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Report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute
Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia
The impact of myopia and high myopia: report of the Joint World Health
Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 16–18 March 2015. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
© World Health Organization 2017
2Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Credited with first distinguishing myopia
• Galen (131-201 AD)
Derived the term ‘myopia’
• Myopia=myein (“too close”) and ops (“eye”)
• Results when an eye has excessive refractive power for its
axial length.
3Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
4Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Global prevalence of myopia
• Global Burden of Disease Estimates: URE the leading cause of
moderate and severe vision impairment (53%) and the second
largest cause of blindness [1].
• 2010: Myopia and high myopia were estimated to affect 27% (1893
million) and 2.8% (170 million) of the world population [2].
• Prevalence : Highest in East Asia (approx. 50%) and lower in
Australia, Europe and north and south America.
5Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Figure 1: Numbers of cases (blue) and prevalence (red) of myopia
worldwide between 2000 and 2050
6Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Figure 2 : Numbers of people worldwide with high myopia
(blue) and prevalence (red) between 2000 and 2050
7Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
The WHO Projections 2050
• 2050: Prevalence will be ≥ 50% in 57% of the countries, if current trends
• 2050: Countries in which the prevalence of myopia has been estimated
and measured as low in the past (e.g. India) will have major increases.
• 2050: Myopia will be much higher in high-income regions of the Asia-
Pacific, in east Asia and in south-east Asia
• 2050: About 30% of Africa will be similar to that in Asia today.
• 2050: The prevalence of high myopia is predicted to increase to 24% in all
the Global Burden of Disease regions
Footnote: The WHO model for projections was based on regional structure
8Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• Myopia
“a condition in which the spherical equivalent objective
refractive error is ≤ –0.50 dioptre (D) in either eye”.
• High myopia
“a condition in which the spherical equivalent objective
refractive error is ≤ –5.00 D in either eye”.
Examples: 1. -2.00/-6.00 x 180
2. +2.00/-6.00 x 180
9Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Pathologic myopia
• Clinical Definition: Not well defined, with different descriptions
across studies of vision-threatening changes in the retina or the
presence of posterior staphyloma, and various criteria for axial
length and spherical equivalents refractive error.
• Acceptable definition: High myopia with signs of retinal atrophic
changes (5).
• Approximately 1% of whites and 1–3% of Asians
• Causes more VI or blindness in Asians (0.2–1.4%) than in
Caucasians (0.1–0.5%)
10Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Myopic macular degeneration (MMD)
• Clinical definition: A vision-threatening condition in people with
myopia, usually high myopia, which comprises diffuse, patchy
macular atrophy with or without lacquer cracks, choroidal
neovascularization and Fuchs spot.
• It was agreed that the direct ophthalmoscope lens power wheel
should be used in rapid assessments.
• Currently, choroidal neovascularization in MMD is managed by
treatment with anti-VEGF.
11Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Myopic macular degeneration
Source: Hayashi et al [33]
12Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Progression of MMD in a group of people
with high myopia (≤ -8.00)
13Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
A proposed international photographic classification
and grading system for MMD
14Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Footnote: No universal grading system for MMD is in use clinically.
WHO recommendations for care and
management of pathologic myopia
1. Pathologic myopia: Patient should have access to a full range of eye-care
2. For myopic CNV: Anti VEGF may be considered, but the long-term
prognosis for vision is unknown.
3. Increased risk for glaucoma: Glaucomatous optic neuropathy should be
4. Increased risk of RD and cataract: Fundus and anterior segment
examination is essential.
5. If VI is uncorrectable: Patient should have access to comprehensive eye-
care services, including vision rehabilitation and appropriate devices and
surgery if necessary.
15Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Impact of myopia
1. Myopia as a cause of VI and blindness
• Under corrected myopia: The most common cause of VI, as judged by
presentation for poor visual acuity.
• Uncorrected myopia as low as –1.50 D will result in moderate VI, and
uncorrected myopia of –4.00 D can cause blindness [36].
• MMD: The most common cause of VI in myopia. 10% of people with
pathologic myopia develop MMD (due to choroidal neovascularization),
which is bilateral in 30% of cases [16].
• Myopia: Associated with higher risks of glaucoma and cataract but may be
protective against ARMD and DR.
• High myopia: Can cause serious, sight-threatening retinal damage.
16Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
2. Economic Implication
• Global loss of productivity due to URE: I$ 269 billion per annum [14]
• Estimated cost of addressing the problem : US$ 28 billion over 5 years [15]
• Expected 4.9-fold increase in high myopia by 2050.
• The cost of care is also likely to increase significantly.
Singaporean Study [37-38]
• The annual direct cost of optical correction of myopia for Singaporean adults has
been estimated at US$ 755 million.
• The direct cost of myopia in Singaporean children was US$ 148 per child per year.
• If the available data were extrapolated to all cities in Asia, the estimated direct
cost would be US$ 328 billion.
17Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
3. Impact on quality of life and personal development
• Adolescents with myopia: Reported lower scores for total quality of
life, psychosocial functioning and school functioning [39].
• Correction of refractive errors by the provision of spectacles in low
socioeconomic areas markedly improve educational outcomes [40].
• The major contributors to the burden of eye disease at the global
level are refractive errors (27.7 million DALYs) followed by cataract
(17.7 million DALYs) [20].
18Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
3. Burden on global eye care services
Increased prevalence of high myopia
Increase in pathologic myopia
increased VI and blindness
Increased burden on ophthalmological and low-vision services.
19Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Evidence for causes of myopia
1. Optical and environmental influences
• Several optical and environmental factors have been identified as
possible causes of the onset and progression of myopia, acting
either individually or in combination.
1.1 Peripheral hyperopic defocus
• The pattern of peripheral refraction varies with central refraction
– Myope: Have relative hyperopia in the periphery, can increase
ocular growth
– Hyperope: Have relative myopia in the periphery, can cause
slow axial elongation
20Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Association between central and
peripheral refraction
21Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
1.2. Intensive near work (45,46):
• The mechanism by which near work increases axial length is the
combined influence of biomechanical factors (i.e. extraocular
muscle forces, ciliary muscle contraction) associated with near tasks
in downward gaze.
1.3.Time spent outdoors (47):
• Epidemic of myopia in East Asia is primarily due to changes in
environmental (social) factors, specifically intensive education and
less time spent outdoors.
• Observed seasonal variation in the progression of myopia adds
weight to the argument that time spent outdoors slows the
progression of myopia.
22Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Five-year risk of incident myopia among six-year-old
Australian children
23Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
(Dashed lines =
Mechanical Tension
Dotted lines =
Lag Theory;
Solid line = common to
both theories)
24Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• Genetics and parental history
• Genetics and the environment play a role in the development and
progression of myopia, but the genetic contribution is considered small.
• There is consensus that genes may determine susceptibility to
environmental factors (50).
• The rapid increase in the prevalence of myopia seen over a short time in
east Asia (54, 55, 56) cannot be explained by genetics.
• In the twin study by He et al., baseline refraction and parental myopia
were found to be risk factors.
25Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Control of Myopia
1. Optical control
1.1 Spectacle methods
• Leaving myopia uncorrected: Does not reduce the rate of progression (65).
• Undercorrection: Shown to increase myopia progression.
– Due to peripheral and central blur, stimulating axial growth
• Progressive addition lenses: Have a small, statistically significant effect.
The reduction is correlated with the degree of relative myopia produced in the
superior retina by near addition (69).
• Executive bifocals: with a +1.50 addition and 3 D base-in prism reduced the rate of
myopia progression by 57% (62).
– Reduces the stimulus for axial elongation.
26Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
1.2 Contact lens methods
• Standard RGP: Do not reduce the rate of myopic axial elongation.
• Bifocal contact lenses: Reduced progression (spherical equivalent of
refractive error and axial length).
– Act by reducing accommodative lag (73)
• Orthokeratology: Consistent reduction in myopia progression of
approximately 45% over a two-year period and 30% over five years, when
measured in terms of axial length (63).
• Extended depth-of-focus lenses: Support the myopic defocus hypothesis
27Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
2. Time spent outdoors and behavioural influences
• Evidence is emerging that spending more time outdoors can protect against the
onset of myopia.
• Sufficient time outdoors (more than two hours/day): Reduced the risk of myopia,
even when they had two myopic parents and continued to perform near work
– Indoors playing sports not beneficial.
– The nature of the outdoor activities does not seem to be critical (77).
• The mechanism of action of time spent outdoors remains unknown and requires
further investigation.
– Hypothesized that the sunlight stimulates the release of dopamine from the retina, which inhibit
axial elongations (81, 82).
– Seasonal differences: Progression is faster in winter and slower in summer (83).
• Outdoor activity could be made part of obesity reduction campaigns for children,
and schoolchildren in particular.
28Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
3. Pharmacological and therapeutic control
• 3.1 Atropine
• Atropine reduces myopia progression in children in a dose-related manner,
but a rebound effect (“catch-up”) occurs with higher doses (85).
• Atropine at 0.01% :
– Lower doses, 0.01% , reduce the common side-effects observed with the
higher dose.
– Resulted in a 59% reduction in the rate of progress of myopia, with minimal
adverse effects; however, controversially, it had no effect on axial elongation
– Recently approved by the FDA for long-term amblyopia therapy in children.
– Currently no regulatory approval for the use of atropine to slow myopia
29Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Clinical guidelines for children aged 6–10 years with myopia >
1.0 D and documented myopia progression > 0.5 D per year
30Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• Clinical guidelines are needed on who should be treated, when treatment
should begin and cessation and the duration of treatment.
3.2 7–methylxanthine
• A non-selective adenosine antagonist.
• Affects the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine,
norepinephrine, acetylcholine, glutamate and serotonin (86).
• Danish Study
– 8-years of follow-up of 750 myopic reported no side-effects.
– Dose of 400 mg twice a day reduced myopia progression by 60% (70).
31Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Recommendations for myopia control
1. Access to correction: Essential to avoid VI.
2. Full correction of myopia
3. More outdoor activities
3. Less near work
4. Contact lenses and ortho-k
5. PALs
7. Low-dose atropine
32Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• There is a large body of research on myopia.
• However, few areas requires further research:
– Epidemiology of myopia
– Myopigenesis, environmental, optical and therapeutic factors
– Risk factors and individual heterogeneity
– High myopia, pathologic myopia and comorbid conditions
– Eye examinations in myopia
33Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Key messages
• On the basis of current estimates and demographic trends, myopia is the
main cause of distance refractive error and will probably continue to be so
in the future.
• If the increasing prevalence of myopia is not addressed, a similar increase
in URE can be expected.
• Reducing the rate of myopia progression by 50% could reduce the
prevalence of high myopia.
• On the basis of the evidence, that myopia warrants national and
international synergistic efforts, as the costs and public health implications
are huge and often underestimated [2].
34Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
• Documented increases in the prevalence of myopia and high
myopia worldwide are a serious public health concern.
• Data to inform research, clinical practice and public health
policy must be produced urgently.
• Consistent use of international terminology for obtaining
internationally comparable, accurate data on the prevalence
of myopia and high myopia.
• Myopia and high myopia should be included as attributable
causes of vision impairment in epidemiological surveys.
• The term “myopic macular degeneration” should be used to
categorize the blinding retinal diseases associated with high
35Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
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36Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
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37Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Happy weekend 
Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Regions defined in the WHO Global
Burden of Disease programme
39Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
Lag of Accommodation
• Lag of Accommodation: The amount by which the
accommodative response of the eye is less than the dioptric
stimulus to accommodation.
40Impact of Myopia and High Myopia

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Impact of myopia and high myopia

  • 1. THE IMPACT OF MYOPIA AND HIGH MYOPIA Report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia
  • 2. Citation The impact of myopia and high myopia: report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 16–18 March 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. © World Health Organization 2017 2Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 3. Myopia • Aristotle (384-322 BC) Credited with first distinguishing myopia • Galen (131-201 AD) Derived the term ‘myopia’ • Myopia=myein (“too close”) and ops (“eye”) • Results when an eye has excessive refractive power for its axial length. 3Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 4. 4Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 5. Global prevalence of myopia • Global Burden of Disease Estimates: URE the leading cause of moderate and severe vision impairment (53%) and the second largest cause of blindness [1]. • 2010: Myopia and high myopia were estimated to affect 27% (1893 million) and 2.8% (170 million) of the world population [2]. • Prevalence : Highest in East Asia (approx. 50%) and lower in Australia, Europe and north and south America. 5Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 6. Figure 1: Numbers of cases (blue) and prevalence (red) of myopia worldwide between 2000 and 2050 6Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 7. Figure 2 : Numbers of people worldwide with high myopia (blue) and prevalence (red) between 2000 and 2050 7Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 8. The WHO Projections 2050 • 2050: Prevalence will be ≥ 50% in 57% of the countries, if current trends continue. • 2050: Countries in which the prevalence of myopia has been estimated and measured as low in the past (e.g. India) will have major increases. • 2050: Myopia will be much higher in high-income regions of the Asia- Pacific, in east Asia and in south-east Asia • 2050: About 30% of Africa will be similar to that in Asia today. • 2050: The prevalence of high myopia is predicted to increase to 24% in all the Global Burden of Disease regions Footnote: The WHO model for projections was based on regional structure 8Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 9. Terminology • Myopia “a condition in which the spherical equivalent objective refractive error is ≤ –0.50 dioptre (D) in either eye”. • High myopia “a condition in which the spherical equivalent objective refractive error is ≤ –5.00 D in either eye”. . Examples: 1. -2.00/-6.00 x 180 2. +2.00/-6.00 x 180 9Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 10. Pathologic myopia • Clinical Definition: Not well defined, with different descriptions across studies of vision-threatening changes in the retina or the presence of posterior staphyloma, and various criteria for axial length and spherical equivalents refractive error. • Acceptable definition: High myopia with signs of retinal atrophic changes (5). • Approximately 1% of whites and 1–3% of Asians • Causes more VI or blindness in Asians (0.2–1.4%) than in Caucasians (0.1–0.5%) 10Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 11. Myopic macular degeneration (MMD) • Clinical definition: A vision-threatening condition in people with myopia, usually high myopia, which comprises diffuse, patchy macular atrophy with or without lacquer cracks, choroidal neovascularization and Fuchs spot. • It was agreed that the direct ophthalmoscope lens power wheel should be used in rapid assessments. • Currently, choroidal neovascularization in MMD is managed by treatment with anti-VEGF. 11Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 12. Myopic macular degeneration Source: Hayashi et al [33] 12Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 13. Progression of MMD in a group of people with high myopia (≤ -8.00) 13Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 14. A proposed international photographic classification and grading system for MMD 14Impact of Myopia and High Myopia Footnote: No universal grading system for MMD is in use clinically.
  • 15. WHO recommendations for care and management of pathologic myopia 1. Pathologic myopia: Patient should have access to a full range of eye-care services. 2. For myopic CNV: Anti VEGF may be considered, but the long-term prognosis for vision is unknown. 3. Increased risk for glaucoma: Glaucomatous optic neuropathy should be investigated. 4. Increased risk of RD and cataract: Fundus and anterior segment examination is essential. 5. If VI is uncorrectable: Patient should have access to comprehensive eye- care services, including vision rehabilitation and appropriate devices and surgery if necessary. 15Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 16. Impact of myopia 1. Myopia as a cause of VI and blindness • Under corrected myopia: The most common cause of VI, as judged by presentation for poor visual acuity. • Uncorrected myopia as low as –1.50 D will result in moderate VI, and uncorrected myopia of –4.00 D can cause blindness [36]. • MMD: The most common cause of VI in myopia. 10% of people with pathologic myopia develop MMD (due to choroidal neovascularization), which is bilateral in 30% of cases [16]. • Myopia: Associated with higher risks of glaucoma and cataract but may be protective against ARMD and DR. • High myopia: Can cause serious, sight-threatening retinal damage. 16Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 17. 2. Economic Implication • Global loss of productivity due to URE: I$ 269 billion per annum [14] • Estimated cost of addressing the problem : US$ 28 billion over 5 years [15] • Expected 4.9-fold increase in high myopia by 2050. • The cost of care is also likely to increase significantly. Singaporean Study [37-38] • The annual direct cost of optical correction of myopia for Singaporean adults has been estimated at US$ 755 million. • The direct cost of myopia in Singaporean children was US$ 148 per child per year. • If the available data were extrapolated to all cities in Asia, the estimated direct cost would be US$ 328 billion. 17Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 18. 3. Impact on quality of life and personal development • Adolescents with myopia: Reported lower scores for total quality of life, psychosocial functioning and school functioning [39]. • Correction of refractive errors by the provision of spectacles in low socioeconomic areas markedly improve educational outcomes [40]. • The major contributors to the burden of eye disease at the global level are refractive errors (27.7 million DALYs) followed by cataract (17.7 million DALYs) [20]. 18Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 19. 3. Burden on global eye care services Increased prevalence of high myopia Increase in pathologic myopia increased VI and blindness Increased burden on ophthalmological and low-vision services. 19Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 20. Evidence for causes of myopia 1. Optical and environmental influences • Several optical and environmental factors have been identified as possible causes of the onset and progression of myopia, acting either individually or in combination. 1.1 Peripheral hyperopic defocus • The pattern of peripheral refraction varies with central refraction (43,44). – Myope: Have relative hyperopia in the periphery, can increase ocular growth – Hyperope: Have relative myopia in the periphery, can cause slow axial elongation 20Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 21. Association between central and peripheral refraction 21Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 22. 1.2. Intensive near work (45,46): • The mechanism by which near work increases axial length is the combined influence of biomechanical factors (i.e. extraocular muscle forces, ciliary muscle contraction) associated with near tasks in downward gaze. 1.3.Time spent outdoors (47): • Epidemic of myopia in East Asia is primarily due to changes in environmental (social) factors, specifically intensive education and less time spent outdoors. • Observed seasonal variation in the progression of myopia adds weight to the argument that time spent outdoors slows the progression of myopia. 22Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 23. Five-year risk of incident myopia among six-year-old Australian children 23Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 24. (Dashed lines = Mechanical Tension Theory; Dotted lines = Accommodative Lag Theory; Solid line = common to both theories) 24Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 25. • Genetics and parental history • Genetics and the environment play a role in the development and progression of myopia, but the genetic contribution is considered small. • There is consensus that genes may determine susceptibility to environmental factors (50). • The rapid increase in the prevalence of myopia seen over a short time in east Asia (54, 55, 56) cannot be explained by genetics. • In the twin study by He et al., baseline refraction and parental myopia were found to be risk factors. 25Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 26. Control of Myopia 1. Optical control 1.1 Spectacle methods • Leaving myopia uncorrected: Does not reduce the rate of progression (65). • Undercorrection: Shown to increase myopia progression. – Due to peripheral and central blur, stimulating axial growth • Progressive addition lenses: Have a small, statistically significant effect. The reduction is correlated with the degree of relative myopia produced in the superior retina by near addition (69). • Executive bifocals: with a +1.50 addition and 3 D base-in prism reduced the rate of myopia progression by 57% (62). – Reduces the stimulus for axial elongation. 26Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 27. 1.2 Contact lens methods • Standard RGP: Do not reduce the rate of myopic axial elongation. • Bifocal contact lenses: Reduced progression (spherical equivalent of refractive error and axial length). – Act by reducing accommodative lag (73) • Orthokeratology: Consistent reduction in myopia progression of approximately 45% over a two-year period and 30% over five years, when measured in terms of axial length (63). • Extended depth-of-focus lenses: Support the myopic defocus hypothesis (76). 27Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 28. 2. Time spent outdoors and behavioural influences • Evidence is emerging that spending more time outdoors can protect against the onset of myopia. • Sufficient time outdoors (more than two hours/day): Reduced the risk of myopia, even when they had two myopic parents and continued to perform near work (77). – Indoors playing sports not beneficial. – The nature of the outdoor activities does not seem to be critical (77). • The mechanism of action of time spent outdoors remains unknown and requires further investigation. – Hypothesized that the sunlight stimulates the release of dopamine from the retina, which inhibit axial elongations (81, 82). – Seasonal differences: Progression is faster in winter and slower in summer (83). • Outdoor activity could be made part of obesity reduction campaigns for children, and schoolchildren in particular. 28Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 29. 3. Pharmacological and therapeutic control • 3.1 Atropine • Atropine reduces myopia progression in children in a dose-related manner, but a rebound effect (“catch-up”) occurs with higher doses (85). • Atropine at 0.01% : – Lower doses, 0.01% , reduce the common side-effects observed with the higher dose. – Resulted in a 59% reduction in the rate of progress of myopia, with minimal adverse effects; however, controversially, it had no effect on axial elongation (85). – Recently approved by the FDA for long-term amblyopia therapy in children. – Currently no regulatory approval for the use of atropine to slow myopia progression 29Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 30. Clinical guidelines for children aged 6–10 years with myopia > 1.0 D and documented myopia progression > 0.5 D per year 30Impact of Myopia and High Myopia • Clinical guidelines are needed on who should be treated, when treatment should begin and cessation and the duration of treatment.
  • 31. 3.2 7–methylxanthine • A non-selective adenosine antagonist. • Affects the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, glutamate and serotonin (86). • Danish Study – 8-years of follow-up of 750 myopic reported no side-effects. – Dose of 400 mg twice a day reduced myopia progression by 60% (70). 31Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 32. Recommendations for myopia control 1. Access to correction: Essential to avoid VI. 2. Full correction of myopia 3. More outdoor activities 3. Less near work 4. Contact lenses and ortho-k 5. PALs 7. Low-dose atropine 32Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 33. Research • There is a large body of research on myopia. • However, few areas requires further research: – Epidemiology of myopia – Myopigenesis, environmental, optical and therapeutic factors – Risk factors and individual heterogeneity – High myopia, pathologic myopia and comorbid conditions – Eye examinations in myopia 33Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 34. Key messages • On the basis of current estimates and demographic trends, myopia is the main cause of distance refractive error and will probably continue to be so in the future. • If the increasing prevalence of myopia is not addressed, a similar increase in URE can be expected. • Reducing the rate of myopia progression by 50% could reduce the prevalence of high myopia. • On the basis of the evidence, that myopia warrants national and international synergistic efforts, as the costs and public health implications are huge and often underestimated [2]. 34Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 35. Conclusions • Documented increases in the prevalence of myopia and high myopia worldwide are a serious public health concern. • Data to inform research, clinical practice and public health policy must be produced urgently. • Consistent use of international terminology for obtaining internationally comparable, accurate data on the prevalence of myopia and high myopia. • Myopia and high myopia should be included as attributable causes of vision impairment in epidemiological surveys. • The term “myopic macular degeneration” should be used to categorize the blinding retinal diseases associated with high myopia. 35Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
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  • 38. 38 Happy weekend  Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 39. Regions defined in the WHO Global Burden of Disease programme 39Impact of Myopia and High Myopia
  • 40. Lag of Accommodation • Lag of Accommodation: The amount by which the accommodative response of the eye is less than the dioptric stimulus to accommodation. 40Impact of Myopia and High Myopia