additional information
about the content of each page. An XML sitemap can contain a maximum of
50,000 links.
 Image sitemap: The Image Sitemap can help your images show up in Google
Image Search results and get you some extra visitors.
 Video sitemap: a video sitemap can help with the creation of rich snippets for
your page. 80
 Single keyword per page: Make sure every page targets a single keyword.
 Keyword research: ranking for the correct keywords is very important. Do
some research and see which keyword has the highest traffic potential and the
least amount of competition. Balance these two factors.
 Keyword in URL: use the keyword in the URL (page name)
 Keyword in title: use the keyword in the title of the page, preferably in the
beginning. This is an important indicator for search engines to categorise a
 Keyword in headings: use the keyword in one or more headings (h1, h2,
h3…). The h1 tag should only be used once on a page and should be used for
the title.
 Keyword in content: it’s impossible to write about a topic without using the
keyword. Use it, including variations and synonyms, throughout the text. Try
to use it in the first paragraph too. 81
 Title: max. 70 characters long
 Unique value: does your content provide unique value to the visitor? Great
content attracts links naturally.
 Content type: choosing a different content type, e.g. infographic, comic,
quiz… can help you attract links.
 Crawl-ability: Search engines have difficulties crawling certain content types,
for example images or flash content. A combination of HTML, CSS and web
fonts can be used to solve certain crawl-ability problems
 Language targeting: inform search engines about a translated page by using
the rel=”alternate” hreflang=”x” annotation.
 Freshness: search engines like new content. Regularly posting or updating
pages is recommended.
 Content length: content length is correlated with rankings. Longer articles
usually score better. Try to aim for at least 300 words. 82
 File name: choose a descriptive file name instead of random words and
 Alt-tag: don’t forget to add an alt-tag with a short description of the image.
 Size: keep your images as small as possible to improve page load times 83
 Meta description: change the description of a page in the SERPs by adding a
meta-description tag. A good description convinces surfers to click on the link.
Don’t forget to use keywords because they appear in bold.
 Structured data: add structured data to your page that can be used to generate
rich snippets. Rich snippets can vastly improve the CTR of your pages.
Structured data can be added via microdata, RFDa or microformats.
 Authorship information: add authorship information to your pages.
AuthorRank is a relatively new ranking factor. 84
A Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the listing of results returned
by a search engine in response to a keyword query.
 Thumbnail: choose an eye-catching thumbnail that’s at least 200 x 200 pixels.
 Title: the title acts as an anchor text for your social snippet.
 URL: the URL of the underlying page. Don’t forget to tag your URL using
Google’s URL builder for additional information in Google Analytics.
 Description: a short description of the content. You can use the meta-
description for this.
 Twitter: Twitter Cards use the Open Graph tags, supplemented with several
Twitter-specific tags. 85
 Local optimization: optimize your page as you would do for any other
keyword. Use the location (for example Palo Alto) in the page title, URL and
 Structured data: location information can also be added via structured data.
 Multiple locations: if you have a chain of businesses, create a unique page
with a separate URL for each location.
 Google+: create a Google+ Local page for your business.
 Local listing: get links from local listings (YellowPages, Foursquare, Yelp…)
to improve your visibility for local search queries. 86
 Inbound links: check the number of inbound links.
 Authority: links from sites with a high domain authority are more valuable
 Anchor text: the anchor text is the text that is used to link to your site.
Keywords in an anchor text are very useful, but don’t overdo this. Make sure
your link profile looks natural.
 Diversity: try to gain links from multiple, relevant domains instead of only a
handful of sites.
 Nofollow: inbound links that use the rel=”nofollow” tag pass no Page-Rank
 Bad links: links from spammy, suspicious websites can hurt your rankings.
Contact the webmaster to remove them or use the Disavow Tool. 87
 Community: Includes a feeling of membership in a
group along with a strong sense of involvement and
shared common interests with that group
 Based on user-to-user communication, which can be
one-to-one or one-to-many 88 89 90 91 92 93
 A site's ability to tailor itself to each user or be tailored
by each user
 Can be initiated by the user, a process termed
"personalization," or by the organization, a process
termed "tailoring." 94
 To attract users and to keep them returning, the site provides a
variety of features that include
◦ personalized e-mail accounts
◦ virtual hard-disk storage
◦ software agents to perform simple tasks 95 96
• Personal Computers (Dell)
• Designer Jeans (Levi’s)
• Music CDs (CD Now)
• Greeting cards (Hallmark)
• Bicycles (National Bicycle)
• Cars (Toyota and Nissan)
• Refrigerators (Samsung)
• Watch (Swatch) 97
 The ability through software to dynamically publish
unique versions of the site to address a specific user's
interests, habits, and needs more appropriately. 98
 Dialogue that is initiated by the organization.
◦ one-way from the organization to the user (broadcast)
◦ or more interactive
 Broadcast communication
 Mass mailings
 E-mail newsletters
 Content-update reminders
 Broadcast events 99
 E-commerce dialogue
 Customer service
 User input
 Degree to which a given site is able to link to other
sites through a hypertext jump or hyperlink from one
web page to another
Links that take the user completely outside the home site and
into a third-party site
home site background
 Pathway-in approaches
Affiliate programs
 Those features of the customer interface that support the various
aspects of trading transactions
Shopping cart
Credit-card approval
One-click shopping
Orders through affiliates
Configuration technology
Order tracking
Delivery options
 Crypto Technology
 Crypto Currency
 E-Wallet
 Digital Currency
 PayPal and other Electronic Money
 Offer a large number of standard components that can be mixed and matched in many ways
 Give the customer illusion of infinite choice whilst keeping manufacturing and supply chain
complexity to a minimum 106 107
 Display advertising: the use of web banners or banner ads placed on a third-party
website or blog to drive traffic to a company's own website and increase product
 Search engine marketing (SEM): a form of marketing that seeks to promote websites
by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of
either paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion, or through the use of
free search engine optimization techniques also known as organic result.
 Search engine optimization (SEO): the process of improving the visibility of a website
or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic")
search results.
 Social media marketing: the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media
websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. 108
 Email marketing: directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people
using electronic mail.
 Referral marketing: a method of promoting products or services to new customers
through referrals, usually word of mouth.
 Affiliate marketing: a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more
affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing
 Content marketing: the process of creating specialized content such as info-graphics,
blog articles and e-books to attract more customers.
 Inbound marketing: involves creating and freely sharing informative content as a
means of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.
 Video marketing: This type of marketing specializes in creating videos that engage
the viewer into a buying state by presenting information in video form and guiding
them to a product or service. 109
 CPM (Cost Per Mille) or CPT (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) is when
advertisers pay for exposure of their message to a specific audience. "Per mille"
means per thousand impressions, or loads of an advertisement. However, some
impressions may not be counted, such as a reload or internal user action.
 CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay per click) is when advertisers pay each time a
user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. They do not actually pay
for the listing, but only when the listing is clicked on.
 CPA (Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition) or PPF (Pay Per
Performance)advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate
marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the
risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the number of users who
complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up.
◦ CPL (Cost Per Lead) advertising is identical to CPA advertising and is based on the user
completing a form, registering for a newsletter or some other action that the merchant
feels will lead to a sale.
◦ CPS (Cost Per Sale), PPS (Pay Per Sale), or CPO (Cost Per Order) advertising is based on
each time a sale is made. 110
 CPV (Cost Per Visitor) is when advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor
to the advertisers website.
 CPV (Cost Per View) is when advertisers pay for each unique user view of an
advertisement or website (usually used with pop-ups, pop-unders and interstitial ads).
 eCPM: Effective CPM or eCPM calculated through other conversion events such as
Cost per Clicks, Cost per Downloads, Cost per Leads etc. for example when an
advertiser getting $2 per download and for 100,000 impressions you received 10
downloads worth $20, in this case your effective CPM or eCPM will be
2*20*1000/100,000= $0.4
 Fixed Cost: Advertiser paying fixed cost for delivery frame by campaign flight dates
without any relevance to performance
 Cost per conversion Describes the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated
by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the number of conversions. The
definition of "Conversion" varies depending on the situation: it is sometimes
considered to be a lead, a sale, or a purchase. 111
 Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought
about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising
online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very
successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space
and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no
extra costs.
 Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content.
 Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the
 Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to
minimize the disruption of the content being viewed
 Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.
 Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an
error message or an alert.
 Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an
advertisement, or entire webpage. 112
 Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the
current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active
 Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual
moving video clips are displayed.
 Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an
electronic map such as on Google Maps.
 Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.
 Superstitial: An animated ad on a Web page from Enliven Marketing Technologies. It
uses video, 3D content or Flash to provide a TV-like advertisement.
 Interstitial ad: a full-page ad that appears before a user reaches their original destination.
 Frame ad: an ad that appeared within an HTML frame, usually at the top with the site
logo. As the user browsed the site, the frame would not change.
 In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular
with advertisers 114
 Legitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail
advertising" or permission marketing to distinguish it from spam 115
 Display advertising appears on web pages in many forms, including web
banners. These banners can consist of static or animated images, as well as
interactive media that may include audio and video elements. Display
advertising on the Internet is widely used for branding. This is why metrics
like interaction time are becoming more relevant.
 Display advertisers use cookie and browser history to determine
demographics and interests of users and target appropriate ads to those
 Banner ads can be targeted to internet users in many different ways in order
to reach the advertiser's most relevant audience. Behavioral retargeting,
demographic targeting, geographic targeting, and site based targeting are
all common ways in which advertisers choose to target their banner ads. 117
 Affiliate marketing is a form of online advertising where advertisers place
campaigns with a potentially large number of small (and large) publishers,
who are only paid media fees when traffic to the advertiser is garnered, and
usually upon a specific measurable campaign result (a form, a sale, a sign-
up, etc.).
 Today, this is usually accomplished through contracting with an affiliate
 Affiliate marketing was an invention by in 1994 and was
excelled by when it launched its Affiliate Program,
called Associate Program in 1996. The online retailer used its
program to generate low cost brand exposure and provided at the
same time small websites a way to earn some supplemental income. 118
 In addition to contextual targeting, online advertising can be targeted based
on a user's online behavior. This practice is known as behavioral targeting.
For example, if a user is known to have recently visited a number of
automotive shopping / comparison sites based on click-stream-analysis
enabled by cookies stored on the user's computer, that user can then be
served auto-related ads when they visit other, non-automotive sites. 119
 Semantic advertising applies semantic analysis techniques
to web pages. The process is meant to accurately interpret
and classify the meaning and/or main subject of the page
and then populate it with targeted advertising spots. By
closely linking content to advertising, it is assumed that
the viewer will be more likely to show an interest (i.e.,
through engagement) in the advertised product or service 120
 Social network advertising is a form of Online advertising that focuses on
social networking sites. Advertising on social media networks can take the
form of direct display ad buys at the social networks, self-serve advertising
through internal ad networks, and ad serving on social network applications
through special social network application advertising networks. 121
 Privacy
 Malware
 Limitations
 Security concerns
 Ethics
 … 122 123 124
6 127
8 129

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Introduction to Electronic Marketing Professor Bahman Moghimi University of Georgia Tbilisi Study in Georgia.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. Lecturer: Bahman Moghimi DBA in Marketing. PhD in IT Management M.A. Of “Electronic Commerce” University of Georgia Introduction to e-Marketing
  • 5.  Marketing: is typically seen as the task of exchanging value for creating, promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumers and businesses.
  • 7. 7  What is value really? ◦ Brand value, Image value ◦ Monetary value ◦ Behavioral value ◦ Location value  When do you feel valued?  How can we create value?  What is “Brand Equity”? Segmentation Targeting Differentiation Positioning
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Bahman ‘s Mind-Map for E-Commerce Solutions
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 Product Innovation Conceive of attractive new products and services and commercialize them Customer Relationship Management Identify, attract, and build relationships with customers Infrastructure Management Build and manage facilities for high-volume, repetitive operational tasks Source: Hagel and Singer, 1999 RETHINKING THE TRADITIONAL ORGANIZATION
  • 15.  Websites log files’ analysis show most popular page, visitor’s country of origin & computer details, route taken to your site  Track repeat visitors using cookies (store tiny piece of info – name, purchase, preferences - back to the visitor’s computer)  Improve on basic response analysis using sophisticated geo-targeting software (automatic feedback & info change matching a visitor’s browsing habits) 15
  • 16. The term log file can refer to:  In computer data logging, the file to which a computer system writes a record of its activities.  Output produced by a data logger 16
  • 17.  The web is an opportunity for creating & promoting your brand  MOVE FAST because website domain names are in short supply  The Net is developing fast giving plenty of scope for creating a powerful brand  Choose your brand carefully to have a big impact on your web audience 17
  • 18.  The web provides instant feedback, whereas with other media it is more costly, time consuming & difficult to move from start up to recognized brand  Every website is referenced by a unique domain & every website must register for a unique domain (even if the company has a registered name/trademark)  Professional look: register your company’s own domain name for e-mail & website 18
  • 19.  Own domain name registration is easy & inexpensive: – Ask your ISP to do it for you – Or, do it yourself at websites such as or (if you’ve signed up with a free ISP - AOL, CompuServe – you might need a 2nd ISP to register & manage your domain) 19
  • 20.  High rate of domain name registration (your name might be chosen by others if you don’t move fast)  Specialist search tools enable to verify the availability of a domain name: – Some can suggest alternative domain names, such as – Others provide a list of high-profile names up for auction – at a premium price, such as 20
  • 22.  Register all the alternative ways your name could be spelt (to avoid confusions such as: the same name registered with ‘.com’, ‘.org’, ‘.uk’, ‘’ endings; or derivatives of one name  Might take users numerous trials to track a site if they have no recollection of the domain name 22
  • 23.  Managers need to understand the capabilities of new media to invest on implementing an effective “Marketing Plan”.  Examples of Technologies: - HTML Forms - Java - XML - Database - DHTML - XHTML - Multimedia - Video clips - … 23
  • 24. 24
  • 36. 36 Same technical properties: Comparison of prices & stores etc…
  • 37. 37 Easily locate a dealer nearest to the customer 2end hand car. Different segments of the market!
  • 40. 40 How Can you create TRUST?
  • 41. 41 Remain update in your business environment
  • 42. 42 present the evidence of your abilities, customers, certificates, honor ship, photos etc…
  • 44. 44 1. Transferring passion and warmth… 2. Educate the general public 3. …
  • 52. 52
  • 54.  shifts from "face-to-face" to "screen-to-face"  important to consider the types of interface design available 54
  • 55.  The 7Cs Framework  A virtual representation of a firm's chosen value proposition  Compelling sites ◦ communicate the core value proposition of the company ◦ provide a compelling rationale for buying and/or visiting the site 55
  • 56. The 7C’s of Customer Interface 56 Context -site layout & design Commerce -ability to do business Connection -links to other sites Community -user-user interaction Communication -user:user; user- site; 1 or 2 way Content -what the site contains Customization -ability to tailor or personalize
  • 57.  Function  Site layout  Section breakdown  Linking structure  Navigation tools  Performance  Speed  Reliability  Platform independence  Media accessibility  Usability 57 Aesthetics Color scheme Visual themes
  • 58.  1. Site Load-time Is Reasonable If a site takes forever to load, most people will just leave. Yes, many of us have broadband now, but that makes our patience even thinner.  2. Adequate Text-to-Background Contrast Eyes and monitors vary wildly, so keep your core copy contrast high. Good, old-fashioned black-on- white is still best most of the time.  3. Font Size/Spacing Is Easy to Read Poor readability increases frustration, and frustration leads to site abandonment. Also, make sure your line spacing is adequate - white-space is a designer's best friend.  4. Flash & Add-ons Are Used Sparingly No matter how great your site looks, people won't wait 5 minutes for a plug-in to load. Use new technology sparingly and only when it really enhances your goals. Sticking to standard HTML/CSS is also a plus for search engines.  5. Images Have Appropriate ALT Tags Not only do sight-impaired visitors use ALT tags, but search engines need them to understand your images. This is especially critical when you use images for key content, such as menu items.  6. Site Has Custom Not-found/404 Page If a page on your site doesn't exist, a white page with "404 Not Found" is a good way to lose a customer. Create a custom 404 page, preferably one that guides your visitors to content. 58
  • 59.  7. Company Logo Is Prominently Placed Put your logo or brand where it's easy to find, and that usually means the upper-left of the screen.  8. Tagline Makes Company's Purpose Clear Answer "What do you do?" concisely with a descriptive tagline. Avoid marketing jargon and boil your unique value proposition down to a few words. This is also a plus for SEO.  9. Home-page Is Digestible In 5 Seconds In usability, we often talk about the 5-second rule. There's some disagreement over just how many seconds you get, but website visitors are a fickle bunch, and they need to get the basic gist of your home-page in just a few moments.  10. Clear Path to Company Information The good old "About Us" page may seem boring, but confidence is important on the web, and people need an easy way to learn more about you.  11. Clear Path to Contact Information Similarly, visitors want to know that they can get in touch with you if they need to. Preferably, list your contact information as text (not in an image) - it'll get picked up by search engines, including local searches. 59
  • 60.  12. Main Navigation Is Easily Identifiable Make your main navigation easy to find, read, and use.  13. Navigation Labels Are Clear & Concise Don't say "Communicate Online With Our Team" when "Contact Us" will do just fine. Your main navigation should be short, to the point, and easy for mere mortals to grasp.  14. Number of Buttons/Links Is Reasonable Psychologists like to argue about how many pieces of information we can process, but if you start to get past 7-or-so menu items, think hard about whether you need them. If you've got 3 layers of flyaway Javascript menus, start over.  15. Company Logo Is Linked to Home-page This may sound minor, but people expect logos to link to home-pages, and when they don't, confusion follows.  16. Links Are Consistent & Easy to Identify Consider at least making your links either blue or underlined. Links should stand out, and you should use them sparingly enough that they don't disrupt your content.  17. Site Search Is Easy to Access Usability guidelines tend to prefer the upper-right corner of the page. Keep the button simple and clear - "Search" still works best for most sites. 60
  • 61.  18. Major Headings Are Clear & Descriptive Most people don't read online, they skim. Use headings (major and minor) to set content apart and keep it organized. Headings should be clear, and for SEO benefit, using heading tags (<H1>, <H2>, etc.).  19. Critical Content Is Above The Fold The "fold" is that imaginary line where the bottom of your screen cuts off a page. Content can fall below the fold, but anything critical to understanding who you are or what you do (especially on the home-page) should fit on that first screen. Average screen resolution these days is about 1024x768, depending on your audience.  20. Styles & Colors Are Consistent Make sure people know they're still on your site by being consistent. - Confuse them and you'll lose them! Layout, headings, and styles should be consistent site-wide, and colors should usually have the same meaning. Don't use red headers on one page, red links on another, and red text somewhere else.  21. Emphasis (bold, etc.) Is Used Sparingly It's a fact of human cognition: try to draw attention to everything and you'll effectively draw attention to nothing. We've all seen that site, the one with a red, blinking, underlined "NEW!" next to everything. Don't be that guy. 61
  • 62.  22. Ads & Pop-ups Are Unobtrusive Ads are a fact of life, but integrate them nicely into your site. Don't try to force ads and pop-ups down peoples' throats. Also make your ads clear. If you blur the line between ads and content too much, your content may suffer.  23. Main Copy Is Concise & Explanatory This isn't a lesson in copywriting, but look at your home-page - can you say the same thing in half as many words? Try to be concrete and descriptive and avoid jargon - nobody cares if you can "leverage your synergies".  24. URLs Are Meaningful & User-friendly This is a point of some debate, but meaningful keyword-based URLs are generally good for both visitors and search engines. You don't have to re-engineer an entire site just to get new URLs, but do what you can to make them descriptive and friendly.  25. HTML Page Titles Are Explanatory More importantly, your page titles (in the <TITLE> tag) should be descriptive, unique, and not jammed full of keywords. Page titles are the first thing search-engine visitors see, and if those titles don't make sense or look spammy, they'll move on to the next result. 62
  • 66.  All digital information included on the site Four dimensions to content are ◦ a) offering mix ◦ b) appeal mix ◦ c) multimedia mix ◦ d) content type 66
  • 68.  Company Mission and Vision  Home Page  About Page  Services  Blog Posts  Contact Page  Others to Consider ◦ 404 pages ◦ Testimonials ◦ Terms ◦ Privacy Policy 68 Government web best practices.
  • 69. 69 Superstore A big-box store (also supercenter, superstore, or megastore) is a large retail establishment, usually part of a chain. The term sometimes also refers, by extension, to the company that operates the store. The store may sell general dry goods in which case it is a department store, or may be limited to a particular specialty (such establishments are often called "category killers") or may also sell groceries, in which case some countries use the term hypermarket.
  • 71. Category Killer 71 Large companies that put less efficient and highly specialized merchants out of business. Category killers can attain this status by being cheaper, easier, bigger, or more popular than the competition. One of the best examples of a category killer is Wal-Mart, their chain has put smaller stores in a wide range of specialized categories out of business.
  • 78.  Page access: If a search engine can’t reach a page, it’s impossible to have it indexed. Make sure that the robots.txt file or robots meta tag isn’t accidentally blocking important pages.  Inappropriate pages: On the other hand: some pages should not be indexed, for example incomplete pages or confidential pages. Block them via the robots.txt file or robots meta tag.  Pagination: help search engines handle pagination by implementing the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” tag.  Redirects: use 301-redirects instead of 302. 301-redirects pass more PageRank.  404 errors: try to reduce the amount of 404 errors to a minimum.  Site speed: site speed has become a ranking factor. Faster is better. Use Google Page Speed to check the loading time of your pages.  Mobile accessibility: is your site accessible for mobile devices? Google recommends a responsive design.  Duplicate content: check for duplicate content in Google Webmaster tools, 78
  • 79.  www or non-www: Choose one and make sure the internal and inbound links use the same format. Use Google Webmaster Tools to set the preferred version. Automatic URL rewriting is also possible.  Domain extension: Local businesses might want to consider choosing a country- specific domain extension for better ranking.  Sub-domain or subfolder: Sub-domains are often seen by Google as separate domains, so it’s best to use subfolders. If you have several, non-related products you can still opt for a sub-domain though  Descriptive URLs: use a descriptive page name instead of a random number of words and letters. The same goes for subfolders.  Hyphens: use hyphens to split words in a URL.  URL parameters: you can help Google handle URL parameters via Google Webmaster tools. 79
  • 80.  HTML sitemap: a HTML sitemap is not only useful for visitors, but also for search engines. It helps them understand your site architecture.  XML sitemap: this sitemap is only visible for search engines. XML sitemaps allow you to add metadata which can be used to provide additional information about the content of each page. An XML sitemap can contain a maximum of 50,000 links.  Image sitemap: The Image Sitemap can help your images show up in Google Image Search results and get you some extra visitors.  Video sitemap: a video sitemap can help with the creation of rich snippets for your page. 80
  • 81.  Single keyword per page: Make sure every page targets a single keyword.  Keyword research: ranking for the correct keywords is very important. Do some research and see which keyword has the highest traffic potential and the least amount of competition. Balance these two factors.  Keyword in URL: use the keyword in the URL (page name)  Keyword in title: use the keyword in the title of the page, preferably in the beginning. This is an important indicator for search engines to categorise a page.  Keyword in headings: use the keyword in one or more headings (h1, h2, h3…). The h1 tag should only be used once on a page and should be used for the title.  Keyword in content: it’s impossible to write about a topic without using the keyword. Use it, including variations and synonyms, throughout the text. Try to use it in the first paragraph too. 81
  • 82.  Title: max. 70 characters long  Unique value: does your content provide unique value to the visitor? Great content attracts links naturally.  Content type: choosing a different content type, e.g. infographic, comic, quiz… can help you attract links.  Crawl-ability: Search engines have difficulties crawling certain content types, for example images or flash content. A combination of HTML, CSS and web fonts can be used to solve certain crawl-ability problems  Language targeting: inform search engines about a translated page by using the rel=”alternate” hreflang=”x” annotation.  Freshness: search engines like new content. Regularly posting or updating pages is recommended.  Content length: content length is correlated with rankings. Longer articles usually score better. Try to aim for at least 300 words. 82
  • 83.  File name: choose a descriptive file name instead of random words and numbers.  Alt-tag: don’t forget to add an alt-tag with a short description of the image.  Size: keep your images as small as possible to improve page load times 83
  • 84.  Meta description: change the description of a page in the SERPs by adding a meta-description tag. A good description convinces surfers to click on the link. Don’t forget to use keywords because they appear in bold.  Structured data: add structured data to your page that can be used to generate rich snippets. Rich snippets can vastly improve the CTR of your pages. Structured data can be added via microdata, RFDa or microformats.  Authorship information: add authorship information to your pages. AuthorRank is a relatively new ranking factor. 84 A Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the listing of results returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query.
  • 85.  Thumbnail: choose an eye-catching thumbnail that’s at least 200 x 200 pixels.  Title: the title acts as an anchor text for your social snippet.  URL: the URL of the underlying page. Don’t forget to tag your URL using Google’s URL builder for additional information in Google Analytics.  Description: a short description of the content. You can use the meta- description for this.  Twitter: Twitter Cards use the Open Graph tags, supplemented with several Twitter-specific tags. 85
  • 86.  Local optimization: optimize your page as you would do for any other keyword. Use the location (for example Palo Alto) in the page title, URL and content.  Structured data: location information can also be added via structured data.  Multiple locations: if you have a chain of businesses, create a unique page with a separate URL for each location.  Google+: create a Google+ Local page for your business.  Local listing: get links from local listings (YellowPages, Foursquare, Yelp…) to improve your visibility for local search queries. 86
  • 87.  Inbound links: check the number of inbound links.  Authority: links from sites with a high domain authority are more valuable  Anchor text: the anchor text is the text that is used to link to your site. Keywords in an anchor text are very useful, but don’t overdo this. Make sure your link profile looks natural.  Diversity: try to gain links from multiple, relevant domains instead of only a handful of sites.  Nofollow: inbound links that use the rel=”nofollow” tag pass no Page-Rank  Bad links: links from spammy, suspicious websites can hurt your rankings. Contact the webmaster to remove them or use the Disavow Tool. 87
  • 88.  Community: Includes a feeling of membership in a group along with a strong sense of involvement and shared common interests with that group  Based on user-to-user communication, which can be one-to-one or one-to-many 88
  • 94.  A site's ability to tailor itself to each user or be tailored by each user  Can be initiated by the user, a process termed "personalization," or by the organization, a process termed "tailoring." 94
  • 95.  To attract users and to keep them returning, the site provides a variety of features that include ◦ personalized e-mail accounts ◦ virtual hard-disk storage ◦ software agents to perform simple tasks 95
  • 96. 96 THE INCREASED USE OF MASS-CUSTOMIZATION • Personal Computers (Dell) • Designer Jeans (Levi’s) • Music CDs (CD Now) • Greeting cards (Hallmark) • Bicycles (National Bicycle) • Cars (Toyota and Nissan) • Refrigerators (Samsung) • Watch (Swatch)
  • 98.  The ability through software to dynamically publish unique versions of the site to address a specific user's interests, habits, and needs more appropriately. 98
  • 99.  Dialogue that is initiated by the organization. ◦ one-way from the organization to the user (broadcast) ◦ or more interactive  Broadcast communication  Mass mailings  FAQ  E-mail newsletters  Content-update reminders  Broadcast events 99
  • 100.  E-commerce dialogue  Customer service  User input 10 0
  • 102.  Degree to which a given site is able to link to other sites through a hypertext jump or hyperlink from one web page to another Links that take the user completely outside the home site and into a third-party site home site background  Pathway-in approaches Affiliate programs 10 2
  • 103.  Those features of the customer interface that support the various aspects of trading transactions Registration Shopping cart Security Credit-card approval One-click shopping Orders through affiliates Configuration technology Order tracking Delivery options 10 3
  • 104.  Crypto Technology  Crypto Currency  E-Wallet  Digital Currency  PayPal and other Electronic Money 10 4
  • 105. 10 5  Offer a large number of standard components that can be mixed and matched in many ways  Give the customer illusion of infinite choice whilst keeping manufacturing and supply chain complexity to a minimum
  • 108.  Display advertising: the use of web banners or banner ads placed on a third-party website or blog to drive traffic to a company's own website and increase product awareness.  Search engine marketing (SEM): a form of marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of either paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion, or through the use of free search engine optimization techniques also known as organic result.  Search engine optimization (SEO): the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.  Social media marketing: the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. 108
  • 109.  Email marketing: directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic mail.  Referral marketing: a method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of mouth.  Affiliate marketing: a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.  Content marketing: the process of creating specialized content such as info-graphics, blog articles and e-books to attract more customers.  Inbound marketing: involves creating and freely sharing informative content as a means of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.  Video marketing: This type of marketing specializes in creating videos that engage the viewer into a buying state by presenting information in video form and guiding them to a product or service. 109
  • 110.  CPM (Cost Per Mille) or CPT (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) is when advertisers pay for exposure of their message to a specific audience. "Per mille" means per thousand impressions, or loads of an advertisement. However, some impressions may not be counted, such as a reload or internal user action.  CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay per click) is when advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. They do not actually pay for the listing, but only when the listing is clicked on.  CPA (Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition) or PPF (Pay Per Performance)advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the number of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. ◦ CPL (Cost Per Lead) advertising is identical to CPA advertising and is based on the user completing a form, registering for a newsletter or some other action that the merchant feels will lead to a sale. ◦ CPS (Cost Per Sale), PPS (Pay Per Sale), or CPO (Cost Per Order) advertising is based on each time a sale is made. 110
  • 111.  CPV (Cost Per Visitor) is when advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website.  CPV (Cost Per View) is when advertisers pay for each unique user view of an advertisement or website (usually used with pop-ups, pop-unders and interstitial ads).  eCPM: Effective CPM or eCPM calculated through other conversion events such as Cost per Clicks, Cost per Downloads, Cost per Leads etc. for example when an advertiser getting $2 per download and for 100,000 impressions you received 10 downloads worth $20, in this case your effective CPM or eCPM will be 2*20*1000/100,000= $0.4  Fixed Cost: Advertiser paying fixed cost for delivery frame by campaign flight dates without any relevance to performance  Cost per conversion Describes the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the number of conversions. The definition of "Conversion" varies depending on the situation: it is sometimes considered to be a lead, a sale, or a purchase. 111
  • 112.  Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no extra costs.  Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content.  Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the webpage.  Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed  Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.  Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an error message or an alert.  Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an advertisement, or entire webpage. 112
  • 114.  Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active windows.  Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed.  Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps.  Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.  Superstitial: An animated ad on a Web page from Enliven Marketing Technologies. It uses video, 3D content or Flash to provide a TV-like advertisement.  Interstitial ad: a full-page ad that appears before a user reaches their original destination.  Frame ad: an ad that appeared within an HTML frame, usually at the top with the site logo. As the user browsed the site, the frame would not change.  In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular with advertisers 114
  • 115.  Legitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail advertising" or permission marketing to distinguish it from spam 115
  • 117.  Display advertising appears on web pages in many forms, including web banners. These banners can consist of static or animated images, as well as interactive media that may include audio and video elements. Display advertising on the Internet is widely used for branding. This is why metrics like interaction time are becoming more relevant.  Display advertisers use cookie and browser history to determine demographics and interests of users and target appropriate ads to those browsers.  Banner ads can be targeted to internet users in many different ways in order to reach the advertiser's most relevant audience. Behavioral retargeting, demographic targeting, geographic targeting, and site based targeting are all common ways in which advertisers choose to target their banner ads. 117
  • 118.  Affiliate marketing is a form of online advertising where advertisers place campaigns with a potentially large number of small (and large) publishers, who are only paid media fees when traffic to the advertiser is garnered, and usually upon a specific measurable campaign result (a form, a sale, a sign- up, etc.).  Today, this is usually accomplished through contracting with an affiliate network.  Affiliate marketing was an invention by in 1994 and was excelled by when it launched its Affiliate Program, called Associate Program in 1996. The online retailer used its program to generate low cost brand exposure and provided at the same time small websites a way to earn some supplemental income. 118
  • 119.  In addition to contextual targeting, online advertising can be targeted based on a user's online behavior. This practice is known as behavioral targeting. For example, if a user is known to have recently visited a number of automotive shopping / comparison sites based on click-stream-analysis enabled by cookies stored on the user's computer, that user can then be served auto-related ads when they visit other, non-automotive sites. 119
  • 120.  Semantic advertising applies semantic analysis techniques to web pages. The process is meant to accurately interpret and classify the meaning and/or main subject of the page and then populate it with targeted advertising spots. By closely linking content to advertising, it is assumed that the viewer will be more likely to show an interest (i.e., through engagement) in the advertised product or service 120
  • 121.  Social network advertising is a form of Online advertising that focuses on social networking sites. Advertising on social media networks can take the form of direct display ad buys at the social networks, self-serve advertising through internal ad networks, and ad serving on social network applications through special social network application advertising networks. 121
  • 122.  Privacy  Malware  Limitations  Security concerns  Ethics  … 122
  • 131.