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University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of
organisms and their parts (microscopy) while macroscopically study is called as gross
It is defined as an important scientific discipline which is concerned with the
investigation of biological structure by:
i. Dissection
ii. Micro-dissection
iii. Light Microscopy
iv. Electron Microscopy
v. Radiology
Regional Anatomy:
It deals with anatomy of various structures as they lie in relationship with one
another in different regions of the body. It is valuable for surgeons.
Surface Anatomy:
It deals with the study and identification of various structures in living persons by
methods of inspection and palpation (feel area with hand). It helps to enhance the
knowledge acquired through dissection of the cadaver (bones, corpse, carcass, corpus,
[archaic], relics, remains, stiff) by either of line of study, regional or systematic. It is helpful
both in health and disease and it is daily used in medical practice.
Riological Anatomy:
It is study of structure of human body with the aid of x-rays. It helps to investigate
the anatomical facts which cannot be understood by any other method. It is very useful in
both health and disease and is in current use in modern medical practice.
It is study of various changes in the developing organism from the fertilization of
ovum up to the birth of the body.
It is the study of cells by various biological methods.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
It is the study of various tissues by various scientific methods (microscopy;
Applied or Clinical Anatomy:
It is the direct application of facts of human anatomy to medicine and surgery. The
students are advised to lay the stress on applied aspect while they’re studying gross
anatomy in dissection hall.
Systematic Anatomy:
The description of several systems of organs separately and in logical order
consume under the head of systematic anatomy. The several parts of each system not only
show a certain similarity of structure but are also associated in specialized functions.
Anatomical Position:
 During the Renaissance (“Rebirth”) the study of human life and medicine began to
 Scientist, Doctors and Artist would experiment and practice on the dead and
 Cadavers were positioned flat on their backs, thus making it easier to draw and
reference from that position.
 Many artists such as Leonardo da Vinci began to study, draw and diagram the
human body.
Anatomical Position Definition:
 It is a specific body condition in which an individual standing erect, with palms and
feet facing forward flat on the floor.
 The head is level, and the eyes look forward towards the observer.
 The arms at either side of the body with the palms facing forward and the thumbs
pointing away from the body.
 It is the standard reference point in which all positions, movements, and planes are
Positions and Directions:
Following are the terms of position and direction describe the position of one body
part relative to another, usually along one of the three major body planes:
1. Relative to Head and Tail of body:
 Superior: Refers to a structure being closer to the head or higher than another
structure in the body.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Inferior: Refers to a structure being closer to the feet or lower than another
structure in the body.
 Caudal: At the rear of tail end.
 Cranial: At the head end.
2. Relative to Front (Belly Side) or Back of the body:
 Anterior: Refers to a structure being more in front than another structure in the
 Posterior: Refers to a structure being more in back than another structure in the
 Ventral: Towards the front or belly (you Vent out or your nose and mouth).
 Dorsal: Towards the back (like the Dorsal fin of a dolphin).
3. Relative to Midline or Centre of Body:
 Medial: Refers to a structure being closer to the midline or median plane of the body
than another structure of the body.
 Lateral: Refers to a structure being farther away from the midline than another
structure of the body.
 Superficial: Refers to a structure being closer to the surface of the body than
another structure (Superficial and deep are related to cavity).
 Deep: Refers to a structure being closer to the core of the body than another
structure (e.g. heart is superficial, esophagus is deep).
4. Relative to Point of Attachment of Appendages:
 Distal (Reference to the extremities only): Refers to a structure being further away
from the root of the limb than another structure in the limb.
 Proximal (Reference to the extremities only): Refers to a structure being closer to
the root of the limb than another structure in that limb.
 When you divide the skeleton into Axial and Appendicular you can better
understand the extremities and their roots.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
5. Some Other Positions of Body:
 Prone: Lying face down
 Supine: Lying face up
 Unilateral: Pertaining to one side of the body
 Bilateral: Pertaining to both sides of the body
Anatomical Planes:
 A plane is an imaginary surface that slices the body into specific sections.
 These are the fixed lines of reference along which the body is often divided or
sectioned to facilitate viewing of its structures.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 They allow one to obtain a three-dimensional perspective by studying the body
from different views.
1. Sectional (Frontal, Coronal) Plane:
This is a vertical plane that divides the body into front and back portions.
2. Transverse (Cross-sectional / Horizontal) Plane:
The horizontal planes divide the body into upper (superior – upper) and lower
(inferior - lower) portions.
3. Sagittal (extends through) Plane:
 This plane divides the body into right and left portions.
 Mid-sagittal or median are names for the plane dividing the body into equal right
and left halves.
 A plane that is parallel to mid-sagittal plane, but either to the left or right is called
minor plane (oblique plane – passes through an angle)
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
The human body is partitioned into two main regions, called the axial and
appendicular regions.
 The axial region includes the head, neck, and trunk which comprise the main vertical
axis of our body.
 Our limbs, or appendages, attach to the body’s axis and make up the appendicular
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
Skeletal System:
 The axial skeleton is composed of the bones along the central axis of the body:
 The skull
 The vertebral column
 The thoracic cage
 The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the appendages:
 Upper and lower limbs
 The bones that hold the limbs to the trunk of the body.
(Axial Skeleton) (Appendicular Skeleton)
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Flexion: Bending a joint or decreasing the angle between two bones e.g. in the fetal
position we are flexing our joints
 Extension: Straightening a joint or increasing the angle between two bones e.g. in
the Anatomical position we are extending our joints
 Hyperextension: Excessive extension of the parts at a joint beyond anatomical
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Adduction: Moving a body part towards the midline of the body.
 Abduction: Moving a body part away from the midline of the body.
 Pronation: Turning the arm or foot downward (palm or sole of the foot - down) e.g.
 Supination: Turning the arm or foot upward (palm or sole of the foot - up) e.g.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Retraction: Moving a part backward
 Protraction: Moving a part forward
 Elevation: Raising a part
 Depression: Lowering a part
 Rotation: Turning on a single axis
 Circumduction: Tri-planar, circular motion at the hip or shoulder
 Internal rotation: Rotation of the hip or shoulder toward the midline
 External rotation: Rotation of the hip or shoulder away from the midline
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Lateral Flexion: Side-bending left or right
 Inversion: Turning the sole of the foot inward
 Eversion: Turning the sole of the foot outward
 Dorsiflexion: Ankle movement bringing the foot towards the shin
 Plantar-flexion: Ankle movement pointing the foot downward
 Radial Deviation: Movement of the wrist towards the radius or lateral side.
 Ulnar Deviation: Movement of the wrist towards the ulna or medial side.
 Opposition: Movement of the thumb across the palm of the hand.
Additional Range of Motion:
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
Range of Motion:
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Hip: Abduction
 Hip: Adduction
 Hip: Flexion
 Knee: Extension
 Ankle: Plantar-flexion
 Wrist: Extension
(A) Hyperextension
(B) Flexion
 Knee: Flexion
 Ankle: Dorsiflexion
 Forearm: (a) Supination
Forearm: (b) Pronation
 Shoulder: Circumduction
 Shoulder: Elevation
 Jaw: Protraction
 Shoulder: Rotation
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
There are two divisions of the human skeleton:
 Axial:
 It is the long axis of the body
 It includes bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage.
 It is mostly involved in protecting, supporting, or carrying other body parts.
 Appendicular:
 It includes bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles.
 It is involved in free movements.
 The Skull - Formed by 22 bones
 The cranium forms the vault and base of the skull, which protects the brain
 The facial skeleton provides openings for the respiratory and digestive passages
and attachment points for facial muscles.
 Except for the temporomandibular joints, all bones of the adult skull are joined
by immovable sutures.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 The 8 bones of the cranium include
o Paired parietal and temporal bones
o Single frontal, occipital, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones
Facial Bones:
 The 14 bones of the face include
o Paired are maxillae, zygomatics, nasals, lacrimals, palatines, and inferior
o Single are mandible and vomer bones
Para-nasal Sinuses:
 Mucosa-lined, air-filled sinuses
 Clustered around the nasal cavity
 Present in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and paired maxillary bones
Functional aspect:
 Air enters the sinuses from the nasal cavity
 Mucus formed by the sinus mucosa drains into the nasal cavity.
 Lighten the skull
 Enhance the resonance of the voice
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
Hyoid Bone:
The hyoid bone, supported in the neck by ligaments, serves as an attachment point
for tongue and neck muscles.
 The Vertebral Column:
 It includes 24 movable vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar) and the
sacrum and coccyx.
 The fibro-cartilage inter-vertebral discs act as shock absorbers and provide
flexibility to the vertebral column.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 The primary curvatures of the vertebral column are the thoracic and sacral
 The secondary curvatures are the cervical and lumbar. Curvatures increase spine
General Structure of Vertebrae:
With the exception of C1 and C2, all vertebrae have a body, 2 transverse processes, 2
superior and 2 inferior articular processes, a spinous process, and a vertebral arch.
 The Thoracic Cage:
The bones of the thoracic cage include:
 The 12 rib pairs
 The sternum
 The thoracic vertebrae
The thoracic cage protects the organs of the thoracic cavity.
The sternum consists of the fused manu-brium, body, and xiphoid process.
The first seven rib pairs are called true ribs; the rest are called false ribs. Ribs 11 and
12 are floating ribs.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle:
 It consists of 1 clavicle and 1 scapula.
 It attaches the upper limbs to the axial skeleton
 Hold the scapulae laterally away from the thorax
 The sternoclavicular joints are the only attachment points of the pectoral girdle
to the axial skeleton.
 Articulate with the clavicles and with the humerus bones of the arms.
 The Upper Limb
 Each upper limb is specialized for mobility.
Arm – Humerus
Forearm – Radius and Ulna
Hand - Carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle:
 It is composed of two hip bones that secure the lower limbs to the axial skeleton.
 Each hip bone consists of 3 fused bones: Ilium, ischium, and pubis; Acetabulum
occurs at the point of fusion.
 Ilium forms a joint with the sacrum posteriorly.
 Ischium - we sit on the ischial tuberosities.
 V-shaped pubic bones articulate anteriorly at the pubic symphysis.
Pelvic Structure and Childbearing:
 Male pelvis is deep and narrow
 Female pelvis, which forms the birth canal, is shallow and wide.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
The Lower Limb:
 Each lower limb consists of the thigh (Femur), leg (Tibia - knee, ankle joints and
Fibula), and foot (Tarsals, meta-tarsals, and phalanges)
 It is specialized for weight bearing and locomotion.
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton:
 Fontanels are present in the skull at birth
 Growth of the cranium after birth is related to brain growth
University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Muhammad Muneeb
 Increase in size of the facial skeleton follows tooth development and enlargement of
nose and sinus cavities.
 The vertebral column is C shaped at birth (thoracic and sacral curvatures are
 Secondary curvatures form when the baby begins to lift its head and walk.
 Long bones continue to grow in length until late adolescence.
 Changes in the female pelvis (preparatory for childbirth) occur during puberty.
 Once at adult height, the skeleton changes little until late middle age
 With old age
 Intervertebral discs thin leading to shortened height
 Loss of bone mass increases the risk of fractures
 Thoracic cage rigidity promotes breathing difficulties

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Introduction to anatomy

  • 1. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 ANATOMY Definition: Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts (microscopy) while macroscopically study is called as gross anatomy. It is defined as an important scientific discipline which is concerned with the investigation of biological structure by: i. Dissection ii. Micro-dissection iii. Light Microscopy iv. Electron Microscopy v. Radiology Regional Anatomy: It deals with anatomy of various structures as they lie in relationship with one another in different regions of the body. It is valuable for surgeons. Surface Anatomy: It deals with the study and identification of various structures in living persons by methods of inspection and palpation (feel area with hand). It helps to enhance the knowledge acquired through dissection of the cadaver (bones, corpse, carcass, corpus, [archaic], relics, remains, stiff) by either of line of study, regional or systematic. It is helpful both in health and disease and it is daily used in medical practice. Riological Anatomy: It is study of structure of human body with the aid of x-rays. It helps to investigate the anatomical facts which cannot be understood by any other method. It is very useful in both health and disease and is in current use in modern medical practice. Embryology: It is study of various changes in the developing organism from the fertilization of ovum up to the birth of the body. Cytology: It is the study of cells by various biological methods. Histology:
  • 2. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 It is the study of various tissues by various scientific methods (microscopy; histochemistry). Applied or Clinical Anatomy: It is the direct application of facts of human anatomy to medicine and surgery. The students are advised to lay the stress on applied aspect while they’re studying gross anatomy in dissection hall. Systematic Anatomy: The description of several systems of organs separately and in logical order consume under the head of systematic anatomy. The several parts of each system not only show a certain similarity of structure but are also associated in specialized functions. Anatomical Position:  During the Renaissance (“Rebirth”) the study of human life and medicine began to flourish.  Scientist, Doctors and Artist would experiment and practice on the dead and incarcerated.  Cadavers were positioned flat on their backs, thus making it easier to draw and reference from that position.  Many artists such as Leonardo da Vinci began to study, draw and diagram the human body. Anatomical Position Definition:  It is a specific body condition in which an individual standing erect, with palms and feet facing forward flat on the floor.  The head is level, and the eyes look forward towards the observer.  The arms at either side of the body with the palms facing forward and the thumbs pointing away from the body.  It is the standard reference point in which all positions, movements, and planes are described. Positions and Directions: Following are the terms of position and direction describe the position of one body part relative to another, usually along one of the three major body planes: 1. Relative to Head and Tail of body:  Superior: Refers to a structure being closer to the head or higher than another structure in the body.
  • 3. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Inferior: Refers to a structure being closer to the feet or lower than another structure in the body.  Caudal: At the rear of tail end.  Cranial: At the head end. 2. Relative to Front (Belly Side) or Back of the body:  Anterior: Refers to a structure being more in front than another structure in the body.  Posterior: Refers to a structure being more in back than another structure in the body.  Ventral: Towards the front or belly (you Vent out or your nose and mouth).  Dorsal: Towards the back (like the Dorsal fin of a dolphin). 3. Relative to Midline or Centre of Body:  Medial: Refers to a structure being closer to the midline or median plane of the body than another structure of the body.  Lateral: Refers to a structure being farther away from the midline than another structure of the body.  Superficial: Refers to a structure being closer to the surface of the body than another structure (Superficial and deep are related to cavity).  Deep: Refers to a structure being closer to the core of the body than another structure (e.g. heart is superficial, esophagus is deep). 4. Relative to Point of Attachment of Appendages:  Distal (Reference to the extremities only): Refers to a structure being further away from the root of the limb than another structure in the limb.  Proximal (Reference to the extremities only): Refers to a structure being closer to the root of the limb than another structure in that limb.  When you divide the skeleton into Axial and Appendicular you can better understand the extremities and their roots.
  • 4. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 5. Some Other Positions of Body:  Prone: Lying face down  Supine: Lying face up  Unilateral: Pertaining to one side of the body  Bilateral: Pertaining to both sides of the body Anatomical Planes:  A plane is an imaginary surface that slices the body into specific sections.  These are the fixed lines of reference along which the body is often divided or sectioned to facilitate viewing of its structures.
  • 5. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  They allow one to obtain a three-dimensional perspective by studying the body from different views. 1. Sectional (Frontal, Coronal) Plane: This is a vertical plane that divides the body into front and back portions. 2. Transverse (Cross-sectional / Horizontal) Plane: The horizontal planes divide the body into upper (superior – upper) and lower (inferior - lower) portions. 3. Sagittal (extends through) Plane:  This plane divides the body into right and left portions.  Mid-sagittal or median are names for the plane dividing the body into equal right and left halves.  A plane that is parallel to mid-sagittal plane, but either to the left or right is called minor plane (oblique plane – passes through an angle)
  • 6. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 REGIONS OF BODY The human body is partitioned into two main regions, called the axial and appendicular regions.  The axial region includes the head, neck, and trunk which comprise the main vertical axis of our body.  Our limbs, or appendages, attach to the body’s axis and make up the appendicular region.
  • 7. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 Skeletal System:  The axial skeleton is composed of the bones along the central axis of the body:  The skull  The vertebral column  The thoracic cage  The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the appendages:  Upper and lower limbs  The bones that hold the limbs to the trunk of the body. (Axial Skeleton) (Appendicular Skeleton)
  • 8. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 MOVEMENTS  Flexion: Bending a joint or decreasing the angle between two bones e.g. in the fetal position we are flexing our joints  Extension: Straightening a joint or increasing the angle between two bones e.g. in the Anatomical position we are extending our joints  Hyperextension: Excessive extension of the parts at a joint beyond anatomical position.
  • 9. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137
  • 10. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Adduction: Moving a body part towards the midline of the body.  Abduction: Moving a body part away from the midline of the body.  Pronation: Turning the arm or foot downward (palm or sole of the foot - down) e.g. Prone  Supination: Turning the arm or foot upward (palm or sole of the foot - up) e.g. Supine
  • 11. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Retraction: Moving a part backward  Protraction: Moving a part forward  Elevation: Raising a part  Depression: Lowering a part  Rotation: Turning on a single axis  Circumduction: Tri-planar, circular motion at the hip or shoulder  Internal rotation: Rotation of the hip or shoulder toward the midline  External rotation: Rotation of the hip or shoulder away from the midline
  • 12. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Lateral Flexion: Side-bending left or right  Inversion: Turning the sole of the foot inward  Eversion: Turning the sole of the foot outward  Dorsiflexion: Ankle movement bringing the foot towards the shin  Plantar-flexion: Ankle movement pointing the foot downward  Radial Deviation: Movement of the wrist towards the radius or lateral side.  Ulnar Deviation: Movement of the wrist towards the ulna or medial side.  Opposition: Movement of the thumb across the palm of the hand. Additional Range of Motion:
  • 13. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 Range of Motion:
  • 14. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Hip: Abduction  Hip: Adduction  Hip: Flexion  Knee: Extension  Ankle: Plantar-flexion  Wrist: Extension (A) Hyperextension (B) Flexion  Knee: Flexion  Ankle: Dorsiflexion  Forearm: (a) Supination Forearm: (b) Pronation  Shoulder: Circumduction  Shoulder: Elevation  Jaw: Protraction  Shoulder: Rotation
  • 15. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 SKELETON DIVISIONS There are two divisions of the human skeleton:  Axial:  It is the long axis of the body  It includes bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage.  It is mostly involved in protecting, supporting, or carrying other body parts.  Appendicular:  It includes bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles.  It is involved in free movements. THE AXIAL SKELETON:  The Skull - Formed by 22 bones  The cranium forms the vault and base of the skull, which protects the brain  The facial skeleton provides openings for the respiratory and digestive passages and attachment points for facial muscles.  Except for the temporomandibular joints, all bones of the adult skull are joined by immovable sutures.
  • 16. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 Cranium:  The 8 bones of the cranium include o Paired parietal and temporal bones o Single frontal, occipital, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones Facial Bones:  The 14 bones of the face include o Paired are maxillae, zygomatics, nasals, lacrimals, palatines, and inferior conchae o Single are mandible and vomer bones Para-nasal Sinuses:  Mucosa-lined, air-filled sinuses  Clustered around the nasal cavity  Present in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and paired maxillary bones Functional aspect:  Air enters the sinuses from the nasal cavity  Mucus formed by the sinus mucosa drains into the nasal cavity.  Lighten the skull  Enhance the resonance of the voice
  • 17. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137
  • 18. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 Hyoid Bone: The hyoid bone, supported in the neck by ligaments, serves as an attachment point for tongue and neck muscles.  The Vertebral Column:  It includes 24 movable vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar) and the sacrum and coccyx.  The fibro-cartilage inter-vertebral discs act as shock absorbers and provide flexibility to the vertebral column.
  • 19. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  The primary curvatures of the vertebral column are the thoracic and sacral  The secondary curvatures are the cervical and lumbar. Curvatures increase spine flexibility. General Structure of Vertebrae: With the exception of C1 and C2, all vertebrae have a body, 2 transverse processes, 2 superior and 2 inferior articular processes, a spinous process, and a vertebral arch.  The Thoracic Cage: The bones of the thoracic cage include:  The 12 rib pairs  The sternum  The thoracic vertebrae The thoracic cage protects the organs of the thoracic cavity. Sternum: The sternum consists of the fused manu-brium, body, and xiphoid process. Ribs: The first seven rib pairs are called true ribs; the rest are called false ribs. Ribs 11 and 12 are floating ribs.
  • 20. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 APPENDICULAR SKELETON:  The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle:  It consists of 1 clavicle and 1 scapula.  It attaches the upper limbs to the axial skeleton Clavicles:  Hold the scapulae laterally away from the thorax  The sternoclavicular joints are the only attachment points of the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton. Scapulae:  Articulate with the clavicles and with the humerus bones of the arms.  The Upper Limb  Each upper limb is specialized for mobility. Arm – Humerus Forearm – Radius and Ulna Hand - Carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
  • 21. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137
  • 22. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137
  • 23. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle:  It is composed of two hip bones that secure the lower limbs to the axial skeleton.  Each hip bone consists of 3 fused bones: Ilium, ischium, and pubis; Acetabulum occurs at the point of fusion. Ilium/ischium/pubis:  Ilium forms a joint with the sacrum posteriorly.  Ischium - we sit on the ischial tuberosities.  V-shaped pubic bones articulate anteriorly at the pubic symphysis. Pelvic Structure and Childbearing:  Male pelvis is deep and narrow  Female pelvis, which forms the birth canal, is shallow and wide.
  • 24. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 The Lower Limb:  Each lower limb consists of the thigh (Femur), leg (Tibia - knee, ankle joints and Fibula), and foot (Tarsals, meta-tarsals, and phalanges)  It is specialized for weight bearing and locomotion.
  • 25. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137 Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton:  Fontanels are present in the skull at birth  Growth of the cranium after birth is related to brain growth
  • 26. University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore Muhammad Muneeb D16M137  Increase in size of the facial skeleton follows tooth development and enlargement of nose and sinus cavities.  The vertebral column is C shaped at birth (thoracic and sacral curvatures are present)  Secondary curvatures form when the baby begins to lift its head and walk.  Long bones continue to grow in length until late adolescence.  Changes in the female pelvis (preparatory for childbirth) occur during puberty.  Once at adult height, the skeleton changes little until late middle age  With old age  Intervertebral discs thin leading to shortened height  Loss of bone mass increases the risk of fractures  Thoracic cage rigidity promotes breathing difficulties