hess eye test low vision refraction instruments eye trauma sac lacrimal drainage punctum punctum repair canalicular laceration canalicular laceration eyelid repair perforated eyelid penetration perforation penetrating eyelid blunt trauma stents ptosis eyelid trauma eyelid paradoxical pupillary phenomena pupillary disorders afferent pupillary defects light-near dissociation convergence reflex accommodative reflex the near reflex near reflex light reflex the light reflex evaluation of pupil functions of pupil abnormal pupils abnormality of pupil abnormal pupillary reactions abnormally reactions of pupil pupillary reactions pupillary reaction pupil reactions pupil hess screen procedure diplopia charting hess screen hess hess test pedigree symbols pedigree drawing pedigree meaning family tree pedigree chart pedigrre optokinetic latent nystagmus manifest nystagmus acquired nystagmus acquirednystagmus spasmus nutans congenital nystagmus albinism ocular albinism involuntary movement of eye torsional eye movement pendular eye movement jerky eye movement pendular eye jerky eye pendular jerk assessment of nystagmus nystagmus assessment nystagmus executive bifocal progressive lens trifocal tri focal bifocal bi focal tribrid lens trivex lens tribrid trivex tinted lens polarised lens polarise lens polarised eye glass types eye glasses spectacle lens types spectacle lens lens types types of lens psc cataract posterior sub capsular cataract sub capsular cataract sub capsular posterior cataract cortical cataract nuclear sclerosis classifications of cataract cataract types catract types congenital congenital cataract types of cataracts types of cataract type of cataracts types of catarct cataracts cataract classification of cataracts clinical classification of cataracts dhaka islamia eye hospital cycloplegic refraction mydriasis post mydiatric pmt cyclo plegic refraction muscarinic mucarinic paediatric refraction atrogen beladonna beladona atropa atropine cyclo refraction cyclorefraction night blind night blindness retina disease retinal optometry retinitis pigmentosa ppt rp ppt pigmentosa retinal disorder retinitis rp rp danger rp causes rp management retina retinitis pigmentossa retinitis pigmentosa trial frame box refraction testing instruments optical trial set trial lens trial frame trial lens set trial set trial box
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