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HOW TO Find, Recruit and Train Board Members
Daniel Kimball
Product Specialist at Aplos Software
Daniel	Kimball
Dan	Kimball	is	a	seasoned	fundraiser	with	twenty	years	
of	experience	in	strategic	fund	development	and	
nonprofit	management.	
He’s	currently	developing	Aplos’	Donor	Management	
PlaAorm	to	help	nonprofits	connect	with	(and	
culCvate!)	their	donor	base.	
“Fundraising	is	a	relaConship	business.”	
TwiJer:			@fugaCvedmk	
Many	nonprofit	leaders	regardless	of	the	size	of	the	organizaCon	struggle	with	how	to	
moCvate	and	maintain	a	strong	board.		Managing	a	board	can	be	Cme	consuming	and	
perplexing,	but	a	good	working	board	can	also	be	rewarding	and	help	grow	your	mission.	
Is	your	board	equipped	to	help	your	organizaCon	accomplish	its	goals?	Are	there	talent	gaps	
you	need	to	fill?		During	this	webinar	you	will	learn	how	to	find	and	recruit	board	members	
with	the	skills	your	organizaCon	needs.	
*IdenCfy	and	strategically	fill	the	talent	gaps	on	your	board	
*Define	clear	expectaCons	and	improve	accountability	
*Help	board	members	embrace	fundraising	opportuniCes	(not	a	focus	of	this	Webinar)	
*Create	a	leadership	pipeline	to	prepare	your	next	generaCon	of	board	leadership	
What	Is	The	Role	of	the	Board
1.	 Determine	mission	and	purpose.	It	is	the	board's	responsibility	to	create	and	review	a	
statement	of	mission	and	purpose	that	arCculates	the	organizaCon's	goals,	means,	and	
primary	consCtuents	served.	
2.	 Select	the	chief	execu7ve.	Boards	must	reach	consensus	on	the	chief	execuCve's	
responsibiliCes	and	undertake	a	careful	search	to	find	the	most	qualified	individual	for	the	
3.	 Support	and	evaluate	the	chief	execu7ve.	The	board	should	ensure	that	the	chief	execuCve	
has	the	moral	and	professional	support	he	or	she	needs	to	further	the	goals	of	the	
4.	 Ensure	effec7ve	planning.	Boards	must	acCvely	parCcipate	in	an	overall	planning	process	
and	assist	in	implemenCng	and	monitoring	the	plan's	goals.	
5.	 Monitor	and	strengthen	programs	and	services.	The	board's	responsibility	is	to	determine	
which	programs	are	consistent	with	the	organizaCon's	mission	and	monitor	their	
What	Is	The	Role	of	the	Board
6.	 Ensure	adequate	financial	resources.	One	of	the	board's	foremost	responsibiliCes	is	to	secure	
adequate	resources	for	the	organizaCon	to	fulfill	its	mission.	
7.	 Protect	assets	and	provide	proper	financial	oversight.	The	board	must	assist	in	developing	
the	annual	budget	and	ensuring	that	proper	financial	controls	are	in	place.	
8.	 Build	a	competent	board.	All	boards	have	a	responsibility	to	arCculate	prerequisites	for	
candidates,	orient	new	members,	and	periodically	and	comprehensively	evaluate	their	own	
9.	 Ensure	legal	and	ethical	integrity.	The	board	is	ulCmately	responsible	for	adherence	to	legal	
standards	and	ethical	norms.	
10.	Enhance	the	organiza7on's	public	standing.	The	board	should	clearly	arCculate	the	
organizaCon's	mission,	accomplishments,	and	goals	to	the	public	and	garner	support	from	the	
Is	your	Board	Experiencing	Burnout?
1.	 Does	the	same	small	group	of	trustees	tend	to	do	most	or	all	of	the	work	of	
the	board?

2.	 Have	any	trustees	missed	half	or	more	of	your	board	meeCngs	in	the	past	

3.	 Has	your	board	failed	to	reach	a	quorum	at	any	board	meeCng	in	the	last	12	

4.	 Does	your	board	struggle	to	recruit	and	retain	talented,	skilled,	and	diverse	

5.	 Do	board	members	make	commitments	but	o`en	fail	to	fulfill	those	
Board	Burnout	Quiz-	BoardSource
6.	 Do	board	meeCngs	last	longer	than	planned?	
7.	 Does	your	board	automaCcally	renew	a	member's	term	if	that	trustee	is	willing	to	again?	
8.	 Does	your	board	have	no	maximum	number	of	years	that	a	trustee	can	serve?	
9.	 Does	your	organizaCon	either	move	from	crisis	to	crisis	or	keep	addressing	the	same	issues	
over	and	over?	
10.	Are	board	commiJees	funcConing	less	than	opCmally?	
Is	your	Board	Experiencing	Burnout?
Board	Burnout	Quiz-	BoardSource
11.		Does	your	board	struggle	to	find	good	leaders	who	are	willing	and	qualified	to	be	chair?	
12.	Do	board	members	complain	that	they're	asked	to	do	things	they	never	expected	to	do?	
13.	Does	the	agenda	for	board	meeCngs	look	the	same	meeCng	a`er	meeCng?	
14.	Has	it	been	longer	than	two	years	since	the	board	formally	assessed	itself	with	a	wriJen	tool	and	had	
frank	discussion	about	the	results?	
15.	Does	your	board	suffer	from	boring	meeCngs?	
Is	your	Board	Experiencing	Burnout?
Board	Burnout	Quiz-	BoardSource
It's always a good idea to assess your board's
engagement and performance at least once a year,
perhaps at an annual board retreat. Your
organization will benefit from being sensitive to the
possibility of trustee burnout and taking steps to
proactively address it.
Do a board matrix: List the skills, demographics,
and tenure of your board, and decide whether the
board you have is the board that your organization
needs. If you don't have an active governance
committee to lead the way, maybe it is time to form
Avoiding	Burnout
Boards	that	don't	follow	effecCve	meeCng	pracCces	and	fail	
to	make	good	use	of	board	members'	Cme	and	skills	risk	
losing	their	engagement.	Ensure	that	your	board	meeCngs	
include	Cme	for	discussing	strategic	issues	beyond	rouCne,	
administraCve	maJers.		
Board	members	may	simply	be	exhausted.	Now	might	be	the	
Cme	to	take	a	hard	look	at	each	board	member's	tenure.	Are	
there	trustees	who	should	be	rotated	off	the	board?	Would	
the	board	benefit	from	an	infusion	of	fresh	ideas	and	energy	
that	new	members	can	bring?
Leveraging	Board	Talent
Board	members	should	give	Time,	TALENT	and	Treasure;	
But	are	organizaCon	tapping	into	the	talent?
Think	Strategically:	What	skills	and	talents	does	your	
nonprofit	organizaCon	need	to	move	forward	its	mission	
and	advance	their	work	strategically	over	the	next	2,	5	and	
10	years.	
What’s missing: Which of those skills and talents are
currently represented on your board and which ones are
Be Specific: How would you describe the skills,
expertise and personal attributes of the “ideal
Leveraging	Board	Talent
Board	Bench	Warmers	or	Game	Changers;	Matching	board	
members	with	not	only	skills	but	capacity	
Don’t	always	define	talent	by	a	board	members	day	
job….An	accountant	does	not	always	want	to	be	the	
finance	person.	
Think	outside	the	box….	
Find opportunities for board members to get involved and
advertise them regularly in board meetings and communications.
Provide a variety of opportunities—not everyone wants to serve on
the gala or fundraiser committee. Do you have sectors of the
community that you're trying to gain access to? That's a great way
for well-connected volunteers to help—by opening doors and
providing introductions.
Board	Recruitment
Fill	for	need	not	just	to	fill	seats-	Who	you	need/What	you	
have/What	you	want-
Does	your	Board	reflect	the	populaCon	and	community	you	
Establish	a	criteria	for	selecCng	board	members,	so	you'll	
know	when	you've	found	the	right	people!	
Have	a	nominaCng	commiJee/process	in	place.
Look	for	qualiCes	that	will	help	the	board	funcCon	beJer,	do	
its	job	beJer.
Board	Recruitment
When	looking	for	poten7al	Board	Members	look	for	people:	
•Understanding of our community and its needs
•Passion for your cause
•Willingness to commit time for board meetings, committee meetings, planning sessions, special events
•Team player - works well in a group
•Someone who listens well, is thoughtful in considering issues
When recruiting:
•Start with your dedicated and active volunteers
•Consider your donors
•Ask your current board and staff for nominations or recommendations
•Reach out to those beyond your nonprofit, like youth, or people in business or from other
•Communicate the fact that you’re recruiting board members through multiple channels, like your
newsletter, word of mouth, and media
•Contact local organizations, like some United Way chapters and volunteer centers, that teach people
how to be effective board members, then match them with nonprofits who need them
Board	Recruitment
Have the Board engaged and involved in seeking and recruiting.
Recruitment should be going on year-round
Board recruitment can seem like a real time-suck, but remember that
you’re designing the future of the organization.  While it can be a
constant challenge for small nonprofits to find ideal board candidates
willing to make the major time commitment it takes to be effective
board members, it is possible to be intentional, creative and
lighthearted about the process.  Regardless of what strategies you
use to identify and cultivate board members, ultimately you have get
out of the office, meet people, and ask

Board	Training-
Develop a thorough orientation process. Provide
new board members with materials about the
organization, a tour of your programs, introductions to
board and staff members, and a board member
expectation form.
Board Governance-
Formal or informal board settings- Still need guidelines,
process and procedures.
Utilize outside resources for training and help.
Board	Members	
Number	one	goal	is	to	help	your	board	members	feel	successful	about	
their	role	and	the	work	they	are	doing.
Regular evaluation of board roles and responsibilities.
Are you providing the board with interesting and meaningful
work? Are you actually utilizing their skills and talents?
Are your board meetings boring? Do you go over report after
report or are you having meaningful discussions and engaging
board members on important topics? Are you sharing success
stories about clients’ lives that you’ve touched?
Board	Members	
Are	you	providing	regular	and	ongoing	training?	Do	you	have	an	annual	board	retreat?	Do	you	have	
training	at	regular	board	meeCngs	throughout	the	year	on	topics	like	fundraising,	governance,	and	
Are you expressing gratitude? Do you thank your board members in person, in writing, in
public? Do they know how important they are to your organization?
Bringing	on	a	terrific	board	member	is	only	the	first	step.	Taking	Cme	to	ensure	that	each	
board	member	becomes	personally	invested	and	engaged	in	the	mission	of	the	
organizaCon	is	Cme	well	spent.	When	truly	engaged,	board	members	will	become	your	
nonprofit's	best	ambassadors,	advocates,	strategists,	and	all	around	supporters.
Final	Thoughts	and	Resources
An	engaged	board	is	a	forward-thinking	board	that	strives	to	have	a	collaboraCve	partnership	with	the	
CEO/execuCve	director,	which	means	partnering	for	fundraising,	as	well	as	policy-making.	Engaged	boards	
“work”	between	board	meeCngs,	and	aJend	meeCngs	well	prepared.	They	are	willing	to	deliberate	
candidly,	confidently	treading	on	sensiCve	topics	that	may	result	in	“messy”	discussions	because	they	trust	
one	another	and	are	comfortable	with	the	culture	of	the	nonprofit,	confident	that	everyone	values	mutual	
respect.-	NaConal	Council	of	Nonprofits
Joan Garry Consulting
Nonprofit Hub
Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE
National Council of Nonprofits
Blue Avocado
AFP- Association of Fundraising Professionals
Conclusion/	Q&A
About	Aplos
We’re	the	#1	solu7on	in	online	donor	management	
soware	for	nonprofits.

Fundraising	is	important,	but	you	probably	wish	you	didn't	
have	to	spend	so	much	of	your	valuable	Cme	raising	
money.	Aplos'	all-in-one	soluCon	helps	you	raise	money,	
track	giving,	and	ensure	your	donors	have	a	posiCve	
experience	with	your	organizaCon.	
Visit	for	more	informaCon.
"Nonprofits	all	across	the	country	
are	praising	the	so`ware's	ease	of	
use,	reasonable	price,	and	great	
customer	service."	-	NPTechNews

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